



《剑桥国际少儿英语》KB3Hello(你好!)4.Listen.SaRthenumber.d-o-l-l(That’snumbereighteenandit’spink.)b-i-k-e(That’snumberseventeenandit’spurple.)t-r-a-i-n(That’snumbertwelveandit’spurple.)m-o-n-s-t-e-r(That’snumberfourteenandit’spurple.)g-a-m-e(That’snumbernineteenandit’sgreen.)c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r(That’snumberfifteenandit’sgre R.)k-i-t-e(That’snumberelevenandit’s Rellowandred.)c-a-m-e-r-a(That’snumbertwent R andit’swhite.)l-o-r-r-R(That’snumbe rsiR teenandit’sorange.)h-e-l-i-c-o-p-t-e-r(That’snumberthirteenandit’sblue.)8.Listen.Whoisit?She’sdrinkingorangejuice.(That’sMeera.)She’sjumping.(That’sSuz R.)He’seatinganapple.(That’sLenn R.)He’sshowingLenn R hisnewschoolbag.(That’sSimon.)She’sreadingabook.(That’sStella.)He’spla R ingfootball.(That’sAle R.)14.Listen.RepeatthewordandsaRthecolour.1frog(Frog.Orange.)2dress(Dress.Red.)3hit(Hit.Pink.)4boR(BoR.Orange.)5watch(Watch.Orange.)6friend(Friend.Red.)7swim(Swim.Pink.)8man(Man.Black.)9bread(bread.Red.)10egg(egg.Red.)11milk(Milk.Pink.)12flat(Flat.Black.)13in(In.Pink.)14on(On.Orange.)15hat(Hat.Black.)16drink(Drink.Pink.)Unit1FamilRmatters(关于家庭)2.Listenandcheck.Stella:Hi,everRone.ThisismR project.Here’sm RfamilRtree.ThesearemRpa rents,MrandMrsStar.Andlook,hereareGrandmaandGrandpaStar.TheR’rem Rgrandparentsandth eR’vegottwochildren:asonandadaughter.Theirson’sm R dadandtheirdaughter’sm RAuntMaR.I’vegotoneauntandoneuncle:AuntMa RandUncleFred.AuntMaR’sm R dad’s sister.UncleFred’sm R mum’sbrother. GrandmaandGrandpaStarhavegotthreegrandchildren:onegrandson,Simon, andtwogranddaughters,SuzRandme.Q1:Where’sStella?(She’satschool/intheclassroom.)Q2:What’sshedoing?(She’stalkingaboutherfamil Rtreetotheclass.)Q3:Hasshegotabrother?(R es,she’sgotabrother.)Q4:HowmanR sistershasshegot?(She’sgotonesister.)4.Listen,andsaRtheletter.Thisperson’stakingaphotoofhisson.(e)Thisperson’spla Ringfootballwithhisuncle.(a)Thisperson’sreadingabooktoherdaughter.(d)Thisperson’spla Ringagamewithheraunt.(b)Thisperson’spaintingapictureofhergranddaughter.(c)5.Listenandcomplete.GrandmaStar’spaintingapictureofher________.(granddaughter) Simon’spla Ringfootballwithhis_______.(uncle)MrsStar’sreadingabooktoher______.(daughter)GrandpaStar’stakingaphotoofhis______.(son)Stella’spla Ringagamewithher______.(aunt) MrandMrsStarareSimon’s_______.(parents)Unit2Homesweethome(温馨的家)2.Listenandcheck.Meera:We’vegotanewflat.We’removingfromourhouseinthecountr Rtoafla tinthetown.AleR:DoRoulikelivinginthecountrR?Meera:IlovethecountrR.AtthemomentIliveinasmallvillage.It’squietandthe rearealotoftrees.LennR:HasRourhousegotabasementunderthefloor?Meera:R es,it’sfullofbo ResandoldtoRs.AleR:AndwhataboutRournewflat?Meera:Well,ithas’ntgotabasemenoragarden,butit’sgotabeautifulbalcon Rf ormRplants.AleR:Cool.Whateles?Meera:Thehouseinthevillagehasgotstairstogoupanddownbuttheflatintheci tRisdifferent.Therearefivefloorssowegoupstairsanddownstairsinalift! LennR:Wow!Iwanttoliveinaflat.Q1:WhocanRousee?(IcanseeMeera,AleRandlennR.)Q2:What’sintheroomunderthehouse?(Therearebo ResandtoRs.)Q3:Hastheflatgotagarden?(No,ithasn’t.)Q4:Hhoismovinghouse?(Meeraismovinghouse.)3.ListenandsaRtheletter.abasement(d)avillage(b)alift(g)upstairs(e)abalconR(c)atown(a)downstairs(f)9.ListenandsaR.1220PP3014401550166017701880199010.Listen.Whatcolourarethedoors?MaRlivesatnumberseventR-two.(That’spink.) TomlivesatnumberninetR-eight.(That’swhite.) JacklivesatnumbertwentR-three.(That’s Rellow.) DaisRlivesatnumberfortR-one.(That’sgreen.) PeterlivesatnumbersiRtR-four.(That’spurple.) MarRlivesatnumbereightR-five.(That’sblack.) SallRlivesatnumberthirtR-seven.(That’sblue.) VickRlivesatnumberfiftR-nine.(That’sorange.)14.Listenandrepeat.PointtothepictureandsaRthesound.1.cow2.stairs3.draw4.house5.there6.down7.bear8.mouth9.chair10.tall11.four12.how13.door14.where15.board16.PearUnit3AdaRinthelife(一日生活)1.ListenandsaRtheletter.Stellawakesupatseveno’clockever RdaR.Stellagetsup.Stellahasashower.ThenStellagetsdressed.SheputsonherskirtandherT-shirt. Stellacatchesthebustoschool.Stelladoesherhomework.Beforedinner,Stellawashesherhands.Stellagetsundressed.ShetakesoffherskirtandherT-shirt. Stellagoestobedatnineo’clock.(g,a,e,h,c,f,b,i,d)3.Listenanddotheactions.Havebreakfast.Gotobed.Havelunch.PutonRourjacket.TakeoffRourshoes. Wakeup.Haveashower.PutonRourT-shirt.Getup.WashRourhands.Havedin ner.Catchthebus.8.SaRthechant.MondaR,TuesdaR,WednesdaR,ThursdaR,FridaR,SaturdaR,SundaR. MondaR,TuesdaR,WednesdaR,ThursdaR,FridaR,SaturdaR,SundaR.9.ListenandsaRthedaR.LennR:HowoftendoRouplaRinthepark,Simon?DoRouplaReverRdaR? Simon:Well,on.IneverplaRintheparkonMondaRs.LennR:Res,wealwaRshavelotsofhomeworkonMondaRs.Simon:IsometimesplaRintheparkafterschoolonWednesdaRs,butIsometime sgoswimmingwithDad.LennR:Andwhataboutattheweekend?Simon:IalwaRsplaRintheparkonSundaR s.It’sm RfavouritedaR. LennR:Simon…Whatda RisittodaR?Simon:It’sSunda R!Let’sgotothepark!12.ListenandsaR‘R es’or‘no’.1.JamesFlunkisamusicteacher.(Res.)2.HealwaRsplaRsthepianoduringhisholidaRs.(No,heneverplaRsthepianod uringhisholidaRs.)3.HeneverplaRstennisonWednesdaRs.(No,healwaRsplaRstennisonWedne sdaRs.)4.HesometimesplaRsfootballwithhisdaughterJane.(Res.)5.HetakeshissontotheswimmingpooleverRSaturdaRmorning.(Res.)6.HealwaRstakeshisfamilRtothemountainsonSundaRs.(No,hesometimesta keshisfamilRtothemountainsonSundaRs.)7.TheRneversingsongsinthecar.(No,theRsometimessingsongsinthecar.) 15.Listen.SaR‘R es’or‘no’.1.dancer,2.shower,3.driver,4.trousers,5.drives,6.clever,7.wears,8.singer,9. answer,10sweater,11.what,12.shower,13.sings,14.dances,15.tennis,16.wat er.Unit4InthecitR.(在城市里)1.Listen.FindMeera’sflat.Meera:Lookatthismap.MR newflat’sonit.AleR:Cool!IsthereasportscentrenearRou?Meera:R es,look.It’soverthere,ne Rttothebusstation.Simon:Wow!Andthere’sareall Rbigswimmingpoolbehindit!Stella:Oh,look!Here’sParkRoad.There’sabiglibrar R…Mmm.Lotsof booksthereMeera:R es,that’sne Rttothebank,WheremRdadworks.LennR:Mmm.What’sthis,ne Rttothecinema?Meera:That’themarket.Wegetourfruitthere.AleR:Oh,wegotothesupermarkettogetourfood.Simon:Mmm…eon!Let’sgoforlunch.AleRandLennR:Reah,goodidea,Simon.SeeRou,Meera!SeeRou,Stella!Meera:SeeRou!Stella:SowhereisRourflat,Meera?Meera:It’shere,behindthepark,ne RttothelibrarR.3.Lookatthepicture.Listenandanswer.Where’sthepark.(It’sinfrontoftheswimmingpool.)Where’sthebusstation?(It’sne Rttothecinema.)Where’sthehospital?(It’sne Rttothesupermarket.)Where’sthesupermarket?(It’sbetweenthebankandthehospital.)Where’sthesportscentre?(It’sne Rttotheswimmingpool.)Where’sthecinema?(It’sne Rttothebusstation.)Where’sthebank?(It’sne Rttothesupermarket.)Where’stheswimmingpool?(Itbehindthepark.)6.Look,thinkandanswer.Narrator:ThechildrenareinthelibrarR,lookingatbooks.LennR:Lookatthisbook,Stella!It’saboutfootball.Stella:Shh,LennR!WeareinthelibrarR.Wemustbequiet.LennR:Oops,sorrR.LennR:Meera,lookwhatI’vegot.Meera:That’snice,Lenn R.LennR:It’saboutfootball!It’sgotlotsofpicturesofm RfavouriteplaRers! Meera:Shh,LennR.RoumustbequietinthelibrarR!LennR:SorrR!AleR:HeR,LennR.WhathaveRougot?LennR:It’sabookaboutfootball.Simon:Cool!That’sGREAT!ROUMUSTBEQUIETINTHELIBRARR! Grandpa:Comeon,everRbodR.It’sfiveo’clock.Wemustgoandcatchthebus now.LennR:OK,OK.CanwecomebackneRtweek?Grandpa:R es,Ithinkso…but Roumustbequiet.8.ListenandsaR‘R es’or‘no’.1.Thechildrenareatthebank.(No-theR’reatthelibrar R.)2.RoumustbequietinthelibrarR.(Res.)3.LennR’sgotabookaboutart.(No-he’sgotabookaboutfootball.)4.Thebook’sgotlotsofpicturesofLenn R’sfavouritefootballpla Rers.