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1. The teacher did not just emphasize the structure (e.g., how to say, or read the
new words, the irregular verbs ) or function of language (e.g., how to describe the problem, make complaints and offer solutions) but what Ss may personally experience, e.g., the Ss are asked to make a dialogue in pairs when common problems happen in their real life. 2. 2. By personal experience, Ss could not just learn how to say or read the irregular verbs (in “the cognitive process”) but also acquire some interpersonal knowledge/ skills like how to state the problem clearly and make complains with a real person when common problem happen in their real life (in “the social process”) with interest & strong motivation (in “the affective process”) to learn the language.
problem, e.g., the “interactional view of language” (as the “literature review” in paper writing)
Step 3 The reason why you draw your conclusion in terms of the facts that you
experience-based learning
It’s the process of learning and acquiring the language
naturally in guessing & using the language by tasks, for which vocabulary & grammar rules are noticed, discovered and internalized into Ss’ “inner language system” through their personal testing out the language in real life.
2、The clearness & briefness of language when describing the findings (see how to describe teaching events)
3、The errors in grammar, and terminology
Ss may experience personally (the Ss are asked to make a dialogue in pairs when common problems happen in their real life).
2. 2. The facts to explain or analyze the problem, e.g., if you emphasize the cognitive process, just describe how Ss say or read the irregular verbs; as for the social process, how Ss acquire the interpersonal knowledge/ skills like (how to state the problem clearly and make complains with a real person when common problem happen in their real life) ; as for the affective process, you have to talk
The teacher’s view of language
Step 1 (The conclusion)
It seems that the teacher in Class B holds the “interactional view of language”.
Step 2 (The related theories)
Step 3 (The reason why you draw your conclusion)
From the observations above, it is not very difficult to see the following factors in the interactional view of language:
3. It means Ss are learning the target language by performing a real social
transaction with their peers personally.
What’s in observations?
1. The facts in relation to the problem you are going to discuss: e.g., what
learning) 2. What are the psycholinguistic underpinnings of the different views
of language learning?
3. How do teachers view language learning in the sample lessons?
How to do Description?
Step 1
Your conclusion of the problem you are going to discuss (the
“topic sentence” in English writing).
Step 2 The related theories, what the other people think of the Behaviorist theory & the Cognitive
theory affect EFL teaching?
Behaviorist Theory: Language is learnt through repeated practice
and reinforcement: the learners respond to both the teacher’s verbal and
& affective process of language learning, e.g., the interpersonal knowledge/ skills like how to perform the negotiation or interaction in real communications.
TEFL Methodology (1)
Chapter 3-3
Theories of Language Learning
Problems in Description Report 1
(Homework 1)
1 The form of the report
Description Report 1 on Lesson 3,Unit7, J2B, Class B
performance of social transactions between individuals”.
In this view, EFL teachers does not only focus on the structure and function
of language but also what Ss may personally experience in the cognitive, social
According to Richards (1986), in the “interactional view of language”,
language is “a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the
about the Ss’ affective factors, e.g., interest or motivation of learning.
3. Thus in “description”, you should not just copy the facts, but make use of them through analysis & inference.
non-verbal stimuli that makes the way to “reinforcement” of a habit structure.
The effect: The focus on structure &
Problems in Description Report 1
(Homework 1)
2 The problems of language
1、The tense used to describe your findings in “observation” and to discuss your conclusion in “description”
The observer: Student teacher: XXX, Group 2-3, Class 10(1)
The topic: The teacher’s view of language learning
1、每两个单词之间只空一个字符 2、标点符号应该紧跟尾字符,标点后要空格 3、新内容或新段落必须空行(只空一行(yīxíng),1/1.5倍行距) 4、除标题 “居中”外,其它全部靠左排列 5、专有名词大写,不任意用黑体,不用中文标点,如:“、”
can find from the sample lesson to support your description (with analysis, inference or discussion).
Main Points for Revision
Understanding the views & nature of EFL learning: 1. How do people view language learning? (two views of language
The Two Views of Language Learning
Transmission-based learning
It’s the process of drilling and memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules repeatedly & clearly through teacher’s “transmission” of the knowledge about the language from the textbook to students.