BSI AMD 9886
AMD闪龙3000+ AM2 1.60GHz SocketAM2 Manila 800MHz 200MHz 0.09微米256KB/-- 单核 1.40VAMD闪龙3200+ AM2 1.80GHz SocketAM2 Manila 800MHz 200MHz 0.09微米128KB/-- 单核AMD闪龙3400+ AM2 1.80GHz SocketAM2 Manila 800MHz 200MHz 0.09微米256KB/-- 单核 1.40VAMD闪龙LE-1100AM2 1.90GHz SocketAM2 Sparta 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米256KB/-- 单核 1.35VAMD闪龙LE-1150AM2 2.00GHz SocketAM2 Sparta 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米256KB/-- 单核 1.20VAMD闪龙LE-1200AM2 2.10GHz SocketAM2 Sparta 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米512KB/-- 单核 1.20VAMD闪龙LE-1250AM2 2.20GHz SocketAM2 Sparta 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米512KB/-- 单核 1.40VAMD闪龙LE-1640AM2 2.60GHz SocketAM2 Orleans 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米1024KB/-- 单核 1.35VAMD闪龙双核2100+AM2 1.8GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 800MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2x256KB/-- 双核 1.3VAMD速龙双核4850eAM2 2.50GHz SocketAM2 Windsor 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 1024KB/-- 双核AMD速龙X2 BE-2300AM2 1.90GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 1024KB/-- 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 3600+AM2 1.90GHz SocketAM2 Windsor 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核AMD速龙64X2 3800+AM2 2.00GHz SocketAM2 Windsor 1000MHz ---- 0.09微米2x512KB/-- 双核AMD速龙64X2 4000+AM2 2.00GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核AMD速龙64X2 4200+AM2 2.20GHz SocketAM2 Windsor 1000MHz 200MHz 0.09微米 2x512KB/-- 双核AMD速龙64X2 4400+AM2 2.30GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 1.30VAMD速龙64X2 4600+AM2 2.40GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 1.30VAMD速龙64X2 4800+AM2 2.50GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 1.35VAMD速龙64X2 5000+AM2 2.60GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 1.35VAMD速龙64X2 5200+AM2 2.70GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 5400+AM2 2.80GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz --- 0.065微米2x512KB/-- 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 5600+AM2 2.90GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米 2x512KB/-- 双核 --VAMD速龙64X2 6000+AM2 3.10GHz SocketAM2 Brisbane 1000MHz 200MHz 0.09微米 1024KB/-- 双核 1.3VAMD速龙64X2 6500+ 2.30GHz SocketAM2+ Kuma 1600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米1024KB/2MB 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 7450 2.40GHz SocketAM2+ Kuma 1800MHz 200MHz 0.065微米1024KB/2MB 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 7750 2.70GHz SocketAM2+ Kuma 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2x512KB/2MB 双核 1.25VAMD速龙64X2 7850 2.80GHz SocketAM2+ Kuma 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2x512KB/2MB 双核 1.25VAMD羿龙三核 8450 2.10GHz SocketAM2+ Toliman 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米3x512KB/2MB 三核 1.3VAMD羿龙三核 8600 2.30GHz SocketAM2+ Toliman 1800MHz 200MHz 0.065微米1536KB/2MB 三核 1.25VAMD羿龙三核 8650 2.30GHz SocketAM2+ Toliman 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米3x512KB/2MB 三核 --VAMD羿龙三核 8750 2.40GHz SocketAM2+ Toliman 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米3x512KB/2MB 三核 1.04VAMD羿龙四核 9100e 1.80GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 1800MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2048KB/2MB 四核 1.125VAMD羿龙四核 9150e 1.80GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 1600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2048KB/2MB 四核 1.125VAMD羿龙四核 9350e 2.00GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 2000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米2048KB/2MB 四核 1.125VAMD羿龙四核 9500 2.20GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.25VAMD羿龙四核 9550 2.20GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 4000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.25VAMD羿龙四核 9600 2.30GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.25VAMD羿龙四核 9650 2.30GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 3600MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.25VAMD羿龙四核 9850 2.50GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 2000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.5VAMD羿龙四核 9950 2.60GHz SocketAM2+ Agena 4000MHz 200MHz 0.065微米4x512KB/2MB 四核 1.5VAMD AthlonII X2 215 2.70GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 240 2.80GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 245 2.90GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 250 3.00GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 550 3.10GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 260 3.20GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X2 270 3.40GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 2x128K/2x1M 双核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X3 425 2.70GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx3/512KBx3三核1.25VAMD AthlonII X3 435 2.90GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx3/512KBx3三核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 620 2.60GHz SocketAM3(938)Propus 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 630 2.80GHz SocketAM3(938)Propus 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 635 2.90GHz SocketAM3(938)Propus 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 640 3.00GHz SocketAM3(938)Propus 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 645 3.10GHz SocketAM3(938)Propus 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 945 3.00GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 955 3.20GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 965 3.40GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米L1=64KB×4/L2=512KB×4四核 1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 970 3.50GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25VAMD AthlonII X4 975 3.60GHz SocketAM3(938)Deneb 2000MHz 200MHz 0.045微米 64KBx4/512KBx4四核1.25V羿龙是Phenom,闪龙是Sempron,速龙是Athlon,皓龙Opteron。
例如,80286要比8088和 8086要快,但80386要比80286快,而80486则是最快的。
由于现在的处理器更新换代的速度极快,因此在这次的测评中,我们将英特尔Pentium II处理器,AMD Athlon处理器之前的产品都排除在外。
由于处理器的型号是我们对于处理器的第一印象,因此这次的评定也将包括AMD Athlon XP以及后续处理器,英特尔Pentium 4以及后续处理器的型号。
AMD处理器产品列表首先有几点需要说明,在列表中,通过核心名为Applebred和Thorton的处理器的模具尺寸与晶体管数量可以看出,他们的核心其实分别为 Thoroughbred和Barton。
常见 PHY芯片品牌介绍2019-01-07 11:39目前市场上百兆交换机是一个非常成熟的产品,各个芯片公司对自己的产品都进行了多次的优化和精简。
下面我们将深入分析目前市场上采用的百兆交换机方案:1.Realtek 公司Realtek 公司相信大家比较熟悉,市场上百兆网卡大多采用他们公司8139芯片。
Realtek公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为: RTL8316 + RTL8208;24口 RTL8324 + RTL8208。
Realtek公司采用的是MAC(媒介控制芯片)与 PHY(物理层芯片)相分离的架构。
RTL8316 集成4 M 位DRAM 缓存用于数据包存储转发;RTL8324集成4 M 位缓存。
这个缓存的大小对于交换机处理数据的能力有着很大的影响!RTL8316和RTL8324 MAC地址表的深度为8K!2.ICPlus公司ICPlus公司也是台湾一家有着多年历史的网络芯片生产商。
ICPlus公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为:IP1726 + IP108。
同样ICPlus公司也采用MAC(媒介控制芯片)与 PHY(物理层芯片)相分离的架构。
IP1726集成1.5 M 位缓存用于数据包存储转发。
IP1726 MAC地址表的深度为4K!3.Admtek公司Admtek公司今年已经被德国英飞凌公司收购,实际上应该是德国公司。
Admtek公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为:ADM6926 + ADM7008。
AMD弈龙II四核AMD 羿龙II X4 810(盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2600MHz外频200MHz倍频13倍总线频率1800MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗95W(TDP)内核电压0.875-1.425VCPU缓存一级缓存128KB*4二级缓存512KB*4三级缓存4MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT其他参数其它特点工作温度:< 71℃数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 900参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM2+针脚数目940pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗95W(TDP)CPU缓存三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心() AMD 羿龙II X4 900e(盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2400MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米热设计功耗65W(TDP)内核电压0.85-1.25VCPU缓存一级缓存256KB二级缓存2MB三级缓存6MB技术参数64位处理器是数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 905参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗95W(TDP)CPU缓存三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 905e(散)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2500MHz外频200MHz倍频12.5倍总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米热设计功耗65W(TDP)内核电压0.825-1.25VCPU缓存一级缓存256KB二级缓存4×512KB三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+),3DNOW!(+),SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSE4A,x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT64位处理器是数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 910e参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2600MHzCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米热设计功耗65W(TDP)核心面积258平方毫米CPU缓存二级缓存2MB三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 920(盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2800MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM2+针脚数目940pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗125W(TDP)内核电压0.875-1.5VCPU缓存二级缓存2MB三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 925(盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频2800MHz外频200MHz倍频14倍总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心核心类型Deneb热设计功耗95W(TDP)CPU缓存二级缓存2MB三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT其他参数其它特点工作温度:< 62℃数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 940(黑盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3000MHz外频200MHz倍频15倍总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM2+针脚数目940pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗125W(TDP)内核电压0.875-1.5VCPU缓存二级缓存2MB三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT其他参数其它特点工作温度:< 62℃数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 940T参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心热设计功耗95W(TDP)CPU缓存二级缓存4×512KB三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 945(盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3000MHz外频200MHz倍频15倍总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型DenebCPU架构K10热设计功耗95W(TDP)内核电压0.85-1.425VCPU缓存一级缓存4×128KB二级缓存4×512KB三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT其他参数其它特点工作温度:< 62℃数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 955(黑盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机CPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3200MHz外频200MHz倍频16倍总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型DenebCPU架构K10热设计功耗125W(TDP)内核电压0.875-1.5VCPU缓存一级缓存128KB×4二级缓存512KB×4三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64虚拟化技术AMD VT其他参数工作温度:< 62℃其它特点不锁倍频数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 960T参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3300MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心热设计功耗95W(TDP)CPU缓存一级缓存768KB二级缓存3MB三级缓存6MB数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()AMD 羿龙II X4 965(黑盒)参数规格查看:更多信息或更多图片基本参数适用类型台式CPU生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4CPU频率主频3400MHz外频200MHz倍频17倍总线类型HT3.0总线总线频率2000MHzCPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3针脚数目938pinCPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型DenebCPU架构K10热设计功耗125W(TDP)内核电压0.85-1.425V晶体管数量7.61亿CPU缓存一级缓存4×128KB二级缓存4×512KB三级缓存6MB技术参数指令集MMX(+), 3DNOW!