



高级商务应用编程abap+测试题+答案1.At each new event,the system resets all FORMAT options to their default values.A TrueB False (A)2. You can use__________ keyword to scroll to any column or page in the list.a. PAGESCROLLb. SCROLLc. SCROLLCOLUMNd. LISTSCROLL (b)3.In a list , the upper-left corner of the header’s first line contains:A. The program titleB. The page numberC. The system dateD. Nothing ( c)4.It is recommended that you use Native SQL to read data from a logical database to maintain portability from one RDBMS to another.A . true b .false ( B)5. If you address subordinate nodes in the hierarchy, the selection screen criteria for only that subordinate node appears.A . trueB False ( false)6. Checks such as Authorization checks are usually performed during the event Process Before Output(PBO).A TrueB . False (B)7. If there is a _________________ statement within the END-OF-SELECTION processing block, program processing ends and the list buffer is displayed.A . REGECTB. CHECKC. STOPD EXIT (C)8.Open SQL enables portability between different RDBMS system.A TrueB False (A)9. Join conditions are limited to key fields.A TrueB False (B)10. You can create structured lists using control-level processingA. True B False (A)11. When implementing control-level processing ,the AT FIRST and AT LAST statements functions as first time and last time switches and execute only once.A TrueB False (A)12. Loops over extract datasets can be nested.A . TrueB False (b)13. internal tables rely on the compiler to determine the combinations of group levels and cumulating field control level totals require.A trueB false (A)14. Which of the following options is suitable for printing interactive lists?A. Printing from the selection screen.B. Printing from within the programC Printing after the list is generatedD. Printing in the backgroundB15.The user should delete all detail lists whose list level is greater than the current list levelA trueB false (B)16 . You can create object at any point in the program to generate and link objectsA trueB false (b)17. Which of the following are the standard functions offered by SAP Grid Control?A Sorting by any columnB. Generate objectsC. Adding number columnsD Link objectsE Fixed lead columns( A C E )18.when you create a screen, you must:a. Design the screen layout in the layout editor.b. Set the general screen attributes on the attribute screen.c. Write the flow logic in the flow logic editor.d. Set the field attributes in the field list.Select the correct order:A a, b, c, dB c, d, b, aC b, a, d, cD d, b, a, cC19. To allow you to set the attributes of all screen elements, the ScreenPainter contains an element list with four views.A TRUEB FALSE b20. To interrupt processing of the current screen and branch to a newscreen, or sequence of screens, you use the following statement:A CALL SCREEN <nnnn>B SET SCREEN <nnnn>C LEAVE SCREEND LEAVE TO SCREEN <nnnn>A21 The function keys that contain proposals, which comply with the SAPsystem's ergonomic standards are:A ReservedB RecommendedC FreelyD All of the aboveB22. The content of the Icontext attribute appear in the status bar ofthe screen when the user chooses the function.A TRUE b FALSE b23.ou can initialize the command field only at PAI.FalseB24. If your text consists of more than one word, use the followingcharacter as separators:A UnderscoreB CommaC Question markD Space25.The group box text cannot be changed dynamically.TrueFalse26. The subscreen call must occur before the function module call.TrueFalse27. To program a tabstrip control to scroll locally at the frontend,you must call all subscreens from the flow logic.TrueA28. The following attributes contain information about the properties of the entire table control, such as the number of fixed columns:A ColumnB GeneralC SpecialD Row29. In order to display the current screen, include the ABAP statement SUPRESS DIALOG in a PBO module.TrueFalseB30 For which of the following predefined data types should you use the original variants of the standard string processing statements or the optional addition IN CHARACTER MODE?A DB CC XD TE N。



第1篇一、基础知识1. 请简述SAP ABAP开发环境的组成。

答案:SAP ABAP开发环境主要包括以下组成部分:(1)SAP GUI:用于与SAP系统交互的图形用户界面。

(2)SAP SE38/SE80:用于编写、调试和测试ABAP代码的编辑器。

(3)SAP SScr:用于开发SAP Screen Painter屏幕画家的工具。

(4)SAP ADT:用于开发SAP Advanced Business Application Programming技术的工具。

(5)SAP NetWeaver:SAP的集成平台,提供各种开发、运行和管理工具。

2. 请解释SAP ABAP中的数据类型。

答案:SAP ABAP中的数据类型分为以下几类:(1)基本数据类型:包括整型(INTEGER)、浮点型(FLOAT)、字符型(CHAR)、日期型(DATETIME)等。

(2)结构化数据类型:包括结构(STRUCTURE)、表(TABLE)、内表(INTERNAL TABLE)等。


3. 请简述SAP ABAP中的模块化编程。

答案:SAP ABAP中的模块化编程是指将程序划分为多个模块,每个模块负责特定的功能。




4. 请解释SAP ABAP中的异常处理。

答案:SAP ABAP中的异常处理是指程序在运行过程中遇到错误时,能够及时捕获并处理这些错误。




二、高级应用1. 请解释SAP ABAP中的内表(Internal Table)。

答案:SAP ABAP中的内表是一种临时存储数据的结构,类似于C语言中的数组。



SAP面试题目(ABAP)问题:SAP面试题目(ABAP) 回答:问题一:锁对象(Lock Object)和FM(Function Module)激活锁定对象时,产生的FM 的名字是什么?答案:首先要在ABAP 字典中创建锁对象,然后才能在ABAP 程序中设锁。

创建锁对象时,系统会自动生成两个FM 来进行锁管理。

用于设锁的FM 为:ENQUEUE_。

它用于在锁表(Lock Table)中生成一个锁项(Lock Entry)。

若设锁不成功的话,就会在Return 中反映出来。

用于释放锁的FM 为:DEQUEUE_。


在ABAP 程序中,只需使用CALL FUNCITION 语句就可以调用它们。

这两个锁FM 是在SAP 系统的一个特殊工作进程中执行的,专门进行锁管理。

它运行在一个单独的服务器上,而该服务器专门用于维护整个SAP 系统的主锁表(Central Locak Table)。



问题二:更新方面的FM更新FM 分为V1 和V2,那么首先会执行哪一种更新类型呢?每种类型又是以哪种模式(异步、同步或本地)执行的呢?答案:V1 更新类型比V2 更新类型的优先级高,因此,V1 比V2 行执行。

V1 的执行模式可以为异步、同步或本地;V2 只能为异步执行。

问题三:ABAP 内存(ABAP Memory)交换在使用ABAP 内存的程序间进行数据交换时用到的两个语句是什么?答案:EXPORT to MEMORY ID 用于将数据复制到ABAP 内存,IMPORT from MEMORY ID 用于将数据从ABAP 内存复制到程序中。

在ABAP 内存间进行交换的数据必须在两个程序中都进行声明,并包含同样的数据声明。

问题四:授权对象(Authorization Objects)什么是授权对象?在ABAP 程序中使用哪条语句进行授权检查?答案:授权对象由一组字段组成,这些字段中的值将被用于进行授权检查。

SAP abap笔试面试题目

SAP abap笔试面试题目

SAP abap笔试面试题目问题:SAP abap笔试面试题目回答:一选择题(共40题,未特殊注明则均为单选)1,下面的语句中,哪一个语句编译会报错(假设XXX 和结构sflight都已经定义). (c)A)write at 12 XXX.B)data type type sflight.C)sflight-price = a+b.D)write sy-vline.2.在ABAP/4的开发工作中,哪一个TCODE是直接进入就可以创建程序,函数组以及程序内部各种元素的. (a )A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE163.直接进入就可以查询表的结构是哪个TCODE. (b )A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE164. 很多表当中都有一个字段,叫做MANDT, 为第一个主键,这个字段的用处是.(b )A)区分后台数据库的类型B)区分表中记录属于哪个客户端(client)C)区分表的数据量大小D)SAP系统保留字段5.下面的定义语句中,哪一个语句定义出来的结果是一个内表. (d)A)DATA zsflight TYPE sflight.B)DATA: COLS LIKE LINE OF TC-COLS.C)TABLES SFLIGHT.D)DATA: zsflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight.6.ABAP中三种基本的数据对象是. (a )A)内表结构基本数据对象B)内表程序语句C)字符数字日期D)语句程序表7.语句loop at itab into wa. 的准确意思是. (d )A)把wa中的值进行循环,每一次循环都写回内表B)求出迷宫itab的出口放在wa里C)对内表itab的数值列进行累加放入wa中D)对内表itab进行循环,把循环中每一行的结果写入结构wa 中8.程序中执行了这么一段代码DATA it_sflight type sflight with header line.Loop at it_sflight.it_sflight-carrid = AA .Modify it_sflight.Endloop.该段语法中出现了四次it_sflight,其中后三次分别代表的是内表还是结构. (b )A)内表内表内表B)内表结构内表C)内表结构结构D)内表内表结构9.在设计报表程序时,选择的程序类型应该是.(a )A)可执行程序B)模块池程序C)包含程序D)函数组程序10.在报表程序的屏幕筛选条件里,SELECT-OPTIONS定义出来的元素是.(a)A)内表B)结构C)基本数据对象D)指针型字段11.在报表程序的屏幕事件里,有一个事件叫做AT LINE-SELECTION.参见如下代码:WRITE / ‘ABAP’.AT LINE-SELECTION.WRITE /‘TEST’.那么,以下哪种情况会发生.(b )A)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上在原来ABAP那行下面换行一次显示出一行新的TESTB)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上每次只显示出一行的TEST取代原先的屏幕C)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上永远只显示出一行TEST(放在原来ABAP那行下面)D)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户第一次双击时,产生一个新屏幕,显示一行TEST,然后每次双击都在其下换行显示一行新的TEST12.选择事件的执行顺序正确的一组.(a )A)INITIALIZATION / START-OF-SELECTION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTIONB)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / START-OF-SELECTION / AT LINE-SELECTIONC)START-OF-SELECTION/ INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAG / AT LINE-SELECTIOND)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTION /START-OF-SELECTION13.在层级报表的开发里,下面哪个条件不是必需的.(d)A)对内表先按层级字段排序B)对内表和结构定义时层级字段必须排在前面C)层级字段不能出现在at 和end at 语句之外D)层级字段必须存在14.在明细报表的开发中,双击一行转向明细报表的取数依据是.(c )A)你双击那行的主键字段B)你双击的那个字段本身C)你双击那行在循环中预先hide的字段D)你双击那行在循环中预先已经write出来的字段15.在交互式报表的设计中,假如想在明细报表里加入任意字段的排序功能,请选择正确的选项(多选).(ad )A)要先用get cursor field XXX.取得字段B)对内表排序时该字段要用括号括起来C)在排序时要把该字段加上一个数字以去除前面的结构名称(如果是用结构-字段定义的话)D)排序后显示完要把sy-lsind = 0,以防止产生多余的list16.在屏幕编程的设计中,下面共有四个主要步骤:a 设计屏幕的格式(有哪些字段,放在什么位置)b 设计屏幕的整体属性c 设计屏幕上字段的属性d 编写屏幕的流逻辑( flow logic )请选择通常请况下正确的顺序. (c )A)a b c dB)c d b aC)b a c dD)d b a c17. 如果屏幕A 的下一个屏幕仍然是A , 那么当执行程序时,对于屏幕的主要事件,下面哪种顺序是正确的. (d )A)A 的PAI A 的PBO A 的PAI A 的PBOB)A 的PBO A 的PAI A 的PAI A 的PBOC)A 的PAI A 的PAI A 的PBO A 的PBOD)A 的PBO A 的PAI A 的PBO A 的PAI18.屏幕编程中一个屏幕所使用的工具栏应如何设计. (a )A) 先设计一个Gui Status,再在程序中绑定B) 先设计一个Gui Titles,再在程序中绑定C) 在程序中用Add button 语法添加D)在屏幕设计格式的界面上添加工具栏及其按钮19. 以下四种系统变量,各是什么含意. (d )SY-UCOMM SY-DATUM SY-SUBRC SY-TABIXA)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前日期当前时间循环次数B)当前日期当前时间循环次数用户触发的屏幕上的功能码C)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码循环次数语句执行结果返回值当前日期D)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前日期语句执行结果返回值循环次数20.一个程序的子屏幕编程是如何实现的. (c)A)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)B)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)C)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)D)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)21.对于表格控件和内表的绑定的做法,下面哪种说法是正确的. (a )A)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把内表的值写入表格控件,PAI时用同样的循环把表格控件的值写回内表B)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把表格控件的值写入内表,PAI时用同样的循环把内表的值写回表格控件C)在定义内表时定义与之绑定的表格控件,PBO和PAI事件要各循环内表一次D)在制作表格控件时定义与之绑定的内表,PBO和PAI事件要各循环表格控件一次22.如果要把表格控件某列的属性动态的改变成不可输入,下面哪种做法是可行的. (B )A)在PAI事件中修改table的general attribute值B)在PBO事件中修改table的general attribute值C)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个内表的特点循环找到该列修改之,修改完后写回COLS内表D)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个结构的特点找到其中表示该列的字段修改23.要对表格控件增加一个可由用户写入信息的列,下面哪种方式是可行的(多选).(ad )A)在设计屏幕上点击dictionary / program fields window 按钮,输入字典表或者程序中定义的元素,把它拖到表格控件中B)在设计屏幕上修改table的attributes,增加一列C)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个text field(文本字段)D)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个input/output field(输入/输出字段)24.在编写ALV GRID CONTROL时,应遵循以下哪种顺序. (a )A)在屏幕上建区域,创建区域对象,创建ALVGRID对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法B)在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法C)调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象D)创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display 方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,25.自己制作一个搜索帮助,引用的表是SBOOKINGS,Dialog Type是Dialog with value restriction,里面customid和name这两个字段的IMP属性打勾,customid,name,carrid,connid这四个字段的EXP属性打勾,四个字段都设定了LPOS和SPOS,这个搜索帮助的输出效果是. (d )A)先输出两个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位B)先输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位C)先输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位D)先输出四个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位26.ABAP的OPEN SQL的取数语句是否可以实现数据库无关性,其原因是什么. (c )A)不可以,数据库的SQL格式不同B)可以,因为它的名字叫做OPEN SQLC)可以,因为中间有一层DB Interface做转换D)不可以,各种数据库的版本不同27.对ABAP的OPEN SQL语句的两个返回系统变量,描述正确的是. (b )A)Sy-dbcnt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-subrc表示执行影响到的数据条数B)Sy-dbcnt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-subrc表示执行结果是否正确C)Sy-dbamt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-sudnc表示执行影响到的数据条数D)Sy-dbamt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-sudnc表示执行结果是否正确28.一个表TA有三个字段,其中第一个字段是主键,目前有一条记录是1 /‘first’/ 19,结构wa_result是和表相同类型的,当前值是2 / ‘second’/ 20 .执行OPEN SQL语句:modify TA from wa_result.执行后对系统的影响为. (b )A)没有任何影响B)TA有两条记录1 / ‘first’/ 19 和2 / ‘second’/ 20C)TA有一条记录2 / ‘second’/ 20D)系统出错退出,对表没有任何影响29.SAP对锁的主要实现手段是. (a )A)在SE11里加锁对象,然后在程序中调用锁对象生成的函数B)在数据库里加锁,在程序中声明C)由数据库自动进行,SAP不用处理D)在程序中通过SQL语句实现30.有一程序,起始画面里有一个用户可以输入字段为A ,如果想在程序进入的时候自动设置成上次退出时的值,可以采用的方法是. (b )A)在退出时使用GET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.在进入时使用SET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.B)在退出时使用SET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.在进入时使用GET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.C)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句GET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.D)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句SET PARAMETER ID XXX FIELD A.31.SAP的SMARTFORM和ABAP PROGRAM的对应关系是. (c )A)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序B)一个程序对应多个SMARTFORMC)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序,一个程序也可以对应多个SMARTFORMD)一个SMARTFORM对应一个程序32.设计SMARTFORM显示一个表格,如果第一页是一种格式,后面几页是一种格式,如何设计. (d )A)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向空B)第一页指向自己,第二页指向第一页C)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向第一页D)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向自己33.如果想设计SMARTFORM中大家公用的文本,应该使用什么技术. (C )A)SMART TEXTB)SMART STYLEC)SAP SCRIPTD)TEXT MODULE34.下面对于SMARTFORM中TABLE和TEMPLATE的描述,正确的是. (d )A)TEMPLATE用来设计表格模版,TABLE用来设计表格实体B)TEMPLATE用来设计表格样式,TABLE用来设计表格实体C)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计表格实体D)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计动态表格35.SMARTFORM中TABLE的排序事件的触发场合是. (d )A)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到排序字段结束时触发结束事件B)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到表格结束时触发结束事件C)当表格开始时触发开始事件,表格结束时触发结束事件D)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,然后触发结束事件,然后开始正式循环该排序字段剩余记录36.在SMARTFORM中显示一个表格,其中有一个栏位为wa_sflight-price,现在里面有三行数据,其值依次分别是10,30,50 ,现在在表格设计的时候在Global Definition中定义一个变量G_TOL,在表格的Main Area中加入一个真假节点,节点的条件为WA_SFLIGHT-PRICE > 10 .然后,在真节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 10.假节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 20.最后在表格的Footer下加一个表行(在表格最后显示),下加一个文本节点显示这个字段G_TOL,它显示的值应该是. (a )A)60B)70C)140D)15037.SAP提供的修改系统标准功能的方案里,哪几种是不需要修改系统标准程序就可以实现的. (c )A)Customer Develepment ,Enhancement,ModificationB)Customer Develepment ,Customizing,ModificationC)Customer Develepment ,Customizing,EnhancementD)Enhancement,Modification,Customizing38.对于客户定制需求的解决方案,应该遵循哪一种顺序进行为宜. (c )A)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;最后考虑自己开发B)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发C)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;最后考虑自己开发D)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发39.自己定义一个增强项目,加入系统的增强,并在其中激活增强的TCODE应该是. (b )A)SMODB)CMODC)SE84D)SE8040.在SAP系统标准增强功能里,主要包含了以下哪组功能. (a )A)Table Enhancement/Screen Exit/Menu Exit/Function module ExitB)Table Enhancement/Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Event ExitC)Menu Exit/Function module Exit/Field Exit/BAPI ExitD)Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Table Enhancement/Screen Exit二问答题(共13题,)1.什么是授权对象?在ABAP 程序中使用哪条语句进行授权检查?答案:授权对象由一组字段组成,这些字段中的值将被用于进行授权检查。



