
1. Victoria Harbour (维多利亚港) 2. Disneyland(迪斯尼) 3. Causeway Bay(铜锣湾) 4. Tsim Sha Tsui (TSTE) (尖沙咀) 5. The Peak(太平山) 6. Others
•Victoria Harbour lies between the Kowloon Peninsula (九龙半岛) and the Hong Kong Island(香港岛). its natural depth and sheltered location induce(引诱) the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War(鸦片战争), and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post(贸易站).The harbour is famous for its spectacular views.
•Hong Kong Disneyland is located in Lantau Island, near Hong Kong International Airport. It opened on 10th September 2005, visitors who come to Hong Kong Disneyland will be temporarily away from the real world into the colorful fairy tale kingdom, feel mysterious fantasy land of the future of the calendar and excite dangerous world.

the friends, the nanwan monkey island is a world only tropics islands monkey protectorate, it was located lingshui county's most southend,the area had 1,000 hectares, on the island the mountain top rolling,the four seasons fruit and flowers fluttered the fragrance, was the monkey lives the multi plication place of ideal. in 1965 thecountry established " in here; precious animal protectorate "causes only to be left over 5 crowds of more than 100 only monkeysto develop present 29 crowds of more than 2,000 at that time,including 6 crowds of small monkeys and the tourist extremely isintimate with. felt in the nanwan monkey island people is the humanityand the monkey group, the happy atmosphere which harmoniously wastogether with the nature.the south african bay monkey island the monkey, the systematicname is called the macaque, belongs to the primate, its wool is brown,the face hole is red, but also steadily a pair of blue eye. thesesmall monkeys are approximate to the humanity, extremely intelligent,is clever, in aspect and so on astronautics, medicine, origin of manhas the significant research value, on the monkey body monkeyjujube(monkey is injured bleeds the after silt block) is the expensivedrugs.every year in november to second year in february, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. it is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. the female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkeyextremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. after little ape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. the monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. therefore the female tourist did not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy.every year in november to second year in february, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. it is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. the female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. after little ape aslong as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. the monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. therefore the female tourist did not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy. the person is small lives in the land, the young adultsstands in line the life in the fishing. treats little while everybodyrides the asian longest cross sea rope way time, may clearly see thatfamous marine village, the fish and shrimp jumps for joy, the peopleare very busy, a derivation machine abundant picture, in the sea levelalso has some boats, comes and goes, is shipping the person and thecargo, moves away trash. also has some steamships, not willingly isdefending this blue color homeland, is must go to sea hits thefishing, a gate is 12 months. steamship value more than 10.2 millionyuan, often are all family belongings, but the sea temperament also ismost is subject to changing moods, in order to implore safely, the eggfamily member ancestor's memorial tablet for in the cockpit, hangshawk's-bill turtle's lamella on the body, hopes bon voyage and to havethe good crop.enters the nanwan monkey island the matters needing attention (slightly)piece:southmountain story: plunges into thick of life a writer into southmountain, saw amother-in-law is gripping the short braid. the writer thought veryfreshly, goes forward to ask: " the mother-in-law, your suchgreat age also grips the short braid, did not fear others smile?" the mother-in-law said that, " my age is big? i also 70.the short braid is my mother combs to me. " the writer askedthat, " your mother? " " my mother climbed mountainsdelivers me grandfather to deliver the food to go to " "your grandfather does on the mountain? " " grazes sheep!"according to some old people spoke hainan coldly is 1976 winter, thelowest temperature was 6 (emphasis is in zero 6), the result has diedsome old people and the farm cattle, it is said some ponds fish alsoturned white, the tourist said regarding us north, this temperaturesimply was not the life limit, but actually let the hainan islandchaotic square inch, said really was lets the person be funny.the hainan people are sensitive to cold but are not sensitive to heat,but our tourist actually is hot awfully, after has come all makes twomatters: escapes clothes, the disgrace. antithetical couplet: theprosperous war beautiful woman, sanya unfortunately loss of chasties.horizontalthrows over not empty this line. hainan although our country hottest place, butactually produces the coolest thing, this kind of phenomenon isextremely strange, the similarly coldest place actually produces themost thermal property thing, likes the coldest northeast threeconveniently to produce the ginseng, the marten skin, shouts pullsgrass these thermal property product, the hottest hainanactuallyproduces the coolest thing: pearl, quartz and hawk's-bill turtle. thisalso is possibly " which the ancient said; thing extremely must instead "reason.moreover must remind everybody to come hainan certainly to have todrink water, specially takes a walk in the scenic area, guards againstthe heat-stroke.the coconut tree is much longer tall and straight, the posture isexquisite, is hainan's symbol, under answers the third question: whycan the coconut tree incline to the sea? very simple, that is becausecoconut tree's growth needs the salty share, some experienced farmersin plant the coconut tree seedling time can put 12 catties salts inthe pit, increases the nutrition for it.how does the coconut tree is come? the li national minority peoplesaid that was they ancient times the leader jumps over the king tochange, jumps over the king to lead this clansman to revolt againstthe external aggression, but was unfortunate has been killed,afterwards his stature grew into the high coconut tree, the head growsinto the coconut tree, forever was gazing at the hometown. but thefable turns over to the fable, the coconut tree true origin is comesfrom to the malay archipelago. malay archipelago coconut tree "splash " falls the sea, fluttered along with the wave flutters,flutters hainan island, then took root in here, has formed a biglandscape. depends on the wave to disseminate the seed, this is thecoconut tree walks arm in arm the sea second reason.the coconut tree to hainan is very the unreasoning passion, it only inhainan result, a qiongzhou haixia not result, therefore the guangdongguangxi only sees the coconut tree not to see the coconut tree.hainan's coconut tree extremely industrious, throughout the yeartheflower opens the flower falls, fruit unceasing, does not stop for the humanity offers,our soldierslacks the medicine few medicines in the war age, uses the coconut tree waterto replace the grape syrup to hit the intravenous, has revived manypeople, could not think the coconut tree revolutionized for china hasalso stood one *, really was lovable also is respectable! not onlythat, the coconut tree whole body all is valuable, the people its leafforming hat and the mat, the bough make the furniture, the flower andthe root do for the raw material for medicine, the fruit make food,the drink and the delicacy delicacies, unexpectedly has 360 accordingto some person of incomplete statisticses coconut tree's use manykinds of, really is does one's best, after dies but already!as the longevity island, hainan must attract massive " every year;setting sun red " the tourist group comes here leisure vacation,not only that many people also settled down in here, spend 5-6 tenthousand dollars to be able to buy a set of 60-70 square metercommodity apartment, the old couple live, have sufficed, thearthritis, the asthma also has not had, many! the modern peopleexcept eat to the full put on warmly, to the environment, the qualityof life is more and more is fastidious. hainan island air fresh,environment exquisite, for example sanya, in the air oxygen isbeijing's 8 times, its environment quality is only inferior in theworld to cuba's havana, places second, is quite good. came hainan towant the deep breathing, did not have to waste oh.compares hainan with the mainland the environment is together the pureland, this is because hainan nearly does not have theindustry,constructs the province former hainan industry to limit to " twowhite two black " : the white sugar, the sea salt, the iron ore,the rubber, after construct the province vigorously to develop thesuperiority industry: agriculture, marine products industry andtourism. here climatewarm, sea water limpid, produces each kind ofvegetables fruits and melons, the delicacy seafood are all worldfamous, many marine products are called the green aquatic product, hasobtained american and the european state market enters the card,continuously enters the various countries' market. hainan's tourismdid not need to say much, all was full of praise including theoverseas traveling experts, said two could not think: " could notthink hainan has the such good traveling resources, west could notthink the island has the such advanced amusement facility! "always mentioning, no matter the agriculture, the marine productsindustry, how the tourism do develop again, because the industrycannot come up, hainan's economic potentiality and other provincecompare or appears weakly, some people said is in the name easternpart, in fact west. the national minority area economy also quite isspecially backward, the child is out of school, the teacher cannotattain the wages the phenomenon also frequently to appear, at presentthis province vigorously develops the tourism, also is the hopegradually leads the national minority economy through the tourism thedevelopment.who is called hainan " india peaceful " person? the chinese,lebanon, the seedling, return? that is li national minority, linational minority is the indigenous inhabitant, other all is external.which emperor most early conquers hainan? a, b, c? that is martialemperor of han dynasty. martial emperor of han dynasty sends himgeneral road border to attack hainan, 110 b.c., general lu da hasdefeated the li national minority person, adds the code canada tilefor china's domain. after on the island he has established twocounty: the bead cliff, the ear, the so-called bead cliff isrefers to nearby the sea on to produce the bead treasure. the earmeaning unclear, some people said is the ear is big.from then on, unceasingly some person of immigrants hainan. themerchant which has which is exiled the size official, has doesbusiness, has refugee which flees from calamity. li bai said on asuchuan difficult difficulty with blue sky, but ancient time leads tohainan island lu bishu also to want on to be difficult several hundredtimes. luck good loses half life, luck poor family members dies on theroad, the ancient sighs: as soon as goes to 10,000 miles, thousandthousand not also, the cliff state in where, lives a guimenguan! themerchant flushes the rare treasures to come, also has settles downdown, because in the merchant the fujian person quite are many,therefore the hainan speech also belongs to the minnan dialect. butinteresting is, the hainan person study fujian speech is easy, but thefujian person study hainan speech actually compared to ascends toheaven also difficultly.the hui tribe also is migrates from outside, had more than 800 yearshistory according to now, mainly comes from to arabic,vietnam'smuslim religion, in order to do business and avoids the chaos causedby war. but the miao nationality compatriots are ming dynastygovernments in order to consolidate hainan the border defense,assembles the seedling soldier from guangxi to be stationed in here,result this lived has lived in 4500 the time.the friends, hainan island and tibet, xinjiang equally all are fromthe ancient capital is the national minority area, also is themotherland border area, has noisily is independent? why? the mainisland national unity, politics are stable, this turns over to * to asouthern and northern dynasties time heroine ——madame xian. madamexian 15 years old inherits the father industry to become the chief, isleading hundred more national minorities, she stills the bandit, letsthe people enjoy a good and prosperous life, but also teaches linational minority the person to diga well, to farm, she biggestcontribution is lets hainan rereturn the motherland big families, letlebanon chinese two be friendly for generations, including premierzhou all commended she was " in chinese history first heroine" . moreover aims at hainan to pledge allegiance to the areasouth of yellow river, also some one view, hainan island's shape lookslike a hawk's-bill turtle, the head is facing north, indicated submitsto meaning. the hawk's-bill turtle is the life the most longevityrarest most lives in the middle of the south china sea the fierce seaturtle, the hawk's-bill turtle on is regarded as since the ancienttimes propitiously, the longevity symbol, simultaneously the peoplealso make its body on lamella the handicraft to wear on the body, theachievement avoids evil influences the thing, blesses the life to besafe. in fact these lamellae are the extremely precious animal rawmaterials for medicine, also is the common people said? quot; seabedsoft gold " mainly treats middle-aged person's and old person'srheumatism, the hypertension, the young child convulsion, is swollenand painful and so on the symptom. for all that, but who must buy thefalse hawk's-bill turtle, spoke that according to the fisherman ismust invite trouble.the friends, madame xian is li national minority's symbol, some whodid know what hainan island the symbol is? the so-called symbol alsois refers has representatively, only, hainan's five big symbols:wutzushan, wanquan river, the ends of the earth, the coconut tree andli national minority, line of our this hainan only can see to four bigsymbolizes wanquan river, the ends of the earth, the coconut tree andli national minority, only wutzushan blind, because we are in walkaround hainan's east line, but wutzushan is located hainan islandmiddle, the road is also difficult to walk.spoke of dives me to remember has received to come frombeijing'smothers-in-law (north to be called paternal grandmother), she did notattend to everybody in sanya the opposition certainly to have to dive,added " who doesn't let under me i with who anxious " mustknow she already 72 years old, the result has renovated a new recordin hainan's diving history. in fact in the middle of the belt group'sprocess, i felt the old age friend is more active than other agesection tourists, has the fervor, they are can eat can drink, also cansing can jump, some pair of old husbands and wives said: " alsowaits for any, while the present body not big problem, takes a walk,likes eating eats, likes playing plays, and so on crosses for severalyears not to be able to take a walk again, richly also could notenjoy. " indeed, the life several dozens years are extremelyshort, yesterday also in full flower today on person to middle age,yesterday also bustled about on the unit, today haveretired,yesterday the children also were small, today neatly was long, lifeth, a vegetation fall, year on running water equally in ahurry.however our many people all entered an erroneous zone on the lifepath, always does not give up eats, does not give up puts on, does notgive up plays, all planned for the future, this on the contrary fordelayed the today excellent time passage, to white hair gray time onlythen discovered the life everywhere is the blank, is aregret!remembered a celebrity said well: the life is impossible to pursue thelength, but may pursue its width. in other words, we are unable todecide how long oneself can live, but may decide the daily quality oflife, may enjoy at present happy time, may feel the life the