



5.Water Quality
异 常 状 态 X-Ray Generator 1. Over Voltage


下列为 X.G Controller Unit 状态指示 X-Ray Tube 过电压状态指示,通常最大电压不可超过 70 KV 异常时请检查下列 ITEM:
Error 1. Disp
机台处于正常操作时,下列灯号应处于绿灯;当异常状况发生时会自动触发状 态列上对应的灯号并显示红灯。
异 常 状 态

Cooling Water 下列为 Heat Exchange Unit 的状态指示 1. Water Pressure 热交换器的 2nd 冷却水水压状态指示;正常设定值为 3.5 Kgf/cm2。 异常时请检查下列 ITEM:
三. 本份手册将于装机期间提供给您,期望您在机器保固期满后与本公司签订维护

詹金斯技术InfiniiVision6000 X系列示波器技术数据详述说明书

詹金斯技术InfiniiVision6000 X系列示波器技术数据详述说明书

InfiniiVision 6000 X 系列示波器技术资料树立性价比新标杆:带宽、显示和集成功能以往,客户选择高性能示波器时必须接受其高昂的价格 ; 现在,InfiniiVision 6000 X 系列示波器凭借极高的性价比,为便携式示波器树立了新的标杆。

设想一下,一台重量仅为 6.8 kg 的 6 GHz 带宽示波器,能够触发任何事件并显示所有的信号细节,帮助用户查看复杂波形,并且可以根据需求升级扩展功能—性能如此出众的便携式 6 GHz 带宽示波器公开报价不足 3 万4 千美元!InfiniiVision 6000 X 系列示波器提供出色的带宽、直观的显示、多合一集成性能,采用嵌入式操作系统,友好的用户界面,兼具轻巧便携的优势和适中的价格,是工程师的理想选择。

带宽方面树立新标杆: 相同价位 , 捕获更高频率的波形带宽决定示波器能够采集和显示的最大频率。


6000X 系列高达 6 GHz 带宽和低至210 μVrms (1 mV/ 格时 ) 本底噪声以及适中的价格,可帮助工程师实现最精确的测量,同时消除对预算的顾虑。

直观显示树立新标杆 : 隔离关注的波形InfiniiVision 6000X 系列提供每秒 45 万个波形的捕获率,支持独有的硬件 InfiniiScan 区域触摸触发,显示功能得到前所未有的增强,能够帮助工程师轻松查看信号细节并隔离关注的波形。

6000 X 系列采用多点触控电容触摸屏,12 英寸的尺寸。


集成度方面树立新标杆 : 让您的工作简单顺手6000 X 系列集逻辑分析仪、串行协议分析、双通道任意波发生器、数字电压表和 10 位的频率计 ( 包含累加器 ) 等六类仪器的功能于一身,并率先在示波器中引入了多语言语音控制。

X-Rite 361T 透射密度仪说明书

X-Rite 361T 透射密度仪说明书

Measuring Range0to >6.0D0% to 100% (+/- dot)Measuring Area1mm,2mm,and 3mm (0.5mm optional)RepeatabilityOrtho,Visual(2mm and 3mm aperture)±0.01D (0.0D to 5.0D)±2% (5.0D to 5.5D)±3% (5.5D to 6.0D)Ortho,Visual(1mm aperture):±0.01D (0.0D to 4.5D)±1% (4.5D to 5.0D)UV (3mm aperture)±0.01D (0.0D to 3.5D)±1% (3.5D to 4.0D)LinearityOrtho,Visual(2mm and 3mm aperture)±0.02D (0.0D to 5.0D)±1% (5.0D to 5.5D)±2% (5.5D to 6.0D)Ortho,Visual(1mm aperture)±0.02D (0.0D to 4.5D)±1% (4.5D to 5.0D)UV (3mm aperture)±0.02D (0.0D to 3.5D)±1% (3.5D to 4.0D)Warm-Up Time2minutes5minutes (UV)Zero Stability±0.02D per 8 hoursResponseX-Rite Ortho X-Rite UVMeasuring Length (Throat)10.25 inchesOperatingT emperature Range50˚ to 104˚F (10˚ to 40˚C)Power Requirement90-130 VAC 50-60 Hz 120-260 VAC 50-60 Hz 80 VA max.Physical Dimensions6.0" H (15.2 cm)13.1" W (33.0 cm)17.1" D (43.5 cm)Weight19 lbs.(8.63 kg)Safety & ComplianceUL,CUL CEFCC Class AFeatures:•Includes X10 mode to measure density or dot sizes precisely.•Directly measures negative and positive percent dot area.•Includes 1mm,2mm,and 3mmapertures allowing measurement of a variety of film line screen rulings.(0.5mm aperture optional.)•Includes both Ortho and UV densitometer responses.•Measuring range exceeds 6.00D.•Includes both Ortho and UV densitometer responses.•Conforms to ANSI PH2.19 and ISO 5/2 standards for transmission densitometryBenefits:•Extraordinary accuracy whenmeasuring density functions.Able to measure densities exceeding 6.00D.•Automates data entry into calibra-tion software for imagesetter or platesetter systems.•Sequence mode enables a con-sistent measurement procedure.•High-contrast,adjustable display that is easy to see and easy to use.•The most accurate industry dot area measurements,enabled by a separate calibration mode,ensures you are evaluating films properly.•Can be combined with X-Rite 508 to measure solid and screened areas on both film and paper.•Can be combined with X-Rite 518Spectrodensitometer for monitoring color proofs,press sheets,films,and paper output.Specifications:Combine the 361T transmission densitometer with one of our popular 500 Series e these instruments in combination to create unique capabilities for black-and-white film and paper outputs.This combination will give you all the the tools you need to calibrate and control the variety of media used in the printing process:monitor film,proofs,press sheets,and paper outputs.What’s more,this allows you to use both instruments at the same time,in separate locations.Need More Functionality?X-RITE WORLD HEADQUARTERSGrand Rapids,Michigan USA • (800) 248-9748 • +1 616 803 2100©2007,X-Rite,Incorporated.All rights reserved.L11–010 (12/07)。


● STS选配的网络管理卡(NMC)确保与SNMP和英飞中央管理接口的兼容性。可帮助 用户通过一个友好的通用界面,监控Upsilon STS和所有英飞兼容组件。
MGE Upsilon™ STS可在不中断被保护负载供电的情况下, 对需要维护的线路进行隔离。其具有安全保护功能,包 括采用机械连动装置的旁路开关、可钥匙锁定的负载隔 离开关,以及采用密码保护的手动切换。
北京 中国北京市朝阳区望京东路 6 号 施耐德电气大厦 电话:86 (10) 8434 6699 传真:86 (10) 6431 5686 邮编:100102
沈阳 中国沈阳市和平区和平北大街 69 号 总统大厦 A 座 1902 室 电话:86 (24) 2281 5008 传真:86 (24) 2281 5783 邮编:110003
MGETM UpsilonTM STS 的功能
● STS的LCD图形显示界面支持多语种显示功能,可快速读取测量值并直接设置参数。 ● 前面板上显示直观的模拟图,实时了解电能流向及系统状态。 ● 提供详细的旁路操作流程图。 ● 提供专用端子,用于假负载测试。
● Jbus/ModBus串行接口卡可提供一个PC接口,干接点通信卡则具备可编程远程监测功 能,另外,选配的XML网卡支持以太网通讯。
< 60 dB
IEC 60950 ,GR-63-CORE IEC 61000-6-4 , IEC 61000-6-2 ,EN55011
1430 x 610 or 1900 x 715 550 825
193 215
211 225
1900 x 715 -



ECM Electronics Limited, Penmaen House, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3JR, UKThis particular range of surface mount inductors, the UC series now comes in seven package sizes each with their own individual benefits. The range features some of the smallest footprint sizes available for product of its type, in addition the new UC1606 package is only 1.80mm high while offering safe current operation up to 2.5A (@ 1.0uH). While the UC5022 is available up to 1.0mH @ 1 Amp while maintaining a total height less than 8.0mm.Ferrite shielded versions of UC1608, UC3316, and UC5022 are also available.ECM UC SeriesDIMENSIONSECM TypeInductance Range (Fig.)A (mm)B C D E UC1606 1.0uH~1.0mH 1 6.40 5.50 1.80 0.80 4.80UC1608 1.0uH~1.0mH 1 6.60 4.45 1.27 1.02 4.32UC1818 1.0uH~3.3mH 2 7.20 4.70 5.00 1.60 4.80UC3308 10uH~1.0mH 1 12.95 9.40 3.00 2.54 7.62UC3316 1.0uH~1.0mH 1 12.95 9.40 5.20 2.54 7.62UC3340 10uH~1.0mH 1 12.95 9.40 11.43 2.54 7.62UC5022 1.0uH~1.0mH 1 18.54 15.24 7.11 2.54 7.62ECM Electronics Limited, Penmaen House, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3JR, UKECM PartL (µH)Tol %R DC MAX (Ω)I DC I N (A)UC1606 SeriesUC1606T-1R0 1.0 @100 kHz M 0.05 2.50UC1606T-1R5 1.5 @100 kHz M 0.06 2.20UC1606T-2R2 2.2 @100 kHz M 0.07 1.80UC1606T-3R3 3.3 @100 kHz M 0.10 1.40UC1606T-4R7 4.7 @ 100kHz M 0.12 1.20UC1606T-6R8 6.8 @100 kHz M 0.19 1.10UC1606T-100 10 @100 kHz M 0.30 1.00UC1606T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.400.80UC1606T-220 22 @100 kHz M 0.54 0.60UC1606T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.740.50UC1606T-470 47 @100 kHz M 1.10 0.45UC1606T-68068 @100 kHz M 1.600.35UC1606T-101 100 @100 kHz M 2.30 0.30UC1606T-151150 @100 kHz M 3.200.25UC1606T-221 220 @100 kHz M 5.70 0.20UC1606T-331330 @100 kHz M 8.200.16UC1606T-471 470 @100 kHz M 10.80 0.14UC1606T-681680 @100 kHz M 17.200.12UC1606T-102 1000 @100 kHz M 22.60 0.08UC1608 SeriesUC1608T-1R0 1.0 @100 kHz M 0.05 2.90UC1608T-1R5 1.5 @ 100kHz M 0.05 2.60UC1608T-2R2 2.2 @100 kHz M 0.06 2.30UC1608T-3R3 3.3 @100 kHz M 0.07 2.00UC1608T-4R7 4.7 @ 100kHz M 0.08 1.50UC1608T-6R8 6.8 @100 kHz M 0.11 1.20UC1608T-100 10 @100 kHz M 0.14 1.10UC1608T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.200.90UC1608T-220 22 @100 kHz M 0.32 0.70UC1608T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.440.58UC1608T-470 47 @100 kHz M 0.56 0.50UC1608T-68068 @100 kHz M 0.750.40UC1608T-101 100 @100 kHz M 1.10 0.31UC1608T-151150 @100 kHz M 1.700.27UC1608T-221 220 @100 kHz M 2.30 0.22UC1608T-331330 @100 kHz M 3.300.18UC1608T-471 470 @100 kHz M 4.40 0.06UC1608T-681680 @100 kHz M 6.800.14UC1608T-102 1000 @100 kHz M 12.00 0.10TOLERANCE K=10%; M=20%.ECM Electronics Limited, Penmaen House, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3JR, UKECM PartL (µH)Tol %Q Min.(** MHz)SRF Min.(MHz)R DC MAX (Ω)I DC I N(mA)UC1818 SeriesUC1818T-1R0 1.0 @25.2 MHz M 60 110 0.04 2000UC1818T-1R2 1.2 @7.96 MHz M 80900.042000UC1818T-1R5 1.5 @7.96 MHz M 80 70 0.04 2000UC1818T-1R8 1.8 @7.96 MHz M 80600.042000UC1818T-2R2 2.2 @7.96 MHz M 80 50 0.04 2000UC1818T-2R7 2.7 @7.96 MHz M 80400.051920UC1818T-3R3 3.3 @7.96 MHz M 80 35 0.06 1740UC1818T-3R9 3.9 @7.96 MHz M 80320.071600UC1818T-4R7 4.7 @7.96 MHz M 80 30 0.08 1450UC1818T-5R6 5.6 @7.96 MHz M 80280.101320UC1818T-6R8 6.8 @7.96 MHz M 80 26 0.12 1200UC1818T-8R28.2 @7.96 MHz M 80240.141100UC1818T-100 10 @7.96 MHz K 70 22 0.17 1000UC1818T-12012 @2.52 MHz K 60180.20900UC1818T-150 15 @2.52 MHz K 50 16 0.25 810UC1818T-18018 @2.52 MHz K 50140.30740UC1818T-220 22 @2.52 MHz K 50 13 0.36 670UC1818T-27027 @2.52 MHz K 50120.43610UC1818T-330 33 @2.52 MHz K 50 10 0.52 550UC1818T-39039 @2.52 MHz K 50100.62500UC1818T-470 47 @2.52 MHz K 50 8.8 0.82 450UC1818T-56056 @2.52 MHz K 507.5 1.00410UC1818T-680 68 @2.52 MHz K 50 7.0 1.20 370UC1818T-82082 @2.52 MHz K 50 6.5 1.40340UC1818T-101 100 @2.52 MHz K 50 6.0 1.70 310UC1818T-121120 @0.796 MHz K 70 5.5 1.70310UC1818T-151 150 @0.796 MHz K 70 5.0 2.00 290UC1818T-181180 @0.796 MHz K 70 4.5 2.20270UC1818T-221 220 @0.796 MHz K 70 4.0 2.50 250UC1818T-271270 @0.796 MHz K 70 3.7 3.00230UC1818T-331 330 @0.796 MHz K 60 3.4 3.60 210UC1818T-391390 @0.796 MHz K 60 3.0 4.30190UC1818T-471 470 @0.796 MHz K 60 2.7 5.20 170UC1818T-561560 @0.796 MHz K 60 2.5 6.20155UC1818T-681 680 @0.796 MHz K 60 2.4 6.80 140UC1818T-821820 @0.796 MHz K 60 2.28.20130UC1818T-102 1000 @0.796 MHz K 60 2.0 11.00 115UC1818T-1221200 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.712.00105UC1818T-152 1500 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.6 14.00 95UC1818T-1821800 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.517.0085UC1818T-222 2200 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.3 22.00 75UC1818T-2722700 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.224.0070UC1818T-332 3300 @0.252 MHz K 80 1.1 27.00 65** = Test Frequency as specified in ‘L’ columnECM Electronics Limited, Penmaen House, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3JR, UKECM PartL (µH)Tol %R DC MAX (Ω)I DC I N (A)UC3308 SeriesUC3308T-100 10 @100 kHz M 0.09 2.4UC3308T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.12 2.0UC3308T-220 22 @100 kHz M 0.19 1.6UC3308T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.25 1.4UC3308T-470 47 @100 kHz M 0.32 1.0UC3308T-68068 @100 kHz M 0.550.9UC3308T-101 100 @100 kHz M 0.70 0.7UC3308T-151150 @100 kHz M 1.000.6UC3308T-221 220 @100 kHz M 1.60 0.5UC3308T-331330 @100 kHz M 2.200.4UC3308T-471 470 @100 kHz M 3.30 0.3UC3308T-681680 @100 kHz M 4.400.2UC3308T-102 1000 @100 kHz M 7.00 0.1UC3316 SeriesUC3316T-1R0 1.0 @100 kHz M 0.09 9.0UC3316T-1R5 1.5 @100 kHz M 0.108.0UC3316T-2R2 2.2 @100 kHz M 0.12 7.0UC3316T-3R3 3.3 @100 kHz M 0.15 6.4UC3316T-4R7 4.7 @100 kHz M 0.18 5.4UC3316T-6R8 6.8 @100 kHz M 0.22 4.6UC3316T-100 10 @100 kHz M 0.29 3.8UC3316T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.46 3.0UC3316T-220 22 @100 kHz M 0.58 2.6UC3316T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.10 2.0UC3316T-470 47 @100 kHz M 0.14 1.6UC3316T-68068 @100 kHz M 0.18 1.4UC3316T-101 100 @100 kHz M 0.26 1.2UC3316T-151150 @100 kHz M 0.38 1.0UC3316T-221 220 @100 kHz M 0.61 0.8UC3316T-331330 @100 kHz M 0.930.6UC3316T-471 470 @100 kHz M 1.27 0.5UC3316T-681680 @100 kHz M 1.840.4UC3316T-102 1000 @100 kHz M 2.47 0.3TOLERANCE K=10%; M=20%.ECM Electronics Limited, Penmaen House, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3JR, UKECM PartL (µH)Tol %R DC MAX (Ω)I DC I N (A)UC3340 SeriesUC3340T-10010 @100 kHz M 0.0338.0UC3340T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.0427.0UC3340T-22022 @100 kHz M 0.054 5.5UC3340T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.08 4.0UC3340T-47047 @100 kHz M 0.10 3.8UC3340T-68068 @100 kHz M 0.17 3.0UC3340T-101100 @100 kHz M 0.22 2.5UC3340T-151150 @100 kHz M 0.34 2.0UC3340T-221220 @100 kHz M 0.44 1.6UC3340T-331330 @100 kHz M 0.70 1.2UC3340T-471470 @100 kHz M 0.95 1.0UC3340T-681680 @100 kHz M 1.20 1.0UC3340T-1021000 @100 kHzM2.000.8UC5022 SeriesUC5022T-1R0 1.0 @100 kHz M 0.01120UC5022T-2R2 2.2 @100 kHz M 0.01416UC5022T-3R3 3.3 @100 kHz M 0.01614UC5022T-6R8 6.8 @100 kHz M 0.02212UC5022T-10010 @100 kHz M 0.03210UC5022T-15015 @100 kHz M 0.0368.0UC5022T-22022 @100 kHz M 0.0477.0UC5022T-33033 @100 kHz M 0.066 5.5UC5022T-47047 @100 kHz M 0.087 4.5UC5022T-68068 @100 kHz M 0.13 3.5UC5022T-101100 @100 kHz M 0.19 3.0UC5022T-151150 @100 kHz M 0.25 2.6UC5022T-221220 @100 kHz M 0.38 2.4UC5022T-331330 @100 kHz M 0.56 1.9UC5022T-471470 @100 kHz M 0.85 1.4UC5022T-681680 @100 kHz M 1.20 1.2UC5022T-1021000 @100 kHzM1.801.0TOLERANCE K=10%; M=20%.。


