充分条件、必要条件、充要条件的判断综合题1.“m =-1”是“直线l 1:2x -my =2m -1与直线l 2:x +2my =m -2垂直”的( ).A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A .【解析】若m =-1,则直线l 1、l 2垂直;若直线l 1、l 2垂直,则有m =±1,所以“m =-1”是“直线l 1:2x -my =2m -1与直线l 2:x +2my =m -2垂直”的充分不必要条件.故选A .2.在平面直角坐标系中,点(223m m +-,232m m--)在第四象限的充分必要条件是________. 【答案】312m -<<或23m <<. 【解析】 点(223m m +-,232m m --)在第四象限⇔22302302m m m m⎧+->⎪⎨-<⎪-⎩ ⇔ 312m -<<或23m <<. 3.下列各题中,p 是q 的充分不必要条件的是________.(填序号)①p :2m ≤-或6m ≥;q :23y x mx m =+++有两个不同的零点 ②p :()()1f x f x -=;q :()y =f x 是偶函数 ③p :cos cos αβ=;q :tan tan αβ=④p :A ∩B =A ;q :A ⊆U ,B ⊆U , U U B A 痧Í【答案】②.【解析】对于①,由23y x mx m =+++有两个不同的零点,可得24120m m ∆=-->,从而可得2m <-或6m >.所以p 是q 的必要不充分条件;对于②,由()()1f x f x -=()()()f x f x y f x ⇒-=⇒=是偶函数,但由()y =f x 是偶函数不能推出()()1f x f x -=,例如函数()0f x =,所以p 是q 的充分不必要条件; 对于③,当cos cos 0αβ==时,不存在tan tan αβ=,反之也不成立,所以p 是q 的既不充分也不必要条件;对于④,由A ∩B =A ,知A ⊆B ,所以U U B A 痧Í;反之,由U U B A 痧Í,知A ⊆B ,A ∩B =A .所以p 是q 的充分必要条件.综述,符合题意的只有②.。
统编版高中语文 必修下册 本课综合 课后练习、课时练习
一、选择题组(语用综合题)1. 阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。
一、填空题二、实验题高一物理(人教版)必修1综合题型专题练习卷:实验:探究求合力的方法1. 某同学在“探究弹力和弹簧伸长的关系”的实验中,测得图中弹簧OC 的劲度系数为500 N/m.如图1所示,用弹簧OC 和弹簧秤a 、b 做“探究求合力的方法”实验.在保持弹簧伸长1.00 cm 不变的条件下:(1)若弹簧秤a 、b 间夹角为90°,弹簧秤a 的读数是________N(图2中所示),则弹簧秤b 的读数可能为________N.(2)若弹簧秤a 、b 间夹角大于90°,保持弹簧秤a 与弹簧OC 的夹角不变,减小弹簧秤b 与弹簧OC 的夹角,则弹簧秤a 的读数________、弹簧秤b 的读数________(填“变大”“变小”或“不变”).l/cm l 010.9712.0213.0013.9815.05F/N 00.501.001.502.002.50表所示:为O 1、O 2,记录弹簧秤的示数F,测量并记录O 1、O 2间的距离(即橡皮筋的长度l ).每次将弹簧秤示数改变0.50 N,测出所对应的l,部分数据如下②如图甲所示,将环形橡皮筋一端挂在弹簧秤的秤钩上,另一端用圆珠笔尖竖直向下拉,直到弹簧秤示数为某一设定值时,将橡皮筋两端的位置标记①将弹簧秤固定在贴有白纸的竖直木板上,使其轴线沿竖直方向.实验步骤:2.某同学通过下述实验验证力的平行四边形定则.③找出②中F=2.50 N时橡皮筋两端的位置,重新标记为O、,橡皮筋的拉力记为F OO′.④在秤钩上涂抹少许润滑油,将橡皮筋搭在秤钩上,如图乙所示.用两圆珠笔尖成适当角度同时拉橡皮筋的两端,使秤钩的下端达到O点,将两笔尖的位置标记为A、B,橡皮筋OA段的拉力记为F OA,OB段的拉力记为F OB.完成下列作图和填空:(1)利用表中数据在给出的坐标纸上画出F-l图线.(2)测得OA=6.00cm,OB=7.60cm,则F OA的大小为 N.(3)根据给出的标度,作出F OA和F OB的合力的图示.(4)通过比较与的大小和方向,即可得出实验结论.3. 小明通过实验验证力的平行四边形定则。
高一化学(必修一)全册综合练习题及答案解析班级:___________姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.根据物质的组成与性质进行分类,MgO 属于 ( ) A .酸B .氧化物C .碱D .盐2.小苏打(3NaHCO )在灼烧时火焰呈( ) A .黄色B .绿色C .红色D .紫色3.下列四种粒子的结构示意图中,属于非金属元素原子的是( )A .B .C .D .4.下列物质不能使湿润有色布条褪色的是( ) A .22Na OB .氯水C .漂白粉溶液D .2CaCl 溶液5.合成117号元素的实验中生成了293117X 和294117X ,关于这两种原子的说法不正确的是( ) A .中子数相同B .互为同位素C .核外电子数相同D .质子数相同6.若配制90mL0.1mol/L 的FeCl 3溶液,需要用到的仪器有托盘天平、药匙、量筒、烧杯、玻璃棒、胶头滴管,还需要的仪器是( ) A .100mL 圆底烧瓶 B .100mL 量筒 C .100mL 容量瓶D .100mL 烧杯7.电解质是一类在水溶液里或熔融状态下能够导电的化合物。
下列物质属于电解质的是( ) A .FeB .NaClC .CO2D .KNO3溶液8.下列说法不正确的是( ) A .H 2在Cl 2中燃烧会产生苍白色火焰 B .钢瓶在装入氯气前必须彻底干燥内壁 C .Cu 丝在Cl 2中燃烧会生成CuCl 2D .漂粉精放入稀酸中不能提高漂白速度9.室温下,在一容积固定的密闭容器中充入2N 与2H 的混合气体共1mol ,下列关于该混合气体的说法一定正确的是( )A .平均摩尔质量为115g mol -⋅B .质量为30gC .体积为22.4LD .原子总数为241.20410⨯10.可以用电子式表示的微粒是( ) A .HeB .NeC .Na +D .S 2-11.下列说法正确的是( ) A .3NaHCO 比23Na CO 稳定 B .胆矾可用作净水剂C .钠和过氧化钠均能与水剧烈反应生成氢气D .含3Fe +的盐溶液遇KSCN 溶液显红色12.用NaCl 固体配制-1100mL1.00mol L NaCl ⋅溶液。
人教版(新课程标准) 必修3 综合质量检测(原卷板解析版)
综合质量检测(Units 1~5)时间:120分钟满分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.How does the man get to work every day?A.By car. B.By bus. C.On foot.2.Where is Peter?A.At home. B.In a library. C.In his office.3.What are the speakers going to do?A.Try to call Ann.B.Go to look for Ann.C.Wait for Ann till 11:30.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their vacation plans.B.Some famous places.C.Their parents abroad.5.What does the man mean?A.He likes Brazil best.B.England plays better than Brazil.C.Brazil is expected to win the match.第二节:(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Neighbors.B.Husband and wife.C.Policeman and witness.7.What caused the fire?A.The rubbish.B.The lamp.C.The computer.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
第一章综合练习一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.集合{1,2,3}的所有真子集的个数为()A.3 B.6C.7 D.8解析:含一个元素的有{1},{2},{3},共3个;含两个元素的有{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},共3个;空集是任何非空集合的真子集,故有7个.答案:C2.下列五个写法,其中错误..写法的个数为()①{0}∈{0,2,3};②Ø{0};③{0,1,2}⊆{1,2,0};④0∈Ø;⑤0∩Ø=ØA.1 B.2C.3 D.4解析:②③正确.答案:C3.使根式x-1与x-2分别有意义的x的允许值集合依次为M、F,则使根式x-1+x-2有意义的x的允许值集合可表示为()A.M∪F B.M∩F C.∁M F D.∁F M解析:根式x-1+x-2有意义,必须x-1与x-2同时有意义才可.答案:B4.已知M={x|y=x2-2},N={y|y=x2-2},则M∩N等于()A.N B.M C.R D.Ø解析:M={x|y=x2-2}=R,N={y|y=x2-2}={y|y≥-2},故M∩N=N.答案:A5.函数y=x2+2x+3(x≥0)的值域为()A.R B.[0,+∞) C.[2,+∞) D.[3,+∞)解析:y=x2+2x+3=(x+1)2+2,∴函数在区间[0,+∞)上为增函数,故y≥(0+1)2+2=3.答案:D6.等腰三角形的周长是20,底边长y是一腰的长x的函数,则y等于()A.20-2x(0<x≤10) B.20-2x(0<x<10)C.20-2x(5≤x≤10) D.20-2x(5<x<10)解析:C=20=y+2x,由三角形两边之和大于第三边可知2x>y=20-2x,x>5.答案:D7.用固定的速度向图1甲形状的瓶子注水,则水面的高度h和时间t之间的关系是图1乙中的()甲乙图1解析:水面升高的速度由慢逐渐加快.答案:B8.已知y=f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,则下列函数中为奇函数的是()①y=f(|x|) ②y=f(-x) ③y=xf(x) ④y=f(x)+xA.①③B.②③C.①④D.②④解析:因为y=f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,所以f(-x)=-f(x).①y=f(|x|)为偶函数;②y =f(-x)为奇函数;③令F(x)=xf(x),所以F(-x)=(-x)f(-x)=(-x)·[-f(x)]=xf(x).所以F(-x)=F(x).所以y=xf(x)为偶函数;④令F(x)=f(x)+x,所以F(-x)=f(-x)+(-x)=-f(x)-x=-[f (x )+x ].所以F (-x )=-F (x ).所以y =f (x )+x 为奇函数.答案:D9.已知0≤x ≤32,则函数f (x )=x 2+x +1( ) A .有最小值-34,无最大值B .有最小值34,最大值1C .有最小值1,最大值194D .无最小值和最大值解析:f (x )=x 2+x +1=(x +12)2+34,画出该函数的图象知,f (x )在区间[0,32]上是增函数,所以f (x )min =f (0)=1,f (x )max =f (32)=194.答案:C10.已知函数f (x )的定义域为[a ,b ],函数y =f (x )的图象如图2甲所示,则函数f (|x |)的图象是图2乙中的( )甲乙图2解析:因为y =f (|x |)是偶函数,所以y =f (|x |)的图象是由y =f (x )把x ≥0的图象保留,再关于y 轴对称得到的.答案:B11.若偶函数f (x )在区间(-∞,-1]上是增函数,则( ) A .f (-32)<f (-1)<f (2)B .f (-1)<f (-32)<f (2)C .f (2)<f (-1)<f (-32)D .f (2)<f (-32)<f (-1)解析:由f (x )是偶函数,得f (2)=f (-2),又f (x )在区间(-∞,-1]上是增函数,且-2<-32<-1,则f (2)<f (-32)<f (-1).答案:D12.(2009·四川高考)已知函数f (x )是定义在实数集R 上的不恒为零的偶函数,且对任意实数x 都有xf (x +1)=(1+x )f (x ),则f ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤f (52)的值是( )A .0 B.12 C .1 D.52解析:令x =-12,则-12f (12)=12f (-12),又∵f (12)=f (-12),∴f (12)=0;令x =12,12f (32)=32f (12),得f (32)=0;令x =32,32f (52)=52f (32),得f (52)=0;而0·f (1)=f (0)=0,∴f ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤f (52)=f (0)=0,故选A.答案:A第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分) 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.设全集U ={a ,b ,c ,d ,e },A ={a ,c ,d },B ={b ,d ,e },则∁U A ∩∁U B =________. 解析:∁U A ∩∁U B =∁U (A ∪B ),而A ∪B ={a ,b ,c ,d ,e }=U . 答案:Ø14.设全集U =R ,A ={x |x ≥1},B ={x |-1≤x <2},则∁U (A ∩B )=________. 解析:A ∩B ={x |1≤x <2},∴∁R (A ∩B )={x |x <1或x ≥2}. 答案:{x |x <1或x ≥2}15.已知函数f (x )=x 2+2(a -1)x +2在区间(-∞,3]上为减函数,求实数a 的取值范围为________.解析:函数f (x )的对称轴为x =1-a ,则由题知:1-a ≥3即a ≤-2. 答案:a ≤-216.若f (x )=(m -1)x 2+6mx +2是偶函数,则f (0)、f (1)、f (-2)从小到大的顺序是__________.