RGS Vietnam OpenApply指南说明书

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

This guideline demonstrates how to simply apply to RGS Vietnam and use other features of the OpenApply system for our prospective parents.
Section 1. Sign In and submit inquiry 3 For parents who have contacted RGS Vietnam before 3 For new parents that are contacting RGS Vietnam the first time 5 SECTION 2. Other OpenApply’s Features11
SECTION 3. Frequent Error13
Section 1. Sign In and submit inquiry
For parents who have contacted RGS Vietnam before
If you have already created an account before on our site,it is required for you to follow these instructions instead of creating a new account and inquiry.
-Access the OpenApply via: h ttps:///
-Choose Parent
from the tab Sign In
-The site will take you to the Sign In page, you can now sign in with your existing account
In case you forgot your password,click on the F orgot Password link,type in the email address that you used to create your account on the RGS Follow the instructions sent to your email account and you should be able to change the pass- Vietnam, click Reset Password .
-After Signing In,you can access the Inquiry section and start making a new inquiry by clicking on the I nquiry
tab on the navigation bar on the left.
For new parents that are contacting RGS Vietnam the first time
STEP 1.Fill the Initial Inquiry Form
-Access the Inquiry Form andfill in the required information via this link: https:///roi
-After finished, click SUBMIT
-Then an account for you will be generated to complete the Application Process
Online Application Checklist and Submission
-Scroll down to see a documents checklist which consists of important documents to submit.
You are required to submit all documents listed.
Ɣ Application Checklist
complete guide: 1.Click “ F ully completed Application for Admission Form ”,and fill in the following information
-Fill in the Student Details section, then click
Save & Next
-Fill in the Family Details section, then click
Save & Next
-Fill in the Additional Information section, then click
Save & Next
-Review the completed information. if everything is correct, then click Submit Application
2.Transfer the Application Fee
The Application Fee/ Scholarship Application Fee is required to be paid via bank transfer. Upon receive of your application, payment instructions for your further actions. Once the transfer is completed, click Upload to submit proof of payment (e.g. payment slip, bank receipt).
plete Medical History form
-Fill in the student’s details,with additional information of E mergency Contact,then click Save & Next
Fill in the Family Medical Providers and student’s Health information,then click S ave & Next
-Fill in the Vaccination Information
4.Click U pload to submit the certified copies of academic reports for the most recent
complete years
5.Click U pload
to submit the S tudent’s Passport(s)
-After submitting all the documents in the Application Checklist,you will be scheduled for Interview/Entrance Assessment/Sit-it Appointment and will r eceive an appointment ɸ confirmation from the system to your registered email addresses.
ƔEnrolment and Submitting Secondary Documents
-After all your submitted initial documents are approved by our Admission department,
the application process will be changed from I nquired to
Now you need to submit
secondary documents in order to finish enrolment.
-Now click on your child’s name in the application progress list,you will see the checklist for required second documents that you need to submit
The secondary checklist consists of:
-Photocopies of Birth Certificate,Student’s Immunisation Records,Each Parents’Passport, each legal guardian’s passport (if applicable)
- a passport size photograph
-original deed, will or court order to indicate guardianship (if applicable)
-Signed Formal Acceptance Form
-Proof of Payment for Enrolment Fee (USD 800 - non-refundable)
-Fully completed Financial Terms & Conditions
SECTION 2. Other OpenApply’s Features
1.Schedule a Campus Tour (optional)
-Select children to attend the campus tour, then click Next
-Select date&time for the Campus Tour.You can choose between an individual C ampus Tour or attend RGS Vietnam’s Open Day, or both.
Note:C ampus Tour is conducted on weekdays(Mon-Fri)after school hours,O pen Day only occurs 3-4 times per year.
-Click View Schedule,now you would be able to view the available date and time for your options
-Select the date you would like to attend, then click Register
2.Submitting New Enquiries
-On the dashboard Menu on the left hand side, click on Dashboard tab
-Here you can see the A pplication Process where the process of your existing inquiry(ries) appears.To submit a new inquiry(ies),click on the S ubmit a new inquiry button,then continue with the application process instructed above.
SECTION 3. Frequent Error
1.Forget Password
In case you need to sign in and complete tasks such as make a new inquiry,submit required documents,...but forgot the password for your account on OpenApply’s system,follow these steps:
-Click on the F orgot Password link
-Type in the email address that you used to create your OpenApply account.Then click Reset Password
-Follow the Instructions sent to your email address and you should be able to change your password and Sign In.
2.Email already taken
-More than frequently,parents who wants to make a new inquiry for their children(via https:///roi)receive an error message as below when entering the email address.This is because the email has already been used to Sign In into OpenApply to create new inquiry before. Follow these instructions:
ߛSign In into OpenApply’s system using the email you have just typed in
ߛContact RGS Vietnam via a****************************.vn or directly with our admissions o cer to get help。
