



练习册翻译答案解析新编英语教程5第三版Unit One1.在举出许多事实并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。

(drive sth. home)After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2. 差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那个研究项目。

(more or less)It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3.他说的话如此微妙,我们很难理解他的真实意图。

(subtle)What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4.他的新书一针见血地审视了当代的社会问题。

(squarely)His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5.今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最新信息很关注。

(be alive to)The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6.外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。

(a matter of)It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learnedin one’s childhood or otherwise.7. 在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。

(take courage) Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely.8. 适量的米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。



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王陆 听力单词

王陆 听力单词

王陆807听力单词精选1.1学科名词major n.专业discipline n.学科anthropology n.人类学linguistics n.语言学physiology n.生理学psychology n.心理学mining n.采矿physical adj.身体的fine adj.好的arts n.文科science n.科学,理科politics n.政治philosophy n.哲学geography n.地理photojournalism n.摄影新闻学history n.历史astronomy n.天文学media n.媒体language n.语言applied adj.应用的environment n.环境chemistry n.化学management n.管理statistics n.统计学archaeological adj.考古学的accountancy n.会计学biology n.生物学computer n.电脑literature n.文学sociology n.社会学engineering n.工程学architecture n.建筑学business n.商务law n.法学economics n.经济学finance n.金融学banking n.银行学1.2课程名称orientation n.新生入学教育会welcome package n.入学或旅游时收到的欢迎词register v.注册enroll n.报名curriculum n.课程semester n.学期term n.学期,术语assignment n.作业session n.课程,时间virtual adj.虚拟的test n.&v.测试course n.课程study n.书房 v.学习intensive adj.强化的practice n.练习email n.电邮lecture n.授课tutorial n.小组讨论seminar n.学术研讨会assessment n.学习考核attendance n.出勤率exam n.考试failure n.失败mark n.分数grade n.年级,授课score n.分数record n.记录,唱片,学习成绩resit v.重考note n.笔记rate n.比例group n.群体,团队,小组office n.办公室parental teaching 父母的教育class n.班级reception n.接待处,招待会goal n.目标tape n.磁带video n.录像plus prep.加level n.水平,程度beginning n.开始,处级beginner n.初始者fundamental adj.基本的,基础的elementary adj.初级的advanced adj.高级的mid adj.中间的discussion n.讨论stress n.重音,压力unemployment n.失业surroundings n.环境powerlessness n.无力感too much work 工作负荷大coping with stress(如何)缓解压力diet n.饮食take regular exercise定期运动make plans 制定计划set some money 存钱do training courses上培训课open admission 免试入学制cassette n.磁带recording n.录音deadline n.最后期限dropout n.辍学cramming n.填鸭式教学feedback n.反馈videotape n.录像带hit n.引人注意的东西,技巧examination n.考试diploma n.毕业证书Nursing Diploma 护理毕业证workshop n.工作室panic n.恐惧teaching n.教学president n.总统,校长,总裁headmaster n.校长director n.主管,导演scientist n.科学家secretary n.秘书administrator n.管理者professor n.教授officer n.军官teacher n.教师tutor n.辅导教师,辅导员,导师lecturer n.授课教师adviser n.指导老师historian n.历史学家supervisor n.导师receptionist n.接待员chancellor n.校长(大学)assistant n.助手senior advisor 资深督导师1.3论文词汇paper n.报纸,论文abstract n.摘要content n.内容bibliography n.参考书目project n.工程,研究课题,项目interviewee n.受访者revision n.修改extensive adj.广泛的subject n.主题,学科survey n.测量,调查research n.研究,科研reading n.阅读data n.数据(复数)survey of reading 阅读习惯调查draft n.草稿ambition n.野心,抱负well-organized 论文结构组织很好subtopics n.小标题questionnaire n.问卷interview n.&v.面试,采访respondent n.被调查者总称literature n.文学conclusion n.结论random adj.随机的index n.索引topic n.话题presentation n.学生在国外课上的演讲background n.背景theoretical background 理论背景example n.例子training n.培训laser n.激光printing n.打印area n.地方,部分chapter n.章节case study n.个案分析report n.报告review of literaturen.文献综述method n.方法title n.标题approach n.方法,接近theory n.理论whiteboard n.白板aid n.帮助overhead adj.头上的objective n.目标visual adj.视觉的finding n.发现faculty n.系heading n.标题subtitle n.小标题,字幕observation n.观察strategy n.策略outline n.提纲script n.手稿summary n.摘要scientific adj.科学的reference n.参考书目,证明人review n.评论analysis n.分析1.4—1.7图书馆词汇...library n.图书馆catalog n.目录due n.应付费renewal n.更新,续借overdue and pay a fine 过期并交罚款out on loan 借出的category n.种类closed reserve 只读不借circulation n.循环classification n.分类bibliography n.书目periodical n.(magazines andjournals)期刊reserve =book inadvance预借interlibrary service图书馆际服务open shelves 开架书库close shelves 闭架书库check out 登记并借出delivery desk 借书台internet system 互联网系统recall v.回忆,要求归还某物pink n.粉色slip n.一张纸stack n.书库circle n.圆copy n.复印card index 卡片索引classmate n.同学student n.学生local adj.当地的freshman n.大一学生sophomore n.大二学生junior n.大三学生senior n.大四学生adj.高级的board n.木版,董事会day pupil 只是白天来上学的学生candidate n.候选人,考生representative n.代表bachelor n.学士applicant n.申请者graduate n.毕业生overseas adj.海外的mature adj.成熟的degree n.学位certificate n.证书publication n.出版物newsletters n.简报booklet n.小册子notebook n.笔记本handbook n.手册passage n.文章textbook n.教材journal n.学术期刊introduction n.简介handout n.讲义journal n.杂志article n.文章,用品Forbes n.福布斯newspaper n.报纸Baked Earth 贝克.厄斯1.8普通用词facility n.设施laptop n.笔记本电脑microphone n.麦克风spiral adj.螺旋的narrator n.叙述者education n.教育modern adj.现代的achievement n.成功sentence n.句子parental adj.父母的monologue n.独白understanding n.理解recommendation n.推荐further adj.进一步的information n.信息noticeboard n.布告栏technical adj.科技的department n.系,商店system n.系统,体系meeting n.会议conference n.正式会议congress n.大会,议会important adj.重要的detail n.细节material n.材料cleaning equipment 清洁设备keyword n.关键词public adj.公共的infrastructure n.基础设施music n.音乐specialized adj.特别的,专门的planning n.计划Oxford n.牛津Cambridge n.剑桥cheaper adj.便宜些的full-time 全日制list n.单子,列表,一览表,清单team n.队伍,小组equipment n.设备culture n.文化general adj.普通的,笼统的,泛泛的quality n.质量college n.学院practical adj.实际的clear adj.清楚的theatre n.戏院,剧院thought n.想法service n.服务standard n.标准schedule n.时间表support n.&v.支持review n.复习learning styles 学习方式choice n.选择higher adj.更高的vocation n.行业,职业profession n.职业occupation n.职业experiment n.实验reader n.读者suggestion n.建议communication n.交流international adj.国际的issue n.问题priority n.优先school n.学校distance n.距离vocabulary n.词汇common adj.普通的jam n.堵塞point n.要点,分数field n.领域prepare v.准备complete v.完成adj.完全的auditorium n.礼堂break v.休息,破,碎n.休息,不遵守daily adj.每日的photo n.照片aim n.目的adult n.成人resource n.资源nursing n.护理lab n.实验室guidance n.指导speech n.演讲printed adj.打印出来book n.书,v.预订thinking n.思考drama n.戏剧style n.风格source n.来源guide n.导游,指导option n.选择text n.文章passage n.一节,一段holiday n.假期institution n.机构academic adj.学术的university facilities 大学设施socia activities 社会活动medium n.中度,媒体signature n.签名previous adj.原来的solve n.解决application n.申请,应用survival n.生存access n.接近,进入mass n.大众university n.大学marketing n.市场营销update v.更新Wollongong n.卧龙岗center n.中心investigator n.调查人similar adj.相似的editor n.编辑laboratory n.实验室formula n.公式argument n.论证global adj.全球的booklist n.书目单lesson n.课程encyclopedia n.百科全书wide adj.广泛的expert n.专家healthcare n.健康保健intelligent adj.智力的vacation n.假期techniques n.技术chart n.图表habit n.习惯dictation n.听写Trinity n.三一学院oral adj.口语的speaking n.口语audio adj.声音的monopoly n.垄断enquiry n.咨询description n.描述royal adj.皇家的submit n.上交,提供headphones n.耳机special audio equipment 特别听力设备final adj.最后的 n.决赛,期末考试union n.工会close-up 特写镜头composition n.组成部分,作文campus n.校园intelligence n.智力form n.表格ability n.能力secondary adj.第二的humans n.人类social adj.社会的rule n.规则2.1—2.3花费...payable adj.可支付的bill n.账单fare n.车船费用cost n.成本,花费fee n.杂费(指水电电话费等)rent n.房租costly adj.昂贵的,费钱的cover v.包括expense n.花费deposit n.押金shortage n.不足charge n.收费finance n.金融expenditure n.经费tuition n.学费financial adj.金融的loan n.贷款scholarship n.奖学金grant n.助学金order n.命令check n.检查,支票card n.卡片in advance 预先price n.价格visa n.签证spending n.花费extra adj.额外的discount n.打折on sale 打折purse n.钱包dollar n.美金bank n.银行diary n.日记sale n.销售credit n.信用,信誉currency n.货币Yen n.日元Australian dollars澳元optional adj.可选择的money n.钱cash n.现金debt n.债务transfer v.转换lender n.借钱给别人的人pocket n.口袋statement n.陈述mileage n.里程表class n.类别investment n.投资wealth n.财富fortune n.财产concert n.音乐会refund v.退还,退款allowance n.津贴subsidy n.津贴pension n.养老金saving n.存钱stock n.存活,股票prize n.奖金pensioner n.领退休金者capital n.资金,首都low income 低收入tax n.税收tour n.旅游hiking n.徒步旅行bag-packer 肩背大包的自助旅行的人party n.晚会special party hats 晚会戴的帽子banquet n.宴会feast n.盛宴travel n.旅游lookout points 观看风景embassy n.大使馆cottage n.小屋church n.教堂location n.地理位置brochure n.小册子waterfall n.瀑布view n.风景,视线,观点garden n.花园country n.国家,乡村village n.山村,村庄car n.汽车vehicle n.车俩planner n.计划museum n.博物馆station n.车站park n.公园ticket n.票boat n.船safety n.安全evening n.夜晚,晚会train n.火车return n.往返store n.商场entrance n.入口zoo n.动物园recreation n.娱乐property n.财产family n.家庭parent n.父母child n.儿童kid n.儿童surname n.姓mother n.母亲elder n.长辈the old 老人personnel n.职员brother n.兄弟passenger n.旅客shopper n.购物者commuter n.通勤者traveler n.游客tourist n.游客thief n.小偷2.4交通ransport v.运送rush n.赶快train n.火车traffic n.交通congestion n.拥挤wheel n.方向盘,车轮ferry n.轮渡coach n.长途汽车bicycle n.自行车taxi n.出租车trolley n.电车steam n.蒸汽driver n.司机rental n.租cable n.电缆walk n.步行tractor n.拖拉机motorcycle n.摩托车cycle n.自行车light n.灯bus n.公共汽车railway n.铁路underground adj.地下的wheelchair n.轮椅cave n.洞穴temple n.寺庙tool n.工具tower n.塔Japanese Pagoda 日本塔regulation n.规章制度entertainment n.娱乐wise adj.明智的advisable adj.明智的dangerous adj.危险的hazardous adj.冒险的,危险的agency n.代理机构,中介fossil n.化石leisure n.休闲route n.路线reserve n.预定ballroom n.舞会safari n.野生动物园flight n.航班castle n.城堡touring n.旅游woods n.森林lake n.湖occasion n.场合site n.位置,地点passport n.护照smoking n.吸烟date n.日期poor area 不发达的地区place n.位置weekly adj.每周的emergency n.紧急central adj.中央的town n.小镇wildlife n.野生动物、植物postcode n.邮编region n.地区mountain n.山脉ancient adj.古代的palace n.宫殿map n.地图parking n.停车setting n.位置position n.位置,方位beach n.海滩creek n.小溪manmade dam 人造大坝wretched boat 废弃的船skiing n.滑雪excursion n.远足hike n.远足helmet n.头盔coastal adj.海边的tourism n.旅游业Queen's adj.女王的junction n.交汇处,交叉路口express n.表达,快递landscape n.风景per prep.每,每人population n.人口person n.人accident n.事故exhibition n.展览ocean n.海洋sea n.海洋landmark n.路标sail n.帆,乘船旅行heigh n.高度altitude n.海拔,高度destination n.目的地track n.轨迹tunnel n.隧道arm badge 胳膊带的臂章tube n.管子,地铁art n.艺术concert hall n.音乐厅greyhound n.灰狗booklet n.小册子camp n.露营2.5—2.8住宿类型...high-rise n.高层(建筑)resident n.居民suburb n.郊区outskirts n.市郊countryside n.乡村village n.小村庄cottage n.农舍小屋rural adj.乡下的flat n.公寓lounge n.休息大厅residence n.居住house n.房子city n.城市ground n.地面accommodation n.住宿roommate n.室友available adj.可获得的,有时间的bedroom n.卧室apartment n.公寓hotel n.酒店motel n.汽车旅馆foyer n.门厅bathroom n.卫生间standard suite 标准间building n.建筑物wing n.配楼,厢房landmark n.标志性的建筑block n.街区address n.地址alley n.小巷,道avenue n.大街street n.街道road n.路residential college大学里的寄宿学院postcode n.邮编shared adj.共享的occupant n.居住者girlfriend n.女友landlady n.女房东non-drinker n.不喝酒的人neighbouring adj.邻居的sound n.声音speaker n.演讲者,扬声器radio n.收音机lamp n.灯warm adj.温暖的camera n.相机towel n.毛巾vacuum n.真空hoover n.吸尘器curtain n.窗帘TV n.电视water heater 热水器phone n.电话lift n.电梯elevator n.电梯,起重机incoming n.打入的(电话)phone-in 打入电话fridge n.冰箱microwave oven 微波炉washing machine 洗衣机air-conditioner n.空调electric fan 电风扇radiator n.冷却器,电暖炉toaster n.烤面包机heating n.供热,供暖pre-booking n.预定lock n.锁shower n.淋浴basement n.地下室sheet n.床单bath n.洗澡blanket n.毯子smoke alarms 烟雾警报key adj.重要的,关键的reservation n.保留,预定private adj.私人的electricity n.电door n.门isolated adj.与世隔绝的spot n.地点remark n.评价settlement n.定居disturbance n.打扰insurance n.保险construction n.建设letter n.信,字母mail n.邮件window n.窗户smoke n.烟community n.社区code n.密码alteration n.改变decoration n.装修bedsheet n.床单garage n.车库toilet n.卫生间wall n.墙pump n.泵large-scale housing 大规模住房furniture n.家具cream adj.奶油色desk n.书桌chair n.椅子table n.桌子,图表cabinet n.橱柜drawer n.抽屉cot n.轻便小床bed n.床size n.大小double adj.双的twin room 一个房间里有两张单人床3.1—3.3饮食场景词汇restaurant n.餐厅cafe n.咖啡厅drinking n.饮水,喝drink n.饮料milk n.牛奶cola n.可乐refreshment n.饮料drinks and snacks 饮料和零食water n.水tea n.茶black n.黑色juice n.(果)汁mineral n.矿物dinner n.晚餐food n.食物eating n.吃饭cooking n.做饭burger n.汉堡smelly adj.有臭味的steak n.牛排picnic n.野餐barbecue n.烧烤rice n.大米meal n.膳食kitchen n.厨房vegetarian n.素食主义者fish n.鱼meat n.肉类cheese n.奶酪fruit n.水果sugar n.糖salt n.盐sauce n.酱油vinegar n.醋flour n.面粉utensil n.器具pizza n.披萨hot dog 热狗protein n.蛋白质spoon n.勺子vegetable n.蔬菜tomato n.西红柿starter n.