manykinds of experience.the fragrant gulf acquires fame from to a beautiful folk tale. in thepast here once was standing up to a name called arab league fragrant the young girl,she and the father were bound by a common destiny. in 1893 gentlequeen mother in order to flatter the western various countries,hasgotten down for hainan together edict aim, must send one batch ofsuperior sea water pearls, the local official urges compels common people togo to sea as soon as possible to fish for daily. because the overtiredfather had unfortunately died, just before the end front he tellsarab league fragrant, is hiding very big bai diebei under a clump of elephant peonysame coral, inside possibly can have the pearl. after the father died,arab league fragrant bears sorrowfully, in the seabed search, really in oneclump coral under had discovered daily a shell, opens as soon as looked,ha, inside brightly hides a greatly circle to lift the rare pearl.arab league fragrant has not given it the government authorities, took to father'sfondly remembering, secretly hung it on own neck, who knew the miracleto appear: arab league fragrant skin more and more white and tender, the eye is moreand more bright, one day compared to a day unattractiveness, arab league fragrantalso used this pearl to cure periphery common people's disease. whoknew this matter gently to know, this was insatiably greedy old monster thehusband's mother to the pearl to be anxious, the order governmentauthorities took immediately arab league fragrant, seized the pearl. obtains thenews arab league fragrant to hurry to travel by boat runs away, however thegovernment authorities person multi- ships are big, very quicklyovertook, arab league fragrant to the officers and soldiers said this pearl is myfather trades with the life, i ratherdeath cannot give you! said swallowsdown pearl, jumps to plunge into the sea, from this time on vanisheswithout a trace. for the commemorative beautiful good arab league fragrant girl,afterwards the people on were called this section of bay the fragrantgulf.ancient time, the sea water pearl south took the day high qualitygoods, only have the emperor's relatives to be able to enjoy, thecommon people do not have the good fortune as soon as to see itsbeautiful face. but along with the time development, the pearl alreadywalked into in the ordinarycommon people's family, said regarding themodern female, had a string noble elegant pearl no longer hopes butmight not and the matter. the pearl most has woman taste son, by thereputation is the jewelry empress, some who do see the man to wear thepearl? the television station generally is does not allow the femaleradio announcer to wear gold and silver, but only may wear the pearl,because it manifests is woman's makings and beautiful, both is nobleand is not uncouth, generally is a thin platinum gold necklace matchespearl hangs falls. recent year, the pearl receives the special welcome inthe wedding ceremony, because its contour is clear brightly andcleanly happen to conforms to in the eastern culture to maritalyearning for: complete, perfect, chaste, is harmonious. no matter isputs on the nuptial dress or to put on the chinese dress, the pearlcan play the role of especially beautifully the new bride isenchanting. ( )very many people all have talked about the diving feeling, has a girlto say, she has vividly used two characters highly surveys: firstlove.海南外语培训网为海南海大源职业培训中心与海南海大源管理咨询有限公司旗下专业外语培训网站,致力于海南省国际旅游岛建设,立足海口、三亚、琼海等海南城市,整合省内外最专业最权威的各类外语培训师资系统开展外语培训。

南湾猴岛英文导游词Monkey Island in South Bay – A Fascinating Destination for Nature LoversWelcome to Monkey Island, located in South Bay, the province of Guangdong in China. In this guided tour, we will explore the rich flora and fauna of this fascinating island along with learning about the history and culture of the area.The island, locally known as Hou Ling Chau, is home to a variety of monkeys including macaques, gibbons, and langurs. These primates not only add an element of excitement to your visit, but they also play a significant role in the island's ecosystem. The lush green vegetation provides a comfortable habitat for these primates, and together they contribute towards maintaining ecological balance.As we walk towards the various attractions, you will notice that the island boasts a scenic coastal area. The crystal clear waters of the South China Sea leave you breathless with its beauty. We will head towards the Golden Beach, which is known for its sparkling golden sand and soothing ocean waves. This serene location is perfect for nature lovers who want to experience the rhythm of the tides as a form of relaxation.Next, we will visit the Nansha Temple. The temple, founded during the Eastern Han Dynasty, boasts an ancient history of over 1800 years. It still remains a prominent place of worship among the local Chinese residents. As we explore the temple, we will witness magnificent Buddhist architecture, stunning Chinese art,and ancient scripts. The temple’s scenic gardens, ponds, and bridges provide a perfect backdrop for photographs and tranquility.Our tour will then take us to the island's popular marine park. The park, located in the eastern part of the island, is popular for its dolphin and sea lion shows. The park spreads over an area of 1.23 square kilometers, and its various pools and tanks are home to several marine animals, including penguins and tortoises. The colorful display of sea creatures is sure to leave you impressed and entertained.We will conclude our visit by exploring the island's local shops and purchasing souvenirs. You can buy traditional Chinese handicrafts, sea-themed accessories, and locally sourced tea.As we end our tour at Monkey Island, you will leave with a sense of fulfillment, having witnessed the stunning natural beauty of this island and learning about the history and culture of the area. It was an honor sharing the rich culture, biodiversity, and marine ecosystem of Monkey Island with you. Have a pleasant journey ahead!As we continue our travels on Monkey Island, let's delve deeper into the island's history and culture.One of the island's most significant landmarks is the Nansha Fort, a well-preserved military fortification from the Ming Dynasty. The fort has several watchtowers and cannons, and it was built to defend against sea pirates and foreign invaders. Visitors can explore the various rooms and see artifacts and weaponry from the time.The island is also known for its fishing villages, where traditional Chinese fishing techniques dating back generations are still used today. You can observe the fishermen's daily activities, such as mending fishing nets or building traditional wooden boats. You can even taste the freshly caught seafood at one of the many local restaurants.For those interested in Chinese mythology, the island is home to various temples dedicated to different deities. One such temple is the Fuding Temple, which is dedicated to the God of Happiness and Fortune. It is a popular place of worship among the locals and visitors, with its intricate wooden carvings and colorful lanterns.If you're feeling adventurous, you can even take a trek through the island's dense jungle. You may spot various exotic species of flora and fauna, such as rare orchids or tropical birds. The island's lush greenery creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.At the end of the day, you may want to relax and unwind at one of the island's hot springs or spas. The warm waters are said to have healing properties and are perfect for rejuvenating the body and mind.Our journey through Monkey Island has shown us the island's diverse and rich culture, history, and natural beauty. Whetheryou're interested in stunning scenic views, Chinese mythology, or traditional fishing villages, there's something for everyone on this enchanting island.。

世界各国著名景点用英文表示Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Oceania 大洋洲Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁Sydney Opera House, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock, Australia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook, New Zealand 新西兰库克山 Europe 欧洲Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场Venice, Italy 意大利威尼斯 Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙 Red Square in Moscow, Russia 莫斯科红场 Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大笨钟 Buckingham Palace, England 白金汉宫 Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园London Tower Bridge, England 伦敦塔桥Westminster Abbey, England 威斯敏斯特大教堂Monte Carlo, Monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗 The Mediterranean 地中海 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople) Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场 Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙 Red Square in Moscow, Russia 俄罗斯莫斯科红场 Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大本钟 Buckingham Palace, England 英国白金汉宫Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园London Tower Bridge, England 英国伦敦塔桥 Westminster Abbey, England 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂 The Mediterranean 地中海 America 美洲 Niagara Falls, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷檀香山 Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国纽约自由女神像 Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场 The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫 World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯Niagara Falls, New York State, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布 Bermuda 百慕大 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁 Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河 Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园 Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国纽约自由女神像Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心CentralPark, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园Yosemite National Park, USA 美国尤塞米提国家公园 Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷 Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞 Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯 Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿密 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科Cuzco, Mexico 墨西哥库斯科。

海南南湾猴岛的旅游导游词范文4篇A model of tour guide words for Monkey Island in Nanwan, Hainan编订:JinTai College海南南湾猴岛的旅游导游词范文4篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。

博鳌: Boao Forum for Asia is a nonprofit, non-governmental, international, organization ,Conference provides a high-level platform for communication between government and business circle.Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council had attended the Conference 2009 in Boao of Hainan Province and deliver a speech.through these forum , hainan becomes the focus of international attention.also increase his popularity .More and more foreign tourists come here.海上观音: The Kwan-yin on the water covenred with gold wholly and with a height of 108 meters,Statue of Liberty is 93 meters tall, 观音 is 15 meters taller than Statue of Liberty,so it is the biggest figure in stone in the world. The world largest Buddha statue has been a symbol of peace ,Wisdom and Compassion in China.猴岛:monkeys have different feeling of beauty,monkey king like female monkey who has red face,monkey love their children very much,they often hold their little monkey in arms.monkey is clever and tricky ,if you bring food,once they see it,they will rob your food.but if you keep your hands in plain sight,they will go away . So we often say "as tricky as a monkey"天涯海角: If you've never been to sanya / Ultima Thule ,it means you never been to hannan./sanya ultima thule is a famous scenic['si:nik, ] spot in hainan island. At this point ,tourists seem to have reached the end of heaven and earth.here are clear water ,blue sky,coconut whirling and rocks everywhere.blue water as clear as mirror,and soft sand as white as silver. There are many big stones ,also they have many fantastical stories love square is also very famous,every yearmany celebrity ( si'lebrəti] hold their wedding ceremony here.Do you remember a song "请到天涯海角来"many people dream of coming here because of this song,三亚:Sanya is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter.Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China导游考试英文导游词Good morning ! My name is Can I begain?Attention,dies and gentlement .Welcome to beautiful city ,Nanjing ,I am the guide xuyi .Today, we are going to visit *****. On the way to ****,let me introduce the beautiful city ,Nanjing .Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center ,she is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze river,southwest of the province.The populationof its urban area is about 3million.Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She bears the reputation of the capital of Wu, Easter Jin, Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of china subsequently.Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultrual heritage.The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultrual heritages.With many a relics of the Republic of china era in particluar , Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history.DR.SUN YATSEN’S MAUSOLEUMAmong al the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing, the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yaten’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the pruple Mountain in the eatern subrub of the city. The construction began on March 12,1926 and was completed in 1929 when the remains of Dr.Sun Yatsen was transported from Beijing and buried at the present site on June,1.Dr.Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution.Dr.Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 yeas of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build a progressive, united and democratic Republic of china.Why was Dr.Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing instead of in his hometownor Beijing where he died?The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr.Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen.One day in April, 1912, he went hunting at the site of present mausoleum with his friends.Dr.Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beaut iful environment that he aid to them :”I wish I could be bestowed a piece of land by people and be buried here after my death”.He once again expressed this desire in his sickbed in 1925.The architect named Lu Yanzhi .Dr.Sun Yasen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented. The park of mausoleum covers an area of 800000 square meters. The whole architecture ,from the gateway to the main entrance,tablet pavilion ,memorial hall and the tomb valult,lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps ans 10 platforms in between .The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbls and convered by blue glazed-title roofs.Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the quare, stands the 12-met er high gateway of three arches with Dr.Sun Yatsen’s handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top. The 480-meter long tomb avenue, lined wih pine ,gingko and maple trees ,leads to the main entrance tower roofed by blue-glazed tile.Under the front eave of the tower, Dr.Sun Yatsen’s motto ‘The world belongs to people ‘ can be seen .Walking through it , the first building one will seee is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone which is engraved with ‘Premier Dr.Sun is buried here by the Chinese Koumingtang on Jone1,1929’. From there, a panoramic view of the memorial hall can be obtained. However, there are still 392 steps in 4 flight to go before tourists reach the memorial hall on the top ,and a platform with stone benches at evry flight so as not to exhaust the climbers.The memorial hall stands 73.33 meters abov the ground. The lintel of the memorial hall is inscried with “nationalism, democratic rights and people’s livelihood” and a vertical plaque is carved with 4 characters “Hao qi chang cun ” meaning imperishable noble spirit. All these words are written in Dr.Sun’s own hand. In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr.Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved in bas-relief by a Polish sculptor about his revolutionary activities. The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr.Sun Yatsen. Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault .Standing by the side of the pool, as visitors look down, they bow to see Dr.Sun Yatsen’s reclinin g marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath. If one looks up, he will find the emblem of the nationalist Party on the ceiling.When one wraps up the homage tour and steps down, he will not only enjoy a bird’s eyeview of beautiful Nanjing , but also feel toally reliveed because he does not see any more of those 392 steps , but the platforms. Not until then, will he understand how great Dr.Sun Yatsen is.The whole mausoleum is an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style, and the layout is harmonious and rational.All the buildings are roofed with blue-glazed tiles. With pine trees and cypresses growing around ,the mausoleum looks magnificent and dignified.Dr.Sun’s Mausoleum attracts thousands of visitors everyday.XiaoLing Tomb of The Ming DynastyXiaoling Tomb,or the tomb of filial piety, built 600 years ago ,is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuan zhang , the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife Empress Ma died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383.But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.But the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more till 1431 when ‘the Steke if Sacred Neruts abd Virtues of Great Ming’ Filial Tomb’ was erected.The mausoleum consists of two major sections.The first section is from the Gateway of Dismounting Horse to the Lingxing Gate at the end of Sacred Way(tomb avenue), of which the approach is 1800 meters long. The second part is the tomb itself. Historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb conple was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised in the park of mausoleum. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the war in which by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures wre destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.The tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall. The gateway of Dismounting Horse locates about 750 meters south from here.This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.To the east of the gateway,there are two tablets:the holy Mountain Tablet and the Tablet of Mountain Forbidden Regulations decreeing the entrance of the ordinary people into the holy area was to be severely punished. The royal court dispatched troops here to atand as guards at the mausoleum in the years.that is why the site has been called Xiaolingwei meaning the Town of Filial guard.Northwards from the great golden gate, a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion canbe seen ,it is the Square Castle, as local people call it . Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain. In the middle of the building ,there stands ans 8.78 meters high stele called :The Stele of Sacred Merits and Virtues of Great Ming’s Filial Tomb.It was built in 1413 by the third emperor ,Zhu yuanzhang ‘s fourth son.T he stele is inscribed altogether with 2746 Chinese characters in praise of the merits and virtues of Emperor Zhu yuanzhang .The sacred way is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kiinds. For each kind of the animals, there are one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting and they are on duty alternately. The real purpose of building these animals is to demonstrate the royal magnificence and the emperor’s dignity, to drive away evi l spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king ofthe beasts symbolizing power.The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bixie, a unicorn-shaped mythical animal, said to e clever and capale of distinguishing between good and evil.The following pairs of animals include camels, elepahants, Kylins or chinese unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant , which is the largest and heaviest sculpture, weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The kylin represents good luck as well as horse loyalty.In ancient times ,it was rather difficult to move these heavy stone animals. The fact is that workers splashed water on the ground in cold winter, and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the surface of frozen ice.Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as alters for the sacrificial offerings. Both the hexagonal pillars are carved with the patterns of clouds and dragons arousing visitors’sreverence and worship to the emperor . The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan , The first emperor of Eastern Wu kingdom. It is said that when the tomb was constructed,some ministers suggested that Sun Q uan’s tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb. The Plum Blossom hill now is popular excursion site for the local people in spring when the plum trees are in full blossom.Beyond the memorial pollars there are 4 pairs of stone WenZhongs,2 pairs each of court officials and warriors. Legend has it that therewas a giant about 10meters tall of Qin Dynasty.The warriors,3.26meters high, are in armor with weapons in hands while court officials are in court ceremonial robe with writing board in hans to take notes of the emperor’s edict.Behind the statue, there used to be a gate named Lingxing Gate.About 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream, yet it is called the Imperial Moat Bridge.The bridge used to have 5 arches , but was renovated into 3 arches later in the Qing Dynasty. The bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.About 200 meters north of the Imperial Moat Bridge is the front gate to the tomb. This area is the rear section of the tomb.The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors . The lintel of the middle gate is engraved with 3 Chinese characters Meaning ‘Xiaoling Tomb of Ming Dynasty’. Or “Ming’s Filial Tomb” given by the emperor himself but Ming was added actually later in the Qing timees. It reflects the emperor’s idea to administer the country with filial piety which is the very instruction of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher.At the right of the gate, there is a table stone on which is inscribed with ‘The Special Notice’ written in 6 foreign languages of Japanese,German, English, French, Italian and Russian respectivel to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late Qing years.Inside the gate is an entrance hall, of which in the middle is ‘the Stele of Administering the ountry well as the Tang and Song dynasties’. The tablet stone is engraved with the handw riting of Emperor Kangxi when he was paying his homage to the entombed emperorduring his third inspection tour to the area in 1699.Standing behind the hall is the Filial Hall or Sacrificial hall ,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang and his empress.But the original was destroyed in the wars, and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the Qing Dynasty.The citadel of Treasures is the last building on the ground,16.25meters high, 75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth. Ascendinga flight of 54 stone stairs from an archway of the citadel is the tomb proper covered by a large earthen mound 400 meters in diameter. Under the mound rest the emperor and his consorts , and as the records testify, 50 or more concubines and maids of honor were buried alive for company. Their families were ensured holy titles, but these young lives became the eternal victims of feudal sacrifice system.The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.Linggu TempleLinggu Temple park lies about one and half kilometers to the east of Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in ancient time and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynast(1368-1644),Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription “TheFist Buddhist Forest” at the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant , so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines”. It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing . Main attractions in the park include LInggu Temple , the gateway of officers and men killed in action, Beamless hall,Pine and Wind Pavilion, Linggu Pagoda, Monk Baogong Pagoda and Table of three Great Artists, etc.The first major attracton is the gate way of officials and men killed in action. In November 1928, when Chiang Kaishek’s Kuomintang government made a decision to turn the Linggu temple into a crmetery of officials and men killed in battles, the original entrance to the temple was rebuilt into a three-arch gateway for the dead officials and men. The gateway has 5 principle colums made of concrete cement. The gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue-glazed tile. The lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 Chinese characters “great Justice and Virtue” in front face and “Salvation of the Nation and People” on the back. The side lintels of the gate are decorated with the emblems of the Kmt party.Inside the park there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynast. The hall,53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood, hence the name. There are nine ouverlapping redges and three dagobas decorating the top reges. In terms of size, the Beamless Hall stands first and formost of its kind in china. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other same kind Hall in other ares.No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinesestone-brick buildings. The diffculty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architects of that time in china.In 1928, the KMT government turned the hall into a sacrificial memorial hall to hold memorial ceremony for the martyrs, and a stand in the main lobby of the hall for worshipping the Boundless Longevity Buddha was turned into sacrificial platform. The middle of the three tablets on the hall is engraved with characters reading “The Bier of the National Revolutionary Martys”.”Dying Words of the State father” inscribed on the right and national antem of the Republic of china on left.The names of 33000 officials and men died in the North Expedition War against Warlords and the War of Resistance against Japan are carved on the black marble tablets inlaid in the walls. All these remain intact as they were in the 1930s.An irregular and zigzag enclosure wall is built between the Beamless Hall and the Pine and Wind Pavilion, symbolizing the rim of KMT Blussky and Dayright Flag. A tree planted in the middle of a circle symbolizes the Sun with brick made halo around.No.1 cemetery is in between the two sacrificial pillars standing near the hall. The other two cemeteries locate on both west and east of the Beamless Hall.The whole design seems that the cemetery is under the bluesky and Daybright Flag.The Pine and Wind Pavilion was built in 1929, as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in the action with the things left behind by the martyrs.The pavilion was damaged in the war of Resistance against Japan and restored agter 1949. The present namePine and wind Pavilion was given after its restoration. Beyond the Pavilion is and ancient two-layered tripod , on which is inscribed 4 characters “Engraved Trepod for Memory of Merits”Linggu Pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officials and men killed in wars. The ninestoreyed ovtagonal, is over sixty-meter-high, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story. The pagoda was designed by the famous architects Mao Fei and Dong Dayou . 3 characters “Linggupagoda” are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a will there’s a way” on the lintel of the back door. On the exterior wall there are 4 characters “Faithful Dedication to the Service of the nation” which is the handwriting of Chiang Kaishek. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories. The inner walls from the second floor to the forth are inlaid with Dr.Sun’s farewell speech made in Whangpoa Military Academy on November 30,1924 just before the starting of the North Expedition War. The inner walls from fifth to the eighth are inlaid with Dr.Sun’s opening speech for Whangpoa Militray Academy made on June 16,1924. When one gets to the top story and gazes into the distance, one can get panoramic view of the entire area with fantastic scenery. In the bushes west of Pine and Pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda “Baogong Pagoda” named after the eminent Monk Baozhi of the southern Dynasties.The linggu Temple was relocated to the present site in the Ming dynasty and Linggu Buddhist Monastery by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. The present temple is much small than it used to be .In the temple thereis the Treasure Hll of the Great Sage. In the east of the hall , there is a chamber , which used to be called the Goddesso fo mercy Hall. But it is turned to bhe memorial hll of Master Xuan zang, who went on a pilgrimage to India in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of Buddhist sutras. Then he devoted to the translation of these sutras and greatly enriched the Chinese Buddhist culture in the Tang Dynasty.City wall of Ming DynastyThe building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who adopted the suggestion of “building the high wall” by one of his staff and founded the Ming Dynasty two years later.More than 200000 people were employed on the project and many of them died befor the wall was completed in 1386.The wall was 33.678 kilomters in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. The base of the wall is 14meters wide and the top of the wall is 7meters wide.It was the ongest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the world’s largest until the 17th century. Great part of the wall base is made of granite or rectangular slabs of lime stone,and both sides of the wall are laid with huge bricks. Each brick is 45 centimeters long, 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters thick with a weight of 15 kilograms. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick-makeers and the officials were responsible for overseeing thequality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished. Therefore many parts of the wall areHainan Island is world-famous for its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment, particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted peopleHainan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located at the southernmost end of the country. It consists several islands, the largest of which is also called Hainan (Hainan Dao). And when speaking of "Hainan" in Chinese, it is usually Hainan Island that is referred to. To emphasize the referent as a province, one says Hainan Sheng ("Hainan Province").HistoryHainan Island was called the Pearl Cliffs (珠崖), the Jade Cliffs (琼崖 qiong2 yai2), and the Qiong Prefecture (琼州 Qiongzhou), the latter two gave rise to the province's abbreviation, Qiong (琼 in Simplified Chinese).In Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms Period, Hainan was the Zhuyai Prefecture (珠崖郡).Hainan was one of the last areas of China controlled by the Chiang Kai-Shek's KMT. From March to May 1950, the Landing Operation on Hainan Island (海南岛登陆战役) captured the island for the Chinese communists.During the early 1990s, there was a major corruption scandal in Hainan.AdministrationHainan Province consists of:2 regional cities (地级市): Haikou and Sanya (三亚市)County-level:4 counties (县)7 county-level cities (县级市): Wanning1 office: the Office of West, South, and Central Sha Archipelagos (西、南、中沙群岛办事处) (the South China Sea Islands)6 nationality autonomous counties (民族自治县): all are for the Li, sometimes cohabited with the Miao5 municipal districts (市辖区)Subcounty-level:2000 townships (镇)97 regions (乡)2533 villages (村)Hainan was historically part of Guangdong Province, being as such, it was the Qionyai Circuit (琼崖道) in 1912 (the establishment of the Republic of China). In 1921, it was planned to became a Special Administrative Region (琼崖特别行政区), and in 1944 and became Hainan Special Administrative Region with 16 counties that contains the South China Sea Islands.On May 1, 1950 (under the PRC), the Special Administrative Region became an Administrative Region Office (海南行政区公署), a branch of the Guangdong provincial government. On October 1, 1984, it became the Hainan Administrative Region (海南行政区), with a People's Government, and finally as province separated from Guangdong four years later.GeographyHainan is the second largest island of China (after Taiwan). Qiongzhou Strait (琼州海峡) locates north of Hainan and separates it from the Leizhou Peninsula (雷州半岛) of Guangxi. To the west is the Gulf of Tonkin. Not just one island, Hainan also contains all 250 South China Sea Islands as a part of the official PRC territory. The containment of the South China Sea Islands makes Hainan Province have a very large water body, but disproportionally small land area. James Shoal (曾母暗沙 Zengmu Anshan), which is presently occupied by the PRC, signifies the country's southernmost border. But the Malaysians also claim it is on their continental shelf.EconomySince the 1980s, the Hainan province has been a special economic zone of China. The province has a reputation for being a "Wild West" area.DemographicsThere are 10,000 Buddhist Hainanese, and 6,500 Muslims. Because Hainanhad been a point in the travel route of missionaries, there has been ahigh number of Christians: 35,000 Protestants and 4100 Catholics.Like in most eastern provinces, there is around 80% Han Chinese. Most,if not all, of the 6500 Muslim Hainanese mentioned above are Hui Chinese.See also: Li ChineseCultureHainan opera (琼剧)TourismYalong Bay (牙龙湾), Sanya City, southern Hainan: 7-km beach.Miscellaneous topicsHainan is a sister province of Jeju island-province of South Korea.