(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, x86-64HyperTranspo支持rt64位处理器是其他参数其它特点不锁倍频数据来源:中关村在线报价中心() AMD 羿龙II X4 975 查看:更多信息或更多图片参数规格基本参数适用类型台式机生产厂商AMDCPU系列羿龙II X4 CPU频率主频3600MHz 外频200MHz倍频18倍CPU插槽插槽类型Socket AM3 针脚数目938pin CPU内核核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米核心类型Deneb热设计功耗125W (TDP)内核电压 1.35V CPU缓存一级缓存4×128KB 二级缓存4×512KB 三级缓存6MB技术参数HyperTranspo支持rt虚拟化技术AMD VT64位处理器是数据来源:中关村在线报价中心()。
只是也有一些朋友听说过哪怕是经典之作的处置器有些好超频,也有些不行超频的消息,网上也有一些帖子教大伙儿怎么挑好超的,究其缘故,网上的大虾级人物也只只是是读的懂AMD CPU身上的OPN代码,他们明白哪一批产品利用的制程最新,哪些CPU最能耐高温罢了,那么此刻我就带给大伙儿尽可能全面的AMD CPU OPN代码手册,(小编毕竟不是神人,“全面”不敢海夸!只能尽自己的最大尽力做全它!)其中的处置器包括所有AMD K8平台的所有处置器,包括Sempron、Athlon 64、Athlon 64 FX、Opteron 用CPU和TurionCPU,相信看过这篇文章后,你当即就成为能够看懂CPU OPN编码天书的大虾级人物。
第一仍是让我来识别CPU OPN代码吧第一咱们先简述这7部份所代表的意思:1:CPU所属种类2:PR值3:封装形式及接口A=OPGA 754 pin(CPGA 462 pin)B=无顶盖OPGA 754 pinC=CPGA 940 pinD=CPGA 939 pin(OPGA 462 pin)E=OPGA 940 pinF=OPGA 940 pin(F=Mobile OPGA 462 pin)有盖、无盖的意思是有无金属外壳4:工作电压A=可变电压C=E=I=K=M=O=Q=S=注意以上的是K8平台的处理器(P=(K=(U=(L=(Q=这个是AthlonXP/Duron/K7 Sempron的工作电压代码5:最高工作温度A 不确信的温度I 最高63℃K 最高65℃M 最高67℃O 最高69℃P 最高70℃X 最高95℃Y 最高100℃AMD的处置器最高能够经受100℃的高温,难怪网上有朋友能够拿CPU来煎鸡蛋了6:L2 缓存1=64kb(那个编号的都是Duron)2=128kb3=256kb4=512kb(在AthlonXP和Sempron中可用于识别Barton)6=2Mb二级缓存的大小和CPU的性能有很重要的关系,AMD CPU的最大二级缓存能够达到2M,最小的为128K。
T#机IC内部框图和主要功能、引脚介绍一:AD9880与AD9398 HDMI接口ICHDMI接口是快速兴起的数字接口标准,适用于高级电视、前投式投影电视、液晶显示器(LCD)电视和监视器以及等离子平板显示器(PDP)。
ADI公司的AD9880同时具有高达165 MHZ工作频率的HDMI数字和模拟接口,它是业界首款能支持1080P(逐行扫描)和UXGA(1600×1200,在60 HZ频率条件下)视频格式的单芯片HDMI数字和模拟双接口,同时它也支持8个192 KHZ通道的音频。
AD9880提供一种可以取代两芯片的集成解决方案,从而将模拟和数字接口两种功能集成到一颗单芯片上以便降低设计复杂程度、缩小印制电路板面积和模拟接收接口和HDMI数字接收接口都以165 MHZ 最高速度工作。
其内部框图、引脚结构图和引脚定义表如下:AD9880(AD9398)引脚功能表二:PW2300PW2300 是一款集成高性能、多制式、3D视频解码器,三组高速AD转换器的前端信号处理芯片。
并且PW2300还利用Pixel works 的SteadySync TM专利技术可以保证在较差的信号下也可以收看到高质量的视频信号。
下图为内部结构框图和引脚图:PW2300引脚说明三:PW218PW218是Pixel works新产品线中第一个高质量SOC图像处理芯片,在芯片内部集成先进的Scaling和Deinterlacing功能。
GA-8I945PLGE-RH CPU支持列表主板型号GA-8I945PLGE-RH PCB 版本1.xCPU 广商CPU 型号外频800Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(C0,Yorkfield,45nm,3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(C1,Yo rkfield,45nm,3GHz,12 MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(C0,Yorkfield,45nm,3GHz,12 MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9650(E0,Yorkfield,45nm,3.0 GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(E0,Yorkfield,45nm,2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9450(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.66GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9400(R0,Yorkfield,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9300(M1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.50GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Qu ad Q8200(M1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8600(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.33GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,3GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8300(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.83GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8200(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8190(C0,W olfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6850(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,3GHz,8MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6800(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.93GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6700(B3,Kentsfield,65nm,2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme X6800(B2,Conroe XE,65nm,2.93GHz,4MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6700(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.40HGz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(B3,Kentsfield,65nm,2.40GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7500(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.93GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7400(R0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.8GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7300(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7200(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.53GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Cor e™ 2 Duo E6850(G0,Conroe,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6750(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.66GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6700(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.66GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6600(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.40GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6550(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6540(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6420(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(L2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6320(B2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(B2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4700(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4600(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.40GH,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4500(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(M0,Conroe,65nm,2GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(L2,Conroe,65nm,2GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4300(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.50GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2220(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2200(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.2GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.0GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.8GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.8GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.6GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.6GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1400(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.0GHz,512KB) 800 -Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.60GHz,512KB) 800 -Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965(C1,Presler,65nm,3.73GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 955(B1,Presler,65nm,3.46GHz,4MB (2x2)) 1066 - Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 840-XE(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 - Intel Pentium D 960(D0,Presler,65nm,3.60GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 960(C1,Presler,65nm,3.60GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 950(B1,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 945(D0,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 945(C1,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 940(C1,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 940(B1,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 935(D0,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 930(C1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 930(B1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 925(C1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 920(B1,Presler,65nm,2.80GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 915(C1,Presler,65nm,2.80GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 840(B0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 840(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 830(B0,Smithfield,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 830(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 820(B0,Smithfield,90nm,2.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 820(A0,Smithfield,90nm,2.