

如何成为一个好室友How to Be a Good Roommate

如何成为一个好室友How to Be a Good Roommate

如何成为一个好室友How to Be a Good Roommate类别:阅读来源:美联英语学习网老友记中的友情令人感动,尤其是室友情堪比兄弟姐妹。



Have you ever had to share a home with a stranger or even a close friend, only to find out you can't live together? Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. The following is a list of suggestions to help you share your living space harmoniously.制定室友协议Roommate AgreementSome people find it helpful to write up a "roommate agreement," in which you set down rules that everyone can agree to. This is a good way to make sure that everyone is clear on the rules for the apartment and their responsibilities. Have everyone sign a copy and keep it on hand.适当调节音量Control the amount of noise you make.Wear headphones when you listen to music, and go into another room when you're on the phone. If you're going to engage in a noisy activity, it's a good idea to ask your roommate before you do it.多沟通Communicate.As in any relationship, living with someone requires a great deal of work. Communication is key in making the relationship work well long-term, or even for a short time. If a problem comes up, it's better to talk about it right away than to try and ignore it and let it get worse.时刻准备妥协Be prepared to compromise.Not everyone has the same ideas about day to day living as you do. You can't ask your roommate to change himself or herself if you're not willing to change as well.小知识点:幸福婚姻的秘诀The Secret for Happy MarriageIf you want to stay happily married, always be prepared to compromise.要想维持幸福美满的婚姻,就得时刻准备妥协。

生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第22集

生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第22集

等等 Hang on. 我今晚能睡你沙发上吗 Can I sleep on your couch tonight? 可以 Uh,well,you can try, 不过对门的人一直很吵 but the people across the hall are being very noisy. 你听到了吧 You heard that,huh? 显然 一个想调恒温器 Apparently,the one fella tried to adjust the thermostat, 另一个又发疯了 then the other fella went bat-crap crazy. 你也觉得他是疯子吧 So you agree,he's nuts. 没他的室友那么疯 Well,not as nuts as the guy who chooses to live with him. 信不信由你 我刚认识他时他更疯 Believe it or not,he was worse when I met him. 我才不信呢 Oh,I do not believe that. 你太傻太天真了 You are so naive. 就像七年前的我 Just like I was seven years ago. 我刚开始在大学工作 I'd just started at the university. 请问 谢尔顿·库珀家在哪 Excuse me,I'm looking for Sheldon Cooper's apartment. 你是来看房的吧 Oh,I bet you're here to check out the room for rent. -对 -兄弟 快跑
我知道我说了什么 I know what I said. 我也知道你说了什么 I know what you said. 我还知道我妈在1992年3月5日说了什么 I know what my mother said on March 5,1992. 第六惰性气体是什么 What is the sixth noble gas? -什么 -你说你是科学家 - What? - You said you're a scientist. 第六惰性气体是什么 What is the sixth noble gas? 氡? Uh,radon? 你是问我还是回答我 Are you asking me or telling me? 回答你? Telling you? 回答你 Telling you. 好 下一个问题 All right,next question. [星际迷航中初代和下一代进取号的舰长] 柯克还是皮卡尔 Kirk or Picard? 好难抉择 Oh,uh,well,that's tricky. 初代比下一代好看 Um,Original Series over Next Generation, 但皮卡尔比柯克强 but Picard over Kirk. 正确 Correct.

