Advanced SAN Fabrics and Storage virtualisation
Open, unstructured Error-free secondary Peer to peer Data, voice, video Software intensive
© Copyright 2000, Legato Systems, Inc
SAN Topologies
Error-free secondary
Peer to peer
Large data transfer
Data, voice, video
Hardware intensive
Software intensive
17 August 1999
© Copyright 2000, Legato Systems, Inc
be managed independently
Data vaulting and disaster recovery configurations can address loss of service due to site failure
© Copyright 2000, Legato Systems, Inc
SAN connectivity “A Fibre Channel Primer”
SAN components
Products and features
SAN applications
High-performance backup Storage consolidation/expansion Disaster protection
Remote storage access Private net for storage Storage protocols Centralized management
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Manufacturing Processes Advanced manufacturing processes have revolutionized the way products are designed, produced, and delivered to consumers. These processes encompass a wide range of technologies and methods, including additive manufacturing, robotics, automation, and digitalization. They have the potential to significantly improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance product quality. However, they also present challenges and implications for the workforce, the environment, and the overall economy. From an economic perspective, advanced manufacturing processes have the potential to drive significant growth and innovation. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing and advanced robotics, manufacturers can streamline production processes, reduce lead times, and create more customized products. This can lead to increased competitiveness, job creation, and economic development. Furthermore, the adoption of advanced manufacturing processes can also lead to the reshoring of production facilities, as companies seek to reduce reliance on overseas suppliers and bring production closer to their primary markets. On the other hand, the widespread adoption of advanced manufacturing processes also raises concerns about the displacement of traditional manufacturing jobs. As automation and robotics become more prevalent on the factory floor, there is a risk that many low-skilled workers could find themselves unemployed. This can have significant social and economic implications, as these workers may struggle to transition to new roles in the digital economy. It is crucial for policymakers and industry leaders to address these challenges by investing in workforcetraining and education programs that equip workers with the skills needed tothrive in a rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape. In addition to the impact on the workforce, advanced manufacturing processes also have environmental implications. While these processes have the potential to reduce waste and energy consumption through more efficient production methods, they also raise concerns about e-waste and the environmental impact of new materials used in additive manufacturing. It is essential for manufacturers to prioritize sustainability and invest in research and development efforts that minimize the environmental footprint of advanced manufacturing processes. From a technological perspective, the adoption of advanced manufacturing processes also presents cybersecuritychallenges. As manufacturing systems become more interconnected and reliant on digital technologies, they become more susceptible to cyber threats. Manufacturers must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect their intellectual property, production processes, and supply chain from potential cyber-attacks. Moreover, the integration of advanced manufacturing processes also requires significant upfront investment in new technologies, equipment, and skills training. This can be a barrier for small and medium-sized manufacturers, who may struggleto access the capital needed to modernize their operations. It is essential for policymakers to provide support and incentives for these companies to adopt advanced manufacturing processes, as they play a vital role in driving local economies and providing employment opportunities. In conclusion, advanced manufacturing processes have the potential to drive significant economic growthand innovation, but they also present challenges and implications for the workforce, the environment, and the overall economy. It is crucial for industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to work together to address these challenges and ensure that the benefits of advanced manufacturing processes are realized in a sustainable and inclusive manner. By investing in workforce training, sustainability, cybersecurity, and support for small and medium-sized manufacturers, we can harness the full potential of advanced manufacturing processes for the betterment of society.。
新一代智能手机和平板电脑堆叠封装解决方案Invensas Corporation 近日推出了焊孔阵列(BVA) 技术。
BVA 是替代宽幅输入/输出硅通孔(TSV) 的超高速输入/输出封装方案,既能够提供手机原始设备制造商所需的技能,又保留了传统元件堆叠封装(PoP) 成熟的技术设施和商业模式。
Invensas 的BVA 技术使高性能消费类电子产品无需更改现有的封装基础设施便能克服新一代设计产品的处理需求。
BVA PoP 适用于应用程式处理器加内存的PoP 堆叠应用。
通过将处理器提高到内存的带宽,BVA PoP 能够实现更高的分辨率、更快的帧速率视频流、更快的搜索、更高分辨率的多屏多应用操作、更逼真的游戏和全新的高分辨率3D 应用。
Invensas 产品工程副总裁Phil Damberg 表示:移动设备目前面临的挑战是它们都需要支持高分辨率屏幕、实时下载、高清晰度、3D,和需要处理器实现内存带宽的指数增长的其他先进的图形处理功能,BVA PoP 技术能够大幅度增加带宽,从而达到目前传统技术无法实现的先进智能手机和平板电脑的功能。
BVA 可提供远高于目前的焊球堆叠和激光填丝焊接技术的高速输入/输出性能,通过增加PoP 的中间层带宽来延迟对TSV 的需求。
BVA PoP 是基于铜线键合的封装堆叠互连技术,能够减少间距,并在PoP 周围的堆叠装置中大量的互连。
它已经证实了可达到0.2mm 的间距,是目前焊球和焊孔堆叠的一个跨越式进步,能够满足业界所需的带宽增幅。
此外,BVA PoP 的互连系统能够通过采用常见又低成本的丝焊技术实现宽幅输入/输出功能。
BVA PoP 采用现。
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Advanced manufacturing techniques have revolutionized the way products are designed, produced, and delivered to consumers. These innovative methods have significantly impacted various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and healthcare. From 3D printing and robotics to advanced materials and automation, the advancements in manufacturing have led to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved product quality. In this discussion, we will explore the implications, benefits, and challenges of advanced manufacturing techniques from multiple perspectives. From a technological standpoint, advanced manufacturing techniques have paved the way for unprecedented levels of precision and customization. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has enabled the creation of intricate components with minimal material waste. This has been particularly advantageous in industries such as aerospace and healthcare, where complex and personalized parts are often required. Additionally, the integrationof robotics and automation in manufacturing processes has enhanced productivityand safety. These technologies have not only accelerated production but also reduced the risk of human error, leading to higher quality outputs. Moreover, the adoption of advanced materials in manufacturing has opened new possibilities for product development. Lightweight and durable materials, such as carbon fiber composites and advanced polymers, have revolutionized the design of vehicles, aircraft, and consumer electronics. These materials offer superior strength-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, and thermal properties, allowing for the creation of more efficient and sustainable products. Furthermore, advancements in nanotechnology have led to the development of smart materials with self-healingand self-cleaning properties, further enhancing the durability and performance of manufactured goods. In addition to the technological advancements, the implementation of advanced manufacturing techniques has had profound implications for the global economy. The shift towards smart factories and digitalized production systems has created new job opportunities in the fields of engineering, data analysis, and process optimization. However, this transformation has also raised concerns about the displacement of traditional manufacturing roles. As automation and artificial intelligence continue to advance, there is a growingneed for upskilling and reskilling the workforce to ensure their continued relevance in the manufacturing industry. From an environmental perspective, advanced manufacturing techniques have the potential to minimize the ecological footprint of production processes. The use of additive manufacturing has the advantage of producing less waste compared to traditional subtractive methods. Furthermore, the ability to create lightweight yet durable products contributes to energy conservation during transportation and product usage. However, the widespread adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques also raises questions about the environmental impact of producing and disposing of advanced materials, as well as the energy consumption associated with automated production systems. On a societal level, the accessibility of advanced manufacturing techniques has the potential to democratize product development and production. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can leverage these technologies to innovate and compete with larger corporations, leading to a more diverse and dynamic market. Additionally, the customization capabilities offered by advanced manufacturing techniques enable the creation of personalized medical devices, prosthetics, and consumer products, catering to individual needs and preferences. However, there are concerns about the ethical implications of widespread customization, particularly in the context of data privacy and intellectual property rights. In conclusion, advanced manufacturing techniques have brought about significant advancements in technology, economy, environment, and society. While these innovations have unlocked new opportunities for efficiency, customization, and sustainability, they also pose challenges related to workforce displacement, environmental impact, and ethical considerations. As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, it is imperative to address these challenges proactively and collaboratively to ensure that advanced manufacturing techniques contribute to a more inclusive, responsible, and innovative future.。