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 805(B0,Smithfield,90nm,2.66GHz,2MB) 533 -Intel P4-Extreme Edition(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.73GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel P4-Extreme Edition(M0,Northwood,0.13 micron,3.46GHz,2MB) 1066 - Intel P4-Extreme Edition(M0,Northwood,0.13 micron,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 672(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 670(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 670(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 662(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 661(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 660(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 651(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 651(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 650(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 650(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 641(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 641(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 640(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 631(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 631(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 630(N0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 571(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 570J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 561(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 560(D0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 560J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 551(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 551(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 550(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 550J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 541(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 540(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 531(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.00GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 530(D0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 530J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 524(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 521(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 520(D0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 519K(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 516(G1,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 516(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 506(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 505J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 440(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,2GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 430(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,1.8GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 420(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,1.60GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron D 365(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.60GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 360(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.46GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 356(C1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.33GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 355(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.33GHz,256KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 352(C1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,512KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 351(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 346(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 345J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 341(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 340J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 336(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 335J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 331(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 330J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 326(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.53GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 325J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.53GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(3.0GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9650(3.0 GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9450(2.66GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9400(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9300(2.50GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q8200(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8600(3.33GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(3GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8300(2.83GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8200(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8190(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6850(3.0GHz,8MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6800(2.93GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6700(2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q6700(2.66MHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme X6800(2.93GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7500(2.93GHz,3M B) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7400(2.8GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7300(2.66GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7200(2.53GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6850(3.0GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6750(2.66GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6550(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6540(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6700(2.66GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6600(2.4GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6420(2.13GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6320(1.86GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4700(2.60GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4600(2.40GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4500(2.2GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(2.0GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4300(1.8GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E5200(2.50GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2220(2.40GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2200(2.2GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2180(2.00GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(1.8GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(1.6GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Celeron Dual-Core E1400(2.0GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200(1.60GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 965(3.73GHz,4MB) 1066 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 955(3.46GHz,4MB) 1066 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 840-XE(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 N/A Intel Pentium D 960(3.6GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 950(3.4GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 945(3.4GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 940(3.2GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 935(3.2GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 930(3.0GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 925(3.0GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 920(2.8GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 915(2.8GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.73GHz(2MB) 1066 F2(Run at FSB 800 MHz)Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.46GHz(2MB) 1066 F2(Run at FSB 800 MHz)Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.4GHz(2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 840(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 830(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 820(2.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 805(2.66GHz,2MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 672(3.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 670(3.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 662(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 661(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 660(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 651(3.4GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 650(3.4GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 641(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 640(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 631(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 630(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 571(3.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 570J(3.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 561(3.6GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 560(J)(3.6GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 551(3.4GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 550(J)(3.4GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 541(3.2GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 540(J)(3.2GHz,1MB) 800 F1Intel Pentium 4 531(3.0GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 530(J)(3.0GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 524(3.06GHz,1MB) 533 F4Intel Pentium 4 521(2.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 520(J)(2.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 519K(3.06GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 516(2.93GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 515(J)(2.93GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 511(2.8GHz,1MB) 533 F1Intel Pentium 4 510(J)(2.8GHz,1MB) 533 F1Intel Pentium 4 506(2.66GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 505(J)(2.66GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 440(2.0GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 430(1.8GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 420(1.6GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron D 360(3.46GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 356(3.33GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 355(3.33GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 352(3.2GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 351(3.2GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 347(3.06GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 346(3.06GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 345J(3.06GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 341(2.93GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 340J(2.93GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 336(2.8GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 335J(2.8GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 331(2.66GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 330J(2.66GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 326(2.53GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 325J(2.53GHz,256KB) 533 F1。
