The Chrysanthemums 课文超级详解 菊花 英语泛读第四册第三版

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1.beginning:paragraph 1 to 26
★Story opens with Elisa and Henry both hard at work on their farm in the valley.
2.development:paragraph 27 to 93
shaggy [英]['ʃæɡɪ][美][ˈʃæɡi] adj.多粗毛的,表面蓬松的; 毛发蓬松 的; [动,植]有绒毛的; 粗野的,不整 洁的; 最高级:shaggiest比较级:shaggier This shaggy dog story is just a particularly weird example of the new wealth of modern china. 在印证当代中国新生财富的诸多例子中 ,这条长毛狗的故事只是特别怪异的一 个。
stalk[英][stɔ:k][美][stɔk] n.[植]茎,秆; 叶柄,花梗; 高视阔步 ; 偷偷接近,潜随; vt.追踪,潜近; 高视阔步; vi.高视阔步地走; 潜近,偷偷接近; His team is also working on a universal vaccine designed to trigger antibodies to the pocket in the stalk. 他的研究小组也正在研究可引起针对血 凝素茎部的保守区的抗体的通用疫苗。
大学英语泛读 第四册 第三版 Unit 15 Chrysanthemums
The Chrysanthemums
1. The author 2. Plot
3. Sentences 4. Words
5. Enlightment
The author
John Steinbeck (February 27, 1902 – December 20, 1968) was an American writer. He is widely known for his novel The Grapes of Wrath(1939) and East of Eden(1952). As the author of twenty-seven books, including sixteen novels, six non-fiction books, and five collections of short stories, Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962.
约翰·恩斯特·斯坦贝克于1902年出生在加利福尼亚州的小镇萨利纳斯。 他的父亲是个磨坊主,母亲曾经当过教师。正是在母亲的熏陶下,小约翰有了 对读书的强烈爱好和对写作的兴趣。学生时期,他很早就读了许多世界文学名 著,还经常给他中学的报纸写文章。不过,他的许多课余时间却是在室外度过 的,或在农场干活,或在加州的山岭谷地中漫游。这些地方后来就成为他的小 说的背景。 斯坦贝克在众多作品中塑造了不同的女性形象,乔德妈众神之母形象、被 抛弃却又重新担当责任的罗莎香,压抑、困惑的伊莉莎等等。在这些女性形象 上基本可以看出斯坦贝克对女性的态度:斯坦贝克既对他们充满了同情,又对 她们寄予了希望,她们是新生的力量、不亚于男性的力量,不可或缺的另一极 。而从乔德妈和罗莎香身上我们又看到了她们身上的女权精神以及斯坦贝克对 其寄予的期望。斯坦贝克的女性主义意识与生态女性主义的观点相契合,我们 可以说,斯坦贝克有意无意地表达了那个时代的女性的声音和立场。[5] “人类已被证明具有伟大的心灵和精神——面临失败的勇气,勇敢无畏的 精神,宽恕和仁爱之心。作为一名作家,必须宣扬和赞颂这些。我认为,一个 作家如果不能热忱地相信人类有自我提高的能力,就不会献身于文学,也不能 算是文学界的一员。”这是约翰·斯坦贝克在1962年接受诺贝尔文学奖金时所 说的话
battered[英][ˈbætəd] adj.破旧的; 磨损的; 受虐待的; 消瘦的 ; v.连续猛击; 磨损; . Advance units arrived in battered Iwate prefecture on the same day of the quake. 先遣队在地震当天就抵达了遭受重创的岩 手县。
The Chrysanthemums (1)——John Steinbeck)《菊花》 :《菊花》是约翰· 斯坦贝克短篇小说中体现其卓越文学成就的 一篇力作。本文从构成小说要素中的环 境、象征、人物等方面解读其女主人公———爱丽莎· 艾伦的 心理成长过程,探讨其蕴涵的女性主义思想。 关键词:菊花;象征;人物;女性主义 约翰· 斯坦贝克( John . Steinbeck, 1902 ~ 1968)是美国20世纪上半叶著名的小说家,他曾写过 不少短篇小说,《菊花》( the chrysanthemums) [ 1 ]便是 其中的一篇杰作。《菊花》的故事情节并不复杂,故 事发生在斯坦贝克的故乡———南加州的萨利纳斯峡 谷。女主人公爱丽莎· 艾伦是一位能干的35岁的家 庭主妇,她十分擅长种菊花,和丈夫亨利一起过着一 种平淡如水的生活。但平淡的生活压制不了爱丽莎 内心充满的勇气和渴望,她向往外面的世界,渴望走 出峡谷去领略生活的风光。她的这种渴望在碰到一 位四处流浪,过着自由生活的补锅匠后变得更加强 烈。但故事的结局却是悲剧性的。爱丽莎送给补锅 匠的菊花被弃之路旁,她对男性世界彻底绝望,她的 梦想也随之破灭。小说开篇渲染的环境气氛,标题 《菊花》的象征意义以及斯坦贝克着力塑造的爱丽莎 的人物形象,都蕴涵着女性主义思想。正是这三方面 的共同作用,才推动了爱丽莎心理活动的发展,使其 女性身份由被界定到自我发现的完成。
听到丈夫的声音,伊利莎吃了一惊。原来他已经悄悄地走到了 她的旁边,从铁丝栅栏那边俯过身来。铁丝栅栏把她的花园圈 了起来,免得牛呀,狗呀,鸡呀这些家畜糟蹋。
3.“The calloused hands he rested on the wire fence were cracked, and every crack was a black line. He took off his battered hat.”

