Ministero della SaluteDIPARTIMENTO PER LA SANITÀ PUBBLICA VETERINARIA, LANUTRIZIONE E LA SICUREZZA DEGLI ALIMENTIDIREZIONE GENERALE DELLA SICUREZZA DEGLI ALIMENTI E DELLANUTRIZIONEDECRETOProdotti fitosanitari: recepimento della direttiva 2006/62/CE della Commissione del 12 luglio 2006, della direttiva 2007/55/CE della Commissione del 17 settembre 2007, della direttiva 2007/62/CE della Commissione del 4 ottobre 2007 e aggiornamento del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 concernente i limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive nei prodotti destinati all’alimentazione. Sedicesima modifica.IL MINISTRO DELLA SALUTEVisti gli articoli 5, lettera h), e 6, della legge 30 aprile 1962, n. 283, successivamente modificata con legge 26 febbraio 1963, n. 441;Visto l'articolo 19 del decreto legislativo 17 marzo 1995, n. 194, che prevede l'adozione con decreto del Ministro della salute di limiti massimi di residui di sostanze attive dei prodotti fitosanitari;Visto l'articolo 34 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 23 aprile 2001, n. 290, relativo ai residui ed intervalli di carenza;Visto il decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 “Prodotti fitosanitari: limiti massimi di residui della sostanze attive nei prodotti destinati all’alimentazione” (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale – Serie generale n. 292 del 14 dicembre 2004, supplemento ordinario n. 179), modificato dal decreto del Ministro della salute 17 novembre 2004 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 30 del 7 febbraio 2005), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 4 marzo 2005 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 121 del 26 maggio 2005), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 13 maggio 2005 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 184 del 9 agosto 2005), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 15 novembre 2005 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 28 del 3 febbraio 2006), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 19 aprile 2006 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 162 del 14 luglio 2006), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 20 aprile 2006 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 161 del 13 luglio 2006), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 23 giugno 2006 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 204 del 2 settembre 2006), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 3 ottobre 2006 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 282 del 4 dicembre 2006), dal decreto del Ministro della salute 26 febbraio 2007 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 102 del 4 maggio 2007); dal decreto del Ministro della salute 13 giugno 2007 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 199 del 28 agosto 2007); dal decreto del Ministro della salute 13 giugno 2007 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 200 del 29 agosto 2007); dal decreto del Ministro della salute 13 giugno 2007 (pubblicato nellaGazzetta Ufficiale n. 201 del 30 agosto 2007); dal decreto del Ministro della salute 31 luglio 2007 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 253 del 30 ottobre 2007); dal decreto del Ministro della salute 31 luglio 2007 (pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 254 del 31 ottobre 2007);Vista la direttiva 2006/62/CE della Commissione del 12 luglio 2006, che modifica gli allegati delle direttive 76/895/CEE, 86/362/CEE, 86/363/CEE e 90/642/CEE del Consiglio, per quanto riguarda i limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive desmedifam, fenmedifam e clorfenvinfos;Vista la direttiva 2007/55/CE della Commissione del 17 settembre 2007, che modifica l’allegato delle direttive 76/895/CEE, 86/362/CEE, 86/363/CEE e 90/642/CEE del Consiglio, per quanto riguarda i limiti massimi di residui della sostanza attiva azinfos-metile;Vista la direttiva 2007/62/CE della Commissione del 4 ottobre 2007, che modifica l’allegato delle direttive 86/362/CEE e 90/642/CEE del Consiglio, per quanto riguarda i limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive bifenazato, petoxamide, pirimetanil e rimsulfuron;Visto il decreto dirigenziale della Direzione Generale della Sicurezza degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione emanato l’8 gennaio 2007, per prodotti fitosanitari contenenti la sostanza attiva azinfos-metile, con il quale sono stati revocate le loro autorizzazioni per la non iscrizione della relativa sostanza attiva nell’allegato I del decreto legislativo 17 marzo 1995, n.194;Vista la necessità di rettificare l’elenco degli impieghi della sostanza attiva cimoxanil nell’allegato 5 del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 per l’impiego sull’indivia;Visto il parere favorevole della Commissione Consultiva Prodotti Fitosanitari espresso nella seduta plenaria del 16 ottobre 2007 relativamente all’abrogazione dei limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive sulla coltura del tabacco, riportati nell’allegato 2 del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti;Ritenuto necessario aggiornare il decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti, con i nuovi limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive azinfos metile, bifenazato, clorfenvinfos, desmedifam, fenmedifam, petoxamide, pirimetanil e rimsulfuron;Visto il parere favorevole della Commissione Consultiva Prodotti Fitosanitari espresso nella seduta plenaria del 18 dicembre 2007 relativamente alla presente sedicesima modifica del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004;DECRETA:Art. 1Limiti massimi di residui1. I limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive azinfos metile, clorfenvinfos, desmedifam, fenmedifam, pirimetanil e rimsulfuron indicati nell’allegato 1 del presente decreto, sostituiscono i corrispondenti limiti massimi di residui indicati nell’allegato 2 del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti.2. I limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive bifenazato e petoxamide indicati nell’allegato 1 del presente decreto, sono aggiunti a quelli indicati nell’allegato 2 del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti.3. I limiti massimi di residui delle sostanze attive azinfos-metile e clorfenvinfos, indicati in allegato 2 del presente decreto, sono aggiunti nell’allegato 3, parte A, del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti.4. I limiti massimi di residui della sostanza attiva fenmedifam, indicati in allegato 2 del presente decreto, sono aggiunti nell’allegato 3, parte B, del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti.5. I nuovi limiti massimi di residui, che trovano applicazione per i trattamenti effettuati dopo l’entrata in vigore dei limiti stessi, si applicano per le sostanze attive desmedifam, fenmedifam e clorfenvinfos a decorrere dal 21 gennaio 2008; per la sostanza attiva azinfos-metile a decorrere dal 19 marzo 2008; per le sostanze attive bifenazato, petoxamide, pirimetanil e rimsulfuron a decorrere dal 6 aprile 2008.Art. 2Impieghi e intervalli di sicurezza1. Gli impieghi e gli intervalli di sicurezza relativi alle sostanze attive azinfos-metile e cimoxanil indicati nell’allegato 3 del presente decreto, sostituiscono quelli dell’allegato 5 del decreto del Ministro della salute 27 agosto 2004 e successivi aggiornamenti.Il presente decreto, trasmesso alla Corte dei Conti per la registrazione e pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana, entrerà in vigore dal giorno successivo alla sua pubblicazione.Roma, 22 gennaio 2008Il MINISTROLivia TurcoALLEGATO 1LIMITI MASSIMI DI RESIDUI DELLE SOSTANZE ATTIVE DEI PRODOTTI FITOSANITARI TOLLERATI NEI PRODOTTI DESTINATI ALL'ALIMENTAZIONE (ESCLUSI I PRODOTTI DI ORIGINE ANIMALE) IN ATTUAZIONE DI DISPOSIZIONI COMUNITARIE (VALORI SOTTOLINEATI), NONCHE’ LIMITI MASSIMI DI RESIDUI PROVVISORI NAZIONALI IN ATTESA DI ARMONIZZAZIONE COMUNITARIA (VALORI NON SOTTOLINEATI).Denominazione sostanza attiva e principale attivitàfitoiatrica Prodotti destinati all’alimentazione LMR inmg/Kg(= ppm)NoteAZINFOS-METILE (insetticida) Frutta a guscio………………………………...Pomacee, drupacee, fragole (escluse le fragoleselvatiche), frutti di piante arbustive (escluse leselvatiche), ribes (rosso, nero e bianco), uva spina………………………………………….Mirtilli rossi………………………………….Altra frutta…………………………………… Cetrioli……………………………………….Altri ortaggi…………………………………..Legumi da granella…………………………..Semi di cotone……………………………….Altri semi oleaginosi………………………… Patate…………………………………………Tè……………………………………………. Luppolo……………………………………… Cereali………………………………………..Barbabietola da zucchero…………………….Erba medica………………………………….0,50,5 t0,10,05*0,20,05*0,05*0,20,05*0,05*0,1*0,1*0,05*0,20,5(t) LMR temporaneo fino al18 settembre 2008. Dopotale data l’LMR sarà di0,05* mg/Kg salvoaltrimenti modificato da unadirettiva o da unregolamento.BIFENAZATO (acaricida) Fragole (escluse le fragole selvatiche)……….Altra frutta……………………………………Pomodori, melanzane………………………… Peperoni………………………………………Cucurbitacee con buccia commestibile………Altri ortaggi…………………………………..Legumi da granella……………………………Semi oleaginosi………………………………. Patate………………………………………….Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali………………………………………...20,01*0,520,30,01*0,01*0,02*0,01*0,02*0,02*0,01*La quantità massima diresidui è stata fissataprovvisoriamente a normadell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1,lettera f), della 91/414/CEE.Salvo modifica, tale quantitàmassima diverrà definitiva il25 ottobre 2011.CLORFENVINFOS (insetticida)Frutta…………………………………………Carote, pastinaca, ravanelli, navoni-rutabaga,rape, agli, scalogni, cavoli cappucci,prezzemolo, sedani…………………………..Zucchine, cavoletti di Bruxelles, crescione,dolcetta, spinaci, asparagi, porri……………..Cavoli-rapa…………………………………...Funghi coltivati………………………………Altri ortaggi………………………………….Legumi da granella…………………………..Semi oleaginosi……………………………… Patate…………………………………………Tè……………………………………………..0,02*0,50,10,30,050,02*0,02*0,02*0,02*0,05*Somma degli isomeri E e ZSostanza attiva non ammessanei prodotti fitosanitarifitoiatrica (= ppm)Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali……………………………………….. 0,05* 0,02*DESMEDIFAM (diserbante) Frutta………………………………………… Ortaggi……………………………………….Legumi da granella…………………………..Semi oleaginosi……………………………… Patate………………………………………….Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali……………………………………….Barbabietole da zucchero……………………0,05* p0,05* p0,05* p0,1* p0,05* p0,1* p0,1* p0,05* p0,1(p) Indica che la quantità diresidui è stata fissataprovvisoriamente a normadell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1,lettera f), della direttiva91/414/CEEFENMEDIFAM (diserbante) Fragole (escluse le fragole selvatiche)………Altra frutta……………………………………Bietole rosse (o da orto)……………………..Spinaci e simili……………………………… Carciofi………………………………………Altri ortaggi………………………………….Legumi da granella…………………………...Semi oleaginosi……………………………… Patate…………………………………………Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo……………………………………… Cereali………………………………………...Barbabietole da zucchero…………………….Barbabietole da foraggio……………………..0,1* p0,05* p0,1* p0,5.p0,2.p0,05* p0,05* p0,1* p0,05* p0,1* p0,1* p0,05* p0,10,1(p) Indica che la quantità diresidui è stata fissataprovvisoriamente a normadell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1,lettera f), della direttiva91/414/CEEPETOXAMIDE (erbicida) Frutta………………………………………… Ortaggi………………………………………..Legumi da granella……………………………Semi oleaginosi………………………………. Patate………………………………………….Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali………………………………………...0,01*0,01*0,01*0,01*0,01*0,02*0,02*0,01*La quantità massima diresidui è stata fissataprovvisoriamente a normadell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1,lettera f), della 91/414/CEE.Salvo modifica, tale quantitàmassima diverrà definitiva il25 ottobre 2011.PIRIMETANIL (fungicida) Agrumi, pesche (comprese le nettarine e ibridisimili), more, lamponi………………………..Mandorle, pistacchi…………………………..Pomacee, uve da tavola e da vino, fragole(escluse le fragole selvatiche), altra piccolafrutta e bacche (escluse quelle selvatiche)……Albicocche, prugne…………………………... Banane………………………………………...Altra frutta…………………………………….Carote, pomodori, melanzane, cucurbitacee conbuccia commestibile, porri…………………… Cipolle………………………………………...Peperoni, fagioli (con baccello)……………… Lattuga………………………………………..Erbe fresche…………………………………..Piselli (senza baccello)……………………….100,2530,10,05*10,121030,2(p) Indica che la quantitàmassima di residui è statafissata provvisoriamente anorma dell’articolo 4,paragrafo 1, lettera f), delladirettiva 91/414/CEE. Salvomodifica, tale quantitàmassima diverrà definitiva il25 ottobre 2011.fitoiatrica (= ppm)Altri ortaggi…………………………………... Legumi da granella…………………………… Semi oleaginosi………………………………. Patate…………………………………………. Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali………………………………………... 0,05* 0,5 0,1* 0,05* 0,1* 0,1* 0,05*RIMSULFURON (diserbante) Frutta…………………………………………. Ortaggi………………………………………..Legumi da granella……………………………Semi oleaginosi………………………………. Patate………………………………………….Tè…………………………………………….. Luppolo………………………………………. Cereali………………………………………...0,05*0,05*0,05*0,05*0,05*0,10,1*0,05*La quantità massima diresidui è stata fissataprovvisoriamente a normadell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1,lettera f), della 91/414/CEE.Salvo modifica, tale quantitàmassima diverrà definitiva il25 ottobre 2011.(*) Indica il limite inferiore di determinazione analitica.ALLEGATO 2 PARTE ALimiti massimi in mg/kg (ppm)Residui di antiparassitari di grassi delle carni, preparazioni a basedi carni, frattaglie e dei grassi animalielencati nell’allegato I alle voci ex 0201,0202, 0203, 0204, 0205 00 00, 0206, 0207,ex 0208, 0209 00, 0210, 1601 00, 1602(1) (4)per il latte di vacca crudo ed il latte divacca intero della voce 0401dell’allegato I; per gli altri prodottialimentari delle voci 0401, 0402, 040500 e 0406 conformemente a(2) (4)di uova fresche in guscio, uova divolatili e tuorli d’uovo elencatinell’allegato I alle voci 0407 00, 0408(3) (4)AZINFOS-METILE 0,01* 0,01* 0,01*CLORFENVINFOS(somma degli isomeri E e Z)0,01* 0,01* 0,01* p(*) Indica il limite inferiore di determinazione analitica.7ALLEGATO 2 PARTE BLimiti massimi in mg/kg (ppm)Residui di antiparassitari di carni, inclusi i grassi, preparazioni abase di carne, frattaglie e grassi animalielencati nell’allegato I, di cui alle voci ex0201, 0202, 0203, 0204, 0205 00 00, 0206,0207, ex 0208, 0209 00, 0210, 1601 00,1602per il latte e i prodotti lattiero-casearidell’allegato I; di cui ai codici 0401,0402, 0405 00 e 0406di uova fresche in guscio, di uova divolatili e tuorli d’uovo elencatinell’allegato I, alle voci 0407 00, 0408FENMEDIFAM [metil-N-(3-idrossifenil) carbammato (MHPC)espresso in fenmedifam0,05* p 0,05* p 0,05* p(*) Indica il limite inferiore di determinazione analitica.(p) Indica che la quantità massima di residui è stata fissata provvisoriamente a norma dell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1, lettera f), della direttiva 91/414/CEE. Salvo modifica, tale quantità massima diverrà definitiva il 9 agosto 2010.8ALLEGATO 3 IMPIEGHI AUTORIZZATI IN ITALIA E INTERVALLI DI SICUREZZA CHE DEVONO INTERCORRERE TRA L’ULTIMO TRATTAMENTO(1) E LA RACCOLTA E, PER LE DERRATE ALIMENTARI IMMAGAZZINATE, TRA L’ULTIMO TRATTAMENTOE L’IMMISSIONE IN CIRCOLAZIONE.(1) Salvo diversa indicazione i trattamenti si intendono effettuati alla colturaDenominazione sostanza attiva e principale azionefitoiatrica Colture Intervallo ingg.Derrate alimentariimmagazzinateIntervallo ingg.AltriimpieghiNoteAZINFOS-METILE (insetticida) Impieghi ammessi fino al 31.12.2007Agrumi, mandorlo, nocciolo, pomacee,drupacee, vite, fragola, olivo…………….......Ortaggi a radice e tubero, solanacee, cetriolo,zucca, cavoli, lattughe e simili, spinaci e simili,erbe fresche, legumi, asparago, cardo, sedano,finocchio, carciofo………………....................Soia, colza…………….................................... Patata……………............................................Frumento, mais…………….............................Barbabietola da zucchero……………..............Erba medica…………….................................. Tabacco…………….........................................Floreali, ornamentali, forestali, pioppo……….202020202020202020Applicazionein vivaio sullecoltureautorizzate incampo.Sostanza attiva noniscritta nell’allegatoI del DL 17 marzo1995, n. 194(Regolamento CE n.1335/2005 dellaCommissione del12.08.2005)Applicazione allacoltura e al terreno.CIMOXANIL (fungicida) Vite…………….......................................…….Aglio, cipolla, pomodoro(1), cetriolo, zucchino,melone, lattuga, indivia, spinacio, pisello, porro.................................................................. Carciofo…………….................................……Girasole, soia…………….........................…… Patata……………....................................……. Tabacco…………….................................…… Rosa……………......................................…….101021281010---Impiego sufloreali eornamentalidaappartamentoe da giardinodomestico.(1) Ancheapplicazione inserra9。
ASTM D6147-97
discothose covered by the test,nor to use tests at higher tempera-tures as accelerated tests to give information on force decay at lower temperatures.5.3In addition to the need to specify the temperature and time-intervals in a force decay test,it is also necessary to specify the initial stress and the previous mechanical history of the test specimen,since these may also influence the measured force decay,particularly in rubbers containingfillers.6.Apparatus6.1Compression Device,consisting of two parallel,flat plates,between the faces of which the test specimens are compressed.The two devices shown schematically in Fig.1 and Fig.2were found to be acceptable through interlaboratory testing.Material of construction of the jig shall not be subject to attack from the test environment(for example acidic oil).6.2Thefinish of the surface of the compression plates shall not exceed0.6µm(24micro inches)arithmetical mean deviation from the mean line of the profile.The plates shall be sufficiently rigid to withstand the stress without bending,and of sufficient size to ensure that the whole of the compressed test specimen is within the area of the plates.6.3The compression device shall be connected with suit-able equipment for compressing the test specimen to the specified compression within30s.It shall be capable of setting and maintaining the compression during the whole duration of test and shall be such that it can be kept in an oven at the specified test temperature.Care shall be taken to ensure that there is no loss of heat from the test specimen,for example by conduction through metal parts which are connected with the outside of the oven.6.4Counterforce measuring device,capable of measuring compression forces in the desired range with an accuracy of6 1%.The device may be such as to contain the test specimens during the whole duration of the test,in which case continuous measurements are possible.Alternatively,a testing machine may be used in which the counterforce is measured after prescribed time-intervals on test specimens,compressed in a suitable jig,by applying a slight increase in the compression of the test specimen.This additional compression shall be as small as possible and in no case more than a force of1N or halfpercent(12%)of original load for balance type machine and0.1mm(0.004in)or2%of original deflection for stress-strain type machines,in a time not greater than30s after commenc-ing the additional compression.6.5Oven,with temperature control to maintain the specified temperature within the prescribed tolerances.Satisfactory cir-culation of the air shall be maintained by means of a fan(D573 or E145).6.6Temperature reading device(optional),with for ex-ample a thermocouple as the sensing element,mounted in a central position in the oven.7.Test Specimen7.1Type of Test Specimen—The test specimen shall be one of the following:7.1.1A cylindrical disc of diameter13.060.5mm(0.512 60.020in)and thickness6.360.3mm(0.24860.012in).7.1.2Cylindrical disc of diameter29.060.5mm(1.14260.020in)and thickness12.560.5mm(0.49260.020in).7.1.3Washer of12.560.5mm(0.49260.020in)inside diameter and19.060.5mm(0.74860.020in)outside diameter with2.060.2mm(0.08060.008in)thickness. Within the sample test specimens,thickness variation shall be within0.025mm(0.001in).7.1.4Other test specimen sizes may be used as dictated by end use.7.2Thefirst three test specimens described above were evaluated in interlaboratory testing.The washer type test specimen(7.1.3)is preferred.7.3Preparation of Test Specimens—Test specimens may be prepared by taking a sample of the compound or material of interest.If this is a compound it shall be cured and molded in accordance with D3182,or prepared by cutting from molded sheets.Cutting is