











具体而言,研究内容包括以下几个方面:1. 绘图接口设计:绘图接口是游戏引擎中重要的组成部分,它是图形模块和其他部分之间的桥梁。

在本设计中,将采用OpenGL ES 2.0等工具实现绘图接口的设计。

2. 纹理加载和管理:纹理是图形模块中非常重要的资源,负责游戏中各种模型、场景等图像的展示。


3. 场景绘制:场景绘制是游戏引擎中最核心的功能之一,它需要管理游戏中所有物体的位置、大小、纹理等信息。


4. 粒子效果实现:粒子效果是游戏引擎中非常重要的一部分,它可以实现各种特效,为游戏增添更多的乐趣和可玩性。


5. 性能优化:图形模块是游戏引擎中最消耗资源的部分之一,因此在本设计中,我们将研究并实践一些图形性能优化的技术,以提高游戏运行的效率和流畅度。



gameframework 调用流程中的方法

gameframework 调用流程中的方法

Game framework 的调用流程通常包括以下几个步骤:





4)AI 更新:更新游戏中AI 角色的行为和状态。




在Game framework 中,通常会有一个主函数(如main 函数)来管理游戏的整个运行流程。




(列子:SetStatusIcon 1 1 金刚护体所加自身防御\持续时间为10分钟后消失。 第一个参数是图标位子,参数二是Icon里面的图片位子 参数三是显示的文字说明)
(例子:CloseStatusIcon 1)清除第一个图标
不同国家的大刀 弓手射不是本国人物 怪物数据库增加National字段,代表不同国家的卫士
脚本命令: SetNpcIcon 名字 X Y 图标编号(0-65535) 索引(0-65535)
说明: 名字是游戏中NPC显示的名字,X和Y是NPC的坐标,图标编号调用Icon.wil中的素材,索引用来删除NPC头像时使用.
脚本命令: DelNpcIcon 索引(0-65535)
灵宝石 可以控制 什么宝石提什么装备QFunction增加
EQUAL S1 圣灵宝石1EQUAL N0 5#ELSEACTHolyUpgradeFailSendMsg 5 无法升级!!!Break----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



GameMaker:Studio中文教程#1:介绍与安装1编者按GameMaker: Studio 是一款非常值得推荐的 2D 引擎,非常适合用于快速原型开发或者中小型的独立游戏开发项目。

indienova 会员青铜的幻想为希望了解学习GameMaker: Studio 的中文读者专门撰写了本系列教程,本文为第一期,主要对这款引擎进行简单的介绍和安装说明。


2介绍在经历了数年的游戏开发后,我既参与了 AAA 级的商业大作,也完成过个人或小团队的休闲小品。

如今,当有人向我寻求建议问,“我想要开发2D 独立游戏,应该使用什么引擎?”。

我会向他推荐GameMaker: Studio(简称GMS)。

是的,不是 Unity,而是 GMS。

GameMaker 的初次发布是在1999 年,在很长一段时间内我都只是把它当成是一个玩具引擎,认为它存在的主要意义是给那些想尝试制作游戏的初学者一种“喔,我可以做游戏了!”这样的感觉,潜台词就是这引擎没法做出真正意义上完整的游戏出来。

让我转变这种观念的原因有两点:一是 GMS 经过了时间的考验,二是一大批优秀的由 GMS 做出的游戏。

从1999年 GameMaker 的初次发布至今,已经有 17 年了,期间有着持续的版本更新。

从最早的Windows 平台,到如今支持几乎所有的手机、主机平台。




而由GameMaker 制作出的优秀游戏作品,是引擎本身良性发展的结果和佐证。

相信 YoYo Games 公司(GameMaker 的开发商)也对此十分自豪与自信,在主页中设立了Show Case 专栏展现由其开发的优秀作品。








可以使用现有的图形库,如OpenGL ES、DirectX等,或者在引擎内部使用自定义的图形渲染引擎。




因此,我们需要实现一个输入处理器(input handler)来对用户输入进行捕捉和处理,并将其传递给游戏逻辑。










或者使用JavaScript和HTML5 Canvas来实现一个基于Web的引擎。





































Unreal Engine游戏引擎操作练习题参考答案

Unreal Engine游戏引擎操作练习题参考答案

Unreal Engine游戏引擎操作练习题参考答案Unreal Engine是一款广泛应用于游戏开发领域的强大引擎,常常被开发者用来创建精美逼真的游戏世界。

在使用Unreal Engine进行游戏制作时,对引擎操作的熟练程度是非常重要的。

下面是一些Unreal Engine游戏引擎操作练习题的参考答案,帮助你巩固并提高对Unreal Engine的使用技能。

1. 如何在Unreal Engine中创建新的关卡?在Unreal Engine中,创建新的关卡非常简单。




2. 如何在Unreal Engine中添加静态网格(Static Mesh)?要添加静态网格到Unreal Engine中,首先点击编辑器顶部的“编辑”菜单,选择“添加新的静态网格”。



