



电子商务专业英语词汇表《电子商务英语词汇表》Chapter1:OverviewofElectronicCommerceTheopencase:Dell—UsingE-CommerceforSuccess【教学内容】s中的专业及非专业词汇及用1、掌握“Dell—UsingE-CommerceforSucces”法:(1)Dell——戴尔公司r——个人电脑(2)PC(personalcompute)(3)mailorder——邮件订单(通过邮件产生订单)(4)configure——配置(5)customized——定制的(6)build-to-order——按单生产(7)cornerstone——奠基石(8)businessmode—l—商业模型(9)snailmail——蜗牛邮寄(10)Web——网页(11)online-order-taking——在线订购(12)networkswitches——网络交换设备(13)auction——拍卖(14)refurbished——翻新的(refurbishedcomputers,翻新机)(15)Business-to-business——B2B(16)PremierDellService——“首要客户服务”(大客户、重要客户服务)(17)directmarketingonline——网上直销(18)notebook——笔记本电脑(19)desktop——桌面电脑t—电子采购(20)e-procuremen—(21)purchasingagent—s—采购代理、采购部门(22)preconfigured——预先配置的(23)orderfulfilled——订单履行(24)e-working——电子办公网(25)portal——门户,这里作“接口”(26)tender——投标(27)exchange——交易(系统)(28)shipper——运输商,流公(29)logistics——后勤学,这里作“物流”,logisticscompanies物司(30)inventories——库存(31)application——应用软件(32)consultingservices——咨询服务(33)communicationsystem——通信系统(34)e-collaboration——电子合作(35)webservice——web服务(36)ERP(Enterpriseresourceplanning—)—企业资源整合(37)E-customerservice——电子客户服务(38)CRM(Customerrelationshipmanagemen)t——客户关系管理(39)demand-planning——需求计划(40)factory-execution——生产执行(41)order-to-delivery——按单配送(42)high-performance——高性能,这里做“高绩效”(43)factory-scheduling——生产计划、生产进度(44)profit——利润(45)initialpublicoffering(IPO)——证券(46)charity——慈善(47)NationalCristinaFoundation——国家救济基金会(48)studentsatrisk——贫困学生(49)economicallydisadvantagedperson—s—经济困难的人群(50)recyclingprogram——回收计划(51)urban——城市(52)reassemble——重新组装(53)educationalinstitutions——教育机构(54)stage——上演(55)consumerelectronics——消费电子化1.1ElectronicCommerce:DefinitionandConcept【教学内容】1、掌握“ElectronicCommerce:DefinitionandConcept”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)electroniccommerce——电子商务(2)e-commerce——电子商务(3)guru——大师(领袖、权威)(4)commerce——商务(5)e-business——电子业务(电子商务)s—商业伙伴(6)businesspartner—(7)collaborate——合作(8)conducting——执行、实施(9)transactions——交易(10)artificialintelligence——人工智能(11)dataprocessing——数据处理(12)decisionmaking——决策支持(13)decisionmakingsystem——决策支持系统(14)policymaking——政策制定(15)profound——深刻的(16)industrystructure——产业结构、行业结构n—客户分割(17)consumersegmentatio—第2页电子商务英语词汇表第3页(18)commercial——商业(19)trade——贸易(20)delivery——交付(21)transact——交易(22)e-business——电子业务(23)dimension——维度(24)brick-and-mortar——砖加水泥(25)pure-play——专营的(电子商务)(26)click-and-mortar——鼠标加水泥(27)value-added-networks——增值网(28)inter-organizational——跨组织的(29)intra-organizational——组织内部的(30)routine——惯例1.2TheECFramework,Classification,andContent【教学内容】t中的专业及非专业1、掌握“TheECFramework,Classification,andConten”词汇及用法:(1)field——领域(2)diverse—不同的(3)framework——框架(4)exhibit——展品(5)infrastructure——基础设施(6)mandate——授权、托管(7)geographic——地理的(8)exclusively——专有的(9)majority——多数(10)category——类别(11)counterpart——配对物(12)jointventures——合资(13)operational——运作(14)directmarketing——直销(15)onlinebanking——网上银行(16)e-purchasing——电子采购(17)promotion——优惠(18)affiliate——会员、联盟(19)consortia——银行团(20)EDI(Electronicdatainterchange)——电子数据交换(21)CableTV——有线电视(22)B2B(BusinesstoBusiness—)—企业-企业)—企业-消费者(23)B2C(BusinesstoCustomer—(24)B2B2C(BusinesstoBusinesstoCustomer—)—企业-企业-消费者)—消费者-企业(25)C2B(CustomertoBusiness—)—消费者-消费者(26)C2C(CustomertoCustomer—第3页s—端到端应用(27)Peer-to-Peerapplication—(28)Mobilecommerce(m-commerce)——移动商务(29)IntrabusinessEC——企业内部电子商务)—企业-员工(30)B2E(Business-to-employees—(31)Collaborativecommerce——合作商务(32)Non-businessEC——非商业电子商务(33)E-learning——电子学习(网上学习))—交易所对交易所(34)E2E(Exchange-exchange—(35)E-government——电子政务(36)searchengine——搜索引擎(37)VAN(valueaddednetwork)——增值网(38)WAN(wideareanetwork)——广域网(39)LAN(localareanetwork)——局域网(40)HTTP(HyperTextTransportProtocol)——超文本传输协议(41)HTML(HyperTextMarkupLanguage)——超文本标记语言(42)XML(eXtensibleMarkupLanguage)——可扩展标记语言(43)telecom——telecomminication,电讯,远程通讯(44)delivery——传送、递送、交付1.3TheDigitalRevolutionDrivesE-Commerce【教学内容】1、掌握“TheDigitalRevolutionDrivesE-Commerce”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)digitaleconomy——数字经济(2)digitalcommunicationnetwork——数字通信网(3)extranet—外联网(4)Interneteconomy——互联网经济(5)Neweconomy——新经济(6)Webeconomy——万维网(网站)经济(7)digitizableproducts——数字化产品(8)database——数据库(9)digitalcurrencies——数字货币(10)financialtokens——金融代币(11)microprocessor——微处理器(12)homeappliance——家用电器(13)automobile——汽车(14)convergence——集中、收敛(15)computing——计算(16)communication——通信(17)stimulate——刺激(18)lowinflation——低通货膨胀率(19)innovation——变革1.4TheBusinessEnvironmentDrivesE-Commerce【教学内容】1、掌握“TheBusinessEnvironmentDrivesE-Commerce”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)businessenvironmen—t—商业环境(2)CEO——ChiefExecutiveOfficer(3)QantasAirway——澳航(4)turbulent—动荡的、吵闹的(5)expedite——加速(6)theenvironment-response-supportmode—l—环境响应支持模型(7)unprofitablefacilities——不盈利机构、部门(8)criticalresponseactivities——关键响应行为(9)necessity——必要性、需要(10)workforce——劳动力(11)obsolescence——(技术)过时、退化(12)informationoverload——信息过剩(13)deregulation——解除(放松)管制(14)subsidy——补助、津贴(15)ethics——伦理道德1.5ECBusinessModels【教学内容】1、掌握“ECBusinessModels”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)businessmode—l—商业模型(2)revenue——收入、收益(3)revenue——收益模型(4)outline——概括Chapter3:RetailinginElectronicCommerce:ProductsandServices3.1InternetMarketingandElectronicRetailing【教学内容】1、掌握“InternetMarketingandElectronicRetailing”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)retailer——零售商(2)retailing——零售(业)(3)electronicretailing——电子零售(业)(4)e-retailing——电子零售(业)(5)e-tailer——电子零售商(6)operate——运作、运行(7)manufacture——制造商、制造企业(8)physical——物理的、现实的(9)electronicretail——电子零售(10)intermediary——中间环节(11)factoryoutlets——工厂店(12)wholesale——批发(13)distribution——分销(14)ubiquity—无处不在的,普遍存在的(15)catalogsales——邮购销售方式(16)vacationservice——度假服务(17)portal——门户网站(18)consolidate——合并、统一(19)revenue——收入(20)valueproposition——价值观(21)fare——费用s—旅游用品(22)travelaccessorie—(23)stand-bytickets——返航机票t—剩余的空座位(24)otherwise-emptysea—(25)steep——急剧的(26)eurailpass——欧洲铁路旅行优惠票3.2E-TailingBusinessModels【教学内容】1、掌握“E-TailingBusinessModels”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)manufacturer——生产商(2)transaction——交易(3)enterprise——企业(4)HRM——humanresourcemanagemen人t,力资源管理(5)IT——InformationTechnologe信息技术(6)SCM——SupplyChainManagementg企业资源规划(7)ERP——EnterpriseResourcePlannin,(8)CRM——CustomerRelationshipManagement客户关系管理(9)mailorder——邮购(10)directmarketing——直销(11)pure-playe-tailer——纯电子商务的电子零售(12)clickandmortar——鼠标加水泥(13)internet(online)mall——互联网商城,在线商城(14)distributionchannel——分布渠道3.3TravelandTourismServicesOnline【教学内容】1、掌握“TravelandTourismServicesOnline”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)travelonline——在线旅行、在线旅游(2)onlinetravelservice——在线旅行服务(3)conventionaltravelagency——传统的旅行中介,旅行社(4)carrentalagency——汽车租赁代理(5)revenue——收入第6页电子商务英语词汇表第7页(6)consultancyfee——咨询费(7)vacationservice——度假服务(8)reserveticket——订票(9)accommodation——住宿t—娱乐(10)entertainmen—(11)travelmagazine——旅行杂志(12)farecomparison——费用比较(13)cityguide——城市指南、向导(14)currencyconversioncalculator——现金转换计算器(15)drivingmap——驾驶地图(16)travelaccessory——旅行装备设施(17)travelbargain——旅行折扣(18)discount——折扣(19)cheapticket——廉价机票(20)chatroom——聊天室(21)stopover——中途停留l—社团旅游(22)corporatetrave—(23)intelligentAgent——智能代理软件Chapter4:ConsumerBehavior,MarketResearch,andAdvertise ment4.1LearningaboutConsumerBehaviorOnline【教学内容】e中的专业及非专1、掌握“LearnedLearningaboutConsumerBehaviorOnlin”业词汇及用法:(1)royalty——皇权,至上(2)critical——关键的,重要的(3)lure——吸引(4)factor——因素(5)independentvariables——自变量(6)intervening(ormoderate)variables——介入(缓解)变量(7)intervene——介入、干涉(8)moderate——中等的,适度的,适中的;减轻、缓和s—因变量(9)dependentvariable—(10)decision-making——决策的,决策(11)resell——再卖,转售(12)demographic——人口统计学的(13)ethnicity——种族划分(14)occupation——职业(15)householdincome——家庭收入(16)correlate——使相互关联(17)unfavorable——不宜的,不顺利的,相反的,令人不快的第7页电子商务英语词汇表第8页(18)psychological——心理上的(19)stimuli——鼓励,刺激物(20)marketer——销售商4.2TheConsumerDecision-MakingProcess【教学内容】s中的专业及非专业词汇及1、掌握“TheConsumerDecision-MakingProces”用法:(1)decision-making——决策、决策的(2)clarify——澄清、阐明(3)marketer——销售商(4)leadupto——先导、准备(5)culminate——告终,完结(6)purchasing-decision——购物决定(7)revert——回返(8)broker——经纪人(9)DecisionSupportSystem——决策支持系统(10)facility——工具(11)customerloyalty——客户忠诚第8页。



