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4. What do we know about "H pet phrase 1*?
A, h hn't u^ed by the teacher.
li It is always said by people.
C. It is always wriHen by people. 5* What does the man mean?
A. He lent money to Mary.
乩 £19・Id K £9. 18.
C £9. 15.
L What is the bahy doing?
九 Eating,
B. Sleeping.
CL Reading,
2+ Where does J^ucy work now?
A. In a supermarket,
R In a restaurant. CL In a cinema.
3r What did the woman order?
A- A cup of coffee,
B A cake.
C A cup of tea.
例:How much is the shirt?
总::I ;]烷;;
涂到先将為案标在试卷上°录音内容结束贰你将有胸分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 第7 (共5小题*毎小题h5分朋分处知
瓦Whai ia the rwi 轴當广 k
傀A制临lht g it Playinfi in the park C Giving MB*
7. How can the man go to the People s Pprk?
A* By taxi. K By b叭 C 3dbway*
&. WHiit the man s plan for his future?
A. To do some Tesearch.
&T O L&am sGme English words.
G To take a business course.
址Which placE will the man work nt after graduation?
A. Beijing. 吐Wuhan. © ShangW
10. What day is it today?
A* Monday. B. Thursday. 匕Saturday.
\ 1. What does Michael plan to do on Sunday afternoon?
A,Go io the football game.
B.<lo out with some friends
CL Show his sister and her husband around,
12” What will Michael do un next Tuesday morning?
A. Take H test. 氐Sleep all morning. C. Go to town,
13. What is the trouble with the woman?
扎She drove too 佔乩
11 Her bike was broken.
C She had a car accident,
14 whui does the man advise the woman ro do?
A. Buy 且ntw wheel
H Control tiic speed,
G Have the bike fixed.
j5 where can lhe woman iind a rcpairmiiri?
A. Near the office building.
H, Al tHc corner of the street*
Q In the posl office,
I j nW far shoultl the wotiinn 卯to find a repairman?
A* IS m程ir眦R 50 metres. L: TO metres.
[2017 -29LB H ?页I 共汨贡门
* 18-W-3Z9A
I , Wlwn dkl IVter find ihni tbr fW M hi* mom WM FL (XXLL
,D ?
M J uh 2ml in ihv ewninn.
< 1|. ,hkiit- llhli in U1C tnormug.
C L <>n Jtmr 12th tn \\w ft{trfinx>n.
IX \\h ,.ii am wf Icnrn from ilv fipvcih,^
A. It w dry in June in PHer'* hometown. 4 Vt w |Hx )pk !*rtn money to the honwlew.
(;ThtTr 治 much rnin in June in P 应r s hom<-t"wrk |9* I low nuiny people lost their homes in the flood?
A. About SOO,
B. Irfss than 2 >500.
20. Which mcAns of (hr trnn^poHntion were sent to rescue people.
A. Hdicop^erx 吐 Buses.
第 r f 共15小Mh 毎小nt 2分•鴻分30分)
Kitchen Products That Will Make Your Life a Whole 3 Easier
Spe fl kin« of clever
bags that will change your world, how many rimes 也寮艸 cut off vegetables and tried to contain the wa^te,
only to have half of it acdBentdly drop on the floor? This hangina hag nukes clean up easy, so you ll
never let chopped onions all over your floor again.
Available on Amnion* S 6. 99 .DrvttmFarm Spoon
How many times have you struggled for just that Last little bit of something out of a jar or 击命? This all purpose cooking spoon helps scrape the edges of any pan or bowl with zero efforti so yau ll always get 1也1 !讪 bit* ewury time.
Available on Aniaion » $ 20. 40 <Flex Pot Clip
Allow me to introduce you to the Flex Pot Clip. Attach it to the edge of your pot and I M lance your pot. no you cati keep your counters clean and your hands free, Itl heat-resistant and dishwush^r safe!
Aviiilflble ort Anwzon » $ 7t R8 ^Rcusiihlc Silicone LMs
I hv^・ arc useful to cover your food before puiung it in the fridge if you often have leftovers 丁hi 呃 sihennr lid^ nrc reusable, allowing you to leave your food right in its original diwh ur Uwl Mnd
keep it frerth for day^. They re clears ec^friendly, and easy to store* since
[¥"l"20W 年» 3
* 18—04
^329A •
阅读下列短文■从毎副所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项
♦Hanging Bag
A, Sh「io communicate with ber hu»batid+ R She met with difficulty and
Q She thought too highly of beraell
D, Shv wns afraid of UH HR her bmbly,
25.The author decided to serve the society to _________ ;.