海南简介及各景点(英文版本)海南简介About HainanHistoryHainan was named Zhuya, Qiongzhou and Qiongya at various ancient times. In Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Hanwu (110 BC) started to set the Zhuya and Daner prefectures on the island. The administration was changed hereafter. In the end of Tang Dynasty, the Qiongzhoufu was establishes and commanded Qiong, Ya, Dan, Zhen, and Wanan, 5 states 22 counties. From Ming Dynasty (in 1370) to the end of Qing Dynasty, Qiongzhoufu was under the administration of Guangdong.In the Republic of China era, Hainan was still dominated by Guangdong Province. In April 1949 the Hainan special administrative region senior official government office was established, for vice-provincial level government. After May 1st, 1950 Hainan administration government office was created, still subordinated to Guangdong Province. In April 1988 Hainan provincial people''''s government was established with Haikou as its capital. The Hainan special economic zone was established at the same time.Location & TopographyAn island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by Qiongzhou strait, which includes Hainan, Xisha, Nansha, Zhongsha islands. It faces Viet Nam on the west, Hongkong and Taiwan on the east. Southeast is Philippines, south reaches to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. The geographical position is extremely superior. It covers 34,000 sq. meters. Land area 33,900 sq. km, sea area 2.1million sq. km. The total coastline is about 1,529 km.。

海南南湾猴岛英文导游词The friends, the Nanwan monkey island is a world only tropics islands monkey protectorate, it was located Lingshui County's most SouthEnd,the area had 1,000 hectares, on the island the mountain top rolling,the four seasons fruit and flowers fluttered the fragrance, was the monkey lives the multi plication place of ideal. In 1965 thecountry established " in here; Precious animal protectorate "Causes only to be left over 5 crowds of more than 100 only monkeysto develop present 29 crowds of more than 2,000 at that time,including 6 crowds of small monkeys and the tourist extremely isintimate with. Felt in the Nanwan monkey island people is the humanityand the monkey group, the happy atmosphere which harmoniously wastogether with the nature.The South African bay monkey island the monkey, the systematicname is called the macaque, belongs to the primate, its wool is brown,the face hole is red, but also steadily a pair 1 / 23of blue eye. Thesesmall monkeys are approximate to the humanity, extremely intelligent,is clever, in aspect and so on astronautics, medicine, origin of manhas the significant research value, on the monkey body MonkeyJujube(monkey is injured bleeds the after silt block) is the expensivedrugs. Every year in November to second year in February, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. It is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more America, monkey Wang Jiuyuelikes. The female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. Regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. After little ape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. The monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, 2 / 23the expression challenges to themonkey king. The monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. The victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. Works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.Was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.Between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. Therefore the female tourist did not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy. Every year in November to second year in February, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. It is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more America, monkey Wang Jiuyuelikes. The female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. Regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes 3 / 23on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. After little ape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. The monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. The monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. The victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. Works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.Was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.Between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. Therefore the female tourist did not put 4 / 23on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy. The person is small lives in the land, the young adultsstands in line the life in the fishing. Treats little while everybodyrides the Asian longest cross sea rope way time, may clearly see thatfamous marine village, the fish and shrimp jumps for joy, the peopleare very busy, a derivation machine abundant picture, in the sea levelalso has some boats, comes and goes, is shipping the person and thecargo, moves away trash. Also has some steamships, not willingly isdefending this blue color homeland, is must go to sea hits thefishing, a gate is 12 months. Steamship value more than 10.2 millionYuan, often are all family belongings, but the sea temperament also ismost is subject to changing moods, in order to implore safely, the eggfamily member ancestor's memorial tablet for in the cockpit, hangshawk's-bill turtle's lamella on the body, hopes Bon Voyage and to havethe good crop.Enters the Nanwan monkey island the matters needing attention(slightly) Piece:SouthMountain story: Plunges into thick of life a writer into SouthMountain,saw amother-in-law is gripping the short braid. The writer 5 / 23thought veryfreshly, goes forward to ask: " The mother-in-law, your suchgreat age also grips the short braid, did not fear others smile?" The mother-in-law said that, " My age is big?I also70.The short braid is my mother combs to me. " The writer askedthat, " Your mother? " " My mother climbed mountainsdelivers me grandfather to deliver the food to go to " "Your grandfather does on the mountain? " " Grazes sheep!" According to some old people spoke Hainan coldly is 1976 winter, thelowest temperature was 6 (emphasis is in zero 6), the result has diedsome old people and the farm cattle, it is said some ponds fish alsoturned white, the tourist said regarding us north, this temperaturesimply was not the life limit, but actually let the Hainan Islandchaotic square inch, said really was lets the person be funny. The Hainan people are sensitive to cold but are not sensitive to heat,but our tourist actually is hot awfully, after has come all makes twomatters: Escapes clothes, the disgrace. Antithetical couplet: Theprosperous war beautiful woman, Sanya unfortunately loss of chasties.HorizontalThrows over Not empty This line. Hainan although our country hottest place, butactually produces the 6 / 23coolest thing, this kind of phenomenon isextremely strange, the similarly coldest place actually produces themost thermal property thing, likes the coldest northeastthreeconveniently to produce the ginseng, the marten skin, shouts pullsgrass these thermal property product, the hottest Hainan actuallyproduces the coolest thing: Pearl, quartz and hawk's-bill turtle. Thisalso is possibly " which the ancient said; Thing extremely Must instead "Reason.Moreover must remind everybody to come Hainan certainly to have todrink water, specially takes a walk in the scenic area, guards againstthe heat-stroke.The coconut tree is much longer tall and straight, the posture isexquisite, is Hainan's symbol, under answers the third question: Whycan the coconut tree incline to the sea? Very simple, that is becausecoconut tree's growth needs the salty share, some experienced farmersin plant the coconut tree seedling time can put 12 catties salts inthe pit, increases the nutrition for it.How does the coconut tree is come? The Li national minority peoplesaid that was they ancient times the leader jumps over the king tochange, jumps over the king to lead this clansman 7 / 23to revolt againstthe external aggression, but was unfortunate has been killed,afterwards his stature grew into the high coconut tree, the head growsinto the coconut tree, forever was gazing at the hometown. But thefable turns over to the fable, the coconut tree true origin is comesfrom to the Malay Archipelago. Malay Archipelago coconut tree "Splash " Falls the sea, fluttered along with the wave flutters,flutters Hainan Island, then took root in here, has formed abiglandscape. Depends on the wave to disseminate the seed, this is thecoconut treewalks arm in arm the sea second reason.The coconut tree to Hainan is very the unreasoning passion, it only inHainan result, a Qiongzhou haixia not result, therefore the GuangdongGuangxi only sees the coconut tree not to see the coconut tree.Hainan's coconut tree extremelyindustrious, throughout the yearThe flower opens The flower falls, fruit unceasing, does not stop for the humanity offers,our soldiersLacks the medicine Few medicines in the war age, uses the coconut tree waterto replace the grape syrup to hit the intravenous, has revived manypeople, could not think the coconut tree revolutionized for China hasalso stood one *, 8 / 23really was lovable also is respectable! Not onlythat, the coconut tree whole body all is valuable, the people its leafforming hat and the mat, the bough make the furniture, the flower andthe root do for the raw material for medicine, the fruit make food,the drink and the delicacy delicacies,unexpectedly has 360 accordingto some person of incomplete statisticses coconut tree's use manykinds of, really is does one's best, after dies but already!As the longevity island, Hainan must attract massive " every year;Setting sun red " The tourist group comes here leisure vacation,not only that many people also settled down in here, spend 5-6 tenthousand dollars to be able to buy a set of 60-70 square metercommodity apartment, the old couple live, have sufficed, thearthritis, the asthma also has not had, many! The modern peopleexcept eat to the full put on warmly, to the environment, the qualityof life is more and more is fastidious. Hainan Island air fresh,environment exquisite, for example Sanya, in the air oxygen isBeijing's 8 times, its environment quality is only inferior in theworld to Cuba's Havana, places second, is quite good. Came Hainan towant the deep breathing, did not have to waste oh.9 / 23Compares Hainan with the mainland the environment is together the pureland, this is because Hainan nearly does not have the industry,constructs the province former Hainan industry to limit to " Twowhite two black " : The white sugar, the sea salt, the iron ore,the rubber, after construct the province vigorously to develop thesuperiority industry: Agriculture, marine products industry andtourism. Here climate warm, sea water limpid, produces each kind ofvegetables fruits and melons, the delicacy seafood are all worldfamous, many marine products are called the green aquatic product, hasobtained American and the European state market enters the card,continuously enters the various countries' market. Hainan's tourismdid not need to say much, all was full of praise including theoverseas traveling experts, said two could not think: " Could notthink Hainan has the such good traveling resources, west could notthink the island has the such advanced amusement facility! "Always mentioning, no matter the agriculture, the marine productsindustry, howthe tourism do develop again, because the industrycannot come up, Hainan's economic potentiality and other 10 / 23provincecompare or appears weakly, some people said is in the name easternpart, in fact west. The national minority area economy also quite isspecially backward, the child is out of school, the teacher cannotattain the wages the phenomenon also frequently to appear, at presentthis province vigorously develops the tourism, also is the hopegradually leads the national minority economy through the tourism thedevelopment. Who is called Hainan " India Peaceful " Person? The Chinese,Lebanon, the seedling, return? That is Li national minority, Linational minority is the indigenous inhabitant, other all is external.Which emperor most early conquers Hainan? A, B, C? That is Martialemperor of Han dynasty. Martial emperor of Han dynasty sends himGeneral road Border to attack Hainan, 110 B.C., General Lu Da hasdefeated the Li national minority person, adds the code Canada tilefor China's domain. After on the island he has established twocounty: The bead cliff, the ear, the so-called bead cliff isrefers to nearby the sea on to produce the bead treasure. The earmeaning unclear, some people said is the ear is big.From then on, unceasingly some person of immigrants Hainan. Themerchant which has which is exiled the size official, has 11 / 23doesbusiness, has refugee which flees from calamity. Li Bai said on aSuchuan difficult difficulty with blue sky, but ancient time leads toHainan Island Lu Bishu also to want on to be difficult several hundredtimes. Luck good loses half life, luck poor family members dies on theroad, the ancient sighs: As soon as goes to 10,000 miles, thousandthousand not also, the cliff state in where, lives a Guimenguan! Themerchant flushes the rare treasures to come, also has settles downdown, because in the merchant the Fujian person quite are many,therefore the Hainan speech also belongs to the Minnan dialect.Butinteresting is, the Hainan person study Fujian speech is easy, but theFujian person study Hainan speech actually compared to ascends toheaven also difficultly. The Hui tribe also is migrates from outside, had more than 800 yearshistory according to now, mainly comes from to Arabic, Vietnam'sMuslim religion, in order to do business and avoids the chaos causedby war. But the Miao nationalitycompatriots are Ming Dynastygovernments in order to consolidate Hainan the border defense,assembles the seedling soldier from Guangxi to be stationed in here,result this lived has lived in 4500 the time.12 / 23The friends, Hainan Island and Tibet, Xinjiang equally all are fromthe ancient capital is the national minority area, also is themotherland border area, has noisily is independent? Why? The mainisland national unity, politics are stable, this turns over to * to aSouthern and Northern Dynasties time heroine ——Madame Xian. MadameXian 15 years old inherits the father industry to become the chief, isleading海南省英语导游词中英文版The Site of Bo Ao Forum for Asia(博鳌亚洲论坛会址)Hello everyone! Welcome to Hainan province .I'm your tour guide , my name is Cherry. I'm so glad to stand here , today ,I will take you to a water city which named Boao.Boao is a small town that located at the east of qionghai of Hainan province .It is 110 kilometers from Haikou .Of cause ,the symbol of the town is the site of Boao forum for Asia .So somebody will ask me ,why this small town was chosen by world leaders as the permanent site for Asian. From geography angle to see, the town is at the mouth of Wanquan river, it has the most beautiful scenery together with Long gun river and Jiuqu river .In Chinese traditional concept, it means on the top of the beautiful scenery, it could take a lot of good luck 13 / 23to China .On April 12th, 20xx.the first session was held in Boao, 20xx representatives and journalist took into the meeting. Since that time, Boao became the focus of Asia and the world .As scenic spot, Boao is famous for its Jade Belt Beach ,the beach is8.5kilometers long and the narrowest sand peninsula to separate the sea and river ,it also be listed in the Guinness World Record. Please look the beach over there, on one side is the smooth river, but on the other side are the vast waves of the sea. The beautiful scenery attract a lot of tourists every year, so do not forget to bring it to your memory .If you want to take photos , I will help you !thank you !大家好!欢迎来到海南省,我是你的导游,我的名字是樱桃。