UNDERSTANDING CANADIAN BUSINESSCHAPTER # 1 noteschater1MANAGING WITHIN THE DYNAMIC BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT动态商业环境下的管理Business and Entrepreneurship: Revenues, Profits, and Losses 事业和企业家能力:收益,利益和损失Business: Any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at a profit.事业:寻求当在一笔利润操作时向其他人提供货物和服务的任何活动。

Profit: The amount a business earns beyond what it spends for salaries and other expenses.利益:一种商业在它为了薪金和其他话费所话费的以外赚的量Entrepreneur: A person who risks time and money to start and manage a business.企业家能力:冒险用时间和金钱开始和管理一种商业的一个人Revenue: The total amount of money a business takes in during a given period by selling goods and services. 收益:一种商业在一段特定的时间期间通过出售商品和服务获得的金钱Loss: When a business’s expenses are more then its revenue.失去:当一种商业的花费超过其收益时Risk: The chance an entrepreneur takes of losing time and money on a business that may not prove profitable.风险:一个企业家浪费了时间和金钱在事业上,却无利可图的机会Responding to the Various Business Stakeholders对各种各样的傻瓜也既得利益者作出反应Stakeholder:All the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies andactivities of a business.财产保管人:他通过政策和一种商业活动赢得或者失去的所有人- Investors; invest in the business投资者:在商业中的投资- Financial Institutions; lend money to the business 金融的社会公共机构:借钱给企业- Supplier; sell to the business供应商:向企业卖物品- Customers; buy goods and services from the business 消费者:从企业中购买商品和服务- Government; gets taxes from the business 政府:从企业中收税- Employees; get jobs from the business受雇者:从企业中得到工作- Dealers; buy and sell for the business经销商:为企业进行交易买卖- Environmentalists; protest the businesses pollution habits环境保护主义者:抗议商业污染习惯- Surrounding Community; get many positives and negatives from the business 周围的社区:从商业之中得到很多积极的和消极的影响Outsourcing: Assigning various functions, such as accounting, production, security, maintenance, and legal work, to outside organizations.外包:委托给外部单位的业务有很多,像审计,产品,安全,维护保养和政法工作.There is a major trend toward outsourcing in North Americanbusiness in an effort to cut costs and become more competitive. Much production has moved off shore, and many management functions are now sub contracted to external sources such as consulting firms.在北美的外包业务有一个大致的发展趋势:就是努力缩减成本提高竞争力.很多的产品现在已经转移到了沿海地区,许多管理职能现在订约与外部资源像咨询公司.Using Business Principles in Non-profit Organization非营利组织的商业原则的应用Non- profit Organization: An organization whose goals do not include making a personal profit for its owners or organization. 无利益组织:其目标不包括为其所有者或者组织赚取一笔个人的利润的一个组织。



Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce 电子商务综述Case: (引例:)1.1 The Basic Concept of E-commerce(电子商务的基本概念)1.1.1 The Definition of E-commerce(电子商务的定义)1.1.2 The Contents of E-commerce(电子商务的内容)1.1.3 E-commerce Functional Features(电子商务的功能特性)1.2 E-commerce Emergence and Development(电子商务的产生与发展)1.2.1 The Developing Process of E-commerce(电子商务的发展过程)1.2.2 The Current Situation of E-commerce(电子商务的发展现状)1.2.3 The Trend of the E-commerce Development(电子商务的发展趋势)1.3 E-commerce Influence(电子商务的影响)1.3.1 E-commerce Influence on Economy(电子商务对经济的影响)1.3.2 The Impact of E-commerce on Enterprise(电子商务对企业的影响)1.3.3 The Impact of E-commerce on the Government(电子商务对政府管理的影响)Chapter 2 E-commerce Mechanism and Modes 电子商务机理与模式Case: Digital Beijing Project(引例:首都电子商务工程)2.1 Basic E-commerce Modes(电子商务的基本模式)2.1.1 B2B Mode(B2B模式)2.1.2 B2C Mode(B2C模式)2.1.3 B2G Mode(B2G模式)2.1.4 G2G Mode(G2G模式)2.1.5 C2C Mode(C2C模式)2.2 Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的结构)2.2.1 General Framework of E-commerce(电子商务总框架)2.2.2 Application Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的应用框架)2.3 Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务的系统组成)2.3.1 Major Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要组成部分)2.3.2 Network Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的网络架构)2.3.3 Applications Level of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的应用层次)Chapter 3 E-commerce Infrastructural Facilities 电子商务基础设施Case: Covad(引例:Covad)3.1 The Basis of Computer Network(计算机网络基础)3.1.1 Definition of Computer Network(计算机网络的定义)3.1.2 Computer Network Classification(计算机网络的分类)3.1.3 Function of Computer Network(计算机网络的功能)3.2 Network Communication Protocol(网络通信协议)3.2.1 OSI and IEEE 802 Protocol(OSI与IEEE 802协议)3.2.2 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(TCP/IP协议簇)3.2.3 WLAN Communication Protocol(WLAN通信协议)3.3 Internet(互联网)3.3.1 The Emergence and Development of Internet(互联网的产生与发展)3.3.2 Internet Application(互联网的主要应用)3.3.3 IP Address and Domain Name(IP地址和域名)3.3.4 Internet Access(互联网接入方式)3.3.5 Intranet, Extranet and Internet(内联网、外延网和互联网)3.4 Network Program Technology(网络编程技术)3.4.1 Markup Language(标识语言)3.4.2 Java(Java)3.4.3 .NET(.NET)Chapter 4 Information Processing Technology 信息处理技术Case: General Electric(引例:通用电气)4.1 Electronic Data Interchange(电子数据交换)4.1.1 Introduction of EDI(EDI概述)4.1.2 EDI Standards(EDI标准)4.1.3 EDI Network(EDI网络)4.2 RFID Technology(RFID技术)4.2.1 Brief Introduction to RFID(RFID技术简介)4.2.2 Contents of RFID Tracking System(RFID跟踪系统的组成)4.3 GPS Technology(GPS技术)4.3.1 Brief Introduction to GPS(GPS技术简介)4.3.2 Content of GPS Tracking System(GPS跟踪系统的组成)4.4 GIS Technologies(GIS技术)Chapter 5 E-commerce Payment Technology 电子商务支付技术Case: First Internet Bank of Indiana(引例:印第安纳第一网络银行)5.1 E-money(电子货币)5.1.1 Bank Cards(银行卡)5.1.2 E-cash(电子现金)5.1.3 E-check(电子支票)5.1.4 E-wallets(电子钱包)5.2 E-payment System(电子支付系统)5.2.1 E-cash Payment System(电子现金支付系统)5.2.2 Bank Card Payment System(银行卡支付系统)5.2.3 The E-check System(电子支票支付系统)5.3 Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry(互联网技术与银行业)5.3.1 E-bank(网上银行)5.3.2 Mobile Bank(移动银行)Chapter 6 E-commerce Security Technology 电子商务安全技术Case: Bibliofind Company(引例:Bibliofind Company)6.1 Introduction to E-commerce Security(电子商务安全概述)6.1.1 Security Issues in E-commerce(电子商务的安全性问题)6.1.2 The Basic Requirements for Security in E-commerce (EC对安全的基本要求)6.1.3 Measures for E-commerce Security(电子商务安全措施)6.2 Encryption Technology(加密技术)6.2.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.2.2 Symmetric Encryption Technology(对称式密钥加密技术)6.2.3 Asymmetric Encryption Technology(非对称密钥加密技术)6.2.4 Mixed EncryptionTechnology(混合加密技术)6.3 Authentication Technology(认证技术)6.3.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.3.2 Message Digest and Digital Signatures(数字摘要与数字签名)6.3.3 Digital Certificates and CA Security Authentication (数字证书与CA安全认证体系)6.3.4 Public Key Infrastructure(公钥基础设施)6.4 Firewall Technology(防火墙技术)6.4.1 Basic Concept of the Firewall(防火墙的基本概念)6.4.2 Firewall Principle(防火墙原理)6.4.3 Security Policy and Limitations of Firewall(防火墙的安全策略及局限性)6.5 Security Payment Technology(安全支付技术)6.5.1 Secure Socket Layer(安全套接层协议)6.5.2 Secure Electronic Transaction(安全电子交易协议)6.5.3 Comparison between SSL and SET(SSL与SET比较)Chapter 7 E-commerce and the Law 电子商务与法律Case: Legal Issue Related to Hyperlink on the Website(引例:关于网站中的超链接的法律问题)7.1 Introduction to E-commerce Law(电子商务法介绍)7.1.1 The Legal Issue for E-commerce(电子商务引发的法律问题)7.1.2 Concepts and Features of E-commerce Law(电子商务法的概念及其特征)7.1.3 The Legislation Course of E-commerce(电子商务立法进程)7.2 The Law Issues in E-commerce's Transactions(电子商务交易中存在的法律问题)7.2.1 Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China(《中华人民共和国电子签名法》)7.2.2 Contracting and Contract Enforcement in E-commerce (电子商务中的合同和履行)7.2.3 Digital Signatures and Authentication(电子签名及认证问题)7.3 Intellectual Property in E-commerce(电子商务中的知识产权问题)7.3.1 Copyright(网络著作权的法律保护)7.3.2 Domain Names(有关域名的法律保护)7.3.3 Database(数据库的法律保护)7.4 Customer Right Protection at E-commerce(电子商务中的消费者权益保护)7.4.1 Customer Privacy Protection(消费者隐私权保护)7.4.2 Virtual Property Protection(虚拟财产的保护)Chapter 8 E-commerce and Taxation 电子商务与税收Case:eBay'ers(引例:eBay用户)8.1 Introduction to Taxation in E-commerce(电子商务税收概述)8.1.1 Taxation and Its Significance(税收及其重要性)8.1.2 Characteristics of E-commerce Taxation(电子商务税收的特点)8.2 Taxation Issue in E-commerce(电子商务带来的税收问题)8.2.1 Argument for E-commerce Taxation(电子商务征税的争执)8.2.2 Permanent Establishment(常设机构)8.2.3 Tax Jurisdiction(税收权限)8.3 International Legislation of E-commerce Taxation(国际上电子商务的税收法规)8.3.1 Two Perspectives Over Taxation Policy(电子商务税收政策的两种观点)8.3.2 Nexus(直接关系税)8.3.3 European Union Value Added Taxes(欧盟的增值税)8.3.4 The OECD Five Key Principles for E-commerce Taxation(经济发展与合作组织对于电子商务税收的5点原则)8.3.5 Alternative Ways of Taxing the E-commerc(对电子商务税收的几种方案)Chapter 9 E-commerce and Business Management企业电子商务管理Case:P&G and Wal-Mart(引例:宝洁和沃尔玛)9.1 Critical Success Factors and E-commerce Strategies (关键成功因素与电子商务策略)9.1.1 Critical Success Factors(关键成功因素)9.1.2 Critical Success Factors in E-commerce(电子商务的关键成功因素)9.2 E-commerce and Supply Chain Management(电子商务与供应链管理)9.2.1 Supply Chain Introduction(供应链介绍)9.2.2 E-supply Chain Management(电子商务供应链管理)9.2.3 Supply Chain Integration with the Application of E-commerce(运用电子商务进行供应链整合)9.3 E-commerce and Human Resources Management(电子商务与人力资源管理)9.3.1 HRM in the Context of E-Commerce(电子商务环境下的人力资源管理)9.3.2 Knowledge Management(知识管理)9.4 E-commerce and Logistics(电子商务与物流管理)9.4.1 E-logistics Management(电子商务物流管理)9.4.2 E-logistics Differs from Traditional Logistics(电子商务物流与传统物流的区别)Chapter 10 Construction of E-commerce System电子商务系统建设Case:Sinochem Corporation E-commerce System(引例:中国化工进出口总公司电子商务系统)10.1 System Design of E-commerce System(电子商务系统设计)10.1.1 Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统结构)10.1.2 E-commerce Website Design Elements(电子商务网站设计要素)10.2 The Developing Process of E-commerce System(电子商务系统建设过程)10.2.1 Lifecycle of System Development(系统开发周期)10.2.2 System Analysis and Planning(系统分析和规划)10.2.3 System Design and Development(系统设计与开发)10.2.4 System Testing/Implementation/Maintenance(系统测试/实施/维护)10.3 System Software of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要软件)10.3.1 Web Server Software(Web服务器软件)10.3.2 Application Server(应用服务器)10.3.3 E-commerce Software Package(电子商务软件包)Chapter 11 E-commerce Website 电子商务网站建设Case:Circuit City's E-superstore(引例:Circuit City的网上超市)11.1 E-commerce and Portal Site(电子商务和门户网站)11.1.1 Types of Portal Site(门户网站的类型)11.1.2 Importance of Web Portals(网络门户网站的重要性)11.2 Website Construction(网站建设)11.2.1 The Pattern of E-shops(网上商店的模式)11.2.2 Launch an Successful Online Business(启动一个成功的网上商业项目)11.2.3 Website Design(网站设计)11.2.4 Actualization of E-shops(网上商店的实现)11.3 E-shop Fore-end(网络商店前台)11.3.1 Online Catalog(网上产品目录)11.3.2 Shopping Cart(购物车)11.3.3 Online Payment(网上支付)11.4 E-shop Back-end(网络商店后台)11.4.1 Order Processing(订单处理)11.4.2 Customer Relationship Management(CRM)(客户关系管理)11.4.3 Logistics(物流配送)Chapter 12 E-commerce and the Latest Development电子商务发展动态Case:The Future Store in Germany(引例:德国的未来超市)12.1 Current Status of E-commerce(电子商务现状)12.1.1 Global E-commerce Latest Development(全球电子商务发展的基本情况)12.1.2 Development of E-commerce in China(中国电子商务的基本情况)12.1.3 Problems in China's E-commerce Development(中国电子商务发展中存在的问题)12.1.4 Policy for the Promotion of E-commerce Development (中国促进电子商务发展的方针政策)12.2 M-commerce(移动电子商务)12.2.1 Technologies of M-commerce(移动电子商务的实现技术)12.2.2 M-tickets(移动电子票务)12.3 Other E-commerce Development(其他电子商务的发展情况)12.3.1 IPTV(数字电视)12.3.2 Blog(博客)。