(Res)5.GrandpaStarandthechildrenmustcatchaplane.(No,theRmustcatchabus.)6.ThechildrenwanttocomebackneRtweek.(Res.)12.Listen.Repeatandclap.1.radio,2.school,3.plaRground,4.park,5.cinema,6.station,7.map,8.citR,9.st reet,10afternoon,11.question,12.motorbike,13.dirtR,14.walk,15.fruit,16.b eautiful.Unit5Fitandwell.(保持健康)2.Listenandcheck.AuntMaR:Goodmorning.HowareRoutodaR,Stella?Stella:Oh,I’mnotver R well.I’vegotacold.AuntMaR:AndR ou’vegotacough.Have Rougotaheadache.Stella:Oh,Res!MR headhurtsalot,andI’mver Rhot.AuntMaR:OK.PutthisunderRourarm.Oh,Res.39degrees.R ou’vegotatemp erature.SoR oumustdrinklotsofwaterandorangejuice.Now,what’sthematter withRou,Simon?Simon:MR stomachhurtsalot.Idon’twanttoeat.AuntMaR:HaveRougotatoothache?Simon:No.AuntMaR:Isee,so…R ou’vegotastomach-ache.Well,gotobedanddon’teatan Rcake,sweetsorchocolatetodaR.Simon:Oh,IthinkI’mOknow.CanIgoandpla R?AuntMaR:Hmm…3.Listenanddotheactions.R ou’vegotaheadache.R ou’vegotatemperature.R ou’vegotatoothache.R ou’v egotastomach-ache.R ou’vegotacough.R ou’vegotacold.4.ListenandsaRtheletter.Girl:What’sthematter?BoR:Oh,I’vegotaheadache.(h)BoR:What’sthematterwith Rou?Twogirls:We’vegotcolds.(g)Man:What’sthematterwithhim?Girl:He’sgotacough.(c)Man:What’sthematterwiththem?Girl:TheR’vegotatemperature.(b)Woman:What’sthematterwith Rourgrandfather?BoR:He’sgotabackache.(e)Woman:What’sthematterwith Rourdad?BoR:He’sgotatoothache.(f)Man:What’sthematterwith Rourgrandmother?Girl:She’sgotastomach-ache.(a)Woman:What’sthematterwith Roursister?BoR:He’sgotanearache.(d)8.Listenandcheck.Grandpa:Oh,dear.What’sthematterwithStella?MrsStar:Hmm.She’sgotatemperature.Look,39degrees!Stella:CanIgotoschool,Mum?MrsStar:No,R oucan’tgotoschooltoda R.Grandpa:Gotoschool!Shemustn’tgoout!Stella:CanIgetup?MrsStar:No,sorrR.R oumustn’tgetup.Grandpa:RoumuststaRinbedandputthisblanketonRou.Stella:CanIread?MrsStar:Res,Roucanread.AndRoumusttakethis.Grandpa:Oh,howoftenmustshetakeit?MrsStar:ShemusttakeitaftereverRmealforaweek.Stella:Aweek?...Oh,no!11.Listenandcompletethesentences.SaR‘must’or‘mustn’t’.1.WhenR ou’vegotacough R ou(mustn’t)goout.2.WhenR ou’vegotatemperature R ou(mustn’t)gotoschool.3.WhenR ou’vegotabackache R ou(mustn’t)dosport.4.WhenR ou’vegotaheadache Rou(must)gotobed.5.WhenR ou’vegotanearache R ou(mustn’t)listentomusic.6.WhenR ou’vegotastomach-acheR ou(mustn’t)eatsweets.7.WhenR ou’vegotatoothache Rou(must)gotothedentist.8.WhenR ou’vegotacold Rou(must)drinkalotoforangejuice.12.Listenandrepeat.PointtothepictureandsaRthesound.1.phone2.fruit3.hot4.goat5.who6.clothes7.cross8.doll9.clock10.no11.move12.boat13.juice14.Rou15.nose16.slowUnit6AdaRinthecountrR.(乡村一日)2.Listenandcheck.Mr.Star:LookatthismapofthecountrR side.Let’sgothereforapicniconSundaR.Wecantakeabigblanketandhaveourlunchontheground.Grandpa:That’sgoodidea!Ilikepicnics.Ooh,there’sariverhere.I’dliketogof ishing,Simon:AndI’dliketogoswimming.There’salakeneartheriver.Mr.Star:Ok,soRouneedtotakeatowel.Stella:Oh,look!There’sabigforest.Iwanttolookatsomeplantsanddrawtheirle aves.SuzR:IsthereanRgrasstoplaRon,Dad?Mr.Star:Res,SuzR.Lookatthemap.There’sgreenpartsarefields.There’salotofgrass.Grandpa:Hmm,lotsofgrassandablanket…That’sgreat…foranicesleepafter lunch.Hmm.3.ListenandsaRtheletter.aforest,alake,apicnic,afield,grass,aleaf,ariver,aplant.(e,d,a,h,g,f,c,b)7.Listenandcheck.1Mr.Star:Ok,now,whereshallIputthepicnictable?Mrs.Star:Putitoverthereunderthattree,please.Simon:Ican’tdothis!Stella:ShallIhelpRouputtheblanketonthegrass,Simon?Simon:Res,please!2Later.Narrator:Simon’scoldandhungr R.Hewantstoeat.SuzR’shotandthirst R.Shewantadrink. GrandpaStariscatchingabigfatfish.He’sver Rstrong.GrandmaStar’snearthecowsinthefield.She’sver Rquiet.She’sdrawingabab R cow.It’sgotthinlegsandit’sver Rwek.Stellaisn’thapp R becauseherdrawing’sbad.Mr.Star’slisteningtotheradio.Hismusicisver Rloud.Oh,Res!AndfinallR,Mrs.Star.She’ssleepingbecauseshe’sver Rtired.8.PlaRthememorRgame.CloseRourbooks.Listenandanswer.1.IsStella’sdrawinggoodorbad?2.IsSimoncoldorhot?3.Isthemusicquietorloud?4.IsSuzRhungrRorthirstR?5.IsGrandpastrongorweak?6.IsMrs.StartiredorhungrR?7.Isthefishfatorthin?8.IsGrandmatiredorquiet?11.Listenandwrite.Matchthewordsandthepictures.1.a-n-g-r-Re2.t-h-i-r-s-t-Rd3.c-l-e-v-e-rh4.w-e-a-ka5.l-o-u-dg6.h-u-n-g-r-Rc7.s-t-r-o-n-gb8.t-i-r-e-df13.Listenandrepeat.PointtothepictureandsaRthesound.1.catch2.face3.are5.part6.bank7.straight8.bad9.fat10.cake11.stand 12.park13.art14.daR15.paint16.armUnit7Wordofanimals.(动物世界)2.Listenandcheck.Stella:Ooh.‘Animalsoftheworld…Dolphins,whalesandsharksliveinthesea.Dolphinseatfish.’Simon:Reah,andbearseatfishtoo.TheReateverRthing-fish,fruit,plants,meat …Lookatthisone.It’sbigandstrong.Stella:Res,lionsarestrongtoo.TheRsleepalot.Simon:Here’sakangaroo.Iteatslea ves.Stella:Ilikepandas.TheR’reblackandwhite,andthe RliveinChina. Simon:Wow!ThesesmallbrownbatssleepinthedaRandgettheirfood atnight…The R’rereall Rquick.TheRcaneat100insectsinfiveminutes.Stella:Oh,Ruk.HereareSuzR’sfavouriteanimals.Theseparrotsarebeautiful.TheR’rered,R ellow,green,blue…Simon:AndtheRtalkalot,too.JustlikeSuzR!3.Lookandcomplete.Listenandcheck. Dolphindolphinkangarooliondolphindolphinkangarooliondolphin SharksharkwhalewhalepandasharksharkwhalewhaleParrotbearparrotbatparrotbearparrotbatparrot8.Listenandcheck.LennR:We’vegothomeworkonanimalstoda R.Simon:Mmm,let’susetheInternet.It’squickerthanusingabook.LennR:Cool.Lookatthiselephant.It’sbiggerthanalltheotherlandanimalsinth eworld.Stella:Shallwelookatanotheranimal?Lookatthis.LennR:Abat.Stella:It’smuchsmallerthantheelephant.Itsa RsthatsomebatsareonlRfource ntimeterslong.LennR:Theelephantisstronger–itsaRsitcancarrRtrees!Simon:Andtheelephantismuchdirtierthanthebat.Elephantslikeswimmingin dirtR riversandlakeswhenit’shot.JustlikeDott R!13.Listenandrepeat.PointtothepictureandsaRthesound.1.big2.bike3.child4.swim5.kick6.kick7.ride8.five9.siR10.hide11.chips12.drive13.drink14.nine15.find16.lifeUnit8Weatherreport.(天气预报)3.ListenandsaR‘R es’or‘no’.1.It’scloud R.(No.It’ssunn R.)2.It’ssnowing.(Res.)3.Oh.It’sraining.(No.It’scloud R.)4.Look!It’sarainbow.(Res.)5.It’sver RsunnR.(No.It’sraining.)6.It’sreall RwindRtodaR.(Res.)4.Listenandmatch.Woman:It’stimefortoda R’sweatherreport.Man:Hello.Hereinthemountains,it’ssnowing.Thebirdsaren’tsingingintheforesttoda R becauseit’sraining.There’snosunontheislandtoda R.It’sver RcloudR.Atthelake,it’shotandsunn R,soalotofchildrenareswimming.It’sabadda R forapicnicatthebeach.It’sver RwindR. IfRougotothefields,Roucanseearainbow.HaveagooddaR,whereverRouare.Woman:ThankRou,Thomas.NeR t,weare…(1-b2-c3-f4-d5-a6-e)7.Listenandcheck.AlRe:Hello?Simon:Hello,AleR.WhereareRou?AleR:Simon,hi!I’matm R aunt’shouseinthecountr R.Simon:ThecountrR.Cool.AreRouhavingfun?AleR:R eah,it’sgreat.ResterdaRIwasoutalldaR.Inthemorningtheweatherwa sreallRbad.Itwaswet,cloudRandwindR.Simon:Whatwastheweatherlikeintheafternoon?AleR:Itwasbetterintheafternoon,butitwascold.I’vegotanewsweaterandscar f.Simon:That’snice.AleR:Reah.TheRwereapresentfrommR aunt,butitisn’tcoldtoda R andnowI’mreallRhot.8.ListenandsaR‘ResterdaR’or‘toda R’.1.InthemorningtheweatherwasreallRbad.(ResterdaR)2.He’sathisaunt’shouse.(Toda R)3.Itwaswet,cloudRandwindR.(ResterdaR)4.Itisn’tcold.(Toda R)5.HewasoutalldaR.(ResterdaR)6.He’sreall Rhot.(TodaR)7.Theweatherwasbetterintheafternoon.(ResterdaR)13.CanRouhear\ɜ:\?SaR‘R es’or‘no’.1.worse2.shorts3.world4.farm5.turn6.nurse7.shark8.girl9.learn10.hurt11.scarf12.weren’t13.wet14.word15.loves16.aunt。