3D 芯片堆叠技术之道与魔3D 芯片堆叠技术之道与魔 2011.06-1107:08:55设计自动化大会(Design Automation Conference : DAC)已经举办到了第三天,前两天的 议题主要围绕EDA 自动化设计软件,Finfet 发 明人胡志明教授谈Intel 的Finfet 技术,以及IBM 谈14nm 制程技术等等,不过前两天的会议 内容并没有什么特别新鲜的内容。
第三天的主要讨 论热点则转移到了 3DIC 技术方面。
许多人都认为3DIC 技术将是半导体技术界的又 一次重大突破,但是从与会者的观点看来,3DIC 技术要想付诸实用还有许多问题需要克服,以至于 这次会 上讨论的主持人甚至将讨论的议题命名 为:"3D :魔鬼DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE(Devil),细节(Detail)与争论(Debate)"。
高通:业务模式问题讨论过程中,高通公司的Matt Nowak认为,3 DIC产品的业务模式是最需要关注的。
Sematech:晶圆厚度,应力工程,散热带来的技术问题Sematech组织的Raj Jammy则关心的是其它方面。
他认为, 由于3D芯片所用的晶圆厚度极3D芯片的散热问题也是需要解决的。
第三,3D芯片中的内应力匹配问题也是需要注意的,因为目前3D芯片所使用的穿硅互连(TSV)技术会造成较大的芯片内应力,而堆叠的各块芯片本身也使用了应力技术来增强其性能,增强的幅度可达40%,但是各块芯片的应力作用方向则各有不同,如此一来,当各块芯片堆叠在一起的时候, 如何统筹协调这些应力,保证堆叠阵列中各块芯片的应力不会发生相互抵触的现象便成了一个需要解决的问题。
Sc 门c nd Ye c J 1 ea h oo 『
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I fr t n n o mai 0
脏 组 织 细 胞 同 样 的 功 能 , 还 需 要 进 一 步 确
证 。
人工 譬 让 损 7 纳 i . 髂 鲎 8 明
凰再空 来来霄望罔翼 兕 器
后 ,心 肌 细 胞 表 面 密度 是 对 照 样 本 的6 。 神 倍
经 细胞 密度 在4 天后 也增 加 了1 。 倍 论 文 合著 者 、布 朗大 学工 程 与整形 外 科 副 教 授 托 马 斯 ・ 伯 斯特 说 ,碳 纳 米 管 纤 维 编 韦 织 的 支 架 有 弹 性 而 且 耐 用 , 能像 心 脏 组 织 那 样 扩 展 收 缩 , 因此 心 肌 细 胞 和 神 经 细 胞 能在 上 面 大 量 产 生 新 细 胞 ,使 心 脏 局 部 受 伤 的地 方 再 生 。而 且 碳 纳 米 管 导 电性 能 极 佳 , 能 很 好 地 作 为 一 种 心 脏 稳 定 跳 动 所 依 赖 的连 接 电 路 来 发挥 作 用 。这 种 材 料 未 来 甚 至 能 用 来 造 出一颗 健康 的心脏 。 研 究人 员 下一 步将 改善 支架 形 状 以更 好模 拟 心 脏 电流 ,制 造 出一 种 内部 试 管 模 型 , 以
遭出 一颗健廉愈脏
当心 脏 病发 作 时 ,心壁 上某 些神 经 细胞 以 及 保 持 心 脏 节 律 跳 动 的 特 殊 细 胞 会 受 到 损 伤 ,外 科 手 术 无 法 修 复 这 种 损 伤 区域 。 据 美 国物 理 学 家 组 织 网报 道 , 最 近 ,美 国布 朗 大 学 和 印度 理 工 学 院工 程 人 员 合 作 ,给 心 脏 造 出 了一 种 人 工 纳 米 补 丁 , 经 实 验 显 示 能 让 心 脏 病 发 作 所 造 成 的 损 伤 区域 恢 复 功 能 。 该研 究发 表在近 日出版 的 《 生物材 料 学报 》上 。 这种 人 工纳 米补 丁是 一种 支 架型 的结构 , 由碳 纳 米 管 纤 维 和 一 种 官方 许 可 的聚 合 物 材 料 构 成 。研 究人 员使 用 了~ 种直 径 约2 0 m的 0n
2.迈向TB级存储之路下一代硬盘技术揭密 [J], Firefox
3.迈向TB级存储之路——下一代硬盘技术揭密 [J], Firefox
4.迈向专业存储——西部数据WD1500ADRaptor评测报告 [J], alfa
5.迈向蓝光存储时代——BenQ BW1000 [J], ;
• Financial Management and Investment Returns
• Future development plan and expression of cooperation intention
Company Overview
Background and History of Establishment
Provide customized network security solutions for different industries and scenarios to meet the personalized needs of different customers.
Corporate culture and values
Independently developed security operating system
adopting advanced microkernel architecture, providing efficient and stable security protection.
Threat intelligence driven security technology
Business scope and main products
Focusing on the research and development, production, and sales of network security products, we provide a series of network security solutions including firewalls, intrusion detection and defense, VPN gateways, security audits, and more.
至少需要磁盘数 2个
RAID3 (条带分布+专用盘校验):以xor校验为冗余方式,使用专门的磁盘存放校验数据, 虚拟磁盘上的数据块被分为更小的数据块并行传输到各个成员物理磁盘上 ,同时计算出xor校验数据存放到校验磁盘上。 总容量=(磁盘数量 -1)*(磁盘容量)
总容量=(磁盘数 -1)*(磁盘容量)
高读取速率 中等写速率
异或校验影响存储性能 磁盘损坏后,重建很复杂
适用领域: 文件服务器和应用服务器 OLTP环境的数据库 WEB,E-MAIL服务器
在raid5的基础上发展而成, 具有更高的可靠性
快速的读取性能 更高的容错能力
很慢的写入速度 成本更高
适用领域: 高可靠性环境
至少需要磁盘数: 4个
RAID10 (镜像阵列条带化):将镜像和条带组合起来的组合RAID级别,最 低一级是RAID1镜像对,第二级为RAID0。 总容量=(磁盘数 /2)*(磁盘容量)
SCSI协议Storage来自DAS 典型DAS结构
VMware ESXi 主机说明书
VMware ESXi HostDesigned to take advantage of theexpanded memory and I/O slots of your Dell PowerEdge system, VMware's ESXi software represents the latest invirtualization technology. Each host runs an integrated version of virtualization software to enable your virtualization solution.Management ClientVMware Infrastructure Client (VI Client)connects to VMware ESXi to manage it on a one-to-one basis. VI Client can also connect to VMware VirtualCenter Server to manage multiple hosts. Install VI Client from the VMware InfrastructureManagement Installer media or download VI Client from a browser connected to the VMware ESXi host IP address.Management ServerVMware VirtualCenter ManagementServer is a Windows-based service that aggregates resources from multiple VMware ESXi hosts to build a virtual datacenter. It is available with an additional cost. A 60-day free trial is included on the VMware Infrastructure Management Installer CD. See VMware's Getting Started Guide for more details.Fibre Channel/iSCSI StorageOptimized for virtualization, your solution can use multiple connections of both Fibre Channel and iSCSI networks at speeds ranging from 1 Gb to 10 Gb. This creates a very fast and redundant storageenvironment to address your datacenter needs.Learn more at the Dell VMware alliance website at /vmware Support documents: Dell Solution GuideSystems Management GuideStorage NetworkManagement NetworkFibre Channel/iSCSI SAN Virtual Machine NetworkVMware Infrastructure ClientVMware VirtualCenter Management ServerManagement ClientVMware ESXi HostsManagement ServerDell and VMware are focused on making it easier for all companies to adapt to virtualization.Simplifying virtualization is about ensuring that the entire virtual infrastructure is integrated into the mainstream.The process starts with testing and certifying VMware Infrastructure 3 virtualization software on Dell PowerEdge TM systems with Dell PowerVault, Dell|EquallLogic, or Dell|EMC Storage arrays. Then, Dell OpenManage TM and VMwareVirtualCenter are integrated to manage and maintain your physical and virtual datacenter. Dell InfrastructureConsulting Services is available to assist you in assessing andimplementing lifecycle management.Innovation from Dell, in the form of redesigned servers and storage,compliment the new technologies found in VMware's latest releases of ESX Server and VirtualCenter. Ourcollaboration offers a wide variety of benefits ranging from the embedded hypervisor on internal storage for faster time to productivity of fully qualified solutions that can providezero-downtime maintenance capabilities,high availability, and disaster recovery scenarios.3Turn on the system. The VMware ESXi loads.After you see this screen, your system is ready to be configured. Press <F2>.Note:If you purchased ESXi in addition to your primary operating system,you need to change the boot order to allow ESXi to boot.For more information, see the documentation that shipped with your system or see the appropriate Dell Solution Guide located at the Dell Support website at .11Virtual Center7Your VMware license is distributed electronically or via a license card. The license card is in your system packaging.If you do not have a license card, your system has been pre-licensed in the Dell factory for your convenience. Use the steps below to retrieve your license code.In the main screen, select View Support Information menu.The serial number (license) appears. It is recommended that you record this code in a safe place.Record your server license code in the space provided.Licensing Information8If you purchased an advanced licensing edition of ESXi (VMware ESXi Foundation or Enterprise), claim an additional license from VMware to enable these features.Browse to /code/dell , follow the VMware registration instructions, and enter the license code.Note : Your version of VMware software may allow you to try advanced VMware features for a limited period. At the end of the trial period, the VMware product disables these features unless you claim your advance VMware features. Once you install the new license, your system offers the VMware features you purchased.Server 3.5Additional VMware FeaturesConfiguring the SystemTurning on the ESXi ConsoleMulti-Host — Use the VMware VirtualCenter Server (VC Server) to manage multiple hosts from your Management Server. Install VC Server from the VMware Infrastructure Management Installer media. VC Server is available with an additional cost, or as a 60-day trial. Login using the Microsoft ®Windows ®administrator credentials on your Management Server.4Use the menu items to configure your system. It is recommended that you set a root password and configure a static IP address.For Dell-VMware Information:/vmware For Dell Support:/support For VMware Support:0FR224A01Information in this document is subject to change without notice.© 2007-2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Dell , the DELL logo, PowerEdge, PowerVault are trademarks of Dell Inc.;VMware , and the VMware “boxes”logo and design, are registered trademarks or trademarks (the "Marks") of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or otherjurisdictions; Microsoft and Windows are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the trademarks and trade names other than its own.July 2008Printed in the U.S.A.Server InformationServer IP address :_____________________________________Server Name : _________________________________________Server License Code: ___________________________________。