3. 如何创建角色蓝图(Character Blueprint)?创建角色蓝图是在Unreal Engine中制作游戏角色的关键步骤。




4. 如何设置触发器(Trigger)?触发器在游戏开发中常用于控制游戏逻辑和触发事件。

在Unreal Engine中,设置触发器很简单。












































第005章 数学运算
@消息框 (寄存器号)
@写入数据 1 (2)
第003章 代码
@指令名 参数1 参数2 ......
不同的指令参数数量不同,比如 @结束程序 指令不用放参数,只需要这样↓
@写入数据 101 "Hello!"





下面是对于“1.1 概述”部分的内容编写:概述部分旨在为读者提供关于本文主题的总体了解。










本文可供对CocosCreator 游戏开发感兴趣的开发者、工程师以及学习相关技术的人士参考和借鉴。


1.2 文章结构文章结构的设计是为了使读者能够更好地理解和掌握文章的内容。




unity update原理

unity update原理

unity update原理Unity Update 原理解析什么是 Unity Update?在 Unity 引擎中,Update 是指一种用于更新游戏逻辑的函数。

它是 Unity 内置函数之一,可以在 MonoBehaviour 类中重写。

当游戏进入每一帧时,Unity 引擎会自动调用 Update 函数,从而让开发者能够在游戏运行过程中实时更新游戏对象的行为。

Unity Update 的执行顺序在 Unity 引擎中,Update 的执行顺序是按照脚本的挂载顺序来确定的。

即先挂载的脚本会先执行 Update 函数,后挂载的脚本则会在其后执行。


Update 函数的用途Update 函数在游戏开发过程中有着广泛的应用。


以下是一些常见的 Update 函数用途示例: - 根据用户输入更新游戏对象的位置和旋转 - 检测碰撞并处理碰撞事件 - 更新游戏关卡的状态 - 控制游戏对象的动画状态运用时间间隔来控制 Update 的执行在 Update 函数中,Unity 引擎会传入一个时间间隔参数,用于指示距离上次 Update 函数调用经过了多长时间。


以下是一个示例代码,展示了如何使用时间间隔来控制角色每秒钟移动的距离:float speed = ; // 角色移动的速度void Update(){float distancePerFrame = speed * ;( * distancePerFrame);}FixedUpdate 函数除了 Update 函数,Unity 还提供了另一个函数叫做FixedUpdate。

与 Update 函数不同,FixedUpdate 的执行时间是固定的,不受帧率的影响。

在某些情况下,使用 FixedUpdate 函数可能更加合适。













下面是设计方案的几个关键点:1. 渲染引擎:使用图形库或图形API实现2D图像的渲染功能。

可以使用OpenGL、DirectX等常见的图形库,也可以使用HTML5 Canvas等Web技术。





4. 音频引擎:使用音频库或音频API实现游戏中的音频播放功能。

可以使用OpenAL、SDL_mixer等音频库,也可以使用HTML5 Audio等Web技术。



三、实现过程:实现2D游戏引擎的过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 确定开发平台和开发语言:选择一个适合的开发平台和开发语言,如Windows、Linux、iOS、Android等,并选择一个合适的编程语言,如C++、Java、C#等。

performbatchupdates 用法

performbatchupdates 用法





```collectionView.performBatchUpdates({//执行插入操作let indexPath=IndexPath(row:0,section:0) collectionView.insertItems(at:[indexPath])//执行删除操作let indexPaths=[IndexPath(row:1,section:0), IndexPath(row:2,section:0)]collectionView.deleteItems(at:indexPaths)//执行移动操作let moveIndexPaths=[IndexPath(row:0,section: 0),IndexPath(row:2,section:0)]let moveDestinations=[IndexPath(row:1,section: 0),IndexPath(row:3,section:0)] collectionView.moveItems(at:moveIndexPaths,to: moveDestinations)//执行重新载入操作collectionView.reloadData()},nil)```3.在更新块执行完成后,你可以在闭包中处理更新后的集合视图。

```collectionView.performBatchUpdates({//...执行更新操作...},completion:{[weak self](finished)inif finished{//更新完成后,可以在这里处理集合视图的变化//... } })```。