解析:∵f(x)=(m-1)x2+6mx+2是偶函数,∴m=0.∴f(x)=-x2+2.∴f(0)=2,f(1)=1,f(-2)=-2,∴f(-2)<f(1)<f(0).答案:f(-2)<f(1)<f(0)三、解答题(写出必要的计算步骤,只写最后结果不得分,共70分)17.(10分)设A={x|-2≤x≤5},B={x|m-1≤x≤2m+1},(1)当x∈N*时,求A的子集的个数;(2)当x∈R且A∩B=Ø时,求m的取值范围.解:(1)∵x∈N*且A={x|-2≤x≤5},∴A={1,2,3,4,5}.故A的子集个数为25=32个.(2)∵A∩B=Ø,∴m-1>2m+1或2m+1<-2或m-1>5,∴m<-2或m>6.18.(12分)已知集合A={-1,1},B={x|x2-2ax+b=0},若B≠Ø且B⊆A,求a,b的值.解:(1)当B=A={-1,1}时,易得a=0,b=-1;(2)当B含有一个元素时,由Δ=0得a2=b,当B={1}时,由1-2a+b=0,得a=1,b=1当B={-1}时,由1+2a+b=0,得a=-1,b=1.19.(12分)已知函数f(x)=xax+b(a,b为常数,且a≠0),满足f(2)=1,方程f(x)=x有唯一实数解,求函数f(x)的解析式和f[f(-4)]的值.解:∵f(x)=xax+b且f(2)=1,∴2=2a+b.又∵方程f(x)=x有唯一实数解.∴ax 2+(b -1)x =0(a ≠0)有唯一实数解.故(b -1)2-4a ×0=0,即b =1,又上式2a +b =2,可得:a =12,从而f (x )=x 12x +1=2xx +2,∴f (-4)=2×(-4)-4+2=4,f (4)=86=43,即f [f (-4)]=43.20.(12分)已知函数f (x )=4x 2-4ax +(a 2-2a +2)在闭区间[0,2]上有最小值3,求实数a 的值.解:f (x )=4⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫x -a 22+2-2a .(1)当a2<0即a <0时,f (x )min =f (0)=a 2-2a +2=3,解得:a =1- 2. (2)0≤a 2≤2即0≤a ≤4时,f (x )min =f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫a 2=2-2a =3,解得:a =-12(舍去). (3)a2>2即a >4时,f (x )min =f (2)=a 2-10a +18=3,解得:a =5+10, 综上可知:a 的值为1-2或5+10.21.(12分)某公司需将一批货物从甲地运到乙地,现有汽车、火车两种运输工具可供选择.若该货物在运输过程中(含装卸时间)的损耗为300元/小时,其他主要参考数据如下:问:如何根据运输距离的远近选择运输工具,使运输过程中的费用与损耗之和最小? 解:设甲、乙两地距离为x 千米(x >0),选用汽车、火车运输时的总支出分别为y 1和y 2. 由题意得两种工具在运输过程中(含装卸)的费用与时间如下表:于是y 1=8x +1000+(x50+2)×300=14x +1600, y 2=4x +1800+(x100+4)×300=7x +3000. 令y 1-y 2<0得x <200.①当0<x <200时,y 1<y 2,此时应选用汽车; ②当x =200时,y 1=y 2,此时选用汽车或火车均可; ③当x >200时,y 1>y 2,此时应选用火车.故当距离小于200千米时,选用汽车较好;当距离等于200千米时,选用汽车或火车均可;当距离大于200千米时,选用火车较好.22.(12分)已知f (x )的定义域为(0,+∞),且满足f (2)=1,f (xy )=f (x )+f (y ),又当x 2>x 1>0时,f (x 2)>f (x 1).(1)求f (1)、f (4)、f (8)的值;(2)若有f (x )+f (x -2)≤3成立,求x 的取值范围.解:(1)f (1)=f (1)+f (1),∴f (1)=0,f (4)=f (2)+f (2)=1+1=2,f (8)=f (2)+f (4)=2+1=3. (2)∵f (x )+f (x -2)≤3,∴f [x (x -2)]≤f (8),又∵对于函数f (x )有x 2>x 1>0时f (x 2)>f (x 1),∴f (x )在(0,+∞)上为增函数.∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x >0x -2>0x (x -2)≤8⇒2<x ≤4.∴x 的取值范围为(2,4].第二章综合练习一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.计算log 225·log 322·log 59的结果为( ) A .3 B .4 C .5D .6解析:原式=lg25lg2·lg22lg3·lg9lg5=2lg5lg2·32lg2lg3·2lg3lg5=6. 答案:D2.设f (x )=⎩⎨⎧2e x -1,x <2,log 3(x 2-1),x ≥2,则f (f (2))的值为( ) A .0 B .1 C .2D .3解析:f (2)=log 3(22-1)=1,f (f (2))=2e 1-1=2e 0=2. 答案:C3.如果log 12x >0成立,则x 应满足的条件是( ) A .x >12 B.12<x <1 C .x <1D .0<x <1解析:由对数函数的图象可得. 答案:D4.函数f (x )=log 3(2-x )在定义域区间上是( ) A .增函数B .减函数C .有时是增函数有时是减函数D .无法确定其单调解析:由复合函数的单调性可以判断,内外两层单调性相同则为增函数,内外两层的单调性相反则为减函数.答案:B5.某种放射性元素,100年后只剩原来的一半,现有这种元素1克,3年后剩下() A.0.015克B.(1-0.5%)3克C.0.925克 D.1000.125克解析:设该放射性元素满足y=a x(a>0且a≠1),则有12=a100得a=(12)1100.可得放射性元素满足y=[(12)1100]x=(12)x100.当x=3时,y=(12)3100=100(12)3=1000.125.答案:D6.函数y=log2x与y=log 12x的图象()A.关于原点对称B.关于x轴对称C.关于y轴对称D.关于y=x对称解析:据图象和代入式判定都可以做出判断,故选B. 答案:B7.函数y=lg(21-x-1)的图象关于()A.x轴对称B.y轴对称C.原点对称D.y=x对称解析:f(x)=lg(21-x-1)=lg1+x1-x,f(-x)=lg1-x1+x=-f(x),所以y=lg(21-x-1)关于原点对称,故选C.答案:C8.设a>b>c>1,则下列不等式中不正确的是() A.a c>b c B.log a b>log a cC.c a>c b D.log b c<log a c解析:y=x c在(0,+∞)上递增,因为a>b,则a c>b c;y=log a x在(0,+∞)上递增,因为b>c,则log a b>log a c;y=c x在(-∞,+∞)上递增,因为a>b,则c a>c b.故选D.答案:D9.已知f(x)=log a(x+1)(a>0且a≠1),若当x∈(-1,0)时,f(x)<0,则f(x)是()A.增函数B.减函数C.常数函数D.不单调的函数解析:由于x∈(-1,0),则x+1∈(0,1),所以a>1.因而f(x)在(-1,+∞)上是增函数.答案:A10.设a=424,b=312,c=6,则a,b,c的大小关系是()A.a>b>c B.b<c<a C.b>c>a D.a<b<c解析:a=424=12243,b=12124,c=6=1266.∵243<124<66,∴12243<12124<1266,即a<b<c.答案:D11.若方程a x=x+a有两解,则a的取值范围为() A.(1,+∞) B.(0,1)C.(0,+∞) D.Ø解析:分别作出当a>1与0<a<1时的图象.(1)当a>1时,图象如下图1,满足题意.(2)当0<a<1时,图象如上图2,不满足题意.答案:A12.已知f (x )是偶函数,它在(0,+∞)上是减函数,若f (lg x )>f (1),则x 的取值范围是( ) A .(110,1)B .(0,110)∪(1,+∞) C .(110,10)D .(0,1)∪(0,+∞)解析:由于f (x )是偶函数且在(0,+∞)上是减函数,所以f (-1)=f (1),且f (x )在(-∞,0)上是增函数,应有⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x >0,-1<lg x <1,解得110<x <10.答案:C第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分) 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.若函数f (x )=a x (a >0,且a ≠1)的反函数的图象过点(2,-1),则a =________. 解析:由互为反函数关系知,f (x )过点(-1,2),代入得a -1=2⇒a =12. 答案:1214.方程log 2(x -1)=2-log 2(x +1)的解为________. 解析:log 2(x -1)=2-log 2(x +1)⇔log 2(x -1)=log 24x +1,即x -1=4x +1,解得x =±5(负值舍去),∴x = 5.答案: 515.设函数f 1(x )=x 12,f 2(x )=x -1,f 3(x )=x 2,则f 1(f 2(f 3(2007)))=________.解析:f 1(f 2(f 3(2007)))=f 1(f 2(20072))=f 1((20072)-1)=[(20072)-1]12=2007-1. 答案:1200716.设0≤x ≤2,则函数y =4x -12-3·2x +5的最大值是________,最小值是________.解析:设2x =t (1≤t ≤4),则y =12·4x -3·2x +5=12t 2-3t +5=12(t -3)2+12. 当t =3时,y min =12;当t =1时,y max =12×4+12=52. 答案:52 12三、解答题(写出必要的计算步骤,只写最后结果不得分,共70分) 17.(10分)已知a =(2+3)-1,b =(2-3)-1,求(a +1)-2+(b +1)-2的值. 解:(a +1)-2+(b +1)-2=(12+3+1)-2+(12-3+1)-2=(3+32+3)-2+(3-32-3)-2=16(7+432+3+7-432-3)=16[(7+43)(2-3)+(7-43)(2+3)]=16×4=23. 18.(12分)已知关于x 的方程4x ·a -(8+2)·2x +42=0有一个根为2,求a 的值和方程其余的根.解:将x =2代入方程中,得42·a -(8+2)·22+42=0,解得a =2. 当a =2时,原方程为 4x ·2-(8+2)2x +42=0,将此方程变形化为2·(2x )2-(8+2)·2x +42=0. 令2x =y ,得2y 2-(8+2)y +42=0. 解得y =4或y =22. 当y =4时,即2x =4,解得x =2; 当y =22时,2x =22,解得x =-12. 综上,a =2,方程其余的根为-12.19.(12分)已知f (x )=2x -12x +1,证明:f (x )在区间(-∞,+∞)上是增函数.证明:设任意x 1,x 2∈(-∞,+∞)且x 1<x 2,则f (x 1)-f (x 2)=2x 1-12x 1+1-2x 2-12x 2+1=(2x 1-1)(2x 2+1)-(2x 2-1)(2x 1+1)(2x 1+1)(2x 2+1)=2x 1-2x 2-(2x 2-2x 1)(2x 1+1)(2x 2+1)=2(2x 1-2x 2)(2x 1+1)(2x 2+1).∵x 1<x 2,∴2x 1<2x 2,即2x 1-2x 2<0.∴f (x 1)<f (x 2).∴f (x )在区间(-∞,+∞)上是增函数.20.(12分)已知偶函数f (x )在x ∈[0,+∞)上是增函数,且f (12)=0,求不等式f (log a x )>0(a >0,且a ≠1)的解集.解:f (x )是偶函数,且f (x )在[0,+∞)上递增,f (12)=0,∴f (x )在(-∞,0)上递减,f (-12)=0,则有log a x >12,或log a x <-12. (1)当a >1时,log a x >12,或log a x <-12,可得x >a ,或0<x <aa ; (2)当0<a <1时,log a x >12,或log a x <-12,可得0<x <a ,或x >aa . 综上可知,当a >1时,f (log a x )>0的解集为(0,aa )∪(a ,+∞); 当0<a <1时,f (log a x )>0的解集为(0,a )∪(aa ,+∞).21.(12分)已知函数f (x )对一切实数x ,y 都满足f (x +y )=f (y )+(x +2y +1)x ,且f (1)=0, (1)求f (0)的值; (2)求f (x )的解析式;(3)当x ∈[0,12]时,f (x )+3<2x +a 恒成立,求a 的范围.解:(1)令x =1,y =0,则f (1)=f (0)+(1+1)×1,∴f (0)=f (1)-2=-2. (2)令y =0,则f (x )=f (0)+(x +1)x ,∴f (x )=x 2+x -2.(3)由f (x )+3<2x +a ,得a >x 2-x +1.设y =x 2-x +1,则y =x 2-x +1在(-∞,12]上是减函数,所以y =x 2-x +1在[0,12]上的范围为34≤y ≤1,从而可得a >1.22.(12分)设函数f (x )=log a (1-ax ),其中0<a <1. (1)求证:f (x )是(a ,+∞)上的减函数; (2)解不等式f (x )>1.解:(1)证明:设任意x 1,x 2∈(a ,+∞)且x 1<x 2,则f (x 1)-f (x 2)=log a (1-a x 1)-log a (1-ax 2)=log a 1-a x 11-a x 2=log a 1-a x 2+a x 2-ax 11-ax 2=log a ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤1+a x 2-a x 11-a x 2=log a (1+ax 1-ax 2x 1x 2-ax 1)=log a [1+a (x 1-x 2)x 1(x 2-a )].∵x 1,x 2∈(a ,+∞)且x 1<x 2,∴x 1-x 2<0,0<a <x 1<x 2,x 2-a >0.