
教父The Godfather 中英文双语剧本I believe in America.我相信美国America has made my fortune.美国使我发了财And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以美国方式教养我的女儿I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. 我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家I didn't protest.我并没有责骂她Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. 两个月前他与另一个男孩带她去兜风They made her drink whiskey他们强灌她喝威士忌and then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜She resisted, she kept her honour.她抵抗,她保住了名节So they beat her like an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken,当我到医院时她的鼻梁断了her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来She couldn't even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭But I wept. Why did I weep?但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?She was the light of my life.我视她如珠如宝Beautiful girl.长得很美丽Now she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也美丽不起来Sorry.不好意思I went to the police, like a good American.我…像个守法的美国人一样我去报警These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence. 法官判他们有期徒刑三年但缓刑Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day!缓刑!他们当天就没事了!I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中Those two bastards, they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑Then I said to my wife, "For justice, we must go to Don Corleone."于是我对我太太说为求公道我们必须去找柯里昂阁下Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first?你去报警前为何不先来找我?What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do. 你要我怎么样?你尽管吩咐但求你一定要帮我这个忙What is that?帮你什么忙?I want them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到I'll give you anything you ask.你要什么,我都会给你I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help. 我们相识多年这是你第一次来找我帮忙I can't remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时请我到你家去喝咖啡了Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.何况我太太还是你独生女的教母But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧!你从来就不想要我的友谊And you were afraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情I didn't want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非I understand.我了解You found Paradise in America.你在美国发了财You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law. 生意做的很好,生活过的很好有警察和法律保护你You didn't need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友But now you come to me and say,但是…现在你来找我说柯里昂阁下,请帮我主持公道"Don Corleone, give me justice."But you don't ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友你甚至不愿意喊我教父You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money. 你在我女儿结婚当天来我家用钱收买我为你杀人我只是要求你主持公道I ask you for justice.That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.那不是公道,你女儿还活着Let them suffer, then, as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨How much shall I pay you?我应该付你多少钱?Bonasera, Bonasera.包纳萨拉包纳萨拉到底我做了什么What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?让你这么的不尊重我If you'd come in friendship,如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎就会受到折磨And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies. 你这种诚实人的敌人也就是我的敌人And then they would fear you.那么,他们就会怕你Be my friend?当我的朋友?Godfather?教父Good.很好Some day, and that day may never come, I'll ask a service of you.他日我或需要你的帮忙也可能不会有那么一天But until that day...但在那一天到来之前...accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.收下这份公道做为小女结婚之礼- Grazie, Godfather. - Prego.-谢谢,教父-别客气这件事交给…克里曼沙Give this to Clemenza.I want people that aren't going to get carried away.我要用可靠的人头脑清醒的人We're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker says.我们不是谋杀犯,下手别太重- Where's Michael? - Don't worry, he'll be here.-麦克在哪?-别担心,他一会就来没有麦克我不照相We're not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍- What's the matter? - It's Michael.-什么事?-麦克的事Don Barzini.你好,巴西尼阁下你认得我儿子吧?Hey, Paulie! Let me have some wine.保利,让我喝点酒Paulie! More wine.保利,再来点酒- You look terrific on the floor. - Are you a dance judge or something?-你看起来棒极了-你是裁判还是什么?闪开吧,到附近晃晃做你的工作Take a walk and do your job.Sandra, watch the kids. Don't let them run wild.仙杜拉,帮个忙别让孩子乱跑,好吗?你看好你自己,好吗?You watch yourself, all right?20, 30 grand. In small bills, cash.两三万元小钞,全是现金In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里If this were somebody else's wedding... Sfortunato!如果这是我的婚礼我就发财了Hey, Paulie!保利,接住吧!Stupid jerk!你这个笨蛋!What's the matter?怎么回事?- Have to go back to work. - Tom.-我得回去工作了-汤姆No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day.这是婚礼的一部分没有西西里人在女儿结婚那天能拒绝任何的请求柯里昂阁下能受邀到贵府深感荣幸Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me.你们在干什么?滚!Get out of here! It's a private party. Go on!这是私人宴会,快滚What is it? It's my sister's wedding.这算什么?是我妹妹的婚礼Goddamn FBI don't respect nothing!该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重Come here, come here, come here!过来这!…...but towards the end, he was paroled to help with the American war effort, 但最后他获假释去为美国作战so for six months he's worked in my pastry shop.过去六个月他在我的糕饼店做事Nazorine, what can I do for you?纳色利,我的朋友我能为你做什么?Now that the war is over,现在战争结束了这男孩,安索他们要把他遣返意大利this boy, Enzo, they want to repatriate him back to ltaly.Godfather, I have a daughter. You see, she and Enzo...教父,我有个女儿她和安索…You want Enzo to stay in this country, and your daughter to be married. 你要安索留在这个国家和你女儿成亲You understand everything.你什么都了解,谢谢Mr Hagen. Thank you.哈金先生,谢谢待会看看我为你女儿做的结婚蛋糕Wait till you see the wedding cake I made for your daughter!这么高…还有一对新人和天使The bride, the groom and the angel...- Who should I give this job to? - Not to our pais?这件事我该交给谁去办?别给我们这个选区Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list? 给别地区的犹太籍众议员名单上还有谁?你好!麦克!Hey, Michael!He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上但他想要见你Is this necessary?这个…有这个必要吗?He didn't expect to be invited to the wedding, so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼所以要向你致谢好吧Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me柯里昂阁下,在令媛婚礼这天on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be a masculine child. 能受邀到贵府深感荣幸希望他们早生贵子Michael...麦克!That man over there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语See that scary guy over there?看到那边那个吓人的傢伙了吗?- He's a very scary guy. - What's his name?-他很叫人害怕-他是谁?叫什么名字?His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.他叫做路卡布拉西有时候替家父办事Michael, he's coming over here!麦克!等一下,他过来了麦克!汤姆!You look terrific!你气色好极了!My brother Tom Hagen, Miss Kay Adams.家兄汤姆哈金,这是凯亚当斯-你好-你好你父亲要见你Your father's been asking for you.- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.-幸会!-幸会Why does your brother have a different name?若他是你哥哥,为何不同姓?My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street. 小时候在街上发现汤姆无家可归He had no home, so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他He's been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了He's a good lawyer.他是个好律师Not a Sicilian. I think he's going to be consigliere.不是西西里人但我想他会当军师- What's that? - That's a...-那是什么?-那是…...like a counsellor, an advisor. Very important for the family.像是个顾问在家族中的地位非常重要You like your lasagne?你的扁形通心面还好吧?Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I'm honoured and grateful在令媛的婚礼受到邀请that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding.深感荣幸与感激On the day of your daughter's wedding.在令媛结婚的当天And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child.我希望他们能早生贵子I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.这是我一点小小的心意- For your daughter's bridal purse. - Thank you, Luca. Most valued friend. -祝福他们俩白头偕老-谢谢你,路卡我最珍贵的朋友Don Corleone, I'm going to leave you now, because I know you're busy. 柯里昂阁下,我晓得你忙我先告退了Thank you.谢谢Signora Corleone!柯里昂夫人No!不!…Senator Cauley apologised for not coming, but said you'd understand. 科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges. They've all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样他们都送了礼物敬你!What is that outside?外面是怎么回事?强尼!…Johnny! Johnny!I love you!我爱你!He came all the way from California. I told you he'd come!他大老远由加州赶来参加婚礼我告诉过你他会来的- He's probably in trouble again. - He's a good godson.已经两年了,他也许又有麻烦他是个好教子Johnny, Johnny! Sing a song!强尼!…唱首歌You never said you knew Johnny Fontane!麦克!你从未告诉我你认得强尼方亭- Sure. You want to meet him? - Great! Sure.-你想见他吗?-当然!- My father helped him with his career. - He did?-家父帮他建立他的事业-真的?How?怎么做的?- Let's listen to this song. - Michael...-我们先听这首唱-不,麦克Please, Michael. Tell me.拜托,麦克!告诉我When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract 强尼刚出道时和一个乐队领班签了合约with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后,想要解除合约Johnny is my father's godson.强尼是家父的教子My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人He offered him 1 0,000 dollars to let Johnny go,而且出一万元要他与强尼解约but the bandleader said no.他说不行!So the next day my father went to see him, but this time with Luca Brasi. 第二天家父再去见他只是这次带着路卡布拉西Within an hour,一个小时之内he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1,000 dollars.他签了解约书只收了一千元的支票- How did he do that? - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他是怎么办到的?家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件- What was that? - Luca Brasi held a gun to his head,那是什么?路卡布拉西用枪顶着他的头and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. 他要是不签字脑袋就会开花That's a true story.这是真实的故事That's my family, Kay. It's not me.凯,那是我的家庭,不是我Beautiful!I'll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...汤姆!I want you to find Santino. Tell him to come to the office.叫山提诺来我的办公室How are you, Fredo?你好吗?弗雷多-家兄弗雷多-这位是凯亚当斯My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.- Hi. - How are you doing?-你好-你好吗?- This is my brother Mike. - Are you having a good time?-这是舍弟麦克-玩的愉快吗?Yeah. This is your friend?这是你的朋友?I don't know what to do. My voice is weak. It's weak.我不知道该怎么办我的嗓子很虚弱,很虚弱Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top again. 总之我若能得到那部戏的角色我会再次走红的But this... man won't give it to me, the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演- What's his name? - Woltz.-他叫什么名字?-华尔斯He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.他不肯让我演而且还说门都没有Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?- Sonny, are you in there? - What?山尼?你在里面吗?什么事?The old man wants you.老头子要见你One minute.好,马上去山尼一个月以前A month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照I wouldn't even have to act.我根本不需要演只要当我自己即可但…教父,我不知该怎么办?Godfather, I don't know what to do.You can act like a man! What's the matter with you?你要表现得像个男人!你是怎么回事?Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio, that cries like a woman? 这就是你在好莱坞学到的?哭的像个女人?"What can I do? What can I do?" What is that nonsense?该怎么办?怎么办?算什么鬼话?Ridiculous.岂有此理!- You spend time with your family? - Sure I do.-你有花时间与家人共聚吗?-我当然有Good.很好Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. 因为不抽空陪家人的男人不是真正的男人过来这You look terrible. I want you to eat.你看来糟透了,我要你多吃点Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.好好休息从现在起一个月内好莱坞大亨会让你愿望成真It's too late, they start shooting in a week.太迟了他们一周内就要开拍了I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他一个他无法拒绝的提议Just go outside and enjoy yourself, and forget about all this nonsense.现在你到外面去好好的玩-其他的交给我来办-好的- I want you to leave it all to me. - All right.- What time does my daughter leave? - Soon, after they cut the cake.我女儿女婿何时离开?切完蛋糕后的几分钟Do we give your son-in-law something important?你的新女婿要给重要职务吗?Never. Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him. 永远不要!让他们过好日子但别让他插手家族中的事- What else? - Virgil Sollozzo called.还有什么事?威尔斯索拉索来过电话- We'll have to see him next week. - When you come back from California. 下周我们必须安排跟他见面等你从加州回来我们再讨论- When am I going to California? - Tonight.我何时要去加州了?我要你今晚去I want you to talk to this movie big shot and settle this business for Johnny. 我要你和这个…电影大亨谈谈把强尼的事摆平If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding.若没有其他事我想去参加我女儿的婚礼了Carlo, we're going to take the picture.卡洛,我们要拍照了Wait a minute.等一下No, Michael. Not me.不,麦克,我不行Okay, that's it. Just like that. Hold it!好了,就是这样,别动!- You need a little more heat on that arc. - Start talking.好了,开始说吧!I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane.我是强尼方亭的朋友派来的This friend would give his friendship to Mr Woltz,他的朋友是我的委托人若是华尔斯先生能帮他个小忙if Mr Woltz would grant us a favour.他将会感激不尽Woltz is listening.继续说下去Give Johnny the part in that war film you're starting next week. 把你下周开拍的新片男主角让强尼担任And what favour would your friend grant Mr Woltz?他的朋友会回报我什么好处?He could make your future union problems disappear.你若有工会问题我的委托人能摆平And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin.而你旗下一位抽大麻的大牌现在吸起海洛因了你想要威胁我吗?Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch!绝对没有,我只是…听着你这个油腔滑调的王八蛋Let me lay it on the line. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie!让我对你及你的老板说清楚不管他是何许人强尼方亭绝对得不到那个角色No matter how many Dago Guinea greaseballs come out of the woodwork! 我不在乎有多少意大利的移民来找我麻烦- I'm German-lrish. - Listen here, my Kraut-Mick friend.我是德裔爱尔兰人坦白告诉你,德国朋友- I'm going to make trouble for you! - I'm a lawyer. I haven't threatened... 你大祸临头了你甚至不会晓得是谁扁你华尔斯先生,我是位律师我不是来威胁你I know New York's big lawyers. Who are you?我认识纽约的每位大律师你是谁?I have a special practice. I handle one client. I'll wait for your call. 我的执业情况特别只为一位委托人办事你有我的电话号码我等你电话By the way, I admire your pictures very much.告诉你,我很喜欢你的电影Check him out.