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What to Do for Mom on Mother's Day
Mom is the best! She takes care of me and my little brother every single day. She wakes us up in the morning, makes us yummy breakfasts like pancakes or oatmeal, and gets us ready for school. After school, she helps us with our homework and makes us healthy dinners with vegetables (even though I don't really like vegetables that much). Mom works really hard all day long to keep our home clean and make sure we have everything we need.
But on Mother's Day, it's our turn to do something special for Mom! Mother's Day is the one day every year that is just for celebrating moms and everything they do for us kids. It's a day to say thank you and show Mom how much we love and appreciate her. This year, I really want to do something extra nice for Mom on Mother's Day to make her feel special.
First, I'm going to make Mom breakfast in bed! I'll get up super early and be very quiet so I don't wake her up. I'll make her
favorite - blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and a glass of orange juice. I'll put it all on a tray with a pretty napkin and a flower from our garden. I can't wait to see the big smile on her face when I bring it to her in her bedroom!
After Mom eats her yummy breakfast, I'm going to tell her that she doesn't have to do any cleaning or chores on Mother's Day. My dad, little brother, and I will all pitch in to do the cleaning instead! I'll make my bed really neat, pick up all my toys, sweep the floors, and even load the dishwasher. Giving Mom a break from her normal chores is a great Mother's Day gift.
In the afternoon, we'll all go to Mom's favorite park and have a picnic lunch. Dad will grill hamburgers and hot dogs. I'll make Mom's favorite salad with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and ranch dressing. We'll lay out a big blanket and eat our picnic food together in the warm sunshine. After lunch, we can go on the swings and slides at the playground. It will be so fun!
For Mother's Day dinner, Dad is going to take us all out to Mom's favorite restaurant - the Italian place downtown with the yummy spaghetti and meatballs. We'll get dressed up in our nicest outfits. When the server comes, I'll order for Mom and make sure they bring her favorite meal and dessert. I'll be on my
best behavior and use my best manners. No spilling or making messes!
After dinner, we'll come home and I'll give Mom the gifts I made her at school. In art class, I made her a colorful painting of all the flowers in our garden. I also wrote her a poem about how much I love her and all the things she does for me like brushing my hair, reading me bedtime stories, and tucking me in at night. She's going to love them!
Finally, we'll cuddle up together on the couch to watch Mom's favorite movie and relax before bedtime. I'll give her a big hug and tell her "Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being the best mom ever!" Hopefully doing all these special things will make Mom feel loved and appreciated on her very important day.
Moms really are the greatest. They work so hard every single day to take care of us kids. Mother's Day is a chance for me to return the favor and do something nice for my mom for a change. Making her breakfast, helping with chores, going on a picnic, taking her to her favorite restaurant, and giving her homemade gifts are just some of the ways I can show Mom how much I love and appreciate everything she does. I can't wait for Mother's Day this year so I can spoil my mom rotten! She deserves it.
What to Do for Mother's Day
Hi everyone! Mother's Day is coming up soon and I'm really excited. Mother's Day is the one day every year when we get to celebrate how amazing our moms are. My mom works really hard taking care of me and my little brother. She cooks our meals, helps us with homework, takes us to activities, and so much more.
I want to make sure I do something really special for her on Mother's Day this year.
First, I think it's important to make her a nice card. Moms love homemade cards from their kids. I'm going to get out my construction paper, markers, stickers, and glue and make her the prettiest card ever. I'll draw a big heart on the front and write "I Love You Mom!" in my best handwriting. Inside, I'll write her a long message telling her how much I appreciate everything she does.
Next, I want to do something to help out around the house and give my mom a break. Moms have to do a lot of chores and housework. It would be nice to do some of those chores for her. I'm going to make sure my room is super neat and tidy. I'll make my bed nicely, put all my toys and books away, and vacuum the
floor. I'll also help out by emptying the dishwasher and taking out the trash. My little brother is too little to help much, but I'll make sure he doesn't make any big messes.
Another thing I want to do for my mom is make her breakfast in bed. That's what moms really seem to like on Mother's Day. The morning before, I'll have to ask my dad to help me out a little bit. We'll make mom's favorite - pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I'll be in charge of mixing the batter and flipping the pancakes. Dad can handle the hard stuff on the stove. We'll also make some turkey bacon on the side. For a drink, we'll make her a cup of coffee, just the way she likes it.