carried out by means of a sharp,rotating, circular die or revolving knife,lubricated with soapy water, and brought carefully into contact with the rubber.Alterna-tively,the die or knife is kept stationary and the rubber rotated against it.The rubber is mounted on suitable backing material and the cutting pressure is kept small enough to avoid “cupping”of the cut surface.7.4Due to shape factor effect,equivalent results may not be obtained for the different test specimen shapes described above.7.5Number of Test Specimens—At least three test speci-mens shall be used for each test.7.6Time-Interval Between Vulcanization and Testing—The time-interval between vulcanization and testing shall be at least 24h at ambient conditions.8.Procedure8.1Carefully clean the operating surfaces of the compres-sion device.The test specimen surface shall be free from mold release agent or dusting powder.8.2Measure the thickness of each test specimen at the central portion with an accuracy of0.01mm(0.0004in).The thickness shall be determined according to D3767.8.3Method A8.3.1Preheat the compression device to the test tempera-ture.8.3.2Preheat the test specimen to the test temperature in accordance with D1349.A preheating period of30–012min.is recommended.8.3.3Compress the preheated test piece by2561%in the compression device(6.1)at the test temperature;use a compression of1561%if a compression of25%cannot be obtained.Apply the compression within30s.When reached, thefinal compression shall befixed and maintained during the entire test period(apart from the further small compression which may be used for measurement of counterforce, mentioned in6.4).8.3.4After the compression has been applied for30–012min., measure the counterforce with an accuracy of61%,still at the test temperature.8.3.5Repeat the measurement of the counterforce after different times,according to10.1.Take all measurements at the test temperature.8.3.6Due to operator variability,allcounterforceF IG .1S h a w b u r y -W a l l a c e S t r e s s R e l a x a t i o n F i x t u r emeasurements shall be performed three (3)times for each specimen and the median value used.8.4Method B8.4.1Compress the test piece by 2561%at 2362°C (7364°F);a compression of 1561%may be used when a compression of 25%cannot be obtained.Apply the compression within 30s.When reached,the final compression shall be fixed and maintained during the entire test period (apart from the further small compression which may be used for measurement of counterforce,mentioned in 6.4).8.4.2After the compression has been applied for 30–012min.measure the counterforce with an accuracy of 61%,still at the standard laboratory temperature.8.4.3Store the compressed test specimen in the oven (6.5)at the specified elevated temperature.8.4.4When making measurements of counterforce after the times specified,remove the apparatus from the oven,maintainit at the standard laboratory temperature for 2–0.210h,determine the counterforce and then return to the test environment for a further time.It is important that the apparatus and test specimen reach thermal equilibrium within 2h,and force cooling may be necessary.In method B,the 2h required after each time-interval,to attain standard laboratory temperature,shall be included in the duration of test.8.4.5Repeat the measurement of the counterforce afterdifferent times,according to 10.1.Take all measurements at ambient temperature.8.4.6Due to operator variability,all counterforce measurements shall be performed three (3)times for each test specimen and the median value used.9.Liquid Immersions Testing Procedure9.1In some applications force decay testing under liquid immersion conditions is necessary.Under these conditions the following additional preparation of the jig is necessary.9.2Apply a lubricant to the top and bottom surface of the jig.It shall consist of a thin coating of the test fluid having substantially no action on the rubber.9.3The test specimen/test fixture shall be completely immersed in liquid under consideration.The immersed test specimen shall be in the compressed condition,similar to testing in air as discussed in Section 8.Care shall be taken while performing force decay under liquid immersions (especially at elevated temperatures)to avoid hazardous test conditions.Environmentally safe practices shall be followed while performing liquid immersion testing.If the effect of liquid on inside and outside surfaces of rubber is desired,the washer type test specimen (7.1.3),is recommended.In this case the fixture used shall have an inlet and vent hole of at least 3.260.3mm (0.12560.012in)diameter to allow flow ofliquidFIG.2Wykeham Farrance Stress RelaxationFixturetowards inside diameter of the sample.9.4Follow test procedures in8.3for Method A or8.4for Method B.10.Duration and Temperature of Test10.1Duration of Test—The duration of the test shall be mutually agreed upon by the customer and the supplier.A test period of168–20h has been found suitable for many elastomers. The test period begins after the initial compression.If longer testing times are needed,a logarithmic time-scale may be used. In method B,the2h required after each time-interval,to attain standard laboratory temperature,shall be included in the duration of test.10.2Temperature of Test—The temperature of test shall be chosen from D1349.Unless for technical reasons another temperature is required,the ambient temperature shall be236 2°C(7364°F).11.Calculation of Test Results11.1The compression force decay(stress relaxation),R(t), after a specified duration of test,t,expressed as a percentage of the initial counterforce,is calculated by Eq.1.R~t!5Fo–FtFo3100(1)where:Fo5initial counterforce measured30min.after compression of the test specimen,andFt5counterforce measured after the specified duration of test.11.2The median value of the calculated results for compression force decay shall be used.11.3For some applications,it may be more useful to calculate compressive force retention values,i.e.FR(t)at various times after the compression is applied,rather than force decay values.This may be calculated by Eq.2FR~t!5100–R~t!(2) where:FR(t)5force retention expressed as a percent,after a specified duration of test.11.4The compressive force retention values may be presented graphically as a function of time.The use of a logarithmic scale for the time-axis may facilitate representation of the test data.12.Test Report12.1The test report shall include the following information: 12.1.1Sample details: full description of the sample and its origin. details,cure time and temperature and date of cure,where appropriate. of preparation of test specimens from sample.12.1.2Test Method and Test Details: number of this standard12.1.2.2The method used,A or B12.1.2.3The standard laboratory temperature,if other than 2362°C(7364°F) duration and temperature of test12.1.2.5The type and dimensions of test specimens12.1.2.6Nature of lubricant,if used12.1.2.7A description of the principles of the testing device (oven included) method used for measuring the counterforce non-standardized procedures,for example, mechanical condition.12.1.3Test Results: number of test specimens tested,if more than three12.1.3.2The median value of the test results,expressed in accordance with Section11.12.1.4Date of test.12.2Refer to Table1for a recommended table for reporting test results.13.Precision and Bias413.1The precision results for this standard have been prepared in accordance with Practice D4483with certain exceptions as noted below.Please refer to this practice for terminology and other testing and statistical concept explanations.13.2The precision results in this precision and bias section give an estimate of the precision for this test standard with the materials(rubbers)used in the particular program as described below.The precision parameters should not be used for acceptance or rejection testing of any group of materials without documentation that they are applicable to that group of materials and the specific protocols of the test method.13.3A Type1interlaboratory test program(ITP)was conducted in1994.The general plan for the testing involved seven participating laboratories conducting parallel tests on two test specimens:a washer shaped specimen and a button specimen.The exceptions to the normal D4483protocol are: (1)only one material(rubber compound)was tested,rather than the recommended3or4,and(2)the within-lab testing was conducted on a general plan with three test specimens on one day rather than the specified D4483repeat testing of n test specimens each on Day1and Day2.Repeatability as given in the tables of precision results therefore is a within-day between replicate value and not the usual Day1-Day2repeatability.A test result is defined as one measurement value.The relaxation was carried out in air at70°C.13.4An extensive analysis of the data for this ITP was conducted to detect any outlier laboratories that depart significantly from the remaining laboratories.This analysis identified a core group of four laboratories(among the seven) for the washer test specimen and a core group offive laboratories for the button test specimen.Both of these core groups have better between-lab agreement than the entire seven laboratories.The precision results as given in Table2and Table 3are based on the data from these core group laboratories.13.5The precision results for Method B are given in Table 2for the washer test specimen and are based on three replicates 4Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D11–1086(on one day)per relaxation time.The precision results in Table 3for the button test specimen are based on only two replicates per relaxation time.13.6Repeatability —The repeatability for this test has beenestablished as the values in Table 2and Table 3for the indicated relaxation times and test conditions.Two test results that differ by more than the repeatability values in Table 2and Table 3must be considered to have come from different sample populations.Such a decision dictates that some appropriate action be taken.13.7Reproducibility —The reproducibility of this test has been established as the values in Table 2and Table 3for the indicated relaxation times and test conditions.Two test results from different laboratories that differ by more than the reproducibility values in Table 2and Table 3must be considered to represent different sample populations.Such a decision dictates that some appropriate