Users’ Manual for EMAGE-2D Laurel Industrial Company, Inc.Table of ContentsChapter 1 System Overview (3)1.1 Brief Description of Main Features of EMAGE-2D (3)1.2 Requirement for Computer System (4)1.3 Install and Run EMAGE-2D (4)Chapter 2 Data Manipulation and Analysis (7)2.1 Data Input (7)2.2 Brief Description about Data Manipulation Toolbar (10)2.3 Viewing Data (11)2.4 Data Manipulation (17)2.5 Saving Data (27)Chapter 3 RRI 2-D Inversion (31)3.1 Choose Data for RRI Inversion (31)3.2 Initial Model Construction (32)3.3 Set RRI Inversion Parameter (35)3.4 Save RRI files (39)3.5 Run RRI Inversion (40)3.6 Retrieve Inversion Result (41)Chapter 4 RM2D Inversion (44)4.1 Brief Description about Model Manipulation Toolbar (44)4.2 Data Selection for RM2D Inversion (46)4.3 Set RM2D Starting Model (47)4.4 Model Display and Modification (49)4.5 Set RM2D Inversion Parameters (52)4.6 Save RM2D Files (53)4.7 Run RM2D Inversion (55)4.8 Retrieve Inversion Result (56)Chapter 5 PW2D Forward (58)5.1 Introduction to Finite Element Modeling (58)5.2 Frequency Definition (61)5.3 Mesh Initialization (61)5.4 Model Display and Manipulation (62)5.5 Set Model 1-D Background (63)5.6 Boundary Extension (63)5.7 Set Site Location (64)5.8 Clear Current Model (65)5.9 Save PW2D Files (65)5.10 Run PW2D Forward (66)5.11 Retrieve PW2D Forward Result (67)Appendix: Software Document for RM2D inversion (68)References (78)Disclaimer (79)Chapter 1 System Overview1.1 Brief Description of Main Features of EMAGE-2DEMAGE-2D is a MT/AMT data processing and modeling software package, which can be divided into four modules including Data Manipulation and Analysis, RRI Inversion, RM2D Inversion and PW2D Forward. Below is a brief introduction to the major features of each module.1.Data Manipulation and Analysis∙Viewing data parameters such as apparent resistivity, impedance phase, coherency, skew, strike, polar diagram, Bostick transform etc. ∙Impedance rotation∙Data interpolation∙Frequency and site selection∙TE/TM mode definition∙Static shift analysis and correction∙Duplicate site handle2.RRI Inversion∙Data selection for inversion∙Starting model construction∙Set inversion parameters∙Save RRI files and run RRI∙Retrieve and display inversion result3.RM2D Inversion∙Data selection for inversion∙Starting model construction∙Model manipulation∙Set inversion parameters∙Save RM2D files and run RM2D∙Retrieve and display inversion result4.PW2D Forward∙Frequency selection for forward problem∙Model construction and manipulation∙Auto padding for the extension of model boundary∙Save PW2D files and run PW2D∙Retrieve and display forward calculation result1.2 Requirement for Computer SystemEMAGE-2D is a window application that can be run on Window 95/98, Window NT 4.0. It is recommended to run EMAGE-2D on a high performance computer because of the computational intensity of 2-D inversion and forward algorithm.1.Minimum RequirementCPU: Pentium 200Memory: 32 megabytesHard Disk: 100 megabytes free spaceDisplay: support 800X600 resolution under 256-color mode2.Recommended RequirementCPU: Pentium-II 400Memory: 128 megabytesHard Disk: 500 megabytes free spaceDisplay: support 1024X768 resolution under 16 bites color mode1.3 Install and Run EMAGE-2DEMAGE-2D InstallationInsert the EMAGE-2D CDROM into your computer‟s CDROM drive, then run the file setup.exe so the installation wizard will be launched. It will guide you through the entire installation procedure.When you begin the setup program, you will be presented the Choose Destination Location dialog (figure 1.1) which gives you chance to specify which folder to install EMAGE-2D.EMAGE-2D executable and all other supported files will be automatically copied into this folder by installation wizard. The default folder isC:\EMAGE-2D. If you hope to change it, click Browse button, then the Choose Folder dialog (figure 1.2) will be displayed on the screen. You can specify the EMAGE-2D installation folder on it, then click OK button to return Choose Destination Location dialog in which you can click Next button to begin to copy files.Figure 1.1 Choose Destination Location DialogFigure 1.2 Choose Folder DialogIf your operation system is Window NT, you also need run ntdrv.exe under subfolder “NTDRV” in the EMAGE-2D folder to install dongle driver on your machine.Run EMAGE-2DEMAGE-2D can only be run on the machine on which the hardware key (dongle) supplied with EMAGE-2D is installed. In order to install dongle, it is better shut down your computer first, then attach the dongle to the parallel printer port of your computer. You can attach the 25-pin connector of the printer to the other end of the key. After making sure the dongle is installed properly, click EMAGE-2D item on the Program submenu of Start menu on your computer to launch EMAGE-2D. You also can double click EMAGE-2D.EXE in the directory where EMAGE-2D is installed to run it.Chapter 2 Data Manipulation and Analysis2.1 Data InputEMAGE-2D supports Z file format of EH4, RES file format of MT-1 and the output of PW2D forward output as input data at present time.1.EH4 Data InputFor EH4 data, there are two ways to prepare input data. Below is step by step description about how to input EH4 data into EMAGE-2D.1)Using @(or @l)File as Input DataFigure 2.1 Open EH4 @ Files Dialog(1)Create a working directory in your hard disk.