1.At each new event,the system resets all FORMA T options to their default values.A TrueB False (A)2. Y ou can use__________ keyword to scroll to any column or page in the list.a. PAGESCROLLb. SCROLLc. SCROLLCOLUMNd. LISTSCROLL (b)3.In a list , the upper-left corner of the header’s first line contains:A. The program titleB. The page numberC. The system dateD. Nothing ( c)4.It is recommended that you use Native SQL to read data from a logical database to maintain portability from one RDBMS to another.A . true b .false ( B)5. If you address subordinate nodes in the hierarchy, the selection screen criteria for only that subordinate node appears.A . trueB False ( false)6. Checks such as Authorization checks are usually performed during the event Process Before Output(PBO).A TrueB . False (B)7. If there is a _________________ statement within the END-OF-SELECTION processing block, program processing ends and the list buffer is displayed.A . REGECTB. CHECKC. STOPD EXIT (C)8.Open SQL enables portability between different RDBMS system.A TrueB False (A)9. Join conditions are limited to key fields.A TrueB False (B)10. Y ou can create structured lists using control-level processingA. True B False (A)11. When implementing control-level processing ,the A T FIRST and A T LAST statements functions as first time and last time switches and execute only once.A TrueB False (A)12. Loops over extract datasets can be nested.A . TrueB False (b)13. internal tables rely on the compiler to determine the combinations of group levels and cumulating field control level totals require.A trueB false (A)14. Which of the following options is suitable for printing interactive lists?A. Printing from the selection screen.B. Printing from within the programC Printing after the list is generatedD. Printing in the backgroundB15.The user should delete all detail lists whose list level is greater than the current list levelA trueB false (B)16 . Y ou can create object at any point in the program to generate and link objectsA trueB false (b)17. Which of the following are the standard functions offered by SAP Grid Control?A Sorting by any columnB. Generate objectsC. Adding number columnsD Link objectsE Fixed lead columns( A C E )18.when you create a screen, you must:a. Design the screen layout in the layout editor.b. Set the general screen attributes on the attribute screen.c. Write the flow logic in the flow logic editor.d. Set the field attributes in the field list.Select the correct order:A a, b, c, dB c, d, b, aC b, a, d, cD d, b, a, c19. To allow you to set the attributes of all screen elements, the ScreenPainter contains an element list with four views.A TRUEB FALSE b20. To interrupt processing of the current screen and branch to a new screen, or sequence of screens, you use the following statement:A CALL SCREEN <nnnn>B SET SCREEN <nnnn>C LEAVE SCREEND LEAVE TO SCREEN <nnnn>A21 The function keys that contain proposals, which comply with the SAP system's ergonomic standards are:A ReservedB RecommendedC FreelyD All of the aboveB22. The content of the Icontext attribute appear in the status bar of the screen when the user chooses the function.A TRUE b FALSE b23.ou can initialize the command field only at PAI.TrueFalseB24. If your text consists of more than one word, use the following character as separators:A UnderscoreB CommaC Question markD Spacea25.The group box text cannot be changed dynamically.TrueFalse26. The subscreen call must occur before the function module call.TrueFalseB27. To program a tabstrip control to scroll locally at the frontend, you must call all subscreens from the flow logic.TrueFalse28. The following attributes contain information about the properties of the entire table control, such as the number of fixed columns:A ColumnB GeneralC SpecialD Row29. In order to display the current screen, include the ABAP statementSUPRESS DIALOG in a PBO module.TrueFalse30 For which of the following predefined data types should you use theoriginal variants of the standard string processing statements or the optional addition IN CHARACTER MODE?A DB CC XD TE NF STRINGG XSTRINGAnswer: A, B, D, E, F31 . Which of the following statements are correct?A Sorted tables can only contain non-unique keys.B Standard tables can only contain non-unique keys.C Sorted and hashed tables are index tables.D Standard tables are index tables.E The standard key is the key of a standard table.F The standard key always contains all components of the rowtype.Answer: B, D32 . Generic types are type definitions that are missing certaininformation. These missing type attributes are inherited from an actual parameter at runtime if you use the generic type for typing interface parameters.TrueFalseAnswer: False33 . Which of the following statements are correct?A Only key access works with hashed tables.B Key access means that the search clause may only appear inthe key fields of the internal table.C Index access allows access using the row number.D Single-record key access using READ TABLE can return severaldata records if you are using standard tables, because thenthe key is always non-unique.E The SORT statement can sort standard tables.F If you use INSERT ... INTO TABLE to insert a data record intoa sorted table with a unique key, this will only work if theinternal table contains no other data record with the samecombination of values for the key components. Otherwise, theSY-SUBRC return value will be set to a number other than 0. Answer: A, C, E, F34. SAP recommends using internal tables without header lines to makethe syntax easier to read. This is particularly helpful with nested internal tables.TrueFalseAnswer: True35.Which of the following statements are correct?A As far as possible, when you use key access, the runtimesystem always chooses the fastest possible variant,depending on the table kind.B Hashed tables should not be used if you need to make manychanges when you are accessing data.C You can save lots of runtime by using field symbols andreferences, especially with nested internal tables.D Binary searching is possible for standard tables.E The fastest form of access in loop processing is usuallythrough the row number.Answer: A, B, C, E36. The object-oriented programming model was developed considerably later than the procedural one. It offers more possibilities to solve problems that previously could not be solved with purely procedural programming languages.TrueFalseAnswer: False37. If you copy a subclass reference to a reference variable that is typed on the superclass (narrowing cast), which components can you access with this reference variable?A Redefined components of the superclassB Newly defined components of the subclassC Inherited components of the superclassD Redefined components of the subclassAnswer: A, C38. If a reference variable that is typed on an interface contains an instance reference of a class that implements this interface and you copy this to a reference variable that is typed on the class (widening cast), which of the following components can you access with this reference variable?A The components of the interfaceB The components from the class that are not defined on theinterfaceC All components of the classD The components of the interface for which alias names havebeen definedAnswer: A, B, C, D39 .If you copy an instance reference of a class, which implements an interface, to a reference variable that is typed on the interface (narrowing cast), what components can you access using this reference variable?A The components of the interfaceB The components of the class that are not defined in theinterfaceC All components of the classD The components of the interface for which alias names havebeen definedAnswer: A40. For a user to be able to execute an object-oriented program, you always need to supply a module pool program or a function group program. Otherwise, there is nowhere for the CREATE OBJECT statement to create the instance.TrueFalseAnswer: False41.Which of the following statements are correct?A A non-abstract class can contain abstract methods.B An abstract class contains no implementations.C An abstract method contains no implementations.D Final classes cannot be superclasses within a classhierarchy.E A final method must be redefined.F Final classes can contain non-final methods.G A friend of a class is also a friend of its subclasses.H The subclasses of a class's friend are also the class'sfriend.I The visibility of an instance constructor can be limited.J A private instance constructor (instantiation only by theclass itself) can be defined in the private section. Answer: C, D, H, I42.The new exception concept replaces the old one. Thus, all old source code sections must be rewritten. As of SAP Web AS 6.20, function modules from the SAP standard system automatically raise object-oriented exceptions.TrueFalseAnswer: False43.The new exception classes can only be defined globally. This ensures central maintenance and reuse.TrueFalseAnswer: False44 . The pushbuttons screen area gives a short introduction of the QuickViewer with links to the online documentation.TrueFalseAnswer: False45. List fields once placed in trash can, can be retrieved.TrueFalseAnswer: True46. You can access all the events of an executable ABAP program associated with a query.TrueFalseAnswer: False47. The SELECT-OPTIONS statement generates an internal table with a standard structure. The fields of this table are:A SignB OptionC HighD IntervalAnswer: A, B, C48 . You can delete an InfoSet whenever you want.TrueFalseAnswer: False49.What are the two options available for menu enhancements?A Customer exitsB Menu entriesC Business add-insD Standard MenuAnswer: A, C50.Screen exits are a type of customer exit.TrueFalseAnswer: True51. From SAP Web Application Server 6.20 onwards, Business Add-Ins cannot contain screen exits.TrueFalseAnswer: False52.Customizing includes cannot be inserted into more than one table.TrueFalseAnswer: False53. Identify the step that is not followed for creating an SAP enhancement project.A Create an enhancement project and then choose the SAPenhancements that you want to use.B Analyze the program source code or the screen source code.C Edit your individual components using the project managementfunction and document the entire enhancement project.D Activate the enhancement project. This activates all theproject’s compon ent partsAnswer: B54.When an event is triggered in a process interface, only one external process can replace the process in the standard program.TrueFalseAnswer: True55.What are the requirements for new enhancement techniques?A ReusableB All enhancement typesC Administration levelD Customer exitsE Implemented using the latest technologyAnswer: A, B, C, E56.You can create function codes only for single use BAdIs, which must not be filter-dependent.TrueFalseAnswer: True57.To include function codes in a BAdI definition, you enter the program name, function code, and a short description on the relevant tab page.TrueFalseAnswer: True58. To provide a screen enhancement using a BAdI, you need to first generate the BAdI class.TrueFalseAnswer: True59.The implementing program gets the data from the Add-In class by calling the appropriate interface method.TrueFalseAnswer: True60.You can modify the ABAP Dictionary objects that belong to the core of your system.TrueFalseAnswer: False61.When you define a Business Add-In, the system generates a Business Add-In class.TrueFalseAnswer: True62. Using data elements, structures and table types, you can create complex user-defined type.TrueFalseAnswer: True63.Foreign key definitions are imparted from include to the including table.TrueFalseAnswer: True64. The records of a buffered table are read directly from the local buffer of the application server.TrueFalseAnswer: True1.65. Select the statement that is NOT correct.A The object lists created by the Repository Information Systemare entirely integrated in the ABAP Workbench.B The Where-used list for Repository objects cannot be calledfrom the information system.C The information system enables you to search for objects bytheir attributes.D You can search for all objects by the development class, shortdescription or author, and date of last change.Answer: B66.Correct access by ABAP programs to a database table is only possible if the runtime object of the table is consistent with the structure of the table in the database.TrueFalseAnswer: True67.Even if a table has no data, it is retained in the database.TrueFalseAnswer: False68.During conversion, the tables are locked to prevent further structural changes from being made before the conversion is completed correctly.TrueFalseAnswer: True69 . Maintenance views may be used as the selection method for searchhelps.TrueFalseAnswer: False70. Which feature of SAPscript enables it to run on all front-endapplications supported by SAP?A Multilingual capabilityB High performance when printing large quantitiesC Uniform corporate design in documentsD Word processing scalabilityE SAP R/3 Enterprise transport and translation connectionsF Platform independenceAnswer: F71. Main windows cannot have different heights and cannot be positioneddifferently on pages where they appear.TrueFalse72.Which sub-objects allow you to structure pages in SAPscript?A Page layoutB Paragraph formatsC Character formatsD WindowsAnswer: A, B, C73. Which operations are performed using control commands?A Including text in a documentB Assigning values to text symbolsC Starting or suppressing a page breakD Resetting outline paragraphsE Evaluating conditionsAnswer: A, B, C, D, E74. Which command is used to print text elements in form windows?A CONTROL_FORMB DELETE_FORMC MODIFY_FORMD WRITE_FORMAnswer: D75. The function module OPEN_FORM initializes form printing in a printprogram. Before using START_FORM in a print program for the first time, you must call OPEN_FORM.TrueFalseAnswer: True76. SAP does not simultaneously support SAPscript forms and SAP Smartforms. As a result, you need to migrate SAPscript forms to SAP Smart forms.TrueFalseAnswer: False77. Packages have the same attributes as development classes, but alsopossess additional options suitable to modeling techniques.TrueFalseAnswer: True78. A form page can be used only once in a document.TrueFalseAnswer: False79. Which of the following options specifies that the text of the secondnode begins in a new line and the two text nodes are completely independent of each other?A New LineB New ParagraphC Append DirectlyD Include TextAnswer: B80. Identify the parameters of a generated function module or a forminterface.A ImportB ExportC Global DataD TablesAnswer: A, B, D。



