ibm x产品介绍
Price and Performance
X3250m3 机架式服务器产品定位
x3850 X5 4U, 4 Sockets 8 sockets scalable
Business Critical
x3650 M3 2U, 2 Sokets
x3690 X5 2U, 2 sockets, 4 sockets scalable
X3250M2 和 X3250M3 比较
处理器 CPU插槽 芯片组 Form factor 最大内存 最大内存插槽 硬盘插槽 硬盘类型 RAID
IBM x3250 M3
Lynnfield/ Clarkdale 1 ibexpeak 1U 32GB (RDIMM) and UDIMM ECC 6 RDIMM, DDR III 1333/ 4 UDIMM ,DDR III 1333 2x3.5” HDDs or 4x2.5” HDDs (CTO) SS&HS SATA, HS SAS RAID 0/1 ; RAID 5 optional 0/2 0/2/0/0
General Business
X3250 M3 1U, 1 Socket
Entry Value
Price and Performance
处理器 CPU插槽 芯片组 Form factor 最大内存 最大内存插槽 Media bays 硬盘 Disk drive capability RAID PCI 插槽 PCI-express 插槽 IBM x3100 M3 Xeon 3400/ Pentium G6950 / Core i3 1 ibexpeak 5U tower/ rackable 16GB UDIMM 4 UDIMM, DDR III 1333 16X6 DVD-ROM 4*3.5 HDD Fixed Fixed 芯片 Raid 0,1, 可选硬件Raid 0,1 •1 x PCI 5V •1 x 16 PCIe • 1 x 8 PCIe • 1 x 4 PCIe 350W 单网卡 IBM x3100 Xeon/Pentium/Core 2 Duo 1 Intel 3210 chipset 5U tower/ rackable 8 GB 4 DIMM, DDR II 800MHz 16X6 DVD-ROM 2*3.5 HDD Fixed Fixed RAID 0/1 可选 • 2x PCI 5V 2x PCIe x8
IBM 软件产品
Nov. 2007
Product Briefing
Marketing and Sales System
Product Briefing
1. Lotus 协作办公软件
2. Websphere 应用系统和整合软件 3. Information Management 信息管理软件
WebSphere® Portal Version 6.0 是企业门户解决方案, 它面向希望提高运营效率的组织。WebSphere Portal 是业界 领先的门户平台,因为它交付了一整套门户平台服务和顶
助您快速部署功能强大的门户应用程序,这些应用程序可 被定制以满足不断变化的业务需求。 WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 包括三个产品: WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere Portal Enable WebSphere Portal Extend
80及平台的移植性。 借助于多维集群 (MDC) 能力,交付高级商业智能支持 包括开发中心,具有用于提高 Java 和 Microsoft 环境下开 发人员生产力的工具。 支持整合其他 IBM 软件,例如 Lotus(面向协作)、 Tivoli(面向管理)和 WebSphere(面向动态电子商务)。
Tivoli Storage Manager
通过健壮的管理员功能,提供来自任 何客户机平台的集中而全面的存储管理 使用多种技术来尽快、灵活和低影响地 制作数据备份和还原 通过策略自动化引擎,根据已定义的生 命周期管理数据存档
1.方案中的主要产品介绍1.1.IBM Tivoli Identity Manager1.1.1.IBM Tivoli Identity Manager概述IBM Tivoli Identity Manager提供了一个安全、自动而且基于策略的用户管理解决方案,满足客户无论是在原有的IT环境还是电子商务时代的IT环境下将企业的核心业务展现给客户、供应商、合作伙伴甚至竞争对手的需求。
Tivoli Identity Manager包含一个工作流引擎,同时利用用户身份信息提供如审计、报告等功能。
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager既可以直接与用户交互,也可以与两种类型的外部系统-身份数据源和访问控制机制直接交互。
1.1.2.IBM Tivoli Identity Manager产品架构IBM Tivoli Identity Manager的逻辑结构根据功能的不同设计为三层,如下图所示,各个组件分别为:●Web用户界面层●应用层●服务层●LDAP目录●数据库●资源连结器图3-1 逻辑组件结构1.1.2.1.Web用户界面层Web用户界面模块是一组结合在一起的子程序,包括提供用户浏览器的内容和启动applet(同时在客户端和服务器端运行),如工作流设计和表单创建。
这些类型仅仅是概念上的,因为IBM Tivoli Identity Manager允许您随意的定义各种权限的不同用户类型。
IBM FileNet 产品组件详细介绍
1.1 IBM 企业内容管理解决方案IBM企业内容管理解决方案提供基于开放标准和随需应变能力的标准组件化整合架构,随着客户将传统数据库信息扩展到非结构划信息—内容管理服务时,IBM企业内容管理平台可以提供丰富技术组件(内容管理、表单管理、记录管理、报表管理、归档管理、Web 内容管理、内容整合与服务等) 并轻易地实现和扩展现有的信息组件和IT架构,从而帮助客户提供整体的信息服务能力。
IBM FileNet P8同时是IBM企业内容管理解决方案中的重要组成部分,提供企业级的可扩展性和灵活性。
FileNet的加入将进一步加强IBM在ECM 领域的整体能力。
其中企业内容服务中提供文档管理、影像管理、Web内容管理、报表管理等面向所有非结构化信息管理的能力以及对企业中异构的内容库的联邦服务能力;业务流程管理包括业务流程建模、模拟、分析、运行等服务;法规遵从满足企业合规性需要提供记录管理、内容归档等服务;相关解决方案包括内容管理、业务流程管理、表单管理、记录管理、报表管理、内容归档、Web 内容管理、内容整合与服务等。
下面将相关组件进行详细介绍1.2 IBM ECM组件介绍IBM FileNet P8被世界上大量的企业所使用,包括Fortune全球排名前100家中的70家,Fortune北美排名前100家中的81家;多年来注重全球金融行业市场,已经拥有了全球前25家银行的23家,全球前25家保险公司的24家的大量金融行业用户;积累了丰富的金融行业影像平台,业务流程管理的经验。
IBM Cognos 产品功能介绍
2.模型定义层:模型定义层可以分为两部份,一部分通过Cognos BI Modeling 将数据库在应用层定义为数据查询模型,定义的内容包括:数据库中的表字段在模型层被重新命名,重新组织,使其符合业务人员的逻辑;表及字段被赋予应用级安全性,保证恰当的人可以看到恰当的数据。
第二部分是将通过Cognos BI OLAP Modeling统计汇总数据按照业务逻辑生成多维立方体,将数据按照多维信息重新进行组织并且在应用层设置权限,使用户进行统计分析时得到较好的性能和灵活的查询组合方式。
3.应用服务器层:应用服务器层的Cognos BI Server for Reporting和Cognos BI Server for Analysis将在模型定义层中定义的模型和多维立方体通过Web Server进行发布展示。
在整个系统中,Cognos主要如下产品:Cognos BI OLAP ModelingCognos BI Server for AnalysisCognos BI ModelingCognos BI Server for Reporting(1) BI OLAP ModelingBI OLAP Modeling是Cognos提供的企业级OLAP 模型设计工具,它将从各类数据源(数据库、数据仓库、平面文件)中筛选出来的数据创建成多维数据立方体。
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center产品说明IBM TivoliIBM TotalStorage Productivity Center标准存储架构管理存储设备管理一般指对于存储系统的硬件架构的管理,包括硬件设备的配置、操作、监控、管理、性能和报告等多个方面。
图:存储架构管理IBM Total Storage Productivity Center是IBM集中的存储设备管理产品,实现了集中的对IBM各种类型的存储设备的集中监控、性能采集、历史报告等存储管理功能。
通过Productivity Center产品可以实现管理IBM的多种不同存储设备,实现对企业级磁盘阵列ESS和高端光纤磁盘阵列FastT的集中管理,并通过自动化的工作流程管理自动处理存储系统的配置和变更。
IBM Total Storage Productivity Center可以帮助客户实现存储管理的主要功能,包括存储网络监控,发现存储设备,生成存储网络的拓扑结构,并随时监测存储网络的故障;存储设备、资产和容量管理,反映存储设备的内部结构及详细配置和状态,并分析相关存储空间的使用状态,数据的访问频次,并预测存储的使用趋势;存储性能管理,分析关键的存储设备性能参数,如I/O、Cache、读写速率等等,帮助系统管理员分析系统的性能瓶颈,解决可能发生的系统故障;另外TPC还具有集中的存储卷管理器,帮助统一分配和管理多台存储系统的存储空间分配,提高管理效率。
IBM Rational系列产品介绍
IBM Rational系列产品介绍•Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software用于架构和建模、模型驱动开发、组件、组件测试、运行时分析活动的工具。
•Rational Professional Bundle提供企业级桌面工具,以便设计、构建和测试J2EE/门户/面向服务的应用程序。
•Rational Rose Developer for UNIX提供行业领先的模型驱动开发工具。
•Rational Rose Technical Developer一个模型驱动开发解决方案,针对Java、C、C++自动进行从设计到代码的转换。
•Rational Rose XDE Developer for Java为基于J2EE 的系统提供完整的可视化设计和开发环境。
