GBT 17626.8-2006工频磁场抗扰度试验培训
几乎所有的电磁兼容试验用到的GRP都是如下要求:材料为0.25mm以上的铜板或者铝板,如 果采用其他金属板,最小厚度为0.65mm,GRP最小尺寸为1m*1m,但如果EUT长或宽大于这个数 值,那么至少应该调整为相应数值,即GRP最终尺寸取决于EUT的大小,同时GRP要与实验室的安 全地相连;
方型双感应线圈,亦称霍尔姆兹线圈,标 准的线圈尺寸为1m,两个并联线圈之间的距离 是0.8m。采用双线圈的场均匀性比3dB,如保 持与单线圈同等均匀度时,EUT体积可达到 0.6m×0.6m×1m。
对大型柜式设备,线圈应根据EUT尺寸和 场的不同极化方向来制造。为保证场的均匀度, 线圈到EUT外壳的最小距离在水平和垂直方向 分别为0.2m和0.3m。
接地参考平面放置在实验室内,受试设备放在接地参考平面上,其间用 0.1m厚的绝缘物支撑。EUT外壳通过本身的接地端子与接地参考平面连接。 试品应使用制造商推荐的电缆(包括电源、控制及信号源的连接电缆)。若 没有推荐,应采用合适与设备信号的无屏蔽电缆。所有电缆应有1m的长度暴 露在磁场中。
试验用电流发生器应放在离线圈不超过3m远的地方,其一端与参考接地 版相连。
试验的基本配置包括接地参考平面(GRP)、受试设备(EUT)、感应 线圈与工频磁场发生器。
参考接地板是0.25mm以上的铜板或铝板;如采用其他金属薄板(非磁 铁性质),其最小厚度为0.65mm。参考接地板的最小尺寸为1mx1m;最 终尺寸决定于试品大小。参考接地板与实验室的安全地接在一起。
4级:典型的工业环境。旁边有电力线经过;保护接地系统的接地点;在可能产生漏磁通的大功率电 气设备的旁边;在相对距离为几十米的地方有高压或中压母线经过。重工业厂矿、发电厂及高压变 电所的控制室可作为这类环境的代表。 5级:严酷的工业环境。旁边有载流达到数千安培电流的线路通过;近旁有保护接地系统,或在大功 率电气设备旁边,重工业厂矿的开关站、中压开关站及电厂可作为这类环境的代表
1/2" [13] & 3/4" [19]
Attaches to 1/8" [3] through 1/4" [6] flange.
1" [25]
1/2" [13] & 3/4" [19]
other purpose.
NOTE: All load ratings are for static conditions and do not account for dynamic loading such as wind, water or seismic loads, unless otherwise noted.
Pentair, CADDY, ERICO CADWELD, ERICO CRITEC, ERICO, ERIFLEX, and LENTON are owned by Pentair or its global affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
CADDY B18 series with threaded rod going through both
the B18 and the box, this single support is appropriate.
Document No. D11770EJ2V0DS00 (2nd edition)Date Published December 1996 NPrinted in Japan©19962ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25˚C)Type NumberBreakdown Voltage Note 1DynamicReverse LeakageCapacitance E.S.D VoltageV BR (V)Impedance Note 2I R (µA)C t (pF)(kV)Zz (Ω)MIN.MAX.I T (mA)MAX.I T (mA)MAX.V R (V)TYP.TEST MIN.TEST CONDITIONCONDITIONNNCD3.3B 3.16 3.5320702020 1.024030NNCD3.6B 3.47 3.8320602010 1.023030NNCD3.9B 3.77 4.142050205 1.022030NNCD4.3B 4.05 4.532040205 1.021030NNCD4.7B 4.47 4.912025205 1.019030NNCD5.1B 4.85 5.352020205 1.516030 C = 150 pF NNCD5.6B 5.29 5.882013205 2.5140V R = 0 V 30R = 330 ΩNNCD6.2B 5.81 6.402010205 3.0120 f = 1 MHz 30(IEC1000NNCD6.8B 6.32 6.97208202 3.511030-4-2)NNCD7.5B 6.887.64208200.5 4.09030NNCD8.2B 7.568.41208200.5 5.09030NNCD9.1B 8.339.29208200.5 6.09030NNCD10B 9.1910.3208200.27.08030NNCD11B 10.1811.261010100.28.07030NNCD12B11.1312.301010100.29.07030Notes 1.Tested with pulse (40 ms)2.Zz is measured at I T give a small A.C. signal.NNCD3.3B to NNCD12B3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25 °C)P - P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n - m WT A - Ambient Temperature - °C S - Size of P.C Board - mm 2Fig. 1POWER DISSIPATION vs.AMBIENT TEMPERATUREFig. 2THERMAL RESISTANCE vs.SIZE OF P.C BOARD246813579V BR - Breakdown Voltage - V100 m10 m1 m 100 10 1 100 n10 n1 n V BR - Breakdown Voltage - VI T - O n S t a t e C u r r e n t - AµµµFig. 3I T - V BR CHARACTERISTICSFig. 4I T - V BR CHARACTERISTICSI T - O n S t a t e C u r r e n t - A4I T - On State Current - mAZZ-DynamicImpedance-ΩFig. 5Z z - I T CHARACTERISTICS1 m10 m100 m1101005 0001 000100105t - Time - sZth-TransientThermalImpedance-°C/WFig. 6TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE1101 000100101100µµµ 1 m10 m100 mt T - Pulse Width - sPRSM-SurgeReversePower-WFig. 7SURGE REVERSE POWER RATINGREFERENCEDocument Name Document No.NEC semiconductor device reliability/quality control system C11745ENEC semiconductor device reliability/quality control system MEI-1201Quality grade on NEC semiconductor device C11531ESemiconductor device mounting technology manual C10535EGuide to quality assurance for semiconductor device MEI-12025[MEMO] 6[MEMO]7[MEMO]No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Corporation. NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document.NEC Corporation does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from use of a device described herein or any other liability arising from useof such device. No license, either express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Corporation or others.While NEC Corporation has been making continuous effort to enhance the reliability of its semiconductor devices, the possibility of defects cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage or injury to persons or property arising from a defect in an NEC semiconductor device, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in its design, such as redundancy, fire-containment, and anti-failure features.NEC devices are classified into the following three quality grades:"Standard", "Special", and "Specific". The Specific quality grade applies only to devices developed based on a customer designated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications ofa device depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each device before using it in a particular application.Standard:Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audio and visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronicequipment and industrial robotsSpecial:Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disaster systems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designedfor life support)Specific:Aircrafts, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems or medical equipment for life support, etc.The quality grade of NEC devices is "Standard" unless otherwise specified in NEC's Data Sheets or Data Books.If customers intend to use NEC devices for applications other than those specified for Standard quality grade, they should contact an NEC sales representative in advance.Anti-radioactive design is not implemented in this product.M4 96.5 8。