开胃品desert n.沙漠dessert n.甜点dish n.菜sandwich n.三明治nut n.坚果salad n.沙拉coffee n.咖啡catering n.饮食dairy adj.牛奶的buffet n.自助餐cutlery n.餐具cup n.杯子low nutrition 低营养snack n.快餐,零食4.1—4.3休闲生活词汇shop n.商场item n.项目,货品,东西decoration n.装修,装饰interest n.兴趣festival n.节日balloon n.气球guest n.客人waiter n.服务生,男服务生waitress n.女服务员dress code 着装要求clothes n.服装casual adj.随便的cloth n.布walking n.步行swimming n.游泳dark adj.黑暗的,深色的dress n.服装,连衣裙fancy n.&adj 喜欢,奇怪的wear n.&v.穿着skirt n.短裙jeans n.牛仔服rain n.雨,下雨sportswear n.运动服sweater n.毛衣comfortable adj.舒适的trousers n.裤子uniform n.制服suit n.裤子boot n.靴子costume n.服装blouse n.女式衬衫dressing n.装饰,穿衣shoe n.鞋sandal n.凉鞋jacket n.夹克spare socks 备用袜子5.1—5.2动植物词汇animal n.动物mammal n.哺乳动物migration n.迁徙,移民bird n.鸟类falcon n.隼(猎鹰的一种)horse n.马rare adj.罕见的mosquito n.蚊子kelp n.海藻hen n.母鸡crocodile n.鳄鱼sheep n.羊shear v.剪(羊毛)spider n.蜘蛛kangaroo n.袋鼠koala n.考拉eagle n.鹰cattle n.牲畜pet n.宠物ape n.猿species adj.种类,物种sea n.大海insect n.昆虫chick n.小鸡fur n.皮毛mane n.(狮子等)鬃毛feather n.羽毛horse hair 马毛wasp n.黄蜂hard-hoofed 硬蹄的whale n.鲸鱼breeding n.繁殖lion n.狮子donkey n.驴wood n.木材wildlife n.野生动植物plant n.植物tree n.树willow n.柳树flower n.花朵crop n.庄家grain n.谷物vegetation n.植被lemon n.柠檬planting n.种植weed n.野草6.1—6.3社会生活词汇industry n.工业,产业company n.公司farming n.农业agriculture n.农业employ v.雇佣staff n.员工accountant n.会计manager n.经理engine n.发动机cleaner n.清洁工customer n.顾客contact n.接触telephone n.电话colleague n.同事market n.市场vacancy n.空缺organization n.组织farm n.农场firm n.&,坚实的natural n.&adj.自然色,自然的fishing n.钓鱼clean adj.干净的power n.权力,能源recruit n.招聘shift v.倒班cooperation n.合作forest n.森林wetland n.沼泽地,湿地product n.产品salary n.薪水payment n.报酬wind n.风velvet n.天鹅绒industrial adj.工业的syndicate n.财团action n.行动director n.主任,董事,导演regular adj.规律的factory n.工厂commission n.委员会business n.商业,商务growth n.成长council n.委员会trip n.旅行role n.角色corporation n.公司subcommittee n.小组委员会welfare n.福利flexible adj.灵活的position n.位置,职位extension n.分机,延期police n.警察cop n.(男)警察violent adj.猛烈的,暴力的crime n.犯罪7.1—7.6医疗场景词汇medicine n.药物antibiotics n.抗生素capsule n.胶囊pill n.药丸aspirin n.阿司匹林mixture n.合剂eyedrops n.眼药水vitamin n.维他命ointment n.药膏syrup n.糖浆cream n.奶油,药膏penicillin n.盘尼西林injection n.注射table n.药片herb n.草药drug n.药品painkillers n.止痛片medical adj.医疗的symptom n.症状sore throat 嗓子痛fever n.发烧cough n.咳嗽stomachache n.胃痛headache n.头痛toothache n.牙痛allergic adj.过敏的dizzy n.头晕insomnia n.失眠stiff neck 脖子发僵drowsiness n.睡意stuffed nose 鼻子不通disease n.疾病flu n.流感heart disease 心脏病pneumonia n.肺炎yellow fever n.黄热病epidemic n.流行病attack n.袭击allergy n.过敏infection n.发炎sleep n.睡觉drowsiness n.嗜睡,睡意injury n.受伤wound n.伤,创伤chest n.胸部teeth n.牙齿sight n.视觉malaria n.疟疾insomnia n.失眠disabled adj.肢体有残疾的surgeon n.外科医生physician n.内科医生oculist n.眼科医生(=eye doctor)dentist n.牙医vet n.兽医psychiatric adj.精神病的nurse n.护士patient n.病人clinic n.诊所bandage n.绷带injection n.注射take one'stemperature 量体温give a prescription开药方make an appointment预约X-ray n.X射线prescribe v.开药方finger n.手指chin n.下巴eyes n.眼睛nose n.鼻子mouth n.嘴巴ear n.耳朵neck n.脖子,颈部jaw n.颚,颌,下巴illness n.疾病vaccine n.疫苗bacteria n.细菌scar n.伤疤male n.男性internal adj.内部的treatment n.治疗stomach n.胃,腹部chemist's n.药店heart n.心脏lung n.肺recipe n.处方therapy n.理疗,疗法health n.健康sick adj.生病的relaxation n.放松unhealthy adj.不健康的beats n.跳动的次数hospital n.医院precaution n.预防optic adj.光学的cycle n.循环mental adj.精神的physical adj.肉体的prevention n.预防ambulance救护车blood n.血ankle n.踝germ n.细菌8—9环境、运动词汇plastic n.塑料waste n.浪费care n.关注,照顾pollution n.污染air n.空气rubbish n.垃圾garbage n.废物recycled adj.回收的nature n.自然green n.绿色El Nion 厄尔尼诺现象impact n.影响influence n.影响atmospheric adj.大气的drop-off 放下warming n.变暖recycling n.回收sewage n.污水sewer n.下水道handing n.处理contaminant n.污染物temperature n.温度20 centigrade 20摄氏度damage n.毁坏carbon n.碳dioxide n.二氧化碳organic adj.有机的hall n.大厅fitness n.健身personal trainer 私人教练(缩写PT)club n.俱乐部centre n.中心sports n.体育activity n.活动muscle n.肌肉yoga n.瑜珈bowling n.保龄球skating n.滑冰badminton n.羽毛球tennis n.网球exercise n.练习weight n.重量cycling n.骑自行车martial adj.武术的membership n.会员资格consultant n.咨询者,顾问instructor n.教练referee n.裁判员judge n.评委umpire n.裁判员running facilities跑步的设施water-skiing 划水gym n.体育馆sportsman n.男运动员10其他类词汇adopt vt.收养cleanest adj.最干净的artificial adj.人工的footprint n.足迹,脚印advantage n.优势kaleidoscope n.万花筒question n.问题word n.单词plate n.盘子,图版third pron.第三lack v.缺乏working n.工作reason n.理由skill n.技能problem n.问题advice n.建议type n.类型,种类million n.百万film n.胶卷,电影goods n.物品famous adj.着名的factor n.因素world n.世界seat n.座位century n.世纪idea n.主意female n.女性male n.男性speed n.速度angry adj.生气的,气愤的cause n.起因clock n.钟energy n.能量experience n.经验,v.体验government n.政府result n.结果offer v.提供quantity n.数量fire n.火灾v.解雇top n.顶尖trouble n.麻烦purpose n.目的aim n.瞄准relation n.关系painting n.绘画hand n.手,指针range n.范围demonstration n.示威,演示least adv.最少,最小confidence n.自信differece n.差异,差别requirement n.要求glass n.玻璃,眼镜contact lenses 隐形眼镜effect n.效果,影响,作用efficient adj.有效地individual adj.个人的personal adj.个人的variety n.种类chance n.机会hint n.暗示attentive adj.注意的awareness n.意识luck n.运气fortune n.运气solution n.解决various adj.各种的machine n.机器condition n.状况,条件unusual adj.非同寻常的appearance n.外貌notice n.注意attention n.注意,专心feature n.特点guy n.家伙dominant adj.最主要的main adj.主要的focus v.集中,聚焦career n.事业part-time adj.兼职的sense n.感觉regularly adv.定期地original n.最初的special adj.特别的personality n.个性character n.品质,特性gender n.性别related adj.相关的total n.总数responsibility n.责任army n.军队military adj.军人的,军队的sample n.样本pottery n.瓷器cinema n.电影院qualification n.资格selection n.选择promising adj.有前途的migratory adj.迁移的CD n.光盘photograph n.照片popular adj.时髦的fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的matching n.搭配supply v.提供offer v.提供noble adj.高尚的,贵族的aristocrat n.贵族British adj.英国的collection n.收集ignorance n.无知explosion n.爆炸blast n.爆炸model n.模型foreign adj.国外的domestic adj.国内的tone n.某种语言的音调document n.文件heavy adj.重的attention n.注意fashion n.时尚silver adj.银的strong adj.强壮的stout adj.(形容人)结实的,强壮的slim adj.苗条的united adj.联合的normal adj.正常的theatre n.剧院fiber n.纤维tribe n.部落process n.过程exaggerate v.夸张overstate v.夸大side n.面,边several adj.几个a couple of 几个identification n.识别,身份volunteer n.自愿者technology n.科技direct adj.直接的short adi.短的classical adj.古典的architecture n.建筑物storehouse n.仓库useful adj.有用的helpful adj.有用的disco n.迪斯科participant n.参加者trend n.趋势maximum n.最大minimum n.最小lawyer n.律师familiar adj.熟悉的placement n.放置conquest n.征服overcome v.克服impossible adj.不可能的farmer n.农民identity n.身份cultivation n.培育foster v.培养breed v.喂养lifestyle n.生活方式hobby n.爱好fraud n.诈骗,假货fake adj.假的,伪造的performance n.表演,表现picture n.图inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的exciting adj.令人兴奋的rising adj.上升的ascending adj.上升的simple adj.简单的amount n.数量average n.平均delegate n.代表fly n.飞行behavior n.行为spare adj.多余的export v.出口import v.进口commercial n.电视广告benefit n.优势west n.西部east n.东部formal adj.正式的cocktail n.鸡尾酒cite v.引证,表扬land n.土地organizer n.组织者rapid adj.快速的challenging adj.挑战的controversy n.争论percentage n.百分比rate n.比率harmful adj.有害的successful adj.成功的safe adj.安全的nervous adj.紧张的strained adj.紧张的convenient adj.方便的line n.队airport n.机场port n.港口island n.岛屿stone n.石头adequate adj.令人满意的hat n.帽子writer n.作家state n.州player n.选手willow n.柳树reliable adj.可信赖的,可靠的weather n.天气conversation n.对话gap n.缝隙crack n.裂缝temper n.脾气touching n.接触space n.空间charity n.慈善charitableorganization 慈善机构intact adj.完好无缺的donation n.捐款bone n.骨头skeleton n.骨架announcement n.宣布declaration n.宣告decision n.决定solar adj.太阳的tractor n.拖拉机mobile adj.太阳的night n.夜晚length n.长度association n.协会soil n.土壤sex n.性别desire n.欲望discomfort n.不是的地方client n.客户basic adj.基础的redundant adj.多余的bowl n.碗abbreviation n.缩写flourish n.繁荣youth n.年轻人,青年pressure n.压力blond adj.金发的wave n.波浪shelter n.遮蔽处refuge n.避难所plan n.计划useless adj.没用的dialogue n.对话dedication n.奉献attempt n.&v.努力noisy adj.嘈杂的handy adj.方便的magazine n.杂志owner n.所有者profit n.利润figure n.数字kit n.工具箱irregular adj.不规则的carpet n.地毯dust n.灰尘resistant adj.抵抗的conservation n.保留,保护区nap n.小睡doze v.小睡,打盹儿hard-working 努力工作workload n.工作量isolation n.隔离pie n.饼frequent adj.经常的loyal adj.忠诚的satisfactory adj.满意的perk n.额外收入discount n.打折give sb. a sack 解雇kick sb. out of work解雇favor n.喜爱law n.法律robber n.强盗burglar n.夜盗thief n.小偷threat n.威胁blind adj.盲的step n.步骤,台阶grammar n.语法Internet n.互联网award n.奖励image n.形象gesture n.手势female n.女性making n.制造advertising n.广告precious adj.珍贵的duty n.责任abuse v.虐待domestic violence 家庭暴力dependent adj.依赖的ray n.光线acid n.酸washing n.洗robot n.机器人elements n.因素clever adj.聪明的smart adj.聪明的souvenir n.纪念品helpline n.版主热线width n.宽度favorite adj.最喜爱的online n.在线flag n.旗instrument n.仪器,乐器guitar n.吉他piano n.钢琴design n.设计beat v.跳动pair n.副telescope n.望远镜delivery n.发送,送货sharp adj.锋利的,紧急的pleasure n.乐趣delight n.高兴institute n.机构visible adj.可见的silence n.安静dispute n.争端controversy n.争议debate n.辩论shuttle n.穿梭rat n.老鼠golf n.高尔夫risk n.冒险adventure n.冒险surprise n.惊奇maid n.女仆pal n.伙伴actor n.男演员flow n.流量measurement n.测量stability n.稳定enormous adj.广泛的broad adj.广泛的timber n.木材draw n.绘图concession n.让步existence n.存在baldness n.秃头gold n.金子divorce n.离婚breath-taking adj.令人屏住呼吸的majority n.多数exchange n.交换net n.网slang n.俚语switch n.开关overall adj.整个的whole adj.整个的pattern n.模式,花纹ground n.场地fair adj.公平的memorise v.记住corpse n.尸体keeper n.养育者ending n.结果texture n.质地super adj.超级的rock n.岩石branch n.分支,分部information adj.通知的,有消息的agreement n.同意high quality camera 高质量的相机domestic n.内部的religion n.宗教empty adj.空的package n.包装distant adj.远的remote adj.远的fair adj.美丽的,公平的story n.故事evidence n.证据positive adj.积极地negative adj.消极的exciting adj.令人兴奋的conqueror n.征服者distribution n.分布confirmation n.证实,确认virtually adv.几乎almost v.几乎,差不多worthwhile adj.值得的main adj.主要的grass n.草cliff n.悬崖physically adv.身体地irrigation n.灌溉scarce adj.不足的removal n.去掉low-risk 低风险cannibal n.食人者herbivorous adj.食草的scent n.气味scheme n.方案overhead view 俯视visitor n.访问者tile n.瓦likelihood n.可能性possibility n.可能性danger n.危险hazardous adj.危险地pure adj.纯洁的repeat n.&v.重复correspondence n.写信letter n.信件unanimous adj.意见一致的depth n.深度approval n.同意enthusiasm n.热情housekeeping n.家务管理emotion n.感情performer n.表演者miserable adj.痛苦的craft n.手艺hero n.英雄politics n.政治author n.作者serious adj.严肃的prone n.容易,倾向于essential adj.基本的fundamental adj.基本的steel n.钢材traditional adj.传统的ordinary n.普通的preposition n.介词wing n.翅膀,翼watchdog n.警察局的名称second-hand adj.二手的cheerful adj.高兴的negative n.负片reform n.改革contract n.合同,印花税barren adj.贫瘠的event n.事件intervention n.干涉metal n.金属kiosk n.小卖部seven-screen adj.7个屏幕的handball n.手球independence n.独立age n.年纪immune adj.免疫的warehouse n.仓库,仓储超市self-defence n.自卫carving n.雕刻privacy n.隐私apostrophe n.右上角省略号poll n.(民意)调查elbow n.肘hunting n.打猎self-discipline n.自我约束tune n.曲调expansion v.扩展sailing n.航行rows n.横排maintain v.维修former adj.以前的previous n.以前的surrounding n.周围toy n.玩具expectancy n.期待fabric n.纺织品section n.部分star n.恒星artistic adj.艺术的self-funded adj.自给自足的self-sufficient adj.自给自足的addition n.额外sacked adj.被解雇的preference n.偏爱flash n.闪exception n.例外reinforced adj.加强的highly-trained adj.高度训练的vary v.变化pure adj.纯洁的harbour n.港口port n.港口skin n.皮肤heroine n.女主人公exposure n.曝光inability n.没能力pianist n.钢琴家housing n.住房naught n.零stair n.楼梯complaint n.抱怨noise n.噪声potential adj.潜在的value n.价值mixture n.混合物irritable adj.易怒的arrival n.到达satisfaction n.满意status n.地位stage n.舞台,阶段permit n.许可证discovery n.发现parcel n.包裹sufficient adj.充分的subjective adj.主观的objective adj.客观的page n.页码usual adj.普通的latest adj.最新的development n.发展rehearsal n.演习,彩排weapon n.武器trade n.贸易innovation n.革新lava n.火山岩theft n.盗窃knowledge n.知识curly adj.卷发的cotton n.棉花mill v.研磨,磨细magic adj.魔术的systematic adj.系统的shell n.贝壳unique adj.独特的polish v.抛光,擦亮knife n.刀critical adj.批评的consumption n.消费crisis n.危机belt n.带子steady adj.稳定的deteriorate v.恶化surface n.表面seasoned adj.风干的cupboard n.橱柜inland n.内陆free adj.自由的response n.回答answer n.回答jewelry n.珠宝journalist n.记者repair v.修理cage n.笼子candle n.蜡烛wax n.蜡sensible adj.明智的depression n.沮丧layer n.阶层ambiguous adj.有歧义的excuse n.借口lessen v.减轻layout n.平面图reflectance n.反射系数reserve n.保留book in advance 预定genetic adj.遗传的import n.进口tribute n.贡品bridge n.桥chat n.聊天strike n.罢工basis n.基础amazing adj.令人惊讶的reliable adj.可依赖的shelf n.架子frequency n.频率enhance v.提高improve v.改善petrol n.汽油adequate adj.充足的。

