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Chinese low-voltage microwave ovens are in great demand in our country. We would therefore much appreciate it if you could let us have your competitive prices for the models available at present.

We write to introduce ourselves as a leading importer of surgical instruments and are interested in receiving a copy of your latest catalogue for our reference.

Specializing in the line of confectionery, we have extensive connections with food stores throughout this country.

We would be much obliged if you could send us a complete set of leaflets so as to give us a general idea of the export items you handle.
5、我们从本市Brown & Clark公司处获悉,贵方经常经营中国厨具。


From Messrs. Brown & Clark of this city, we have learned that you are regular suppliers of Chinese kitchenware, for which there is a growing demand here.


We have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of Television World, and would like to have full particulars of your products, including specifications, prices and packing。


In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price list have been airmailed separately for your reference.



If, however, you need any other information, please do not hesitate to let us know. We shall be only too glad to answer further questions from you.


As you will notice, our prices are quite competitive, and since we carry large stocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C.

If you can let us have an idea of the quantity you are going to order, we may consider giving you a more favorable discount.


Though we no longer supply Type SB-95, we have in stock Type SB-99, which is both better in performance and more reasonable in price.
1、兹确认今天上午的电话洽谈,现随函附寄CT504号订单,购买1500磅龙井绿茶,每磅CIF London36便士,6/7月寄运。

This is to confirm our telephone discussion this morning. Enclosed is our Order No. CT504 for 1,500 pounds of Longjing Green Tea at 36 pence per lb CIF London for shipment during June/July.

As the demand for our laser printers is on the increase, we hope you will act immediately if you are considering placing an order with us.


Please note that the goods must be in strict conformity with the samples in quality. If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.
Thank you f or your prompt reply to our inquiry of April 22. We are now pleased to order from you 2000 dozen of pure silk T-shirts. (For details, please refer to our enclosed order No. 358.)



In the absence of your definite instructions about insurance, we have covered your ordered goods W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value as usual.

We have noted your request for insurance against War Risk. But, as you know, our CIF quotation includes W.P.A. only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra premium will be borne by you.

If the buyer finds after inspection that the goods are damaged, he has the right to file a claim with the underwriter against a surveyor’s report within 30 days of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.

We regret to inform you that of the invoiced 12 laser printers in Case No. 8, five were found upon arrival to be badly damaged. (OR: We wish to inform you that Case No. 8 was invoiced as containing 12 laser printers, five of which were regrettably found upon arrival to be badly damaged.)

The People’s Insurance Company of China is a large state-owned enterprise, which enjoys the reputation of settling claims promptly and equitably and has agencies in the main ports and areas throughout the world.

Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.

For the time being, therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A in any transactions with our buyers abroad.

Regrettably there is no news from you up to the present moment about your L/C, which should have reached us by the end of last month..


Please amend L/C No. 99S086 to read “Transshipment allowed”, and delete the clause about insurance policy as this transaction is concluded on CFR basis.