电子商务英语教程5-Business Models of E-commerce

电子商务英语教程5-Business Models of E-commerce

Text B Understanding B2C E-commerce
New words
property n. 财产 intimacy n. 亲密, 亲密的状况 forum n. 提供公开讨论机会的宣传媒介, 如报纸或广播电视的专题讨论节目等 streamlined a. 有效组织或简单化的 linkage n. 联系或关系 prospective a. 预期的 innovative a. 革新的, 创新的 intellectual a. 智力的 proposition n. 提议, 建议 strengthen v. 加强
Transition Page
第3 页 第3 页
Text A Business-to-Consumer E-commerce
New words
confidently ad. 信赖地, 安心地 improvement n. 改进, 进步 physically ad. 实体上的 promotion n. 促进, 促销 rapidly ad. 快速地 software n. 软件 suitable a. 适合的, 相配的 virtual a. 虚拟的
随着消费者越来越习惯于在线购买产品,其他产品类别 将会越来越nsumer E-commerce
Analysis of sentences
第9 页
Some experts believe that, in the long term, this type of businesses should be more successful than pure e-commerce businesses.
第4 页
Text A Business-to-Consumer E-commerce



Table 5.3 Customer and Merchant Perspectives on the Different Dimensions of E-Commerce Security (1 of 2)
Dimension Integrity
Customer’s Perspective
Has information I transmitted or received been altered?
– E-signatures – Multi-factor authentication – Fingerprint identification
• Three key points of vulnerability in e-commerce environment: – Client – Server – Communications pipeline (Internet communications channels)
Figure 5.2 A Typical E-Commerce Transaction
• Low-cost web attack kits • Online credit card fraud • Underground economy marketplace
What Is Good E-Commerce Security?
• To achieve highest degree of security – New technologies – Organizational policies and procedures – Industry standards and government laws
Customer’s Perspective Can someone other than the intended recipient read my messages?