winserver2008r2开机显示group policy client的解决方法

winserver2008r2开机显示group policy client的解决方法

winserver2008r2开机显示group policy client的解决方法(最新版3篇)目录(篇1)1.引言2.Group Policy Client 的作用3.WinServer2008R2 开机显示 Group Policy Client 的原因4.解决方法5.总结正文(篇1)一、引言在企业网络环境中,Group Policy 扮演着举足轻重的角色,它可以帮助管理员统一管理和配置众多计算机。

然而,在 WinServer2008R2 操作系统中,开机时出现“Group Policy Client”提示,让一些管理员感到困惑。


二、Group Policy Client 的作用Group Policy Client(组策略客户端)是 Windows 系统中的一个组件,负责与 Group Policy 服务器进行通信,获取并应用组策略设置。

通过 Group Policy,管理员可以实现对计算机的统一管理和配置,包括操作系统设置、软件安装、用户权限等。

三、WinServer2008R2 开机显示 Group Policy Client 的原因WinServer2008R2 开机显示 Group Policy Client 的原因可能有以下几点:1.组策略设置错误:如果 Group Policy 中存在错误的设置,可能导致计算机开机时出现该提示。

2.组策略客户端服务故障:如果 Group Policy 客户端服务出现故障,可能导致开机时显示该提示。

3.组策略服务器故障:如果 Group Policy 服务器出现故障,可能导致客户端无法正常获取组策略设置,从而出现该提示。

4.网络连接问题:如果计算机与 Group Policy 服务器之间的网络连接出现问题,可能导致开机时显示该提示。

四、解决方法针对上述原因,我们可以采取以下解决方法:1.检查并修复组策略设置:登录到 Group Policy 服务器,检查组策略设置是否存在错误,如有错误则进行修复。


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经理室 Manager Room董事长室 Board-Chairman Room接待室 Reception Room会议室 Conference Room多功能会议室Multimedia Conference Room人力资源部 Human Resource Dept.技术部 Technology Dept.公共场所双语标识英文译法实施指南综合部 Administration Dept.(文 化)财务部 Financial Dept.警示提示信息采购部 Purchasing Dept.六. 音像店生产制造部 Production Dept.序号 中文名称 英文名称总经理室:General manager room1 欢迎光临 Welcome副总经理室:Deputy general manager room2 营业时间 Open Hours/Business Hours总经理工作部:General manager service depa3 保持安静 Quiet Please接待室 :Reception room4 禁止吸烟 No Smoking会议室 :Conference room5 禁止入内 No Admittance/No Entry财务部 :Finance department6 请勿触摸 Don’t Touch策划部 :Plan department7 请勿拍照 No Photography工程部 :Engineering dept8 拉 PULL/Pull预算管理部 :Budget control division9 推 PUSH/Push总务部 :Administration department10 小心台阶 Watch Your Step/Mind the Step温泉管理中心 :Hot spring administrative c11 小心轻放 Handle with Care采购部 :Purchase department12 小心碰头 Watch Your Head/Mind Your Head洗消间 :Decontamination13 随手关门 Keep Door Closed /Please close the door冷库 :Cold storagebehind you.热交换站:Heat change station14 员工专用 Staff Only弱电机房: Weak electricity engine room15 灭火专用 Fire Extinguisher值班室 :Duty officers observation room 酒店索引 Hotel Directory人力资源部 :Human resources department市场部(市场营销部) :Marketing departm餐厅 :Dining room浴室 :Bathroom厨房操作间:Kitchen operation储藏室Storage room董事长室?? Chairman of room备用间Alternate Room餐饮部办公室 Food and Beverage Dept 总经理室 General Manager's Office布草制服房 Uniform Linen Room 仓库WarehousePA工作间 Public Area 厦门办事处Xiamen Office?财务部 Financial Dept 消防预防控制中心Fire prevention control center巴黎春天 PRINTEMPS 财务部 Finance Department行政办公室 Executive office 排烟机房smoke extract fan room市场营销部Salec and MarketingDept排风机房 exhaust fan room保安部 Security Dept 人事部 The Ministry of Personnel人力资源部Personnel andTraining Dept 衣帽间Cloak room工作间 Pantry 风机房Fan room控制室 Control 文员 Clerk 生产部 Production 生产备料部 Preparation of the production 业务部 Business Unit 采购部 Purchasing 出纳Cashier 公司办公室 Administration Office 经理室 Manager Room 董事长室 Board-Chairman Room 接待室 Reception Room 会议室 Conference Room 多功能会议室Multimedia Conference Room 人力资源部 Human Resource Dept. 技术部 Technology Dept. 综合部 Administration Dept. 财务部 Financial Dept. 采购部 Purchasing Dept. 生产制造部 Production Dept. 质量部 Quality Control Dept 董事长室:Chairman room 总经理室:General manager room 副总经理室:Deputy general manager room 总经理工作部:General manager service departm 总经理助理 Assistant to General Manager 人事行政部 Human Resources and Administrat 市场发展部 Marketing Department 风险控制部 Risk control Department 出单中心 Billing Center 客户服务部Customer Services Department 计划财务部 Financial Planning Department 公司业务部Operation Department 总工程师 (Chief engineer ) 财务部 (Finance department ) 综合管理部 (Comprehensive control division ) 监控中心 (Monitoring center ) 市场营销部 (Market marketing department ) 商务运营部 (The commerce transports the batta 开发部 (Development division ) 生产部(Production department ) 接待室 :Reception room 会议室 :Conference room 财务部 :Finance department 策划部 :Plan department 工程部 :Engineering dept 预算管理部 :Budget control division 总务部 :Administration department 温泉管理中心 :Hot spring administrative center 采购部 :Purchase department 洗消间 :Decontamination 冷库 :Cold storage 热交换站:Heat change station 弱电机房: Weak electricity engine room 值班室 :Duty officers observation room 人力资源部 :Human resources department 市场部(市场营销部) :Marketing department ( 餐厅 :Dining room 浴室 :Bathroom 厨房操作间:Kitchen operation 公司办公室 Administration Office 经理室 Manager Room 董事长室 Board-Chairman Room 接待室 Reception Room 会议室 Conference Room 多功能会议室Multimedia Conference Room 人力资源部 Human Resource Dept. 技术部 Technology Dept. 综合部 Administration Dept. 财务部 Financial Dept. 采购部 Purchasing Dept. 生产制造部 Production Dept. 质量部 Quality Control Dept. 卫生间washing room 办公室office 备件室spare part room 主任室director office 副主任室deputy director ofice 综合科compositive sector 配料室batching room 衡量室measurement room 交接班室crew changing room 质检室quality controling room 配电室distribution room 会议室assembly room 卫生间 Toilet 会议室 Conference Room 开发部 Development 仓库Warehouse? 车间 Workshop 包装组 Packaging group 外检(QC)Of the seizure (QC)?02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1509150093江经理roomer service departmentdivisiondministrative centerengine room 强电机房Strong electric engine room rvation rooms departmenteting department (market marketing department)on control centerthe production Conference Roomal manager roomnager service department?to General Managerrces and Administration Departmentices Departmentning Departmentve control division )eting department )ce transports the battalion headquarters )administrative centerrces departmentarketing department (market marketing department) Conference Room。

