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第I卷(三部分, 共85分)

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)





21. A lot of suggestions were put forward at the meeting, but ______ was practical.

A. nothing

B. neither

C. none

D. no one

22. People rarely succeed ________ they have fun in what they are doing.

A. if

B. unless

C. since

D. when

23. Our car ________ engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area.

A. developed

B. being developed

C. to develop

D. having developed

24. When it comes to protecting us from digital threats, ______ we need to make progress is in applying these tools and encouraging people to use them.

A. what

B. where

C. that

D. when

25. Everyone in society is supposed to _________ kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or how they look.

A. stand up for

B. catch up with

C. make up for

D. get away with

26. When my mother became unwell, I felt a sense of duty that perhaps I ______ before.

A. might not feel

B. should not have felt

C. could not feel

D. would not have felt

27. ---Does the river still flood the village during the summer?

---Thanks to the past two years’ river engineering efforts, the impact____.

A. was reduced

B. has reduced

C. is reducing

D. has been reduced

28. There has been positive reaction to the proposal of helping the disabled, the impact ______ will be lasting especially for younger ones.

A. on which

B. on whom

C. of which

D. of whom

29. --- Cathy, in my opinion, is very __________.

--- Absolutely! She prefers home life to going out.

A. Domestic

B. Energetic

C. Dynamic

D. enthusiastic

30. Education is to change traditionally-minded individuals, typically those who are not prepared to ______, and to encourage critical thinking.

A. compensate

B. innovate

C. investigate

D. accumulate

31. —How can I live my dreams in a short time?

—Be practical. Between you and your dreams ________ a lot of hard work.

A. stand

B. stands

C. is standing

D. are standing

32. Denying the unknown will limit your imagination and keep creativity ________.

A. in order

B. in contrast

C. at distance

D. at best

33. --- You can tell me I’m _________, because nobody follows the instructions.

---Take it easy. I believe you can make it.

A. a white elephant

B. a lame duck

C. a top dog

D. a dark horse

34. — How did you enjoy the game?

— I was impressed by the energy and______ shown by the players.

A. commitment


C. investment

D. privilege

35. —How come you were half an hour late for my class this morning, Mike?

—_______ My father’s car broke down halfway.

A. Yes, so what?

B. No, it’s not my fault.

C. Well, who knows?

D. Sorry, but I couldn’t help it.



I met my true fate as I lay on a soccer field, holding on desperately to my consciousness. Finally, I36and came into a world of darkness, leaving people struggling to help an37girl who, just hours ago, had been in perfect38 .

Later I spent most of my time in bed. No doctors knew what was wrong with me. Most of my friends had become39 . Every day became more and more frustrating. Eventually I returned to school on a part-time40 . Instead of getting the41I expected, I received dirty42and harsh rumors about how it was "all in my head."

43my dreams of being a soccer player was ruined, I joined the drum band instead. I held the belief that things would get better.44 , I lost consciousness at nearly every band practice and people were constantly45always having to take care of me. Some people even tried to get me46off the drum band. Thus, I continued to be bullied and labeled me as an "attention-seeker."

As I struggled through my health problems and47 , I continued to keep promising myself that things would get better, and eventually they did. I made friends with a few members of the drum band, who48by my side and knew how desperately I needed somewhere to49 . Unfortunately, my health50worse. My doctor decided to send me to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in51that the doctors there would be able to solve the52that had puzzled every other doctor I'd seen. The Mayo doctors diagnosed me with a problem called POTS. They were certain that the unconsciousness that I'd been53was not "in my head".

I am extremely happy to have kept promising myself that things would get better.54it hadn't been for others’55and my perseverance, I'd still be wondering if my problem really was "in my head." And, most importantly, I've learned to never lose hope because I believe that the only disability in life is a bad attitude.

36. A. stayed up B. let go C. gave away D. went on

37. A. independent B. frightened C. energetic D. unconscious
