

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 Friendship 教案

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 Friendship 教案

教案人教版高一英语《英语1》第一单元Friendship第1课时:Warming up and Pre-reading一.教学目标①知识目标:⑴让学生掌握以下生词和短语: survey add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog⑵让学生学会使用以下结构来表达态度,同意和不同意和确定语气: Are you afraid that. . . ? I (don’t)think. . . In my opinion, . . . I (don’t)think so, I (don’t)agree, I believe. . . , I’m afraid not, Exactly, That’s correct, Of course not.②技能目标:1.让学生学会用英语描述自己的朋友。












1. How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? What did you do in your summer holidays? What did you do in your spare time?2. What do you think of our new school? Do you like it? Could you say something about it?3. Do you like making friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? Do you have many friends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school? Have you made any new friends in our class?(其他关于本单元的话题导入的建议:1。

人教版高中英语必修一教案Unit 1 Friendship (含答案)

人教版高中英语必修一教案Unit 1 Friendship (含答案)

Unit 1 Friendship I.单元教学目标II.目标语言III. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Friend和Friendship为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生通过讨论什么是好朋友,什么是真正的友谊,如何交友和保持友谊等问题,使学生树立正确的交友观。



1.1 Warming Up以调查问卷的形式,通过对学生在日常交友过程中所遇到的五个问题,展开调查,使学生对是否擅长交友做出评价,激发学生对本单元的中心话题产生兴趣;同时也使教师本单元的授课更具有针对性,从而有效地帮助学生树立正确的交友观。

1.2 Pre-Reading通过四个问题引导学生讨论交友的重要性以及自己心目中好朋友的概念和标准,并使学生认识到不仅人与人,人与物(如日记)也可以成为好朋友。


1.3 Reading讲述第二次世界大战的纳粹统治时期,犹太人Anne一家过着滇沛流漓,与世隔绝的生活。

Anne在孤独中只能以日记Kitty 为友,倾诉衷肠,伴其渡过两年的逃亡生涯。




1.4 Comprehension 设计了三种题型。




⼈教版-必修⼀-U1-friendship-reading教学设计《教学设计》基本格式英语学科⾼⼀英语备课组组员(签名):⼀、教学内容(课题)Unit 1 Friendship⼆、本课在教材中的地位和作⽤★★1.所在的课程模块:Module one2.对课标的理解与把握英语的新课程标准是根据语⾔学习的规律和义务教育阶段学⽣的发展需求,从语⾔技能、语⾔知识、情感态度、学习策略和⽂化意识等五⽅⾯设计课程总⽬标和分级⽬标的。



Warming up部分通过⼀个问卷调查的形式,让学⽣对于⽇常⽣活中朋友之间可能发⽣的真实问题以及如何解决这些问题有所了解。





Learning about Language分两部分:⼀是巩固⽂中的词汇,共设计了四个题型:1. 对单词的英英解释;2. ⽤第⼀题以及Warming up中的⼀些单词和短语完成短⽂;3. ⽤Warming up和Reading词的正确形式完成句⼦;⼆是学习语法知识—直接引语变间接引语,并进⾏操练。



人教版高中英语必修一 Unit 1 Friendship全单元教案(精品)Unit 1 Friendship知识目标:本单元需要学习的重点单词为:add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feelingNetherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely poweraccording trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editorcommunicate habit本单元需要学习的重点词组为:add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hideaway set down a series of on purpose in order to in one’s power face to faceaccording to get along with fall in love join in make an effort show one’s interest inspread far and wide pay (no)attention to in the past本单元需要学习的重点句型为:1. You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend can’t go until he or she finishes cleaning the bicycle. (not. . . until. . . )2. When he or she borrowed it last time, he or she broke it and you had to pay to get itrepaired. (get sth. done)3. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. (while doing; get+adj. )4. Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him or her to cheat in the exam by looking at your paper, what will you do? (the Attributive Clause)5. I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend. (as. . . )6. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long time that I’ve grownso crazy about everything to do with nature. (I wonder if/whether; it’s . . . that. . . )7. . . . I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a goodlook at the moon for once by myself. (stay+adj. ; in order todo. . . )8. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. (don’t dare(to)do. . . )9. . . . it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face. . . (It is/was the first/second. . . time that+现在/过去完成时)10. Although I really try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friendswith them. (find it+adj. /n. +to do. . . )本单元需要掌握的交际功能用语为:1. 态度(attitudes)Are you afraid that. . . ? I’ve grown so crazy about. . . I didn’t dare. . .2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement)I agree. I think so. Exactly.I don’t agree. I don’t think so. I’m afraid not.3. 肯定程度(certainty)That’s correct. Of course not.本单元需要掌握的语法为:直接引语和间接引语(?):陈述句和疑问句1. 陈述句“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary, ” said Anne.? Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.2. 一般疑问句He asked, “Are you leaving tonight? ”? He asked us whether we were leaving that night.3. 特殊疑问句“When did you go to bed last night? ” father said to Anne.? Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before.能力目标:1. 能运用所学语言讲述朋友间发生的事情以及朋友间的友谊和友情。




WarmingUp部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’sBestFriend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending 部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解;UsingaboutLanguage部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。




必修一 Unit1 friendshipPeriod1 Reading The reading passage titled Anne’ s Best Friend with two pictures on page 3 introduces students best friend was and her life during World War II. Its structure is good for students to practice the ways of reading. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to retell the text in their own words at the end of the class.Aims:1.Improve Ss. Reading ability.2.Help Ss to understand Anne Frank ’ s inner motions.Difficult point:Guide Ss. to master different reading skills such as predicting, skimming, scanning and intensive reading. Importance:Encourage Ss. to dig in Anne Frank’ s personalities and changing feelings as well as thoughts. Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in:Show pictures of well-known friends like伯牙子期,李白汪伦,筷子兄弟,SHE and give Ss. a simple introduction.Brian storming:1)What qualities should a good friend have?2)Why do we need a friend?T:A good friend maybe honest, brave, generous, patient, selfless, considerate, kindhearted, open-minded and diligent. We need a friend because we feel lonely. Today we are going to make friends with Anne Frank,a poor Jewish girl, to have a good look at her solitary heart, will you?Step2 Predicting:1)Look at the title of the text and the pictures on Page 2 and 3 .2)Guess who those people are and what the text might be about.Step3 Skimming: (read the passage quickly to get an over-all impression)1)How many parts can the text be divided into? How do you know that?2)What ’ s the main idea of each part?Step4 Scanning:(go over the passage and get specific information) Finish the chart belowName Friend’ s nameHiding place NationalityHiding date Like DairyHate’ s dateStep5 Intensive reading:Read the passage carefully and finish the table below in pairsTime Nature FeelingBefore hidingAfter hidingRead it again and discuss in groups of four:1)What does“ outdoors” and“ nature” imply in Anne’ s letter?2)How would you describe Anne’ s feelings as she was looking out at the night sky?Step6 Post reading:Retell the story with the first personI lived in ____ in the ____during ____. My family were __ , so we had to ___ for a year and a half in order____ by the German Naz is. During that time I wasn ’ t able to go ____for so long that I had ____about everything to ____ nature. Once, I decided to look at the moon ___ by myself.But I didn’ t ___open the window to see the night ___ because I was afraid of being discovered by theNazis.I felt very ___without seeing my old friends. So I had to make a new friend---___, whom I could tell ___.Step7Homework:1)Speaking---retell the story in your own words2)Listeing---listen to the story of barbie the princess and the pauper芭比之真假公主3)Writing---write down one of funny stories between you and your friendsReflection:整个讲堂教课过程是以任务活动为驱动的体验参加式学习。