Notes To Passage B Activities On Passage B
Basic E-commerce Writing
Related Reading
Work online 5
Unit 5
学 习 目 标
Objective: In this unit, you will learn: The obvious difference between B2B and B2C The features of B2B and B2C The unique characteristics of B2B applications Basic E-commerce English Writing Focus: The difference between B2B and B2C Nodus: How to make a purchase from a B2B application
5.3.2 Translation practice Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or expressions:
1) individual customer transactions 2) order office supplies or parts 3) fairly regular intervals 4) credit card 5) lines of credit 6)search function 7)browse through 8)virtual private network(VPN) 9)provide secure access 10)customer's supply chain 个体客户交易 订购办公用品或部件 相当固定的间隔时间 信用卡 信用贷款之最高限额 搜索功能 浏览 虚拟个人网络 提供安全通道 客户供应链



Unit 5 LogisticsStart with E-commerce Journey with E-commerce Forward with E-commerceSTART WITH E-COMMERCELogistics for different goodsJOURNEY WITH E-COMMERCE•Practical Reading Delivery services •Intensive Reading Modern logistics in the era of e-commerce •Comparative Reading Inbound logistics vs. outbound logistics •Extensive ReadingLogistics: the secret ingredient of China’s e -commerceFORWARD WITH E-COMMERCE•Further Practice Compare logistics services•My learning logUNIT 5LogisticsLEARNING OBJECTIVEAfter studying this unit, you’ll be able to:• choose appropriate logistics for different goods• know the delivery services a courier company may provide• know the diverse forms of modern logistics in e-commerce transactions• distinguish inbound logistics from outbound logistics• understand why logistics is so developed in ChinaSTART WITH E-COMMERCEChoose appropriate logistics for the following goods.☐1cold chain logistics ☐2medical logistics ☐3international logistics ☐4alcohol logistics ☐5chemical logistics ☐6large-sized commodity logistics A FEDCBC A FDE BPractical ReadingJOURNEY WITH E-COMMERCEEstablished in2005,our company now manages more than50,000professional delivery men covering over300cities,and we are dedicated to fulfilling our motto of“being your reliable friend”and giving the best possible price to our clients.The following text details the services we provide.1Ordinary deliveryCommodities that can be delivered through ordinary delivery include daily necessities,processed foods, documents and so on.Within three days,we guarantee that you will receive your delivery.This service is provided in any of our express stations.As for the cost,delivering anything less than1kg will cost you10to20yuan.If your delivery weighs more than1kg,extra fees will be charged.Delivery services—From the official website of a courier company2Delivery of large-sized commoditiesThis service will help you deliver large-sized commodities from one city to another at a very reasonable cost.So what constitutes a large-sized commodity? Actually,anything that exceeds a weightof20kg will be classified into this category.For example,office equipment, household appliances,furniture,and even vehicles are included as common large-sized commodities.Please note that the delivery time is slightly longer than thatof our ordinary delivery.译Practical Reading3Cold chain logisticsDo you want to buy vegetables,fruits,seafood as well as fresh meat online?Then you definitely need our cold chain logistics!With specially designed stay-fresh packaging and a special delivery channel,the nutritional value and full flavor of the food will be retained,and you will receive an order which is perfectly fresh. Compared with other delivery types,the maximum weight is20kg in one order.If the commodities you send weigh more than20kg, another order will be required.4Delivery of international commoditiesMore than160countries and regions are covered by this kind of delivery service.Tomeet customer needs for cross-border online shopping,we have maintained stable cooperation with many popular overseas shopping websites.As international delivery usually takes a longer delivery time,clientscan search the status of their commoditieson our international information platform.译—From the official website of a courier companyPractical Reading译—From the official website of a courier company5Extra servicesTo give our clients the best possible experience,we also provide extra services.Firstly,the privacy of our clients is well protected.Any personal information will not be present on the packaging.Secondly,to protect the environment,we call on all our clients to reuse packaging boxes,and coupons will be given out to encourage the reuse of packaging.Thirdly,you can place an order on your mobile phone,choosing the appropriate time for the delivery man to deliver the order.For those who can’t receive their orders on the same day,we promise to keep them for you,free of charge,for three days.Reading comprehension Read the text and complete the dialog. 1E:Hi Laura,this is Emily.Could you do me a favor?As I will move to Shanghai next month,some of my personal goods need to be sent before I leave.I don’t know what type of delivery service I should choose.L:Well,I see.I think we can search for some information on the official website of the courier company.Look,here’s an introduction to their delivery services.What do you want to deliver?E:Some skincare products,furniture and other things.L:It says you can deliver1daily necessities,processed foods and documents through2_____________________.Your skincare products can be delivered in this form.E:That’s great!What about furniture?Can I use ordinary delivery too?L:I don’t think so.It says commodities with the weight3 _________________should be sent through delivery of large-sized commodities.And it says the4____________ is slightly longer than that of ordinary delivery.E:I see!I also have frozen foods to be sent,but I worry about the preservation of them during the delivery.?L:Well,the company provides5_____________.With specially designed stay-fresh packaging and a special delivery channel,the nutritional value and full flavor of the food will be retained.E:That’s very considerate.Recently I wanted to buy a new rice cooker from an overseas shopping website.Can I choose this courier company?L:Maybe.They say that they maintain6________________ with many popular foreign shopping websites.You can go to check out whether they cooperate with the website you shop on.E:How convenient it is!What else should I know about the delivery service?L:Here,check“Extra services”.They call on clients to7 ___________________.In this way,you may get a coupon. E:OK,I get it.That’s all my questions.Thank you very much for your help,Laura!L:You’re welcome!(Emily wants to deliver some commodities to another city. She asks her friend Laura for help.)ordinary deliveryof over 20kgdelivery time cold chain logisticsstable cooperationreuse packing boxesTask 2 Group discussion Read the following questions and share your answers with your group members.21 How often do you use online shopping websites?2 What kind of commodities do you usually purchase online?1What do you care about most when choosing a delivery service?____________________________________________________________________2Which courier company do you use most often in your daily life? Why?____________________________________________________________________3 Will the level of delivery service affect your choice of online shopping platforms?____________________________________________________________________Practical ReadingWords & Phrases课Practical ReadingWordsmaximum adj. 最大值的,最大限度的motto n. 格言,座右铭necessity n.必需品reuse v. & n. 再使用,重复使用Phrasescold chain logistics 冷链物流courier company 速递公司delivery man 送货员processed food 加工食品Practical Reading课配送服务——快递公司用户手册作为中国最大的快递服务公司之一,我司以向客户提供最好、最便捷的快递服务为荣。



