



July 1994
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
2 x 12 W hi-fi audio power amplifier
CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Supply voltage range operating mode input mute mode Repetitive peak output current VP = ± 16 V; RL = 8 Ω; Tamb = 25 °C; f = 1 kHz Total quiescent current Output power Total harmonic distortion Power bandwidth PO = 6 W THD = 0,5% note 1 Voltage gain Gain balance Noise output voltage (r.m.s, value); unweighted (20 Hz to 20 kHz) Input impedance Ripple rejection Channel separation Input bias current DC output offset voltage with respect to ground VOFF − 30 note 2 RS = 0 Ω RS = 2 kΩ Vno(rms) |Zi SVRR α Iib − 14 40 46 − 70 20 60 70 0,3 B GV ∆GV 29 − 20 to 20k 30 0,2 THD − 0,15 without RL THD = 0,5% THD = 10% Itot PO PO 18 10 12 40 12 15 IORM 2,2 − VP VP ± 7,5 ± 2,0 ± 16,0 − CONDITIONS SYMBOL MIN. TYP.



DW15系列万能式断路器主要技术参数日期:2006-10-21 16:51:01 浏览:10602 [大中小]上一页[1] [2] [3] 下一页用途DW15-200,400,630,1000,1600A万能式断路器和DW15C-200,400,630抽屉式万能断路器适用于交流380V50HZ配电网络中作为分配电能,保护线路及电源设备的过载,欠电压和短路保护之用,在正常条件下也可作为电路的不频繁转换及电动的不频繁起动之用。













结构图1.灭弧罩 5.合闸电磁铁2.导电系统6.控制系统3.断路器本体7.操作手柄4.抽屉座技术参数及性能DW15-200-1600断路器的额定电流及整定电流值壳架等级额定电流A 过电流脱扣器额定电流A过电流脱扣整定值A长延时短延时瞬时热电磁式电磁式电子式热-电磁式电子式电子式电子式热-电磁式电磁式DWX15-200-630断路器长延时过电流脱扣器的额定电流,电流整定值范围断路器的额定短路通断能力,最小额定接通能力,在380V额定工作电压时飞弧距离断路器的欠电压脱扣器,分励脱扣器,电磁铁,电动机操作的额定工作电压及所需最大瞬时功率长延时过电流脱扣器的反时限过载特性上一页[1] [2] [3] 下一页。

JZ8P1521 8 位OTP 微控制器用户手册

JZ8P1521 8 位OTP 微控制器用户手册

J JZ8P1521Z 8位OTP微控制器用户数据手册版本号V1.5修改记录说明版本号修改说明备注V1.0完成初稿V1.1修改部分寄存器描述V1.2修改PWM控制寄存器的描述V1.3修改端口上拉电阻参数V1.4添加910KHz频率V1.5新增6脚脚位说明声明:●本资料内容,随产品的改进,会进行相应更新,恕不另行通知。







目录1芯片简介 (6)1.1功能特性 (6)1.2引脚分配 (7)1.3引脚说明 (8)2存储器结构 (9)2.1程序存储器区 (9)2.2数据存储器区 (9)2.2.1RPAGE\IOPAGE\Bank数据寄存器区 (9)3功能模块 (11)3.1操作寄存器 (11)3.1.1RPAGE~R0(间接地址存储器) (11)3.1.2RPAGE~R1(TCC定时计数器) (11)3.1.3RPAGE~R2(PC程序计数器) (11)3.1.4RPAGE~R3(STATUS状态寄存器) (11)3.1.5RPAGE~R4(FSR RAM选择寄存器) (12)3.1.6RPAGE~R5(PORT5数据寄存器) (12)3.1.7RPAGE~R6(PORT6数据寄存器) (12)3.1.8RPAGE~R7(LVD控制寄存器) (12)3.1.9RPAGE~R8(PWM控制寄存器) (13)3.1.10RPAGE~R9(PWM周期寄存器) (14)3.1.11RPAGE~RA(PWM1占空比寄存器) (14)3.1.12RPAGE~RB(PWM2占空比寄存器) (14)3.1.13RPAGE~RC(PWM3占空比寄存器) (14)3.1.14RPAGE~RD(P6端口中断唤醒使能寄存器) (14)3.1.15RPAGE~RE(CPU模式控制寄存器) (14)3.1.16RPAGE~RF(中断标志寄存器) (15)3.2控制寄存器 (16)3.2.1CONT(控制寄存器) (16)3.2.2IOPAGE~IOC5(P5方向控制寄存器) (16)3.2.3IOPAGE~IOC6(P6方向控制寄存器) (17)3.2.4IOPAGE~IOC9(端口上下拉控制寄存器) (17)3.2.5IOPAGE~IOCB(端口下拉控制寄存器) (17)3.2.6IOPAGE~IOCD(P6端口上拉控制寄存器) (17)3.2.7IOPAGE~IOCE(看门狗控制寄存器) (17)3.2.8IOPAGF~IOCF(中断使能控制寄存器) (18)3.3GPIO功能模块 (19)以上参数仅做参考,请以目标样机实测数据为准。

卡洛·加 Ва茨自动化设备 Midi 电磁开关器型号说明书

卡洛·加 Ва茨自动化设备 Midi 电磁开关器型号说明书

Table of Specifications
C3C- Ptyoplee PPoowwer Conttaaccttoorrss
Automation Components
Terminal type
Screw or Lug
Screw Only
CC130 ~ CC150 2NO2NC aux
CC185 ~ CC225 2NO2NC aux
CC265 ~ CC400 2NO2NC aux
CC500 ~ CC800 2NO2NC aux
To instantly view a data sheet and specify products, visit 90
CC185 ~ CC225 AC coil
reversing combination shown with GT225 and aux contacts
CC265 ~ CC400 AC coil
reversing combination shown with GT400 and aux contacts
To instantly view a data sheet and specify products, visit 100
Table of Specifications
Automation Components
Screw or Lug
CC85 Screw or Lug
GUA-1 GUA-2, GUA-4
GUA-1 GUA-2, GUA-4



1.510 1.550 38.35 39.37
0.760 0.780 19.30 19.81
1.07 0.038 0.042
0.080 0.100 2.03
Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
Power Supply Voltage (VCC) ................................................................................................................................. ±50VDC Differential Input Voltage ......................................................................................................................................±VCC -3V Common Mode Input Voltage .....................................................................................................................................±VCC Operating Temperature Range (case) .................................................................................................... -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Output Current ..................................................................................................................................................... 5A Peak Power Dissipation at TC = 25°C ..................................................................................................................................67W Lead Temperature (Soldering < 10 sec)................................................................................................................. +300°C

ゼノア 刈払机畦草刈用アタッチメント LHTZ-A 取扱说明书

ゼノア 刈払机畦草刈用アタッチメント LHTZ-A 取扱说明书
● 刈刃を水にぬらしたまま放置したり、駆動部を水につけたりしないでください。錆び付きや故障の原因と なります。
■アタッチメントの取 り付 け
(1) 刈払機本体のギヤケースにある回り止め ネジとギヤケース固定ボルトをゆるめて、 ギヤケースを取りはずしてください。
(2) アタッチメントの取付部に仮締めされてい る回り止めネジを取りはずしてください。
グリース ニップル
グリース ニップル
■ギヤケースへの給 脂
使用 20 時間毎を目安にギヤケース内部に指 定グリースを補充してください。
補充時はグリースガンを使い、3 ヶ所のグリ ースニップルから注入してください。(図 4)
指定グリース ゼノア純正パワーグリース(品番:3180-96250) またはリチウム系耐熱用グリース(#2)
■製 品 主 要 緒 元
全長×全幅×全高 ------620×130×113(㎜) 重量 ------------------------------ 1.6kg 有効刈幅 ------------------------- 405 ㎜ 刃ピッチ --------------------------- 30 ㎜
ト)、フェイスプロテクタ(顔面防護具)を着用してください。 ●本体の取扱いについては本体の取扱説明書を参照してください。。

