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1.I can’t wait to play with my __________ (玩具名) again!
2.I can create a _________ (玩具购物车) and pretend to go grocery shopping.
3.__________ are used in the production of food additives.
4.The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is ______.
5.The _______ can help control pests naturally.
6.The ancient Romans created a complex system of ________ (法律).
7.The __________ (历史的转折) signifies change.
8.My pet ______ (狗) loves to run and play.
9.She is ___ (laughing/sobbing) at the joke.
10.The _______ (Civil Rights Act) was passed in 1964 to end discrimination.
11.Herbal plants are often used in __________ (药物).
12.Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar ______.
13. A _______ is a reaction that occurs in acidic conditions.
14.Her _____ (音乐盒) plays a lovely tune.
15.The _______ (The Gulf War) was fought to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi control.
16.My ______ travels around the world for work.
17.My favorite thing about school is _______ (交朋友).
18.My sister's _____ is purple and yellow.
19.His favorite color is ________.
20.The __________ (古代波斯) was known for its great emperors.
21.The basic unit of a carbohydrate is a ________.
22.She is ___ a picture. (drawing)
23.The ancient Maya civilization was known for its __________ (天文学) and calendar.
24.The concept of climate change mitigation aims to reduce greenhouse gas ______.
25.The process of hydrolysis involves breaking bonds using __________.
26.Can you see the ________?
27.The fish swims _______ (自由自在) in the water.
28.The process of polymerization creates ______.
29.The ________ (生态互动) is intricate.
30.What do you call the action of helping someone in need?
A. Assisting
B. Ignoring
C. Neglecting
D. Abandoning答案: A
31.The __________ revolutionized transportation during the 19th century. (铁路)
32.What is 10 - 4?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8答案:B 6
33.We visit the ______ (艺术博物馆) for inspiration.
34.The sun is ________ (灿烂) today.
35.Some rocks can change into different types through a process called __________.
36.We will go ______ in the evening. (walking)
37.The capital of Egypt is __________.
38.My dad is an _____ (工程师) who builds roads.
39.n Tea Party happened in _____ (1773). The Bost
40.My dad tells funny ____.
41. A rabbit has big _____ ears.
42.He is reading a ___. (story)
43.I have a toy _______ that can do tricks.
44. A __________ is a natural resource that needs conservation.
45.Air is a mixture of several different ______.
46.What do we call the process of converting agricultural waste into useful products?
A. Biomass conversion
B. Composting
C. Anaerobic digestion
D. All of the above答案: D. All of the above
47.My cousin is a ______. She loves to run.
48.The boy likes ________.
49.My sister has a talent for ____ (singing) beautifully.
50.The _______ (The Vietnam War) involved the US in a conflict to prevent communism.
51.My favorite time of the day is ______.
52.I like to _______ my family and friends.
53. A chemical reaction can be sped up by increasing the ______.
54.He is riding his ___. (skateboard)
55.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated in February?
A. Valentine's Day
B. Memorial Day
C. Independence Day
D. Thanksgiving 答案:A
56.What is the main purpose of a vacuum cleaner?
A. To wash clothes
B. To clean floors
C. To cook food
D. To dry hair答案:B.To clean floors
57.The ____ has a unique pattern and can run fast.
58.Look at that _____ (小马) running in the field!
59.The ancient Egyptians preserved ________ to pass down history.
60.What do we call a story about someone's life?
A. Autobiography
B. Biography
C. Novel
D. Fiction答案:B
61.I love to listen to the __________ when it rains. (雨)
62.We should ________ the environment.
63.Earth's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, and other ______.
64.In the morning, the air is very ______ (清新).
65.What is the name of the famous race in Monaco?
A. Daytona 500
B. Monaco Grand Prix
C. Indianapolis 500
D. Le Mans答案:B
66.The __________ is a major river in Asia. (湄公河)
67.The state of matter that has no fixed volume is __________.
68.The Earth's crust is constantly undergoing changes due to ______ and erosion.
69.The tiger prowls silently through the ______ (丛林).
70.The first successful use of anesthesia was during the ________ (手术).
71.The chemical formula for glucose is _______.
72.They are watching _____ (电影).
73.I like to _____ (追逐) butterflies.
74.We should __________ our hands before eating.
75.The cockatoo has a distinctive _______.
76.I play board games with my ________ (玩具名称).
77.The __________ is a famous river that flows through Italy. (泰晤士河)
78.Sediment is made up of tiny pieces of ______, minerals, and organic matter.
79.What do you call a young female pig?
A. Piglet
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. Lamb答案: A
80.I have a new ___. (computer)
81.I enjoy visiting the ________ (动物园) during summer.
82.What do you call the outer layer of the Earth?
A. Core
B. Mantle
C. Crust
D. Surface答案:C
83.I love to play ______ (户外运动) with my friends. It keeps us active and healthy.
84.What do we call a person who studies the effects of globalization?
A. Global Sociologist
B. Anthropologist
C. Political Scientist
D. Historian 答案: A
85.When ice melts, it turns into __________.
86.Planets do not produce their own ______.
87.The ________ is a small fluffy animal.
88.My favorite sport is ______ (滑雪).
89.The _____ (飞盘) is great for playing outside.
90.In a decomposition reaction, a compound breaks down into two or more _____.
91.The chemical process of respiration is similar to ______.
92.The ______ (植物的生存) depends on various factors.
93.The owl has specialized ______ (视觉) for seeing in darkness.
94.What do we call a story that is made up?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Biography
D. History答案:A
95.What is the fastest land animal?
A. Cheetah
B. Lion
C. Horse
D. Tiger答案: A
96.Birds build _______ in trees.
97.The __________ (历史的回声) resonates through time.
98. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes between the Sun and the ______.
99.I want to _______ (学习)如何游泳。
100.My cousin is a fan of _______ (运动). 她喜欢 _______ (动词).。