The products listed in this document are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communications devices, electrical appliances and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these products with equipment or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the malfunction of with would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. About Export Control Order in Japan Products described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade Control Order in Japan. In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause) on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
第 1 页 / 共 39 页
2011 年 9 月 6 日更新
SYN6288 中文语音合成芯片数据手册
1.概述 .....................................................................................................................................................................4
HZM6.8FASilicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Surge AbsorbADE-208-442A(Z)Rev 1September 1996 Features• HZM6.8FA has four devices, and can absorb external + and -surge.• MPAK-5 Package is suitable for high density surface mounting and high speed assembly.Ordering InformationType ser Mark Package CodeHZM6.8FA68A MPAK-5OutlineHZM6.8FA2Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)ItemSymbol Value Unit Power dissipation Pd *1200mW Junction temperature Tj 150°C Storage temperature Tstg-55 to +150°CNote1.Four device total, With P.C board.Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) *1ItemSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Zener voltage V Z 6.47—7.0V I Z = 5 mA, 40ms pulse Reverse current I R ——2µA V R = 3.5VCapacitance C ——130pF V R = 0V, f = 1 MHz Dynamic resistance r d ——30ΩI Z = 5 mAESD-Capability—30——kVC =150pF, R = 330 Ω, Both forward and reverse direction 10 pulse *2Notes 1.Per one device.2.Failure criterion ; IR > 2 µA at VR =3.5V.HZM6.8FA Main Characteristic3HZM6.8FAPackage DimensionsUnit : mm4Cautions1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, includingintellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Hitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright ' Hitachi, Ltd., 1999. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Pte. Ltd.16 Collyer Quay #20-00Hitachi TowerSingapore 049318Tel: 535-2100Fax: 535-1533URLNorthAmerica : http:/Europe : /hel/ecg Asia (Singapore): .sg/grp3/sicd/index.htm Asia (Taiwan): /E/Product/SICD_Frame.htm Asia (HongKong): /eng/bo/grp3/index.htm Japan : http://www.hitachi.co.jp/Sicd/indx.htmHitachi Asia Ltd.Taipei Branch Office3F, Hung Kuo Building. No.167, Tun-Hwa North Road, Taipei (105)Tel: <886> (2) 2718-3666Fax: <886> (2) 2718-8180Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.Group III (Electronic Components)7/F., North Tower, World Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> (2) 735 9218Fax: <852> (2) 730 0281 Telex: 40815 HITEC HXHitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group.Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham Road MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United Kingdom Tel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 778322Hitachi Europe GmbHElectronic components Group Dornacher Stra§e 3D-85622 Feldkirchen, Munich GermanyTel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Semiconductor (America) Inc.179 East Tasman Drive,San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: <1> (408) 433-1990Fax: <1>(408) 433-0223For further information write to:。
Previous Code UFP / UFPV
MASS[Typ.] 0.0016g
E HE c
l1 e1
A l1
9 –IN C 8 OUT C
图3. 5引脚WLCSP(CB后缀)
图4. 14引脚SOIC_N(R后缀)
图5. 8引脚MSOP(RM后缀)、 8引脚SOIC_N(R后缀)
TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)
特性 ...................................................................................................... 1 应用 ...................................................................................................... 1 概述 ...................................................................................................... 1 引脚配置 ............................................................................................. 1 修订历史 ............................................................................................. 3 5 V电气规格 ....................................................................................... 4 2.7 V电气规格 .................................................................................... 6 绝对最大额定值 ................................................................................ 8 ESD警告 ......................................................................................... 8 典型性能参数 .................................................................................... 9 应用信息 ........................................................................................... 16 输出反相 ...................................................................................... 16 最大功耗 ...................................................................................... 16 输入过压保护 ............................................................................. 