熔断器开关 Fuserbloc 32 – 1250 A
• Fuserbloc 32 – 1250 A
• 模块化设计,每极1个模块 • 63A 以下导轨固定 • IP2 (熔断器盖和端子盖) • 试验位子为标准配置 ( 400A以下 ) • 1 至 21 极 • 直接操作 • 正面柜外操作 • 侧面操作 (左侧和右侧) • 可设置辅助触点 • 熔断指示 • 背面连接
正常 / 应急控制 器
ATyS 6
ATyS 3
ATyS C20/C30/C40
ATyS 系列电流等级
ATyS 3:
ATyS 3s : 125 – 1800A,3P/4P 10个电流等级 ATyS 3e : 2000 – 3200A,3P/4P 3个电流等级
熔断器开关 Fuserbloc CD 25 – 32 A
Disconnectable Neutral
25A 和 32A (熔断器尺寸: 10x38 和 14x51) 3 极和 3极+ 开关或固定中心极
• 直接和柜外手柄 • 可断开中性极 • 熔断器熔断指示( DIN 尺寸14x51) • U 型辅助触点模块 • 模块化辅助触模块 • 2x2 可设置 U 型辅助触点
FUSERBLOC 系列 25 – 1250 A
熔断器开关 Fuserbloc CD 25 – 32 A



