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返老还童(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)貌似是一个荒诞的科幻片,讲的是男主角本杰明出生时是一个老头,生命从耄耋之年开始,随着时间的流逝越来越年轻,最后以婴儿结束,他的生命就像放倒过来放的录影带,讲述着他的生命历程和感悟。

The movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button sounds to be a grotesque fiction which tells that the Hero Benjamin was aged when he was born; life began from an old age; with time flying he became younger and younger; in the end his life ended with a baby; his life looks like a reversing vedeo-tape which narrates his life journey and restrospection.


The movie,with its background lasting from the 1st world war to the 2nd world war to modern,reflects its theme toward audience by recalling in the last life moment of the heroine Daisy in details. Their experience appears to give us the comfort of life, the consideration of life journey and the philosophy of love.

生命的安慰:the comfort of life


Life originates from accident. It is by accident that the hero falls down to a middle-class family. It is by accident that he is born of being feared. It is by nature that he is harrassed by many illnesses chararterising old age such as wrinkles in full face,heavy joint inflammation,loose skin,and cataract. Benjamin,deserted by his father,is adopted by a black couple. The black woman symbolizing maternity considers every life to be the offspring of God and life is born equal. The moment Benjamin stands up ,she holds his life to be a miracle and encourages it to come true. To be sure,every life is a miracle;every one has his or her own particulars in his or her life journey;an ordinary life bringing to play of different existences like someone singing,someone dancing,someone being an artist and someone living well after seven thunder hits.

人生的思考:the consideration of life journey



Similar to the classical language of Agan,the movie is filled with one word that you are uncertain of what will happen next. In arrangement the director has also put an emphasis on the theme which has been knitted in the process of the sudden death of the priest,the off-sea of Benjamin and the traffic accident of the Heroine Daisy. The theme is specially protruding a five-minute statement and deliberation of Benjamin after Daisy’accident. Combined with life around us,things always happen like this. The world is full of many accidents and inevitables which surround us. We are not isolated with the rest of the world. The tiny changes in the all directions might be fatal to us. But no one can cammand the changing law. What you can do is to do what you aught to do and positively respond the misfortunes. Daisy has been grooming for a period of time, but it is no significance for a long term. What she can do is to continue living. Although God closes the door to her another dancing on the stage,she opens a dancing training class and the true love returns to her.

爱情的哲理:the phylosophy of love



The love of Benjamin and Daisy is very refined and wonderful,even incredible. It is one of the miracles of life.


In their teenagers,Benjamin looks more than 40 years old,and Daisy stands slim and charming. At the moment Benjamin inspires affections to her ,but rejects loving in fact.


When both of them reach more than 30 years old and have the same physical appearance,their love erupts like volcano,the loving passion burning their