(2)For high frequency data, copy @ file and the impedance files (the files preceded by Z) of your survey data from your EH4 instrument into the working directory; For low frequency data copy @l and the impedance files (the files preceded by W) into the working directory. (3)Select Open EH4 @ file…in File menu, then Open EH4 @ file dialog (figure 2.1) will be popup on the screen. When Auto Selectcheckbox is checked, EMAGE-2D will determine whether the data is high or low frequency data according to the file name. Sometime you may rename @ or @l file for some reasons. In this case, EMAGE-2D has no idea about the data type, so you need set it manually. High Freq and Low Freq radio button will be enabled after Auto Check is unchecked. If the data to be input is high frequency data, High Freq should be checked, otherwise, Low Freq should be checked.(4)Click OK button on the dialog to begin inputting data.(5)When an impedance file in @ or @l does not exist in the current directory, a warning message will be given to indicate that this file does not exist in the current directory and inquire whether to continue without it or quit to check the data.2)Edit EH4 line definition file (EH4 File) as input data.Figure 2.2 Open EH4 File Dialog(1)Create a working directory in the hard disk, then copy the impedance files preceded by Z or W into the working directory.(2)Use text editor such as Notepad in Windows or Edit on Dos promptmode to create a line definition file with an extension of EH4. If you use word processor such as Word to create line definition file, be sure save it as pure text format. Below is an example to demonstrate the format of EH4 line definition file.Line 1 Format: EH4Line 2 This is an example of line definition file for EH4 dataLine 3 There are three sites in the data setLine 4 Data:Line 5 Ztest.001 X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0Line 6 Ztest.002 X: 30 Y: 0 Z: 0Line 7 Ztest.003 X: 60 Y: 0 Z: 0Line 1 always is “Format: EH4”, indicating that the input data is EH4 data. After that, you can write any number of comment lines (such line 2 and line 3 in above example). The “Data:” line (line 4 in above example) after comment lines indicates the lines below are the data lines that will be taken as input by EMAGE-2D. Each site takes one line consisting of the impedance file name and coordinates for the site.(3)Click Open EH4 File in File menu to popup Open EH4 File dialog (figure 2.2). Open EH4 data line definition file to input data.2.MT-1 Data Input(1)Create a working directory in the hard disk, then copy the RES files output by MT-1 processing program into the working directory.(2)Use text editor such as Notepad in Windows or Edit on Dos prompt mode to create a line definition file with an extension of MT1. If you use word processor such as Word to create line definition file, be sure save it as pure text format. Below is an example to demonstrate the format of MT-1 data line definition file.Line 1 Format: MT-1Line 2 This is an example of line definition file for MT-1 dataLine 3 Data:Line 4 Demo1.res X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 400Line 5 Demo2.res X: 1000 Y: 0 Z: 510Line 6 Demo3.res X: 2000 Y: 0 Z: 450Line 1 always is “Format: MT-1”, indicating that the input data is MT-1 data. After that, you can write any number of comment lines (line 2 in above example). The “Data:” line (line 3 in above example) after comment lines indicates the lines below are the data lines that will be taken as input by EMAGE-2D. Each site takes one line, consisting of the impedance file name and coordinates for the site.Figure 2.3 Open MT-1 File Dialog(3)Click Open MT-1 File in File menu then popup Open MT-1 File dialog (figure 2.3). Open MT-1 data line definition file to input data. 3.PW2D Forward Calculation Data InputDetailed description about how to input PW2D data is discussed in Chapter 5.2.2 Brief Description about Data Manipulation ToolbarFigure 2.4 Data Manipulation ToolbarIn order to edit and display the input data, user need to access the controls on the Data Manipulatio n Toolbar (figure 2.4). When data input has been done, the toolbar will be enabled. Below are brief descriptions about themain functions of the controls from left to right in the toolbar.Plot Button:Click it to refresh the content in plot area.Edit Button:Any graphical edit operation cannot be functioned unless this button is checked.Mask Button:This button is used to control whether or not to display the disabled frequencies. When it is checked , the disabled frequencies will not be displayed, otherwise, the disabled frequencies will be displayed in gray color.Static Shift Button:This button is used control to display the data without static shift correction or corrected data. If it is unchecked, the displayed data will be raw data without static correction, otherwise, corrected data will be displayed. Another function of this button is for static correction operation. Static shift correction operation is allowed only if the button is checked. Interpolation Button:It is used to control if display raw data or interpolated data. If this button is unchecked, raw data will be displayed, otherwise you can view and edit the interpolated data.Switch Button:When this button is checked, you can switch XY and YX mode impedance (rotate±90 °) frequency by frequency.Plot Type Selection List Box:Can be used to select different parameters to view and edit.Site Selection List Box:Set the selected site as current site, so you can view and edit the parameters of the current site.2.3 Viewing DataEMAGE-2D can display twenty-first type of parameter about the