TC-336NMS网络管理型频带调制解调器(33.6Kbps)机框式和单台式用户手册北京台康资讯有限公司 北京海淀区文慧园北路8号庆亚大厦A座3层100088 网址目录1 简介 (1)2 特征概述 (3)2.1 控制模块 (3)2.2 TC-336NMS (3)3 机框安装 (7)3.1 机框 (7)3.2 机框式调制解调器 (7)3.3 机框式电源 (8)3.4 机框背板 (8)3.5 安装DTE接口 (9)3.6 安装网络管理系统(NMS) (10)3.7 应用时钟 (13)4 单台式调制解调器安装 (14)4.1 TC-336NMS单台式连接 (14)4.2 TC-336NMS- SA前面板作 (15)5 NMS机框操作 (17)5.1 机框控制面板 (17)5.2 卡式调制解调器前面板 (18)6 机框NMSTC-336调制解调器用户手册 1 简介 随着社会信息化的发展,数据通信业务在国内日益深入社会各个领域NMS系列已开发完成有TC-336NMS系列网络管理型基带调制解调器及正在开发中TC-2000NMS系列HDSL使用者可以根据市场需求单一机框可以同时使用TC-336NMS本使用手册主要说明如何操作诊断和管理TC-336NMS设备机框式调制解调器NMS-CM NMS-SHELFTC-336NMSTC-336NMS是具有2/4专线和同步操作功能的全功能调制解调器V.13V.22V.23V.32bisV.42V.54的规格5和AT命令ITU-T V.25bis命令相容性语音功能以保持劣质线路的高接通率Bell和MNP的数据传输以保证和任何同样标准的调制解调器兼容使用者可不需要外接测试仪器可帮助使用者快速确认故障点使用者可以经由LCD液晶控制面板对近端和远端调制解调器进行设置TC-336NMS调制解调器具有网管功能一块NMS-CM控制卡可控制一个机架上16片调制解调器最多可扩展到250个机框网管程序包括一个SNMP AGENTÕï²â´íÎó¼Ç¼ʹÓúÍЧÂʱ¨¸æÕâÑù¾ÍÄÜͨ¹ý±¾µØDTE接口对远端调制解调器进行检测TC-336NMS使用者可以根据要求单一机框可以同时使用此2种型号调制解调器银行大型企业建设网络时相当经济和实惠设置网上的调制解调器NMS-CMʹÓÃÕß²»ÐèÁí×âרÏßInternetTC-336NMS网络管理型频带调制解调器(33.6Kbps)机框式和单台式用户手册北京台康资讯有限公司 北京海淀区文慧园北路8号庆亚大厦A座3层100088 网址3 机框安装3.1 机框TC-336NMS卡式调制解调器直接安装在19英寸的机框每个机框内可安装双电源和一块控制卡请勿将它直接放置在产生大热量的设备上方环境温度不应超过50摄氏度 16个插槽安装TC-336NMS调制解调器2第二电源插槽, PS24²¢ÓÃÂÝË¿¹Ì¶¨Çë²Î¿¼Í¼3-2安装机框式TC-336NMS 调制解调器卡片4 单台式调制解调器安装4.1 TC-336NMS 单台式连接当您打开TC-336NMS-SA 包装时如果发生缺少或损坏情况时交流电源线 1条 RJ-11电话线 1条 RJ-45专线 1条 接线盒1个 中文使用说明书1本安装单台式调制解调器时脚位定义请参考第3章TC-336NMS-SA 只提供 V.24Êý¾Ý½Ó¿Ú±³°åµÄ接口步骤3 按照下列RJ-45接口说明连接专线步骤4 确定电源开关在的位置电压范围脚位 描述2 4线专线发送端 7 52线专线图4.1TC-336NMS Stand-Alone 线连接图交流电源90V - 260V缆线电话机5 NMS机框操作5.1 机框控制面板1. – 发光二极管PS1NMS-CM控制模块自动初始化显示IP地址和时间以下是开机时显示步骤6 TC-336NMS 命令菜单集 6.1单台式主菜单Model : 33600 bps Version : V2.4V34 336 O AUTO x 1152 AS 2D IDLx = M ( MAIN Menu Tree )STATUS , PROTOCOL, DIAGNOSTIC , PROFILE , MODEM ,AUXILIARY, TERMINAL , LINE SETUP , REGISTERSECURITYKEYLOCK MENUEnter PasswordCALLBACK MENUCallback SecurityCONNECTION MENUConnection Securityx = O ( Originate )x = A ( Answer )x = D ( Dial )Dial Stored (#00 to #09) , Dial Number (Manual Entry) x = R ( Redial )x = H ( Hangup, On-Hook )7 ASCII 终端机操作  NMS-Shelf提供ASCII终端机操作终端机通信接口设置如下并将DB-25数据缆线接好请将NMS-CM复位一次Initialization in progressÇë°´Èκμü½øÈëϵͳ¹ÜÀí³ÌÐòCM程序版本Öն˻ú»áÏÔʾÈçÏ»-ÃæRACK ID本地和远程设备8 TC-336NMS调制解调器设置 TC-336NMS调制解调器主要设计給各种应用连线的使用.本章主要说明介紹调制解调器的基本概念及常用TC-336NMS的液晶(LCD)面板设置参数,使用者可以很快的了解使用TC-336NMS调制解调器,所有的液晶(LCD)面板设置参数,请参考第7章电话网络”才能达到连接的方式,例如图9.1一般我們上网际网络(Internet)时,使用调制解调器就是采用此方式B. 请在EDIT TEL NUMBER” 选择第0組(#00)电话号码,用左右按钮输入电话号ENTER” 按钮输入电话号分別为两种系統设置: a. 设置为AT命令: 拨号参数包括0 ̄9”, 英文字母, “空白鍵”. b. 设置为V.25bis命令:  拨号参数包括0 ̄9”, 英文字母:”, “#”, “*”, “@”, “<”, “&”, “=, “空白鍵”.(其中的拨号参数电话网络”,只要使用一对专用的线路连接A点及B点两地,就可以达到通讯的目的.此操作方式一般被广泛使用于电信的分組交換网(X.25), DDN网;金融行业,保险行业,邮政……等等专网9 TC-336内置诊断方法 9.1 环路测试Modem 操作的基本部件包括7个连接 DTE 与本地modem 的电缆远端modemÈçÏ´ӱ¾µØDTE 到远端DTE 间任何部件出问题都会导致通讯失败可帮助定位和解决这个问题Modem 环路测试测试 描述LAL测试时10 AT 命令列表(TC-336NMS) 这一节描述标准Modem 命令集例如 0 和 1 n²¢±ê×¢ÓÚϱí×óÁÐ注意:除了和以外AT关于 fax/modem 的命令格式贺氏AT 命令集注释+++ 返回命令模式在数据模式下+++该命令前面没有OA 应答指令在应答模式下,不待调制解调器振铃便强制摘机A/ 重复上一指令重复执行最后命令行Bn 1200bps连接协议0 V.22 模式1 Bell 212A 模式Dstring 拨号指令将调制解调器置为原始模式中并拨一字符集9 和拨号修改符及*;拨号修正:P 脉冲拨号须在数字串之前W 插在数字间与ATX2或ATX4命令一起使用, 插在数字间插在数字间在拨号后返回到命令模式以允许传送更多的拨号命令在此n等于相应的存储器号码0En Echo 命令决定调制解调器是否将字符反馈到屏幕0 不对命令反应1 反馈命令In 标志命令0 显示产品标志代号.1 报告预先计算的检查和.2 报告 OK.11. 设置Date/Time/RTC(NMS,CM) 实时钟(real time clock)提供错误记录表的正确日期时间的依据本设备无2000年问题如果关闭RTC,当电源关闭时RTC停止动作12 S寄存器列表 FAX/MODEM 中S寄存器的值影响机器的各种操作特性每个S寄存器有出厂预设值12.1 读S寄存器之值1 读S寄存器的当前值键入rATS r?S r?[Enter]其中是不同S寄存器的号码例如读S0和S1的值ATS r=n [Enter]其中r 是S寄存器的序号n 是欲写入S寄存器的值12.3 S寄存器详解S0 自动回答铃声设置调制解调器自动回答之前的铃声数.0至255声( 0=禁止, 缺省值=0 )S1 铃声计数在调制解调器回答要求之前计算铃声数, SI增加直至铃声停止0至255 ( 缺省值=0 )S2 逃逸代码字符设置字符用于三字符逃逸代号序列一旦改变了S3值, 命令行和返回终止代码将都被改变.0至127 ASCII数值代码( 缺省值=13 )S4 线路反馈字符设置线路反馈代号线路反馈码才有结果0至127 ASTII数值代码缺省值=0S5 退格字符13 传真命令列表/TC-336NMS 本部分简要列出可用的传真命令1类传真 AT 命令集命令功能+FCLASS=n 服务类别+FAE=n 数据/传真自动应答+FRH=n 以HDLC格式接收数据+FRM=n 接收数据+FRS=n 静音接收+FTH=n 以HDLC格式传输数据+FTM=n 传输数据+FTS=n 停止传输数据并等待2类传真 AT 命令集命令功能+FCLASS=n 服务类别D 发出呼叫A 应答呼叫+FAA=n 适应性应答+FDT 数据传输+FET=n 传输页标+FDR 开始或继续C相接收数据+FK 进程中止+FCON 传真连接回应+FDCS: 报告当前进程+FDIS: 报告远端身份+FCFR: 证实接收+FTSI: 报告接收端身份+FCSI: 报告应答端身份+FPTS: 页传输状态+FET: 后页信息回应+FHNG: 呼叫中止状态+FMFR? 辨别制造商+FMDL? 辨别模式+FREV? 辨别版本+FDCC=n DCE 能力参数+FDIS=n 目前进程参数+FDCS=n 目前进程结果+FLID=n 本地ID 字串+FCR 接收能力+FPTS=n 页传输状态+FCR= 接收能力+FAE 适应性应答+FBUF? 缓冲器大小+FPHCTO C相时间结束+FAXERR 传真错误值+FBOR C相数据位次序14 V.25bis 命令列表/TC-336NMS 本节描述MODEM 可用的 V.25bis 命令V.25bis 命令集说明CRN String 拨号指令使modem进入发送模式并拨号串0-9P 脉冲拨号必须在号码串之前W 数字间插入等待时长由S7定义 数字间插入 闪动使modem合上叉簧0.5秒之后断开²¦Íêºó·µ»ØÃüÁîģʽ功能同W< 功能同= 功能同其中 n 等于0213的电话号码组.PRNx,y 预存电话号码在NVRAM内可达35个字符RLN 显示所储存的电话号码DIC 不做自动应答CIC 自动应答有效CNL 执行AT 命令允许用户发出并执行V.25bis 模式的AT命令.15 响应集/TC-336NMS 当向 fax/modem发命令时例如fax/modem将回应OKÈí¼þÀûÓÃÕâЩÏìÓ¦À´¿ØÖƳÌÐòµÄÁ÷¶¯±¾½ÚÐðÊöµÄfax/modem响应是直接与fax/modem.通讯时的响应024ÏìÓ¦µÄ·ÖÀàÊÇΪÁËÂú×㲻ͬÀàÐ͵IJÙ×÷ºÍÓ¦ÓÃÐèÒª³ýX 响应集外也有扩展响应可回应载波速度可用 Wn 命令使扩展响应生效本 fax/modem 被设为字符响应如果您的fax/modem 处理字符串效率低或者根本不能处理字符串代码响应只跟随着一个响应包可用Q1 命令关掉它下列表格列出了可用的响应代码modem 以0-300240019200bps连线成功校验和错误当X2µ±X3或X4起作用时有效NO ANSWER 08 当拨号命令行含有@时Modem 未检测到静音CONNECT 600 09 Modem 以600bps连线CONNECT 2400 10 Modem 以2400bps连线CONNECT 4800 11 Modem 以4800bps连线CONNECT 9600 12 Modem 以9600bps连线CONNECT 7200 13 Modem 以7200bps连线CONNECT 12000 14 Modem 以12000bps连线CONNECT 14400 15 Modem 以14400bps连线CONNECT 19200 16 Modem 以19200bps连线TC-336调制解调器用户手册 CONNECT 38400 17 Modem 以38400bps连线CONNECT 57600 18 Modem 以57600bps连线CONNECT 115200 19 Modem 以115200bps连线CONNECT 75TX / 1200RX 22 Modem 以75bps连线传送以75bps接收FAX 33 在传真模式下建立了传真连接DATA 35 建立了数据连接CARRIER 300 40 检测到载波速率为300 bps.CARRIER 1200/75 44 检测到V.23 后向通道载波CARRIER 75/1200 45 检测到V.23 前向通道载波CARRIER 1200 46 检测到载波速率为1200 bps.CARRIER 2400 47 检测到载波速率为2400 bps.CARRIER 4800 48 检测到载波速率为4800 bps.CARRIER 7200 49 检测到载波速率为7200 bps.CARRIER 9600 50 检测到载波速率为9600 bps.CARRIER 12000 51 检测到载波速率为12000 bps.CARRIER 14400 52 检测到载波速率为14400 bps.CARRIER 16800 53 检测到载波速率为16800 bps.CARRIER 19200 54 检测到载波速率为19200 bps.CARRIER 21600 55 检测到载波速率为21600 bps.CARRIER 24000 56 检测到载波速率为24000 bps.CARRIER 26400 57 检测到载波速率为26400 bps.CARRIER 28800 58 检测到载波速率为28800 bps.CONNECT 16800 59 Modem 以16800bps连线CONNECT 21600 61 Modem 以21600bps连线CONNECT 24000 62 Modem 以24000bps连线CONNECT 26400 63 Modem 以26400bps连线CONNECT 28800 64 Modem 以28800bps连线COMPRESSION: CLASS 5 66 Modem 以MNP5连线COMPRESSION: V.42bis 67 Modem 以V.42bis连线COMPRESSION: NONE 69 Modem 以没有数据压缩方式连线.PROTOCOL: NONE 70 Modem 以没有任何纠错方式连线PROTOCOL: LAMP 77 Modem 以V.42 LAMP纠错方式连线PROTOCOL: ALT 80 Modem 以MNP纠错方式连线PROTOCOL:81 Modem 以MNP10方式及电平调整开启方式连线ALT-CELLULARFCERROR +FC Modem 在 1 类传真或2 类传真方式时检测到错误TC-336调制解调器用户手册 下面描述不同的fax/modem 响应集不管连接速度是多少对所有的连接都将有连接响应发出拨号指令后无论有无拨号音fax/modem 将等待2秒才自动拨出号码盲拨可在fax/modem检测不到拨号音和拨号音较弱的地方使用此功能当本响应集有效时盲拨X2 X2响应集包括最开始的七个响应及无回应响应和所有的CONNECT xxx响应发出拨号指令后fax/modem 将在拨号前检测拨号音将回应NO DIAL TONE并挂机无回应响应和所有的CONNECT xxx 响应发出拨号指令后fax/modem 将进行呼叫fax/modem将回应 BUSY°üÀ¨ËùÓеÄX2响应W0 扩展响应无效W1 modem 将回应载波及协议W2 modem 将回应载波及协议V.25bis 响应字符代码意义VAL Modem 执行了命令行.INV 命令错振铃ET 线路忙.R T 无应答.CB 本地 modem 忙.NT 无载波.NS 无存储的电话号码.AB 拨号时收到中断LSN 列存储的电话号码.TC-336调制解调器用户手册 16 缺省设置参数 设置 缺 省 值 NVRAM 自动应答 初始化后Disable Yes 退格符 08 No 1200bps Bell/CCITT兼容性 BALL 212A Yes 忙音检测 Enabled Yes *回车符 13 No 换行符 10 No 数据设备就绪选择 Always on Yes 数据终端就绪选择 &D0 Yes 数据终端就绪脉宽 0.5秒 Yes 回波选择 On Yes 脱离符定义 43(+ + +) Yes 保护音 Disabled Yes 长空挂断 Disabled Yes 校验 None Yes 脉冲占空比 39/61 Yes 命令回送 Word Yes 回送使能 All Yes RTS-to-CTS延迟 10 微秒 Yes 扬声器状态 载波检测到后Off Yes 扬声器音量 Low Yes 测试计数器设置 0秒 Yes 拨号后载波等待时间 50秒 Yes 等待拨号音时间 2秒 No 拨号前等待拨号音 Enabled Yes 拨号延迟 2秒 Yes 接受载波检测等待时间 04秒 Yes DTMF音频持续时间 95毫秒 Yes 转拨修正时间 0TC-336调制解调器用户手册 该字符为退格键及将光标后退一个位置的字符.0至32, 127 ASCII数值代码( 缺省值=8 )S6 拨号声音等待时间设置在摘机后最少延迟时间为2秒等待远程调制解调器的载波的时间长度.2至255秒 ( 缺省值= 50 )S8 拨号延时的暂停时间设置当解调器遇到暂停拨号符号时暂停的时间,.2至255秒 ( 缺省值= 2 )S9 载波检测回答时间设置在调制解调器识别载波及打开DCD之前信号须出现的时间长度1至255以0.1秒为单位 ( 缺省值= 14 )S11 DTMF延续时间及空间该寄存器控制DTMF声音的延续时间及空间缺省值缺省值缺省值*K0缺省值*K1ȱʡֵTC-336调制解调器用户手册 位6 Trellis编码模式0 T rellis编码模式开1 T rellis编码模式关位7 开始/ 回答0 应答模式1 开始模式S16 位0 本地模拟环路返回0 禁止1 允许位1 不使用位2 本地数字环路返回0 禁止1 允许位3 根据远程调制解调器标志初始化数字环路返回0 空闲1 过程中位4 初始化远程数字环路返回0 禁止1 允许位5 远端数字环路返回及自我测试0 禁止1 允许位6 本地模拟环路返回及自我测试0 禁止1 允许位7 不使用S18 测试时间设置调制解调器执行诊断的时间长度0至255秒缺省值=0缺省值缺省值缺省值缺省值TC-336调制解调器用户手册 S20 自动同步HDLC地址或BSC同步字符0至255S21 位0 插接类型0 R T-II RJ-45S1 RJ-12ȱʡֵ4 DTR行为0 &D0选择1 &D1选择2 &D2选择3 &D3选择位5ȱʡֵȱʡֵ1 扬声器音量0 关闭1 低2 中3 高位2ȱʡֵ´ò¿ªÖ±ÖÁ¼ì²âµ½Ôز¨位4,5,6 结果代码选择0 X0回答设置4 X1回答设置5 X2回答设置6 X3回答设置7 X4回答设置位7 回铃0 回铃关1 回铃开 S23 位0 允许远程数字环路返回请求0 不允许RDL1 允许RDL位1,2,3 DTE率0 0bps至300bpsTC-336调制解调器用户手册 2 1200bps3 2400bps4 4800bps5 9600bps6 19200bps7 38400bps位4,5 DTE奇偶性0 奇1 空格2 偶3 标志或无位6,7 音频保护0 无1 无2 1800HZS25 数据终端准备延迟为了运行&Dn命令而忽略DTR的时间长度0至255以10毫秒为单位 同步模式缺省值=5µ÷Öƽâµ÷Æ÷ÔÚ¼ì²âµ½Ò»¸öRTS的off-to-on传送后仅用于同步操作缺省值=1缺省值ȱʡֵȱʡֵ缺省值总为0US1 33/67比率于10ppsÏã¸Û2 39/61 比率于20pps3 39/67比率于20pps位5 保留位6,7 MNP联结协商速度0 最高速度1 1200bps2 4800bpsS29 闪动拨号修饰词时间设置当调制解调器在拨号串中遇到闪动拨号修饰词0 禁止, 缺省值=70µ÷Öƽâµ÷Æ÷¶Ï¿ªÁ¬½Ó֮ǰµÄÔÚÏßʱ¼ä0至255以10秒为单位 S31 位0 保留位1 自动线路速度检测0 禁止1 允许位2,3 错误纠正过程信息0 仅DTE速度1 全部报告2 仅DCE速度位40 N3关1 N3开位5至7 保留S32 XON字符0至255的ASCII数字 S33 XOFF字符0至255的ASCII数字 S34-35 保留S36 LAMP故障控制决定当出现一LAPM故障时调制解调器将做什么0 调制解调器挂机1 调制解调器仍在线并且建立一直接模式的连接2 保留3 调制解调器仍在线并建立一正常模式的连接4 尝试V.42转换协议连接MNP2-5Èôʧ°ÜMNP2-5Èôʧ°ÜÔò½¨Á¢Õý³£Ä£Ê½连接S37 理想线路连接速度0 自动检测模式1-3 300bps4 保留5 V.22 1200bps6 V.22bis 2400bps7 V.238 V.32bis或V.32 4800bps9 V.32 bis或V.32 9600bps10 V.32bis 12000bps11 V.32bis 14400bps12 V.32bis 7200bps15 V.FC 1440016 V.34 1680017 V.34 1920018 V.34 2160019 V.34 2440020 V.34 2460021 V.34 28800S38 被强制挂起之前的延时在调制调解器收到H命令和实际断开操作之间的延时0至255秒 S39 位0-3 流控制0 &K01 &K12 &K23 &K34 &K45 &K56 &K67 &K78 &K8位4-5 DSR(Data Set Ready)选择0 选择&S01 选择&S12 选择&S2S40 位0,1 MNP扩展服务0 禁止1 允许2 允许位2 单元用电源水平的调整0 自动调整1 被迫调整位3,5 中断处理0 \K0选择1 \K1选择2 \K2选择3 \K3选择4 \K4选择5 \K5选择位6,7 MNP块尺寸0 641 1282 1923 256S41 位0,1 压缩选择0 禁止1 MNP 52 V.42 bis3 MNP 5及V.42 bis位2,6 自动重取及退回/前进0 禁止位3 调制解调器至调制解调器流控制0 禁止1 允许位4 块模式控制0 流模式1 块模式位5 保留位7 退回至V22 bis/V.220 禁止1 允许S42-45 保留S46 数据压缩控制136 禁止138 允许S47 保留S48 V.42协商行为0 禁止协商缺省值进行S36规定的退回动作S49-79 保留S82 中止处理选项该寄存器无用NO CARRIER»á°ÑÒ»¸öֵдÈë¼Ä´æÆ÷ÖÐÀ´°ïÖúÈ·¶¨Á¬½Óʧ°ÜµÄÔ-ÒòÎÞ´íÎó·¢Éú4 丢失载波5 V.42协议不能在另一端检测到一错误纠正调制解调器9 调制解调器不能发现普通协议12 通过远程调制解调器初始化的正常断开连接13 在同一信息被10次传送之后远程调制解调器不回答14 违反协议S87-90 保留S91 PSTN传送衰减标准0至15代表0至缺省值=1015dBmS93-94 保留S95 扩展回答代号该寄存器可设置去取代一些Wn命令选项 位0 CONNECT结果代号指示DCE速度而不是DTE速度xxx= 比率4 初始化单元电源水平设置 位5 综合平衡 位6--7 保留S211S212TC-336调制解调器用户手册 3 报告软件版本缺省值接收时扬声器关闭(缺省)2 握手及接收时扬声器均打开3 拨号及接收时扬声器关闭命令相互影响并一起使用0 禁止1 允许On 返回数据模式在使用+++字符转到控制命令模式返回到数据模式.0 回到数据模式.1 进行平衡化序列重排重排将对文件传送进行优化,该命令工作在2400bps或更高.P 强制脉冲拨号Qn Modem 应答决定在键入一命令之后解调器是否反馈回答缺省值缺省TC-336调制解调器用户手册 Wn 扩展应答代码0 在EC模式中报告DTE速度1 报告行速度详见第 12 部分0 调制解调器忽略拨号声音及繁忙信号允许0 至 4ÔÊÐí0 至 6ÔÊÐí 0 至 4,7,8及所有 CONNECT xxx 的回答4 Modem 识别拨号音及遇忙信号缺省缺省Wn 命令存贮的两个用户配置值中的一个0 重设置并取配置值 0 .1 重设置并取配置值 1 .2 重设置并取配置值 2 .3 重设置并取配置值 3 .&Cn 载波检测信号状态控制数字载波检测 (DCD) 信号0 强制连续打开1 跟随远端载波信号状态2 DCD 保持亮. 当线路断将灭掉3-5秒之后重亮3 提供V.13 功能调制解调器返回到异步命令模式&Q2/3 挂起禁止自动回答.2 &Q0 to 6 挂起禁止自动回答(缺省)3 &Q0/1/4/5/6 调制解调器进行软重置TC-336调制解调器用户手册 &Gn 警戒音在国际上使用警戒音, 但在美国不使用0 不使用1 不使用2 1800 Hz 警戒音&Kn 流量控制该命令用于控制调制解调器及电脑间的数据流动modem 默许模式只是为了兼容的目的才把它包括进来(缺省值为0, 拨号线路)&Mn 异步/同步模式选择0 直接异步选择1 异步命令模式下的同步连接模式2 异步命令模式下的同步连接模式DTR作为话音/ 数据开关&Pn 脉冲占空比0 在10pps为39/ 61加拿大缺省值UK 2 20 pps 时为39/613 20 pps 时为39/67&Qn 同步/异步模式0 直接异步模式1 同步连接与异步离线命令模式2 同步连接与异步离线命令模式允许DTR作为对话/数据开关4 选择Hayes自动同步模式5 调制解调器处理错误校正连接6 在正常模式下选择异步操作&Rn RTS/CTS 选项0 CTS跟踪RTS»òÿV.25动作一次1 CTS 总是有效&Sn 数据串准备信号状态0 DSR 信号总为开TC-336调制解调器用户手册 1 ʱDSR信号为开当远程载波信号丢失时DST 关闭&Tn 环路测试功能用于诊断的环路测试与 S18 同时使用0 终止任何正在进行的测试1 启动本地模拟环路2 保留3 启动本地数字环路4 允许远程数字环路返回请求5 拒绝远地数字环路请求6 启动远程数字环路返回7 启动带自检远程数字环路返回8 启动带自检本地数字环路返回&U 格码调制/TCM.这一功能仅仅工作在 V.32bis下比V.32bis老的模式如果两边都使用TCM 连接 &U0/&U : 使用格码调制&U1 : 使用非冗余码&V 显示有效的配置&Wn 将 S 寄存器的值写到两个配置中的一个中去储存命令和寄存器到内存储器0 将命令和 S 寄存器的值写入配置01 将命令和 S 寄存器的值写入配置12 将命令和 S 寄存器的值写入配置23 将命令和 S 寄存器的值写入配置3&X n 同步传输时钟源0 内部定时1 外部定时2 接收从时钟&Y n 配置选择加载配置值并设置为开机及重置时的缺省值0 配置 01 配置12 配置23 配置3&Z n=ax存储电话号码在 4 个存储电话号码组中的任何一个可使用D命令快速拨号n 为内存组 a 为T »ò Px 为所存储的电话号码%En 线路质量监测和自动重取或回退/前进TC-336调制解调器用户手册 控制解调器是否将自动监视线路质量;当线路质量不够合格时要求进行重取或后退,线路质量合格时前进0 禁止(缺省值t)1 允许线路质量监测及自动重取.2 允许线路质量监测及后退/前进.3 允许线路质量监测及带快速挂断的自动重取%L报告信号电平0至 255代表 0 至-255 dBm%Q n 报告线路信号质量返回EQM值的较高 byte .\G n Modem 口流控制在正常模式下控制 modem的 DCE 流控制特点, 在可靠模式下该命令无效0 关1 开 XON/XOFF 流控制. 如果modem 从远端系统收到数据的速度比它处理的速度快应用此设置\K n 设置中断控制当调制解调器从DTE端口或调制解调器端口接收到一中断时决定调制解调器执行的动作如下0 4 输入命令模令并发送中断到远程调制解调器1 清除数据缓冲区并发送中断到远程系统3 不清除数据缓冲区并发送中断到远程系统5 与被传送的数据一起发送中断到远程调制解调器命令可靠模式3 不清除数据缓冲区并发送中断到远程系统41 清除数据缓冲区并发送中断到远程系统25 与被传送的数据一起发送中断到远程调制解调器\N n 操作模式选择错误校正模式用于随后的数据联结0 正常速度缓冲模式1 直接模式2 可靠连接模式3 自动一可靠模式4 强制LAMP模式5 强制MNP模式\R 串口振铃指示器控制该命令控制RS-232的第`22脚, 可设为开或在收到振铃音时开\R0^R 在收到振铃音时开,挂机时关\R1 正常关, 在收到振铃音时开% R 回铃当拨叫远端时modem可显示远端modem 的回铃%R0/%R 不显示回铃(缺省值)%R1 显示回铃并代有 “102” 或 “Ring Back” 信息.-R RTS 命令该命令控制 RTS端设置 modem.-R0/-R RTS设置 modem 将随 RTS 设置 RS-232 口而变化(缺省值)-RT1 RTS 将保持 “on”.*K 键盘中断在modem进入待机状态和未完成连线前,任何键入将导致挂机及出现“NOCARRIER”信息,如果操作期间需要数据入口,请用此命令关掉键盘中断,此功能只有AT 命令.*K0/*K 开键盘中断(缺省值)*k1 连线期间忽略所有输入+MS 协议和速度选择(只适用于 28,800 bps models)该命令用于设置需要的协议和最高最低速度.命令格式如下:AT+MS= <协议模式>, <自动模式>, <最低速度>, <最高速度> , <CR>例如 AT+MS=11,1,300,28800 (缺省值)注意,这可能与S37寄存器和ATH命令冲突,这种情况下,最新输入的有效,可用AT+MS? 命令察看当前设置\F 显示存储的电话号码用 “AT\F <CR> 命令显示存储的电话号码\S 显示工作配置用“\S” 命令将显示modem所有当前的工作配置,按任一键显示下一屏,显示完出现“OK”变量定义:协议变量:变量协议速度0 V.21 3001 V.22 12002 V.22bis 2400,12003 V.23 12009 V.32 9600,480010 V.32bis 14400,12000,9600,7200,480011 V.34 33600,31200,28800,26400,24000,21600,19200,16800,14400,12000,9600,7200,4800,240064 Bell 103 30069 Bell 212 120074 V.FC 28800,26400,24000,21600,19200,16800,14400自动模式变量:自动模式内容0 不使用自动速度调整1 使用 V.8或 N1, N3 自动模式注意1 : 14400bps 不支持 AT+MS 命令.要改变协议和连接模式用ATS37=m 和ATNn 命令注意2 : 只有 2.0 EPROM 或更高版本有下列AT命令, S38的值也不同于2.0和以后的EPROM版本2.0版本以前 2.0和更高版本ATZ 2 sets 4 setsAT&F 2 sets 10 setsAT&W 2 sets 4 setsAT&Y 2sets 4setsAT&Z 6 sets 10 setsS38 20 seconds 5 secondsECC 命令设置说明%C n 数据压缩0 禁止数据压缩1 允许MNP 5数据压缩2 允许V.42数据压缩3 允许V.42bis及MNP 5数据压缩\A0 最大MNP块尺寸0 641 1282 1923 256\B n 传送中断至远程在非错误纠正模式中在错误纠正模式中不指明长度0至9以0.1秒为单位MNP 10 命令设置:说明)M n MNP 10连接协商电源调整允许或禁止自动调整传送电源水平缺省值缺省值用于单元连接缺省值但在V42 LAPM应答模拟检测相位期间禁止.-Q n 允许退回到2400bps/V.22bis控制退回到2400bps V.22bis及1200bps V.220 禁止1 允许(缺省值)@M n 初始化单元电源设置设置初始传送电源, 在线路条件可以确定之前用于连接的向上转换30dBm210dBm11至31 31dBm:E n V.32综合平衡0 禁止1 允许( 缺省值)9.2 实现环路测试以下是实现环路测试的方法 慍ONNECT WITH DIRECT MODE项中Disable 数据纠错功能 慏ISABLE ALL COM PRESSION 项中Disable 数据压缩有LAL LDLE. 从连着的计算机或终端上键入任何字符并检查屏幕上是否返回了正确的字符9.3 有关诊断进入诊断模式后上线表示测试类型远端数字环路 Remote digital loopback/RL)下线表示错误计数 Error Counts (EC) 及失掉同步计数 Loss sync Count (LC)所有测试必须在正常或直接模式下实现本modem 备有数据模式发生器和错误信号发生器, 对点到点的环路测试不需要其它装置.如何开始和退出诊断模式:开始:诊断只能在异步下进行且数字测试必须在连线建立后实现.可键入命令“&Tn” 或从LCD进入诊断模式.退出:有几种方法退出诊断模式:1 S18 寄存器自动停止测试(见S18)2 在测试时用“CD”灯将亮XXXXX…… 测试数据接收器返回的数据经解调成数字信号并经RS-232口在PC或终端上显示出OK Modem 回应. 结束测试 .• 注意1ÊäÈë´ËÃüÁîºó, “CD” 灯亮并测试n秒参见S18本地模拟环路自测 “&T8”此测试除modem产生数据格式用于测试外与上个测试相同测试结束将显示错误的bit 数即使实际值超过了255ATS18=0&T8 测试开始. “CD” 灯亮AT&T0 测试结束, CD灯灭它根据ITU-T V.54 之LOOP2 and LOOP3设计回到在线状态远端数字环路自测 “&T7”命令是 “AT&T7<CR>”. 与本地模拟环路自测相同用“&T3” 命令操作说明+++ 退出命令模式(本地 modem)OK Modem 回应 “+++”ATS18=0&T3 测试开始.进入数字模式.XXXXX…… 在远端输入测试数据AT&T0 结束测试OK Modem 回应, 表示测试结束AT0 回到在线状态CONNECT Modem回应。