三维设计英语必修二unit3作文范文Three-dimensional design is a fundamental aspect of modern visual arts and engineering disciplines. It encompasses the creation of objects, structures, and environments that exist in a three-dimensional space, incorporating elements such as length, width, and depth. In the context of the English Compulsory Course Unit 3, the study of three-dimensional design provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques, and applications of this multifaceted field.At the core of three-dimensional design lies the ability to conceptualize and translate ideas into tangible, three-dimensional forms. This involves a deep understanding of spatial relationships, material properties, and the interplay between form and function. Students delving into this unit will explore the fundamentals of three-dimensional design, including the manipulation of geometric shapes, the use of scale and proportion, and the principles of balance and composition.One of the key aspects of three-dimensional design is theexploration of various materials and their unique characteristics. From the malleable nature of clay to the rigid structure of wood or metal, students will learn to harness the inherent properties of different materials to create visually striking and functionally sound designs. This understanding of material properties is crucial in the development of prototypes, models, and final products, as it allows designers to make informed decisions about the most appropriate materials for their intended purpose.Another integral component of three-dimensional design is the concept of spatial awareness. Students will delve into the study of spatial relationships, learning to navigate and manipulate the three-dimensional space effectively. This includes the ability to visualize objects from multiple perspectives, understand the principles of scale and proportion, and create designs that seamlessly integrate with their surrounding environment.The study of three-dimensional design also encompasses the exploration of various design processes and methodologies. From initial ideation and sketching to the creation of digital models and physical prototypes, students will engage in a comprehensive design workflow that emphasizes the importance of iterative development and critical evaluation. This holistic approach enables them to refine their designs, address potential challenges, and ultimately create solutions that are both visually compelling and functionally efficient.One of the unique aspects of three-dimensional design is its interdisciplinary nature. While it is primarily rooted in the visual arts, it also intersects with fields such as engineering, architecture, product design, and even computer science. This interdisciplinary approach allows students to develop a well-rounded understanding of the design process, as they learn to collaborate with professionals from various backgrounds and incorporate diverse perspectives into their work.As students delve into the study of three-dimensional design, they will also explore the role of technology in shaping and enhancing the design process. From computer-aided design (CAD) software to advanced manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and CNC machining, students will learn to leverage technological tools to streamline their design workflow, optimize their creations, and explore new realms of design possibilities.Beyond the technical aspects of three-dimensional design, this unit also emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative expression. Students will be challenged to think outside the box, to question conventional approaches, and to develop innovative solutions that push the boundaries of traditional design. This holistic approach not only enhances their technical skills but also fosters the development of essential soft skills, such ascommunication, collaboration, and adaptability, which are highly valued in the ever-evolving design industry.As students progress through the English Compulsory Course Unit 3, they will have the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge and skills to a range of design projects, from small-scale product prototypes to large-scale architectural installations. These hands-on experiences will not only solidify their understanding of three-dimensional design principles but also allow them to develop a personal design aesthetic and a deeper appreciation for the creative process.In conclusion, the study of three-dimensional design within the English Compulsory Course Unit 3 is a comprehensive and transformative experience. It equips students with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to thrive in a wide range of design-related fields, from fine arts and industrial design to engineering and architecture. By embracing the interdisciplinary nature of three-dimensional design and leveraging the power of technology, students will be well-positioned to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of visual arts and design.。
Unlock SAN Innovation with Cisco Nexus Dashboard F
Unlock SAN Innovation with Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Varun Karunyam: Technical Leader, Cisco Cloud NetworkingBhavin Yadav: Technical Leader, Cisco Cloud NetworkingAdvanced Technology Group –Storage experts cover a variety of technical topics.Audience : Clients who have or are considering acquiring IBM Storage solutions. Business Partners and IBMers are also welcome.To automatically receive announcements of upcoming Accelerate with IBM Storage webinars, Clients, Business Partners and IBMers are welcome to send an email request to ***************************.com.2022 Upcoming Webinars:March 15 –IBM Copy Services Manager Quarterly Update –V6.3.2Register Here or https:///BdftgfMarch 24 –IBM Spectrum Fusion –A Look Under the HoodRegister Here or https:///BdfNuWAccelerate with IBM Storage Support Site:https:///support/pages/node/1125513Accelerate with IBM Storage Technical Webinar SeriesATG –Storage Media Center Channel:https:///BdfEgQATG-Storage OfferingsØIBM Cloud Object Storage WorkshopØIBM Spectrum Scale and Elastic Storage SystemØIBM DS8900F Advanced FunctionsØIBM Storage for Data Resiliency and Cyber Incident ResponseØIBM FlashSystem9500 “Architecture, Admin, & Ops”ØIBM Spectrum Virtualize and Storage InsightsPlease reach out to your IBM Rep or Business Partner for future dates and to be nominated. ØNorth America ATG-Storage ESS & Spectrum Scale GUI, Functionality, PoTØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM Spectrum Virtualize Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM DS8900F Storage Management Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage Managing Copy Services on the DS8000 Using IBM Copy Services Manager Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM DS8900F Safeguarded Copy (SGC) Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM Cloud Object Storage Test Drive -(Appliance based)ØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM Cloud Object Storage Test Drive -(VMware based)ØNorth America ATG-Storage Spectrum Protect Live Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage Spectrum Protect Plus Live Test DriveØNorth America ATG-Storage IBM Spectrum Virtualize Safeguarded Copy with IBM Copy Services Manager Test DrivePlease reach out to your IBM Rep or Business Partner for more information.*For North America Only*Accelerate with IBM Storage Technical Webinar Series -Survey Please take a moment to share your feedback with our team!You can access this 6-question survey via with code 2628 0279 orDirect link https:///t4hii66ky8OrQR Code When the webinar ends, you may see the following:Clicking on the Continue button will take you to the survey .Unlock SAN Innovation with Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Varun Karunyam: Technical Leader, Cisco Cloud NetworkingBhavin Yadav: Technical Leader, Cisco Cloud NetworkingMeet the SpeakersVarun Karunyam is a Technical Leader,Technical Marketing Engineer in Cisco CloudNetworking Business Unit where he focusses on Cisco MDS ManagementApplication–Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller for Storage Area Network.He isseasoned Engineer and has vast experience on Fibre Channel and storagetechnologies and products.Bhavin Yadav is a Technical Leader,in Cisco Cloud Networking group where hefocusses on Cisco Storage networking product portfolio.He is driving technicalenablement and engagements for Day zero and Day one activities with technicalfield,partners and customers.He is an avid blog writer,IBM Redbooks silverauthor,with experience in delivering technically rich competitive content across thefield.Cisco Storage Networking –SAN ManagementData Center Network Manager Nexus Dashboard Fabric ControllerNext Gen Product with a Next Gen Name!Nexus Dashboard 2.1 (pND or vND)PlatformServices CentOS 7.9Kubernetes Elasticsearch DBHosting Platform LayerApplication LayerNexusDashboardFabricController(NDFC)Cisco Nexus Dashboard –What is it?Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Fabric ControllerSAN Controller Fabric Discovery Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller PersonasWhat’s New?© Copyright IBM Corporation 202211Nexus Dashboard Fabric controller•New User Interface•Microservices-based Architecture •Containerized services•Hosted as an App on Nexus Dashboard•New navigation approach with updated menus •Optics Trending •Anomaly Detection•New database Infrastructure•Three Node clustering in full HA modeNDFC Form Factors© Copyright IBM Corporation 2022SAN Management optionsVirtual Node Type vCPUs Memory SSD (IOPs: 40-50 MB/s)SAN Insights support App Node 1664G 550G No Data Node32128G 3TBYespND (Physical Nexus Dashboard appliance -SE)40256G4 x 2.4TB HDD, 400G SSD, 1.2TB NVMeYesSAN Management with/without SAN InsightsProfile Deployment Type vND NodeType Ideal for SAN Insights supportNDFC SAN1-Node vND (virtualND)App 80 Switches, 20KPorts NoNDFC SAN3-Node vND App80 Switches, 20KPorts NoProfile Deployment Type vND NodeType SAN Insights supportNDFC SAN1-Node vND Data80K ITLs/ITNs NDFC SAN3-Node vND Data150K ITLs/ITNs NDFC SANSE-NODE-G21-Node pND (SE) -120K ITLs/ITNs NDFC SANSE-CL-L33-Node pND(SE)-250K ITLs/ITNsThe enhancementsDescription Verified Limits (Simultaneous flow monitoring)Cisco Nexus Dashboard80,000 ITLs/ITNs*Cisco DCNM on OVA Virtual Appliances40,000 ITLs/ITNs*Cisco DCNM on Linux (RHEL)20,000 ITLs/ITNs**: Initiator-Target-LUNs (ITLs) / Initiator-Target-Namespace ID (ITNs)© Copyright IBM Corporation 2022Feature CompatibilityFeature in DCNM 11.5(x)NDFC supportVMM Visibility with vCenter Supported Preview features configured Not supported Switches discovered over IPv6Not supportedSAN CLI templatesNot carried over from 11.5(x) to 12.0.2f Switch