IDOL OmniGroupServer软件版本12.10.0发布说明说明书

IDOL OmniGroupServer软件版本12.10.0发布说明说明书

Document Release Date: October 2021 Software Release Date: October 2021Legal noticesCopyright notice© Copyright 2021 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Documentation updatesThe title page of this document contains the following identifying information:l Software Version number, which indicates the software version.l Document Release Date, which changes each time the document is updated.l Software Release Date, which indicates the release date of this version of the software.To check for updated documentation, visit https:///support-and-services/documentation/. SupportVisit the MySupport portal to access c ontact information and details about the products, services, and support that Micro Focus offers.This portal also provides customer self-solve capabilities. It gives you a fast and efficient way to access interactive technical support tools needed to manage your business. As a valued support customer, you can benefit by using the MySupport portal to:l Search for knowledge documents of interestl Access product documentationl View software vulnerability alertsl Enter into discussions with other software customersl Download software patchesl Manage software licenses, downloads, and support contractsl Submit and track service requestsl Contact customer supportl View information about all services that Support offersMany areas of the portal require you to sign in. If you need an account, you can create one when prompted to sign in. To learn about the different access levels the portal uses, see the Access Levels descriptions.ContentsNew in this Release4 Resolved Issues5 Supported Operating System Platforms6 Notes7 Documentation8New in this ReleaseNew in this ReleaseThe following new features were released in OmniGroupServer version 12.10.0.l The ogs_azure library, which retrieves security information from Azure Active Directory, has been improved:o OmniGroupServer uses the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve information from Azure Active Directory. Earlier versions of OmniGroupServer used the Azure Active Directory Graph API,which has been deprecated. To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API you must create anOAuth service application. For information about how to do this refer to the IDOL DocumentSecurity Administration Guide.o When retrieving information from Azure Active Directory, OmniGroupServer can process contacts and directory roles. Contacts are processed only whenImportExternalUsers=TRUE. The default value of this parameter is now TRUE.o The configuration parameter UseOnPremises has been added, so that you can store users and groups by the value of their OnPremisesSamAccountName property (orOnPremisesSecurityIdentifier when you also set UseIDs=TRUE).l The third-party libraries libxml2 and libxslt have been updated, to versions 2.9.11 and 1.1.34 respectively.l The third-party OpenSSL library has been updated to 1.1.1.j.l ACI servers can now communicate with a License Server that requires a GSSAPI authenticated connection (that is, where the License Server configuration has RequireGSSAuth set to True). To allow this communication, you must set GSSServiceName in the [License] section of theconfiguration file t o the GSSAPI service name of the License Server. For example:[License]GSSServiceName=LICENSESERVERl The Admin, Help, LoadDoc, and LoadImage actions now set the HTTP response header Content-Security-Policy, to improve security against cross-site scripting. If the Content-Type headeris set, these actions also set the header X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.Resolved IssuesResolved IssuesThe following issues were resolved in OmniGroupServer version 12.10.0.l The QueueInfo action (with QueueAction=GetStatus) would return an error when the total number of actions exceeded 999.l The server could terminate unexpectedly when an authorization role was configured and the list of Clients included a hostname with a wildcard, such as *. The Clientsparameter accepts wildcards only in IP addresses.l Various GetRequestLog (GRL) HTML issues have been fixed:o Actions were not properly escaped in some places, which could allow malicious users to inject some alternative HTML in the GetRequestLog response.o The Open link in new window option did not work.o The auto refresh option would modify the selected open link option.o Links to the obsolete confighelp action have been removed.o The HTML page now uses a Content-Security-Policy to protect against malicious data injection by crafted actions sent to the server.Supported Operating System PlatformsSupported Operating System Platforms OmniGroupServer 12.10.0 is supported on the following platforms.Windows (x86-64)l Windows Server 2019l Windows Server 2016l Windows Server 2012Linux (x86-64)The minimum supported versions of particular distributions are:l Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6l CentOS 6l SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12l Ubuntu 14.04l Debian 8Solaris (x86-64 and SPARC 64)l Solaris 11l Solaris 10NotesNotesl The autpassword command-line tool has been updated to provide hardened AES encryption for passwords. Micro Focus strongly recommends that you reencrypt all passwords in configuration files by using the updated tool.The older AES encryption format and basic encryption methods are now deprecated. Passwords that you have encrypted with older versions continue to work, but the server logs a warning.Support for these older encryption methods will be removed in future.DocumentationDocumentationThe following documentation was updated for this release.l OmniGroupServer Reference。



groupreporting操作手册摘要:一、引言二、groupreporting 操作手册简介1.操作手册的目的和适用对象2.操作手册的结构和内容概述三、groupreporting 操作手册的使用步骤1.准备工作2.登录和权限设置3.创建和编辑报告4.报告分组和共享5.查看和导出报告6.修改和删除报告四、groupreporting 操作手册中的常用功能1.报告模板管理2.数据源配置3.自定义报告参数4.权限管理五、groupreporting 操作手册的常见问题及解决方案六、总结与展望正文:一、引言groupreporting 是一款为企业用户设计的报告编写和管理工具,它可以帮助用户轻松创建和共享报告,提高工作效率。


二、groupreporting 操作手册简介groupreporting 操作手册主要包括操作手册的目的和适用对象,以及操作手册的结构和内容概述。

目的在于帮助用户快速掌握groupreporting 的使用方法,适用对象包括报告编写人员、报告管理人员和系统管理员。


三、groupreporting 操作手册的使用步骤本章节详细介绍了groupreporting 操作手册的使用步骤,包括准备工作、登录和权限设置、创建和编辑报告、报告分组和共享、查看和导出报告、修改和删除报告等。

通过这些步骤,用户可以了解如何使用groupreporting 进行报告编写和管理。

四、groupreporting 操作手册中的常用功能本章节介绍了groupreporting 操作手册中的常用功能,包括报告模板管理、数据源配置、自定义报告参数和权限管理等。


五、groupreporting 操作手册的常见问题及解决方案本章节列举了groupreporting 操作手册中可能遇到的常见问题,并提供了解决方案。

gitlab 管理操作手册

gitlab 管理操作手册

gitlab 管理操作手册GitLab 是一个基于 Git 的版本控制系统,可用于代码仓库的管理和团队的协作。

本手册将针对 GitLab 的管理操作进行详细介绍。

一、创建项目在 GitLab 上创建项目有以下几个步骤:1. 登录 GitLab 平台;2. 点击页面上的 "New project";3. 在弹出的对话框中填写项目的名称、描述和可见性等信息;4. 点击 "Create project" 完成项目的创建。

二、管理项目1. 项目设置项目创建完成后,可以根据需要进行项目设置的调整。

进入项目页面后,点击 "Settings",可以进行诸如修改项目名称、描述、访问权限和合并请求设置等操作。

2. 添加成员在项目设置中,可以通过 "Members" 选项来添加成员。

点击 "New member",填写成员的用户名和权限等信息,即可邀请新成员加入项目。

3. 代码管理GitLab 提供了强大的代码管理功能,开发人员可以通过以下步骤进行代码管理:- 克隆仓库:在项目页面点击 "Clone" 按钮,复制仓库的地址,使用Git 命令进行代码克隆;- 新建分支:为了进行功能开发或修复 Bug,可以先创建一个新分支;- 提交变更:在本地修改代码后,使用 Git 命令将变更提交到本地分支;- 同步代码:将本地分支的变更推送到 GitLab 服务器,使用命令`git push`;- 创建合并请求:在变更推送到 GitLab 后,可以通过创建合并请求的方式将代码合并到主分支;- 审核合并请求:项目成员可以对合并请求进行评论、审查,并决定是否将其合并到主分支。

三、问题跟踪和项目计划GitLab 提供了问题跟踪和项目计划功能,方便团队协作和任务管理。

1. 创建问题:在项目页面点击 "Issues",然后点击 "New Issue",填写问题的标题和描述等信息;2. 分配问题:可以将问题指派给具体的成员,以便进行处理;3. 关联合并请求:在问题页面,可以关联相关的合并请求,以便追踪问题与代码的关联;4. 创建项目计划:在项目页面点击 "Issues",然后点击 "Boards" -> "Create new board",创建项目计划并进行任务管理。