**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No .38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303BTRS-3640G / BTRS-3640-SPG / BTRS-3640AG / BTRS-3640A-SPG1310 nm TX / 1550 nm RX , 3.3V / 155 Mbps RoHS Compliant SFF Single-Fiber Transceiver**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************FEATURESl Single Fiber SFF Bi-Directional Transceiver l 1310 nm Transmitter l 1550 nm Receiver l Distance Up to 40 kml Single +3.3 V Power Supply l RoHS Compliantl PECL Differential Inputs and Outputsl 0 to 70o C Operating Temperature: BTRS-3640G l -20 to 85o C Operating Temperature: BTRS-3640AG l Wave Solderable and Aqueous Washablel Class 1 Laser International Safety Standard IEC-60825 CompliantAPPLICATIONSl WDM 155 Mb/s Linksl SONET/SDH Equipment Interconnect l Fast Ethernet 100 Mb/s LinksDESCRIPTIONThe BTRS-3640G series is high performance module for single fiber communications by using 1310 nm transmitter and 1550 nm receiver. The transmitter section uses a multiple quantum well laser and is a class 1 laser compliant according to International Safety Standard IEC-60825. The receiver section uses an integrated 1550 nm detector preamplifier (IDP) mounted in an optical header and a limiting post-amplifier IC. A PECL logic interface simplifies interface to external circuitry.LASER SAFETYThis single mode transceiver is a Class 1 laser product. It complies with IEC-60825 and FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. The transceiver must be operated within the specified temperature and voltage limits. The optical ports of the module shall be terminated with an optical connector or with a dust plug.ORDER INFORMATIONP/No.Bit Rate (Mb/s) Distance (km) TX (nm) RX (nm) Voltage (V) Package Temp (o C)TX Power (dBm) RX Sens. (dBm) RoHS Compliant BTRS-3640G125/155 40 1310 1550 3.3 2X5 SC 0 to 70 -3 to -8 -33 Yes BTRS-3640AG 125/15540131015503.32X5 SC -20 to 85-3 to -8 -33 YesNote: 1. BTRX-XXXXXG is receptacle type package with standard case 2. BTRX-XXXXXEG is receptacle type package with extended case3. BTRX-XXXXX-APBBBG is pigtail type package with different connector, A=S is SC connector, A=F is FCconnector, A=T is ST connector, A=L is LC connector, A=M is MU connector; BBB is the length of fiber in cm.Absolute Maximum RatingsParameterSymbol Min Max Units NotesStorage Temperature Tstg -40 85 o COperating Temperature Topr 0 -20 70 85 o CBTRS-3640G BTRS-3640AGSoldering Temperature --- 260 oC 10 seconds on leads only Power Supply Voltage Vcc 0 4.5 V Input Voltage --- GND Vcc VOutput CurrentIout30mARecommended Operating ConditionsParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Units / NotesPower Supply Voltage Vcc 3.13 3.3 3.47 VOperating Temperature Topr 0 -20 70 85 oC / BTRS-3640G oC / BTRS-3640AGData Rate155 170 Mb/s Power Supply CurrentIcc260mATransmitter Specifications (0o C < Topr < 70o C, 3.13 V < Vcc < 3.47V)Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units NotesOpticalOptical Transmit Power Po -8 -3 dBm 1Output Center Wavelength λ1270 1310 1360 nmOutput Spectrum Width σλ 4 nm RMS (σ)Extinction Ratio E R10 dBOutput Eye Compliant with Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 and ITU recommendation G.957Optical Rise Time t r 2 ns 10% to 90% Values Optical Fall Time t f 2 ns 10% to 90% Values Relative Intensity Noise RIN -116 dB/HzTotal Jitter TJ 1 ns 2ElectricalData Input Current – Low I IL-350 µAData Input Current – High I IH350 µADifferential Input Voltage V IH - V IL300 1600 mVData Input Voltage – Low V IL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 V 3Data Input Voltage -- High V IH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 V 3Disable Input Voltage -- Low V TDIS,L0 0.8 V TX Output Enabled Disable Input Voltage -- High V TDIS,H Vcc – 1.3 Vcc V TX Ouput DisabledShut Off Time for TxDis t DIS 1 msNotes: 1. Output power is power coupled into a 9/125 µm single mode fiber.2. Measured with a 223-1 PRBS with 72 ones and 72 zeros.3. These inputs are compatible with 10K, 10KH and 100K ECL and LVPECL inputs.Receiver Specifications(0o C < Topr < 70o C, 3.13 V < Vcc < 3.47V)Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units NotesOpticalSensitivity--- --- --- -33 dBm 1Maximum Input Power Pin -3 --- --- dBmSignal Detect -- Asserted Pa --- --- -33 dBm Transition: low to high Signal Detect -- Deasserted Pd -42 --- --- dBm Transition: high to low Signal detect -- Hysteresis 1.0 --- 4.0 dBWavelength of Operation 1480 1580 nm 2Optical Return Loss ORL 14 dBElectricalData Output Voltage – Low V OL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 V 3Data Output Voltage – High V OH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 V 3SD Output Voltage -- Low V OL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 V 3SD Output Voltage -- High V OH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 V 3Signal Detect Assert Time AS MAX100 µs OFF to ONSignal Detect Deassert Time ANS MAX300 µs ON to OFF Notes: 1. Minimum sensitivity and saturation levels at BER 1E-10 for a 223-1 PRBS with 72 ones and 72 zeros.2. At least 30 dB optical isolation for the wavelength 1260 to 1360 nm.3. These outputs are compatible with 10K, 10KH and 100K ECL and LVPECL outputs.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737RECOMMENDED CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC1)Recommended DC Coupled Interface Circuit2)Recommended AC Coupled Interface Circuit*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737。



Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
Consumption Current
1.2 mA No signal input
Peak Wavelength Reception Distance Half Angle(Horizontal) Half Angle(Vertical)
Fig.-2 Measuring Method
Fig.-3 Measuring System
Standard Transmitter 100k
10k +5.0± 0.1V
Standard Transmitter
L: Transmission Distance Vcc
demand as follows:
Minimum tburst ( number of pulses per burst)
10 pulses
Minimum tburst_gap ( number of pulses between two burst)
14 pulses
Minimum tpause 25 msec
Measurement place A place that is nothing of extreme light reflected in the room. External light Project the light of ordinary white fluorescent lamps which are not high Frequency lamps and must be less then 10 Lux at the module surface. (Ee≦10Lux) Standard transmitter A transmitter whose output is so adjusted as to Vo=400mVp-p and the output Wave form shown in Fig.-1.According to the measurement method shown in Fig.-2 the standard transmitter is specified. However , the infrared photodiode to be used for the transmitter should be λp=940nm,∆λ=50nm. (Standard light / Light source temperature 2856°K). Measuring system According to the measuring system shown in Fig.-3

UTT 3640 艾泰路由器使用说明

UTT 3640 艾泰路由器使用说明

U TT 3640 安全网关/VPN防火墙UTT 3640 是中小型企业经济防火墙的完美选择。

UTT 3640 四WAN口安全网关/VPN防火墙基于艾泰科技的全新的防火墙架构,采用高性能的INTEL IXP网络处理器,防黑客、防入侵,为用户提供防火墙级别的网络安全;全面的上网行为管理,轻松管控上网行为;多种形式的VPN功能,支持PPTP/L2TP/IPSec等协议,帮助您轻松构建自己的VPN网络。


产品特点详细规格典型应用相关下载防火墙功能全新的防火墙架构,有效防范内外网攻击、侦测及报文窃听、IP 地址欺骗、源路由攻击、IP/端口扫描、DoS等网络攻击,有效防止震荡波、冲击波、木马等病毒攻击;实现了基于源/目的IP地址、协议、端口、源/目的MAC地址的包过滤,基于URL和关键字的应用层过滤,还可按时间段进行过滤。




IPSec VPN支持自动IKE 和手动密钥,支持ESP/AH协议、3DES/DES/AES加密算法、SHA1/MD5认证算法,支持主模式和野蛮模式,支持抗重播、NAT穿透。

四WAN口和智能NAT提供四个WAN口,支持ADSL、光纤、Cable Modem等方式的混合接入。



Data Sheet No. PD60338IRMCK311 Dual Channel Sensorless Motor Control IC forAppliancesFeaturesMCE TM (Motion Control Engine) - Hardware based computation engine for high efficiency sinusoidal sensorless control of permanent magnet AC motor Integrated Power Factor Correction controlSupports both interior and surface permanent magnet motorsBuilt-in hardware peripheral for single shunt current feedback reconstructionNo external current or voltage sensing operational amplifier requiredDual channel three/two-phase Space Vector PWM Three-channel analog output (PWM)Embedded 8-bit high speed microcontroller (8051) for flexible I/O and man-machine controlJTAG programming port for emulation/debugger Two serial communication interface (UART)I2C/SPI serial interfaceWatchdog timer with independent analog clockThree general purpose timers/countersTwo special timers: periodic timer, capture timer Internal ‘One-Time Programmable’ (OTP) memory and internal RAM for final production usagePin compatible with IRMCF311 RAM version1.8V/3.3V CMOS Product SummaryMaximum crystal frequency 60 MHz Maximum internal clock (SYSCLK) frequency 128 MHz Maximum 8051 clock frequency 33 MHz Sensorless control computation time 11 μsec typ MCE TM computation data range 16 bit signed 8051 OTP Program memory 56K bytes MCE program and Data RAM 8K bytes GateKill latency (digital filtered) 2 μsec PWM carrier frequency counter 16 bits/ SYSCLK A/D input channels 6 A/D converter resolution 12 bits A/D converter conversion speed 2 μsec 8051 instruction execution speed 2 SYSCLK Analog output (PWM) resolution 8 bits UART baud rate (typ) 57.6K bps Number of I/O (max) 14 Package (lead-free) QFP64 Operating temperature -40°C ~ 85°CDescriptionIRMCK311 is a high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications. IRMCK311 is designed to achieve low cost and high performance control solutions for advanced inverterized appliance motor control. IRMCK311 contains two computation engines. One is Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for sensorless control of permanent magnet motors; the other is an 8-bit high-speed microcontroller (8051). Both computation engines are integrated into one monolithic chip. The MCE TM contains a collection of control elements such as Proportional plus Integral, Vector rotator, Angle estimator, Multiply/Divide, Low loss SVPWM, Single Shunt IFB. The user can program a motion control algorithm by connecting these control elements using a graphic compiler. Key components of the sensorless control algorithms, such as the Angle Estimator, are provided as complete pre-defined control blocks implemented in hardware. A unique analog/digital circuit and algorithm to fully support single shunt current reconstruction is also provided. The 8051 microcontroller performs 2-cycle instruction execution (16MIPS at 33MHz). The MCE and 8051 microcontroller are connected via dual port RAM to process signal monitoring and command input. An advanced graphic compiler for the MCE TM is seamlessly integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink environment, while third party JTAG based emulator tools are supported for 8051 developments. IRMCK311 comes with a small QFP64 pin lead-free package.TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Overview (5)2 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main Functions (6)3 Pinout (8)4 Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)4.1 8051 Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.3 Analog Interface Group (11)4.4 Power Interface Group (11)4.5 Test Interface (12)5 Application Connections (13)6 DC Characteristics (14)6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)6.2 System Clock Frequency and Power Consumption (14)6.3 Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)6.4 PLL and Oscillator DC Characteristics (15)6.5 Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)6.6 Under Voltage Lockout DC Characteristics (17)6.7 AREF Characteristics (17)7 AC Characteristics (18)7.1 PLL AC Characteristics (18)7.2 Analog to Digital Converter AC Characteristics (19)7.3 Op Amp AC Characteristics (19)7.4 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D Conversion AC Timing (20)7.5 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)7.6 Interrupt AC Timing (21)7.7 I2C AC Timing (22)7.8 SPI AC Timing (23)7.8.1 SPI Write AC timing (23)7.8.2 SPI Read AC Timing (24)7.9 UART AC Timing (25)7.10 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)7.11 JTAG AC Timing (27)7.12 OTP Programming Timing (28)8 I/O Structure (29)9 Pin List (32)Dimensions (35)10 Package11 Part Marking Information (36)Information (36)12 OrderingTABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK311 (5)Figure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block Diagram (6)Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration (8)Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)Figure 5. Application Connection of IRMCK311 (13)Figure 6. Clock Frequency vs. Power Consumption (14)Figure 7 Crystal oscillator circuit (18)Figure 8 Voltage droop of sample and hold (19)Figure 9 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D conversion AC Timing (20)Figure 10 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Figure 11 Interrupt AC Timing (21)Figure 12 I2C AC Timing (22)Figure 13 SPI AC Timing (23)Figure 14 SPI Read AC Timing (24)Figure 15 UART AC Timing (25)Figure 16 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)Figure 17 JTAG AC Timing (27)Figure 18 OTP Programming Timing (28)Figure 19 All digital I/O except motor PWM output (29)Figure 20 RESET, GATEKILL I/O (29)Figure 21 Analog input (30)Figure 22 Analog operational amplifier output and AREF I/O structure (30)Figure 23 VPP programming pin I/O structure (30)Figure 24 VSS and AVSS pin structure (31)Figure 25 VDD1 and VDDCAP pin structure (31)Figure 26 XTAL0/XTAL1 pins structure (31)TABLE OF TABLESTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)Table 2. System Clock Frequency (14)Table 3. Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)Table 4. PLL DC Characteristics (15)Table 5. Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)Table 6. UVcc DC Characteristics (17)Table 7. AREF DC Characteristics (17)Table 8. PLL AC Characteristics (18)Table 9. A/D Converter AC Characteristics (19)Table 10. Current Sensing OP Amp AC Characteristics (19)Table 11. SYNC AC Characteristics (20)Table 12. GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Table 13. Interrupt AC Timing (21)Table 14. I2C AC Timing (22)Table 15. SPI Write AC Timing (23)Table 16. SPI Read AC Timing (24)Table 17. UART AC Timing (25)Table 18. CAPTURE AC Timing (26)Table 19. JTAG AC Timing (27)Table 20. OTP Programming Timing (28)Table 21. Pin List (32)1 OverviewIRMCK311 is a new International Rectifier integrated circuit device primarily designed as a one-chip solution for complete inverter controlled appliance dual motor control applications. Unlike a traditional microcontroller or DSP, the IRMCK311 provides a built-in closed loop sensorless control algorithm using the unique Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for permanent magnet motors. The MCE TM consists of a collection of control elements, motion peripherals, a dedicated motion control sequencer and dual port RAM to map internal signal nodes. IRMCK311 also employs a unique single shunt current reconstruction circuit to eliminate additional analog/digital circuitry and enables a direct shunt resistor interface to the IC. The sensorless control is the same for both motors with a single shunt current sensing capability. Motion control programming is achieved using a dedicated graphical compiler integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink TM development environment. Sequencing, user interface, host communication, and upper layer control tasks can be implemented in the 8051 high-speed 8-bit microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller is equipped with a JTAG port to facilitate emulation and debugging tools. Figure 1 shows a typical application schematic using IRMCK311.IRMCK311 is intended for volume production purpose and contains 64K bytes of OTP (One Time Programming) ROM, which can be programmed through a JTAG port. For a development purpose use, IRMCF311 contains a 48k byte of RAM in place of program OTP to facilitate an application development work. Both IRMCF311 and IRMCK311 come in the same 64-pin QFP package with identical pin configuration to facilitate PC board layout and transition to mass productionFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK3112 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main FunctionsM o t i o n C o n t r o l B u sFigure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block DiagramIRMCK311 contains the following functions for sensorless AC motor control applications:• Motion Control Engine (MCE TM )o Proportional plus Integral block o Low pass filtero Differentiator and lag (high pass filter) o Ramp o Limito Angle estimate (sensorless control) o Inverse Clark transformation o Vector rotator o Bit latch o Peak detect o Transitiono Multiply-divide (signed and unsigned)o Divide (signed and unsigned)o Addero Subtractoro Comparatoro Countero Accumulatoro Switcho Shifto ATAN (arc tangent)o Function block (any curve fitting, nonlinear function)o16-bit wide Logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEGATE)o MCE TM program and data memory (6K byte). Note 1o MCE TM control sequencer• 8051 microcontrollero Three 16-bit timer/counterso16-bit periodic timero16-bit analog watchdog timero16-bit capture timero Up to 36 discrete I/Oso Eleven-channel 12-bit A/DFive buffered channels (0 – 1.2V input)One unbuffered channel (0 – 1.2V input)o JTAG port (4 pins)o Up to three channels of analog output (8-bit PWM)o Two UARTo I2C/SPI porto 64K byte Note 1program One-Time Programmable memoryo2K byte data RAM. Note 2Note 1: Total size of OTP memory is 64K byte, however MCE program occupiesmaximum 8K byte which will be loaded into internal RAM at a powerup/bootprocess. Therefore only 56K byte OTP memory area is usable for 8051microcontroller.Note 2: Total size of RAM is 8K byte including MCE program, MCE data, and 8051data. Different sizes can be allocated depending on applications.3 PinoutXTAL0XTAL1P1.1/RXD P1.2/TXDVDD1VSS VDD2P1.3/SYNC/SCKP1.4/CAPP 3.6/R X D 1P 3.7/T X D 1FPWMVL FPWMUL V S SV D D 2A V D DA V S SA I N 0A R E FP 2.7/A O P W M 1P 2.6/A O P W M 0CPWMUH CPWMVH CPWMWH CPWMUL CPWMVL CPWMWL CGATEKILL VDD1VSS I F B C OI F B C +I F B C -P L L V S SP L L V D DR E S E TN CT C KP 5.3/T D IP 5.2/T D OP 5.1/T M SS D A /C S 0S C L /S O -S I /V P PP 5.0/P F C G K I L LP F C P W M V S SFGATEKILL FPWMWL VAC-VAC+VACO IPFCO IPFC+IPFC-I F B F OI F B F +I F B F -P3.0/INT2/CS1C M E X TFPWMVH FPWMUHFPWMWH A I N 1P 3.2/I N T 0Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration4 Input/Output of IRMCK311All I/O signals of IRMCK311 are shown in Figure 4. All I/O pins are 3.3V logic interface except A/D interface pins.Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK3114.1 8051 Peripheral Interface GroupUART InterfaceP1.1/RXD Input, Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.1P1.2/TXD Output, Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.22nd channel Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.6 P3.6/RXD1 Input,P3.7/TXD1 Output,2nd channel Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.7Discrete I/O InterfaceP1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock P1.4/CAP Input/output port 1.4, can be configured as Capture Timer inputP3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P3.2/INT0 Input/output port 3.2, can be configured as external interrupt 0Analog Output InterfaceP2.6/AOPWM0 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 0 withprogrammable carrier frequencyP2.7/AOPWM1 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 1 withprogrammable carrier frequencyCrystal InterfaceXTAL0 Input, connected to crystalXTAL1 Output, connected to crystalReset InterfaceRESET Inout, system reset, needs to be pulled up to VDD1 but doesn’t requireexternal RC time constantI2C/SPI InterfaceSCL/SO-SI/VPP Output, I2C clock output, SPI SO-SII2C Data line, Chip Select 0 of SPISDA/CS0 Input/output,P3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock 4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface GroupPWMCPWMUH Output, motor 1 PWM phase U high side gate signalCPWMUL Output, motor 1 PWM phase U low side gate signalCPWMVH Output, motor 1 PWM phase V high side gate signalCPWMVL Output, motor 1 PWM phase V low side gate signalCPWMWH Output, motor 1 PWM phase W high side gate signalCPWMWL Output, motor 1 PWM phase W low side gate signalFPWMUH Output, motor 2 PWM phase U high side gate signalFPWMUL Output, motor 2 PWM phase U low side gate signal分销商库存信息: IRIRMCK311TR。