•R ational Rose XDE Developer for Visual Studio为基于.NET 的系统提供完整的可视化设计和开发环境。
•Rational Rose XDE Developer Plus为基于J2EE 和基于.NET 的系统提供可视化设计和开发环境。
•Rational Software Architect利用 UML 为模型驱动开发提供整合设计和开发支持。
•Rational Software Modeler支持 UML 可视化建模/设计,从不同的视图编制系统文档。
•Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio for UNIX合并屡获殊荣的开发工具,帮助人们更快速地构建更好的软件。
•Rational Suite for Technical Developers支持诸如实时和嵌入式技术应用程序的可视化开发。
•Rational Web Developer for WebSphere Software简化和加速了 Web、Web 服务和 Java 开发。
为什么选择IBMIBM SAN 产品和解决方案为多协议的局部、校园、城市和全球存储网络提供了整合的中小企业和大型企业 SAN 解决方案。
了解更多信息(英文)我们可以提供:企业级 SAN 导控器针对最高可用性和可扩展性的企业解决方案。
∙IBM System Storage SAN768B and SAN384B∙IBM TotalStorage SAN256B∙Cisco MDS 9513∙Cisco MDS 9509∙Cisco MDS 9506∙Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM™)中端 SAN 交换机针对可扩展的、经济的中小企业和大型企业解决方案。
∙IBM System Storage SAN80B-4∙IBM System Storage SAN64B-2(英文)∙IBM System Storage SAN40B-4∙IBM System Storage SAN32B-3∙Cisco MDS 9148∙Cisco MDS 9134 (英文)入门级 SAN 交换机针对简单的、经济的中小企业(SMB)解决方案。
∙IBM System Storage SAN24B-4 Express∙Cisco MDS 9124 ExpressIBM Express 型 SAN 交换机经济且易于使用的中小企业(SMB)解决方案。
∙IBM System Storage SAN24B-4∙Cisco MDS 9124 Express多协议路由器∙IBM System Storage SAN06B-R∙Cisco MDS 9222i∙IBM System Storage SAN04B-R支持和服务∙产品支持(英文)∙服务(英文)∙红皮书(英文)∙教育培训(英文)软件和解决方案∙SAN V olume Controller∙开放软件系列(英文)∙SAN 解决方案(英文)资源∙新闻∙网络连接存储∙案例研究∙存储融资∙System x (x86) 服务器∙BladeCenter 刀片服务器∙Cluster 服务器∙Power Systems (System i 服务器, System p 服务器)∙网络解决方案∙System z (mainframe) 服务器∙存储产品存储产品:∙磁盘系统∙磁带系统∙存储区域网络∙网络连接存储∙介质∙软件∙产品排序(A-Z)高端及企业级系统∙DS6000 系列∙DS8000 系列查看所有企业磁盘系统产品∙IBM XIV 存储系统中端及高性能系统∙Storwize V7000∙DS4800∙DS5000查看所有中端及高性能磁盘系统产品∙DS3950∙DS5020 Express∙DCS9900 系列入门级系统- DS3000 系列∙DS3000 系列∙DS3500 系列∙EXP3000查看所有入门级磁盘系统产品N 系列-统一存储设备∙N7000 系列∙N6000 系列∙N5000 系列∙N3000 系列网关∙N7000 系列网关∙N5000 系列网关N 系列软件和解决方案∙N 系列软件∙N 系列解决方案(英文)归档和保留时间∙DR550∙IBM 信息归档∙具有 Snaplock 的 N 系列(英文)支持和服务∙产品支持(英文)∙N 系列支持和服务(英文)∙磁盘服务(英文)∙针对存储产品的远程支持管理器(英文)∙磁盘红皮书(英文)软件和解决方案∙数据移动性(英文)∙开放式软件系列(英文)资源∙资源库(英文)∙新闻∙N 系列资源(英文)∙案例研究∙产品指南(英文)∙存储融资∙DS 系列说明书(英文)∙DS6000/DS8000 白皮书网络产品:∙以太网交换机∙以太网路由器存储产品特惠方案:∙即刻了解创新领先地位:∙企业信息架构解决方案∙存储虚拟化∙存储XIV 创新∙重复数据删除∙数据移动性(英文)∙新产品资讯全面的存储解决方案∙XIV 智能存储系统方案建议书(418KB)∙存储高可用解决方案建议书(511KB)∙企业级存储DS8000 容灾方案建议书(922KB) ∙更多解决方案获取Adobe® Reader®服务器:∙IBM Power 刀片服务器∙IBM Power 710∙IBM Power 720∙IBM Power 730∙IBM Power 740∙IBM Power 750∙IBM Power 770∙IBM Power 780高性能计算服务器:∙IBM Power 755∙IBM Blue Gene/P (英文)∙HPC 服务器和软件 (英文)软件:∙虚拟化 - PowerVM∙AIX∙IBM i∙Linux∙可用性 - PowerHA (英文)∙安全性 (英文)∙能源(英文)∙管理– Systems Director & VMControl (英文)∙IBM 中间件(英文)解决方案:∙云 (英文)∙事务 (英文)∙分析学 (英文)∙更多解决方案 (英文)。
IBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B-type X、Y系列以太网交换机简介© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器目录§ 产品概览 § X系列产品介绍 § Y系列产品介绍2© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM B-TYPE 以太网产品系列Data Center Core and Bordere LS anc rm P/MP fo I er h p vice Hig lti-ser muData Center Aggregationsity den nce h hig rma ery perfo V and4-slot 8-slot 16-slot4-slot 8-slot 16-slot 32-slotIBM m-series Ethernet/IP routers Campus POE+ Ethernet accessswitchty n si t de kable s h e ac Hig E+ st POIBM r-series Ethernet switches Campus Power over Ethernet Converged Edgety nsi t de able hes ck Hig E sta POIBM Y-series Ethernet Switch Data Center TOR Server Access, Aggregationa orm erf ity hP s Hig h den Hig nce48 or 50 port models 10 GbE/1 GbE dual speed, 24 portsIBM g-series Ethernet POE edge switchesty nsi t de sis hes s Hig E cha POIBM x-series Ethernet Switch Data Center TOR Server Accessanc rm rfo e e h p vic Hig lti-ser mu e24, 48 or 50 port copper and fiber models8-slot16-slotIBM c-series Ethernet switchesIBM s-series Ethernet edge/distribution switchIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器4© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B-type X系列10G以太网接入交换机5© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM x-series Ethernet SwitchesData Center 10 GbE Top of Rack Access, High Performance ComputingIBM Ethernet Switch 24X1 RU Brocade TurboIron 24X HVEC/XCC P/N: 4002AX2 Base switch includes § 24x 10 GbE/1 GbE dual-speed ports plus § 4x 10/100/1000 MbE RJ-45 ports Upgradeable with AAS Features/HVEC Options § Redundant power supply § Transceivers6© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B24X 万兆以太网接入交换机§ 数据中心级别的性能– Up to 488 Gbps 线速, 非阻塞 – 多达24个10G SFP+ 端口 – Cut-through架构,极低的时延ultra-low latency§ 最优化的灵活性和高可靠性– – – – 1G/10G 双速端口 (dual-speed) 4个10/100/1000M RJ45端口 冗余、可拔插, 负载均担的电源 可插拔风扇托盘§ 先进的软件特性– 完全的Layer 2 features – 强健的安全特性集合 – 内置硬件sFlow以便流量监控计费等应用●操作最简便 Data Center Access 数据中心接入7– 最佳的电源效率 – 紧凑的 1U 设计 – 前后通风© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B24X 24-端口双速率 10G/1G SFP+/SFP和 4个10/100/1000 RJ45端口模块化电源 • 内置AC电源 • 自适应110V/220V AC • 冗余,负载均担 • 热插拔通风 • 前后风流 • 速度可变的风扇 • 热插拔风扇托盘性能 • 488 Gbps转发性能 • 