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戴尔易安信 PowerEdge 服务器第二代 AMD EPYC 处理器的平衡内存说明书
WhitepaperBalanced Memory with 2nd GenerationAMD EPYC TM Processorsfor PowerEdge ServersOptimizing Memory PerformanceRevision: 1.4Issue Date: 4/21/2020AbstractProperly configuring a server with balanced memory is critical to ensure memorybandwidth is maximized and latency is minimized. When server memory is configured incorrectly, unwanted variables are introduced into the memory controllers’ algorithm, which inadvertently slows down overall system performance. To mitigate this risk of reducing or even bottlenecking system performance, it is important to understand what constitutes balanced, near balanced and unbalanced memory configurations.Dell EMC has published this brief to educate PowerEdge customers on what balanced memory means, why it is important and how to properly populate memory to 2ndGeneration AMD EPYC TM server processors for a balanced configuration.RevisionsDate Description12 September 2019 Initial release for 1st wave of AMD CPUs21 April 2020Includes all AMD CPU SKUs AcknowledgementsThis paper was produced by the following people:Name RoleMatt Ogle Technical Product Marketing, Dell EMC Trent Bates Product Management, Dell EMCJose Grande Software Senior Principal Engineer, Dell EMC Andres Fadul Software Senior Principal Engineer, Dell EMCTable of Contents1.Introduction (4)2.Memory Topography and Terminology (5)3.Memory Interleaving (6)3.1NPS and Quadrant Pairing (6)4.Memory Population Guidelines (9)4.1Overview (9)4.2Memory Channel Population (9)4.3Identical CPU and DIMM Parts (10)4.4Identical Memory Configurations for Each CPU (10)5.Balanced Configurations (Recommended) (11)6.Near Balanced Configurations (12)7.Unbalanced Configurations (13)8.Conclusion (19)9. References (19)1. IntroductionUnderstanding the relationship between a server processor (CPU) and its memory subsystem is critical when optimizing overall server performance. Every processor generation has a unique architecture, with volatile controllers, channels and slot population guidelines, that must be satisfied to attain high memory bandwidth and low memory access latency.2nd Generation AMD EPYC TM server processors, which will be referred to by their code name throughout this white paper, Rome processors, offer a total of eight memory channels with up to two memory slots per channel.1 This presents numerous possible permutations for configuring the memory subsystem with traditional Dual In-Line Memory Modules (DIMMs), yet there are only a couple of balanced configurations that will achieve the peak memory performance for Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.Memory that has been incorrectly populated is referred to as an unbalanced configuration. From a functionality standpoint, an unbalanced configuration will operate adequately, but introduces significant additional overhead that will slow down data transfer speeds. Similarly, a near balanced configuration does not yield fully optimized data transfer speeds but it is only suboptimal to that of a balanced configuration. Conversely, memory that has been correctly populated is referred to as a balanced configuration and will secure optimal functionality and data transfer speeds.This white paper explains how to balance memory configured for Rome processors within Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.2. Memory Topography and TerminologyFigure 1: CPU-to-memory subsystem connectivity for Rome processorsTo understand the relationship between the CPU and memory, terminology illustrated in Figure 1 must first be defined:•Memory controllers are digital circuits that manage the flow of data going from the computer’s main memory to the corresponding memory channels.2 Romeprocessors have eight memory controllers in the processor I/O die, with onecontroller assigned to each channel.•Memory channels are the physical layer on which the data travels between the CPU and memory modules.3 As seen in Figure 1, Rome processors have eightmemory channels designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. These channels wereintended to be organized into pairs such as two-way (AB, CD, EF, GH), four-way (ABCD, EFGH) or eight-way (ABCDEFGH).•The memory slots are internal ports that connect the individual DIMMs to their respective channels.4 Rome processors have two slots per channel, so there are a total of sixteen slots per CPU for memory module population. DIMM 1 slots are the first eight memory modules to be populated while DIMM 0 slots are the last eight.In the illustrations ahead, DIMM 1 slots will be represented with black text marked A1-A8 and DIMM 0 slots will be represented with white text marked A9-A16.•The memory subsystem is the combination of all the independent memory functions listed above.3. Memory InterleavingMemory interleaving allows a CPU to efficiently spread memory accesses across multiple DIMMs. When memory is put in the same interleave set, contiguous memory accesses go to different memory banks. Memory accesses no longer must wait until the prior access is completed before initiating the next memory operation. For most workloads, performance is maximized when all DIMMs are in one interleave set creating a single uniform memory region that is spread across as many DIMMs as possible.5 Multiple interleave sets create disjointed memory regions.3.1 NPS and Quadrant PairingRome processors achieve memory interleaving by using Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) in Nodes Per Socket (NPS).6 There are four NPS options available in the Dell EMC BIOS:1. NPS 0– One NUMA node per system (on two processors systems only). Thismeans all channels in the system are using one interleave set.2. NPS 1– One NUMA node per socket (on one processor systems). This means allchannels in the socket are using one interleave set.3. NPS 2– Two NUMA nodes per socket (one per left/right half). This means eachhalf containing four channels is using one interleave set; a total of two sets.4. NPS 4– Up to four NUMA nodes per socket (one per quadrant). This means eachquadrant containing two channels is using one interleave set; a total of four sets. The simplest visual aid for understanding the NPS system is to divide the CPU into four quadrants. We see below in Figure 2 that each quadrant contains two paired DIMM channels that can host up to two DIMMs. The paired DIMM channels in each quadrant were designed to group and minimize the travel distance for interleaved sets. NPS 1 would correlate to all four quadrants being fully populated. NPS 2 would correlate to having either the left or right half quadrant being fully populated. NPS 4 would correlate to having any one quadrant being fully populated.Figure 2: Quadrant layout of Rome processors3.2 NPS and Quadrant PairingNPS 0 and NPS 1 will typically yield the best memory performance, followed by NPS 2 and then NPS 4. The Dell EMC default setting for BIOS NUMA NPS is NPS 1 and mayneed to be manually adjusted to match the NPS option that supports the CPU model. As seen below in Figure 3 there are various CPUs that will not support NPS 2 or 4 that require awareness of which memory configurations are optimized for each CPU. Figure 4 below shows our recommended NPS setting for each # of DIMMs per CPU:Figure 3: A full list of 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs and their respectivesupported NPS models. The CPUs with an asterisk have been optimizedto reduce the performance impact of only filling four DIMM channels.Figure 4: Recommended NPS setting for each# of DIMMs per CPUIf the NPS setting for a memory configuration will limit performance (as seen in Figure 5), Dell EMC BIOS will return the following informative prompts to the user:UEFI0391: Memory configuration supported but not optimal for the enabledNUMA node Per Socket (NPS) setting. Please consider the following actions:1) Changing NPS setting under System Setup>System BIOS>ProcessorSettings>NUMA Nodes Per Socket, if supported.2) For optimized memory configurations please refer to the General MemoryModule Installation Guidelines section in the Installation and ServiceManual, of the respective server model available on the support site.In layman’s terms, a different NPS setting or memory configuration will result in better memory performance. The system is fully functional when this message appears, but it is not fully optimized for best performance.Figure 5: Color-coded table illustrating whenan informative message will occur (yellow) orno message (green)4. M emory Population Guidelines4.1 OverviewDIMMs must be populated into a balanced configuration to yield the highest memory bandwidth and lowest memory access latency. Various factors will dictate whether a configuration is balanced or not. Please follow the guidelines below for best results 7:o Memory Channel Population•Balanced Configuration-All