在程序中必须包含 必须在write语句中包含
fomart as icon 在程序中必须包含<VRM>
求出内表itab的结果放 对内表itab的数值列进 对内表itab进行循环,
行累加放入wa中 把循环中每一行的结果
S1 CN S2
S1 CA S2
S1 NA S2

将新行附加至内表任意 一行
如果已存在相同表关键 字值的行,collect语句



姓名得分一.单选题:共25分,每题1分1. 一个开发对象的传输请求什么时候被触发?a.当一个对象被保存时b.当一个对象被激活时c.当一个任务被释放时d.当一个请求被释放时2. 为什么要传递参数到子程序?a.就是为了传递用户输入值到子程序b.提高运行效率c.提高子程序灵活性d.提高子程序稳定性3. 什么是内表?以下正确的是:a.数据库表b.Excel表c.ABAP程序里的变量d.嵌套在另一个表里的表4. ’BC400_S_BOOKING’是一个词典结构,要创建一个与’BC400_S_BOOKING’相同结构的内表,使用以下哪个语句:a. DATA gt_itab TYPE bc400_s_booking.b. DATA gt_itab TYPE TABLE OF bc400_s_booking.c. DATA gt_itab TYPE LINE OF bc400_s_booking.d. DATA gt_itab LIKE bc400_s_booking.5. ‘itab’是一个内表,为这个内表创建一个工作区,用什么语句?a. DATA gs TYPE gt_itab.b. DATA gs TYPE TABLE OF gt_itab.c. DATA gs TYPE LINE OF gt_itab.d. DATA gs LIKE gt_itab.6. 从内表读取单条记录,用以下哪个语句?a. SELECT……ENDSELECTb. SELECT SINGLEc. READ TABLEd. GETe. FETCH7. 从数据库表读取单条记录,用以下哪个语句?a. SELECT……ENDSELECTb. SELECT SINGLEc. READ TABLEd. GETe. FETCH8. ‘dbtab’是一个透明表,语句‘DATA myvar TYPE dbtab.’定义了什么?a.用dbtab复制了一个数据库表b.定义了一个与dbtab有相同结构的内表c.定义了一个与dbtab有相同内容的内表d.定义了一个与dbtab的单行记录有相同结构的结构变量9. 对于系统的数据库接入,通常使用以下哪种SQL?a.开放的SQL(Open SQL)b.本地的SQL(Native SQL)10. 哪个系统字段可以显示SELECT的记录条数?a. SY-SUBRCb. SY-TABIXc. SY-DBCNTd. SY-INDEX11. 在一个列表中输出一个文本符号’abc’,以下正确的是:a. WRITE abc.b. WRITE ‘abc’.c. WRITE ‘text-abc’d. WRITE text-abc.12. 关于选择屏幕文本,以下正确的是:a.select-options的屏幕文本不能被维护b.在列表中可以直接维护列表抬头,同样,在选择屏中可以维护选择屏幕文本c.选择文本不能被翻译d.选择屏幕文本属于程序里的文本元素,与文本字符和列表抬头一样,都可以被翻译13. 关于选择屏,以下描述正确的是:a.所有的选择屏输入字段都有F1帮助b.所有的选择屏输入字段都有F4帮助c.一般来说,权限检查在A T SELECTION-SCREEN事件中执行d.消息类型E在AT SELECTION-SCREEN事件中发送,将会触发消息文本的显示,同时终止程序14. 关于事件处理块,以下描述正确的是:a.如果一个程序没有显式的事件处理块,所有的语句将默认为属于AT SELECTION-SCREEN 事件块b.程序中的事件处理块的顺序对程序流没有影响c.事件处理块可以相互间嵌套d.事件处理块必须明显的相互独立成块15. 要进入程序调试界面,可以在运行程序之前在命令域中输入以下什么并回车:a. /nb. /hc. /od. /i16. 要结束当前会话窗口,在命令域中输入:a. /nb. /hc. /od. /i17. 要再增加一个新的会话窗口,在事务代码前加:a. /nb. /hc. /od. /i18. CALL SCREEN dynnr STARTING AT x1 y1 ENDING AT x2 y2,其中的STARTING AT和ENDING AT选项告诉系统在何处定位弹出屏幕,其中:a. x1 、y1、x2、y2、分别表示弹出屏幕右上和左下角的横纵坐标b. x1 、y1、x2、y2、分别表示弹出屏幕左上和右下角的横纵坐标19.如果已存在相同表关键字值的行,以下哪个操作将工作区中数字字段的内容加到已有数据行中数字字段的内容之上。