1.5us 微秒时延(cut-through) • 2 MB 大缓存,避免拥塞 (for transient congestion protection)灵活性和绿色设计 • 低电源的SFP+ ports • 每端口仅仅7.3W • Cu-SFP+ (Twinax) option • 支持1G千兆SFP8May 2009TurboIron 24X Overview© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B24X 型号灵活的架构Air Intake 进风24 PortsTurboIron 24X10 GbERJ45+DB9 Management1RUFront View 24x 10GbE/1GbE SFP+/SFP Ports • 1 U 高度 • 24 个 万兆10G/千兆1G 双速度光纤端口,支持SFP+, SFP+铜缆和SFP • 4个端口10/100/1000 Mbps支持100 Base-TX 和1000 Base-T RJ-45 自适应、自协商、自动MDI/MDIX检测 • 1个 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45管理口,自适应、自协商、自动MDI/MDIX检测 4x10/100/1000 RJ45 Ports• 1个串行管理 DB9 控制台接口 (Console Port),通过CLI命令行配置和管理交换机9© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM以太网交换机和IP路由器IBM B24X 型号没有单点失效1U后部视图 三个风扇 冗余电源• 两个冗余, 热插拔, 负载均担, 自适应AC电源 (标配一个AC电源) • 电源可热插拔,每个电源最大可输出300 watts • 在一个电源 (或输入电源线路)故障时, 单独的一个电源足够驱动整个系统 • 一个可热插拔(in-service) 风扇,总计3个可变速度的风扇确保冗余 • 即使1-2个风扇故障,系统还是能确保被冷却(cooled)10© 2009 IBM CorporationIBM B-type Y系列以太网接入交换机§堆栈设计,最高的PoE+ 端口密度–多达48 PoE or 26 PoE+ ports in 1U–多达384 PoE or 208 PoE+ ports per stack§Optimum flexibility and high availability–PoE+(以太网供电)和非-PoE+的常用普通型号–所有型号都配置4个100/1000M 光纤上联端口–所有型号都可升级2-端口万兆(10 GbE )–专用的32 Gbps (2个16G )堆栈带宽,全双工64G –冗余的,可插拔, 负载均担的电源–堆栈之中的单个CX Unit 可热插拔–Cross-unit 链路捆绑–单一的管理IP§Advanced VoIP software features–Dynamic voice VLAN and QoS configuration–Dynamic power management through LLDP-MED –Robust security suite–内置硬件sFlow , 用于网络流量监控和计费–Support for variety of 802.3af and 802.3at devices –Support for full Layer 3 features and routing数据中心和园区接入24Y 在system N announce 48Y 在system X announceIBM Y 系列以太网交换机•24 或48端口•专用的堆栈端口•千兆上联端口•可选的万兆10 GbE 上联端口•可选的冗余电源灵活性•非阻塞的架构•线速设计•高达200 Gbps 带宽•16 GbE 堆栈端口•10 GbE 上联到汇聚层性能•Enterprise wiring closets •High % of PoE ports•Demanding environments •Media-rich applications•Midsized iSCSI environments理想的产品for...•每个堆栈最多8台Y•Aggregate uplinks in a stack •32,000 MAC 地址•4096 VLANs •16,000 条路由扩展性•PoE+(最大30W 电源供电)•基本3层路由能力•可选IPv4 Layer 3 routing •sFlow 流量监控•Metro 城域网features •企业级的安全性丰富的Features●紧凑:1U 大小●24 或者48个10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45端口, with or without PoE/PoE+●四个可选的万兆10 GbE XFP 端口4个千兆SFP (Four Gigabit Ethernet SFP combo ports)●DB9 console port for managemento LEDs for port status, stack member ID, and more1UIBM Y 系列以太网交换机设计细节IBM Y系列以太网交换机设计细节●16 dedicated Gigabit Ethernet stacking ports●Optional second hot-swappable, redundant power supply ●Replaceable fan unit providing side-to-rear airflow●10/100/1000 out-of-band management portIBM Y系列以太网交换机高性能、可堆叠—随不断增长的需要而随时增加设备的扩展性–在一个堆栈里可以有多达8个Y系列产品–从24 到384端口—Leveraging IronStack technology–Mix and match FastIron CX switch models–Single IP management, hot insertion/removal, andautomatic failover—Appears as a single logical switch–Reduced management overhead of deploying more ports–10 GbE ports can be aggregated across the stackOSI LayersIBM Y 系列以太网交换机—所有型号都有基本的Layer 3 路由能力–Allowing for end-to-end Layer 3 networks–IPv4 静态路由, routing between directly connected subnets, RIPv1/v2 announce, DHCP relay, and more—Premium models (-PREM) 支持完全的IPv4 Layer 3 routing–IPv4 动态路由协议如OSPFv2 and RIPv1,v2–组播路由协议,如PIM–完全的3层特性,例如Policy-Based Routing (PBR), VRRP, and VRRP-ELayer 1: PhysicalLayer 2: Data Link Layer 3: Network Layer 4: Transport Layer 5: Session Layer 6: Presentation Layer 7: Application。
IBM Power750 小型机产品介绍
特性 领先的POWER7性能
RAS特性 光通路诊断 通过“能源之星” (ENERGY STAR)认证 采用EnergyScale技术的 IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager
■ 面向大中型数据库服务器
作为整合服务器或者高度虚拟化的多应用服务器,Power 750提供极高的配置灵活性来满足 最苛刻的容量和增长需求。通过业界领先的PowerVM™虚拟化特性,您可利用该系统的全部 能力来支持AIX®、IBM i及Linux®工作负载。PowerVM能够基于工作负载需求来动态调整系 统资源分配,从而确保每个分区都获得所需资源。活动内存(Active Memory™)扩展技术是 POWER7的新技术,提供远远超过实际物理内存的最大有效内存容量。创新的内存容量压缩 /解压技术最多可将内存扩展100%,从而使分区能够在不增加物理内存的情况下开展更多工 作,并且允许服务器运行更多分区,同样无需添加物理内存。
PCI适配器插槽 标准I/O适配器 集成虚拟以太网
其他集成端口 GX插槽(12X)
8核3.0 GHz,或者 8核3.3 GHz,或者 8核3.55 GHz1 1-4个 256 KB / 核 4 MB / 核 82 GB到512 GB的RDIMM DDR3 活动内存扩展 最多8个SFF驱动器 最多8个SFF SAS驱动器 最多2.4 TB 面向DVD-RAM的1个细长型托架 面向磁带驱动器或可移动磁盘的半高托架 2个PCI-X 2.0; 3个PCI Express 8x
◊ 主板集成10Gb 以太网
◊ 2 个热插拔 2.5” SAS/SATA
SSDs or HDDs ◊
Dual Enabled Hypervisor –
ESXi on Flash Key Option
优秀的计算,IO,存储能力 专门为主流的虚拟化平台和高负载应用”量身打造”
IBM PCIe Expansion Node
IBM Flex System x240 Compute Node
Compute x86
IBM 2S EP Compute Node
System infrastructure
标准宽度的计算节点 ◊
2颗E5-2600处理器 ◊
PCIe Full
PCIe Bridge Chip 2 Extra Mez slots
Width, Full
Height Slots
PCIe Low
Profile Slots
PCIe Adapters load from front
IBM Flex System x220 Compute Node
Compute x86
IBM 2S EN Compute Node
System infrastructure
标准宽度计算节点 ◊
2颗E5-2400 ◊
12条 DDR3 内存 支持 1333MHz / 1600MHz
◊ 标准集成1Gb以太网,可以升
预配置、预集成的平台系 统:
IBM Storwize V7000介绍IBM Storwize V7000的命名为什么这款IBM中端产品使用了Storwize V7000这样的命名方式呢?Storwize本是IBM最近收购的一个专攻主存储中实时数据压缩的公司名字,Storwize含有存储(stor)智慧(wize)的用意,用Storwize命名是因为IBM想利用Storwize这个品牌变成IBM一个新的存储系列,但是V7000的技术跟这家公司几乎没有什么关系,V7000的研发在收购Storwize前就已经完成了,所以本次发布的V7000甚至还没来得及受益于Storwize的实时数据压缩技术,但是据IBM系统与科技部存储系统市场与战略全球副总裁Dan Galvan表示,Storwize的实时数据压缩技术将会快就会在后续发布的V7000系列产品中应用到,这个时间可能很短。
V7000的V代表虚拟化,V系列将是IBM的具有虚拟化技术的中端磁盘阵列的产品编号,Dan Galvan表示,V7000的得名是根据它的性能定义的:其“性能介于DS5000和DS8000之间”,因此才命名为V7000——取了一个中间的数字,且更为接近DS8000。
所以这就不难理解为何业内把IBM Storwize V7000称为中端存储的高端了。
IBM Storwize V7000亮点三个第一1. 第一个IBM自主研发的中端存储2.0产品,架构上突破传统,吸收了DS和IBM横向扩展架构XIV的精华。
2. 第一次集“EasyTier自动分层”“虚拟化”“精简调配”三大存储效率于一身的磁盘阵列,使IBM Storwize V7000当之无愧的成为更加看重存储效率的中端存储市场上的杀手级产品。
3. 第一次把DS8000的RAID技术和自动分层、SVC虚拟化架构以及XIV的赏心悦目的管理界面等高端存储上的技术用在中端存储上,拥有企业级阵列的功能和使人眼前一亮的GUI。
IBM 全闪存存储产品介绍
“You cannot increase performance by adding lines of code.”
“ Our Symmetrix-VMAX
Enginuity consists of millions of lines of code.”
Flash System 设计理念
基于硬件的设计: 硬件控制数据路径 (IBM FlashSystem )
Variable Stripe RAID™ (VSR)
•专利技术,使得芯片的RAID条带大小可变 •一个10芯片的条带,如果某块写入区损坏,只有该写入区被绕过,以 后这个条带的数据会用这剩下的9个芯片来写入 独特的用户益处: • VSR 减少了Flash页面损坏带来的内部开销 10 Chips
减少Flash模块的 更换
RAID Group
16 Planes
2D Flash RAID™ 技术
外接模块 (FC, IB)
服务器接口 A
服务器接口 B
Flash 模块内部 RAID 5
(9 数据 + 1 校验)
IBM FlashSystem 2D Flash RAID™
优化的FPGA硬件数据路径 定制的硬件设计 大规模并行处理 25us的写入延迟到闪存介质
Outside World
IO Interface FPGA
Flash Media
Flash System 可靠吗?
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System Storage
IBM 726
IBM 2104
1st magnetic tape drive 1st read/back drive
1995 IBM 3590
▪ 延长了磁带介质的寿命 ▪ 使用磁带的表面引导磁带介质通过磁带头,可帮助减少 磁带边缘的磨损和损坏。
▪ IBM专有的本地光纤通道驱动器 ▪ 减少SAN环境中的组件和复杂性
▪ 支持三种硬加密技术 ▪ 不占用主机性能 ▪ 无法破解
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System Storage
IBM 连续四年领先 !!
Source: IDC, Worldwide Branded Tape 4Q06 Vendor Analysis, April 2007, IDC # 206511
This educational piece is intended for your use in selling. It is NOT a deliverable for your customers.
间 容量扩展支持 3592 JA 磁带介质,介质可被格式化为短长度格式(100GB)以支持更快的
数据访问 非易失性缓存可以减少由检查点和小数据块传输所带来的起停影响 新的串搜索功能允许主机应用将搜索功能应用到TS1120磁带驱动器上
Beginning of Tape
1P4 age 14
0 1
14 15
© 2006 IBM Corporation
其实从他的命名上就不难看出其超轻薄的定位,X代表了其Extreme portability(超轻、便携)的设计初衷。
相对于X系列极端的轻薄定位,T系列有着更加均衡成熟的设计因素在里面,T系列所要演绎的是Thin and light for Travel (性能与便携性的完美结合)的理念,主要针对那些面对在办公室或随地办公室的高级移动客户所设计,所以说不用极端的轻薄更不用极端的高性能,良好的使用舒适性和适当的便携性相结合再辅以较为强劲的处理系统就造就出了接近完美的T系列。
R是Reliable, Affordable Mobility(经济易用)的缩写,这一点很好的表明了R系列的身份,既然要与T 系列拉开距离,那么缩衣节食就是非常正常的现象了,首先表现在外壳所使用的材质上,不同于上面所说到两款高端型号所使用的昂贵合金材料,这款机型采用了ABS塑料作为外壳材料,虽然有效的降低了成本,但是坚固性就较前两者有些差距,但是既然非定位商用,那么移动性的要求就不会很苛刻,坚固性自然也有所降低。
1、系列、机型、型号的定义:系列(Series),是采用同一设计理念或者同样目标客户的一类机型的总称,例如IBM R系列面向家用客户、T系列面向商用客户、X系列面向追求轻薄的客户。
机型(Type),是采用同一设计同一模具同一外形的一类型号的总称,例如T23, T30, T40, T41, X30, X31, X40, R40e, R40, R50等等,每一种机型还有对应的Type number,例如T23对应2647,X31对应2672,R50对应1829,R40对应2681,R40e对应2684,T40和T41对应的2373等等,只要Type Number 不同,就表明采取了不同的设计以及不同的外形模具;值得注意的是,T40和T41的Type Number都是2373,没错,因为T40和T41的设计、外形、模具、重量都完全一样,机器内部的主板板型、外部端口位置也都完全相同,所以T41机器的说明书都仍沿使用T40的,无须额外印刷。
1Tivoli产品简介TIM简介全称IBM Tivoli Identity Manager,IBM Tivoli产品线的一个产品主要功能①实现用户账户的全面管理,包括创建、修改、检查、删除等②建立组织架构和用户的全局视图③支持业界广泛的账户资源,并且提供灵活的扩展④实现基于角色的用户账户管理策略⑤实现被管理系统的统一用户口令策略和用户口令的集中管理⑥建立用户帐号管理的审批流程,并和用户账户服务实现联动⑦提供全面的查询、日志和审计报告1.2 TAM简介全称IBM Tivoli Access Manager ,IBM Tivoli产品线的一个产品系列,我们主要涉及的是IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 。
☐IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-Business的功能☐LDAP Server:业界流行的LDAP服务器作为用户的注册库。
☐Policy Server:Policy Server是IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-Business的核心,它负责和其它IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-Business功能模块的通讯工作。
☐Web Portal Manager:是一个基于Web的图形化管理工具。
他主要用于IBM Tivoli Access Manager的安全策略的管理,其中包括对用户、用户组、角色、权限、策略和应用访问等的管理工作。
☐pdadmin命令行:这是一个基于命令行方式的IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-Business管理工具,这个工具会提供一个全面的管理功能。
☐WebSEAL:为HTTP/HTTPS请求提供了细化的访问控制;是一个高性能、多进程、可以截获HTTP/HTTPS访问请求的Web服务器;为URL、CGI程序、HTML文件、JA V A Servlets、JA V A c lass files等资源提供了访问控制的管理;还可以为后台基于Web的资源提供单一登陆的管理能力。
IBM Flex System Manager 产品指南说明书
IBM Flex System ManagerProduct Guide (withdrawn product)IBM® Flex System™ Manager (FSM) is a systems management appliance that drives efficiency and cost savings in the data center. IBM Flex System Manager provides a pre-integrated and virtualized management environment across servers, storage, and networking that is easily managed from a single interface. A single focus point for seamless multichassis management provides an instant and resource-oriented view of chassis and chassis resources for both IBM System x® and IBM Power Systems™compute nodes. You can reduce the number of interfaces, steps, and clicks it takes to manage IT resources, intelligently manage and deploy workloads based on resource availability and predefined policies, and manage events and alerts to increase system availability and reduce downtime while reducing operational