action be taken.13.8Bias —In test method terminology,bias is the difference between an average test value (or result)and the reference (true)value.Reference values do not exist for this test method since the value or level of the test property is exclusively defined by the test method.Bias therefore cannot be determined.14.Keywords14.1stress relaxation;force relaxation;load decay;stress decay;compressive stress relaxation;reaction force;force retention;force decay;rubber;thermoplastic elastomerTABLE 2PRECISION TABULATION -FOR R(t),%;WASHER TESTSPECIMEN A METHOD B;IN AIR @70CRELAX WITHIN-LABBETWEEN-LAB TIME MEAN Sr r(r)SR R (R)24HR 18.9 3.178.8747.0 3.7310.45596HR 26.0 2.697.5329.0 3.9611.143168HR29.02.176.0720.94.3112.142APrecision given for three relaxation times for one rubber compound (material)3replicates per relaxation time,5laboratories participatingWithin-lab precision is ’within-day between test specimen variation’,not usual between day variationSr 5within-lab (repeatability)standard deviation;r 5repeatability,in test units,%for R(t);(r)5repeatability in relative units,percent of a percent;SR 5between-lab (reproducibility)standard deviation;R 5reproducibility in test units,%for R(t);(R)5reproducibility in relative units,percent of a percentTABLE 3PRECISION TABULATION FOR R(t),%FOR BUTTONTEST SPECIMEN A METHOD B;IN AIR @70CRELAX WITHIN-LABBETWEEN-LABTIME MEAN Sr r (r)SRR (R)24HR 15.5 1.83 5.1233.1 2.43 6.8044.096HR 21.1 2.10 5.8927.9 2.40 6.7331.9168HR22.72.326.5228.73.439.6242.3APrecision given for three relaxation times for one rubber compound (material)2replicates per relaxation time,5laboratories participatingWithin-lab precision is ’within-day between test specimen variation’,not usual between day variationSr 5within-lab (repeatability)standard deviation;r 5repeatability,in test units,%for R(t);(r)5repeatability in relative units,percent of a percent;SR 5between-lab (reproducibility)standard deviation;R 5reproducibility in test units,%for R(t);(R)5reproducibility in relative units,percent of apercentThe American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428.TABLE 1Recommended Table for Reporting TestResults。
1-1469491-2 Product DetailsHome | Customer Support | Suppliers | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Browser Support© 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation All Rights Reserved SearchProducts Documentation Resources My Account Customer SupportHome > Products > By Type > Two-Piece, High-Speed Connectors > Product Feature Selector > Product Details1-1469491-2Active MULTIGIG RT ProductAlways EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)Product Highlights:?Pin, External Thread?Guidance Series?VITA 41/VITA 46 Configuration?Used With 9mm Guide ModuleView all Features | Find SimilarProductsCheck Pricing &AvailabilitySearch for ToolingProduct FeatureSelectorContact Us AboutThis ProductQuick LinksDocumentation & Additional InformationProduct Drawings:?KEYED GUIDE PIN, DIE CAST BACKPLANE CONNECTOR, MULTI...(PDF, English)Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:?Power Connectors & Interconnection Systems Catalog -...(PDF, English)?MULTIGIG RT Connector Products for VITA 46 (VPX) Sta...(PDF, English)Product Specifications:?None AvailableApplication Specifications:?None AvailableInstruction Sheets:?None AvailableCAD Files:?None AvailableList all Documents Additional Information:?Product Line InformationRelated Products:?ToolingProduct Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)Product Type Features:?Product Type = Pin, External Thread ?Finish = Silver?Comment = KeyedBody Related Features:?Series = Guidance?Used With = 9mm Guide Module?Pin Material = Zinc Alloy Industry Standards:?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELVcompliant?Lead Free Solder Processes = Not relevant forlead free process?VITA 41/VITA 46 Configuration = Yes?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always wasRoHS compliantOther:?Brand = AMPProvide Website Feedback | Contact Customer Support。
危险化学品特性表(自制)危险化学品特性表(自制) (1)(1)丙烯酸 (3)(2)甲酸 (4)(3)氢氟酸 (6)(1)N,N-二甲基甲酰胺 (7)(2)丙烯酸丁酯 (8)(1)萘 (10)(2)乌洛托品 (11)(1)氯酸钠 (13)(1)四氯乙烯 (15)(2)二氯甲烷 (17)丙酮 (18)丁酮 (20)甲醇 (21)乙醇 (23) 环己酮 (24)异丙醇 (25) 甲苯 (27) 1,2-二甲苯 (29) 乙醚 (30) 乙酸乙酯 (32)过氧化氢 (33)高锰酸钾 (35)重铬酸钾 (36)硝酸银 (38)苯酚 (39)三氯甲烷 (41)四氯化碳 (42)氢氧化铵水溶液 (44)氢氧化钠 (45)氢氧化钾 (46)甲醛 (47)盐酸 (49)硝酸 (51)硫酸 (52) 乙酸 (54)三氯乙酸 (56)氢氟酸 (57)次氯酸钠 (59)亚硫酸氢钠 (60)(4)纯苯 (62)(5)1,1-二氯乙烷 (63)(7)正丁醇 (65)(10)二(正)丁醚 (66)(11)丙烯酸正丁酯 (68)(4)冰醋酸 (69)三氯乙醛 (70)硝酸钠 (72)连二亚硫酸钠 (73)石油醚 (74)对二甲苯 (76)氧 (77)⑺乙酸酐 (80)⑻2-丁酮 (81)(1)丙烯酸表3.1-1 丙烯酸简介(2)甲酸表3.1-2甲酸简介(3)氢氟酸表3.1-3氢氟酸简介(1)N,N-二甲基甲酰胺表3.1-4 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺简介(2)丙烯酸丁酯表3.1-5丙烯酸丁酯简介(1)萘表3.1-6萘简介(2)乌洛托品表3.1-7乌洛托品简介(1)氯酸钠表3.1-8氯酸钠简介(2)亚硝酸钠表3.1-9亚硝酸钠简介(1)四氯乙烯表3.1-10四氯乙烯简介(2)二氯甲烷表3.1-11二氯甲烷简介3.1.1.1丙酮3.1.1.2-丁酮3.1.1.3甲醇3.1.1.4乙醇3.1.1.5 环己酮3.1.1.6异丙醇3.1.1.7 甲苯3.1.1.8 1,2-二甲苯3.1.1.9 乙醚3.1.1.10 乙酸乙酯3.1.1.11过氧化氢3.1.1.12高锰酸钾3.1.1.13重铬酸钾3.1.1.14硝酸银3.1.1.15苯酚3.1.1.16三氯甲烷3.1.1.17四氯化碳3.1.1.18氢氧化铵水溶液3.1.1.19氢氧化钠3.1.1.20氢氧化钾3.1.1.21甲醛3.1.1.22盐酸。
lCS 59.060.20W04圆雪中华人民共和国国家标准GB/1 4、46.、——2QQ9部分代替GB/T 4146—1984纺织品化学纤维第1部分:属名Textiles——Man—made fi b re s——P a r t1:Ge n e ri c names(IS0 2076:1999,Textiles—Man—made fibres—Generic n ame s,MOD)2009—06—15发布2010-0I-01实施宰瞀鹊紫瓣警麟瞥星发布中国国家标准化管理委员会“”。
GB/T 4146.1—2009刖昌GB/T 4146{(纺织品化学纤维》包括以下3个部分:——第1部分:属名;——第2部分:产品术语;——第3部分:检验术语。
本部分为G B/T4146的第1部分。
本部分修改采用I S O2076:1999({纺织品化学纤维属名》。
本部分根据ISO 2076:1999((纺织品化学纤维属名》重新起草,与1SO 2076:1999的差异为:——删除了国际标准的前言;——增加了5个属名(见3.24—3.28),删除了改性腈纶1个属名;——增加了表1中的4个注;——在属名索引和以字母顺序排列的属名代码索引中增加了中文名称。
本部分代替G B/T41461984{(纺织名词术语(化纤部分)》,本部分与GB/T 4146 1984的主要差异为:——将条款形式定义属名改为表格形式表示属名;——仅包括纤维的属名内容,删除了纱线、织物、试验、疵点、产品分类及具体产品的相关条款;——将单独条款描述的纤维简称直接列在表中;——删减了乙烯基类三元共聚纤维等纤维,增加了海藻纤维、陶瓷纤维、聚酰亚胺纤维、聚烯烃弹性纤维、甲壳素纤维、聚苯硫醚、超高分子量聚乙烯等7种纤维的属名。
本部分由全国纺织品标准化技术委员会基础分会(S A C/T C209/SC 1)归口。
GBT 1467—××××冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一般规定
GBT 1467—××××冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一般规定前言本标准代替GB/T 1467-1978《冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一样规定》。
本标准与GB/T 1467-1978相比要紧变化如下:a)增加了1范畴、2规范性引用文件和3.5.5、3.7、3.8、4.8、4.15条款的内容。
b)对原标准内容进行了修订,原标准中1、2和5、4、6、7、8、9、12、13和16、17、18、19、20、21~23及28、24、25对应的修订内容为3.1、3.4、3.5.1、3.5中的部分内容、3.6 、3.9、3.2、4.1、4.6、4.5、4.7、4.9、4.3、4.10~4.12、3.10、4.16。
e) 差不多保留了原标准中3、11、14、15、26、27条款内容,对应的新标准条款是:3.3、3.5.4、4.4、4.2、4.14、4.13。
本标准历次公布情形为:GB/T 1467-1978。
冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一样规定1 范畴本标准规定了冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一样规定。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB/T 1.1 标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写规则。
GB 3100 国际单位制及其应用。
GB 3101 有关量、单位和符号的一样规则。
GB/T 6379 测量方法与结果的准确度(正确度与周密度)GB/T 8170 数值修约规则。
FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089") Pitch 5-Row, 6-Row and 8-Row VHDM-HSD ™Module-to-BackplaneConnector SystemFeatures and Benefitss Up to 5.0 Gbps bandwidth per signal pair enables state-of-the-art system design and performance s2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089”) pitch provides real signal density of 10 differential pairs for 5-row and 6-row and 15 differential pairs for 8-row per centimeter (25 and 38 pairs respectively per inch) sMinimum distance between daughtercards:– 5-row system offers 15.00mm (.591")– 6-row system offers 18.00mm (.709")– 8-row system offers 22.00mm (.866")sGround planes between signal columns provide tightly controlled impedance for rise times down to 50 picoseconds (10-90%). This ensures very low cross talk between signals within and between columnssGround pins are in the same grid as signal pins, allowing wider channels for PCB routing and traces up to 0.25mm (.010”) wides6-row or 8-row VHDM-HSD wafers can be applied to the same stiffener as standard VHDM ® 6-row or 8-row wafers. The combination of VHDM and VHDM-HSD wafers, grouped together in the same stiffener, provides cost effective solutions to different performance parametersThe Very High Density Metric High Speed Differential (VHDM-HSD) connector system has been expanded to include 5-row, 6-row and 8-row daughtercard and backplane modules. VHDM-HSD is designed for differential-pair architecture applications that require very high interconnect density and signal integrity in a single-ended configuration.The same great modularity features and components ofVHDM are provided in the VHDM-HSD. The 5-row and 6-row systems feature 2 signal pairs per column and the8-row system features 3 signal pairs per column inincrements of 10 and 25 columns. All circuits areutilized as signal circuits without the need to use some asground circuits.The daughtercard connector consists of a metal stiffener just as with the VHDM system. The system combines the signal wafers, power modules and guidance modules into one continuous connector that can be ordered as a single specific part number. The card pitch of the VHDM-HSD 8-row system is the same as the standard VHDM 8-row system, allowing both signal wafer types for single ended and differential pair to be used together. Thismodularity and design flexibility allow engineers toincorporate both connector systems on the sameplatforms. The system is based on a 2.00mm (.079")pitch and includes vertical and right angle products thatcan be configured up to 2000 circuits. The maximumlength of a daughtercard connector on a single stiffeneris 300mm (12").The backplane connectors feature headers with open ends for continuous side-to-side stacking and headers with guide pins and polarizing keys on either end to aid in proper alignment of the mating daughtercard. The power modules occupy just a small width and hold sequentially matable pins that each manage 10.0 amps of current.Molex offers application tooling for pressing VHDM-HSD connectors into PCBs as separate modules or as complete assemblies. VHDM-HSD cable assemblies are also available for connecting backplane headers to high-performance cables.Note: VHDM and VHDM-HSD are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradyne,Inc.