生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E21

生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E21

Series 4 Episode 21 – The Agreement DissectionScene: The bathroomSheldon: Leonard, are you in the shower?Leonard: I can’t hear you, I’m in the shower.Sheldon: I asked if you were in the shower, but that’s moot now.Leonard: What?Sheldon: Moot. Rendered unimportant by recent events.Leonard: I can’t hear you, I’m in the shower.Sheldon: I have to skip the chitchat. Emergency.Leonard: What kind of emergency?Sheldon: Mathematical. 32-ounce banana smoothie, 16-ounce bladder.Leonard: You might not want to do that.Sheldon: I assure you I do.Leonard: Sheldon, I’m not alone in here.Sheldon: What?Priya: Hello, Sheldon.Sheldon: What are you doing in there? She can’t be in here.Leonard: We were in here first, you can’t be in here.Sheldon: According to the roommate agreement, paragraph nine, subsection B, the right to bathroom privacy is suspended in the event of force majeure. And believe me, I am experiencing a very majeure force.Sheldon: Come on, you can’t wait two minutes?Priya: Oh, Leonard, let the man pee.Scene: Penny’s door.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny? (Knock, knock, knock) Penny? (Knock, knock, knock) Penny?Penny: What?Sheldon: Move. Move. Move!Credits sequence.Scene: The apartment.Sheldon: Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, you are officially charged with two violations of the roommate agreement. Do you waive reading of the charges?Leonard: Yeah, fine.Priya: Hang on. No, my client does not waive reading of the charges.Leonard: Oh. Cool. I’ve got a lawyer. And I’ve seen her nak ed.Priya: Proceed.Sheldon: Very well. Count the first, on or about the 28th day of April, the accused did knowingly and with malice aforethought deny access to the shared bathroom in a time of emergency, to wit, my back teeth were floating. Count the second, the accused exceeded the agreed upon occupancy of the shower, to wit, one, unless we are under attack by water-soluble aliens.Priya: Can I see the roommate agreement?Sheldon: Um, it’s fairly technical.Priya: I think I can handle it.Leonard: Top of her class, Cambridge University. Licensed to practice law in three countries.And your face. Priya: All right, based on a cursory reading, it doesn’t look like you have much of a case, Sheldon.Sheldon: Do so, do so.Priya: Oh, I’m afraid not. Section seve n here, on the right to enter the bathroom in emergency situations, is notspecific as to what constitutes an emergency.Sheldon: Oh, that’s ridiculous. A bathroom emergency is self-explanatory.Priya: Is it? If Leonard forgot to trim his nose hair, could he barge in while you were showering?Sheldon: Irrelevant. Leonard doesn’t trim his nose hair. He thinks because he’s short nobody can see up there. Priya: My point is, Sheldon, the legal principle is ambiguity in a contract benefits the party that did not draft it, in this case, Leonard. So much for count one.Sheldon: But…Priya: There’s no buts, Sheldon, that’s how the law works.Leonard: Schooled!Priya: As for the shower capacity issue, I cite addendum J. When Sheldon showers second, any and all measures shall be taken to ensure an adequate supply of hot water. I believe this supercedes the occupancy issue. Leonard: Superceded!Sheldon: This isn’t over.Leonard: No offence, but shower sex with you is now the second best thing that’s happened today.Scene: The apartment.Raj: Mmm, Greek food on pizza night? This is the most delightfully cruel thing we’ve done to Sheldon since we left that fake message from Stephen Hawking on his voice mail.Priya: Seriously?Howard(in Stephen Hawking voice): I wish to discuss your theories of black holes. Meet me at the Randy’s Donut by the airport at 2:00 a.m.Sheldon: What is that you’re eating? Tonight is pizza night.Leonard: I’d like to refer that to my attorney.Priya: According to what I see here, Thursday nights are Franconi’s pizza night.Sheldon: Yes, and when Franconi’s went out of business, we switched to Graziano’s.Howard: That’s interesting. Can you just switch restaurants like that, Priya?Priya: A good question, Howard. Turns out you can’t. According to the document you drew up, Sheldon, the selection of a new takeout restaurant requires public hearings and a 60-day comment period. Were those criteria met?Sheldon: No.All: Opa!Sheldon: This is Greek food? Leonard, you hate Greek food.Leonard: Not as much as you.Sheldon: Fine. I’m nothing if not adaptable.Leonard: I got you the lamb kabob.Sheldon: Thank you. If you think about it, Greek food isn’t that far from italian food. They share a spice palette. And what a civilization is the Greeks. They gave us science, democracy, and little cubes of charred meat that taste like sweat.Scene: Penny’s door.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny? (Knock, knock, knock) Penny? (Knock, knock, knock) Penny?Penny: Hey. What’s up?Sheldon: The mean Indian lady tried to make me eat lamb. Congratulations. Pizza night will now be at your apartment. Order one.Penny: Oh, I’m sorry, honey, I’m meeting Amy and Bernadette for dinner. But you’re welcome to tag along. Sheldon: A girls night? Oh, I don’t know if I’m up for a n evening talking about rainbows, unicorns and menstrual cramps.Penny: Okay, suit yourself. We’ll probably be trashing Priya a little.Sheldon: Shotgun.Scene: A bar.Penny: Okay, I’d like to propose a toast to a wonderful girls night out.Amy: Fair warning, we can get ker-razy.Bernadette: Yeah. Last week we smoked cigars and pretended to be dragons.Sheldon: Really, Amy? Tobacco and alcohol? Need I remind you not a lot of scientific discoveries were made by people having a good time?Amy: Why did you bring him? He’s harshing my buzz.Penny: I felt sorry for him. Priya’s giving him a hard time.Bernadette: Ooh, the Priya bashing’s starting early. Yay! Okay, what’s up with those pantsuits?Amy: I need some context.Penny: Pantsuits suck.Amy: And that opens her up To justifiable ridicule for wearing them. Good one, Bernadette. See? Ker-razy.Scene: The same, later.Bernadette: Whee-ee-ee!Amy: You smell like baby powder.Sheldon: It’s talc. But as that’s a primary ingredient of baby powder, I understand your confusion.Amy: Oh, I’m not confused at all. You’re like a sexy toddler.Sheldon: I don’t know how to process that.Bernadette: I do. Amy and Sheldon sitting in a tree.K-I-S-S-S-S-I-N-G.Penny: That’s too many S’s for kissing.Bernadette: Not if they’re doing it for a long time.Penny: Sheldon, have you ever kissed a girl?Sheldon: Other than my mother, my sister and my mee-maw, no. But in the interest of full disclosure, I was once on a bus and had to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to an elderly nun who passed out from heat exhaustion. Every year I get a Christmas card from her, signed with far too many X’s and O’s.Bernadette: That doesn’t count. Aren’t you even a little curious?Penny: Yeah, you’re a scientist, where is the curiosity?Amy: I’m available for experimentation.Sheldon: Thank you. Not necessary. We know everything there is to know about kissing. It requires 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles.Amy: Oh, blah, blah, blah. Give me some sugar, bestie(kisses Penny).Sheldon: I’m certainly glad no one said they were curious about Aztec human sacrifice.Penny: Hey, I know, let’s take Sheldon dancing.Bernadette: Oh, I totally want to see Sheldon dance. I bet he looks like a spider on a hot plate.Sheldon: No, thank you, bu t for the record, I’m an excellent dancer. Proficient in the rumba, waltz and cha-cha. Amy: Really?Sheldon: I don’t see why that’s surprising. I excel at so many things. You’ve had my sourdough bread.Penny: Did you take dance lessons?Sheldon: Against my will. In the South, pre-adolescent children are forced through a process called cotillion, which indoctrinates them with all the social graces and dance skills needed to function in 18th century Vienna. Penny: Oh, we are so taking you dancing.Sheldon: No, you most certainly are not.Bernadette: Well, what does your cotillion training say is expected of a gentleman when three ladies ask him to escort them to a dance soiree?Sheldon: I saved a nun’s life. Why am I being punished?Scene: A taxi.Penny: Take us to a place we can waltz.Taxidriver: Where you can what?Sheldon: Waltz. It’s a social dance from Austria, choreographed to a three-four time signature. (Sings Blue Danube. The taxi driver says something into radio in Korean. The word “waltz” is includ ed. Dispatcher replies also in Korean. Taxi driver sings Blue Danube. Dispatcher says “oh, waltz!” They speak Korean some more. )TaxiDriver: Here we go.Amy(singing): I kissed a girl and I liked it, I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it.Sheldon: What happened to you?Scene: A Korean ballroom dancing club. Sheldon and Amy are dancing.Penny: Shake it baby, shake it!Bernadette: Muycaliente, Sheldon!ElderlyKoreanGentleman: Care to dance?Bernadette: Oh, I’m sorry, I’m engaged.Korean: How about you?Penny: Oh, what the hell. Ooh!Scene: Outside Amy’s apartment.Amy: How come if we’re the smart people, we don’t do this every night?Sheldon: What’s 16 times 14?Amy: My burps taste like cranberry juice.Sheldon: And there’s your answer.Amy: Would you like to come in for a nightcap?Sheldon: If you’re referring to the beverage, you know I don’t drink. If you’re referring to the hat you don while wearing a nightshirt and holding a candle, I have one.Amy: I have yoo-hoo.Sheldon: It’s hard to say no to yoo-hoo. The name literally beckons.Amy: Make yourself comfortable.Sheldon: Thank you. Is someone smoking?Amy: Oh, that’s just Ricky.Sheldon: You own a smoking monkey?Amy: Don’t be silly. He’s one of the animals in my department’s nicotine addiction study.Sheldon: What’s he doing here?Amy: I’m giving him emphysema. The least I can do is let him hang out and watch cable.Sheldon: Remarkable. Aren’t you worried about secondhand smoke?Amy: A little. The real danger is him biting my face off while I’m sleeping.Sheldon: is he deliberately blowing smoke at me?Amy: Yeah. He’s kind of an ass.Sheldon: Thank you. May I share something with you that’s troubling me?Amy: Of course. What’s rattling around that big bulbous brain of yours?Sheldon: Priya has essentially nullified my roommate agreement with Leonard, making life in the apartment very uncomfortable for me.Amy: And you want me to kill her? Done.Sheldon: No, of course not.Amy: I trained Ricky how to smoke. I can train him to shoot a poison dart. No jury wou ld convict us ’cause people love monkeys.Sheldon: I understand the alcohol has stirred up whatever it is that makes girls go wild, but I really need to talk to smart Amy now.Amy: Excuse me. Have you considered that your intelligence might be the very thing causing your dilemma?Sheldon: No.Amy: What do you think Ricky over here would do if an interloper encroached on his territory?Sheldon: Well, when challenged, monkeys generally assert their dominance through chasing, assault and a stylized penile disp lay. That’s a little outside my comfort zone.Amy: You’re being too literal. My point is, he would not meekly surrender to the rules, and neither should you. Sheldon: Are you suggesting I play dirty?Amy: Yes, dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Which brings me to our next order of business.(Kisses him)Sheldon: Fascinating.Amy: I hope you don’t take what I’m about to do as a comment on what we just did. (Runs to bathroom and vomits)Sheldon(to Ricky): Who’s to say you shouldn’t be dissecting our brains? You really are an ass.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Morning, Sheldon.Sheldon: Oh, good, you’re up. I’ve written a new and improved roommate agreement that benefits me greatly. I’d like you to sign it.Leonard: Why would I want to do that?Sheldon: Excellent question. Do you remember what happened to the alien, played by talented character actor Frank Gorshin, in the Star Trek episode Let That Be Your Last Battlefield?Leonard: Uh, Captain Kirk activated the self-destruct sequence and threatened to blow up the Enterpriseand kill them both unless he gave in?Sheldon: Affirmative. Computer, this is Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Activate self-destruct sequence. Code 1-1-A-2-B. Female Voice: Self-destruct sequence activated.Leonard: What are you gonna do, Sheldon, blow up the apartment?Sheldon: That was my first thought, but all my cool stuff is here.Priya: So what happens when it counts down?Sheldon: Unless Leonard signs the new agreement in the next 41 seconds, this computer will send an e-mail to your paren ts in India saying that you’re in a secret relationship with the whiter-than-marshmallow-fluff Leonard Hofstadter.Priya: Oh, my God.Leonard: What’s the big deal?Priya: Trust me, it’s a big deal.Leonard: They’re gonna find out about me eventually, right?Priya: Yeah, of course, just not today.Sheldon: 20 seconds.Leonard: Are you ashamed of me?Priya: Of course not.Leonard: Then why can’t we tell your parents?Priya: Please, don’t push this.Sheldon: He does that all the time, doesn’t he? 15.Priya: Okay, fine, Sheldon, you win. Turn it off.Leonard: No, he’s bluffing.Sheldon: I never bluff. Ten.Leonard: It’s blackmail!Sheldon: Nine.Priya: We give up.Sheldon: Eight.Leonard: This is ridiculous. (Pulls out plug)Sheldon: It’s a laptop with a full charge. Honestly, what do you see in him?Priya: Give him what he wants or we’re done.Sheldon: Three.Leonard: Really?Sheldon: Two.Leonard: Okay, I’ll sign it!FemaleVoice: Self-destruct sequence aborted.Sheldon: You may have gone to Cambridge, but I’m an honorary graduate of Starfleet academy.Scene: The apartment. Sheldon is at his laptop.Sheldon: Good morning, Amy.Amy: It most assuredly is not.Sheldon: Are you experiencing dehydration, headache, nausea and shame?Amy: Yes. I also found a Korean man’s business card tucked into my cleavage. What happened last night? Sheldon: Ah, memory impairment, the free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle.Amy: Sheldon?Sheldon: All right. Last night you gave me some excellent advice regarding my problem here at home, you kissed me and then vomited on and off for 40 minutes, following which you passed out on your bathroom floor. I then folded a towel under your head as a pillow, set your oven clock to the correct time because it was driving me crazy, and I left.Amy: Okay. Don’t really know where we go from here.Sheldon: I suggest we treat our relationship as if it were a crashed computer and restore it to the last point we both agree it worked.Amy: Terrific. Thank you. (Noise of Ricky in background) They were out of menthols! Get off my back! Not easy living with a temperamental little primate.Leonard(off): Come on, Priya, just admit I embarrass you!Sheldon: You’re preaching to the choir, sister.。



