丰田车型代码-参考丰田:ZZE 花冠ZRE卡罗拉GRJ霸道4000TRJ霸道2700GRS188L皇冠2.5GRS182L皇冠3.0GRX188L锐志ACA RAV4ACR 大霸王ACV 佳美RZB考斯特ACV并不代表任何意思,它是一组,AVC40或者ACV41 代表的意思就是配置为2.0或者2.4的发动机ACV40代表2.4的2AZ发动机ACV41代表2.0,1AZ的发动机.回答人的补充2009-04-26 13:26拿一个凯美瑞的车型代码做实例:ACV40L-JEAGKCACV40 L J E A G K C1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81、基本型号代码:配置2AZ-FE的2.4L发动机2、方向盘位置:左侧驾驶3、制造型号:旗舰型4、车身类型:4门5、变速箱类型:配置5速自动变速箱6、级别:LUX7、发动机规格:丰田车型的代码1更新日期: 2010-4-11 23:53:36 ZZE122花冠1.8ZRE120花冠1.6ZRE15#卡罗拉GRJ120霸道4000RZJ120、TRJ120霸道2700VZJ95霸道3400RZJ95旧霸道2700ACA21、ACA33RAV4TCR10.20、ACR30、ACR50大霸王JZS133、JZS155、GRS182、GRS188、GRS20#皇冠GRX122、GRX121锐志NHW20普锐斯ACV30佳美2.4ACV31佳美2.0MCV10、VCV10、MCV20佳美3.0SXV10、SXV20佳美2.2AXP41、AXP42、SCP4#、NCP9#威驰ACV4#凯美瑞RN8#、YN8#、RZN14#的士头RZB4#、RZB5#、HZB5#、BB4#、BB5#中巴FZJ80、FZJ100陆地巡洋舰4500UZJ100、UZJ200 陆地巡洋舰4700YR21LG小霸王RZH10#、RZH104、RZH105、THR22#海狮UCF10、UCF20凌志400UCF30凌志430JZS147、JZS160、GRS19#、凌志GS300MCU3#凌志RX300ZZE 花冠ZRE卡罗拉GRJ霸道4000TRJ霸道2700GRS188L皇冠2.5GRS182L皇冠3.0GRX188L 锐志ACA RAV4ACR 大霸王ACV 佳美RZB考斯特VIN是英文Vehicle Identification Number(车辆识别码)的缩写。
符合中国人的对照表0 Z 1 Y 2 R 3 N 4 S 5 W 6 L 7Q 8 B 9J书中的对照表00 OO 奥立弗·奥伊(Olive Oyl)吃菠菜Popeeye的女朋友01 OA 计算机办公自动化(Office Automation)电脑02 OB 奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto von Bismarck)站在轮船上铁血03 OC C-3PO 星球大战中的机器人04 OD 欧弟天天向上主持人唱歌05 OE 视窗邮件系统(Office Express)Outlook 邮箱06 OS 辛普森(O.J Simpson)杀妻案07 OG 欧记(Organized Crime and Triad Bureau)香港重案组O记配枪女警08 OH 奥利弗·哈代(Oliver Hardy)戴着圆顶硬礼帽留着小胡子的喜剧演员09 ON Devil的别称(Old Nick)又称为堕落天使黑色羽翼地狱10 AO 史密斯(AO Smith)电热水器11 AA 各自付钱(Acting Appointment)AA制聚餐餐桌12 AB 阿里巴巴(Ali Baba)四十大盗宝藏13 AC 国际米兰(AC 米兰)足球14 AD 耶稣(Jesus)公元纪年的开始十字架荆棘15 AE 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)煮怀表16 AS 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)展示肌肉17 AG 阿甘(Forrest Gump)阿甘正传跑步18 AH 阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)走正步举手敬礼19 AN 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)授奖20 BO贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)首位黑人总统宣誓21 BA 文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)大学英语专业22 BB 处长(2B)二23 BC 比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)婚外性关系24 BD蓝光光盘(Blue-ray Disc)看片儿25 BE 布莱恩·爱普斯坦(Brian Epstein)放唱片26 BS 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)玩弄蛇27 BG 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)Windows视窗系统世界首富28 BH 本尼·希尔(Benny Hill)驾着送牛奶的马车29 BN 巴里·诺曼(Barry Norman)看电影30 CO 克里斯·奥唐尼尔(Chris O'Donnell)大斗蝙蝠侠31 CA 查理的天使(Charlie's Angels)霹雳娇娃卡梅伦·迪亚兹完美的臀部32 CB 查里·布朗(Charlie Brown)Snoopy 那只小鸟33 CC 查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)拐杖和八字步34 CD 查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)进化论蝴蝶和人猿35 CE 克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)老牛仔《廊桥遗梦》36 CS 反恐精英(Counter-Strike)游戏AK4737 CG 漫画(Computer Graphics)38 CH 查尔顿·赫斯顿(Charlton Heston)乘坐战车39 CN 中国(China)中文域名国旗40 DO 多米尼克·奥布莱恩(Dominic O'Brien)玩扑克41 DA 大卫·艾登堡(David Attenborough)在矮树丛中匍匐行进42 DB 丹尼·布鲁(Danny Blue)飞天大盗骗子43 DC 大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)变魔术44 DD 唐老鸭(Donald Duck)嘎嘎叫45 DE 杜克·艾灵顿(Duke Ellington)弹奏钢琴46 DS 迪丽娅·史密斯(Delia Smith)烤蛋糕47 DG 大卫·高尔(David Gower)手握板球拍48 DH达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)雨人49 DN 死亡笔记(Death Note)拉夜神月50 EO 小驴依唷(Eeyore)咀嚼蓟草51 EA 古罗马皇帝奥古斯都(Emperor Augustus)穿着皇袍52 EB 俄妮•卜莱登(Enid Blyton)写作53 EC 埃里克•克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)弹吉他54 ED 伊莉莎•多莉特(Eliza Doolittle)卖花55 EE 埃德娜•埃弗拉吉(Edna Everage)挥舞剑兰56 ES 吝啬鬼埃比尼泽(Ebenezer Scrooge)数钱57 EG艾内斯托·切·格瓦拉(Ernesto "Che" Guevara)拉美英雄头戴革命扁帽58 EH 埃德蒙•希拉里(Edmund Hillary)站立在珠穆朗玛峰上59 EN 古罗马皇帝尼禄(Emperor Nero)拉小提琴60 SO 斯佳丽•奥哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)晕倒61 SA 萨尔瓦多•阿连德(Salvador Allende)吃辣椒62 SB 睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)沉睡63 SC 肖恩•康纳利(Sean Connery)持枪64 SD 萨尔瓦多•达利(Salvador