电子商务定义英文版Electronic Commerce (E-commerce)Electronic Commerce, commonly known as E-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet or other electronic networks. It involves online transactions, electronic funds transfer, and the exchange of data and information through digital platforms. E-commerce has revolutionized the way business is conducted, allowing companies to reach a global audience and consumers to conveniently purchase products from the comfort of their homes.The concept of E-commerce can be traced back to the late 20th century when the internet became widely accessible. With the advent of E-commerce, traditional barriers such as distance and time zones were overcome, creating a borderless marketplace. It has opened up new opportunities for businesses, enabling them to expand their reach and diversify their customer base.There are various forms of E-commerce, each catering to different types of transactions. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce refers to the direct selling of products and services from businesses to individual consumers. This is the most common form of E-commerce, with examples including online retail platforms like Amazon and Alibaba.Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce involves transactions between businesses, where one business sells products or services to another business. B2B E-commerce platforms facilitate efficient procurement processes, streamline supply chain management, and reduce transaction costs.Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-commerce facilitates transactions between individual consumers. Online marketplaces, such as eBay and Craigslist, provide a platform for individuals to buy and sell products to each other. This form of E-commerce has gained popularity due to its convenience and affordability.In recent years, mobile commerce (m-commerce) has emerged as a significant segment of E-commerce. With the widespread use of smartphones and mobile applications, consumers can now make purchases and conduct transactions on their mobile devices. M-commerce has enabled businesses to target consumers on the go and provide them with a seamless shopping experience.E-commerce has numerous advantages for both businesses and consumers. For businesses, it reduces operational costs by eliminating the need for physical stores and reducing personnel requirements. It allows businesses to gather valuable data on consumer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies. E-commerce also provides businesses with a platform to reach a larger customer base, including international markets.Consumers benefit from E-commerce through increased convenience, access to a wider range of products and services, and competitive prices. Online reviews and ratings provide consumers with valuable information, helping them make informed purchase decisions. E-commerce also offers a personalized shopping experience, with recommendations based on individual preferences and browsing history.However, E-commerce also faces challenges and concerns. The security of online transactions and the protection of personal and financial information are critical issues. Cybersecurity measures, such as secure payment gateways and encryption technologies, are essential to maintain consumer trust. Additionally, addressing logistical challenges, such as last-mile delivery and product returns, remains a constant focus for E-commerce businesses.The future of E-commerce is promising, fueled by technological advancements and changing consumer behavior. Artificial Intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) are expected to revolutionize the E-commerce industry, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Similarly, the rise of social commerce, integration with social media platforms, and influencer marketing are reshaping the way businesses engage with consumers.In conclusion, E-commerce has transformed the way business is conducted globally. It has provided businesses with unprecedented opportunities for growth and expansion, while offering consumers convenience and a wide range of choices. As technology continues to evolve, E-commerce will continue to evolve, playing an increasingly significant role in the global economy.(1,044 words, excluding title)。

电子商务管理 双语(E-commerce management)

电子商务管理 双语(E-commerce management)

E-Commerce management:text and casesE-Commerce Management: Text and Cases; Sandeep KrishnamurthyPublication Date: July 09, 2002; ISBN- 0-324-15252-3Ch 1 Introduction to E-commerce managementExecutive summary:Six-C framework: commerce, content, communication, connectivity, community, computingThree elements in a successful e-commerce operation: internet technology, business model and marketing.Six new issues-efficiency, value, measurability, dense networking, interactivity, global marketplace1.1introduction1.2The risk and fall of Dot-ComsFour fatal mistakes made by dot-com companies:✧To build their market share with zero pricing and free services.✧To misunderstand the value of a customer database.✧To underestimate the ease with which human behavior can change.✧To underestimate the importance of entrenched interests.1.3reality check✧The Internet is growing at a steady pace.✧ A wide variety of domains have experienced great growth.✧Computing expert judge the quality of the Internet using three metrics-latency, packet loss and reachability.✧The number of American households with computers and access to online services has steadily grown.✧Overall online retail sales have remained steady.✧Manufactures are effectively using the internet to transact directly with customers.✧Networked organizations have continued to outperform their counterparts.✧Even though several high-profate dot-coms have closed, many continue to operate successfully.1.4the E-commerce triangle1.5new conceptual model✧Efficiency✧Value✧Measurability✧Dense Network✧Interactivity✧Global Marketplace✧Interrelationship among the elements1.6conclusiontasks:1.list the firms ranked 90-100 in the fortune 500 in 2010, for each firm, provide revenue inmillions of dollars.2.indentify the web sites of three English –language newspapers based in Pakistan.3.obtain information about the top ten heaviest spenders on advertising in china in the year2010.Discuss:1.how the Internet change our life? Or what can we do by using the internet?课堂作业:概述英汉互翻译。



Unit 5 Electronic CommerceText A 什么是电子商务今天我们能从阿里巴巴、易趣、雅虎等各种网站购买到从日常用品到工业机械设备等各种产品。























【商务英语】电子商务(中英)1.Electronic Commerce电子商务:利用计算机技术、网络技术和远程通信技术,实现整个商务买卖过程中的电子化、数字化和网络化。

E-Commerce is doing business through electronic media or the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), Email, electronic fund transfers and smart cards, without face-to-face meeting between two parties of the transactions.In brief, E-Commerce is the online exchange or sale and purchase of goods and services.2.Benefits of E-commerce 电子商务的好处:为企业带来方便的管理,提高企业及产品的知名度,挖掘更多潜在客户,扩大销售,掌握更多商务信息,赚取更多利润。

High-speed network makes geographical distance insignificant. 消除远距离带来的不便Business can gather information on products, buyers andcompetitors through the Internet so as to increase their own competitiveness. 通过网络了解产品信息从而提高其竞争力Business can maintain their competitive advantage by establishingclose contact with their customers.从与他们消费者密切建立联系儿维持他们的竞争优势The Internet provides companies with numerous chances for product promotion.产品更新换代Corporate image (企业形象) , product and service brand namescan be established effectively through the Internet.在网上树立产品服务标志。

跨境电子商务英语Unit 5 Cross-Border E-Commerce Product Management

跨境电子商务英语Unit 5   Cross-Border E-Commerce Product Management

Part 1 Product Selection
• What would you like to sell in your e-commerce store? • 您想在电商店铺中售卖什么? • Which products to sell online can be quite a task. • (决定)在线销售哪些产品可能是一项艰巨的任务。 • What do customers like to buy online? • 客户喜欢在网上购买什么? • It’s better for us to do a careful product research, isn’t it? • 对我们来说,最好进行仔细的产品研究,不是吗?
跨境电子 商务英语
Unit 5 Cross-Border E-Commerce Product Management
Unit Objectives: ➢ Learn to do the product selection in your e-commerce store. ➢Learn about the product pricing strategies. ➢Learn about the forbidden and restricted products.
Part 1 Product Selection
A and B are classmates. They are discussing about what to sell if they will set foot in CBEC in the future. Please try to role play the following dialogue, especially pay attention to the underlined parts.



