American Youth

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with Gertrude stein, an American writer.
Versaille The First World War e1c9o14n.o7m.2i8c-1d9e1p8r.e1s1s.1io1n
Lost in war
Lost in life
80 %
Lost in real society
bestseller The Greatest Generation. Many of this generation went through war, and then went on to build the country, also known as
G.I.Generation (the generation of soldiers).
World War. It was named after the collapse of the population and the aimlessness and direction of life after the war. The term "Lost generation" can be traced back to Hemingway's 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises."You are all a lost generation," said steyne, possibly in a conversation
Silent Generation沉默的一代
This generation has been trained to follow the rules. Most were reluctant (不情愿的)to enter politics.They were law-abidng, lacking of
Generation X——X一代
"Generation X" usually refers to young Americans who entered ad ulthood in the 1980s and early 1990s . The subsequent development made the "Generation X" special reference to a generation born in the early 1960s and late 1970s, a generation that "often feels dissatisfied and has no sense of purpose".This is the baby boomer generation after the postwar baby boom, with a significantly smaller population than baby boomers and generation Y.
Generation Y——Y一代
Americans refer to people born between 1980 and 1995 as "Generation Y". Generation Y has a high expectation of personal growth, even in entry-level positions. They just want to do something meaningful and useful.”Generation Y”also thinks that volunteering is very meaningful. Love to play, and thinking, from playing up to the level of the professional players, so as to find business opportunities in the play, this is a characteristics of generation Y venture investment, and with the help of the Internet to grow, to carry out online business become their entrepreneurial another characteristic.
Names of
American Youth
-----edited by 范丽丽
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy
enterprise and inner feelings of indescribable repression.
Beat Generation——垮掉的一代
This generation generally disparaged the social, religious, moral and political values of their fathers. 40% of them have smoked marijuana(大 麻); 27% have modeled themselves on hippies(嬉 皮士).
Many of them took part in the Vietnam War in the 1960s, and a lot of people were cynical(愤世嫉 俗), rock, and marijuana, known as "hippies". In the 1980s, a group of people in this generation became yuppies(雅皮士). They focused on themselves and enjoyed themselves. In the 1990s, this generation started the New Puritanism Movement (新清教徒主义运动)and began to enter the American leadership. They have become the backbone of American society.
The Lost Generation is often used to refer to any generation that has lost its values or morals. Most cases refer to the young generation who grew up after the First
Thank You
Greatest Generation——最伟大的一代
The "Greatest Generation" refers to the young generation of Americans who entered adulthood during the second world war (1939-1945). The term is more or less related to American journalist Tom Brokaw's 1998
பைடு நூலகம்STEP 3
is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been
the industry's standard dummy STEP 4
Lost Generation——迷惘的一代