元器件交易网FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089") Pitch 5-Row, 6-Row and 8-Row VHDM-HSD ™Module-to-Backplane Connector SystemPress Fit Right Angle ReceptacleApplicationsThe VHDM-HSD products are used in very high speed, short rise-time, high circuit count applications connecting daughtercards to the backplane:s Network Switches s Routerss Computer Serverss Telecommunication Equipment sInternetworking DevicesORDERING INFORMATIONDaughtercard AssemblyConfiguration 5-Row 6-Row 8-Row Signal wafers, power modules and guide modules sequentiallyassigned by application VHDM-HSD wafers74670-XXXX 74880-XXXX 74680-XXXX Combination of VHDM and VHDM-HSD wafers74686-XXXX 74886-XXXX74686-XXXXBackplane Header Signal Module Standard Loaded Pin Height 0.76µm (30µ”) Gold5-Row6-Row8-Row10-Column 25-Column 10-Column 25-Column 10-Column 25-Column Open Ended4.25mm (.167”)74695-100374695-250374979-100374979-250374649-100374649-25034.75mm (.187”)74695-100174695-250174979-100174979-250174649-100174649-25015.15mm (.203”)74695-100474695-250474979-100474979-250474649-100474649-25046.25mm (.266”)74695-100274695-250274979-100274979-250274649-100274649-2502Left Guide PinNo Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74696-100374696-2503––74650-100374650-25034.75mm (.187”)74696-100174696-2501––74650-100174650-25015.15mm (.203”)74696-100474696-2504––74650-100474650-25046.25mm (.266”)74696-100274696-2502––74650-100274650-2502Left Guide Pin“A” Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74696-101374696-2513––74650-101374650-25134.75mm (.187”)74696-101174696-2511––74650-101174650-25115.15mm (.203”)74696-101474696-2514––74650-101474650-25146.25mm (.266”)74696-101274696-2512––74650-101274650-2512Right Guide PinNo Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74697-100374697-2503––74651-100374651-25034.75mm (.187”)74697-100174697-2501––74651-100174651-25015.15mm (.203”)74697-100474697-2504––74651-100474651-25046.25mm (.266”)74697-100274697-2502––74651-100274651-2502Right Guide Pin“A” Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74697-101374697-2513––74651-101374651-25134.75mm (.187”)74697-101174697-2511––74651-101174651-25115.15mm (.203”)74697-101474697-2514––74651-101474651-25146.25mm (.266”)74697-101274697-2512––74651-101274651-2512Backplane Power and Guide Components5-Row and 6-Row 8-Row Power Module 74029-600074029-8000Keying Post 74069-001074069-0010Guide Pin74076-0001/000274076-0001/0002Americas Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A.1-800-78MOLEX amerinfo@ Far East North Headquarters Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan 81-462-65-2324feninfo@ Far East South Headquarters Jurong, Singapore 65-6-268-6868fesinfo@ European Headquarters Munich, Germany 49-89-413092-0eurinfo@ Corporate Headquarters 2222 Wellington Ct.Lisle, IL 60532 U.S.A.630-969-4550Visit our Web site at /product/backplan/hsd.htmlOrder No. USA-158 Rev. 2Printed in USA/2.5K/JI/JI/2003.03©2003, MolexNote: VHDM and VHDM-HSD are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradyne,Inc.元器件交易网。
1729674-1Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable, Not Adjustable,Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-), Certification, ManualApplication Tooling>Portable Crimp ToolsCertification:YesSpecification Type:TE Product Specification (114-)Die Sets Type:Fixed In ToolRatchet Configuration:Not Releasable, Not AdjustableTool Grade:Premium Crimp ToolingFeaturesOtherCrimp Form-Wire Barrel Type Open Barrel - F CrimpTool Grade Premium Crimp ToolingRatchet Configuration Not Releasable, Not AdjustableDie Sets Type Fixed In ToolSpecification Type TE Product Specification (114-)Certification YesPower Type ManualTool Type Straight Action Hand ToolProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Out of ScopeEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Out of ScopeChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Not reviewed for China RoHS complianceEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 2016(169)Does not contain REACH SVHC 1729674-1 ACTIVEAMPTE Internal #:1729674-1Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable,Not Adjustable, Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-),Certification, ManualView on >Halogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen content Solder Process CapabilityNot applicable for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked.Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulations, TE’s information on SVHC in articles for this part number is still based on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’(Version: 2, April 2011), applying the 0.1% weight on weight concentration threshold at the finished product level. TE is aware of the European Court of Justice ruling of September 10th, 2015 also known as O5A (Once An Article Always An Article) stating that, in case of ‘complex object’, the threshold for a SVHC must be applied to both the product as a whole and simultaneously to each of the articles forming part of its composition. TE has evaluated this ruling based on the new ECHA “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” (June 2017, version 4.0) and will be updating its statements accordingly.TE Model / Part #3-1633860-2CRIMPER, WIRE FTE Model / Part #2836262-1OCEAN_2.0_Applicator-S-O42F070OVTE Model / Part #936887-00222759/33-26-7TE Model / Part #2-1579021-8CSV10 4.2 ConnSystTE Model / Part #1437000-9779-2151=DIE 622 FEM SKT USE WTE Model / Part #615571-00222759/33-26-5TE Model / Part #45160DAHT PG 22-16TE Model / Part #66102-2III+ PIN,24-20,TIN-LEAD,STRIPTE Model / Part #CAT-G7534-T111GRACE INERTIA TabTE Model / Part #CAT-G7534-R2435GRACE INERTIA ReceptacleCompatible PartsCustomers Also BoughtTE Model / Part #CB5371-000SST-48-15/FR/97/NMDocumentsProduct DrawingsSAHT FOR GIC 6.2MM PITCH W-W CONTACT L JapaneseDatasheets & Catalog PagesCrimp Term Whitepaper-Use the Right Tool 1-1773953-1 EnglishCRIMPING WHERE FORM MEETS FUNCTION EnglishBottoming DiesEnglishProduct SpecificationsGRACE INERTIA CONNECTOR 6.2MM PITCH JapaneseApplication SpecificationJapanese。
ISO 为全球各国标准化团体(ISO 会员团体)的联合会。其国际标准工作 一般是由 ISO 各技术委员会执行。每个会员团体若对技术委员会的某一课题感 兴趣,均有权作为此技术委员会的代表。任何与 ISO 保持联系的国际组织,无 论是政府的还是非政府的组织,同样可参加此项工作。ISO 与国际电气技术委员 会(IEC)在电气技术标准化方面进行紧密合作。 国际标准草案由其技术委员会认可后送各会员团体进行传阅,以待表决。 草案作为国际标准颁布至少需要 75%的会员团体投赞成票。 国际标准 ISO 14644-1 由 ISO/TC209 洁净室及相关受控环境技术委员会提 出。 ISO 14644 在洁净室及相关受控环境 的总标题下,由下述各部分组成: 第 1 部分:空气洁净度等级划分 第 2 部分:为认证与 ISO 14644-1 连续的相符性的测试和监测技术要求 第 3 部分:计量和测试方法 第 4 部分:设计、施工和启动 第 5 部分:运行 第 6 部分:术语和定义 第 7 部分:增强的洁净装置 用户应注意, 第 2 至第 7 部分的标题为第 1 部分发行时的工作标题。如果从工作 计划中删除了一部分或几部分,剩余部分可以重新编写。 附录 B 和 C 为 ISO 14644 的组成部分,附录 A、D、E 和 F 仅作资料用。
M 描述符 测得或规定的每 m3 空气中大粒子的浓度,以作为所用测试方法特性的当量直径来表示。
注 M 描述符可认为是采样点平均值的上限(或置信上限,取决于用于确定洁净室或洁净区特性的采样点 数目)不能用 M 描述符来定义悬浮粒子洁净度等级,但可以单独引用或与悬浮粒子洁净度等级一起引用。
2. 2.
注 附录 D 中给出等级计算的工作实例。
对于各种被考虑粒径应用相同方法来测定,用于认证等级粒子浓度限值具有一致性。 4. 4 测试报告
化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:7-甲基喹啉;7-甲基氮杂萘化学品英文名:7-methyl quinoline;m-toluquinoline企业名称:生产企业地址:邮编: 传真:企业应急电话:电子邮件地址:技术说明书编码:第二部分成分/组成信息√纯品混合物有害物成分浓度CAS No.7-甲基喹啉612-60-2第三部分危险性概述危险性类别:第6.1类毒害品侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收健康危害:有毒。
粉尘浓度较高的环境中,佩戴自吸过滤式防尘口罩。必要时,建议佩戴自给式 呼吸器
坠落、不损坏。严禁与氧化剂、酸类、食用化学品等混装混运。运输途中应防 曝晒、雨淋,防高温。中途停留时应远离火种、热源。车辆运输完毕应进行彻
六 次 甲 基 四 胺msds
CAS No.:
中文名称2 :
英文名称2 :
密闭操作,局部排风。操作人员必须经过专门培训,严格遵守操作规程。建议 操作人员佩戴自吸过滤式防尘口罩,戴化学安全防护眼镜,穿防毒物渗透工作 服。远离火种、热源,工作场所严禁吸烟。使用防爆型的通风系统和设备。避 免产生粉尘。避免与氧化剂、酸类接触。搬运时要轻装轻卸,防止包装及容器 损坏。配备相应品种和数量的消防器材及泄漏应急处理设备。倒空的容器可能 残留有害物。
Safety Data SheetDocument number First issued Revised date Revision Issued by Page 1796009-ENG-06 1998-02-18 2008-01-29 5 Jeanette Hasseson 1 of 4Alpacon 0091. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertakingTrade Name: Supplier:Alpacon 009 ALFA LAVAL ABHans Stahles vägProduct Type: S-147 80 TumbaEmulsion breaker SwedenTel: +46 8 530 650 00e-mail:Emergency number: +46 8 33 70 43 open 24 h2. Hazard identificationThe surfactant might cause serious damage to eyes and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environmentIf the product is used as recommended the surfactants will be soluble in oil and therefore they will be excluded in the water- phase.3. Composition/information on the ingredientsHazardous ingredients Weight-% CAS No ECNoClassification Risk PhrasesPolymer 5 – 15 - - NoneSurfactants 5 – 10 68989-03-7 - Xi, N R41, 51/53 See section 16 for explanations to R-phrases.4. First –aid measuresFirst aid – Inhalation Move to fresh air.First aid – Skin contact Wash off with plenty of water.First aid – Eye contact Rinse immediately with tepid water for several minutes. Proceedthe rinse during transport to hospital.Obtain medical attention.First aid – Ingestion Rinse mouth and drink at least 1-2 glasses of water. Do notinduce vomiting.Obtain medical attention.5. Fire- fighting measuresExtinguishing media All extinguishing media are suitable.Special hazards of product The product is not flammable. In case of fire the product mightform hazardous gases as NOx and COx.Protective equipment for fire fighting Not applicable.Fire –fight If the fire is extinguished with water environmental dangeroussubstances might be entering the environment.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions Wear suitable goggles and gloves.Environmental precautions Prevent spills from reaching sewage, wells and watercourses. Spillage Absorb spills with sand, earth or other inert material. Collect andremove for destruction.Large spillage Contact local authority7. Handling and storageHandling Do not mix with other chemicals. Use recommended personalprotection according to section 8.Storage Store in a closed container.8. Exposure control / personal protectionRespiratory protection Appropriate ventilation. Provide facilities for rinsing eyes.Skin protection Protective gloves of nitrile.Eye protection Safety goggles.Ingestion Do not eat or drink during use. Wash hands before eating.9. Physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state Clear liquid.Colour Slightly yellow.Odour Weak smell.Density at 20 °C (g/ml) 1.025± 0.005.pH (as is) at 20 °C 7-9°brix 17.8±0.6.Viscosity at 25 °C (SP01/20 rpm) (cP) 1368±130.Cloud point during heating (°C) 50ºC.Flash point >100 º C10. Stability and reactivityStability The product is stable under normal conditions, but it decomposesat high temperatures.Conditions to avoid Extreme heatMaterials to avoid None knownHazardous decomposition products None known if the product is handled as recommended. In caseof fire the product might form hazardous gases as NOx and COx.11. Toxicological informationSkin At prolonged or frequently use of the product blush might occur.Eyes The product might cause serious damage to eyes.Consumption Low acute toxicity . Might be irritating to mucous membrane.LD50 oral rat 4500mg/kgSkin irritation test rabbit Slightly irritatingEye irritation test rabbit