Paper Doll’s Love




五年级语音归类语音练习一、判断下列单词的划线部分发音是否相同1. ( ) dance happy 14. ( ) table cake2. ( ) card party 15. ( ) many that3. ( ) me these 16. ( ) coffee meet4. ( ) bread please 17. ( ) twelve zebra5. ( ) China which 18. ( ) orange plane6. ( ) fly family 19. ( ) Saturday play7. ( ) those from 20. ( ) coat boat8. ( ) show flower 21. ( ) what water9. ( ) excuse put 22. ( ) hungry rubber10. ( ) ask father 23. ( ) short doctor11. ( ) blouse touch 24. ( ) water happy12. ( ) this thank 25. ( ) tree driver13. ( ) chair school 26. ( ) whose where二、找出划线部分发音不同的单词1.()A. juice B. book C. ruler D. school2.()A. good B. cook C. fruit D. look3.()A. noodle B. football C. move D. spoon4.()A. would B. classroom C. woman D. room5.()A. welcome B. bus C. come D. cup6.()A. worker B. doctor C. farmer D. waiter7.()A. theatre B. supermarket C. doctor D. airport8.()A. father B. car C. black D. banana9.()A. waitress B. name C. woman D. late10()A. station B. train C. taxi D. plane 11()A. many B. anything C. snack D. else12()A. bar B. basketball C. plate D. park13()A. idea B. theatre C. here D. there14()A. near B. chair C. where D. hair15()A. sweet B. tea C. ice-cream D. theatre 16()A. head B. sweater C. tea D. bread 17()A. blackboard B. notice board C. cupboard D. airports 18()A. hospital B. cold C. no D. nose19()A. coffee B. chocolate C. something D. wrong 20()A. open B. piano C. songbook D. window 21()A. driver B. sixty C. Mike D. eye22()A. his B. waitress C. policewomen D. he’s23()A. library B. by C. supermarket D. hurry24()A. biscuit B. knife C. drink D. chocolate 25()A. cat B. sock C. cinema D. look26()A. music B. office C. blackboard D. milk27()A. juice B. biscuit C. chocolate D. ice-cream 28()A. zebra B. zoo C. trees D. say29()A. ice-cream B. else C. snack D. noodles 30()A. think B. their C. this D. grandmother 31()A. thirteen B. thirsty C. there D. thank32()A. these B. something C. anything D. theatre33()A. trousers B. tree C. try D. drink34()A. bright B. draw C. dress D. driver35()A. lots of B. T-shirts C. books D. airports36()A. words B. cups C. hands D. blackboards 37()A. station B. shop C. sure D. minibus38()A. shoes B. T-shirts C. shall D. chips39()A. sandwich B. much C. China D. peach40()A. picture B. chair C. chopsticks D. school41()A. knife B. climb C. sandwich D. picture42()A. table B. know C. plate D. egg43()A. where B. which C. whose D. watermelon44()A. long B. something C. uncle D. China 45()A. thank B. wrong C. dinner D. English 46()A. son B. wrong C. song D. off47()A. bus B. put C. mother D. brother 48()A. this B. then C. think D. other49()A. short B. wash C. sure D. school 50()A. books B. pens C. boys D. apples三、将下列单词按不同的发音进行归类。



A Comment on Women’s faith in love in The Thorn BirdsWANG Hai-yanAbstract:This paper attempts to explore the novel The Thorn Birds, which shows the different values of love between women and men around the Clearys. The goal of exploring it is not only t o state that women‟s faith is love, while men‟s faith is anything but love, but also to set off the heroine—Meggie, who longs for love and strives perseveringly for love in all her life. Although Meggie suffers a lot when searching for her faith, she alway s keeps loyal to love. What‟s more, in order to create the beautiful and moving voice of her love, she would rather offer her life as the greatest sacrifice. The paper also aims at tracing back to Western women‟s faith by describing the heroines‟ love stories in some great works written by some famous women novelists. Compared with other heroines‟ attitudes and behaviors to their faith, Meggie is stronger, braver, purer and nobler to her faith, for she enriches love with endless vivid vigor and color. She is a perfect woman. However, although Meggie dedicates her life to love, what she gains is just a tragedy; although the Western women go all out for their faith, they are always deeply hurt by the cost of great pain. Therefore, this topic subtly delineates the fact that the women‟s voice for love is still too faint. No matter how wonderful voice they create, they are still incapable of changing men‟s non-love faith and overcoming the unequal values of traditional society. This is an unavoidable tragedy not only to Meggie and the Western women, but also to all women in the world from ancient times. They get temporary happiness from love, but with infinite misery. Their voice is too faint to resist tragedy in love. However, women‟s lofty faith brings them a mea ningful and significant life, just like the voice of the thorn birds.Key Words:women; love; faith; voice; The Thorn Birds摘要:本文通过对长篇小说《荆棘鸟》的分析,分别描述了以克利里家族为中心的女性与男性不同的爱情价值观,体现了女性视爱情为终生信仰,而男性却常常选择非爱情的信仰,从而衬托出女主人公梅吉对爱情执着的高贵情操。