images/Image Management data Not carried over from 11.5(x) to 12.0.2f Slow drain dataNot carried over from 11.5(x) to 12.0.2f Alarm Policy configuration Not carried over from 11.5(x) to 12.0.2fPerformance Management dataCPU/Memory/Interface statistics up to 90 days is restored.NX-OS support matrix for SAN ControllerHardware NX-OS 5.2.x NX-OS 6.2.x NX-OS 7.3.x NX-OS 8.2.x NX-OS 9.2.xMDS 9100None Any Any Any AnyMDS 9200None 6.2(5)Any Any AnyMDS 9300None 6.2(13)Any Any AnyMDS 9700None Any Any Any AnyNDFC Network Connectivity © Copyright IBM Corporation 2022IP Address requirement•For a Single node Nexus Dashboard/NDFC SAN Controller, a total of 5 IP addresses are requiredProfileIP address count Used for Comments Nexus Dashboard 21xMgmt1x Data/FabricIn different subnets NDFC SAN Controller31x SNMP Trap1x Image Mgmt/POAP 1x SAN Insights ReceiverThese must be configured in Data subnetND3ND2ND1mgmt: SAN controllerConfiguring Device Mgmt over ND Fabric Interface•Management Service IPs§172.28.8.X•Data Service IPs§ (Trap)§ (Image Mgmt)§ (SAN Insights Receiver)Deploying NDFC on NDDeploying Nexus Dashboard SAN ControllerDeploy Nexus Dashboard (vND or pND)Install NDFC App on NDSelect SAN Controller persona in App on NDDiscover fabrics and start managingInstallation Guide for NDFC: https:///c/en/us/td/docs/dcn/ndfc/1202/installation/cisco-ndfc-install-and-upgrade-guide-1202/installing-ndfc.htmlDownload Nexus Dashboard:https:///download/home/286327743/type/286328258/release/2.1(2d)Download NDFC App:https:///download/home/281722751/type/282088134/release/12.0.2fStep 1: Select an OVF template of NDStep 2: Provide Virtual Machine name for NDDeploying NDFC on ND -Single vND NodeNOTE-vND requires SSD.ND has 2interfaces –mgmt.and fabric.You can access to switches via either of this interface.If ND mgmt.interface is on different subnet than mgmt0of switches,then you can add static route viaND.•Step 3: Provide Network detailsClick on Finish to complete the OVA deployment.Once it is up,you can openthe GUI pointing to the ND mgmt.IP and continue the remaining installationsteps.•Step 4: Provide Management Access details•Step 5: Open ND GUI and provide admin password for GUI access•Step 6: Provide NTP and DNS information by clicking on Add•Step 7: Add the ND fabric interface port details and click Next. Click on “Confirm Installation”.•If using local SSD, usually it will take 20-30 minutes to finish the ND deployment.•Once the installation is over, login using your credentials.•Step 8: Enter External Service IPs.§Go to Infrastructure->ND Cluster configuration and add the External Service IPs.Add3x Service IPs under ND Data/Fabric pool.•Step 9:§Deploy NDFC Application§There are no Apps running on the vND node by default.•Step 10: Upload NDFC Application via Remote Location or from Local System.•Step 10: Or you can install NDFC App from the AppstoreStep 11:Select appropriate deployment option.ND has following Profile modes:•virtual-demo•virtual-app•virtual-data •physical virtual-demo:•This is for demo purpose only.•This will never be auto selected; it has to be explicitly selected.•Step 11:Select appropriate deployment option.ND has following Profile modes:•virtual-demo •virtual-app •virtual-data •physicalvirtual-demo:•This is for demo purpose only.•This will never be auto selected; it has to be explicitly selected.virtual-app:•Use when you have deployed nd-xx-app.ova and it will be auto selected.•Used for traditional SAN Management without SAN Insights.•When you are deploying SAN in three master node cluster, pick this profile.virtual-data:•Use when you have deployed nd-xx-data.ova and it will be auto selected.•Used for traditional SAN Management with SAN Insights.•You can use this profile for SAN Insights Single or 3-Node Cluster.physical:•Use when you have deployed a physical appliance, and it will be auto selected.•When you are deploying SAN in three master node cluster, pick this profile.•You can use this profile for SAN Insights Single or 3-Node Cluster.•Step 12: Enable the ApplicationIf using local SSD, usually it will take 15-20minutes to finish the NDFC App deployment.•NDFC Application is now ready to use.•User can choose between FabricDiscovery, Fabric Controller, SAN Controller.§SAN controller is equivalent to DCNM 11.5 SAN Deployment•Only one of the feature sets abovecan be enabled on given ND clusterChoose feature of NDFC•Step 13: Choose the SAN Controller Persona and then the OEM Vendor (Cisco or IBM)•Step 14: Select Features and Apply. It will take approx. 5 mins for SAN features/services to come up.•Step 15: Refresh the page to see appropriate UI menus and dashboard based on the selection.Deploying NDFC on ND•All appropriate UI menus and dashboard can be seen on left hand pane.Migrating from DCNM 11.5.x to NDFCUpgrade/Migration paths to NDFC*DCNM 11.x version SAN deployment onUpgrade path 11.5(2)Windows and Linux 1.Backup using 2.Restore on Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Web UI > Operations > Backup & RestoreOVA/ISO/SE 1.Backup using 2.Restore on Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Web UI > Operations > Backup & Restore11.5(1)Windows and Linux 1.Backup using 2.Restore on Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Web UI > Operations > Backup & RestoreOVA/ISO/SE1.Backup using DCNM_To_NDFC_Upgrade_Tool_OVA_ISO.zip2.Restore on Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Web UI > Operations > Backup & RestoreMigration process1.Deploy a vND or pND Node2.In ND Cluster ConfigurationI.Add appropriate static routesII.Add External Service IPs in ND Mgmt/Data pools3.Install the NDFC app on ND node4.Take a backup from DCNM 11.5.x server using the Upgrade tool/script.I.Copy backup file out and shutdown DCNM server5.Enable the NDFC app6.Select Restore and provide the backup file in NDFC Backup/Restore workflowUpgrade Tool locationDownload location: https:///download/home/281722751/type/282088134/release/12.0.2fCPU, Memory, Interface statistics up to 90 days is restored post upgrade.Competitive advantagesLess investment, more scalability•No additional licenses needed•Carry over DCNM licensing from DCNM to NDFC•Carry over switch licenses from DCNM to NDFC•No limit license•No port limitation / switch limitation•Easily migrate your configuration•Carry over configuration from DCNM to NDFC•No need to start from beginning•Full interoperability with 16G and 32G platforms, legacy NX-OS (6.2.x thru 9.2.x versions)•Complete Day1 and Day2 activities/operations support•Non-disruptive Active-Active redundancy with multi-node architecture•Easy future upgrade for higher scalability。
全产业链价值创造英文说明书1The concept of full industrial chain value creation refers to the comprehensive and coordinated optimization and integration of all links within an industry chain, from the initial stage of research and development to the final stage of sales and after-sales service. This approach aims to maximize the overall value and competitive advantage of the entire chain.Take a well-known automotive brand as an example. They have achieved value maximization by integrating various aspects such as research and development, production, and sales. In the R&D stage, they invest heavily in technological innovation and design to create unique and appealing vehicle models. During the production process, they adopt advanced manufacturing techniques and strict quality control to ensure high-quality output. In the sales phase, they establish an extensive distribution network and provide excellent customer service to enhance brand image and customer satisfaction.Another case is an electronic enterprise that optimizes its full industrial chain layout to enhance competitiveness. They focus on enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of the supply chain to respond quickly to market changes. They also continuously improve the R&D capabilities to launch new products that meet the diverse needs ofconsumers. At the same time, they build a strong marketing and sales team to expand market share.The significance of full industrial chain value creation is profound. It helps enterprises reduce costs, improve product quality and service levels, and enhance their ability to respond to market fluctuations. Moreover, it promotes the efficient allocation of resources and the upgrading of the entire industry, leading to sustainable development and greater economic benefits.In conclusion, full industrial chain value creation is not only an important strategy for enterprises to succeed in the fierce market competition but also a driving force for the healthy development of the entire industry.2The whole industrial chain value creation is a complex and significant topic that involves multiple elements and challenges. To understand it thoroughly, let's take the example of an agricultural enterprise. In its pursuit of full industrial chain development, it often encounters the risk of market fluctuations. For instance, sudden changes in the demand and supply of agricultural products can lead to price instability. This not only affects the income of farmers but also poses challenges to the processing and sales links. To cope with this, the enterprise needs to establish a precise market monitoring mechanism and a flexible production adjustment strategy.Another example could be a clothing brand. Supply chain issues can have a significant impact on its value creation. Delays in raw material supply or problems in logistics can cause production delays and customer dissatisfaction. To address these problems, the brand should build a stable and efficient supply chain system, strengthen cooperation with suppliers, and improve inventory management.In conclusion, the key elements of whole industrial chain value creation include seamless coordination among various links, effective risk management, and continuous innovation. Only by paying attention