( 英文导游词)姓名:____________________单位:____________________日期:____________________编号:YB-BH-028116南湾猴岛英文导游词English tour guide to Monkey Island, South Bay南湾猴岛英文导游词南湾猴岛位于海南省陵水县南约14公里处的南湾半岛,它依山傍水,三面环海,形状狭长,总面积约10.2平方公里,大小12个山头连绵起伏。
南湾猴岛英文导游词范文1:South bay monkey island, my friends, is the world's only a tropical island macaque reserve, it is located in the southernmost tip of LingShui County, what is the area of 1000 hectares, mountains rolling on the island, four seasons flower fragrance, is an ideal place to monkey breeding. In 1965 countries to establish "precious animal sanctuary," here was only 5 group of more than 100 rhesus monkeys to 29 group of more than 20xx, now there are 6 group of monkeys and very close to visitors. Monkey island in the south bay, people felt was humans and monkeys, the good atmosphere of harmony with nature.South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white thannatural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights".LingShui County nanwan monkey island is located in the hainan province south of about 14 km south bay peninsula, it hills on three sides, the shape is long and narrow, with a total area of about 10.2 square kilometers, size 12 mountains rolling. Mountain caves countless, rock climb. South bay monkey island on a wide variety of plant and animal species, the forest coverage rate was 95%, and the ecological resource is very rich. Growth of the thick forest and scrub forest jungle island, four seasons flower fragrance, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Life on the island with nearly 20xx lively monkeys, belongs to the national second class protected animals. South bay monkey island is our country is the world's only tropical islands macaques nature reserve. Monkey island bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "egg's folk customs" landscape series, bustling fishing port into a line. Take a cable car at sea is empty, you can attach overlooking the harbor thousand sails to compete sends, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze is considerable white clouds blue sky ornament, can be beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.Into the monkey island scenic spot, can see all kinds of plants withstrewn at random have send, show originality, visitors as if place oneself in the green world, a sea of flowers, naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, flutters ZongYue, chasing a fight between the branches, if no one to play, the tourists in the scenic spot under the guidance of the staff and they play happily, and into the monkey in the pleasure of atmosphere to: rhesus monkeys play beside the water flowing waterfall, they are jumping up and down, or face each other, or vine climbing ladder, or jump empty pounced on the surface of the water. "Bath st pool" is the water park macaque monkeys, in domesticated division, under the command of the monkey or scuba diving, swimming, or platform diving, show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. Full of art and fun monkey monkey acrobatics, hospitable macaques guard of honor marched yingbin, creative original ecological building... All visitors linger.南湾猴岛英文导游词范文2:South bay monkey island is the world's only a tropical island macaque reserve, it is located in the southernmost tip of LingShui County, what is the area of 1000 hectares, mountains rolling on the island, four seasons flower fragrance, is an ideal place to monkey breeding. In 1965 countries to establish "precious animal sanctuary," here was only 5 group of more than 100 rhesus monkeys to 29 group of more than 20xx, now there are 6 group of monkeys and very close to visitors. Monkey island inthe south bay, people felt was humans and monkeys, the good atmosphere of harmony with nature. South Africa's bay monkey island macaque monkeys, scientific name called rhesus monkeys, belong to the primates, its hair is brown, face is red, also has a pair of blue eyes. The little monkey is akin to the human, is very clever, clever, in the aerospace, medical, is of great research value, human origins, etc of macaques bezoar from monkey (the monkey bleeding after blockages) is expensive medicines. November to February each year, is the mother monkey estrus, the rutting mother monkey face special red.Said to the monkey's aesthetic standards and the people are different, face more red is more beautiful, the monkey is more like it. Mother monkey is generally an annual output of one or three annual output of two. For his own little monkey, mother monkey very much love, not in her arms, is to carry on their backs, lest hurt little monkey, this great maternal love you yourself to look at on the island. Grow after two years of age when little monkey, small monkey will leave his mother, to lead a wandering life, until it grows to the age of seven or eight mature, become a standard of man, will challenge each group of Monkey King. Monkey King is the symbol of power up high in the tail, and other male monkeys, if be cocky, challenge the Monkey King. The monkey is very bitter fight over, often bloody pieces, was black and blue all over, sheer strength. Losers are always, or wiped out or came in second. When theMonkey King is good, one is to eat good drink good, 2 it is this group of adult female monkey is his wife. As an ancient emperor, sannomiya six homes.Mother monkey between mutual jealousness borne, also a popular become a Monkey King love princess, not a popular mother monkey sometimes secretly run out on a date. So the female tourists also don't wear too beautiful, PiGongGuaLu let mother monkeys jealousy. The people here when children living in the land, young adults living in the fish raft. Later everyone on Asia's longest sea-crossing cableway, can clearly see the village, the famous sea fish and shrimp, people are busy, a vibrant spectacle, there are some boats in the sea and, transport people and goods, carry away the rubbish. There are some ship, to keep the blue home, is to want to sea fishing, go out is a month or two. A ship is worth more than 10 20xx00 yuan, is often all the belongings, the temper of the sea is the most temperamental, in order to pray for peace, family ancestral memorial tablet for egg in the cockpit, hawksbill scales on the body, look forward to a pleasant journey and have a good harvest.南湾猴岛英文导游词范文3:South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fishraft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights". South bay monkey island scenic area of about 9 square kilometers, 14 km long, at its widest point is only 1 km, an average elevation of 150 meters. There are three natural villages on the island, more than 3000 people and 500 acres of farmland. Monkey island surrounded by sea on three sides,, white with a green hill near. Climb on the island, like a fat iron cast anchor into the depths of the south China sea, surrounded by beautiful white sands is like a red clusters cui picture as attractive.Monkey monkey island view bay to the south, the endless joy. The monkey on the island, there are several group have been domesticated. Could you take a photo for them, and they had a group photo taken. Monkey best moment is feeding management personnel, whistle, whistle rang full mountain tree shakes grass, macaques have some any, some series of cavort in the tree swing, blink and assembled, side for eat, side play chirp goo goo, diversity. If not at feeding time island it doesn't matter, as long as you buy a bag or two before the view HouYuan catsup food, such as monkeys and would be happy to make friends with you, will be more than the enthusiasm and initiative to accept your respect. You should be aware of is the monkey monkey sun don't like cheating. If you want to "their monkey", only bright food and don't feed it to eat, or see fisting LiangKai is empty palms, then, the monkey will be to you, pyrazole tooth mouth shouted, or quickly came to you, will give you asurprise. Visitors can enjoy the screaming monkey art sketch, full of spiritual circus performance, can also take picture with monkeys, intimate contact, don't have a taste, aerial cable car is convenient the visitors into the island, think visitors provides a new perspective of hainan breeze chaton. South bay monkey island reception facilities are also constantly improving, the new environmental protection battery car, after the renovation of ships to match the cable car, visitors in and out of the island is very convenient, south bay monkey island has become an important part of hainan tourism market products.On the monkey island has a monkey protection zones, and clean and attractive beaches, tall coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs, known as "maritime market" fish raft amorous feelings, ancient lingshui, one of the eight sights "tung building the fishing", etc.; Visitors can take the longest of the cableway throughout the island, enjoy the beauty of the lovely fairy island between the blue sky and magic.Monkey island scenic place all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality; Naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, the branches flutters ZongYue, chasing fight, play like no one's watching. SAN pool "bath" is the monkey's water park, the domestication division, under the command of the macaques, diving, swimming, or top divers show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of goodwater. The hilarious monkey monkey acrobatics art sketch and full of fun, the hospitable macaques honor guard parade greeter, creative original ecological architecture all visitors linger.Bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "house of huangshao folk customs" landscape series, noisy fishing port into a line. Take the cable car on the sea is empty, can thousand sails to compete sends overlooking the harbor, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze, but beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, large white clouds blue sky ornament, visible skyline in the harmony, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.可以在这输入你的名字You Can Enter Your Name Here.。

博鳌: Boao Forum for Asia is a nonprofit, non-governmental, international, organization ,Conference provides a high-level platform for communication between government and business circle.Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council had attended the Conference 2009 in Boao of Hainan Province and deliver a speech.through these forum , hainan becomes the focus of international attention.also increase his popularity .More and more foreign tourists come here.海上观音: The Kwan-yin on the water covenred with gold wholly and with a height of 108 meters,Statue of Liberty is 93 meters tall, 观音is 15 meters taller than Statue of Liberty,so it is the biggest figure in stone in the world. The world largest Buddha statue has been a symbol of peace ,Wisdom and Compassion in China.猴岛:monkeys have different feeling of beauty,monkey king like female monkey who has red face,monkey love their children very much,they often hold their little monkey in arms.monkey is clever and tricky ,if you bring food,once they see it,they will rob your food.but if you keep your hands in plain sight,they will go away . So we often say "as tricky as a monkey"天涯海角: If you've never been to sanya / Ultima Thule ,it means you never been to hannan./sanya ultima thule is a famous scenic['si:nik, ] spot in hainan island. At this point ,tourists seem to have reached the end of heaven and earth.here are clear water ,blue sky,coconut whirling and rocks everywhere.blue water as clear as mirror,and soft sand as white as silver. There are many big stones ,also they have manyfantastical stories love square is also very famous,every year many celebrity ( si'lebrəti] hold their wedding ceremony here.Do you remember a song "请到天涯海角来"many people dream of coming here because of this song,三亚:Sanya is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter.Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China导游考试英文导游词Good morning ! My name is Can I begain?Attention,dies and gentlement .Welcome to beautiful city ,Nanjing ,I am the guide xuyi .Today, we are going to visit *****. On the way to ****,let me introduce the beautiful city ,Nanjing .Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center ,she is located in the lowerreaches of Yangtze river,southwest of the province.The population of its urban area is about 3million.Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She bears the reputation of the capital of Wu, Easter Jin, Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of china subsequently.Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultrual heritage.The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultrual heritages.With many a relics of the Republic of china era in particluar , Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history.DR.SUN YATSEN’S MAUSOLEUMAmong al the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing, the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yaten’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the pruple Mountain in the eatern subrub of the city. The construction began on March 12,1926 and was completed in 1929 when the remains of Dr.Sun Yatsen was transported from Beijing and buried at the present site on June,1.Dr.Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution.Dr.Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 yeas of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build a progressive, united and democratic Republic of china.Why was Dr.Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing instead of in his hometown or Beijing where he died?The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr.Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen.One day in April, 1912, he went hunting at the site of present mausoleum with his friends.Dr.Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he aid to them :”I wish I could be bestowed a piece of land by people and be buried here after my death”.He once again expressed this desire in his sickbed in 1925.The architect named Lu Yanzhi .Dr.Sun Yasen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented. The park of mausoleum covers an area of 800000 square meters. The whole architecture ,from the gateway to the main entrance,tablet pavilion ,memorial hall and the tomb valult,lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps ans 10 platforms in between .The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbls and convered by blue glazed-title roofs.Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the quare, stands the 12-meter high gateway of three arches with Dr.Sun Yatsen’s handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top. The 480-meter long tomb avenue, lined wih pine ,gingko and maple trees ,leads to the main entrance tower roofed by blue-glazed tile.Under the front eave of the tower, Dr.Sun Yatsen’s motto ‘The world belongs to people ‘ can be seen .Walking through it , the first building one will seee is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone which is engraved with ‘Premier Dr.Sun is buried here by the Chinese Koumingtang on Jone1,1929’. From there, a panoramic view of the memorial hall can be obtained. However, there are still 392 steps in 4flight to go before tourists reach the memorial hall on the top , and a platform with stone benches at evry flight so as not to exhaust the climbers.The memorial hall stands 73.33 meters abov the ground. The lintel of the memorial hall is inscried with “nationalism, democratic rights and people’s livelihood”and a vertical plaque is carved with 4 characters “Hao qi chang cun ”meaning imperishable noble spirit. All these words are written in Dr.Sun’s own hand. In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr.Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved in bas-relief by a Polish sculptor about his revolutionary activities. The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr.Sun Yatsen. Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault .Standing by the side of the pool, as visitors look down, they bow to see Dr.Sun Yatsen’s reclining marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath. If one looks up, he will find the emblem of the nationalist Party on the ceiling.When one wraps up the homage tour and steps down, he will not only enjoy a bird’s eyeview of beautiful Nanjing , but also feel toally reliveed because he does not see any more of those 392 steps , but the platforms. Not until then, will he understand how great Dr.Sun Yatsen is.The whole mausoleum is an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style, and the layout is harmonious and rational.All the buildings are roofed with blue-glazed tiles. With pine trees and cypresses growing around ,the mausoleum looks magnificent and dignified.Dr.Sun’s Mausoleum attracts thousandsof visitors everyday.XiaoLing Tomb of The Ming DynastyXiaoling Tomb,or the tomb of filial piety, built 600 years ago ,is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuan zhang , the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife Empress Ma died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383.But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.But the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more till 1431 when ‘the Steke if Sacred Neruts abd Virtues of Great Ming’ Filial Tomb’ was erected.The mausoleum consists of two major sections.The first section is from the Gateway of Dismounting Horse to the Lingxing Gate at the end of Sacred Way(tomb avenue), of which the approach is 1800 meters long. The second part is the tomb itself. Historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb conple was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised in the park of mausoleum. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the war in which by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures wre destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.The tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall. The gateway of Dismounting Horse locates about 750 meters south from here.This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.To the east of the gateway,there are two tablets:the holy Mountain Tablet and the Tablet of Mountain Forbidden Regulations decreeing the entrance of the ordinary people into the holy area was to be severely punished. The royal court dispatched troops here to atand as guards at the mausoleum in the years.that is why the site has been called Xiaolingwei meaning the Town of Filial guard.Northwards from the great golden gate, a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion canbe seen ,it is the Square Castle, as local people call it . Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain. In the middle of the building ,there stands ans 8.78 meters high stele called :The Stele of Sacred Merits and Virtues of Great Ming’s Filial Tomb.It was built in 1413 by the third emperor ,Zhu yuanzhang ‘s fourth son.The stele is inscribed altogether with 2746 Chinese characters in praise of the merits and virtues of Emperor Zhu yuanzhang .The sacred way is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kiinds. For each kind of the animals, there are one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting and they are on duty alternately. The real purpose of building these animals is to demonstrate the royal magnificence and the emperor’s dignity, to drive away evil spiritsand guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beasts symbolizing power.The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bixie, a unicorn-shaped mythical animal, said to e clever and capale of distinguishing between good and evil.The following pairs of animals include camels, elepahants, Kylins or chinese unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant , which is the largest and heaviest sculpture, weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The kylin represents good luck as well as horse loyalty.In ancient times ,it was rather difficult to move these heavy stone animals. The fact is that workers splashed water on the ground in cold winter, and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the surface of frozen ice.Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as alters for the sacrificial offerings. Both the hexagonal pillars are carved with the patterns of clouds and dragons arousing visitors’sreverence and worship to the emperor . The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan , The first emperor of Eastern Wu kingdom. It is said that when the tomb was constructed,some ministers suggested that Sun Quan’s tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb. The Plum Blossom hill now is popular excursion site for the local people in spring when the plum trees are in full blossom.Beyond the memorial pollars there are 4 pairs of stone WenZhongs,2pairs each of court officials and warriors. Legend has it that there was a giant about 10meters tall of Qin Dynasty.The warriors,3.26meters high, are in armor with weapons in hands while court officials are in court ceremonial robe with writing board in hans to take notes of the emperor’s edict.Behind the statue, there used to be a gate named Lingxing Gate.About 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream, yet it is called the Imperial Moat Bridge.The bridge used to have 5 arches , but was renovated into 3 arches later in the Qing Dynasty. The bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.About 200 meters north of the Imperial Moat Bridge is the front gate to the tomb. This area is the rear section of the tomb.The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors . The lintel of the middle gate is engraved with 3 Chinese characters Meaning ‘Xiaoling Tomb of Ming Dynasty’. Or “Ming’s Filial Tomb”given by the emperor himself but Ming was added actually later in the Qing timees. It reflects the emperor’s idea to administer the country with filial piety which is the very instruction of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher.At the right of the gate, there is a table stone on which is inscribed with ‘The Special Notice’written in 6 foreign languages of Japanese,German, English, French, Italian and Russian respectivel to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late Qing years.Inside the gate is an entrance hall, of which in the middle is ‘the Stele of Administering the ountry well as the Tang and Song dynasties’. The tablet stone is engraved with the handwriting ofEmperor Kangxi when he was paying his homage to the entombed emperor during his third inspection tour to the area in 1699. Standing behind the hall is the Filial Hall or Sacrificial hall ,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang and his empress.But the original was destroyed in the wars, and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the Qing Dynasty.The citadel of Treasures is the last building on the ground,16.25meters high, 75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth. Ascendinga flight of 54 stone stairs from an archway of the citadel is the tomb proper covered by a large earthen mound 400 meters in diameter. Under the mound rest the emperor and his consorts , and as the records testify, 50 or more concubines and maids of honor were buried alive for company. Their families were ensured holy titles, but these young lives became the eternal victims of feudal sacrifice system.The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.Linggu TempleLinggu Temple park lies about one and half kilometers to the east of Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in ancient time and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynast(1368-1644),Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang chose that place tobuild his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription “The Fist Buddhist Forest”at the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant , so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines”. It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing . Main attractions in the park include LInggu Temple , the gateway of officers and men killed in action, Beamless hall,Pine and Wind Pavilion, Linggu Pagoda, Monk Baogong Pagoda and Table of three Great Artists, etc.The first major attracton is the gate way of officials and men killed in action. In November 1928, when Chiang Kaishek’s Kuomintang government made a decision to turn the Linggu temple into a crmetery of officials and men killed in battles, the original entrance to the temple was rebuilt into a three-arch gateway for the dead officials and men. The gateway has 5 principle colums made of concrete cement. The gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue-glazed tile. The lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 Chinese characters “great Justice and Virtue”in front face and “Salvation of the Nation and People” on the back. The side lintels of the gate are decorated with the emblems of the Kmt party.Inside the park there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynast. The hall,53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood, hence the name. There are nine ouverlapping redges and three dagobas decorating the top reges. Interms of size, the Beamless Hall stands first and formost of its kind in china. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other same kind Hall in other ares.No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The diffculty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architects of that time in china.In 1928, the KMT government turned the hall into a sacrificial memorial hall to hold memorial ceremony for the martyrs, and a stand in the main lobby of the hall for worshipping the Boundless Longevity Buddha was turned into sacrificial platform. The middle of the three tablets on the hall is engraved with characters reading “The Bier of the National Revolutionary Martys”.”Dying Words of the State father”inscribed on the right and national antem of the Republic of china on left.The names of 33000 officials and men died in the North Expedition War against Warlords and the War of Resistance against Japan are carved on the black marble tablets inlaid in the walls. All these remain intact as they were in the 1930s.An irregular and zigzag enclosure wall is built between the Beamless Hall and the Pine and Wind Pavilion, symbolizing the rim of KMT Blussky and Dayright Flag. A tree planted in the middle of a circle symbolizes the Sun with brick made halo around.No.1 cemetery is in between the two sacrificial pillars standing near the hall. The other two cemeteries locate on both west and east of the Beamless Hall.The whole design seems that the cemetery is under the bluesky and Daybright Flag.The Pine and Wind Pavilion was built in 1929, as the memorial hall ofthe officials and men killed in the action with the things left behind by the martyrs.The pavilion was damaged in the war of Resistance against Japan and restored agter 1949. The present name Pine and wind Pavilion was given after its restoration. Beyond the Pavilion is and ancient two-layered tripod , on which is inscribed 4 characters “Engraved Trepod for Memory of Merits”Linggu Pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officials and men killed in wars. The ninestoreyed ovtagonal, is over sixty-meter-high, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story. The pagoda was designed by the famous architects Mao Fei and Dong Dayou . 3 characters “Linggupagoda” are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a will there’s a way” on the lintel of the back door. On the exterior wall there are 4 characters “Faithful Dedication to the Service of the nation”which is the handwriting of Chiang Kaishek. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories. The inner walls from the second floor to the forth are inlaid with Dr.Sun’s farewell speech made in Whangpoa Military Academy on November 30,1924 just before the starting of the North Expedition War. The inner walls from fifth to the eighth are inlaid with Dr.Sun’s opening speech for Whangpoa Militray Academy made on June 16,1924. When one gets to the top story and gazes into the distance, one can get panoramic view of the entire area with fantastic scenery.In the bushes west of Pine and Pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda “Baogong Pagoda”named after the eminent Monk Baozhi of the southern Dynasties.The linggu Temple was relocated to the present site in the Ming dynasty and Linggu Buddhist Monastery by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. The present temple is much small than it used to be .In the temple there is the Treasure Hll of the Great Sage. In the east of the hall , there is a chamber , which used to be called the Goddesso fo mercy Hall. But it is turned to bhe memorial hll of Master Xuan zang, who went on a pilgrimage to India in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of Buddhist sutras. Then he devoted to the translation of these sutras and greatly enriched the Chinese Buddhist culture in the Tang Dynasty.City wall of Ming DynastyThe building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who adopted the suggestion of “building the high wall” by one of his staff and founded the Ming Dynasty two years later.More than 200000 people were employed on the project and many of them died befor the wall was completed in 1386.The wall was 33.678 kilomters in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. The base of the wall is 14meters wide and the top of the wall is 7meters wide.It was the ongest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the world’s largest until the 17th century. Great part of the wall base is made of granite or rectangular slabs of lime stone,and both sides of the wall are laid with huge bricks. Each brick is 45 centimeters long, 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters thick with a weight of 15 kilograms. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinousrice gruel. In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick-makeers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished. Therefore many parts of the wall areHainan Island is world-famous for its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment, particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted peopleHainan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located at the southernmost end of the country. It consists several islands, the largest of which is also called Hainan (Hainan Dao). And when speaking of "Hainan" in Chinese, it is usually Hainan Island that is referred to. To emphasize the referent as a province, one says Hainan Sheng ("Hainan Province").HistoryHainan Island was called the Pearl Cliffs (珠崖), the Jade Cliffs (琼崖qiong2 yai2), and the Qiong Prefecture (琼州Qiongzhou), the latter two gave rise to the province's abbreviation, Qiong (琼in Simplified Chinese).In Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms Period, Hainan was the Zhuyai Prefecture (珠崖郡).Hainan was one of the last areas of China controlled by the Chiang Kai-Shek's KMT. From March to May 1950, the Landing Operation on Hainan Island (海南岛登陆战役) captured the island for the Chinese communists.During the early 1990s, there was a major corruption scandal in Hainan.AdministrationHainan Province consists of:2 regional cities (地级市): Haikou and Sanya (三亚市)County-level:4 counties (县)7 county-level cities (县级市): Wanning1 office: the Office of West, South, and Central Sha Archipelagos (西、南、中沙群岛办事处) (the South China Sea Islands)6 nationality autonomous counties (民族自治县): all are for the Li, sometimes cohabited with the Miao5 municipal districts (市辖区)Subcounty-level:2000 townships (镇)97 regions (乡)2533 villages (村)Hainan was historically part of Guangdong Province, being as such, it was the Qionyai Circuit (琼崖道) in 1912 (the establishment of the Republic of China). In 1921, it was planned to became a Special Administrative Region (琼崖特别行政区), and in 1944 and became Hainan Special Administrative Region with 16 counties that contains the South China Sea Islands.On May 1, 1950 (under the PRC), the Special Administrative Region became an Administrative Region Office (海南行政区公署), a branch of the Guangdong provincial government. On October 1, 1984, it became the Hainan Administrative Region (海南行政区), with a People's Government, and finally as province separated from Guangdong four years later.GeographyHainan is the second largest island of China (after Taiwan). Qiongzhou Strait (琼州海峡) locates north of Hainan and separates it from the Leizhou Peninsula (雷州半岛) of Guangxi. To the west is the Gulf of Tonkin.Not just one island, Hainan also contains all 250 South China Sea Islands as a part of the official PRC territory. The containment of the South China Sea Islands makes Hainan Province have a very large water body, but disproportionally small land area. James Shoal (曾母暗沙Zengmu Anshan), which is presently occupied by the PRC, signifies the country's southernmost border. But the Malaysians also claim it is on their continental shelf.EconomySince the 1980s, the Hainan province has been a special economic zone of China. The province has a reputation for being a "Wild West" area.DemographicsThere are 10,000 Buddhist Hainanese, and 6,500 Muslims. Because Hainanhad been a point in the travel route of missionaries, there has been a highnumber of Christians: 35,000 Protestants and 4100 Catholics.Like in most eastern provinces, there is around 80% Han Chinese. Most, if notall, of the 6500 Muslim Hainanese mentioned above are Hui Chinese.See also: Li ChineseCultureHainan opera (琼剧)TourismYalong Bay (牙龙湾), Sanya City, southern Hainan: 7-km beach.Miscellaneous topicsHainan is a sister province of Jeju island-province of South Korea.