students’ interests in English learning and help students think how to
choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is
the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express
三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims
1.Knowledge Objectives 1. Get students to know the main content of this article. 2. Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1. Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2. Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives
五.教法、学法与教具 Teaching and Learning Methods and Aids
1.Teaching Methods 1. Question-inquiry Teaching 2.Task-based Learning and Teaching 3.Analytic Discussion(pair work or group work)



Unit 1 friendshipParticipants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙School: Tai Zhou Senior Middle Schoolaims and demands2.Suggested teaching notes1). Analyses of the teaching contents;This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it. Warming up---The questionnaire leads students to think and talk aboutfriendship, get to know the problems between friendsand seek solutions, which makes preparations for thefurther teaching in topics, background and vocabulary.Pre-reading---The questions prompt students to think critically aboutfriends and friendship in reality, alerting them to the factthat besides people, a diary can be a friend, too./Reading--- The diary by theJewish girl Anne gave a glimpse of her lifeduring her family’s shelter in Amsterdam from the GermanNazis’ killing in world war 2. she treats the diary as her best friend,and in it reveals her longing for a normal life and close contact withnature, which helps her get through the days.Comprehending---It helps students further understand the text by doingmultiple choices, questions and answers, andmatching.Learning about language---It teaches the important expressions andstructures and grammar: direct and indirect:speeches.Using language---The two letters, listening, questionnaire design, letterwriting and fun writing prepares students to furthertalk about friendship, especially the problems withmisunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thusstrengthening students’ abilities to practicelanguage, discover, and solve problems.Summing up---It summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the(aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar.Learning tip--- This part encourages students to form the habit of writinga diary.Integrating skills--- The text introduces the way Hawaiians expressfriendship, to get students to realize the culturaldifferences in the values of friendship in additionits importance in all cultures.、2) Making of the teaching planThis unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring different types offriendship with particular attention to that one can develop with oneself,., the comfort and support one seeks from an imaginary friend.Students are expected to come to be truly aware of the qualities andconducts that make a good friend, display and develop the ability tocope with misunderstanding, conflicts and problems related tofriendship, and give advice on it. The concept that even an ordinary"thing can be a friend should break down the traditional belief in the interpersonal nature of friendship. Also, the comparison of similarities dissimilarities in friendship comprehension between the East and theWest leads students to know better the values of friendship in Westerns’eyes. All in all, this unit promises to unveil the true essence of friendshipand helps students to lead a more friendly and harmonious life.Thus, based on the theme, contents and teaching objectives, the whole3. Teaching plans for each periodPeriod 1 Warming-up and Speaking1. Teaching objectives:1) Target languageI (don’t) think…… I (don’t) think so. I (don’t) agree..I believe……That’s correct. In my opinion, ……2) Ability goalsa.Describe your friends in Englishb.Figure out the problems between friends and then find different ways to solvethe problems.3)Learning ability goalsa.To encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendship by usingsome phrases and structures.b.To learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.c. To cultivate the students to form the good habit of learning English in SeniorMiddle School.》2. Teaching important points:e the given adjectives and sentence structures to describe one of yourfriends.b.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship.3. Teaching difficult points:a.Work together with partners and describe one of your good friends.b.Discuss with partners and find out ways to solve the problems.!4. Teaching methodsa.Task-based teaching and learningb.Cooperative learningc.Discussion5. Teaching aids:CAI"6. Teaching procedures and ways:Step 1 Lead-in and Warming-upBefore the lesson, the teacher can arouse the students’ interests by showing a video of Auld Lang Syne .At the beginning of the first class, we can get the students to talk about their summer holidays. The students can talk freely as they like.1.How did you spend your summer holidays How did you feel Whatdid you do in your summer holidays What did you do in your sparetime2.What do you think of our new school Do you like it Could you saysomething about it3.Do you like making friends How do get in touch with your friends Doyou have many friends Where are they now Do you have any oldfriends in our school Have you made any new friends in our class !Step 2 Think it over1. Give a brief description of one of your friends. The following phrasesand structures may be helpful:His/Her name is ……He /She is …… years old.He /She likes …… and dislikes ……He /She enjoys …… and hates……He /She is very kind/friendly/……?When /Where we got to know each other.2. What types of friendship do you have Please tick them out. Then fill inthe blanks.girl friends boy friends pen friendslong -distance friends friends of the same agee-friends (friends over the internet) friends across generationsunusual friends like animals, books……1).______ is /are most important to you.2). You spend most of your free time with ____.`3). You will share your secrets with _____.4). When in trouble, you will first turn to _____.Step 3 Make a survey1. List some qualities of a good friend or your ideal friend. Have the students get into groups of four to find out what each has listed.Tell your partner your standards of good friends by using the following structure:I think a good friend sho uld (not) be……In my opinion, a good friend is someone who……1.…2.Have a member of each group report on what their lists have in common andlist them on the board.3.Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed.4.Then have the students do the survey in the textbook.5.Have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8.6.The teacher ask some students how many points they got for the survey andassess their values of friendship:★ 4~7 points: You are not a good frien d. You either neglect your friend’s needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.★8~12 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to sh ow enough concern for your friend’s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friend’s needs and your own responsibilities.★13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and you r friend’s. Well done.?(You may also show your students the results above and let themselves self-reflect upon their own values of friendship)Step 4 Talking and sharing( work in pairs)1. If your best friend does something wrong, what will you doTry to use the following phrases:I (don’t) think…… I (don’t) think so.I (don’t) agree. I believe……That’s correct. In my opinion, ……2. What is a friendA British newspaper once offered a prize for the best definition(定义) of a friend. If you were the editior, choose the best one from the following entries(条目), and explain why.One who understands my silence.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow.When you look at your watch at 4 am, but still know you can call!them and wake them up, and they’ll still want to talk to you ,that’sfriendship.To have a friend, you need to be a good friend.Step 5 Group work (output)The teacher can give each group one of these questions below to talk about. Then let the class share their ideas. It’s better to stimulate the students to express their own opinions about these questions.1.Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from your friendWhy and Why not>2. What factors may cause the breakdown of a good friendship3. What can be your unusual friend besides human beings And whyStep 6 homework1.Write down a short passage about your ideas /the factors/your unusualfriends.2.Prepare for the new lesson.Period 2 Reading “Anne’s Best F riend”!1. Teaching objectives:1) To develop the students’ reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on;2). To get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship, and to tell true friends from false friends;3). To grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage, such as on purpose, be crazy about etc.;4). To learn the writing style of this passage.2. Teaching method: Task-based teaching~3). Teaching procedure:Step1. Please enjoy three pieces of music and find out what they are about.2 .Why do you think friends are important to you3. What do you think a good friend should be like List the good qualities a good friend should have .4. Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object Why or why notStep}1. Try to guess what Anne’s friend is and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick at the pictures in this passage without reading it.2. Skimming the first two paragraphs to confirm your guessing.1) What was Anne’s best friend Why did she make friends with it2) Did she have any other true friends then Why3) What is the difference b etween Anne’s diary and those of most people4) Do you keep a diary What do you think most people set down in their diaries5) We are going to read one of Anne’s diaries .but before reading ,can you tell me what the diary is about with the help of one key sentence in the 2nd paragraph3. Reading of Anne’s diary…How she felt in the hiding placeTwo examples to show her feelings thenStepwould you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family Give your reasons.workWork in groups to decide what you would do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperor did not like.Where would you plan to hide?How would you arrange to get food given to you every day'What would you do to pass the time------3. Discovering useful words and expressionsComplete the following sentences, using words and expressions from Reading1) She has grown _______ about computer games.2) Was it an accident or did David do it on _______3) From the beginning ,Paul made it clear that he would be ______ (完全地)in control.4) He used to work _______ even in the middle of winter.`5) Just the _______ of more food made her feel sick.6) You had better have a _________ talk with him.7) Born in a poor family, the manager _________ lots of hardships in his childhood.8) A diary is often kept to ________ what happens in people’s daily lives.Step about friends and friendshipare many proverbs about friends and friendship. Choose the one you agree with and explain why, then choose one you disagree with and explain why.A friend in need is a friend indeed."Friends are like wine; the older, the better.A friend to all is a friend to none.The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer(阿谀奉承者).False friends are worse than open enemies.Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.2. We have talked about friends and friendship today, can you write one or two sentences to express your understanding of friends and friendship.Step :…1. Interview a high school student, a businessman, a police officer and a housewife to find out their opinions about friends and friendship. Write a report to share it with the whole class.2. Describe one of your best friends following the writing style of this passage. Ending: Let’s sing this song about friends togetherPeriod3 Grammar1.Teaching objectivesLearn to use direct speech and indirect speech:2. Teaching important pointSummarize the rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.3. Teaching difficult pointLearn about the special cases in which the tenses shouldn’t be changed.4. Teaching methodsDiscussing, summarizing and practicing.|5. Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead inT: In the last lesson, we learned Anne Frank’s story. She is telling h er stories to two of her friends—you and Tom. Tom has something wrong with his ears,so you have to repeat Anne’s sentences, using indirect speech. Sometimes you explain Tom’s sentences to Anne.“I have to stay in the hiding place.” said Anne. →Anne said she had to stay in the hiding place.“Do you feel sad when you are not able to go outdoors” Tom asked Anne. →Tom asked Anne if/whether she felt sad when she was not able to go outdoors.'“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.→Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.“What do you call your diary” Tom asked. →Tom asked what she called her diary.Ss go on this topic by themselves.Step2 GrammarT: Now let’s look at these sentences again. If we w ant to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, what should be changed:Ss discuss by themselves.Ss: sentence structures, tenses, pronouns, adverbials of time and place and verbs should be changed.T: Quite right. Look at the form on the screen. These are the rules.直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。