摸清他的底细- It's really beautiful. - Look at this.真是美极了看看这个原本是用来装饰王宫的- It used to decorate a king's palace. - Very nice.很漂亮Why didn't you say you work for Corleone?你为何不说你为柯里昂阁下做事I thought you were some cheap hustler Johnny was running in.我以为你只是个市井流氓是强尼派来勒索我的除非真的必要否则我不想提起他的名字- I only use his name when necessary. - How's your drink?-你的酒还好吗?-很好- Fine. - Now I'll show you something beautiful.到这边来让你看看真正漂亮的东西You do appreciate beauty, don't you?你的眼光应该不错吧?There you are. 600,000 dollars on four hoofs.这里!这匹马价值六十万元我敢说俄国沙皇也从未在马身上花那么大笔钱I bet Russian czars never paid that for a single horse. Khartoum.达通!Khartoum.达通!I'm not going to race him, though. I'm going to put him out to stud. 不过我不会用它们来比赛我要它们当种马Thanks, Tony.-谢谢,汤尼!-不必客气!我们去吃点东西吧!Let's get something to eat.Corleone is Johnny's godfather.柯里昂是强尼的教父To the ltalian people that's a very sacred, close relationship.对意大利人而言那是种宗教上神圣的亲密关系I respect it. Tell him to ask me anything else. This favour I can't give him. 我很敬重这点告诉他除了这件事我什么都答应He never asks a second favour when he's been refused the first.他被拒绝一次后不会再要求第二次You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.你不了解强尼方亭永远别想演那部电影That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star.他很适合那个角色会让他成为巨星I'm going to run him out of the business, and let me tell you why.但我要让他走投无路我告诉你为什么Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz lnternational's most valuable prot間閟. 强尼毁了一位华尔斯国际公司最有前途的女星We trained her for five years. Singing, acting, dancing lessons.五年来我们不断地训练她歌唱课、表演课、跳舞课I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, to make her a big star.我在她身上投资了无数的金钱我要让她成为一位巨星Let me be even more frank.让我更坦白的告诉你To show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man. That it's not all dollars and cents. 让你知道我不是铁石心肠也不是势利眼She was beautiful. She was young and innocent!她年轻漂亮,天真无邪She's the greatest piece of ass I've had and I've had them all over the world.我拥有她就等于拥有全世界Then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and Guinea charm. 然后强尼方亭出现了带着磁性的嗓音加上意大利的魅力And she runs off.把她拐走了She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous!她跑掉了使我非常难堪And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!而我这种地位的人无法忍受难堪You get the hell out of here!你马上给我滚If that goombah tries any rough stuff, tell him I'm no bandleader.若是那混球想对我动粗你告诉他我不是乐队领班Yeah, I heard that story.我听过那个故事了Thank you for dinner and a very pleasant evening.谢谢你的晚餐款待Maybe your car can take me to the airport.也许你能派车送我去机场Mr Corleone insists on hearing bad news immediately.柯里昂先生坚持坏消息要立刻回报- You're not too tired, are you, Tom? - No, I slept on the plane.-你不会太累吧?汤姆-我在飞机上睡过了I have the Sollozzo notes here.我这里有索拉索的资料Now...众人皆知,索拉索是土耳其人Sollozzo is known as The Turk. He's supposed to be very good with a knife, 他应该善于用刀but only in matters of business with reasonable complaint.但只有发生利益冲突时才会使用His business is narcotics.他是做毒品生意的He has fields in Turkey, where they grow poppy.他们在土耳其种罂粟In Sicily he has plants to process them into heroin.在西西里有工厂提练成海洛因He needs cash, he needs protection from the police.他需要现金以及在毒品交易时需要警方的保护He'll give a piece of the action. I don't know how much.我无法查出保护费价钱多少The Tattaglia family is behind him here. They have to be in it for something. 在纽约是塔塔基利亚家族在保护他他们一定也想分占利益山尼柯里昂- What about his prison record? - One term in ltaly, one here.-他的犯罪前科呢?-一次在意大利,一次在这He's known as a top narcotics man.他是众所周知的大毒枭- Santino, what do you think? - A lot of money in that white powder.山提诺,你认为呢?白粉可以赚大钱Tom?Yes. There's more money in narcotics than anything else.我赞成,毒品比什么都好赚If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.就算我们不加入,别人也会也许是五大家族之一也许全部都会With that money they can buy more police and political power.他们会用毒品赚到的钱买通警方和政客Then they come after us.到时就会赶上我们Now we have unions and gambling, and that's great, but narcotics is the future. 现在我们掌握了工会及赌场而他们却掌握未来最好的东西毒品If we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything in ten years' time.我们若不能分一杯羹我们可能会失去一切我不是指现在而是在十年之内So? What's your answer going to be, Pop?你的答案是什么呢?爸爸Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I need a man who has powerful friends.我需要有势力的友人I need a million dollars in cash.我需要一百万元的现金I need those politicians that you carry in your pocket, like nickels and dimes.我需要你手中掌握的政客- What is the interest for my family? - 30 per cent.-对我家族有什么利益?-三成In the first year your end should be three, four million dollars. 第一年你就可进帐三四百万元And then it would go up.然后还会增加And what is the interest for the Tattaglia family?塔塔基利亚家族会得到什么好处?My compliments.我的敬意I'll take care of them, out of my share.我会从我那一份当中分给他们So I receive 30 per cent for finance,我提供财务、政治和法律的保护,可以分到三成political influence and legal protection?That's right.没错Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity? 你为何来找我我为何值得你这么慷慨?If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance,若你能考虑投资一百万元现金ti saluto, Don Corleone.我就会向你敬礼,柯里昂阁下I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man,我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人to be treated with respect.所以我以礼相待But, I must say no to you.但是我必须拒绝你And I'll give you my reason.我会告诉你原因It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics.没错,我是有很多政界的朋友They wouldn't be friendly long if I was involved in drugs instead of gambling, 但若他们知道我在搞毒品生意而不再是赌博时他们就不再是我的朋友which they regard as a harmless vice, but drugs is a dirty business.他们认为赌博只是些无伤大雅的事业但毒品是败坏德性的生意-但是柯里昂阁下…-对我而言一个人以何为生It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living.并没有什么差别But your business is... a little dangerous.但你这种生意…有一点危险性If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.若你还是担心安全的问题塔塔基利亚会做保证的- The Tattaglias would guarantee our... - Wait a minute.你是说塔塔基利亚家族会保证我们的投资…等一下I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them.你看我把孩子都给宠坏了They talk when they should listen. But anyway...他们说话非常没有分寸但总之,索拉索先生Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I wish to congratulate you on your new business. 我的决定还是不行我要恭喜你的生意I know you'll do well, and good luck.我知道你会很成功…我祝你好运Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.尤其是你的生意不会与我的冲突谢谢Santino.山提诺Come here.到这来What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. 你是怎么回事?我看你和女孩子胡搞之后脑子退化了Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.别让外人知道你在想什么Go on.走吧Tom, what's this nonsense?汤姆,这是什么乱七八糟的?It's from Johnny. He's starring in that new film.那是强尼送的他主演了那部新电影好了,把它拿走- Take it away. - Take it over there.把它放到那去And...还有...tell Luca Brasi to come in.叫路卡布拉西到这来I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow.我对这索拉索有点担心Find out what he's got under his fingernails.我要你弄清楚他在耍什么把戏Go to the Tattaglias.到塔塔基利亚那边去Make them think that you're not too happy with our family 让他们以为你与我们家族不融洽and find out what you can.尽量查I got something for your mother and for Sonny我买了东西给令堂and a tie for Freddy, and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen. 还有给弗雷多的领带给汤姆的钢笔- What do you want for Christmas? - Just you.-你圣诞节想要什么?-我只要你Andiamo, Fredo.醒醒,弗雷多- Tell Paulie to get the car. - Okay, Pop.叫保利备车,我们要走了好的,爸I'll have to get it myself. Paulie called in sick this morning. 我来开车,保利今早生病了Paulie's a good kid. I don't mind getting the car.保利是个好孩子我不介意自己开车Buon Natale, caro. Grazie.谢谢- Luca! I'm Bruno Tattaglia. - I know.-路卡,我是布诺塔塔基利亚-我知道想喝杯威士忌吗?先暖和一下我不喝酒You know who I am?你知道我是谁吗?I know you.我认识你You have been talking to the Tattaglia family...right? 你和塔塔基利亚家族谈过了对吧?I think you and I can do business.我认为我们可以一起做些生意I need someone strong like you.我需要像你这么壮的人I heard you are not happy...我听说你与柯里昂家族不和...with the Corleone family.Want to join me?想加入我们吗?What's in it for me?我能得到什么好处?$50,000 to start with.起薪五万元Not bad!还不坏Agreed?同意了?Tom! Tom Hagen. Merry Christmas.汤姆哈金,圣诞快乐- Glad to see you. I want to talk to you. - I haven't got time.我很高兴遇见你-我想跟你聊聊-我没时间Make time, Consigliere. Get in the car.为我们拨点时间,军师,上车你担心什么?What are you worried about? lf I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. 我想杀你的话你早已死了Get in.上车- Fredo, I'm going to buy some fruit. - Okay, Pop.稍候一下,弗雷多我买点水果好的,爸Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.圣诞快乐,我要买些水果那个给我弗雷多爸爸Would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story.麦克,我若是修女你是否会更喜欢我就像小说中的角色你知道吗?No.不会- What if I were lngrid Bergman? - Now, that's a thought.若我是英格丽褒曼你是否会更喜欢我?这个想法不错Michael.麦克No, I wouldn't like you better if you were lngrid Bergman. What's the matter? 不,你若是英格丽褒曼我不会更喜欢你的-麦克-怎么回事?(维多柯里昂被谋杀)。

——马里奥·普佐《教父》5、 "我花了一辈子 ,就学会了小心 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行。
——马里奥·普佐《教父》7、 "在一秒钟内看到本质的人和花半辈子也看不清一件事本质的人,自然是不一样的命运。
《教父》10、 "I spent my life trying not to be careless,women and children can be careless,but not men. 我花了一辈子就学会了小心,女人和小孩能够粗心大意,但是男人不行。
《教父》"11、 "不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力。
Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. ——马里奥·普佐《教父》"12、我相信友谊,并且愿意首先表示出我的友谊。

店铺今天为大家带来教父里的经典台词英,一起来学习一下吧!1.Let your friends underrate your advantage,while let your enemies overrate your disadvantage.让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。
2.Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力.3.To be close to your friend, but closer to your enemy.离你的朋友近些,但离你的敌人要更近,这样你才能更了解他。
4.Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.迈克对文森特说:永远不要让任何人知道你心里在想什么!5.Only don’t tell me you’re innocent. It insults my intelligence, makes me very angry.这个世界本身就没有所谓的清白而言,你能坦言,你从来就没说过慌,这是自欺欺人6.I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.我将给他一个他无法拒绝的理由/条件.7.A person is only one destiny.一个人只有一个命运。
8.Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.你花时间和你的家人在一起吗? 我当然有. 很好!不照顾家人的男人,根本算不上是个真正的男人!9.Great people are not born with the great, but in the process of growing up show its great.伟大的人不是生下来就伟大的,而是在成长过程中显示其伟大的。

23、永远不要恨你的敌人 ,因为这会影响你的判断力。
4、你花时间和你的家人在一起吗? 不照顾家人的男人,根本算不上是个男人。

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.无法掌控权利的人将被权利毁灭。
我花了一辈子 ,就学会了小心 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行。
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. 我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。

教父经典台词英文《教父》的经典程度不用我多说了,下面小编为大家整理了教父经典台词英文,一起来回顾一下教父的经典语录吧!1.Let your friends underrate your advantage,while let your enemies overrate your disadvantage.让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。
2.A man who is not a father will never be a real man.不顾家庭的男人不是真正的男人。
3.Friendship can build a solid defense.友谊可以筑起一道坚实的防线。
4.It’s not personal,it’s business.不要把私人的感情带到商界。
5.I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.我费了一生的精力,让自己变得十分谨慎,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行.6. I never would impose no need of friendship Friendship –think my insignificant person.我绝不会把友谊强加给不需要友谊——认为我无足轻重的人。
7.If you think I do not know the truth and that is an insult to my intelligence.如果你认为我不知道其中的真相,那就是在侮辱我的智慧。
8.A matter of seconds to see the nature of people and spend half my life is also unclear one thing to see the nature of man, nature is not the same fate.在一秒钟内看到本质的人和花半辈子也看不清一件事本质的人,自然是不一样的命运.9.If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.如果生活告诉了我们什么,历史教育了我们什么,那就是你可以杀了任何人。

教父The Godfather 中英文双语剧本I believe in America.我相信美国America has made my fortune.美国使我发了财And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以美国方式教养我的女儿I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. 我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家I didn't protest.我并没有责骂她Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. 两个月前他与另一个男孩带她去兜风They made her drink whiskey他们强灌她喝威士忌and then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜She resisted, she kept her honour.她抵抗,她保住了名节So they beat her like an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken,当我到医院时她的鼻梁断了her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来She couldn't even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭But I wept. Why did I weep?但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?She was the light of my life.我视她如珠如宝Beautiful girl.长得很美丽Now she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也美丽不起来Sorry.不好意思I went to the police, like a good American.我…像个守法的美国人一样我去报警These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence. 法官判他们有期徒刑三年但缓刑Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day!缓刑!他们当天就没事了!I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中Those two bastards, they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑Then I said to my wife, "For justice, we must go to Don Corleone."于是我对我太太说为求公道我们必须去找柯里昂阁下Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first?你去报警前为何不先来找我?What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do. 你要我怎么样?你尽管吩咐但求你一定要帮我这个忙What is that?帮你什么忙?I want them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到I'll give you anything you ask.你要什么,我都会给你I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help. 我们相识多年这是你第一次来找我帮忙I can't remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时请我到你家去喝咖啡了Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.何况我太太还是你独生女的教母But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧!你从来就不想要我的友谊And you were afraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情I didn't want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非I understand.