海南简介及各景点(英文版本)海南简介About HainanHistoryHainan was named Zhuya, Qiongzhou and Qiongya at various ancient times. In Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Hanwu (110 BC) started to set the Zhuya and Daner prefectures on the island. The administration was changed hereafter. In the end of Tang Dynasty, the Qiongzhoufu was establishes and commanded Qiong, Ya, Dan, Zhen, and Wanan, 5 states 22 counties. From Ming Dynasty (in 1370) to the end of Qing Dynasty, Qiongzhoufu was under the administration of Guangdong.In the Republic of China era, Hainan was still dominated by Guangdong Province. In April 1949 the Hainan special administrative region senior official government office was established, for vice-provincial level government. After May 1st, 1950 Hainan administration government office was created, still subordinated to Guangdong Province. In April 1988 Hainan provincial people''''s government was established with Haikou as its capital. The Hainan special economic zone was established at the same time.Location & TopographyAn island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by Qiongzhou strait, which includes Hainan, Xisha, Nansha, Zhongsha islands. It faces Viet Nam on the west, Hongkong and Taiwan on the east. Southeast is Philippines, south reaches to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. The geographical position is extremely superior. It covers 34,000 sq. meters. Land area 33,900 sq. km, sea area 2.1million sq. km. The total coastline is about 1,529 km.。
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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==huodao篇一:南湾猴岛英文南湾猴岛英文Nan wan Monkey IslandNan-wan Monkey Island is the only macaque nature reserve and a unique ecological monkey island in China .The reserve was established in 1968.Scientifically ,the monkeys in this reserve are classified as the macaques or the Barbary Epes .Monkey is a common term for any of its 160speciesof primates that have grasping hands ,forward-facing eyes ,andhighly-developed brain.You know most monkeys also have tails ,a characteristic that distinguishes them from their larger primate cousins ,that apes .Monkeys are highly skilled climbers ,and most spend much of their lives in trees .The macaque is nativeto Morocco and northern Algeria .It is found in the middle and higher elevation forests,scrublands,and cliff areas .The macaque usually grows to a size of 11 to 15 kg.It eats roots ,leaves ,bark,fruit and even the small animal without a backbone .The macaque belongs to the endangered animals .For years measures have been taken to protect the macaque .Now there are more than201X(about 2500)macaques living in the reserve ,where the temperature is warm,the forest produces a year-round supply of food for the macaque ,and the macaque enjoy the favorable living conditionsAs we know ,like all primate such as the human being and the ape ,the macaques demonstrate great intelligence .You'll watch the performances by them .Here I'd like to make a warning :When we are in the reserve ,be careful with the monkeys .Don't tease them .Don't walk close to them .if you have something good to eat ,please keep it hidden in case the monkeys attacks you for it ......Now i give yousome maps and calendars ,storing i(来自:WWw. : huodao )nformation about the locations of different fruit trees and the time of year when the fruits become ripe .The monkeys communicate through body postures ,gestures ,and vocalizations ,all of which require intelligence to be interpreted .此文载自:玩三亚网篇二:南湾猴岛游记南湾猴岛游记距陵水城南14公里的南湾半岛上有一个猴岛,岛不大,却声名远播,就因为它是我国惟一的岛屿型猕猴自然保护区。
英语作文旅游经历红色娘子军 南湾猴岛

英语作文旅游经历红色娘子军南湾猴岛My Amazing Adventures in China!Hey there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I just got back from the most awesome trip to China with my parents and I can't wait to tell you all about it! We saw so many incredible sights and had the coolest adventures. Get ready for an amazing story!Our journey began in Beijing, the capital city. We visited Tiananmen Square which is this gigantic plaza right in the center of Beijing. It's one of the biggest public squares in the world! My mind was blown by how massive it was. We also toured the Forbidden City which was the amazing palace where Chinese emperors used to live hundreds of years ago. With its huge walls, temples, gardens and buildings, it almost felt like being transported back in time to ancient China. So cool!Next up was Xi'an, home to the legendary Terracotta Warriors. These life-sized clay soldier statues were buried underground for over 2,000 years before being discovered in 1974! Each one has a unique facial expression and they were created to guard an emperor's tomb. It was mind-blowing seeingthe thousands of warriors all lined up in their underground pit. Definitely one of the coolest historical sites I've ever seen!But that's not all we did in Xi'an. We also got to watch an incredible dance performance called the Red Detachment of Women. It's this famous ballet that tells the story of women soldiers fighting for the revolution against evil landlords in the 1930s. The dancing was so elegant and intense, with the women spinning around doing martial arts moves with rifles and swords. Their bright red costumes were stunning under the stage lights. My favorite part was when the heroines battled the evil landlord lord at the climax - so epic! The music, choreography and vibrant scenery totally transported me into their world. I've never seen anything like it!After Xi'an, we traveled down to the island of Hainan off the southern coast of China. This tropical paradise is known as the "Hawaii of China" because of its stunning beaches and lush forests. We stayed at a resort right on the beach and I've never seen more beautiful blue water in my life! We went snorkeling and saw tons of colorful fish and coral. It felt like swimming in an aquarium.The coolest part of Hainan was definitely our trip to Nanwan Monkey Island. This island is overrun by hundreds of wildmonkeys that just roam around everywhere! As soon as we got off the ferry, we were surrounded by these funny little primates. They were climbing all over people, trying to steal snacks, and just being generally mischievous. One monkey even stole my mom's sunglasses right off her face! We all cracked up laughing when she had to bribe it with an apple to get them back.The monkeys on the island are Macaques, which are this super cute species with fuzzy brown fur and funny pugdog faces. We got to watch them play, groom each other, and munch on fruits. At one point, a big male started chasing after a smaller monkey who must have wandered too close to his territory. The littler one was screaming and leaping through the trees with the bigger one hot on his tail. It was like a real-life nature documentary right in front of us!We also did a nature hike through the jungles of Nanwan where our guide pointed out different plants and critters. I saw my first wild snake (thankfully not venomous), as well as giant butterflies, colorful birds, and lush vegetation. It felt like an alien world compared to back home.My favorite monkey encounter though was when one of the cheeky primates snuck into our backpack and snatched my dad's leftover sandwich from lunch. This big male macaque justplopped himself down and started munching away without a care in the world! We were all cracking up at how brazen he was. My dad just laughed and let him have it since you're not supposed to try taking food back from the monkeys. That's a surefire way to get scratched or bitten! The monkey seemed pretty pleased with his stolen snack.I'd really love to be a zookeeper or wildlife expert when I grow up because I'm obsessed with animals. So you can imagine how incredible it was for me to be able to closely observe these monkeys in the wild like that on Nanwan Island. It's a memory I'll never forget!Overall, my trip to China was just out of this world. From the mind-blowing historical sites and cultural experiences in Beijing and Xi'an, to the natural beauty and animal encounters in Hainan, it was just all so amazing. I travelled across China and saw so many unbelievable things that opened my eyes to this incredible country on the other side of the world. I already can't wait to go back someday and explore more of what China has to offer. It's a place that's bursting with surprises around every corner if you just go forth with an open mind and sense of adventure. Thanks for reading about my epic journey - I hope it inspires you to travel more and see the world too!。

英语海南旅游景点介绍海南旅游景点英文介绍:假日海滩Nanshan Culture Tourism Zone is famous for Buddhist culture and beauty. Millions of visitors go every year. The zone features three theme parks: Buddhism Culture Park, Blessing and Longevity Park and Hainan Custom Culture Park. It is also home to Nanshan Temple and the statue of the South China Sea Kwan-yin Bodhisattva. The giant sea-side statue of Kwan-yin stands 108 meters and was constructed out of gold, diamonds and jade.海南旅游景点英文介绍:南湾猴岛Located on the Nanwan peninsula, 14 kilometers south of Lingshui County, Monkey Island is a state-protected and only nature reserve for macaque monkeys in the world. Established in 1965, the island has become a popular tourist destination. More than 400 kinds of plants and fruits, 100 animals and numerous grottos make the island a perfect paradise for monkeys. It is now home to approximately 2,500 monkeys among 21 species. It also has the longest over-water cable car in China, spanning 2,138 meters, providing convenient transportation to the island. Free guides advise visitors how to play with the monkeys and experience the harmony between humans and nature.Admission: 138 yuanHours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.海南旅游景点英文介绍:博鳌旅游风景区Located 40 kilometers west of Sanya, Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Spot has a history of more than 800 years. It covers 22.5 square kilometers, featuring gorgeous sunsets, caves, verdant mountains and bizarre stones. The place is perfect to appreciate spectacular sunset on the beach with those rocks that witness the passing of history. It is the most popular mountain for its special views of the sea, typical mountain landscape and beautiful rocks, which have been the subject of many classic Chinese poems. It is also home to the Natural Museum of Sanya, which features dinosaur fossils.海南旅游景点英文介绍:南山文化旅游区Millions of visitors are attracted to Hainan every year for its special beauty, including the splendid Botanical Garden, coconut trees and monkey island, as well as enigmatic Buddhism and Taoism culture. The top 10 attractions in Hainan will definitely give you an amazing visual enjoyment!Located next to Qingling Avenue in west Haikou, Holiday Beach is 6 kilometers long. Thriving Linma Huanglin trees line the beach, while hotels, vacation resorts, restaurants and amusement parks look out onto the beautiful Qiongzhou Strait. Ships shuttle to and from the seas. Golden sunshine, blue seawater, a yellow beach and green coconut trees make a great view on the seashore.The beach consists of a sunbathing area, sea sports area, sea food and culture area and leisure area. The Roman-style Hot Spring Paradise, which can accommodate over 1800 audiences, often feature various kinds of performances, including water ballet, diving, and singing and dancing. In the leisure area, there is a vocation center, various kinds of camps and hammocks, where visitors can enjoy a quiet and comfortable night at here.Admission: Free.Get there: Bus 28, 29, 40; Travel line 1 and 2.海南旅游景点英文介绍:大小洞天Boao has grown from a small fishing port into a first-class meeting center and hot tropical tourist resort. Boao is located along the eastern coast line of the South China Sea and features spectacular natural scenery and famous attractions. Boao Port, noted for steep terrain and complicated water conditions, consists of three rivers and two islands: Wanquan River, Longgun River, Jiuquan River, Dongyu Island and Yuanyang (Mandarin Duck) Island.Boao is also a superb place for golf and sailing.Get there: Long-distance bus from Haikou to Qionghai, then transfer bus to Boao.。

南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇2南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇3South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights". South bay monkey island scenic area of about 9 square kilometers, 14 km long, at its widest point is only 1 km, an average elevation of 150 meters. There are three natural villages on the island, more than 3000 people and 500 acres of farmland. Monkey island surrounded by sea on three sides,, white with a green hill near. Climb on the island, like a fat iron cast anchor into the depths of the south China sea, surrounded by beautiful white sands is like a red clusters cui picture as attractive.Monkey monkey island view bay to the south, the endless joy. The monkey on the island, there are several group have been domesticated. Could you take a photo for them, and they had a group photo taken. Monkey best moment is feeding management personnel, whistle, whistle rang full mountain tree shakes grass, macaques have some any, some series of cavort in the treeswing, blink and assembled, side for eat, side play chirp goo goo, diversity. If not at feeding time island it doesn't matter, as long as you buy a bag or two before the view HouYuan catsup food, such as monkeys and would be happy to make friends with you, will be more than the enthusiasm and initiative to accept your respect. You should be aware of is the monkey monkey sun don't like cheating. If you want to "their monkey", only bright food and don't feed it to eat, or see fisting LiangKai is empty palms, then, the monkey will be to you, pyrazole tooth mouth shouted, or quickly came to you, will give you a surprise. Visitors can enjoy the screaming monkey art sketch, full of spiritual circus performance, can also take picture with monkeys, intimate contact, don't have a taste, aerial cable car is convenient the visitors into the island, think visitors provides a new perspective of hainan breeze chaton. South bay monkey island reception facilities are also constantly improving, the new environmental protection battery car, after the renovation of ships to match the cable car, visitors in and out of the island is very convenient, south bay monkey island has become an important part of hainan tourism market products. On the monkey island has a monkey protection zones, and clean and attractive beaches, tall coconut trees, white thannatural beach, colorful coral reefs, known as "maritime market" fish raft amorous feelings, ancient lingshui, one of the eight sights "tung building the fishing", etc.; Visitors can take the longest of the cableway throughout the island, enjoy the beauty of the lovely fairy island between the blue sky and magic. Monkey island scenic place all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality; Naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, the branches flutters ZongYue, chasing fight, play like no one's watching. SAN pool "bath" is the monkey's water park, the domestication division, under the command of the macaques, diving, swimming, or top divers show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. The hilarious monkey monkey acrobatics art sketch and full of fun, the hospitable macaques honor guard parade greeter, creative original ecological architecture all visitors linger. Bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, fullbodied "house of huangshao folk customs" landscape series, noisy fishing port into a line. Take the cable car on the sea is empty, can thousand sails to compete sends overlooking the harbor, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze, but beyond the clean charming beaches and enchantingspectacular coconut trees swaying, large white clouds blue sky ornament, visible skyline in the harmony, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.。


