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Ring the Bell 打铃服务

-Did you ring,madam?-是你按铃吗,太太?

-Yes.Kindly turn off the air-conditioner in this room.I've tried to do so,but I can't.


-Yes,madam.There's something wrong with the switch;perhaps it needs repairing


-What can I do for you,sir?-先生,你有什么事要我办吗?

-The light has fused.Please change the bulb for me.-电灯泡坏了,请换一个。

-The light of this room is dim,please get me a brighter one.-房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡? -There is no water in the bottle.-热水瓶没水了。

-The tea cup is dirty.Please get some glasses for me.-茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。

-Please bring me some ice blocks.-请拿些冰块来。

-I've got some coffee.Please get me some cube sugar.-我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。

-I should like you to bring me some hot watcr.-我想请你给我送些热水来。

-Please buy tow packets of Zhonghua cigarettes(filter tipped)and a box of match for me.


-Please get me some envelopes and writing-paper.-请拿些信封信纸来。

-I want a bottle of red ink.-我要一瓶红墨水。

-The floor of the bathroom is too wet.Please clean (mop)it.-浴室地板太湿了,请清扫一下。-I want to turn on that light.Where is the switch?-我想开亮那盏灯,请问开关在哪里?

-There it is,beside the wardrobe.-在那儿,衣柜旁边。

-I can't sleep well because the tap is dripping.-龙头漏水,吵得我睡不好觉。

-There is no water in the water closet.Would you please have it repaired?


-The telephone is out of order.-电话机坏了。

-There is something wrong with the TV set.-电视机出了故障。

-The wash-basin is clogged.-洗脸池堵塞了。

-The lamp plug is broken.Can you get it fixed?-电灯插头坏了,你会修理吗?

-Well,I'll send for some-one to repair it.-好,我马上派人来检修。

-Would you please polish my leather shoes?-请把这双皮鞋擦擦。

-Put your shoes in front of the door,please.We'll brush them for you.


-Please bring me one portion of toast with fried eggs and a glass of milk.


-Please send up two coffee and four sandwiches.By the way,you might have my things sent up here.


-It's my wife's birthday today.I would like to order a cake,two bottles of champagne and some condles.


-The different sizes of the cake are 7 inches,9 inches and 11 inches.Which size do you prefer?


-I want the 9-inch one.-我要九寸的。

-When shall I send it to your room?-什么时候送到房间里?

-Three guests are coming here at five this afternoon.Please get some more chairs.


-All right.-好。

-The room is too hot.Is there any air-conditioning in this hotel?


-Yes.It was set up last year.-有,是去年安装的。

-Why isn't cool air turned on in such a hot day? I can't stand the heat.