16 总谐波失真加噪声 .................................................................... 16 含源电阻的总噪声 .................................................................... 17 通道隔离 ...................................................................................... 17 容性负载驱动 ............................................................................. 17 光敏度 .......................................................................................... 18 WLCSP组装考虑 ........................................................................ 18 I-V转换应用 ..................................................................................... 19 光电二极管前置放大器应用................................................... 19 音频和PDA应用 ......................................................................... 19 仪表放大器 ................................................................................. 20 DAC转换...................................................................................... 20 外形尺寸 ........................................................................................... 21 订购指南 ...................................................................................... 24
IEC62108中文版BS EN 62108CPV聚光太阳能接收器和零件之评估标准0 引言2EN 62108:2008是在英国实施的标准。
但是它与IEC62108基本一致;2英国所参与编写的太阳能光伏系统部分被委托给了技术委员会GEL/82;2委员会成员的名单可以要求其委员会秘书提供;2本刊物并非包括所有必要的内容,使用者应酌情使用;2遵守英国标准不能获得英国法律的保护;1 范围和对象此国际标准指定了CPV模组和组件能够在IEC60721-2-1所定义的开放式环境中长期运行的最低要求。
然而,由于CPV 接收器和模组的特殊性还是有一定的变化的,特别是在相对独立的室外和室内的测试中,跟踪效率,高电流密度以及温度的快速变化等。
2 规范性引用文件在制定本文档的过程中,一下参考文件是必不可少的,对于标注日期的引用,只有一个对应此日期的参考版本。
对于没有标注日期的引用,则包括此参考文档的任何一个版本2IEC60068-2-21:2006,环境监测;2IEC61215:2005,晶体硅地面太阳能模组设计质量和批准类型;2ISO/IEC 17025-2005,实验室内能力测试和标准的一般要求;2ANSI/UL 1703 ed.3 March 15,2002:平板式光伏组件标准;3 术语和定义本部分阐述了本文档中出现的相关术语和定义的具体含义3.1 聚光器光电设备的相关术语,即可以集中太阳光的设备。
3.2 聚光电池(芯片)基本的光电设备,可以用来收集所集中地太阳光。
3.3 聚光光学器件一种光学器件,这种器件从输入到输出可以执行具有以下功能的任务:增加光密度,频谱滤波,改变光强分布,或者改变光照方向。
Zener diodeUMZ6.8ENz Application z Lead size figure (Unit : mm)Voltage regulation(Anode common twin type)z Features1) Small mold type. (UMD5)2) High reliability.z StructureSilicon epitaxial planerz Structurez Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C)SymbolUnit P mW Tj °C Tstg °Cz Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C)SymbolMin.Typ.Max.Unit ConditionsV Z 6.47-7.14V I Z =5mA I R --0.50µA V R =3.5V Z Z--40ΩI Z =5mADynamic impedance (*1) Total of 2 elementsZener voltage Reverse current Parameter Parameter Limits Power dissipation (*1)200Junction temperature 150Storage temperature -55 to +150UMZ6.8ENz Electrical characteristics curves11010010000.0010.11010001101000.11101515.51616.51717.51818.51919.52000. VOLTAGE : V R (V)V R -I R CHARACTERISTICSR E V E R S E C U R R E N T :I R (n A )R E V E R S E C U R R E N T :I R (n A )I R DISRESION MAPC A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)V R -Ct CHARACTERISTICSCt DISRESION MAPC A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )Z E N E R C U R R E N T :I z (m A )ZENER VOLTAGE : Vz(V)Vz-Iz CHARACTERISTICSVz DISRESION MAPZ E N E R V O L T A G E :V z (V)TIME:t(s)Rth-t CHARACTERISTICST R A N S I E N T T H A E R M A L I M P E D A N C E :R t h (°C /W )110100123456D Y N A M I C I M PE D A N C E :Z z (Ω)ZENER CURRENT(mA)Zz-Iz CHARACTERISTICSData SheetNoticeN o t e sNo copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without theconsent of ROHM Co.,Ltd.The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice.The content specified herein is for the purpose of introd ucing ROHM's prod ucts (hereinafter"Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications,which can be obtained from ROHM upon request.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained hereinillustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions mustbe taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document.However, should you incur any d amage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of suchinformation, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Prod ucts. ROHM d oes not grant you, explicitly orimplicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM andother parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from theuse of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronicequipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, commu-nication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices).The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Prod ucts, aProduct may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons.Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guardagainst the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other d amage caused in the event of thefailure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHMshall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribedscope or not in accordance with the instruction manual.The Products are not designed or manufactured to be used with any equipment, device orsystem which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of whichmay result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medicalinstrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller,fuel-controller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use ofany of the Products for the above special purposes. If a Product is intended to be used for anysuch special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing.If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that maybe controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required toobtain a license or permit under the Law.Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.ROHM Customer Support System/contact/分销商库存信息: ROHMUMZ6.8ENTR。