我了解You found Paradise in America.你在美国发了财You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law. 生意做的很好,生活过的很好有警察和法律保护你You didn't need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友But now you come to me and say,但是…现在你来找我说柯里昂阁下,请帮我主持公道"Don Corleone, give me justice."But you don't ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友你甚至不愿意喊我教父You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money. 你在我女儿结婚当天来我家用钱收买我为你杀人我只是要求你主持公道I ask you for justice.That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.那不是公道,你女儿还活着Let them suffer, then, as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨How much shall I pay you?我应该付你多少钱?Bonasera, Bonasera.包纳萨拉包纳萨拉到底我做了什么What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?让你这么的不尊重我If you'd come in friendship,如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎就会受到折磨And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies. 你这种诚实人的敌人也就是我的敌人And then they would fear you.那么,他们就会怕你Be my friend?当我的朋友?Godfather?教父Good.很好Some day, and that day may never come, I'll ask a service of you.他日我或需要你的帮忙也可能不会有那么一天But until that day...但在那一天到来之前...accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.收下这份公道做为小女结婚之礼- Grazie, Godfather. - Prego.-谢谢,教父-别客气这件事交给…克里曼沙Give this to Clemenza.I want people that aren't going to get carried away.我要用可靠的人头脑清醒的人We're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker says.我们不是谋杀犯,下手别太重- Where's Michael? - Don't worry, he'll be here.-麦克在哪?-别担心,他一会就来没有麦克我不照相We're not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍- What's the matter? - It's Michael.-什么事?-麦克的事Don Barzini.你好,巴西尼阁下你认得我儿子吧?Hey, Paulie! Let me have some wine.保利,让我喝点酒Paulie! More wine.保利,再来点酒- You look terrific on the floor. - Are you a dance judge or something?-你看起来棒极了-你是裁判还是什么?闪开吧,到附近晃晃做你的工作Take a walk and do your job.Sandra, watch the kids. Don't let them run wild.仙杜拉,帮个忙别让孩子乱跑,好吗?你看好你自己,好吗?You watch yourself, all right?20, 30 grand. In small bills, cash.两三万元小钞,全是现金In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里If this were somebody else's wedding... Sfortunato!如果这是我的婚礼我就发财了Hey, Paulie!保利,接住吧!Stupid jerk!你这个笨蛋!What's the matter?怎么回事?- Have to go back to work. - Tom.-我得回去工作了-汤姆No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day.这是婚礼的一部分没有西西里人在女儿结婚那天能拒绝任何的请求柯里昂阁下能受邀到贵府深感荣幸Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me.你们在干什么?滚!Get out of here! It's a private party. Go on!这是私人宴会,快滚What is it? It's my sister's wedding.这算什么?是我妹妹的婚礼Goddamn FBI don't respect nothing!该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重Come here, come here, come here!过来这!…...but towards the end, he was paroled to help with the American war effort, 但最后他获假释去为美国作战so for six months he's worked in my pastry shop.过去六个月他在我的糕饼店做事Nazorine, what can I do for you?纳色利,我的朋友我能为你做什么?Now that the war is over,现在战争结束了这男孩,安索他们要把他遣返意大利this boy, Enzo, they want to repatriate him back to ltaly.Godfather, I have a daughter. You see, she and Enzo...教父,我有个女儿她和安索…You want Enzo to stay in this country, and your daughter to be married. 你要安索留在这个国家和你女儿成亲You understand everything.你什么都了解,谢谢Mr Hagen. Thank you.哈金先生,谢谢待会看看我为你女儿做的结婚蛋糕Wait till you see the wedding cake I made for your daughter!这么高…还有一对新人和天使The bride, the groom and the angel...- Who should I give this job to? - Not to our pais?这件事我该交给谁去办?别给我们这个选区Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list? 给别地区的犹太籍众议员名单上还有谁?你好!麦克!Hey, Michael!He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上但他想要见你Is this necessary?这个…有这个必要吗?He didn't expect to be invited to the wedding, so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼所以要向你致谢好吧Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me柯里昂阁下,在令媛婚礼这天on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be a masculine child. 能受邀到贵府深感荣幸希望他们早生贵子Michael...麦克!That man over there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语See that scary guy over there?看到那边那个吓人的傢伙了吗?- He's a very scary guy. - What's his name?-他很叫人害怕-他是谁?叫什么名字?His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.他叫做路卡布拉西有时候替家父办事Michael, he's coming over here!麦克!等一下,他过来了麦克!汤姆!You look terrific!你气色好极了!My brother Tom Hagen, Miss Kay Adams.家兄汤姆哈金,这是凯亚当斯-你好-你好你父亲要见你Your father's been asking for you.- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.-幸会!-幸会Why does your brother have a different name?若他是你哥哥,为何不同姓?My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street. 小时候在街上发现汤姆无家可归He had no home, so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他He's been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了He's a good lawyer.他是个好律师Not a Sicilian. I think he's going to be consigliere.不是西西里人但我想他会当军师- What's that? - That's a...-那是什么?-那是…...like a counsellor, an advisor. Very important for the family.像是个顾问在家族中的地位非常重要You like your lasagne?你的扁形通心面还好吧?Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I'm honoured and grateful在令媛的婚礼受到邀请that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding.深感荣幸与感激On the day of your daughter's wedding.在令媛结婚的当天And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child.我希望他们能早生贵子I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.这是我一点小小的心意- For your daughter's bridal purse. - Thank you, Luca. Most valued friend. -祝福他们俩白头偕老-谢谢你,路卡我最珍贵的朋友Don Corleone, I'm going to leave you now, because I know you're busy. 柯里昂阁下,我晓得你忙我先告退了Thank you.谢谢Signora Corleone!柯里昂夫人No!不!…Senator Cauley apologised for not coming, but said you'd understand. 科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges. They've all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样他们都送了礼物敬你!What is that outside?外面是怎么回事?强尼!…Johnny! Johnny!I love you!我爱你!He came all the way from California. I told you he'd come!他大老远由加州赶来参加婚礼我告诉过你他会来的- He's probably in trouble again. - He's a good godson.已经两年了,他也许又有麻烦他是个好教子Johnny, Johnny! Sing a song!强尼!…唱首歌You never said you knew Johnny Fontane!麦克!你从未告诉我你认得强尼方亭- Sure. You want to meet him? - Great! Sure.-你想见他吗?-当然!- My father helped him with his career. - He did?-家父帮他建立他的事业-真的?How?怎么做的?- Let's listen to this song. - Michael...-我们先听这首唱-不,麦克Please, Michael. Tell me.拜托,麦克!告诉我When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract 强尼刚出道时和一个乐队领班签了合约with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后,想要解除合约Johnny is my father's godson.强尼是家父的教子My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人He offered him 1 0,000 dollars to let Johnny go,而且出一万元要他与强尼解约but the bandleader said no.他说不行!So the next day my father went to see him, but this time with Luca Brasi. 第二天家父再去见他只是这次带着路卡布拉西Within an hour,一个小时之内he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1,000 dollars.他签了解约书只收了一千元的支票- How did he do that? - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他是怎么办到的?家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件- What was that? - Luca Brasi held a gun to his head,那是什么?路卡布拉西用枪顶着他的头and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. 他要是不签字脑袋就会开花That's a true story.这是真实的故事That's my family, Kay. It's not me.凯,那是我的家庭,不是我Beautiful!I'll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...汤姆!I want you to find Santino. Tell him to come to the office.叫山提诺来我的办公室How are you, Fredo?你好吗?弗雷多-家兄弗雷多-这位是凯亚当斯My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.- Hi. - How are you doing?-你好-你好吗?- This is my brother Mike. - Are you having a good time?-这是舍弟麦克-玩的愉快吗?Yeah. This is your friend?这是你的朋友?I don't know what to do. My voice is weak. It's weak.我不知道该怎么办我的嗓子很虚弱,很虚弱Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top again. 总之我若能得到那部戏的角色我会再次走红的But this... man won't give it to me, the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演- What's his name? - Woltz.-他叫什么名字?-华尔斯He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.他不肯让我演而且还说门都没有Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?- Sonny, are you in there? - What?山尼?你在里面吗?什么事?The old man wants you.老头子要见你One minute.好,马上去山尼一个月以前A month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照I wouldn't even have to act.我根本不需要演只要当我自己即可但…教父,我不知该怎么办?Godfather, I don't know what to do.You can act like a man! What's the matter with you?你要表现得像个男人!你是怎么回事?Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio, that cries like a woman? 这就是你在好莱坞学到的?哭的像个女人?"What can I do? What can I do?" What is that nonsense?该怎么办?怎么办?算什么鬼话?Ridiculous.岂有此理!- You spend time with your family? - Sure I do.-你有花时间与家人共聚吗?-我当然有Good.很好Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. 因为不抽空陪家人的男人不是真正的男人过来这You look terrible. I want you to eat.你看来糟透了,我要你多吃点Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.好好休息从现在起一个月内好莱坞大亨会让你愿望成真It's too late, they start shooting in a week.太迟了他们一周内就要开拍了I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他一个他无法拒绝的提议Just go outside and enjoy yourself, and forget about all this nonsense.现在你到外面去好好的玩-其他的交给我来办-好的- I want you to leave it all to me. - All right.- What time does my daughter leave? - Soon, after they cut the cake.我女儿女婿何时离开?切完蛋糕后的几分钟Do we give your son-in-law something important?你的新女婿要给重要职务吗?Never. Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him. 永远不要!让他们过好日子但别让他插手家族中的事- What else? - Virgil Sollozzo called.还有什么事?威尔斯索拉索来过电话- We'll have to see him next week. - When you come back from California. 下周我们必须安排跟他见面等你从加州回来我们再讨论- When am I going to California? - Tonight.我何时要去加州了?我要你今晚去I want you to talk to this movie big shot and settle this business for Johnny. 我要你和这个…电影大亨谈谈把强尼的事摆平If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding.若没有其他事我想去参加我女儿的婚礼了Carlo, we're going to take the picture.卡洛,我们要拍照了Wait a minute.等一下No, Michael. Not me.不,麦克,我不行Okay, that's it. Just like that. Hold it!好了,就是这样,别动!- You need a little more heat on that arc. - Start talking.好了,开始说吧!I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane.我是强尼方亭的朋友派来的This friend would give his friendship to Mr Woltz,他的朋友是我的委托人若是华尔斯先生能帮他个小忙if Mr Woltz would grant us a favour.他将会感激不尽Woltz is listening.继续说下去Give Johnny the part in that war film you're starting next week. 把你下周开拍的新片男主角让强尼担任And what favour would your friend grant Mr Woltz?他的朋友会回报我什么好处?He could make your future union problems disappear.你若有工会问题我的委托人能摆平And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin.而你旗下一位抽大麻的大牌现在吸起海洛因了你想要威胁我吗?Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch!绝对没有,我只是…听着你这个油腔滑调的王八蛋Let me lay it on the line. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie!让我对你及你的老板说清楚不管他是何许人强尼方亭绝对得不到那个角色No matter how many Dago Guinea greaseballs come out of the woodwork! 我不在乎有多少意大利的移民来找我麻烦- I'm German-lrish. - Listen here, my Kraut-Mick friend.我是德裔爱尔兰人坦白告诉你,德国朋友- I'm going to make trouble for you! - I'm a lawyer. I haven't threatened... 你大祸临头了你甚至不会晓得是谁扁你华尔斯先生,我是位律师我不是来威胁你I know New York's big lawyers. Who are you?我认识纽约的每位大律师你是谁?I have a special practice. I handle one client. I'll wait for your call. 我的执业情况特别只为一位委托人办事你有我的电话号码我等你电话By the way, I admire your pictures very much.告诉你,我很喜欢你的电影Check him out.摸清他的底细- It's really beautiful. - Look at this.真是美极了看看这个原本是用来装饰王宫的- It used to decorate a king's palace. - Very nice.很漂亮Why didn't you say you work for Corleone?你为何不说你为柯里昂阁下做事I thought you were some cheap hustler Johnny was running in.我以为你只是个市井流氓是强尼派来勒索我的除非真的必要否则我不想提起他的名字- I only use his name when necessary. - How's your drink?-你的酒还好吗?-很好- Fine. - Now I'll show you something beautiful.到这边来让你看看真正漂亮的东西You do appreciate beauty, don't you?你的眼光应该不错吧?There you are. 600,000 dollars on four hoofs.这里!这匹马价值六十万元我敢说俄国沙皇也从未在马身上花那么大笔钱I bet Russian czars never paid that for a single horse. Khartoum.达通!Khartoum.达通!I'm not going to race him, though. I'm going to put him out to stud. 不过我不会用它们来比赛我要它们当种马Thanks, Tony.-谢谢,汤尼!-不必客气!我们去吃点东西吧!Let's get something to eat.Corleone is Johnny's godfather.柯里昂是强尼的教父To the ltalian people that's a very sacred, close relationship.对意大利人而言那是种宗教上神圣的亲密关系I respect it. Tell him to ask me anything else. This favour I can't give him. 我很敬重这点告诉他除了这件事我什么都答应He never asks a second favour when he's been refused the first.他被拒绝一次后不会再要求第二次You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.你不了解强尼方亭永远别想演那部电影That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star.他很适合那个角色会让他成为巨星I'm going to run him out of the business, and let me tell you why.但我要让他走投无路我告诉你为什么Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz lnternational's most valuable prot間閟. 强尼毁了一位华尔斯国际公司最有前途的女星We trained her for five years. Singing, acting, dancing lessons.五年来我们不断地训练她歌唱课、表演课、跳舞课I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, to make her a big star.我在她身上投资了无数的金钱我要让她成为一位巨星Let me be even more frank.让我更坦白的告诉你To show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man. That it's not all dollars and cents. 让你知道我不是铁石心肠也不是势利眼She was beautiful. She was young and innocent!她年轻漂亮,天真无邪She's the greatest piece of ass I've had and I've had them all over the world.我拥有她就等于拥有全世界Then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and Guinea charm. 然后强尼方亭出现了带着磁性的嗓音加上意大利的魅力And she runs off.把她拐走了She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous!她跑掉了使我非常难堪And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!而我这种地位的人无法忍受难堪You get the hell out of here!你马上给我滚If that goombah tries any rough stuff, tell him I'm no bandleader.若是那混球想对我动粗你告诉他我不是乐队领班Yeah, I heard that story.我听过那个故事了Thank you for dinner and a very pleasant evening.谢谢你的晚餐款待Maybe your car can take me to the airport.也许你能派车送我去机场Mr Corleone insists on hearing bad news immediately.柯里昂先生坚持坏消息要立刻回报- You're not too tired, are you, Tom? - No, I slept on the plane.-你不会太累吧?汤姆-我在飞机上睡过了I have the Sollozzo notes here.我这里有索拉索的资料Now...众人皆知,索拉索是土耳其人Sollozzo is known as The Turk. He's supposed to be very good with a knife, 他应该善于用刀but only in matters of business with reasonable complaint.但只有发生利益冲突时才会使用His business is narcotics.他是做毒品生意的He has fields in Turkey, where they grow poppy.他们在土耳其种罂粟In Sicily he has plants to process them into heroin.在西西里有工厂提练成海洛因He needs cash, he needs protection from the police.他需要现金以及在毒品交易时需要警方的保护He'll give a piece of the action. I don't know how much.我无法查出保护费价钱多少The Tattaglia family is behind him here. They have to be in it for something. 在纽约是塔塔基利亚家族在保护他他们一定也想分占利益山尼柯里昂- What about his prison record? - One term in ltaly, one here.-他的犯罪前科呢?-一次在意大利,一次在这He's known as a top narcotics man.他是众所周知的大毒枭- Santino, what do you think? - A lot of money in that white powder.山提诺,你认为呢?白粉可以赚大钱Tom?Yes. There's more money in narcotics than anything else.我赞成,毒品比什么都好赚If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.就算我们不加入,别人也会也许是五大家族之一也许全部都会With that money they can buy more police and political power.他们会用毒品赚到的钱买通警方和政客Then they come after us.到时就会赶上我们Now we have unions and gambling, and that's great, but narcotics is the future. 现在我们掌握了工会及赌场而他们却掌握未来最好的东西毒品If we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything in ten years' time.我们若不能分一杯羹我们可能会失去一切我不是指现在而是在十年之内So? What's your answer going to be, Pop?你的答案是什么呢?爸爸Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I need a man who has powerful friends.我需要有势力的友人I need a million dollars in cash.我需要一百万元的现金I need those politicians that you carry in your pocket, like nickels and dimes.我需要你手中掌握的政客- What is the interest for my family? - 30 per cent.-对我家族有什么利益?-三成In the first year your end should be three, four million dollars. 第一年你就可进帐三四百万元And then it would go up.然后还会增加And what is the interest for the Tattaglia family?塔塔基利亚家族会得到什么好处?My compliments.我的敬意I'll take care of them, out of my share.我会从我那一份当中分给他们So I receive 30 per cent for finance,我提供财务、政治和法律的保护,可以分到三成political influence and legal protection?That's right.没错Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity? 你为何来找我我为何值得你这么慷慨?If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance,若你能考虑投资一百万元现金ti saluto, Don Corleone.我就会向你敬礼,柯里昂阁下I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man,我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人to be treated with respect.所以我以礼相待But, I must say no to you.但是我必须拒绝你And I'll give you my reason.我会告诉你原因It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics.没错,我是有很多政界的朋友They wouldn't be friendly long if I was involved in drugs instead of gambling, 但若他们知道我在搞毒品生意而不再是赌博时他们就不再是我的朋友which they regard as a harmless vice, but drugs is a dirty business.他们认为赌博只是些无伤大雅的事业但毒品是败坏德性的生意-但是柯里昂阁下…-对我而言一个人以何为生It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living.并没有什么差别But your business is... a little dangerous.但你这种生意…有一点危险性If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.若你还是担心安全的问题塔塔基利亚会做保证的- The Tattaglias would guarantee our... - Wait a minute.你是说塔塔基利亚家族会保证我们的投资…等一下I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them.你看我把孩子都给宠坏了They talk when they should listen. But anyway...他们说话非常没有分寸但总之,索拉索先生Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I wish to congratulate you on your new business. 我的决定还是不行我要恭喜你的生意I know you'll do well, and good luck.我知道你会很成功…我祝你好运Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.尤其是你的生意不会与我的冲突谢谢Santino.山提诺Come here.到这来What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. 你是怎么回事?我看你和女孩子胡搞之后脑子退化了Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.别让外人知道你在想什么Go on.走吧Tom, what's this nonsense?汤姆,这是什么乱七八糟的?It's from Johnny. He's starring in that new film.那是强尼送的他主演了那部新电影好了,把它拿走- Take it away. - Take it over there.把它放到那去And...还有...tell Luca Brasi to come in.叫路卡布拉西到这来I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow.我对这索拉索有点担心Find out what he's got under his fingernails.我要你弄清楚他在耍什么把戏Go to the Tattaglias.到塔塔基利亚那边去Make them think that you're not too happy with our family 让他们以为你与我们家族不融洽and find out what you can.尽量查I got something for your mother and for Sonny我买了东西给令堂and a tie for Freddy, and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen. 还有给弗雷多的领带给汤姆的钢笔- What do you want for Christmas? - Just you.-你圣诞节想要什么?-我只要你Andiamo, Fredo.醒醒,弗雷多- Tell Paulie to get the car. - Okay, Pop.叫保利备车,我们要走了好的,爸I'll have to get it myself. Paulie called in sick this morning. 我来开车,保利今早生病了Paulie's a good kid. I don't mind getting the car.保利是个好孩子我不介意自己开车Buon Natale, caro. Grazie.谢谢- Luca! I'm Bruno Tattaglia. - I know.-路卡,我是布诺塔塔基利亚-我知道想喝杯威士忌吗?先暖和一下我不喝酒You know who I am?你知道我是谁吗?I know you.我认识你You have been talking to the Tattaglia family...right? 你和塔塔基利亚家族谈过了对吧?I think you and I can do business.我认为我们可以一起做些生意I need someone strong like you.我需要像你这么壮的人I heard you are not happy...我听说你与柯里昂家族不和...with the Corleone family.Want to join me?想加入我们吗?What's in it for me?我能得到什么好处?$50,000 to start with.起薪五万元Not bad!还不坏Agreed?同意了?Tom! Tom Hagen. Merry Christmas.汤姆哈金,圣诞快乐- Glad to see you. I want to talk to you. - I haven't got time.我很高兴遇见你-我想跟你聊聊-我没时间Make time, Consigliere. Get in the car.为我们拨点时间,军师,上车你担心什么?What are you worried about? lf I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. 我想杀你的话你早已死了Get in.上车- Fredo, I'm going to buy some fruit. - Okay, Pop.稍候一下,弗雷多我买点水果好的,爸Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.圣诞快乐,我要买些水果那个给我弗雷多爸爸Would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story.麦克,我若是修女你是否会更喜欢我就像小说中的角色你知道吗?No.不会- What if I were lngrid Bergman? - Now, that's a thought.若我是英格丽褒曼你是否会更喜欢我?这个想法不错Michael.麦克No, I wouldn't like you better if you were lngrid Bergman. What's the matter? 不,你若是英格丽褒曼我不会更喜欢你的-麦克-怎么回事?(维多柯里昂被谋杀)。

《教父》经典台词,足以影响你的一生1、Behind every great fortune ,there is a crime (教父开篇)巨大财富的背后,都隐藏着罪恶。
3、Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力。
4、keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. 离你的朋友近些,但离你的敌人要更近,这样你才能更了解他。
7、I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse 我将给他一个他无法拒绝的条件。
8、Every man has one destiny.一个人只有一个命运。
9、Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man thatdoesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.你有花时间和你的家人在一起吗? 我当然有. 很好!不照顾家人的男人,根本算不上是个男人。
10、Great men are not born great,they grow great.伟大的人不是生下来就伟大的,而是在成长过程中显示其伟大的。
12、When a man was generous,he must show the generosity as personal.如果一个人很慷慨,那他就必须把自己的慷慨表现得充满感情。

教父The Godfather中英文双语剧本I believe in America.我相信xxAmerica has made my fortune.xx使我发了财And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以xx方式教养我的女儿I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. 我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家I didn't protest.我并没有责骂她Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. 两个月前他与另一个男孩带她去兜风They made her drink whiskey他们强灌她喝xxand then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜She resisted, she kept her honour.她抵抗,她保住了名节So they beat her like an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, 当我到医院时她的鼻梁断了her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来She couldn't even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭But I wept. Why did I weep?但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?She was the light of my life.我视她如珠如xxBeautiful girl.长得很xxNow she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也xx不起来Sorry.不好意思I went to the police, like a good American.我…像个守法的xx人一样我去报警These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence. 法官判他们有期徒刑三年但缓刑Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day!缓刑!他们当天就没事了!I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中Those two bastards, they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑Then I said to my wife, "For justice, we must go to Don Corleone."于是我对我太太说为求公道我们必须去找xx里昂阁下你去报警前为何不先来找我?What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do.你要我怎么样?你尽管吩咐但求你一定要帮我这个忙What is that?帮你什么忙?I want them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到I'll give you anything you ask.你要什么,我都会给你I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help. 我们相识多年这是你第一次来找我帮忙I can't rember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时请我到你家去喝咖啡了Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.何况我太太还是你独生女的教母But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧!你从来就不想要我的xxAnd you were afraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情I didn't want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非I understand.我了解You found Paradise in America.你在xx发了财You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law. 生意做的很好,生活过的很好有警察和法律保护你You didn't need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友但是…现在你来找我说xx里昂阁下,请帮我主持公道"Don Corleone, give me justice."But you don't ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友你甚至不愿意喊我教父你在我女儿结婚当天来我家用钱收买我为你杀人我只是要求你主持公道I ask you for justice.That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.那不是公道,你女儿还活着Let them suffer, then, as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨How much shall I pay you?我应该付你多少钱?Bonasera, Bonasera.包纳萨拉包纳萨拉到底我做了什么What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?让你这么的不尊重我如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎就会受到折磨And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies. 你这种诚实人的敌人也就是我的敌人And then they would fear you.那么,他们就会怕你Be my friend?当我的朋友?Godfather?教父Good.很好他日我或需要你的帮忙也可能不会有那么一天But until that day...但在那一天到来之前...accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day. 收下这份公道做为小女结婚之礼- Grazie, Godfather. - Prego.-xx,教父-别客气这件事交给…克里xxGive this to Clemenza.I want people that aren't going to get carried away.我要用可靠的人头脑清醒的人We're not murders, in spite of what this undertaker says.我们不是谋杀犯,下手xx- Where's Michael? - Don't worry, he'll be here.-xx在哪?-别担心,他一会就来没有xx我不照相We're not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍- What's the matter? - It's Michael.-什么事?-xx的事Don Barzini.你好,xxxx阁下你认得我儿子吧?Hey, Paulie! Let me have some wine.保利,让我喝点酒Paulie! More wine.保利,再来点酒- You look terrific on the floor. - Are you a dance judge or something? -你看起来棒极了-你是裁判还是什么?闪开吧,到附近晃晃做你的工作Take a walk and do your job.Sandra, watch the kids. Don't let them run wild.仙xx,帮个忙别让孩子乱跑,好吗?你看好你自己,好吗?You watch yourself, all right?20, 30 grand. In small bills, cash.两三万元xx,全是现金In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里If this were somebody else's wedding... Sfortunato!如果这是我的婚礼我就发财了Hey, Paulie!保利,接住吧!Stupid jerk!你这个笨蛋!What's the matter?怎么回事?- Have to go back to work. - Tom.-我得回去工作了-xxNo Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day. 这是婚礼的一部分没有西西里人在女儿结婚那天能拒绝任何的请求xx里昂阁下能受邀到贵府深感xxDon Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me.你们在干什么?滚!Get out of here! It's a private party. Go on!这是私人宴会,快滚What is it? It's my sister's wedding.这算什么?是我妹妹的婚礼Goddamn FBI don't respect nothing!该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重过来这!…...but towards the end, he was paroled to help with the American war effort, 但最后他获假释去为xx作战so for six months he's worked in my pastry shop.过去六个月他在我的糕饼店做事Nazorine, what can I do for you?纳色利,我的朋友我能为你做什么?Now that the war is over,现在战争结束了这男孩,xx他们要把他遣返xxthis boy, Enzo, they want to repatriate him back to ltaly.Godfather, I have a daughter. You see, she and Enzo...教父,我有个女儿她和安索…You want Enzo to stay in this country, and your daughter to be married.你要安索留在这个国家和你女儿成亲You understand everything.你什么都了解,xxMr Hagen. Thank you.xx先生,xx待会看看我为你女儿做的结婚蛋糕Wait till you see the wedding cake I made for your daughter!这么高…还有一对新人和天使The bride, the groom and the angel...- Who should I give this job to? - Not to our pais?这件事我该交给谁去办?别给我们这个选区Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list? 给别地区的犹太籍众议员名单上还有谁?你好!xx!Hey, Michael!He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡xx不在名单上但他想要见你Is this necessary?这个…有这个必要吗?He didn't expect to be invited to the wedding, so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼所以要向你致谢好吧Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited mexx里昂阁下,在令媛婚礼这天on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be a masculine child. 能受邀到贵府深感xx希望他们早生贵子Michael...xx!That man over there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语See that scary guy over there?看到那边那个吓人的傢伙了吗?- He's a very scary guy. - What's his name?-他很叫人害怕-他是谁?叫什么名字?His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.他叫做路卡xx有时候替家父办事xx!等一下,他过来了xx!xx!You look terrific!你气色好极了!My brother Tom Hagen, Miss Kay Adams.家兄xxxx,这是xx亚当斯-你好-你好你父亲要见你Your father's been asking for you.- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.