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1 序言
这方面可去节录Pearson大法官在Darbishire v. Warran(1963)1 WLR 1067所说如下:“he is fully entitled to be as extravagant as he please but not at the expense of the defendant.”
针对减少损失的大原则,最权威的说法是在British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Underground Electric Rys. Co of London Ltd (1912) AC 673先例中,贵族院的Viscount Haldane说:
“The fundamental basis (of damage assessment) is thus compensation for pecuniary loss naturally flowing from the breach; but this first principle is qualified by a second, which imposes on a plaintiff the duty of taking all reasonable steps to mitigate the loss of consequent on the breach, and debars him from claiming any part of damage which is due to his neglect to take such steps.”(在计算损失,最基本的道理是去以金钱赔偿来自违约的损失,但这是第一个大道理,要受到第二个大道理的约束,就是强加在原告受害方的头上一个责任
例如去尽快安排把货物转运回自己的工厂,或是以废铁价格处理掉,或是以大幅度减价去出售给原来的买方(但不放弃卖方将来索赔的权利:Payzu Ltd v. Saunders [1919] 2 KB 581; A.B.D. [Metals & Waste] Ltd v. Anglo Chemical & Ore Company Ltd [1955]) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep 456),等等。
在《1979年英国货物销售法》之50 (3)是针对买方对卖方的毁约,也就是本段所介绍的情况,就说明表面的损失计算就是根据合约价格与市场价格的差别,只要是在违约当时有一个可供买卖的市场,如下:
―50(3) Where there is an available market for the goods in question the measure of damage is prima facie to be ascertained by the difference between the contract price and the market or current price at the time or times when the goods ought to have been accepted or (if no time was fixed for acceptance) at the time of the refusal to accept.(如果有关货物是有一个可供买卖的市场,表面的损失证据是去根据合约价格与买方拒绝接受货物当天的市场价格。
正如The ―Clyde‖(1856) Swab 23先例中,Dr. Lushington大法官是这样说:“It is the market price which the Court looks to, and nothing else, as the value of the property. It is an old saying, ‗The worth of a thing is the price it will bring‘.”
在进一步探讨减少损失的大原则之前,不妨先去简单介绍一下British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Underground Electric Rys. Co of London Ltd (1912) AC 673与Darbishire v. W arran(1963)1 WLR 1067的案情。
在British Westinghouse先例,涉及了一座蒸汽机的出售,用在火车的车头。
在Darbishire v. Warran先例中,涉及了原告把被告损坏的一辆车子去进行修理,但修理是不符合经济的做法的。
上诉庭判是被告只需要负责赔偿损坏车子所带来的市场价格的减损(diminution in market value),而不是高昂的修理费用。
2 减少损失的三个规则
这方面可以去节录《Chitty on Contract》(2008,30th ed)之26-101段:
“Mitigation. There are three rules often referred to under the comprehensive heading
of ‗mitigation‘: they will be considered in turn. First, the claimant cannot recover damages for any part of his loss consequent upon the defendant‘s breach of contract which the claimant could have avoided by taking reasonable steps. Secondly, if the claimant in fact avoids or mitigates his loss consequent upon the defendant‘s breach, he cannot recover for such avoided loss, even though the steps he took were more than could be reasonably required of him under the first rule. Thirdly, where the claimant incurs loss or expense in the course of taking reasonable steps to mitigate the loss resulting from the defendant‘s breach, the claimant may recover this further loss or expense from the defendant.”
这三条规则在著名先例British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Underground Electric Rys. Co of London Ltd (1912) AC 673中有针对,第一条规则是这样说:“…imposes on a plaintiff the duty of taking all reasonable steps to mitigate the loss consequent on the breach, and debars him from claiming any party of the damage which is due to his neglect to take such steps.”而第二条规则是这样说:“When in the course of his business [the claimant] has taken action arising out of the transaction, which action has diminished his loss, the effect in actual diminution of the loss he has suffered may be taken into account even though there was no duty on him to act.”至于第三条规则,基本上就是第一条规则的衍生。
3 减少损失是否受害方承担的责任?