● エンジンの排気量が 25cc 以上の刈払機に装着する場合は、出力が大きいためスロットル半開で使用し てください。
● 本機には、過大な外力による刈刃や駆動ギヤの損傷を防ぐため過負荷保護機構が内蔵されています。 作業中頻繁に枝をかみ込む場合は、以下事項を確認して下さい。 ※ 枝の太さ:刈り込む枝の太さは5㎜位までとし、必要以上に太い枝は切らないでください。 ※ 刃先の状態:磨耗したり刃こぼれしていると切断能力が低下し、枝をかみ込みやすくなります。

ZWS150PAF-24JA中文资料(DENSEI-LAMBDA)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

ZWS150PAF-24JA中文资料(DENSEI-LAMBDA)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

P134 P209
(Unit: mm)
(Unit: mm)
(Unit: mm)
MAW-1203-22 GO!!
P134 P209
(Unit: mm)
Nominal output voltage
3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V
36V 48V 3.3V 5V 12V 15V
24V 36V 48V 24V 36V 3.3V
5V 12V 15V 24V 36V 48V
Max. output current
15A 15A 6.3A 5A 3.2A
2.1A 1.6A 20A 20A 8.5A 6.7A
ZWS-PF -系列
ZWS75PF (STD型号:MOLEX连接器) ZWS75PF (/ J型:JST连接器) ZWS75PF (/ JA类型:有盖型JST连接器)
MAW-1203-22 GO!!
120.0W 120.0W 120.0W
180.0W 180.0W 180.0W
UL CSA EN : Safety standard approved
ZWS-AF -系列
ZWS50AF (STD型号:MOLEX连接器,/ J型:JST连接器)
ZWS50AF (/ JA类型:有盖型)
ZWS75PF,ZWS100PF(输入功率:50W以上) ZWS120PPF,ZWS150PF(输入功率:over75W)



1)Mounted on P.C. board with 50 mm 2 copper pads at each terminalMontage auf Leiterplatte mit 50 mm 2 Kupferbelag (Lötpad) an jedem Anschluß2)Tested with pulses – Gemessen mit Impulsen 3)The Z2SMB 1 is a diode operated in forward. Hence, the index of all parameters should be “F” instead of “Z”. The cathode, indicated by a white band is to be connected to the negative pole.Die Z2SMB 1 ist eine in Durchlaß betriebene Si-Diode. Daher ist bei allen Kenn- und Grenzwerten der Index “F” anstatt “Z” zu setzten. Die mit weißem Balken gekennzeichnete Kathode ist mit dem Minuspol zu verbinden.20228.02.2002Surface mount Silicon-Zener Diodes Flächendiffundierte Si-Zener-Dioden(non-planar technology)für die OberflächenmontageMaximum power dissipation 2 W Maximale VerlustleistungNominal Z-voltage – Nominale Z-Spannung 1…200 V Plastic case~ SMB Kunststoffgehäuse~ DO-214AAWeight approx. – Gewicht ca.0.1 gPlastic material has UL classification 94V-0Gehäusematerial UL94V-0 klassifiziertDimensions / Maße in mmStandard packaging taped and reeled see page 18Standard Lieferform gegurtet auf Rolle siehe Seite 18Standard Zener voltage tolerance is graded to the international E 24 (~5%) standard.Other voltage tolerances and higher Zener voltages on request.Die Toleranz der Zener-Spannung ist in der Standard-Ausführung gestuft nach derinternationalen Reihe E 24 (~5%). Andere Toleranzen oder höhere Arbeitsspannungen auf Anfrage.Maximum ratings and Characteristics Grenz- und KennwertePower dissipation – VerlustleistungT A = 25/C P tot 2 W 1)Non repetitive peak power dissipation, t < 10 ms T A = 25/CP ZSM 40 WEinmalige Impuls-Verlustleistung, t < 10 msOperating junction temperature – Sperrschichttemperatur T j – 50...+150/C Storage temperature – Lagerungstemperatur T S – 50...+175/C Thermal resistance junction to ambient airR thA < 60 K/W 1)Wärmewiderstand Sperrschicht – umgebende Luft Thermal resistance junction to terminal R thT< 15 K/WWärmewiderstand Sperrschicht – AnschlußZener voltages see table on next page – Zener-Spannungen siehe Tabelle auf der nächsten Seite1)Notes see previous page – Fußnoten siehe vorhergehende Seite 20328.02.2002Maximum ratingsGrenzwerteType TypZener voltage 2)Zener-Spanng.2)I Z = I ZtestV zmin [V] V zmax Test cur.Meß-strom I ztest [mA]Dyn. resistance Diff. Widerst.I ztest / 1 kHz r zj [S ]Temp. Coeffiz.of Z-voltage …der Z-spanng."VZ [10-4 //C]Reverse volt.Sperrspanng.I R = 1 :AV R [V] Z-current 1) Z-Strom 1)T A = 50/C I Zmax [mA]Z2 SMB 1 3)0.710.821000.5 (<1)–26…–16–1000Z2 SMB 3.9 3.7 4.1100 4 (<6)–7…+2–488Z2 SMB 4.3 4.0 4.6100 3.8 (<6)–7…+3–435Z2 SMB 4.7 4.4 5.0100 3 (<5)–7…+4–400Z2 SMB 5.1 4.8 5.4100 2 (<3)–6…+5–370Z2 SMB 5.6 5.2 6.0100 1 (<2)–3…+5> 1.5333Z2 SMB 6.2 5.8 6.6100 1 (<2)–1…+6> 1.5303Z2 SMB 6.8 6.47.2100 1 (<2)0…+7> 2278Z2 SMB 1 (<2)0…+7> 2253Z2 SMB 1 (<2)+3…+8> 3.5230Z2 SMB 2 (<4)+3…+8> 3.5208Z2 SMB 109.410.650 2 (<4)+5…+9> 5189Z2 SMB 1110.411.650 4 (<7)+5…+10> 5172Z2 SMB 1211.412.750 4 (<7)+5…+10> 7157Z2 SMB 1312.414.150 5 (<10)+5…+10> 7142Z2 SMB 1513.815.650 5 (<10)+5…+10> 10128Z2 SMB 1615.317.125 6 (<15)+6…+11> 10117Z2 SMB 1816.819.125 6 (<15)+6…+11> 10105Z2 SMB 2018.821.225 6 (<15)+6…+11> 1094Z2 SMB 2220.823.325 6 (<15)+6…+11> 1286Z2 SMB 2422.825.6257 (<15)+6…+11> 1278Z2 SMB 2725.128.9257 (<15)+6…+11> 1469Z2 SMB 302832258 (<15)+6…+11> 1463Z2 SMB 333135258 (<15)+6…+11> 1757Z2 SMB 3634381016 (<30)+6…+11> 1753Z2 SMB 3937411020 (<40)+6…+11> 2049Z2 SMB 4340461024 (<40)+7…+12> 2043Z2 SMB 4744501024 (<40)+7…+12> 2440Z2 SMB 5148541025 (<60)+7…+12> 2437Z2 SMB 5652601025 (<60)+7…+12> 2833Z2 SMB 6258661025 (<80)+8…+13> 2830Z2 SMB 6864721025 (<80)+8…+13> 3428Z2 SMB 7570791030 (<100)+8…+13> 3425Z2 SMB 8277881030 (<100)+8…+13> 4123Z2 SMB 918596540 (<150)+9…+13> 4121Z2 SMB 10094106560 (<150)+9…+13> 5019Z2 SMB 110104116580 (<200)+9…+13> 5017Z2 SMB 120114127580 (<200)+9…+13> 6016Z2 SMB 130124141590 (<250)+9…+13> 6014Z2 SMB 1501381565100 (<250)+9…+13> 7513Z2 SMB 1601531715110 (<300)+9…+13> 7512Z2 SMB 1801681915120 (<350)+9…+13> 9010Z2 SMB 2001882125150 (<350)+9…+13> 909。