-幸会!-幸会Why does your brother have a different name?若他是你xx,为何不同姓?My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street. 小时候在街上发现xx无家可归He had no home, so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他He's been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了He's a good lawyer.他是个好律师Not a Sicilian. I think he's going to be consigliere. 不是xx人但我想他会当军师- What's that? - That's a...-那是什么?-那是…...like a counsellor, an advisor. Very important for the family.像是个xx在家族中的地位非常重要You like your lasagne?你的扁形通心面还好吧?Don Corleone.xx里昂阁下I'm honoured and grateful在令媛的婚礼受到邀请that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding.深感xx与感激On the day of your daughter's wedding.在令媛结婚的当天And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child.我希望他们能早生贵子I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.这是我一点小小的心意- For your daughter's bridal purse. - Thank you, Luca. Most valued friend. -xx他们俩白头偕老-xx你,路卡我最珍贵的朋友Don Corleone, I'm going to leave you now, because I know you're busy. xx里昂阁下,我晓得你忙我先告退了Thank you.xxSignora Corleone!xx里昂夫人No!不!…科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges. They've all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样他们都送了礼物敬你!What is that outside?外面是怎么回事?xx!…Johnny! Johnny!I love you!我爱你!他xx由xx赶来参加婚礼我告诉过你他会来的- He's probably in trouble again. - He's a good godson.已经两年了,他也许又有麻烦他是个好教子Johnny, Johnny! Sing a song!xx!…唱首歌You never said you knew Johnny Fontane!xx!你从未告诉我你认得强xx- Sure. You want to meet him? - Great! Sure.-你想见他吗?-当然!- My father helped him with his career. - He did?-家父帮他建立他的事业-真的?How?怎么做的?- Let's listen to this song. - Michael...-我们先听这首唱-不,xxPlease, Michael. Tell me.拜托,xx!告诉我When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract xx刚出道时和一个乐队领班签了合约with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后,想要解除合约Johnny is my father's godson.xx是家父的教子My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人He offered him 1 0,000 dollars to let Johnny go,而且出一万元要他与xx解约but the bandleader said no.他说不行!So the next day my father went to see him, but this time with Luca Brasi. 第二天家父再去见他只是这次带着路卡布拉西Within an hour,一个小时之内he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1,000 dollars.他签了解约书只收了一千元的支票- How did he do that? - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他是怎么办到的?家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件- What was that? - Luca Brasi held a gun to his head,那是什么?路卡xx用枪顶着他的头and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. 他要是不签字脑袋就会开花That's a true story.这是真实的故事That's my family, Kay. It's not me.xx,那是我的家庭,不是我Beautiful!I'll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...xx!叫山提诺来我的办公室How are you, Fredo?你好吗?xx多-家兄xx多-这位是xx亚当斯My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.- Hi. - How are you doing?-你好-你好吗?- This is my brother Mike. - Are you having a good time?-这是舍弟xx-玩的愉快吗?Yeah. This is your friend?这是你的朋友?I don't know what to do. My voice is weak. It's weak.我不知道该怎么办我的嗓子很虚弱,很虚弱Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top again. 总之我若能得到那部戏的角色我会再次走红的But this... man won't give it to me, the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演- What's his name? - Woltz.-他叫什么名字?-xx尔斯He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.他不肯让我演而且还说门都没有Sonny?xx?Sonny?xx?Sonny?xx?- Sonny, are you in there? - What?xx?你在里面吗?什么事?The old man wants you.老头子要见你One minute.好,马上去xx一个月以前A month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照I wouldn't even have to act.我根本不需要演只要当我自己即可但…教父,我不知该怎么办?Godfather, I don't know what to do.You can act like a man! What's the matter with you?你要表现得像个男人!你是怎么回事?Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio, that cries like a woman? 这就是你在xx学到的?哭的像个女人?"What can I do? What can I do?" What is that nonse?该怎么办?怎么办?算什么鬼话?Ridiculous.岂有此理!- You spend time with your family? - Sure I do.-你有花时间与家人共聚吗?-我当然有Good.很好Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. 因为不抽空陪家人的男人不是真正的男人过来这You look terrible. I want you to eat.你看来糟透了,我要你多吃点Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.好好休息从现在起一个月内好莱坞大亨会让你愿望成真It's too late, they start shooting in a week.太迟了他们一周内就要开拍了I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他一个他无法拒绝的提议Just go outside and enjoy yourself, and forget about all this nonse.现在你到外面去好好的玩-其他的交给我来办-好的- I want you to leave it all to me. - All right.- What time does my daughter leave? - Soon, after they cut the cake.我女儿女婿何时离开?切完蛋糕后的几分钟Do we give your son-in-law something important?你的新女婿要给重要职务吗?Never. Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him.永远不要!让他们过好日子但别让他插手家族中的事- What else? - Virgil Sollozzo called.还有什么事?威尔斯xxxxxx来过电话下周我们必须安排跟他见面等你从xx回来我们再讨论- When am I going to California? - Tonight.我何时要去xx了?我要你今晚去I want you to talk to this movie big shot and settle this business for Johnny.我要你和这个…电影xx谈谈把xx的事摆平If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding. 若没有其他事我想去参加我女儿的婚礼了Carlo, we're going to take the picture.xx,我们要拍照了Wait a minute.等一下No, Michael. Not me.不,xx,我不行Okay, that's it. Just like that. Hold it!好了,就是这样,别动!- You need a little more heat on that arc. - Start talking.好了,开始说吧!I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane.我是强xx的朋友派来的This friend would give his friendship to Mr Woltz,他的朋友是我的委托人若是xx尔斯先生能帮他个小忙if Mr Woltz would grant us a favour.他将会感激不尽Woltz is listening.继续说下去Give Johnny the part in that war film you're starting next week.把你下周开拍的新片男主角让xx担任And what favour would your friend grant Mr Woltz?他的朋友会回报我什么好处?He could make your future union problems disappear.你若有工会问题我的委托人能摆平And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin.而你旗下一位抽大麻的大牌现在吸起海洛因了你想要威胁我吗?Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch!绝对没有,我只是…听着你这个油腔滑调的xxLet me lay it on the line. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie! 让我对你及你的老板说清楚不管他是xx强xx绝对得不到那个角色我不在乎有多少xx的移民来找我麻烦- I'm German-lrish. - Listen here, my Kraut-Mick friend.我是xxxx爱尔兰人坦白告诉你,xx朋友- I'm going to make trouble for you! - I'm a lawyer. I haven't threatened... 你大祸临头了你甚至不会晓得是谁扁你xx尔斯先生,我是位律师我不是来威胁你I know New York's big lawyers. Who are you?我认识xx的每位大律师你是谁?I have a special practice. I handle one client. I'll wait for your call.我的执业情况特别只为一位委托人办事你有我的电话号码我等你电话By the way, I admire your pictures very much.告诉你,我很喜欢你的电影Check him out.摸清他的底细- It's really beautiful. - Look at this.真是美极了看看这个原本是用来装饰xx的- It used to decorate a king's palace. - Very nice.很漂亮Why didn't you say you work for Corleone?你为何不说你为xx里昂阁下做事I thought you were some cheap hustler Johnny was running in.我以为你只是个市井流氓是xx来勒索我的除非真的必要否则我不想提起他的名字- I only use his name when necessary. - How's your drink?-你的酒还好吗?-很好- Fine. - Now I'll show you something beautiful.到这边来让你看看真正漂亮的xxYou do appreciate beauty, don't you?你的眼光应该不错吧?There you are. 600,000 dollars on four hoofs.这里!这匹马价值六十万元我敢说俄国沙皇也从未在马身上花那么大笔钱I bet Russian czars never paid that for a single horse. Khartoum.达通!Khartoum.达通!I'm not going to race him, though. I'm going to put him out to stud. 不过我不会用它们来比赛我要它们当种马Thanks, Tony.-xx,xx!-不必客气!我们去吃点xx吧!Let's get something to eat.Corleone is Johnny's godfather.xx里昂是xx的教父To the ltalian people that's a very sacred, close relationship.对意大利人而言那是种宗教上神圣的亲密关系I respect it. Tell him to ask me anything else. This favour I can't give him.我很敬重这点告诉他除了这件事我什么都答应He never asks a second favour when he's been refused the first.他被拒绝一次后不会再要求第二次You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.你不了解强xx永远别想演那部电影That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star.他很适合那个角色会让他成为xxI'm going to run him out of the business, and let me tell you why.但我要让他走投无路我告诉你为什么Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz lnternational's most valuable prot間閟.强尼毁了一位华尔斯国际公司最有前途的女星We trained her for five years. Sing, acting, dancing lessons.五年来我们不断地训练她歌唱课、表演课、跳舞课I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, to make her a big star.我在她身上投资了无数的金钱我要让她成为一位xxLet me be even more frank.让我更坦白的告诉你To show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man. That it's not all dollars and cents. 让你知道我不是铁石心肠也不是势利眼She was beautiful. She was young and innocent!她年轻漂亮,天真无邪She's the greatest piece of ass I've had and I've had them all over the world.我拥有她就等于拥有全世界然后强xx出现了带着磁性的嗓音加上xx的魅力And she runs off.把她拐走了She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous!她跑掉了使我非常难堪And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous! 而我这种地位的人无法忍受难堪You get the hell out of here!你马上给我滚If that goombah tries any rough stuff, tell him I'm no bandleader.若是那混球想对我动粗你告诉他我不是乐队领班Yeah, I heard that story.我听过那个故事了Thank you for dinner and a very pleasant evening.xx你的晚餐款待Maybe your car can take me to the airport.也许你能派车送我去机场Mr Corleone insists on hearing bad news immediately.xx里昂先生坚持坏消息要立刻回报- You're not too tired, are you, Tom? - No, I slept on the plane.-你不会太累吧?xx-我在飞机上睡过了I have the Sollozzo notes here.我这里有索拉索的资料Now...众人皆知,xxxxxx是土耳其人Sollozzo is known as The Turk. He's supposed to be very good with a knife, 他应该善于用刀但只有发生利益冲突时才会使用His business is narcotics.他是做毒品生意的He has fields in Turkey, where they grow poppy.他们在xx种罂粟In Sicily he has plants to process them into heroin.在xx有工厂提练成海洛因He needs cash, he needs protection from the police.他需要现金以及在毒品交易时需要警方的保护He'll give a piece of the action. I don't know how much.我无法查出保护费价钱多少The Tattaglia family is behind him here. They have to be in it for something. 在xx是塔塔基xx家族在保护他他们一定也想分占利益xx里昂- What about his prison record? - One term in ltaly, one here.-他的犯罪前科呢?-一次在意大利,一次在这He's known as a top narcotics man.他是众所周知的大毒枭- Santino, what do you think? - A lot of money in that white powder.xx,你认为呢?白粉可以赚大钱Tom?Yes. There's more money in narcotics than anything else.我赞成,毒品比什么都好赚If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.就算我们不加入,别人也会也许是五大家族之一也许全部都会With that money they can buy more police and political power.他们会用毒品赚到的钱买通警方和政客到时就会赶上我们Now we have unions and gambling, and that's great, but narcotics is the future. 现在我们掌握了工会及赌场而他们却掌握未来最好的xx毒品If we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything in ten years' time.我们若不能分一杯羹我们可能会失去一切我不是指现在而是在十年之内So? What's your answer going to be, Pop?你的答案是什么呢?爸爸Don Corleone.xx里昂阁下I need a man who has powerful friends.我需要有势力的友人I need a million dollars in cash.我需要一百万元的现金I need those politicians that you carry in your pocket, like nickels and dimes. 我需要你手中掌握的政客- What is the interest for my family? - 30 per cent.-对我家族有什么利益?-三成In the first year your end should be three, four million dollars.第一年你就可进帐三四百万元And then it would go up.然后还会增加And what is the interest for the Tattaglia family?塔塔基xx家族会得到什么好处?我的敬意I'll take care of them, out of my share.我会从我那一份当中分给他们So I receive 30 per cent for finance,我提供财务、政治和法律的保护,可以分到三成political influence and legal protection?That's right.没错你为何来找我我为何值得你这么慷慨?If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance,若你能考虑投资一百万元现金ti saluto, Don Corleone.我就会向你xx,xx里昂阁下I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man,我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人to be treated with respect.所以我以礼相待But, I must say no to you.但是我必须拒绝你And I'll give you my reason.我会告诉你原因It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics.没错,我是有很多政界的朋友They wouldn't be friendly long if I was involved in drugs instead of gambling,但若他们知道我在搞毒品生意而不再是赌博时他们就不再是我的朋友which they regard as a harmless vice, but drugs is a dirty business. 他们认为赌博只是些无伤大雅的事业但毒品是败坏德性的生意-但是柯里昂阁下…-对我而言一个人以何为生It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living. 并没有什么差别But your business is... a little dangerous.但你这种生意…有一点危险性If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it. 若你还是担心安全的问题塔塔基xx会做保证的- The Tattaglias would guarantee our... - Wait a minute.你是说塔塔基xx家族会保证我们的投资…等一下I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them. 你看我把孩子都给宠坏了They talk when they should listen. But anyway...他们说话非常没有分寸但总之,xxxxxx先生Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I wish to congratulate you on your new business. 我的决定还是不行我要恭喜你的生意I know you'll do well, and good luck.我知道你会很成功…我xxEspecially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.尤其是你的生意不会与我的冲突xxSantino.xxCome here.到这来What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. 你是怎么回事?我看你和女孩子胡搞之后脑子退化了Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.别让外人知道你在想什么Go on.走吧Tom, what's this nonse?xx,这是什么乱七八糟的?It's from Johnny. He's starring in that new film.那是xx送的他主演了那部新电影好了,把它拿走- Take it away. - Take it over there.把它放到那去And...还有叫路卡xx到这来I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow.我对这索拉索有点担心Find out what he's got under his fingernails.我要你弄清楚他在耍什么把戏Go to the Tattaglias.到塔塔基xx那边去Make them think that you're not too happy with our family 让他们以为你与我们家族不融洽and find out what you can.尽量查I got something for your mother and for Sonny我买了xx给令堂and a tie for Freddy, and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen.还有给xx多的领带给xx的钢笔- What do you want for Christmas? - Just you.-你圣诞节想要什么?-我只要你Andiamo, Fredo.醒醒,xx多- Tell Paulie to get the car. - Okay, Pop.叫保利备车,我们要走了好的,爸I'll have to get it myself. Paulie called in sick this morning. 我来开车,保利今早生病了Paulie's a good kid. I don't mind getting the car.