intersil isl43640低电压单电源4通道多路复用器开关数据手册

intersil isl43640低电压单电源4通道多路复用器开关数据手册

低电压,单电源,4合1多路复用器,高性能模拟开关概述Intersil ISL43640是精密,双向模拟开关,配有4通道多路复用器/多路信号分离器。







Intersil 最新的低电压开关采用小封装以减小电路板空间的限制,使其成为理想的解决方案。


相关文献技术摘要TB363“处理和加工对湿度敏感的表面安装器件(SMDs)的准则”应用笔记AN557“模拟开关的建议测试过程”应用笔记AN520“CMOS模拟多路复用器和开关;规格和应用注意事项”应用笔记AN1034“模拟开关的多路复用器的应用”特点完全适用于10%容差的3V,5V和12V的电源最大ON电阻(R ON),Vs=5V…………………………… 120Ω与信道匹配的R ON (2)低电荷注入………………………………………………… 3pC(最大)单电源工作……………………………………………… +2V到+12V低功率消耗(P D)………………………………………… <3μW低漏放电流………………………………………………… 2.5nA快速开关动作(Vs=5V)-- t ON………………………………………………………… 60ns-- t OFF………………………………………………………… 30ns保证无断线可兼容TTL和CMOS采用10引脚MSOP和16引脚QFN封装无铅封装应用电池供电,手提和便携式设备通信系统——无线电收音机——电信基础结构——ADSL,VDSL调制解调器测试设备——医学超声波——心电图仪——磁共振成像——CT和PET扫描器(MRI)——自动测试设备音频和视频转换多种电路——+3V/+5V数模转换器和模数转换器——抽样和保持电路——运算放大器增益转换电路——高频模拟转换——高速多路复用——积分复位电路引脚图注:1. 所示开关为逻辑“0”输入真值表≤注:逻辑“0”0.8V,逻辑“1”≥ 2.4V,Vs在3.3V和11V之间。



EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Technical Data Sheet Infrared Remote-control Receiver ModuleIRM-3638T-RFeatures• Photo detector and preamplifier in one package • Internal filter for PCM frequency • Improved inner shielding against electrical field disturbance • TTL and CMOS compatibility • Low power consumption • Improved immunity against ambient light • Suitable burst length ≧10 cycles/burst • Pb free • BiCMOS manufacture IC ; ESD HBM>4000V ; MM>250V • The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.DescriptionsThe IRM-3638T-R is miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems. PIN diode and preamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxy package is designed as IR filter. The demodulated output signal can directly be decoded by a microprocessor. IRM-3638T-R is the standard IR remote control receiver series, supporting all major transmission codes.Applications․Light detecting portion of remote control ․AV instruments such as Audio, TV, VCR, CD, MD, etc. ․Home appliances such as Air-conditioner, Fan , etc. ․The other equipments with wireless remote control. ․CATV set top boxes ․Multi-media EquipmentPART Chip CompoundMATERIAL Silicon EpoxyCOLOR Black BlackEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 1 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RPackage DimensionsOUT GND Vcc24±1.0Unit:mmNotes: 1.All dimensions are in millimeters.2.Tolerances unless dimensions ±0.3mm.Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 2 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)Parameter Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Soldering Temperature Symbol Vcc Topr Tstg Tsol Rating 0~6 -25 ~ +80 -40 ~ +85 260 Unit V ℃ ℃ ℃ 4mm from mold body less than 10 seconds NoticeRecommended Operating ConditionSupply Voltage Rating: Vcc 2.7V to 5.5VElectro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃, and Vcc=3.0V)Parameter Consumption Current B.P.F Center Frequency Peak Wavelength Reception Distance Half Angle(Horizontal) Half Angle(Vertical) High Level Pulse Width Low Level Pulse Width High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Symbol Icc Fo λp L0 L45 Θh Θv TH TL VH VL MIN. ------12 5.5 ----400 400 2.7 --TYP. 0.8 38 940 ----45 45 --------MAX. 1.0 ------------800 800 --0.25 deg deg μs μs V V At the ray axis *2 At the ray axis *1 Unit mA KHz nm m Condition No signal inputNotes: *1:The ray receiving surface at a vertex and relation to the ray axis in the range of θ= 0° and θ=45°. *2:A range from 30cm to the arrival distance. Average value of 50 pulses.Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 3 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RTest Method:The specified electro-optical characteristics is satisfied under the following Conditions at the controllable distance. Measurement place A place that is nothing of extreme light reflected in the room. External light Project the light of ordinary white fluorescent lamps which are not high Frequency lamps and must be less then 10 Lux at the module surface. (Ee≦10Lux) Standard transmitter A transmitter whose output is so adjusted as to Vo=400mVp-p and the output Wave form shown in Fig.-1.According to the measurement method shown in Fig.-2 the standard transmitter is specified. However , the infrared photodiode to be used for the transmitter should be λp=940nm,∆λ=50nm. Also, photodiode is used of PD438B(Vr=5V). (Standard light / Light source temperature 2856°K). Measuring system According to the measuring system shown in Fig.-3Block Diagram:VsINInputCGA & filterDemodulatorOUTµCOscillatorCarrier frequency f0AGC/ATC & digital controlModulated IR signal min 10 pulsesGNDEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 4 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RApplication Circuit:RC Filter should be connected closely between Vcc pin and GND pin.Fig.-1Transmitter Wave FormD.U.T output PulseCarrier frequency is adjusted to center frequency of each product.OUTPUT PULSE OF DEVICEIR TANSMITTER OUTPUT WAVE FORMDuty=0.5Fig.-2Measuring Method20cm 10k +5.0± 0.1VFig.-3Measuring SystemL: Transmission Distance10uFθ θVcc OUT D.U.TVoutStandard TransmitterStandard Transmitter100kVout GNDOscilloscopeθ: Angle Of Horizontal & Vertical DirectionEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 5 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RThe Notice of Application:Transmission of remote control signal consist of four parts: Encode Part, IR Transmitter Source, IRM device, Decode Part 1. When IRM-3638T-R code select frequency, it need to well understand the center system of encode part. 2. Strong or weak light of IR Transmitter can affect distance of transmission. 3. When using IRM-3638T-R device, it requires the composition of code pattern to reach the demand as follows:Minimum tburst ( number of pulses per burst) 10 pulsesMinimum tburst_gap ( number of pulses between two burst) 14 pulsesMinimum tpause25 msec4. It needs to ensure the translation range of decode part if it is applied to the pulse-width range. If the above items hardly assure of its application, it’ll cause NG(no good) message from the edge of signal.IRM-3638T-R Code Property:Data format NEC RC5 _ Philips RC6 _ Philips RCA _ Thomson Toshiba Sharp JVC O O O X O O O Data format Sony 12 Bit Sony 15 Bit Sony 20 Bit Matsushita Mitsubishi Zenith High data rate (4000 bit/s) O X X O O O XEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 6 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.-4 Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. Wavelength Fig.-5 Relative Direction Transmission Distance vs.Relative Transmission Distance (%)80 60 4020 0-60-40-200204060Angle (deg)Fig.-6 Output Pulse Length vs. Arrival DistanceFig.-7 Arrival Distance vs. Supply VoltageOutput Pulse Width TWL (µsec)Transmission Distance Lc (m)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1616.0 12.0 8.0 4.002.7 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.5Transmission Distance Lc (m)Supply Voltage Vcc (V)Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 7 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.-8 Relative Transmission Distance vs. Center Carrier Frequency Fig.-9 Arrival Distance vs. Ambient Temperature17.580 70Transmission Distance Lc (m)20 25 30 35 40 45 509014.0 10.5 7.0 3.5Relative Distance (%)60 50Carrier Frequency (KHz)Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 8 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RReliability Test Item And ConditionThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level:90% LTPD:10% Test Items 1 cycle Temperature cycle Test Conditions -40℃ +100℃ n=22,c=0 Failure Judgement Criteria Samples(n) Defective(c)(15min)(5min)(15min) 300 cycle test Temp: +100℃ L0≦ L×0.8 L45≦ L×0.8High temperature test Vcc:6V 1000hrs Low temperature storage High temperature High humidity Temp: -40℃ 1000hrs Ta: 85℃,RH:85% 1000hrs Temp: 260±5℃ 10sec 4mm From the bottom of the package.n=22,c=0n=22,c=0 L: Lower specification limitn=22,c=0Solder heatn=22,c=0Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 9 of 10Prepared by:Hao LiuEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-3638T-RPacking Quantity Specification1. 1500 PCS/1Box 2. 10 Boxes/1CartonLabel Form SpecificationCPN: Customer’s Production Number P/N : Production Number QTY: Packing Quantity CAT: Ranks HUE: None REF: Reference LOT No: Lot Number MADE IN TAIWAN: Production PlaceIRM-3638T-RNotes1. Above specification may be changed without notice. EVERLIGHT will reserve authority on material change for above specification. 2. When using this product, please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for using outlined in these specification sheets. EVERLIGHT assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from use of the product which does not comply with the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions included in these specification sheets. 3. These specification sheets include materials protected under copyright of EVERLIGHT corporation. Please don’t reproduce or cause anyone to reproduce them without EVERLIGHT’s consent.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Office: No 25, Lane 76, Sec 3, Chung Yang Rd, Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.CTel: 886-2-2267-2000, 2267-9936 Fax: 886-2267-6244, 2267-6189, 2267-6306 http:\\Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-053http:\\ Prepared date:20-Sep-06Rev 1Page: 10 of 10Prepared by:Hao Liu。