costs.The IBM Flex System Manager management appliance is shown in the following figure.Figure 1. IBM Flex System Manager management applianceDid you know?Click here to check for updatesDid you know?IBM Flex System, a new category of computing and the next generation of Smarter Computing, offers intelligent workload deployment and management for maximum business agility. This chassis delivers high-speed performance complete with integrated servers, storage, and networking for multi-chassis management in data center compute environments. Furthermore, its flexible design can meet the needs of varying workloads with independently scalable IT resource pools for higher utilization and lower cost per workload. While increased security and resiliency protect vital information and promote maximum uptime, the integrated, easy-to-use management system reduces setup time and complexity, providing a quicker path to return on investment (ROI).IBM Flex System gives forward-thinking companies a way to completely rethink deployment and management of their IT environments; it offers an opportunity to evolve to a more open, agile, and integrated computing system that is dynamically managed from a single vantage point to simultaneously maximize efficiency and innovation.Figure 2. IBM Flex System Manager internal management network connectionsThe management network is used to complete management-related functions for the various endpoints that are managed by the IBM Flex System Manager management software, such as other Enterprise Chassis and compute nodes. During initialization, the management software discovers any Enterprise Chassis on the management network. The management node console can be connected to the management network or to the data network.The IBM Flex System Manager management node Eth1 interface (two 10 Gb Ethernet ports) must be connected to the chassis switch modules that are installed in I/O bay 1 or bay 2. This setup is referred to as the data network. You can configure a switch module in bay 1 or bay 2 to map Eth1 to one of its external Ethernet ports, as you would configure the other nodes in the chassis that are connected to the external network. The data network is used by applications and operating systems and can support data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps if a chassis switch module that is capable of 10 Gbps is installed.One of the key functions that the data network supports is discovery of operating systems on the various network endpoints. Discovery of operating systems by the IBM Flex System Manager is required to support software updates on an endpoint such as a compute node. The IBM Flex System Manager Checking and Updating Compute Nodes wizard assists you in discovering operating systems as part of the initial setup.Management task Agentlessin-band Agentlessout-of-bandPlatformAgentCommonAgentCommand Automation No No No Yes Hardware alerts and status No Yes Yes Yes Platform alerts No No Yes Yes Health and status monitoring No No Yes Yes File Transfer No No No Yes Inventory (hardware)No Yes Yes Yes Inventory (software)Yes No Yes Yes Process Management No No No Yes Power Management No Yes No Yes Remote Control No Yes No No Remote Command Line Yes No Yes Yes Resource Monitors Yes*No Yes Yes Update Manager (firmware)Yes**Yes Yes Yes Update Manager (agent updates)No No Yes Yes* Supported for VMware and Hyper-V virtualization environments** Supported for Windows environmentsThe following table shows supported virtualization environments and their management tasks.Table 6. Supported virtualization environments and management tasksVirtualization environment Management task AIX andLinux*IBM i VMware ESXwith vCenterMicrosoftHyper-VLinuxKVMDeploy virtual servers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Deploy virtual farms No No Yes No Yes Relocate virtual servers Yes Yes**Yes No Yes Maintenance mode Yes No Yes No Yes Import virtual appliance packages Yes Yes No No Yes Capture virtual servers Yes Yes No No Yes Capture workloads Yes Yes No No Yes Deploy virtual appliances Yes Yes No No Yes Deploy workloads Yes Yes No No Yes Deploy server system pools Yes Yes No No Yes Deploy storage system pools Yes Yes No No No* Linux on IBM Power Systems compute nodes** Supported only for virtual servers that are running IBM i v7.1, TR4 PTF group SF99707 level 4, or later. The following table shows supported I/O modules and their management tasks.Table 7. Supported I/O modules and management tasks (Part 1)I/O module Management task EN2092EN4091EN4093EN4093RCN4093SI4093Discovery Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Alerts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Protocol configuration Yes No Yes Yes