Alcatel 1521中文说明书北京惟帆通讯设备有限公司2001年8月目录一、概述 (3)二、设备特点 (3)三、系统应用 (3)四、系统描述 (5)五、功能描述 (6)5.1 透明的传输模式(Transparent Transmission Mode) (6)5.2 ISDN PRA传输模式 (6)5.3 专线模式(SLL) (7)5.4 X.21数据传输模式 (7)六、设备维护描述 (8)6.1 设置 (9)6.2系统保护 (9)七.设备的物理特性 (9)7.1 Alcatel 1521FL S9机框物理描述 (9)7.2 Alcatel 1521FL DT的物理描述 (12)7.3手持终端HHT的物理描述 (12)八、设备安装 (13)8.1 Alcatel 1521FL S9机框的安装 (13)8.2 Alcatel 1521FL DT的安装 (13)8.3 Alcatel 1521FL系统运行 (13)九、系统技术数据 (14)9.1 光模块组件 (14)9.2 光功率 (14)9.3 2 Mbit/s接口 (14)9.4 辅助数据通道 (14)9.5 光接口 (15)9.6 告警接口 (15)9.7 电源指标 (15)9.8 机械规格 (15)9.9 环境规范 (16)9.10 MTBF (16)一、概述在未来的宽带BISDN的发展中,高带宽,大数据容量对光传输越来越成为主流的发展方向,在支持当前的宽带业务中,发展N×2M的光纤线路将具有最佳的投资效益.Alcatel 1521 FL是4*2Mbit/s光纤接入系统。


同时,1521FL 也适用于短距离或中等距离的干线传输。


Alcatel 1521 FL终端设备中集成了4*2Mbit/s多路复用器和光传输模块。

人民电器 二级配电选型手册 DZ15系列塑料外壳式断路器 产品资料说明书

人民电器 二级配电选型手册 DZ15系列塑料外壳式断路器 产品资料说明书





公司简介COMPANY PROFILE更 安 全保障人员生命及财产安全。

更 可 靠不间断供应电力,全天随时可用。

更 高 效降低能源消耗和成本,提高生产率,缩短需求供应时间。


更 经 济更 环 保通过可再生能源提供能量,减少二氧化碳排放量。

电力与能源电力石油石化交通工业与机器矿业/建材水利/水处理汽车数据中心IT高科技互联网商业网络银行保险金融机构电信运营楼宇办公楼宇工业建筑基础设施住宅住宅建设公共建设小区设施剩余电流保护断路器逆变器直流断路器直流塑壳断路器直流框架断路器光伏箱变直流熔断器直流浪涌保护器终端新能源HS11FH系列防护型开启式刀开关B -117HD11F系列防误型开启式刀开关B -119RDM1系列塑料外壳式断路器B -001RDM10系列塑料外壳式断路器B -010DZ20系列塑料外壳式断路器B -015DZ15系列塑料外壳式断路器B -020RDM1E系列电子式塑壳断路器B -023RDM1L系列漏电断路器B -043RDL20系列漏电断路器B -057DZL25系列漏电断路器B -064DZ15LE系列漏电断路器B -060RDL18系列漏电断路器B -068RDWQ2系列双电源自动转换开关B -080RDQ6系列双电源自动转换开关B -082RDH5D系列双电源自动转换开关B -088HD 、HS系列开启式刀开关B -101RDQH系列双电源自动转换开关B -070RDQ1系列双电源自动转换开关B -077HD11FH系列防护型开启式刀开关B -121RDH5系列隔离开关B -123HR3系列熔断器式刀开关B -130HR5系列熔断器式隔离开关B -133RDH5DS系列双电源自动转换开关B -096RDM1EL系列电子式塑壳断路器B -051HR17B系列熔断器隔离开关B -141RDT16系列有填料封闭管式刀型触头熔断器B -155HH15系列隔离开关熔断器组B -146RDH5R系列隔离开关熔断器组B -143NGT系列快速熔断器B -174RS0、RS3系列快速熔断器B -171RT0系列有填料封闭管式刀型触头熔断器B -168RT14系列有填料封闭式管圆筒形帽熔断器B -165HG30熔断器式隔离器B -163RT18系列有填料封闭管式圆筒形帽熔断器B -160HR6系列熔断器式隔离开关B -136RDHG2B系列条型熔断器式隔离开关B -139全国统一客服热线: 400 898 1166 001选型指南产品概述RDM1系列塑料外壳式断路器具有体积小、分断能力高、飞弧短、抗震动的特点, 是陆地及船舶使用的理想产品。

艾 significance 198552 商品说明书

艾 significance 198552 商品说明书

Eaton 198552Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controller, 2.4 A, 0.75 kW, Sensor input 4, 230/277 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5, with manual override switch, with braking resistanceEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller198552RASP5-2402A31-512R100S14015081964277157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.59 kgUL approval CEUL 61800-5-1 IEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHSProduct NameCatalog NumberModel CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speedParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)Diagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: KeypadBreaking resistanceKey switch position AUTOKey switch position HANDTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationBraking resistanceInternal DC linkSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)IGBT inverterKey switch position OFF/RESETControl unitPC connectionManual override switchPTC thermistor monitoringThermo-click with safe isolation4-quadrant operation possible3 fixed speedsFor actuation of motors with mechanical brake1 potentiometer speedBrake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic brakingIP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3) IIISpeed controllerVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency onaccelerationResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyFeaturesFitted with:FunctionsDegree of protection Electromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage category Product categoryMounting positionShock resistanceVibrationcontrolConnection ofsupply voltagevia adaptercable on roundor flexiblebusbar junctionDiagnostics andreset on deviceand via AS-Interfaceintegrated PTCthermistormonitoring andThermoclick withsafe isolationoptional: 4sensor inputswith M12-Yadapter forswitchover tocreep speedoptional: Fasterstop if external24 V failsTwo sensorinputs throughM12 sockets(max. 150 mA)for quick stopand interlockedmanualoperationwith AUTO -OFF/RESET -HAND keyswitcheswith selectorswitch REV -OFF - FWDASIAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions only2000 VAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Resistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmMax. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m -10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °C< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 501780.2 - 2.4 A, motor, main circuit Adjustable, motor, main circuit< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delay97 % (η)2.5 A3.5 mA120 %Maximum of one time every 60 seconds380 V 1 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brake≤ 30 % (I/Ie)Adjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit230/277 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake 765 VDCProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration type AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingCurrent limitationDelay timeEfficiencyInput current ILN at 150% overload Leakage current at ground IPE - max Mains current distortionMains switch-on frequencyMains voltage - min Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueBraking voltageSwitch-on threshold for the braking transistor480 V380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Sensorless vector control (SLV)PM and LSPM motorsU/f controlSynchronous reluctance motorsBLDC motors0 Hz500 HzFor 60 s every 600 sAt 40 °C3.6 A45 Hz66 Hz2.4 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)0.75 kW400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz 10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit230/277 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)AS-InterfacePlug type: HAN Q5Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mAC3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable lengthC1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Mains voltage - maxMains voltage toleranceOperating modeOutput frequency - minOutput frequency - maxOverload currentOverload current IL at 150% overloadRated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational current (Ie)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequency Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits)Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.System configuration type10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit ratingIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.ETN.RASP5-2402A31-512R100S1.edzramo5_v20.dwgrasp5_v20.stpeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.epsRapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsIL034085ZUGeneration change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5DA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdf10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical functioneCAD modelmCAD model,Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。



UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arrestersGeneralEaton has set a new standard of excellence for polymer-housed intermediate-class surge arresters. Eaton's Cooper Power™ series UltraSIL™polymer-housed VariSTAR™ Type UI intermediate-class arresters incorporate the industry recognized superior silicone rubber housing with a unique high creep alternating shed profile designed to withstand the most extreme environments. The “standard” silicone rubber housing is designed with a minimum specific creepage distance of 31 mm/kV L -L, which meets category IV (Very Heavy) pollution level according to the IECstandard. This housing is applied over a gapless MOV internal design.Type UI arresters from Eaton meet or exceed therequirements of IEEE Std C62.11™-2020 standard.ConstructionThe unique construction of UltraSIL polymer-housed intermediate-class arresters begins with world class Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) disks produced at our dedicated manufacturing facility in Olean, NY . By manufacturing our own disks we maintain a strict quality control over the entire pro d uction process, from initial raw material inspections to final physical and electrical testing of each disk. In addition, by controlling the manufacturing process of both disks and arresters, we achieve the optimal combination. Eaton produces MOV disks of unsurpassed quality through continuous improvements in disk formulation and manufacturing technology. The end result is a long history of in-service use with outstanding durability and protective capability.Arrester production begins by stacking glass-collared MOV disks in series with aluminum end electrodes. Our proprietary process wraps the assembly with a high-strength woven fiberglass-reinforced epoxy composite. When cured, the arrester module is capable of withstanding extreme electrical and cantilever loading conditions.The UltraSIL silicone rubber housing utilizes an inter f erence fit and is bonded onto the internal module to form a solid, void free, high-dielectric strength insulation system. Once the housing is in place, each arrester must pass a strict series of electrical tests to insure the highest level of in-service performance.The silicone rubber housing results in lighter weight than similarly rated porcelain housed arresters. The silicone rubber housing is also less sensitive to physical damage than porcelain.FeaturesThe UltraSIL silicone rubber housing was selected for its superior insula t ion performance when compared to other polymeric housingmaterials. Long term environmental testing has verified the lifetime performance advantage silicone rubber provides.Independent laboratory tests have verified the superior water repellent behavior of silicone rubber, which is responsible for the lower external power losses, higher resistance to UV degradation and surface tracking, superior performance in contaminated environments, and other important insulating properties. Also, UltraSIL silicone rubber has been proven not to support biological growth and is non-flammable.The standard silicone rubber housed arrester can be customized with a variety of terminal and mounting options which allow users to select the features that meet their application needs. Eaton provides high creep silicone rubber housings for standard arrester designs equivalent to 31 mm/kV or 1.22"/kV . Customers who require longer creepage housings can easily select a different housing option through the catalog numbering system. See page 8 for a complete list of available options.OperationThe operation of the VariSTAR T ype UI intermediate-class arrester is typical of gapless metal oxide arresters. During steady-state conditions, line-to-ground voltage is applied con t inuously between the line and ground terminals of the arrester. When surges occur, the arrester immediately limits, or clamps, the overvoltage condition by conducting the surge current to ground. After passage of the surge, the arrester returns to its initial state, conducting minimal leakage current. This minimal leakage current (which is primarily capacitive, with a small resistive component) can be tolerated on a continuing basis.The UltraSIL polymer-housed intermediate-class Type UI arrester easily surpasses the minimum fault current withstand requirements for intermediate-class arresters as defined in IEEE2Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseriesCatalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arrestersFigure 2. T emporary overvoltage curve – 60° ambient temperature.Note: The TOV curve in Figure 2 applies to standard electrical build arresters. Consult manufacturer for further information regarding alternate electrical builds.V o l t a g e (p e r u n i t M C O V )4Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseries* Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) with Prior Duty.** Based on a 10 kA current impulse that results in a discharge voltage cresting in 0.5 µs*** Contact manufacturer for alternate electrical builds.**** 45-60 µs rise time for a 500 A peak current surge.T able 3. Protective Characteristics of the UltraSIL Polymer-Housed UI ArresterArrester Rating Arrester MCOV TOV*Front-of-wave Protective Level (kV Maximum Discharge Voltage (kV Crest) 8/20µs CurrentWave***Switching Surge Protection Level(kV Crest)500 10884110.8105288224237249273299341194199206215T able 4. Creepage Distances and Insulation Withstand Voltages of UI Intermediate Class ArrestersArrester Rating Arrester MCOV Creepage Distance Insulation Withstand Voltages1.2/50 Impulse 60Hz, Dry 60 Seconds 60Hz, Wet 10 Seconds 10884UIAA108084A4445A11169.05043443045Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseries6Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseriesFigure 5. Outline drawing of standard UltraSIL Polymer -Housed Intermediate-Class Arresters (for standard catalog numbers see T able 3).Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arrestersT able 7. UltraQUIK Catalog Numbering System for UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Intermediate-Class Arresters (continued)1U 2I 3A 4A 56789 1011A 12 and 13 = Housing Code (Select from Table below): Please contact your Eaton representative for further information regarding available housing codes.★★ = Standard Housing (31 mm/kV), O = Optional HousingNote: A few combinations listed in Table 7 may be unavailable.8Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseries9Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseriesT able 7. UltraQUIK Catalog Numbering System for UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Intermediate-Class Arresters (continued)16 = Mounting Arrangement17 = “1” – Nameplate for Standard or Suspension Mount“2” – Nameplate for Cubicle Mount (3-36 kV) Option Code "B" for digit 16.18 = “1” – Cardboard Packaging“2“ – Wood Crate PackagingA = Mounting Base Located on BottomB = No Mounting BaseC = Mounting Base Located on Top (Standard Option) (Cubicle Mount) (UI Type 3-36 kV)(Suspension Mount)1U2I3A4A567891011A121310Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTARType UI intermediate-class surge arresters/cooperpowerseries11Catalog Data CA235012ENEffective September 2021UltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTAR Type UI intermediate-class surge arresters /cooperpowerseriesUltraSIL polymer-housed VariSTAR Type UI intermediate-class surge arrestersCatalog Data CA235012EN Effective September 2021Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Eaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States /cooperpowerseries © 2021 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. CA235012EN September 2021For Eaton's Cooper Power series surge arrester product information call 1-877-277-4636 or visit: /cooperpowerseries.。

DMZ1521E 完整规格书

DMZ1521E 完整规格书
TA=25℃ unless otherwise specified
Units V
Test Conditions ISD =200 mA, VGS = -15 V
NOTE: [1] TJ=+25℃ to +150℃ [2] Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. [3] Pulse width≤380µs; duty cycle≤2%.
DMZ1521E Depletion-Mode Power MOSFET
General Features
ESD improved Capability Depletion Mode (Normally On) Proprietary Advanced Planar Technology Rugged Polysilicon Gate Cell Structure Fast Switching Speed RoHS Compliant Halogen-free available
Gate-to-Source Leakage Current
ON Characteristics
Symbol IDSS RDS(ON) VGS(OFF) gfs Parameter Saturated Drain-to-Source Current Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance Gate-to-Source Cut-off Voltage Forward Transconductance Min. 200 --7 -Typ. -10 -0.24
RDS(ON) (Max.)