Dali)留着大胡子65 SE 苏•埃伦(Sue Ellen)喝着伏特加酒66 SS 斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)拍摄《外星人》67 SG 辣妹(The Spice Girls)吃咖哩粉68 SH 萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)烧油井69 SN 萨姆•尼尔(Sam Neill)与恐龙奔跑70 GO 乔治•奥威尔(George Orwell)打老鼠71 GA 乔治奥•阿玛尼(Georgio Armani)缝制女装72 GB 乔治•布什(George Bush)焚烧灌木丛73 GC 乔治•克鲁尼(George Clooney)戴着听诊器74 GD 杰拉尔德•德帕迪约(Gérard Depardieu)挥剑75 GE 格洛里亚•伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)引吭高歌76 GS 吉尔伯特和苏力文(Gilbert & Sullivan)演歌剧77 GG 杰曼•格瑞尔(Germaine Greer)焚烧胸罩78 GH 乔治•哈里森(George Harrison)沉思79 GN 格雷格•诺曼(Greg Norman)打高尔夫80 HO 黑兹尔•欧可诺(Hazel O'Connor)打碎玻璃81 HA 哈罗德•艾布拉姆斯(Harold Abrams)跑步82 HB 圣经(Holy Bible)红本子83 HC 亨利•库珀(Henry Cooper)拳击84 HD 汉普蒂•邓普蒂(Humpty Dumpty)从墙上摔下来85 HE 哈利•恩菲(Harry Enfield)电话访问86 HS 霍默•辛普森(Homer Simpson)吃油炸圈87 HG 休•格兰特(Hugh Grant)四个婚礼一个葬礼88 HH 大个子霍根(Hulk Hogan)摔跤89 HN 霍雷肖•纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson)掌舵90 NO 尼克•欧文(Nick Owen)坐在沙发上91 NA 尼尔•阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)身穿太空服92 NB 诺曼•贝茨(Norman Bates)淋浴93 NC 纳奥米•坎贝尔(Naomi Campbell)绊倒94 ND 尼尔•戴尔蒙德(Neil Diamond)坐在岩石上95 NE 诺尔•艾德曼(Noel Edmonds)扔弃油腻物96 NS 南希•西娜扎(Nancy Sinatra)与弗兰克进行二重奏97 NG 诺埃尔•盖拉弗(Noel Gallagher)用麦克风演唱98 NH 纳塞尔•侯赛因(Nasser Hussein)投掷板球99 NN 尼克•诺尔蒂(Nick Nolte)穿得像个流浪汉。
报文类型介绍 报文代码:PSM 英文全称: Passenger Service Message 中文名称: 旅客服务报 报文说明: 发后续所有航站,有CHD INF等特殊服务项,以姓名顺序排列. 报文实例: PSM CA994/27APR PEK PART1 -HKG BANERJEE/ARIJIT /PSPT HK1 D111024554/IN/15DEC63// -R SERVICE CO-/YIN 18A CHAN/KWEIKEUNGMIK+ /PSPT HK1 H094018300/HK/18DEC66// /CTC --ANG OU DONG 23B CHANG/YUCHUNGMR TKNM 9994410097115-1 PAX PEK TEL 10-61593867 PLZ MAKE RECFM PEKHKG ON 28APR ONWDFLY CI 606L 28APR 3 HKGTPE HK1 PLZ RECFM MTKS 21A CI626 /27 到HKG的旅客:CHIAMENTI/ROBERTO及特殊信息,座位号18A.此旅客还有联 程航段,航班号 是LX139/27APR
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Lexus GS 系列产品说明书
G S 151 GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.2GS shown in Riviera Red // Options shown.3GS350 shown in Atomic Silver // Options shown.45GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.GS 350 F SPORT shown in Cabernet leather with Striated Aluminum trim // Options shown.6Inside the GS F SPORT, a 16-way power-adjustable sport driver’s seat with power side bolsters, four-way lumbar and added thigh support hugs your body the way the vehicle hugs curves. It’s an intense connection, made even stronger with the F SPORT–badged steering wheel and shift knob trimmed in perforated leather, and aluminum sport pedals.F SPORT DESIGN7GS HYBRID The GS is, above all else, a performance vehicle. And the GS Hybrid is mostcertainly not the exception to that rule. Boasting 338 total system horsepower,1an Adaptive Variable Suspension and the efficiency of a hybrid, it offers animpressive 34-mpg4 highway rating and rockets from 0 to 60 in a mere5.6 seconds.1,5 In addition to exclusive styling, the new GSh F SPORT addsVariable Gear-Ratio Steering and available Lexus Dynamic Handling withDynamic Rear Steering, ensuring that performance remains a top priority.8GS450h F SPORT shown in Obsidian // Options shown.910GS 350 shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.11Lexus engineers traveled the equivalent of 26 times around the Earth—from the ice-covered streets of Moscow to the extreme heat of Death Valley—all to develop the precise driving feel and responsiveness of the GS, no matter the conditions. Strap yourself in and carve through that first turn, and you’ll quickly discover it was worth every inch.OUR TEST TRACK WAS A MILLION MILES LONG.12GS350 shown in Flaxen leather with Linear Espresso wood trim // Options shown.13Options shown.306 HORSEPOWER1With more standard horsepower than its German competitors15 andan eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters (RWD),the GS takes driver engagement to new heights.17GS350 F SPORT shown in Deep Sea Mica // Options shown.1618A 19G. Available power rear sunshade H. Remote Touch 2 controller I. Available rear-seat climate and audio controls J. Contrast stitching K. Available color Heads-up Display L. Available rear spoiler. For a complete list of Genuine Lexus Accessories, visit /GS/accessoriesOptions shown.2021GS 350 shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown.By monitoring current driving conditions, available all-wheel drive automatically allocates engine power between the front and rear wheels from a rear-biased 30/70 (front/rear ) torque split to 50/50, depending on conditions. This can provide enhanced traction and control on a wide range of road surfaces and in inclement weather.ALL-WEATHER DRIVE22PACKAGES KEYSTANDARD FEATURESINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSSmartAccess 16,17 with push- button Start/Stop //Dual-zone automatic climate control with interior air filter and smog sensor // Power tilt-and-telescopic steering column // Lexus Memory System // Power tilt-and-slide moonroof // Electrochromic auto-dimming mirrors //HomeLink ® // Perforated leather-trimmed interior // 10-way (including lumbar ) power front seats // Drive Mode Select // 8.0-inch high-resolution colormultimedia display // Remote Touch 2 // USB iPod ®18 integration // Traffic and weather updates 13 via HD Radio 13 // Bluetooth ®19 // Backup camera 3 // Siri Eyes Free 11 // Lexus Enform Remote 10 app and Lexus Enform Safety Connect.20 Subscription required. One-year trial subscription includedGS PREMIUM PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )Rain-sensing wipers // H eated and ventilated front seats // Power rear sunshade // Climate ConciergeLUXURY PACKAGE (Available on GS 350)(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // 18-inch split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish // Semi-aniline leather interior trim // Linear Espresso wood interior trim // Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel // 18-way power front seats // Lexus Memory System for front-passenger seat // Three-zone automatic climate control // Rear-door manual sunshades // Adaptive Front Lighting System 26 // LED foglampsNAVIGATION PACKAGE (Standard on GS 350)Navigation System // 12.3-inch high-resolution split-screen multimedia display // Compatible mobile-phone integration // Enhanced Bluetooth technology 19 // Lexus Enform Destinations. Subscription required. One-year trial subscriptionincluded // Subscription-free Lexus Enform App Suite 27 with Bing,™ iHeartRadio, , OpenTable,® Pandora,®28 Yelp ® and Facebook PlacesCOLD WEATHER PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )H eated steering wheel // H igh-intensity interior heater // H eadlamp washers (GS 350 RWD; standard on AWD; not available on GS 450h ) // Windshield-wiper deicer // Water-repellent front-door glass // LED headlamps (GS F SPORT )GS 350/GS 450h F SPORT(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment ) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // 19-inch split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finish // F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // Variable Gear-RatioSteering (VGRS) (RWD only ) // 14.0-in, two-piece front-brake rotors with monoblock four-piston calipers (RWD only ) // 16-way F SPORT driver’s seat // Striated Aluminum interior trim // Black headliner // F SPORT exterior styling including unique front bumper, upper and lower grille inserts, rear valance and rear spoilerPower trunk open/close // Mark Levinson Premium Audio System 14 // Pre-Collision System (PCS )21 with Driver Attention Monitor,21 Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 