Keysight 8648A B C D 频谱分析器说明书
1981Modulation generator (Option 1E2)1 Adds variable frequency modulation source. Functions also included in Option 1EP Pager encoder/signalling option. WaveformsSine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth (Ramp) Frequency rangeSine: 10 Hz to 20 kHzSquare, Triangle, Sawtooth: 100 Hz to 2 kHz2 Frequency accuracy±0.01% typicalFrequency resolution1 Hz (3 digits or 10 Hz displayed)Depth and deviation accuracy (1 kHz sine) Refer to AM, FM, and Phase Modulation Accuracy specs OutputFront panel BNC. Nominally 1 VpkPulse modulation (Option 1E6)(8648B/C/D Only)Adds high performance pulse modulation capabilityOn/off ratio<2000 MHz: >80 dB≤4000 MHz: >70 dBRise/fall times<10 nsMaximum repetition rate10 MHzVideo feedthrough<30 mV (typical)Delay<60 ns (typical)Pulse inputTTL level (±15 V max)Pager encoder/signaling (Option 1EP) (8648A only)Adds functionality for testing POCSAG, FLEX™3andFLEX-TD. Also includes Modulation Generator functionsof Option 1E2. Instrument characteristics are the same as the 8648A except as noted below.FrequencyAccuracy with Option 1E54: Typically ±0.15x10–6 x carrier frequency in Hz or 0.092x10–6x carrier frequency in Hz within 90 days of calibration.Frequency modulationFSK Deviation Accuracy with Option 1EP: ±60 Hz5 Pager signalingSupported Pager Protocols: POCSAG, FLEX™, and FLEX-TD POCSAGSpeed: 512, 1200, and 2400 bpsMessage Format: Tone only, Numeric, AlphanumericFLEX/FLEX-TDSpeed2 Level FSK: 1600 and 3200 bps4 Level FSK: 3200 and 6400 bpsMessage Format: Tone only, Numeric (standard and special), Alphanumeric, HEX/BinaryAddress Type: Short, LongMessaging accessible from front panel or GP-IB Message Types: Five fixed (built-in), one user-defined Message Length: 40 characters maximumRepetition Modes: Single, Burst, ContinuousMessaging accessible only over GP-IBMessage Type: Arbitrary (user-defined)Batch LengthFLEX/FLEX-TD: 128 FramesPOCSAG: 128 BatchesRepetition Mode: Single onlyData Rate Accuracy: ±5 ppm61Only on 8648 series.2Useable from 10 Hz to 20 kHz; however, bandwidth limitations may result in wave-formdegradation. Refer to AM, FM, and Phase ModulationRate specs (External AC mode).3 FLEX is a Motorola trademark.4After one hour warm-up and within one year of calibration.5Specifications apply over the 25 °C ±5 °C range, 4.8 kHz deviation.Meets FLEX requirements at 274 to 288, 322 to 329, 929 to 932 MHz.6 Specifications apply over the 25 °C ±5 °C range.5Modulation sourceInternal: 400 Hz or 1 kHz, or audio generator (see Option 1E2 for characteristics), front panel BNC connector provided at nominally 1 Vp into 600 Ω.GeneralStorage Registers: 70 storage registers with sequence and register number displayed. Up to 10 sequences are available with 30 registers each.ISO 9002 compliantThe Agilent 8648A/B/C/D signal generators are manufactured in an ISO 9002 registered facility in concurrence with Agilent Technologies’ commitment to quality. EnvironmentalOperating temperature range0 °C to 50 °CShock and vibrationMeets MIL STD 28800E Type III, Class 5LeakageConducted and radiated interference meets MIL STD 461B RE02 Part 2 and CISPR 11. Leakage is typically <1 µV (nominally 0.1 µV with a two-turn loop) at ≤1001 MHz, when measured with a resonant dipole antenna one inch from any surface (except the rear panel) with output level <0 dBm (all inputs/outputs properly terminated).Remote programmingInterfaceGP-IB (IEEE-488.2-1987) with Listen and Talk.Control languagesSCPI version 1992.0. 8656B and 8657 code compatibility on 8648A/B/C/D.Functions controlledAll functions are programmable except the front-panel power key, the knobs, the increment set key, the arrow keys, the ref-erence keys and the rear-panel display contrast control. IEEE-488 functionsSH1, AH1, T6, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT0, C0, E2.GeneralPower requirements90 to 264 V; 48 to 440 Hz; 170 VA maximumInternal diagnosticsAutomatically executes on instrument power-up.Assists user in locating instrument errors and locating faulty module.Storage registers300 storage registers with sequence and register number displayed. Up to 10 sequences are available with 30 registers each.Weight8648A7 kg (15 lb.) net, 9 kg (20 lb.) shipping8648B/C/D8.5 kg (19 lb.) net, 11 kg (24 lb.) shipping Dimensions8648A/B/C/D165H x 330W x 368D mm (6.5H x 13W x 14.6D inches) Options1EA:High power (8648B/C/D)1E2: Modulation generator (8648A/B/C/D)1E5: High stability time base1E6: Pulse modulation (8648B/C/D)1EP: Pager encoder/signaling (8648A)1CM Rack kit0B0: Delete manual0B1: Extra manual (includes service information)W30: Three year warranty6Agilent Technologies’ Test and MeasurementSupport, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlay Agilent's overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product infor-mation, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve prob-lems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contacting us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products.For more assistance with your test and measurement needs go to/find/assistOr contact the test and measurement expertsat Agilent Technologies(During normal business hours)United States:(tel)180****4844Canada:(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 206 4120Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2000Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:(tel) (305) 267 4245(fax) (305) 267 4286Australia:(tel) 1 800 629 485(fax) (61 3) 9272 0749New Zealand:(tel) 0 800 738 378(fax) 64 4 495 8950Asia Pacific:(tel) (852) 3197 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9284Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.Copyright © 2000 Agilent TechnologiesPrinted in USA 07/20005965-3432E8。