人教版字母组合发音归类1.a / eɪ / cake make late later snake lake paper babya / æ / apple cat cap bag dad hat map black backa / ɔ: / watera / ɒ / watch wash want whata / I / orangea / ә / chin a another woman breakfast accountant bananaa /ɑ:/ afternoon after banana dance last class glass grass grandmagrandpa ask fast fathera / e / any many2. e / i: / me he she these Chinese we returne / e / leg let bed pen desk yes egg3. i / aɪ / like kite bike drive time child find library excitedi / i / little fish big drink sit milk swim dig interesting sister4. o / әʊ / Coke nose those close go home no clotheso / ɒ / lot dog holiday clock not box odds hobby poto / ʌ / other mother brother another come monkey love moneyo / ʊ / wolf5.u / ju:/ use student cute excuse duty Tuesdayu / ʌ / usher cut nut but bus cup jump much funnyu / ʊ / putu /u:/ June blue ruler superu / I / busy6. ea / i: / tea eat teacher please ice-cream peach jeans sneakersread meal beans clean season speak leaf leave(s) meaneast teach cleaner stream each seal seat beat wheatea / e / bread breakfast weatherea / eɪ / great7. ee /i:/ meet green three thirteen jeep queen canteen sheep sweetbeef weekend Halloween tree sleep need week feel seed deep between feet8. ow / aʊ / brown how wow cow flower down now townCrown showerow / әʊ / yellow rainbow window snowy snow snowman know tomorrow row show grow9. ou / aʊ / mouth mouse out house our playground cloudy soundSour housework cloud about count mountain south accountant sprout loudou / u: / group soup coup 突然的一击ou / ʌ / young country enoughou / ɔ: / trough 水槽10.oa / әʊ / boat coat raincoat goat road goal float throat 11.or / ɔ: / morning short more for fork shorts New York horse pork sports bookstore north reporter shorter bored stormtomorrowor / ɜː/ work word world homework housework workeror / ә / visitor doctor actor factory author mirror12. aw / ɔ: / draw law strawberry13.oor / ɔ: / floor dooroor / uә / poor14.all / ɔ:l / ball small tall wall basketball baseball fall tallerSmaller callal / ɔ: / walk talk always wall also salt almost15. ir / ɜː/ bird squirrel birthday shirt skirt T-shirt thirteen thirtyfirst third girl16.ur / ɜː / purple hamburger nurse Thursday Saturday furturn return curtain turtle17.ear / ɜː / earth early learnear / ɪǝ / ear hear dear near clear yearear / eǝ / bear wear swear pearear /ɑ: / / ɜː / herer / ә /finger afternoon water teacher father mother watermelon computer farmer driver player river sweater weathermatter sneakers slippers remember singer writer reportercleaner yesterday taller shorter stronger older younger bigger fever matter better under over cucumber e xcercises summer winter September October November December air-conditioner center strawberry super answer answering climber howeverever forever tiger19. our / aʊ / our flour hour 小时our / ә /colour favourite colourful vapourour / ɔ: / four your courseour / ʊә / tour / ð / the this that these those father mother brotherwith grandfather grandmother clothes they themweather there either then other together anotherth / ө / thank mouth birthday three thirteen thirty fourth eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth path twentieth thin Thursday healthy north south month think themethinner thing something bathroom21. ai / eɪ / rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight againpaint train pain afraid waitressai / i / mountainai / 不发音/ curtain22.ay / eɪ / birthday play may May day way stay away holidayalways say today subwaySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturday23. air / eǝ / air chair stair hair pair air-conditioner fair24. ere / eǝ / there whereere / ɪǝ / here25. eer / ɪǝ / deer cheer beer26. oo / u: / afternoon balloon noon soon roomgoose boots too zoo school cooloo / ʊ / look book cook hook foot wood good childhood 童年classroom woods 衣架27. ar / a: / sharpner farmer farm garden art artist warm parkshark are card car hard market supermarketar / ɔ: / warm towards28. y / aɪ / sky why spy sly fly cry try buy bye byy / i / family happy worry every country really sorry funny strawberry lovely library ready rainy windypretty many any healthy salty happy angry study y / j / yellow yes yoyo young29. igh / aɪ / light right high night might fight30. ch / / much French chicken teach teacher watch peachChair children China Chinese which each matchcatch chopsticksch / k / school31. sh / / fish she short shorts English shirt shoes shipshop shopping wash washroom dishes shelf32.ts / ts / shorts rabbits kites cats33.ds / dz / friends woods birds34. tr /tr / tree tropic (回归线) try35. dr /dr/ dress hundred draw36. tw /tw/ twenty twelve twelfth twentiethtw / t / two37. qu /kw/ question queen quiet quite38. oy / ɔɪ / boy toy39. oi / ɔɪ / choice point toilet soil40. ng nk / ŋ / thing answering thank pink wrong uncle hungryn / n / not shine ten note41. wh / w / why where what when wheatwh / h / who whose whom whole42. au / ɔ: / autumn daughter43. aw / ɔ: / draw44. h / h / hot head house handh [/] hour honest honor45.ey / i: / keyey /i / monkey money人教版小学英语·三年级上册·单词表Unit 1pen [pen]钢笔pencil ['pensәl]铅笔pencil-case ['pensәlkeis]铅笔盒ruler ['ru:lә]尺子eraser [i'reizә]橡皮crayon ['kreiәn]蜡笔book [buk]书bag [bæɡ]书包sharpener['ʃɑ:pәnә]卷笔刀school [sku:l]学校Unit 2head[hed] 头face[feis] 脸nose[nәuz] 鼻子mouth ]mauθ]嘴eye [ai]眼睛ear [iә]耳朵arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊finger['fiŋɡә] 手指leg [leɡ]腿foot [fut]脚body ['bɔdi]身体Unit 3red [red]红色的yellow ['jelәu]黄色的green [ɡri:n]绿色的blue [blu:]蓝色的purple ['pә:pl] 紫色的white [hwait] 白色的black [blæk]黑色的orange ['ɔrindʒ] 橙色的pink [piŋk]粉色的brown [braun]棕色的Unit 4cat [kæt] 猫dog [dɔɡ, dɔ:ɡ]狗monkey ['mʌŋki]猴子panda ['pændә]熊猫rabbit ['ræbit]兔子duck [dʌk] 鸭子pig [piɡ]猪bird [bә:d]鸟bear [bεә]熊elephant ['elifәnt]大象mouse [maus, mauz]老鼠squirrel ['skwә:rәl] 松鼠Unit 5cake [keik] 蛋糕bread [bred]面包hot dog 热狗hamburger ['hæmbә:ɡә]汉堡包chicken ['tʃikin]鸡肉French [frentʃ] Fries 榨薯条Coke [kәuk] 可乐juice [dʒu:s] 果汁milk[milk]牛奶water['wɔ:tә] 水tea[ti:]茶coffee ['kɔfi]咖啡Unit 6one [wʌn]一two [tu:]二three[θri:]三four [fɔ:]四five [faiv] 五six[siks] 六seven['sevәn] 七eight [eit]八nine[nain] 九ten[ten]十doll [dɔl]玩具娃娃boat [bәut]小船ball [bɔ:l]球kite[kait] 风筝balloon ]bә'lu:n] 气球car [kɑ:]小汽车plane [plein] 飞机人教版小学英语·三年级下册·单词表Unit 1boy [bɔi]男孩girl [ɡə:l] 女孩teacher ['ti:tʃə] 教师student ['stju:dәnt]学生this [ðis, 弱ðәs] 这个my 我的friend [frend] 朋友I’m=I am 我是nice [nais]好的;愉快的good morning ['mɔ:niŋ]早上好good afternoon [,ɑ:ftә:'nu:n]下午好meet [mi:t]遇见;碰见goodbye [,ɡud'bai] 再见too [tu:] 也;太Unit 2father ['fɑ:ðә] 父亲;爸爸dad 爸爸口语mother ['mʌðә]母亲;妈妈mom 妈妈口语man [mæn] 男人woman ['wumәn]女人grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə]外祖母grandma ['ɡrændmɑ:]口语外)祖母grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə]外)祖父grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:](口语外)祖父sister ['sistә] 姐妹brother ['brʌðә] 兄妹let’s=let [let] us [ʌs] 让我们great [ɡreit] 太好了really ['riәli, 'ri:li] 真地;确切地and ænd, 和;并且how [hau] 多么;怎么样Unit 3eleven [i'levәn]十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen 'θә:'ti:n]十三fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n]十四fifteen ['fifti:n]十五sixteen ['siks'ti:n] 十六seventeen [,sevәn'ti:n] 十七eighteen ['ei'ti:n] 十八nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 十九twenty ['twenti] 二十how [hau] many ['meni]多少can [kæn, kәn] 能够;可以look [luk] at [强æt, 弱әt]看;瞧Unit 4peach [pi:tʃ]桃pear [pεә]梨orange ['ɔrindʒ] 橙子watermelon ['wɔ:tәmelәn]西瓜apple ['æpl] 苹果banana [bә'nɑ:nә] 香蕉strawberry ['strɔ:bәri]草莓grape [ɡreip]葡萄like [laik]喜欢some [sʌm, 一些;某些thanks 多谢Unit 5bus [bʌs]公共汽车bike [baik] 自行车taxi ['tæksi] 出租车jeep [dʒi:p]吉普车desk [desk]课桌chair [tʃεә]椅子Walkman 随身听lamp [læmp]台灯zoo [zu:] 动物园your [jɔ:, jәu, 弱jә] 你的;你们的Unit 6small [smɔ:l] 小的big [biɡ]大的long [lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]长的short [ʃɔ:t] 短的;矮的tall [tɔ:l] 高的giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿deer [diә] 鹿人教版小学英语·四年级上册·单词表Unit 1window:['windәu] 窗户board:[bɔ:d] 木板light:[lait] 光线picture:['piktʃә] 画door:[dɔ:] 门floor:[flɔ:] 地板classroom:['klɑ:srum] 教室many:['meni] 许多的our:['auə] 我们的classmate:['klɑ:smeit] 同学seat:[si:t] 座位near:[niə] 近的what:[hwɔt] 什么in:[in] 在...