海南各景点英文介绍Hainan, a tropical island situated in the South China Sea, is a popular tourist destination thanks to its breathtaking natural landscapes, pristine beaches, and cultural heritage. With a rich history and diverse ethnic cultures, Hainan offers a wide range of exciting tourist spots and activities. Let's explore some of the famous attractions in Hainan.Firstly, Sanya, often referred to as the "Hawaii of China," is the most well-known city in Hainan. It is renowned for its beautiful beaches and luxurious resorts. Yalong Bay, one of the most popular beach destinations in Sanya, offers crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sand beaches. Visitors can relax on the shore, go swimming or snorkeling, or simply soak up the sun. Another must-visit spot in Sanya is Wuzhizhou Island, known for its vibrant coral reefs and fantastic diving opportunities. The island also features various water sports and activities, such as jet skiing, banana boating, and parasailing.Aside from its stunning coastline, Hainan is famous for its hot springs. The Nantian Hot Spring is one of the most famous hot springs in the province, renowned for its therapeutic properties. Surrounded by lush vegetation, the hot spring offers a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. Visitors can soak in the mineral-rich waters and enjoy the soothing effects on their mind and body.For nature lovers, Hainan boasts several national parks and reserves. The Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone is a great place to explore Hainan's tropical rainforests. It covers an area of around 45 square kilometers and features lush greenery, clear streams, and cascading waterfalls. Visitors can take a canopy walk, hike through the forest, or enjoy a thrilling zip line experience. The park also offers an insight into the folk culture of Hainan's Li and Miao ethnic groups.Another nature reserve worth visiting is the Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve, located on Hainan's eastern coast. The reserve is home to a variety of rare plant and animal species, including the Hainan gibbon, one of the most endangered primates in the world. Visitors can take guided tours to observe the wildlife or enjoy hiking trails through the dense forest.Hainan is also known for its historical and cultural sites. The Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone is a must-visit for those interested in Buddhism and Chinese culture. The zone features the majestic Nanshan Temple, the South Temple Sea of Guanyin, and a giant statue of the Goddess of Mercy. The site offers a serene and spiritual atmosphere with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and sea.The historical town of Wenchang is another must-visit destination in Hainan. It is known for its rich cultural heritage and well-preserved ancient architecture. Visitors canexplore traditional Chinese houses, visit the Confucius Temple, or stroll along the old streets to experience the town's unique charm.Hainan is also famous for its delicious cuisine, especially seafood. The Dongshan Lamb is a local specialty and a must-try for meat lovers. Hainanese chicken rice, a dish made with fragrant rice, tender chicken, and various sauces, is another culinary highlight. Visitors can dine at local seafood restaurants or visit the local markets to sample the freshest seafood directly from the fishermen's catch.In conclusion, Hainan offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences for visitors to explore. From stunning beaches and hot springs to ancient temples and cultural sites, there is something for everyone in this tropical paradise. Whether you are seeking relaxation, adventure, or a cultural experience, Hainan has it all. Plan your trip to Hainan today and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of this idyllic island.。

南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇1South bay monkey island is the world's only a tropical island macaque reserve, it is located in the southernmost tip of LingShui County, what is the area of 1000 hectares, mountains rolling on the island, four seasons flower fragrance, is an ideal place to monkey breeding. In 1965 countries to establish "precious animal sanctuary," here was only 5 group of more than 100 rhesus monkeys to 29 group of more than 20xx, now there are 6 group of monkeys and very close to visitors. Monkey island in the south bay, people felt was humans and monkeys, the good atmosphere of harmony with nature. South Africa's bay monkey island macaque monkeys, scientific name called rhesus monkeys, belong to the primates, its hair is brown, face is red, also has a pair of blue eyes. The little monkey is akin to the human, is very clever, clever, in the aerospace, medical, is of great research value, human origins, etc of macaques bezoar from monkey (the monkey bleeding after blockages) is expensive medicines. November to February each year, is the mother monkey estrus, the rutting mother monkey face special red.Said to the monkey's aesthetic standards and the people are different, face more red is more beautiful, the monkey is more like it. Mother monkey is generally an annual output of one or three annual output of two. For his own little monkey, mother monkey very much love, not in her arms, is to carry on their backs,lest hurt little monkey, this great maternal love you yourself to look at on the island. Grow after two years of age when little monkey, small monkey will leave his mother, to lead a wandering life, until it grows to the age of seven or eight mature, become a standard of man, will challenge each group of Monkey King. Monkey King is the symbol of power up high in the tail, and other male monkeys, if be cocky, challenge the Monkey King. The monkey is very bitter fight over, often bloody pieces, was black and blue all over, sheer strength. Losers are always, or wiped out or came in second. When the Monkey King is good, one is to eat good drink good, 2 it is this group of adult female monkey is his wife. As an ancient emperor, sannomiya six homes.Mother monkey between mutual jealousness borne, also a popular become a Monkey King love princess, not a popular mother monkey sometimes secretly run out on a date. So the female tourists also don't wear too beautiful, PiGongGuaLu let mother monkeys jealousy. The people here when children living in the land, young adults living in the fish raft. Later everyone on Asia's longest sea-crossing cableway, can clearly see the village, the famous sea fish and shrimp, people are busy, a vibrant spectacle, there are some boats in the sea and, transport people and goods, carry away the rubbish. There are some ship, to keep the blue home, is to want to sea fishing, go out is a month or two.A ship is worth more than 10 20xx00 yuan, is often all the belongings, the temper of the sea is the most temperamental, in order to pray for peace, family ancestral memorial tablet for egg in the cockpit, hawksbill scales on the body, look forward to a pleasant journey and have a good harvest.南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇2South bay monkey island, my friends, is the world's only atropical island macaque reserve, it is located in the southernmost tip of LingShui County, what is the area of 1000 hectares, mountains rolling on the island, four seasons flower fragrance, is an ideal place to monkey breeding. In 1965 countries to establish "precious animal sanctuary," here was only 5 group of more than 100 rhesus monkeys to 29 group of more than 20xx, now there are 6 group of monkeys and very close to visitors. Monkey island in the south bay, people felt was humans and monkeys, the good atmosphere of harmony with nature.South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights".LingShui County nanwan monkey island is located in the hainan province south of about 14 km south bay peninsula, it hills on three sides, the shape is long and narrow, with a total area of about 10.2 square kilometers, size 12 mountains rolling. Mountain caves countless, rock climb. South bay monkey island on a wide variety of plant and animal species, the forest coverage rate was 95%, and the ecological resource is very rich. Growth of the thick forest and scrub forest jungle island, four seasons flower fragrance, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Life on the island with nearly 20xx lively monkeys, belongs to the national second class protected animals. South bay monkey island is our country is the world's only tropical islands macaques nature reserve. Monkey island bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "egg's folk customs" landscape series, bustlingfishing port into a line. Take a cable car at sea is empty, you can attach overlooking the harbor thousand sails to compete sends, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze is considerable white clouds blue sky ornament, can be beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.Into the monkey island scenic spot, can see all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality, visitors as if place oneself in the green world, a sea of flowers, naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, flutters ZongYue, chasing a fight between the branches, if no one to play, the tourists in the scenic spot under the guidance of the staff and they play happily, and into the monkey in the pleasure of atmosphere to: rhesus monkeys play beside the water flowing waterfall, they are jumping up and down, or face each other, or vine climbing ladder, or jump empty pounced on the surface of the water. "Bath st pool" is the water park macaque monkeys, in domesticated division, under the command of the monkey or scuba diving, swimming, or platform diving, show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. Full of art and fun monkey monkey acrobatics, hospitable macaques guard of honor marched yingbin, creative original ecological building... All visitors linger.南湾猴岛英文导游词3篇3South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, theancient lingshui one of "eight sights". South bay monkey island scenic area of about 9 square kilometers, 14 km long, at its widest point is only 1 km, an average elevation of 150 meters. There are three natural villages on the island, more than 3000 people and 500 acres of farmland. Monkey island surrounded by sea on three sides, white with a green hill near. Climb on the island, like a fat iron cast anchor into the depths of the south China sea, surrounded by beautiful white sands is like a red clusters cui picture as attractive.Monkey monkey island view bay to the south, the endless joy. The monkey on the island, there are several group have been domesticated. Could you take a photo for them, and they had a group photo taken. Monkey best moment is feeding management personnel, whistle, whistle rang full mountain tree shakes grass, macaques have some any, some series of cavort in the tree swing, blink and assembled, side for eat, side play chirp goo goo, diversity. If not at feeding time island it doesn't matter, as long as you buy a bag or two before the view HouYuan catsup food, such as monkeys and would be happy to make friends with you, will be more than the enthusiasm and initiative to accept your respect. You should be aware of is the monkey monkey sun don't like cheating. If you want to "their monkey", only bright food and don't feed it to eat, or see fisting LiangKai is empty palms, then, the monkey will be to you, pyrazole tooth mouth shouted, or quickly came to you, will give you a surprise. Visitors can enjoy the screaming monkey art sketch, full of spiritual circus performance, can also take picture with monkeys, intimate contact, don't have a taste, aerial cable car is convenient the visitors into the island, think visitors provides a new perspective of hainan breeze chaton. South bay monkey island receptionfacilities are also constantly improving, the new environmental protection battery car, after the renovation of ships to match the cable car, visitors in and out of the island is very convenient, south bay monkey island has become an important part of hainan tourism market products.On the monkey island has a monkey protection zones, and clean and attractive beaches, tall coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs, known as "maritime market" fish raft amorous feelings, ancient lingshui, one of the eight sights "tung building the fishing", etc.; Visitors can take the longest of the cableway throughout the island, enjoy the beauty of the lovely fairy island between the blue sky and magic.Monkey island scenic place all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality; Naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, the branches flutters ZongYue, chasing fight, play like no one's watching. SAN pool "bath" is the monkey's water park, the domestication division, under the command of the macaques, diving, swimming, or top divers show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. The hilarious monkey monkey acrobatics art sketch and full of fun, the hospitable macaques honor guard parade greeter, creative original ecological architecture all visitors linger.Bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "house of huangshao folk customs" landscape series, noisy fishing port into a line. Take the cable car on the sea is empty, can thousand sails to compete sends overlooking the harbor, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze, but beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, large white clouds blue sky ornament, visible skyline inthe harmony, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.。
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南湾猴岛英文Nan wan Monkey Island
Nan-wan Monkey Island is the only macaque nature reserve and a unique ecological monkey island in China .The reserve was established in 1968.Scientifically ,the monkeys in this reserve are classified as the macaques or the Barbary Epes .Monkey is a common term for any of its 160species of primates that have grasping hands ,forward-facing eyes ,and highly-developed brain.You know most monkeys also have tails ,a characteristic that distinguishes them from their larger primate cousins ,that apes .Monkeys are highly skilled climbers ,and most spend much of their lives in trees .
The macaque is native to Morocco and northern Algeria .It is found in the middle and higher elevation forests,scrublands,and cliff areas .The macaque usually grows to a size of 11 to 15 kg.It eats roots ,leaves ,bark,fruit and even the small animal without a backbone .
The macaque belongs to the endangered animals .For years measures have been taken to protect the macaque .Now there are more than 2000(about 2500)macaques living in the reserve ,where the temperature is warm,the forest produces a year-round supply of food for the macaque ,and the macaque enjoy the favorable living conditions
As we know ,like all primate such as the human being and the ape ,the macaques demonstrate great intelligence .You'll watch the performances by them .Here I'd like to make a warning :When we are in the reserve ,be careful with the monkeys .Don't tease them .Don't walk close to them .if you have something good to eat ,please keep it hidden in case the monkeys attacks you for it ......Now i give you some maps and calendars ,storing information about the locations of different fruit trees and the time of year when the fruits become ripe .The monkeys communicate through body postures ,gestures ,and vocalizations ,all of which require intelligence to be interpreted .