《剑桥国际少儿英语》KB3Hello (你好!)4.Listen. Say the number.d-o-l-l ( That’s number eighteen and it’s pink.)b-i-k-e ( That’s number seventeen and it’s purple.)t-r-a-i-n ( That’s number twelve and it’s purple.)m-o-n-s-t-e-r( That’s number fourteen and it’s purple.) g-a-m-e( That’s number nineteen and it’s green.)c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r ( That’s number fifteen and it’s grey. )k-i-t-e ( That’s number eleven and it’s yellow and red. ) c-a-m-e-r-a (That’s number twenty and it’s white.)l-o-r-r-y ( That’s number sixteen and it’s orange.)h-e-l-i-c-o-p-t-e-r ( That’s number thirteen and it’s blue.)8.Listen. Who is it?She’s drinking orange juice. ( That’s Meera. )She’s jumping. ( That’s Suzy. )He’s eating an apple. ( That’s Lenny. )He’s showing Lenny his new school bag. ( That’s Simon. ) She’s reading a book. ( That’s Stella. )He’s playing football. ( That’s Alex. )14. Listen. Repeat the word and say the colour.1 frog (Frog. Orange.)2 dress (Dress. Red.)3 hit (Hit. Pink.)4 box (Box. Orange.)5 watch (Watch. Orange.)6 friend (Friend. Red.)7 swim (Swim. Pink.)8 man (Man. Black.)9 bread (bread. Red.)10 egg (egg. Red.)11 milk (Milk. Pink.)12 flat (Flat. Black.)13 in (In. Pink.)14 on (On. Orange.)15 hat (Hat. Black.)16 drink (Drink. Pink.)Unit 1 Family matters (关于家庭) 2.Listen and check.Stella:Hi, everyone. This is my project. Here’s my family tree. These are my parents, Mr and Mrs Star.And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They’re my grandparents and they’ve got two children: a son and a daughter.Their son’s my dad and their daughter’s my Aunt May.I’ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May’s my dad’s sister. Uncle Fred’s my mum’s brother.Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me.Q1:Where’s Stella?(She’s at school/in the classroom.)Q2: What’s she doing?(She’s talking about her family tree to theclass.)Q3: Has she got a brother? (Yes, she’s got a brother.)Q4: How many sisters has she got? ( She’s got one sister.)4.Listen, and say the letter.This person’s taking a photo of his son. (e)This person’s playing football with his uncle. (a)This person’s reading a book to her daughter. (d)This person’s playing a game with her aunt. (b)This person’s painting a picture of her granddaughter. (c)5.Listen and complete.Grandma Star’s painting a picture of her ________. (granddaughter) Simon’s play ing football with his_______. (uncle)Mrs Star’s reading a book to her ______. (daughter)Grandpa Star’s taking a photo of his ______. (son)Stella’s playing a game with her ______. (aunt)Mr and Mrs Star are Simon’s _______. (parents)Unit 2 Home sweet home (温馨的家)2.Listen and check.Meera:We’ve got a new flat. We’re moving from our house in the country to a flat in the town.Alex: Do you like living in the country?Meera:I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. It’s quiet and there are a lot of trees.Lenny: Has your house got a basement under the floor?Meera:Yes, it’s full of boxes and old toys.Alex: And what about your new flat?Meera:Well, it has’nt got a basemen or a garden, but it’s got a beautiful balcony for my plants.Alex: Cool. What eles?Meera: The house in the village has got stairs to go up and down but the flat in the city is different. There are five floors so we go upstairs and downstairs in a lift!Lenny: Wow! I want to live in a flat.Q1:Who can you see? (I can see Meera, Alex and lenny.)Q2: What’s in the room under the house? (There are boxes and toys.) Q3: Has the flat got a garden? (No, it hasn’t.)Q4: Hho is moving house? ( Meera is moving house.)3.Listen and say the letter.a basement(d) a village(b) a lift(g)upstairs(e) a balcony(c) a town(a)downstairs(f)9.Listen and say.12 20 13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 9010. Listen. What colour are the doors?May lives at number seventy-two. (That’s pink.)Tom lives at number ninety-eight. (That’s white.)Jack lives at number twenty-three. (That’s yellow.)Daisy lives at number forty-one. (That’s green.)Peter lives at number sixty-four. (That’s purple.)Mary lives at number eighty-five. (That’s black.)Sally lives at number thirty-seven. (That’s blue.)Vicky lives at number fifty-nine. (That’s orange.)14. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. cow2. stairs3. draw4. house5. there6.down7. bear 8. mouth 9. chair 10. tall 11. four 12. how 13. door 14. where 15. board 16. PearUnit 3 A day in the life (一日生活)1.Listen and say the letter.Stella wakes up at seven o’clock every day.Stella gets up.Stella has a shower.Then Stella gets dressed. She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella catches the bus to school.Stella does her homework.Before dinner, Stella washes her hands.Stella gets undressed. She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella goes to bed at nine o’clock.( g, a, e, h, c, f, b, i, d)3.Listen and do the actions.Have breakfast. Go to bed. Have lunch. Put on your jacket. Take off your shoes. Wake up. Have a shower. Put on your T-shirt. Get up. Wash your hands. Have dinner. Catch the bus.8.Say the chant.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.9. Listen and say the day.Lenny: How often do you play in the park, Simon? Do you play every day?Simon: Well, on. I never play in the park on Mondays.Lenny: Yes, we always have lots of homework on Mondays.Simon: I sometimes play in the park after school on Wednesdays, but I sometimes go swimming with Dad.Lenny: And what about at the weekend?Simon: I always play in the park on Sundays. It’s my favourite day. Lenny: Simon…What day is it today?Simon: It’s Sunday! Let’s go to the park!12. Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. James Flunk is a music teacher. (Yes.)2. He always plays the piano during his holidays. (No, he never plays the piano during his holidays.)3. He never plays tennis on Wednesdays. (No, he always plays tennis on Wednesdays.)4. He sometimes plays football with his daughter Jane. (Yes.)5. He takes his son to the swimming pool every Saturday morning. (Yes.)6. He always takes his family to the mountains on Sundays. (No, he sometimes takes his family to the mountains on Sundays.)7. They never sing songs in the car. (No, they sometimes sing songs in the car.)15. Listen. Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. dancer,2. shower,3. driver,4. trousers,5. drives,6. clever,7. wears,8. singer,9. answer, 10 sweater, 11. what, 12. shower, 13. sings, 14. dances, 15. tennis, 16. water.Unit 4 In the city. (在城市里)1.Listen. Find Meera’s flat.Meera:Look at this map. My new flat’s on it.Alex: Cool! Is there a sports centre near you?Meera: Yes, look. It’s over there, next to the bus station.Simon:Wow! And there’s a really big swimmi ng pool behind it! Stella:Oh, look! Here’s Park Road. There’s a big library…Mmm. Lotsofbooks thereMeera: Yes, that’s next to the bank, Where my dad works.Lenny:Mmm. What’s this, next to the cinema?Meera:That’ the market. We get our fruit there.Alex: Oh, we go to the supermarket to get our food.Simon:Mmm…Food. Come on! Let’s go for lunch.Alex and Lenny: Yeah, good idea, Simon. See you, Meera! See you,Stella!Meera: See you!Stella: So where is your flat, Meera?Meera:It’s here, behind the par k, next to the library.3.Look at the picture. Listen and answer.Where’s the park. (It’s in front of the swimming pool.)Where’s the bus station? (It’s next to the cinema.)Where’s the hospital? (It’s next to the supermarket.)Where’s the supermarket? (It’s between the bank and the hospital.) Where’s the sports centre? ( It’s next to the swimming pool.) Where’s the cinema? (It’s next to the bus station.)Where’s the bank? (It’s next to the supermarket.)Where’s the swimming pool? (It behind the park.)6.Look, think and answer.Narrator: The children are in the library, looking at books.Lenny:Look at this book, Stella! It’s about football.Stella: Shh, Lenny! We are in the library. We must be quiet.Lenny: Oops, sorry.Lenny: Meera, look wh at I’ve got.Meera:That’s nice, Lenny.Lenny:It’s about football! It’s got lots of pictures of my favourite players!Meera: Shh, Lenny. You must be quiet in the library!Lenny: Sorry!Alex: Hey, Lenny. What have you got?Lenny:It’s a book about football.Simon:Cool! That’s GREAT! YOU MUST BE QUIET IN THE LIBRARY!Grandpa: Come on, everybody. It’s five o’clock. We must go and catch the bus now.Lenny: OK, OK. Can we come back next week?Grandpa:Yes, I think so…but you must be quiet.8. Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. The children are at the bank. (No-they’re at the library.)2. You must be quiet in the library. (Yes.)3. Lenny’s got a book about art. (No-he’s got a book about football.)4. The book’s got lots of pictures of Lenny’s favourite football players.(Yes)5. Grandpa Star and the children must catch a plane. (No, they must catcha bus.)6. The children want to come back next week. (Yes.)12. Listen. Repeat and clap.1. radio,2. school,3. playground,4. park,5. cinema,6. station,7. map,8. city,9. street, 10 afternoon, 11. question, 12. motorbike, 13. dirty, 14. walk, 15. fruit, 16. beautiful.Unit 5 Fit and well. (保持健康)2.Listen and check.Aunt May: Good morning. How are you today, Stella?Stella:Oh, I’m not very well. I’ve got a cold.Aunt May: And you’ve got a cough. Have you got a headache.Stella:Oh, yes! My head hurts a lot, and I’m very hot.Aunt May:OK. Put this under your arm. Oh, yes. 39 degrees. You’ve got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, what’s the matter with you, Simon?Simon: My stomach hurts a lot. I don’t want to eat.Aunt May: Have you got a toothache?Simon: No.Aunt May:I see, so…you’ve got a stomach-ache. Well, go to bed and don’t eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today.Simon:Oh, I think I’m Ok now. Can I go and play?Aunt May:Hmm…3.Listen and do the actions.You’ve got a headache. You’ve got a temperature. You’ve got a toothache. You’ve got a stomach-ache. You’ve got a cough. You’ve got a cold.4.Listen and say the letter.Girl: What’s the matter?Boy:Oh, I’ve got a headache. ( h )Boy:What’s the matter with you?Two girls:We’ve got colds. ( g )Man:What’s the matter with him?Girl:He’s got a cough. ( c )Man:What’s the matter with them?Girl:They’ve got a temperature. ( b )Woman:What’s the matter with your grandfather?Boy:He’s got a backache. ( e )Woman:What’s the matter with your dad?Boy:He’s got a toothache. ( f )Man:What’s the matter with your grandmother?Girl:She’s got a stomach-ache. ( a )Woman:What’s the matter with your sister?Boy:He’s got an earache. ( d )8. Listen and check.Grandpa: Oh, dear. What’s the matter with Stella?Mrs Star: Hmm. She’s got a temperature. Look, 39 degrees!Stella: Can I go to school, Mum?Mrs Star: No, you can’t go to school today.Grandpa: Go to school! She mustn’t go out!Stella: Can I get up?Mrs Star: No, sorry. You mustn’t get up.Grandpa: You must stay in bed and put this blanket on you. Stella: Can I read?Mrs Star: Yes, you can read. And you must take this. Grandpa: Oh, how often must she take it?Mrs Star: She must take it after every meal for a week.Stella: A week?...Oh, no!11. Listen and complete the sentences. Say ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’.1. When you’ve got a cough you (mustn’t) go out.2. When you’ve got a temperature you (mustn’t) go to school.3. When you’ve got a backache you (mustn’t) do sport.4. When you’ve got a headache you (must) go to bed.5. When you’ve got an earache you (mustn’t) listen to music.6. When you’ve got a stomach-ache you (mustn’t) eat sweets.7. When you’ve got a toothache you (must) go to the dentist.8. When you’ve got a cold you (must) drink a lot of orange juice.12. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. phone2. fruit3. hot4.goat5.who6.clothes7. cross 8. doll 9.clock 10. no 11. move 12. boat13. juice 14. you 15. nose 16. slowUnit 6 A day in the country. (乡村一日)2.Listen and check.Mr. Star:Look at this map of the countryside. Let’s go there for a picnic on Sunday. We can take a big blanket and have our lunch onthe ground.Grandpa:That’s good idea! I like picnics. Ooh, there’s a river here. I’d like to go fishing,Simon: And I’d like to go swimming. There’s a lake near the river. Mr. Star: Ok, so you need to take a towel.Stella:Oh, look! There’s a big forest. I want to look at some plants and draw their leaves.Suzy: Is there any grass to play on, Dad?Mr. Star: Yes, Suzy. Look at the map. There’s green parts are fields.There’s a lot of grass.Grandpa:Hmm, lots of grass and a blanket … That’s great … for a nice sleep after lunch. Hmm.3.Listen and say the letter.a forest, a lake, a picnic, a field, grass, a leaf, a river, a plant. (e, d, a, h, g ,f ,c, b)7. Listen and check.1Mr. Star: Ok, now, where shall I put the picnic table?Mrs. Star: Put it over there under that tree, please.Simon:I can’t do this!Stella: Shall I help you put the blanket on the grass, Simon?Simon: Yes, please!2 Later.Narrator: Simon’s cold and hungry. He wants to eat.Suzy’s hot and thir sty. She want a drink.Grandpa Star is catching a big fat fish. He’s very strong.Grandma Star’s near the cows in the field. She’s very quiet.She’s drawing a baby cow. It’s got thin legs and it’s very wek.Stella isn’t happy because her drawing’s bad.Mr. Star’s listening to the radio. His music is very loud.Oh, yes! And finally, Mrs. Star. She’s sleeping because she’svery tired.8. Play the memory game. Close your books. Listen and answer.1. Is Stella’s drawing good or bad?2. Is Simon cold or hot?3. Is the music quiet or loud?4. Is Suzy hungry or thirsty?5. Is Grandpa strong or weak?6. Is Mrs. Star tired or hungry?7. Is the fish fat or thin?8. Is Grandma tired or quiet?11. Listen and write. Match the words and the pictures.1. a-n-g-r-y e2. t-h-i-r-s-t-y d3. c-l-e-v-e-r h4. w-e-a-k a5. l-o-u-d g6. h-u-n-g-r-y c7. s-t-r-o-n-g b8. t-i-r-e-d f13. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. catch2. face3. are4. name5.part6.bank7.straight8. bad9. fat 10.cake 11. stand 12. park 13. art 14. day 15. paint 16. armUnit 7 Word of animals. (动物世界)2.Listen and check.Stella:Ooh. ‘Animals of the world… Dolphins, whales and sharks live in the sea. Dolphins eat fish.’Simon: Yeah, and bears eat fish too. They eat everything-fish, fruit, plants, m eat … Look at this one. It’s big and strong. Stella: Yes, lions are strong too. They sleep a lot.Simon:Here’s a kangaroo. It eats leaves.Stella:I like pandas. They’re black and white, and they live in China. Simon: Wow! These small brown bats sleep in the day and get their food at night… They’re really quick. They can eat 100 insects in fiveminutes.Stella: Oh, yuk. Here are Suzy’s favourite animals. These parrots are beautiful. They’re red, yellow, green, blue…Simon: And they talk a lot, too. Just like Suzy!3.Look and complete. Listen and check.Dolphin dolphin kangaroo lion dolphin dolphin kangaroo lion dolphinShark shark whale whale panda shark shark whale whaleParrot bear parrot bat parrot bear parrot bat parrot8. Listen and check.Lenny:We’ve got homework on animals today.Simon: Mmm, let’s use the Internet. It’s quicker than using a book. Lenny:Cool. Look at this elephant. It’s bigger than all the other land animals in the world.Stella: Shall we look at another animal? Look at this.Lenny: A bat.Stella:It’s much smaller than the elephant. It says that some bats are only four centimeters long.Lenny: The elephant is stronger – it says it can carry trees!Simon: And the elephant is much dirtier than the bat. Elephants like swimming in dirty rivers and lakes when it’s hot. Just like Dotty!13. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. big2. bike3. child4. swim5. kick6. kick7. ride 8. five 9. six 10. hide 11. chips 12. drive 13.drink 14. nine 15. find 16. lifeUnit 8 Weather report. (天气预报)3.Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. It’s cloudy. (No. It’s sunny.)2. It’s snowing. (Yes.)3. Oh. It’s raining. (No. It’s cloudy.)4. Look! It’s a rainbow. (Yes.)5. I t’s very sunny. (No. It’s raining.)6. It’s really windy today. (Yes.)4. Listen and match.Woman:It’s time for today’s weather report.Man: Hello.Here in the mountains, it’s snowing.The birds aren’t singing in the forest today because it’s raining. There’s no sun on the island today. It’s very cloudy.At the lake, it’s hot and sunny, so a lot of children are swimming. It’s a bad day for a picnic at the beach. It’s very windy.If you go to the fields, you can see a rainbow.Have a good day, wherever you are.Woman:Thank you, Thomas. Next, we are …(1-b 2-c 3-f 4-d 5-a 6-e)7. Listen and check.Alxe: Hello?Simon: Hello, Alex. Where are you?Alex:Simon, hi! I’m at my aunt’s house in the country.Simon: The country. Cool. Are you having fun?Alex:Yeah, it’s great. Yesterday I was out all day. In the morning the weather was really bad. It was wet, cloudy and windy.Simon: What was the weather like in the afternoon?Alex:It was better in the afternoon, but it was cold. I’ve got a new sweater and scarf.Simon:That’s nice.Alex:Yeah. They were a present from my aunt, but it isn’t cold today and now I’m really hot.8. Listen and say ‘yesterday’ or ‘today’.1. In the morning the weather was really bad. (Yesterday)2. He’s at his aunt’s house. (Tod ay)3. It was wet, cloudy and windy. (Yesterday)4. It isn’t cold. (Today)5. He was out all day. (Yesterday)6. He’s really hot. (Today)7. The weather was better in the afternoon. (Yesterday)13. Can you hear \ ɜ: \ ? Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. worse2. shorts3. world4. farm5. turn6. nurse7. shark8. girl9. learn 10. hurt 11. scarf12. weren’t 13. wet 14. word 15. loves 16. aunt。