to these aspects and taking corresponding measures can enterprises truly achieve sustainable value creation and development in the fierce market competition.3The entire industrial chain value creation represents a revolutionary concept that has reshaped the business landscape in the contemporary era. It involves integrating all stages of production, distribution, and consumption to maximize value and achieve sustainable growth. Take, for instance, a leading internet enterprise that harnessed the power of big data to drive an upgrade across the entire industrial chain. By collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data from various sources, this company was able to identify market trends, customer preferences, and potential operational bottlenecks with unprecedented accuracy. This enabled themto optimize their product offerings, streamline their supply chain, and enhance their marketing strategies, resulting in a significant increase in market share and customer satisfaction.Another compelling example is a traditional manufacturing firm that underwent an intelligent transformation to achieve a breakthrough in value creation. Through the adoption of advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, this company automated its production processes, improved product quality, reduced production costs, and shortened delivery times. Simultaneously, it leveraged digital platforms to establish closer connections with customers, providing personalized products and services, and thereby enhancing brand loyalty and competitiveness.In conclusion, the success of the entire industrial chain value creation lies in the seamless integration of resources, the application of innovative technologies, and a customer-centric approach. It requires businesses to have a forward-looking vision, a willingness to embrace change, and the ability to collaborate effectively across different sectors. Only by doing so can enterprises truly unlock the potential of the entire industrial chain and create long-term value in an increasingly competitive marketplace.4The concept of full industrial chain value creation has emerged as a driving force for businesses and society. Let's take a food enterprise as anexample. By implementing full industrial chain management, this enterprise can closely monitor every step from raw material sourcing to production, processing, and distribution. This not only ensures the safety and quality of food but also boosts consumers' trust. For instance, when it comes to the selection of agricultural products, strict standards are imposed to guarantee the freshness and non-pollution of the ingredients. During the production process, advanced technologies and strict quality control measures are adopted to eliminate any potential risks. As a result, consumers are more willing to purchase products from this enterprise, which leads to increased sales and a better reputation.Another example can be found in the energy sector. A certain energy enterprise has made remarkable contributions to promoting the popularization of green energy through the development of a full industrial chain. It starts from the research and development of new energy technologies, followed by the establishment of large-scale production facilities to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Moreover, efforts are made in the construction of energy storage and transmission systems to ensure a stable supply of green energy. This comprehensive approach not only helps reduce reliance on traditional energy sources but also plays a crucial role in protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development.In conclusion, full industrial chain value creation brings numerousbenefits to both enterprises and society. It enhances the competitiveness of enterprises, meets the demands of consumers for high-quality products and services, and contributes to the sustainable development of society as a whole.5The concept of full industrial chain value creation has emerged as a powerful force shaping the dynamics of various industries in today's highly competitive business landscape. It involves the seamless integration and optimization of all stages of a product or service's lifecycle, from raw materials sourcing to end-user consumption.In the financial sector, for instance, the construction of a full industrial chain financial service system has become increasingly crucial. This encompasses providing a comprehensive range of financial products and services, including financing for startups, supply chain finance for enterprises, and wealth management for individuals. By integrating these elements, financial institutions can better meet the diverse needs of clients and enhance their overall competitiveness.The healthcare industry has also witnessed significant improvements through full industrial chain integration. By integrating various components such as medical research and development, production of medical devices and drugs, hospital operations, and post-treatment rehabilitation, the allocation of medical resources can be optimized. Thisresults in improved accessibility and quality of healthcare services for patients.Looking forward, the trend of full industrial chain value creation is set to continue and intensify. Industries will need to focus on technological innovation, data analytics, and strategic partnerships to further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their value creation processes. Only by embracing this holistic approach can businesses thrive and contribute to sustainable economic growth and social development.。
立体包装外贸英语作文Title: The Significance of 3D Packaging inInternational Trade。
In today's globalized market, the role of packaging in international trade cannot be overstated. Among the various packaging methods, 3D packaging stands out as a dynamic and innovative approach that offers numerous benefits to both exporters and importers. This essay explores the significance of 3D packaging in international trade.First and foremost, 3D packaging enhances product visibility and appeal. With its three-dimensional design, it provides a unique platform for branding and marketing. In the competitive landscape of international trade, attracting consumers' attention is paramount, and 3D packaging serves as a powerful tool in achieving this objective. By incorporating vibrant colors, intricate designs, and engaging visuals, exporters can differentiate their products from competitors and create a lastingimpression on customers.Moreover, 3D packaging offers practical advantages in terms of protection and transportation. Its sturdy construction and customizable features ensure that goods remain intact during shipping and handling. Whether it's fragile electronics or perishable goods, 3D packaging provides an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of damage or spoilage. This reliability is especially crucial in long-distance transportation, where products may undergo various environmental stressors.Furthermore, 3D packaging contributes to sustainability efforts in international trade. As the global community increasingly prioritizes environmental conservation, eco-friendly packaging solutions are in high demand. 3D packaging allows for the use of recyclable materials and efficient designs that minimize waste. By adopting sustainable practices, exporters can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and align with international standards for responsible business practices.In addition to its practical benefits, 3D packaging facilitates logistical efficiency in international trade. Its modular design and stackable nature optimize storage space, reducing warehousing costs and streamlining inventory management. Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as digital printing and prototyping, enable rapid production and customization of 3D packaging solutions, catering to the diverse needs of global markets.From a cultural perspective, 3D packaging can also serve as a bridge between exporters and importers, conveying cultural narratives and values. By incorporating elements of local heritage and traditions into packaging designs, exporters can resonate with target audiences on a deeper level, fostering brand loyalty and customer engagement. Additionally, multilingual labeling and instructional graphics accommodate diverse linguistic preferences, facilitating cross-cultural communication and enhancing the user experience.In conclusion, 3D packaging plays a pivotal role in international trade by enhancing product visibility,providing practical protection, promoting sustainability, optimizing logistics, and facilitating cultural exchange. As businesses navigate the complexities of the global marketplace, embracing innovative packaging solutions like 3D packaging is essential for achieving competitive advantage and meeting the evolving needs of consumers worldwide. By harnessing the power of three-dimensional design, exporters can elevate their brands, drive sales, and forge meaningful connections in an increasingly interconnected world.。
因此在完成收购后博科迅速调整自己的产品进展战略,一方面将原MCDATA在架构设计与软件特性中的精华融入到自己的设计当中,而另一方面一个更重要的举措就是在新一代产品上恢复虚拟分区技术,在通过完全的优化与改良后,博科在8G产品上按照ANSI的工业标准重新启用的虚拟分区技术——Virtual Fabric, 简称VF。
而每个逻辑交换机均可独立地建立或者从属于一个逻辑Fabrie(逻辑SAN网),由此而构成的任意逻辑FabriC 拥有独立的数据路径、FabriC架构配置(分区、服务质量(QoS)、互操作模式等)与管理。
StarWind Virtual SAN 技术文档说明书