The Z86228 (Line 21 Closed-Caption Controller) is a single I.C. designed to provide the functional performance of a L21C Decoder module. This Superintegration™ VLSI device is completely self contained requiring only composite video, a horizontal timing signal as input and an external keyer (i.e., video switch between TV video and ClosedCaption video) to produce captioned video. The Z86228 uses a wired logic approach to perform the functions selected through its input control signals. It is fabricated using standard CMOS technology and designed to achieve the lowest possible cost. The Z86228 is intended for use in a set-top decoder or in any television receiver conforming to the NTSC standard. It is capable of processing and displaying all standard L21C format transmissions including the codes specified by the FCC "Report and Order" on GEN Docket No. 91-1, dated April 12, 1991. In addition, the device conforms to the Electronic Industry Association's Recomended Practice 608, which provides supplemental guidelines for the transmission of captions, text, and Extended Data Services (EDS) on NTSC Field 2. Extended Data Services (EDS) packets encoded on Field 2 , may be displayed in either of two screen formats. If and when PAL and SECAM TV standards define a protocol using the Line 21 format, this design will be readily convertible to that standard. The Line 21 Closed Captioning System The L21C system provides for the transmission of CAPTION information and other TEXT material as an encoded composite data signal. This is during the unblanked portion of Line 21, field 1, of the standard NTSC video signal. The video signal conforms to the Standard Synchronizing Waveform for Color Transmission given in Sub-part E, Part 73 of the FCC Rules and Regulations.
©2006-2014 Azbil Corporation All Rights Reserved.工控编程吧 安全注意事项工控编程吧 与数字显示调节器SDC15(以下简称本机)相关的使用说明书共有5册,请根据用途参阅相关的使用说明书。
有关 「简单设定」 可设定的功能,在 「数字显示调节器SDC15使用说明书 基本篇」(CP-SP-1147C)中说明。
本书是针对已经阅读完 「基本篇」,并且使用过本公司的调节器产品,理解调节器的基本操作的人员为对象编写的。
数字显示调节器 SDC15 使用说明书 设置篇 资料编号CP-UM-5287C 使用本机进行装置设计、制作的人员,请务必阅读。
数字显示调节器 SDC15 使用说明书 基本篇 资料编号CP-SP-1147C 介绍本机在「简单设定」状态下可使用的功能。
数字显示调节器 SDC15 使用说明书 详细篇 资料编号CP-SP-1148C 本书。
CommScope 8-Position Cat6 防磁膨胀迷你模块插座说明书
114-93040Rev C, January 2022 8-Position Cat6 Shielded Slim-Line Modular Plug© 2016 CommScope, Inc.All rights reservedThis product is covered by one or more U.S.patents or their foreign equivalents. For patents, see/ProductPatent/ProductPatent.aspxPage 1 of 111. IntroductionThis specification covers the requirements for application of Category 6 shielded slim-line modular plugconnectors. These requirements are applicable to hand or automatic machine terminating tools. Round, twisted-pair, shielded or unshielded cables with 23-24 AWG solid or 24-26 AWG stranded conductors are approved for use with these connectors. The insulated conductor outside diameter must be between 0,89 and 1,09 [.035 and .043], and a cable jacket outside diameter between 4,7 and 7,0 [.185 and .276].When corresponding with CommScope ® personnel, use the terminology provided in this document to facilitate your inquiries for information. Components of the slim-line modular plug connectors are provided in Figure 1. Note: All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and inches]. Figures and illustrations are for identification only and are not to scale.Figure 1. Slim-Line Modular Plug ComponentsBoot/strain reliefShieldWire holder/load barSubassy 8 positionContact no. 1Contact no. 8HousingOptional color clip114-93040Application SpecificationPage 2 of 112. How to Contact Us• To find out more about CommScope ® products, visit us on the web at / •For technical assistance:- Within the United States, contact your local account representative or technical support at 1-800-344-0223. Outside the United States, contact your local account representative orPartnerPRO ™ Network Partner.