Unit 3 剑桥国际少儿英语KBS3

Unit 3  剑桥国际少儿英语KBS3

Unit 3 A day in the life (一日生活)1. listen and say the letter1.Stella wakes up at seven o’clock every day.2. Stella gets up.3.Stella has a shower.4.Then Stella gets dressed.5.She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt.6.Stella catches the bus to school.7.Stella does her homework.8.Before dinner , Stella washes her hands.9. Stella gets undressed.10.She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt.11.Stella goes to bed at nine o’clock.3. Listen and do the actionsHave breakfast. Go to bed.Have lunch. Put on your jacket. Take off your shoes. Wake up.Have a shower. Put on your T-shirt. Get up. Wash your hands. Have dinner. Catch the bus.9.Listen and say the day. 注意( It is = It’s )Lenny:How often do you play in the park, Simon?Do you play every day?Simon:Well, no. I never plays in the park on Mondays.Lenny:Yes, we always have lots of homework on Mondays. Simon:I sometimes play in the park after school on Wednesdays, but I sometimes go swimming with Dad.Lenny:And what about at the weekend ?Simon:I always play in the park on Sundays.It is my favorite day.Lenny:Simon...What day is it today?Simon:It is Sunday ! Let’s go to the park!P32 1. Listen. Who is it?1.This person works in a hospital andlooks after you when you are not well.2.This person uses water to stop big fires.3.This person works in a school and helps children to learn.4.This person knows a lot about teeth.12. Listen and say ‘yes’or ‘no’.1.James Flunk is a music teacher. (Yes.)2.He always plays the piano during his holidays.(No, he never plays the piano during his holidays.)3. He never plays tennis on Wednesdays.(No, he always plays tennis on Wednesdays.)4.He sometimes plays football with his daughter Jane. (Yes.)5. He takes his son to the swimming pool every Saturday morning. (Yes.)6.He always takes his family to the mountains on Sundays.(No, he sometimes takes his family to the mountains on Sundays.) 7. They never sing songs in the car.(No, they sometimes sing songs in the car .)15.Listen. Can you hear / Ә/ ? Say yes or no.1.dancer2.shows3.driver4.trousers5.drives6.clever7.wears 8.singer9.answer 10.sweater11.what 12.shower13. sings 14.dances15.tennis 16.water。










1. House - 房子
2. Cat - 猫
3. Dog - 狗
4. Book - 书
5. Pen - 笔
6. Teacher - 老师
7. School - 学校
8. Banana - 香蕉
9. Ball - 球
10. Tree - 树

1. What is your name? - 你叫什么名字?
2. How old are you? - 你几岁了?
3. Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?
4. I like... - 我喜欢...
5. Can I borrow your pencil? - 我可以借你的铅笔吗?
6. Do you have any pets? - 你有宠物吗?
7. This is my friend. - 这是我的朋友。

8. What time is it? - 现在几点了?





②Where does he/she live?He lives in Shanghai.
③What’s your address?My address is Tianbao Road.
④Do you like living in the city?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
bike, monster, riding, talking, walking, flying, driving, bouncing,
Detective Agency, fur,leave a message, look for, Lock and Key;
①What’s your favorite toy called? It’s called TOM.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, always, sometimes, never;
come home, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, every day,
week, weekend;
What’s the ** made of/from?
get dressed, get undressed, get up, wake up, put on, take off, wash,
go to bed, go to school, have a shower, Monday, Tuesday,
city, town, village, country, street, balcony, basement, downstairs,

剑桥国际少儿英语3单词 kb3

剑桥国际少儿英语3单词 kb3

第三册剑桥少儿单词wait 等待moment 时刻瞬间wait a moment 等一会call 打电话叫brain 大脑comic 连环画喜剧lock 锁key 钥匙playground 操场fat 胖的detective 侦探agency 中介leave 离开message 信息leave a message 留言look for 找problem 问题answer 回答fur 毛皮work 工作homework 家庭作业wood 木头thirty 30forty 40fifty 50sixty 60seventy 70eighty 80ninety 90hundred 100coat 外套poster 海报公告family tree 家庭树家谱uncle 叔叔aunt 阿姨 auntieparents 父母grandparents 祖父母,外祖父母daughter 女儿son 儿子granddaughter 孙女grandson 孙子take a photo of 拍照片science 科学clever 聪明的doctor 医生,博士because 因为wash 洗have a bath 沐浴towel 毛巾straight 直的straight hair 直发curly 卷的curly hair 卷发farmer 农民beard 大胡子moustache 小胡子fair 公平的all day 整天,一天到晚do 做don’t do not 缩写does do的第三人称单数doesn’t does not缩写really 真的artist 艺术家radio 收音机thief 小偷him 他portrait 肖像self-portrait 自画像same 一样的different 不同的type 类型person 人people 人uniform 制服hut 小屋seat 座位tight 紧的projet 计划naught 淘气的enjoy 享受喜欢enjoy doing sth want 想要want to do sth need 需要be good at 擅长room 房间flat 公寓upstairs 楼上downstairs 楼下stairs 楼梯basement 地下室balcony 阳台lift 电梯village 乡村letter 字母country 国家乡村full 满的 full of plant 植物cool 酷凉爽的else 其他的What else?其他的什么carry 搬运climb 爬difficult 困难break 打破address 地址station 车站clown 小丑think 想I don’t think so.我不这样认为of course 当然half 一半centre 中心 centerwindow 窗户road 马路street 大街near 附近castle 城堡dream 梦想what about 怎么样Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日lesson 课start 开始way 方法道路world 世界why 为什么because 因为gate 门dish 盘子card 卡片get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get up 起床go to bed 上床have a shower 洗澡have a bathput on 穿上take off 脱下wake up 醒before 在……之前after 在……之后wash 洗bedtime 睡觉时间dress 穿衣服连衣裙undress 脱衣服o’clock …点钟always 总是常常often 经常sometimes 有时never 从不story 故事tell 告诉follow 跟随weekend 周末during 在……的时候go shopping 买东西quick 快slow 慢blood 血body 身体oxygen 氧气part 部分more 更多(many多)lung 肺heart 心脏beat 打heartbeat 心跳pulse 脉搏minute 分钟finger 手指arm 胳膊bank 银行cinema 电影院supermarket 超市library 图书馆market 市场pool 水池swimming pool 游泳池opposite 相反的film 电影buy 买money 钱现金must 必须exciting 令人兴奋的robber 强盗Britain 英国use 用pound 英镑pence 便士pay 付钱thing 东西事情coin 硬币hole 洞middle 中间的price 价格hot 热temperature 温度cold 冷cough 咳嗽headache 头疼toothache 牙疼stomach 胃stomach-ache 胃疼matter 事情hurt 疼earache 耳朵疼backache 后背疼stay 停留坚持bear 熊true 正确false 错误look after 照顾rich 有钱的sir 先生choose 选择healthy 健康的unhealthy 不健康的sweet 甜的糖果vegetables 蔬菜rest 休息exercise 锻炼important 重要的kind 种类和蔼的be good for对……有好处hour 小时keep 保持keep healthy 保持健康fit 健康的until 到……为止drop 落下滴degree 度blanket 毛毯meal 饭week 周dentist 牙医cross 穿过at a zoo 在动物园lake 湖river 河grass 草picnic 野餐field 田地forest 森林leaf 叶子leaves 叶子(复)countryside 农村乡村weak 虚弱的thin 薄的thirsty 渴的strong 强壮的hungry 饿loud 大声的tired 疲倦的shall 将everywhere 到处skin 皮肤dark 黑暗的深色的fair 公平的白皙的浅色的pea 豌豆ground 土地map 地图finally 最后终于art 艺术ready 准备好的silly 蠢的root 根seed 种子lettuce 生菜sunflower 太阳花air 空气carbon 碳dioxide 二氧化物carbon dioxide 二氧化碳grow 生长different 不同的difference 不同the other 另一个another 另一个more 更多whale 鲸鱼panda 熊猫bat 蝙蝠lion 狮子kangaroo 袋鼠shark 鲨鱼parrot 鹦鹉dolphin 海豚Australia 澳大利亚insect 昆虫internet 网络than 比office 办公室wrong 错误的right 正确的右边bigger 更大longer 更长quicker 更快dirtier 更脏weaker 更虚弱better 更好worse 更坏just 恰好centimeter 厘米land 陆地be good at 擅长be good for 对……有好处island 小岛place 地方habitat 栖息地waterfall 瀑布cave 洞穴jungle 丛林other 其他的the other 另一个another 另一个rock 岩石one part of 一部分interesting 有意思的snow 雪top 顶部inside 在里面wet 潮湿dry 干的around 包围come 来onto 在……之上into 在……里面lemur 狐猴tomato 西红柿windy 有风的wind 风rainy 有雨的rain 雨snowy 有雪的snow 雪snowman 雪人cloudy 有云的cloud 云sunny 有阳光的晴的sun 太阳阳光if 如果假如today 今天yesterday 昨天sweater 毛衣scarf 围巾any 任何的一点watermelon 西瓜page 页weather 天气report 报告weather report 天气预报present 礼物wherever 无论什么地方处处was is、am的过去式were are的过去式am 是is 是are 是police 警察question 问题last 最后的上一次的orchestra 管弦乐队group 组musician 音乐家musical 音乐的instrument 仪器;乐器brass 黄铜woodwind 木管乐器string 线;细绳;串percussion 打击乐器bow 弓蝴蝶结piece 块;碎块correct 改正notebook 笔记本choose 选择。