Rth h-a = 1----5---70---,--–-8----6---0-- – 6 = 5,5 K/W Note: The metal tab (heatsink) has the same potential as pin 5 ( − VP).
July 1994
July 1994
Philips Semiconductors
2 x 6 W hi-fi audio power amplifier
Product specification
July 1994
Fig.1 Block diagram. 3
Two thermal protection circuits are provided, one monitors the average junction temperature and the other the instantaneous temperature of the power transistors. Both protection circuits activate at 150 °C allowing safe operation to a maximum junction temperature of 150 °C without added distortion.
Philips Semiconductors
2 x 6 W hi-fi audio power amplifier
Product specification
4 OUT1
non-inverting input 1 inverting input 1 ground (symmetrical) 1⁄2 VP (asymmetrical) output 1



PZB15-L-AR500-11 Printed Matter No. 9839 2144 01Air Motors Publication Date 2020-03-31Valid from Serial No. A2480001Product InstructionsPZB15-L-AR500-118411415000Maximum allowed speed: 500 r/minEx II 2GD h T6 IIC T85 ᵒCProduct Information (3)General Information (3)Safety Signal Words (3)Warranty (3)ServAid (3)Website (4)Safety Data Sheets MSDS/SDS (4)Warning (4)Country of Origin (4)Dimensional Drawings (4)Overview (5)Main Components and Functions (5)Technical Product Data (5)Service Overview (6)Service Recommendations (6)ATEX Certification Information (6)Temperatures (6)ATEX Code Definition (6)Ex Classification (7)Explosion Prevention Guidelines (7)Installation (8)Installation Requirements (8)Air Quality (8)Compressed Air Connection (8)Shaft Load Diagram (9)Shaft Load (9)Installation Instructions (9)Connecting the Air Supply (9)Operation (11)Ergonomic Guidelines (11)Operating Instructions (11)Hot Spots (11)Service (13)Maintenance Instructions (13)Service Recommendations (13)Lubrication Instructions (13)Rust Protection and Cleaning (13)Grease Guide (13)Recycling (15)Environmental Regulations (15)Recycling Instruction (15)2© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product Information© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 013General InformationWARNING Risk of Property Damage or Severe InjuryEnsure that you read, understand and follow all instructions before operating the tool. Failure to follow all the instructions may result in electric shock, fire, property damage and/or severe bodily injury.►Read all Safety Information delivered together with the different parts of the system.►Read all Product Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance of the different parts of the system.►Read all locally legislated safety regulations regarding the system and parts thereof.►Save all Safety Information and instructions for future reference.Safety Signal WordsThe safety signal words Danger , Warning , Caution , and Notice have the following meanings:Warranty■Product warranty will expire 12 months after the product is first taken into use, but will in any case ex-pire at the latest 13 months after delivery.■Normal wear and tear on parts is not included within the warranty.■Normal wear and tear is that which requires a part change or other adjustment/overhaul during standard tools maintenance typical for that period (expressed in time, operation hours or other-wise).■The product warranty relies on the correct use, maintenance, and repair of the tool and its componentparts.■Damage to parts that occurs as a result of inadequate maintenance or performed by parties otherthan Atlas Copco or their Certified Service Partners during the warranty period is not covered by the warranty.■To avoid damage or destruction of tool parts, service the tool according to the recommended mainte-nance schedules and follow the correct instructions.■Warranty repairs are only performed in Atlas Copco workshops or by Certified Service Partners.Atlas Copco offers extended warranty and state of the art preventive maintenance through its ToolCover contracts. For further information contact your local Service representative.For electrical motors:■Warranty will only apply when the electric motor has not been opened.ServAidServAid is a portal that is continuously updated and contains Technical Information, such as:■Regulatory and Safety Information ■Technical DataProduct Information EN PZB15-L-AR500-11■Installation, Operation and Service Instructions■Spare Parts Lists■Accessories■Dimensional DrawingsPlease visit: https://.For further Technical Information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.WebsiteInformation concerning our Products, Accessories, Spare Parts and Published Matters can be found onthe Atlas Copco website.Please visit: .Safety Data Sheets MSDS/SDSThe Safety Data Sheets describe the chemical products sold by Atlas Copco.Please consult the Atlas Copco website for more information /sds.WarningWARNING Polymer hazardThe plastic parts in this product contain PTFE (a synthetic fluoropolymer). Due to wear, there mightbe PTFE particles inside the product. Heated PTFE can produce fumes which may cause polymerfume fever with flu-like symptoms, especially when smoking contaminated tobacco.Health and Safety recommendations for PTFE must be followed when handling vanes and other com-ponents:►Do not smoke when servicing this product►PTFE-particles must not come in contact with open fire, glow or heat►Motor components must be washed with cleaning fluid and not blown clear with an air line►Wash your hands before starting any other activityCountry of OriginFor the Country of Origin, please refer to the information on the product label.Dimensional DrawingsDimensional Drawings can be found either in the Dimensional Drawings Archive, or on ServAid.Please visit: /webbox/dimdrw or https://.4© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product Information© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 015OverviewMain Components and FunctionsTechnical Product DataTechnical Product Data can be found on either ServAid, or the Atlas Copco website.Please visit: https:// or .Product Information EN PZB15-L-AR500-11Service OverviewService RecommendationsPreventive maintenance is recommended at regular intervals. See the detailed information on preventivemaintenance. If the product is not working properly, take it out of service and inspect it.If no detailed information about preventive maintenance is included, follow these general guide-lines:■Clean appropriate parts accurately■Replace any defective or worn partsATEX Certification InformationTemperatures■The maximum surrounding temperature for which the certification is valid is 40°C.■40°C is also the maximum allowed temperature of the compressed air when it enters the product.■If the product is installed in an equipment, the entire equipment has to correspond to the guidelines 2014/34/EU.■Make sure that the compressed air fulfil our quality demands (quality classes 2.4.3. and 3.4.4 respec-tively 3.5.4 acc. to ISO/DIS 8573-1:2010).■Do not exceed maximum pressure of 6.3 bar, or as stated on the product nameplate. Exceeding the operating pressure can increase the surface temperature due to higher rotating speed and the prod-uct can become an ignition source.ATEX Code DefinitionDescription6© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product InformationEx ClassificationIf the product is part of an assembly where the components have different Ex classification, the compo-nent with the lowest level of safety defines the Ex classification of the complete assembly.Explosion Prevention GuidelinesCleanliness■Make sure the product is kept clean from dust and dirt to prevent increased bearing and surface tem-perature.