No VLAN configuration Yes No Yes Yes No CEE configuration No No Yes Yes No EVB configuration No No Yes Yes No Stacked switch management No No Yes No NoTable 7. Supported I/O modules and management tasks (Part 2)I/O moduleManagement taskEN4023Cisco B22FC3171FC5022IB6131 Discovery Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Alerts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Protocol configuration No No Yes No No VLAN configuration No No No No No CEE configuration No No No No No EVB configuration No No No No No Stacked switch management No No No No NoThe following table shows supported virtual switches and their management tasks.Table 8. Supported virtual switches and management tasksVirtualization environment Linux KVM VMware vSphere PowerVM Hyper-V Virtual switchManagement taskPlatform Agent VMware IBM 5000V PowerVM Hyper-V Discovery Yes Yes Yes Yes No Inventory Yes Yes Yes Yes No Configuration management Yes Yes Yes Yes No Automated logical networkprovisioning (ALNP)Yes Yes Yes Yes NoThe following table shows supported storage systems and their management tasks.Table 9. Supported storage systems and management tasksTrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®Flex SystemSystem x®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Intel® and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Hyper-V®, Internet Explorer®, Microsoft®, and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.。
WebSphere知识讲稿1什么是WebSphere?WebSphere 是IBM的继承软件平台。
WebSphere 提供了可靠、灵活和健壮的继承软件。
WebSphere Application Server 是该基础设施的基础,其他所有产品都在它之上运行。
WebSphere Process Server 基于WebSphere Application Server 和WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus,它为面向服务的体系结构 (SOA) 的模块化应用程序提供了基础,并支持应用业务规则,以驱动支持业务流程的应用程序。
高性能环境还使用 WebSphere Extended Deployment 作为其基本基础设施的一部分。
其他 WebSphere 产品提供了广泛的其他服务,如下所述。
(注:Z操作系统是一种针对IBM公司的zSeries900(z900)大型机而设计的一款计算机操作系统.z/OS 是由OS/390更新演变而来的,而OS/390是从所谓的MVS操作系统发展而来的.IBM公司从新命名他的服务器和操作系统名称,是为了调整他的产品策略而使他的产品排列更加紧凑以适应新的Internet网的应用,从而加速自身的电子商务的发展。
Z/OS是一款号称具有极高的可升级性和高可靠性的计算机操作系统.它是基于64位z结构的操作系统.像它的先驱者一样,z操作系统是以运行紧急任务而具有更高可靠性而著称的.这款操作系统支持Web和Java应用. )2什么是WebSphere Application Server基于Java的应用服务器,整合企业数据和事务以用于动态电子商务环境。
IBM Cognos Express 产品介绍说明书
Grasshopper Group Selecting IBM Cognos Express for affordability and rapid ROI to help achieve their goal of servicing over one million entrepreneurs Background Grasshopper Group is a provider of a suite of tools designed to help empower entrepreneurs. They are currently a thirty-five person operation with over one hundred thousand customers and growing that number steadily every day. As Grasshopper Group continues to expand their product line and experience rapid growth, they have identified a critical need to attain better insight into their customer and product information in order to provide better targeted and more effective offerings that will ultimately improve their own customers’ rate of success. Their specific goals in implementing a business analytics solution were to: 1. Access actionable information without IT intervention. 2. Understand their best customers and better target their origin. 3. Better understand customer behavior by identifying patterns in the data. 4. Provide trusted and accurate information to decision makers. The Challenges Grasshopper’s existing information landscape presented a number of challenges to their ability to make informed decisions about their business. Grasshopper’s flagship product is a virtual phone system that generates large volumes of highly detailed usage information. Querying this data proved to be a very slow and difficult process, and making sense of the results was a separate challenge in itself. Furthermore, marketing and sales data were in a separate system that made any form of consolidated reporting a tedious and error-prone manual process.The SolutionGrasshopper Group selected IBM Cognos Express as the solution to their information delivery woes, chiefly because they were “very confident that Cognos, as a leader in the industry, was going to be able to help solve [their] problems.” Beyond its well-established lineage as an enterprise class BI platform for the world’s largest organizations, IBM Cognos Express was an attractive solution because it could beOverview:ChallengeOne of the main business challenges prior to theimplementation of Cognos Express was getting action-able data from their systems.SolutionIBM Cognos Express was an attractive solutionbecause it could be rapidly deployed and its ease ofdevelopment would facilitate a fast return on theirinvestment.BenefitTo date, Grasshopper Group has transitioned all oftheir previously manual operational reporting to a fullyautomated process using scheduled reports that areemailed to ten users daily.