Unit 1Text A Love and logic: The story of a fallacy爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事1 I had my first date with Polly after I made the trade with my roommate Rob. That year every guy on campushad a leather jacket, and Rob couldn't stand the idea of being the only football player who didn't, so he made a pact that he'd give me his girl in exchange for my jacket. He wasn't the brightest guy. Polly wasn't too shrewd, either.在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。



2 But she was pretty, well-off, didn't dye her hair strange colors or wear too much makeup. She had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer. If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition.但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。







三、责任和义务1. 各方应根据本协议的约定,履行各自的责任和义务。

2. 各方应按时完成工作任务,并保证工作质量符合约定。

3. 各方必须保守商业秘密,不得泄露给任何第三方。

4. 各方在合作过程中应充分协商,共同解决问题,确保工作正常进行。


五、保密条款1. 各方同意在合作期间及合作终止后,对于双方在合作过程中获知的商业秘密,互不泄露。

2. 在以下情况下,任何一方可以对另一方的商业秘密进行披露:a) 得到披露方书面同意;b) 法律、法规要求或相关法院命令要求;c) 必要时向专业咨询机构披露。

六、合作终止1. 合作期限届满后,合作自动终止。

2. 在以下情况下,任何一方可提前通知另一方合作终止:a) 双方协商一致决定;b) 一方违反本协议的约定,且在接到违约通知后未在合理期限内改正。


八、附则1. 本协议一式两份,各方各执一份,在德国法律的约束下解释和执行。

2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商确定。

签署人签名:签署人签名:签署人姓名:签署人姓名:签署日期:签署日期:九、违约责任1. 如果任何一方未能履行本协议约定的任何责任或义务,则应承担相应的违约责任。

2. 违约方应在接到违约通知后立即采取必要措施进行纠正,并对违约给对方造成的损害承担赔偿责任。



有关roommate英文作文英文:Roommates can be a mixed bag. On one hand, you might end up with someone who becomes a great friend and enhances your college experience. On the other hand, you could end up with someone who drives you crazy and makes you dread going back to your dorm room. I've had both experiences, so I'll share some of my thoughts on the matter.Firstly, communication is key. If you're not comfortable with something your roommate is doing, you need to speak up. It's better to address issues early on rather than let them fester and create resentment. For example, I had a roommate who would always leave her dirty dishes in the sink for days on end. At first, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to start a conflict. But eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and I politely asked her to clean up after herself. From then on, our living situation was much more harmonious.Secondly, it's important to be respectful of eachother's space and belongings. Just because you're sharing a room doesn't mean you have free reign to use your roommate's things without permission. A good rule of thumb is to ask before borrowing anything. For example, I had a roommate who would always borrow my clothes without asking. It was annoying because sometimes I would go to put on a shirt and it wouldn't be there. Once I talked to her about it, she started asking before borrowing and ourrelationship improved.Finally, it's okay to have different lifestyles and interests. Just because you're roommates doesn't mean you have to be best friends or do everything together. It's important to have your own space and hobbies. For example, I had a roommate who was really into partying and staying out late. I, on the other hand, preferred to stay in and study. We respected each other's lifestyles and didn't try to force the other person to conform.Overall, having a good roommate can greatly enhanceyour college experience, but it takes effort and communication to make it work.中文:室友可以是个混合体。