A. Tnflkc a living
U honor her paretns
C.fiet free from her terrible feelings
D.create a very special organizfition
26.Which of the following can best describe the village?
2 Wealthy but wild,
R Modern and fflshionable,
ck of maney and unfriendly to guests.
D.Uadly off for money but rich in spirit.
27* What is the author's attitude towards her life now?
A. Posiiivt
R DotibtfuL
U Unconcern曲
Q Disappointwl
In American English when we need to admit that we are wrong» we usually eat something. For Example, admitting a mistake often requires that we swallow (吞下〉cur pride. The expression means that we must forget ourselves in order to repair the dan'iage our has done.
Lei's say you are bragging about ?omeihing you can do. But it turns out you can\ If y Dll say ihat something is true when it isn't t you may Live to efit your own words.
Sometimes when we offer a chalknge, we make a bet, We may use the phrase T**]f wrongs 1 11 eat my haL " This is a way of raying ■ **There s no way F TTI wrong, **【口两抚甲old American films and tekvision shows, th也phrase is used as a joke. And the joke $c电n良j s always the same* someone t prewed wrong, shaken the ialt on his hat as he pretends to e&t it.
So swallowing 卩ridci eating wurds. or even eating one s hat are all fairly easy tn und席5tend. But what about eating crow? Wliy is eating crow a way of admitting you're wrong?
Some language experts say this expression comes from a short story **The Strange Ri血坯Morrowbie Juke^ ”
Morrowbie Jukes was a European in India. While traveling one day. he fell
i nt0 a (, 現sari cl戸认grid could not escape. Another man» a native Indinn, was also trapped in the sam巴整响. Th亡Indian man stayed sliv? by catching wild crows
and eating tlicm. Morrcwbie 毎酹f ”
(20IT〜他皿学年愛下芈鹏髙一罰末壮英语试尋f 5 ®(共旳IS]] ”讪
曲血掉he 需h 仙闵_和abflll 旺呻啓i m 册 川:
H 阿性盼 d ayE p 阴叔 flnd 丘说圏間 nothins. Hungry 紳d 応阴 ^rtain dearh, he finally did wh at 冰 promised he wculdn t do-eahng
尬 WhM does the underlined word *br 映应恋 paragraph 2 mean?
A. Worrying
flGoin^ 耐血 U Discussing, Q Talking big.
他 How does someone probably behave wh 的 be is proved wrong in old American filgt? 兀 He throws his hat.
R He a cts as if he ate his hat with salt* U He directly e^ts the Aalt an his hat. D* He eats all of the salt on his hes<L
3/ Why did the native Indian mentianed in the t&xt 亡皿 crew?
A. To survive,
H I o admit his mistake^ C T o enjoy the special taste. D. To teach the European to save life, 3L Wh&i c^n be the best title for the text?
A. A Story of an Indian and n European
B The History of England and America
C, The Origins and Uxa 塞已□( Expressions in American English Q Some Differences between British English amd American English
When we do the same movements with our bodies over and over we overuse some
muscles. And that overuse can lead to injury* Sometimes those problems can come from doing SCM>rts . But
there is another cause for muscle problems : hand-held technology equipment.
S tar ing down at your phone for long periods of time puts great tension on your neek. E 札疋「桁 say this gesture puls tension on the entire upper body” Muscle tension linked to hand - hZd tcchnoloey hits hecome such a common condition that it now bus a name: twh rwek.
hi the cases of rech neck T you may have neck pain* headaches + lo#s of feeling In youf h-nds *rl ^
fi n £eTSi ^orse
曲山 you can lajie the strength in your hands and fingers. And ,…D f a ll t your hands T fingers
and even your neck imy lose consciousness,
¥典 can ta 直 J«W le ste Ps 惨 improve lech neck lake breaks fitjm 血咙 your
technology, e > 门 anJ stretch your l*?g# oftcru Alsti> give your eyt^ a break by clusing
them throughout aland UP
the website Spine Universe suggested doing netk exeixise 氣
[2017-2»lS^g 下堺期末旳英悽试粵H 6恵I 共⑷眞】】
the day-
C )nt!
way is caHcd^
Skit Lean〔倾斜lxan your head tc the right, Bnng your ear close to tb e shoutder. Hold for 上“ seconds. Bring your head back to center» and then lean it to the left, agai n holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 3〜5 times on each side. Another way is called: Side-tcrSide Head Turning.
I urn your chin towards your right shoulder Holii (or 20 seconds, Bring your head back to lhe center» and then turn it to the le(ti» aRain holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 3〜5 times on cauli side. And if ynur tech neck Rd worse* see a health care profcssionaL
32.What does the underlined phrase 11 tech nock" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. A disease caused by hand held technology equipment. K A way of treating diseases caused by
high tech.