Once breakfast is all ready, we'll put it on a tray and I'll carry it up to her room. Hopefully she'll still be sleeping when we go in. We'll let her sleep in a little bit. When she wakes up, we'll sing her a funny little song like "Good Morning to You" and present her breakfast in bed. I'll give her the card I made and a little gift too, like a box of her favorite chocolates.
After breakfast, it'll be nice to spend some quality time together as a family. We can go for a walk to the park if it's nice out. We'll pack a picnic lunch to eat when we get there. At the park, we can play on the swings and slides. Mom sometimes gets
too busy to come to the park with us, so it'll be fun to spend some time outdoors together.
When we get home from the park, my dad can take my little brother out to give mom a little quiet time alone. She'll probably want a break after all the morning's festivities. I'll stay back and help out by doing a couple more chores for her. I can fold the laundry, vacuum the living room, and clean the bathroom. After that's done, I'll snuggle up next to mom on the couch and we can watch one of her favorite movies together.
In the evening for dinner, we'll go out to a restaurant mom likes. It'll be my dad's turn to cook, so going out will give mom a break from the kitchen. I'll make sure to mind my manners extra good while we're out to eat. I'll say things like "yes, ma'am" and "no, thank you" to the waiters and waitresses. I won't make any messes or be too loud. My parents will really appreciate me being on my best behavior.
When we get home, I have one last surprise ready for mom. While she was having her quiet time, I snuck away to make her a homemade coupon book. It has coupons in it that she can use to redeem things from me, like one free back massage or me doing the dishes for a week. I'll give it to her as one final Mother's Day gift before she goes to bed.
I know mom works really hard all year long taking care of me and my brother. That's why I want to go above and beyond to make Mother's Day extra special for her this year. Between the thoughtful gifts, helping out around the house, and spending quality time together, I hope my mom feels appreciated. She is the best mom ever and she deserves to be celebrated! I love you mom!
What Should I Do for Mom on Mother's Day?
Yay, Mother's Day is coming up soon! I love Mother's Day because it's a special day just to celebrate my amazing mom. She works really hard taking care of me and our whole family every single day. On Mother's Day, I get to do nice things for her to show her how much I love and appreciate her. But I never know what to do! There are so many choices. Let me think through some ideas...
I could make her breakfast in bed! That's a classic Mother's Day treat. I would have to wake up super early though, before mom even wakes up. I'd need to be very quiet so I don't disturb her sleep. Then I could sneak into the kitchen and make her favorite breakfast foods. Hmm...maybe pancakes with chocolate
chips? And some scrambled eggs? And turkey bacon because that's her favorite? I'll need daddy's help cooking it all. Oh, and I should add some orange juice too! Once it's all ready, I can put it on a tray and very carefully carry it into her bedroom. Then I can yell "Surprise! Happy Mother's Day!" I just hope I don't spill anything.
Another idea is to make mom a homemade gift. Maybe I could make her a coupon book with things like "Good for one free hug" or "This coupon gets you one day free from chores." I know she would love that! Or I could make her a colorful card using construction paper, glitter, stickers, and lots of nice messages inside telling her why she's the best mom ever. Ooh, or what about a colorful potted plant or flower that she can keep on the windowsill? That would brighten up her day every time she sees it.
If I want to go all out, I could plan a whole Mother's Day experience for her. First, I'd make her a delicious Mother's Day brunch with Dad's help. Pancakes, eggs, fruit salad, the works! While she's eating, I could give her my homemade gift. After brunch, the whole family could go do something fun that Mom loves. Maybe go to a museum, or a dance performance, or just have a picnic at a park. Whatever activity Mom enjoys the most.
Then when we get home, I could give her a cupcake with a candle in it and we could all sing "Happy Mother's Day" to her. She'll feel so special and loved!
Those all seem like good Mother's Day ideas, but I can't decide which one to do. Maybe I'll combine a few of them! I could make her breakfast in bed, give her a homemade card and coupon book, and then take her out for a fun Mother's Day activity in the afternoon. Yes, I think that's the perfect plan!