#1 HyperConverged Appliance for SMB and ROBOStarWind Virtual SAN®Compute and Storage Separated Multi-Node Cluster Scale-Out Existing Deploymentsfor VMware vSphereMAY 2015TECHNICAL PAPERTrademarks“StarWind”, “StarWind Software” and the StarWind and the StarWind Software logos are registered trademarks of StarWind Software. “StarWind LSFS” is a trademark of StarWind Software which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners. ChangesThe material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, StarWind Software assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained herein. StarWind Software reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.Technical Support and ServicesIf you have questions about installing or using this software, check this and other documents first - you will find answers to most of your questions on the Technical Papers webpage or in StarWind Forum. If you need further assistance, please contact us.Copyright ©2009-2016 StarWind Software Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of StarWind Software.In 2016, Gartner named StarWind “Cool Vendor for Compute Platforms”.Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.About StarWindStarWind is a pioneer in virtualization and a company that participated in the development of this technology from its earliest days. Now the company is among the leading vendors of software and hardware hyper-converged solutions. The company’s core product is the years-proven StarWind Virtual SAN, which allows SMB and ROBO to benefit from cost-efficient hyperconverged IT infrastructure. Having earned a reputation of reliability, StarWind created a hardware product line and is actively tapping into hyperconverged and storage appliances market. In 2016, Gartner named StarWind “Cool Vendor for Compute Platforms” following the success and popularity of StarWind HyperConverged Appliance. StarWind partners with world-known companies: Microsoft, VMware, Veeam, Intel, Dell, Mellanox, Citrix, Western Digital, etc.ContentsIntroduction (4)Solution Diagram (5)Replacing Partner for (DS2) (6)Creating Virtual Disk (DS3) (11)Configuring ESXI Cluster (18)Configuring the iSCSI Initiator (18)Contacts (25)IntroductionTraditionally VMware requires having some sort of the shared storage to guarantee the data safety, allow the virtual machines migration, enables continuous application availability and eliminates any single point of failure within IT environment. VMware users have to choose between two options when choosing the shared storage:•Hyper-Converged solutions, that allows sharing the same hardware resources for the application (i.e. hypervisor, database) and the shares storage, thus decreasing the TcO and achieving the outstanding performance results•compute and Storage separated solutions that keeps the compute and storage layers separately from each other, thus making the maintenance easier, increasing the hardware usage efficiency and allows building the system accurately for solving the taskThis guide is intended for experienced StarWind users, VMware and Windows system administrators and IT professionals who would like to add the Scale-Out node to the StarWind Virtual SAN® cluster. It provides a step-by-step guidance on scaling out the hyper-converged 2-node StarWind Virtual SAN that converts the storage resources of the separated general purpose servers into a fault tolerant shared storage resource for ESXi.A full set of up-to-date technical documentation can always be found here, or by pressing the Help button in the StarWind Management Console.For any technical inquiries please visit our online community, Frequently Asked Questions page, or use the support form to contact our technical support department.Compute and Storage Separated Multi-Node Cluster Scale-Out ExistingDeployments for VMware vSphereSolution DiagramThe diagram bellow illustrates the network and storage configuration of the resulting solution described in the guide.Physical storage sizing in Scale-Out modelPhysical Storage on StarWind node1Physical Storage on StarWind node2Physical Storage on StarWind node3ds1ds3ds3ds2Replacing Partner for (DS2)1.Add third StarWind node (SW3)2.Open replication manager for DS2 on the second StarWind node3.Click Remove Replica4.Click Add replica5.Select Synchronous “Two-Way” Replication and click next6.Enter name or IP address of the third StarWind node7.Select Create new Partner device8.Click Change Network Settings9.Select HeartBeat and synchronization channelsClick OK. You will return to Network Option for Synchronization Replication. Click Next.10.Click Create Replica11.After creation click Finish to close Replication WizardCreating Virtual Disk (DS3)1.Open Add Device Wizard through one of the following ways:•Right-click a StarWind server and select Add Device (advanced) from the shortcut menu.•Select a StarWind server and click the Add Device (advanced) button on the toolbar.2.As Add Device Wizard appears, follow the instructions to complete the creation of a newdisk.3.Select Hard disk device as the type of a device to be created. click Next to continue.4.Select Virtual disk. Click Next to continue.5.Specify a virtual disk location and size.Click Next.6.Specify virtual disk options.Click Next to continue.7.Define the caching policy and specify the cache size (in MB). You can also set maximumavailable cache size by selecting the appropriate checkbox.Click Next to continue.8.Optionally, define the L2 caching policy and the cache size. Click Next to continue.9.Specify target parameters. Select the Target Name checkbox to enter a custom name of atarget.Otherwise, the name is generated automatically in accordance with the specified target alias.Click Next to continue.10.Click Create to add a new device and attach it to the target.11.Click Finish to close the wizard.12.Right-click the recently created device and select Replication Manager from the shortcutmenu. Then, click Add replica.13.Select Synchronous two-way replication as a replication mode. Click Next to proceed.14.Specify a partner hostname, IP address and port number.Click Next.15.Choose create new Partner Device and click Next.16.Click Change network settings....17.Specify interfaces for synchronization and Heartbeat channels. Click OK. Then click Next.18.Click Create Replica.Click Finish to close the wizard.19.The successfully added devices appear in the StarWind Console.Configuring ESXI ClusterConfiguring the iSCSI Initiator1.Select a host.2.Click the Manage tab and select the Storage inset and Storage Adapters item.3.The list of the available storage adapters appears. Select iSCSI Software Adapter. the Add… button.4.Enter IP address of new StarWind node. Click OK.5.Do same for each iScSI_Data networks by clicking Add and specifying the server IPaddress.Click Rescan.6.In the Rescan dialog click OK.7.Repeat the same procedure for another cluster host.Setting up a Datastore1.Right click on host and select New datastore.2.New Datastore wizard appears.3.Select VMFS.Click next.4.Enter name of datastore (DS3) and device for datastore.Click next5.Select VMFS 5Click next.6.Enter datastore size.Click next7.Verify the settings. Click Finish.8.Check another host for a new datastore. If a new datastore is not listed among theexisting datastores, click Rescan All.Compute and Storage SeparatedMulti-Node Cluster Scale-Out ExistingDeployments for VMware vSphere ContactsUS Headquarters EMEA and APAC1-617-449-7717 1-617-507-5845 +44 20 3769 1857 (UK)+49 302 1788 849 (Germany) +33 097 7197 857 (France) +7 495 975 94 39 (Russian Federation and CIS) 1-866-790-2646Customer Support Portal:Support Forum:Sales: General Information: https:///support https:///forums ***********************************StarWind Software, Inc. 35 Village Rd., Suite 100, Middleton, MA 01949©2016, StarWind Software Inc. All rights reserved.。
SAN矩阵虚拟化互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光SAN矩阵虚拟化的模型To Build a Cost Saving Fabric Virtualization Solution, Seven Key Services Are Required:• Virtual Fabric Attachment—the ability to assign virtual fabric membership, preferably port-level • Multiprotocol Extensions—the ability to extend virtual fabric service to iSCSI, FCIP, FICON, etc. • Virtual Fabric Services—the ability to create fabric services per virtual fabric (routing, zones, RSCNs, QoS, etc.) • Virtual Fabric Diagnostics—the ability to troubleshoot per virtual fabric problems • Virtual Fabric Security—the ability to define separate security policies per virtual fabric • Virtual Fabric Management—the ability to map and manage virtual fabrics independently • Inter-Fabric Routing—the ability to provide connectivity across virtual fabrics, without merging the fabricsVirtual Fabric Service ModelInter-Virtual Fabric Routing Virtualized Fabric Management Virtualized Fabric Security Policies Virtualized Fabric Diagnostics Virtualized Fabric Services Multiprotocol Transport Extensions Virtualized Fabric Attachment成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential11互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光实现SAN矩阵虚拟化的三个途径Switch-Based• • • • Switch line-card partitioning Island-level granularity No shared ISLs Interconnection, but no consolidation • • • •Appliance-BasedDedicated appliance provides routing Island-level granularity No shared ISLs Interconnection, but no consolidation • • • •Fabric-BasedFabric-wide virtualization via hardware partitioning Port-level granularity Fully shared ISLs Drives consolidationApplianceFabric AFabric BFabric CFabric AFabric BFabric CFabric A,B, and C成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential12互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Cisco实现SAN矩阵虚拟化的途径虚拟 SANs (VSANs)• A VSAN provides a method to allocate ports within a physical fabric to create virtual fabrics • Analogous to VLANs in Ethernet • Virtual fabrics created from larger cost-effective physical fabric • Reduces wasted ports with islands • Fabric events are isolated per VSAN— Maintains HA (i.e.. RSCNs) • Hardware-based isolation—Traffic is explicitly tagged across ISLs with VSAN membership info • Statistics gathered per VSANCisco MDS 9000 Family with VSAN Service Physical SAN Islands Are Virtualized onto Common SAN InfrastructureRSCN: Registered State Change Notification成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential13互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光SAN矩阵虚拟化: MDS 9000 家族• Each port on the MDS 9000 family exists in a VSAN • Up to 256 VSANs in a single switch (hardware can support up to 4095) • Logical configuration to move a port from one fabric to another • WWN-based VSANs can provide automated VSAN membership • Basis for Virtual Fabric Trunking (VFT) Extended Header (ANSI T11 FC-FS-2 section 10)成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104 © 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.VSAN ‘A’VSAN ‘B’VSAN ‘C’VSAN ‘D’QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential14互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光ANSI T11 标准• ANSI T11.3 task group is working on standard Virtual Fabrics • T11.3 FC-FS-2 fabric services includes virtual fabrics specificationDefines “Extended-Headers” In FC-FS-2 Section 10.2 Defines frame tagging mechanism• Applicable to N_Ports, F_Ports and E_PortsEnables end devices to support virtual interfaces/t11/stat.nsf/allproj?OpenView&Count=100成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential15互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Cisco’s VSAN 作为标准被接受• Cisco’s proposal of a VSAN header specification was accepted by the working group • Small variation (but compatible) to current VSAN headerCisco VSAN Header (8 bytes)R_CTL 8 Ver 2 Frame MPLS More User Type Present Header Priority 4 1 1 3 VSAN Number 12 CDL TTL Present 1 8 # PAD P_VL Bytes 2 4 Rsvd 2 OAM 8 Msg Info 8FC-FS-2 Virtual Fabric Tagging (VFT) Header (8 bytes)R_CTL Ver Frame User RSVD RSVD (0x50h) 0x00b Type Priority 8 2 4 1 1 3 VF_ID 12 RSVD HopCt 1 8 RSVD 24Cisco Enhanced Features Like MPLS and CDL Are Removed from the Standard成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential16互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs: 技术细节 (Cont.)EISL Header—What’s inside? • Several fields are added to the VSAN header that provide a variety of functions • Each frame on a VSAN trunk carries an extra 8 bytes of header which includes:User priority—3 bits—used for QoS functionality to designate priority of frame VSAN ID—12 bits—used to mark the frame as part of a particular VSAN—supports up to 4096 VSANs MPLS flag—1 bit—used to designate whether this frame is subject to MultiProtocol Label Switching processing— future use Time-to-live (TTL)—8 bits—used to help avoid routing loops—standard part of an IP frame Other misc. fields including version, frame type, and other reserved fields成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104 © 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.4B 8BSOF(Start of Frame)EISL Header24BFC Header0 -> 2112BPayload4B 4BCRC EOF(End of Frame)QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential17互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs + FCIP 利用广域网节省成本• Cost savings from multi-application SAN extension consolidation • Multiple VSANs carried securely over Port Channeled FCIP links • VSANs can be scaled and provisioned independently of FCIP and WAN link provisioning 2 X FCIP Portchannel with TE (Trunking VE_Port)IP Routed Network (FCIP)Cisco MDS 9000Cisco MDS 9000成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential18互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs + iSCSI 的灵活性• VSANs are extended to iSCSI through intelligent mapping • Transparent mapping mimics Fibre Channel attachmentiSCSI hosts discovered and displayed in Cisco Fabric Manager iSCSI hosts bound to unique WWNs creating static relationship enabling : iSCSI host VSAN membership Zoning of iSCSI and FC devices Accounting against iSCSI devices iSCSI device topology mappingiSCSI: Internet SCSIiQ N1iSCSI iSCSIiSCSICisco IP Storage Switching ModuleCisco Catalyst 6500 Multilayer LAN SwitchesiQN2 = pWWN2iSCSI Login Registering iQNiQ N2iSCSI-Enabled Hosts成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential19互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs + FICON 进行SAN矩阵整合Application/Department Based SAN IslandsFICONZ/OS (FICON) VSANCisco MDS 9000 FamilyZ-SeriesZ/OS ApplicationsFICONFICON Channel Mainfram e StorageFICONFICONFCFICONFICONCommon Storage Pool Shared Amongst VSANsZ-Series LinuxLINUX ApplicationsFCFibre Channel Mainfram e StorageLinux VSANFCOpen Systems Servers and ApplicationsFCFibre Channel Open Systems StorageOpen Systems VSAN Collapsed Fabric with VSANs• Separate physical fabrics • Over-provisioning ports on each island • High number of switches to manageFICON: Fiber Connectivity• Clean partitioning of different operating environments (FICON, Z-Series LinuxFCP, Open Systems FCP) • Significantly more stable and manageable than current zoning+best practices approach成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential20VSANS 是怎样工作的?互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs 和 Domain IDsRecall: Each VSAN acts as a completely independent fabric • Each VSAN has its own principle switch and domain_ID allocation policy (static or dynamic)Principle switches for different VSANs don’t have to reside on same physical switchDomain 100 Domain 200 Domain 105 Domain 223 Domain 126 Domain 153 Domain 173Domain 110 Domain 153Domain 112 Domain 171Domain 156 Domain 102Domain 113 Domain 180• Each switch will have a separate domain_ID for each active VSANThese domain_IDs can overlap between VSANs All ports are originally in VSAN1Domain 104 Domain 204 Domain 170 Domain 215 Domain 201 Domain 162Domain 157• Each VSAN can have a separate FC_ID allocation policy (static or dynamic)成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104 © 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Each Switch That Has End Ports In a Particular VSAN Will Have a domain_ID Assigned That Particular VSAN; Core Switches That Trunk These VSANs Will Also Have Assigned domain_IDs in These VsansQQ:505836736Cisco Confidential31互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光VSANs 与 非Cisco SAN交换机的互操作The Virtual SANs feature involves a tagging mechanism which is not understood by 3rd party fabrics • Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches do support heterogeneous switch interoperability—non VSAN awareEnhanced ISL (EISL) Trunks Carrying Numerous VSANs• Cisco “Interoperability Mode” (required) is configured per-VSAN—no loss of functionality in MDS 9000 switches • Cisco MDS 9000 switches negotiate an E_Port with non-Cisco switches • Cisco MDS 9000 E_Ports also have a port VSAN • Therefore, the entire non-Cisco switch, including all its ports, will reside in the port VSAN of the connecting E_PortEach Non-Cisco Switch Belongs to Only One VSANSimple ISL Links E_Ports Non-Cisco Fabric Switches成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential32互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光虚拟 SANs 配置步骤Virtual SANs are easily configured using the following steps: 1. Add a VSAN to an MDS 9000 Family switch via either the Cisco Fabric Manager (CFM) or the command line interface (CLI) 2. Set VSAN policy for switch interoperability, FC_ID allocation, domain_ID allocation…Etc. 3. Enable VSAN from CFM or CLI 4. Assign ports to the VSAN as required through CFM or CLI 5. Configure VSAN trunks (EISLs) to selectively prune propagation of VSAN from switch to switch (default is to forward all VSANs)成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential33互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光带内 IP Routing 和 VSANsAn in-band IP overlay management network can be configured on a perVSAN basis • An IP subnet can be mapped to each VSAN for management purposes • Allows IP connectivity between switches over Fibre Channel using RFC 2625—IP over Fibre Channel • Each switch can selectively route between subnets (VSANs) and OOB Ethernet network • Recommended configuration is to configure a management VSAN • Can provide a backup management network in case of failure on out-ofband management accessDomain 100 Domain 105 Domain 126 Domain 153 Domain 200 Domain 223 Domain 3 Domain 173 Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 4 MANAGEMENT STATION ON OOB ETHERNET NETWORKDomain 110 Domain 153 Domain 5 112 Domain 171 Domain 6 Fabric Manager Configuration Screen for IP-VSAN Interfaces; VSAN 20 (Green VSAN) Is the Management VSAN成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential34互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Cisco IT 生产环境 SAN - March ‘05San Jose 1SAN-3104San Jose 2RTP 1RTP 2成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential35互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光SAN 矩阵间路由成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential36互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光什么是矩阵间路由?