Unit 1 Friendship1.Teaching aims and demands类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships词汇add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely poweraccording trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editorcommunicate habitadd up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog gothrough hide away set down a series of on purposein order to face to face according to get along with fall in lovejoin in功能态度(attitudes)Are you afraid that---?---I’ve grown so crazy about---I didn’t dare2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement)I agree. I think so. Exactly.I don’t agree. I don’t think so. I’m afraid not.3.肯定程度(certainty)t.That’s correct. Of course no语法直接引语和间接引语(1): 陈述句和疑问句陈述句Said Anne.want to set down a series of facts in a diary.”“I don’twant to set down a series of facts in a diary.-----Anne said that she d idn’t一般疑问句He asked, “A re you leaving tonight?”---He asked us whether we were leaving that night.特殊疑问句“When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne.--- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before.1.Suggested teaching notes1). Analyses of the teaching contentsThis unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it.Warming up---The questionnaire leads students to think and talk aboutfriendship, get to know the problems between friendsand seek solutions, which makes preparations for thefurther teaching in topics, background and vocabulary.Pre-reading---The questions prompt students to think critically aboutfriends and friendship in reality, alerting them to the factthat besides people, a diary can be a friend, too.Reading--- The diary by the Jewish girl Anne gave a glimpse of her lifeduring her family’s shelter in Amsterdam from the Germankil ling in world war 2. she treats the diary as her best friend, and in it reveals her Nazis’ longing for a normal life and close contact with nature, which helps her get through the days. Comprehending---It helps students further understand the text by doingmultiple choices, questions and answers, andmatching.Learning about language---It teaches the important expressions andstructures and grammar: direct and indirectspeeches.Using language---The two letters, listening, questionnaire design, letterwriting and fun writing prepares students to furthertalk about friendship, especially the problems withmisunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thusstrengthening students’ abilities to practicelanguage, discover, and solve problems.Summing up---It summarizes the whole contents of this unit from theaspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar.Learning tip--- This part encourages students to form the habit of writinga diary.Integrating skills--- The text introduces the way Hawaiians expressfriendship, to get students to realize the culturaldifferences in the values of friendship in additionits importance in all cultures.2) Making of the teaching planThis unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring different types of friendshipwith particular attention to that one can develop with oneself, i.e., the comfort andsupport one seeks from an imaginary friend. Students are expected to come to be trulyaware of the qualities and conducts that make a good friend, display and develop theability to cope with misunderstanding, conflicts and problems related to friendship,and give advice on it. The concept that even an ordinary thing can be a friend shouldbreak down the traditional belief in the interpersonal nature of friendship. Also, thecomparison of similarities dissimilarities in friendship comprehension between theEast and the West leads studen ts to know better the values of friendship in Westerns’ eyes. All in all, this unit promises to unveil the true essence of friendship and helpsstudents to lead a more friendly and harmonious life. Thus, based on the theme,contents and teaching objectives, the whole teaching procedures can fall into fiveperiods as follows:Period 1 Warming up and speakingPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 3 GrammarPeriod 4 Integrating skills (WB)Period 5 Using language3. Teaching plans for each periodPeriod 1 Warming-up and Speaking1. Teaching objectives:1) Target languageI (don’t) think…… I (don’t) think so. I (don’t) agree.I believe…… That’s correct. In my opinion, ……2) Ability goalsa.Describe your friends in Englishb.Figure out the problems between friends and then find different ways to solve the problems.3)Learning ability goalsa.To encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendship by using some phrases andstructures.b.To learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.c. To cultivate the students to form the good habit of learning English in Senior Middle School.2. Teaching important points:e the given adjectives and sentence structures to describe one of your friends.b.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship.3. Teaching difficult points:a.Work together with partners and describe one of your good friends.b.Discuss with partners and find out ways to solve the problems.4. Teaching methodsa.Task-based teaching and learningb.Cooperative learningc.Discussion5. Teaching aids:CAI6. Teaching procedures and ways:Step 1 Lead-in and Warming-upBefore the lesson, the teacher can arousethe students’ interests by showing a video of Auld Lang Syne .At the beginning of the first class, we can get the students to talk about their summer holidays. The students can talk freely as they like.1.How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? What did you do in yoursummer holidays? What did you do in your spare time?2.What do you think of our new school? Do you like it? Could you say something about it?3.Do you like making friends? How do get in touch with your friends? Do you have manyfriends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school? Have you madeany new friends in our class?Step 2 Think it over1. Give a brief description of one of your friends. The following phrases and structures may behelpful:His/Her name is ……He /She is …… years old.He /She likes …… and dislikes ……He /She enjoys ……and hates……He /She is very kind/friendly/……When /Where we got to know each other.2. What types of friendship do you have? Please tick them out. Then fill in the blanks.girl friends boy friends pen friendslong -distance friends friends of the same agee-friends (friends over the internet) friends across generationsunusual friends like animals, books……1).______ is /are most important to you.2). You spend most of your free time with ____.3). You will share your secrets with _____.4). When in trouble, you will first turn to _____.Step 3 Make a survey1. List some qualities of a good friend or your ideal friend. Have the students get into groups of four tofind out what each has listed.Tell your partner your standards of good friends by using the following structure:I think a good friend should (not) be……In my opinion, a good friend is someone who……1.Have a member of each group report on what their lists have in common and list them on the board.2.Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed.3.Then have the students do the survey in the textbook.4.Have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8.5.The teacher ask some students how many points they got for the survey and assess t heir values offriendship:★4~7 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friend’s needs or just do w wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.★ 8~12 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, orn youryou fail to show enough concern for your friend’s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance betw friend’s needs and your own responsibilities.★ 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balanceyour needs and your friend’s. Well done.(You may also show your students the results above and let themselves self-reflect upon their own values of friendship)Step 4 Talking and sharing( work in pairs)1. If your best friend does something wrong, what will you do?Try to use the following phrases:I (don’t) think…… I (don’t) think so.I (don’t) agree. I believe……That’s correct. In my opinion, …… What to do reasons2. What is a friend?A British newspaper once offered a prize for the best definition(定义) of a friend. If you were the editor,choose the best one from the following entries(条目), and explain why.One who understands my silence.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow. When you look at your watch at 4 am,s but still know you can call them and wake them up, and they’ll still want to talk to you ,that’friendship. To have a friend, you need to be a good friend.Step 5 Group work (output)The teacher can give each group one of these questions below to talk about. Then let the class sharetheir ideas. It’s better to stimulate the students to express their own opinions about these questions.1.Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from your friend?Why and Why not?2. What factors may cause the breakdown of a good friendship?3. What can be your unusual friend besides human beings? And why?Step 6 Homework1.Write down a short passage about your ideas /the factors/your unusual friends.2.Prepare for the new lesson.Period 2 Reading “Anne’s Best Friend”1. Teaching objectives:1) To develop the students’ reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on;2). To get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship, and to tell true friends fromfalse friends;3). To grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage, such as on purpose, be crazy about etc.;4). To learn the writing style of this passage.2. Teaching method: Task-based teaching3). Teaching procedure:Step 1.Pre-reading1. Please enjoy three pieces of music and find out what they are about.2 .Why do you think friends are important to you?3. What do you think a good friend should be like? List the good qualities a good friend should have .4. Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object? Why or why not?Step 2.Reading1. Try to guess what Anne’s friend is and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick at the pictures in this passage without reading it.2. Skimming the first two paragraphs to confirm your guessing.1) What was Anne’s best friend? Why did she make friends with it?2) Did she have any other true friends then? Why?3) What is the difference between Anne’s diary and those of most people?4) Do you keep a diary? What do you think most people set down in their diaries?tell me what the diary is about 5) We are going to read o ne of Anne’s diaries .but before reading ,can youwith the help of one key sentence in the 2nd paragraph?3. Reading of Anne’s diaryHow she felt in the hiding placeTwo examples to show her feelings thenStep 3.Post-reading1.What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family? Give your reasons.2.Group workWork in groups to decide what you would do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperor did not like.Where would you plan to hide?How would you arrange to get food given to you every day?What would you do to pass the time?------3. Discovering useful words and expressionsComplete the following sentences, using words and expressions from Reading1) She has grown _______ about computer games.2) Was it an accident or did David do it on _______?3) From the beginning ,Paul made it clear that he would be ______ (完全地)in control.4) He used to work _______ even in the middle of winter.5) Just the _______ of more food made her feel sick.6) You had better have a _________ talk with him.7) Born in a poor family, the manager _________ lots of hardships in his childhood.8) A diary is often kept to ________ what happens in people’s daily lives.Step 4.Talking about friends and friendship1.There are many proverbs about friends and friendship. Choose the one you agree with and explainwhy, then choose one you disagree with and explain why.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends are like wine; the older, the better.A friend to all is a friend to none.The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer(阿谀奉承者).False friends are worse than open enemies.Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.2. We have talked about friends and friendship today, can you write one or two sentences to expressyour understanding of friends and friendship.Step 5.Homework:1. Interview a high school student, a businessman, a police officer and a housewife to find out theiropinions about friends and friendship. Write a report to share it with the whole class.2. Describe one of your best friends following the writing style of this passage.Ending: Let’s sing this song about friends togetherPeriod 3 Grammar1.Teaching objectivesLearn to use direct speech and indirect speech2. Teaching important pointSummarize the rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.3. Teaching difficult point.Learn about t he special cases in which the tenses shouldn’t be changed4. Teaching methodsDiscussing, summarizing and practicing.5. Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead inriends—you andT: In the last lesson, we learned Anne Frank’s story. She is telling her stories to two of her fTom. Tom has something wrong with his ears, so you have to repeat Anne’s sentences, using indirect spee Sometimes you explain Tom’s sentences to Anne.“I have to stay in the hiding place.” said Anne. →Anne said she had to stay in the hiding place.“Do you feel sad when you are not able to go outdoors?” Tom asked Anne. →Tom asked Anne if/whether she felt sad when she was not able to go outdoors.“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.→want to set down a series of facts in a diary.Anne said that she didn’t“What do you call your diary?” Tom asked. →Tom asked what she called her diary.Ss go on this topic by themselves.Step2 Grammarch into Indirect Speech, whatT: Now let’s look at these sentences again. If we want to change Direct Speeshould be changed?Ss discuss by themselves.Ss: sentence structures, tenses, pronouns, adverbials of time and place and verbs should be changed. T: Quite right. Look at the form on the screen. These are the rules.直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。