No matter what I end up doing though, I know Mom will love it. Because it's not so much about what you get or do, it's about showing your mom how much you love and appreciate her. My mom is the most caring, loving, hardworking person I know. She takes such good care of me and always supports me. She teaches me right from wrong and how to be a good person. She makes sure I eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and do my homework. She helps me practice my soccer skills and runs lines with me for the school play. She makes my favorite meals, reads me bedtime stories, and tucks me in at night. She comforts me when I'm sad, takes care of me when I'm sick, and always has a hug and an "I love you" ready whenever I need it. Moms are seriously superheroes!
So this Mother's Day, I'm going to make my mom feel as special as she makes me feel every single day. I'm going to shower her with love, hugs, homemade gifts, and fun activities. I'm going to do as many little things as I can to make her day perfect. Because she deserves to be treated like a queen! I hope every kid makes their mom feel just as loved and appreciated this Mother's Day. After all, where would we be without our wonderful moms? Moms really are the best!
What Should I Do for My Mom on Mother's Day?
Hi, my name is Johnny and I'm 9 years old. Mother's Day is coming up soon and I really want to do something special for my mom. She works really hard taking care of me and my little sister Sarah. My dad has a job where he travels a lot for work, so it's just me, Sarah, and mom at home most of the time.
Mom makes us breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. She helps us get ready for school each morning by making sure we brush our teeth, get dressed, pack our backpacks, and eat a good breakfast. After school, she helps us with our homework. Mom does all the laundry and cleaning around the house too. She's always busy, but never complains. I think moms are superheroes!
For Mother's Day last year, I just gave mom a card that I made at school and a cheap little necklace I bought at the store. This year, I really want to do more to show her how much I appreciate everything she does for us. I've been saving up my allowance for months to buy her a nice gift. I have 25 saved up so far. I was thinking of buying her some flowers, her favorite chocolates, and a nice fragrant soap set from the bath store at the mall.
But I also want to do something really special, not just give her some store-bought gifts. I was thinking it would be really nice to make mom breakfast in bed. I could make her favorite - pancakes with strawberries, bacon, and orange juice. Then I could clean up the whole kitchen so she doesn't have to do it. My little sister could help me by setting the breakfast tray with pretty napkins and making mom a handmade card.
After breakfast, maybe we could do a bunch of mom's chores for her so she can relax. Sarah and I could make her bed nicely, vacuum the living room, and load and unload the dishwasher. We could even give the bathroom a quick cleaning! That would be a nice surprise for mom. I know she gets tired of doing so many chores around the house every day.
Later in the afternoon, we could go on a nice family hike or bike ride together at the park nearby. Getting some fresh air and exercise always makes mom happy. We could pack a picnic lunch to eat at the park too! Mom is always saying we should spend more time outdoors enjoying nature.
In the evening, we could get take-out from mom's favorite restaurant so she doesn't have to cook dinner after her special Mother's Day. We could also rent a funny or romantic movie that she would enjoy for us all to watch together as a family with some popcorn.
At the end of the day, I want mom to know how loved and appreciated she is by me and Sarah. She works so hard every single day to take care of us. I hope this Mother's Day will be a day where she can rest, relax, and be celebrated. She really deserves it!
I'm really excited to make this Mother's Day extra special for my amazing mom. She is the best mom ever and I love her so much! I hope she has a wonderful day full of surprises. After all, what would we do without our moms? They are the real superheroes and they should be treated like queens, especially on Mother's Day. I can't wait!
What to Do for Mother's Day
Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm in the 4th grade. Mother's Day is coming up and I've been thinking really hard about what to do for my mom. She's the best mom ever and works so hard taking care of me and my little brother Tommy. I want to make this Mother's Day extra special for her!
First, I'm going to make her breakfast in bed. I've been practicing making scrambled eggs and toast. My dad is going to help me not burn anything. I want to make her breakfast tray look really pretty with a vase of flowers from our garden and a handmade card. For the card, I'm going to use construction paper and draw a big heart on the front. Inside I'll write why I love her so much.
I love my mom because she is always there for me no matter what. Like when I was nervous to do my presentation in front of my whole class, she helped me practice over and over until I felt confident. Or when I fell off my bike and skinned my knee, she gave me a big hug and put a Frozen band-aid on it to make it feel better. She's really good at making me laugh too by doing silly dances around the house. I'll tell her all of this in my card.