gitlab 管理操作手册

gitlab 管理操作手册

gitlab 管理操作手册GitLab是一个开源的版本控制系统,允许团队协同开发代码,并提供了一系列的功能来管理代码仓库、项目、用户和权限等。



2.点击顶部导航栏上的“New project”按钮。


4.点击“Create project”按钮,即可成功创建项目。




4.点击“Invite members”按钮,输入成员的用户名或电子邮件地址,并选择适当的权限级别。

5.点击“Add to project”按钮,即可将成员添加到项目中。




4.配置GitLab Runner:点击“Runners”部分的“Set up a specific Runner manually”链接,并根据提示进行操作。





4.点击“Create file”按钮,可以在项目中创建新的文件。


6.提交代码变更:点击“Commit changes”按钮,填写提交信息,并点击“Commit changes”按钮。




-- 职业经理人必备的英文单词目标mission/ objective集体目标group objective内部环境internal environment外部环境external environment计划planning组织organizing人事staffing领导leading控制controlling步骤process原理principle方法technique经理manager总经理general manager行政人员administrator administration 行政agent 代理人executive (1)行政,(2)行政人员;执行人员expert power 权威权力expertise (1)专才,(2)专门知识;专家经验export 出口主管人员supervisoraccountant 会计人员;会计主任;会计师企业enterprise商业business产业industry公司company效果effectiveness效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur权利power职权authority职责responsibility科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management行为科学behavior science生产率productivity激励motivate动机motive法律law法规regulation经济体系economic system管理职能managerial function产品product服务service利润profit满意satisfaction归属affiliation尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization人力投入human input盈余surplus收入income成本cost资本货物capital goods机器machinery设备equipment建筑building存货inventory(2)经验法the empirical approach人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法the group behavior approach协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法the operational approach人际关系human relationhuman relations 人际关系human resources 人力资源human resources management 人力资源管理human resources planning 人力资源规划心理学psychology态度attitude压力pressure冲突conflict招聘recruit鉴定appraisal选拔select培训train报酬compensation授权delegation of authority协调coordinate业绩performance考绩制度merit system表现behavior下级subordinate偏差deviation检验记录inspection record误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume产品质量quality of products先进技术advanced technology顾客服务customer service策略strategy结构structure(3)领先性primacy普遍性pervasiveness忧虑fear忿恨resentment士气morale解雇layoff批发wholesale零售retail程序procedure规则rule规划program预算budget共同作用synergy大型联合企业conglomerate资源resource购买acquisition增长目标growth goal专利产品proprietary product竞争对手rival晋升promotion管理决策managerial decision商业道德business ethics有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier小贩vendor利益冲突conflict of interests派生政策derivative policy开支帐户expense account批准程序approval procedure病假sick leave休假vacation工时labor-hour机时machine-hour资本支出capital outlay现金流量cash flow工资率wage rate税收率tax rate股息dividend现金状况cash position资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget资产负债表balance sheet可行性feasibility投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment生产能力capacity to produce实际工作者practitioner最终结果end result业绩performance个人利益personal interest福利welfare市场占有率market share创新innovation生产率productivity利润率profitability社会责任public responsibility董事会board of director组织规模size of the organization组织文化organizational culture目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool激励方法motivational techniques 控制手段control device个人价值personal worth优势strength弱点weakness机会opportunity威胁threat个人责任personal responsibility顾问counselor定量目标quantitative objective定性目标qualitative objective可考核目标verifiable objective优先priority工资表payroll(4)策略strategy政策policy灵活性discretion多种经营diversification评估assessment一致性consistency应变策略consistency strategy公共关系public relation价值value抱负aspiration偏见prejudice审查review批准approval主要决定major decision分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix明星star问号question mark现金牛cash cow赖狗dog采购procurement人口因素demographic factor地理因素geographic factor公司形象company image产品系列product line合资企业joint venture破产政策liquidation strategy紧缩政策retrenchment strategy战术tactics(5)追随followership个性individuality性格personality安全safety自主权latitude悲观的pessimistic静止的static乐观的optimistic动态的dynamic灵活的flexible抵制resistance敌对antagonism折中eclectic(6)激励motivation潜意识subconscious地位status情感affection欲望desire压力pressure满足satisfaction自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs归属的需要affiliation needs安全的需要security needs生理的需要physiological needs维持maintenance保健hygiene激励因素motivator概率probability强化理论reinforcement theory反馈feedback奖金bonus股票期权stock option劳资纠纷labor dispute缺勤率absenteeism人员流动turnover奖励reward(7)特许经营franchise热诚zeal信心confidence鼓舞inspire要素ingredient忠诚loyalty奉献devotion作风style品质trait适应性adaptability进取性aggressiveness热情enthusiasm毅力persistence人际交往能力interpersonal skills行政管理能力administrative ability智力intelligence专制式领导autocratic leader民主式领导democratic leader自由放任式领导free-rein leader管理方格图the managerial grid工作效率work efficiency服从obedience领导行为leader behavior支持型领导supportive leadership参与型领导participative leadership指导型领导instrumental leadership成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadership management n. 管理,管理部门middle management n. 中层管理人员senior management n. 高层管理人员managerial adj. 管理人员的,管理方面的manager n. 经理plant manager n. 工厂负责人line manager n. 基层负责人staff manager n. 部门经理助理management accounts n. 管理帐目matrix management n. 矩阵管理*management information system(MIS) n. 管理信息系统manning n. 人员配备manpower n. 劳动力manpower resources n. 劳动力资源manual adj. 体力的,人工的,蓝领的manufacture v. (用机器)制造manufacturer n. 制造者(厂、商、公司)manufacturing adj. 制造的manufacturing industry 制造业margin n. 利润gross margin n. 毛利率net margin n. 净利润mark-up v. 标高售价,加价market n. 市场;产品可能的销量market segmentation 市场划分market share n. 市场占有率,市场份额*mission n. 公司的长期目标和原则motive n. 动机objective n. 目标,目的off-the-shelf adj. 非专门设计的offer n. 报价,发盘offer v. 开价off-season adj./adv. 淡季的off-the-shelf adj. 非专门设计的off-the-peg adj. 标准的,非顾客化的opening n. 空位operate v. 操作,经营,管理operating profits 营业利润*operations chart n. 经营(管理)表*operations scheduling n. 生产经营进度表opportunity n. 机会*optimize v. 优化option n. 选择权share option n. 期权organigram n. 组织图organisation chart n. 公司组织机构图orient v. 定向,指引orientation n. 倾向,方向;熟悉,介绍情况outcome n. 结果outlay n. 开销,支出,费用overtime n. 加班overview n. 概述,概观owe v. 欠钱,应付outgoings n. 开支,开销overhead costs n. 营业成本*overheads n. 企业一般管理费用p.a.(=per annum) n. 每年packaging n. 包装物;包装parent company n. 母公司,总公司patent n. 专利pay n. 工资,酬金v. 付钱,付报酬take-home pay 实得工资payroll n. 雇员名单,工资表personnel n. 员工,人员point of sale (POS) n. 销售点plant capacity n. 生产规模,生产能力pie chart n. 饼形图pilot n. 小规模试验plot v. 标绘,策划position n. 职位potential n. 潜在力,潜势power n. 能力purchasing power 购买力PR=Public Relations 公共关系*preference shares n. 优先股price n. 价格market price 市场价,市价retail price 零售价probation n. 试用期product n. 产品production cycle n. 生产周期production schedule n. 生产计划product life cycle n. 产品生命周期product mix n. 产品组合(种类和数量的组合)productive adj. 生产的,多产的*profile n. 简介形象特征profit n. 利润operating profit n. 营业利润profit and loss account n. 损益帐户project v. 预测promote v . 推销promotion n. 提升,升级proposal n. 建议,计划prospect n. 预期,展望prospectus n. 计划书,说明书prosperity n. 繁荣,兴隆prototype n. 原型,样品*publicity n. 引起公众注意public adj. 公众的,公开的go public 上市public sector 公有企业publicity n. 公开场合,名声,宣传publics n. 公众,(有共同兴趣的)一群人或社会人士punctual adj. 准时的punctuality n. 准时purchase v. & n. 购买purchaser n. 买主,采购人QC(=Quality Circle) n. 质检人员qualify v. 有资格,胜任qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,合格的qualification n. 资格,资格证明quality n. 质量quality assurance n. 质量保证quality control 质量控制,质量管理quarterly adj./adv. 季度的,按季度questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷quote n. 报价,股票牌价quotation n. 报价,股票牌价R&DResearch and Development 研究与开发radically adv. 根本地,彻底地range n. 系列产品rank n./v. 排名rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛rate n. 比率,费用fixed rate 固定费用,固定汇率going rate 现行利率,现行汇率rating 评定结果ratio n. 比率rationalise v. 使更有效,使更合理raw adj. 原料状态的,未加工的raw material n. 原材料receive v. 得到receipt n. 收据reckon v. 估算,认为recognise v. 承认recruit v. 招聘,征募n. 新招收的人员recruitment n. 新成员的吸收reference n. 参考,参考资料reference number (Ref. No.) 产品的参考号码reject n./v. 拒绝reliability n. 可靠性relief n. 减轻,解除,救济relocate v. 调动,重新安置remuneration n. 酬报,酬金represent v. 代表,代理representative n. 代理人,代表reputation n. 名声,声望reputable adj. 名声/名誉好的reserves n. 储量金,准备金resign v. 放弃,辞去resignation n. 辞职resistance n. 阻力,抵触情绪respond v. 回答,答复response n. 回答,答复restore v. 恢复result/results n. 结果,效果retail n./v. 零售retailer n. 零售商*retained earnings n. 留存收益retire v. 退休retirement n. 退休return n. 投资报酬*return on investment (ROI) n. 投资收入,投资报酬revenue n. 岁入,税收review v./n. 检查reward n./v. 报答,报酬,奖赏*rework v. (因劣质而)重作rival n. 竞争者,对手sack v. 解雇sales force 销售人员sample n. 样品v. 试验;抽样检验*saturation n. (市场的)饱和(状态)saturate v. 饱和save v. 节省,储蓄savings n. 存款scale n. 刻度,层次scapegoat n. 替罪羊scare adj. 缺乏的,不足的*scrap n. 废料或废品seasonal adj. 季节性的section n. 部门sector n. 部门set up v. 创立share n. 股份shareholder n. 股东*shelf-life n. 货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间)shift n. 轮班showroom n. 陈列室simulation n. 模拟shopfloor 生产场所shortlist n. ……供最后选择的候选人名单v. 把……列入最后的候选人名单sick adj. 病的sick leave 病假sick note 病假条sick pay 病假工资sickness 生病skill n. 技能,熟巧skilled employee n. 熟练工人*skimming n. 高额定价,撇奶油式定价slogan n. 销售口号spare part n. 零部件specification n. 产品说明split v. 分离spokesman n. 发言人sponsor n. 赞助者(为了商品的广告宣传)staff n. 职员stock controller 库房管理者structure n. 结构,设备*subcontract v. 分包(工程项目),转包subordinate n. 下级adj. 下级的subscribe v. 认购subsidiary n. 子公司subsidise v. 补贴,资助summarise v. 概括,总结superior n. 上级,长官duty list 职责表duty roster 轮值表supervisor n. 监督人,管理人supervisory adj. 监督的,管理的supply n./v. 供给,提供survey n 调查*SWOT analysis n. SWOT分析是分析一个公司或一个项目的优点、弱点、机会和风险*synergy n. 协作target n. 目标v. 把……作为目标TQC(=Total Quality Control) n. 全面质量管理trade mark 商标trade union 工会trainee n. 受培训者venue n. 地点,集合地点viable adj. 可行的viability n. 可行性vision n. 设想,公司的长期目标vocation n. 行业,职业white-collar 白领阶层working conditions n. 工作条件work-in-progress n. 工作过程workload n. 工作量work order n. (包括原料、半成品、成品的)全部存货总量work station 工作位置asset 资产annual general meeting 周年大会;年会annual report 年报brand 牌子;品牌brand image 牌子形象;品牌形象brand loyalty 对牌子忠诚brand name 商标;品牌名称;牌子名称broker 经纪business enterprise 企业机构business entity 企业个体business organization 企业组织business registration certificate 商业登记证certificate of incorporation 公司注册证channel of distribution 分销途径;分销渠道comparative advantage 比较优势consumer goods 消费品consumer loyalty 消费者忠诚consumer market 消费者市场consumer survey 消费者调查contract 合约;契约;合同indenture 合约;契约copyright 版权corporation 公司subsidiary company 附属公司;子公司invested capital 投入资本investment 投资investment company 投资公司invoice 发票licence 许可证;牌照limited company 有限公司control chart 控制图control unit 控制部件controllable costcontrolled company 分公司;受制公司controlling company 总公司;控股公司quotation 报价单transportation system 运输系统rail transport 铁路运输sea transport 水上运输water transport 水上运输direct shipment 直接装运inland transportation内陆运输retail price 零售价wholesale price 批发价cost of production 生产成本cost-benefit analysis 成本收益分析;成本效益分析cost-effectiveness analysis 成本效用分析;成本效能分析specialty goods 特殊品;特殊货品warehouse 仓库;货仓assembling 装配assembly line 装配线basic salary 底薪merit rating system 考绩制度data 数据;资料data processing 数据处理data tansmission 数据传输decision making 决策end user 最终使用者futures price 期货价格Gantt Chart 甘特图表industrial safety 工业安全industrial training 工业训练job analysis 工作分析;职务分析job attributes 工作特质job characteristics 工作特性job classification 工作分类job content 工作内容;工作质量job description 工作描述;工作说明;职务说明job design 工作设计job enlargement 工作扩大化job enrichment 工作丰富化job evaluation 工作评价key personnel 主要工作人员leadership 领导能力leadership style 领导风格leading 领导letter of appointment 聘书letter of credit 信用证;信用状level of management 管理层次level of responsibility 责任的轻重level of salary 薪金水平management by objective (MBO) 目标管理management consultant 管理顾问;经营顾问management contract 管理合约management development 管理发展management information system (MIS) 管理信息系统;管理信息系统management principle 管理原则management science 管理科学manager 经理;管理者;管理人员managerial hierarchy 管理层次;管理结构managing director 常务董事personnel management 人事管理manpower planning 人力规划;人力计划on-the-job training 在职训练;在职培训orientation 新员工辅导;职辅导;职前训练performance appraisal 员工考绩;工作评核;工作考核marketing decision 市场决策;营销决策marketing effort 市场效能;营销效能marketing policy 市场政策;营销政策marketing strategy 市场策略;营销策略operating expense 营业费用primary demand 基本需要quotation 行情;报价;报价单primary market 第一市场;初级市场;基本市场primary need 基本需要primary product 原产品;初级产品primary production 初级生产;第一级生产prime cost 主要成本materials management 物料管理organization chart 组织图表;组织图organization structure 组织结构placement 安置;岗位安置plan 计划;规划plant 工厂;厂房plant layout 厂房布置product life cycle 产品生命循环;产品生命周期product line 产品线;产品种类product mix 产品组合product portfolio 产品组合product positioning 产品定位product specification 产品规格production capacity 生产能力production control 生产控制production management 生产管理production planning 生产计划production schedule/production scheduling 生产预算及计划;生产计划;生产调度production-oriented 生产导向product attributes 产品属性product categories 产品种类product departmentalization 产品分部product development 产品发展product differentiation 产品差异化product diversification 产品多样化;产品多元化purchasing management 采购管理quality circle/equality control circle 品质控制圈;品质圈;品管圈quality control 品质控制random sampling 随机抽样recycling 再循环requistion 请求单;申请书scheduling 日程安排scientific management 科学管理shift duty 轮班工作shift system 轮班制度;轮班工作shift work 轮班工作strategic planning 策略规划Appendix 附录. 买卖方、中介Manufacturer 制造(厂)商Buyer 买方Seller 卖方Broker 中间人/ 掮客(跑街先生)Middle-man 中间人(商)Group Company 集团公司Conglomerate 集团公司(企业集团)Customer /Client (customer)客户Direct Account (customer )直接客户Target Customer (目标)大客户BCO Beneficial Owner of the cargo 直接货主(制造厂商)Big Accounts 大客户VIP Customers 重要客户Agreement / Contract Customer 协议客户Long-term Customer 长期客户Potential Customer 潜在客户Picky customer 好挑剔的客户BONDED AREA 保税区BONDED GOODS 保税货物QUOTAs Quantity of one HTS item allowed to be imported at eitherhigher or lower rate of duties. 进口配额DDP Delivery Duty Paid 完税DDU Delivery Duty Unpaid 未完税DRAWBACK Duties payment refunded because freightis re-exportedor for similar circumstances 退税金额temperature and humidity. 、温度、湿度调控。


• nova-compute:处理虚拟机相关的操作,使用driver架构,支持多 种虚拟化技术
• nova-consoleauth:为vnc代理服务器提供token验证服务 • nova-novncproxy:为浏览器和vncserver之间建立socket,
console用来连接到虚机的console接口,实现基于vnc的登录和操作 • nova-cert:对接EC2-API的时候才使用,为euca-bundle-image提
File System
Glance-API Storage Adapter
Glance Backend
Swift Cinder
Glance-Registry Glance-DB
Ceph RBD Sheepdog Amazon S3
• 服务相关
• service(服务):OpenStack 服务,如nova、neutron等,每个服务提供一个或者多个 endpoint 供用户访问 资源以及进行操作
• endpoint(端点):endpoint是一个网络上可访问的地址,通常是URL。service 通过 endpoint 暴露自己的 API,每个Service有public、internal、admin三个endpoint,keystone 负责管理和维护每个 Service 的 Endpoint
• 用户相关
• domain(域) • project(项目) • user(用户) • group(用户组) • role(角色) • token(令牌)
• 一个Region中可以包含多个Domain,一个Domain中可以包含多个Group、user和Project,一个Group中可以包 含多个user。



CKA考试题库第一题:关于RBAC权限控制解答:第二题:查看Pod的CPU解答:第三题:配置网络策略NetworkPolicy解答:第四题:暴露服务Service解答:1.修改front-end deploymentkubectl edit deployment front-end2.暴露服务kubectl expose deployment front-end --target-port=80 --port=80 --name=front-end-svc --type=NodePort检查curl [cluster-ip]第五题:创建ingress解答:第六题:扩容Deployment的副本数量解答:第七题:调度pod到指定节点解答:第八题:查看可用节点数量解答:第九题:创建多容器pod解答:第十题:创建PV解答:第十一题:创建PVC解答:spec:volumes:- name: task-pv-storagepersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: pv-volume containers:- name: web-serverimage: nginx:1.16volumeMounts:- mountPath:"/usr/share/nginx/html "name: task-pv-storage2.运行pvc.yamlkubectl apply -f pvc.yaml3.修改大小kubectl edit pvc pv-volume --record检查kubectl get pvc pv-volume第十二题:查看pod日志解答:第十三题:使用sidecar代理容器日志解答:第十四题:升级集群解答:第十五题:备份还原ETCD解答:第十六题:排查集群中的故障节点解答:第十七题:节点维护解答:。