Strongly irritatingSensibillisation Not allergenicGen toxicity Not mutagenic12. Ecological informationLC50 96h (fish) >100mg/lNOEC 96 h (fish) > 100mg/lEC50 48h (Daphnia magna) > 100mg/lNOEC 48 h (Daphnia magna) > 100 mg/lDegradation No readily bodegradable13. Disposal considerationsDisposal of product: State and local disposal regulations may differ from federaldisposal regulations. Always dispose in accordance with federal,state and local requirements.Disposal of containers: Containers should be reused or disposed of by landfill orincineration as appropriate.14. Transport informationNot classified as a hazardous substance according to transport regulations.15. Regulatory informationLabel Symbol(s): XiIrritantRisk Phrases: R36 Irritating to eyes.R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-termadverse effects in the aquatic environment.Safety Phrases: S39 Wear eye/ face protection.16. Other informationExplanations to R-phrases in section 2 R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.See also product label for product applications.Important changes have been made in section: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15.DISCLAIM OF RESPONSIBILITYAlfa Laval provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is only a guide to the potential hazards of the product. All individuals working with or around the product should be properly trained. Persons coming into contact with the product must be capable of exercising their own independent judgment concerning the conditions or methods of handling, storage and usage of the product. Alfa Laval will not be responsible for claims, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from the information provided in this Safety Data Sheet or the use, handling, storage or disposal of the product. Alfa Laval makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the information set out herein or the product to which the information refers.。
目录表—煤油的理化性质及危险特性1表-2,2-二甲基庚烷的理化性质及危险特性2 表—3,4—二甲基庚烷的理化性质及危险特性2 表—正癸烷的理化性质及危险特性3表- 硝基乙烷的理化性质及危险特性4表-1-溴丙烷的理化性质及危险特性5表—邻二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性6表—间二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性7表—对二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性8表—二甲苯异构体混合物的理化性质及危险特性9 表—1,3,5-三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性10 表—1,2,3-三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性11 表—1,2,4-三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性12 表—邻二乙基苯的理化性质及危险特性13表- 甲基异丙基苯的理化性质及危险特性14 表—苯乙烯的理化性质及危险特性15表—正丁醇的理化性质及危险特性16表—异丁醇的理化性质及危险特性17表—仲丁醇的理化性质及危险特性18表—乙二醇甲醚的理化性质及危险特性19表—乙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性20表—乙二醇二乙醚的理化性质及危险特性21表- 乙二醇异丙醚的理化性质及危险特性22表—丙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性23表- 乙酸乙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性24表—正庚醛的理化性质及危险特性25表- 二异丁基(甲)酮的理化性质及危险特性26表—环己酮的理化性质及危险特性27表- 原甲酸(三)乙酯的理化性质及危险特性28表—乙酸异戊酯的理化性质及危险特性29表- 丙酸正丁酯的理化性质及危险特性30表—丙酸正戊酯的理化性质及危险特性31表—丙烯酸正丁酯的理化性质及危险特性32表- 甲基丙烯酸正丁酯[抑制了]的的理化性质及危险特性33 表—甲基丙烯酸异丁酯的理化性质及危险特性34表—丙烯酸异丁酯[抑制了的]的理化性质及危险特性35 表—丙烯酸异辛酯的理化性质及危险特性36表—乳酸甲酯的理化性质及危险特性37表—乳酸乙酯的理化性质及危险特性38表—正硅酸乙酯的理化性质及危险特性39表—N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的理化性质和危险特性40表- 乙烯三乙氧基硅烷的理化性质及危险特性41表- 松节油的理化性质及危险特性42表- 松香水的理化性质和危险特性43表—不饱和聚酯树脂的理化性质及危险特性44 表- 丁醇改性酚醛树脂的理化性质及危险特性45 表- 聚氨酯树脂的理化性质及危险特性46表- 氨基树脂的理化性质及危险特性47表—不干性醇酸树脂的理化性质及危险特性49 表—丙烯酸树脂的理化性质及危险特性50表- 丙烯酸底漆的理化性质及危险特性51 表—丙烯酸烘漆的理化性质及危险特性52表- 硝基腻子的理化性质及危险特性53表- 铝银浆的理化性质及危险特性54表- 醇酸清漆的理化性质及危险特性55表- 氨基清烘漆的理化性质及危险特性56 表—醇酸绝缘漆的理化性质及危险特性57 表—酚醛烘漆的理化性质及危险特性58表- 酚醛清漆的理化性质及危险特性59表- 银灰酚醛磁漆的理化性质及危险特性60表- 木材防腐漆的理化性质及危险特性61 表—柴油的理化性质及危险特性62表- 一氯化苯的理化性质及危险特性63表—溴苯的理化性质及危险特性64表—糠醛的理化性质及危险特性65表- 吗啉的理化性质及危险特性66表- N,N-二甲基乙醇胺的理化性质及危险特性67 表-环戊醇的理化性质及危险特性68表—樟脑油的理化性质及危险特性69表- 松油的理化性质及危险特性70表-戊烯的理化性质及危险特性71表-α-蒎烯的理化性质及危险特性72表—β-蒎烯的理化性质及危险特性73表-氨基透明烘漆的理化性质及危险特性74表—煤油的理化性质及危险特性表—2,2—二甲基庚烷的理化性质及危险特性表-3,4—二甲基庚烷的理化性质及危险特性表—正癸烷的理化性质及危险特性表—硝基乙烷的理化性质及危险特性表-1—溴丙烷的理化性质及危险特性表—邻二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性表—间二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性表-对二甲苯的理化性质及危险特性表-二甲苯异构体混合物的理化性质及危险特性表—1,3,5—三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性表—1,2,3-三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性表-1,2,4-三甲基苯的理化性质及危险特性表—邻二乙基苯的理化性质及危险特性表-甲基异丙基苯的理化性质及危险特性表-苯乙烯的理化性质及危险特性表—正丁醇的理化性质及危险特性表—异丁醇的理化性质及危险特性表—仲丁醇的理化性质及危险特性表—乙二醇甲醚的理化性质及危险特性表-乙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性表-乙二醇二乙醚的理化性质及危险特性表—乙二醇异丙醚的理化性质及危险特性表—丙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性表—乙酸乙二醇乙醚的理化性质及危险特性表-正庚醛的理化性质及危险特性表—二异丁基(甲)酮的理化性质及危险特性表-环己酮的理化性质及危险特性表—原甲酸(三)乙酯的理化性质及危险特性表—乙酸异戊酯的理化性质及危险特性表—丙酸正丁酯的理化性质及危险特性表—丙酸正戊酯的理化性质及危险特性表—丙烯酸正丁酯的理化性质及危险特性表-甲基丙烯酸正丁酯[抑制了]的的理化性质及危险特性表-甲基丙烯酸异丁酯的理化性质及危险特性表—丙烯酸异丁酯[抑制了的]的理化性质及危险特性表-丙烯酸异辛酯的理化性质及危险特性表—乳酸甲酯的理化性质及危险特性表-乳酸乙酯的理化性质及危险特性表—正硅酸乙酯的理化性质及危险特性表—N,N—二甲基甲酰胺的理化性质和危险特性表-乙烯三乙氧基硅烷的理化性质及危险特性表—松节油的理化性质及危险特性表—松香水的理化性质和危险特性表-不饱和聚酯树脂的理化性质及危险特性表-丁醇改性酚醛树脂的理化性质及危险特性表-聚氨酯树脂的理化性质及危险特性。
SAE J1469-1995
著作权归汽车工程技术委员会有限公司1995年修订编号. 2-16B&17B 有3处被删除图1-测试顺序示意图2.1适用文件—下面的出版物在确定于此的范围内形成了此规范的一部分2.1.1 ASTM 出版物—可获取的地点:ASTM,1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187.ASTM-盐雾测试方案。
4.1.1—条件(环境) 27。
C (80。
F) 环境温度。驻车气室处于释放状态。
4.1.2测试程序4.1.2.1预处理循环—用620-830kPa(计量器)气压完全充满和排空驻车气室反复三次。用860-900 kPa(计量器)对驻车气室施加压力。允许气压在测试件内保持5min+1min。确定气压为860 kPa +7 kPa(125 1bf/in2+1 1bf/in2)(计量器)。
All dimensions are in inches and metric. All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Made in USA4/15/02 SY/EH/LSPomona ACCESS 90547 (800) 444-6785 or (909) 469-2991 Last saved by PNMore drawings available at S:\Engineering\Release\DataSheets\FlukeDataSheet \d1469_1_02.docPage 1 of 1Model 1469Adapter – Binding Post To BNC Male, Four Terminal IsolationSales: 909-469-2900 Fax: 909-629-3317 Technical Assistance: 800-241-2060FEATURES:• Permits single or double banana plugs to be used with equipment having BNC female • Provides isolation for a four terminal network • Binding posts facilitate connections of test leads or additional components• Bright tin plated solder turret terminals provide permanent noise-free connectionsMATERIALS:Upper Conn: Binding Posts, Insulated Material: Binding Post Body – Brass per QQ- B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard Finish: Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches Insulation: Polycarbonate Color: One red, one black Insulation: Polypropylene molded to binding posts and BNC Male, Color: BlackLower Conn: BNC Male Finish: Body and Fittings – Tarnish resistant Nominal Impedance: 50 OhmsCenter Contact – Gold plated per requirements of MIL-C-39012 Terminals:Material: Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ HardFinish: Bright tin plated per MIL-T-10727 Type I, 100/250 microinchesRATINGS:Operating Temperature: +55º C. (+131º F.) Max. Operating Voltage: Hand-held Testing:30VAC/60VDC Max. Hands Free Testing inControlled Voltage Environments: 500 VRMS Max.ORDERING INFORMATION: Model 1469Marking: “1469 POMONA”/分销商库存信息: POMONA1469。
TROPICAL FORESTRY VOL.41NO.4Dec.2013半枫荷(Semiliquidambar Cathayesis)属金缕梅科(Hamamelidaceae)常绿乔木,具有枫香属(Liq原uidambar)和蕈树属(Altingia)两属间的综合性状,是我国二级重点保护野生植物,叶异型,兼有枫香和木荷叶的形状,故名半枫荷。
1仪器与试剂1.1仪器所用仪器有:P er ki n E i m er l am bda750s U V/V I S/N I R光谱仪用于测定鞣酸含量;W at er s 2695-2487高效液相色谱仪,用于β-谷甾醇的含量测定;安捷伦6890N气相色谱仪,用于硬脂酸的含量测定。
2.2方法与结果2.2.1鞣酸含量的测定(1)供试品制备:将半枫荷干燥叶粉碎、过10目筛,取1.0015g的半枫荷叶粉末,置100m L具塞锥形瓶中,用石油醚(30~60℃)浸泡2次,每次15m L,倾去石油醚,烘干,加甲醇25m L冷浸15m i n.,超声提取2次,40m i n./次,合并滤液,转移至50m L容量瓶中,甲醇定容至刻度,过0.22μm有机滤膜后装入2m L样品瓶待测定。
(2)波长选择:精密吸取鞣酸0.1m g/m L的溶液,在波200~400nm波长范围内进行紫外扫描,得吸收光谱图,从吸收光谱图可确定检测波长为275nm。
2.2.2β-谷甾醇含量的测定(1)供试品制备:将半枫荷干燥叶粉碎、过10目筛,取1.0072g的金缕半枫荷粉末,加入10m L95%乙半枫荷的叶片活性成分测定陈国德,吴海霞(海南省林业科学研究所通什分所,海南五指山,572200)摘要:半枫荷是民间用于治疗风湿跌打、瘀积肿痛和产后风瘫等的有效药物。
ACI 349
ACI 349-06 supersedes ACI 349/349R-01, was adopted November 7, 2006, and was published September 2007.Copyright © 2007, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.349-1ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning,designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains.The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-06) and CommentaryAn ACI StandardReported by ACI Committee 349ACI 349-06This standard covers the proper design and construction of concrete structures that form part of a nuclear power plant and that have nuclear safety-related functions, but does not cover concrete reactor vessels and concrete containment structures (as defined by Joint ACI-ASME Committee 359).The structures covered by the Code include concrete structures inside and outside the containment system.This Code may be referenced and applied subject to agreement between the owner and the Regulatory Authority.All notation sections have been removed from the beginning of each chapter and consolidated into one list in Chapter 2.The format of this Code is based on the “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05)” and incorporates recent revisions of that standard.The commentary, which is presented after the Code, discusses some of the considerations of ACI Committee 349 in developing “Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-06).” This information is provided in the commentary because the Code is written as a legal document and therefore cannot present background details or suggestions for carrying out its requirements.Keywords : admixtures; aggregates; anchorage (structural); authority having jurisdiction (AHJ); beam-column frame; beams (supports); building codes; cements; cold weather construction; columns (supports); combined stress; composite construction (concrete and steel); composite construction (concrete to concrete); compressive strength; concrete construction;concretes; concrete cover; concrete slabs; construction joints; continuity (structural); cracking (fracturing); creep properties; curing; deep beams;deflection; drawings (drafting); earthquake-resistant structures; edge beams; embedded service ducts; flexural strength; floors; folded plates;footings; formwork (construction); frames; hot weather construction;inspection; joists; load tests (structural); loads (forces); mixing; mixture proportioning; modulus of elasticity; moments; nuclear power plants;nuclear reactor containments; nuclear reactor safety; nuclear reactors; pipe columns; pipes (tubes); placing; precast concrete; prestressed concrete;prestressing steels; quality control; reinforced concrete; reinforcing steels;roofs; safety; serviceability; shear strength; shearwalls; shells (structural