∴a (x 1-x 2)x 1(x 2-a )<0,∴1+a (x 1-x 2)x 1(x 2-a )<1,又∵0<a <1,∴log a [1+a (x 1-x 2)x 1(x 2-a )]>0,∴f (x 1)>f (x 2),所以f (x )=log a (1-a x )在(a ,+∞)上为减函数.(2)因为0<a <1,所以f (x )>1⇔log a (1-ax )>log a a ⇔⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧1-ax >0,①1-ax <a .②解不等式①,得x >a 或x <0.解不等式②,得0<x <a 1-a .因为0<a <1,故x <a 1-a ,所以原不等式的解集为{x |a <x <a1-a}.第三章综合练习一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.二次函数f(x)=2x2+bx-3(b∈R)的零点个数是() A.0B.1C.2D.4解析:∵Δ=b2+4×2×3=b2+24>0,∴函数图象与x轴有两个不同的交点,从而函数有2个零点.答案:C2.函数y=1+1x的零点是()A.(-1,0) B.-1 C.1 D.0解析:令1+1x=0,得x=-1,即为函数零点.答案:B3.下列给出的四个函数f(x)的图象中能使函数y=f(x)-1没有零点的是()解析:把y=f(x)的图象向下平移1个单位后,只有C图中图象与x轴无交点.答案:C4.若函数y=f(x)在区间(-2,2)上的图象是连续不断的曲线,且方程f(x)=0在(-2,2)上仅有一个实数根,则f(-1)·f(1)的值()A.大于0 B.小于0C.无法判断D.等于零解析:由题意不能断定零点在区间(-1,1)内部还是外部.答案:C5.函数f (x )=e x -1x 的零点所在的区间是( ) A .(0,12) B .(12,1) C .(1,32)D .(32,2)解析:f (12)=e -2<0, f (1)=e -1>0,∵f (12)·f (1)<0,∴f (x )的零点在区间(12,1)内. 答案:B6.方程log 12x =2x -1的实根个数是( ) A .0 B .1 C .2D .无穷多个解析:方程log 12x =2x -1的实根个数只有一个,可以画出f (x )=log 12x 及g (x )=2x -1的图象,两曲线仅一个交点,故应选B.答案:B7.某产品的总成本y (万元)与产量x (台)之间的函数关系式是y =0.1x 2-11x +3000,若每台产品的售价为25万元,则生产者的利润取最大值时,产量x 等于( )A .55台B .120台C .150台D .180台解析:设产量为x 台,利润为S 万元,则S =25x -y =25x -(0.1x 2-11x +3000) =-0.1x 2+36x -3000=-0.1(x -180)2+240,则当x =180时,生产者的利润取得最大值. 答案:D8.已知α是函数f (x )的一个零点,且x 1<α<x 2,则( ) A .f (x 1)f (x 2)>0 B .f (x 1)f (x 2)<0 C .f (x 1)f (x 2)≥0D .以上答案都不对解析:定理的逆定理不成立,故f(x1)f(x2)的值不确定.答案:D9.某城市为保护环境,维护水资源,鼓励职工节约用水,作出了如下规定:每月用水不超过8吨,按每吨2元收取水费,每月超过8吨,超过部分加倍收费,某职工某月缴费20元,则该职工这个月实际用水()A.10吨B.13吨C.11吨D.9吨解析:设该职工该月实际用水为x吨,易知x>8.则水费y=16+2×2(x-8)=4x-16=20,∴x=9.答案:D10.某工厂6年来生产甲种产品的情况是:前3年年产量的增大速度越来越快,后3年年产量保持不变,则该厂6年来生产甲种产品的总产量C与时间t(年)的函数关系图象为() 答案:A11.函数f(x)=|x2-6x+8|-k只有两个零点,则()A.k=0 B.k>1C.0≤k<1 D.k>1,或k=0解析:令y1=|x2-6x+8|,y2=k,由题意即要求两函数图象有两交点,利用数形结合思想,作出两函数图象可得选D.答案:D12.利用计算器,算出自变量和函数值的对应值如下表:那么方程2x=x2的一个根所在区间为()A.(0.6,1.0) B.(1.4,1.8)C.(1.8,2.2) D.(2.6,3.0)解析:设f(x)=2x-x2,由表格观察出x=1.8时,2x>x2,即f(1.8)>0;在x=2.2时,2x<x2,即f(2.2)<0.综上知f(1.8)·f(2.2)<0,所以方程2x=x2的一个根位于区间(1.8,2.2)内.答案:C第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.用二分法求方程x3-2x-5=0在区间(2,4)上的实数根时,取中点x1=3,则下一个有根区间是__________.解析:设f(x)=x3-2x-5,则f(2)<0,f(3)>0,f(4)>0,有f(2)f(3)<0,则下一个有根区间是(2,3).答案:(2,3)14.已知函数f(x)=ax2-bx+1的零点为-12,13,则a=__________,b=__________.解析:由韦达定理得-12+13=ba,且-12×13=1a.解得a=-6,b=1.答案:-6 115.以墙为一边,用篱笆围成一长方形的场地,如图1.已知篱笆的总长为定值l,则这块场地面积y与场地一边长x的关系为________.图1解析:由题意知场地的另一边长为l-2x,则y=x(l-2x),且l-2x>0,即0<x<l2.答案:y=x(l-2x)(0<x<l 2)16.某化工厂生产一种溶液,按市场要求杂质含量不超过0.1%,若初时含杂质2%,每过滤一次可使杂质含量减少13,至少应过滤________次才能达到市场要求?(已知lg2=0.3010,lg3=0.4771)解析:设过滤n 次才能达到市场要求,则2%(1-13)n ≤0.1% 即(23)n ≤0.12,∴n lg 23≤-1-lg2, ∴n ≥7.39,∴n =8. 答案:8三、解答题(写出必要的计算步骤,只写最后结果不得分,共70分)17.(10分)已知二次函数f (x )的图象过点(0,3),它的图象的对称轴为x =2,且f (x )的两个零点的平方和为10,求f (x )的解析式.解:设二次函数f (x )=ax 2+bx +c (a ≠0).由题意知:c =3,-b2a =2.设x 1,x 2是方程ax 2+bx +c =0的两根,则x 21+x 22=10,∴(x 1+x 2)2-2x 1x 2=10,∴(-b a )2-2c a =10,∴16-6a =10, ∴a =1.代入-b2a =2中,得b =-4.∴f (x )=x 2-4x +3. 18.(12分)求方程x 2+2x =5(x >0)的近似解(精确度0.1). 解:令f (x )=x 2+2x -5(x >0). ∵f (1)=-2,f (2)=3,∴函数f (x )的正零点在区间(1,2)内.取(1,2)中点x 1=1.5,f (1.5)>0.取(1,1.5)中点x 2=1.25,f (1.25)<0. 取(1.25,1.5)中点x 3=1.375,f (1.375)<0.取(1.375,1.5)中点x 4=1.4375,f (1.4375)<0.取(1.4375,1.5). ∵|1.5-1.4375|=0.0625<0.1,∴方程x 2+2x =5(x >0)的近似解为x =1.5(或1.4375).19.(12分)要挖一个面积为800 m 2的矩形鱼池,并在四周修出宽分别为1 m,2 m 的小路,试求鱼池与路的占地总面积的最小值.解:设所建矩形鱼池的长为x m ,则宽为800x m ,于是鱼池与路的占地面积为 y =(x +2)(800x +4)=808+4x +1600x =808+4(x +400x )=808+4[(x -20x )2+40].当x =20x,即x =20时,y 取最小值为968 m 2. 答:鱼池与路的占地最小面积是968 m 2.20.(12分)某农工贸集团开发的养殖业和养殖加工生产的年利润分别为P 和Q (万元),这两项利润与投入的资金x (万元)的关系是P =x 3,Q =103x ,该集团今年计划对这两项生产共投入资金60万元,其中投入养殖业为x 万元,获得总利润y (万元),写出y 关于x 的函数关系式及其定义域.解:投入养殖加工生产业为60-x 万元.由题意可得,y =P +Q =x 3+10360-x ,由60-x ≥0得x ≤60,∴0≤x ≤60,即函数的定义域是[0,60].21.(12分)已知某种产品的数量x (百件)与其成本y (千元)之间的函数关系可以近似用y =ax 2+bx +c 表示,其中a ,b ,c 为待定常数,今有实际统计数据如下表:(1)试确定成本函数y =f (x );(2)已知每件这种产品的销售价为200元,求利润函数p =p (x );(3)据利润函数p =p (x )确定盈亏转折时的产品数量.(即产品数量等于多少时,能扭亏为盈或由盈转亏)解:(1)将表格中相关数据代入y =ax 2+bx +c , 得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧36a +6b +c =104100a +10b +c =160,400a +20b +c =370解得a =12,b =6,c =50.所以y =f (x )=12x 2+6x +50(x ≥0).(2)p =p (x )=-12x 2+14x -50(x ≥0). (3)令p (x )=0,即-12x 2+14x -50=0, 解得x =14±46,即x 1=4.2,x 2=23.8,故4.2<x <23.8时,p (x )>0;x <4.2或x >23.8时,p (x )<0, 所以当产品数量为420件时,能扭亏为盈; 当产品数量为2380件时由盈变亏.22.(12分)某企业常年生产一种出口产品,根据需求预测:进入21世纪以来,前8年在正常情况下,该产品产量将平衡增长.已知2000年为第一年,头4年年产量f (x )(万件)如表所示:(1)画出2000~2003年该企业年产量的散点图;(2)建立一个能基本反映(误差小于0.1)这一时期该企业年产量发展变化的函数模型,并求之.(3)2006年(即x =7)因受到某外国对我国该产品反倾销的影响,年产量应减少30%,试根据所建立的函数模型,确定2006年的年产量应该约为多少?解:图2(1)散点图如图2:(2)设f (x )=ax +b .由已知得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a +b =43a +b =7,解得a =32,b =52, ∴f (x )=32x +52.检验:f (2)=5.5,|5.58-5.5|=0.08<0.1;f(4)=8.5,|8.44-8.5|=0.06<0.1.∴模型f(x)=32x+52能基本反映产量变化.(3)f(7)=32×7+52=13,由题意知,2006年的年产量约为13×70%=9.1(万件),即2006年的年产量应约为9.1万件.必修1综合练习一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.集合A ={1,2},B ={1,2,3},C ={2,3,4},则(A ∩B )∪C =( ) A .{1,2,3} B .{1,2,4} C .{2,3,4}D .{1,2,3,4}解析:∵A ∩B ={1,2},∴(A ∩B )∪C ={1,2,3,4}. 答案:D2.如图1所示,U 表示全集,用A ,B 表示阴影部分正确的是( )图1A .A ∪B B .(∁U A )∪(∁U B )C .A ∩BD .(∁U A )∩(∁U B )解析:由集合之间的包含关系及补集的定义易得阴影部分为(∁U A )∩(∁U B ). 答案:D3.若f (x )=1-2x ,g (1-2x )=1-x 2x 2(x ≠0),则g ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫12的值为( )A .1B .3C .15D .30解析:g (1-2x )=1-x 2x 2,令12=1-2x ,则x =14,∴g ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫12=1-116116=15,故选C. 答案:C4.设函数f (x )=⎩⎨⎧(x +1)2(x <1),4-x -1(x ≥1),则使得f (-1)+f (m -1)=1成立的m 的值为( )A .10B .0,-2C .0,-2,10D .1,-1,11解析:因为x <1时,f (x )=(x +1)2,所以f (-1)=0.当m -1<1,即m <2时,f (m -1)=m 2=1,m =±1.当m -1≥1,即m ≥2时,f (m -1)=4-m -2=1,所以m =11.答案:D5.若x =6是不等式log a (x 2-2x -15)>log a (x +13)的一个解,则该不等式的解集为( ) A .(-4,7)B .(5,7)C .(-4,-3)∪(5,7)D .(-∞,-4)∪(5,+∞)解析:将x =6代入不等式,得log a 9>log a 19,所以a ∈(0,1).则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x 2-2x -15>0,x +13>0,x 2-2x -15<x +13.解得x ∈(-4,-3)∪(5,7).答案:C 6.若函数f (x )=12x +1,则该函数在(-∞,+∞)上是( ) A .单调递减无最小值 B .单调递减有最大值 C .单调递增无最大值D .单调递增有最大值解析:2x +1在(-∞,+∞)上递增,且2x +1>0, ∴12x +1在(-∞,+∞)上递减且无最小值. 答案:A7.方程(13)x =|log 3x |的解的个数是( ) A .0 B .1 C .2D .3解析:图2在平面坐标系中,画出函数y 1=(13)x 和y 2=|log 3x |的图象,如图2所示,可知方程有两个解.答案:C8.下列各式中,正确的是( ) A .(-43)23<(-54)23B .(-45)13<(-56)13C .(12)12>(13)12D .(-32)3>(-43)3解析:函数y =x 23在(-∞,0)上是减函数,而-43<-54,∴(-43)23>(-54)23,故A 错; 函数y =x 13在(-∞,+∞)上是增函数,而-45>-56,∴(-45)13>(-56)13,故B 错,同理D 错.答案:C9.生物学指出:生态系统在输入一个营养级的能量中,大约10%的能量能够流到下一个营养级,在H 1→H 2→H 3这个食物链中,若能使H 3获得10 kJ 的能量,则需H 1提供的能量为( )A .105 kJB .104 kJC .103 kJD .102 kJ解析:H 1⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1102=10,∴H 1=103.