memory channels must be fully populated with one or two DIMMs for best performance; a total of eight or sixteen DIMMs per CPU•Near Balanced Configuration-Populate four or twelve DIMMs per socket-Populate DIMMs in sequential order (A1-A8)o CPU and DIMM parts must be identicalo Each CPU must be identically configured with memory4.2 Memory Channel PopulationTo achieve a balanced configuration, populate either eight or sixteen DIMMs per CPU. By loading each channel with one or two DIMMs, the configuration is balanced and has data traveling across channels most efficiently on one interleave set. Following this guideline will yield the highest memory bandwidth and the lowest memory latency. If a balanced configuration of sixteen or eight DIMMs per CPU cannot be implemented, then the next best option is a near balanced configuration. To obtain a near balanced population, populate four or twelve DIMMs per CPU in sequential order. When any number of DIMMs other than 4, 8, 12 or 16 is populated, disjointed memory regions are created making NPS 4 the only supported BIOS option to select.The last guideline is that DIMMs must be populated in an assembly order because Rome processors have an organized architecture for each type of CPU core count. To simplify this concept, the lowest core count was used as a common denominator, so the assembly order below will apply across all Rome processor types. Populating in this order ensures that for every unique Rome processor, any DIMM configuration is guaranteed the lowest NPS option, therefore driving the most efficient interleave sets and data transfer speeds. Figure 6 illustrates the assembly order in which individual DIMMs should be populated, starting with A1 and ending with A16:Figure 6: DIMM population order, starting with A1 and ending with A164.3 Identical CPU and DIMM PartsIdentical DIMMs must be used across all DIMM slots (i.e. same Dell part number). Dell EMC does not support DIMM mixing in Rome systems. This means that only one rank, speed, capacity and DIMM type shall exist within the system. This principle applies to the processors as well; multi-socket Rome systems shall be populated with identical CPUs.4.4 Identical Memory Configurations for Each CPUEvery CPU socket within a server must have identical memory configurations. When only one unique memory configuration exists across both CPU sockets within a server, memory access is further optimized. Figure 7 below illustrates the expected memory bandwidth curve when these rules are followed:Figure 7: Bar graph illustrating expected performance variation as # of dimms increases 16151413121110987654321M e m o r y B a n d w i d t h #DIMMs per CPU populatedR6525 Memory Bandwidth per DIMM Population BalancedNear-Balanced Unbalanced5. Balanced Configurations (Recommended)Balanced configurations satisfy NPS 0/1 conditions by requiring each memory channel to be populated with one or two identical DIMMs. By doing this, one interleave set can optimally distribute memory access requests across all the available DIMM slots; therefore, maximizing performance. Memory controller logic was designed around fullypopulated memory channels, so it should come as no surprise thateight or sixteen populated DIMMs are recommended. Having eight DIMMs will reap the highestmemory bandwidth while having sixteen DIMMs will yield the highest memory capacity.Figure 8: Eight DIMMs are populated in a balanced configuration, producing the highest memorybandwidth while at a lower capacity than sixteenFigure 9: Sixteen DIMMs are populated in a balanced configuration, producing the highest memorycapacity while at a lower bandwidth than eight6. Near Balanced ConfigurationsNear balanced configurations satisfy NPS 1 or 2 conditions by populating either four or twelve identical DIMMs per CPU. These configurations are not optimized because the channels are partially populated, which creates disjointed memory regions that reduce performance (making it near balanced). Performance for near balanced configurationswill undergo degradation when compared to balanced configurations. Although the below configurations are adequate for implementation, they are not highly recommended. *Note that CPUs 7282, 7252, 7232P and 7272 were designed to reduce the performance impact of populating four DIMM channels.Figure 10: Four DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 11: Twelve DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configuration7. U nbalanced ConfigurationsUnbalanced configurations can only satisfy NPS 4 conditions. More than two interleave sets can now be introduced to the memory controller algorithm which causes very disjointed regions. Memory performance for the unbalanced configurations below are significantly less than balanced or near balanced and are not recommended.Figure 12: One DIMM is populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 13: Two DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 14: Three DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 15: Five DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 16: Six DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 17: Seven DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 18: Nine DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 19: Ten DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 20: Eleven DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 21: Thirteen DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 22: Fourteen DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 23: Fifteen DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configuration8. ConclusionBalancing memory with 2nd Generation EPYC TM server processors increases memory bandwidth and reduces memory access latency. When memory modules are configured in such a way that the memory subsystems are identical, and channels are fully populated with one or two DIMMs, one interleave set will create a single uniform memory region that is spread across as many DIMMs as possible. This allows the distribution of data to perform most efficiently on Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Applying the balanced memory guidelines demonstrated in this brief will ensure that both memory bandwidth and memory access latency are optimized, therefore ensuring peak memory performance within Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.9. References1 https:///wp-content/resources/56301_1.0.pdf2 https:///travel_guide/124468/hardware/computer_memory_controllers_how_they_work.html3 https:///jargon/d/dual-channel-memory.htm4 https:///jargon/m/memoslot.htm5 https:///memory-interleaving/6 https:///system/files/2018-03/AMD-Optimizes-EPYC-Memory-With-NUMA.pdf7 https:///wp-content/resources/56301_1.0.pdfThe information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any ki nd withrespect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.© 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of DellInc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.Dell believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to changewithout notice.。
G Series LCD Monitor G244F E2 (3BB4) G244PF E2 (3B
G Series LCD MonitorG244F E2 (3BB4) G244PF E2 (3BB4) User GuideContentsGetting Started (3)Package Contents (3)Installing the Monitor Stand (4)Adjusting the Monitor (6)Monitor Overview (8)Connecting the Monitor to PC (11)OSD Setup (13)Navi Key (13)Hot Key (14)OSD Menus (15)Gaming (15)Professional (17)Image (18)Input Source (19)Navi Key (19)Setting (20)Specifications (22)Preset Display Modes (24)Troubleshooting (25)Safety Instructions (26)TÜV Rheinland Certification (28)Regulatory Notices (29)RevisionV1.0, 2023/09Getting StartedThis chapter provides you with the information on hardware setup procedures. While connecting devices, be careful in holding the devices and use a grounded wrist strap to avoid static electricity.∙Contact your place of purchase or local distributor if any of the items is damaged or missing.∙Package contents may vary by country.∙The included power cord is exclusively for this monitor and should not be used with other products.Installing the Monitor Stand1. Leave the monitor in its protective packaging. Align the stand bracket to the monitor groove.2. Tighten the stand bracket with screws.3. Connect the base to the stand and tighten the base screw to secure the base.4. Make sure the stand assembly is properly installed before setting the monitor upright.G244F E2G244PF E2Important ∙Place the monitor on a soft, protected surface to avoid scratching the display panel. ∙Do not use any sharp objects on the panel. ∙The groove for installing the stand bracket can also be used for wall mount. Please contact your dealer for proper wall mount kit. ∙This product comes with NO protective film to be removed by the user! Any mechanical damages to the product including removal of the polarizing film mayAdjusting the MonitorThis monitor is designed to maximize your viewing comfort with its adjustment capabilities.⚠ImportantAvoid touching the display panel when adjusting the monitor.G244F E2G244PF E2Monitor Overview G244F E2G244PF E2Connecting the Monitor to PC1. Turn off your computer.2. Connect the video cable from the monitor to your computer.3. Assemble the external power supply & power cord. (Figure A)4. Connect the external power supply to the monitor power jack. (Figure B)5. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet. (Figure C)6. Turn on the monitor. (Figure D)7. Power on the computer and the monitor will auto detect the signal source. G244F E2G244PF E2OSD SetupThis chapter provides you with essential information on OSD Setup.