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English novelist and essayist
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
•one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
About Bloomsbury by Cambridge Companion
VW‟s Sister: Vanessa Bell
painted by Duncan Grant(邓肯.格兰特)
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
3. Quotations of Woolf:
Virginia Woolf
Her works: Novels
• The Voyage Out (1915) 《远航》 • Night and Day (1919) • Mark on the wall (1919) • Jacob‟s Room (1920) 《雅各布的房间》 • Monday or Tuesday (1921) • Mrs Dalloway (1925) 《达罗威夫人》 • To the Lighthouse (1927) • Orlando (1928) • The Waves (1931) • Flush: A Biography (1933) 《爱犬富莱西》 • The Years (1937) • Between the Acts (1941) • The Death of the Moth and Others (1942) 《鬼
General introduction
Woolf is a great British writer who made an original contribution to the form of the novel, a distinguished essayist and critic, and a central figure of Bloomsbury group(布卢姆茨伯里派). Feminist , lesbian, androgyny(雌雄同体), depression(抑郁症)
1941. VW completed Between the Acts《幕间》, her last novel, then fearing the madness which she felt engulfing her again, filled her pockets with stones and drowned herself in the River Ouse(欧塞河), near Monk's House Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
• 布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)是从1904年至第 二次世界大战期间,以英国伦敦布卢姆茨伯里地区为活 动中心的文人团体。从1905年左右直到二战期间,为大 学新近的毕业生提供一个与亲朋相聚的场所,相聚的大 多数都是同龄人。他们在彼此家里相聚,而相聚地点又 主要设在伦敦布卢姆茨伯里地区。那个圈子,是英国一 个松散的、经常聚会的知识分子群体,画家与美学家特 别多,也有作家、政治学家和经济学家。成员有印度之 行(the longest journey)和没有风景的房间(a room with a view)的作者E.M. Forster, 罗杰·弗莱、邓 肯·格兰特、克莱尔·贝尔(Clive bell)、伦纳德·伍 尔夫, 英国历史学家和传记家里顿·斯特拉奇Lytton Strachey, 大名鼎鼎的经济学家J.Maynard Keynes...据 说诗人T.S. Elliot也是坐上宾客。弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫 Virginia Woolf和她美丽的画家姐姐Vanessa Bell是团 体的核心。
Virginia Stephen and Leonard Woolf
Virginia Woolf
The Hogarth Press
霍加斯出版社 1917
Printing press
Virginia Woolf
Her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were also induced by the sexual abuse(性侵犯). she and her sister Vanessa were subject to by their half-brothers (同母异父的兄弟). Throughout her life, Woolf was plagued by drastic mood swings. Though these recurring mental breakdowns greatly affected her social functioning, her literary abilities remained intact.
Virginia Woolf
Following the death of her father in 1904, Woolf moved with her sister Vanessa and brother to the house in Bloomsbury, which would become central to activities of the Bloomsbury group. 1912. Married Leonard Woolf(1880-1969), who had returned from serving as an administrator in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). In 1917 founding the Hogarth press, which subsequently published Virginia‟s novels with along works by T.S.Eliot, Laurens van der Post and others
• "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (from A Room of One's Own, 1929) • "Have you any notion how many books are written by women in the course of one year? Have you any notion how many are written by men? Are you aware that you are, perhaps, the most discussed animal in the universe?" (in A Room of One's Own, 1929)
Virginia Woolf
Gerald Duckworth, stepbrother
Leslie Stephen ,father
Stella Duckworth, her stepsister
Woolf‟s family members
Julia Jackson Duckworth, mother
Virginia Woolf
2. Woolf and The Bloomsbury Group
• It is said that “The Bloomsbury Group was in essence an informal association based on interests and friendship. • The members held more liberal views on art and social issues than their contemporaries and they often rejected the artistic, social and sexual restriction of the Victorian Age. • The group had great influence on the forthcoming British avant-garde on art and literature. Virginia Woolf was one of the key members of the group. However, by the early 1930s, the group ceased to exist in its original form.”
Virginia Woolf
Virginia #34;Imaginative work... is like a spider's web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners."
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
• 《时时刻刻》(The Hours)是2002年奥斯卡提名影 片。故事讲述了三个不同时代的女人和英国女作家弗 吉尼亚· 伍尔芙的小说《达洛维夫人》千丝万缕的联系。 尼科尔· 基德曼(Nicole Kidman)在影片中扮演伍尔芙; 茱莉安· 摩尔扮演五十年代的家庭主妇劳拉· 布朗;梅 丽· 史翠普扮演2000年代的女同性恋编辑。影片的主角 妮可•基德曼(Nicole Kidman)获得了最佳女演员奖。 这部电影取材于普利策奖得主麦克尔•坎宁安 (Michael Cunningham)1998年的同名小说。其中 “The Hours”是伍尔芙在创作期间为《达洛维夫人》 所起的名字。 Virginia Woolf
Essays :
• • • • • • • 现代小说(Modern Fiction,1919年) 普通读者I(The Common Reader,1925年) 自己的房间(A Room of One‘s Own,1929年 普通读者II(The Second Common Reader,1933年) 三个基尼金币(Three Guineas,1938年) 罗杰· 弗莱传记(Roger Fry: A Biography,1940年) 飞蛾之死及其它(The Death of the Moth and Other Essays,1942年) • 瞬间及其它随笔(The Moment and Other Essays, 1948年)
Virginia Woolf
2.Virginia Woolf‟s Works 3. Bloomsbury and Woolf 4. Quotations of Woolf 5. Theme of Woolf‟s works 6. Some comments on Woolf
Laura, halfsister Toby, brother
Vanessa Bell, elder sister
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf was born in London, as the daughter of Julia Jackson Duckworth, a member of the Duckworth publishing family, and Leslie Stephen, a literary critic.
Woolf was educated at home by her father, and grew up at the family home at Hyde Park Gate(海德公园门). The sudden death of her mother in 1895, when Virginia was 13, led to the first of Virginia„s several nervous breakdowns(精神崩溃). 1904. Death of father. Beginning of second serious breakdown. VW„s first publication is an unsigned review in The Guardian(卫报).