保利是个好孩子我不介意自己开车Buon Natale, caro. Grazie.xx- Luca! I'm Bruno Tattaglia. - I know.-路卡,我是xx塔基xx-我知道想喝杯xx吗?先暖和一下我不喝酒You know who I am?你知道我是谁吗?I know you.我认识你You have been talking to the Tattaglia family...right? 你和xxxx基xx家族谈过了对吧?I think you and I can do business.我认为我们可以一起做些生意I need someone strong like you.我需要像你这么壮的人I heard you are not happy...我听说你与xx里昂家族不和...with the Corleone family.Want to join me?想加入我们吗?What's in it for me?我能得到什么好处?$50,000 to start with.起薪五万元Not bad!还不坏Agreed?同意了?Tom! Tom Hagen. Merry Christmas.xxxx,圣诞快乐- Glad to see you. I want to talk to you. - I haven't got time.我很高兴遇见你-我想跟你聊聊-我没时间Make time, Consigliere. Get in the car.为我们拨点时间,军师,上车你担心什么?What are you worried about? lf I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. 我想杀你的话你早已死了Get in.上车- Fredo, I'm going to buy some fruit. - Okay, Pop.稍候一下,xx多我买点水果好的,爸Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.圣诞快乐,我要买些水果那个给我xx多爸爸Would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story.xx,我若是修女你是否会更喜欢我就像小说中的角色你知道吗?No.不会- What if I were lngrid Bergman? - Now, that's a thought.若我是xx褒曼你是否会更喜欢我?这个想法不错Michael.xxNo, I wouldn't like you better if you were lngrid Bergman. What's the matter? 不,你若是xx褒曼我不会更喜欢你的-xx-怎么回事?(维多xx里昂被谋杀)They don't say if he's dead or alive.上面没说他是死是活- Sonny, it's Michael. - Where have you been?-xx!我是xx-xx,你到哪去了?- Is he all right? - We don't know yet.-他没事吧?-我们还不知道There are all kinds of stories. He was hit bad, Mikey.他伤的很重,xx- Are you there? - Yeah, I'm here.-你还在吗?-是的,我在这-你到哪去了?我很担心-汤姆没说我打过电话吗?- Where have you been? I was worried. - Didn't Tom tell you I called? 听我说,回家来你应该在这陪妈妈的好的Oh, my God.我的天啊Sonny!xxStay back there.- Who is it? - Open up, it's Clemenza.-谁?-开门!我是克里xx又有你老头的消息了There's more news about your old man.Word is out that he's already dead.街头谣传他已经死了-你是怎么回事?-xx,别激动- What's the matter with you? - Take it easy!- Where was Paulie? - Sick. He's been sick all winter.保利在哪?保利病了,他整个冬天都病了- How often? - Only three, four times.-他病了几次?-病了三四次-xx多并不想另找保镖-马上接他来- Freddy didn't want a new bodyguard. - Pick him up now.I don't care how sick he is. Bring him to my father's house right now. 我不管他病的有多重只要他还在呼吸我要你把他带到家父的房子去现在!xx吗?现在!- You want anyone sent over here? - No. Go ahead.好,你要我派人到这边来吗?不用!去吧!我会派几个人到家里来-你好-xx里昂吗?- Hello? - Santino Corleone?- Yeah. - We have Tom Hagen.-我就是-xxxx在我们手上In three hours he'll be released with our proposition.约三小时后我们会释放他Listen to what he has to say before you do anything.在你做任何事之前先听听他说的话。

Bonasera: I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom. But I taught her never to dishonour her family. She found a boyfriend, not an Italian. She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late. I didn’t protest. Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. They made her drink whiskey, and then they tried take advantage of her. She resisted, she kept her honour. So they beat her like an animal. When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken. Her jaw was shattered, held together by wire. She couldn’t even weep, because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life. Beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again. Sorry. I went to the police, like a good American. These two boys were brought for trial. The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence. Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day! I stood in the courtroom like a fool. Those two bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to my wife, “For justice, we must go to Don Corleone.”我相信美国。

1、Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment. 不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。
2、Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.不要让任何人知道你在想什么。
3、You make the choice, and this is your price.你做出了这个决定,这是你的代价。
4、Everything I do with my power, including something criminal,I just want to protect my family and my friends .我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为了保护我的家人和我的朋友。
5、I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它。
6、I will never do anything guilty.我永远不会做让自己内疚的事情。
7、So, love somebody else.那么,去爱一些其他人吧。
8、Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.你经常跟家人呆在一起吗?不错。

Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。
Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.不要让任何人知道你在想什么。
You make the choice, and this is your price.你做出了这个决定,这是你的代价。
Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends .我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为了保护我的家人和我的朋友。
I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它。
I will never do anything guilty.我永远不会做让自己内疚的事情。
So, love somebody else.那么,去爱一些其他人吧。
Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.你经常跟家人呆在一起吗?不错。
因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人!I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。

教父The Godfather 中英文双语剧本I believe in America.我相信美国America has made my fortune.美国使我发了财And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以美国方式教养我的女儿I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. 我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家I didn't protest.我并没有责骂她Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. 两个月前他与另一个男孩带她去兜风They made her drink whiskey他们强灌她喝威士忌and then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜She resisted, she kept her honour.她抵抗,她保住了名节So they beat her like an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken,当我到医院时她的鼻梁断了her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来She couldn't even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭But I wept. Why did I weep?但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?She was the light of my life.我视她如珠如宝Beautiful girl.长得很美丽Now she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也美丽不起来Sorry.不好意思I went to the police, like a good American.我…像个守法的美国人一样我去报警These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence. 法官判他们有期徒刑三年但缓刑Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day!缓刑!他们当天就没事了!I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中Those two bastards, they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑Then I said to my wife, "For justice, we must go to Don Corleone."于是我对我太太说为求公道我们必须去找柯里昂阁下Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first?你去报警前为何不先来找我?What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do. 你要我怎么样?你尽管吩咐但求你一定要帮我这个忙What is that?帮你什么忙?I want them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到I'll give you anything you ask.你要什么,我都会给你I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help. 我们相识多年这是你第一次来找我帮忙I can't remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时请我到你家去喝咖啡了Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.何况我太太还是你独生女的教母But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧!你从来就不想要我的友谊And you were afraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情I didn't want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非I understand.我了解You found Paradise in America.你在美国发了财You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law. 生意做的很好,生活过的很好有警察和法律保护你You didn't need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友But now you come to me and say,但是…现在你来找我说柯里昂阁下,请帮我主持公道"Don Corleone, give me justice."But you don't ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友你甚至不愿意喊我教父You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money. 你在我女儿结婚当天来我家用钱收买我为你杀人我只是要求你主持公道I ask you for justice.That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.那不是公道,你女儿还活着Let them suffer, then, as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨How much shall I pay you?我应该付你多少钱?Bonasera, Bonasera.包纳萨拉包纳萨拉到底我做了什么What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?让你这么的不尊重我If you'd come in friendship,如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎就会受到折磨And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies. 你这种诚实人的敌人也就是我的敌人And then they would fear you.那么,他们就会怕你Be my friend?当我的朋友?Godfather?教父Good.很好Some day, and that day may never come, I'll ask a service of you.他日我或需要你的帮忙也可能不会有那么一天But until that day...但在那一天到来之前...accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.收下这份公道做为小女结婚之礼- Grazie, Godfather. - Prego.-谢谢,教父-别客气这件事交给…克里曼沙Give this to Clemenza.I want people that aren't going to get carried away.我要用可靠的人头脑清醒的人We're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker says.我们不是谋杀犯,下手别太重- Where's Michael? - Don't worry, he'll be here.-麦克在哪?-别担心,他一会就来没有麦克我不照相We're not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍- What's the matter? - It's Michael.-什么事?-麦克的事Don Barzini.你好,巴西尼阁下你认得我儿子吧?Hey, Paulie! Let me have some wine.保利,让我喝点酒Paulie! More wine.保利,再来点酒- You look terrific on the floor. - Are you a dance judge or something?-你看起来棒极了-你是裁判还是什么?闪开吧,到附近晃晃做你的工作Take a walk and do your job.Sandra, watch the kids. Don't let them run wild.仙杜拉,帮个忙别让孩子乱跑,好吗?你看好你自己,好吗?You watch yourself, all right?20, 30 grand. In small bills, cash.两三万元小钞,全是现金In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里If this were somebody else's wedding... Sfortunato!如果这是我的婚礼我就发财了Hey, Paulie!保利,接住吧!Stupid jerk!你这个笨蛋!What's the matter?怎么回事?- Have to go back to work. - Tom.-我得回去工作了-汤姆No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day.这是婚礼的一部分没有西西里人在女儿结婚那天能拒绝任何的请求柯里昂阁下能受邀到贵府深感荣幸Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me.你们在干什么?滚!Get out of here! It's a private party. Go on!这是私人宴会,快滚What is it? It's my sister's wedding.这算什么?是我妹妹的婚礼Goddamn FBI don't respect nothing!该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重Come here, come here, come here!过来这!…...but towards the end, he was paroled to help with the American war effort, 但最后他获假释去为美国作战so for six months he's worked in my pastry shop.过去六个月他在我的糕饼店做事Nazorine, what can I do for you?纳色利,我的朋友我能为你做什么?Now that the war is over,现在战争结束了这男孩,安索他们要把他遣返意大利this boy, Enzo, they want to repatriate him back to ltaly.Godfather, I have a daughter. You see, she and Enzo...教父,我有个女儿她和安索…You want Enzo to stay in this country, and your daughter to be married. 你要安索留在这个国家和你女儿成亲You understand everything.你什么都了解,谢谢Mr Hagen. Thank you.哈金先生,谢谢待会看看我为你女儿做的结婚蛋糕Wait till you see the wedding cake I made for your daughter!这么高…还有一对新人和天使The bride, the groom and the angel...- Who should I give this job to? - Not to our pais?这件事我该交给谁去办?别给我们这个选区Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list? 给别地区的犹太籍众议员名单上还有谁?你好!麦克!Hey, Michael!He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上但他想要见你Is this necessary?这个…有这个必要吗?He didn't expect to be invited to the wedding, so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼所以要向你致谢好吧Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me柯里昂阁下,在令媛婚礼这天on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be a masculine child. 能受邀到贵府深感荣幸希望他们早生贵子Michael...麦克!That man over there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语See that scary guy over there?看到那边那个吓人的傢伙了吗?- He's a very scary guy. - What's his name?-他很叫人害怕-他是谁?叫什么名字?His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.他叫做路卡布拉西有时候替家父办事Michael, he's coming over here!麦克!等一下,他过来了麦克!汤姆!You look terrific!你气色好极了!My brother Tom Hagen, Miss Kay Adams.家兄汤姆哈金,这是凯亚当斯-你好-你好你父亲要见你Your father's been asking for you.- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.-幸会!-幸会Why does your brother have a different name?若他是你哥哥,为何不同姓?My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street. 小时候在街上发现汤姆无家可归He had no home, so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他He's been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了He's a good lawyer.他是个好律师Not a Sicilian. I think he's going to be consigliere.不是西西里人但我想他会当军师- What's that? - That's a...-那是什么?-那是…...like a counsellor, an advisor. Very important for the family.像是个顾问在家族中的地位非常重要You like your lasagne?你的扁形通心面还好吧?Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I'm honoured and grateful在令媛的婚礼受到邀请that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding.深感荣幸与感激On the day of your daughter's wedding.在令媛结婚的当天And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child.我希望他们能早生贵子I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.这是我一点小小的心意- For your daughter's bridal purse. - Thank you, Luca. Most valued friend. -祝福他们俩白头偕老-谢谢你,路卡我最珍贵的朋友Don Corleone, I'm going to leave you now, because I know you're busy. 柯里昂阁下,我晓得你忙我先告退了Thank you.谢谢Signora Corleone!柯里昂夫人No!不!…Senator Cauley apologised for not coming, but said you'd understand. 科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges. They've all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样他们都送了礼物敬你!What is that outside?外面是怎么回事?强尼!…Johnny! Johnny!I love you!我爱你!He came all the way from California. I told you he'd come!他大老远由加州赶来参加婚礼我告诉过你他会来的- He's probably in trouble again. - He's a good godson.已经两年了,他也许又有麻烦他是个好教子Johnny, Johnny! Sing a song!强尼!…唱首歌You never said you knew Johnny Fontane!麦克!你从未告诉我你认得强尼方亭- Sure. You want to meet him? - Great! Sure.-你想见他吗?-当然!- My father helped him with his career. - He did?-家父帮他建立他的事业-真的?How?怎么做的?- Let's listen to this song. - Michael...-我们先听这首唱-不,麦克Please, Michael. Tell me.