里, the:[ðə] 这(个),那(个) we:[wi:] 我们have:[hæv] 有,拥有new:[nju:] 新的;新鲜的;新型的go:[gəu] 去;离去where:[hwɛə] 在哪里wall:[wɔ:l] 墙computer:[kəm'pju:tə] 电脑,电子计算机fan:[fæn] 扇子clean:[kli:n] 清洁的you:[ju:] 你;你们see:[si:] 看见me:[mi:] 我look at:[luk] [æt] 看room [ru:m] 房间Unit2Chinese book['tʃai'ni:z][buk]语文书English book['iŋgliʃ] [buk] 英语书math book[mæθ] [buk]数学书fridge [fridʒ] 冰箱schoolbag [sku:lbæg] 书包storybook [stɔ:ribuk] 故事书,小说notebook [nəutbuk] 笔记簿table [teibl] 桌子colour [kʌlə] 彩色they [ðei, ðe] 他[她, 它]们fat [fæt] 胖的sofa [səufə] 沙发shelf [ʃelf] 架子key [ki:]钥匙may [mei] 可以sure [ʃuə] 当然bag [bæɡ] 袋, 包pencil[pensəl铅笔pen [pen] 笔twenty-one[twenti:wʌn, twʌn-] 二十一thirty [θɜ:ti:] 三十forty [fɔ:ti:] 四十fifty [fɪfti:,fɪfti] 五十heavy [hevi] 重的sorry [sɔri] 对不起book [buk] 书ruler [ru:lə] 尺Unit 3thin [θin] 瘦的strong [strɔŋ] 强壮的, quiet [kwaiət] 安静的friend [frend] 朋友Chinese [tʃaɪni:z, -ni:s] 中国的like [laik] 喜欢his [hiz, ɪz] 他的photo [fəutəu] 照片has [hæz有name [neim] 名字he [hi:] 他teacher [ti:tʃə,tiːtʃə(r)] 教师student [stju:dənt] 学生music [mju:zik] 音乐science [saiəns] 科学sport [spɔ:t] 运动right [rait] 正确的boy [bɔi] 男孩girl [ɡə:l] 女孩Unit 4study [stʌdi] 学习bathroom [bɑ:θrum] 浴室bedroom [bedru:m, -rʊm] 卧室kitchen [kitʃin] 厨房fish [fiʃ]. 鱼here [hiə] 在这里home [həum] 家room [ru:m] 房间school [sku:l] 学校phone [fəun] 电话bed [bed] 床, sofa [səufə] 沙发shelf [ʃelf] 架子fridge [fridʒ] 冰箱table [teibl] 桌子they [ðei, ðe] 他[她, 它]们key [ki:]钥匙open [əupən]开着的please [pli:z]请on [ɔn]在…上no [nəu]不, 不是desk [desk]书桌door [dɔ:]门chair [tʃɛə,tʃeə(r)]椅子bed [bed]床Unit5rice [rais] 大米fish [fiʃ] 鱼noodle [nu:dl]面条beef [bi:f]牛肉vegetable [vedʒitəbl]蔬菜soup [su:p]汤have [hæv, həv, əv, v]吃dinner [dinə]晚餐wait [weit]等bread [bred]面包milk [milk]牛奶egg [eɡ]蛋water [wɔ:tə]水hungry [hʌŋɡri]饥饿的for [fɔ:, fə]为,给knife [naif]刀chopstick [tʃɔpstɪk]筷子spoon [spu:n]勺子plate [pleit]盘子fork [fɔ:k]叉子help [help]帮助pass [pɑ:s]传递ready [redi]准备好了try [trai]尝试show [ʃəu]展示yummy [jʌmi]好吃的food [fu:d]食物use [ju:z]使用chicken [tʃikin]鸡肉fish [fiʃ]鱼Unit6family [fæmili]家庭parent [pɛərənt,peərənt]父母uncle [ʌŋkl]舅舅aunt[ɑ:nt]姑姑baby [beibi]婴儿people [pi:pl]人member [membə]成员only [əunli]仅仅puppy [pʌpi]小狗gee [dʒi:]用以表示惊奇、赞赏等come [kʌm]来who [hu:, hu]谁sister [sistə]姐妹brother [brʌðə]兄弟father [fɑ:ðə]父亲mother [mʌðə]母亲driver [draivə]司机doctor [dɔktə]医生farmer [fɑ:mə]农民nurse [nə:s]护士young [jʌŋ]年轻的人教版小学英语·四年级下册·单词表Unit1playground ['pleiɡraund] 操场garden ['ɡɑ:dn ] 花园office ['ɔfis] 办公室teacher,s-office ['ɔfis] 教师办公室library [ 'laibrəri ] 图书馆canteen [ kæn'ti:n ] 食堂first [ fə:st ] 第一floor [ flɔ: (r)] 层(楼)welcome [ 'welkəm ] 欢迎to 给,对our [ 'auə ] 我们的many [ 'meni ]许多的visitor [ 'vizitə ] 客人;参观者there [ ðεə ] 哪儿;那里class [ klɑ:s]班级;课程lunch [ lʌntʃ ] 午餐at 在this way [ wei ] 这边please [ pli:z ] 请beautiful [ 'bju:tiful ]美丽的computer [ kəm'pju:tə ] 计算机board [ bɔ:d ]写字板fan [ fæn ]扇子;电扇light ['lait ]灯this [ðis] 这,这个is 是my [mai] 我的that [ðæt] 那;那个your 你的art [ɑ:t] 绘画;艺术;美术art room [ɑ:t] [ru:m]绘画教室computer [ kəm'pju:tə ]计算机;电脑computer room 计算机教室washroom ['wɔʃrum] 卫生间music ['mju:zik] 音乐music room['mju:zik] [ru:m]音乐教室gym [ dʒim ] 体育馆TV room电视机房second [ 'sekənd ] 第二cool [ ku: ] 订好的;酷的teacher,s desk[ desk ]讲台picture[ 'piktʃə ]图画 . wall[ wɔ:l ]墙floor[ flɔ: ] 地板yes [ jes ] 是的it [ it ] 它Unit2English [ 'iŋgliʃ ]英语;英文English class英语课class [ klɑ:s ] 课music class [ klɑ:s ] 音乐课P.E. class体育课breakfast [ 'brekfəst ] 早餐dinner [ 'dinə ] 晚餐;正餐. over [ 'əuvə ] 结束go [ gəu ]去go to the playground[ 'pleiɡraund ]去操场go home [ həum ] 回家now[ nau ]现在just a minute ['minit] 再多一会kid [ kid ] 小孩;孩子run [ rʌn ] 跑one[ wʌn ]一two[ tu: ] 二three [ θri: ]三four [ fɔ: ]四five[ faiv ]五six[ siks ] 六. seven[ 'sevən ]七eight[ eit ] 八.nine[ nain ] 九. ten[ ten ]十what[ wɔt]什么time [taɪm] 时间it’s = it is o’clock [ə’klɔk] ……点钟get [ ɡet ] 得到获得get up [ ɡet ] [ ʌp ] 起床go to school [sku:l] 上学go home 回家go to bed上床睡觉ready [ 'redi ] 准备好的hurry [ 'hʌri ] 抓紧;赶快math [ mæθ ] 数学Chinese ['tʃai'ni:z] n 语文,汉语;中国人adj中国的,中国人的;中国话的china ['tʃainə] n 中国;瓷器English [ 'iŋgliʃ ] a英国的;英国人的;英语的n英语;英国人England ['iŋglənd] n英格兰;英国P.E.体育music [ 'mju:zik ]音乐for [ fɔ ]为;给class [ klɑ:s] 班级;课程Unit3jacket [ 'dʒækit ] 夹克衫shirt [ ʃə:t ] 衬衫skirt [ skə:t ] 裙子dress [ dres ] 连衣裙sweater [ 'swetə ] 毛衣T-shirt T恤衫whose [ hu:z ] 谁的red [ red ] 红色的blue [ blu: ] 蓝色的yellow [ 'jeləu ] 黄色的green [ ɡri:n ] 绿色的green beans [gri:n][bi:ns] 绿豆white [ hwait ] 白色的no [nəu] 不;不是not [ nɔt ] 不;不是的jeans [dʒi:nz] 牛仔裤pants [ pænts ] 长裤parents ['pɛərənts] 父母亲socks [sɔks] 袜子shoes [ʃuːz] 鞋子shorts [ʃɔ:ts] 短裤these [ ði:z ] 这些so [ 'səu] 如此;那样they’re = they arethose [ ðəuz ] 那些but [ bʌt ] 但是what for [ wɔt ] 为什么neighbour [ 'neibə ] 邻居colour [ 'kʌlə ] 颜色Unit4warm [ wɔ:m ] 暖和的cold [ kəuld ] 寒冷的cool [ ku:l ] 凉爽的;酷的hot [ hɔt ] 炎热的weather [ 'weðə ] 天气weather report [ ri'pɔ:t ] 天气预报wear [ wεə ] v. 穿today [tə'dei ] 今天can’t = can notput on穿上put on 动词,表示穿上衣服的动词,强调动作./例: I get up and put on my coatwear 动词,表示穿上衣服的动作,也可表示穿着衣服的状态,强调状态./例: Today, he wears a red hatjeans [dʒi:nz] 牛仔裤pants [ pænts ] 长裤socks [sɔks] 袜子shoes [ʃuːz] 鞋子let’s = let usplay [ plei ] 玩,踢football ['futbɔ:l] 足球rainy [ 'reini ] 下雨的rain [ rein ] n雨vi下雨snowy [ 'snəui ] 下雪的snow [ snəu ] n雪;vi下雪now [ nau ] 现在windy [ 'windi ] 有风的wind [ wind ] n风cloudy [ 'klaudi ] 多云的cloud [ klaud ] 云sunny [ 'sʌni ] 晴朗的sun [ sʌn ] 太阳hello [hə'ləu] 喂,你好(打电话用语)hi [ hai ] 喂,你not much [ mʌtʃ ] 没什么New York纽约matter [ 'mætə ] 事情;麻烦have to必须;不得不close [ kləuz ] 关;关上bye [ bai ] 再见(口语)Unit5 colourful ['kʌləful ] 色彩丰富的pretty [ 'priti ] 漂亮的;可爱的cheap [ tʃi:p ] 便宜的expensive [iks'pensiv] 昂贵的sixty [ 'siksti(:) ] 六十seventy [ 'sevənti ] 七十hundred [ 'hʌndrəd ] 百assistant [ə'sistənt ] 售货员help [help] 帮助how much多少钱ninety-nine [ 'nainti ] 九十九that’s = that isbig [ biɡ ] 大的small [ smɔ:l ] 小的long [ lɔŋ ] 长的short [ ʃɔ:t ] 短的;矮的sneakers ['sni:kəz]胶底帆布鞋;网球鞋slippers ['slipə] 拖鞋sandals ['sandl] 凉鞋boots [ bu:ts ] 靴子want [ wɔnt ] 想要pair [ pεə ] 一双;一对a pair of一双for for [fɔ: (r)] [ fɔ(r)] 为;给son [ sʌn ] 儿子sun [ sʌn ] 太阳size [ saiz ] 尺码all right[ ɔ:l ] [ rait ]好吧;好的we’ll=we willtake [ teik ] 买them [ ðem ] 它(他、她)们apple [ 'æpl ] 苹果banana[ bə'nɑ:nə ] 香蕉pear [pe ə(r) ] 梨Orange [ 'ɔrindʒ] 橙子watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən] 西瓜are [ɑ:(r)] 是they [ ðei ] pron. 他(她,它)们Unit6 sheep [ ʃip ] 绵羊horse [ hɔ:s ] 马hen [ hen ] 母鸡lamb [ læm ] 小羊;羔羊goat [ ɡəut ] 山羊cow [ kau ] 奶牛farm [ fɑ:m ] . n. 农场,农田farmer ['fɑ:mə] n. 农夫,农民aren’t =are notdonkey [ 'dɔŋki ] 驴子key [ ki: ] 钥匙fat [ fæt ] 胖的cat ['kæt ] 猫rabbit [ 'ræbit ] 兔子pig [ piɡ ] 猪duck [ dʌk ] 鸭子dog [dɔɡ] 狗tomoto [ tə'ma:təu] 西红柿cucumber [ 'kju:kʌmbə ] 黄瓜potato [ pə'teitəu ] 土豆onion [ 'ʌnjən ] 洋葱carrot [ 'kærət ] 胡萝卜fresh [ freʃ ] 新鲜的eleven [ i'levən ] 十一twelve [ twelv ] 十二t hirteen [ 'θə:'ti:n ] 十三fifteen [ 'fifti:n ] 十五twenty [ 'twenti ] 二十how many 多少how much 多少there [ ðεə ] 那儿;那里there be人教版小学英语·五年级上册·单词表Unit1 young [jʌŋ]年轻的funny [ 'fʌni]滑稽可笑的.tall [tɔ:l] 高的strong [ strɔŋ ]强壮的.kind[ kaind ]和蔼的old[ əuld ]年老的short[ ʃɔ:t ]矮的thin[ θin ]瘦的. .who [ hu: ]谁.Mr[ 'mistə ]先生. .from[ frɔm ]从;来自. .Canada[ 'kænədə ]加拿大what[wɔt ]什么like[ laik ] 喜欢know[ nəu ]知道.now[ nau ]现在no[ nəu ]不principal[ 'prinsəpəl]校长university tudent大学生['ju:ni'və:siti ][ 'stju:dənt ]strict[ strikt ]严格的.smart[ smɑ:t]聪明的;巧妙的active[ 'æktiv ]积极的;活跃的Miss[ mis ]小姐lady[ 'leidi ]女士;小姐;夫人so much[ səu][mʌtʃ]很;非常fun[ fʌn ]有趣;逗笑quiet['kwaiət]安静的;文静的she[ ʃi: ]她he[ hi: ]他her[ hə: ]她的his[ hiz ]他的very[ 'veri ]很;非常but[ bʌt ]但是Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一['mʌndi]Tuesday(Tue.)星期二['tju:zdi ]Wednesday(Wed.)星期三['wenzdei]Thursday(Thu.)星期四['θə:zdi ]Friday(Fri.)星期五[ 'fraidi ]Moral Education思想品德课[ 'mɔrəl]['edju:'keiʃən]Social Studies社会课[ 'səuʃəl ] [ 'stʌdiz ]day天;日子[ dei ]wait[ weit ]等待;等等waiter [ 'weitə ]n.侍者,服务员tomorrow明天[tə'mɔrəu].have有;吃[ hæv ] .on [ɔn]在…上do homework做作业[ dəu ] [ 'həumwə:k ] .watch TV看电视[ wɔtʃ]['ti:'vi:]read books读书[ri:d] [ bu:ks]often常常;经常['ɔfən]Saturday(Sat.)['sætədi]星期六Sunday(Sun.) [ 'sʌndi ]星期天.often ['ɔ:fən]常常;经常sometimes [ 'sʌmtaimz ]有时usually [ 'ju:ʒʊəli ]love爱;热爱[ lʌv ] . .what about [wɔt] ['əbaut]怎么样?yeah是;行[jεə] .play computer games玩电脑游戏[ plei][kəm'pju:tə][ geims ] too也;太[ tu: ] . .to [ tu: ]do housework[du:]['haʊswə:k]做家务Unit3cabbage['kæbidʒ]洋白菜;卷心菜pork [pɔ:k]猪肉mutton ['mʌtn]羊肉eggplant ['egplɑ:nt]茄子fish [ fiʃ ]鱼green beans [gri:n][bi:ns]青豆tofu ['təufu:]豆腐potato[pə'teitəu]土豆tomato[tə'mɑ:təu]西红柿for [fɔ:] prep.给;为lunch [ lʌntʃ ]午餐we [ wi: ]我们menu [ 'menju: ]菜单sound [ saund ]听起来healthy['helθi]健康的;有益健康的tasty['teisti ]好吃的;可口的sweet [ swi:t ]甜的sour [ 'sauə ]酸的fresh [ freʃ ]新鲜的salty ['sɔ:lti]咸的they [ ðei ] pron. 他们favourite [ 'feivərit]特别喜爱的;最喜爱的fruit [ fru:t ]水果grape [ greip ]葡萄have to [ hæv ][ tu: ]不得不now[ nau ]现在eat [ i:t ]吃Unit4 empty the trash[ 'empti ] [ træʃ ]倒垃圾cook the meals[ kuk ] [ mi:ls ]做饭water the flowers[ 'wɔ:tə ] [ 'flauəs ]浇花sweep the floor[ swi:p ] [ flɔ: ]扫地clean the bedroom打扫卧室[ kli:n ][ 'bedrum]ill[ il]有病的helpful[ 'helpful ]有帮助的,有用的at home[ æt ][ həum ] 在家里wash the windows[ wɔʃ ][ 'windəʊz ]擦窗户just do it [ dʒʌst ][du:] [ it ] v.就这么干吧do housework[du:][ 'haʊswə:k ]做家务make the bed[ meik ] [ bed ]铺床set the table[ set ] [ 'teibl ]摆饭桌;摆餐具wash the clothes[wɔʃ] [ kləuðz ]洗衣服do the dishes [ 'diʃiz ]洗碗碟put away the clothes[pʌt][ə'wei][kləuðz] 收拾衣服I would like to[ ai ] [ wud ] [ laik ] [ tu:]have a try [ hæv] [trai ]试一试robot [ 'rəubɔt ] 机器人play chess [ plei ] [ tʃes ]下棋use a computer[ju:z][kəm'pju:tə]使用电脑Unit5 air-conditioner[ɛə] [kən'diʃənə]空调curtain [ 'kə:tn ]窗帘trash bin [ træʃ ] [bin]垃圾箱closet[ 'klɔzit ]壁橱,衣橱close[kləuz]关mirror[ 'mirə ]镜子end table[ end]['teibl ]床头柜look at[ luk ] [ æt ]看一看own[ əun ]自己的flat[ flæt ]公寓third[ θə:d ]第三的bedroom[ 'bedrum ]卧室kitchen[ 'kitʃin ]厨房bathroom[ bɑ:θru:m ]卫生间living room[ 'liviŋ ] [ ru:m]客厅;起居室very much ['veri ] [mʌtʃ ]非常;很多in [ in ]在...里面on[ɔn]在…上面under [ 'ʌndə ] 在...下面near [ niə ] 在…旁边behind [ bi:' haind]在...后边over [ 'əuvə ] 在...上面in front of [ frʌnt ] [ɔ:f ]在…前面clothes[ kləuðz ]衣服work [ wə:k ]工作tell [ tel ]告诉;说Unit6 sky [ skai ]天空cloud [ klaud ]云mountain [ 'mauntin ]山;山脉river [ 'rivə ]河流flower [ 'flauə ]花grass [ grɑ:s ]草lake [ leik ]湖泊forest [ 'fɔrist ]森林path [ pɑ:θ ]路;小道park [ pɑ:k ]公园nature park [ 'neitʃə ] [ pɑ:k ]自然公园 .farm [ fɑ:m ]农场farmer [ 'fɑ:mə ]农夫holiday [ 'hɔlədi ]假期picture['piktʃə]照片village [ 'vilidʒ ]乡村;村庄city [ 'siti ]城市house [ haus ]房子;住宅bridge [ bridʒ ]桥tree [ tri: ]树road [ rəud ]公路;大道building [ 'bildiŋ ]建筑物clean [ kli:n ]干净的air [ єə ]空气run [ rʌn ] 跑;奔跑any [ 'eni ]任何的;所有的人教版小学英语·五年级下册·单词表Unit1 do morning exercises[ 'mɔ:niŋ ] ['eksəsaiz] 晨练eat breakfast[i:t ] ['brekfəst]吃早饭have English class['iŋgliʃ ] [ klɑ:s ] 上英语课play sports[ plei ] [ spɔ:ts ] 进行体育活动eat dinner[ 'dinə ]吃晚饭when 什么时候[wen ]about [ 'əbaut ]关于,大约policeman警察[ pə'li:smən ]work工作[ wə:k ]evening 夜晚、晚上[ 'i:vniŋ ]get up起床[ get ] [ ʌp ]at [ æt ]在…点钟usually通常;一般[ 'ju:ʒʊəli ]noon 中午[ nu:n ]tell [ tel ]告诉;说climbing mountains 爬山['klaimiŋ ] ['mauntins ]go shopping['ʃɔpiŋ ] 购物;买东西play the piano[pi'ænəu]弹钢琴visit grandparents看望(外祖父母[ 'vizit][,græn'pєərənts ]go hiking [ 'haikiŋ ] 去远足weekend ['wi:kend ] 周末week [wi:k] n.一星期;周often ['ɒ:ftən ] 经常sometimes['sʌmtaimz]有时候rain [ rein ] 下雨either [ 'aiðə ] 也next [ nekst ] 下一个Unit2 spring [ spriŋ ]春天summer [ 'sʌmə ] 夏天fall [ fɔ:l ] 秋天winter [ 'wintə ] 冬天season [ 'si:zn ] ['si:zən] 季节which [witʃ ] 哪一个best[best] 最;极always [ 'ɔ:lweiz ] 总是play with[ wiθ ]玩;与…一起玩snow [ snəu ] 雪leaf(复数leaves)叶子[ li:f ] [ li:vz ] up [ ʌp ]north [ nɔ:θ ]北方;向北方Halloween [ 'hæləu,wi:n ]万圣节前夕(指十月三十一日夜晚)Thanksgiving[ θæŋks'giviŋ ]感恩节swim [ swim ] 游泳fly kites [ flai ] 放风筝skate [ skeit ] 滑冰;滑冰鞋make a Snowman[meik]['snəʊmæn]堆雪人plant trees [ plɑ:nt ] [ tri:s ]种树why [wai ] 为什么because [ bi'kɔz ] 因为sleep [ sli:p ] 睡觉Unit3 January [ 'dʒænjuəri ] 一月February [ 'februəri ] 二月March [ mɑ:tʃ ] 三月April [ 'eiprəl ] 四月May [ mei ] 五月June [ dʒu:n ] 六月July [ dʒu:'lai ] 七月August [ 'ɔ:gəst] 八月September [ səp'tembə] 九月October [ɔk'təubə ] 十月November [nəu'vembə] 十一月December [di'sembə] 十二月chart [ tʃɑ:t ] 图表birthday ['bə:θdei]生日uncle [ 'ʌŋkl ] 叔叔;舅舅cousin [kʌzən]堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹first 第一[fə:st] 第一second ['sekənd] 第二third [θə:d] 第三fourth [fɔ:θ]第四fifth [fifθ]第五eighth [eiθ]第八ninth [nainθ]第九twelfth [twelfθ]第十二twentieth ['twentiθ]第二十send [send] 寄;发送e-card [e'kɑ:d] 电子卡片her [hə:] 她的able ['eibl] 能everyone ['evriwʌn]每个人then [ðen] 那么date [deit] 日期Unit4 draw pictures画画[drɔ:] ['piktʃəs]cook dinner [kuk] ['dinə] 做饭read a book [ri:d] [buk] 看书answer the phone 接电话['a:nsə][fəun]talk 讲话[tɔ:k]Children's Center儿童活动中心['tʃildrəns] ['sentə]see you later 再见[si:] [ju:] ['leitə]listen to music听音乐['lisən] [tu:]['mju:zik]clean the room打扫房间[kli:n] [rum]write a letter写信[rait] ['letə]write an e-mail写电子邮件[rait] [æn] [i'meil]mom [mɔm] 妈妈grandpa ['grænpɑ:] 爷爷;外公speak to [spi:k] 和…讲话hold on [həuld ɔn] 等一下call [kɔ:l] 打电话study ['stʌdi] 书房Unit5 fly [flai]飞jump [dʒʌmp]跳walk [wɔ:k]走run [rʌn] 跑swim [swim] 游泳kangaroo [kænɡə'ru:] 袋鼠truck [trʌk] 象鼻sleep [sli:p] 睡觉climb [klaim] 往上爬fight [fait] 打架swing [swiŋ]荡;荡秋千drink water [driŋk] [wɔtə] 喝水climber ['klaimə] 攀登者Unit6 take pictures [teik] ['piktʃəs] 照相watch insects观察昆虫[wɔ:tʃ] ['insekts]pick up leaves采摘树叶[pik] [ʌp] [li:vz]do an experiment做实验[æn] [iks'perimənt]catch butterflies捉蝴蝶[kætʃ] ['bʌtəflaiz]woods [wʊdz] 树林ant [ænt] 蚂蚁interesting['intristiŋ]有趣的have a look [hæv] [luk] 看一看honey ['hʌni] 蜂蜜thing[θiŋ]东西;物count insects数昆虫[kaunt] ['insekts]collect leaves收集树叶[kə'lekt] [li:vz]write a report [rait] [ri'pɔ:t] 写报告play chess [plei] [tʃes] 下棋have a picnic举行野餐[hæv] ['piknik]him[him]他(宾格)leave [ li:v ] 离开us[ ʌs ]我们(宾格)over there ['əuvə][ðεə]在那边人教版小学英语·六年级上册·单词表Unit1 by [bai] 经……;乘foot [fut] 脚;足bike [baik]自行车bus [bʌs]公共汽车train [trein]火车plane [plein]飞机ship [ʃip] 船;舰subway ['sʌbwei]地铁how[hau] 怎样;怎么go to school[gəu] [tu:] [sku:l]上学then [ðen] 然后;接着fifth [fifθ] 第五;五分之一traffic ['træfik] 交通traffic light [lait]交通灯traffic rule [ru:l]交通规则stop [stɔp]停;停车站wait [weit]等;等待remember [ri'membə]记住get to [get] [tu:]到达find [faind]寻找;找到difference ['difərəns]不同;区别same [seim]相同的every ['evri]每个;所有的country ['kʌntri]国家always ['ɔ:lweiz]总是;一直mean [mi:n]意思是drive [draiv]驾驶driver ['draivə]驾驶员right [rait]右边的;正确的;准确的side [said] 边;面;侧;端English [ 'iŋgliʃ ]英国Australia [ ɔ'streiliə ]澳大利亚however [hau'evə]但是left [left]左边的if [if]如果must [mʌst]必须know [nəu]知道Unit2library ['laibrəri]图书馆post office [pəust] ['ɔ:fis]邮局hospital ['hɔspitl]医院cinema ['sinimə] 电影院bookstore ['bukstɔ:]书店science museum['saiəns] [mju:'zju:m]科学博物馆excuse me [iks'kju:z] [mi:]对不起where [hwɛə]在哪里;到哪里please [pli:z]请next to['nekst] [tu:] 与……相邻far [fɑ:] 远supermarket [,sju:pə'mɑ:kit] 超市bank [bæŋk] 银行after school ['ɑ:ftə] [sku:l]放学以后want [wɔnt]想要a pair of [pɛə]一双shoe store [ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店get off [get] [ɔ:f]下车minute ['minit] 分钟north [nɔ:θ] 北so uth [sauθ] 南east [i:st] 东west [west] 西turn [tə:n] 转弯right [rait] 右边left [left] 左边straight [streit] 成直线地then[ðen] 然后twelfth[twelfθ]第十二party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会;晚会tell [tel] 告诉start [stɑ:t] 开始take [teik] 乘坐look [luk] for [fɔ:] 寻找Unit3 next week ['nekst] [wi:k]下周this morning今天上午[ðis]['mɔ:niŋ]this afternoon今天下午[ðis]['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]this evening今天晚上[ðis] ['i:vniŋ]tonight [tə'nait] 今晚tomorrow [tə'mɔ:rəu] 明天take a trip [teik] [trip] 去旅行read a magazine[ri:d][mægəzi:n]阅读杂志go to the cinema[gəu][tu:][ðə]['sinimə]去看电影theme park[θi:m] [pɑ:k]主题公园the Great Wall长城[ðə][greit][wɔ:l]busy ['bizi] 忙碌的together [tə'geðə] 一起地comic book ['kɔmik] [buk]漫画书post card [pəust] [kɑ:d] 明信片newspaper ['nju:z,peipə] 报纸magazine [,mægə'zi:n] 报纸dictionary ['dikʃənəri]词典;字典shoe store[ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店buy [bai] 买fruit stand[fru:t] [stænd]水果摊pet shop [pet] [ʃɔp]宠物商店need [ni:d] 需要plant [plɑ:nt] 植物else [els] 其他;另外shop [ʃɔp] 商店Unit4 hobby ['hɔbi] 爱好ride a bike [raid] [baik]骑自行车riding ['raidiŋ] a bike骑自行车dive[daiv] 跳水diving['daiviŋ] 跳水play the violin[plei] [vaiəlin]拉小提琴make kites [meik] [kait]制作风筝making kites ['meikiŋ]制作风筝collect stamps[kə'lekt] [stæmp]集邮。