TCP注册端口号大全【6】# Jerome AERTS March 2006commplex-main 5000/tcpcommplex-main 5000/udpcommplex-link 5001/tcpcommplex-link 5001/udprfe 5002/tcp radio free ethernetrfe 5002/udp radio free ethernetfmpro-internal 5003/tcp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport fmpro-internal 5003/udp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary name binding # Clay Maeckelavt-profile-1 5004/tcp RTP media dataavt-profile-1 5004/udp RTP media dataavt-profile-1 5004/dccp RTP media dataavt-profile-2 5005/tcp RTP control protocolavt-profile-2 5005/udp RTP control protocolavt-profile-2 5005/dccp RTP control protocolwsm-server 5006/tcp wsm serverwsm-server 5006/udp wsm serverwsm-server-ssl 5007/tcp wsm server sslwsm-server-ssl 5007/udp wsm server ssl# Adam Berksynapsis-edge 5008/tcp Synapsis EDGEsynapsis-edge 5008/udp Synapsis EDGE# Paul Schillingwinfs 5009/tcp Microsoft Windows Filesystemwinfs 5009/udp Microsoft Windows Filesystem# Simon Skaria January 2006telelpathstart 5010/tcp TelepathStarttelelpathstart 5010/udp TelepathStarttelelpathattack 5011/tcp TelepathAttacktelelpathattack 5011/udp TelepathAttack# Helmuth Breitenfellnernsp 5012/tcp NetOnTap Servicensp 5012/udp NetOnTap Service# Kim Hancock 24 October 2007fmpro-v6 5013/tcp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport fmpro-v6 5013/udp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport# Alex Chen 01 August 2007# 5014/tcp Reservedonpsocket 5014/udp Overlay Network Protocol# Roger Matthias 24 August 2009# 5015-5019 Unassignedzenginkyo-1 5020/tcp zenginkyo-1zenginkyo-1 5020/udp zenginkyo-1zenginkyo-2 5021/tcp zenginkyo-2zenginkyo-2 5021/udp zenginkyo-2# Masashi Suzakimice 5022/tcp mice servermice 5022/udp mice server# Alan Cliffordhtuilsrv 5023/tcp Htuil Server for PLD2htuilsrv 5023/udp Htuil Server for PLD2# Dennis Reinhardtscpi-telnet 5024/tcp SCPI-TELNETscpi-telnet 5024/udp SCPI-TELNETscpi-raw 5025/tcp SCPI-RAWscpi-raw 5025/udp SCPI-RAW# Ryan Columbus October 2002 strexec-d 5026/tcp Storix I/O daemon (data) strexec-d 5026/udp Storix I/O daemon (data) strexec-s 5027/tcp Storix I/O daemon (stat) strexec-s 5027/udp Storix I/O daemon (stat)# Anthony Johnson August 2005qvr 5028/tcp Quiqum Virtual Relais# Philipp Marcel Albrecht 06 July 2009 # 5028/udp Reservedinfobright 5029/tcp Infobright Database Server infobright 5029/udp Infobright Database Server# Mark Windrim 23 July 2009 surfpass 5030/tcp SurfPasssurfpass 5030/udp SurfPass# Olivier Guezenec December 2006 # 5031-5041 Unassignedasnaacceler8db 5042/tcp asnaacceler8dbasnaacceler8db 5042/udp asnaacceler8db# Walter Goodwinswxadmin 5043/tcp ShopWorX Administration swxadmin 5043/udp ShopWorX Administration# Don W. Fitzpatrick August 2005lxi-evntsvc 5044/tcp LXI Event Servicelxi-evntsvc 5044/udp LXI Event Service# Nick Barendt August 2005# 5045-5048 Unassignedivocalize 5049/tcp iVocalize Web Conference ivocalize 5049/udp iVocalize Web Conference# Bryan Vergato May 2006mmcc 5050/tcp multimedia conference control toolmmcc 5050/udp multimedia conference control tool# Steve Casnerita-agent 5051/tcp ITA Agentita-agent 5051/udp ITA Agentita-manager 5052/tcp ITA Managerita-manager 5052/udp ITA Manager# Don Merrellrlm 5053/tcp RLM License Server# Matt Christiano 28 July 2008# 5053/udp Reservedrlm-admin 5054/tcp RLM administrative interface# Matt Christiano 28 July 2008# 5054/udp Reservedunot 5055/tcp UNOTunot 5055/udp UNOT# Gordon Mohrintecom-ps1 5056/tcp Intecom Pointspan 1intecom-ps1 5056/udp Intecom Pointspan 1intecom-ps2 5057/tcp Intecom Pointspan 2intecom-ps2 5057/udp Intecom Pointspan 2# David Meermans# 5058/tcp Reservedlocus-disc 5058/udp Locus Discovery# Alan King, Enabling Technology Pty. Ltd. 13 August 2009 sds 5059/tcp SIP Directory Servicessds 5059/udp SIP Directory Services# Arthur Wilton March 2006sip 5060/tcp SIPsip 5060/udp SIPsip-tls 5061/tcp SIP-TLSsip-tls 5061/udp SIP-TLS# Henning Schulzrinne# 5062-5063 Unassignedca-1 5064/tcp Channel Access 1ca-1 5064/udp Channel Access 1ca-2 5065/tcp Channel Access 2ca-2 5065/udp Channel Access 2# Jeffrey Hill August 2002stanag-5066 5066/tcp STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTFstanag-5066 5066/udp STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF# Donald G. Kallgren#authentx 5067/tcp Authentx Serviceauthentx 5067/udp Authentx Service# Alberto Fernandez January 2006 bitforestsrv 5068/tcp Bitforest Data Service# Ville-Pekka Vahteala 05 June 2008# 5068/udp Reservedi-net-2000-npr 5069/tcp I/Net 2000-NPRi-net-2000-npr 5069/udp I/Net 2000-NPR# Chris Megedevtsas 5070/tcp VersaTrans Server Agent Service vtsas 5070/udp VersaTrans Server Agent Service # Christopher Miller February 2006 powerschool 5071/tcp PowerSchoolpowerschool 5071/udp PowerSchool# Greg Porterayiya 5072/tcp Anything In Anythingayiya 5072/udp Anything In Anything# Jeroen Massar August 2005tag-pm 5073/tcp Advantage Group Port Mgrtag-pm 5073/udp Advantage Group Port Mgr# James Goddard August 2005alesquery 5074/tcp ALES Queryalesquery 5074/udp ALES Query# Tim Maloney August 2005# 5075-5078 Unassigned# 5079/tcp Reservedcp-spxrpts 5079/udp Cambridge Pixel SPx Reports# Richard Warren 17 September 2008 onscreen 5080/tcp OnScreen Data Collection Service onscreen 5080/udp OnScreen Data Collection Service# Christopher Miller 14 January 2008sdl-ets 5081/tcp SDL - Ent Trans Serversdl-ets 5081/udp SDL - Ent Trans Server# Marc Morin April 2002qcp 5082/tcp Qpur Communication Protocolqcp 5082/udp Qpur Communication Protocolqfp 5083/tcp Qpur File Protocolqfp 5083/udp Qpur File Protocol# Joachim Kluemper 19 March 2008llrp 5084/tcp EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol llrp 5084/udp EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol encrypted-llrp 5085/tcp EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP encrypted-llrp 5085/udp EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP# Margaret Wasserman November 2006car 5090/sctp Candidate ARcxtp 5091/sctp Context Transfer Protocol# RFC 4065 - July 2005# 5092/tcp Reservedmagpie 5092/udp Magpie Binary# Phil Maker 18 June 2008sentinel-lm 5093/tcp Sentinel LMsentinel-lm 5093/udp Sentinel LM# Derick Snyder# 5094-5098 Unassignedsentlm-srv2srv 5099/tcp SentLM Srv2Srvsentlm-srv2srv 5099/udp SentLM Srv2Srv# Derick Snydersocalia 5100/tcp Socalia service muxsocalia 5100/udp Socalia service mux# Alberto Raydan August 2005talarian-tcp 5101/tcp Talarian_TCPtalarian-udp 5101/udp Talarian_UDP# Leo Martinsoms-nonsecure 5102/tcp Oracle OMS non-secureoms-nonsecure 5102/udp Oracle OMS non-secure# Todd Guay August 2005# 5103-5110 Unassignedtaep-as-svc 5111/tcp TAEP AS servicetaep-as-svc 5111/udp TAEP AS service# Liu Changchun 05 November 2008pm-cmdsvr 5112/tcp PeerMe Msg Cmd Servicepm-cmdsvr 5112/udp PeerMe Msg Cmd Service# Marcos Della August 2005ni-conf 5113/tcp NI Device Configuration Protocolni-dc 5113/udp NI Device Discovery and Configuration Protocol # Ioan Cornea 03 August 2009ev-services 5114/tcp Enterprise Vault Services# Richard Jones 26 May 2009# 5114/udp Reservedautobuild 5115/tcp Symantec Autobuild Service# David Warden 17 November 2008# 5115/udp Reserved# 5116/tcp Reservedemb-proj-cmd 5116/udp EPSON Projecter Image Transfer# SEIKO EPSON 17 November 2008gradecam 5117/tcp GradeCam Image Processing# Robert Porter 24 September 2009# 5118-5132 Unassignednbt-pc 5133/tcp Policy Commandernbt-pc 5133/udp Policy Commander# Emily Harris November 2004# 5134-5136 Unassignedctsd 5137/tcp MyCTS server portctsd 5137/udp MyCTS server port# Jilles Oldenbeuving June 2002# 5138-5144 Unassignedrmonitor_secure 5145/tcp RMONITOR SECURErmonitor_secure 5145/udp RMONITOR SECURE# Kory Hamzehsocial-alarm 5146/tcp Social Alarm Service# Shaun Byrne 18 August 2009# 5146/udp Reserved# 5147-5149 Unassignedatmp 5150/tcp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocolatmp 5150/udp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol# Kory Hamzehesri_sde 5151/tcp ESRI SDE Instanceesri_sde 5151/udp ESRI SDE Remote Startsde-discovery 5152/tcp ESRI SDE Instance Discoverysde-discovery 5152/udp ESRI SDE Instance Discovery# Peter Aronsontoruxserver 5153/tcp ToruX Game Server# Josse van Dobben de Bruyn 01 July 2009# 5153/udp Reservedbzflag 5154/tcp BZFlag game serverbzflag 5154/udp BZFlag game server# Tim Riker July 2003asctrl-agent 5155/tcp Oracle asControl Agentasctrl-agent 5155/udp Oracle asControl Agent# Todd Guay August 2005# 5156-5160 Unassignedsnmpssh 5161/tcp SNMP over SSH Transport Model# 5161/udp Reserved#snmpssh-trap 5162/tcp SNMP Notification over SSH Transport Model # 5162/udp Reserved#sbackup 5163/tcp Shadow Backup# Glenn Allen 05 August 2009# 5163/udp Reservedvpa 5164/tcp Virtual Protocol Adaptervpa-disc 5164/udp Virtual Protocol Adapter Discovery# Douglas Goodall 05 August 2009ife_icorp 5165/tcp ife_1corpife_icorp 5165/udp ife_1corp# Paul Annalawinpcs 5166/tcp WinPCS Service Connectionwinpcs 5166/udp WinPCS Service Connection# Complan Network AS February 2006scte104 5167/tcp SCTE104 Connectionscte104 5167/udp SCTE104 Connectionscte30 5168/tcp SCTE30 Connectionscte30 5168/udp SCTE30 Connection# Thomas Russell May 2005# 5169-5189 Unassignedaol 5190/tcp America-Onlineaol 5190/udp America-Online# Marty Lyonsaol-1 5191/tcp AmericaOnline1aol-1 5191/udp AmericaOnline1aol-2 5192/tcp AmericaOnline2aol-2 5192/udp AmericaOnline2aol-3 5193/tcp AmericaOnline3aol-3 5193/udp AmericaOnline3# Bruce Mackey# 5194-5199 Unassignedtargus-getdata 5200/tcp TARGUS GetDatatargus-getdata 5200/udp TARGUS GetDatatargus-getdata1 5201/tcp TARGUS GetData 1targus-getdata1 5201/udp TARGUS GetData 1targus-getdata2 5202/tcp TARGUS GetData 2targus-getdata2 5202/udp TARGUS GetData 2targus-getdata3 5203/tcp TARGUS GetData 3targus-getdata3 5203/udp TARGUS GetData 3# John Keaveney# 5204-5221 Unassignedxmpp-client 5222/tcp XMPP Client Connectionxmpp-client 5222/udp XMPP Client Connection#hpvirtgrp 5223/tcp HP Virtual Machine Group Management hpvirtgrp 5223/udp HP Virtual Machine Group Management hpvirtctrl 5224/tcp HP Virtual Machine Console Operations hpvirtctrl 5224/udp HP Virtual Machine Console Operations # John Williams June 2007hp-server 5225/tcp HP Serverhp-server 5225/udp HP Serverhp-status 5226/tcp HP Statushp-status 5226/udp HP Status# Brett Greenperfd 5227/tcp HP System Performance Metric Service perfd 5227/udp HP System Performance Metric Service # Previous contact: Phyllis Gallgher April 2007 # Current contact: Chris Bertin 19 May 2009 hpvroom 5228/tcp HP Virtual Room Service# Scott Levin 19 March 2009# 5228/udp Reserved# 5229-5233 Unassignedeenet 5234/tcp EEnet communicationseenet 5234/udp EEnet communications# Helmut Giritzer November 2005galaxy-network 5235/tcp Galaxy Network Servicegalaxy-network 5235/udp Galaxy Network Service# Michael Andre 04 October 2007padl2sim 5236/tcppadl2sim 5236/udp#mnet-discovery 5237/tcp m-net discoverymnet-discovery 5237/udp m-net discovery# Andy Crick 13 November 2007# 5238-5244 Unassigneddowntools 5245/tcp DownTools Control Protocoldowntools-disc 5245/udp DownTools Discovery Protocol# Jarrod Sayers 07 April 2009# 5246/tcp Reservedcapwap-control 5246/udp CAPWAP Control Protocol## 5247/tcp Reservedcapwap-data 5247/udp CAPWAP Data Protocol#caacws 5248/tcp CA Access Control Web Servicecaacws 5248/udp CA Access Control Web Service# Gabriel Kalmar 06 March 2008caaclang2 5249/tcp CA AC Lang Servicecaaclang2 5249/udp CA AC Lang Service# Gabriel Kalmar 19 February 2008 soagateway 5250/tcp soaGatewaysoagateway 5250/udp soaGateway# Greg Bodine February 2002caevms 5251/tcp CA eTrust VM Servicecaevms 5251/udp CA eTrust VM Service# Kevin Bond November 2004movaz-ssc 5252/tcp Movaz SSCmovaz-ssc 5252/udp Movaz SSC# Lou Berger November 2004# 5253-5263 Unassigned3com-njack-1 5264/tcp 3Com Network Jack Port 13com-njack-1 5264/udp 3Com Network Jack Port 13com-njack-2 5265/tcp 3Com Network Jack Port 23com-njack-2 5265/udp 3Com Network Jack Port 2# Abhay Rajaram March 2003# 5266-5268 Unassignedxmpp-server 5269/tcp XMPP Server Connectionxmpp-server 5269/udp XMPP Server Connection#xmp 5270/tcp Cartographer XMPxmp 5270/udp Cartographer XMP# Bobby Krupczak 03 April 2008# 5271 Unassignedpk 5272/tcp PKpk 5272/udp PK# Patrick Kara# 5273-5281 Unassignedtransmit-port 5282/tcp Marimba Transmitter Port transmit-port 5282/udp Marimba Transmitter Port# Johan Eriksson April 2002# 5283-5297 Unassignedpresence 5298/tcp XMPP Link-Local Messaging presence 5298/udp XMPP Link-Local Messaging# Eric St. Onge 14 January 2008nlg-data 5299/tcp NLG Data Servicenlg-data 5299/udp NLG Data Service# Andy Shellam 19 February 2008 hacl-hb 5300/tcp HA cluster heartbeathacl-hb 5300/udp HA cluster heartbeathacl-gs 5301/tcp HA cluster general services hacl-gs 5301/udp HA cluster general services hacl-cfg 5302/tcp HA cluster configurationhacl-cfg 5302/udp HA cluster configurationhacl-probe 5303/tcp HA cluster probinghacl-probe 5303/udp HA cluster probinghacl-local 5304/tcp HA Cluster Commandshacl-local 5304/udp HA Cluster Commandshacl-test 5305/tcp HA Cluster Testhacl-test 5305/udp HA Cluster Test# Eric Soderberg# Edward Yimsun-mc-grp 5306/tcp Sun MC