data set (figure 2.5)1.Site Location MapSelect this item to display Site Location Map. After data input is completed, EMAGE-2D will display Site Location Map in plot area(figure 2.6). A triangle sign represents each site. The impedance file name of the site taken as site name is displayed above or below it. If you hope not to display site name on the map, click Show Site Name in Site Location Map in Data Manipulation menu to uncheck it.Figure 2.5 Plot Type In Selection List BoxFigure 2.6 Site Location Map2.Apparent Resistivity CurveThe apparent resistivity curve of current site will be displayed in plot area when user selects Apparent Resistivity item in Plot Type Selection list box (figure 2.7). For raw data, XY and YX mode are represented as rectangle and triangle signs respectively. If interpolated data is displayed, XY and YX model will be shown by red and blue dot respectively. Mask, Static Shift and Interpolation button on the Data Manipulation toolbar can be used to control the display mode of apparent resistivity curve.∙When Mask button is checked, the disabled frequencies will not be shown, otherwise, the disabled frequencies will be displayed in gray color.∙When Static Shift button is checked, the data after static shift correction will be displayed, otherwise the uncorrected data will be shown.∙When Interpolation Button is checked, the interpolated data will be displayed, otherwise the raw data will be shown.Figure 2.7 Apparent Resistivity Curve3.Impedance Phase CurveThe impedance phase curve of current site will be displayed in plot areawhen you select Impedance Phase item in Plot Type Selection list box. For raw data, XY and YX mode are represented as rectangle and triangle signs respectively. If the interpolated data is displayed, XY and YX model will be shown by red and blue dot respectively. The display mode of impedance phase curve controlled by Mask and Interpolation button is the same as that of apparent resistivity.4.StrikeThe strike curve of current site will be displayed in plot area when you select Strike item in Plot Type Selection list box. The display mode of strike curve controlled by Mask and Interpolation button is the same as that of apparent resistivity.5.SkewThe skew curve of current site will be displayed in plot area when you select Skew item in Plot Type Selection list box. The display mode of skew curve controlled by Mask button is the same as that of apparent resistivity.6.CoherencyThe coherency curve of current site will be displayed in plot area when you select Mult Coh (E, H) item in Plot Type Selection list box. The data of XY mode and YX mode is represented as rectangle and triangle signs respectively. The display mode of coherency curve controlled by Mask button is the same as that of apparent resistivity.There is no coherency data in the MT-1‟s RES file, so EMAGE-2D set them to 1 in order to be compatible with EH-4 data.7.Polar DiagramThe polar diagram of current site will be displayed in the plot area when you select Polar Diagram item in Plot Type Selection list box (figure 2.8). The polar of each frequency is contained in a rectangle where the frequency value is printed on upper part of the rectangle. Red polar and blue polar are principal impedance and auxiliary impedance components respectively.Figure 2.8 Polar Diagram8.Bostick TransformThe relation between impedance and frequency can be transformed to the relation between resistivity and depth by Bostick transform, roughly reflecting the earth resistivity distribution versus depth.The Bostick transform curve of current site will be displayed in plot area when you select Bostick Transform item in Plot Type Selection list box. For raw data, XY and YX mode are represented as rectangle and triangle signs respectively. If the interpolated data is displayed, XY and YX model will be shown by red and blue dot respectively. The display mode of Bostick transform curve controlled by Static Shift and Interpolation button is the same as apparent resistivity.Cross SectionsIn order to view cross section of the data, you need to define profile first. If you want to show the cross section of TM or TE mode data, you shoulddefine the mode of each site also. A detailed description about how to define profile and TM/TE mode is presented later in this manual. EMAGE-2D can show twelve types of cross sections (table 2.1).Table 2.1 The type of cross section Item in the listbox of plot typeApparent resistivity in XY mode App. Resistivity Freq Section-RhoXY Impedance phase in XY mode Phase Freq Section-PhsXYApparent resistivity in YX mode App. Resistivity Freq Section-RhoYX Impedance phase in YX mode Phase Freq Section-PhsYXApparent resistivity in TM mode App. Resistivity Freq Section-RhoTM Impedance phase in TM mode Phase Freq Section-PhsTMApparent resistivity in TE mode App. Resistivity Freq Section-RhoTE Impedance phase in TE mode Phase Freq Section-PhsTEBostick resistivity in XY model Bostick Depth Section-BostXYResBostick resistivity in YX model Bostick Depth Section-BostYXResBostick resistivity in TM model Bostick Depth Section-BostTMResBostick resistivity in TE model Bostick Depth Section-BostTERes Static shift and Interpolation buttons on Data Manipulation toolbar can be used to control display manner of cross section. When Static Shift button is checked, the data you have seen is statically corrected data, otherwise uncorrected data is shown. Interpolation button acts similar way, checked for interpolated