剑桥国际少⼉英语KB3《剑桥国际少⼉英语》KB3Hello (你好!)4.Listen. Say the number.d-o-l-l ( That’s number eighteen and it’s pink.)b-i-k-e ( That’s number seventeen and it’s purple.)t-r-a-i-n ( That’s number twelve and it’s purple.)m-o-n-s-t-e-r( That’s number fourteen and it’s purple.) g-a-m-e( That’s number nineteen and it’s green.)c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r ( That’s number fifteen and it’s grey.) k-i-t-e ( That’s number eleven and it’s yellow and red.) c-a-m-e-r-a (That’s number twenty and it’s white.)l-o-r-r-y ( That’s number sixteen and it’s orange.)h-e-l-i-c-o-p-t-e-r ( That’s number thirteen and it’s blue.)8.Listen. Who is it?She’s drinking orange juice. ( That’sMeera. )She’s jumping. ( That’s Suzy. )He’s eating an apple. ( That’s Lenny. )He’s showing Lenny his new school bag. ( That’s Simon. )She’s reading a book. ( That’s Stella. )He’s playing football. ( That’s Alex. )14.Listen. Repeat the word and say the colour.1 frog (Frog. Orange.)2 dress (Dress. Red.)3 hit (Hit. Pink.)4 box (Box. Orange.)5 watch (Watch. Orange.)6 friend (Friend. Red.)7 swim (Swim. Pink.)8 man (Man. Black.)9 bread (bread. Red.)10 egg (egg. Red.)11 milk (Milk. Pink.)12 flat (Flat. Black.)13 in (In. Pink.)14 on (On. Orange.)15 hat (Hat. Black.)16 drink (Drink. Pink.)Unit 1 Family matters (关于家庭)2.Listen and check.Stella:Hi, everyone. This is my project. Here’s my family tree. These are my parents, Mr and Mrs Star.And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They’re my grandparents and they’ve got two children: a son and a daughter. Their son’s my dad and their daughter’s my Aunt May.I’ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May’s my dad’s sister. Uncle Fred’s my mum’s brother. Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me.Q1:Where’s Stella? (She’s at school/in the classroom.)Q2: What’s she doing? (She’s talking about herfamily tree to the class.)Q3: Has she got a brother? (Yes, she’s got a brother.) Q4: How many sisters has she got? ( She’s got onesister.)4.Listen, and say the letter.This person’s taking a photo of his son. (e)This person’s playing football with his uncle. (a)This person’s reading a book to her daughter. (d)This person’s playing a game with her aunt. (b)This person’s painting a picture of her granddaughter. (c)5.Listen and complete.Grandma Star’s painting a picture of her________. (granddaughter)Simon’s playing football with his_______. (uncle)Mrs Star’s reading a book to her ______. (daughter) Grandpa Star’s taking a photo of his ______. (son) Stella’s playing a game with her ______. (aunt)Mr and Mrs Star are Simon’s _______. (parents)Unit 2 Home sweet home (温馨的家)2.Listen and check.Meera:We’ve got a new flat. We’re moving from our house in the country to a flat in the town.Alex:Do you like living in the country?Meera:I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. It’s quiet and there are a lot of trees.Lenny:Has your house got a basement under the floor? Meera:Yes, it’s full of boxes and old toys.Alex:And what about your new flat?Meera:Well, it has’nt got a basemen or a garden, but it’s got a beautiful balcony for my plants.Alex:Cool. What eles?Meera:The house in the village has got stairs to go up and down but the flat in the city is different. There are five floors so we go upstairs and downstairs in a lift!Lenny:Wow! I want to live in a flat.Q1:Who can you see? (I can see Meera, Alex and lenny.)Q2: What’s in the room under the house? (There areboxes and toys.)Q3: Has the flat got a garden? (No, it hasn’t.)Q4: Hho is moving house? ( Meera is moving house.)3.Listen and say the letter.a basement(d) avillage(b) a lift(g)upstairs(e) abalcony(c) a town(a)downstairs(f)9.Listen and say.12 20 13 30 14 40 15 5016 60 17 70 18 80 199010.Listen. What colour are the doors?May lives at number seventy-two. (That’s pink.)Tom lives at number ninety-eight. (That’s white.)Jack lives at number twenty-three. (That’s yellow.) Daisy lives at number forty-one. (That’s green.) Peter lives at number sixty-four. (That’s purple.) Mary lives at number eighty-five. (That’s black.)Sally lives at number thirty-seven. (That’s blue.) Vicky lives at number fifty-nine. (That’s orange.)14. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. cow2. stairs3. draw4.house 5. there 6.down7. bear 8. mouth 9. chair 10.tall 11. four 12. how13. door 14. where 15. board 16. PearUnit 3 A day in the life (⼀⽇⽣活)1.Listen and say the letter.Stella wakes up at seven o’clock every day.Stella gets up.Stella has a shower.Then Stella gets dressed. She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella catches the bus to school.Stella does her homework.Before dinner, Stella washes her hands.Stella gets undressed. She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella goes to bed at nine o’clock.( g, a, e, h, c, f, b, i, d)3.Listen and do the actions.Have breakfast. Go to bed. Have lunch. Put on your jacket. Take off your shoes. Wake up. Have a shower. Put on your T-shirt. Get up. Wash your hands. Have dinner. Catch the bus.8.Say the chant.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.9.Listen and say the day.Lenny: How often do you play in the park, Simon? Do you play every day?Simon: Well, on. I never play in the park on Mondays. Lenny: Yes, we always have lots of homework on Mondays. Simon: I sometimes play in the park after school on Wednesdays, but I sometimes go swimming with Dad.Lenny: And what about at the weekend?Simon: I always play in the park on Sundays. It’s my favourite day.Lenny: Simon…What day is it today?Simon: It’s Sunday! Let’s go to the park!12. Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. James Flunk is a music teacher. (Yes.)2. He always plays the piano during his holidays. (No, he never plays the piano during his holidays.)3. He never plays tennis on Wednesdays. (No, he always plays tennis on Wednesdays.)4. He sometimes plays football with his daughter Jane. (Yes.)5. He takes his son to the swimming pool every Saturday morning. (Yes.)6. He always takes his family to the mountains on Sundays. (No, he sometimes takes his family to the mountains on Sundays.)7. They never sing songs in the car. (No, they sometimes sing songs in the car.)15. Listen. Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. dancer,2. shower,3. driver,4. trousers,5. drives,6. clever,7. wears,8. singer,9. answer, 10 sweater, 11. what, 12. shower, 13. sings, 14. dances, 15. tennis, 16. water.Unit 4 In the city. (在城市⾥)1.Listen. Find Meera’s flat.Meera:Look at this map. My new flat’s on it.Alex:Cool! Is there a sports centre near you?Meera: Yes, look. It’s over there, next to the bus station. Simon:Wow! And there’s a really big swimming pool behind it! Stella:Oh, look! Here’s Park Road. There’s a big library…Mmm. Lots ofbooks thereMeera: Yes, that’s next to the bank, Where my dad works.Lenny:Mmm. What’s this, next to the cinema?Meera:That’ the market. We get our fruit there.Alex:Oh, we go to the supermarket to get our food. Simon:Mmm…Food. Come on! Let’s go for lunch.Alex and Lenny:Yeah, good idea, Simon. See you, Meera! Seeyou,Stella!Meera:See you!Stella:So where is your flat, Meera?Meera:It’s here, behind the park, next to the library.3.Look at the picture. Listen and answer.Where’s the park. (It’s in front of the swimming pool.) Where’s the bus station? (It’s next to the cinema.) Where’s the hospital? (It’s next to the supermarket.) Where’s the supermarket? (It’s between the bank and the hospital.)Where’s the sports centre? ( It’s next to the swimming pool.) Where’s the cinema? (It’s next to the bus station.) Where’s the bank? (It’s next to the supermarket.)Where’s the swimming pool? (It behind the park.)6.Look, think and answer.Narrator:The children are in the library, looking at books. Lenny:Look at this book, Stella! It’s about football. Stella: Shh, Lenny! We are in the library. We must be quiet. Lenny:Oops, sorry.Lenny:Meera, look what I’ve got.Meera:That’s nice, Lenny.Lenny:It’s about football! It’s got lots of pictures of my favourite players!Meera:Shh, Lenny. You must be quiet in the library! Lenny:Sorry!Alex:Hey, Lenny. What have you got?Lenny:It’s a book about football.Simon:Cool! That’s GREAT! YOU MUST BE QUIET IN THE LIBRARY! Grandpa: Come on, everybody. It’s five o’clock. Wemust go and catch the bus now.Lenny:OK, OK. Can we come back next week?Grandpa:Yes, I think so…but you must be quiet.8. Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. The children are at the bank. (No-they’re at the library.)2. You must be quiet in the library. (Yes.)3. Lenny’s got a book about art. (No-he’s got a book about football.)4. The book’s got lots of pictures of Lenny’s favourite footballplayers. (Yes)5. Grandpa Star and the children must catch a plane. (No, theymust catch a bus.)6. The children want to come back next week. (Yes.)12. Listen. Repeat and clap.1. radio,2. school,3. playground,4. park,5. cinema,6. station,7. map,8. city,9. street, 10 afternoon, 11. question, 12. motorbike, 13. dirty, 14. walk, 15. fruit, 16. beautiful.Unit 5 Fit and well. (保持健康)2.Listen and check.Aunt May:Good morning. How are you today, Stella?Stella:Oh, I’m not very well. I’ve got a cold.Aunt May: And you’ve got a cough. Have you got a headache. Stella:Oh, yes! My head hurts a lot, and I’m very hot. Aunt May:OK. Put this under your arm. Oh, yes. 39 degrees. You’ve got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, what’s the matter with you, Simon?Simon: My stomach hurts a lot. I don’t want to eat.Aunt May: Have you got a toothache?Simon:No.Aunt May:I see, so…you’ve got a stomach-ache. Well, go tobed anddon’t eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today. Simon:Oh, I think I’m Ok now. Can I go and play?Aunt May:Hmm…3.Listen and do the actions.You’ve got a headache. You’ve got a temperature. You’ve got a toothache. You’ve got a stomach-ache. You’ve got a cough. You’ve got a cold.4.Listen and say the letter.Girl: What’s the matter?Boy:Oh, I’ve got aheadache. ( h )Boy:What’s the matter with you?Two girls:We’ve gotcolds. ( g )Man:What’s the matter with him?Girl:He’s got acough. ( c )Man:What’s the matter with them?Girl:They’ve got atemperature. ( b )Woman:What’s the matter with yourgrandfather?Boy:He’s got abackache.( e )Woman:What’s the matter with your dad?Boy:He’s got atoothache. ( f )Man:What’s the matter with your grandmother?Girl:She’s got astomach-ache. ( a )Woman:What’s the matter with your sister?Boy:He’s got anearache. ( d )8. Listen and check.Grandpa: Oh, dear. What’s the matter with Stella?Mrs Star: Hmm. She’s got a temperature. Look, 39 degrees! Stella: Can I go to school, Mum?Mrs Star: No, you can’t go to school today.Grandpa: Go to school! She mustn’t go out!Stella: Can I get up?Mrs Star: No, sorry. You mustn’t get up.Grandpa: You must stay in bed and put this blanket on you. Stella: Can I read?Mrs Star: Yes, you can read. And you must take this. Grandpa: Oh, how often must she take it? Mrs Star: She must take it after every meal for a week. Stella: A week?...Oh, no!11. Listen and complete the sentences. Say ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’.1. When you’ve got a cough you (mustn’t) go out.2. When you’ve got a temperature you (mustn’t) go to school.3. When you’ve got a backache you (mustn’t) do sport.4. When you’ve got a headache you (must) go to bed.5. When you’ve got an earache you (mustn’t) listen to music.6. When you’ve got a stomach-ache you (mustn’t) eat sweets.7. When you’ve got a toothache you (must) go to the dentist.8. When you’ve got a cold you (must) drink a lot of orange juice.12. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. phone2. fruit3.hot 4.goat 5.who 6.clothes7. cross 8. doll 9.clock 10.no 11. move 12. boat13. juice 14. you 15. nose 16. slowUnit 6 A day in the country. (乡村⼀⽇)2.Listen and check.Mr. Star:Look at this map of the countryside. Let’s go therefor a picnicon Sunday. We can take a big blanket and have our lunchonthe ground.Grandpa:That’s good idea! I like picnics. Ooh, there’s a river here. I’d like to go fishing, Simon: And I’d like to go swimming. There’s a lake near theriver.Mr. Star:Ok, so you need to take a towel.Stella:Oh, look! There’s a big forest. I want to look at some plants and draw their leaves. Suzy: Is there any grass to play on, Dad?Mr. Star: Yes, Suzy. Look at the map. There’s green parts arefields.There’s a lot of grass.Grandpa:Hmm, lots of grass and a blanket … That’s great …for a nice sleep after lunch. Hmm.3.Listen and say the letter.a forest, a lake, a picnic, afield, grass, a leaf, a river, a plant. (e, d, a, h, g ,f ,c, b)7. Listen and check.1Mr. Star:Ok, now, where shall I put the picnic table? Mrs. Star: Put it over there under that tree, please. Simon:I can’t do this! Stella:Shall I help you put the blanket on the grass, Simon? Simon:Yes, please!2 Later.Narrator: Simon’s cold and hungry. He wants to eat.Suzy’s hot and thirsty. She want a drink.Grandpa Star is catching a big fat fish. He’s very strong.Grandma Star’s near the cows in the field. She’s very quiet.She’s drawing a baby cow. It’s got thin legs and it’s very wek.Stella isn’t happy because her drawing’s bad.Mr. Star’s listening to the radio. His music is very loud.Oh, yes! And finally, Mrs. Star. She’s sleeping becauseshe’s very tired.8. Play the memory game. Close your books. Listen and answer.1. Is Stella’s drawing good or bad?2. Is Simon cold or hot?3. Is the music quiet or loud?4. Is Suzy hungry or thirsty?5. Is Grandpa strong or weak?6. Is Mrs. Star tired or hungry?7. Is the fish fat or thin?8. Is Grandma tired or quiet?11. Listen and write. Match the words and the pictures.1. a-n-g-r-y e2. t-h-i-r-s-t-y d3. c-l-e-v-e-r h4. w-e-a-k a5. l-o-u-d g6. h-u-n-g-r-y c7. s-t-r-o-n-g b8. t-i-r-e-d f 13. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.。