电子商务(英文版)课后作业及答案Chapter1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce1、One definition :Electronic CommerceThe The electronic electronic electronic commerce commerce commerce is is is used used used in in in its its its broadest broadest broadest sense sense sense and and and includes includes includes all all business activities that use Internet technologies. 2、Three important thinking points :Business Models, Revenue Models, Business ProcessBusiness Business model model model is is is a a a set set set of of of processes processes processes that that that combine combine combine to to to achieve achieve achieve a a a company’s company’s primary goal which is typical to yield a profit. Revenue Models is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers. The idea is helpful for classifying revenue-generating activities for communication and analysis purposes. Business processes include purchasing raw materials or goods for resale, converting materials and labor into finished goods, managing transportation and logistics, hiring and training employees, managing the finances of the business, and many other activities.3、Three theoretical points: Value chains, Strategic alliance and SWOTValue chains is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to unit undertakes to design, produce, design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or service it sells. Strategic alliance is the relationship that companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relation with other companies and individuals based on shared purpose. SWOT analysis is including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It’s It’s one one one popular popular popular technique technique for for analyzing analyzing analyzing and and and evaluating evaluating evaluating business business business opportunities. opportunities. The analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Then the analyst reviews the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the threats posed by environment. Chapter2 Technology I nfrastructure: Infrastructure: T heThe Internet and the World Wide Web 1、P92 Review Questions 5P57 P57 Intranet Intranet Intranet and and and Internet Internet Internet compared, compared, compared, it it it can can can be be be said said said that that that the the the Internet Internet Internet is is is a a worldwide network and intranet is the implementation of Internet technology in the in-house, it can with little cost and time will enterprise internal information from from a a a large large large number number number of of of resources, resources, resources, reasonable reasonable reasonable transfer transfer transfer to to to everyone. everyone. everyone. Intranet Intranet Intranet for for enterprise provides a can make full use of the communication lines, economic and effective effective to to to establish establish establish intranet intranet intranet scheme scheme scheme and and and Intranet Intranet Intranet applications, applications, applications, enterprises enterprises enterprises can can effectively carry on financial management, supply chain management, inventory management, customer relationship management and so on. Chapter3 Selling o non the Web: Revenue Models and Building a Web Presence P174 Review Questions 3P158 Channel Channel conflict conflict conflict refers to refers to the activities that a member of a channel channel is is engaged in or is not conducive to the organization to achieve its own goals, and then all kinds of contradictions and disputes. Distribution channel channel design is design is the channel members in different angles, different interests and different methods and so so on, on, on, under under under the the the influence influence influence of of of many many many factors; factors; factors; therefore, therefore, therefore, the the the channel channel channel conflict conflict conflict is is inevitable. To To resolve resolve resolve conflicts conflicts conflicts through through through persuasion persuasion persuasion is is is to to to use use use leadership. leadership. leadership. In In In essence, essence, persuasion persuasion is is is the opportunity to the opportunity to c ommunicate with the channel communicate with the channel members of the conflict, which emphasizes the influence of the behavior rather than the information sharing, but also in order to reduce the conflict caused by the division of labor. The goal of the negotiation is to stop the conflict between members. Compromise may avoid conflict, but it can't solve the root cause of the conflict. exist, it will eventually lead to conflict. In As long as the pressure continues to fact, negotiation is a method of channel members to bargain. In the course of the negotiations, each member will give up some things to avoid the conflict, but the use of negotiation or persuasion to see members of the communication skills. In fact, when the conflict is resolved by the above method, each member needs to form an independent strategy to ensure that the problem can be solved. Chapter4 Marketing on the Web1、Two Market Strategies (Web Market Segmentation)4Cs of MarketingAimed at consumer demand. We must first understand (NEED CONSUMER'S) A imed at consumer demand. We must first understand study and analyze the needs and desires of consumers, rather than to consider what companies can produce products. (COST) The cost that the consumer is willing to pay. First of all, we should understand consumers to meet the needs and desires are willing to pay much money, rather than to make the price of the product, that is, to the consumers to how much money. (CONVENIENCE) Consumer convenience. Products should be taken into account how to facilitate the use of consumers. (COMMUNICATION) Communication with consumers. To the consumer as the center of the implementation of marketing communication is very important, through interaction, communication and other means, the enterprise internal and external marketing integration, the customers and the interests of both sides of the enterprise together.4Ps of MarketingPRODUCT: pay attention to the development of the functional requirements of the product has a unique selling point, the functional requirements of the product in the first place. PRICE: according to the different market positioning, the development of different pricing strategies, product pricing is based on the company's brand strategy, focusing on the gold content of the brand. (PLACE)Distribution: enterprises do not directly to consumers, but to pay attention to the cultivation of the dealer and the establishment of sales network, business and consumer contact is through the distributors to carry out. PROMOTION: enterprises focus on changing the sales behavior to stimulate the consumer, in order to promote the growth of consumer spending in the short term, to attract other brands of consumers or lead to advance consumption to promote sales growth. Market SegmentationNetwork market segmentation refers to enterprises on the basis of investigation and study, according to the network consumer desire to buy, purchase motivation and habits of different, the network marketing is divided into different types of groups, each consumer group constitutes the enterprise of a market segment. Funnel modelThe five tier of the funnel corresponds to each link of the enterprise's search marketing, which reflects the number and loss of customers from the display, click, access, and consultation until the order process is generated. From the maximum amount of the show to the minimum order quantity, this layer of the process of narrowing that there are customers for a variety of reasons to leave, to lose interest in the business or to give up. 2、Several Market TechniquesWeb AdvertisementsWeb Advertisement typesW eb advertising (including Banner, Button, huge vertical edges, etc.) Text link advertising Email advertising Button advertising Sponsorship Advertising combined with content Interstitial ads Home page advertisement Keyword advertising E-mail MarketingIt is a kind of network marketing means to transfer value information to target users through email, under the premise of user's prior permission. Email marketing has three basic elements: user license, e-mail delivery of information, information on the value of the user. Three factors, the lack of a, can not be called effective Email marketing. Email marketing is a direct way to communicate with customers by e-mail. At the same time, it is also widely used in the field of network marketing. E-mail marketing is one of the oldest online marketing practices, it can be said that email marketing than the vast majority of Web site promotion and Internet marketing practices are to be old. Technology-enabled customer relationshipClickstreamClick stream analysisClick stream the concept of pay more attention to the users browse the web site of the entire process, the web log records the user clicks as is figure of "point", and click stream is more like the "point" string together to form the "line." Can also be the point that is the site of the Page, and the line is to visit the site of the Session. So click on the flow of data is collected by the site log, which can contain more information than the web site log, so as to make the results based on click stream data more abundant and efficient. Searching engine positioning and domain names promotionpaid search engine placementIt is through the search engine optimization, search engine rankings and research key words popularity and relevance in the search engine results page to obtain a higher ranking of marketing tools. Search engine optimization of website ranking is very important, because search engine in by crawler or spider) program to collect web data, according to the complex algorithm (each search engine ranking algorithm and method is not the same) to determine the page for a search term correlation and decide the ranking of. When the customer in the search engine to find related products or services, it is through the professional search engine optimization page usually can get a higher ranking. 3、Online brandingAffiliate marketing 关联营销Affiliate marketing is a built in mutually beneficial mutual benefit based on marketing, in cross marketing (cross marketing is refers to the time, money, ideas, activities or presentation space resources integration, for any business to provide a channel for the low cost and to contact more potential customers a marketing method) based on, will be what things, products and brand marketing for relevance, to achieve deep multi guide. At the same time, the related marketing is also a new, low-cost, enterprise in the website to improve the income of marketing methods. Affiliate marketing is sometimes called tying marketing, the current association of sales in many stores have started to use the. Viral Marketing Strategies 病毒营销Viral marketing is refers to the through similar pathology and computer virus transmission modes, namely self-replicating viral propagation process, using existing social networks to enhance brand awareness or to other marketing purposes. Viral marketing is started by the information source, relying on user spontaneous word-of-mouth publicity; achieve a fast roll snowball communication effect. It describes a information transfer strategy, economics known for viral marketing, because this strategy like a virus, transmit information to thousands, hundreds of audience by rapid replication. 。

《跨境电商实用英语》课件Unit 4-Chapter 5

《跨境电商实用英语》课件Unit 4-Chapter 5

Passage Reading
PART 2 Passage Reading
Shipment and Delivery
For Cross-border E-commerce business, the competitive advantage of a company depends primarily on user-centered customer value. User experience is not only reflected in the quality of products provided by Cross-border E-commerce companies, but also reflected in the offline services, especially the product delivery and distribution services throughout the process. It shows that Cross-border E-commerce must rely on the combination of logistics, business flow and information flow to get better development.
PART 2 Passage Reading
FEDEX has a competitive price for the shipping to South and Central America and Europe with a 15% higher discount than that of other shipping companies, while the price for shipping to other areas is relatively higher.