我能骗纸娃娃100字的英语作文英文回答:Lying is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been the subject of much research and debate. There are many different types of lies, each with its own unique motivations and consequences. One type of lie that has received particular attention is the "paper doll" lie.Paper doll lies are lies that are told in order to make the liar appear more attractive or desirable. These lies can take many different forms, but they often involve exaggerating or fabricating accomplishments, experiences, or possessions. Paper doll lies can be motivated by a variety of factors, including low self-esteem, a desire for attention, or a need to fit in.While paper doll lies can be tempting, they can also have serious consequences. Lying can damage trust, relationships, and reputation. It can also lead to feelingsof guilt and shame. In some cases, lying can even be illegal.If you are struggling with lying, there are many resources available to help you. You can talk to a therapist, counselor, or trusted friend. There are also many self-help books and articles available on the topic of lying.Remember, lying is never the answer. It is alwaysbetter to be honest, even if it is difficult.中文回答:骗人是一种复杂且多方面的现象,一直是许多研究和争论的主题。



Playing with Paper DollsAs a child,one of the most delightful and creative pastimes was playing with paper dolls. These simple yet charming figures were not only a source of entertainment but also a catalyst for imagination and storytelling.Heres a reflection on the joy of playing with paper dolls.The Art of Paper Doll MakingThe process of creating paper dolls was an art in itself.It required patience and precision to cut out the dolls from old magazines or specially printed sheets.Each doll was a blank canvas,waiting to be adorned with clothes,accessories,and hairstyles that reflected the dreams and aspirations of the child.Dressing Up the DollsThe real fun began when it was time to dress up the dolls.There were endless possibilities from elegant gowns and ballerina tutus to casual outfits and sports gear.The clothes were cut out and folded to fit the dolls,and sometimes even glued or stapled for a more permanent look.The process was not just about fashion it was about expressing oneself and exploring different identities.Storytelling and Role PlayWith the dolls dressed and ready,the real adventure started.Paper dolls were the characters in countless stories and plays.They could be princesses in a fairy tale, explorers in a jungle,or even astronauts on a space mission.The childs imagination was the only limit to the scenarios that could be created.Social InteractionPlaying with paper dolls was not just a solitary activity.It was a social experience as well. Friends would gather,each bringing their collection of dolls,and together they would create elaborate narratives and settings.This not only fostered creativity but also improved communication and collaboration skills.Educational ValueBeyond the fun,playing with paper dolls had an educational aspect.It taught children about different cultures,historical periods,and even basic sewing skills as they learned tomake clothes for their dolls.It was a subtle way of learning while having fun.Nostalgia and ConnectionLooking back,paper dolls were more than just toys they were a connection to a simpler time.They represented the innocence of childhood and the boundless creativity that comes with it.Today,with technology taking over many aspects of play,the tactile and imaginative experience of paper dolls is a cherished memory.ConclusionPlaying with paper dolls was a unique experience that combined creativity,storytelling, and social interaction.It was a timeless activity that allowed children to explore their imagination and express themselves in a tangible way.As we grow older,the memories of these simple yet profound moments continue to inspire and remind us of the power of play in shaping our world.。