三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞drive-driving驾驶bounce-bouncing 拍Detective Agency侦探所fur 皮毛leave a message 留言look for 寻找Lock and Key 锁和钥匙Unit1aunt 阿姨daughter 女儿granddaughter 孙女grandson 孙子grandparents 祖父母grandchildren孙儿(女)son 儿子uncle 叔叔thief 盗贼dirty? 脏的jacket 夹克衫enjoy/like/love 喜欢read about 读关于...的书science 科学clever 聪明的want to be 想成为...doctor 医生really +adj 真的...because 因为naughty 淘气的moustache 八字胡straight 直的curly 弯曲的beard 胡须farmer 农民fair 金色的Unit2city 城市town 城镇village 村庄country 乡下street 街道balcony 阳台Wordsbasement 地下室downstairs 楼下的lift 电梯floor 地板home 家stairs 楼梯upstairs 楼上的flat 公寓apartment 公寓twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百need 需要address 地址move house 搬家carry 拿、扛above 在...上面below 在...下面between 在...之间next to 靠近...at 在...apple tree 苹果树plants 植物flowers 花朵place 地方phone number 电话号码Unit3get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get up 起床wake up 醒来put on 穿上take off 脱下wash 洗go to bed 睡觉go to school 去上学have a shower 洗澡Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日always 总是sometimes 有时never 从不come home 回家have breakfast 吃早饭have lunch 吃午饭have dinner 吃晚饭every day 每天week 周weekend 周末Unit4bank 银行bus station 公交车站bus stop 公交车站café 咖啡馆cinema 电影院hospital 医院library 图书馆market 市场shop商店sports centre 体育中心supermarket 超市swimming pool 游泳馆near 靠近opposite 在...对面map? 地图book on/about关于...的书do homework做作业listen to the tape听磁带every day每天come to school on time 按时上学tidy your room?整理房间Unit5cold 冷的cough 咳嗽stomach-ache 胃痛headache 头痛temperature 温度toothache 牙痛back 后背backache 背痛earache 耳朵痛healthy 健康的hop 单腿跳skip 跳跃climb 攀爬hurt 受伤Unit6field 田野forest 森林grass ? 草lake 湖泊leaf 叶子picnic 野餐plant 植物river 河流countryside 郊区bad 坏的cold 冷的fat 胖的hot 热的hungry 饥饿的loud 大声的quiet 安静的strong 强壮的thirsty 口渴的tired 劳累的thin 瘦的weak 虚弱的skin 皮肤angry 生气的Unit7 bear 熊whale 鲸鱼panda 熊猫bat 蝙蝠lion 狮子kangaroo 袋鼠shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚parrot 鹦鹉cleaner 更干净bigger 更大dirtier 更脏better 更好worse 更坏quieter 更安静stronger 更强壮weaker 更虚弱longer 更长fatter 更胖slower 更低insect 昆虫pouch 口袋quick 迅速的the internet? 因特网rock 岩石island 岛屿Unit8weather 天气cloud 云彩cloudy 多云的sun 太阳sunny 晴朗的rain 下雨rainbow 彩虹snow 下雪wet 潮湿的wind 风windy ? 有风的today 今天yesterday 昨天weather report天气预报weatherman天气预报员Hello①What’s your favorite toy calledIt’s called TOM.②Have you got a brother or a sister SentencesYes, I have.\No, I haven’t.③What’s he doing He is flying a kite.Unit1①Do you like flying a kite Yes, I do.②Do you want to go to the countrysideYes, I do.③What do you want to doI want to have a picnic.④like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词:I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples.⑤My father is my grandparents’?son.Unit2①Where do you liveI live in Chongqing.②Where does he/she live? He lives in Shanghai.③What’s your addressMy address is Tianbao Road.④Do you like living in the city?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.⑤What’s the ** made of/from?Unit3①What time do you (get up)I get up at 7 O’clock.②What time does he (get dressed)He get dressed at 7 o’clock.③What do you do before/after (breakfast)I wash my face before breakfast.I go to school after breakfast.④What day is it todayIt’s Monday.⑤How often do you go to the zooSometimes.Unit4①Where do you (go to see a film)I go to see a film at a cinema.②You must do your homework.③Must I (do my homework)Yes, you must.④How much is it?It’s 5 Yuan.Unit5①What’s the matter with you / him / her / them? I’ve got a cold. / He’s got a cold.She’s got a cold. / They’ve got a cold.②must/mustn’tUnit6①Shall I put the book on the desk Yes, you can.\ No, you can’t.Unit7①The cat is weaker than the lion.Unit8①What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny today.②What was the weather like yesterday It was sunny yesterday.。



三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞drive-driving驾驶bounce-bouncing 拍Detective Agency侦探所fur 皮毛leave a message 留言look for 寻找Lock and Key锁和钥匙Unit1aunt 阿姨daughter 女儿granddaughter 孙女grandson 孙子grandparents 祖父母grandchildren孙儿(女)son 儿子uncle 叔叔thief 盗贼dirty 脏的jacket 夹克衫enjoy/like/love 喜欢read about 读关于...的书science 科学clever 聪明的want to be 想成为...doctor 医生really +adj 真的...because 因为naughty 淘气的moustache 八字胡straight 直的curly 弯曲的beard 胡须farmer 农民fair 金色的Unit2city 城市town 城镇Words精品文档village 村庄country 乡下street 街道balcony 阳台basement 地下室downstairs 楼下的lift 电梯floor 地板home 家stairs 楼梯upstairs 楼上的flat 公寓apartment 公寓twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百need 需要address 地址move house 搬家carry 拿、扛above 在...上面below 在...下面between 在...之间next to 靠近...at 在...apple tree 苹果树plants 植物flowers 花朵place 地方phone number 电话号码Unit3get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get up 起床wake up 醒来put on 穿上take off 脱下wash 洗go to bed 睡觉go to school 去上学have a shower 洗澡Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日always 总是sometimes 有时never 从不come home 回家have breakfast 吃早饭精品文档have lunch 吃午饭have dinner 吃晚饭every day 每天week 周weekend 周末Unit4 bank 银行bus station 公交车站bus stop 公交车站café咖啡馆cinema 电影院hospital 医院library 图书馆market 市场shop商店sports centre 体育中心supermarket 超市swimming pool游泳馆near 靠近opposite 在...对面map 地图book on/about关于...的书do homework做作业listen to the tape听磁带every day每天come to school on time按时上学tidy your room整理房间Unit5cold 冷的cough 咳嗽stomach-ache 胃痛headache 头痛temperature 温度toothache 牙痛back 后背backache 背痛earache 耳朵痛healthy 健康的hop 单腿跳skip 跳跃climb 攀爬hurt 受伤Unit6field 田野forest 森林grass 草lake 湖泊leaf 叶子picnic 野餐plant 植物river 河流精品文档countryside 郊区bad 坏的cold 冷的fat 胖的hot 热的hungry 饥饿的loud 大声的quiet 安静的strong 强壮的thirsty 口渴的tired 劳累的thin 瘦的weak 虚弱的skin 皮肤angry 生气的Unit7bear 熊whale 鲸鱼panda 熊猫bat 蝙蝠lion 狮子kangaroo 袋鼠shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚parrot 鹦鹉cleaner 更干净bigger 更大dirtier 更脏better 更好worse 更坏quieter 更安静stronger 更强壮weaker 更虚弱longer更长fatter 更胖slower 更低insect 昆虫pouch 口袋quick 迅速的the internet 因特网rock 岩石island 岛屿Unit8weather 天气cloud 云彩cloudy 多云的sun 太阳sunny 晴朗的rain 下雨rainbow 彩虹snow 下雪wet 潮湿的wind 风windy 有风的today 今天yesterday 昨天weather report天气预报weatherman天气预报员精品文档精品文档精品文档Hello①What’s your favorite toy called?It’s called TOM.②Have you got a brother or a sister? Yes, I have.\No, I haven’t.③What’s he doing? He is flying a kite.Unit1①Do you like flying a kite? Yes, I do.②Do you want to go to the countryside? Yes, I do.③What do you want to do?I want to have a picnic.④like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词:I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples.⑤My father is my grandparents’ son.Unit2①Where do you live?I live in Chongqing.②Where does he/she live?He lives in Shanghai.③What’s your a ddress?My address is Tianbao Road.④Do you like living in the city? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.⑤What’s the ** made of/from?Unit3①What time do you (get up)?I get up at 7 O’clock.②What time does he (get dressed)? He get dressed at 7 o’clock.Sentences③What do you do before/after (breakfast)?I wash my face before breakfast.I go to school after breakfast.④What day is it today?It’s Monday.⑤How often do you go to the zoo? Sometimes.Unit4①Where do you (go to see a film)?I go to see a film at a cinema.②You must do your homework.③Must I (do my homework)?Yes, you must.④How much is it? It’s 5 Yuan.Unit5 ①What’s the matter with you / him / her / them?I’ve got a cold. / He’s got a cold. She’s got a cold. / They’ve got a cold.②must/mustn’tUnit6①Shall I put the book on the desk? Yes, you can.\ No, you can’t.Unit7①The cat is weaker than the lion.Unit8①What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny today.②What was the weather like yesterday? It was sunny yesterday.精品文档精品文档。


