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Unit 3 Asking the way知识点



1. take 搭乘

2. station 车站

3. walk 走,步行

4. hospital 医院

5. shop 商店

6. zoo 动物园

7. stop 车站

8. sun 太阳


1. bookshop 书店

2. along 沿着,顺着

3. cinema 电影院

4. supermarket 超市

5. full 满的,饱的

6. over 结束了,完了

7. film 电影


1. ask the way 问路

2. want to visit 想要去参观

3. Su Hai’s new home 苏海的新家

4. get to 到达

5. take the metro 乘坐地铁

6. get on 上车

7. get on the metro 上地铁8. at Park Station 在公园站

9. get off 下车10. at City Library Station 在城市图书馆站11. walk to 步行到……12. next to 在……旁边

13. come out from 从……出来14. ask… for help 向……求助

15. excuse me 劳驾;对不起16. go along 沿着……走

17. turn right 向右转18. turn left 向左转

19. at the traffic lights 在交通灯处20. on your right 在你的右边21. in the shoe shop 在鞋子商店22. see a new film 看一场新的电影23. go to City Cinema 去城市电影院24. wait for the bus 等公交车

25. at the bus stop 在公交车站26. get in a taxi 上出租车

27. be over 结束了28. too late 太迟了


1. 询问如何到达某地及回答:

How do I get to the···? 我怎样才能到达···?

Go along this street. Turn left/right at….. Get on/off the bus/metro at…..station.

You can see the….on your right/left.

2. You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station.


3. Yang Ling comes out from City Library Station.


4. She asks a policeman for help. 她向警察求助。

5. Go along this street. 沿着这条街走。

6. You can see the bookshop on your right. 你可以在你的右边看到书店。


1、表达某人想干某事的句型: sb. want to do sth.

Yang ling wants to visit Su Hai’s home.

2、问路的句型——How do I get (to)…?

问句:How do I get (to)+地点(the park, the zoo, home…?)


You can +交通方式.(take the bus/metro)或You can get there by bus.

3、描述与家相邻的句型。——My home is next to it.

4、表达向某人求救的句型。——Sb. ask for help.

She asks a policeman for help.

5、表达等待的句型。——Sb. wait for ···

——They wait for the bus at the bus stop.

6、表达某处或某物满了的句型。——···be full

The bus is full.

7、在什么地方有太多车的句型。——There are too many cars in the street.

8、表示某件事情结束的句子。——···be over.

The file is over.


sh /∫/ wash wish shirt short


练习:Sharon is in the shoe shop.

She likes shiny shoes.

But there are so many,

She doesn’t know which to choose!

Sheep ship shoe shop


I live on Moon Street. It is near my school. I come to school by bike. First, I go along the street. Then I turn left at Shanghai Street. You can see my school on my right.