As your country has no consulate in this city, it is our practice to have the invoice certified by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. Please amend your L/C accordingly.
1、The s.s Taishan is scheduled to leave/to arrive Qungdao early next month.
4、If your samples meet our requirement, we will place/send you a large order.
7、We look forward to hearing from you soon/your reply soon.
8、We your name and address the Chinese Embassy in mopeds.
Have come to know… through/have learned…from/have been given…by
9、We are much impressed by the wide range/large selection of your products.
10、In addition/In addition to this/Besides/Furthermore, we are interested in computer software.
1、Can you quote us for a better price for the 100 microwave ovens we inquired(for) in our fax of October 23th(rd)?
2、We shall do our very best to interest our buyers to order<in ordering> large quantities<in quantity> with<from> you.
3、Would you mind sending your representative here and answer<answing> in person a few of our questions?
6、We would be very grateful if you could let us know you(your) quotations and usual trade items(trems).
7、Please send a package of sample tiles indicated in the enclosing<enclosed> list for us to airmail to our principals in France.
9、We are writing in(on) behalf of our Germany principles<German principals>, who are now on the market of<in the market for> office furniture.
10、We are a leading corporation dealing with(in) industrial chemicals, and would like to have your export products` details<details of your export products>.
1、We wonder if you could offer/allow/effect is a special discount of 5.5% on orders for 500 or above.
2、We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you required/said/informed is your letter under reply.
3、We are sending you separately our latest catalogue with details of the various ranges/products/models/lines we handle.
4、For your information, our products enjoy a ready sell/sale in Europe.
5、Please note that the items marked with an asterisk are in stock/are available from stock/can be supplied from stock.
6、Although the articles you require are out of stock/sold out, we can offer you a substitute.
7、If you are prepared to increase your discount to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock.
5、I will fax you at the beginning of next week to propose a mutual(mutually) convenient arrangement.
6、We read interestingly<with interest> your advertisement for plastic kitchenware in the current(issue) copy of House Furnishing Review.
8、The above quotations are understood on the basis of CIF net Karachi, but a discount by(off) 5% may be allowed if the quantity for each item reaches 1,000.
1、We hope that the matter can be settled to our mutual advantage/to our mutual benefit/to our mutual interest/in our mutual interest.
2、A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer in demand.
3、The price of our Swan Brand dance shoes has been on the increase/increasing/rising/going up for quite some time.
4、The sales department is aiming at an annual turnover/sales volume of USD5,000,000.
5、The paper lined our cartons is strong and damp-proof.
6、Problems of long period should be handled with great care.
7、We can assure you that your information will be regarded as confidential/of great value.
8、We are pleased to take advantage of/make use of your offer and place a trial order with you.
9、This is a new product but is gaining greater and greater/steadily increasing popularity on the world market.
10、We are in need of/are in demand for/require fur-lined gloves of high quality.
5、Please note it<note> that this order is subject to the goods to be<being> shipped for the<within a> month your receipt of our :L/C.
1、We appreciate/We are obliged for/We are grateful for your kindness in accepting the new payment terms.
2、We would appreciate it/be obliged if you could take out the insurance cover on our behalf.
3、You would be if the consignment should be to damage during transportation.
Compensated for … subjected
4、Your order will be covered against All Risks and War Risk.
5、Please arrange insurance on/cover for/insurance cover for our order for 130% of the invoice value.
6、We are sorry to inform you that the items you inquire are temporarily out of stock.
7、As usual we are going to insure you for 110% of the invoice value.
8、As requested by you/At your request, we have insured the consignment from warehouse to warehouse.
9、If you want the goods to be covered against All Risks, we can make it on your behalf.
10、If you request the goods to be/hope to have the goods insured against All Risks, we can comply with your request.
1、As regards to<As regards/With regards to> your Order No.115, we are pleased to inform you that we are able to receive (accept) your proposal for payment by time draft.
4、As Contract No.9927 stipulated(stipulates),insurance is to be affected(effected) against(against for) 120% of the invoice value. Please amend the insurance clause in your L/C as reading<to flows/to read>.
2、The goods are packed in cartons innerlined with water-proof/water-proofed material.
6、Machines thus packed will not move/jar inside the cases during transportation.
7、Foamed plastic casings are essential because glass bottles are liable/susceptible/subject to breakage.
9、You are therefore required to ship the goods in containers in future so as to avoid incurring/causing/--- any further damage.
1、You can draw on us a draft at 30days` sight through Bank of China for the full CIF value of the invoice.
2、Unstable quality will undoubtedly affect/influence sales.
3、Please extend your L/C validity till June 21.
4、If you agree to payment L/C, please inform/note us at once.
5、Two months note is necessary for a change in specifications.
6、We have instructed the Midland Bank to open/establish/issue a sight L/C in your favour.
purchase order: P/O 订单;import license: I/L 进口许可证;pro forma invoice: P/I 形式发票;FPA ( Free from Particular Average) 平安险;WPA (With Particular Average)/WA(With Average) 水渍险,单独海损险;TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery) 盗窃和提货不着险,
Letter of credit (L/C) 信用证;Documentary L/C: 跟单信用证;Clean L/C: 光票信用证;Revocable L/C: 可撤消信用证;
Irrevocable L/C: 不可撤消信用证;Confirmed L/C: 保兑信用证;Unconfirmed L/C: 不可保兑信用证;Sight L/C: 即期付款信用证Usance/Time L/C: 远期付款信用证;Transferable L/C: 可转让信用证;Non-transferable L/C: 不可转让信用证; Carriage Paid To=CPT:运费付至Certified Public Account=CPA:职业会计师;Cost & Freight=CFR:成本加运费;Delivered At Frontier=DAF: 边境交货;
Delivered Duty Paid=DDP:完税后交货;Delivered Duty Unpaid=DDU:未完税交货;Delivered Ex Quay=DEQ:目的港码头交货
Delivered Ex Ship=DES:目的港船上交货;Ex Works=EXW:工厂交货;Free A longside=FAS:船边交货;Free Carrier=FCA:货交承运人
Free On Board=FOB:装运港船上交货;Sales contract=S/C:销售合同。