“ Cognos Express was a solution that fit our budget, even as a small company, and we were able to get it implemented in a much faster time than I would have ever expected.”– M ike Morris, Vice President of Operationsrapidly deployed and its ease of development would facilitate a fast return on their investment. What was most surprising to Grasshopper Group was just how minimal of an investment that would be. By taking advantage of an attractive offer from IBM Global Financing, Grasshopper Group was able to even further reduce their upfront expenditure on IBM Cognos Express. Another contributing factor to Grasshopper Group’s decision in going with Cognos Express was the involvement of the Ironside Group as a trusted advisor. The presence of a highly regarded IBM Business Partner with the depth of industry knowledge and technical expertise to the degree of Ironside Group’s helped to establish a level of comfort with the solution, all but guaranteeing its success at Grasshopper Group. The Approach Ironside Group took an approach that applied their own proven implementation methodology, which draws upon decades of experience in planning and deploying enterprise-class business intelligence solutions at Fortune 100 companies, but elegantly scales to meet the real-world needs of a small company like Grasshopper Group.The first phase of implementation was outlined to install Cognos Express and leverage the powerful in-memory analytics engine of IBM Cognos Express Xcelerator. Ironside Group built a multidimensional view of their data that was previously unattainable using standard relational queries. This was completed in less than five days and allowed Grasshopper Group to explore their data in a new and revealing manner that exposed a number of data quality issues, and ultimately to led to the recommendation of building a true data warehouse. In the second phase, Ironside Group designed a flexible data warehouse that was well-suited to both meet and extend far beyond the current day’s analytical needs. The Ironside Group worked closely with Grasshopper Group’s engineering team to routinely resolve data quality issues in their source systems as well as implement and validate the data warehouse model. Ironside Group then deployed the IBM Cognos Express Reporter module upon the new data warehouse, designed an easy to use ad-hoc query package for use with Query and Report Studio and delivered a full suite of dynamic operational reports and dashboards. In addition,Grasshopper Group’s engineering team attended one of Ironside Group’s quarterly public Report Studio training courses in order to better understand the technology and ensure that Grasshopper Group will be able to quickly and independently begin developing their own reports on their new business analytics platform.Phase two was completed in less than three months, with implementation of the IBM Cognos Express Reporter component taking only three weeks.“ The ability to finance those costs [both software and services] over a 36 month period and really eliminate any significant upfront capital investment was a very large benefit to us.” “ One of our main business challenges prior to the implementation of Cognos Express was getting actionable data from our systems.”Solution componentsSoftwareIBM • ® Cognos ® Express XceleratorIBM Cognos Express Reporter• Business PartnerIronside Group•The Results T o date, Grasshopper Group has transitioned all of their previously manual operational reporting to a fully automated process using scheduled reports that are emailed to ten users daily. The ability to query the data warehouse in an ad-hoc fashion has been rolled out to four users through Query Studio and two power users have begun to author content rich reports and dashboards using Report Studio. Grasshopper is well on their way to moving from a culture of decision making by “gut feel” to a metrics driven environment where decisions are made based upon a common accurate view of the business. Next steps include bringing additional subject areas into their data warehouse, as well as incorporating data from their newest products, Chargify and Spreadable. About Grasshopper Group Founded by two entrepreneurs, Grasshopper Group has been making it easier for entrepreneurs to start and grow their small businesses since 2003. Back then, we started out with a simple goal of empowering entrepreneurs with our first product, the Grasshopper virtual phone system, and we did just that—serving nearly 100,000 entrepreneurs (and we’re still growing). T oday, our commitment to helping entrepreneurs is stronger than ever as we continue to grow our company and develop products for busy entrepreneurs. About