希尔斯通t系列智能下一代防火墙t3860 t5060 t5860用户指南说明书

希尔斯通t系列智能下一代防火墙t3860 t5060 t5860用户指南说明书

Hillstone T-Series Intelligent Next-Generation FirewallT3860 / T5060 / T5860According to the latest research 66 percent of security breaches go undetected for 7-8 months. And, more than 85 percent of breaches originate from the web with drive-by downloads being the top web threat. This implies two things: First, a user does not have to click on anything to become infected with malware; and second, all organizations have infected hosts inside their network.Hillstone ,s T-Series intelligent Next-Generation Firewall (iNGFW) is an application-aware firewall that continuously monitors the network. It can identify attacks on all operating systems, applications, devices and browsers. It provides visibility into every stage of an attack and it can detect security breaches within minutes/seconds. It prioritizes hosts with the greatest security risks and provides contextual information about the threat. Security administrators can drill-down into the attack, including packet captures, to analyze all threat details.Hillstone ,s T-Series is designed for mid to large sized enterprises that need advanced levels of security, enhanced visibility, and continuous network uptime.TM- Outbound link load balancing includes policy based routing, ECMPand weighted, embedded ISP routing and dynamic detection- Inbound link load balancing supports SmartDNS and dynamicdetection- Automatic link switching based on bandwidth and latency- Link health inspection with ARP, PING, and DNSVPN• IPSec VPN:- IPSEC Phase 1 mode: aggressive and main ID protection mode- Peer acceptance options: any ID, specific ID, ID in dialup user group - Supports IKEv1 and IKEv2 (RFC 4306)- Authentication method: certificate and pre-shared key- IKE mode configuration support (as server or client)- DHCP over IPSEC- Configurable IKE encryption key expiry, NAT traversal keep alivefrequency- Phase 1/Phase 2 Proposal encryption: DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192,AES256- Phase 1/Phase 2 Proposal authentication: MD5, SHA1, SHA256,SHA384, SHA512- Phase 1/Phase 2 Diffie-Hellman support: 1,2,5- XAuth as server mode and for dialup users- Dead peer detection- Replay detection- Autokey keep-alive for Phase 2 SA• IPSEC VPN realm support: allows multiple custom SSL VPN logins associated with user groups (URL paths, design)• IPSEC VPN configuration options: route-based or policy based• IPSEC VPN deployment modes: gateway-to-gateway, full mesh,hub-and-spoke, redundant tunnel, VPN termination in transparent mode• One time login prevents concurrent logins with the same username • SSL portal concurrent users limiting• SSL VPN port forwarding module encrypts client data and sends the data to the application server• SSL VPN tunnel mode supports clients that run iOS, Android, and Windows XP/Vista including 64-bit Windows OS’• Host integrity checking and OS checking prior to SSL tunnel connections • MAC host check per portal• Cache cleaning option prior to ending SSL VPN session• L2TP client and server mode, L2TP over IPSEC, and GRE over IPSEC• View and manage IPSEC and SSL VPN connectionsUser and Device Identity• Local user database• Remote user authentication: LDAP, Radius, Active Directory• Single-sign-on: Windows AD• 2-factor authentication: 3rd party support, integrated token server with physical and SMS• User and device-based policiesIPS• 7,000+ signatures, protocol anomaly detection, rate-based detection, custom signatures, manual, automatic push or pull signature updates, integrated threat encyclopedia• IPS Actions: default, monitor, block, reset (attackers IP or victim IP, incoming interface) with expiry time• Packet logging option• Filter Based Selection: severity, target, OS, application or protocol• IP exemption from specific IPS signatures• IDS sniffer mode• IPv4 and IPv6 rate based DOS protection with threshold settings against TCP Syn flood, TCP/UDP/SCTP port scan, ICMP sweep,TCP/UDP/SCIP/ICMP session flooding (source/destination)• Active bypass with bypass interfaces• Provides predefined template of defense configuration• Predefined prevention configurationThreat Protection• Breach Detection- Near real-time breach detection (seconds/minutes)- Detailed description and severity of malware closely resembling attack - Pcap files and log files provide corroborating evidence- Confidence level provides certainty of attack• Network Behavior Analysis- L3-L7 baseline traffic compared to real-time traffic to revealanomalous network behavior- Built-in mitigations technologies include: session limits, bandwidthlimits and blocking- Graphical depiction of anomalous behavior compared to baseline and upper and lower thresholds• Network Risk Index quantifies the threat level of the network based on the aggregate host index.• Host Risk Index quantifies the host threat level based on attack severity, detection method, and confidence level.• Over 1.3 million AV signatures• Botnet server IP blocking with global IP reputation database• Flow-based Antivirus: protocols include HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP,FTP/SFTP• Flow-based web filtering inspection• Manually defined web filtering based on URL, web content and MIME header• Dynamic web filtering with cloud-based real-time categorization database: over 140 million URLs with 64 categories (8 of which are security related)• Additional web filtering features:- Filter Java Applet, ActiveX or cookie- Block HTTP Post- Log search keywords- Exempt scanning encrypted connections on certain categories forprivacy• Web filtering profile override: allows administrator to temporarily assign different profiles to user/group/IP• Web filter local categories and category rating override• Proxy avoidance prevention: proxy site category blocking, rate URLs by domain and IP address, block redirects from cache & translation sites, proxy avoidance application blocking, proxy behavior blocking (IPS)• Inspect SSL encrypted traffic.Application Control• Over 3,000 applications that can be filtered by name, category, subcategory, technology and risk• Each application contains a description, risk factors, dependencies, typical ports used, and URLs for additional reference• Actions: block, reset session, monitor, traffic shapingHigh Availability• Redundant heartbeat interfaces• Active/Passive• Standalone session synchronization• HA reserved management interface• Failover:- Port, local & remote link monitoring- Stateful failover- Sub-second failover- Failure notification• Deployment Options:- HA with link aggregation- Full mesh HA- Geographically dispersed HAAdministration• Management access: HTTP/HTTPS, SSH, telnet, console• Central Management: Hillstone Security Manager (HSM), web service APIs• System Integration: SNMP, syslog, alliance partnerships• Rapid deployment: USB auto-install, local and remote script execution • Dynamic real-time dashboard status and drill-in monitoring widgets • Language support: EnglishLogs & Reporting• Logging facilities: local memory and storage (if available), multiple syslog servers and multiple Hillstone Security Audit (HSA) platforms • Encrypted logging and log integrity with HSA scheduled batch log uploading• Reliable logging using TCP option (RFC 3195)• Detailed traffic logs: forwarded, violated sessions, local traffic, invalid packets• Comprehensive event logs: system and administrative activity audits, routing & networking, VPN, user authentications, WiFi related events • IP and service port name resolution option• Brief traffic log format optionProduct Specification4GE Bypass Extension ModuleIOC-4XFP8SFP+ Extension Module4SFP+ Extension Module4 x SFP+, SFP+ module not included(1)IPS Throughput data is obtained under 1M-byte-payload HTTP traffic with test of 32K-byte scanning.(2) AV Throughput data is obtained under 1M-byte-payload HTTP traffic with file attachment.(3) IPSec Throughput data is obtained under Preshare Key AES256+SHA-1 configuration and 1400-byte packet size packet .Unless specified otherwise, all performance, capacity and functionality are based on StoneOS 5.5R1. Results may vary based on StoneOS® version and deployment.。

上海艾泰 UTT 3640VPN 防火墙 高级配置手册

上海艾泰 UTT 3640VPN 防火墙 高级配置手册

艾®、UTT®文字及相关图形是上海艾泰科技有限公司的注册商标。 HiPER®文字及其相关图形是上海艾泰科技有限公司的注册商标。 此处所涉及的其它公司、组织或个人的产品、商标、专利,除非特别声明,归各自所有 人所有。
产品编号(PN) :0900-0080-001 文档编号(DN) :PR-PMMU-1104.22-PPR-CN-1.0A
UTT 3640VPN 防火墙 高级配置手册

版权所有©2000-2008,上海艾泰科技有限公司,保留所有权利。 本文档所提供的资料包括 URL 及其他 Internet Web 站点参考在内的所有信息,如有变 更,恕不另行通知。 除非另有注明,本文档中所描述的公司、组织、个人及事件的事例均属虚构,与真实的 公司、组织、个人及事件无任何关系。 本手册及软件产品受最终用户许可协议(EULA)中所描述的条款和条件约束,该协议 位于产品文档资料及软件产品的联机文档资料中,使用本产品,表明您已经阅读并接受了 EULA 中的相关条款。 遵守所生效的版权法是用户的责任。 在未经上海艾泰科技有限公司明确书面许可的情况 下,不得对本文档的任何部分进行复制、将其保存于或引进检索系统;不得以任何形式或任 何方式(电子、机械、影印、录制或其他可能的方式)进行商品传播或用于任何商业、赢利 目的。 上海艾泰科技有限公司拥有本文档所涉及主题的专利、专利申请、商标、商标申请、版 权及其他知识产权。 在未经上海艾泰科技有限公司明确书面许可的情况下, 使用本文档资料 并不表示您有使用有关专利、商标、版权或其他知识产权的特许。
3.1 配置正确的网络设置.................................................................................................15 3.2 开始菜单.....................................................................................................................17 3.2.1 线路配置上网.....................................................................................................19 3.2.2 不可不防.............................................................................................................20 双线路路由配置.............................................................................................20 病毒防御.........................................................................................................20 速率限制.........................................................................................................21 3.2.3 端口映射.............................................................................................................22 3.2.4 用户个性化配置.................................................................................................22 3.2.5 组策略.................................................................................................................22 3.2.6 防火墙策略.........................................................................................................22 3.2.7 系统信息.............................................................................................................22 3.2.8 ARP 欺骗防御 ........................................................................................................23

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK_40_BHL_066T 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK_40_BHL_066T 数据表

SEMITOP ®3Half controlled bridge rectifier + IGBT braking chopperSK 40 BHL 066TFeatures•Compact design •One screw mounting•Heat transfer and isolation through direct copper bonded aluminum oxide ceramic (DBC)•600V Trench3 IGBT technology •Free-wheeling chopper diode CAL technology•UL file recognized, file no E63-532Typical Applications*•RectifierSymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT 1V CES T j =25°C 600V I C T j =150°C T s =25°C 33A T s =70°C 25A I C T j =175°CT s =25°C 37A T s =70°C30A I Cnom 30A I CRM I CRM = 2 x I Cnom 60A V GES-20 (20)V t psc V CC =360V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 600V T j =150°C6µs T j-40 (175)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditionsValuesUnitThyristor 1V RRM 1600V I T(AV)T j =130°C, T s =80°C 19A I TSM tp =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C 370A i 2t tp =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C685A²s T j-40 (130)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitDiode 1V RRM T j =25°C 1600V I F T j =125°C T s =25°C 36A T s =70°C 24A I F T j =150°CT s =25°C 41A T s =70°C31A I Fnom 13A I FRM A I FSM 10ms, sin 180°, T j =150°C270A T j-40 (150)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitDiode 2V RRM T j =25°C 600V I F T j =175°CT s =25°C 34A T s =70°C27A I Fnom 25A I FRM I FRM = 2 x I Fnom 50A I FSM 10ms sin 180°T j =25°C 185A T j =150°C160A T j-40 (175)°CSEMITOP ®3Half controlled bridge rectifier + IGBT braking chopperSK 40 BHL 066TFeatures•Compact design •One screw mounting•Heat transfer and isolation through direct copper bonded aluminum oxide ceramic (DBC)•600V Trench3 IGBT technology •Free-wheeling chopper diode CAL technology•UL file recognized, file no E63-532Typical Applications*•RectifierSymbolConditions Values UnitModule I t(RMS)A T stg -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500VCharacteristicsSymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT 1V CE(sat)I C =30A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 1.50 1.90V T j =150°C 1.65 2.10V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.90 1.00V T j =150°C 0.850.90V r CE V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 2030m ΩT j =150°C2740m ΩV GE(th)V GE =V CE V, I C =0.43mA5 5.8 6.5V I CES V GE =0V V CE =600V T j =25°C0.01mA -mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0V f =1MHz 1.63nF C oes f =1MHz 0.108nF C res f =1MHz0.05nF Q G - 7 V...+ 15 V 240nC R Gint T j =25°C 0Ωt d(on)V CC =300V I C =30A R G on =25ΩR G off =25Ωdi/dt on =2335A/µs di/dt off =2335A/µs V GE neg =-7V V GE pos =15V T j =150°C 24ns t r T j =150°C 27ns E on T j =150°C 0.97mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 328ns t f T j =150°C 54ns E off T j =150°C 1.77mJ R th(j-s)per IGBT1.65K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitThyristor 1V T I T =25A chip T j =25°C 1.22V T j =130°C1.19V V T(TO)T j =130°C 0.85V r T T j =130°C 13.9m ΩV GT T j =25°C 1.65V I GT T j =25°C 100mA I H T j =25°C 165mA I L T j =25°C 330mA dv/dt cr T j =130°C 1000V/µs di/dt cr T j =130°C50A/µs Rth (j-s)1.7K/WSEMITOP ®3Half controlled bridge rectifier + IGBT braking chopperSK 40 BHL 066TFeatures•Compact design •One screw mounting•Heat transfer and isolation through direct copper bonded aluminum oxide ceramic (DBC)•600V Trench3 IGBT technology •Free-wheeling chopper diode CAL technology•UL file recognized, file no E63-532Typical Applications*•RectifierCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitDiode 1V FI F =13A chiplevelT j =25°C 1.00 1.21V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.880.98V T j =125°C 0.730.83V r Fchiplevel T j =25°C 9.218m ΩT j =125°C1321m ΩI RRM I F =13A-A Q rr -µC E rr -mJ R th(j-s)per Diode1.7K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitDiode 2V FI F =25A chiplevelT j =25°C 1.45 1.84V T j =150°C 1.47 1.75V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.99 1.10V T j =150°C 0.800.89V r F chiplevel T j =25°C 1830m ΩT j =150°C 2734m ΩI RRM I F =30Adi/dt off =920A/µs V GE =-7V V CC =600V T j =150°C 7.5A Q rr T j =150°C 1.8µC E rr T j =150°C0.26mJ R th(j-s)per Diode2.3K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitModule M s to heatsink 2.252.5Nm wweight29gCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitTemperature SensorR 100T r =100°C493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%KSEMITOP®3This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.。