forms); spans; specifications; splicing; strength; strength analysis; structural analysis; structural design; T-beams; temperature; torsion; walls; water;welded wire reinforcement.CONTENTSCODEChapter 1—General requirements, p. 349-61.1—Scope1.2—Drawings and specifications 1.3—Inspection1.4—Approval of special systems of design or construction 1.5—Quality assurance programHansraj G. Ashar Partha S. Ghosal Jagadish R. Joshi Bozidar Stojadinovic Ranjit L. BandyopadhyayHerman L. Graves III Richard E. Klingner Barendra K. Talukdar Peter J. CarratoOrhan Gurbuz Nam-Ho Lee Donald T. Ward Ronald A. Cook James A. Hammell Dan J. Naus Andrew S. Whittaker Rolf Eligehausen Gunnar A. Harstead Dragos A. Nuta Albert Y . C. Wong Werner Fuchs Christopher Heinz Richard S. OrrCharles A. ZalesiakBranko GalunicCharles J. HookhamRonald J. JanowiakChair349-2ACI STANDARDChapter 2—Notation and definitions, p. 349-72.1—Code notation2.2—DefinitionsChapter 3—Materials, p. 349-173.1—Tests of materials3.2—Cements3.3—Aggregates3.4—Water3.5—Steel reinforcement3.6—Admixtures3.7—Storage and identification of materials3.8—Referenced standardsChapter 4—Durability requirements, p. 349-214.1—Water-cementitious material ratio4.2—Freezing and thawing exposures4.3—Sulfate exposures4.4—Corrosion protection of reinforcementChapter 5—Concrete quality, mixing, and placing, p. 349-225.1—General5.2—Selection of concrete proportions5.3—Proportioning on the basis of field experience or trialmixtures, or both5.4—Proportioning without field experience or trialmixtures5.5—Average compressive strength reduction5.6—Evaluation and acceptance of concrete5.7—Preparation of equipment and place of deposit5.8—Mixing5.9—Conveying5.10—Depositing5.11—Curing5.12—Cold weather requirements5.13—Hot weather requirementsChapter 6—Formwork, embedded pipes, and construction joints, p. 349-266.1—Design of formwork6.2—Removal of forms, shores, and reshoring6.3—Conduits and pipes embedded in concrete6.4—Construction jointsChapter 7—Details of reinforcement, p. 349-287.1—Standard hooks7.2—Minimum bend diameters7.3—Bending7.4—Surface conditions of reinforcement7.5—Placing reinforcement7.6—Spacing limits for reinforcement7.7—Concrete protection for reinforcement7.8—Special reinforcement details for columns7.9—Connections7.10—Lateral reinforcement for compression members 7.11—Lateral reinforcement for flexural members7.12—Minimum reinforcement7.13—Requirements for structural integrity Chapter 8—Analysis and design—general considerations, p. 349-328.1—Design methods8.2—Loading8.3—Methods of analysis8.4—Redistribution of negative moments in continuousflexural members8.5—Modulus of elasticity8.6—Stiffness8.7—Span length8.8—Columns8.9—Arrangement of live load8.10—T-beam construction8.11—Joist construction8.12—Separate floor finishChapter 9—Strength and serviceability requirements, p. 349-349.1—General9.2—Required strength9.3—Design strength9.4—Design strength for reinforcement9.5—Control of deflectionsChapter 10—Flexure and axial loads, p. 349-37 10.1—Scope10.2—Design assumptions10.3—General principles and requirements10.4—D istance between lateral supports of flexuralmembers10.5—Minimum reinforcement of flexural members 10.6—Distribution of flexural reinforcement in beams andone-way slabs10.7—Deep beams10.8—Design dimensions for compression members 10.9—Limits for reinforcement of compression members 10.10—Slenderness effects in compression members 10.11—Magnified moments—general10.12—Magnified moments—nonsway frames10.13—Magnified moments—sway frames10.14—Axially loaded members supporting slab system 10.15—Transmission of column loads through floorsystem10.16—Composite compression members10.17—Bearing strengthChapter 11—Shear and torsion, p. 349-4211.1—Shear strength11.2—Lightweight concrete11.3—Shear strength provided by concrete for non-prestressed members11.4—Shear strength provided by concrete for prestressedmembers11.5—Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement 11.6—Design for torsion11.7—Shear-friction11.8—Deep beams11.9—Special provisions for brackets and corbels11.10—Special provisions for wallsCODE REQUIREMENTS FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY-RELATED CONCRETE STRUCTURES349-311.11—Transfer of moments to columns11.12—Special provisions for slabs and footings Chapter 12—Development and splices of reinforcement, p. 349-5112.1—Development of reinforcement—general12.2—Development of deformed bars and deformed wirein tension12.3—Development of deformed bars and deformed wirein compression12.4—Development of bundled bars12.5—Development of standard hooks in tension12.6—Mechanical anchorage12.7—Development of welded deformed wire reinforce-ment in tension12.8—D evelopment of welded plain wire reinforcementin tension12.9—Development of prestressing strand12.10—Development of flexural reinforcement—general 12.11—Development of positive moment reinforcement 12.12—Development of negative moment reinforcement 12.13—Development of web reinforcement12.14—Splices of reinforcement—general12.15—Splices of deformed bars and deformed wire intension12.16—Splices of deformed bars in compression12.17—Special splice requirements for columns12.18—Splices of welded deformed wire reinforcement intension12.19—Splices of welded plain wire reinforcement intensionChapter 13—Two-way slab systems, p. 349-56 13.1—Scope13.2—Definitions13.3—Slab reinforcement13.4—Openings in slab systems13.5—Design procedures13.6—Direct design method13.7—Equivalent frame methodChapter 14—Walls, p. 349-6214.1—Scope14.2—General14.3—Minimum reinforcement14.4—Walls designed as compression members14.5—Empirical design method14.6—Nonbearing walls14.7—Walls as grade beams14.8—Alternative design of slender wallsChapter 15—Footings, p. 349-6315.1—Scope15.2—Loads and reactions15.3—Footings supporting circular or regular polygon-shaped columns or pedestals15.4—Moment in footings15.5—Shear in footings15.6—Development of reinforcement in footings15.7—Minimum footing depth15.8—Transfer of force at base of column, wall, orreinforced pedestal15.9—Sloped or stepped footings15.10—Combined footings and matsChapter 16—Precast concrete, p. 349-6516.1—Scope16.2—General16.3—Distribution of forces among members16.4—Member design16.5—Structural integrity16.6—Connection and bearing design16.7—Items embedded after concrete placement16.8—Marking and identification16.9—Handling16.10—Strength evaluation of precast constructionChapter 17—Composite concrete flexural members, p. 349-6717.1—Scope17.2—General17.3—Shoring17.4—Vertical shear strength17.5—Horizontal shear strength17.6—Ties for horizontal shearChapter 18—Prestressed concrete, p. 349-6818.1—Scope18.2—General18.3—Design assumptions18.4—Serviceability requirements—flexural members 18.5—Permissible stresses in prestressing steel18.6—Loss of prestress18.7—Flexural strength18.8—Limits for reinforcement of flexural members 18.9—Minimum bonded reinforcement18.10—Statically indeterminate structures18.11—Compression members—combined flexure andaxial loads18.12—Slab systems18.13—Post-tensioned tendon anchorage zones18.14—Intentionally left blank18.15—Intentionally left blank18.16—Corrosion protection for unbonded tendons18.17—Post-tensioning ducts18.18—Grout for bonded tendons18.19—Protection for prestressing steel18.20—Application and measurement of prestressing force 18.21—Post-tensioning anchorages and couplers18.22—External post-tensioningChapter 19—Shells, p. 349-7319.1—Scope19.2—General19.3—Design strength of materials19.4—Section design and reinforcement requirements 19.5—Construction349-4ACI STANDARDChapter 20—Strength evaluation of existing structures, p. 349-7420.1—Strength evaluation—general20.2—Analytical investigations—general20.3—Load tests—general20.4—Load test procedure20.5—Loading criteria20.6—Acceptance criteria20.7—SafetyChapter 21—Provisions for seismic design,p. 349-7521.1—Definitions21.2—General requirements21.3—Flexural members of moment frames21.4—Moment frame members subjected to bending andaxial load21.5—Joints of moment frames21.6—Intentionally left blank21.7—Reinforced concrete structural walls and couplingbeams21.8—Intentionally left blank21.9—Structural diaphragms and trusses21.10—FoundationsAPPENDIXESAppendix A—Strut-and-tie models, p. 349-82A.1—DefinitionsA.2—Strut-and-tie model design procedureA.3—Strength of strutsA.4—Strength of tiesA.5—Strength of nodal zonesAppendix B—Intentionally left blank, p. 349-84Appendix C—Alternative load and strength- reduction factors, p. 349-84C.1—GeneralC.2—Required strengthC.3—Design strengthAppendix D—Anchoring to concrete, p. 349-85 D.1—DefinitionsD.2—ScopeD.3—General requirementsD.4—General requirements for strength of anchorsD.5—Design requirements for tensile loadingD.6—Design requirements for shear loadingD.7—Interaction of tensile and shear forcesD.8—Required edge distances, spacings, and thicknessesto preclude splitting failureD.9—Installation of anchorsD.10—Structural plates, shapes, and specialty inserts D.11—Shear strength of embedded plates and shear lugs D.12—Grouted embedmentsAppendix E—Thermal considerations, p. 349-92 E.1—ScopeE.2—DefinitionsE.3—General design requirementsE.4—Concrete temperaturesAppendix F—Special provisions for impulsive and impactive effects, p. 349-93F.1—ScopeF.2—Dynamic strength increaseF.3—DeformationF.4—Requirements to assure ductilityF.5—Shear strengthF.6—Impulsive effectsF.7—Impactive effectsF.8—Impactive and impulsive loadsAppendix G—SI metric equivalents of U.S. Customary Units, p. 349-96COMMENTARYIntroduction, p. 349-101Chapter R1—General requirements, p. 349-101R1.1—ScopeR1.2—Drawings and specificationsR1.3—InspectionR1.4—Approval of special systems of design or construction R1.5—Quality assurance programChapter R2—Notation and definitions, p. 349-102 R2.1—Commentary notationR2.2—DefinitionsChapter R3—Materials, p. 349-102R3.1—Tests of materialsR3.2—CementsR3.3—AggregatesR3.4—WaterR3.5—Steel reinforcementR3.6—AdmixturesR3.7—Storage and identification of materialsChapter R4—Durability requirements, p. 349-104R4.2—Freezing and thawing exposuresR4.3—Sulfate exposuresR4.4—Corrosion protection of reinforcementChapter R5—Concrete quality, mixing, and placing, p. 349-105R5.1—GeneralR5.3—Proportioning on the basis of field experience, or trial mixtures, or bothR5.4—Proportioning without field experience or trial mixturesR5.6—Evaluation and acceptance of concreteR5.7—Preparation of equipment and place of depositR5.9—ConveyingR5.10—DepositingR5.11—CuringR5.12—Cold weather