纸人偶手工制作英语作文Paper dolls have been a beloved childhood pastime for generations, offering hours of imaginative play and creativity. While store-bought paper dolls can be fun,there's something truly special about making your own. Not only is it a great way to use up scrap paper and materials you have around the house, but it's also a fun andrewarding project that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.To make your own paper dolls, you'll need the following materials:Paper (any type will do, but cardstock or thickerpaper will make sturdier dolls)。

Scissors.Markers, crayons, or paint.Glue or tape.Optional: fabric scraps, ribbon, or other embellishments.Once you have your materials gathered, you can start creating your paper dolls. The first step is to draw or trace the outline of your doll's body onto the paper. You can use a template or freehand it, depending on your preference. Once you have the body outline, you can add details like clothing, hair, and accessories.When you're happy with your doll's design, it's time to cut it out. Be sure to cut carefully, especially around the small details. Once your doll is cut out, you can start decorating it. You can use markers, crayons, or paint to add color and details. You can also glue or tape on fabric scraps, ribbon, or other embellishments to give your doll a unique look.Once your doll is decorated to your liking, it's time to assemble it. To do this, simply glue or tape the doll's body to a piece of cardboard or other sturdy material. Youcan also add a stand to your doll so that it can stand upon its own.Now that your paper doll is complete, it's time to play! You can use your paper doll to act out stories, create your own adventures, or simply use it as a decoration. The possibilities are endless!Here are some additional tips for making paper dolls:Use different types of paper to create different textures and looks. For example, you can use cardstock fora sturdy doll, or tissue paper for a more delicate doll.Get creative with your designs. There are no rules when it comes to making paper dolls, so let yourimagination run wild!Add details to your dolls to make them more unique.You can add clothing, hair, accessories, and even facial expressions.Use your paper dolls to tell stories. You can create your own adventures, or act out stories from your favorite books or movies.Paper dolls are a great way to use up scrap paper and materials. So next time you're looking for a fun and creative project, give paper dolls a try!。



作文妹妹的生日礼物英语My Little Sister's Birthday Gift。

My little sister's birthday was coming up and I wantedto give her the perfect gift. She had been talking about wanting a new doll for a while, so I decided to get her a beautiful doll that she would love. I went to the toy store and spent a long time looking for the perfect doll. Finally, I found a lovely doll with long, curly hair and a pretty dress. I knew my sister would be over the moon when she saw it.On the morning of her birthday, I woke up early to wrap the doll in colorful paper and put a big bow on top. Whenmy sister came downstairs, I handed her the gift and watched as her eyes lit up with joy. She hugged me tightly and thanked me for the wonderful present. I was so happy to see her smiling and laughing with her new doll.Later that day, we had a small party for my sister withcake and balloons. She was so excited to show her new doll to all her friends. They all gathered around her, admiring the doll and asking her where she got it. My sister proudly told them that it was a gift from me, her big sister. Ifelt so proud to see her happy and having a great time with her friends.As the day came to an end, my sister came up to me and gave me another big hug. She whispered in my ear, "Thank you for the best birthday gift ever, big sister." I smiled and hugged her back, feeling grateful that I could make her birthday so special.In the end, giving my little sister the perfect birthday gift was such a rewarding experience. Seeing her smile and laugh with joy made me realize that the bestgifts are the ones that come from the heart. I knew that my little sister would cherish her new doll for a long time, and I was glad that I could make her birthday a day to remember.。



我的纸片小人的制作作文英文回答:Making a Paper Doll.Paper dolls are a fun and creative craft activity that you can do at home. They are easy to make and you can personalize them however you like. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a paper doll.First, gather all the materials you will need. This includes colored paper, scissors, glue, and markers or colored pencils. You can choose any colors you like for your paper doll.Next, fold a piece of paper in half. This will be the base of your paper doll. Use scissors to cut along the folded edge, leaving about an inch uncut at the top. This will create the doll's body.Now, open up the folded paper and you will have a symmetrical shape. This will be the body of your paper doll. Use markers or colored pencils to draw the doll's face, hair, and clothes. You can also add details like buttons or accessories.After you have finished drawing, it's time to cut out the paper doll. Use scissors to carefully cut along the outline of the doll, making sure to keep the folded edge intact. This will create a paper doll with two sides.Now comes the fun part – decorating the clothes! Cut out pieces of colored paper to create different outfits for your paper doll. You can make dresses, pants, shirts, or even accessories like hats or shoes. Use markers or colored pencils to add details and patterns to the clothes.Once you have finished decorating the clothes, use glue to attach them to the paper doll's body. Be careful not to use too much glue, as it can make the paper soggy. Press down firmly to ensure the clothes stick in place.Now your paper doll is complete! You can play with it by bending the tabs at the top and bottom of the doll's body to make it stand up. You can also make more paper dolls and create a whole collection of them.Making paper dolls is a great way to express your creativity and imagination. You can make them look like yourself, your friends, or even your favorite characters. Have fun and enjoy the process of making your own paper doll!中文回答:制作纸片小人。