data, unchecked for raw data.EMAGE-2D will create default color scale for each type of cross section according to data value. If you want set it manually, click Set Color Scale For Contour in Data Manipulation menu and popup Set Color Scale For Contour dialog (figure 2.9). Double-click any item in Scale List box, the scale value will appear in Enter Color Scale Value so you can modify it manually. Default Color Scale checkbox gives you the option to use default color scale or not. If you check Blank No Data Area, the area without data will be blanked.Static Correction Reference CurveIn order to display static correction reference curve, you need also define profile first. After that, click Static Correction Reference Curve to display it. Please refer to Static Shift Correction section later in this manual for thedetailed discussion about it.Figure 2.9 Set Color Scale For Contour Dialog2.4 Data ManipulationMost of data edit operation will need to access Data Manipulation menu and Data Manipulation toolbar. If no explicit indication, submenu mentioned in this chapter refers to the item in Data Manipulation menu and toolbar is taken for Data manipulation toolbar.1.Duplicate Sites HandleIf there are duplicates sites whose X and Y coordinates are same, Check Duplicate Sites submenu will be enabled. Select it and popup Check Duplicate Sites modeless dialog (figure 2.10). When the dialog is displayed on the screen, you can do other operation outside the dialog so it is convenient to check duplicate sites‟ data quality while dealing with them.The first group of duplicate sites found by EMAGE-2D will be appear in Duplicate Sites list box when you open the dialog first time. EMAGE-2D will search another group of duplicate sites if there are ones when you click Find Next button. Select Restart will search duplicate sites again from very beginning. If you decide delete some site, highlight the site name in list box, then click Delete button to delete it. Sometime it may bebetter to combine duplicate sites into a new site. Click Combine… button to bring Input Combined Site Name dialog (figure 2.11) up. Put site name in Combined Site Name as the name of the new site. If you hope to delete the old sites after combination, please check Delete Old Sites checkbox. After click OK button, the combined site will display in Duplicate Site list box of Check Duplicate Sites dialog. It is recommended to disable bad frequencies of duplicate sites before doing combination.Figure 2-10 Check Duplicate Sites DialogFigure 2-11 Input Combined Site Name Dialog2.Fix ImpedanceIn MT/AMT theory, the impedance is calculated under right-handed coordinate system. If the orientation of electrical or magnetic sensors isnot set this way, the calculation of skew and polar will be incorrect, the auxiliary impedance component of polar and skew will be anomaly big. If the orientation of some site is suspected not being set properly, EMAGE-2D will fix it automatically. Sometime EMAGE-2D will make wrong decision because of the noise in the data and the complexity of the earth. In this case, you need fix it manually by check the skew and polar diagram. When the skew and auxiliary impedance component is too big, you can click Fix Impedance submenu to fix it.3.Vector Versus Tensor Data of EH4Vector impedance is not stable as the polarizing direction of incident electromagnetic field varies with time. This is the very reason why we often use tensor impedance for data interpretation in MT. When the measure time is short such as EH4 survey, the polarization may not change too much. It may be acceptable to use vector data for interpretation. In field survey, it is not unusual to have good data in one direction but bad in another direction due to culture noise. It maybe causes both XY and YX mode data noisy if you use tensor impedance data because the calculation of tensor data will use both direction data. As for vector impedance data, you only need electrical field in one direction and magnetic field in the perpendicular direction to get vector data in this direction. In this case, you may get good data in one direction for interpretation. This is why both vector and tensor data are contained in impedance file of EH4 data. It is recommended to use tensor impedance if the data of both directions is good.You can switch between tensor and vector data by click Show EH4Vector Data submenu. If vector data is being used, a check sign will appear on the left of the submenu. By the way, if you have done rotation on the data, the data will be tensor because there is no way to rotate vector data.4.Site and Frequency Selection(1)Site SelectionThere are two ways to select sites into current data set.Figure 2.12 Data Selection DialogThe first one is to select sites on Data Selection dialog. Select Data Selection submenu to bring up Data Selection dialog (figure 2.12). A site will be selected into the current data set if you highlight it in Site Name list box, unhighlight it will delete it from the current data set. Clicking site name in the list box will switch between selection and deletion. You can select or delete all sites by clicking Select All Sites button. If all sites are already selected, clicking Select All Sites button will delete all sites, otherwise all sites will be selected. Actually, deleted sites will not be considered it in data analysis, display and interpretation process. You can include it later by reselecting it.The second way for site selection can be done though Site Location Map.A triangle sign represents each site. When Site location Map is shown, check Edit button on the toolbar first. Clicking the site sign will switch between selection and deletion. The selected sites are printed in blue color,deleted ones in gray color.