■If using a silencer: Make sure a silencer with a filtering effect at the air outlet is installed to prevent any friction-heated particles entering into the surrounding atmosphere.Usage■Make sure the product is earthed to the equipotential bonding system of the workshop, for example through accessories such as hoses and air-pressure connections.■It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the product and all possible accessories, such as wrenches and air connections, conform to the national safety regulations for equipment used in po-tentially explosive areas.© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 017Installation EN PZB15-L-AR500-118© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01Installation RequirementsAir Quality■For optimum performance and maximum product life we recommend the use of compressed air witha maximum dew point of +10°C (50°F). We also recommend to install an Atlas Copco refrigeration type air dryer.■Use a separate air filter which removes solid particles larger than 30 microns and more than 90% ofliquid water. Install the filter as close as possible to the product and prior to any other air preparation units to avoid pressure drop.For impulse/impact tools make sure to use lubricators adjusted for these tools. Regular lubricators will add too much oil and therefore decrease the tool performance due to too much oil in the motor.Make sure that the hose and couplings are clean and free from dust before connecting to the tool.Both lubricated and lubrication free products will benefit from a small quantity of oil supplied from a lu-bricator.Compressed Air ConnectionWARNING Risk of severe injury Air under pressure can cause injury.►Always shut off the air supply when not in use or before any adjustments.►Drain the hose of air pressure and disconnect the tool from air supply when not in use or before any adjustments.►Always use the correct hose size and air pressure for the tool.WARNING Compressed AirHigh air pressure can cause severe damage and bodily injury.►Do not exceed maximum air pressure.►Make sure that there are no damaged or loose hoses or fittings.For correct air pressure and hose size, see the Technical Product Data on - https:// or .Make sure that the hose and couplings are clean and free from dust before connecting to the tool.PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Installation© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 019Shaft Load DiagramShaft Load■Make sure that the maximum shaft load is not exceeded, in order to prevent an excessive increase ofthe bearing temperature.Installation InstructionsConnecting the Air SupplyWhen the compressed air supply is connected to the inlet, the direction of rotation will be as shown in the figure below. If the exhaust air is to be piped away, a hose should be connected to the exhaust outlet.The compressed air supply should be connected to the corresponding inlet for desired rotation direction,see figure below. The inlet that is not in use, functions as a main outlet and must not be plugged.Ais for ventilation only and must not be plugged.Installation EN PZB15-L-AR500-1110© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN OperationErgonomic GuidelinesConsider your workstation as you read through this list of general ergonomic guidelines and see if you canidentify areas for improvement in posture, component placement, or work environment.■Take frequent breaks and change work positions frequently.■Adapt the work area to your needs and the work task.■Adjust for convenient reach range by determining where parts or tools should be located to avoid static load.■Use workstation equipment such as tables and chairs appropriate for the work task.■Avoid work positions above shoulder level or with static holding during assembly operations.■When working above shoulder level, reduce the load on the static muscles by reducing the weight of the load. You can also reduce the load on the static muscles by holding the load close to thebody.■Make sure to take frequent breaks.■Avoid extreme arm or wrist postures, particularly for operations requiring a degree of force.■Adjust for convenient field of vision by minimizing movement of the eyes and head during the work task.■Use the appropriate lighting for the work task.■Use ear protection equipment in noisy environments.■Use dust extraction system or mouth protection mask in dusty environments.Operating InstructionsHot SpotsThe following hot spots on the motor can reach high temperatures during operation.■Seal ring at the output shaft■CasingThe highest temperatures occur when the motor is running at maximum allowed speed. With increasingtorque, the air motor reduces the rotational speed and the temperature.Keep below the Maximum Free Speed, see marking on the product or the product specific Safety In-formation.© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0111Operation EN PZB15-L-AR500-1112© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN ServiceMaintenance InstructionsService RecommendationsPreventive maintenance is recommended at regular intervals. See the detailed information on preventivemaintenance. If the product is not working properly, take it out of service and inspect it.If no detailed information about preventive maintenance is included, follow these general guide-lines:■Clean appropriate parts accurately■Replace any defective or worn partsLubrication InstructionsRust Protection and CleaningWater in the compressed air can cause rust. To prevent rust we strongly recommend to install an air dryer.Water and particles can cause sticking of vanes and valves. This can be prevented by installing an air fil-ter close to the product to avoid pressure drop.Before longer stand stills always protect your tool by adding a few drops of oil into the air inlet. Run thetool for 5–10 seconds and absorb any access oil at the air outlet in a cloth.Grease GuideFood grade approvedNon food grade approved* Not for angle gearsNon food grade approved© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0113Service EN PZB15-L-AR500-11Food grade approvedNon food grade approved14© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Recycling© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0115Environmental RegulationsWhen a product has served its purpose it has to be recycled properly. Dismantle the product and recycle the components in accordance with local legislation.Batteries shall be taken care of by your national battery recovery organization.Recycling InstructionOriginal instructionsAtlas Copco Industrial Technique ABSE-10523 STOCKHOLM SwedenTelephone: +46 8 743 95 00 © Copyright 2020, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or part thereof is prohibited. This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.Out of respect to wildlife and nature, our technical literature is printed on environmentally friendly paper.。