答案:C10.如图3(1)所示,阴影部分的面积S 是h 的函数(0≤h ≤H ),则该函数的图象是如图3(2)所示的( )图3解析:当h =H2时,对应阴影部分的面积小于整个图形面积的一半,且随着h 的增大,S 随之减小,故排除A ,B ,D.答案:C11.函数f (x )在(-1,1)上是奇函数,且在(-1,1)上是减函数,若f (1-m )+f (-m )<0,则m的取值范围是( )A .(0,12) B .(-1,1) C .(-1,12)D .(-1,0)∪(1,12)解析:f (1-m )<-f (-m ),∵f (x )在(-1,1)上是奇函数,∴f (1-m )<f (m ),∴1>1-m >m >-1, 解得0<m <12,即m ∈(0,12). 答案:A12.(2009·山东卷)定义在R 上的函数f (x )满足f (x )=⎩⎨⎧ log 2(1-x ),f (x -1)-f (x -2),x ≤0x >0,则f (2009)的值为( )A .-1B .0C .1D .2解析:由题意可得:x >0时,f (x )=f (x -1)-f (x -2),从而f (x -1)=f (x -2)-f (x -3). 两式相加得f (x )=-f (x -3),f (x -6)=f [(x -3)-3]=-f (x -3)=f (x ), ∴f (2009)=f (2003)=f (1997)=…=f (5)=f (-1)=log 22=1. 答案:C第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分) 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分) 13.log 2716log 34的值是________.解析:log 2716log 34=23log 34log 34=23.答案:2314.若函数y =kx +5kx 2+4kx +3的定义域为R ,则实数k 的取值范围为__________.解析:kx 2+4kx +3恒不为零.若k =0,符合题意,k ≠0,Δ<0,也符合题意.所以0≤k <34.答案:⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧⎭⎪⎬⎪⎫k ⎪⎪⎪0≤k <3415.已知全集U ={x |x ∈R },集合A ={x |x ≤1或x ≥3},集合B ={x |k <x <k +1,k ∈R },且(∁U A )∩B =Ø,则实数k 的取值范围是________.解析:∁U A ={x |1<x <3},又(∁U A )∩B =Ø, ∴k +1≤1或k ≥3, ∴k ≤0或k ≥3.答案:(-∞,0]∪[3,+∞)16.麋鹿是国家一级保护动物,位于江苏省中部黄海之滨的江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区成立于1986年,第一年(即1986年)只有麋鹿100头,由于科学的人工培育,这种当初快要灭绝的动物只数y (只)与时间x (年)的关系可近似地由关系式y =a log 2(x +1)给出,则到2016年时,预测麋鹿的只数约为________.解析:当x =1时,y =a log 22=a =100,∴y =100log 2(x +1), ∵2016-1986+1=31,即2016年为第31年, ∴y =100log 2(31+1)=500, ∴2016年麋鹿的只数约为500. 答案:500三、解答题(写出必要的计算步骤,只写最后结果不得分,共70分)17.(10分)用定义证明:函数g (x )=kx (k <0,k 为常数)在(-∞,0)上为增函数. 证明:设x 1<x 2<0,则g (x 1)-g (x 2)=k x 1-k x 2=k (x 2-x 1)x 1x 2.∵x 1<x 2<0,∴x 1x 2>0,x 2-x 1>0,又∵k <0,∴g (x 1)-g (x 2)<0,即g (x 1)<g (x 2),∴g (x )=kx (k <0,k 为常数)在(-∞,0)上为增函数.18.(12分)已知集合P ={x |2≤x ≤5},Q ={x |k +1≤x ≤2k -1},当P ∩Q =Ø时,求实数k 的取值范围.解:当Q ≠Ø,且P ∩Q =Ø时,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 2k -1<2,2k -1≥k +1,或⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧k +1>5,2k -1≥k +1.解得k >4;当Q =Ø时,即2k -1<k +1,即k <2时,P ∩Q =Ø.综上可知,当P ∩Q =Ø时,k <2或k >4.19.(12分)已知f (x )为一次函数,且满足4f (1-x )-2f (x -1)=3x +18,求函数f (x )在[-1,1]上的最大值,并比较f (2007)和f (2008)的大小.解:因为函数f (x )为一次函数,所以f (x )在[-1,1]上是单调函数,f (x )在[-1,1]上的最大值为max{f (-1),f (1)}.分别取x =0和x =2,得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧4f (1)-2f (-1)=18,4f (-1)-2f (1)=24,解得f (1)=10,f (-1)=11,所以函数f (x )在[-1,1]上的最大值为f (-1)=11.又因为f (1)<f (-1),所以f (x )在R 上是减函数,所以f (2007)>f (2008).20.(12分)已知函数f (x )=ax 2-2ax +2+b (a ≠0),若f (x )在区间[2,3]上有最大值5,最小值2.(1)求a ,b 的值;(2)若b <1,g (x )=f (x )-mx 在[2,4]上单调,求m 的取值范围. 解:(1)f (x )=a (x -1)2+2+b -a . ①当a >0时,f (x )在[2,3]上单调递增.故⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ f (2)=2f (3)=5,即⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 4a -4a +2+b =29a -6a +2+b =5,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =1b =0 ②当a <0时,f (x )在[2,3]上单调递减.故⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧f (2)=5f (3)=2,即⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧4a -4a +2+b =59a -6a +2+b =2,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =-1b =3. (2)∵b <1,∴a =1,b =0,即f (x )=x 2-2x +2,g (x )=x 2-2x +2-mx =x 2-(2+m )x +2,由题意知2+m 2≤2或2+m2≥4,∴m ≤2或m ≥6. 21.(12分)设函数y =f (x ),且lg(lg y )=lg3x +lg(3-x ). (1)求f (x )的解析式和定义域; (2)求f (x )的值域; (3)讨论f (x )的单调性.解:(1)lg(lg y )=lg[3x ·(3-x )],即lg y =3x (3-x ),y =103x (3-x ).又⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x >0,3-x >0,所以0<x <3,所以f (x )=103x (3-x )(0<x <3).(2)y =103x (3-x ),设u =3x (3-x )=-3x 2+9x =-3⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫x 2-3x +94+274=-3(x -32)2+274.当x =32∈(0,3)时,u 取得最大值274,所以u ∈(0,274],y ∈(1,10274].(3)当0<x ≤32时,u =-3⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫x -322+274是增函数,而y =10u是增函数,所以在⎝ ⎛⎦⎥⎤0,32上f (x )是递增的;当32<x <3时,u 是减函数,y =10u 是增函数,所以f (x )是减函数.22.(12分)已知函数f (x )=lg(4-k ·2x )(其中k 为实数), (1)求函数f (x )的定义域;(2)若f (x )在(-∞,2]上有意义,试求实数k 的取值范围. 解:(1)由题意可知:4-k ·2x >0,即解不等式:k ·2x <4, ①当k ≤0时,不等式的解为R ,②当k >0时,不等式的解为x <log 24k ,所以当k ≤0时,f (x )的定义域为R ; 当k >0时,f (x )的定义域为(-∞,log 24k ).(2)由题意可知:对任意x ∈(-∞,2],不等式4-k ·2x >0恒成立.得k <42x ,设u =42x , 又x ∈(-∞,2],u =42x 的最小值1.所以符合题意的实数k 的范围是(-∞,1).。
高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章 专题 板块模型
高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章专题板块模型姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共6题;共12分)1. (2分) (2017高二下·黄山期末) 如图所示,质量为M的框架放在水平地面上,一轻弹簧上端固定一个质量为m的小球,小球上下振动时,框架始终没有跳起.当框架对地面压力为零瞬间,小球的加速度大小为()A . gB . gC . 0D . g【考点】2. (2分)(2019·昆明模拟) 在光滑水平面上有一质点处于静止状态,现施加一水平力F,力F随时间t按如图所示的余弦函数变化,则下列说法正确的是()A . 在0〜4s内,力F做功为零B . 第2s末,质点的加速度最大C . 第4s末,质点的速度最大D . 在2s〜4s内,质点做加速运动【考点】3. (2分)(2016·武昌模拟) 如图所示,质量为M=4kg的木板A长L=1m,静止放在光滑的水平地面上,其右端静置一质量为m=1kg的小滑块B(可视为质点),它与木板A之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.4.现用水平恒力F=28N 向右拉木板,使小滑块B能从木板A上滑下来.木板A和小滑块B的加速度大小分别为aA、aB ,速度大小分别为vA,vB ,重力加速度g取10m/s2 ,则从开始运动到小滑块B滑下木板的过程中,下列图像正确的是()A .B .C .D .【考点】4. (2分) (2018高二上·黑龙江期末) 如图所示,图中实线是一簇未标明方向的由点电荷产生的电场线,虚线是某带电粒子通过该电场区域时的运动轨迹,a、b是轨迹上的两点,若带电粒子在运动过程中只受到电场力作用,根据此图可以作出的判断,错误的是()A . 带电粒子所带电荷的正、负B . 带电粒子在a、b两点的受力方向C . 带电粒子在a、b两点的加速度何处较大D . 带电粒子在a、b两点的速度何处较大【考点】5. (2分) (2018高三上·武邑模拟) 一个质量可忽略不计的长轻质木板置于光滑水平地面上,木板上放质量分别为mA=1 kg和mB=2 kg的A、B两物块,A、B与木板之间的动摩擦因数都为μ=0.2,水平恒力F作用在A 物块上,如图所示(重力加速度g取10 m/s2).则下列说法错误的是()A . 若F=1 N,则A,B都相对板静止不动B . 若F=1.5 N,则A物块所受摩擦力大小为1.5 NC . 若F=4 N,则B物块所受摩擦力大小为2 ND . 若F=6 N,则B物块的加速度为1 m/s2【考点】6. (2分)水平地面上一个质量的物体,在水平向右拉力作用下,向右匀速运动,那么,在刚刚撤去F时,物体的加速度是()A . 等于零B . ,水平向左C . ,水平向右D . ,水平向左【考点】二、多选题 (共6题;共18分)7. (3分) (2017高一下·营口开学考) 如图所示,某人正通过定滑轮将质量为m的货物提升到高处.滑轮的质量和摩擦均不计,货物获得的加速度a与绳子对货物竖直向上的拉力T之间的函数关系如图所示.以下判断正确的是()A . 图线与纵轴的交点M的值aM=﹣gB . 图线与横轴的交点N的值TN=mgC . 图线的斜率等于物体的质量mD . 图线的斜率等于物体质量的倒数【考点】8. (3分) (2017高一上·肇庆期末) 质量为m的人站在升降机中,如果升降机运动时加速度的绝对值为a,升降机底板对人的支持力N=ma+mg,则可能的情况是()A . 升降机以加速度a向下加速运动B . 升降机以加速度a向上加速运动C . 在向上运动中,以加速度a制动D . 在向下运动中,以加速度a制动【考点】9. (3分)(2019·南京模拟) 质量均为m的两个木块A、B用一轻弹簧拴接,静置于水平地面上,如图甲所示.现用一竖直向上的恒力F拉木块A,使木块A向上做直线运动,如图乙所示.从木块A开始运动到木块B刚要离开地面的过程中,设弹簧始终处于弹性限度内,重力加速度为g,下列说法中正确的有()A . 要使B能离开地面,F的大小应大于mgB . A的加速度一定先减小后增大C . A的动能一定先增大后减小D . A、B和弹簧组成的系统机械能一定增大【考点】10. (3分) (2017高一下·合肥期末) 一质点在0~15s内竖直向上运动,其加速度﹣时间变化的图象如图所示,若取竖直向下为正,g取10m/s2 ,则下列说法正确的是()A . 质点的机械能不断增加B . 在0~5s内质点的动能减小C . 在10~15s内质点的机械能一直增加D . 在t=15s时质点的机械能大于t=5s时质点的机械能【考点】11. (3分) (2018高三上·河北期末) 如图甲所示,倾角为θ的光滑斜面固定在水平面上,劲度系数为k 的轻弹簧,下端固定在斜面底端,上端与质量为m的物块A连接,A的右侧紧靠一质量为m的物块B,但B与A不粘连。
人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes 综合练习含答案详解