常用手工英语编辑:理想谭一、工具与材料1. scissors(剪刀)例句:I use scissors to cut the paper.(我用剪刀剪纸。

)2. glue(胶水)例句:Apply glue to stick the parts together.(涂上胶水把部分粘在一起。

)3. tape(胶带)例句:Use tape to secure the edges.(用胶带固定边缘。

)4. paper(纸)例句:I choose colorful paper for my craft.(我为我的手工选择彩色的纸。

)5. fabric(布料)例句:This project requires some nice fabric.(这个项目需要一些漂亮的布料。

)6. thread(线)例句:Sew with strong thread.(用结实的线缝。

)7. needle(针)例句:Use a needle to make small stitches.(用针缝小针脚。

)8. paint(颜料)例句:Paint the wooden box with bright colors.(用鲜艳的颜色给木盒子上色。

)9. brush(刷子)例句:A brush is needed for painting.(绘画需要刷子。

)10. ruler(尺子)例句:Measure with a ruler.(用尺子测量。

)二、制作过程1. cut(剪)例句:Cut the paper into different shapes.(把纸剪成不同的形状。

)2. fold(折叠)例句:Fold the paper in half.(把纸对折。

)3. glue together(粘在一起)例句:Glue the pieces together carefully.(小心地把碎片粘在一起。

)4. sew(缝)例句:Sew the fabric to make a bag.(缝布料做一个包。



一件快乐的事做蛋壳娃娃手工英语作文Crafting Joy: The Delights of Creating Eggshell Fairy Dolls.In the realm of arts and crafts, there lies a charming and whimsical pursuit that has captivated hearts and imaginations for generations: the crafting of eggshellfairy dolls. These delicate and enchanting creations bring together the wonders of nature and the boundless realms of creativity, offering a unique and rewarding experience that sparks joy and nurtures the soul.The process of creating these miniature masterpieces begins with the humble eggshell. From chicken eggs to goose eggs, the size and shape of the shell determine the proportions of the future doll. Once the eggshell has been carefully cleaned and sterilized, the true artistry unfolds.Using a fine paintbrush, intricate patterns and designs are meticulously painted onto the eggshell, transforming itinto a canvas for the imagination. Delicate flowers, whimsical motifs, and intricate lacework adorn the shell, creating a breathtaking work of art.As the paint dries, the shell takes on a new life, becoming the foundation for the fairy's form. With a sharp craft knife, tiny openings are carefully made to shape the doll's body. Wings are crafted from delicate tissue paper or feathers, while arms and legs may be fashioned from wire or other pliable materials.The assembly of the doll is a delicate process that requires precision and attention to detail. The painted eggshell forms the head and torso, while the wings and limbs are meticulously attached using glue or fine thread. Each step is taken with care, ensuring that the doll remains sturdy and graceful.The final touches are what truly bring the fairy doll to life. Using a fine-tipped brush, the doll's facial features are delicately painted, capturing a range of emotions from joy to mischief. A touch of blush adds a rosyglow, while a hint of glitter creates a touch of magic.The finished eggshell fairy doll is a testament to the power of creativity and the beauty of handmade art. It is a unique and cherished keepsake that brings joy to thecreator and all who behold its delicate charm.The crafting of eggshell fairy dolls offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the tangible creation.It is an activity that fosters creativity, promotes relaxation, and allows for self-expression. The process of creating these miniature works of art encourages focus, patience, and attention to detail.The joy of crafting eggshell fairy dolls lies not onlyin the finished product but also in the journey of creation. It is an opportunity to connect with one's imagination, to escape from the mundane, and to find solace in the realm of beauty and whimsy.As one embarks on the adventure of eggshell fairy doll crafting, they embark on a path of self-discovery andcreative growth. Each doll they create is a unique expression of their inner world, a reflection of their dreams, desires, and aspirations.In the hands of a skilled artisan, the humble eggshell is transformed into a vessel of enchantment. Eggshell fairy dolls become cherished companions, inspiring wonder, imagination, and a love for the extraordinary. They are a testament to the power of creativity and the enduring legacy of handmade art.。



我喜欢洋娃娃英语作文(中英文版){z}Title: I Love DollsEnglish EssayDolls have always held a special place in my heart.They are not just toys to me, but rather, they are my treasured companions.There is something enchanting about these little creatures that capture the essence of childhood.I remember the first doll I ever received.She was a beautiful baby doll with soft, flowing hair and vibrant, sparkling eyes.I was immediately captivated by her.I spent hours holding her, dressing her, and imagining stories with her as the protagonist.She became my best friend, my confidante, and my partner in every adventure.As I grew older, my love for dolls did not diminish.Instead, it evolved.I started collecting porcelain dolls, each one a masterpiece of craftsmanship.Their intricate details, from the minuscule stitches on their dresses to the delicate features of their faces, took my breath away.I would spend hours admiring them, studying their unique qualities, and imagining the stories behind their expressions.Dolls, to me, are more than just objects.They are vessels of creativity and imagination.They allow me to escape to different worlds, to tell stories, and to create scenarios that are both magical and fantastical.Theyare my outlet for my artistic expression, my way of bringing my dreams and thoughts to life.Moreover, dolls are a reflection of our society.They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, representing the diversity of our world.They wear different costumes, reflecting the various cultures and traditions.They have different personalities, showcasing the complexity of human nature.Through dolls, we can teach children about empathy, understanding, and acceptance.In conclusion, my love for dolls is not just a passing phase or a whim.It is a deep-seated passion that has been with me since I was a child.Dolls are my source of inspiration, my escape from reality, and my reminder of the beauty and wonder of the world.They may just be dolls to others, but to me, they are so much more.。

《Paper Love》Allie X版歌词带翻译完整版

《Paper Love》Allie X版歌词带翻译完整版

I believe, I believe in the things you doAnd I wanna believe you believe that tooAll the noise in my ear when I hear about youPray it can't,pray it don't,pray it won't come true.I know you were thinkingBad things when you kissed me, ohYour tongue told me every lieSad song, warm occasionLast week, swear no matter whatI'll be stretching out the timeOh, I know that boy's gonna rip me up'Cause he ain't that nice, he won't do rightHe'll leave a nasty cutOh, I cry until I just dissolveCome on watch my heart turn to pulpLike paper (paper-paper)Paper Love(Paper, paper love)I believe, I believe in a line so thinThere's a light, there's a light and it pulls me in Going down, going down 'til I chip my chinTake my head in your hands, pop it with a pin (With a pin)I know you were thinkingBad things when you kissed me, ohYour tongue told me every lieSad song, warm occasionLast week, swear no matter whatI'll be stretching out the timeOh, I know that boy's gonna rip me up'Cause he ain't that nice, he won't do right He'll leave a nasty cutOh, I cry until I just dissolveCome on watch my heart turn to pulpLike paper (paper-paper)Paper Love(Paper, paper love)我相信相信你尽力而为我想信任你所相信的一切当对你有所未闻一切的噪声回响于耳蜗祈祷它千万不能不要不会弄假成真我知晓你正冥思苦想当你亲吻我的流言蜚语 oh你的唇尖吐露出每句谎言忧伤之歌缓和的契机上周誓言无论发生何事我都会腾出时间Oh 我知道那个男孩要将我撕碎因为他不够好也不会做出正确的选择只会留下难以磨灭的伤口Oh 我哭泣直至身心融入泪水来一睹我心溶解成纸浆像纸张一样(脆弱不堪)脆弱的爱情(纸张一样不堪一击的爱)我相信相信这条如履薄冰的情线一道突出其来地光束把我卷入其中不断向下沉沦陷入直至我目瞪口呆把我的头用大头针钉在手心里(用大头针)我知晓你正冥思苦想当你亲吻我的流言蜚语 oh你的唇尖吐露出每句谎言忧伤之歌缓和的契机上周誓言无论发生何事我都会腾出时间Oh 我知道那个男孩要将我撕碎因为他不够好也处事不惊只会留下难以磨灭的伤口Oh 我哭泣直至身心融入泪水来一睹我心溶解成纸浆像纸张一样(脆弱不堪)脆弱的爱情(纸张一样不堪一击的爱)。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I love the paper-cut art of dolls. It's so amazing to see how a simple piece of paper can be turned into a cute doll. The details are just incredible.Paper-cutting dolls are really a traditional art form. People use scissors to create these lovely figures. It takes a lot of skill and patience.Sometimes I go to exhibitions to see different kinds of doll paper-cuts. They are all so beautiful and unique. Each one has its own charm.I also tried to make some paper-cut dolls by myself. It was fun but not that easy. It needs practice to get better.。



高二练习题制作纸制玩偶英语作文Making Paper DollsMaking paper dolls is a fun and creative activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Not only is it a great way to express your creativity, but it also allows you to customize your dolls in any way you like. In this essay, we will explore the process of making paper dolls and the joy it brings.To start making paper dolls, you will need some basic supplies such as colored paper, scissors, glue, and markers. You can choose any color of paper you like for the body of the doll. Once you have your supplies ready, follow these simple steps to create your paper doll:1. Begin by folding a piece of paper in half. This will be the body of your doll.2. Draw the outline of half of a doll on the folded edge of the paper. Be creative with the design you can make it as simple or as intricate as you want.3. Carefully cut along the outline of the doll, making sure not to cut the folded edge. When you unfold the paper, you will have a complete doll shape.4. Now comes the fun part decorating your paper doll! You can use markers, colored pencils, or even stickers to adddetails such as clothes, accessories, and facial features.5. Once you are satisfied with the design of your paper doll, you can cut out additional outfits and accessories to mix and match.6. To make your paper doll stand, you can glue a small piece of paper or cardboard to the back of the doll's feet.Making paper dolls is not only a great way to unleash your creativity but also a wonderful way to relax and unwind. You can create a whole collection of paper dolls with different styles and personalities. Additionally, making paper dolls can be a great way to bond with friends and family as you share your creations and ideas.In conclusion, making paper dolls is a delightful activity that anyone can enjoy. It allows you to express your creativity, improve your fine motor skills, and have fun in the process. So next time you're looking for a creative and relaxing activity, give making paper dolls a try you might just discover a new hobby that brings you joy and satisfaction.。