LCP1521®September 1999 - Ed: 2A PROGRAMMABLE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR FOR SLIC PROTECTIONSO-8Dual programmable transient suppressor Wide negative firing voltage range:V MGL = -150 V max.Low dynamic switching voltages: V FP and V DGL Low gate triggering current: I GT = 2 mA max Peak pulse current: I PP = 30 A (10/1000 µs)Holding current: I H = 150 mAFEATURESThis device has been especially designed to pro-tect new high voltage, as well as classical SLICs,against transient overvoltages.Positive overvoltages are clipped with 2 diodes.Negative surges are suppressed by 2 thyris-tors, their breakdown voltage being referenced to -V BAT through the gate.This component presents a very low gate trigge-ring current (I GT ) in order to reduce the current con-sumption on printed circuit board during the firing phase.A particular attention has been given to the internal wire bonding. The Kelvin method configuration en-sures reliable protection, reducing the overvoltage introduced by the parasitic inductances of the wir-ing L x(dI/dt), especially for very fast transients.DESCRIPTIONApplication Specific DiscretesA.S.D.TMFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMTIP GA TE NC RING TIPGNDRINGGND1/9COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS:Peak Surge Voltage (V)Voltage Waveform(µs)Current Waveform(µs)AdmissibleIpp (A)Necessary Resistor (Ω)ITU-T K204000100010/70010/7005/3105/310402560-VDE0433200010/7005/3104010VDE08782000 1.2/501/20502IEC1000-4-5level 3level 410/7001.2/505/3108/204010010-FCC Part 68lightning surge type A 150080010/16010/56010/16010/56050352215FCC Part 68lightning surge type B 10009/7205/32025-BELLCORE:NWT-001089-COREFirst level 250010002/1010/10002/1010/1000170301024BELLCORE:NWT-001089-CORESecond level50002/102/1017020Note 1: the mentioned value of the series resistance is the minimum value needed to fulfill the standard requirement.Symbol ParameterValueUnit I PPPeak pulse current (see note1)10/1000µs5/310µs 2/10µs 3040170AI TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (F = 50Hz)t p = 10ms t = 1s205A I GSM Maximum gate current (half sine wave tp = 10ms)2A V MLG V MGL Maximum voltage LINE/GND Maximum voltage GATE/LINE -40°C < Tamb < +85°C -40°C < Tamb < +85°C-150-150V T stg Tj Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature- 55 to + 150150°C T LMaximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s260°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified).10050%I PPt tt rpNote 1: Pulse waveform10 / 1000 µs tr = 10 µs tp = 1000 µs 5 / 310 µs tr = 5µs tp = 310 µs 2 / 10 µstr = 2 µs tp = 10 µsLCP15212/9Symbol Parameter Value Unit Rth (j-a)Junction to ambient170°C/WTHERMAL RESISTANCE Symbol ParameterI GT Gate triggering current I H Holding currentI RM Reverse leakage current LINE / GND I RG Reverse leakage current GATE / LINE V RM Reverse voltage LINE / GND V GT Gate triggering voltageV F Forward drop voltage LINE / GND V FP Peak forward voltage LINE / GND V DGL Dynamic switching voltage GATE / LINE V GATE GATE / GND voltageV RG Reverse voltage GATE / LINE CCapacitance LINE / GNDELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C)V DGL V RMV RI PPI HI R I RM V F Symbol Test conditionsMax Unit V F Square pulse : t p = 500µs I F = 5A 2V V FP (note 1)10/700µs 1.2/50µs 2/10µs1.5kV 1.5kV2.5kVR P = 10ΩR P = 10ΩR P = 62Ω5712VNote 1: see test circuit for V FP ; R P is the protection resistor located on the line card.1 - PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE DIODE LINE / GND (T amb = 25°C)LCP15213/9Symbol Test conditionsMax Unit I RM Tc=25°C V GATE / LINE = -1V V RM = -150V Tc=85°C V GATE / LINE = -1V V RM = -150V 550µA CV R = -3V F = 1MHz V R = -48V F = 1MHz10050pF3 - PARAMETERS RELATED TO DIODE AND PROTECTION THYRISTOR (T amb = 25°C)Symbol Test conditionsMin Max Unit I GT V GND / LINE = -48V 0.12mA I H V GATE = -48V (see note 2)150mAV GT at I GT1.5V I RG Tc=25°C V RG = -150V Tc=85°C V RG = -150V 550µAV DGLV GATE = -48V (see note 3)10/700µs 1.2/50µs 2/10µs1kV 1.5kV 2.5kVR P = 10ΩR P = 10ΩR P = 62ΩI PP = 30A I PP = 30A I PP = 38A71025VNote 2: see functional holding current (I H ) test circuit Note 3: see test circuit for V DGLThe oscillations with a time duration lower than 50ns are not taken into account2 - PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE PROTECTION THYRISTOR (T amb = 25°C)LCP15214/9Pulse (µs)V p C 1C 2L R 1R 2R 3R 4I PP R p t r t p (V)(µF)(nF)(µH)(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)(A)(Ω)1070015002020005015252530101.250150013307613252530102102500101.11.3333862This is a GO-NO GO test which allows to confirm the holding current (I H ) level in a functional test circuit.TEST PROCEDURE :- Adjust the current level at the I H value by short circuiting the D.U.T.- Fire the D.U.T. with a surge current : I PP = 10A, 10/1000µs.- The D.U.T. will come back to the off-state within a duration of 50ms max.R-V PV BAT - 100V=Surge generatorD.U.T.FUNCTIONAL HOLDING CURRENT (I H ) TEST CIRCUIT : GO-NO GO TESTC C R R TIPRINGG NDV P 432R 2R 1(V is defined in unload condition)PL1TEST CIRCUIT FOR V FP AND V DGL PARAMETERSLCP15215/9TECHNICAL INFORMATION Fig. A1: LCP1521 concept behavior.Figure A1 shows the classical protection circuit using the LCP1521 crowbar concept. This topology has been developed to protect the new high voltage SLIC’s, it allows to program the negative firing threshold while the positive clamping value is fixed at GND.When a negative surge occurs on one wire (L1 for example) a current Ign flows through the base of the transistor T1 and then injects a current in the gate of the thyristor Th1. Th1 fires and all the surge current flows through the ground. After the surge when the current flowing through Th1 becomes less negative than the holding current I H , then Th1 switches off.When a positive surge occurs on one wire (L1 for example) the diode D1 conducts and the surge current flows through the ground.Fig. A2: Example of PCB layout based on LCP1521 protection.In order to minimize the remaining voltage across the SLIC inputs during the surge, the TIP and RING pins of the LCP1521 are doubled (Pins 1 and 8 for TIP / Pins 4 and 5 for RING).This fact allows the board designer to connect the track like designed in figure A2. With such a PCB design,the extra voltages caused by track stray inductance (LdI / dt) remain located on the line side of the LCP and do not affects its SLIC side.The capacitor C is used to speed up the crowbar structure firing during the fast surge edges.This allows to minimize the dynamical breakover voltage at the SLIC Tip and Ring inputs during fast strikes.Please note that this capacitor is generally present around the SLIC - Vbat pin.So to be efficient it has be as close as possible from the LCP1521 Gate pin and from the reference ground track (or plan) (see Fig. A2). The optimized value for C is 220nF.T o the line sideT o the SLIC side220n FGNDV RingGNDGateTIPRINGGND-VbatCRs1Rs2L 1L 2V TipTh1D1T1IGID1LCP15216/9The series resitors Rs1 and Rs2 designed in figure 1 represent the fuse resistors or the PTC which are man-datory to withstand the power contact or the power inductance tests imposed by the different country stand-ards. Taking into account this fact the actual lightning surge current flowing through the LCP is equal to:I surge = V surge / (Rg + Rs)WithV surge = peak surge voltage imposed by the standard.Rg = series resistor of the surge generator Rs = series resistor of the line card (e.g. PTC)e.g. For a line card with 30Ω of series resistors which has to be qualified under Bellcore 1000V 10/1000µs surge, the actual current through the LCP1521 is equal to:I surge = 1000 / (10 + 30) = 25AThe LCP1521 is particularly optimized for the new telecom applications such as the fiber in the loop, the WLL, the decentralized central office for example. These short line applications need smaller operating voltages than the long line applications and then allow the use of high voltage SLIC’s operating without ring relay. The schematics of figure A3 gives the most frequent topology used for these emergent applications.Fig. A3: Protection of high voltage SLIC.Rs (*) = PTC or Resitor fuseGateGNDGNDTIPRING-VbatLCP1521220nFSLICRs (*)Rs (*)LineLine cardTIPRINGGND LCP15217/90.010.1110100100002468101214161820ITSM (A)t(s)Surge peak current versus overload duration.Relative variation of holding current versus junc-tion temperatureLCP 15 2 1 RLLINE CARD PROTECTIONI = 150 mAH VERSIONP ACKAGE 1 :SO-8RL :T ape & Reel :T ubeORDER CODE-40-20204060801000.°C)IH [Tj] / IH [Tj=25°C]LCP15218/9PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SO-8 (Plastic)Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written ap-proval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 1999 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved.STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - MalaysiaMalta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A.REF.DIMENSIONSMillimetres Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 1.750.069a10.10.250.0040.010a2 1.650.065a30.650.850.0250.033b 0.350.480.0140.019b10.190.250.0070.010C 0.250.500.500.0100.020c145° (typ)D4.85.00.1890.197E 1.270.050e3 3.810.150F 3.8 0.60.024S8° (max)LED8451MSc1ebe3ACa1b a31a2FOrder code Marking Package Weight Base qty Delivery modeLCP1521151DHV SO-80.08 g 2500Tube LCP1521RL151DHVSO-80.08 g2000Tape & ReelLCP15219/9。






