Unit 1 Friendship(1) 课题:Friendship (2) 教材分析与学生分析:本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。

Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。

(3) 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up andPre-Reading The second period: ReadingThe third period: GrammarThe forth Period:ListeningThe fifth period: Writing(4)教学目标:①知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.②过程与方法:本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才能交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。

新人教版高中英语必修1Unit1 Friendship教案

新人教版高中英语必修1Unit1 Friendship教案

Unit 1 Friendship一、教材分析本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。

“热身”(Warming Up)部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法。


“阅读”(Reading)部分 ANNE'S BEST FRIEND以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩儿安妮的故事。




“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。

“语言运用”(Using Language)部分的读两封信、听一段话、设计调查问卷、写信以及趣味写作,给学生提供了广阔空间去探讨友谊、友情,尤其是涉及到现实生活中被朋友误解、曲解,没有朋友的孤独寂寞等问题,既锻炼了学生的语言运用能力,又培养了学生发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的能力。

“小结”(Summing Up)部分引导学生从本单元的话题、词汇和语法等方面对所学内容进行总结(参考教学目的和要求栏目)。

“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分鼓励学生养成写日记的习惯。


二、教学目标1. 语言知识掌握本单元词汇(单词35个,短语16)、语法(陈述句和疑问句的直接引语和间接引语)、及功能(Giving opinions)并了解话题(Friends and friendship & interpersonal relationships)2. 语言技能1)听能听懂劝谏信中的关键词,并能掌握说话者的忠告,领会其观点、态度和意图。


五.教法、学法与教具 Teaching and Learning Methods and Aids
1.Teaching Methods 1. Question-inquiry Teaching 2.Task-based Learning and Teaching 3.Analytic Discussion(pair work or group work)
(Teacher writes the answers on the blackboard)
Para.1: Anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell
Para. 2: Anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her
三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims
1.Knowledge Objectives 1. Get students to know the main content of this article. 2. Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1. Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2. Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives
Clear--- She thought the ordinary diary is a series of facts. She made her



最新人教版高中英语必修一U n i t+1+F r i e n d s h i p 教材分析名师优秀教案人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1 Friendship教材分析摘要:随着外语教学的发展和外语教材的开放和繁荣,越来越多的外语教材涌入市场,可供学生和教师选择的外语教材越来越丰富。


本文主要从教材评价的有系统评价的内部评价和外部评价对人教版高中英语必修一unit1 Friendship进行了分析,并提出教学建议。

关键词:教材分析;语言知识;语言技能一、引言人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1 Friendship 是以friendship 为话题。


以friendship 为话题为高中英语学习生涯的开篇。














人教版新课标高中英语必修1全套教案(62页)部门: xxx时间: xxx制作人:xxx整理范文,仅供参考,勿作商业用途Unit 1 Friendship(1)课题:Friendship教材分析与学生分析:本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。

Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading 部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’sBest Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解;Using about Language 部分教案本课重点词汇和重点语法工程。

b5E2RGbCAP (3> 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Readingp1EanqFDPwThe second period: ReadingThe third period: GrammarThe forth Period:ListeningThe fifth period: Writing(4>教案目标:知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talkingabout agreement and disagreement, giving advice and makingdecisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to writean essay to express and support an opinion.DXDiTa9E3d过程与方法:本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才能交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。



【导语】进⼊到⾼⼀阶段,⼤家的学习压⼒都是呈直线上升的,因此平时的积累也显得尤为重要,⽆忧考⾼⼀频道为⼤家整理了《⾼⼀英语必修⼀《Unit 1 Friendship》教案》希望⼤家能谨记呦!!教案【⼀】 教学准备 教学⽬标 1、掌握下列词汇和短语: reason, list, share, feelings, Netherlands, German, outdoors, Crazy, nature, dare, thundering, entirely, power, trust, indoors, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to. 2、进⼀步学习有关“朋友”的知识信息,启发学⽣对朋友和友谊的思考。





教学重难点 教学重点: 1、了解《安妮⽇记》的背景知识,在感受外国⽂化的同时,深刻理解安妮⽇记的内涵,同时提⾼学⽣⽂化意识。


教学难点: 对所获得的信息进⾏处理、加⼯和学习,形成有效的学习策略。

教学⼯具 ppt课件 教学过程 ... 板书 Uint1 Reading Anne’s Best Friend Qualities: easy-going ,warm-hearted ,helpful,… Questions: Skimming Summarize Discussion: 1> style 2> ideas教案【⼆】 教学准备 教学⽬标 ■To help students learn to express attitudes, agreement & disagreement and certainty ■To help students learn to read the text and learn to write diaries in English ■To help students better understand “friendship” ■To help students learn to understand and use some important words and expressions ■To help students identify examples of Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (I): statements and questions in the text 教学重难点 Words upset, ignore, calm, concern, settle, suffer, recover, pack Expressions add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to facer, no longer/ not …any longer, suffer from, get/ be tired of, pack (sth.) up, get along with, fall in love, join in Patterns “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,” said Anne. →Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven… …it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… 教学⼯具 ppt 教学过程 Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is? 1. Warming up ⑴ Warming up by defining friendship Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is? Yeah, there are many explanations about friendship. However, friendship is a relationship that can’t be restricted(限制)by definition(定义). It can only be experienced. True friendship can exist between any two souls, be it between people or animals. It can happen at any moment, to anyone. Even to lifeless things, like a diary, a ball, a friendship can happen. Then what is your opinion about friendship? Do you think that friendship is important to our life? Why? ⑵Warming up by learning to solve problems Nice to meet you, class. We shall be friends from now on. For everybody needs friends. But being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Learning how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better friend and a happier person. Discuss the situation below and try to solve the problems wisely. Common problems among teenagers Solution Some of the common problems include forgetting friends’ birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends’ secrets and so on. Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness. Situation 1: Friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about something difficult. Try to understand your friend/ Try to talk about the problem in a different way. Situation 2: Friends don’t know how to apologize Start by telling each other that you are sorry. A simple apology is often enough and is a good starting point. Situation 3: Some friends don’t know how to keep secrets. Keep your secrets to yourself Tips on being a good friend Treat your friends the way you want to be treated. Keep secrets that are told to you. Pay attention when your friend is talking. Keep your promises. Share things with your friend. Tell your friend the truth. Stick up for your friend. ⑶Warming up by doing a survey Good morning, class. I am your teacher of English. Glad to be here with you. Today we shall take Unit 1 Friendship. To be frankly, I’d like very much to keep a close friendship with you, my dear students, in the following years. How about you then? Ok, thanks. I do hope to be your good teacher as well as your helpful friend (良师益友). Now please do the survey on page one. Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8. You don’t have to tell your results. You can just keep it a secret.。