(1)S M T 简介

(1)S  M  T 简介

一.S M T 簡介一.SMT的含義SMT-----Surface Mount Technology中文意思﹕表面貼裝技術二.什麽是表面貼裝技術(針對單片板而言)它是與常用零件的零件腳插入貫穿孔或導通孔中﹐并籍錫將零件固定﹐同時與印刷電路板的線路連接起來的組裝方式不同﹐它是應用零件在表面的焊接﹐不利用貫穿孔或導通孔。







SMD---Surface Mount Devices(表面組裝器件)四.SMT設備品牌有哪些將元器件裝配到印刷電路板(或其它基板)上的工藝方法稱為SMT工藝﹐相關的貼裝設備則稱為SMT設備。

松下(以前分大阪松下和九州松下) 富士JUKI 雅馬哈索尼三洋菲利蒲西門子(韓國)未來三星東芝環球天龍西鐵成卡西歐馬路機等SMT所用的主要設備有﹕送板機(Loader)﹐錫膏印刷機(Solder Printer), 點膠機(Glue Dispenser)﹐高速機(High Speed Mount), 泛用機(Multi Function Mount), 回焊爐(Air Reflow )﹐收板機(Unloader).本公司以所使用的設備是﹕SP28P﹑CM202﹑CM301為松下公司產品﹐SP28P 是印刷機﹐CM202是高速機﹐CM301是泛用機。

五.表貼貼裝技朮常用英語IQC-------Incoming Quality Control 進料檢驗IPQC-----In process Quality Control 制程檢驗OQC------Outgoing Quality Control 最終檢驗PCB-------Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板SOP-------Standard Operating Procedure 標准作業程序BOM-----Bill Of Material 物料清單ISO-------International Standard Organization 國際標准組織ESD------Electron Static Discharge 靜電防護ECN-----Engineer Change Notice 工程變更通知QA-------Quality Assurance 品質保証QE--------Quality Engineer 品質工程MFG-----Manufacturing 制造ICT-------In-circuit Test 內電路測試MIS------Management Information System 資迅管理系統PPE-------Product Engineer 產品工程PPM------Percent Per Million 百萬分之一IE---------Industrial Engineer 工業工程AQL-----Accept Quality Level 允收品質標准CAR-----Corrective Action Report 改善報告AOI-------Automated Optical Inspection 自動光學檢測QFP-------Quad Flat Package 方形平腳對裝SOIC------Small Outline IC 縮小型集成電路DIP--------Dual In Line Package 雙排釘腳包裝形態LCC-------Leadless Chip Carrier 無引線承載器CLCC-----Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier 陶瓷無引線晶片承載器PLCC-----Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier 塑料無引線晶片承載器六.SMT所使用的材料1.錫膏﹕印刷機使用﹐儲藏溫度0-10℃。















中国长江动力公司(集团)武汉汽轮发电机厂Q/CCF K1501-2004 绝缘材料简明手册2004-06-23发布2004-07-15实施武汉汽轮发电机厂发布前言企业标准《绝缘材料简明手册》自1993实施以来,在设计和生产中发挥了一定的作用。








本标准自实施之日起代替Q/WF F0411-1993。


目次1 范围 (3)2 规范性引用文件 (3)3 绝缘材料品种、规格及要求 (3)3.1 绝缘材料漆、树脂和胶类 (3)3.2 绝缘浸渍纤维制品 (6)3.3 绝缘层压制品 (7)3.4 绝缘模塑料 (10)3.5 绝缘云母制品 (10)3.6 绝缘薄膜、粘带及复合制品 (12)3.7 其它绝缘材料 (14)附录A绝缘漆、树脂和胶使用溶剂、稀释剂及烘焙温度 (16)附录B 常用绝缘材料的贮存期 (17)附录C 绝缘材料密度 (18)绝缘材料简明手册Q/CCF K1501-2004 1 范围本标准规定了绝缘材料的名称、型号、规格、标注示例等有关要求。


2 规范性引用文件GB/T1303-1977 环氧玻璃布层压板GB/T5021-2002 换向器隔板和材料GB/T5133-1985 层压棒GB/T13950-1992 电气绝缘用聚酯薄膜JB/T2726-1996 聚酰亚胺薄膜JB/T4059-1991 聚酰薄膜绝缘纸柔软复合材料JB/T4060-1991 聚酰薄膜聚酯纤维非织布柔软复合材料JB/T4061.1-1995 聚酰薄膜聚芳酰胺纤维纸柔软复合材料JB/T4062.1-1995 聚酰亚胺薄膜聚芳酰胺纤维纸柔软复合材料JB/T5658-1991 电气用压敏粘带聚酯薄膜热固性胶粘带JB/T5659-1991 电气用压敏粘带聚酯亚胺薄膜热固性胶粘带JB/T5822-1991 电器绝缘用酚醛玻璃纤维模塑料JB/T6236.3-1992 电工用树脂浸渍玻璃纤维无纬绑扎带技术条件JB/T6488.3-1992 云母带环氧玻璃云母带JB/T7099-1993 塑料云母板JB/T7100-1993 柔软云母板JB/T8150-1999 环氧层压玻璃布管3 绝缘材料品种、规格及要求3.1 绝缘漆、树脂和胶类见表13.2 绝缘浸渍纤维制品见表2表2 绝缘浸渍纤维制品3.3 绝缘层压制品见表3表3 绝缘层压制品表3(续)3.4 绝缘模塑料见表4表4绝缘模塑料3.5 绝缘云母制品见表5表5绝缘云母制品表5(续)3.6 绝缘薄膜、粘带及复合制品见表6表6绝缘薄膜、粘带及复合制品表6(续)3.7 其它绝缘材料见表7附录A(资料性附录)绝缘漆、树脂和胶使用溶剂、稀释剂及烘焙温度附录B(资料性附录)常用绝缘材料的贮存期附录C (资料性附录)绝缘材料密度。

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元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Technical Data Sheet Infrared Remote control Receiver Module Own Inner ShieldIRM-36xxT SERIESFeatures• Photo detector and preamplifier in one package • Internal filter for PCM frequency • Improved inner shielding against electrical field disturbance • TTL and CMOS compatibility • Low power consumption • Improved immunity against ambient light • Suitable burst length ≧10 cycles/burst • Pb free • BiCMOS manufacture IC ; ESD HBM>4000V ; MM>250V • The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.DescriptionsThe IRM-36xxT is miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems. PIN diode and preamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxy package is designed as IR filter. The demodulated output signal can directly be decoded by a microprocessor.IRM-36xxT is the standard IR remote control receiver series, supporting all major transmission codes.Applications․Light detecting portion of remote control ․AV instruments such as Audio, TV, VCR, CD, MD, etc. ․Home appliances such as Air-conditioner, Fan , etc. ․The other equipments with wireless remote control. ․CATV set top boxes ․Multi-media EquipmentPART Chip CompoundMATERIAL Silicon EpoxyCOLOR Black BlackEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 1 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESPackage DimensionsUnit:mmNotes: 1.All dimensions are in millimeters.2.Tolerances unless dimensions ±0.3mm.Available Types For Different Carrier FrequenciesType IRM-3636T IRM-3638T IRM-3640T IRM-3656T Carrier Frequencies (Typ) 36 kHz 38 kHz 40 kHz 56 kHzEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 2 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)Parameter Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Soldering Temperature Symbol Vcc Topr Tstg Tsol Rating 0~6 -25 ~ +80 -40 ~ +85 260 Unit V ℃ ℃ ℃ 4mm from mold body less than 10 seconds NoticeRecommended Operating ConditionSupply Voltage Rating: Vcc 2.7V to 5.5VElectro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃, and Vcc=3V)Parameter Consumption Current Peak Wavelength Reception Distance Half Angle(Horizontal) Half Angle(Vertical) High Level Pulse Width Low Level Pulse Width High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Symbol Icc λp L0 L45 Θh Θv TH TL VH VL MIN. ----14 6 ----400 400 2.7 --TYP. 1.0 940 ----45 45 --------MAX. 1.2 ----------800 800 --0.5 deg deg μs μs V V At the ray axis *2 At the ray axis *1 Unit mA nm m Condition No signal inputNotes: *1:The ray receiving surface at a vertex and relation to the ray axis in the range of θ= 0° and θ=45°. *2:A range from 30cm to the arrival distance. Average value of 50 pulses.Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 3 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESTest Method:The specified electro-optical characteristics is satisfied under the following Conditions at the controllable distance. Measurement place A place that is nothing of extreme light reflected in the room. External light Project the light of ordinary white fluorescent lamps which are not high Frequency lamps and must be less then 10 Lux at the module surface. (Ee≦10Lux) Standard transmitter A transmitter whose output is so adjusted as to Vo=400mVp-p and the output Wave form shown in Fig.-1.According to the measurement method shown in Fig.-2 the standard transmitter is specified. However , the infrared photodiode to be used for the transmitter should be λp=940nm,∆λ=50nm. (Standard light / Light source temperature 2856°K). Measuring system According to the measuring system shown in Fig.-3Block Diagram:VsIN Input CGA & filter DemodulatorOUT µCOscillatorCarrier frequency f0AGC/ATC & digital controlModulated IR signal min 10 pulsesGNDEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 4 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESApplication Circuit:RC Filter should be connected closely between Vcc pin and GND pin.Fig.-1Transmitter Wave FormCarrier frequency is adjusted to center frequency of each product.D.U.T output PulseIR TANSMITTER OUTPUT WAVE FORMOUTPUT PULSE OF DEVICEDuty=0.5Fig.-2Measuring Method20cm 10k +5.0± 0.1VFig.-3Measuring SystemL: Transmission Distance10uF Standard Transmitterk 0 0 1Vccθ θVoutStandard TransmitterOUT D.U.T GND VoutOscilloscopeθ: Angle Of Horizontal & Vertical DirectionEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 5 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESThe Notice of Application:Transmission of remote control signal consist of four parts: Encode Part, IR Transmitter Source, IRM device, Decode Part 1. When IRM-36xxT SERIES code select frequency, it need to well understand the center system of encode part. 2. Strong or weak light of IR Transmitter can affect distance of transmission. 3. When using IRM-36xxT SERIES device, it requires the composition of code pattern to reach the demand as follows:Minimum tburst ( number of pulses per burst) 10 pulsesMinimum tburst_gap ( number of pulses between two burst) 14 pulsesMinimum tpause25 msec4. It needs to ensure the translation range of decode part if it is applied to the pulse-width range. If the above items hardly assure of its application, it’ll cause NG(no good) message from the edge of signal.IRM-36xxT SERIES Code Property:Data format NEC RC5 _ Philips RC6 _ Philips RCA _ Thomson Toshiba Sharp JVC O O O X O O O Data format Sony 12 Bit Sony 15 Bit Sony 20 Bit Matsushita Mitsubishi Zenith High data rate (4000 bit/s) O X X O O O XEverlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 6 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.-4 Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. Wavelength Fig.-5 Relative Direction Transmission Distance vs.Relative Transmission Distance (%)80 6040200 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60Angle (deg)Fig.-6 Output Pulse Length vs. Arrival DistanceFig.-7 Arrival Distance vs. Supply Voltage17.5Output Pulse Width TWL (µsec)Transmission Distance Lc (m)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1610.5 7.0 3.502.7 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.5Transmission Distance Lc (m)Supply Voltage Vcc (V)Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 7 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.-8 Relative Transmission Distance vs. Center Carrier Frequency IRM-3636T IRM-3638TIRM-3640TIRM-3656TRelative Transmission Distance (%)Relative Transmission Distance (%)Center Carrier Frequency (kHz)Center Carrier Frequency (kHz)Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 8 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesFig.-9 Arrival Distance vs. Ambient Temperature17.5Transmission Distance Lc (m)14.0 10.5 7.0 3.5Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)Reliability Test Item And ConditionThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level:90% LTPD:10% Test Items Test Conditions 1 cycle -40℃ Temperature cycle +100℃ n=22,c=0 Failure Judgement Criteria Samples(n) Defective(c)(15min)(5min)(15min) 300 cycle test Temp: +100℃High temperature test Vcc:6V 1000hrs Low temperature storage High temperature High humidity Temp: -40℃ 1000hrs Ta: 85℃,RH:85% 1000hrs Temp: 260±5℃ 10sec 4mm From the bottom of the package.L0≦ L×0.8 L45≦ L×0.8n=22,c=0n=22,c=0 L: Lower specification limit n=22,c=0Solder heatn=22,c=0Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 9 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.IRM-36xxT SERIESPacking Quantity Specification1. 1500 PCS/1Box 2. 10 Boxes/1CartonLabel Form SpecificationCPN: Customer’s Production Number P/N : Production Number QTY: Packing Quantity CAT: Ranks HUE: None REF: Reference LOT No: Lot Number MADE IN TAIWAN: Production PlaceIRM-Notes1. Above specification may be changed without notice. EVERLIGHT will reserve authority on material change for above specification. 2. When using this product, please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for using outlined in these specification sheets. EVERLIGHT assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from use of the product which does not comply with the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions included in these specification sheets. 3. These specification sheets include materials protected under copyright of EVERLIGHT corporation. Please don’t reproduce or cause anyone to reproduce them without EVERLIGHT’s consent.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Office: No 25, Lane 76, Sec 3, Chung Yang Rd, Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.CTel: 886-2-2267-2000, 2267-9936 Fax: 886-2267-6244, 2267-6189, 2267-6306 http:\\Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No:SZDMO-036-077http:\\ Prepared date:2-Mar-2007Rev 1Page: 10 of 10Prepared by: Zhang Meijuan。