一选择题(共40题,每题2分, 未特殊注明则均为单选)1,下面的语句中,哪一个语句编译会报错(假设XXX 和结构sflight都已经定义). ( C )A)write at 12 XXX.B)data type type sflight.C)sflight-price = a+b.D)write sy-vline.2.在ABAP/4的开发工作中,哪一个TCODE是直接进入就可以创建程序,函数组以及程序内部各种元素的. ( A )A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE163.直接进入就可以查询表的结构是哪个TCODE. ( B )A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE164. 很多表当中都有一个字段,叫做MANDT, 为第一个主键,这个字段的用处是.( B )A)区分后台数据库的类型B)区分表中记录属于哪个客户端(client)C)区分表的数据量大小D)SAP系统保留字段5.下面的定义语句中,哪一个语句定义出来的结果是一个内表. ( D )A)DATA zsflight TYPE sflight. 结构B)DATA: COLS LIKE LINE OF TC-COLS.C)TABLES SFLIGHT.D)DATA: zsflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight.6.ABAP中三种基本的数据对象是. ( A )A)内表结构基本数据对象B)内表程序语句C)字符数字日期D)语句程序表7.语句loop at itab into wa. 的准确意思是. ( D )A)把wa中的值进行循环,每一次循环都写回内表B)求出迷宫itab的出口放在wa里C)对内表itab的数值列进行累加放入wa中D)对内表itab进行循环,把循环中每一行的结果写入结构wa中8.程序中执行了这么一段代码DATA it_sflight type sflight with header line.Loop at it_sflight.it_sflight-carrid = 'AA'.Modify it_sflight.Endloop.该段语法中出现了四次it_sflight,其中后三次分别代表的是内表还是结构. ( B )A)内表内表内表B)内表结构内表C)内表结构结构D)内表内表结构9.在设计报表程序时,选择的程序类型应该是.( A )A)可执行程序B)模块池程序C)包含程序D)函数组程序10.在报表程序的屏幕筛选条件里,SELECT-OPTIONS定义出来的元素是.( A )A)内表B)结构C)基本数据对象D)指针型字段11.在报表程序的屏幕事件里,有一个事件叫做AT LINE-SELECTION.参见如下代码:WRITE / ‘ABAP’.AT LINE-SELECTION.WRITE /‘TEST’.那么,以下哪种情况会发生.( B )A)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上在原来ABAP那行下面换行一次显示出一行新的TESTB)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上每次只显示出一行的TEST 取代原先的屏幕C)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上永远只显示出一行TEST(放在原来ABAP那行下面)D)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户第一次双击时,产生一个新屏幕,显示一行TEST,然后每次双击都在其下换行显示一行新的TEST12.选择事件的执行顺序正确的一组.( B )A)INITIALIZATION / START-OF-SELECTION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTION B)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / START-OF-SELECTION / AT LINE-SELECTION C)START-OF-SELECTION/ INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAG / AT LINE-SELECTION D)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTION / START-OF-SELECTION 13.在层级报表的开发里,下面哪个条件不是必需的.()CA)对内表先按层级字段排序B)对内表和结构定义时层级字段必须排在前面C)层级字段不能出现在at 和 end at 语句之外D)层级字段必须存在14.在明细报表的开发中,双击一行转向明细报表的取数依据是.( C )A)你双击那行的主键字段B)你双击的那个字段本身C)你双击那行在循环中预先hide的字段D)你双击那行在循环中预先已经write出来的字段15.在交互式报表的设计中,假如想在明细报表里加入任意字段的排序功能,请选择正确的选项(多选).()A)要先用get cursor field XXX.取得字段B)对内表排序时该字段要用括号括起来C)在排序时要把该字段加上一个数字以去除前面的结构名称(如果是用结构-字段定义的话)D)排序后显示完要把sy-lsind = 0,以防止产生多余的list16.在屏幕编程的设计中,下面共有四个主要步骤:a 设计屏幕的格式(有哪些字段,放在什么位置)b 设计屏幕的整体属性c 设计屏幕上字段的属性d 编写屏幕的流逻辑( flow logic )请选择通常请况下正确的顺序. ( C )A)a b c dB)c d b aC)b a c dD)d b a c17. 如果屏幕A 的下一个屏幕仍然是A , 那么当执行程序时,对于屏幕的主要事件,下面哪种顺序是正确的. ( D )A)A 的 PAI ? A 的 PBO ? A 的 PAI ? A 的 PBOB)A 的 PBO ? A 的 PAI ? A 的 PAI ? A 的 PBOC)A 的 PAI ? A 的 PAI ? A 的 PBO ? A 的 PBOD)A 的 PBO ? A 的 PAI ? A 的 PBO ? A 的 PAI18.屏幕编程中一个屏幕所使用的工具栏应如何设计. ( A )A) 先设计一个Gui Status,再在程序中绑定B) 先设计一个Gui Titles,再在程序中绑定C) 在程序中用Add button 语法添加D)在屏幕设计格式的界面上添加工具栏及其按钮19. 以下四种系统变量,各是什么含意. ( D )SY-UCOMM SY-DATUM SY-SUBRC SY-TABIXA)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前日期当前时间循环次数B)当前日期当前时间循环次数用户触发的屏幕上的功能码C)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码循环次数语句执行结果返回值当前日期D)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前日期语句执行结果返回值循环次数20.一个程序的子屏幕编程是如何实现的. ( C )A)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)B)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)C)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)D)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)21.对于表格控件和内表的绑定的做法,下面哪种说法是正确的. ( A )A)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把内表的值写入表格控件,PAI时用同样的循环把表格控件的值写回内表B)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把表格控件的值写入内表,PAI时用同样的循环把内表的值写回表格控件C)在定义内表时定义与之绑定的表格控件,PBO和PAI事件要各循环内表一次D)在制作表格控件时定义与之绑定的内表,PBO和PAI事件要各循环表格控件一次22.如果要把表格控件某列的属性动态的改变成不可输入,下面哪种做法是可行的. ( B )A)在PAI事件中修改table的general attribute值B)在PBO事件中修改table的general attribute值C)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个内表的特点循环找到该列修改之,修改完后写回COLS内表D)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个结构的特点找到其中表示该列的字段修改23.要对表格控件增加一个可由用户写入信息的列,下面哪种方式是可行的(多选).()A)在设计屏幕上点击dictionary / program fields window 按钮,输入字典表或者程序中定义的元素,把它拖到表格控件中B)在设计屏幕上修改table的attributes,增加一列C)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个text field(文本字段)D)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个input/output field(输入/输出字段)24.在编写ALV GRID CONTROL时,应遵循以下哪种顺序. ( A )A)在屏幕上建区域,创建区域对象,创建ALVGRID对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法B)在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法C)调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象D)创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,25.自己制作一个搜索帮助,引用的表是SBOOKINGS,Dialog Type是Dialog with value restriction,里面customid和name这两个字段的IMP属性打勾,customid,name,carrid,connid这四个字段的EXP属性打勾,四个字段都设定了LPOS和SPOS,这个搜索帮助的输出效果是. ()A)先输出两个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位B)先输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位C)先输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位D)先输出四个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位26.ABAP的OPEN SQL的取数语句是否可以实现数据库无关性,其原因是什么. ( C )A)不可以,数据库的SQL格式不同B)可以,因为它的名字叫做OPEN SQLC)可以,因为中间有一层DB Interface做转换D)不可以,各种数据库的版本不同27.对ABAP的OPEN SQL语句的两个返回系统变量,描述正确的是. ( B )A)Sy-dbcnt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-subrc表示执行影响到的数据条数B)Sy-dbcnt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-subrc表示执行结果是否正确C)Sy-dbamt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-sudnc表示执行影响到的数据条数D)Sy-dbamt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-sudnc表示执行结果是否正确28.一个表TA有三个字段,其中第一个字段是主键,目前有一条记录是1/‘first’/ 19,结构wa_result是和表相同类型的,当前值是2 / ‘second’ / 20 .执行OPEN SQL语句:modify TA from wa_result.执行后对系统的影响为. ( B )A)没有任何影响B)TA有两条记录1 / ‘first’/ 19 和 2 / ‘second’ / 20C)TA有一条记录2 / ‘second’ / 20D)系统出错退出,对表没有任何影响29.SAP对锁的主要实现手段是. ()A)在SE11里加锁对象,然后在程序中调用锁对象生成的函数B)在数据库里加锁,在程序中声明C)由数据库自动进行,SAP不用处理D)在程序中通过SQL语句实现**30.有一程序,起始画面里有一个用户可以输入字段为A ,如果想在程序进入的时候自动设置成上次退出时的值,可以采用的方法是. ( B )A)在退出时使用GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.在进入时使用SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.B)在退出时使用SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.在进入时使用GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.C)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.D)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.31.SAP的SMARTFORM和ABAP PROGRAM的对应关系是. ( C )A)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序B)一个程序对应多个SMARTFORMC)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序,一个程序也可以对应多个SMARTFORMD)一个SMARTFORM对应一个程序32.设计SMARTFORM显示一个表格,如果第一页是一种格式,后面几页是一种格式,如何设计. ()A)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向空B)第一页指向自己,第二页指向第一页C)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向第一页D)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向自己33.如果想设计SMARTFORM中大家公用的文本,应该使用什么技术. ()A)SMART TEXTB)SMART STYLEC)SAP SCRIPTD)TEXT MODULE34.下面对于SMARTFORM中TABLE和 TEMPLATE的描述,正确的是. ( A )A)TEMPLATE用来设计表格模版,TABLE用来设计表格实体B)TEMPLATE用来设计表格样式,TABLE用来设计表格实体C)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计表格实体D)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计动态表格35.SMARTFORM中TABLE的排序事件的触发场合是. ()A)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到排序字段结束时触发结束事件B)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到表格结束时触发结束事件C)当表格开始时触发开始事件,表格结束时触发结束事件D)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,然后触发结束事件,然后开始正式循环该排序字段剩余记录36.在SMARTFORM中显示一个表格,其中有一个栏位为wa_sflight-price,现在里面有三行数据,其值依次分别是 10,30,50 ,现在在表格设计的时候在Global Definition中定义一个变量G_TOL,在表格的Main Area中加入一个真假节点,节点的条件为WA_SFLIGHT-PRICE > 10 .然后,在真节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 10.假节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 20.最后在表格的Footer下加一个表行(在表格最后显示),下加一个文本节点显示这个字段G_TOL,它显示的值应该是. ()A)60B)70C)140D)15037.SAP提供的修改系统标准功能的方案里,哪几种是不需要修改系统标准程序就可以实现的. ( C )A)Customer Develepment ,Enhancement, ModificationB)Customer Develepment ,Customizing, ModificationC)Customer Develepment ,Customizing, EnhancementD)Enhancement, Modification,Customizing38.对于客户定制需求的解决方案,应该遵循哪一种顺序进行为宜. ( C )A)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;最后考虑自己开发B)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发C)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;最后考虑自己开发D)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发39.自己定义一个增强项目,加入系统的增强,并在其中激活增强的TCODE应该是. ( B )A)SMODB)CMODC)SE84D)SE8040.在SAP系统标准增强功能里,主要包含了以下哪组功能. ( A )A)Table Enhancement/Screen Exit/Menu Exit/Function module ExitB)Table Enhancement/Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Event ExitC)Menu Exit/Function module Exit/Field Exit/BAPI ExitD)Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Table Enhancement/Screen Exit。