高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案

高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案

高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案学生对英语学习缺乏自信心和学习动力;在英语课堂上不积极参与,缺少主动发言的热情或根本不愿意发言;另外,相当一部分学生在听新课时跟不上老师的节奏或不能理解教师相对较快的指示语。

下面和课件网一起看看有关高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案。

高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案1教学准备教学目标■To help student s learn to express attitudes,agreement disagreement and certainty■To help students learn to read the text and learn to write diaries in English■To help students better understand “friendship”■To help students learn to understand and use some important words and expressions■To help students identify exles of Direct Speech Indirect Speech (I): statements and questions in the text教学重难点Wordsupset, ignore, calm, concern, settle,suffer, recover, packExpressionsadd up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to facer, no longer/ not …any longer, suffer from, get/ be tired of, pack (sth.) up, get along with, fall inlove, join inPatterns“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,” said Anne. rarr;Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven……it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…教学工具ppt教学过程Hello,everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacherof English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is1. Warming up⑴ Warming up by defining friendshipHello,everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacherof English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship isYeah, there are many explanations about friendship. However, friendship is a relationshipthat can’t be restricted(限制)by definition(定义). It can only be experienced. True friendship can existbetween any two souls, be it between people or animals. It can happen at any moment, to anyone. Even to lifeless things, like a diary, a ball, a friendship can happen.Then what is your opinion about friendshipDo you think that friendship is important to our life Why⑵Warming up by learning to solve problemsNice to meet you, class. We shall be friends from now on. For everybody needs friends. But being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Learning how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better friend and a happier person. Discuss the situation below and try to solve the problems wisely.mon problems among teenagersSolutionSome of the mon problems include forgetting friends’ birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends’ secrets and so on.Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness.Situation 1: Friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about something difficult.Try to understand your friend/ Try to talk about the problem in a different way.Situation 2: Friends don’t know how to apologizeStart by telling each other that you are sorry. A simple apology is often enough and is a good starting point.Situation 3: Some friends don’t know how to keep secrets.Keep your secrets to yourselfTips on being a good friendTreat your friends the way you want to be treated. Keep secrets that are told to you.Pay attention when your friend is talking. Keep your promises. Share things with your friend. Tellyour friend the truth. Stick up for your friend.⑶Warming up by doing a surveyGood morning, class. I am your teacher of English. Glad to be here with you. Today we shall take Unit 1 Friendship.To be frankly,I’d like very much to keep a close friendship with you, my dear students, in the following years. How about you then Ok, thanks. I do hope to be your good teacher as well as your helpful friend (良师益友).Now please do the survey on page one.Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8. You don’t have to tell your results. You can just keep it a secret.高中人教版英语必修1《Unit 1 Friendship》教案2教学准备教学目标1、掌握下列词汇和短语: reason, list, share,feelings, Netherlands, German, outdoors, Crazy,nature, dare, thundering, entirely, power,trust, indoors, go through, hide away, set down,a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to.2、进一步学习有关“朋友”的知识信息,启发学生对朋友和友谊的思考。

高中英语 Unit 1《friendship》教案15 新人教版必修1

高中英语 Unit 1《friendship》教案15 新人教版必修1

新课标英语高一上Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship单元教学目标及Period 6教案Teaching Objectives:Knowledge Objectives:1. Enable students to talk about friends and friendship, and learnto use some adjectives to describe the qualities a good friend should have.2. Learn some useful words and expressions, e.g., upset, ignore, crazy, etc.3. Learn how to talk about agreement and disagreement, e.g., I think so. /I don’t think so; You are quite right. / I don’t think you are right, etc.4. Learn and pratice the direct speech and the indirect speech.5. Help the students to learn how to write a reply letter to give advice on communicating with people.Ability objectives:To develop the students’ speaking, reading, listening, and writing abilities.Moral & Emotion:1. To develop the students’ cooperative abilities.2. To realize the importance of friendship and know how to get onwell with others.Culture Objectives:To know the different culture about friendship between China and foreign countries.Period 1: Speaking ( Warming Up & Speaking )Period 2: Reading ( Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending )Period 3: Language Structure( Expression of important words and structures in the passage. ) Period 4: Listening & Speaking( Using language ---- Reading, listening and writing & Workbook—Speaking Task. )Period 5: Grammar ( Discovering useful structures )Period 6: Writing ( Using Language --- Reading and writing )Period 7: Revision ( Words dictation &Summing up & Learning tip &Exercises )Teaching Plan for the Six PeriodTeaching Contents: Speaking & WritingTeaching Objectives:Knowledge Objectives:1. Help the students to learn how to write a letter to give adviceon communicating with others.2. To learn to write a reply letter in English.Ability Objectives:To develop the students’ writing skills.Learning Strategies:To develop the abilities of organizing information, expressing themselves & communicating in English freely.Moral & Emotion:1. To realize the importance of group cooperation.2. To know the ways of making friends.Key Points:1. To learn to give advice.2. To organize the advice into completed sentences and thenwrite a reply letter.3. To make clear the form of letter writing.Teaching methods:1. Task-based learning2. DiscussionTeaching Aids: a posterTeaching Procedures:Stage I. What’s Xiao Dong’s problem?Step1. Show a letter to the students and ask the Ss to help you to reply the letter in English.Step 2. Share the letter together, then make clear where the writer is from and who he is, and what problems he is facing now.Stage II. What should Xiao Dong do?Step 1. Ask individuals to talk about what they would do if they face the same problem.Step 2. Work in groups of six to give advice to Xiao Dong as much as possible. Step 3. Each group choose one member to speak out their advice. One point for one piece of advice. The teacher list them on the Bb when the students report.Stage III. How to write a reply letter in English?Step 1. Ask Ss whether they are clear about the form of letter writing. Step 2. Revise the form of letter writing.Step 3. Guide the students to write the beginning and the ending of this reply letter.Step 4. Work in groups of 6 to complete the letter, pay attention to the combination of each sentence. Guide the students to use someconjunctive words, eg. Firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. to organizetheir advice to Xiao Dong.Step 5. Choose two or three groups to report their letters.Stage IV. The letter on the Textbook.Step 1. Turn to Page7 and read the letter loudly together.Step 2. Explain some language points if necessary.Stage V. Homework.Ask Ss to write the reply letter individually on the homework books.( P.S.: The letter that the teacher presents at the beginning of the class is not the one on the textbook but similar to it. )The letter that the teacher shows on the blackboard:Dear Miss Li,I’m a student from Jiaji Middle School. I have a p roblem. I’m not very good at communicating with people. Although I really try to talk to my classmates,I still find it hard to make good friends with them. So I feel quite lonelysometimes. I do want to change this situation, but I don’t know how. I would be grateful if you give me some advice.。