Viscount Haldane在著名先例British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Underground Electric Rys. Co of London Ltd (1912) AC 673中,把减少损失称为是受害方的一种“责任”(duty of taking all reasonable steps to mitigate the loss of consequent on the breach),这一说法就带来了一些争议。
首先,可去节录Pearson大法官在Darbishire v. Warran(1963)1 WLR 1067中所说:
“For the purposes of the present case it is important to appreciate the true nature of the
so-called ‗duty to mitigate the loss‘or ‗duty to minimise the damage‘. The plaintiff is not under any actual obligation to adopt the cheaper method: if he wishes to adopt the more expensive against the defendant or anyone else. The true meaning is that the plaintiff is not entitled to charge the defendant by way of damages with any greater sum than that which he reasonably needs to expend for the purpose of making good the loss.”
另在The“Solholt”(1983)1 Lloyd‘s Rep. 605先例的一审中,Staughton大法官是这样说:“In this context it is perhaps worth repeating that the duty to mitigate is not in any sense an obligation, contractual or otherwise. It is a condition attached to the right to claim damages: see Mr Justice Robert Goff in Koch Marine Inc. v. D‘Amico Societa Di Navigazione ARL (1980) 1 Lloyd‘ s Rep. 75”。
另在上诉庭,Donaldson大法官也有同样的说法:“A plaintiff is under no duty to mitigate his loss, despite the habitual use by the lawyers of the phrase ‗duty to mitigate‘. He is completely free to act as he judges to be in his best interests. On the other hand, a defendant is not liable for all loss suffered by the plaintiff in consequence of his so acting. A defendant is only liable for such part of the plaintiff‘s loss as is properly caused by the defendant‘s breach of duty.”
4 减少损失大原则与其他计算损失大原则之间的关系
它们之间的不同可以举两个先例作为介绍,第一个是The ―Borag‖ (1981) 1 WLR 274先例。
“It seems to me, as a matter of common sense and common law, that expenditure made to obtain the release of a vessel from arrest should be regarded as an item of damages, and not as mitigation. It is the natural way of dealing with it.
They are entitled to all the reasonable expenditure which they incurred as a result of the wrongful arrest and getting the ship released: but not ‗unheard-of‘overdraft interest of this kind.”
另一个是Simpson v. Grove Tomkins & Co (1982) Sol J 347先例,案情涉及了被告律师的疏忽(没有去与对方律师交换合约),导致了他原来的客户也是本案的原告失去了一个购买房屋的合约,并最终导致了该土地转售给第三人而原告再以非常高昂的价格去向第三人购买。
上诉庭这样说:“The question was whether the purchase of the identical property by the plaintiff, if the original agreement to purchase fell through, ought reasonably to have been foreseen by the defendant. The answer is no, even if it was reasonable for the plaintiff to pay the price that he did.”这等于去判原告没有不去减少损失,因为在做法上合理。
这里可去节录上诉庭Potter大法官在Standard chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corp (2000) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep 511先例中所说:“The orthodox view is that the rule as to avoidable loss is merely an aspect of the fundamental principle of causation that a plaintiff can recover only in respect of damage caused by the defendant‘s wrong. The rule is… that the plaintiff… cannot recover for a loss avoidable by reasonable action on his own part, because, if he could
reasonably have avoided it, it would not be regarded as caused by the wrongdoer.”
但在Uzinterimpex JSC v Standard Bank (2008) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep 456,上诉庭的Moore-Bick大法官是这样说到减少损失与因果关系大原则:“There was a certain amount of debate in the course of argument about whether mitigation should be understood in terms of causation. For my own part I accept that it can be viewed in that way, but I am not sure that to do so adds greatly to one‘s understanding of the principles. If one analyses a failure to mitigate in terms of a new event which breaks the chain of causation between the wrongful act and the subsequent loss, it is necessary to recognize that the way in which the test of a new supervening cause has traditionally been formulated must be adapted or applied so as to take into account the relatively undemanding level of the duty to mitigate which the law imposes on the victim of a wrongful act. It may be that in this case it sharpens one‘s appreciation of the issues to view mitigation through the prism of causation…”
另是指《McGregor on Damages》(2009年,18th edn)之7-018段的最后一句有提到许多有关减少损失的先例,并没有去提到因果关系大原则(it is significant that the cases on the avoidable loss aspect of mitigation are not full of references to causation.)。
最后去一提的是减少损失的案例虽然大部分都涉及了违约,但同样的道理也适用在侵权,正如在The ―Liverpool‖ (1963) P 64 CA中,Merriman勋爵说:“The classic statement [namely of Lord Haldane], although made in an action arising out of a breach of contract, applies equally, mutatis mutandis, to tort.”