同意协议的英文单词AgreementThis Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [date] by and between [Party A] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), a company incorporated under the laws of [Country/Region], with its registered office at [Address], and [Party B] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"), a company incorporated under the laws of [Country/Region], with its registered office at [Address].Whereas Party A [reason for entering into the Agreement].Whereas Party B [reason for entering into the Agreement].Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:1. Identity of the PartiesParty A and Party B are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties."2. Obligations of Parties2.1 Although the Parties enter into this Agreement from different locations, they shall abide by the laws, regulations, and policies of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions during the performance of this Agreement.2.2 Party A has the following rights and obligations:2.2.1 [Obligation of Party A];2.2.2 [Obligation of Party A];2.2.3 [Obligation of Party A].2.3 Party B has the following rights and obligations:2.3.1 [Obligation of Party B];2.3.2 [Obligation of Party B];2.3.3 [Obligation of Party B].3. Fulfillment Method and Time Limit3.1 Party A shall fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Agreement and in a timely, accurate, and complete manner.3.2 Party B shall fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Agreement and in a timely, accurate, and complete manner.4. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party breaches this Agreement, resulting in any loss or damage to the other party, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for such loss or damage according to law.4.2 If either party breaches this Agreement and fails to perform its obligations hereunder or fails to perform its obligations in accordance with the Agreement, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.5. Force Majeure5.1 If either party is unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to a force majeure event such as a natural disaster, war, or other unforeseeable event outside its control, the party affected by the force majeure event shall promptly notify the other party in writing.5.2 The affected party shall take appropriate measures to mitigate the impact of the force majeure event and resume performance of its obligations as soon as possible.6. Effectiveness and Enforceability of the Agreement6.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the date it is signed by both parties.6.2 This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties and their respective successors and assigns.6.3 Our company shall be entitled to a full and effective remedy by the law in case of breach of this Agreement.7. Other7.1 Any matters not provided for in this Agreement shall be subject to the agreement of both Parties in writing as a supplementary agreement to this Agreement.7.2 This Agreement shall be executed in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.7.3 Any modification, amendment, or supplement to this Agreement must be made in writing after negotiations between the Parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written.[Party A]Signature:Printed Name:Title:[Party B]Signature:Printed Name:Title:。



双方签订协议英文英文版协议(以中方为甲方,外方为乙方)AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into by and between:Party A: [Name or Company Name]Address: [Address]Legal representative: [Name]Party B: [Name or Company Name]Address: [Address]Legal representative: [Name]Whereas Party A and Party B intend to cooperate with each other on [Purpose of the Agreement];Whereas both Parties have agreed to sign this Agreement to set forth their respective rights and obligations and to follow the applicable laws and regulations in China.Now, therefore, the Parties agree as follows:Article 1. Basic Information of Both Parties1.1 Party A:[Name or Company Name][Address][Legal Representative][Business License No.]1.2 Party B:[Name or Company Name][Address][Legal Representative][Business Registration No.]Article 2. DefinitionsIn this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:2.1 “Agreement” means this Agreement and all the annexes attached hereto.2.2 “Effective Date” means the date of this Agreement.2.3 “Confidential Information” means any information that is not generally known to the public and that is owned or controlled by either Party.Article 3. Purpose of the Agreement3.1 Party A and Party B intend to cooperate with each other to [Purpose of the Agreement].3.2 Both Parties agree to abide by the applicable laws and regulations in China.Article 4. Scope of Cooperation4.1 Party A shall provide [Services/Products/Technology] to Party B.4.2 Party B shall [Payment/Terms/Conditions] to Party A for the [Services/Products/Technology] provided by Party A.4.3 The Parties shall work together in good faith to achieve the objectives of this Agreement.Article 5. Term of Agreement5.1 This Agreement shall come into effect on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until terminated pursuant to Article6.5.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other Party at least [○○] days prior to the intended termination date.Article 6. Termination6.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement on the occurrence of any of the following events:6.1.1 A material breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the other Party;6.1.2 The occurrence of any event that makes it impossible or impracticable to continue the cooperation contemplated by this Agreement; or6.1.3 Any other cause as may be agreed by the Parties.6.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, each Party shall return all documents, materials, and other property of the other Party that is in its possession or under its control.Article 7. Confidentiality7.1 Both Parties shall keep the Confidential Information of the other Party confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.7.2 The confidentiality obligations under this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement.Article 8. Representations and Warranties8.1 Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that:8.1.1 It has the corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement;8.1.2 It has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement;8.1.3 This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation of such Party, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; and8.1.4 It has not entered into any agreement that would conflict with or result in a breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Article 9. Liability and Indemnification9.1 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost profits or business interruption.9.2 Both Parties shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against all claims, demands, suits, judgments, costs, expenses, and damages arising out of or in connection with the breach of any of the representations, warranties, covenants, or agreements of such Party under this Agreement.Article 10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution10.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of People’s Republic of China.10.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through amicable consultation among the Parties. In case the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute in such manner, the dispute shall be submitted to the[Chosen Court or Arbitration Institution] for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedure.Article 11. Entire Agreement and Modification11.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written.11.2 Any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.Article 12. NoticesAll notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered in person, by email, or sent by registered mail.Party A: [Name/Company Name](Signature of Authorized Representative):___________________________Date:______________________________________________________ __Party B: [Name/Company Name](Signature of Authorized Representative):___________________________Date:______________________________________________________ __。



英语作文宿舍的规章制度和感受Dorm Regulations and Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide.Living in a dormitory is a rite of passage for many students. It can be an exciting and rewarding experience,but it can also be challenging at times. To make the mostof your dorm experience, it's important to be aware of the rules and regulations that are in place.General Regulations.Most dormitories have a set of general regulations that all residents must follow. These regulations typicallycover things like:Quiet hours.Alcohol and drug use.Smoking.Overnight guests.Pets.Common areas.Laundry facilities.It's important to be familiar with these regulations and to follow them carefully. If you violate the regulations, you may be subject to disciplinary action.Roommate Agreements.In addition to the general regulations, you may also have to agree to a roommate agreement. This agreement will outline the expectations of each roommate, such as:Cleaning responsibilities.Noise levels.Bedtimes.Guests.It's important to discuss these expectations with your roommate upfront and to come to an agreement that both of you can live with.Safety and Security.Your dormitory should be a safe and secure place to live. Most dormitories have security measures in place, such as:Locked doors.Security cameras.Security guards.It's important to take advantage of these securitymeasures and to do your part to keep your dorm safe. For example, always lock your door when you leave your room and never let strangers into the building.Building and Room Maintenance.Your dormitory is your home away from home, so it's important to keep it clean and well-maintained. Most dormitories have a maintenance staff that is responsiblefor taking care of the building and the rooms. However,it's also important for residents to do their part to keep the dorm clean. For example, you should:Clean your room regularly.Take out the trash.Report any maintenance issues to the staff.Fire Safety.Fire safety is an important concern in any building,but it's especially important in dormitories. Most dormitories have fire alarms and sprinklers in place. However, it's still important for residents to be aware of fire safety and to take precautions to prevent fires. For example, you should:Never leave candles or incense burning unattended.Never smoke in your room.Keep your room clean and free of clutter.Personal Belongings.It's important to keep your personal belongings safe and secure. Most dormitories have lockers or other storage areas where you can store your valuables. You should also consider getting renters insurance to protect your belongings in case of theft or damage.Community Living.Living in a dormitory is a great way to meet new people and make friends. There are many opportunities to socialize in the common areas, such as the lounge, kitchen, and game room. You can also join clubs and organizations that are affiliated with your dormitory.Living in a dormitory can be a challenging experience at times, but it can also be a rewarding one. By following the rules and regulations, taking care of your personal belongings, and getting involved in the community, you can make the most of your dorm experience.My Personal Experience.I lived in a dormitory for two years during my undergraduate studies. I found it to be a positive experience overall. I met many new people, made lifelong friends, and learned a lot about myself.Of course, there were some challenges as well. I had to adjust to living with a roommate, sharing a bathroom with other people, and following the dorm regulations. However,I was able to overcome these challenges and have a great experience.One of the things I enjoyed most about living in a dormitory was the sense of community. I lived in a small dorm with only about 100 students. This allowed me to getto know my neighbors and feel like I was part of a close-knit community.I also enjoyed the convenience of living in a dormitory.I was able to walk to class, the library, and the dining hall. I also had access to a variety of amenities, such asa fitness center, a swimming pool, and a game room.Overall, I had a positive experience living in a dormitory. I met many new people, made lifelong friends,and learned a lot about myself. I would recommend living in a dormitory to any student who is considering it.。