ABAP自测试题1. When does a BADI default implementation execute----------------------------------------------------------Only if the developer specifies the default implementation should be e xecutedThe default implementation always executes unless specified otherwis eWhen only active implementation existsWhen no active implementation exists2. A workflow model is made up of steps, that are assigned to----------------------------------------------------------PeopleEventsRolesTriggersDepartments3. What is the maximum number of allowed Detail lists----------------------------------------------------------Unlimited1020As much as the roll area allows4. Which layer in an R/3 client server architecture processes ABAP pr ograms--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ApplicationDatabasePresentationInternet5. Your screen has a table control defined to it. In the PAI, what does the SY-LOOPC system variable contain.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of filled linesLoop CounterNumber of table control lines6. Identify the characteristics of the self reference ME--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The self-reference ME can be used to access individual componentsNone of the answers are correctSelf references allow an object to give other objects a reference to it. All answers are correctThe reference ME can be used to determine the dynamic type of the r eference variable in the debugger7. Mark the accepted formats of ALE data transfer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)HTTPBAPIJAVAXMLIDOC8. Table ZMYTABLE is created in the dictionary. When does the table g et created in the underlying database--------------------------------------------------------------------------------At the end of the table creation after it is savedWhen the database administrator physically creates the tableAt the beginning of the table creationWhen the table is activatedIt does not correspond to an object in the underlying database and d oes not get created9. Identify the valid statement-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constants: C1(4) type D.Constants: C1(4) type C value 'ABCD'.Constants: C1(4) type C like mytab-booking.Constants: C1(4) type C.10. What is SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) used for--------------------------------------------------------------------------------To register SAP modifications made by a developerTo register Customizing made by a developerTo register custom developed modifications made by a developerTo register enhancements made by a developer11. Screen 200 follows screen 100. Screen 100 is displayed with GUI Status 'BASE'. Screen 200 is then displayed without issuing the SET PF -STATUS what will take place-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen 200 is displayed without a status.Status 'BASE' is displayedRun Time ErrorStandard List Status12. Suppose LFA1 is the root node, LFBK and LFB1 are branches of LF A1, and LFC1 is a branch of LFB1. IF the report contains only one sing le GET statement for LFB1, the processing passes through which table s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------LFA1,LFBK,LFB1.LFC1LFA1, LFBK, LFB1LFA1 and LFB113. Mark the valid usage of the Read Statement.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Read Line 3 of Current PageDO. Read Line SY-INDEX. ENDDO.Read Line 3 of Next PageRead Current Line of Table ITAB14. In what case would you typically use a NUMC field--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Where there is a need for numbers, characters, and arithmetic operati onsWhere only numbers are allowed and there is no need for arithmetic operationsWhere only numbers are allowed and there is a need for arithmetic o perations15. How many At Exit-Command Modules are allowed in the PBO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2Unlimited116. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a scree n field--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Domain short textDomain Help valuesSearch helpData element documentation17. Interface Methods are made available by calling the static method 'get_instance' of the which service class--------------------------------------------------------------------------------if_ex_badicl_exithandler_badicl_exithandlerexithandler18. What is the order of transport in PBO when a table control is defi ned in your module pool-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table control fields followed by the remaining screen fieldsScreen fields followed by table control fieldsDictonary Fields followed by Program FieldsAll fields regardless of table control definition are transported at the beginning of PBO19. Singleton Concept is used to _________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preventi multiple instantiation of a class for a program contextPrevent multiple execution of a single methodPrevent multiple definition of same named methodsAllow single classes only in a program20. What methods would initialize a screen field that is defined with p arameter id CAR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Use the SET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPROSet the screen painter attribute GET Parameter and fill in the Paramet er ID field with CARUse the GET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPROUse the GET Parameter in the PAI of the DYNPRO21. Mark the valid values for a checkbox .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)1Any Alpha CharacterXSpace22. Identify the internal table types.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)StandardSortedHashedIndentedKey23. Mark the valid logical nodes.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)StructureFileTableComplex Data ObjectNode24. At what point does a parameter ID get reset-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User sign offFree MemoryProgram Execution EndsWhen you Flush the SPA/GPA memory25. Define Logical Database.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defintion of a Relational Data ModelAn ABAP/4 Reading Program used to read and process dataA Reporting ToolA method to update data26. Which field gets set in the calling program if an exception occurs i n a function module--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sy-subrcinterface parametersexception parametersexception integers27. What must be assigned to a module pool in order for it to be exec uted--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Program TypeTransactionEventModule28. What is the structure of the internal table when a select-options is declared in your program.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign Operator High LowSign Option Low HighHigh Low Sign OperatorLow High Sign Option29. Identify the Characteristics of a Final Class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- methods cannot be explicitly designated as FINALall answers are correctNo answers are correctcannot have subclassescontains final methods implicitly30. How many fields are available for viewing in field display mode w hile in debugger--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4unlimited2831. Which part of the internal table syntax determines how abap acce sses the rows of the internal table--------------------------------------------------------------------------------key sequencetable typeuniqueness attributeline type32. Which Number range function would you use to determine if an ex ternal number lies in a specified number range interval.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LISTNUMBER_GET_INFONUMBER_GET_NEXTNUMBER_CHECK .NUMBER_RANGE_EXTERNAL_CHECK33. What can occur if a conversion rule does not exist for fields of inc ompatible data types--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)A run time error for statically defined fieldsA syntax error for statically defined fieldsA syntax error for dynamically defined fieldsA run time error for dynamically defined fields34. Which statements will cause a syntax check error-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)Data: x(3) type c.Constants: x(3) type c value '123'.Data: x(3) type c value '123'.Data: x(3) type I.Constants: x(3) type c.35. What does a context object provide-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)Stored calculated values on the presentation serverIncreased Database LoadReuseabilitySmaller and simpler ProgramsObject oriented Programming36. What are the rules for Event parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Events can only have EXPORTING parametersEXPORTING Parameters for events can only be passed by valueEXPORTING Parameters for events can only be passed by reference Events also allow RETURNING parameters37. Choose the short form of the method call below-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call method rf_car->calculate_cost importing ex_size = v_size.rf_car->calculate_cost( importing ex_size = v_size ).rf_car->calculate_cost importing ex_size = v_size.calculate_cost( importing ex_size = v_size ).rf_car->calculate_cost (importing ex_size = v_size).38. Where is the visibility of class components defined--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class DefinitionObject InstanceClass MethodsClass Implementation39. What makes up a dialog step-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One sequence of a PBO followed by a PAIOne sequence of a PAI followed by a PBOAll PBO and PAI modules in the Module poolAll ABAP Modules of a screen40. What access method is available for hash tables?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexedSortedHashedKeyed41. CALL TRANSACTION has been issued in an ABAP. What code in the called transaction will return to the point of call .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave to TransactionStop ProgramExit.Leave Program42. Full buffering would be appropriate for what type of tables.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Internal TablesTables with generic KeysTransaction TablesSmall Static tables43. What class is used to display the ALV Grid Control--------------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_gui_alvcl_gui_alv_gridcl_gui_custom_containercl_gui_custom_grid44. Which update request always run asynchronously-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LocalV2TransactionalV145. What is required in the flow logic in order to process a table contr ol?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PBOA loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the USER_CO MMAND moduleA loop .. endloop statement for the table control in both the PBO and the PAIA loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PAI46. Identify the statements that best describe the visibility of classes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)Local Classes are available only to programs in the same development classLocal Classes are available only to the program where the class is def inedGlobal Classes are available only from programs belonging to the sam e development classGlobal classes are centrally available to all ABAP programs47. Transaction 'ZABC' contains mandatory fields on the first screen. A Dialog program issues the statement CALL Transaction ZABC and Skip First Screen. What is required in the first screen of transaction ZABC for the call to function properly.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The mandatory fields must be filled in with "Get Parameter" statement or default values in Transaction ZABCThe first screen in transaction ZABC can indicate that mandatory field s do not need to be filled in if called by another transactionExport the screen fields to memoryThe mandatory fields must be filled in with "Set Parameter" statemen t or default values in Transaction ZABC48. What is the term used when a change is made to a customer obje ct in a system other than the original system-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CorrectionChangeModificationRepair49. Changing the view of an instance of a class with more details is r eferred to as-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dynamic referencingnarrowing castwidening castup cast50. Identify the types of SAP GUI available--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)HTMLWindowsXMLLinuxJavaPHP51. Which of the following answers characterize ABAP OO events--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Classes subscribe to eventsClasses trigger eventsEvents subscribe to classesStart-of-selection is an OO eventMethods subscribe to classes52. A screen field has been dynamically changed in a dialog program. When does it get re-initialized.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------At PAI executionAt the end of the transactionAt PBO executionOnly when the program encounters more code to modify the field attr ibutes53. What are the minimum requirements for Processing User requests in a Dynpro.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)The last field of the element list of the screen has the name OK_CODEOK_CODE is Defined in the TOP IncludeOK_CODE Checking is performed in the Screen Flow LogicDefine a GUI Status54. What tasks could be perfomed in SAP Service Marketplace--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Registering changes to customer objectsRegistering customer objects for local developmentRegistering developersRegistering changes to SAP objects55. Identify the basic objects of the data Dictionary.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Data ModelsTablesDocumentationData ElementsDomains56. Finish the sentence. Propogating exceptions requires ___________ _______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------the Raising cx_class parameter as part of the method signature of the calling methoda Cleanup Statementa handler for the exceptionthe Raising cx_class parameter as part of the method signature wher e the exception is raised57. Which parameter is used to refine the values returned by a search help-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restrict value rangeImportExportadministration data58. What is true about the SAP Repository-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)It stores development objectsIt stores client-specific objectsObjects created using the IMG are stored in the repositoryObjects in the repository can be viewed across clients59. Identify the synchronous update techniques.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)PERFORM.. .. ON COMMIT and WAITCOMMIT WORK AND WAITCALL FUNCTION in Update TaskUpdate table.. ..60. What is used to group repository objects--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Application HierarchyChange requestsPackageRepository Information System61. Where does the Modification GROUP assignment of fields get defin ed.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the DynproIn the screen painterDo you really careUsing the SET GROUP statement62. What relationship can be established in watchpoints.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combination of OR or AND conditionsOR conditions onlyAND conditions onlyany boolean operators63. Identify the standard methods commonly found in BAPI's-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)GETDETAILCREATEFROMDATACREATELISTUPDATEDETAILGETLIST64. Which statements would conclude a SAP LUW.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)ROLLBACK WORKCOMMIT WORKCALL TransactionMESSAGE S10165. Which is not a valid operation that can be performed on sequentia l files.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read datasetOpen datasetClose datasetWrite datasetTransfer dataset66. What tool or technique would be used to move the definition of a global class to an implemented interface-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web DynproObject NavigatorBORRefactoring AssistantBAPI wizard67. What is a valid configuration for an R3 System.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)One Application server and one Database serverMany Application servers and one Database serverOne Application server and many Database serversNo Application server and one Database server68. What can be done using the SAP Service Marketplace--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Determine fixes/patches for problem areasCommunicate with user forumsInquire about product pricing informationOrder Technical BooksFind out when the next Support package is available69. What is true about the End-of-page Event.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Works only if you reserve space in the Report Statement using the lin e-count statementOccurs when the page break has been triggered by the New-Page sta tementAutomatically creates a footer on the last page of a listUsed to create Footers70. How would you define a lock object--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create it as an object in the dictionaryThrough a Function CallUse the Data Browser71. Identify the key word that determines if a CMOD function exit has been provided-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREENCALL PROGRAM-EXITCALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTIONCALL USER-EXIT72. Select the methods used to access data on the database.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)Read TableGet nodeNative SQLABAP/4 Open SQLLDB73. What does the following code achieve--------------------------------------------------------------------------------At Selection-Screen on value-request for sales.Call screen 100.When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screenWhen the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screenWhen the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the nor mal possible values search helpWhen the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the nor mal possible values search help74. Match the class with their definition type--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ZCL_EMPLOYEE2 ZCA_EMPLOYEE3 ZCB_EMPLOYEEA AbstractB FinalC Persistent1-A, 2-B, 3-C1-C, 2-A, 3-B1-C, 2-B, 3-A75. Pick the syntax for a functional method with only 1 parameter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct)refvar->method(im = p1)refvar->method receiving()refvar->method(p1)refvar->method returning()76. Which transaction is used to make dictionary adjustments when u pgrading versions of SAP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SP01SPAUSPDDCMOD77. What does the DESCRIBE TABLE statement provide to the program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key lengthKey DefintionKey UniquenessAccess Type78. What class is used for method load_gui_status in a context menu--------------------------------------------------------------------------------cl_context_clascl_menucl_ctmenumenu_class79. "Call Function?Starting New Task" is an example of what type of c all-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectSynchronousAsynchronousBatch80. What is the sequence of events and order of data transported in t he following code. Select the correct order-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process After InputModule Exit at exit-commandField ABC Module Validate_ABC.10 All fields not defined in FIELD statements20 System performs Auto Field Checking30 Fields in FIELD Statements10, 20, 3020, 30, 1020, 10, 3081. Default Page Headings are created on which type of list.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SecondaryAll listsBasic82. When does the dialog processor perform automatic checks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After PAI Processing is completeBefore PBO Processing BeginsAfter the User has pressed enter and before the PBO modules are pro cessedAfter the User has pressed enter and before the PAI modules are pro cessed。