The chrysanthemums symbolize both Elisa and the limited scope of her life. Like Elisa, the chrysanthemums are lovely, strong, and thriving.
★1,“The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from the rest of the world.
飘荡在半空中的冬雾呈现出灰法兰绒色,将萨 利纳斯山谷严实地罩了起来;同时也把它与外 界分隔开。
But in fact, Elisa needs something more in her life than a neat house and a good garden.
The Tinker
★Represents freedom, connection with others that Elisa longs for but cannot have . ★To Elisa, the tinker is exotic.(异国 的,异域风情的,means very different from Elisa.)
Elisa hopes Henry will see how pretty she is, but he does not.
His compliment falls short of what Elisa needs.
He says, "You look strong enough to break a calf over your knee, happy enough to eat it like a watermelon. "
Fences symbolize the barriers that separate Elisa from the rest of the world, including her husband Henry. Her fences protect flower garden from cattle, dogs, and chickens which represent her husband’s world while her flower garden represents 栅栏象征障碍,这个障碍将ELISA与外部 世界分开,包括她的丈夫亨利。她的篱 笆保护花园远离牛,狗,鸡的入侵。鸡 ,狗,牛代表的是她丈夫的世界,花园 代表ELISA的世界。
fifty cents and the
cuttings . paragraph 87 to 91
preparation for
dinner paragraph 92
3.climax: paragraph 94 to 120

Elisa sees the chrysanthemums and discarded on the road:
(Old woman: wise but non-sexual; weak; not useful on a farm )
Hard-working, successful small-scale rancher Practical - does not fully understand Elisa’s desire to grow flowers
★arrival of the tinker: paragraph 27 to 46 ★his interest in the flowers: paragraph 47 to 70
★Elisa’s captivation with him paragraph 71 to 86
★The tinker drives away with
''like an old woman.''
Elisa Henry
The Tinker
She sees herself growing old in the same isolated, stifling environment.
She cries like an old wy[英][sɪ'deɪtlɪ][美 ][sɪ'deɪtlɪ] adv.镇静地,安详地; But, as china's economy begins to grow more sedately, more such unrest is looming. 然而,随着中国经济逐渐走稳,类 似动荡都蠢蠢欲动了。
“Far ahead on the road Elisa saw
a dark speck. She knew.”
4.ending: paragraph 121
★ Elisa realizes she is not so strong, and she breaks down in weak tears
2.“Elisa started at the sound of her husband's voice. He had come near quietly, and he leaned over the wire fence that protected her flower garden from cattle and dogs and chickens.”