Unit4 单元综合测评本套试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共65分)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)ALi Bingyin is now studying law at the Stern School of Business at New York University. She wrote this letter just before Hurricane Sandy destroyed the East Coast.Dear readers,The storm w ill really__take__a__toll on the city!Right no w I am sitting in my dormitory, w aiting for the blackout(停电)to come at any second, and listening to the w ind ho w l outside my w indo w s. Hurricane Sandy is supposed to hit the East Coast hard today. Due to the bad w eather, most schools and uni v ersities ha v e cancelled classes for Monday and Tuesday.Luckily, the uni v ersity has taken measures to prepare for this storm. Uni v ersity officials sent out e-mails w ith explanation in the case of a blackout, e v acuation(撤离), or other emergency. Just recently, I recei v ed se v eral text messages from the school about po w er-off in certain dormitories. They ad v ised us to prepare a bag w ith essentials(生活必需品), in case w e needed to lea v e the building and relocate to a safer location.Yesterday I w ent out to buy a flashlight, but all of the nearby stores w ere sold out. E v eryone w as stocking up on(存储)w ater, food and other supplies for the storm.Right no w the city is unusually quiet. On any other day, there w ould be the sounds of cars, people chatting, and street artists performing. Tonight, there's just the w ind and rain hitting the w indo w. The sub w ay system has been closed since last night, and there is rarely anyone on the streets. Hopefully Hurricane Sandy w ill soon pass w ithout lea v ing much damage.Sincerely,Li Bingyin1. From the passage we can know that________.A.Storm Sandy has already caused great damage to New YorkB.the author went out to buy a flashlight but failedC.most people haven't been prepared for the coming of Storm SandyD.most schools and universities have cancelled classes for 3 days2. What measures has the university taken to prepare for the storm?A.The university has asked students to leave the school at once.B.The university has asked students to close all the windows and doors.C.The university has sent text messages to students about what time the storm will come.D.The university has asked students to prepare necessary things in case of evacuation.3. What does the underlined words “take a toll” mean?A.Cause a loss. B.Destroy. C.Flood. D.Bury.4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.New York is a quiet city at other times. B.New York is a busy city at other times.C.Storm Sandy has already come. D.The airport system has been closed since last night.BOn Sept. 24, an earthquake struck the south-west of Pakistan, taking more than 300 people's lives and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. But after the horrible disaster, people living by the coast received another shock—they saw a new island, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in the sea just over a kilometre from the shore, reported BBC News.“I stepped out and was flabbergasted,” local journalist Bahram Baloch told the BBC. “I could see this grey, dome-shaped (圆顶形的) body in the distance, like a giant whale swimming near the surface. Hundreds of people had gathered to watch it in disbelief.”This island has become a global curiosity. How was it formed in just a few minutes?As you might already know, many islands in the sea are formed by volcanoes. There are numerous volcanoes under the sea. As the hot lava erupts and cools down, it piles up and forms the shape of a mountain. When the mountain “grows” to higher than the sea level, the part that's above the water is what we call an “island”.This is how the island was formed after the Pakistan earthquake, except that instead of a regular volcano, it was a “mud volcano”that brought about this island. Lava is not the only thing that's locked under the earth's crust—there is also gas. When an earthquake happens and breaks part of the crust, the gas is released at an extremely high speed, pushing mud up to the surface, according to National Geographic.But only earthquakes that are extremely powerful can cause mud volcanoes to push up enough mud toproduce islands—and this 7.7magnitude earthquake in Pakistan was strong enough. The island is about 20 metres high, up to about 90 metres wide and 30 metres long, nearly the size of a soccer field.In fact, mud volcano islands aren't new. This is the fourth island of this kind in the region since 1945. But those islands usually didn't last long.“It will probably be gone within a couple of months,”said Bill Barnhart, a researcher with the US Geological Survey. After all, “It's just a big pile of mud that was on the seafloor that got pushed up.”5. What is the article mainly about?A.The disastrous effects of coastal earthquakes.B.The difference between mud volcanoes and regular volcanoes.C.How islands are formed by mud volcanoes.D.The great natural wonders of Pakistan.6. The underlined word “flabbergasted” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.A.surprised B.disappointed C.worried D.curious7. We can infer from the article that ________.A.the new island near the coast of Pakistan actually took a few months to formB.scientists still know little about different types of volcanoesC.another earthquake is likely to happen in Pakistan within a couple of monthsD.not all volcanoes change the geological appearance of the earthCSuppose you have everything: a good job, good health, good relationships and a lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what? The love. It is not something that you should ignore. Life without love is just like body without soul.Love gives meaning to life as without love life is meaningless. Lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning forever. It is not a matter of days or months. Love__is__for__life__and__life__is__for__love.It is easy to fall in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning. Before having serious long-term love relationships, be sure that the person you love is also sincere with you. A selfish person can make your life terrible. If this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible.Most people do not give importance to their love life as they give importance to their professional life. This is a bad choice which ruins the whole life. A balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in itsentirety. Do not lose the love you need.In order to make your life more exciting and enjoyable, you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values, dreams, joys and jokes. In difficult times of failure, pain, or loss of dear ones, this person should stand firm beside you and comfort you in every possible manner.Love your life and love the person who is in your life. Keep the flames of love burning to live a great life.8. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?A.Love is only for life. B.Life is designed only for love.C.Life is not separated from love. D.When you have a good life, you can own a real love.9. If you want to keep the flames of love burning, you should________.A.try to remove your bad manners as soon as possibleB.make certain that the person you love is also sincereC.try to find out whether the person you love really loves youD.make sure that you treat the person sincerely10. The writer wants to advise us________.A.to value everything one has B.to be sincere with the people aroundC.to live a life full of love all one's life D.to avoid being a selfish person第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
人教新课标高中化学必修二习题 原电池原理的综合与探究 专题练习
人教新课标英语 必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 综合练习题
必修二Unit 4 Wildlife protection 综合练习题一.词性转换1. protect vt. _________________ n.2. important adj. ____________________ n.3. affect vt. ____________________ n.4. distant adj. ____________________ n.5. laughter n. _________________v.6. powerful adj. _____________________ n7. contain vt. ____________________ n.8. succeed vi. _________________ n. _________________ a dj. __________________ adv.9. employ vt. _________________ n. ________________ n. (雇员) ________________ n. (雇主)10. loss n. _________________ v. _________________ adj. ________________ n. (失败者)二.单词填空1. By 1881, the population of Ireland had ______________________ (减少) to 5.2 million.2. China is getting more and more ________________ (强大) in the world.3. It is not allowed to _________________________(打猎) wild animals in this area.4. The climate __________________ (影响) the amount of the rainfall last year.5. A tiger is a very _________________(凶猛的) kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don’t.6. People say that barking dogs don’t b________________ .7. I'd a_____________________ it if you let me get on with my job.8. Fresh fruit and vegetables c________________ plentiful Vitamin C.9.Very few people s___________________ in losing weight and keeping it off.10.It wouldn't do you any h___________________ to get some experience first.11.He showed no m_________________ to his enemies.12.Your mistake resulted in heavy l_______________.13.Dave didn't r________________(回应)to any of her emails, which made her angry.14.It is a rule that our baggage should be i_________ by customs officers(海关人员).15.I am busy, so I have to e______________ a housekeeper to look after my children.三.选择词组填空die out according to in peace in danger so that succeed in do harm toburst into laughter protect…from pay attention to come into being in relief1. The new country ______________________ only two years ago.2. _____________________ the teacher, He fell far behind other students as a result of laziness.3. The government i s doing its best to ______________ those rare animals ________ being hunted.4. I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t ___________________ it.5. Elephants would ___________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.6. Children’s lives are ________________ every time they cross the road.7. The two communities live together _________________.8. Hearing the funny story, all of us _______________________.9. Why don't you start out early ________________ you don't have to hurry?10. No one was hurt, and we all smiled _______________.五.阅读理解People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence(智力)as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things.Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained, he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming, even if their master ordered them to do so.Horses are also able to learn many things. Horses that are used for guard or police duty must learn never to be frightened of noises, traffic, and other disturbances. Racing horses are able to run much faster than other horses, but they are also quite high strung(易紧张). Therefore, it is necessary for those people who train them to be very patient(耐心) and understanding.The moving pictures and television can use trained animals too. Some animals, such as monkeys and foxes, are easy to film. All you have to do is make a trail in front of the camera by dragging something that smells good to the animals over the ground. Big animals, such as lions and tigers, can be photographed as they bound happily back to their families and dinner. If a movie actor is nearby, the well-trained animal will pay no attention to him. However, the audience may imagine that the actor escaped a terrible death by the skin of his teeth.1. Dogs who help blind people must learn .A. to obey all ordersB. to obey only safe ordersC. never to cross roadsD. to cross road when ordered to do so2. Race horses are hard to train because they are .A. faster than other horsesB. smaller than other horsesC. clever than other horseD. more nervous than other horses3. What does “make a trail” mean here in the last paragraph?A. place something to attract the animalB. give the animal a certain taskC. order the animal to do thingsD. follow the animal to hunt4. Lions can be photographed easily when .A. they are following a trial of something that smells good to themB. they are returning to their familiesC. they have been trained to work with other animalsD. they do not know a movie-actor is nearby六.用所给词的正确形式填空1.The plane crashed and _______________(burst) into flames.2.The enemy killed the villages _______________(mercy).3.A new law has been made ______________(protect) the animal from _______________(harm).4.He was deeply _______________(affect ) by my words.5.You can’t _______________(full) appreciate foreign literature in translation.6.I tried to discuss it with her but only succeed ______________(介词)making her angry.7.Our company ___________________(employ) about one hundred people last year.8.The flood did a lot of _______________(harm) to the crops.9.The shelter gave her _______________(protect) from wind and rain.10.Winter is the best time for _______________(hunt) in the mountain areas.11.The dentist _______________(inspect) the children’s teeth twice a year.12.He could remember every small incident _______________(clear).13.After _______________ (wash) her hands, the girl went on to rub them dry.14.