ABAP试题1,下面的语句中,哪一个语句编译会报错(假设XXX 和结构sflight都已经定义). ()A)write at 12 XXX.B)data type type sflight.C)sflight-price = a+b.D)write sy-vline.2.在ABAP/4的开发工作中,哪一个TCODE是直接进入就可以创建程序,函数组以及程序内部各种元素的. ()A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE163.直接进入就可以查询表的结构是哪个TCODE. ( )A) SE80 B) SE11 C) SE93 D)SE164.很多表当中都有一个字段,叫做MANDT, 为第一个主键,这个字段的用处是.()A)区分后台数据库的类型B)区分表中记录属于哪个客户端(client)C)区分表的数据量大小D)SAP系统保留字段5.下面的定义语句中,哪一个语句定义出来的结果是一个内表. ()A)DATA zsflight TYPE sflight.B)DATA: COLS LIKE LINE OF TC-COLS.C)TABLES SFLIGHT.D)DATA: zsflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight.6.ABAP中三种基本的数据对象是. ()A)内表结构基本数据对象B)内表程序语句C)字符数字日期D)语句程序表7.语句loop at itab into wa. 的准确意思是. ()A)把wa中的值进行循环,每一次循环都写回内表B)求出迷宫itab的出口放在wa里C)对内表itab的数值列进行累加放入wa中D)对内表itab进行循环,把循环中每一行的结果写入结构wa中8.程序中执行了这么一段代码DATA it_sflight type sflight with header line.Loop at it_sflight.it_sflight-carrid = 'AA'.Modify it_sflight.Endloop.该段语法中出现了四次it_sflight,其中后三次分别代表的是内表还是结构. ()A)内表 内表 内表B)内表 结构 内表C)内表 结构 结构D)内表 内表 结构9.在设计报表程序时,选择的程序类型应该是.()A)可执行程序B)模块池程序C)包含程序D)函数组程序10.在报表程序的屏幕筛选条件里,SELECT-OPTIONS定义出来的元素是.()A)内表B)结构C)基本数据对象D)指针型字段11.在报表程序的屏幕事件里,有一个事件叫做AT LINE-SELECTION.参见如下代码:WRITE / ‘ABAP’.AT LINE-SELECTION.WRITE /‘TEST’.那么,以下哪种情况会发生.()A)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上在原来ABAP那行下面换行一次显示出一行新的TESTB)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上每次只显示出一行的TEST取代原先的屏幕C)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户双击一次时,屏幕上永远只显示出一行TEST(放在原来ABAP那行下面)D)先显示出一行ABAP,当用户第一次双击时,产生一个新屏幕,显示一行TEST,然后每次双击都在其下换行显示一行新的TEST12.选择事件的执行顺序正确的一组.()A)INITIALIZATION / START-OF-SELECTION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTION B)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / START-OF-SELECTION / AT LINE-SELECTION C)START-OF-SELECTION/ INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAG / AT LINE-SELECTION D)INITIALIZATION / TOP-OF-PAGE / AT LINE-SELECTION / START-OF-SELECTION13.在层级报表的开发里,下面哪个条件不是必需的.()A)对内表先按层级字段排序B)对内表和结构定义时层级字段必须排在前面C)层级字段不能出现在at 和 end at 语句之外D)层级字段必须存在14.在明细报表的开发中,双击一行转向明细报表的取数依据是. ()A )你双击那行的主键字段B )你双击的那个字段本身C )你双击那行在循环中预先hide 的字段D )你双击那行在循环中预先已经write 出来的字段15.在交互式报表的设计中,假如想在明细报表里加入任意字段的排序功能,请选择正确的选项(多选). ( )A )要先用get cursor field XXX.取得字段B )对内表排序时该字段要用括号括起来C )在排序时要把该字段加上一个数字以去除前面的结构名称(如果是用结构-字段定义的话)D )排序后显示完要把sy-lsind = 0,以防止产生多余的list16.在屏幕编程的设计中,下面共有四个主要步骤:a 设计屏幕的格式(有哪些字段,放在什么位置)b 设计屏幕的整体属性c 设计屏幕上字段的属性d 编写屏幕的流逻辑( flow logic )请选择通常请况下正确的顺序. ( )A )a b c dB )c d b aC )b a c dD )d b a c17. 如果屏幕A 的下一个屏幕仍然是A , 那么当执行程序时,对于屏幕的主要事件,下面哪种顺序是正确的. ()A )A 的 PAI A 的 PBO A 的 PAI A 的 PBOB )A 的 PBOA 的 PAI A 的 PAI A 的 PBO C )A 的 PAI A 的 PAI A 的 PBO A 的 PBOD )A 的 PBO A 的 PAI A 的 PBO A 的 PAI18.屏幕编程中一个屏幕所使用的工具栏应如何设计. ( )A) 先设计一个Gui Status,再在程序中绑定B) 先设计一个Gui Titles,再在程序中绑定C) 在程序中用Add button 语法添加D )在屏幕设计格式的界面上添加工具栏及其按钮19. 以下四种系统变量,各是什么含意. ( )SY-UCOMM SY-DATUM SY-SUBRC SY-TABIXA )用户触发的屏幕上的功能码 当前日期 当前时间 循环次数B )当前日期 当前时间 循环次数 用户触发的屏幕上的功能码C )用户触发的屏幕上的功能码 循环次数 语句执行结果返回值当前日期D)用户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前日期语句执行结果返回值循环次数20.一个程序的子屏幕编程是如何实现的. ()A)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)B)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为正常屏幕)C)子屏幕区域外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)D)自定义控件外加屏幕(属性设置为子屏幕)21.对于表格控件和内表的绑定的做法,下面哪种说法是正确的. ()A)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把内表的值写入表格控件,PAI时用同样的循环把表格控件的值写回内表B)PBO时同步循环内表和表格控件把表格控件的值写入内表,PAI时用同样的循环把内表的值写回表格控件C)在定义内表时定义与之绑定的表格控件,PBO和PAI事件要各循环内表一次D)在制作表格控件时定义与之绑定的内表,PBO和PAI事件要各循环表格控件一次22.如果要把表格控件某列的属性动态的改变成不可输入,下面哪种做法是可行的. ()A)在PAI事件中修改table的general attribute值B)在PBO事件中修改table的general attribute值C)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个内表的特点循环找到该列修改之,修改完后写回COLS内表D)在PAI事件中取得table的COLS属性,利用它本身是个结构的特点找到其中表示该列的字段修改23.要对表格控件增加一个可由用户写入信息的列,下面哪种方式是可行的(多选).()A)在设计屏幕上点击dictionary / program fields window 按钮,输入字典表或者程序中定义的元素,把它拖到表格控件中B)在设计屏幕上修改table的attributes,增加一列C)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个text field(文本字段)D)在设计屏幕中的表格控件里拖入一个input/output field(输入/输出字段)24.在编写ALV GRID CONTROL时,应遵循以下哪种顺序. ()A)在屏幕上建区域,创建区域对象,创建ALVGRID对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法B)在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法C)调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,创建区域对象D)创建区域对象,调用ALVGRID的set_table_for_first_display方法,在屏幕上建区域,创建ALVGRID对象,25.自己制作一个搜索帮助,引用的表是SBOOKINGS,Dialog Type是Dialog with value restriction,里面customid和name这两个字段的IMP属性打勾,customid,name,carrid,connid 这四个字段的EXP属性打勾,四个字段都设定了LPOS和SPOS,这个搜索帮助的输出效果是. ()A)先输出两个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位B)先输出两个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位C)先输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位D)先输出四个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出四个栏位的表格信息让用户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位26.ABAP的OPEN SQL的取数语句是否可以实现数据库无关性,其原因是什么. ()A)不可以,数据库的SQL格式不同B)可以,因为它的名字叫做OPEN SQLC)可以,因为中间有一层DB Interface做转换D)不可以,各种数据库的版本不同27.对ABAP的OPEN SQL语句的两个返回系统变量,描述正确的是. ()A)Sy-dbcnt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-subrc表示执行影响到的数据条数B)Sy-dbcnt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-subrc表示执行结果是否正确C)Sy-dbamt表示执行结果是否正确,sy-sudnc表示执行影响到的数据条数D)Sy-dbamt表示执行影响到的数据条数,sy-sudnc表示执行结果是否正确28.一个表TA有三个字段,其中第一个字段是主键,目前有一条记录是1 /‘first’/ 19,结构wa_result是和表相同类型的,当前值是2 / ‘second’/ 20 .执行OPEN SQL语句:modify TA from wa_result.执行后对系统的影响为. ()A)没有任何影响B)TA有两条记录1 / ‘first’/ 19 和 2 / ‘second’ / 20C)TA有一条记录2 / ‘second’ / 20D)系统出错退出,对表没有任何影响29.SAP对锁的主要实现手段是. ()A)在SE11里加锁对象,然后在程序中调用锁对象生成的函数B)在数据库里加锁,在程序中声明C)由数据库自动进行,SAP不用处理D)在程序中通过SQL语句实现30.有一程序,起始画面里有一个用户可以输入字段为A ,如果想在程序进入的时候自动设置成上次退出时的值,可以采用的方法是. ()A)在退出时使用GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.在进入时使用SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.B)在退出时使用SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.在进入时使用GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.C)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句GET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.D)不管是退出还是进入时,都执行语句SET PARAMETER ID 'XXX' FIELD A.31.SAP的SMARTFORM和ABAP PROGRAM的对应关系是. ()A)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序B)一个程序对应多个SMARTFORMC)一个SMARTFORM对应多个程序,一个程序也可以对应多个SMARTFORMD)一个SMARTFORM对应一个程序32.设计SMARTFORM显示一个表格,如果第一页是一种格式,后面几页是一种格式,如何设计. ()A)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向空B)第一页指向自己,第二页指向第一页C)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向第一页D)第一页指向第二页,第二页指向自己33.如果想设计SMARTFORM中大家公用的文本,应该使用什么技术. ()A)SMART TEXTB)SMART STYLEC)SAP SCRIPTD)TEXT MODULE34.下面对于SMARTFORM中TABLE和 TEMPLATE的描述,正确的是. ()A)TEMPLATE用来设计表格模版,TABLE用来设计表格实体B)TEMPLATE用来设计表格样式,TABLE用来设计表格实体C)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计表格实体D)TEMPLATE用来设计静态表格,TABLE用来设计动态表格35.SMARTFORM中TABLE的排序事件的触发场合是. ()A)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到排序字段结束时触发结束事件B)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,循环到表格结束时触发结束事件C)当表格开始时触发开始事件,表格结束时触发结束事件D)循环到排序字段第一次开始时触发开始事件,然后触发结束事件,然后开始正式循环该排序字段剩余记录36.在SMARTFORM中显示一个表格,其中有一个栏位为wa_sflight-price,现在里面有三行数据,其值依次分别是10,30,50 ,现在在表格设计的时候在Global Definition中定义一个变量G_TOL,在表格的Main Area中加入一个真假节点,节点的条件为WA_SFLIGHT-PRICE > 10 .然后,在真节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 10.假节点下加一个程序行,内容为G_TOL = wa_sflight-price + 20.最后在表格的Footer下加一个表行(在表格最后显示),下加一个文本节点显示这个字段G_TOL,它显示的值应该是. ()A)60B)70C)140D)15037.SAP提供的修改系统标准功能的方案里,哪几种是不需要修改系统标准程序就可以实现的. ()A)Customer Develepment ,Enhancement, ModificationB)Customer Develepment ,Customizing, ModificationC)Customer Develepment ,Customizing, EnhancementD)Enhancement, Modification,Customizing38.对于客户定制需求的解决方案,应该遵循哪一种顺序进行为宜. ()A)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;最后考虑自己开发B)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否修改标准程序,再判断能否进行Enhancement;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发C)先判断能否配置;再判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;最后考虑自己开发D)先判断系统有无类似功能,有的话先判断能否进行Enhancement,再判断能否修改标准程序;然后判断能否配置;最后考虑自己开发39.自己定义一个增强项目,加入系统的增强,并在其中激活增强的TCODE应该是. ()A)SMODB)CMODC)SE84D)SE8040.在SAP系统标准增强功能里,主要包含了以下哪组功能. ()A)Table Enhancement/Screen Exit/Menu Exit/Function module ExitB)Table Enhancement/Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Event ExitC)Menu Exit/Function module Exit/Field Exit/BAPI ExitD)Structure Exit/Menu Exit/Table Enhancement/Screen Exit二问答题(共1题,20分)请简述SAP二次开发中REPORT , SCREEN , 数据库更新,SMARTFORM及增强等主要技术的开发方法和主要应用场合1c 2a 3b 4b 5d 6a 7d 8b 9a 10?11b 12a 13? 14? 15 ? 16c 17d 18a 19d 20c21a 22b 23? 24a 25? 26c 27b 28b 29a 30?31? 32? 33? 34? 35? 36? 37c 38c 39b 40a只会这些~!1,c 2.A 3.B 4. b 5. d6. A7.d8.b9.a 10. a1,c 2.A 3.B 4. b 5. d6. A7.d8.b9.a 10. a11. b 12.a 13.d 14.c15.a,d ?16.c 17.d 18.a 19. d 但Sy-TAbix 不是循环次数, 而是表中记录的序号20.c21.a ? 22. b ? 23.? 24.a 25. ?26.c 27.b 28 b 29.? 30.b31.c 32.? 33.? 34.? 35?36.? 37.c 38.c。



一、选择题1.根据下面声明 DATA: BEGIN OF LEN,KTOKK TYPE I VALUE 5,KONZS TYPE I VALUE 10,END OF LEN.请问 LEN 为( D )A、视图B、表C、内表D、结构2、很多表当中都有一个字段,叫做MANDT, 为第一个主键,这个字段的用处是.( C )A、区分后台数据库的类型B、区分表的数据量大小C、区分表中记录属于哪个客户端(client)D、SAP系统保留字段3 下列 SELECT 语法中, 哪个需要用 ENDSELECT. ( B )A、 SELECT SINGLE * FROM EKKO WHERE EBELN = P_EBELN.B、SELECT DISTINCT LIFNR INTO pxLIFNR FROM EKKO WHERE EBELN IN S_EBELN.C、SELECT COUNT( EBELN ) INTO COUNT FROM EKKO WHERE EBELN IN S_EBELN.D、SELECT * INTO TABLE T_EKKO FROM EKKO WHERE EBELN IN S_EBELN.4、下面判断系统操作是否成功的语句是( C )A、 sy-tabixB、sy-languC、sy-subrcD、sy-index5、创建系统消息的Tcode是(D)A、SE11B、SE61C、 SE93D、SE916、下列Abap判断语句,哪个是不正确的( C )A、 IF --- ENDIF.B、CASE --- ENDCASE.C、FOR --- ENDFOR.D、LOOP --- ENDLOOP.7、操作语句‘GE’的意思是(D )(第七章控制abap4程序流_比较所有的字段类型)A、大于(GT)B、小于(LT)C、等于(EQ)D、大于或者等于(>=)8、下面Abap的内表Loop循环中处理语句,不正确的是(C )A、At firstB、At lastC、 At change onD、 At end of9、函数组在创建__ C ___需要指定A、表 B 、 SE38程序 C、函数 D、开发类10、在报表程序的屏幕筛选条件里,SELECT-OPTIONS定义出来的元素是.( B )A 、结构 B、内表C、基本数据对象D、指针型字段11、在Abap List报表中,实现双击事件的语句是( B )A、AT SELECTION-SCREENB、AT LINE-SELECTIONC、AT USER COMMANDD、START-OF-SELECTION12、GUI STATUS 由哪几部分组成(多选)(ABC)A、菜单栏Menu barB、功能码Function KeyC、应用工具栏Application ToolbarD、事务码Tcode13、下列哪些不是SAP的主要用户出口增强( D)A、Function Module ExitB、Screen EnhancementC、Menu EnhancementD、Table Exit14、对于函数模块(function modules)以下哪个描述正确?.( D )A、调用函数模块时所有的接口参数到要赋值。



ABAP 练习题一、基础语法与数据类型一个整型变量一个字符型变量,长度为10一个日期型变量一个数值范围(Range)变量一个内部表(Internal Table),包含至少三个字段:ID,Name,Age一个结构体(Structure),包含两个字段:Date,Amount3. 编写一个ABAP程序,声明一个字符串变量,并将其初始化为“Hello World”。

4. 编写一个ABAP程序,声明一个时间变量,并输出当前系统时间。

二、控制结构5. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用IF条件语句判断一个整型变量是否大于100。

6. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用CASE语句根据一个字符变量的值输出不同的消息。

7. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用循环结构(DO, WHILE, LOOP)输出1到10的数字。

8. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用嵌套循环输出一个10x10的乘法表。

三、函数与子程序9. 编写一个ABAP函数,用于计算两个整数的和。

10. 编写一个ABAP子程序,用于输出一个给定字符串的长度。

11. 编写一个ABAP程序,调用一个函数模块,将输入的字符串转换为大写。

12. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用表类型作为参数传递给子程序,并在子程序中处理该表。

四、数据库操作13. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用SELECT语句查询某个表的特定记录。

14. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用INSERT语句向数据库表中插入一条新记录。

15. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用UPDATE语句更新数据库表中的记录。

16. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用DELETE语句从数据库表中删除一条记录。

五、屏幕处理17. 编写一个ABAP程序,创建一个简单的输入屏幕,用于接收用户输入。

18. 编写一个ABAP程序,创建一个输出屏幕,显示从数据库查询到的数据。

19. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用屏幕上的按钮控制程序的流程。

20. 编写一个ABAP程序,使用屏幕上的选项按钮(Radio Button)进行选择。




问据库表填空ABAP2中低1数据库提交确认和数据库回滚取消语句:_____WORK_____ WORK。

commit rollback填空ABAP3中低1判断程序语句执行成功与否的SYST中的重要字段是_________。




SY-INDEX填空ABAP7中低4以下四种系统变量,SY-UCOMM SY-DATUM SY-SUBRC SY-TABIX分别代表(_,_,_,_)含义功能码当前日期执行结果是否正确内表当前行amazing填空ABAP8中低1ABAP的OPEN SQL的取数语句是否可以实现数据库的无关性,其原因是()可以,因为中间有一层DB填空ABAP9中低1系统变量SY-SUBRC表示()执行结果是否正确填空ABAP10中低1语句loop at itab into wa 的准确意思是()把内表ITAB 进行循环,把循环中每填空ABAP11易2ABAP是:_________,__________,Application, Program 的缩写advance business填空ABAP12中6写出Internal Table的操作:LOOP, APPEND,_________,_________,_________,_________,_________,_________read sort modify delete insert refresh填空ABAP13易2SAP有哪6种Message Type:S,____,W,E,A,____X I填空ABAP14中2进入Debug模式的三种方式:设置断点,_________,_________程序中写breakpoint/user执行程序之前,命令行输入/h填空ABAP15易1点中某个菜单后,系统变量______会反映出Function Code sy-ucomm填空ABAP16易2在Module Pool程序里,屏幕显示前执行哪个模组:___________,屏幕输入完毕后执行哪个模组:___________PBO PAI填空ABAP17中1读文本的Function Module名字_____________read_text填空ABAP18中3SAP 的三层结构为_________,_________,_________显示层应用层数据库层填空ABAP19中低2向SAP表中添加字段的方法是哪两种Append 结构自定义IncludeAppend、自定义Include,回答一种得1分填空ABAP20中低2ABAP中三种基本的数据对象是结构内表数据元素填空ABAP21中低2在报表程序的屏幕筛选条件里,SELECT-OPTIONS定义出来的元素是内表填空ABAP22中低2锁类型有哪两种共享锁独占锁填空ABAP 23中低2直接进入就可以查询表结构的是哪个TCODE SE11填空ABAP 24中低2写出ABAP程序的5个常用事件start-of-selection top-of-pageinitializa tion at line-selection atselection-screen end-of-selection填空ABAP 25中低2write:a ,b,c。



ABAP⾃测试题⼀这是我整理的ABAP认证的⾃测试题,如果⼤家有相关资料,欢迎交流...........1. When does a BADI default implementation execute ---------------------------------------------------------- Only if the developer specifies the default implementation should be executed The default implementation always executes unless specified otherwise When only active implementation exists When no active implementation exists2. A workflow model is made up of steps, that are assigned to ---------------------------------------------------------- People Events Roles Triggers Departments3. What is the maximum number of allowed Detail lists ---------------------------------------------------------- Unlimited 10 20 As much as the roll area allows4. Which layer in an R/3 client server architecture processes ABAP programs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Database Presentation Internet5. Your screen has a table control defined to it. In the PAI, what does the SY-LOOPC system variable contain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of filled lines Loop Counter Number of table control lines6. Identify the characteristics of the self reference ME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The self-reference ME can be used to access individual components None of the answers are correct Self references allow an object to give other objects a reference to it. All answers are correct The reference ME can be used to determine the dynamic type of the reference variable in the debugger7. Mark the accepted formats of ALE data transfer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) HTTP BAPI JAVA XMLIDOC 8. Table ZMYTABLE is created in the dictionary. When does the table get created in the underlying database -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the table creation after it is saved When the database administrator physically creates the table At the beginning of the table creation When the table is activated It does not correspond to an object in the underlying database and does not get created 9. Identify the valid statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constants: C1(4) type D. Constants: C1(4) type C value 'ABCD'. Constants: C1(4) type C like mytab-booking. Constants: C1(4) type C. 10. What is SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) used for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To register SAP modifications made by a developer To register Customizing made by a developer To register custom developed modifications made by a developer To register enhancements made by a developer 11. Screen 200 follows screen 100. Screen 100 is displayed with GUI Status 'BASE'. Screen 200 is then displayed without issuing the SET PF-STATUS what will take place -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen 200 is displayed without a status. Status 'BASE' is displayed Run Time Error Standard List Status 12. Suppose LFA1 is the root node, LFBK and LFB1 are branches of LFA1, and LFC1 is a branch of LFB1. IF the report contains only one single GET statement for LFB1, the processing passes through which tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LFA1,LFBK,LFB1.LFC1 LFA1, LFBK, LFB1 LFA1 and LFB1 13. Mark the valid usage of the Read Statement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Read Line 3 of Current Page DO. Read Line SY-INDEX. ENDDO. Read Line 3 of Next Page Read Current Line of Table ITAB 14. In what case would you typically use a NUMC field --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Where there is a need for numbers, characters, and arithmetic operations Where only numbers are allowed and there is no need for arithmetic operations Where only numbers are allowed and there is a need for arithmetic operations 15. How many At Exit-Command Modules are allowed in the PBO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Unlimited 1 0 16. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domain short text Domain Help values Search help Data element documentation 17. Interface Methods are made available by calling the static method 'get_instance' of the which service class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if_ex_badi cl_exithandler_badi cl_exithandlerexithandler 18. What is the order of transport in PBO when a table control is defined in your module pool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table control fields followed by the remaining screen fields Screen fields followed by table control fieldsDictonary Fields followed by Program Fields All fields regardless of table control definition are transported at the beginning of PBO 19. Singleton Concept is used to _________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preventi multiple instantiation of a class for a program context Prevent multiple execution of a single method Prevent multiple definition of same named methods Allow single classes only in a program 20. What methods would initialize a screen field that is defined with parameter id CAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Use the SET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPRO Set the screen painter attribute GET Parameter and fill in the Parameter ID field with CAR Use the GET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPRO Use the GET Parameter in the PAI of the DYNPRO 21. Mark the valid values for a checkbox . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) 1 Any Alpha Character 0 X Space 22. Identify the internal table types. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Standard Sorted Hashed Indented Key 23. Mark the valid logical nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Structure FileTable Complex Data Object Node 24. At what point does a parameter ID get reset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User sign off Free Memory Program Execution Ends When you Flush the SPA/GPA memory 25. Define Logical Database. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defintion of a Relational Data Model An ABAP/4 Reading Program used to read and process data A Reporting Tool A method to update data 26. Which field gets set in the calling program if an exception occurs in a function module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sy-subrc interface parameters exception parameters exception integers 27. What must be assigned to a module pool in order for it to be executed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Type Transaction Event Module 28. What is the structure of the internal table when a select-options is declared in your program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign Operator High Low Sign Option Low High High Low Sign Operator Low High Sign Option 29. Identify the Characteristics of a Final Class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------methods cannot be explicitly designated as FINAL all answers are correct No answers are correct cannot have subclasses contains final methods implicitly 30. How many fields are available for viewing in field display mode while in debugger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 unlimited 2 8 31. Which part of the internal table syntax determines how abap accesses the rows of the internal table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- key sequence table type uniqueness attribute line type 32. Which Number range function would you use to determine if an external number lies in a specified number range interval. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LIST NUMBER_GET_INFO NUMBER_GET_NEXTNUMBER_CHECK . NUMBER_RANGE_EXTERNAL_CHECK 33. What can occur if a conversion rule does not exist for fields of incompatible data types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) A run time error for statically defined fields A syntax error for statically defined fields A syntax error for dynamically defined fields A run time error for dynamically defined fields 34. Which statements will cause a syntax check error --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct) Data: x(3) type c. Constants: x(3) type c value '123'. Data: x(3) type c value '123'. Data: x(3) type I.Constants: x(3) type c. 35. What does a context object provide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Stored calculated values on the presentation server Increased Database Load Reuseability Smaller and simpler Programs Object oriented Programming 36. What are the rules for Event parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Events can only have EXPORTING parameters EXPORTING Parameters for events can only be passed by value EXPORTING Parameters for events can only be passed by reference Events also allow RETURNING parameters 37. Choose the short form of the method call below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call method rf_car->calculate_cost importing ex_size = v_size. rf_car->calculate_cost( importing ex_size = v_size ). rf_car->calculate_cost importing ex_size = v_size. calculate_cost( importing ex_size = v_size ). rf_car->calculate_cost (importing ex_size = v_size). 38. Where is the visibility of class components defined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Definition Object Instance Class MethodsClass Implementation 39. What makes up a dialog step -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One sequence of a PBO followed by a PAI One sequence of a PAI followed by a PBO All PBO and PAI modules in the Module pool All ABAP Modules of a screen 40. What access method is available for hash tables? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indexed SortedHashed Keyed 41. CALL TRANSACTION has been issued in an ABAP. What code in the called transaction will return to the point of call . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave to Transaction Stop Program Exit. Leave Program 42. Full buffering would be appropriate for what type of tables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Tables Tables with generic Keys Transaction Tables Small Static tables 43. What class is used to display the ALV Grid Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cl_gui_alv cl_gui_alv_grid cl_gui_custom_container cl_gui_custom_grid 44. Which update request always run asynchronously -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local V2 Transactional V1 45. What is required in the flow logic in order to process a table control? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PBO A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the USER_COMMAND module A loop .. endloop statement for the table control in both the PBO and the PAI A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PAI 46. Identify the statements that best describe the visibility of classes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Local Classes are available only to programs in the same development class Local Classes are available only to the program where the class is defined Global Classes are available only from programs belonging to the same development class Global classes are centrally available to all ABAP programs 47. Transaction 'ZABC' contains mandatory fields on the first screen. A Dialog program issues the statement CALL Transaction ZABC and Skip First Screen. What is required in the first screen of transaction ZABC for the call to function properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mandatory fields must be filled in with "Get Parameter" statement or default values in Transaction ZABC The first screen in transaction ZABC can indicate that mandatory fields do not need to be filled in if called by another transaction Export the screen fields to memory The mandatory fields must be filled in with "Set Parameter" statement or default values in Transaction ZABC 48. What is the term used when a change is made to a customer object in a system other than the original system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correction Change Modification Repair 49. Changing the view of an instance of a class with more details is referred to as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dynamic referencing narrowing cast widening cast up cast 50. Identify the types of SAP GUI available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) HTML Windows XML Linux Java PHP 51. Which of the following answers characterize ABAP OO events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Classes subscribe to events Classes trigger events Events subscribe to classes Start-of-selection is an OO event Methods subscribe to classes 52. A screen field has been dynamically changed in a dialog program. When does it get re-initialized. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At PAI execution At the end of the transaction At PBO execution Only when the program encounters more code to modify the field attributes 53. What are the minimum requirements for Processing User requests in a Dynpro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) The last field of the element list of the screen has the name OK_CODEOK_CODE is Defined in the TOP Include OK_CODE Checking is performed in the Screen Flow Logic Define a GUI Status 54. What tasks could be perfomed in SAP Service Marketplace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Registering changes to customer objects Registering customer objects for local development Registering developers Registering changes to SAP objects 55. Identify the basic objects of the data Dictionary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct) Data Models Tables Documentation Data Elements Domains 56. Finish the sentence. Propogating exceptions requires __________________. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Raising cx_class parameter as part of the method signature of the calling method a Cleanup Statement a handler for the exception the Raising cx_class parameter as part of the method signature where the exception is raised 57. Which parameter is used to refine the values returned by a search help -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restrict value range Import Export administration data 58. What is true about the SAP Repository -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) It stores development objects It stores client-specific objects Objects created using the IMG are stored in the repository Objects in the repository can be viewed across clients 59. Identify the synchronous update techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) PERFORM.. .. ON COMMIT and WAIT COMMIT WORK AND WAIT CALL FUNCTION in Update Task Update table.. .. 60. What is used to group repository objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct)Application Hierarchy Change requests Package Repository Information System 61. Where does the Modification GROUP assignment of fields get defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Dynpro In the screen painter Do you really careUsing the SET GROUP statement 62. What relationship can be established in watchpoints. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combination of OR or AND conditions OR conditions only AND conditions only any boolean operators 63. Identify the standard methods commonly found in BAPI's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) GETDETAIL CREATEFROMDATA CREATELIST UPDATEDETAIL GETLIST 64. Which statements would conclude a SAP LUW. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) ROLLBACK WORK COMMIT WORK CALL Transaction MESSAGE S101 65. Which is not a valid operation that can be performed on sequential files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read dataset Open dataset Close dataset Write dataset Transfer dataset 66. What tool or technique would be used to move the definition of a global class to an implemented interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Dynpro Object Navigator BOR Refactoring Assistant BAPI wizard 67. What is a valid configuration for an R3 System. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) One Application server and one Database server Many Application servers and one Database server One Application server and many Database servers No Application server and one Database server 68. What can be done using the SAP Service Marketplace --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(More than one answer is correct) Determine fixes/patches for problem areas Communicate with user forums Inquire about product pricing information Order Technical Books Find out when the next Support package is available 69. What is true about the End-of-page Event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Works only if you reserve space in the Report Statement using the line-count statement Occurs when the page break has been triggered by the New-Page statement Automatically creates a footer on the last page of a list Used to create Footers 70. How would you define a lock object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create it as an object in the dictionary Through a Function Call Use the Data Browser 71. Identify the key word that determines if a CMOD function exit has been provided -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN CALL PROGRAM-EXIT CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION CALL USER-EXIT 72. Select the methods used to access data on the database. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) Read Table Get nodeNative SQL ABAP/4 Open SQL LDB 73. What does the following code achieve -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Selection-Screen on value-request for sales. Call screen 100. When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help 74. Match the class with their definition type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ZCL_EMPLOYEE 2 ZCA_EMPLOYEE 3 ZCB_EMPLOYEE A Abstract B Final C Persistent 1-A, 2-B, 3-C 1-C, 2-A, 3-B 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 75. Pick the syntax for a functional method with only 1 parameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More than one answer is correct) refvar->method(im = p1) refvar->method receiving() refvar->method(p1) refvar->method returning() 76. Which transaction is used to make dictionary adjustments when upgrading versions of SAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SP01 SPAU SPDD CMOD 77. What does the DESCRIBE TABLE statement provide to the program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key length Key Defintion Key Uniqueness Access Type 78. What class is used for method load_gui_status in a context menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cl_context_clas cl_menu cl_ctmenu menu_class 79. "Call Function?Starting New Task" is an example of what type of call -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectSynchronous Asynchronous Batch 80. What is the sequence of events and order of data transported in the following code. Select the correct order -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process After Input Module Exit at exit-command Field ABC Module Validate_ABC. 10 All fields not defined in FIELD statements 20 System performs Auto Field Checking 30 Fields in FIELD Statements 10, 20, 30 20, 30, 10 20, 10, 30 81. Default Page Headings are created on which type of list. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secondary All lists Basic 82. When does the dialog processor perform automatic checks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After PAI Processing is complete Before PBO Processing Begins After the User has pressed enter and before the PBO modules are processed After the User has pressed enter and before the PAI modules are processed。