Ironside Group Founded in 1999, Ironside Group is a Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Enterprise Planning and IBM Cognos T raining solution provider. As a highly regarded IBM Premier Business Partner and IBM Cognos Partner for eleven years, Ironside Group has served as a trusted advisor to some of the world’s largest and most prestigious organizations, guiding them to continually improve their performance by making intelligent and informed decisions.For more information on Ironside Group and how they can help you please visit: “ As we were looking for solutions, we were also looking at different potential partners to help us with implementation, and Ironside Group’s expertise in the area really just made [IBM Cognos Express] a no-brainer for us.”“[Since implementing IBM Cognos Express] we’ve been able to make much more objective and quantitative analysis of our customer acquisition costs and we’ve been able to better target different [sales] channels for our customers.”© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010IBM Canada Ltd. 3600 Steeles Avenue East Markham ON L3R 9Z7 Canada Produced in Canada December 2010 All Rights Reserved IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at /legal/copytrade.shtml Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.References in this publication to IBM products and services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.P25598Please RecycleYTC03189-CAEN-01About IBM Business Analytics IBM Business Analytics solutions deliver world-leading enterprise planning, consolidation and BI software, support and services to help companies plan, understand and manage financial and operational performance. IBM Business Analytics solutions bring together technology, analytical applications, best practices, and a broad network of partners to give customers an open, adaptive and complete performance solution. Over 23,000 customers in more than 135 countries around the world choose IBM Business Analytics solutions For more information Contact your IBM sales representative or IBM Business Partner. Visit us at: /services/siteandfacilities Request a call T o request a call or to ask a question, go to /cognos/contactus . An IBM Cognos representative will respond to your inquiry within two business days.Business Analytics software。
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The Main Products:
1.Software products
Software products includes Information Management, Lotus, Rational,Tivoli, WebSphere.
Information Management: database management system, enterprise content management, Cognos business intelligence and performance management, information integration, data warehouse and data mining, etc.
Lotus: E-mail and other collaborative applications, social networking sites and mashup, enterprise office suite, mobile and wireless, electronic forms and web content management, etc.
Rational: software development management, software testing, software quality management, enterprise architecture management, demand management, software project management, enterprise modernization , ensure Website compliance and security.
Tivoli: service management, storage management, asset management, security management, business application management, cloud computing, virtualization management and energy efficiency management, etc.
WebSphere: application server, enterprise portal applications, e-commerce, application integration and business process management, business rules management systems,optimization, supply chain applications, and visualization.
2.Server products
Server products includes Power systems,System i (iSeries),System p (pSeries),System z (Mainframe),System x (xSeries),BladeCenter,UNIX servers,Systems software.
3.Storage products
Storage products includes Disk systems,Tape systems,Storage area networks,Network attached storage.
4.Additional products
Addgitional products includes Certified used personal computers ,Networking, Point of sale, Security, Semiconductors, Upgrades, accessories and parts, Hardware financing, Software financing, Financing for medium business andAll products. Services
1.Business services
Business analytics and optimization,Strategy and transformation,Functional expertise,Midmarket expertise.
2.IT services
Application innovation,Application management,Business continuity and resiliency,Data center,Integrated communications,IT servicesMaintenance and technical support,Security,Software,Strategy and design,Systems lab,Workplace.
3.Outsourcing services
Application outsourcing,Business process outsourcing,IT outsourcing and hosting.
Offerings,Certification,Conferences & events.
5.Additional services
IT services financing,Project financing,Working capital,All services.。