- Within the United States, report any missing/damaged parts or any other issues to CommScopeCustomer Claims at 1-866-539-2795 *****************************.OutsidetheUnited States, contact your local account representative or PartnerPRO Network Partner.3. Reference Material 3.1 Revision SummaryThis paragraph is reserved for a revision summary of changes and additions made to this specification. The following changes were made for this revision:•Updated section numbering. Removed references to Dual Terminators in sections 3.5, 5.3 and 7.03.2 Customer AssistancePart numbers 2111977, 2111978, 2111979, 2111980, 2111983 and 2111989 are representative numbers of 8-position Category 6 shielded slim-line modular plug connectors. Use of these numbers will identify the product line and expedite your inquires through a service network established to help you obtain product and tooling information. Such information can be obtained through a local CommScope Representative (Field Sales Engineer, Field Applications Engineer, etc.).3.3 DrawingsCustomer drawings for specific products are available from the service network. The information contained in the customer drawings takes priority if there is a conflict with this specification or with any other technical documentation supplied by CommScope .3.4 SpecificationsProduct Specification 108-131013 provides test results and product performance requirements.3.5 Instructional MaterialThe following list includes available instruction sheets (408-series) and customer manuals (409-series) that provide operation, maintenance, and repair of tooling. In addition, follow the instructions and procedures outlined in Paragraph 3.2 of this specification for product assembly procedures. Document Number Document Title 408-4389 Crimp Height Gage 904170-1 408-8738 PRO-CRIMPER III Hand Crimping Tool Assembly 790163-[ ]. 408-9930 PRO-CRIMPER III Hand Crimping Tool Frame Assembly 354940-[ ]114-93040Application SpecificationPage 3 of 114. Requirements 4.1 StorageA. Ultraviolet LightProlonged exposure to ultraviolet light may deteriorate the chemical composition used in the connector components.B. Shelf LifeAll components products should remain in the shipping containers until ready for use to prevent damage. These products should be used on a first in, first out basis to avoid storage contamination.C. Chemical ExposureDo not store connector components near any chemicals listed below, as they may cause stress corrosion cracking in the product. • Alkalies • Ammonia • Citrates • Phosphates Citrates • Sulfur Compounds •Amines•Carbonates•Nitrites•Sulfur Nitrites•TartratesNote: Where the above environmental conditions exist, phosphor-bronze contacts are recommended if available.4.2 Cable SpecificationsCable Type: Round jacketed, shielded or unshielded, 4, 2 or 1 twisted pairs. (Pairs individually shielded or not)Conductor Type:Solid Conductor: 23-24 AWGStranded Conductor: 24-26 AWG, 7-strands Conductor Insulation Outside Diameter:0,89-1,09 [.035-.043] for any one conductor Cable Jacket Insulation Diameter: 4,7 – 7,0 [.185 - .276]Shield Type:Foil and/or braid, with or without drain wireCable Pair Arrangement:The arrangement of color-coded pairs within the cable jacket applicable to TIA/EIA T568B wiring and the termination procedures described in this specification is shown in Figure 2. Cable end A applies to one end of the cable and cable end B to the opposite end. For TIA/EIA T568A wiring or termination of cables with pair arrangements other than shown in Figure 2, contact the responsible CommScope Engineering Department.Figure 2. Arrangement of Color-Coded PairsCable Filler (Optional) Cable Filler (Optional)114-93040Application SpecificationPage 4 of 115. Assembly5.1 Cable Preparation1. Slide each boot over the relevant end of the cable before the cable stripping operation (Figure 3).2. Strip the cable jacket 30-40 [1.18–1.58] as shown.CAUTION: Do not nick the insulation of the conductors or the shield of the cable.3. Fold the outside shield and drain wire (if present) back over the jacket. In case of braid and foil together, foilmust be trimmed up to 2.0 [.079] max from the jacket end. Individual pair shields must be trimmed up to 2.0 [.079] max. from the jacket end. 4. If present, cut and remove any cable filler, ripcord or plastic wrap. 5. Slide the plug shield over the cable jacket and cable shield (if present).CAUTION: Do not tear the cable shield. Do not slide the plug shield past the folded-back end of the cableFigure 3: Cable Preparation5.2 Cable Positioning1. While firmly holding the cable jacket next to the stripped end, position the pairs as shown in Figure 4.CAUTION: Minimize the disturbance of the pair arrangement within or exiting the cable jacket.2 mm max114-93040Application SpecificationPage 5 of 11Figure 4. Position Cable Pairs2. Insert the three side-by side pairs through the wire holder as shown in Figure 5. Slide the wire holder backagainst the end of the cable jacket. The end of the cable jacket should extend into the end of the wire holder and the folded-back pair should rest in the slot on top of the wire holder.Figure 5. Insert Wire Holder over Twisted Pairs3. Reposition the folded-back pair over the slot in the top of the wire holder. While holding the wire holder andcable jacket firmly together, untwist the pair of conductors to the point where they exit the main body or slot of the wire holder as shown in Figure 6.4. Straighten and arrange the conductors side-by-side and parallel according to color code as shown in Figure6. Note that the G/W-G pair must be split to either side of the Bl/W-Bl pair. Press the conductors flat against the front section of the wire holder.Note: Untwist of conductor pair may be performed before inserting through the wire holder.CAUTION: Maintain the last twist (conductor crossing) of each pair as closely as possible to the point indicated. Up to, but not exceeding, one half untwist