英语作文找室友模板Title: Seeking a Roommate: A Comprehensive Guide。

Finding the right roommate can greatly enhance your living experience, transforming your shared space into a harmonious and enjoyable environment. Here's a guide to help you in your quest to find the perfect roommate.Introduction:Living with a roommate can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful consideration and compatibility. Whether you're searching for a roommate to share expenses, companionship, or simply to split household chores, finding the right match is crucial for a successful cohabitation.1. Determine Your Preferences:Before beginning your search, take some time to reflect on your own preferences and lifestyle. Consider factorssuch as cleanliness, noise tolerance, smoking habits, and pet ownership. Knowing what you're looking for in a roommate will help you narrow down your options and find someone who aligns with your lifestyle.2. Create a Detailed Listing:Craft a detailed listing outlining the specifics of the living arrangement you're offering. Include important details such as location, rent, utilities, and any house rules or expectations. Be honest and transparent about what you're looking for in a roommate to attract suitable candidates.3. Utilize Online Platforms:Take advantage of online platforms and social media networks to advertise your listing. Websites like Craigslist, Roomster, and Facebook groups dedicated to housing can help you reach a wide audience of potential roommates. Be sure to include photos of the living space to give potential candidates a clear idea of what to expect.4. Screen Potential Roommates:Once you start receiving inquiries, take the time to thoroughly screen potential roommates. Schedule interviews or virtual meetings to get to know them better and ask questions about their lifestyle, habits, and preferences. Trust your instincts and prioritize candidates who seem compatible with your living style.5. Conduct Background Checks:Before making a final decision, consider conducting background checks on potential roommates to ensure compatibility and safety. Verify their employment status, rental history, and personal references to gain a comprehensive understanding of their background.6. Discuss Expectations:Once you've identified a potential roommate, have an open and honest discussion about expectations, boundaries,and responsibilities. Clarify important details such as rent payment schedules, household chores, and guestpolicies to avoid conflicts down the line. Clear communication is key to maintaining a harmonious living environment.7. Sign a Roommate Agreement:To protect both parties and establish clear guidelines for cohabitation, consider drafting a roommate agreement outlining all terms and conditions of the living arrangement. Include details such as rent payment responsibilities, chore assignments, quiet hours, and conflict resolution procedures. Having a written agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes in the future.8. Maintain Open Communication:Throughout your cohabitation, prioritize open and honest communication with your roommate. Address any issues or concerns as they arise and work together to findmutually satisfactory solutions. Respect each other's privacy, space, and boundaries to foster a positive and respectful living environment.Conclusion:Finding the perfect roommate requires careful consideration, communication, and compatibility. By following these steps and taking the time to screen potential candidates, you can increase your chances of finding a roommate who enhances your living experience. Remember to prioritize honesty, respect, and open communication to cultivate a harmonious and enjoyable living environment for both parties.。



找一个室友合租英语作文英文回答:Finding a roommate is an important decision that can have a significant impact on your living situation. Here are some things to consider when looking for a roommate:Compatibility: It is important to find a roommate who you are compatible with in terms of lifestyle, values, and habits. Consider your sleep schedules, cleaning habits, and social preferences.Communication: Open and honest communication is essential for a successful roommate relationship. Make sure you can communicate your needs and expectations clearly and respectfully.Boundaries: It is important to establish clear boundaries with your roommate. This includes respecting each other's personal space, privacy, and belongings.Financial responsibility: Discuss financial arrangements up front, including rent, utilities, and other shared expenses. Make sure you are both comfortable with the agreed-upon terms.Legal considerations: If you are entering into a formal lease agreement with your roommate, make sure you understand your legal rights and responsibilities.中文回答:寻找室友。



20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXX美国留学个性化服务协议书合同编号_________一、合同主体甲方:____________________地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________乙方:____________________地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________二、合同前言2.1 背景和目的鉴于甲方有意向寻求美国留学相关的个性化服务,以提高申请成功率及留学体验;乙方拥有丰富的美国留学服务经验,能为甲方提供专业、个性化的服务。


2.2 合同依据本合同依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,经双方友好协商,自愿签订。

三、定义与解释3.1 专业术语本合同所述“美国留学个性化服务”,是指乙方根据甲方的需求,为其提供包括但不限于选校指导、申请材料准备、签证辅导、行前培训等一站式服务。

3.2 关键词解释1) “申请成功率”:指甲方在乙方的服务下,获得美国院校录取通知书的概率。

2) “留学体验”:包括甲方在美国留学期间的学术、生活、文化等各方面的体验。

3) “合同履行”:指乙方按照本合同的约定,完成甲方委托的美国留学个性化服务。

四、权利与义务4.1 甲方的权利和义务1) 甲方有权要求乙方按照约定提供美国留学个性化服务。

2) 甲方应如实向乙方提供个人背景、学术成绩等相关信息,以便乙方为其提供合适的服务。

3) 甲方应按时支付服务费用。

4.2 乙方的权利和义务1) 乙方应按照本合同的约定,为甲方提供专业的美国留学个性化服务。

2) 乙方有权要求甲方提供真实、准确的信息,以便乙方更好地提供服务。

3) 乙方应在合同履行期间,为甲方的隐私信息保密。



宿舍协议书英文翻译Dormitory AgreementThis agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [date] by and between [Party A], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Party B], with its principal place of business at [address]. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which [Party A] will allow [Party B] to occupy and use a dormitory room located at [address].1. Basic Information of the Parties1.1 [Party A] and [Party B] are legally registered entities in the People’s Republic of China (“China”).1.2 [Party A] is the owner and/or operator of the dormitory located at [address].1.3 [Party B] is an individual or group of individuals who seek to use [Party A]’s dormitory for the purpose of temporary accommodation.2. Types of Parties, Rights, Obligations, Performance Methods, Term, and Default Liability2.1 [Party A] undertakes to provide [Party B] with the following types of services:(a) Accommodation services, including the use of the dormitory room;(b) Maintenance and repair of the dormitory room and associated facilities;(c) Provision of basic dormitory services and management.2.2 [Party B] shall undertake the following obligations:(a) Comply with the rules and regulations of the dormitory, including but not limited to those concerning the use of facilities and the maintenance of public order;(b) Pay the dormitory fees in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;(c) Ensure that the dormitory is kept clean and tidy;(d) Take good care of the facilities and equipment in the dormitory;(e) Observe safety and fire prevention regulations;(f) Not engage in any illegal activities that would disturb public order and damage the reputation of the dormitory.2.3 The parties agree that the term of this Agreement shall be [insert term]. Upon its expiration, either party may terminate this Agreement with [insert notice period] prior written notice to the other party.2.4 If either party breaches this Agreement, the breaching party shall be responsible for all losses incurred by thenon-breaching party. In addition, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and claim damages from the breaching party.3. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations3.1 The parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of China and shall not engage in any activities that violate such laws and regulations.3.2 [Party A] shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the operation of a dormitory.4. Clear Rights and Obligations4.1 This Agreement sets forth the clear and unequivocal rights and obligations of each party.4.2 Should a dispute arise between the parties concerning this Agreement, the parties shall attempt to resolve it amicably. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the parties agree to submit the dispute to [insert method of dispute resolution].5. Legal Effectiveness and Enforcement5.1 This Agreement is legally binding and enforceable in accordance with the laws and regulations of China.5.2 In the event that any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.This Agreement is executed in duplicate on the date first above written.[Party A]Name:Title:[Party B]Name:Title:。