⚠ImportantAll information is subject to change without prior notice.Navi KeyThe monitor comes with a Navi Key, a multi-directional control that helps navigate the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.G244F E2G244PF E2Up/Down/Left/Right:∙selecting function menus and items∙adjusting function values∙entering into/exiting from function menusPress (OK):∙launching the On-Screen Display (OSD)∙entering submenus∙confirming a selection or settingHot Key∙Users may enter into preset function menus by moving the Navi Key up, down, left or right when the OSD menu is inactive.∙Users may customize their own Hot Keys to enter into different function menus.OSD Menus⚠ImportantThe following settings will be grayed out when HDR signals are received:∙Night Vision ∙MPRT∙Low Blue Light∙HDCR ∙Brightness ∙Contrast3.0A 3.0A* Based on CIE1976 test standards.Preset Display Modes ImportantTroubleshootingThe power LED is off.• Press the monitor power button again.• Check if the monitor power cable is properly connected.No image.• Check if the computer graphics card is properly installed.• Check if the computer and monitor are connected to electrical outlets and are turned on.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• The computer may be in Standby mode. Press any key to activate the monitor. The screen image is not properly sized or centered.• Refer to Preset Display Modes to set the computer to a setting suitable for the monitor to display.No Plug & Play.• Check if the monitor power cable is properly connected.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• Check if the computer and graphics card are Plug & Play compatible. The icons, font or screen are fuzzy, blurry or have color problems.• Avoid using any video extension cables.• Adjust brightness and contrast.• Adjust RGB color or tune color temperature.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• Check for bent pins on the signal cable connector.The monitor starts flickering or shows waves.• Change the refresh rate to match the capabilities of your monitor.• Update your graphics card drivers.• Keep the monitor away from electrical devices that may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI).Safety Instructions∙Read the safety instructions carefully and thoroughly.∙All cautions and warnings on the device or User Guide should be noted.∙Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.Power∙Make sure that the power voltage is within its safety range and has been adjusted properly to the value of 100~240V before connecting the device to the power outlet. ∙If the power cord comes with a 3-pin plug, do not disable the protective earth pin from the plug. The device must be connected to an earthed mains socket-outlet.∙Please confirm the power distribution system in the installation site shall provide the circuit breaker rated 120/240V, 20A (maximum).∙Always disconnect the power cord or switch the wall socket off if the device would be left unused for a certain time to achieve zero energy consumption.∙Place the power cord in a way that people are unlikely to step on it. Do not place anything on the power cord.∙If this device comes with an adapter, use only the MSI provided AC adapter approved for use with this device.Environment∙To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the device, do not place the device on a soft, unsteady surface or obstruct its air ventilators.∙Use this device only on a hard, flat and steady surface.∙To prevent the device from tipping over, secure the device to a desk, wall or fixed object with an anti-tip fastener that helps to properly support the device and keep it safe in place.∙To prevent fire or shock hazard, keep this device away from humidity and high temperature.∙Do not leave the device in an unconditioned environment with a storage temperature above 60℃ or below -20℃, which may damage the device.∙The maximum operating temperature is around 40℃.∙When cleaning the device, be sure to remove the power plug. Use a piece of soft cloth rather than industrial chemical to clean the device. Never pour any liquid into the opening; that could damage the device or cause electric shock.∙Always keep strong magnetic or electrical objects away from the device.∙If any of the following situations arises, get the device checked by service personnel:• The power cord or plug is damaged.• Liquid has penetrated into the device.• The device has been exposed to moisture.• The device does not work well or you can not get it working according to the User Guide.• The device has dropped and damaged.• The device has obvious sign of breakage.TÜV Rheinland CertificationTÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light CertificationBlue light has been shown to cause eye fatigueand discomfort. MSI now offers monitors with TÜVRheinland Low Blue Light certification to ensureusers’ eye comfort and well-being. Please followthe instructions below to reduce the symptoms fromextended exposure to the screen and blue light.∙Place the screen 20 – 28 inches (50 – 70 cm) away from your eyes and a little below eye level.∙Consciously blinking the eyes every now and then will help to reduce eye strain after extended screen time.∙Take breaks for 20 minutes every 2 hours.∙Look away from the screen and gaze at a distant object for at least 20 seconds during breaks.∙Make stretches to relieve body fatigue or pain during breaks.∙Turn on the optional Low Blue Light function.TÜV Rheinland Flicker Free Certification∙TÜV Rheinland has tested this product toascertain whether the display produces visibleand invisible flicker for the human eye andtherefore strains the eyes of users.∙TÜV Rheinland has defined a catalogue oftests, which sets out minimum standardsat various frequency ranges. The test catalogue is based on internationally applicable standards or standards common within the industry and exceeds these requirements.∙The product has been tested in the laboratory according to these criteria.∙The keyword “Flicker Free” confirms that the device has no visible and invisible flicker defined in this standard within the range of 0 - 3000 Hz under various brightness settings.∙The display will not support Flicker Free when Anti Motion Blur/MPRT is enabled. (The availability of Anti Motion Blur/MPRT varies by products.)Regulatory NoticesCE ConformityThis device complies with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (2014/30/EU), Low-voltage Directive (2014/35/EU), ErP Directive (2009/125/EC) and RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). This product has been tested and found to comply with the harmonized standards for Information Technology Equipment published under Directives of Official Journal of the European Union.FCC-B Radio Frequency Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the measures listed below:∙Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.∙Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.∙Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.∙Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help. Notice 1The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Notice 2Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.MSI Computer Corp.901 Canada Court, City of Industry, CA 91748, USA(626) 913-0828WEEE StatementUnder the European Union (“EU”) Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive 2012/19/EU, products of “electrical and electronic equipment” cannot be discarded as municipal waste anymoreand manufacturers of covered electronic equipment will be obligated totake back such products at the end of their useful life. Chemical Substances InformationIn compliance with chemical substances regulations, such as the EU REACH Regulation (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council), MSI provides the information of chemical substances in products at: https:///global/indexRoHS StatementJapan JIS C 0950 Material DeclarationA Japanese regulatory requirement, defined by specification JIS C 0950, mandates that manufacturers provide material declarations for certain categories of electronic products offered for sale after July 1, 2006.https:///global/Japan-JIS-C-0950-Material-Declarations India RoHSThis product complies with the “India E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule 2016” and prohibits use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in concentrations exceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium, except for the exemptions set in Schedule 2 of the Rule. Turkey EEE RegulationConforms to the EEE Regulations of the Republic Of Turkey Ukraine Restriction of Hazardous SubstancesThe equipment complies with requirements of the Technical Regulation, approved by the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine as of 10 March 2017, № 139, in terms of restrictions for the use of certain dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.Vietnam RoHSAs from December 1, 2012, all products manufactured by MSI comply with Circular 30/2011/TT-BCT temporarily regulating the permitted limits for a number of hazardous substances in electronic and electric products.31Green Product Features∙Reduced energy consumption during use and stand-by ∙Limited use of substances harmful to the environment and health∙Easily dismantled and recycled ∙Reduced use of natural resources by encouraging recycling ∙Extended product lifetime through easy upgrades ∙Reduced solid waste production through take-back policy Environmental Policy ∙The product has been designed to enable proper reuse of parts and recycling and should not be thrown away at its end of life. ∙Users