(2)Frequency SelectionThere are three ways to select frequency.The first one is to do it in Data Selection dialog that is similar to site selection. Highlight a frequency in Frequency list box of the dialog (figure 2.12) to enable it, unhighlight it to disable it. Every frequency contained in any site will be listed in Frequency list box. It is not necessary to have all sites have same frequencies. If you enable or disable any frequency in the list box, this frequency will be enabled or disabled from the sites that have the data of this frequency. Select All Freq button can also be used to enable or disable all frequencies in the way which is similar to Select All Sites button for site selection.Figure 2-13 Frequency Auto-Selection DialogThe second way is to select frequencies automatically in Frequency Auto-Selection dialog. Selecting Frequency Auto-Selection submenu to popup Frequency Auto-Selection dialog (figure 2.13). Input cut-off value in Select Freq. By Coh(>=)so the frequencies will be disable automatically when their coherencies are below this value. Similarly, the frequencies will also be disabled when their skews are greater than the value in Select Freq. By Skew (<=).In other hand, you are provided an option to select frequencies for the current site or all sites in Site Selection radio button group and to select frequencies for which mode data in ModeSelection radio button group.The third way is to select frequencies on apparent resistivity, impedance phase and coherency curves. Interpreter normally needs to analyze data site by site during interpretation process and delete bad frequencies. Below are some suggestions for frequency selection.∙Coherency: It is recommended to delete the frequencies which coherency is below 0.6.∙Skew: Theoretically speaking, skew is a measure of the three dimensionality of the resistivity distribution near the site. But the noise in data will also make it big. When the skew of one frequency is much bigger than that of the rest, it is possible to be caused by noise and need to be deleted.∙Smoothness: Apparent resistivity and impedance should be smooth and continuous for high quality data. The outliers should be deleted before interpretation.To select frequencies this way, you need check Edit button on the toolbar first, then click left and right buttons of mouse to enable or disable frequencies XY and YX mode data respectively.5.Profile DefinitionIn order to display cross section, calculate static shift correction reference and prepare data for 2D inversion, you need define profile first. There are two methods to define profile in EMAGE-2D.(1)Define Profile in Data Selection DialogSelect beginning and ending site of the profile in Starting Site and Ending Site respectively in Data Selection dialog (figure 2.12), then click OK to complete profile definition. After that, a black line will be plotted in Site Location Map to indicate the orientation of the profile.(2)Define Profile in Site Location MapCheck Edit button in the toolbar and hold down Ctrl key in your computer keyboard, then click at the starting position of the profile on the map andmove mouse cursor while keeping left button of the mouse down. When the cursor has been moved to the ending position of the profile you hope to put, release mouse button to finish profile definition.6.Impedance RotationThe impedance of XY and YX mode will be same if the geology is one-dimensional. For non-1D geology, the data of XY and YX mode will be different. The impedance tensor can be rotated mathematically to any other orthogonal axis orientation. If the geology is truly two-dimensional this rotation will reach an angle such that auxiliary impedance become zero and the principal impedance becomes the principal impedance. This angle yields the impedance strike once it has been determined which of the XY or YX components reflects the impedance for the electrical field which is parallel to the strike. When we can rotate impedance so that X direction is perpendicular to the strike of the structure. The XY and YX components are defined as TM and TE mode respectively. If we undertake 1-D interpretation, it is better use the data of TE mode because 1-D inversion result of TE data is closer to the real geology than that of TM data. For 2-D inversion, usually it is best to use the combination of TE and TM data. If you choose one direction of data to do 2-D interpretation, it is widely argued that in 2-D model the goal should to match the TM curve, as it has higher lateral resolution and is less affected by 3-D distortions then the TE mode.There are five types of rotation implemented in EMAGE-2D(1)Analytic RotationImpedance can be rotated to principal axes, which is a related but different concept from the strike of structure, by analytic rotation. In two-dimensional geology, both strike and tip of structure are principal axes. Interpreter should refer to the geology and other kind information to determine if impedance is rotated to strike or tip.(2)Zxy Maximum RotationRotate impedance to one of two principal axes so that the apparent resistivities of X direction (ρx y) are always greater than those of Y direction (ρy x).。