宿舍协议书英语作文Dormitory AgreementThis Dormitory Agreement (hereafter "Agreement") is made and entered into between [Name], residing at [Address], hereafter referred to as "Tenant," and [Name], residing at [Address], hereafter referred to as "Landlord."1. Identity of PartiesThe Tenant is a student, and the Landlord is the owner of the premises where the Tenant will be staying.2. Purpose of AgreementThis Agreement is entered into for the purpose of defining the rights, duties, and obligations of the Tenant and the Landlord in connection with the occupancy of the premises located at [Address].3. Term of AgreementThis Agreement shall be effective on the day of execution and shall continue for a period of [Duration] months.4. OccupancyThe Tenant shall occupy the premises for residential purposes only and shall agree to abide by all pertinent laws, regulations, and ordinances.5. Rent PaymentThe Tenant shall pay rent to the Landlord [Amount] per month. Rent shall be paid on the [Date] day of each month and shall be considered late if not received by the [Date] day of the following month. Late rent shall be subject to a fee of [Amount] per day.6. Security DepositThe Tenant shall deposit [Amount] with the Landlord as security for its obligations under this Agreement. The security deposit shall not be used to pay rent.7. Maintenance and RepairsThe Landlord will maintain the premises in good condition and shall make necessary repairs when needed. The Tenant shall keep the premises clean and in good condition and shall report any damage to the Landlord immediately.8. Use of PropertyThe Tenant shall use the premises for lawful purposes only. The Tenant shall be responsible for the actions of any guests on the premises.9. Termination of AgreementEither party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice at least [Notice Period] days before termination.10. DefaultIf the Tenant fails to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement, the Landlord may terminate this Agreement and take appropriate legal action to recover any damages incurred.11. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.12. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between parties, whether written or oral.13. SignaturesThe parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.Tenant: ___________________________Date: ______________________________Landlord: __________________________Date: _______________________________。



宿舍协议书英文Dormitory AgreementThis Dormitory Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is hereby entered into on [DATE] by and between [NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Landlord") and [NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant").IN CONSIDERATION OF the premises and the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:I. BASIC INFORMATIONLandlord: [NAME]Address: [ADDRESS]Telephone: [TELEPHONE]Taxpayer Identification Number: [TAX ID]Tenant: [NAME]Address (previous): [ADDRESS]Address (current): [ADDRESS]Telephone: [TELEPHONE]Nationality: [NATIONALITY]ID Number: [ID NUMBER]Passport Number: [PASSPORT NUMBER]II. IDENTITY, RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS, EXECUTION AND TERM1. Identity The Tenant is a student or employee of [SCHOOL/COMPANY], [FACULTY/DEPARTMENT] (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").2. Rights The Tenant is entitled to use the leased property (hereinafter referred to as the "Dormitory") for personal living purposes.3. Obligations The Tenant agrees to rent and use the Dormitory in accordance with the law and this Agreement, to keep the Dormitory clean and tidy, to take good care of the facilities and equipment in the Dormitory, and to pay the rent and utilities on time and in full.4. Execution The Tenant shall pay rent and other expenses to the Landlord within [NUMBER] days of receipt of a written notice from the Landlord.5. Term The term of this Agreement shall be [NUMBER] months, commencing on [START DATE] and ending on [END DATE].III. VIOLATIONS AND LIABILITY1. Violations The Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of the Landlord, allow any person other than those named in this Agreement to live in the Dormitory. The Tenant shall not use the Dormitory for any illegal or immoral activities.2. Liability If the Tenant violates this Agreement, the Landlord has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, require the Tenant to vacate the Dormitory immediately, and claim damages from the Tenant.IV. APPLICABLE LAWSThis Agreement and all disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by the laws and regulations of China.V. LEGAL EFFECTIVENESSAll parties agree that this Agreement shall be legally binding once signed by the parties, and shall be enforceable in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of China.VI. MISCELLANEOUS1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written.2. This Agreement may be amended only in writing of the parties or their duly authorized representatives.3. This Agreement shall be executed in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Landlord (Seal):______________________________Tenant (Seal):______________________________。



宿舍协议书英语Dormitory AgreementThis Dormitory Agreement ("Agreement") is made and enteredinto on [Date] between [University Name], a [State]educational institution with its principal place of businessat [Address] ("Institution"), and [Student Name], a studentof the Institution, with a residential address at [Student Address] ("Student").1. Purpose of AgreementThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which the Student will reside in theInstitution's dormitory facilities.2. Term of AgreementThis Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. OccupancyThe Student is entitled to occupy the assigned dormitory room, subject to the rules and regulations of the Institution, andto the terms and conditions set forth herein.4. Payment of FeesThe Student agrees to pay the dormitory fees as stipulated by the Institution, which are due and payable in accordance withthe payment schedule provided by the Institution.5. Rules and RegulationsThe Student shall abide by all rules and regulations of the Institution, including but not limited to those relating to quiet hours, visitors, smoking, alcohol, and other conduct within the dormitory.6. Maintenance and RepairsThe Institution shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the dormitory facilities, except for damages caused by the Student's negligence or willful misconduct.7. Health and SafetyThe Student shall comply with all health and safety regulations and shall promptly report any health or safety concerns to the Institution.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [number of days] days after receiving written notice of the breach.9. IndemnificationThe Student agrees to indemnify and hold the Institution harmless from any and all claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Student's use of the dormitory facilities, except to the extent caused by the Institution's negligence.10. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.11. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the parties.12. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State Name],without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provisions.13. AmendmentThis Agreement may not be amended or modified except inwriting signed by both parties.14. AssignmentThe Student shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Institution.15. NoticesAll notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by overnight courier or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses set forth above or to such other address as either party may designatein writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Dormitory Agreement as of the date first above written.[University Name] [Student Name]By: [Authorized Signature] By: [Student Signature]Print Name: [Authorized Signatory] Print Name: [Student Name]。