should contact the local authorized point of collection for recycling and disposing of their end-of-life products. ∙Visit the MSI website and locate a nearby distributor for further recycling information. ∙*******************************************************************disposal, take-back, recycling, and disassembly of MSI products.Warning!Overuse of screens is likely to affect eyesight.Recommendations: 1. Take a 10-minute break for every 30 minutes of screen time. 2. Children under 2 years of age should have no screen time. For children aged 2 years and over, screen time should be limited to less than one hour per day.Copyright and Trademarks Notice Copyright © Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. The MSI logo used is a registered trademark of Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All other marks and names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. No warranty as to accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied. MSI reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice.The terms HDMI™, HDMI™ High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI™ Trade dress and the HDMI™ Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI™ Licensing Administrator, Inc.Technical Support If a problem arises with your product and no solution can be obtained from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local distributor. Alternatively,please visit https:///support/ for further guidance.。
AMD E2 A4 A6 A9 APU处理器说明书
PERFORMANCEProcessorProcessor FamilyAMD E2 / A4 / A6 / A9 APUProcessorOperating SystemOperating SystemWindows® 10 Home 64••FreeDOS•No operating systemGraphicsGraphics[1]Notes:Integrated graphics information and onboard video ports information are not applicable for all models without integrated graphics (for 1.the details, please refer to processor section)Monitor SupportMonitor SupportSupports up to 2 independent displays via onboard ports (VGA + HDMI)ChipsetChipsetAMD SoC (System on Chip) platformMemoryMemory Type•DDR4-2400•DDR4-2666Memory SlotsTwo DDR4 UDIMM slots, dual-channel capableMemory ProtectionNon-ECCMax Memory[1]Up to 16GB DDR4-2666Notes:1.The max memory is based on the test results with current Lenovo® memory offerings. The system may support more memory as the technology develops.StorageStorage SupportUp to 2 drives, 1x 3.5" HDD + 1x 2.5" SSD3.5" HDD up to 2TB2.5" SSD up to 256GBRAIDNot supportStorage TypeRemovable StorageOptical•DVD burner (DVD??RW), SATA 1.5Gb/s, slim (9.0mm)•NoneCard Reader7-in-1 card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, MS, MS-Pro, MMC plus)••No card readerMulti-MediaAudio ChipHigh Definition (HD) Audio, Realtek® ALC662 codecPower SupplyPower SupplyDESIGNInput DeviceKeyboard•Lenovo Calliope Keyboard (USB connector), black•Lenovo Calliope Keyboard (USB connector), silver•Lenovo Calliope Wireless Keyboard, silver•No keyboardMouse•Lenovo Calliope Wireless Mouse, silverLenovo Calliope Mouse (USB connector), black••Lenovo Calliope Mouse (USB connector), silver•No mouseMechanicalButtons•Power buttonOptical drive eject button(for the models with ODD)•Form FactorSFF (8.4L)Dimensions (WxDxH)90 x 297 x 344mm (3.54 x 11.69 x 13.54 inches)Weight4.3 kg (9.5 lbs)Case ColorBlack••SilverBays•1x slim ODD bay•1x 2.5" disk bay•1x 3.5" disk bayExpansion Slots•One PCIe 2.0 x16, low-profile•One PCIe 2.0 x1, low-profile•Two M.2 slots (one for WLAN, one for SSD)CONNECTIVITYNetworkOnboard EthernetGigabit Ethernet, 1x RJ45WLAN + Bluetooth™•802.11ac 1x1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0, M.2 card•No WLAN and BluetoothPortsFront Ports[1]•2x USB 2.0•2x USB 3.2 Gen 1•1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm)•1x microphone (3.5mm)Optional Front Ports1x card readerRear Ports[2]•2x USB 2.0•1x Ethernet (RJ-45)•1x HDMI 1.4•1x VGA•1x microphone (3.5mm)•1x line-in (3.5mm)•1x line-out (3.5mm)•1x power connectorNotes:1.The transfer speed of following ports will vary and, depending on many factors, such as the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment, will be slower than theoretical speed.USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps, formely USB 3.0 / USB 3.1 Gen 1): 5 Gbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 2 (SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps, formely USB 3.1 Gen 2): 10 Gbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 (SuperSpeed USB 20Gbps): 20 Gbit/s;Thunderbolt™ 3: 40 Gbit/s;FireWire 400: 400 Mbit/s;FireWire 800: 800 Mbit/s;For video ports on discrete graphics, please see graphics section 2.SECURITY & PRIVACYSecurityBIOS Security•Power-on password•Administrator passwordHard disk password•SERVICEWarrantyBase Warranty•1-year depot or mail-in service•1-year limited onsite service•2-year depot serviceCERTIFICATIONSGreen CertificationsGreen Certifications•ErP Lot 3•GREENGUARD®•RoHS compliant。
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No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
广数系统988ta面板详解摘要:一、广数系统988TA 面板简介1.广数系统988TA 面板概述2.面板的功能和特点二、广数系统988TA 面板按键介绍1.操作面板按键布局2.各按键功能说明三、广数系统988TA 面板接口介绍1.输入接口2.输出接口3.通信接口四、广数系统988TA 面板指示灯说明1.指示灯的分类和作用2.各指示灯的工作状态五、广数系统988TA 面板的维护和故障排除1.面板维护注意事项2.常见故障排除方法正文:广数系统988TA 面板详解一、广数系统988TA 面板简介广数系统988TA 面板是一款功能强大且易于操作的控制面板,广泛应用于各种数控机床设备中。
二、广数系统988TA 面板按键介绍广数系统988TA 面板按键布局合理,功能明确。
三、广数系统988TA 面板接口介绍广数系统988TA 面板具有丰富的接口,主要包括输入接口、输出接口和通信接口。
四、广数系统988TA 面板指示灯说明广数系统988TA 面板上的指示灯主要用于显示设备的工作状态,包括以下几种类型:1.运行状态指示灯:用于显示设备的运行状态,如运行、停止、故障等。
AMD加速处理器列表AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU)前称AMD Fusion,整合CPU和GPU。
目录•1 时程表•2 桌上型平台和笔电平台o 2.1 第一代AMD APU,基于AMD 10h(K10、K12/12h)▪ 2.1.1 Llanoo 2.2 第二代AMD APU,基于AMD Piledriver架构▪ 2.2.1 Trinity▪ 2.2.2 Richlando 2.3 第三代AMD APU,基于AMD Jagaur架构▪ 2.3.1 Kabinio 2.4 第四代AMD APU,基于AMD Steamroller架构▪ 2.4.1 Kaverio 2.5 第六代 AMD APU,基于 AMD Excavator 架构▪ 2.5.1 'Carrizo' (2015, 28 nm)o 2.6 第七代 AMD APU,基于 AMD Excavator 架构▪ 2.6.1 'Bristol Ridge' (2016, 28 nm)o 2.7 'Raven Ridge' (2017)•3 服务器核心o 3.1 Opteron X1100-series 'Kyoto' (28nm)o 3.2 Opteron X2100系列 'Kyoto' (2013, 28 nm)o 3.3 Opteron X3000系列 (2017, 28 nm) [26]•4 低功耗核心o 4.1 基于AMD Bobcat架构▪ 4.1.1 Brazos: 'Desna', 'Ontario', 'Zacate' (2011, 40nm)▪ 4.1.2 Brazos 2.0: 'Ontario', 'Zacate' (2012, 40 nm) ▪ 4.1.3 Brazos-T: 'Hondo' (2012, 40 nm)o 4.2 基于AMD Jagaur架构▪ 4.2.1 Temash▪ 4.2.2 Kabinio 4.3 第五代AMD APU 'Beema', 'Mullins',基于PUMA 核心 (2014, 28 nm)▪ 4.3.1 Mullins▪ 4.3.2 Beemao 4.4 'Carrizo-L' (2015, 28 nm)o 4.5 'Stoney Ridge' (2016,28nm)•5 嵌入式核心o 5.1 G系列▪ 5.1.1 Brazos: 'Ontario' and 'Zacate' (2011, 40 nm) ▪ 5.1.2 'Kabini' (2013, 28 nm)▪ 5.1.3 'Steppe Eagle' (2014, SoC,28nm)▪ 5.1.4 'Crowned Eagle' (2014, SoC,28nm)▪ 5.1.5 I家族: 'Brown Falcon' (2016, SoC,28nm)▪ 5.1.6 J家族: 'Prairie Falcon' (2016, SoC,28nm)▪ 5.1.7 LX家族 (2016, SoC,28nm)o 5.2 R系列▪ 5.2.1 Comal: 'Trinity' (2012, 32 nm)▪ 5.2.2 'Bald Eagle' (2014,28nm)▪ 5.2.3 'Merlin Falcon' (2015, SoC,28nm)•6 另见•7 备注•8 参考资料•9 外部链接时程表代号状态型号制程TDP 核心Radeon coresOntario 已发售C-30, C-50,C-60,C-7040nmbulk9W 1-2 Bobcat 80Zacate 已发售E-240, E-350,E-45040nmbulk18W 1-2 Bobcat 80Llano 已发售A6-3670, A8-3850等32nmSOI35W~100W2-4 K-10/Stars160~400Wichita 原定2012年上半年产品计划被取消28nmbulk~9W 1-2 Bobcat --Krishna 原定2012年上半年产品计划被取消28nmbulk~18W 2-4 Bobcat --Trinity 已发售A10-5800K 等32nmSOI17W~100W2-4Piledrivers128~384Richland 已发售A10-6800K 等32nmSOI17W~100W2-4Piledrivers128~384Kaveri 已发售A10-7850K等28nmSOI15W~95W2-4Steamrollers256~512Kabini 已发售Athlon5350 ,Sempron3850 等28nmSOI9~25W 2-4 Jaguar 128Beema 已发售A6 6410 ,A46310 等28nmSOI15W 2-4 Puma 128Mullins 已发售A10 Micro6700T , 等28nmSOI15W 2-4 Puma 128Carrizo 已发售Athlon X4 835,84528nmSOI 45W~65W2-4Excavator--Bristol Ridge 已出货A10-9700 等28nmSOI35W~65W2-4Excavator256~512桌上型平台和笔电平台第一代AMD APU,基于AMD 10h(K10、K12/12h)第一款Fusion处理器代号为“Swift”,最早将用于代号为“Shrike”笔记型电脑平台。
型号制程L2 主频FSB 核心虚拟化|超线程|节电|64位|防病毒T7600 65nm 4MB 2.33 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesT7400 65nm 4MB 2.16 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesT7200 65nm 4MB 2.00 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesT5600 65nm 2MB 1.83 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesT5500 65nm 2MB 1.66 667 2 NO NO Yes Yes YesT5300 65nm 2MB 1.73 533 2 NO NO Yes Yes YesT5200 65nm 2MB 1.60 533 2 NO NO Yes Yes YesL7400 65nm 4MB 1.50 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesL7200 65nm 4MB 1.33 667 2 Yes NO Yes Yes YesT2700 65nm 2MB 2.33 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2600 65nm 2MB 2.16 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2500 65nm 2MB 2.00 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2450 65nm 2MB 2.00 533 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2400 65nm 2MB 1.83 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2350 65nm 2MB 1.86 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT2300 65nm 2MB 1.66 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2300E 65nm 2MB 1.66 667 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT2250 65nm 2MB 1.73 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesL2500 65nm 2MB 1.83 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesL2400 65nm 2MB 1.66 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesT2350 65nm 2MB 1.86 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT2050 65nm 2MB 1.60 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesL2300 65nm 2MB 1.50 667 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesU2400 65nm 2MB 1.06 533 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesU2500 65nm 2MB 1.20 533 2 Yes NO Yes NO YesIntel奔腾CPU型号制程L2 主频FSB 核心虚拟化|超线程|节电|64位|防病毒T2130 65nm 1MB 1.8 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT2080 65nm 1MB 1.73 