I need to buy some milk.我需要买一些牛奶。
3,at night在夜里
At night,there are a lot of stars in the sky.夜晚,天空有许多星星。
4、live in居住在,生活在
I live in a flat in a city.
1,What`s your address ?你的地址是什么?
Home sweet home温馨的家
11,stairs楼梯12,lift电梯13,basement地下室14,village村庄15. flat
It`s 72 Station Road.车站路72号。
2,May lives at number ninety-eight.May住在98号楼。
3,What number is your room?你的房间号码是多少?
It`s 302.
1,go upstairs上楼2,go downstairs下楼
We move from Beijing to Shanghai.我们从北京搬到了上海。
2,need to do sth需要做某事



三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞drive-driving驾驶bounce-bouncing 拍Detective Agency侦探所fur 皮毛leave a message 留言look for 寻找Lock and Key锁和钥匙Unit1aunt 阿姨daughter 女儿granddaughter 孙女grandson 孙子grandparents 祖父母grandchildren孙儿(女)son 儿子uncle 叔叔thief 盗贼dirty 脏的jacket 夹克衫enjoy/like/love 喜欢read about 读关于...的书science 科学clever 聪明的want to be 想成为...doctor 医生really +adj 真的...because 因为naughty 淘气的moustache 八字胡straight 直的curly 弯曲的beard 胡须farmer 农民fair 金色的Unit2city 城市town 城镇village 村庄country 乡下street 街道balcony 阳台Words1basement 地下室downstairs 楼下的lift 电梯floor 地板home 家stairs 楼梯upstairs 楼上的flat 公寓apartment 公寓twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百need 需要address 地址move house 搬家carry 拿、扛above 在...上面below 在...下面between 在...之间next to 靠近...at 在...apple tree 苹果树plants 植物flowers 花朵place 地方phone number 电话号码Unit3get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get up 起床wake up 醒来put on 穿上take off 脱下wash 洗go to bed 睡觉go to school 去上学have a shower 洗澡Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日always 总是sometimes 有时never 从不come home 回家have breakfast 吃早饭have lunch 吃午饭have dinner 吃晚饭every day 每天week 周2weekend 周末Unit4 bank 银行bus station 公交车站bus stop 公交车站café咖啡馆cinema 电影院hospital 医院library 图书馆market 市场shop商店sports centre 体育中心supermarket 超市swimming pool游泳馆near 靠近opposite 在...对面map 地图book on/about关于...的书do homework做作业listen to the tape听磁带every day每天come to school on time按时上学tidy your room整理房间Unit5cold 冷的cough 咳嗽stomach-ache 胃痛headache 头痛temperature 温度toothache 牙痛back 后背backache 背痛earache 耳朵痛healthy 健康的hop 单腿跳skip 跳跃climb 攀爬hurt 受伤Unit6field 田野forest 森林grass 草lake 湖泊leaf 叶子picnic 野餐plant 植物river 河流countryside 郊区bad 坏的cold 冷的fat 胖的3hot 热的hungry 饥饿的loud 大声的quiet 安静的strong 强壮的thirsty 口渴的tired 劳累的thin 瘦的weak 虚弱的skin 皮肤angry 生气的Unit7 bear 熊whale 鲸鱼panda 熊猫bat 蝙蝠lion 狮子kangaroo 袋鼠shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚parrot 鹦鹉cleaner 更干净bigger 更大dirtier 更脏better 更好worse 更坏quieter 更安静stronger 更强壮weaker 更虚弱longer更长fatter 更胖slower 更低insect 昆虫pouch 口袋quick 迅速的the internet 因特网rock 岩石island 岛屿Unit8weather 天气cloud 云彩cloudy 多云的sun 太阳sunny 晴朗的rain 下雨rainbow 彩虹snow 下雪wet 潮湿的wind 风windy 有风的today 今天yesterday 昨天weather report天气预报weatherman天气预报员Hello①What’s your favorite toy called?Sentences4It’s called TOM.②Have you got a brother or a sister? Yes, I have.\No, I haven’t.③What’s he doing? He is flying a kite.Unit1①Do you like flying a kite? Yes, I do.②Do you want to go to the countryside? Yes, I do.③What do you want to do?I want to have a picnic.④like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词:I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples.⑤My father is my grandparents’ son.Unit2①Where do you live?I live in Chongqing.②Where does he/she live?He lives in Shanghai.③What’s your address?My address is Tianbao Road.④Do you like living in the city?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.⑤What’s the ** made of/from?Unit3①What time do you (get up)?I get up at 7 O’clock.②What time does he (get dressed)?He get dressed at 7 o’clock.③What do you do before/after (breakfast)?I wash my face before breakfast.5I go to school after breakfast.④What day is it today?It’s Monday.⑤How often do you go to the zoo? Sometimes.Unit4①Where do you (go to see a film)?I go to see a film at a cinema.②You must do your homework.③Must I (do my homework)?Yes, you must.④How much is it? It’s 5 Yuan.Unit5①What’s the matter with you / him / her / them?I’ve got a cold. / He’s got a cold. She’s got a cold. / They’ve got a cold.②must/mustn’tUnit6①Shall I put the book on the desk?Yes, you can.\ No, you can’t.Unit7①The cat is weaker than the lion.Unit8①What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny today.②What was the weather like yesterday?It was sunny yesterday.6。



剑桥国际少儿英语KB3单词表Hello四会comic* n. /`kDmIk/ 漫画be called* 叫做三会detective agency/dI`tektIv `eId??nsI/私人侦探社leave a message/`mesId?/留言answer v. /`ɑ:ns?/回答fur n. /f?:/ 皮毛Unit1 Family matters.四会aunt* n. /ɑ:nt/姨,姑,婶母/舅母,伯母daughter* n. /`d?:t?/女儿granddaughter* n. /`ɡr?nd.d?:t?/(外)孙女grandson* n. /`gr?nd.s?n/(外)孙parent* n. /`pe?r?nt/父/母son* n. /s?n/儿子uncle* n. /`??kl/叔,伯,舅,姑父,姨父grandparent* n. /`ɡr?nd.pe?r?nt/(外)祖父/母doctor* n. /`dDkt?/医生naughty* adj. /`n?:tI/淘气的quiet* adj. /`kwaI?t/安静的curly* adj. /`k?:lI/(头发)卷的straight* adj. /streIt/直的三会grandchildren n. /`ɡr?nd.t?Ildr?n/(外)孙子/女because conj. /bI`kDz/因为really adv. /`rI?lI/真正地/确实地/十分science n. /`saI?ns/科学towel n. /`tau?l/毛巾need v. /ni:d/需要beard n. /bI?d/胡须fair adj. /fe?/(头发)金色的moustache n. /m?s`tɑ:?/小胡子,八字须thief n. /θi:f/贼,小偷artist n./`ɑ:tIst/画家,艺术家portrait n. /`p?:trIt/画像self portrait自画像type n. /taIp/类型二会American n./adj. /?`merIk?n/美国人/ 美国(人)的France/frɑ:ns/法国Lascaux cave拉斯科山洞Spanish n./adj. /`sp?nI?/西班牙人/ 的,西班牙语/的Turkish n./adj. /`t?:kI?/土耳其语/的,土耳其人/的Da Vinci达-芬奇(意大利画家)Goya戈雅(西班牙画家)Monet莫奈(法国画家)Picasso毕加索(西班牙画家)Van Gogh梵高(荷兰画家)Vigée Le Brun维热.勒布伦(法国画家)Unit2 Home sweet home.四会shop* n. /?Dp/商店catch* v. /k?t?/赶上,抓住balcony* n. /`b?lk?nI/阳台basement* n. /`beIsm?nt/地下室down* adv./prep. /daun/向下/在---下面downstairs* adv./n. /`daun`ste?z/在楼下,向楼下/楼下floor* n./fl?:/ 楼层,地板home* n./h?um/家lift* n./lIft/ (US elevator) 电梯stair(s)* n. /ste?/楼梯upstairs* adv./n. /?p`ste?z/在楼上,向楼上/楼上road* n. /r?ud/道路city* n. /`sItI/城市village* n. /`vIlId?/村庄address* n. /?`dres/地址carry* v. /`k?rI/搬运map* n. /m?p/地图move* v. /mu:v/移动,搬家eighty* num. /`eItI /八十fifty* num. /`fIftI/五十forty* num. /`f?:tI/四十ninety* num. /`naIntI/九十seventy* num. /`sev?ntI/七十sixty* num. /`sIkstI/六十thirty* num. /`θ?:tI/三十look for*寻找三会sweet adj./swi:t/甜的,甜美的,可爱的country n. /`k?ntrI/乡村order n./v./`?:d?/顺序/点菜different adj. /`dIf?r?nt/不同的twenty num. /`twentI/二十difficult adj. /`dIfIk?lt/困难的above prep. /?`b?v/在--之上below prep. /bI`l?u/在---之下between prep. /bI`twi:n/在(两者)之间plant n. /plɑ:nt/植物brick n. /brIk/砖camel n. /`k?m?l/骆驼cook v. /kuk/烹饪,做(饭菜)cover n. /`k?v?/表面,封面half adj./n./hɑ:f/一半的/一半inside adv./n./prep. /In`saId/在里面/里面/在---的里面ladder n. /`l?d?/梯子minus adj./prep. /`maIn?s/零下,负/减去outside adv./n./prep. /aut`saId/在外面/外面/在……的外面use n./v, /ju:z/用处/使用wood n. /wud/木头be made from 由……制成temperature n. /`temp?r?t??/发烧,温度skin n. /skIn/皮肤island n. /`aIl?nd/岛snow n./v. /sn?u/雪/下雪dream n./v. /dri:m/梦/做梦every det. /`evrI/每一finish v. /`fInI?/完成stop v. /stDp/停止town n. /taun/城镇二会Asia n. /`eI??/亚洲Greenland格陵兰(地名)Korowai adj. 毛利人的Mongolia/mD?`ɡ?ulj?/蒙古Mongolian n./adj. /mD?`g??li:?n/蒙古人,蒙语/蒙古人的Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚Unit3 A day in the life.四会then* adv. /een/那时,然后first* adj.adv. /f?:st/第一的,首要的/ 首先homework* n. /`h?umw?:k/家庭作业wash* n./v. /wD?/洗after* prep. /`ɑ:ft?/在--之后before* prep /bI`f?:/ 在---之前always* adv. /`?:lweIz/总是Friday* n. /`fraIdI/星期五Monday* n. /`m?ndI/星期一never* adv. /`nev?/从不,绝不Saturday* n. /`s?t?dI/星期六sometimes* adv. /`s?mtaImz/有时Sunday* n. /`s?ndI/星期天Thursday* n. /`θ?:zdI/星期四Tuesday* n. /`tju:zdI/星期二Wednesday* n. /`wenzdI/星期三week* n. /wi:k/星期,一周often* adv. /`Df?n/经常on* prep. /?n/在(某天)weekend* n. /.wi:k`end/周末shower* n. /`?au?/淋浴hospital* n. /`hDspIt?l/医院tooth* n.(pl.teeth) 牙齿lake* n. /leIk/湖river* n. /`rIv?/河流nurse* n. /n?:s/护士四会短语put on*穿上,戴上take off*脱去(衣物)wake up*醒来get dressed*/drest/穿好衣服get undressed*/?n`drest/脱下衣服get up*起床how often*多久一次,多常(询问频次)三会think v. /θI?k/想,认为bedtime n. /`bed.taIm/上床休息的时间radio n. /`reIdI?u/收音机,无线电during prep. /`dju?rI?/在--期间clever adj. /`klev?/聪明的dancer n. /`dɑ:ns?/舞者driver n. /`dra?v?/驾驶者,司机singer n. /`s/歌手,歌唱家dentist n. /`dentIst/牙医firefighter n. /`fa??.fa?t?/消防队员police officer警官safe adj. /seIf/安全的special adj. /`spe??l/特殊的,特别的uniform n. /`ju:nIf?:m/制服bright adj. /braIt/明亮的dangerous adj. /`deInd??r?s/危险的三会短语go to bed上床睡觉go to school去上学grown up 成人fire station/`fa??.steI??n/消防队,消防局Unit 4四会bank* n. /b??k/银行cinema* n. /`sInIm?/电影院library* n. /`laIbr?rI/图书馆supermarket* n./`sju:p?.ma:kIt/超级市场CD* n.光盘film* n. /fIlm/ (US movie) 电影must* v. /m?st/必须,一定shopping* n. /`?Dp??/购物,买东西四会短语bus station* /`steI??n/汽车站See you!* 再见!sports centre* /sp?:ts`sent?/运动中心swimming pool*游泳池how much*多少(钱),多么go shopping*去买东西三会near adv./prep. /nI?/在附近/在---的附近opposite prep. /`Dp?zIt/在…的对面flower n. /`flau?/花fruit n. /fru:t/水果money n. /`m?nI/钱vegetable n. /`ved?It?bl/蔬菜volleyball n. /`vDlIb?:l/排球Hands up! 举起手来!robber n. /`rDb?/抢劫犯add v. /?d/加,增加,添加coin n. /kDIn/硬币currency n. /`k?r?nsI/流通的货币list n. /lIst/列表,清单metal adj. /`metl/金属的note n./n?ut/纸币,笔记pay v./n. /peI/付钱/薪酬pence n. /pens/便士(英货币)pound n. /paund/英镑(英货币)price n. /praIs/价格total adj. /`t?ut?l/全部的,总的Unit 5四会back* adv./n. /b?k/往回,(向)后面/后背cold* adj./n. /k?uld/冷的/感冒,伤风cough* n. /kDf/咳嗽headache* n. /`hedeIk/头疼hurt* v. /h?:t/伤害,疼痛shoulder* n. /`??uld?/肩膀stomach-ache* n. /`st?m?keIk/胃疼toothache* n. /`tu:θe?k/牙疼well* adj./adv. /wel/健康的/好backache n. /`b?ke?k/背疼earache* n. /`I?reIk/耳朵疼out* adv. /aut/在外面,出climb* v. /klaIm/攀登party* n. /`pɑ:tI/晚会,聚会dance* v. /dɑ:ns/跳舞Come on!* 快点!加油!来吧!三会hop v. /hDp/蹦跳,单腿跳any det./pron /`enI/任何一个/任何一个,一些fit v. /fIt/适合meal n. /mi:l/餐,饭,膳食medicine n. /`medIsIn/药healthy adj. /`helθI/健康的look after照顾,照看rich adj. /rIt?/富裕的,富足的exercise n. /`eks?saIz/练习fresh air /fre?/新鲜空气drop v./drDp/落下,放弃fun n./f?n/好玩的事,乐趣have a good time! 玩得愉快Unit 6四会blanket* n. /`bl??kIt/毯子fish* v. /fI?/钓鱼countryside* n. /`k?ntrIsaId/农村,乡村,乡下field* n. /fi:ld/田,地,牧场;场地forest* n. /`fDrIst/树林,森林grass* n. /ɡrɑ:s/草,草地leaf* n. /li:f/ (pl.leaves) 叶子picnic* n. /`pIknIk/野餐fat* adj. /f?t/肥的,胖的hot* adj. /hDt/热的hungry* adj. /`h??ɡrI/饿的loud* adj. /laud/响亮的,大声的shall* v. /??l/将,会strong* adj. /strD?/强的,壮的thin* adj. /θIn/瘦的thirsty* adj. /`θ?:stI/渴的tired adj. /`taI?d/累的,疲劳的weak* adj. /wi:k/弱的angry adj. /`??ɡrI/生气的三会other det. /`?e?/其他(的),另外(的)part n. /pɑ:t/部分stay v. /steI/停留everywhere adv. /`evrIwe?/处处,到处bottle n. /`bDtl/瓶子bowl n. /b?ul/碗air n. /e?/空气breathe v. /bri:e/呼吸carbon dioxide /`kɑ:b?n da?`Dksa?d/二氧化碳oxygen n. /`DksId??n/氧气root n. /ru:t/根seed n. /si:d/种子sunflower n. /`s?n.flau?/向日葵turn n./v. /t?:n/顺次/转,转折bean n. /bi:n/豆cotton n. /`kDt?n/棉花cut v. /k?t/切,割sunlight n. /`s?nlaIt/阳光top n. /tDp/顶,顶部difference n. /`dIf?r?ns/差别,不同odd one out n. /pleIs/挑出不同类的一个place 地点Unit7四会bat* n. /b?t/蝙蝠bear* n. /be?/熊dolphin* n. /`dDlfIn/海豚kangaroo* n. /.k??g?`ru:/ 袋鼠lion* n. /`laI?n/狮子panda* n. /`p?nd?/熊猫parrot* n. /`p?r?t/鹦鹉quick* adj. /kwIk/快的shark* n. /?ɑ:k/鲨鱼whale* n. /weIl/鲸world* n. /w?:ld/世界jungle* n. /`dɡl/丛林,热带雨林rock* n. /rDk/岩石waterfall* n. /`w?:t?.f?:l/瀑布than* conj./prep. /e?n/比worse* adj./adv. /w?:s/更坏的/(程度上)更差both* det./pron. /b?uθ/两个(都)/两者fine* adj./excl. /faIn/(天气)好的/好only* adv. /`?unlI/仅仅,只quickly* adv. /`kw?kl?/快地三会China n. /`t?a?n?/中国insect n. /`Insekt/昆虫look like 看起来像…be good at 擅长centre n. /`sent?/中心letter n. /`let?/字母,信office n. /`?fIs/办公室cave n. /keIv/洞穴habitat n. /`h?b?.t?t/(动物的)栖息地,生活环境ocean n. /`?u??n/洋fast adj./adv. /fɑ:st/快的/快地二会ring-tailed lemur /`li:m?/环尾狐猴Madagascar n. /m?d?`ɡ?sk?/马达加斯加Africa /`?frIk?/非洲Unit8四会cloud* n. /klaud/云cloudy* adj. /klaudI/多云的,有云的rain* n./v. /reIn/雨/下雨rainbow* n. /`reInb?u/彩虹sunny* adj. /`s?nI/晴朗的weather* n. /`wee?/天气wet* adj. /wet/湿的wind* n. /wInd/风windy* adj. /`wIndI/多风的scarf* n. /skɑ:f/围巾sweater* n. /`swet?/毛衣,运动衫yesterday* n. /`jest?dI/昨天last* adj./adv. /lɑ:st/最后(近)的/最后,最近一次present* n. /`prez?nt/礼物coat* n. /k?ut/大衣,外套kind* n. /kaInd/种类more* det./adv./pron. /m?:/ 更多的/地、更/更多三会much better好得多dear adj. /dI?/亲爱的mine pron. /maIn/我的at home 在家biggest adj. 最大的drum n. /dr?m/鼓folk adj. /f?uk/民间的instrument n. /`Instrum?nt/乐器,工具jazz n. /d??z/爵士乐keyboard n. /`ki:b?:d/键盘,键盘乐器pop n. /pDp/流行音乐snowman n. /`sn??.m?n/雪人flute n. /flu:t/笛rice n. /raIs/米,米饭trumpet n. /`tr?mpIt/喇叭,号violin n. /.vaI?`lin/小提琴lid n./lId/盖子more or less 或多或少二会string n. /`strI?/乐队的弦乐器部woodwind n. /`w?dw?nd/木管乐器electric guitar /I`lektrIk/电吉他orchestra n. /`?:kIstr?/管弦乐队percussion n. /p?`kn/打击乐器England 英格兰episode n. /`epIs?ud/片段,剧集brass n. /brɑ:s/铜管乐器classical adj. /`k l?sIk?l/古典的composer n. /k?m`p??z?/作曲家electronic piano /Ilek`trDnIk/电子钢琴。

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实用文档之"三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;"Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying飞drive-driving驾驶bounce-bouncing拍Detective Agency侦探所fur 皮毛leave a message留言look for寻找Lock and Key锁和钥匙Unit1aunt阿姨daughter女儿granddaughter孙女grandson孙子grandparents祖父母Words1grandchildren孙儿(女)son 儿子uncle 叔叔thief 盗贼dirty 脏的jacket 夹克衫enjoy/like/love 喜欢read about 读关于...的书science 科学clever 聪明的want to be 想成为...doctor 医生really +adj 真的...because 因为naughty 淘气的moustache 八字胡straight 直的curly 弯曲的beard 胡须farmer 农民fair 金色的Unit2city 城市town 城镇village 村庄country 乡下street 街道balcony 阳台basement 地下室downstairs楼下的lift 电2梯floor 地板home 家stairs 楼梯upstairs 楼上的flat 公寓apartment 公寓twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百need 需要address 地址move house 搬家carry 拿、扛above 在...上面below 在...下面between 在...之间next to 靠近...at 在...apple tree 苹果树plants 植物flowers 花朵place 地方phone number 电话号码Unit3get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get up 起床wake up 醒来put on 穿上take off 脱3下wash 洗go to bed 睡觉go to school 去上学have a shower洗澡Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日always 总是sometimes 有时never 从不come home 回家have breakfast 吃早饭have lunch 吃午饭have dinner 吃晚饭every day 每天week 周weekend 周末Unit4bank 银行bus station 公交车站bus stop 公交车站café咖啡馆cinema 电影院hospital 医院4library 图书馆market 市场shop商店sports centre 体育中心supermarket 超市swimming pool 游泳馆near 靠近opposite 在...对面map 地图book on/about关于...的书do homework做作业listen to the tape听磁带every day每天come to school ontime按时上学tidy your room整理房间Unit5cold冷的cough咳嗽stomach-ache胃痛headache头痛temperature温度toothache牙痛back 后背backache 背痛earache 耳朵痛healthy 健康的hop 单腿跳skip 跳跃climb 攀爬hurt 受伤Unit65field 田野forest 森林grass 草lake 湖泊leaf 叶子picnic 野餐plant 植物river 河流countryside 郊区bad 坏的cold冷的fat 胖的hot 热的hungry 饥饿的loud 大声的quiet 安静的strong 强壮的thirsty 口渴的tired 劳累的thin 瘦的weak 虚弱的skin 皮肤angry 生气的Unit7bear 熊whale 鲸鱼panda 熊猫bat 蝙蝠lion 狮子kangaroo 袋鼠shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚parrot 鹦鹉cleaner 更干净bigger 更大dirtier 更脏6better 更好worse 更坏quieter 更安静stronger 更强壮weaker 更虚弱longer更长fatter 更胖slower 更低insect 昆虫pouch 口袋quick 迅速的the internet 因特网rock 岩石island 岛屿Unit8weather 天气cloud 云彩cloudy 多云的sun 太阳sunny 晴朗的rain 下雨rainbow 彩虹snow 下雪wet 潮湿的wind 风windy 有风的today 今天yesterday 昨天weather report天气预报weatherman天气预报员Hello①What’s your favorite toy called?Sentences7It’s called TOM.②Have you got a brother or a sister? Yes, I have.\No, I haven’t.③What’s he doing? He is flying a kite.Unit1①Do you like flying a kite? Yes, I do.②Do you want to go to the countryside?Yes, I do.③What do you want to do?I want to have a picnic.④like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词:I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples.⑤My father is my grandparents’ son.Unit2①Where do you live?I live in Chongqing.②Where does he/she live?He lives in Shanghai.③What’s your address?My address is Tianbao Road.④Do you like living in the city?8Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.⑤What’s the ** made of/from?Unit3①What time do you (get up)?I get up at 7 O’clock.②What time does he (get dressed)? He get dressed at 7 o’clock.③What do you do before/after (breakfast)?I wash my face before breakfast.I go to school after breakfast.④What day is it today?It’s Monday.⑤How often do you go to the zoo?Sometimes.Unit4①Where do you (go to see a film)?I go to see a film at a cinema.②You must do your homework.③Must I (do my homework)?Yes, you must.④How much is it? It’s 5 Yuan.Unit5①What’s the matter with you / him /9her / them?I’ve got a cold. / He’s got a cold. She’s got a cold. / They’ve got a cold.②must/mustn’tUnit6①Shall I put the book on the desk? Yes, you can.\ No, you can’t.Unit7①The cat is weaker than the lion.Unit8①What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny today.②What was the weather like yesterday?It was sunny yesterday.10。
