Unit 1随堂练

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Section 1

V ocabulary Building


1. She was considered a great _________ (美人) when she was young.

2. There is a general __________ (信念) that things will soon get better.

3. The story about the hero has attracted __________ (世界性的) attention.

4. Shortly after the _________ (到达) of the police, the thieves were caught.

5. Every village would hold a great _____ (盛宴), with food and games for everyone.

6. One of a reporter’s jobs is to g______ information at the scene of an event.

7. You must ask for p_________ before taking pictures inside the church.

8. You should follow the local c_______ when you visit a different place.

9. I don’t agree with her, but I a_______ her for sticking to her principles.

10. As the saying goes, a timely (及时的) snow promises a good h_______.


ancestor, drown, religious, energetic, agriculture, gain, take place, turn up,

look forward to, in memory of, have fun with, hold one’s breath

1. Were there any major events that_____________ on July 9 in history?

2. When children _____________, it is a scary thing for parents to deal with.

3. After _______ independence in 1957, the country was renamed "Ghana".

4. The government held an exhibition ____________ those who died in the war.

5. New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ___________.

6. ___________ means the production of foods and goods through farming and forestry.

7. Mike is a(n) __________ person —he is very active and seldom feels tired.

8. I’m really _____________ the end of the month and the Cambridge Folk Festival.

9. Many people ____________ when the boat turned over during their trip over-seas.

10. I expect the missing watch will one day ___________ somewhere in my house.


a. a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth. _____________

b. the point from which sth. starts ______

c. to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem ________

d. easy to see or understand __________

e. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat _____________

f. a prize such as money, etc. for sth. that sb. has done _____________

g. to stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm, annoy or upset you


1. To ________ from the heart we need to face the hurt and the hate.

2. Rose went to London to receive her ___________ as Mum of the Year.

3. Thousands of people will _________ if food doesn’t reach the city on time.

4. I think you should __________ to your brother for you have done him wrong.