I. 引言游戏引擎是一个软件框架,用于简化游戏开发过程中常见的任务,如图形渲染、输入处理、物理模拟等。


II. 游戏引擎的基本结构一个完整的游戏引擎由多个模块组成,每个模块负责不同的任务。

以下是一个简化的游戏引擎基本结构:1. 游戏循环模块游戏循环模块控制游戏的整个生命周期,它包括游戏的初始化、更新和渲染。


2. 图形渲染模块图形渲染模块负责将游戏中的2D或3D图形渲染到屏幕上。


3. 输入处理模块输入处理模块用于监听用户的输入,包括键盘、鼠标、手柄等。


4. 物理模拟模块物理模拟模块用于模拟游戏中的物理效果,例如重力、碰撞等。


III. 创建2D游戏引擎2D游戏引擎是最简单且入门级的游戏引擎类型。

下面是创建2D游戏引擎的基本步骤:1. 创建游戏窗口通过Java图形库,我们可以创建一个窗口用于显示游戏。


2. 渲染游戏场景在游戏窗口中,我们可以添加游戏场景并将其渲染到屏幕上。


3. 处理用户输入监听用户的输入,包括键盘按键、鼠标点击等事件,并根据用户的操作来更新游戏的状态。



游戏开发中的虚幻引擎教程及使用方法虚幻引擎是一款由Epic Games开发的世界著名的游戏引擎,被广泛运用于游戏开发、影视制作以及虚拟现实等领域。



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虚幻引擎提供了多种工具和方法来优化游戏的性能,如静态网格合并、Level of Detail (LOD)、遮挡剔除等。



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01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sce.Pss.Core;
using Sce.Pss.Core.Environment;
using Sce.Pss.Core.Graphics;
using Sce.Pss.Core.Input;
using Sce.Pss.Core.Imaging; // for font
using Sce.Pss.HighLevel.GameEngine2D;
using Sce.Pss.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Base;
namespace Updating
public class AppMain
public static void Main (string[] args)
Font font = new Font(FontAlias.System,16,FontStyle.Bold); FontMap fontMap = new FontMap(font,512);
Scene scene = new Scene();
//Center sprite
BouncingSmile bs = new BouncingSmile();
bs.Position = scene.Camera.CalcBounds().Center; bs.CenterSprite();
Label label1 = new Label("Derived from Node",fontMap); label1.Position = new Vector2(bs.Position.X - 80, bs.Position.Y + 200); Scheduler.Instance.ScheduleUpdateForTarget(bs,1,false);
//Left sprite
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D("/Application/smile.png",false);
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 TextureInfo ti = new TextureInfo(texture);
SpriteUV sprite = new SpriteUV(ti);
sprite.Quad.S = new Vector2(128,128);
sprite.Position = scene.Camera.CalcBounds().Center; sprite.Position = new Vector2(sprite.Position.X - 256,sprite.Position.Y); sprite.CenterSprite();
bool goingUp = true;
sprite.Schedule( (dt) => {
sprite.Position = new Vector2(sprite.Position.X, sprite.Position.Y + 3); if(sprite.Position.Y >= 390) goingUp = false; }
sprite.Position = new Vector2(sprite.Position.X, sprite.Position.Y - 3); if(sprite.Position.Y <= 64) goingUp = true; }
Label label2 = new Label("Using lambda",fontMap); label2.Position = new Vector2(sprite.Position.X - 60, sprite.Position.Y + 200);
//Right sprite
Texture2D texture2 = new Texture2D("/Application/smile.png",false); TextureInfo ti2 = new TextureInfo(texture);
SpriteUV sprite2 = new SpriteUV(ti);
sprite2.Quad.S = new Vector2(128,128);
sprite2.Position = scene.Camera.CalcBounds().Center; sprite2.Position = new Vector2(sprite2.Position.X + 256,sprite2.Position.Y); sprite2.CenterSprite();
BounceAction ba = new BounceAction();
ActionManager.Instance.AddAction(ba,sprite2); ba.Run();
Label label3 = new Label("ActionBase",fontMap); label3.Position = new Vector2(sprite2.Position.X - 50, sprite2.Position.Y + 200)
scene.AddChild (sprite2);
84 85 86 87 88 89 scene.AddChild(label2); scene.AddChild(label3); Director.Instance.RunWithScene(scene); } } } 下面就是结果显示:
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