After breakfast, we're going to do one of mom's favorite things - go on a hike at the nature trail! Last time we went, she pointed out all the different birds and flowers to me. This time I'm going to try to remember what she taught me. Mom always says getting exercise and fresh air is really important. I'll pack a healthy snack like trail mix and water bottles for our hike.
When we get home, my dad is going to grill mom's favorite meal for dinner - steak, baked potatoes, and grilled veggies. While they're cooking, Tommy and I will give mom the presents we made for her. I worked really hard on mine in my art class at school. It's a painted flower pot with her name on it. I'm going to plant her favorite flowers, sunflowers, in the pot. Sunflowers always make her smile. Tommy made her a homemade necklace with beads and macaroni. It's pretty messy but I know she'll love it because he worked so hard on it.
After dinner, we'll watch mom's favorite movie together and I'll make her a big bowl of popcorn with M&Ms mixed in, just how she likes it. I'm really excited for her to see how much effort I put into making this the best Mother's Day ever. I hope I can be as good a mom as her one day.
My mom is the most caring, hardworking, and supportive person I know. She deserves to be celebrated on Mother's Day
and every day! I worked super hard to make sure this Mother's Day is extra special with a few surprises up my sleeve. Shhh, don't tell her! I can't wait for her to see everything I have planned. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing mom.
What to Do for Mother's Day
Hi, my name is Jenny and I'm 8 years old. Mother's Day is coming up and I really want to do something special for my mommy. She works so hard taking care of me and my little brother Tommy. I asked my teacher what Mother's Day is all about and she said it's a day to celebrate our moms and show them how much we love them. That's when I knew I had to make this Mother's Day extra super duper special!
First, I thought about what kinds of things my mom likes. She really likes flowers, especially roses and sunflowers. They're so pretty and colorful. Maybe I could pick her some flowers from our garden or neighborhood park. But those wouldn't last very long. Then I remembered she also really likes getting her nails done. Whenever she comes home from the nail salon, her fingernails look so shiny and have the cutest little designs on
them. I'm not very good at painting nails though, so I don't think that's the best idea.
My mom also loves chocolate! She's always stealing little bites of my chocolate candy whenever I have some. One time she ate so much of my chocolate that she got a stomach ache. I had to stop her from eating any more so she wouldn't feel sick. Hmmm...maybe I could make her some chocolate covered strawberries? No, that might be too hard for me to make by myself. I want to do something I can make all on my own without too much help.
Then it hit me - I could make my mom breakfast in bed! She has to wake up super early every morning to make breakfast for me and Tommy before school. I've helped her make pancakes, eggs, and bacon before so I know how to do it. Doesn't that sound like the perfect Mother's Day surprise? I'll have to get up really early though so I can make it before she wakes up. I'll ask my dad to help me a little bit, but I want to do most of it myself.
After breakfast, I'm going to make her a homemade card with lots of colors, stickers, and glitter - just how she likes it. I'll write a big message on the front that says "I Love You Mom!" and on the inside I'll write down all the reasons why she's the bestest mom ever. Things like: because she takes care of me
when I'm sick, because she reads me stories at bedtime, because she makes my favorite meals, and because she always gives the biggest and warmest hugs. I'll draw a picture of the three of us on the card too so she can remember my artistic skills forever!
For the rest of the day, I think we should do whatever mom wants. If she wants to go to the park, we'll go to the park. If she wants to have a picnic, we'll pack a huge basket full of tasty snacks and pick the perfect shady spot under a tree. If she wants to go shopping, I'll hold her hand nice and tight so she doesn't lose me in the stores. Whatever she wants to do, I'll be on my best behavior and not cause any trouble. Mom deserves a break from having to nag me about cleaning up my messes and listening to her!
When it's time for mom to get ready for bed, me and Tommy will give her a bunch of hugs and kisses. We'll tell her "thank you for being the best mom ever!" and tuck her into bed. Then in the morning I'll make her breakfast again so she can start Mother's Day morning off right two days in a row! I can't wait to see the huge smile on her face.
This Mother's Day is going to be so much fun! I get to show my beautiful, loving, caring mom just how much I appreciate everything she does for me and Tommy every single day. Moms
are the best, and my mom is the bestesterest! I hope she feels extra extra special and loved on her super duper important day. I love you, Mommy!。