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必修一Unit1 friendshipReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语add, point, upset, ignore, calm, loose, cheat, reason, list, share, feeling, Netherlans, German, series, outdoors, crazy, nature, purpose, dare, thunder, entirely, power, according, accordingly, trust, indoors, suffer, add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to faceb. 重点句子1)I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.2)For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven on evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.3)It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face.2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Enable Ss to talk about friends and friendship.What should you do to be a good friend?Why do you need friends?What do you think a good friend should be like?What else can be your friend besides a person?b. Understand the text and answer the following questions.How and why did Anne make her diary the only true friend?Had Anne ever been spellbound by nature before? How about being in the hiding place? Why?Why didn’t she go downstairs one evening until the window had to be shut?What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family? Explain why.How would you describe Anne’s feelings as she was looking out into the night sky?What attitude on earth should the wide oppressed people take towards the powerful Nazis?c. Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage, choosing the correct answer according the text and fill in the form about the passage and the diary.d. Retell the passage using the first person.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the Ss learn how to talk about friends and friendship.What do friends and friendship mean?What should you do to be a good friend?Why do you need friends?What do you think a good friend should be like?What else can be your friend besides a person?4.Teaching important points教学重点a. Talk about friends and friendship.What should you do to be a good friend?Why do you need friends?What do you think a good friend should be like?b. Discuss the questions of comprehension.Why did Anne make her diary the only true friend?5.Teaching difficult points教学难点a. Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship.b. Discuss the questions.What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family? Explain why.How would you describe Anne’s feelings as she was looking out into the night sky?c. Discuss what attitude on earth the wide oppressed people should take towards the powerful Nazis.6.Teaching methods教学方法a. Skimming and scanning.b. Asking-and-answering activity to check the Ss’ understanding of the text.c. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.d. Discussion.7.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a computer and a projector.8.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Leading inAs this is the first class of a new term, teacher can lead the Ss to think of making new friends in the strange school.T: Welcome to our school, everyone. You have a new school, new teachers and new classmates. Would you like to make new friends with each other?S: Yes, of course.T: Very good!Step II Warming upFirst, ask each student to make the survey by filling the form and choose the answers. Teacher shows the scoring sheet to them, add up their score and see how many points they can get all by themselves. Second, teacher shows the instruction. Get the Ss to judge which grade they belong to according to their points and decide if they are good friends or not by themselves secretly. Third, they’ve known how well they treat their friends and what they should do to be a good friend themselves.T: Do you have any friends?S: Yes, I do. I have made a lot of friends.T: Are you good to your friends?S: Yes, of course.T: We always think we are kind to our friends. But in fact, we are not quite sure if we are considerate enough? Now let us make the following survey. First, please choose the answers all by yourselves.The Ss are choosing the answers.T: Are you finished?Ss: Yes.T: OK, I’ll show you the scoring sheet on the screen.Please fill in the following form quickly. Add up your scores and see how many points you can get all by yourselves. Are you clear?Ss: Yes, sir / madam.Show the following form and the scoring sheet on the screen.Scoring sheet for the survey1A1 B3 C2 2A1 B2 C3 3A1 B2 C34A3 B2 C1 5A0 B6 C0T: All right! I think most of you have got high points. Do you want to know which grade you belong to?Ss: Certainly.T: Now I’ll show the instruction on the screen. Please judge which grade you belong to according to your points and decide if you are good friends or not by yourselves secretly.Show the Ss the instructions.T: All right. I see you’ve known how well you treat your friends and what you should do to be a good friend. I hope all of us can be good friends with each other soon. Do you agree with me?Ss: Yes, of course.Step III Pre-readingGet the Ss to discuss the questions on Page 2 with their partners. Then ask the Ss to report their work. Encourage the Ss to express their different opinions. Make it clear that not only can we make friends with human beings, but also with animals and even things that have no life.T: Now please look at the slide show. And discuss these questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask some students to report your work. Are you clear?Ss: Yes, sir/madam.Show the following on the screen.1. Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List what a good friend should do and sharethe list with your partners.3. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?4. Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?After the Ss’ discussion, teacher says the following.T: Now who’d like to answer the first question? Volunteer!Sa: Let me try. I think friends are important to all of us.Because we need to help with each other.Sb: We also need someone to care and understand, to share sorrows and happiness.Sc: Everyone needs a friend to be true to us whether near or far apart.T: Quite right. Next question?Sd: I think my good friend should have a lot in common and our thoughts are always near.Se: I need my friends to give me courage to solve all kinds of problem.Sf: I think my friends should support me whenever I need help.Sg: I’d like my friends to communicate with me frequently.Sh: In my opinion, my friends should have the same kind of sense of humor so that we can laugh together.T: Terrific! I wish everyone to have some good friends whose friendship always be treasured in our hearts. Not only can we make friends with human beings, but also with animals and even things that have no life. How about the third question?Si: Yes, because persons can understand and communicate with each other more easily and conveniently.Sj: I think other things like pets, books, toys, balls, and instruments can also be our friends.T: Wonderful! You have a very great imagination. Now who can answer the last question?Sk: Yes, I think so. Because you can tell everything to it freely, it can accompany me all the time. It never needs me to pay back.Sl: But I don’t think so. Because it’s unbelievable for a person to communicate with a diary. And your secrets will be easily and completely let out in case that it is read by others or your diary books are lost. If I had been Anne, I would have made friends with my parents.T: Most of our friends are human beings, but sometimes we make friends with animals or even things like diary.You’ve done an excellent job.Step IV ReadingScanningGet the Ss to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives the Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the Ss to read the text silently and then ask some detail questions about the text on the slide show with their partners. Teacher encourages the Ss to express their ideas.T: We’re going to learn a passage about Anne’s best friend. The story happened during World War II. Now let’s look at the slide show. Read the text quickly and find answers to the following questions.Show the questions on the screen.1. What was Anne’s friend? How and why did Anne make it her only true friend?2. Had Anne ever been spellbound by nature before?How about being in the hiding place? Why?3. Why didn’t she go downstairs one evening until the window had to be shut?T: Now who can tell me what was Anne’s best friend?How and why did Anne make it her only true friend?S1: Anne made her diary her best friend, to whom she could tell her deepest feelings and thoughts.S2: Because during World War II, as Jewish, Anne and her family had to hide away in order not to be caught by the German Nazis.S3: After hiding, she didn’t dare to go out. She felt very lonely and unhappy. So she couldn’t meet her old friends and make any other new friends besides her diary.S4: Maybe she didn’t trust others except her diary, to whom she could tell everything.S5: She didn’t set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, treating her diary as her friend, to whom she told her deepest feelings and thoughts.T: Exactly. How about question 2?S6: No, she hadn’t. Nature had never have kept her spell-bound before she came to