初二测试题制作纸制玩偶英语作文Making Paper DollsPaper dolls have been popular for generations, providing endless hours of entertainment for children all around the world. Creating paper dolls is not only a fun and creative activity but also a great way to develop fine motor skills and encourage imaginative play.To make a paper doll, you will need a few simple materials: paper, scissors, and coloring tools. You can use plain white paper or colored paper to add a splash of vibrancy to your creations. Begin by drawing the outline of your doll on the paper. You can make the doll as simple or as detailed as you like, depending on your artistic skills and preferences.Once you have drawn the outline of the doll, carefully cut it out using scissors. Be sure to cut along the lines precisely to create a clean and neat paper doll. Next, it's time to add some color and personality to your creation. You can use coloring pencils, markers, or even paint to decorate your paper doll. Get creative with different colors, patterns, and designs to make your doll unique and special.After you have colored and decorated your paper doll, you can cut out additional outfits and accessories to enhance the play experience. These can include dresses, hats, shoes, and evenpets for your paper doll. Have fun mixing and matching different outfits to create various looks for your doll.Once you have created a collection of paper dolls and outfits, you can play with them by acting out different scenarios and stories. Use your imagination to bring your paper dolls to life and immerse yourself in a world of makebelieve and creativity.In conclusion, making paper dolls is a delightful and engaging activity that offers numerous benefits for children. It promotes creativity, fine motor skills, and imaginative play, making it a perfect pastime for kids of all ages. So grab some paper and scissors, unleash your creativity, and embark on a journey of crafting your own paper doll creations.。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I love the paper-cut art of dolls. It's so amazing to see how a simple piece of paper can be turned into a cute doll. The details are just incredible.Paper-cutting dolls are really a traditional art form. People use scissors to create these lovely figures. It takes a lot of skill and patience.Sometimes I go to exhibitions to see different kinds of doll paper-cuts. They are all so beautiful and unique. Each one has its own charm.I also tried to make some paper-cut dolls by myself. It was fun but not that easy. It needs practice to get better.。

2023届高三英语二轮复习学案 名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Hug with No Arms

2023届高三英语二轮复习学案 名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Hug with No Arms

名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Hug with No Arms班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选A Hug with No Arms内心很难接受,但还是默默陪伴,见证着他种种不同于常人的怪行,冷漠,哭喊,拒人如冰霜。




Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.~Jacques PrévertWhen our boy was born, he didn’t gaze at faces the way I’d seen other babies do with their mommies. He cried for hours. Being held close in a soft blanket did not soothe him. Neither did music, gentle bouncing, a clean diaper, or a bottle. He’d refused to nurse, struggling away from my skin. We were blessed with a baby who seemed not to love us. I had a constant fear that something was wrong.Family advice didn’t help. They insisted we were just nervous first-time parents and the baby was fine, or that he’d outgrow it when he could talk instead of fuss, or that it was my fault for painting the nursery when I was pregnant. I’d stenciled teddy bears around the baseboards to welcome him home.Our boy had a cherub’s face, big blue eyes and soft pudgy cheeks. He pronounced simple words, but my “Say mama . . .” brought silence. I gave him a dollhouse, hoping to interest him in playing family. The doll’s plastic cradle had a battery-operated voice that called out, “Mama.” Our boy imitated the high-pitched, strangely automated sound. It was better than nothing but not enough for me.He caught the flu as a toddler. Small and feverish, he let me hold him on my lap for almost an hour. I breathed his precious smell while his warm weight lay against my heart.At age four, our boy was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Though I’d suspecteda problem, the autism spectrum wasn’t the one I wanted to hear. I tried to love it out of him with sweet words and extra snuggling. He’d squirm away, shouting, “That’s too much!”He showed no sadness when our dog died, but wept huge rolling tears when I bought orange Jell-O. He preferred old T-shirts and sweat pants from the thrift store, clothes already worn thin by someone else’s child. He chattered endlessly, but only about Legos and the tractors he made. Even after working with doctors and therapists, his heart seemed unreachable.Instead of anticipating the joy a milestone gift would bring, my husband and I learned to cringe. Our boy threw screaming, red-faced fits at the sight of his new tricycle, the scooter he’d asked for, his birthday skates. Parenthood wasn’t supposed to be like this.Things got a little better in kindergarten. While he still didn’t like faces, he looked at the hem of my dress one morning, and declared, “A good mom wears a skirt.” It was high praise.I worried, though, that he wouldn’t sit close to me or smile when I smiled. He didn’t show love.My deeper fear was that he didn’t feel it either. When I’d drop him off at school, I’d hear kids call to their mothers, “Love you, Mom!” Our boy would slam the car door without looking back, no matter how many times I asked him for a quick wave. He didn’t seem to have the cuddly kid gene.Eventually, I resigned myself to his distance and odd preferences, the emptiness of the house.As a young teenager, he suddenly asked for a “hug with no arms” meaning that we would stand next to each other without touching, without our eyes meeting, and silently agree we were hugging. I was stunned down to my toes. He wanted affection, but a glass prison window stood between us. I cherished anything he had to give.One evening, after a stress-filled day at work, I sat at the kitchen table wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. My husband listened while I poured out the day.I spotted our boy lurking around the corner. He was an expert eavesdropper.To unwind, I mixed up a batch of molasses cookies. The smell of cinnamon and the oven’s warmth gave me a coziness I needed, but I began to dread our boy’s reaction. He despised molasses cookies, the chewiness and the gritty sugar on his fingers. In the past, he’d yelled or stormed out when I made any cookie besides chocolate chip.Tonight, however, he walked into the kitchen and picked up a stack of five cookies, wiping his sugary fingers on his jeans. He glanced into my eyes and looked away. Then he leaned near me in an armless hug.“These are my favorite cookies, Mom.”He was lying. He hated molasses cookies. What he did with them, I’ll never know. I’m sure he didn’t eat them. But he must have planned to comfort me. His words were a hug.He will likely never throw his arms around me, but I’ve come to understand what our boy must have known all along. A hug, even without arms, and a few carefully chosen words can fill a hole in the heart.I leaned close and said, “I love you, too.”【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。




下面是店铺给大家整理的娃娃的英文是什么,供大家参阅! 娃娃的英文是什么baby英 [ˈbeɪbi] 美 [ˈbeɪbi]娃娃的英语例句1. It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs.这是一个四肢可以活动的乙烯基塑料玩具娃娃。

2. What a love of a clay doll!多么可爱的泥娃娃!3. The baby is very cute.这小娃娃挺好玩儿.4. The baby tripped and hurt itself.娃娃跌倒摔伤了.5. I was not born yesterday.我又不是昨天才出世的娃娃.6. She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.她抓起玩具娃娃,用力往石墙上扔去。

7. Let me finish my pipe, and I shall sleep like a child.我抽完烟, 就会像个娃娃一样睡着的.8. He carved a doll from a block of wood.他用一块木头雕刻了一个娃娃。

9. The kld is as good as gold.那娃娃乖得很。

10. The two young daughters sat on the bedroom couch watching him.论年龄,她俩已经不是抱着枕头在床上打闹,或者让人家举起来甩的小娃娃了.11. " Is the brat baptized? " he questioned." 那娃娃给施了洗礼了? " 他问.12. Your parents, my dear, have no more worldly wisdom than two babies.亲爱的, 你的爸妈, 社会经验不见得比两个娃娃多.13. Let me see. Fiona held out her hand for the doll.让我看看. 菲奥娜伸出手去拿娃娃.14. With a few snips she cut out a paper doll.她几下就剪出一个纸娃娃.15. Come on, honey. You hold the doll and I'll hold you.来吧, 好乖乖, 你抱着娃娃我抱着你.baby的双语例句1. Maria was talking baby talk to the little one.玛丽亚正用儿语和小家伙说话。

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Paper Doll ’s Love——青春期性健康教育教学案例浙江省宁波镇海中学心理辅导室 王金立【活动目标】1. 帮助学生认识到“喜欢”与“爱”的区别。

2. 帮助学生学会拒绝异性的“爱”。

3. 帮助学生认识到青春恋爱存在的负面后果及其带来的伤害,使他们今后能更审慎地对待这一问题。





【活动准备】 1. 用红色卡纸和兰色卡纸做的纸娃娃两个(A4大小),如图所示:2. PPT 课件制作。

帆 凡【活动过程】一、活跃氛围,引入课题在《爱情故事》的背景音乐下导入:“where do I begin / to tell the story of how great a love can be? / the sweet love story that is older than the sea / the simple truth about the love she brings to me ”,我们现在听到的这首歌曲叫《LOVE STORY 》,歌曲为我们演绎了一段凄美而又荡气回肠的爱情故事。





二、Paper Doll ’s Love1. 缘起在校交谊舞大赛上,男孩“凡”认识了“帆”,一个仿佛是桂纶美的女孩。








喜欢一个人是看到了他的所有优点,一个人是包容了他的一切缺点 。




















































When I am too young,I meet love,The most important thing is not to enjoy loveBut to be lovable.爱情的味道不仅是甜的,酸的、辣的、苦的、咸的也都凝聚其中。