This document is designed to provide its users the opportunity to establish some guidelines related to the details of their living arrangements. Users are encouraged to spend quality time discussing each section, being as forthright and honest with their opinions as possible.This agreement made on ________________________________________ 20_____ is a contract between roommates: ____________________________________, ____________________________________,______________________________________, and ______________________________________,co-tenants at (Address of Unit): . We understand that we are entering into a legally binding agreement with the roommates above. We also understand that we, as a group and as individuals, are responsible to our landlord, the utility companies, the telephone company and each other.TERM OR PERIOD OF AGREEMENTThis agreement is to begin on ______________________ for a term lasting from ___________________ to_______________________. We fully understand and accept the rules and responsibilities of this agreement. SECURITY DEPOSITThe security deposit for the dwelling unit is $__________. Each of us will be responsible for a share in the amount of $_________. We understand that this amount will be returned, less our share of any amount deducted by the landlord for unpaid rent, and/or damages. We accept responsibility for damages that we, our guests, family, and pet(s) causes and will reimburse our roommate(s) for the part of their security deposit withheld for those damages within 30 days of the date of deduction.RENTThe total rent according to the terms of our lease agreement with our landlord for the dwelling is $________ per month. We agree to each pay 1/___ of the monthly rent. This amounts to $_______. The rent will be paid on the ___ day of the month by (designate person) . This person will also be responsible for obtaining a receipt from the landlord showing that the rent was paid. We understand that as a group, and as individuals, we are responsible to our landlord for the total rent for the term of the agreement. If any of the roommates cannot pay their portion of the rent by the date it is due, the roommate who cannot pay or pays late will be responsible for any late charges accrued and consequences thereof. UTILITIESWe each agree to pay % of all bills (to include gas, utilities, water, the fixed monthly telephone charge, cable, deposits and/or hook-up charges for all utilities). We accept responsibility for prompt paymentof our portions of the bills, including any long distance calls and taxes, within 10 days of receiving the bill. Each roommate is also responsible for the long distance calls placed by their friends or relatives. The utility bills will be paid by (designated person) by the due date on each bill.Check all services that roommates will share responsibility for:Gas Heating Telephone Trash PickupGas Cooking Internet Access Yard WorkElectric Cable/Satellite TV Renter’s InsuranceWater NewspaperServices that roommates will be responsible for individually:Parking Telephone NewspaperInternet Access Cable/Satellite TV Pet CareMOVING OUTIf, for whatever reason, one of the roommates moves out of the dwelling, they will give the other tenants andthe landlord a minimum of 60 days written advance notice. The person moving out early will pay their portionof the monthly rent and utilities for the entire 60 day period, even if leaving sooner. The exception will be if anew roommate moves in before the 60-day period is up.It is primarily the responsibility of the departing roommate to find a replacement and to look for areplacement that is acceptable to the present roommates and landlord. While the remaining roommates andlandlord will have ultimate approval of any new roommate, they understand the need to be reasonable inaccepting a replacement roommate.If a new roommate moves in, all roommates and the landlord must approve, and the new roommate must signhis/her name to this contract. The new roommate is obligated to pay a deposit equal to the amount describedabove in the “Security Deposit” sectionprior to moving in. This money will be paid directly to the departingroommate. A forwarding address, in writing, should be provided for purposes of security deposit disposition.If moving out of the dwelling and a replacement roommate has not been found, a refund of the securitydeposit will need to wait until the end of the lease term, or until a replacement roommate is found. Until areplacement roommate signs on the lease, and/or the landlord removes the departing roommate from the lease,the departing roommate is not released from certain legal responsibilities to the landlord or to the otherroommates, including for rent and possible apartment damages.MEDIATIONIf any of the roommates breaches this contract, all roommates agree to first try to resolve the dispute through mediation. A neutral third party will be mutually agreed upon to act as mediator. If this is unsuccessful, or notpossible, then the roommate(s) have the option to pursue legal action.If, at the end of the lease period, the roommates do not wish to continue to live together but both/all wish toremain in the above named residence, a neutral third party will be mutually agreed upon to draw the name ofthe roommate who will retain the right of sole occupancy. If no agreement can be reached, the landlord or anagent shall serve in this capacity and draw in the presence of both/all parties. The person(s) who lose(s) willvacate the dwelling within 30 days of the decision.RESPECTRespect shall be the cornerstone for all other categories of this agreement, and for successful housing sharingsts; No talking aboutin general. This respect shall include: Politeness to each other, and to each other’s gueconfidential roommate matters to others; No posting roommate’s personal information or pictures on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, or any other website; Respect for each other’s religious beliefs andIn addition, we agree to the following arrangements regarding:Food/Cooking/Kitchen Supplies/Kitchen Clean-up:Draw up specific rules about who is responsible for buying kitchen supplies and food staples; decide if turnswill be taken cooking meals and washing dishes; set down rules about food sharing; or set general rules like"all dirty dishes must be washed and put away promptly – not left in the sink."_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cleanliness/Cleaning Supplies/Cleaning Responsibilities:Draw up specific rules about who is responsible for keeping which rooms clean; set a cleaning schedule; oror "shoes must be removed upon entering."set general house rules like "no clothes on the floor in open areas” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Privacy/Guests/Overnight Guests:Roommates are entitled to bring visitors into their room or apartment, but it's important not to abuse thisprivilege. You might set some rules about overnight guests-- both the platonic kind and the romantic kind.(Test to see how well insulated is the bedroom walls.) You might also set rules about the frequency of guests& duration of their stay. You don't want any guest to become an unofficial resident, who lives rent & chorefree, while eating your food._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sharing of Personal Items:Roommates agree to refrain from borrowing personal property without prior approval. Exceptions to thisshould be clearly stated, with the roommate’s reserving the right to change their minds about the sharing o items. If damage is done to personal property, the roommate responsible for the damage will be held liable.If clothes are borrowed, with permission, the borrower is expected to return the items cleaned._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Noise/Study Times & Space:If there are times when you want the room or apartment to be quiet---for sleep, studying, prayer, or whatever--put this in your contract. Discuss what constitutes noise – must the TV or radio be turned off, are no guestsallowed over, etc. Discuss how much you plan to use the apartment as a study area, or for holding studygroups, or if quiet-loving roommates are expected to study in the library._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Smoking, Drinking, Drugs:. Might you beOpenly Share your preferences and concerns about what is and isn’t allowed in the apartmentresponsible for a guest drinking & driving? What about second hand smoke or use of illegal substances?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parties/Entertaining:Set ground rules for advance notice, frequency, maximum number of guests, off-limit rooms, parties onschool nights, and morning after clean-up. Maybe the host must spring for a maid to clean up the mess left in the bathroom._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pets/Allergies:This can be a life threatening issue. Put in writing any serious allergies your roommates should be aware of, and what to do if you are exposed. This might also be an opportunity to disclose any other health concerns.If your lease allows pets, discuss your preferences and identify who will be responsible for feeding, walking, and cleaning up after the pet._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL REMARKS:(Attach additional sheets if necessary to address other issues such as security, furniture, appliances):________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ As party to this agreement I realize that I, as well as each of my roommates, have equal rights to the use of the space and facilities in the dwelling with the exception of the areas we have designated as each one's private space. This agreement is intended to promote harmony between roommates by clarifying the expectations and responsibilities of roommates to each other. ANY OF THESE PROVISIONS MAY BE CHANGED BY WRITTEN MUTUAL CONSENT. THIS IS AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ROOMMATES AND DOES NOT AFFECTTHE LANDLORD’S RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES UNDER THE LEASE.Each roommate should sign below and receive an original copy._____________________________________________________________________________________________Roommate 1 signature & date_____________________________________________________________________________________________Roommate 2 signature & date_____________________________________________________________________________________________Roommate 3 signature & date_____________________________________________________________________________________________Roommate 4 signature & date_____________________________________________________________________________________________Roommate 5 signature & date。






室友的英语说法1:roommate室友的英语说法2:chum室友的相关短语:不良室友 bad room-mate寝室室友 Roommates同窗室友 Classmate Roommate室友的英语例句:1. Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。

2. Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.吸烟者和不吸烟者被配对儿成为室友。

3. Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate's bracelet disappeared.自从室友的手镯不见以后,乔伊斯一直受到怀疑.4. I learned from his roommate that he had been in hospital for over a week.从他的室友那里,我知道他已经进医院一个多星期了.5. He was as cross as two sticks when his roommate took his umbrella without getting his agreement.他非常生气,因为他的室友未经同意就把他的伞带走了.6. He drugged his roommate and stole his money.他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱.7. The uncongenial roommates were always fighting.意气不相投的室友们经常争吵.8. He was my roommate in college.他是我大学时的室友.9. I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps.我能根据室友的脚步声辨认出他们.10. He bogs down, sees his roommate seldom.他忙得气都透不过来, 也很少见到同室的那位室友.11. He refused to prepare for the exam, but counted on being able to pick his roommate's brains.他不肯准备考试, 仗着他能够向室友请教.12. I'd like to introduce you to my room - mates.我想介绍你认识我的室友们.13. One of my roommates was courageous enough to join them actively.我有一个室友很勇敢,积极地加入到他们当中去.14. An imaginary roommate named Charles Herman.一个虚构的室友叫查尔斯·赫尔曼.15. Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?如果你不想找室友为什么还要贴海报呢 ?。



美国寄宿家庭协议书甲方(寄宿家庭):[寄宿家庭全名]地址:[寄宿家庭地址]联系电话:[寄宿家庭联系电话]乙方(寄宿学生):[寄宿学生全名]国籍:[寄宿学生国籍]护照号码:[寄宿学生护照号码]联系电话:[寄宿学生联系电话]鉴于甲方愿意提供住宿给乙方,乙方愿意接受甲方提供的住宿条件,双方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条住宿安排1.1 甲方同意向乙方提供位于[具体地址]的住宿条件。

1.2 乙方同意按照甲方提供的条件居住,并遵守甲方的住宿规则。

第二条住宿费用2.1 乙方同意支付给甲方每月[具体金额]美元作为住宿费用。

2.2 住宿费用应于每月的第一天支付给甲方。

2.3 若乙方未能按时支付住宿费用,甲方有权要求乙方立即搬离。

第三条住宿期限3.1 本协议的住宿期限为[开始日期]至[结束日期]。

3.2 如乙方需要延长住宿期限,应至少提前30天书面通知甲方,并经甲方同意。

第四条住宿规则4.1 乙方应遵守甲方的住宿规则,包括但不限于安静时间、访客政策、卫生要求等。

4.2 乙方不得在住宿期间从事任何违法活动。

4.3 乙方应妥善使用甲方提供的设施和物品。

第五条隐私保护5.1 甲方应尊重乙方的隐私,未经乙方同意,不得进入乙方的私人空间。

5.2 乙方也应尊重甲方家庭成员的隐私。

第六条保险和责任6.1 乙方应自行购买适当的保险,以覆盖在住宿期间可能发生的意外或损失。

6.2 甲方不对乙方在住宿期间的个人物品或人身安全承担责任。

第七条协议的变更和解除7.1 双方可协商一致对本协议进行变更或补充。

7.2 任何一方均可在提前30天书面通知对方的情况下解除本协议。

第八条争议解决8.1 本协议的解释、适用及争议解决均适用美国法律。

8.2 双方因本协议产生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可提交至甲方所在地的有管辖权的法院解决。

第九条其他9.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。

9.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

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[Sample] Roommate AgreementOn [month/day] , [year], we, the tenants named below, signed a lease agreement for the residential property at the address listed below. By entering into this roommate agreement, we hope to ensure that rental responsibilities will be understood and shared by all roommates as described in this agreement.This Roommate Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between [tenant name] , [tenant name] , and [tenant name] , for the residential property at:[address] . We are entering into this Agreement in order to identify the rights and responsibilities of each tenant during the course of the lease agreement.This Agreement runs concurrently with the lease agreement for the residential property, which is effective from [month/day], [year], to [month/day], [year].1. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The total security deposit amount that we paid the landlord for the residence as required by the lease agreement is $ [amount] , which was paid to [“the landlord” or name of roommate] on [month/day], [year]. Individually, we each paid a portion of the security deposit as follows:[tenant name]$ [amount][tenant name] $ [amount][tenant name]$ [amount]Each roommate will receive his/her share of the security deposit if and when the landlord returns it after the lease term ends. Any deduction(s) from the deposit by the landlord shall be withheld from all of the roommates in proportion to the amount of deposit that he/she paid. However, any damage to the residence caused by a particular roommate or roommates shall be charged only to the roommate(s) who caused the damage.2. RENT: Under the terms of the lease agreement, the total rental amount due each month to the landlord is $ [amount] . Each roommate shall pay the following amount:[tenant name]$ [amount][tenant name] $ [amount][tenant name]$ [amount]Rent must be paid in the form of (indicate form, e.g., “cash/check/cashier’s check”) to [ex: “landlord” or name of roommate] . The rent is due on the (e.g., “f irst”) day of each month.3. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES: A single ledger (with item description, cost, and date of purchase) will be kept listing all household supplies purchased by each roommate. The supplies may include such things as paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning fluids, dish detergent, foil, plastic trash bags, scrub brushes, and any other goods needed for the home which will be shared by allroommates. The purchaser of household supplies will be entitled to reimbursement from the other roommates.4. KITCHEN USE AND CLEAN-UP: (check one)___ Food expenses will be shared equally by all roommates.___ Food will be purchased by each roommate individually.Food may not be borrowed without the purchaser’s approval. Each roommate will have [“separate” if available] storage space for his/her groceries. Roommates may choose to share in meal preparation and clean up. Each roommate will clean up the kitchen after his/her use.5. PERSONAL PROPERTY: All tenants agree to not use or borrow other roommates’ personal item(s) without the approval of the roommate who owns the property. Any exception(s) to this rule will be clearly stated and agreed upon, and the roommate who owns the property retains the right to change his/her mind about sharing his/her property. Any personal property that is borrowed will be used respectfully and returned in the same condition. If any damage is done to a roommate’s personal property, the roommate(s) responsible for causing the damage will compensate the roommate who owns the personal property for his/her loss.6. CLEANING: Each roommate agrees to share the responsibilities of cleaning and maintaining the residence, which may include dusting, vacuuming, emptying trash, mopping/sweeping floors, cleaning bathrooms, and other duties.7. CLEANING SCHEDULE: (check one)____ Each roommate agrees to the attached cleaning schedule (attach cleaningschedule). The schedule indicates when each roommate will complete his/her assignedcleaning and maintenance duties.____ All roommates will work together [“at a designated time”] to clean/maintain the residence.8. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT TERMS: (The following items have been known to occasionally cause conflict between roommates. If any of the following might become an issue, present a problem, write out any needed additional agreements and attach.)____ Smoking/alcohol/drugs ___ Parking ___ Overnight guests___ Cleanup after parties/guests ___ Sound system use ___ Behavior of guests___ Phone messages ___ Keys ___ Shared areas (bathrooms)___ Quiet hours for studying and sleeping9. UTILITIESThe following services have been arranged and paid for as follows:This Agreement represents the complete and final understanding of the r oommates’ intent. All preliminary discussions and negotiations by the roommates are merged into and superseded by this Agreement. Any modification to this Agreement must be in writing, signed by all roommates.We, the undersigned, agree to the above terms.ROOMMATE SIGNATURES:[Name] [Date][Name] [Date][Name] [Date]。