电子商务Unit 5

电子商务Unit 5

What can a firm achieve by using EDI?
1. unitization: 单元化 the act of packaging cargo into unit loads 将多个小件包装的货物组合成单件大包装的货物便于储运 动词形式为 unitize
2. But if the fashion does catch hold, the supplier needs to know as quickly as possible, to allow him or her to find and deliver more items to retail stores. 该句中to allow him or her to…作目的状语。 catch hold: 此处做流行之意。
I wonder whether this style will catch hold.
3. The speed with which the supplier receives feedback from the information system on sales uptake determines his ability to meet demand. 供应商从信息系统获得有关销售的信息的速度决定了他 满足市场需求的能力。 uptake:(名词) 领会, 理解 常用短语 on (in ,at) the uptake: 在理解(力)方面。 He is quick/ slow on the uptake.
10. The saying “garbage in- garbage out” applies to any information system. 经常说的“进去的是垃圾,出来的也是垃圾”这话在任何信 息系统都会出现。 apply to: 适应于,应用到。 Whatever he learned, he applied to his work. 他把学到的一切都应用到工作上去。 利用三维动画增加效果。 3D animation was applied to enhance the effect.

Briefly Electronic Commerce( e-commerce)(简述电子商务)

Briefly Electronic Commerce( e-commerce)(简述电子商务)

四大阶段 Four stages
• • • •
The first stage, the E-mail stage The second phase, information release stage The third stage, Electronic Commerce (EC), The fourth stage, the entire e-commerce stage
Briefly Electronic Commerce( ecommerce)
电子商务介绍 E-commerce is introduced
• E-commerce is usually refers to the world wide commercial and trading activities, on the Internet, open network environment, based on browser/server application modes, both parties not met to various business activity, realize consumer online shopping, entered into between online trading and on-line electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities, a new type of business operation mode.
优点 advantages
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
• Electronic commerce possesses the potential for cost reduction and business process improvement in purchasing, logistics, and support activities. 在采购—物流—支持活动过程中,为了节省的成 本和对业务流程的改进,电子商务发挥了巨大的 潜力。
3. Provide potential cost reductions,
business process improvements
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
Important support activity for sales and purchasing 物流是销售和采购的重要支持活动 Includes managing the movements of:
1. Inbound materials and supplies 进 2. Outbound finished goods and
Offshoring 离岸外包: The outsourcing is done by organization in other counties 扩展到海外的外包。 主要有外包、创建全资子 公司或与当地企业创办合资公司。
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
Learning Objectives学习目标
In this chapter, you will learn about:
• Strategies that businesses use to improve purchasing, logistics, and other support activities 改进采购、物流和其他支持活动的业务战略;
An emerging characteristic of purchasing, logistics, and support activities is that they need to be flexible. 采购—物流—支持活动的一个新特征就是要求这些 活动具备灵活性。
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
Two of the largest MRO suppliers in the world are McMaster-Carr and W.W. Grainger. MC和WWG是世界上最大的MRO供应商。
国内比较知名的MRO工业品服务商主要有:阿里 巴巴(工业品商城)、沃的工业城(WOGYC)、 拜优、工品汇
Procurement also called supply management
企 业 的 采 购 流 程
Purchasing Activities采购活动
E-sourcing: the vendors in this market can save the cost of printing and shipping catalogs and the cost of handling telephone orders. 在网络上处理订单可以让供应商节省印刷与邮寄产 品目录的成本和处理电话订购的成本。
Learning Objectives学习目标
•Electronic marketplaces and portals that make purchase-sale negotiations easier and more efficient 提高采购与销售业务效率的电子集市与门 户。
什么是企业价值链? (Value chain)
5.2.3 Logistic Activities物流活动
Real-time shipment information on customers’ browsers
很多物流公司已为顾客提供了网站上实时货 运跟踪。
5.2.3 Logistic Activities物流活动
Third-party logistics (3PL) provider 第三方物流 Operates all (large portion) of customer’s materials movement activities
5.2.3 Logistic Activities物流活动
classic objective : To provide the right goods in the right quantities in the right place at the right time. 物流以前的目标是在正确时间将正确数量的 正确物品送到正确地点。
Chapter 5
Business-to-Business Activities: Improving efficiency and reducing
costs 企业间电子商务战略(B2B)
B2BΒιβλιοθήκη 传统商务C2CB2C
支持在互联网 上的销售和采 购活动所需要 的交易和业务 流程
Learning Objectives学习目标
• Electronic data interchange, how it works, and how businesses are moving it to the Internet • 电子数据交换(EDI)及其工作原理; • How businesses are moving electronic data interchange operations to the Internet • 企业在互联网上开展EDI的方式;
Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
Purchasing cards (p-cards) provide: •Managers an ability to make multiple small purchases •可支持多次、数额小的购买 •Cost-tracking information to procurement •可查询消费信息
Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
Businesses make a distinction between direct and indirect materials.企业认为直接 物料与间接物料完全不同
Direct materials are those materials that become part of the finished product. • 直接物料是指在生产过程中进入成品的物料;
• Purchasing activities include:采购活动包括: –Identifying vendors 寻找卖主/供应商 –Evaluating vendors 评估卖主/供应商 –Selecting specific products 选择特定产品 –Placing orders 发送订单 –Resolving any issues that arise after receiving the ordered goods and services –解决收货后出现的问题
Learning Objectives学习目标
•Supply chain management and how businesses are using the Internet and Web technologies to improve it 供应链管理及企业用互联网和WWW技术 改进供应链管理的方法;
Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
MRO是指在实际的生产过程不直接构成产 品,只用于维护、维修、运行设备的物料和 服务。
MRO物料通常是一些低值易耗的商品,其 种类繁杂而且采购量不定,因此在采购和库 存管理上与直接物料也有着较大的差异。
Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
在全球价值链垂直分离的过程中,外包和离岸 是其两个重要的特征。
Outsourcing 外包: The use of other organization to perform specific activities 使用其他组织来执行特定的活动
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
Direct materials purchasing: two types
1. Replenishment purchasing (contract
purchasing) 合同采购/订约采购
Company negotiates long-term
Business process offshoring (BPO)
Companies offshore non-manufacturing
5.2.1 Purchasing Activities采购活动
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities