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The rules of perspective
One point perspective
The simplest form of perspective is one point perspective. It presumes a single Point, which all others move towards. It Is like looking down a straight road as far as you can see, lines which we know are parallel seem to converge on a single point known as the Vanishing Point. We can see this in the picture of the Agora in Athens. (Below)
View of the Agora
To draw in one point perspective, draw a horizon line and draw a vanishing point anywhere on the horizon. Lines which are parallel in real life are drawn to intersect at the vanishing point.
All lines travel to the vanishing point in both these drawings. This drawing technique creates the illusion of depth in a painting or drawing.
Distant figures appear smaller but have the same shape and proportions as they would close . This also creates the illusion of depth in an artwork.
Leonardo Da Vinci. “The Last Supper”(One point perspective)
Two point perspective
This is all very fine if you are looking at a thing face on down a corridor, but what if you are facing the edge of something? This is where 2 point perspective comes in.
We are now looking at an object from slightly above and we can see more of the object in question, giving an even stronger sense of its 3-dimensional form.
By lowering or Horizon Line, we can alter our view of the object to make it seem to loom over our viewers. It is important to remember that the horizon line is always at the level of your eyes, regardless of whether you are looking from above or below an object.
Go to this site at
/doc/48452cfbf705cc175527099d.html /lesson_art_perspective.html -
/doc/48452cfbf705cc175527099d.html /perspective.html and try the activity at the bottom of the page called the “Renaissance Connection”.
Raphael?s, “The School of Athens”
Renaissance Art
Renaissance art is the painting, sculpture and decorative arts of that period of European history known as the Renaissance, emerging as a distinct style in Italy in about 1400, in parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music and science. Renaissance art, perceived as a "rebirth" of ancient traditions, took as its foundation the application of
contemporary scientific knowledge.
Renaissance art marks the transition of Europe from the Medieval period to the Early modern age
1. Draw a simple line drawing from these pages of ?One point perspective?and ?2 Point perspective?, into your book. Label this.
2. Cut and Paste an image of 2 Renaissance paintings into your book (From below). One image should be 1-point perspective and the other 2-point perspective. Draw lines over the colour print. Now draw a sketch of each image using perspective techniques to help you to draw them.
3. Perspective lines are one way to create perspective. Are there other ways to create the effect or illusion of depth in a painting or drawing? Think about this, read about it, find and write about this in your workbook.
4. Sketch a scene from your school environment. Pay close attention to your use of perspective. Use construction lines to show where your vanishing points and horizon lines are, before you start.
ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE-Early - High Renaissance
TWO POINT PERSPECTIVE : Canaletto - Late Renaissance
18th century。