附录「安全规则」关于产业用自动装置安全的JIS规格----「产业用自动装置之安全通则」(JIS B8433)于1983年3月1日制定,另外由劳动省于同年7月1日修改一部分的「劳动安全卫生规则」,以实施产业用自动装置之定义或,安全对策等规则。




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FEATURES• CMOS LSI chips• Connection with CPUCan be directly coupled with 80-port or 68-port system • Available in chip form or in 100-pin plastic QFP • Pin-to-Pin Replacement for SED1520 Series • Many command set• Total 80 (segment+common) drive sets• Low power consumption - 30µW maximum at 2kHz external clock• Power supply V DD - V SS : 2.4 to -7.0VV DD - V5 : 3.5 to -13.0VDESCRIPTIONThe IZD1520 family of dot matrix LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) drivers are designed for the display of characters and graphics.The drivers generate LCD drive signals derived from bit mapped data stored in an internal RAM.The IZD1520 family drivers incorporate innovative circuit design strategies to achieve very low power dissipation at a wide range of operating voltages. These features give the designer a flexible means of implementing small to medium size LCD displays for compact, low power systems.The IZD1520 which is able to drive two lines of twelve characters each.The IZD1521 which is able to drive 80 segments for extension.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSCharacteristic Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage (1)V SS- 8.0 ~ 0.3V Supply Voltage (2)V5- 16.5 ~ 0.3V Supply Voltage (3)V1, V2, V3, V4V5 ~ 0.3V Input Voltage V I V SS - 0.3 ~ 0.3V Output Voltage V O V SS - 0.3 ~ 0.3V Power Dissipation P D250mW Operating Temperature T a- 10 ~ + 75o C Storage Temperature T stg- 65 ~ + 150o C Soldering temperature time (10 sec max)T sol260o C Notes:1.All voltages are specified relative to V DD = 0V.2.The following relation must be always holdV DD≥ V1≥ V2≥ V3≥ V4≥V5.3.Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operating under theseconditions is not implied.LINE-UPProduct NameClock Frequency Applicable Driver Number ofSEGMENTDriversNumber ofCOMMONDriversDuty On-chip ExternalIZD1520OA18kHz18kHz IZD1520OA , IZD1521OA61161/16, 1/32 IZD1521OA-18kHz IZD1520OA8001/8 ~ 1/32 IZD1520AA-2kHz IZD1520AA , IZD1521AA61161/16, 1/32 IZD1521AA-2kHz IZD1520AA8001/8 ~ 1/32BLOCK DIAGRAM IZD1520AA5BLOCK DIAGRAM IZD1520OA5BLOCK DIAGRAM IZD1521AA, IZD1521OA79ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Ta = 25o C, V DD = 0V, V SS = -5.0V unless otherwise specified)Notes: 1. Operating over the specified voltage range is guaranteed, except where the supply voltage changes suddenly duringCPU access.2. For a voltage differential of 0.1V between input (V1, …, V4) and output (COM, SEC) pins. All voltages within specified operating voltage range.3.IZD1520AA and IZD1521AA only. Does not include transient currents due to stray and panel capacitances.4.IZD1521OA only. Does not include transient currents due to stray and panel capacitances.5.IZD1520OA only. Does not include transient currents due to stray and panel capacitances.• Read/Write timing for the 80-port MPU• Read/Write timing for the 68-port MPUCharacteristic Symbol Signal Condition Min Typ Max UnitSystem cycle time t CYC6A01000ns Address setup time t AW6R/W20ns Address hold time t AH610ns Data setup time t DS680ns Data hold time t DH610ns Output disable time t OH6D0 ÷ D71060ns Access time t ACC6CL = 100pF90ns Enable READ t EW E100ns pulse width WRITE80ns Low-level pulsewidth t WLCL35µs High-level pulsewidth t WHCL CL35µs Rise time t r30150ns Fall time t f30150ns FR delay time Note 1t FDR FR (Input)-2.00.2 2.0µs FR delay time Note 2t FDR FR (Input)0.2 2.0µs* The rating when V SS = -3.0V are approximately 100% higher that when V SS = -5.0VNotes: 1. The listed input t FDR applies to IZD1520 and IZD1521 in slave mode.2. The listed input t FDR applies to IZD1520 and IZD1521 in master mode.• Timing Chart• Read/Write timing for the 80-port MPU• Read/Write timing for the 68-port MPU•Read/Write timing for the 80-port/68-port displayC LF RTERMINAL DESCRIPTIONDISPLAY COMMANDS(Based on the 80-port MPU; the RD and WR commands differ for the 68-port MPU)Command RD WR A0D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0Function 1Display ON/OFF 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0/1Switches the entire display ON or OFF regardless ofthe Display RAM’s data or the internal status. *Note2Display START Line 1 0 0 1 1 0 Display STARTaddress (0 ÷ 31)Determines the line of RAM data to be displayed at the display’s top line (COM0)3Page Address Set 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Page Sets the page of the Display RAM in the page addressregister4Column (Segment)Address Set 1 0 0 0 Column address(0 ÷ 79)Sets the column address of the Display RAM in thecolumn address register5Status Read 0 1 00 0 0 0Reads the status.BUSY 1: Busy (internal processing) 0: READY statusADC 1: Rightward (forward) output0: Leftward (reverse) outputON/OFF 1: Display OFF 0: Display ON RESET 1: Resetting 0: Normal6Write Display Data 1 0 1Write Data Writes the data on thedata bus to RAM These commands access a previously specified address7Read Display Data 0 1 1Read Data Reads data from theDisplay RAM onto thedata bus of the Display RAM, after which the column address is incremented one8ADC Select 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/1Used to reverse the correspondence between theDisplay RAM’s column addresses and segment driveroutput ports0: Rightward (forward) output 1: Leftward (reverse) 9Static Drive ON/OFF 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0/1Selects normal display operation or static all-fit drivedisplay operation1: Static drive (Power Save) 0: Normal display 10Duty Select 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0/1Selects the duty factor for driving LCD cells1: 1/32 duty 0: 1/16 duty 11Read Modify Write 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0Increments the column address counter by one onlywhen display data is written but not when it is read 12End 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0Cancels the Ready Modify Write mode13Reset 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0Resets the Display START line to the 1-st line in theregister.Resets the column address counter and page addressregister to 0.Note: Power Save mode is entered by selecting static drive in the Display OFF status.REFERENCE CIRCUITRY EXAMPLES• 16 x 61 dots • 16 x 141 dotsNote: If a system has two or more slave drivers a CMOS buffer will be required for clock signal.PAD LAYOUTPAD LOCATION( Unit: µm)Pad No.Pad Name X Y PadNo.Pad Name X YPadNo.Pad Name X Y1COM5-2994-224335SEG373010-110069SEG3-65022422COM6-2717-224436SEG363010-89270SEG2-79822423COM7-2510-224437SEG353010-72271SEG1-96822424COM8-2302-224438SEG343010-51572SEG0-117722425COM9-2132-224439SEG333010-34473A0-136822426COM10-1924-224440SEG323010-13674OSC1 [CS]-156922427COM11-1754-224441SEG3130103375OSC2 [CL]-176122428COM12-1547-224442SEG30301024176 E [RD]-195322429COM13-1377-224443SEG29301041277R/W (WR)-21422242 10COM14-1167-224444SEG28301062078GND-23482242 11COM15-998-224445SEG27301079079DB0-26462242 12SEG60-790-224446SEG26301099880DB1-30092242 13SEG59-620-224447SEG253010117081DB2-30091895 14SEG58-413-224448SEG243010137682DB3-30091695 15SEG57-242-224449SEG233010154483DB4-30091497 16SEG56-35-224450SEG223010175484DB5-30091297 17SEG55135-224451SEG213010224285DB6-30091097 18SEG54344-224452SEG201494224286DB7-300991619SEG53514-224453SEG192434224287V CC-300973720SEG52722-224454SEG182226224288RES-300954221SEG51892-224455SEG172056224289FR-300934222SEG501100-224456SEG161848224290V5-300916223SEG491270-224457SEG151678224291V3-3009-1824SEG481478-224458SEG141470224292V2-3009-19825SEG471607-224459SEG131300224293M/S-3009-39826SEG461856-224460SEG121012224294V4-3009-60327SEG452026-224461SEG11922224295V1-3009-80628SEG442234-224462SEG10714224296COM0-2994-99629SEG432477-224463SEG9544224297COM1-2994-1166 30SEG423020-224464SEG8336224298COM2-2994-1375 31SEG413010-185765SEG7166224299COM3-2994-1544 32SEG403010-164866SEG6-422242100COM4-2994-1753 33SEG393010-147467SEG5-213224234SEG383010-127068SEG4-4202242Note: Pads 74,75 are OSC1, OSC2 for BT5150OA and CS, CL for IZ1520AA respectively. All other pad names are identical.(6500,5000)PAD LAYOUT(6500,5000)PAD LOCATION。