may be added to achieve the proper color codearrangement or the split of G/W-G pair.114-93040Application SpecificationPage 6 of 11Figure 6. Untwist Conductor Pairs5. While holding all conductors down against the wire holder in a flat layer, trim all conductors evenly andsquare with appropriate tooling, just beyond the front edge of the wire holder (approximately 0.010” past the edge of the wire holder) as shown in Figure 7.Figure 7. Trim Conductor Pairs6. Continue holding all conductors down against the wire holder. Insert the front of the wire holder and theends of the conductors into the cavity of the plug housing. Push the wire holder into the housing until it latches into both sides of the plug housing.7. Visually verify that all conductors are fully inserted into the housing with the ends of the conductors seatedagainst the end of the housing cavity. If not, push the cable further into the wire holder and check if the wire holder has latched into both sides of the plug housing. See Figure 8.CAUTION:Do not rotate the cable relative to the plug and do not allow the wire holder to cock at an angle relative to the plug.114-93040Application SpecificationPage 7 of 11Figure 8. Verify Conductors are Fully Inserted5.3 Connector TerminationRefer to Tooling section for appropriate crimp tooling that are compatible with this connector and proceed as follows:1.Figure 9. Orient Shield2. Slide the plug shield over the plug subassembly until it seats against the front edge of recessed area aroundthe outside of the plug housing. See Figure 10.CAUTION: At the same time, carefully hold the braiding to prevent the shield from catching and dragging it as it slides.3. Insert the plug and shield assembly into the appropriate tooling and crimp the connector according to theinstruction sheet packaged with the tooling. The shield must be free of bulges, tears and must be uniform after the crimping operation.CAUTION: Continue pushing the cable toward the plug during crimping to ensure that the conductors remain seated against the front of the housing cavity.4. The shield end must be against the raised edge of the housing. The strain relief end must be held firmly inFigure 10. Shield Against Raised End of Housing114-93040Application SpecificationPage 8 of 115. Trim away any braid/foil and drain wire left extending beyond the end of the plug shield. See Figure 11.Figure 11. Trim any Braid or Foil6. Slide the boot over the crimped plug and shield up to the end. A double click shall be heard when bothFigure 12. Slide Boot over Crimped Plug5.4 Terminated Connector RequirementsFigure 13 shows a cutaway of a typical terminated plug and the required location of the conductors. A visual check through the plastic housing of the plug should reveal whether the conductors are within the acceptablerange.For optimum transmission performance, it is preferred that all conductors be fully inserted into the plug housing with the ends of the conductors bottomed against the end of the housing cavity. For reliable electricaltermination, the conductors must at least be inserted past the contact and into the 0.80 [.032] reference zone. Proper crimp height can be inspected using an indicator with needle-point probes or equivalent. The crimp height shall be measured at the front of the contact as shown in Figure 13.Figure 13. Plug Tolerances114-93040Application SpecificationPage 9 of 11In addition, make sure that maximum gap between shield and housing is less than indicated in Figure 14.Figure 14. Gap Between Shield and Housing5.5. Repair/ReplacementDamaged components must not be used. If a damaged component is evident, it must be replaced with a new one.6.0 QualificationsThe modular plug connectors are not required to be listed or recognized by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), or certified to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).7.0 ToolingThis section provides a selection of tools for termination of the modular plugs. Hand tools are designed for field terminations, and low volume production. Refer to Figure 15 for available termination tooling (and instructional material).0,15 [.006] max114-93040Application SpecificationPage 10 of 11CAT5E (EMT)Plug Connector that AcceptsCable O.D.Hand Tool (Document)Pro-Crimper III Hand Tool Assembly Die Set Only4,7 - 5,5 [.185 - .216] 790163-7 (408-8738)790163-8 5,1 - 6,0 [.201- .236] 790163-1 (408-8738) 790163-2 5,7 - 7,0 [.224 - .276]1-790163-1 (408-8738)1-790163-2Figure 15: Crimping Tools8.0 Visual AidFigure 16 shows typical applications of modular plug connectors. These illustrations should be used byproduction personnel to ensure a correctly applied product. Applications which DO NOT appear correct should be inspected using the information in the preceding pages of this specification and in the instructional material shipped with the product or tooling.PRO CRIMPER IIIHand Tool Assembly 790163-[ ]Frame Assembly354940-1 (with Screws) 354940-2 (without Screws) (408-9930)Die Set 790163-[ ] 114-93040 Application SpecificationPage 11 of 11Figure 16: Visual Aid。
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No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
ICL8052/ICL7104, ICL8068/ICL7104 Pin Descriptions