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT2060 65nm 1MB 1.60 533 2 NO NO Yes NO YesT1400 65nm 2MB 1.83 667 1 NO NO Yes NO YesT1350 65nm 2MB 1.86 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesT1300 65nm 2MB 1.66 667 1 NO NO Yes NO YesU1500 65nm 2MB 1.33 533 1 Yes NO Yes NO YesU1400 65nm 2MB 1.20 533 1 Yes NO Yes NO YesU1300 65nm 2MB 1.06 533 1 Yes NO Yes NO YesPM780 90nm 2MB 2.26 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM770 90nm 2MB 2.13 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM765 90nm 2MB 2.10 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM760 90nm 2MB 2.00 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM755 90nm 2MB 2.00 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM750 90nm 2MB 1.86 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM745A 90nm 2MB 1.80 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM745 90nm 2MB 1.80 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM740 90nm 2MB 1.73 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM735A 90nm 2MB 1.70 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM735 90nm 2MB 1.70 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM730 90nm 2MB 1.60 533 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM725A 90nm 2MB 1.60 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM725 90nm 2MB 1.60 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM715 90nm 2MB 1.50 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM710 90nm 2MB 1.40 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM705 130nm 1MB 1.50 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM778 90nm 2MB 1.60 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM758 90nm 2MB 1.50 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM738 90nm 2MB 1.40 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM718 130nm 1MB 1.30 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM753 90nm 2MB 1.20 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM733J 90nm 2MB 1.10 400 1 NO NO Yes NO YesPM733 90nm 2MB 1.10 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM723 90nm 2MB 1.00 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NOPM713 130nm 1MB 1.10 400 1 NO NO Yes NO NO型号制程L2 主频FSB 核心虚拟化|超线程|节电|64位|防病毒CM520 65nm 1MB 1.60 533 1 NO NO NO Yes YesCM450 65nm 1MB 2.00 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM440 65nm 1MB 1.86 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM430 65nm 1MB 1.73 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM420 65nm 1MB 1.60 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM410 65nm 1MB 1.46 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM390 90nm 1MB 1.70 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM380 90nm 1MB 1.60 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM370 90nm 1MB 1.50 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM360J 90nm 1MB 1.40 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM360 90nm 1MB 1.40 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM350J 90nm 1MB 1.30 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM350 90nm 1MB 1.30 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM340 130nm 512KB 1.50 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM330 130nm 512KB 1.40 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM320 130nm 512KB 1.30 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM310 130nm 512KB 1.20 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM443 65nm 1MB 1.20 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM423 65nm 1MB 1.06 533 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM383 90nm 1MB 1.00 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM373 90nm 512KB 1.00 400 1 NO NO NO NO YesCM353 90nm 512KB 0.90 400 1 NO NO NO NO NOCM333 130nm 12KB 0.90 400 1 NO NO NO NO NO-----------------------------------------------------------AMD Turion 64 X2 TL炫龙64位双核CPU-均支持DDR2内存型号制程 L1 L2 主频 FSB 核心功耗TL50 90nm 128KB*2 256KB*2 1.6G 800MHz 2 31WTL52 90nm 128KB*2 512KB*2 1.6G 800MHz 2 31WTL56 90nm 128KB*2 512KB*2 1.8G 800MHz 2 33W(31W)TL60 90nm 128KB*2 512KB*2 2.0G 800MHz 2 35W(31W)TL64 90nm 128KB*2 512KB*2 2.2G 800MHz 2 35WTL66 90nm 128KB*2 512KB*2 2.3G 800MHz 2 35W-----------------------------------------------------------AMD Turion 64 MK炫龙64位单核CPU-均支持DDR2内存型号制程 L1 L2 主频 FSB 核心功耗MK-36 90nm 128KB 512KB 2.0G 800MHz 1 31WMK-37 90nm 128KB 1MB 2.0G 800MHz 1 31WMK-38 90nm 128KB 512KB 2.2G 800MHz 1 31W-----------------------------------------------------------AMD Turion 64 MT炫龙64位单核CPU-支持DDR内存型号制程 L1 L2 主频 FSB 核心功耗MT-28 90nm 128KB 512KB 1.6G 800MHz 1 25WMT-30 90nm 128KB 1MB 1.6G 800MHz 1 25WMT-32 90nm 128KB 512KB 1.8G 800MHz 1 25WMT-34 90nm 128KB 1MB 1.8G 800MHz 1 25WMT-37 90nm 128KB 1MB 2.0G 800MHz 1 25WMT-40 90nm 128KB 1MB 2.2G 800MHz 1 25W-----------------------------------------------------------AMD Mobile Athlon 64 X2 移动式双核速龙64位CPU-支持DDR-2 800内存型号制程 L1 L2 主频 FSB 核心功耗TK-53 65nm 128KB 256KB*2 1.7G 800MHz 2 31WTK-55 65nm 128KB 256KB*2 1.8G 800MHz 2 31WCPU参数大全1 AMD系列:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------规格核心代号制造工艺主频外频倍频前端总线(fhao)二级缓存(l2)电压duron1.4g appelbred0.13 1.4g133m10.5266m64k 1.5vduron1.6g appelbred0.13 1.6g133m12266m64k 1.5vduron1.8g appelbred0.13 1.8g133m13.5266m64k 1.5v这是amd2003年中推出的新毒龙系列处理器,跟以前的老毒龙比,规格变化不大,l2都是64k,区别主要是前端总线从200mhz提升到266mhz!工艺从0.18微米换成0.13微米,总体性能提升不少!这系列的价钱十分便宜,但性能不会比celeron系列差!加上超频性能强劲、功耗低、而且还有可能改造成athlom xp的特点,绝对是低端的超值首选!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------规格核心代号制造工艺主频外频倍频前端总线(fhao)二级缓存(l2)电压athlom xp1500+ palomino0.18 1.33g133m10266m256k 1.75vathlom xp1700+ palomino0.18 1.4g133m10.5266m256k 1.75vathlom xp1700+ palomino0.18 1.47g133m11266m256k 1.75vathlom xp1800+ palomino0.18 1.53g133m11.5266m256k 1.75vathlom xp1900+ palomino0.18 1.6g133m12266m256k 1.75vathlom xp2000+ palomino0.18 1.67g133m12.5266m256k 1.75vathlom xp2100+ palomino0.18 1.73g133m13266m256k 1.75v老核心的athlom xp,超频性能一般,而且基本是锁了倍频的,超频难道更大!加上是0.18微米的工艺,发热量也大一点。
核心数量四核心制作工艺45纳米热设计功耗(TDP) 65W
三级缓存6MB 64位处理器工作温度70℃
AMD羿龙II X4 925(盒)参数网上最低报价:¥901
插槽类型:Socket AM3针脚数目:938pin核心代号:Propus
AMD速龙II X4 605E(盒)参数网上最低报价:¥911
虚拟化技术:AMD VT64位处理器
AMD羿龙II X2 545网上最低报价:¥483
插槽类型:Socket AM3针脚数目:938pin核心代号:Callisto
AMD羿龙II X4 B97参数网上最低报价:¥739
核心数量四核心热设计功耗(TDP) 95W三级缓存6MB
AMD羿龙II X4 900e(散)参数网上最低报价:¥768
AMD速龙II X2系列
AMD速龙II X2 240(散)参数网上最低报价:¥270
AMD 8系列9系列芯片组
AMD 8系列9系列芯片组芯片组(Chipset),是主板的核心组成部分,联系CPU和其他周边设备的运作。
现在主流的AMD芯片组是8、9系列的,为了大家能更好的选购主板,现将它们的特性做一个简单介绍:8系列芯片组:主要包括:AMD 870、AMD 880G、AMD 890GX、AMD 890FX。
870:AMD 870芯片组没有集成显卡,可以看做是890FX的简化版。
显卡不包括,有1 个显卡升级插槽CPU 兼容性Athlon、Athlon II 、Phenom、Phenom II 处理器内存支持AM2+ 接口主板支持 DDR2 ;AM3 接口主板支持 DDR3 PCI Express接口PCI Express 2.0 接口USB 接口多达14 USB 2.0 接口,不支持USB 3.0 880G:搭载ATI Radeon™ HD 4250 显卡的AMD 880G 芯片组支持Microsoft® DirectX® 10.1,显卡响应更快,让您的游戏更精彩,通过ATI Stream 技术加速并增强数字媒体,使安装Windows® 7 的电脑操作更流畅、响应更快。
显卡集成ATI HD 4250 显卡,还有1 个显卡插槽,DX10.1 CPU 兼容性Athlon II 、Phenom、Phenom II 处理器内存支持AM2+ 接口主板支持 DDR2 ;AM3 接口主板支持 DDR3 PCI Express接口PCI Express 2.0 接口USB 接口多达14 USB 2.0 接口,不支持USB 3.0 890GX:南桥芯片 AMD SB850。
PRODUCT GUIDE ==Winbond、ISSI 授权香港及中国代理== 8 位单片宽工作电压系列
型号 ROM 型式 ROM RAM I/O 脚 外扩存储 器空间 64K 工作电压 定时器/ 计数器 3 封装 Int 特殊功能 PDIP 6 CMOS 通用功能 特殊 I/O 口 /INT2, /INT3,WDT 特殊 I/O 口 /INT2, /INT3,WDT 16 KB 掩膜 ROM W78L54 掩膜 16K 256 32/36 64K 5.5V - 1.8V 3 8 特殊 I/O 口 /INT2,/INT3,WDT W78L801 掩膜 4K 256 36 64K 5.5V - 1.8V 2 12 特殊 I/O 口,P1 口 退出省电方式 WDT 可多次编程,特殊 I/O 口 / INT2, /INT3, WDT 可多次编程特殊 I/O 口 / INT2, /INT3, WDT 可多次编程特殊 I/O 口 / INT2, /INT3, WDT 可多次编程,可在线编程 特殊 I/O 口/ INT2, /INT3 可多次编程,可在线编程 W78LE516 Flash EPROM 64K 512 32/36 64K 5.5V - 2.4V 3 8 特殊 I/O 口,/ INT2, /INT3, 可多次编程,可在线编程 W78LE365 Flash EPROM 64K 1280 32/36 64 K 5.5V - 2.4V 3 8 特殊 I/O 口/ INT2, /INT3,WTD,PWM 特殊 I/O 口 W78LE812 Flash EPROM 8K 256 36 64K 5.5V - 2.4V 3 14 P1 口退出省电方式 WDT,UART 40 44 44 40 44 44 40 44 44 40 44 44 40 44 44 40 PLCC 44 PQFP 44
AMD 64位CPU详细技术资料
AMD 64位CPU详细技术资料!AMD 64位CPU详细技术资料!希望对将要选购的用户有所帮助。
AMD全系列64位处理器主要分为:Athlon 64、Athlon 64 FX和Opteron,其中Athlon 64是目前市场上比较常见的,也是三种版本中最为便宜的,主要定位于家庭用户。
而Athlon 64 FX定位于高端游戏平台以及工作站,Opteron则适用于高端服务器领域。
AMD全系列64位处理器一览:Athlon 64 家用 New Castle核心 512KB二级缓存 754PinAthlon 64 FX 工作站 Claw Hummer核心1024KB二级缓存 939PinOpteron 服务器 Sledge Hammer核心 1024KB二级缓存 940Pin新一代处理器的核心集成了 1亿500万晶体管,核心面积达到193平方毫米,但超过一半的核心面积是被1MB容量的二级缓存所占据。
新核心构架与Athlon XP的构架极为相似,制作工艺仍为0.13微米。
为了确保能够达到更高的时钟频率,相比于Athlon XP,Athlon 64内部管线则更长。
为了增强浮点运算,同时增加了8个128位的SSE/SSE2寄存器,使得Athlon 64能够支持SSE2指令集。
另外还有一点不得不提出的是,AMD64 核心能够配合Windows® XP SP2的“增强病毒防护机制”(Enhanced Virus Protection)系统工作,该系统能够有效的抵御某种被称作"缓冲区超限" 或 "缓冲区溢出"的恶意攻击。
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BSI AMD 9886 修訂編號:1
1998年3月15日起對BS EN 50088:1996發行生效
資料出版經由BSI許可BS EN
包含修訂版1 電動玩具的安全
ICS 97.200.50
15 Inverness Way East,Englewood,Colorado 80112-5776 USA 303-792-2181
EN50088:1996 1998年3月2日發行
© BSI 1998
92/308839 DC評述文稿
ISBN 0 580 25797 5
© BSI 1998
前言 2
EN50088文本 3
EN50088取代了HD 271 S1:1982及它的修訂版。
但是在英國并沒有把HD 271 S1作為英國標准予以實施。
EN71-1:1988 BS 5665 玩具的安全
第1部分:1989 對机械/及物理性能的規定
EN71-3:1994 BS EN 71 玩具的安全
第3部分:1995 對某些元素遷移的規定
EN 60065:1993 BS EN 60065:1994 對家用電器和相關設備的安全要求EN 60068-2-63:1994 BS EN 60068 環境測試
EN 60320-1:1987 BS 4491 家用及相似功用器具的連接器
第1部分:1989 對一般要求的規定
EN 60335-1:1994 BS EN 60335 對家用電器和相關設備的安全規定
EN60529:1991 BS EN 60529:1992 對外殼保護程度的規定
EN 60730 BS EN 60730 對家用及相似功用的自動化電器的規定EN 60742:1989 BS3535絕緣變壓器和安全絕緣變壓器
第1部分:1990 一般要求
EN 61058-1:1982 BS EN 61058 電器開關
第1部分:1992 一般要求
HD 243 BS 6217:1981 對電器上使用的圖示符號的指導
HD 441 S1:1993 BS 6634:1983 電絕緣固体原料在暴露于點火源時,對
歐洲標准EN 50088
ICS 97.200.50 取代HD 271 S1:1982及其修訂本
關鍵主題: 玩具, 電動玩具,安全規則,事故預防, 儿童
CENELEC 成員必須遵守CEN/CENELEC內部條例,此條例規定了本歐洲標准在無改變的情況下,作為國家標准地位的條件。
任何其它語种的版本如果由CENELEC成員負責翻譯并上報中央秘書處, 就可獲得与正規版本相等同的效力。
中央秘書處:rue de Stassart 35,B-1050 布魯塞爾。