C Neck pain caused by sports.
D. The way to protect necks.
33.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A, The reasons for keeping away from technology equipmenL R The treatment for your neck and head.
C The cause of tech neck
D. The harm of tech neck.
35. What can we learn from the text?
A, Overusing technology equipment cun lead to different difieases.
K Few people use technology equipment as more diseases appear.
C.Experts believe doing neck exercises is the only way to treat lech neck.
D,People should do the same body movements over and over again to keep fit. 第二节(共5小题海小题2分•满分皿分)
Keep u positive attitude
You should be helping your child develop a positive attitude. Your child 3 川讥皿
When kids get nervutis about exams T teachers and parents get nervous aliout kids not living up to expectations* it 8 iTTiportant to stay calm and positive* 36
towards exams jwimewhal depends an you, 37 , The other way around f one of 血rno>1
elective things parents can do is (o be positive and offer encouragcmeiit 3nd 5UpP°rt' d V Behave yourself kes a huge difference in hiiiM湖your much fittenlion and tel! him: You can make it! Finally*he
will pass the exams.
How wt: bchavr in a tnomenl of success and joy ma
年度下学期高一期耒总试英语试堆« ?页(共lO^tl
rTlaiHMuhi|x!k _.3B_ * The zuk is everyohc nlno feel* prond «nd Kreat and ytxw child will wAtit to 呻mi thnt behaviour.
Tht、mK'icr froni pu«.hivt psychi>l(]gy iw I hi" if yiiin rhihl Hrhiirvrw jKjfnrthiri>ti dim 1 ^y:“ rll dtmc, you ire MQ talented < 人賦的)f But rhlhcr you put the elforl in and fipi the nrwaind-%rvrr psy yottr chikdrvn fiw rxnm mullN
如.* However* offering ttenagtrs cnsh t» do weH in their euinft in likely io have Httle Mlect on their results. If you wil] only let them do it for money T you arc ten chi ihem thal studyiiMt is a bight吏ning thins to do. You'd bctler SUKRCA I ihflt you'll or齣nizc a family outing as a reward for all their hard work.
A- Btlieve you have H gift for learning 辻Praise your children for effort rather than tdlenf
C. Your active response means they know you're proud and great
“ 'Payment by result A"1 system is a very common parenting trap
E.Give ynur children some money for thvir wonderful resuhs
P” Herr $ l>ow to keep tveryune calm down and sail through exam time Ci_ Punishment and pOtnting out thrir Faults lead in n lerrihk mental state 第三詡分语宫知识运用(共两节■満分帖分)第一节£共20小題匸毎小题h 5分*满分30^)
阅读下面短文*从短文后各题所给的A.B.C和D四个选项中、选出可HiftA空白址的H 佳选項.
Our daughter Brenna suffered a rare genetic skin illness called Harlequin Ichthyosis (K色&M*). It
means that Brenr^'s skin his M】in doing the job that normal skin does, like
12 her Irom bacteria. To try to _13 _ this error* her body pnxluces skin too quickly, leaving her a
tetriblr 迥"“
IHs lifekmg caidiiion deeply 45 our lives every day. As we try ta 46 g 曲吨应“we al^o b-rar the public's 17 to her; lakin窖different froni other children.