Groupsun-mc-grp 5306/udp Sun MC Group# Michael DeMoneysco-aip 5307/tcp SCO AIPsco-aip 5307/udp SCO AIP# Barrie Coopercfengine 5308/tcp CFenginecfengine 5308/udp CFengine# Mark Burgessjprinter 5309/tcp J Printerjprinter 5309/udp J Printer# Ken Blackwelloutlaws 5310/tcp Outlawsoutlaws 5310/udp Outlaws# Richard Fife# 5311 Unassigned (removed 7 May 2004)permabit-cs 5312/tcp Permabit Client-Serverpermabit-cs 5312/udp Permabit Client-Server# Jered Floyd , June 2004rrdp 5313/tcp Real-time & Reliable Datarrdp 5313/udp Real-time & Reliable Data# Ted Hoshi , June 2004opalis-rbt-ipc 5314/tcp opalis-rbt-ipcopalis-rbt-ipc 5314/udp opalis-rbt-ipc# Laurent Domenechhacl-poll 5315/tcp HA Cluster UDP Pollinghacl-poll 5315/udp HA Cluster UDP Polling# Hoa Nguyenhpdevms 5316/tcp HP Device Monitor Servicehpdevms 5316/udp HP Device Monitor Service# Masato Maeda 04 October 2007# 5317-5319 Unassignedbsfserver-zn 5320/tcp Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF# Bert Paul 01 May 2008# 5320/udp Reservedbsfsvr-zn-ssl 5321/tcp Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF over SSL # Bert Paul 03 July 2008# 5321/udp Reserved# 5322-5342 Unassignedkfserver 5343/tcp Sculptor Database Serverkfserver 5343/udp Sculptor Database Server# Keith Ashman December 2005xkotodrcp 5344/tcp xkoto DRCPxkotodrcp 5344/udp xkoto DRCP# Jeff Heisz February 2006# 5345-5348 Unassignedstuns 5349/tcp STUN over TLSstuns 5349/udp Reserved for a future enhancement of STUN #nat-pmp-status 5350/tcp NAT-PMP Status Announcements nat-pmp-status 5350/udp NAT-PMP Status Announcements# Stuart Cheshire 03 December 2007nat-pmp 5351/tcp NAT Port Mapping Protocolnat-pmp 5351/udp NAT Port Mapping Protocol# Joshua Graessley December 2004dns-llq 5352/tcp DNS Long-Lived Queriesdns-llq 5352/udp DNS Long-Lived Queries# Kiren Sekar August 2005mdns 5353/tcp Multicast DNSmdns 5353/udp Multicast DNS# Stuart Cheshiremdnsresponder 5354/tcp Multicast DNS Responder IPC mdnsresponder 5354/udp Multicast DNS Responder IPC# Stuart Cheshire June 2004llmnr 5355/tcp LLMNRllmnr 5355/udp LLMNR# Bernard Aboba June 2004ms-smlbiz 5356/tcp Microsoft Small Businessms-smlbiz 5356/udp Microsoft Small Business# Gopikrishna Sandra February 2005wsdapi 5357/tcp Web Services for Deviceswsdapi 5357/udp Web Services for Deviceswsdapi-s 5358/tcp WS for Devices Securedwsdapi-s 5358/udp WS for Devices Secured# Henry Rawas August 2005ms-alerter 5359/tcp Microsoft Alerterms-alerter 5359/udp Microsoft Alerter# Marc McClure 07 August 2007ms-sideshow 5360/tcp Protocol for Windows SideShowms-sideshow 5360/udp Protocol for Windows SideShowms-s-sideshow 5361/tcp Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow ms-s-sideshow 5361/udp Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow # Dan Polivy 12 March 2008serverwsd2 5362/tcp Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Serviceserverwsd2 5362/udp Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Service # Erhan Soyer-Osman 26 March 2008net-projection 5363/tcp Windows Network Projectionnet-projection 5363/udp Windows Network Projection# Rob Williams 17 February 2009# 5364-5396 Unassignedstresstester 5397/tcp StressTester(tm) Injectorstresstester 5397/udp StressTester(tm) Injector# Graham Parsons August 2005elektron-admin 5398/tcp Elektron Administrationelektron-admin 5398/udp Elektron Administration# Chris Hawk August 2005securitychase 5399/tcp SecurityChasesecuritychase 5399/udp SecurityChase# Daisuke Shinomiya August 2005excerpt 5400/tcp Excerpt Searchexcerpt 5400/udp Excerpt Searchexcerpts 5401/tcp Excerpt Search Secureexcerpts 5401/udp Excerpt Search Secure# John Hinsdalemftp 5402/tcp OmniCast MFTPmftp 5402/udp OmniCast MFTP# Steve Bannisterhpoms-ci-lstn 5403/tcp HPOMS-CI-LSTNhpoms-ci-lstn 5403/udp HPOMS-CI-LSTNhpoms-dps-lstn 5404/tcp HPOMS-DPS-LSTNhpoms-dps-lstn 5404/udp HPOMS-DPS-LSTN# Harold Froehlingnetsupport 5405/tcp NetSupportnetsupport 5405/udp NetSupport# Paul Sanderssystemics-sox 5406/tcp Systemics Soxsystemics-sox 5406/udp Systemics Sox# Gary Howlandforesyte-clear 5407/tcp Foresyte-Clearforesyte-clear 5407/udp Foresyte-Clearforesyte-sec 5408/tcp Foresyte-Secforesyte-sec 5408/udp Foresyte-Sec# Jorge Aldanasalient-dtasrv 5409/tcp Salient Data Serversalient-dtasrv 5409/udp Salient Data Serversalient-usrmgr 5410/tcp Salient User Managersalient-usrmgr 5410/udp Salient User Manager# Richard Farnhamactnet 5411/tcp ActNetactnet 5411/udp ActNet# Simon Robillardcontinuus 5412/tcp Continuuscontinuus 5412/udp Continuus# Steven Holtsbergwwiotalk 5413/tcp WWIOTALKwwiotalk 5413/udp WWIOTALK# Roger Knobbestatusd 5414/tcp StatusDstatusd 5414/udp StatusD# Stephen Miselns-server 5415/tcp NS Serverns-server 5415/udp NS Server# Jeffrey Chiaosns-gateway 5416/tcp SNS Gatewaysns-gateway 5416/udp SNS Gatewaysns-agent 5417/tcp SNS Agentsns-agent 5417/udp SNS Agent# Mary Holstagemcntp 5418/tcp MCNTPmcntp 5418/udp MCNTP# Heiko Ruppdj-ice 5419/tcp DJ-ICEdj-ice 5419/udp DJ-ICE# Don Tysoncylink-c 5420/tcp Cylink-Ccylink-c 5420/udp Cylink-C# John Jobenetsupport2 5421/tcp Net Support 2netsupport2 5421/udp Net Support 2# Paul Sanderssalient-mux 5422/tcp Salient MUXsalient-mux 5422/udp Salient MUX# Richard Farnhamvirtualuser 5423/tcp VIRTUALUSERvirtualuser 5423/udp VIRTUALUSER# Chad Williamsbeyond-remote 5424/tcp Beyond Remotebeyond-remote 5424/udp Beyond Remote# Michael Berg November 2004br-channel 5425/tcp Beyond Remote Command Channel br-channel 5425/udp Beyond Remote Command Channel # Michael Berg August 2005devbasic 5426/tcp DEVBASICdevbasic 5426/udp DEVBASIC# Curtis Smithsco-peer-tta 5427/tcp SCO-PEER-TTAsco-peer-tta 5427/udp SCO-PEER-TTA# Andrew Shiretelaconsole 5428/tcp TELACONSOLEtelaconsole 5428/udp TELACONSOLE# Joseph M. Newcomerbase 5429/tcp Billing and Accounting System Exchange base 5429/udp Billing and Accounting System Exchange # Odo Maletzkiradec-corp 5430/tcp RADEC CORPradec-corp 5430/udp RADEC CORP# David Chellpark-agent 5431/tcp PARK AGENTpark-agent 5431/udp PARK AGENT# John Cliffordpostgresql 5432/tcp PostgreSQL Databasepostgresql 5432/udp PostgreSQL Database# Tom Lanepyrrho 5433/tcp Pyrrho DBMSpyrrho 5433/udp Pyrrho DBMS# Malcolm Crowe November 2005sgi-arrayd 5434/tcp SGI Array Services Daemonsgi-arrayd 5434/udp SGI Array Services Daemon# Karl Feind October 2005sceanics 5435/tcp SCEANICS situation and action notification sceanics 5435/udp SCEANICS situation and action notification # Richard Olsen# 5436-5442 Unassignedspss 5443/tcp Pearson HTTPSspss 5443/udp Pearson HTTPS# Pearson 17 January 2008# 5444-5452 Unassignedsurebox 5453/tcp SureBoxsurebox 5453/udp SureBox# Emin BORU November 2004apc-5454 5454/tcp APC 5454apc-5454 5454/udp APC 5454apc-5455 5455/tcp APC 5455apc-5455 5455/udp APC 5455apc-5456 5456/tcp APC 5456apc-5456 5456/udp APC 5456# American Power Conversion# 5457-5460 Unassignedsilkmeter 5461/tcp SILKMETERsilkmeter 5461/udp SILKMETER# Klaus Fellnerttl-publisher 5462/tcp TTL Publisherttl-publisher 5462/udp TTL Publisher# Peter Jacobsttlpriceproxy 5463/tcp TTL Price Proxyttlpriceproxy 5463/udp TTL Price Proxy# Peter Jacobsquailnet 5464/tcp Quail Networks Object Brokerquailnet 5464/udp Quail Networks Object Broker# Craig N. Bissell April 2006netops-broker 5465/tcp NETOPS-BROKERnetops-broker 5465/udp NETOPS-BROKER# John R. Deuel# 5466-5499 Unassignedfcp-addr-srvr1 5500/tcp fcp-addr-srvr1fcp-addr-srvr1 5500/udp fcp-addr-srvr1fcp-addr-srvr2 5501/tcp fcp-addr-srvr2fcp-addr-srvr2 5501/udp fcp-addr-srvr2fcp-srvr-inst1 5502/tcp fcp-srvr-inst1fcp-srvr-inst1 5502/udp fcp-srvr-inst1fcp-srvr-inst2 5503/tcp fcp-srvr-inst2fcp-srvr-inst2 5503/udp fcp-srvr-inst2fcp-cics-gw1 5504/tcp fcp-cics-gw1fcp-cics-gw1 5504/udp fcp-cics-gw1# Ken Wittmercheckoutdb 5505/tcp Checkout Databasecheckoutdb 5505/udp Checkout Database# Dirk Stoop April 2007# 5506-5552 Unassignedsgi-eventmond 5553/tcp SGI Eventmond Portsgi-eventmond 5553/udp SGI Eventmond Port# Andrei Vilkotski June 2003sgi-esphttp 5554/tcp SGI ESP HTTPsgi-esphttp 5554/udp SGI ESP HTTP# Vladimir Legalov###UNAUTHORIZED USE: Port 5555 also used by HP Omniback###############UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 5555 by Intermec UDPPlus################# personal-agent 5555/tcp Personal Agentpersonal-agent 5555/udp Personal Agent# Jackie Wu######################################################## ###########freeciv 5556/tcp Freeciv gameplayfreeciv 5556/udp Freeciv gameplay# Reinier Post, Paul Zastoupil January 2006# 5557-5565 Unassignedwestec-connect 5566/tcp Westec Connect# Previous contact: Kaushlesh Chandel 03 March 2009# Current contact: Jon Bolen 18 March 2009# 5566/udp Unassignedm-oap 5567/tcp Multicast Object Access Protocolm-oap 5567/udp Multicast Object Access Protocol# Bryant Eastham November 2004sdt 5568/tcp Session Data Transport Multicastsdt 5568/udp Session Data Transport Multicast# Daniel W. Antonuk May 2006# 5569-5572 Unassignedsdmmp 5573/tcp SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocolsdmmp 5573/udp SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocol# Ron Zuckerman 30 August 2007lsi-bobcat 5574/tcp SAS IO Forwarding# Mandar Joshi 09 February 2009# 5574/udp Reserved# 5575-5578 Unassignedfdtracks 5579/tcp FleetDisplay Tracking Service# Henrik Woffinden 22 September 2008# 5579/udp Unassignedtmosms0 5580/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0tmosms0 5580/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0tmosms1 5581/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1tmosms1 5581/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1# Ezinne Oji June 2006fac-restore 5582/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3fac-restore 5582/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3# Jessica Yan 19 February 2008tmo-icon-sync 5583/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2tmo-icon-sync 5583/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2# Donghwan Lim 22 January 2008bis-web 5584/tcp BeInSync-Webbis-web 5584/udp BeInSync-Webbis-sync 5585/tcp BeInSync-syncbis-sync 5585/udp BeInSync-sync# Adi Ruppin August 2005# 5586-5596 Unassignedininmessaging 5597/tcp inin secure messagingininmessaging 5597/udp inin secure messaging# Mike Gagle May 2006mctfeed 5598/tcp MCT Market Data Feedmctfeed 5598/udp MCT Market Data Feed# Stephane Touizer May 2006esinstall 5599/tcp Enterprise Security Remote Installesinstall 5599/udp Enterprise Security Remote Installesmmanager 5600/tcp Enterprise Security Manageresmmanager 5600/udp Enterprise Security Manageresmagent 5601/tcp Enterprise Security Agentesmagent 5601/udp Enterprise Security Agent# Kimberly Gibbsa1-msc 5602/tcp A1-MSCa1-msc 5602/udp A1-MSCa1-bs 5603/tcp A1-BSa1-bs 5603/udp A1-BSa3-sdunode 5604/tcp A3-SDUNodea3-sdunode 5604/udp A3-SDUNodea4-sdunode 5605/tcp A4-SDUNodea4-sdunode 5605/udp A4-SDUNode# Mike Dolan# 5606-5626 Unassignedninaf 5627/tcp Node Initiated Network Association Forma ninaf 5627/udp Node Initiated Network Association Forma# Thomas Scholl March 2006htrust 5628/tcp HTrust APIhtrust 5628/udp HTrust API# Karl Olafsson 24 October 2008symantec-sfdb 5629/tcp Symantec Storage Foundation for Database symantec-sfdb 5629/udp Symantec Storage Foundation for Database # Quang Thoi November 2006precise-comm 5630/tcp PreciseCommunicationprecise-comm 5630/udp PreciseCommunication# Alon Tamir April 2006pcanywheredata 5631/tcp pcANYWHEREdatapcanywheredata 5631/udp pcANYWHEREdatapcanywherestat 5632/tcp pcANYWHEREstatpcanywherestat 5632/udp pcANYWHEREstat# Jon Rosarkybeorl 5633/tcp BE Operations Request Listenerbeorl 5633/udp BE Operations Request Listener# chirag desai February 2006xprtld 5634/tcp SF Message Servicexprtld 5634/udp SF Message Service# VR Satish 16 August 2007sfmsso 5635/tcp SFM Authentication Subsystem# De-Chih Chien 15 September 2008# 5635/udp Reservedsfm-db-server 5636/tcp SFMdb - SFM DB server# De-Chih Chien 06 October 2008# 5636/udp Reserved# 5637-5670 Unassignedamqps 5671/tcp amqp protocol over TLS/SSL amqps 5671/udp amqp protocol over TLS/SSL# Ted Ross 26 March 2008amqp 5672/tcp AMQPamqp 5672/udp AMQP# Pieter Hintjens January 2006amqp 5672/sctp AMQP# Martin Sustrik March 2007jms 5673/tcp JACL Message Serverjms 5673/udp JACL Message Server# Stuart Allen February 2002hyperscsi-port 5674/tcp HyperSCSI Porthyperscsi-port 5674/udp HyperSCSI Port# Data Storage Institute, Singapore# February 2002v5ua 5675/tcp V5UA application portv5ua 5675/udp V5UA application portv5ua 5675/sctp V5UA application port# RFC3807 June 2004raadmin 5676/tcp RA Administrationraadmin 5676/udp RA Administration# Sergei Zjaikin February 2002questdb2-lnchr 5677/tcp Quest Central DB2 Launchr questdb2-lnchr 5677/udp Quest Central DB2 Launchr# Robert M. Mackowiak February 2002 rrac 5678/tcp Remote Replication Agent Connection rrac 5678/udp Remote Replication Agent Connection dccm 5679/tcp Direct Cable Connect Managerdccm 5679/udp Direct Cable Connect Manager# Mark Millerauriga-router 5680/tcp Auriga Router Serviceauriga-router 5680/udp Auriga Router Service# Vincent Gaudeul February 2006 ncxcp 5681/tcp Net-coneX Control Protocol ncxcp 5681/udp Net-coneX Control Protocol。