requirementsR5.13—Hot weather requirementsCODE REQUIREMENTS FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY-RELATED CONCRETE STRUCTURES349-5Chapter R6—Formwork, embedded pipes, and construction joints, p. 349-108R6.1—Design of formworkR6.2—Removal of forms, shores, and reshoringR6.3—Conduits and pipes embedded in concreteR6.4—Construction jointsChapter R7—Details of reinforcement, p. 349-108 R7.4—Surface conditions of reinforcementR7.12—Minimum reinforcementR7.13—Requirements for structural integrityChapter R8—Analysis and design—general considerations, p. 349-109R8.2—LoadingR8.3—Methods of analysisR8.5—Modulus of elasticityR8.11—Joist constructionChapter R9—Strength and serviceability requirements, p. 349-109R9.1—GeneralR9.2—Required strengthR9.3—Design strengthR9.4—Design strength for reinforcementR9.5—Control of deflectionsChapter R10—Flexure and axial loads, p. 349-113 R10.6—D istribution of flexural reinforcement in beams and one-way slabsChapter R11—Shear and torsion, p. 349-113R11.12—Special provisions for slabs and footingsChapter R12—Development and splices of reinforcement, p. 349-113R12.6—Mechanical anchorageR12.14—Splices of reinforcement—generalR12.15—Splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in tensionChapter R13—Two-way slab systems, p. 349-114Chapter R14—Walls, p. 349-114R14.3—Minimum reinforcementChapter R15—Footings, p. 349-114Chapter R16—Precast concrete, p. 349-114Chapter R17—Composite concrete flexural members, p. 349-114Chapter R18—Prestressed concrete, p. 349-114Chapter R19—Shells, p. 349-114R19.1—ScopeR19.2—GeneralR19.4—Section design and reinforcement requirements Chapter 20—Strength evaluation of existing structures, p. 349-115R20.1—Strength evaluation—generalR20.2—Analytical investigations—generalR20.3—Load tests—generalR20.4—Load test procedureR20.5—Loading criteriaR20.6—Acceptance criteriaChapter R21—Provisions for seismic design,p. 349-116R21.1—DefinitionsR21.2—General requirementsR21.3—Flexural members of moment framesR21.4—Moment frame members subjected to bending and axial loadR21.5—Joints of moment framesR21.6—Intentionally left blankR21.7—Reinforced concrete structural walls and coupling beamsR21.8—Intentionally left blankR21.9—Structural diaphragms and trussesR21.10—FoundationsAPPENDIXESAppendix RA—Strut-and-tie models, p. 349-127Appendix RB—Intentionally left blank, p. 349-127Appendix RC—Alternative load and design strength-reduction factors, p. 349-127RC.1—GeneralRC.2—Required strengthRC.3—Design strengthAppendix RD—Anchoring to concrete, p. 349-128 RD.1—DefinitionsRD.2—ScopeRD.3—General requirementsRD.4—General requirements for strength of anchors RD.5—Design requirements for tensile loadingRD.6—Design requirements for shear loadingRD.7—Interaction of tensile and shear forcesRD.8—Required edge distances, spacings, and thicknesses to preclude splitting failureRD.9—Installation of anchorsRD.10—Structural plates, shapes, and specialty inserts RD.11—Shear strength of embedded plates and shear lugs Appendix RE—Thermal considerations, p. 349-141 RE.1—ScopeRE.2—DefinitionsRE.3—General design requirementsRE.4—Concrete temperaturesAppendix RF—Special provisions for impulsive and impactive effects, p. 349-144RF.1—ScopeRF.2—Dynamic strength increaseRF.3—Deformation349-6ACI STANDARDRF.4—Requirements to assure ductilityRF.5—Shear strengthRF.6—Impulsive effectsRF.7—Impactive effectsRF.8—Impactive and impulsive loadsSummary of changes for 349-06 Code, p. 349-150 CODECHAPTER 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1.1—Scope1.1.1 This Code provides minimum requirements for design and construction of nuclear safety-related concrete structures and structural members for nuclear power generating stations. Safety-related structures and structural members subject to this standard are those concrete structures that support, house, or protect nuclear safety class systems or component parts of nuclear safety class systems. Specifically excluded from this Code are those structures covered by “Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments,” ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Division 2, and pertinent General Requirements (ACI 359).This Code includes design and loading conditions that are unique to nuclear facilities, including shear design under biaxial tension conditions, consideration of thermal and seismic effects, and impact and impulsive loads.For structural concrete, f c′ shall not be less than 2500 psi, unless otherwise specified.1.1.2 This Code shall govern in all matters pertaining to design and construction of reinforced concrete structures, as defined in 1.1.1, except wherever this Code is in conflict with the specific provisions of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).1.1.3 This Code shall govern in all matters pertaining to design, construction, and material properties wherever this Code is in conflict with requirements contained in other standards referenced in this Code.1.1.4 For special structures, such as arches, tanks, reservoirs, bins and silos, blast-resistant structures, and chimneys, provisions of this Code shall govern where applicable.1.1.5 Intentionally left blank.1.1.6 Intentionally left blank.1.1.7Concrete on steel form deck1.1.7.1 D esign and construction of structural concrete slabs cast on stay-in-place, noncomposite steel form deck are governed by this Code. This Code does not govern the design of structural concrete slabs cast on stay-in-place, composite steel form deck. Concrete used in the construction of such slabs shall be governed by Chapters 1 through 7 of this Code, where applicable.1.1.8Special provisions for earthquake resistance—Provisions of Chapter 21 shall be satisfied. See—Drawings and specifications1.2.1 Copies of design drawings, typical details, and specifications for all structural concrete construction shall bear the seal of a licensed engineer. These drawings (including supplementary drawings to generate the as-built condition), typical details, and specifications shall be retained by the owner, or his designee, as a permanent record for the life of the structure. As a minimum, these drawings, details, and specifications together shall show:(a)Name and date of issue of Code and supplement towhich design conforms;(b)Live load and other loads used in design;(c)Specified compressive strength of concrete at statedages or stages of construction for which each part of structure is designed;(d)Specified strength or grade of reinforcement;(e)Size and location of all structural members, reinforcement,and anchors;(f)Provision for dimensional changes resulting from creep,shrinkage, and temperature;(g)Magnitude and location of prestressing forces;(h)Anchorage length of reinforcement and location andlength of lap splices;(i)Type and location of mechanical and welded splices ofreinforcement;(j)Details and location of all contraction or isolation joints; (k)Minimum concrete compressive strength at time of post tensioning;(l)Stressing sequence for post-tensioning tendons; (m)Statement if slab-on-ground is designed as a structural diaphragm, see Calculations pertinent to design and the basis of design (including the results of model analysis, if any) shall be retained by the owner or his designee, as a permanent record for the life of the structure. Accompanying these calculations shall be a statement of the applicable design and analysis methods. When computer programs are used, design assumptions and identified input and output data may be retained instead of calculations. Model analysis shall be permitted to supplement calculations.1.3—Inspection1.3.1 The owner is responsible for the inspection of concrete construction throughout all work stages. The owner shall require compliance with design drawings and specifications. The owner shall also keep records required for quality assurance and traceability of construction, fabrication, material procurement, manufacture, or installation.1.3.2 The owner shall be responsible for designating the records to be maintained and the duration of retention. Records pertinent to plant modifications or revisions, in-service inspections, and durability and performance of structures shall be maintained for the life of the plant. The owner shall be responsible for continued maintenance of the records. The records shall be maintained at the power plant site, or at other locations as determined by the owner. As a minimum, the following installation/construction records shall be considered for lifetime retention:(a)Check-off sheets for tendon, reinforcing steel, andanchor installation;(b)Concrete cylinder test reports and charts;。
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TE Part Number: 6-146477-9
Add to Part List .100 inch Stacking Connector
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
?Number of Positions = 19
?Number of Rows = Single
?Thermoplastic Housing Material
?Termination (Solder) Post Length =
33.78 mm
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
?Product Type = Header
?Number of Positions = 19
?PCB Retention Feature = No
?Post Size (mm [in]) = 0.64 [.025]
?Connector Type = Stacking
?Board Standoff = Without
?Surface Mount Compatible = No
Mechanical Attachment:
?Mating Post Length (mm [in]) = 2.79 [0.110]
Electrical Characteristics:
?Contact Current Rating (Amps.) = 3
?Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (V) = 750
?Insulation Resistance (M?) = 5,000
Termination Related Features:
?Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) =
33.78 [1.330]
?Solder Tail Contact Plating = Tin over Nickel
Body Related Features:
?Number of Rows = Single
?Centerline, Matrix (mm [in]) = 2.54 [.100] Contact Related Features:
?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = Tin
?Contact Shape = Square
?Approved Standards = UL E28476, CSA LE7189 ?Contact Material = Copper Alloy
Housing Related Features:
?Housing Material = Thermoplastic
?Housing Color = Black
Configuration Related Features:
?Stack Height (mm [in]) = 27.94 [1.100]
Industry Standards:
?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV
?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder
capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°
C, Wave solder capable to 265°C
?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was
RoHS compliant
Conditions for Usage:
?Operating Temperature (°C) = -65 –+125 Other:
?Brand = Tyco Electronics
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