2.内表有哪几种类型?结构体、表头和工作区有什么区别?(4)答:三种类型:标准表,排序表,哈希表.结构体、表头和工作区实质上一样,都是变量的集合.只是根据用途不同称呼不同罢了.3.AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR <field1>. 此代码作用是什么?(4)答:此代码用于设置<field1>的输入值帮助也叫F4帮助.4.简述INNER JOIN 和LEFT OUTER JOIN 的区别。

(12)答:两者都用于数据库查询语句SELECT中,用于表之间联合查询,但有区别:如使用INNER JOIN:查询结果仅包含两个表中彼此相对应的记录(如果右侧表中没有对应的记录,则左侧表中的记录也不抽出). 如使用LEFT OUTER JOIN:查询结果包含其左侧表中的所有记录,但仅包含其右侧表中相对应的记录。

(如果右侧表中没有对应的记录,则左侧表中的记录同样抽出)5.在内表操作中:APPEND 和COLLECT有什么区别?(4)答:APPEND往内表中增加一条记录,COLLECT会先与内表中已有记录比较非数值字段,如果有相同的,则数量字段相加而不会新增一条记录。


6.在内表数据清理中:REFRESH 和CLEAR 有什么区别。







ABAP考试1-数据字典和语法⼀、选择题(单选,每题2分,总10题共20分)1.在ABAP编辑器中,快捷键F8的功能是()A、执⾏程序B、复制游标所在列的内容C、储存档案D、删除游标所在列2.事务代码se80是什么事务?()A、ABAP编辑器B、数据字典C、导航浏览器D、建⽴message的事务3.⾦额字段的数据类型是什么()A、clntB、currC、系统时间D、当前的事务代码4.很多表当中都有⼀个字段,叫做MANDT, 为第⼀个主键,这个字段的⽤处是()A、区分后台数据库的类型B、区分表中记录属于哪个客户端(client)C、区分表的数据量⼤⼩D、SAP系统保留字段5.以下四种系统变量:SY-UCOMM、SY-DATUM、SY-SUBRC、SY-TABIX, 各是什么含意()A、⽤户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前⽇期当前时间循环次数B、当前⽇期当前时间循环次数⽤户触发的屏幕上的功能码C、⽤户触发的屏幕上的功能码循环次数语句执⾏结果返回值当前⽇期D、⽤户触发的屏幕上的功能码当前⽇期语句执⾏结果返回值循环次数6.⾃⼰制作⼀个搜索帮助,引⽤的表是SBOOKINGS,⾥⾯customid和name这两个字段的IMP属性打勾,customid,name,carrid,connid这四个字段的EXP属性打勾四个字段都设定了LPOS和SPOS,这个搜索帮助的输出效果是: ()A、先输出四个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出四个栏位的表格信息让⽤户选择选择结果影响到四个栏位B、先输出两个栏位的表格信息让⽤户选择,选择结果影响到四个栏位C、先输出四个栏位的表格信息让⽤户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位D、先输出四个栏位的筛选屏幕,再按照筛选结果输出四个栏位的表格信息让⽤户选择,选择结果影响到两个栏位7.DATA: BEGIN OF LEN,KTOKK TYPE I VALUE 5,KONZS TYPE I VALUE 10,END OF LEN.请问 LEN 为?()A、viewB、tableC、internal tableD、structure8.下⾯的定义语句中,哪⼀个语句定义出来的结果是⼀个内表.()A、DATA zsflight TYPE sflight.B、DATA: COLS LIKE LINE OF TC-COLSC、TABLES SFLIGHT.D、DATA zsflight TYPE TABLE of sflight.9.程序中执⾏了这么⼀段代码DATA it_sflight type table of sflight with header line.Loop at it_sflight.it_sflight-carrid = 'AA'.Modify it_sflight.Endloop.该段语法中出现了四次it_sflight,其中后三次分别代表的是内表还是结构A、内表内表内表B、内表结构内表C、内表结构结构D、内表内表结构10.SY-FDPOS?A、位置B、⽇期C、空间D、时间⼆、判断题(每题2分,总15题30分)1.Types定义和Data定义是没区别的,可以通⽤。



一、选择题(每题2分,多选题选择不全得1分,选择有错误项不得分)1 of 25 What is the value of result after the following code is executedDATA: result TYPE I.result = 5 / 10.result = 2result = 1result = .5result = 02 of 25 Which use of the FORM statement works successfully when passing IT to FORMTypes: Begin of line,...End of Line.Types IT_LINE Type Standard table of line.Data IT TYPE IT_LINE.Perform FORMA using ITFORM FORMA Using P_IT type IT_LINEFORM FORMA Using P_IT like IT_LINEFORM FORMA Using P_IT like LINEFORM FORMA Using P_IT like LINE3 of 25 What is the effect of the Move-corresponding between 2 fields strings in the followingcodeData: begin of fs1,Field1 type c value ‘1’,Field2 type n value ‘2’,Field3 type I value 3,end of fs1.Data: begin of fs2,Field3 type c,Field4 type n,Field5 type I,end of fs2.Move-Corresponding fs1 to fs2fs2-field3 = 3All fields of fs1 are moved to fs2fs2-field3 = 1fs2-field5 = 34 of 25What Function is used to display the ALV Grid ControlREUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAYALV_TABLE_CREATEREUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAYALV_GRID_DISPLAY5 of 25 Identify the one field that is not always displayed in the debuggerSY-DBCNTSY-SUBRCSY-LISELSY-TABIXWhat is true about the syntax of ABAP6 of 25Multiple statements are not allowed in a single lineComments begin with a single quotation signStatements must fit on one lineWords must always be separated by at least one space7 of 25 What does the following statement mean write ‘Hello’(001)Write 'Hello'(001)Add the variable 'Hello' to message 001Write out 'Hello' and the contents of text element 001This is not a valid statementIf Text Element 001 is not in your login language, then 'Hello' is displayed8 of 25 Identify the internal table types(More than one answer is correct)StandardIndentedSortedHashedKey9 of 25 Refer to the following code. What is the value of Field1 and Field2SPLIT 'SAPDOMAIN' AT 'DO' INTO FIELD1 FIELD2.Field1 contains 'SAP', Field2 contains 'MAIN'Field1 contains 'DO', Field2 contains 'DOMAIN'Field1 contains 'SAPDO', Field2 contains 'MAIN'What is the development class for local objects10 of 25Z00BlankLocal11 of 25Where are local data types definedABAP WorkbenchDictionaryIn ABAP Programs12 of 25What program type can be executed directlyFunction GroupIncludeClassWhich addition to the Parameters statement is not valid13 of 25DefaultLikeValueWhat is the ALV Grid Control14 of 25It is a generic tool for displaying lists in screensIt is a link control tool to Query and QuickviewerIt is a data collection tool15 of 25Identify the valid statementConstants: C1(4) type D.Constants: C1(4) type C value 'ABCD'.Constants: C1(4) type C like itab-booking.16 of 25 Which statements allow you to define data in your ABAP program(More than one answer is correct)DataParametersTablesSelection-ScreenClass17 of 25 If you want the debugger to stop when the value of ‘Fielda’changes. Which optionwould you set in the debuggerWatchPointOverviewFieldsObject18 of 25 What is the result of the following date calculation? Assume current date is 20001220Data: Today(8) type C.Today = sy-datum.Today = 10.1000122020011210200012201019 of 25 In what case are optional parameters allowed in the passing of parametersFormsBothFunctionsNeither20 of 25ANSI SQLISO 900 SQLOPEN SQLNative SQL21 of 25SortedKeyedHashedStandard22 of 2510 Report rpgm120 data: fielda type c value ‘A’,30 fieldb type c value ‘B’.40 write: / fielda,50 new-page.60 write: / fieldb70 top-of-page.80 write: / 'This is the title'.80, 40, 50, 80, 6040, 80, 50, 80, 6040, 50, 60, 70, 8023 of 25REPORT ZPGM NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING.DO 8 TIMES.WRITE / ' '.ENDDO.SKIP.WRITE 'AAAA'.29101What can be assigned directly to a data element24 of 25check tablebuilt-in typedomaintable fieldtable typeIdentify the basic objects of the data Dictionary.25 of 25DomainsData ElementsTablesData ModelsDocumentation二、简答题1、写出四个ABAP的事件(5分)2、写出10个你知道的Tcode,并用一句话写出其功能(5分)3、试描述透明表、数据元素、域、数据类型之间的关系(10分)4、创建一个透明表和一个结构各分什么步骤?(10分)5、列出三种内表的名称,每个的适用范围。



问题一:锁对象(Lock Object)和 FM(Function Module),激活Lock Object时,产生的 FM 的名字是什么?答案:首先要在 ABAP 字典中创建锁对象,然后才能在 ABAP 程序中设锁。

创建锁对象时,系统会自动生成两个 FM 来进行锁管理。

用于设锁的 FM为:ENQUEUE_<锁对象名>。

它用于在锁表(Lock Table)中生成一个锁项(Lock Entry)。

若设锁不成功的话,就会在 Return 中反映出来。

用于释放锁的 FM 为:DEQUEUE_<锁对象名>。


在 ABAP 程序中,只需使用 "CALL FUNCITION ..." 语句就可以调用它们。

这两个锁 FM 是在 SAP 系统的一个特殊工作进程中执行的,专门进行锁管理。

它运行在一个单独的服务器上,而该服务器专门用于维护整个 SAP 系统的主锁表(Central Lock Table)。

有两种锁类型:1. 共享锁——只读锁,一个用户正在读数据时,阻止其他用户更改该数据。

2. 独占锁——可写锁,一个用户正在修改数据时,阻止其他用户更改该数据。

问题二:更新方面的FM 更新 FM 分为 V1 和 V2,那么首先会执行哪一种更新类型呢?每种类型又是以哪种模式(异步、同步或本地)执行的呢?答案:V1 更新类型比 V2 更新类型的优先级高,因此,V1 比 V2 行执行。

V1 的执行模式可以为异步、同步或本地(所有会话程序中的V1请求都在独立的数据库LUW中执行;同步或异步请求创建在表VBLOG中,本地更新请求保留在主内存中);V2 只能为异步执行(分类集体运行用在V2模块内部,相应的请求只有在收集程序RSM13005被调用后执行;请求总是存储在VBLOG表中)。

问题三:ABAP 内存(ABAP Memory)交换在使用 ABAP 内存的程序间进行数据交换时用到的两个语句是什么?答案:EXPORT to MEMORY ID 用于将数据复制到 ABAP 内存,IMPORT from MEMORY ID 用于将数据从 ABAP 内存复制到程序中。

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答:两者都用于数据库查询语句SELECT中,用于表之间联合查询,但有区别:如使用INNER JOIN:查询结果仅包含两个表中彼此相对应的记录(如果右侧表中没有对应的记录,则左侧表中的记录也不抽出). 如使用LEFT OUTER JOIN:查询结果包含其左侧表中的所有记录,但仅包含其右侧表中相对应的记录。

5.在内表操作中:APPEND 和COLLECT有什么区别?(4)


6.在内表数据清理中:REFRESH 和CLEAR 有什么区别。















12.SELECT <F1...FN>
FROM <dbtab>
使用代码FOR ALL ENTRIES IN应注意什么关键点?(12)
答:FOR ALL ENTRIES IN应注意:先确认参照的<itab>不为空。


13.写出以下相关数据库表:(6)General Material Data (MARA )
Plant Data for Material(MARC )
Storage Location Data for Material(MARD )
Sales Document: Header Data (VBAK )
Sales Document: Item Data (VBAP )
编辑消息类(SE91 )
编辑List Headings\Selection Texts\Text Symbols ( SE32 )
编辑工具栏STATUS (SE41 )
创建物料(MM01 )
创建销售订单(VA01 )
对象导航器(SE80 )




SELECT 学生编号AVG( 成绩) AS 平均成绩
GROUP BY 学生编号.