22 // Lane Keep Assist 9 with Lane Departure Warning 23 // Blind Spot Monitor 8 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert 24 and power-folding outside mirrors // Color Heads-up Display // Intuitive Parking Assist 25 // Lexus Dynamic Handling with Dynamic Rear Steering(GS F SPORT RWD, required on GSh F SPORT ) // H eated rear seats (Luxury Package )WHEELS What is Lexus Enform? Lexus Enform is Lexus-branded connected services and currently consists of the following products: Lexus EnformSafety Connect, Lexus Enform Destinations, Lexus Enform Remote and Lexus Enform App Suite. To learn more visit /enform.LEXUS ENFORM18-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finishStandard18-in split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish Luxury PackageF SPORT 19-in full-face forged alloy wheels 7Available19-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finishGS F SPORTF SPORT 19-in forgedalloy wheels 7 Available23KEY SPECS306HP15.7S 1,5/ 5.8S 1,5/ 5.6S1,5GS/GS F SPORTGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWD GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINEPERFORMANCE19 / 29 / 2329// 19 / 26 / 212929 / 34 / 3129GS RWD/GS F SPORT RWD GSh/GSh F SPORTGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDFUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY/HIGHWAY/COMBINED)8-SPEEDGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFT6-SPEEDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFTE CVTGSh/GSh F SPORTELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLEDCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSIONEST MPGEST MPG0–60 INWIDTH 72.4 IN HEIGHT57.3 IN (RWD, Hybrid)57.9 IN (AWD)OVERALL LENGTH 190.7 INWHEELBASE 112.2 INFor a complete list of features and to view configurations available in your area, please visit /GSbuild.GS shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.338HP1GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINE ATKINSON-CYCLETOTAL SYSTEM R WDAWDSTANDARD GS/GS F SPORT GSh/GSh F SPORTAVAILABLEGS/GS F SPORTDRIVETRAINOR24INTERIORTRIMFLAXENLEATHERCABERNET*LEATHERLIGHT GRAYLEATHERBLACK WITH WHITEPERFORATIONS*LEATHERBLACKLEATHERMATTE DARKBROWN WALNUT†STRIATEDALUMINUM*LINEAR ESPRESSOWOOD‡MATTE BAMBOOGS350GS450hGS/GSh F SPORT*F SPORT exclusive†G S350, GS350 PremiumPackage only‡GS350 Luxury Package only25EXTERIORDEEP SEA MICA STARFIRE PEARL NEBULA GRAY PEARLMETEOR BLUE MICA OBSIDIAN RIVIERA REDLIQUID PLATINUMATOMIC SILVERFIRE AGATE PEARL ULTRA WHITE*FPOFSC LogoWARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the GS Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 2. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions. 3. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. You should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 4. 2015 GS 450h EPA 29/34/31 city/hwy/combined mpg ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 5. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 6. CAUTION! When driving a hybrid vehicle, pay special attention to the area around the vehicle. Because there is little vehicle noise in electric-only mode, pedestrians, people riding bicycles or other people and vehicles in the area may not be aware of the vehicle starting off or approaching them, so take extra care while driving. EV mode works under certain conditions at low speeds for up to a mile. See Owner’s Manual . 7. 18- or 19-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 15,000 miles, depending upon driving conditions. 8. Do not rely exclusively on the Blind Spot Monitor. Always look over your shoulder and use your turn signal. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the monitor. For a complete list of limitations and directions regarding use of the monitor, see Owner’s Manual . 