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values _______________(affect) our daily life.15.His __________ (raise) his arm gave her __________(protect) from the heavy blow.16.We should pay attention to __________(protect) the environment to offer our children a good livng place.三语法填空:One day, Daisy ________ (dream) a strange dream. She flew ______ a wonderful carpet to talk with an antelope in Tibet. It told her that they were hunted and killed because of the wool beneath ________ stomachs and their fur were being used __________ (make) sweaters like hers. Later, she flew to Zimbabwe _______ she talked with an elephant and got to know the farmers there no longer hunted them because the government took some ________ (act) to protect them. At last, she arrived in a thick rainforest where a monkey told her “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” _______ finally everything _______( go) , she had learned so much ________ decided to help protect wildlife.四完形填空There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But 21 a few of them are very 22 . English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the U.S.A., but in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a 2 3 language. Many millions are 2 4 to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different 25 . Have you ever 26 ads( 广告) of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? "Learn English in six weeks, or your 27 back..." "Easy and funny! Our records and tapes 28 you master your English in a month. 29 the first day your 30 will be excellent. Just send ... " Of course, it never 31 quite like this.The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should 32 that we all learned our own language well when we were 13 . If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. 34 what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, 35 in it all the time. Just imagine how much 36 that gets!So it is 37 to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English 38 upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and 39 much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will 40 . But they cannot do the student's work for him.21. A. not B. quite C. only D. very22. A. difficult B. important C. necessary D. easy23. A. native B. foreign C. useful D. mother24. A. learning B. enjoying C. trying D. liking25. A. questions B. problems C. ideas D. answers26. A. found B. watched C. noticed D. known27. A. knowledge B. time C. money D. English28. A. make B. help C. let D. allow29. A. From B. On C. Since D. After30. A. spelling B. grammar C. English D. pronunciation31. A. happened B. looked C. seemed D. felt32. A. know B. remember C. understand D. think33. A. students B. children C. babies D. grown-ups34. A. Imagine B. Mind C. Do D. Think of35. A. using B. thinking C. trying D. practicing36. A. time B. money C. language D. practice37. A. hard B. easy C. funny D. silly38. A. depends B. tries C. has D. takes39. A. uses B. takes C. gets D. costs40. A. do B. work C. help D. master五阅读理解AIs there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. “Health isthe greatest wea lth.” wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies orwork well when you are ill.If you have a headache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in thestomach, if you complain of a bad cough, if you run a high temperature andhave a bad cold, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you should go to the doctor.The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound yo ur heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. After that he will advise some tr eatment, or some medicine. The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story.An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine f or hisdisease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a goodrest. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wineevery day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor advised him tofollow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office. He looked cheerful and happy. He thanked the docto r and said that he had never felt a healthierman.“ But you know, doctor,” he said, “it’s not easy to begin smoking at myage.”41. The writer thinks that_____.A. health is more important than wealthB. work is as important as studiesC. medicine is more important than pleasureD. nothing is more important than money42. The doctor usually tells his patient what to do______.A. without examining the patientB. after he has examined the patientC. if the patient doesn’t take medicineD. unless the patient feels pain43. The underlined part means “”.A. he was feeling better than everB. he wasn’t a healthy manC. he was feeling worse than beforeD. he will be well again44. From the last sentence of the passage, we learn the man_______ before the doctor told him not to smoke mo re than one cigarette a day.A. was a heavy smokerB. didn’t smoke so muchC. didn’t smokeD. began to learn to smoke45. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The doctor usually tests his/her blood pressure when a person is ill.B. The man told the doctor he couldn’t remember things.C. The man thanked the doctor.D. The man didn’t follow the doctor’s advice.BIt doesn’t matter when and how much a person sleeps , but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought , until they heard about Herpin. Herpin, it was said , never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised . Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw him sleeping. In fact , he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure. Herpin died at the age of 94.46. The main idea of this passage is that_____rge numbers of people do not need sleepB. a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleepC.everyone needs some sleep to stay aliveD.people can live longer by trying not to sleep47. The doctors came to visit Herpin, expecting_____A.to cure him of his sleeplessnessB.to find that his sleeplessness was not really trueC.to find out why some old people did not need any sleepD.to find a way to free people from the need of sleeping48. After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Al herpin_____A.needed some kind of sleepB.was too old to need any sleepC.needed no sleep at allD.often sleep in a chair49. One reason that might explain Herpin’s sleeplessness was _____A.his mother’s injury before he was bornB.that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habitC.his magnificent physical conditionD.that he hadn’t got a bed50. Al Herpin’s condition could be regarded as ______A.a common oneB.one that could be curedC.very healthyD.a rare oneCAs a teenager in 1972, Bill Gates once said that he would be a millionaire bythe time he was 20. Only 15 years later he was a billionaire. And by 1992, ashead of the Microsoft company, he became the richest man in American with assets (资产) of about US$ 6.3 billion.Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on 28, October 1956. He first started to play with the computer at the ag e of 13 at his school. At that time, computers were very large machines. Operators were required to learn compl ex computer languages before the machines could be used. Even then, a great deal of time and effort was neede d to perform the simplest functions. Before long Gateswas an expert at working the school’s computer. After his graduation fromsecondary school, Gates was accepted by the three top universities in the USA---Princeton. Harvard and Yale. H e chose Harvard and began classes there the next autumn, majoring in maths. But he spent as much time in the c omputer laboratories as he did in the lecture halls.By 1975, Gates and a partner, Paul Allen, had developed a software program called BASIC. This was not the fir st program ever created, but its inventorswere the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it.BASIC was a success because until it came along there had been no efficient way of getting computers to carry out instructions. Although he had not yetcompleted his degree, Gates left university and went to work full time for the new company he had formed calle d Microsoft.His next project was the software program that made him famous and veryrich. It was called DOS, short for Disk Operating System, and it was boughtby IBM in 1980. Today it is the operating system used in more than 14 million personal computers around the world.As chief executive officer of Microsoft, Gates is known as a bright man. To most people, Gates, in spite of his wealth, is humble and ordinary. He spends his money carefully and often eats in fast-food restaurants.51. When he was a teenager, Bill Gates wanted to be______.A. an engineerB. a scientistC. a businessmanD. a professor52. Bill Gates became a billionaire______.A. at the age of 31B. in 1985C. in the 1970’sD. by 199253. When Gates was in Harvard University, he________.A. became head of Microsoft companyB. spent most of his time in computer laboratoriesC. developed the first computer programD. succeeded in making computers carry out instructions54. Before the invention of BASIC, software programs____.A. were very cheapB. were not considered commercially (商业地)C. were very expensiveD. were complex but dull55. Bill Gates was regarded as______.A. a strong-minded manB. a crazy manC. a man spending freelyD. a common, normal person。
-2020学年统编版高中语文新教材必修上册综合检测题 -- 统编版高一必修上
第一章《三角函数》综合练习一、选择题1.已知角α的终边经过点0p (-3,-4),则)2cos(απ+的值为( )A.54-B.53C.54D.53-2.半径为πcm ,圆心角为120︒所对的弧长为()A .3πcmB .23πcmC .23πcm D .223πcm 3.函数12sin[()]34y x π=+的周期、振幅、初相分别是( )A .3π,2-,4πB .3π,2,12πC .6π,2,12πD .6π,2,4π4.sin y x =的图象上各点纵坐标不变,横坐标变为原来的12,然后把图象沿x 轴向右平移3π个单位,则表达式为( ) A .1sin()26y x π=-B .2sin(2)3y x π=-C .sin(2)3y x π=-D .1sin()23y x π=-5.已知函数f (x )=sin ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫ωx +π3(ω>0)的最小正周期为π,则该函数图像( )A .关于直线x =π4对称B .关于点(π3,0)对称C .关于点(π4,0)对称D .关于直线x =π3对称6.如图,曲线对应的函数是 ( ) A .y=|sin x | B .y=sin|x |C .y=-sin|x |D .y=-|sin x |7.函数y=cos 2x –3cosx+2的最小值是()A .2B .0C .41 D .68.函数y =3sin ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫-2x -π6(x ∈[0,π])的单调递增区间是( )A.⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤0,5π12B.⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤π6,2π3C.⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤π6,11π12D.⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤2π3,11π12 9.已知函数sin()y A x B ωϕ=++的一部分图象如右图所示,如果0,0,||2A πωϕ>><,则( )A.4=AB.1ω=C.6πϕ= D.4=B10.已知1cos()63πα+=-,则sin()3πα-的值为()A .13B .13-C .233D .233-11.已知α、β是第二象限的角,且βαcos cos >,则 ( )A.βα<;B.βαsin sin >;C.βαtan tan >;D.以上都不对12.设()f x 是定义域为R ,最小正周期为32π的函数,若cos ,(0)(),2sin ,(0)x x f x x x ππ⎧-≤<⎪=⎨⎪≤<⎩ 则15()4f π-等于( )A. 1B.22C. 0D.22-二、填空题13.函数x x f cos 21)(-=的定义域是______________ 14.若sin α+cos αsin α-cos α=2,则sin αcos α的值是_____________.15、函数])32,6[)(6cos(πππ∈+=x x y 的值域是 . 16.函数f (x )=sin x +2|sin x |,x ∈[0,2π]的图象与直线y =k 有且仅有两个不同的交点,则k 的取值范围是__________.三、解答题17.已知α是第二象限角,sin()tan()()sin()cos(2)tan()f πααπαπαπαα---=+--.(1)化简()f α; (2)若31sin()23πα-=-,求()f α的值.18.已知tan 3α=,求下列各式的值: (1)4sin cos 3sin 5cos αααα-+ ;(2)212sin cos cos ααα+.19.(1)画出函数y =sin ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛6π - 2x 在一个周期的函数图像;(2)求出函数的对称中心和对称轴方程.20.已知y =a -b cos3x (b >0)的最大值为32,最小值为-12.(1)判断其奇偶性.(2)求函数y =-4a sin(3bx )的周期、最大值,并求取得最大值时的x ;21.已知函数45)62sin(21++=πx y (1)求函数的单调递增区间; (2)写出y=sinx 图象如何变换到15sin(2)264y x π=++的图象第一章《三角函数》综合练习答案一、选择题1-5 CDCBB 6-10 CBBCA 11-12 BB 二、填空题13、5[2,2],33k k k Z ππππ++∈14、31015、1[]216、13k << 17. 解析:(1)sin (tan )1()sin cos (tan )cos f ααααααα-==---;(2)若31sin()23πα-=-,则有1cos 3α=-,所以()f α=3。
1.设A 是整数集的一个非空子集.对于k ∈A ,如果k -1∉A ,且k +1∉A ,那么称k 是A 的一个“孤立元”.给定S ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},由S 的3个元素构成的所有集合中,不含“孤立元”的集合共有________个.
依题意可知,孤立元k 必须是集合中没有与k 相邻的元素,因而无“孤立元”是指在集合中有与k 相邻的元素,故所求的集合的元素要么左、右都有相邻数,要么左或右有相邻数,因此,符合题意的集合有{1,2,3},{2,3,4},{3,4,5},{4,5,6},{5,6,7},{6,7,8},共6个.
2. 有下列三个集合: {}21;A x y x ==+{}
21;B y y x ==+(){}2
1C x y y x ==+,.问: (1)它们是不是相同的集合? (2)它们各自的含义是什么?
【答案】(1)在A ,B ,C 三个集合中,虽然代表元素满足的表达式一致,但代表元素互不相同,所以它们是互不相同的集合.
(2)集合A 表示的是x 的取值范围;集合B 表示的是y 的取值范围;集合C 表示的是点集.
{}22|11A x y x y x x ==+=+表示的是满足的所有值的集合,
{}22|11B y y x y x y ==+=+表示的是满足的所有值的集合,
(){}22|11C x y y x y x x y ==+=+,,,表示的是满足的所有点()的集合
所以 (1)在A ,B ,C 三个集合中,虽然代表元素满足的表达式一致,但代表元素互不相同,所以它们是互不相同的集合.(2)集合A 表示的是x 的取值范围;集合B 表示的是y 的取值范围;集合C 表示的是点集.。
高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:4.7用牛顿定律解决问题(二)物理考试注意事项:1、填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写2、提前xx 分钟收取答题卡第Ⅰ卷客观题第Ⅰ卷的注释(共8题;共16分)1.(2分)放在水平地面上的一物体,受到方向不变的水平推力F的作用,力F与时间t的关系和物体速度v与时间t的关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.物体与地面间的摩擦因数为0.2B.物体与地面间的摩擦因数为0.4C.9s内,力F做的功是18JD.3~6s和6~9s两段时间内摩擦力的平均功率相等2.(2分)一物块位于粗糙水平面上,用大小为F、方向如图所示的力作用在物体上,使它以加速度a向右加速运动。