• We use fabric as an extension of virtual fabrics to enable crossfabric connectivity • Done without merging the routed fabricsWithout propagation of irrelevant fabric events Without concern for overlapping domain IDs Without concern for fabric interoperability differencesPhysical LAN/SAN Physical LAN/SANPhysical LAN/SANPhysical IslandsVirtual Virtual LAN/SAN Virtual LAN/SAN LAN/SANVirtual Islands• Follows in footsteps of the Ethernet worldLayer-3 Switching ≈ Fabric RoutingVirtual Virtual LAN/SAN Virtual LAN/SAN LAN/SANRouted Virtual Islands37成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光利用矩阵间路由充分共用资源• Overlay data replication fabric(s) on common physical fabricNo need for separate pair of switches for each replication connection Use one virtual fabric per replication connectionMS MARKETING SAN SALES SAN MSCommon Physical Fabric• A *bonus* is to be able to share common SAN extension circuits amongst multiple virtual fabrics • Fabric routing adds to resiliency of solutionMS HR SANTAPE SANMSTape Media Server成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential38互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光利用矩阵间路由连接各类SAN孤岛• Fabric routing can help with interoperability issuesConnecting SANs of different vendors Connecting SANs of different interop modes Connecting SANs with overlapped Domain_IDsSAN Domain_ID=10 SAN SAN Domain_ID=10 SAN Brocade PID Mode 0 SAN McData SAN Interop Mode• Can help with migrating from old SANs to new enterprise SANs • Lots of combinations to deal with in terms of testingBrocade PID Mode 1 SANQlogic SAN成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential39互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光利用矩阵间路由实现SAN扩展解决方案• Most common use for SAN routing services • Augments the high availability of the solutionFilters unnecessary events Isolates from remote faults Enables selective visibilityHR SAN Marketing SANCommon Physical FabricSales SANData Replication SanIP Routed Network (FCIP)• Different protocols used to implement fabric routing • Needs to enable selective alerts/faults to pass • Needs to work over multiple network transportsData Replication San成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential40互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光实现矩阵间路由的两种主要途径External Router• Dedicated fabric router connected to all fabrics • Not typically director class—HA concner • Performance limited by that of applianceEmbedded Routing• Routing enabled in switch/director hardware • No performance penalty • Port-level granularityRouter ApplianceRouter ApplianceFabric AFabric BFabric CFabric AFabric BFabric CFabric A,B, and C成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential41互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Cisco 实现矩阵间路由的途径Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR)• Cisco delivers fabric routing through Inter-VSAN routing (IVR) • Builds on VSAN technology • Embedded capability in all MDS 9000 Family switch hardware • No need for external router • No performance impact due to implementation in hardware • Leverages any network transportFibre Channel Optical (DWDM, CWDM, SONET) IP (FCIP)• IVR includes NAT services成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104 © 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential42互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光单一交换机内部的 IVR 实现• Effectively turns any MDS 9000 Family switch into giant fabric router • IVR enabled in any Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch using a license key • Works with all fabric interoperability modes • Enabled through zone creation mechanism ANY CISCO MDS 9000 FAMILY SWITCHGreen VSANNormal Server with any HBAOrange VSANBrocade Switch in native PID_Mode 1Blue VSANShared Storage ArraysIVR EnabledRed VSANMcData Switch in Interop ModePurple VSANBrocade Switch in Native PID_Mode 0Yellow VSANBlade Server with Embedded Qlogic Switch (Can Route Individual Blades Into Different Vsans)成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential43互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光多交换机的 IVR 实现• One or more transit VSANs are used to interconnect routed VSANs • Transit VSAN can use any transport including native FC, IP (FCIP), or any optical technology—not just IP only • Only specified devices in end VSANs are routed, not all devices in routed VSANs • Enabled through simple zone creation (wizard)Green VSANStorage Array Participating In Remote ReplicationIVR EnabledPurple VSANTransit VSAN to Interconnect Routed Vsans; Can Use Native FC, FCIP, SONET, DWDM, or CWDMRed VSANStorage Array Participating in Remote ReplicationIVR Enabled成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential44互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光NAT服务之前的 IVR 实现• Inter-VSAN Routing v1 only translates VSAN ID • Devices routed across different VSANs must have unique domain IDsNot all Domain_IDs must be unique throughout fabricFCID 10.00.01 FCID 20.00.01IVR v1Green VSANStorage Array Participating In Remote ReplicationPurple VSANTransit VSAN to Interconnect Routed Vsans; Can Use Native FC, FCIP, SONET, DWDM, or CWDM• Can be disruptive if connecting existing fabricsDomain_ID overlap Can be resolved via reconfigRed VSANStorage Array Participating in Remote Replication FCID 30.00.01 FCID 20.00.01• Mainly a concern when connecting non-Cisco fabrics togetherIVR v1成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential45互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光有NAT服务的IVR 实现• Inter-VSAN Routing v2 translates full address • Devices routed across different VSANs don’t need unique domain IDs • Can interoperate with IVR v1 switches • No performance loss • Can use Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) to distribute configuration • Mainly used when connecting existing fabrics together成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104 © 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.FCID 10.00.01 FCID 20.00.01IVR v2Green VSANStorage Array Participating In Remote ReplicationPurple VSANTransit VSAN to Interconnect Routed Vsans; Can Use Native FC, FCIP, SONET, DWDM, or CWDMRed VSANStorage Array Participating in Remote Replication FCID 30.00.01 FCID 20.00.01IVR v2QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential46互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR) : 通过 VSANs 共享资源• Allows sharing of centralized storage services such as tape libraries and disks across VSANs—without merging separate fabrics (VSANs) • Provides high fabric resiliency and VSAN-based manageabilityDistributed, scaleable, and highly resilient architecture Transparent to third-party switches• Enables blade-per-VSAN architecture for blade serversEngineering VSAN_1VSAN-specifc DiskIVR Marketing VSAN_2 Blade Server IVR IVR HR VSAN_3 Tape SAN_4 (access via IVR) HR VSAN_3Blade Server VSAN_1 (access via IVR)SAN-3104Marketing VSAN_2成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential47互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR): 灵活的 SAN 扩展解决方案• Minimize the impact of change in fabric services across geographically dispersed sitesLimit fabric control traffic such as SW-RSCNs and Build/Reconfigure Fabric (BF/RCF) to local VSANs Flexible connectivity with the highest availability Works with any transport service (FC, SONET, DWDM/CWDM, FCIP)Inter-VSAN Connection with Completely Isolated FabricsEISL#1 in Port Channel Replication VSAN_1 Replication VSAN_4IVRTransit VSAN_3 (IVR)Metro DWDM (or SONET/SDH or FCIP)IVRLocal VSAN_2EISL#2 in Port ChannelLocal VSAN_5 Cisco Confidential成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:50583673648互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光INTER-VSAN 路由是怎样工作的?成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential49互联神州思科专业技术培训技术论坛:一品阳光IVR+NAT 增加的功能• IVR+NAT added three additional capabilities• • • No restriction on overlapping Domain_IDs No restriction on overlapping VSAN_IDs CFS-Enabled IVR configuration distribution• Devices are ‘exported’ from a real VSAN/Domain to a VSAN and virtual Domain • ‘Special’ frames like ELP which embed FCIDs in the payload are ‘trapped’ and translated成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站:SAN-3104© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.QQ:505836736Cisco Confidential50。
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Storage Virtualization
Network-hosted for scalability, availability and transparency Non-disruptive storage provisioning and migration of production data between systems Seamlessly upgrade or migrate storage Point-in time copy across heterogeneous systems
A method to divide a common physical fabric into virtual domains An infrastructure analogous to VLANs in the Ethernet world A method to still isolate virtual fabrics from one another for
(FW, LB etc)
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Server Virtualization
Virtual Machines Virtual Machine consolidation reduces number of servers to manage, deploy, power and cool Non-disruptive virtual machine migration allows upgrades, patches etc. without app downtime Flexibility: Bare-iron servers and virtual machines can be rapidly deployed to support existing or new apps
High availability Security Management Fabric #3 Fabric #1 Fabric #2 Physical SAN Islands Are Virtualized onto Common SAN Infrastructure
A method to reduce wasted ports as experiences in the island approach A method to charge-back for used resources from the physical fabric
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MDS 9000 Fabric Switch Positioning
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SAN Virtualization Storage Virtualization
Storage Services Module (SSM) Fabric Virtualization
MDS 9000 Family Systems
MDS 9120 and 9140
MDS 9216 and 9216i
MDS 9506
MDS 9509
MDS 9513
MDS 9000 Modules Mgmt. OS
Supervisor 1 and 2
14-Port, 16-Port, 32-Port 1 and 2 Gb FC
Cisco Confidential
SAN Islands Have Purpose: At a Cost
SAN islands are built to address several technical and non-technical issues:
Maintains isolation from fabric events or configuration errors Provides isolated and controlled management of island infrastructure Driven by bad experiences of large multi-switch fabrics
Fabric Routing
What is Fabric Routing? Cisco's Inter-VSAN Routing
Network Assisted Serverless Backup
LAN Backup Serverless Backup
Fibre Channel Write Acceleration
Advanced SAN Fabric & Storage Virtualization
Tuqiang Cao
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Confidential
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Confidential
Fabric Virtualization
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Server Virtualization
Hypervisor Server Pool
Physical Server VSANs
Storage Virtualization
e.g. EMC Invista
Virtual Volumes Storage Fabric Physical Volumes
Cisco Confidential
Fabric Virtualization and Fabric Routing
Three Key Concepts
Fabric Virtualization Provide independent ('virtual') fabric services on a single physical switch Virtual Fabric Trunking Ability to transport multiple virtual fabrics over a single ISL or common group of ISLs Fabric Routing Ability to provide selected connectivity between virtual fabrics without merging them