Amsterdam.S7: After being in the hiding place, Anne had grown crazy about everything to do with nature.S8: Because she didn’t dare to face nature, being afraid of being discovered by the Nazis.S9: But she was eager to enjoy the light and longed for the peace and happiness.T: Quite right. Question3?S10: Because she was held entirely in the nature’s power.S11: She didn’t dare to face the night except that evening.S12: She was always worried about being caught by the Nazism, although she was crazy about nature.S13: It exposed the heroine’s complicated and conflicting spirit mood of either scaring and hating the war and oppress, or longing for peace and looking forward to happiness.T: Well done! I think you may continue to read it again to get more details.SkimmingIn this part, the Ss will read the text again and then work together with their partners to get the main idea. Then teacher shows the form on the screen. Give the a few minutes to fill in the form about the whole text. Check the answers with the whole class.T: Now please skim the passage fast to get the main idea with your partners.S1: It exposed the crimes that the Nazis oppressed the Jewish and made them suffer the extreme misery and hardship.S2: It showed the common ideal and wish of the whole world people, hating wars and terrors while longing for peace and freedom.T: Good job. Now let’s try to obtain a general under-standing of the whole passage, including the diary. While reading, please fill in the form.Show the form with blanks on the screen.Anne’s best friendSample diaryT: Now it’s time for us to check the form.ExplanationT: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to Page 2. Let’s look at the sentences.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.This sentence means that Anne couldn’t go out for so long that she had felt wildly exited about nature.For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.This sentence tells us that on a very warm evening, Anne stayed up until half past eleven so as to look at the moon for once by herself.It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face....This sentence means that it was a year and a half since she and her family hid away and she had a look at the moon face to face with the window open by herself.Step V ComprehensionRead the passage again. First ask the Ss to do Ex 1 by themselves. And then do Ex 2 with their partners. At last, get them to discuss the answers of Ex 3 in groups of 4.T: Now please read the passage again and then turn to page 3. First let’s do Ex 1 by yourselves.A few minutes later.T: OK, now let’s check the answers with the whole class.Ss: 1. Anne kept a diary because she could tell everything to it.2. She felt very lonely because she couldn’t meet her friends.3. They had to hide because Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.4. Anne named her diary Kitty because she thought it was her best friend.5. They were finally caught because they were discovered.T: Now, it’s time for us to do Ex 2, please talk about the answers with your partners.The Ss are talking about their choices.T: All right! Let’s choose the correct answers and tell us why.Ss: 1. D. Because in her diary, she wrote that “it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face.”2. C. Because “she wanted a friend whom she could tell everything to, like her deepest feelings and thoughts.”But it’s dangerous to trust others easily in the hiding place.3. D. Because she wrote in her diary that “I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.”4. A. Because “Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.” And “The moon gave far too much light.” That means the moon was so bright that it might make the Nazis discover her family hiding there. If so, they would be caught.5. B. Because the diary was written in June, 1945 and it was in a year and a half that she’d seen the night face to face.T: Now let’s deal with Ex 3. Please look at the slide show. Now I’ll give you a few minutes to discuss the answers to the two questions in groups of 4.Show the questions on the screen.1. What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family? Explain why.2. How would you describe Anne’s feelings as she was looking out into the night sky?T: Now who’d like to answer question 1? Volunteer!S1: I missed my school most because I was eager to get more knowledge and I had studied there for many years with my teachers and classmates.S2: I missed some public places such as amusement parks, gardens, museums, and zoos. I could enjoy myself and played happily and freely like other children.S3: I missed the department store most because I could buy whatever I wanted, like excellent toys, beautiful clothes and delicious food. I could live a happy life again.S4: I missed my relatives and friends very much. I felt extremely lonely in this strange hiding place. I needed them to support and encourage me to get through the hard time.T: Excellent! I think you’ve understood Anne’s deepest feelings and thoughts. The second question?S5: Anne and her family had to live the life of wandering about and departing from the world. She felt very lonely and sad, so she was just able to make a friend with her diary.S6: She worried that her family couldn’t escape from the clutches of the devil at last. They were at the danger. It was probable for them to be discovered at any time.S7: She was very angry with the crimes for the Nazis to oppress the Jewish and make them suffering the extreme misery and hardship. She also hated wars and terrors very much.S8: She longed for peace, freedom and happiness with the common ideal and wish of the whole world people.S9: She grew very tired of the life without freedom and felt helpless because she could do nothing but to hide away, having her heart in her mouth and living in fear of being caught.S10: She wondered what she could do to change the unhappy situation, but she daren’t face the fact because she was frightened to suffer cruel persecution, not having the power of resistance.T: Excellent job. You have understood the feelings of Anne.Step VI HomeworkShow the following on the screen.1. If you had been Anne, what have you done at that time? Discuss what attitude on earth the wide oppressed people should take towards the powerful Nazis, choosing inactive and passive waiting for death, or uniting actively to face the reactionaries and fight against them bravely?2. Retell the text using about 100 words.Notes:1) Use the first person to retell the passage.2) Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.3) Make use of the chart above while retelling.3.Prepare for the reading task on Page 44 and think about what different ways of showing friendship are in Hawaii.4. If possible, read the book “Anne’s Diary”published either in English or Chinese.Passage Analyzing篇章分析I 课文图解Text ChartRead the text, and then fill in the chart.Anne’s best friendSample diaryII 课文Text RetellingThe possible version below can be used as a material for both retelling and dictation.One possible version:I lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. My family was Jewish, so we had been hid away for a year and a half in order not to be caught by the German Nazis. During that time I hadn’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I had grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. Once, I decided to look at the moon at midnight. But I didn’t dare to open the window to see the night face to face because I was afraid of being discovered by the Nazis. I felt very lonely without seeing my old friends. So I had to make a new true friend, my diary Kitty, whom I could tell everything to. Unfortunately, at last my family was discovered and caught by the German Nazis half a year later.III 德育渗透Moral EducationTeacher can guide the Ss to understand the text deeply, making the Ss to realize that wars and cruelty will bring incomparably grave disaster. Arouse the Ss to love peace, hate wars and establish the correct outlook on life, which has great realistic meaning. Call on every student tojoin the League and agree to and fully support the leadership of the Communist Party from now on. Cherish and safeguard the peaceful and stable political situation. Unite with the whole world people who love peace in order to abolish all the reactionaries thoroughly and realize the international communism in the end.IV 写作技巧Writing Techniques1. 写作特点Writing Characteristic1) Lead in the topic of friends and friendship by beginning with an imperative sentence so as to arouse the readers’ strong curiosity and interest.2) Insert the form of a diary, using Anne’s diary “Kitty” as the second person to tell her deepest feelings. Reveal the inner world of the heroine by Anne Diary’s clarification and description of her detailed deep thoughts and emotions.3) Use the sharp contrastive plot, like two groups of expressions “a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers” and “the dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds”, to express the heroine’s complicated and conflicting spirit mood of either scaring and hating the war and oppress, or longing for peace and looking forward to happiness.1) 用设问句引入日记成为好友这一主题,引起读者强烈的好奇心和阅读兴趣。
