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鲁滨逊几乎花了一年的时间,彩吧篱笆作文Robinson spent almost a year constructing the fence around his garden. 鲁滨逊花了将近一年的时间修建围绕他的花园的篱笆。
He painstakingly selected the wood for the fence, making sure each plank was sturdy and weather-resistant. 他费尽心思地挑选篱笆的木材,确保每块木板都坚固耐用,防水。
Day after day, Robinson toiled in the hot sun, hammering each nail with precision and care. 一天又一天,鲁滨逊在炎热的阳光下辛勤劳作,
As time passed, the fence slowly began to take shape, growing taller and stronger with each passing day. 随着时间的推移,篱笆逐渐成形,
Robinson's determination and hard work paid off when the fence
was finally completed, standing tall and proud around his garden. 鲁滨逊的决心和努力付出在篱笆最终完成时得到了回报,篱笆高耸骄傲地围绕着他的花园。
Looking at the fence, Robinson couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in his work. 看着篱笆,鲁滨逊不禁为自己的工作感到一种成就感和自豪感。
The fence not only served a practical purpose of protecting his garden but also symbolized Robinson's dedication and perseverance. 篱笆不仅起到了保护花园的实际功能,还象征着鲁滨逊的奉献精神和毅力。
Each nail driven into the fence represented a small victory, a step closer to achieving his goal. 每个敲进篱笆的钉子都代表着一次小小的胜利,是接近实现目标的一步。
The sweat and effort poured into building the fence were a testament to Robinson's commitment to his garden and his determination to see his vision through to the end. 流下的汗水和付出的努力证明了鲁滨逊对自己花园的承诺,以及他坚定的决心将自己的愿景贯彻到底。
Standing on the other side of the fence, Robinson felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment, knowing that his hard work had paid
off. 站在篱笆的另一边,鲁滨逊感到满足和满足,知道自己的辛勤劳动得到了回报。
The fence stood as a testament to Robinson's resilience and determination, a physical representation of his unwavering dedication to his garden. 篱笆作为鲁滨逊韧性和决心的见证,是对他对花园不渝奉献的实体表现。
In the end, Robinson's diligence and hard work had paid off, leaving him with a beautifully crafted fence that would stand the test of time. 最终,鲁滨逊的勤奋和努力得到了回报,留下了一道经久不衰的篱笆。