PIN NO. 1 2 3 SYMBOL V++ GND STTS OPTION DESCRIPTION Positive Supply Voltage: Nominally +15V. Digital Ground: 0V, ground return. Status Output: HI during integrate and deintegrate until data is latched. LO when analog section is in auto-zero configuration. Polarity: Three-state output. HI for positive input. Over Range: Three-state output. -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14 -16 -14
File Number
ICL8052/ICL7104, ICL8068/ICL7104 Pinouts
V- 1 -1.2V COMP OUT 2 REF CAP 3 REF BYPASS 4 GND 5 REF OUT 6 REF SUPPLY 7 VREF 13 +BUFF IN 12 +INT IN 11 -INT IN 10 -BUFF IN 9 BUFF OUT ICL8052/ 8 V++ ICL8068 14 INT OUT ICL7104-16 V++ DIG GND STTS POL OR BIT 16 BIT 15 BIT 14 BIT 13 BIT 12 (OUTLINE DWGS DD, JD, PD) BIT 11 BIT 10 BIT 9 BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 ICL7104-14 V++ 1 DIG GND STTS POL OR BIT 14 BIT 13 BIT 12 BIT 11 BIT 10 BIT 9 NC NC BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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HZC SeriesSilicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Surge AbsorbADE-208-1436A (Z)Rev.1Jan. 2002 Features•These diodes are delivered taped.•Ultra small Flat Package (UFP) is suitable for surface mount design.Ordering InformationType ser Mark Package CodeHZC Series Let to Mark Code UFPPin ArrangementHZC SeriesRev.1, Jan. 2002, page 2 of 6Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)ItemSymbol Value Unit Power dissipation Pd *1150mW Junction temperature Tj 150°C Storage temperature Tstg–55 to +150°CNote:1.See Fig2.Electrical Characteristics(Ta = 25°C)Zener voltage Reverse currentDynamic resistanceESD-Capability *2V Z (V) *1TestConditionI R (µA)TestCondition r d (Ω)TestCondition— (kV) *2Type Min Max I Z (mA)Max V R (V)Max I Z (mA)Min HZC2.0 1.90 2.205120.00.5100530HZC2.2 2.10 2.405120.00.7100530HZC2.4 2.30 2.605120.0 1.0100530HZC2.7 2.50 2.905120.0 1.0110530HZC3.0 2.80 3.20550.0 1.0120530HZC3.3 3.10 3.50520.0 1.0130530HZC3.6 3.40 3.80510.0 1.0130530HZC3.9 3.70 4.10510.0 1.0130530HZC4.3 4.01 4.48510.0 1.0130530HZC4.7 4.42 4.90510.0 1.0130530HZC5.1 4.84 5.375 5.0 1.5130530HZC5.6 5.31 5.925 5.0 2.580530HZC6.2 5.86 6.535 2.0 3.050530HZC6.8 6.477.145 1.0 3.530530HZC7.57.067.845 1.0 4.030530HZC8.27.768.6450.5 5.030530HZC9.18.569.5550.5 6.030530HZC109.4510.5550.57.030530HZC1110.4411.5650.58.030530Notes: 1.Tested with pulse (Pw = 40 ms).2. C =150 pF, R = 330 Ω, Both forward and reverse direction 10 pulseFailure criterion ; According to IR specHZC SeriesRev.1, Jan. 2002, page 3 of 6Zener voltage Reverse currentDynamic resistanceESD-Capability *2V Z (V) *1TestConditionI R (µA)TestCondition r d (Ω)TestCondition— (kV) *2Type Min Max I Z (mA)Max V R (V)Max I Z (mA)Min HZC1211.4212.6050.59.035530HZC1312.4713.9650.510.035530HZC1513.8415.5250.511.040530HZC1615.3717.0950.512.040530HZC1816.9419.0350.513.045530HZC2018.8621.0850.515.050530HZC2220.8823.1750.517.055530HZC2422.9325.5750.519.060530HZC2725.1028.9020.521.070230HZC3028.0032.0020.523.080230HZC3331.0035.0020.525.080225HZC3634.0038.0020.527.090220Notes: 1.Tested with pulse (Pw = 40 ms).2. C =150 pF, R = 330 Ω, Both forward and reverse direction 10 pulse Failure criterion ; According to IR specMark CodeType Mark No.Type Mark No.Type Mark No.HZC2.020HZC5.656HZC1515 *HZC2.222HZC6.262HZC1616 *HZC2.424HZC6.868HZC1818 *HZC2.727HZC7.575HZC2020 *HZC3.030HZC8.282HZC2222 *HZC3.333HZC9.191HZC2424 *HZC3.636HZC1010 *HZC2727 *HZC3.939HZC1111 *HZC3030 *HZC4.343HZC1212 *HZC3333 *HZC4.747HZC1313 *HZC3636 *HZC5.151Note:1.HZC10 To HZC36 has s , on the right of Laser Mark.HZC SeriesMain CharacteristicRev.1, Jan. 2002, page 4 of 6HZC Series Package DimensionsRev.1, Jan. 2002, page 5 of 6HZC SeriesRev.1, Jan. 2002, page 6 of 6Disclaimer1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi ’s or any third party ’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party ’s rights, includingintellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi ’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi ’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Sales OfficesHitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated CircuitsNippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright © Hitachi, Ltd., 2002. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Ltd. Hitachi Tower16 Collyer Quay #20-00 Singapore 049318Tel : <65>-538-6533/538-8577 Fax : <65>-538-6933/538-3877URL : .sg URL /Hitachi Asia Ltd.(Taipei Branch Office)4/F, No. 167, Tun Hwa North Road Hung-Kuo Building Taipei (105), Taiwan Tel : <886>-(2)-2718-3666 Fax : <886>-(2)-2718-8180 Telex : 23222 HAS-TPURL : Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd. Group III (Electronic Components) 7/F., North TowerWorld Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton RoadTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel : <852>-(2)-735-9218 Fax : <852>-(2)-730-0281URL : Hitachi Europe GmbHElectronic Components Group Dornacher Stra ße 3D-85622 FeldkirchenPostfach 201, D-85619 Feldkirchen GermanyTel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham Road MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United Kingdom Tel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 585200Hitachi Semiconductor (America) Inc.179 East Tasman Drive San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: <1> (408) 433-1990Fax: <1>(408) 433-0223For further information write to:Colophon 5.0。