拜托,麦克!告诉我When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract 强尼刚出道时和一个乐队领班签了合约with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后,想要解除合约Johnny is my father's godson.强尼是家父的教子My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人He offered him 1 0,000 dollars to let Johnny go,而且出一万元要他与强尼解约but the bandleader said no.他说不行!So the next day my father went to see him, but this time with Luca Brasi. 第二天家父再去见他只是这次带着路卡布拉西Within an hour,一个小时之内he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1,000 dollars.他签了解约书只收了一千元的支票- How did he do that? - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他是怎么办到的?家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件- What was that? - Luca Brasi held a gun to his head,那是什么?路卡布拉西用枪顶着他的头and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. 他要是不签字脑袋就会开花That's a true story.这是真实的故事That's my family, Kay. It's not me.凯,那是我的家庭,不是我Beautiful!I'll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...汤姆!I want you to find Santino. Tell him to come to the office.叫山提诺来我的办公室How are you, Fredo?你好吗?弗雷多-家兄弗雷多-这位是凯亚当斯My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.- Hi. - How are you doing?-你好-你好吗?- This is my brother Mike. - Are you having a good time?-这是舍弟麦克-玩的愉快吗?Yeah. This is your friend?这是你的朋友?I don't know what to do. My voice is weak. It's weak.我不知道该怎么办我的嗓子很虚弱,很虚弱Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top again. 总之我若能得到那部戏的角色我会再次走红的But this... man won't give it to me, the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演- What's his name? - Woltz.-他叫什么名字?-华尔斯He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.他不肯让我演而且还说门都没有Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?Sonny?山尼?- Sonny, are you in there? - What?山尼?你在里面吗?什么事?The old man wants you.老头子要见你One minute.好,马上去山尼一个月以前A month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照I wouldn't even have to act.我根本不需要演只要当我自己即可但…教父,我不知该怎么办?Godfather, I don't know what to do.You can act like a man! What's the matter with you?你要表现得像个男人!你是怎么回事?Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio, that cries like a woman? 这就是你在好莱坞学到的?哭的像个女人?"What can I do? What can I do?" What is that nonsense?该怎么办?怎么办?算什么鬼话?Ridiculous.岂有此理!- You spend time with your family? - Sure I do.-你有花时间与家人共聚吗?-我当然有Good.很好Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. 因为不抽空陪家人的男人不是真正的男人过来这You look terrible. I want you to eat.你看来糟透了,我要你多吃点Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.好好休息从现在起一个月内好莱坞大亨会让你愿望成真It's too late, they start shooting in a week.太迟了他们一周内就要开拍了I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.我会给他一个他无法拒绝的提议Just go outside and enjoy yourself, and forget about all this nonsense.现在你到外面去好好的玩-其他的交给我来办-好的- I want you to leave it all to me. - All right.- What time does my daughter leave? - Soon, after they cut the cake.我女儿女婿何时离开?切完蛋糕后的几分钟Do we give your son-in-law something important?你的新女婿要给重要职务吗?Never. Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him. 永远不要!让他们过好日子但别让他插手家族中的事- What else? - Virgil Sollozzo called.还有什么事?威尔斯索拉索来过电话- We'll have to see him next week. - When you come back from California. 下周我们必须安排跟他见面等你从加州回来我们再讨论- When am I going to California? - Tonight.我何时要去加州了?我要你今晚去I want you to talk to this movie big shot and settle this business for Johnny. 我要你和这个…电影大亨谈谈把强尼的事摆平If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding.若没有其他事我想去参加我女儿的婚礼了Carlo, we're going to take the picture.卡洛,我们要拍照了Wait a minute.等一下No, Michael. Not me.不,麦克,我不行Okay, that's it. Just like that. Hold it!好了,就是这样,别动!- You need a little more heat on that arc. - Start talking.好了,开始说吧!I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane.我是强尼方亭的朋友派来的This friend would give his friendship to Mr Woltz,他的朋友是我的委托人若是华尔斯先生能帮他个小忙if Mr Woltz would grant us a favour.他将会感激不尽Woltz is listening.继续说下去Give Johnny the part in that war film you're starting next week. 把你下周开拍的新片男主角让强尼担任And what favour would your friend grant Mr Woltz?他的朋友会回报我什么好处?He could make your future union problems disappear.你若有工会问题我的委托人能摆平And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin.而你旗下一位抽大麻的大牌现在吸起海洛因了你想要威胁我吗?Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch!绝对没有,我只是…听着你这个油腔滑调的王八蛋Let me lay it on the line. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie!让我对你及你的老板说清楚不管他是何许人强尼方亭绝对得不到那个角色No matter how many Dago Guinea greaseballs come out of the woodwork! 我不在乎有多少意大利的移民来找我麻烦- I'm German-lrish. - Listen here, my Kraut-Mick friend.我是德裔爱尔兰人坦白告诉你,德国朋友- I'm going to make trouble for you! - I'm a lawyer. I haven't threatened... 你大祸临头了你甚至不会晓得是谁扁你华尔斯先生,我是位律师我不是来威胁你I know New York's big lawyers. Who are you?我认识纽约的每位大律师你是谁?I have a special practice. I handle one client. I'll wait for your call. 我的执业情况特别只为一位委托人办事你有我的电话号码我等你电话By the way, I admire your pictures very much.告诉你,我很喜欢你的电影Check him out.摸清他的底细- It's really beautiful. - Look at this.真是美极了看看这个原本是用来装饰王宫的- It used to decorate a king's palace. - Very nice.很漂亮Why didn't you say you work for Corleone?你为何不说你为柯里昂阁下做事I thought you were some cheap hustler Johnny was running in.我以为你只是个市井流氓是强尼派来勒索我的除非真的必要否则我不想提起他的名字- I only use his name when necessary. - How's your drink?-你的酒还好吗?-很好- Fine. - Now I'll show you something beautiful.到这边来让你看看真正漂亮的东西You do appreciate beauty, don't you?你的眼光应该不错吧?There you are. 600,000 dollars on four hoofs.这里!这匹马价值六十万元我敢说俄国沙皇也从未在马身上花那么大笔钱I bet Russian czars never paid that for a single horse. Khartoum.达通!Khartoum.达通!I'm not going to race him, though. I'm going to put him out to stud. 不过我不会用它们来比赛我要它们当种马Thanks, Tony.-谢谢,汤尼!-不必客气!我们去吃点东西吧!Let's get something to eat.Corleone is Johnny's godfather.柯里昂是强尼的教父To the ltalian people that's a very sacred, close relationship.对意大利人而言那是种宗教上神圣的亲密关系I respect it. Tell him to ask me anything else. This favour I can't give him. 我很敬重这点告诉他除了这件事我什么都答应He never asks a second favour when he's been refused the first.他被拒绝一次后不会再要求第二次You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.你不了解强尼方亭永远别想演那部电影That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star.他很适合那个角色会让他成为巨星I'm going to run him out of the business, and let me tell you why.但我要让他走投无路我告诉你为什么Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz lnternational's most valuable prot間閟. 强尼毁了一位华尔斯国际公司最有前途的女星We trained her for five years. Singing, acting, dancing lessons.五年来我们不断地训练她歌唱课、表演课、跳舞课I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, to make her a big star.我在她身上投资了无数的金钱我要让她成为一位巨星Let me be even more frank.让我更坦白的告诉你To show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man. That it's not all dollars and cents. 让你知道我不是铁石心肠也不是势利眼She was beautiful. She was young and innocent!她年轻漂亮,天真无邪She's the greatest piece of ass I've had and I've had them all over the world.我拥有她就等于拥有全世界Then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and Guinea charm. 然后强尼方亭出现了带着磁性的嗓音加上意大利的魅力And she runs off.把她拐走了She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous!她跑掉了使我非常难堪And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!而我这种地位的人无法忍受难堪You get the hell out of here!你马上给我滚If that goombah tries any rough stuff, tell him I'm no bandleader.若是那混球想对我动粗你告诉他我不是乐队领班Yeah, I heard that story.我听过那个故事了Thank you for dinner and a very pleasant evening.谢谢你的晚餐款待Maybe your car can take me to the airport.也许你能派车送我去机场Mr Corleone insists on hearing bad news immediately.柯里昂先生坚持坏消息要立刻回报- You're not too tired, are you, Tom? - No, I slept on the plane.-你不会太累吧?汤姆-我在飞机上睡过了I have the Sollozzo notes here.我这里有索拉索的资料Now...众人皆知,索拉索是土耳其人Sollozzo is known as The Turk. He's supposed to be very good with a knife, 他应该善于用刀but only in matters of business with reasonable complaint.但只有发生利益冲突时才会使用His business is narcotics.他是做毒品生意的He has fields in Turkey, where they grow poppy.他们在土耳其种罂粟In Sicily he has plants to process them into heroin.在西西里有工厂提练成海洛因He needs cash, he needs protection from the police.他需要现金以及在毒品交易时需要警方的保护He'll give a piece of the action. I don't know how much.我无法查出保护费价钱多少The Tattaglia family is behind him here. They have to be in it for something. 在纽约是塔塔基利亚家族在保护他他们一定也想分占利益山尼柯里昂- What about his prison record? - One term in ltaly, one here.-他的犯罪前科呢?-一次在意大利,一次在这He's known as a top narcotics man.他是众所周知的大毒枭- Santino, what do you think? - A lot of money in that white powder.山提诺,你认为呢?白粉可以赚大钱Tom?Yes. There's more money in narcotics than anything else.我赞成,毒品比什么都好赚If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.就算我们不加入,别人也会也许是五大家族之一也许全部都会With that money they can buy more police and political power.他们会用毒品赚到的钱买通警方和政客Then they come after us.到时就会赶上我们Now we have unions and gambling, and that's great, but narcotics is the future. 现在我们掌握了工会及赌场而他们却掌握未来最好的东西毒品If we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything in ten years' time.我们若不能分一杯羹我们可能会失去一切我不是指现在而是在十年之内So? What's your answer going to be, Pop?你的答案是什么呢?爸爸Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下I need a man who has powerful friends.我需要有势力的友人I need a million dollars in cash.我需要一百万元的现金I need those politicians that you carry in your pocket, like nickels and dimes.我需要你手中掌握的政客- What is the interest for my family? - 30 per cent.-对我家族有什么利益?-三成In the first year your end should be three, four million dollars. 第一年你就可进帐三四百万元And then it would go up.然后还会增加And what is the interest for the Tattaglia family?塔塔基利亚家族会得到什么好处?My compliments.我的敬意I'll take care of them, out of my share.我会从我那一份当中分给他们So I receive 30 per cent for finance,我提供财务、政治和法律的保护,可以分到三成political influence and legal protection?That's right.没错Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity? 你为何来找我我为何值得你这么慷慨?If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance,若你能考虑投资一百万元现金ti saluto, Don Corleone.我就会向你敬礼,柯里昂阁下I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man,我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人to be treated with respect.所以我以礼相待But, I must say no to you.但是我必须拒绝你And I'll give you my reason.我会告诉你原因It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics.没错,我是有很多政界的朋友They wouldn't be friendly long if I was involved in drugs instead of gambling, 但若他们知道我在搞毒品生意而不再是赌博时他们就不再是我的朋友which they regard as a harmless vice, but drugs is a dirty business.他们认为赌博只是些无伤大雅的事业但毒品是败坏德性的生意-但是柯里昂阁下…-对我而言一个人以何为生It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living.并没有什么差别But your business is... a little dangerous.但你这种生意…有一点危险性If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.若你还是担心安全的问题塔塔基利亚会做保证的- The Tattaglias would guarantee our... - Wait a minute.你是说塔塔基利亚家族会保证我们的投资…等一下I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them.你看我把孩子都给宠坏了They talk when they should listen. But anyway...他们说话非常没有分寸但总之,索拉索先生Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I wish to congratulate you on your new business. 我的决定还是不行我要恭喜你的生意I know you'll do well, and good luck.我知道你会很成功…我祝你好运Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.尤其是你的生意不会与我的冲突谢谢Santino.山提诺Come here.到这来What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. 你是怎么回事?我看你和女孩子胡搞之后脑子退化了Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.别让外人知道你在想什么Go on.走吧Tom, what's this nonsense?汤姆,这是什么乱七八糟的?It's from Johnny. He's starring in that new film.那是强尼送的他主演了那部新电影好了,把它拿走- Take it away. - Take it over there.把它放到那去And...还有...tell Luca Brasi to come in.叫路卡布拉西到这来I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow.我对这索拉索有点担心Find out what he's got under his fingernails.我要你弄清楚他在耍什么把戏Go to the Tattaglias.到塔塔基利亚那边去Make them think that you're not too happy with our family 让他们以为你与我们家族不融洽and find out what you can.尽量查I got something for your mother and for Sonny我买了东西给令堂and a tie for Freddy, and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen. 还有给弗雷多的领带给汤姆的钢笔- What do you want for Christmas? - Just you.-你圣诞节想要什么?-我只要你Andiamo, Fredo.醒醒,弗雷多- Tell Paulie to get the car. - Okay, Pop.叫保利备车,我们要走了好的,爸I'll have to get it myself. Paulie called in sick this morning. 我来开车,保利今早生病了Paulie's a good kid. I don't mind getting the car.保利是个好孩子我不介意自己开车Buon Natale, caro. Grazie.谢谢- Luca! I'm Bruno Tattaglia. - I know.-路卡,我是布诺塔塔基利亚-我知道想喝杯威士忌吗?先暖和一下我不喝酒You know who I am?你知道我是谁吗?I know you.我认识你You have been talking to the Tattaglia family...right? 你和塔塔基利亚家族谈过了对吧?I think you and I can do business.我认为我们可以一起做些生意I need someone strong like you.我需要像你这么壮的人I heard you are not happy...我听说你与柯里昂家族不和...with the Corleone family.Want to join me?想加入我们吗?What's in it for me?我能得到什么好处?$50,000 to start with.起薪五万元Not bad!还不坏Agreed?同意了?Tom! Tom Hagen. Merry Christmas.汤姆哈金,圣诞快乐- Glad to see you. I want to talk to you. - I haven't got time.我很高兴遇见你-我想跟你聊聊-我没时间Make time, Consigliere. Get in the car.为我们拨点时间,军师,上车你担心什么?What are you worried about? lf I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. 我想杀你的话你早已死了Get in.上车- Fredo, I'm going to buy some fruit. - Okay, Pop.稍候一下,弗雷多我买点水果好的,爸Merry Christmas. I want some fruit.圣诞快乐,我要买些水果那个给我弗雷多爸爸Would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story.麦克,我若是修女你是否会更喜欢我就像小说中的角色你知道吗?No.不会- What if I were lngrid Bergman? - Now, that's a thought.若我是英格丽褒曼你是否会更喜欢我?这个想法不错Michael.麦克No, I wouldn't like you better if you were lngrid Bergman. What's the matter? 不,你若是英格丽褒曼我不会更喜欢你的-麦克-怎么回事?(维多柯里昂被谋杀)。

Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。
Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.不要让任何人知道你在想什么。
You make the choice, and this is your price.你做出了这个决定,这是你的代价。
Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends .我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为了保护我的家人和我的朋友。
I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它。
I will never do anything guilty.我永远不会做让自己内疚的事情。
So, love somebody else.那么,去爱一些其他人吧。
Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.你经常跟家人呆在一起吗?不错。
因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人!I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。

【精品】电影教父1剧本中英文对照版教父 The Godfather 中英文双语剧本I believe in America.我相信美国America hasmade my fortune.美国使我发了财And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以美国方式教养我的女儿I gave her freedom but I taught her never to dishonour her family.我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门She found a boyfriend not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影深夜才回家I didnt protest.我并没有责骂她Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend.两个月前他与另一个男孩带她去兜风They made herdrink whiskey他们强灌她喝威士忌and then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜She resisted she kept her honour.她抵抗她保住了名节So they beat herlike an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她When I went to the hospital her nose was broken当我到医院时她的鼻梁断了her jaw was shattered held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来She couldnt even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭But I wept. Why did I weep但我却哭了我为什么哭呢,She was the lightof my life.我视她如珠如宝Beautiful girl.长得很美丽Now she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也美丽不起来Sorry.不好意思I went to the police like a good American.我…像个守法的美国人一样我去报警These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判The judge sentenced them to three years in prison but suspended the sentence.法官判他们有期徒刑三年但缓刑Suspended the sentence They went free that very day缓刑~他们当天就没事了~I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中Those two bastards they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑Then I said to mywife For justice we must go to Don Corleone.于是我对我太太说为求公道我们必须去找柯里昂阁下Why did you go to the police Why didnt you come to me first你去报警前为何不先来找我,What do you want of me Tell me anything but do what I beg you todo.你要我怎么样,你尽管吩咐但求你一定要帮我这个忙What is that帮你什么忙,Iwant them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到Ill give you anything you ask.你要什么我都会给你Ive known you many years but this is the first time youve asked for help.我们相识多年这是你第一次来找我帮忙I cant remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时请我到你家去喝咖啡了Even though my wifeis godmother to your only child.何况我太太还是你独生女的教母But lets be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧~你从来就不想要我的友谊And you wereafraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情I didnt want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非I understand.我了解You found Paradise in America.你在美国发了财You made agood living had police protection and there were courts of law.生意做的很好生活过的很好有警察和法律保护你You didnt need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友Butnow you come to me and say但是…现在你来找我说柯里昂阁下请帮我主持公道DonCorleone give me justice.But you dont ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有Youdont offer friendship. You dont even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友你甚至不愿意喊我教父You come on my daughters wedding day and ask me to murder for money.你在我女儿结婚当天来我家用钱收买我为你杀人我只是要求你主持公道I askyou for justice.That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.那不是公道你女儿还活着Letthem suffer then as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨How much shall I pay you我应该付你多少钱,Bonasera Bonasera.包纳萨拉包纳萨拉到底我做了什么Whathave I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully让你这么的不尊重我If youdcome in friendship如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎就会受到折磨And if an honest man like you should make enemies theyd be my enemies.你这种诚实人的敌人也就是我的敌人And then they would fear you.那么他们就会怕你Be my friend当我的朋友,Godfather教父Good.很好Some day and that day may never come Ill ask a service of you.他日我或需要你的帮忙也可能不会有那么一天But until that day...但在那一天到来之前...accept this justice as a gift on my daughters wedding day.收下这份公道做为小女结婚之礼- Grazie Godfather. - Prego.-谢谢教父 -别客气这件事交给…克里曼沙Givethis to Clemenza.I want people that arent going to get carried away.我要用可靠的人头脑清醒的人Were not murderers in spite of what this undertaker says.我们不是谋杀犯下手别太重- Wheres Michael - Dont worry hell be here.-麦克在哪, -别担心他一会就来没有麦克我不照相Were not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍- Whats thematter - Its Michael.-什么事, -麦克的事Don Barzini.你好巴西尼阁下你认得我儿子吧,Hey Paulie Let me have some wine.保利让我喝点酒Paulie More wine.保利再来点酒- You look terrific on the floor. - Are you a dance judge or something-你看起来棒极了 -你是裁判还是什么,闪开吧到附近晃晃做你的工作Take a walk and do your job.Sandra watch the kids. Dont let them run wild.仙杜拉帮个忙别让孩子乱跑好吗,你看好你自己好吗,You watch yourself all right20 30 grand. In small bills cash.两三万元小钞全是现金In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里If this were somebody elses wedding... Sfortunato如果这是我的婚礼我就发财了Hey Paulie保利接住吧~Stupid jerk你这个笨蛋~Whats the matter怎么回事,- Have to go back to work. - Tom.-我得回去工作了 -汤姆No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughters wedding day.这是婚礼的一部分没有西西里人在女儿结婚那天能拒绝任何的请求柯里昂阁下能受邀到贵府深感荣幸Don Corleone Im honoured and grateful that you have invited me.你们在干什么,滚~Get out of here Its a private party. Go on这是私人宴会快滚What isit Its my sisters wedding.这算什么,是我妹妹的婚礼Goddamn FBI dont respect nothing该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重Come here come here come here 过来这~…...buttowards the end he was paroled to help with the American war effort 但最后他获假释去为美国作战so for six months hes worked in my pastry shop.过去六个月他在我的糕饼店做事Nazorine what can I do for you纳色利我的朋友我能为你做什么,Now thatthe war is over现在战争结束了这男孩安索他们要把他遣返意大利this boy Enzo they want to repatriate him back to ltaly.Godfather I have a daughter. You see she and Enzo...教父我有个女儿她和安索…You want Enzo to stay in this country and your daughter to be married.你要安索留在这个国家和你女儿成亲You understand everything.你什么都了解谢谢Mr Hagen. Thank you.哈金先生谢谢待会看看我为你女儿做的结婚蛋糕Wait till you see the wedding cake I made for your daughter这么高…还有一对新人和天使The bride the groom and the angel...- Who should I give this job to - Not to ourpais这件事我该交给谁去办,别给我们这个选区Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list给别地区的犹太籍众议员名单上还有谁,你好~麦克~Hey MichaelHes not on the list but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上但他想要见你Is this necessary这个…有这个必要吗,He didnt expect to be invited to the wedding so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼所以要向你致谢好吧Don Corleone Im honoured and grateful that you haveinvited me柯里昂阁下在令媛婚礼这天on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be amasculine child.能受邀到贵府深感荣幸希望他们早生贵子Michael...麦克~That manover there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语See that scary guy over there看到那边那个吓人的家伙了吗,- Hes a very scary guy. - Whats his name-他很叫人害怕 -他是谁,叫什么名字,His name is Luca Brasi. He helps my father out sometimes.他叫做路卡布拉西有时候替家父办事Michael hes coming over here麦克~等一下他过来了麦克~汤姆~You look terrific你气色好极了~My brother Tom Hagen Miss Kay Adams.家兄汤姆哈金这是凯亚当斯-你好 -你好你父亲要见你Your fathers been asking for you.- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.-幸会~ -幸会Why doesyour brother have a different name若他是你哥哥为何不同姓,My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street.小时候在街上发现汤姆无家可归He had no home so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他Hes been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了Hes a good lawyer.他是个好律师Not a Sicilian. I think hes going to be consigliere.不是西西里人但我想他会当军师- Whats that - Thats a...-那是什么, -那是…...like a counsellor an advisor. Very important f or the family.像是个顾问在家族中的地位非常重要You like your lasagne你的扁形通心面还好吧,Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下Im honoured and grateful在令媛的婚礼受到邀请that you have invited me to your daughters wedding.深感荣幸与感激On the day of your daughters wedding.在令媛结婚的当天And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child.我希望他们能早生贵子I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.这是我一点小小的心意- For your daughters bridal purse. - Thank you Luca. Most valued friend.-祝福他们俩白头偕老 -谢谢你路卡我最珍贵的朋友Don Corleone Im going to leave you now because I know youre busy.柯里昂阁下我晓得你忙我先告退了Thank you.谢谢Signora Corleone柯里昂夫人No不~…Senator Cauley apologised for not coming but said youd understand.科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges. Theyve all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样他们都送了礼物敬你~What is that outside外面是怎么回事,强尼~…Johnny JohnnyI love you我爱你~He came all the way from California. I told youhed come他大老远由加州赶来参加婚礼我告诉过你他会来的- Hes probably in trouble again. - Hes a good godson.已经两年了他也许又有麻烦他是个好教子Johnny Johnny Sing a song强尼~…唱首歌You never said you knew Johnny Fontane麦克~你从未告诉我你认得强尼方亭- Sure. You want to meet him - Great Sure.-你想见他吗, -当然~-My father helped him with his career. - He did-家父帮他建立他的事业-真的,How怎么做的,- Lets listen to this song. - Michael...-我们先听这首唱 -不麦克Please Michael. Tell me.拜托麦克~告诉我When Johnny was starting out he was signed to a personalservice contract强尼刚出道时和一个乐队领班签了合约with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后想要解除合约Johnny is my fathers godson.强尼是家父的教子My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人He offered him 1 0000 dollars to let Johnny go而且出一万元要他与强尼解约but the bandleader said no.他说不行~So the next day my father went to see him but this time with Luca Brasi.第二天家父再去见他只是这次带着路卡布拉西Within an hour一个小时之内he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1000 dollars.他签了解约书只收了一千元的支票- How did he do that - Made him anoffer he couldnt refuse.他是怎么办到的,家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件- What was that - Luca Brasi held a gun to his head那是什么,路卡布拉西用枪顶着他的头and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract.他要是不签字脑袋就会开花Thats atrue story.这是真实的故事Thats my family Kay. Its not me.凯那是我的家庭不是我BeautifulIll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...汤姆~I want you to find Santino. Tell him to come to the office.叫山提诺来我的办公室How are you Fredo你好吗,弗雷多-家兄弗雷多 -这位是凯亚当斯My brother Fredo this is Kay Adams.- Hi. - How are you doing-你好 -你好吗,- This is my brother Mike. - Are you having a good time-这是舍弟麦克 -玩的愉快吗,Yeah. This is your friend这是你的朋友,I dont know what to do. My voice is weak. Its weak.我不知道该怎么办我的嗓子很虚弱很虚弱Anyway if Ihad this part in the picture it puts me right back on top again.总之我若能得到那部戏的角色我会再次走红的But this... man wont give it to me the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演- Whats his name - Woltz.-他叫什么名字, -华尔斯He wontgive it to me and he says theres no chance.他不肯让我演而且还说门都没有Sonny山尼,Sonny山尼,Sonny山尼,- Sonny are you in there - What山尼,你在里面吗,什么事,The old man wants you.老头子要见你One minute.好马上去山尼一个月以前Amonth ago he bought the movie rights to this book a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照I wouldnt evenhave to act.我根本不需要演只要当我自己即可但…教父我不知该怎么办,Godfather I dont know what to do.You can act like a man Whats the matter with you你要表现得像个男人~你是怎么回事,Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio that cries like a woman这就是你在好莱坞学到的,哭的像个女人,What can I doWhat can I do What is that nonsense该怎么办,怎么办,。
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2.A man who is not a father will never be a real man.
3.Friendship can build a solid defense.
4.It’s not personal,it’s business.
在1973年该片获得第45届奥斯卡奖最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本奖 。在2007年被美国电影协会选为“百年百佳影片第二位” 。
9.If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.
1.Let your friends underrate your advantage,while let your enemies overrate your disadvantage.
让朋友低பைடு நூலகம்你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。
8.A matter of seconds to see the nature of people and spend half my life is also unclear one thing to see the nature of man, nature is not the same fate.
11.20.So, love somebody else.
12..Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.
13.To be close to your friend, but closer to your enemy.
5.I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.
我费了一生的精力,让自己变得十分谨慎 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行.
19.Great people are not born with the great, but in the process of growing up show its great.
20.If a person is very generous, then he must behave himself an emotional generosity.
6. I never would impose no need of friendship Friendship – think my insignificant person.
7.If you think I do not know the truth and that is an insult to my intelligence.
16.I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.
17.A person is only one destiny.
10. This book will leave about two things: First, your name, then there are your brains …
14.Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.
15.Only don’t tell me you’re innocent. It insults my intelligence, makes me very angry.
18.Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.
你花时间和你的家人在一起吗? 我当然有. 很好!不照顾家人的男人,根本算不上是个真正的男人!