One day, *hen we paid our hill斗a famiiy WM ID the _ ;1S 駅the stores and » huk ^t\ stood just behind my 19 ♦
Sht 50 U)Hr< nnn and 吕业皿"Ihddy* why is her fare redl?*
ihai's junl the wny she lookA. " ihe hl her renpondvd 5] r 'hL thv 'Jtid with H "仙li * ihdnkH to ihr father' Mituple 眄陶忸
in H wonderful th咏,for children who nre hwm哪B bom 血讥wor|d
Y™ iinl MUct Brrnrifi^ 鬪rohring, hul oner you n\\ow ytwzH to y beyond W««n«»两『11 simply n« a child 制life with ^rcn^ 11 应H diild 弊d
5;UIHIM I- And |H/Ai. jm<1 who will 川口屮m thi ch^nrv io Mu to什梗打bnuy
Whan ww **.莎一mimtl m>i Mdupv we nimply nn d to - S7 ourwlvw ,細f|iH«renn» nrwi t muiunlly ewluflve Although h Pr畑叩|伽片晰《抽It™
jtnd H . _躍:like mrwb whit we've romr 讪输愉比酣如丁what niihM uil uttnd ool iit thi砒昆(Jur {Hffeifvrirt?^ 肝” wh* »
Wlm1 nvikrs nnr h和和
4 ' I- "'f 八巾丁抽肌叫EJUW 仆MU |OMIL
h«ppy L
41. .Xs (inw K dittiiulK C.dir^iK*i
42.扎hidinf B i«IUna C brnruinfi
43、A. mflk* up (or K 沪I d«w lo
C, RP* *w«y [nun U look fnrwanl 忡
4」、A H r^pn^iott11 冲[grim 细
45. \ rx^undit H lives C *((*<!*Dl tmM—
46* A. rutr for aie«w C loctk for n孙w・h K A* appm'iAtion K JiUppMl G hug ci r xe
4艮扎(n>ni BL Un* C toTTwr d vtTtmt*
45,扎iUoght«R R C (riend a*
5(k 扎^fjokr Ll rrMpoiidnl I; li5imed tx
■5L A. M MI JT11 frequently c ™w*Dk 陆扎Popularity KS»{e«y C CunoMly IX Mwy 53* 扎brown Ek red C purpl*IXH^i
54. A. wasting a killing C ri必i帼IA
5S. A. dialikes C U*Mcy*
R56. A, ch*nc«K Mififiesuons C Attdixie*U 由(Wee
57. A* mnund B. punish C Ulan*r U gib*
Rr SB.人recycle H function Gfftwt tl «<wr 作59, A. represcnl氐hfite C rMhn IA “*hr<
60.扎ch&ngnbk K traditional U U血吋
黑二节(共10小題.毎小更j 1*5分,滴分15令)
Recycling i» the proetjis of brcHknig down and T^-wi惮ma忖帕Izh戒也出$1 )之■WAK IA nibbisk Many conununihe^ and rmkv U 啊寧恸抽^vnuiir
S en in tbe open for thr public <o u畑* or 62hk) hM b WP mF 卜心“垢“owners.
1Th< re 轴<b> ) mftny heneftls frtmi iwwlnigx W^h 祁HWM理»w«
even more nulerialn mycLablef and 啊twryowl 1>舟* W¥*科V I FAM岬啊帰料和Tbwqj
cbn« ntn «」nly In JIF (it*i iln ^nvitLinmcni hut 泊计In 忆、需税“小才Hliv* \hr机、9気如」.
務济h The Iwfiefiti are hir r< :n hiiin And 昭hm 1叭、討小耕缸qg 、、!,• <_
*、衬f ¥
ryday hubit.
You Khfmld ni^nnKi'1矗斤\ Imy)fiiiidui tu ih;M h晴w bv<初rv\ \、hr* V OM z Z 阳Ml
Ketn mule from recycled fiuiterinh bv 67 <it) 1*1*11 标■ \ U榭鞘禅叶«4 Wuw nrw daiiw?'» yim mn enchanfe clolhen wnh hi艸d驰丫巧吐加斯平冃1讯4 鞠* 汕(trwr> dnn f t Wrtut «nd pn k iienm VVHI wAhl irxvw z 胡啊忤驭怙Mg冶审*和• g*
thing * an tumad Inta _. (valut) 榊1鮭N期wiy ih*r、
Init ii al*o SWIVM y<mr mnnry,
•-节慚丈an(K 10小鮒小«H分井io井)
魅建英讷踝i土邯要求同事之闾交戟修哉作丈,晴你修改你剧桌駕的以下作文,文中共有m 处谒*铀讽・詬旬中廉事舟悶址・邮处特谟収谶及一个单词的増加、删除或療故・增1HL和战询处加-牛M字种Ah并枉其T面写出滋加的同,制陳.把參余fflwimmcvM*悼.
2. Rft许■改10 4t.^#(从第11处起)不计分・
Some1 fi^udrntxi hnve Rot into thr habit of have ssnack^ in place of mealx tha、is hartnfu] to hfilth. We'd like every student to develop a health eating hfibit,
H wr hnve nriHcks frequent + the chemicals they eonlain will harm lheir bodies Besides^ nnacks can t provide what our boding really need- However■ WE call on all of " to have meals insRad snacks.
Let's to havt a proper diet from now on.岛便more frtiit and different vegetabk every day to prevent di^es^s. And thaCs a way to ke好p fit
Student Council 蜡二节书面表达(満分25分》
悝定你是挛华*你的美国朋友发邮件询问你今年暑假的安排・请你给他回対邮件. 内容包括I 】■團老家看里爷爷奶奶*
Dear George^
Li Hua
[Mir^tcist年厦退试星lioKlAioin a t 4 4
* IS-M-329A ・。