5 受害方怎样才算是合理减少损失
如Viscount Haldance在British Westinghouse Co. v. Undergound (1912) A. C. 637在689页所说:“the plaintiff is not under any obligation to do anything other than in the ordinary course of business.
但也有明确的说法是受害方除了考虑自己的利益,也需要想到受害方的利益:Smailes v Hans Dessen (1906) 94 LT 492。
比较近期在这方面的先例有Darbishire v Warran (1963) 1 WLR 1067,上诉庭说:“The true question was whether the plaintiff acted reasonably as between himself and defendant and in view of his duty to mitigate the damages”。
另在贵族院先例的Dimond v Lovell (2002) 1 AC 384,判是受害方所高价租用的替代车辆虽然对他是合理,但不能向侵权方取回。
表面看来,如果根据市场价格的计算规则(market rule assessment),就很容易算出这票货的损失,即合约价格与市场价格的差价,说是上涨了40%。
这方面可节录Devlin大法官在Heaven & Kesterton Ltd v. Establishment Francois Albiac & Cie (1956) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep 316 (QB)所说如下:
“If goods are rejected in a c.i.f. contract for some reason that has nothing to do with quality – the shipment date was wrong, or documents were not in order, or something of that sort, so that the goods are properly rejected – and then the buyer goes out into the market to buy goods of the contract quality, it is open to the seller to go to him and say: ‗Well, then, I tender you these goods. These goods are of the contract quality. You are looking for goods of the contract quality. You rightly rejected them upon a basis that had nothing to do with their
quality. If you are looking, therefore, for goods to make good your loss, here they are, and I can supply cheaper than you would be able to buy them at the market rate outside.‘If the seller does that, that is a matter which must be taken into consideration in answering the question of whether or not the buyer has acted reasonably, as it is his duty to do, in mitigating damage.”
5.1 合理与否是根据事实的认定
在McAuley v. London Transport Executive (1957) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep 500先例中,上诉庭的Jenkins大法官是这样说:“The question must be one of fact, as I see it, in each particular case:W as the advice, and were the prospects of success of the proposed operation or treatment, clearly put to the plaintiff so that he, as a reasonable man, would appreciate that he was being advised that this treatment or operation would put him right. If the evidence shows that, then it seems to me that the plaintiff, as a reasonable person, ought either to accept that advice, or else go to his own doctor and say: ‗Doctor, this is what I have been advised by Mr So-and So, the surgeon at Such-and-Such a hospital; what do you think about it?‘ Of course, the plaintiff here never did any such thing as that.”
Jenkins 大法官是这样说:“It seems that the plaintiff was averse to having the left wrist dealt with until his legal claim in regard to the injury to the right wrist had been attended to.”这导致了上诉庭判原告没有合理去减少损失,而损失的计算只能是去假设原告有去动手术并康复的情况下所蒙受的损失。
这方面Jenkins大法官是这样说:“In that state of affairs, what is the effect, if any, on the quantum of damages of the plaintiff‘s conduct in relation to the
advice he received from these two medical men? It is not in dispute that, inasmuch as in a case of this sort it is the duty of the injured party to mitigate damages, it is his duty to act on any medical advice he receives to the effect that this or that treatment will give this or that prospect of success. If he receives medical advice to the effect that an operation will have a 90% chance of success, and is strongly recommended to undergo the operation and does not do so, then the result must be, I think, that he has acted unreasonably, and that the damages ought to be assessed as they would properly have been assessable if he had, in fact, undergone the operation and secured the degree of recovery to be expected from it.”
另在The “Solholt”(1983) 1 Lloyd‘s Rep 605先例中,Donaldson大法官也说:“whether the loss is avoidable by reasonable action on the part of the plaintiff is a question of fact not law”,并说这一点已经在上诉庭的先例Payzu v. Saunders (1919) 2 KB 581已经有了定论。
例如在对方有一个预期违约(anticipatory breach),受害方拒绝接受违约的情况下,受害方是否需要去减少损失。
5.2 对受害方合理的要求程度不高与认定并不稳定
这方面去重复只是为了去节录有关的权威说法,就是在Banco de Portugal v. Waterlow & Sons, Ltd (1932) AC 452中Macmillan勋爵所说:“Where the sufferer from a breach of contract finds himself in consequence of that breach placed in a position of embarrassment the measures which he may be driven to adopt in order to extricate himself ought not to be weighed in nice scales at the instance of the party whose breach of contract has occasioned the difficulty. It is。