办公室各部门英文翻译大集合总公司:Head Office董事室: Director’s Office董事长室Chairman’s Office执行董事助理:The assistant ofthe executive director总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM)财务总监CFO=chief finanical officer开发部Development Dept.财务部Finance Dept.财务部经理Finance Dept。

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公关 广告 英文术语

公关 广告 英文术语


筹划(plan):公关活动PR activity公关公司PR partner投标书tender book提案proposal公司介绍company profile公关策略PR Strategy传播策略communication strategyxx新闻宣传News communication about xx公关公司职责Responsibility of PR Agency传播目标Objective目标受众Target Audience传播现状分析Corporate Communication SWOT Analysis优势Strength (S)劣势Weakness (W)机遇Opportunity (O)威胁Threat (T)负责人Stakeholder新闻宣传News communication媒体沟通Media Communication新媒体开拓New Media Exploited最少12名来自业内或公司的具有领导地位的资深公共关系实践者组成的小组a panel of at least 12 leading senior PR practitioners from agency and in-house environmentsxx上市后新闻宣传News communication after xx launch危机公关Crisis PR根据实际情况进展跟进处理Crisis management according to actual situationxx 舆论环境Public environment for xx核心媒体群策略Strategy of Key Media group结合实际需求进展新媒体开拓To exploited new media according to actual need强化媒体的掌控Strengthen the control of mediaxx 新闻资料准备News files preparation for xxxx 后续宣传Communication after xx区域性in local areas本月重点工作To-do list of this month其他工作 Others日常新闻宣传Daily news communication媒体分析Analysis of Media重点监测The key point monitor list媒体监测总结Monitor Conclusion意见领袖opinion Leader中坚力量core group传统核心团队Traditional Group新锐团队New core group出发点Basic point建立品牌形象 Set up the image今年的促销活动Promotional Activity of the Year吸引注意力的促销活动attention-grabbing promotional event 2021年公关环境PR circumstance 2021活动(event):合作工程cooperation project圆桌会议roundtable meeting会场布置Venue Arrangement设计方案Design proposal地面设计floorplan贵宾室VIP room签到处reception透视图perspective drawing指引牌设计directional signage design邀请函invitation单独插页a separate page inside折叠线folding line胸卡breast-card备选设计方案alternative design背景设计backdrop designxx 后期维护工作(相册制作等)Maintenance work after xx(picture files made ) 活动前期沟通宣传Pre-event Communication活动过程跟踪沟通During-event Communication and follow-up活动内容和细节建议Event Detail Recommend活动(形式)筹划Event Plan活动(线下:会展、路演、促销等)Eventsxx 成员小型媒体沙龙xx member media salon华南媒体沙龙活动Huanan media salon event媒体食宿安排Accommodation Arrangement参加规那么Rules of entry礼物建议Gift Recommend颁奖时间Awards Presentation相关网页的设计制作 Homepages Design and Production颁奖仪式场地安排Awarding Ceremony Venue Arrangement现场活动执行支持On-Site Support支持材料/辅助材料Support material活动后分析总结报告After-Event Summary Report访问日程Visit Agenda日程Agenda地点Venue现场制作物设计制作Decoration Design and production设计作品制作并完成Design work finalizationlogo的设计制作Designing and making the the logo of xxxx 工程展厅布置VI设计制作 Exhibition hall display and VI design on xx Project电子杂志的设计制作并提交The on-line journal design and completionxx 前期准备工作Preparation work for xxxx 跟进工作Some following work about xxxx vi设计制作 The VI design about xx执行(exect):中国国内媒体Chinese domestic media业内、商贸媒体Industry/trade media群众媒体General media国际媒体中国通讯员China based international correspondents中国主流媒体China key media核心媒体拜访Visit Key Media政府Government主要传播信息Key Message摘除网络负面声音,BBS,Blog灌水Drop negative information in internet and information release on BBS and Blog媒体邀请(待定)Media Invitation(Suspending)媒体邀请(邀请媒体建议、邀请函撰写发送跟踪)Media Invitation(Media listrecommend/invitation letter/invite follow up)活动前期沟通宣传Pre-event Communication活动过程跟踪沟通During-event Communication and follow-up媒体食宿安排Accommodation Arrangementxx 工程,发布频次7篇,传播量字14000字xx,the releasing frequency are 7 pieces, communication volume are 14000 wordsxx工程,发布频次25篇,传播量38837字xx, the releasing frequency are 25 pieces, communication volume are 38837 words费用预算(budget):合同contract税费 tax入场费entry fee根底公关费用明细表Budget List on Basic PR Expenses媒体维护费用expense on media relations maintenace危机公关费用expense on crisis management政府公关费用 expense on government relations公关培训费用expense on public relations training新闻稿撰写费用expense on news articles writing费用总计total expenses序号order工程program费用预算budget工程说明explanations效劳费用service fee其他相关:窄播Narrowcasting新闻发布News release有新闻价值的Newsworthy在线沟通On-line communications在线媒体关系On-line media relations 在线监测On-line monitoring在线宣传Online publicity评论文章Op-Ed说服 Persuasion产品宣传信 Pitch letter专题报告Position paper新闻发布会Press conferences媒体监测Press monitoring媒体关系Press relations新闻界Press印刷媒体Print media印刷出版物Print publications产品促销Product promotion产品宣传Product publicity工程小组Project team公众抱负Public aspiration公众态度Public attitudes公众意识Public awareness公共事务管理 Public issues management公众情绪Public mood公众需要 Public need舆论Public opinion公共政策预测Public policy forecasting公关广告Public relations advertising公关公司 Public relations agency公关咨询与调研 Public relations counseling and research 公关部 Public relations department公关目标/战略 Public relations objectives/strategies公关方案Public relations plan公关方案Public relations programs公关策略Public relations tactics公众意见Public sentiment公益宣传广告Public service announcement宣传Publicity问卷 Questionnaire监管当局Regulatory authorities调研Research危机沟通Risk communication摘要文章Round-up article促销Sales promotion样本 Sample卫星连线访谈Satellite media tours轰动手法Sensationalism形势分析Situational analysis社会预期Societal expectations软性新闻Soft news特殊利益团体Special interest groups 演讲 Speech演讲稿写作Speech-writing扭曲事实Spin代言人 Spokesperson备用声明Standby statement股东Stockholders托词Subterfuge上下级沟通Supervisory communications 供给商Suppliers调查Surveys电台访谈节目Talk radio目标受众Target audience沟通Telephone communication第三方认可Third-party endorsement高层管理Top management行业协会Trade associations行业展览Trade show真相Truth电视访谈TV interviews双向沟通Two-way communication价值观Value视讯会议Video conferences视讯发行Video news releases网络公关Web relations网上新闻室Web site newsroom网站 Web site国际互联网World Wide Web写作Writing【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】。

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Improving the VIP Service Quality of Hospitality and Gaming Industry in Macau
Group Project of QMDS400
Group Project Schedule

The Group Project Presentation is scheduled on Nov 28 and 29, each group allows maximal 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A. Number of students to present depends on your project leader. Students from other groups can also raise questions. A final group project report with minimal 5,000 words should be submitted to the teacher’s email by December 6. Due to different class size, it is advised that 3-4 students forms a group for Wednesday 003 class and 4-8 students forms a group for Thursday 004 class.
Past two months Macau Table ma2012 Oct: 27.4% (2012 Sep: 27.9%) Sands: 2012 Oct: 20.8% (2012 Sep: 17.4%) Wynn: 2012 Oct: 9.5% (2012 Sep: 12.9%) MPEL: 2012 Oct: 13.6% (2012 Sep: 13.9%) Galaxy: 2012 Oct: 20.0% (2012 Sep: 18.4%) MGM: 2012 Oct: 8.7% (2012 Sep: 9.6%)
VIP Sector Segment 21,191,844,601 24,374,059,545 28,107,955,262 31,886,546,686 33,122,879,509 39,319,331,807 41,259,951,527 47,001,767,000 50,123,247,000 51,684,272,000 50,953,282,000 50,710,808,000
Data Source: J.P. Morgan
Non-VIP Segment 8,191,973,560 8,978,587,953 9,820,810,382 10,191,678,831 10,715,750,696 11,777,832,628 12,877,020,241 13,888,734,000 15,244,176,000 16,676,485,000 17,843,215,000 18,273,813,000
Total 29,383,818,161 33,352,647,498 37,928,765,644 42,078,225,517 43,838,630,205 51,097,164,435 54,136,971,768 60,890,501,000 65,367,423,000 68,360,757,000 68,796,497,000 68,984,621,000
Group Project Topic Selection

Service Quality Improvement Project for VIP Clubs (VIP Segment) (Note: Macau VIP Clubs are operated by junkets and/or Casino) Service Quality Improvement Project for Casino (Mass Market Segment) Service Quality Improvement Project for VIP Customers of Hotel and Resort in Macau Or other service industry targeting VIP customers you prefer with a sound reason if it is quite different with topics above.
Overview Macau Gaming Industry Statistics & News
Past three years Macau Gaming Table Revenues
Quarters 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12
Data Source: J.P. Morgan
Latest Operational and Financial Performance of Wynn Macau in 2012 (/en/)

Wynn Macau (WM) reported 3Q property EBITDA of USD292mn. While Em's VIP and premium slots business continues to face intense competition (as a new competitor entered), it was able to offset this by good mass market performance (+6% quos), tight cost control and a higher VIP win rate. Em's board is scheduled to discuss the special dividend in 4Q. Performance by segment. (1) VIP: Rolling chips volume is down 9% as a result of market competition and a new competitor (Sands Coati Central) entered. Management commented that the repayment cycle has been steady and market VIP momentum stabilization is seen. VIP win rate was 3.08% (vs. theoretical 2.85%). A new VIP facility will be opened in the first week of November, this should help Wynn to regain VIP business. (2) Mass and Slot. By revenue, mass is up 6%, in-line with the industry’s 7% and has reversed the decline in 2Q. Slot however saw a revenue decline of 14% quos. WM plans to introduce a new high limit slot facility early next year. Non-gaming revenue is down 5% yoyo which was in part hurt by the floor renovation. (3) Margin: EBITDA margin (on net revenue) improved to 32.1% on a combination of: 1) good cost control, 2) strong high margin mass performance; and 3) higher than theoretical win rate.
Group Project Topic Selection (Can't)

Your project team’s project focus can be on a functional department in VIP Club/Casino/Hotel & Resort, such as but not limited to: HR or Concierge Department Projects for service quality improvement and standardization. Marketing Department Projects for Promoting VIP Services and Loyalty Programs. IT Department Project for Innovative Customer and Staff APPs Development and Business Applications. Customer Relations Department Projects for Proposing special VIP member events, such as a golf tournament invitation.
Group Project Requirement

Assign the roles and responsibilities of team members for the Project, identify the Project Manager as the project leader. Create the WBS for the Project, particularly proposing the project activities that set the service quality standards and performance measures, how to evaluate the project outcome. Create a Network Diagram for the Project and show the Critical Path. Try to provide reasonable estimates of the activity durations. Assign people to project activities. Set some project milestones and project deliverables