9. Lane Keep Assist is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions. It provides a visual and audible alert and slight steering force when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 10. Use only if aware of circumstances surrounding the vehicle, and it is legal & safe to do so (e.g., car uncovered in open area, no people or pets in or nearby). If vehicle has not been driven for over a week, services will not be available until next time vehicle is started. Functionality depends on many factors, such as vehicle and smartphone connectivity. See usage precautions, service limitations & Owner’s Manual . Data charges may apply. Registration, app download are required. Must have active Safety Connect subscription. Annual fee required after 1-year trial. 11. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Siri ® is available in Beta only on iPhone ® 4S, iPhone ® 5, iPad ® with Retina ® display, iPad ® mini, & iPod ® touch, 5th gen. & requires Internet access. Siri ® is not available in all languages or all areas & features vary by area. Data charges may apply. See & phone carrier for details. 12. iPhone ® and iPad ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 13. HD Radio™ Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. 14. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 15. Based on data from Audi A6 2.0T with 19-in Sport Package, BMW 5 Series 535i with M Sport Package & Mercedes-Benz E-Class E350 with Sport Styling Package manufacturers’ websites. 16. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 17. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key/fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Yellow Pages or by contacting . 18. iTunes ® and iPod ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 19. The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Lexus is under license. A compatible Bluetooth -enabled phone must first be paired. Phone performance depends on software, coverage & carrier. 20. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 21. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. The included Driver Attention Monitor is designed to alert the driver if a potential hazard is detected ahead and the driver’s face appears to be turned away. They are not collision-avoidance systems and are not substitutes for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 22. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 23. Lane Departure Warning is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions and provide visual and audible alerts when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 24. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm rear clearance. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the system. To learn more, see Owner’s Manual . 25. Do not rely exclusively on the Intuitive Parking Assist system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for details. 26. The Adaptive Front Lighting System helps improve vision at night. Situations such as dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 27. Apps/services vary by phone/carrier; functionality depends on many factors. Select apps use large amounts of data; you are responsible for charges. Apps & services subject to change. See /enform for details. 28. PANDORA ®, the PANDORA ® logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission. 29. 2015 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 30. FaceTime ® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of publishing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P5-093 (09/14) 00217GSBRO15 Printed in U.S.A. (90M ) ©2014 Lexus.THE L EXUS D ELIVERY A ND T ECHNOLOGY S PECIALISTS. To assist you in getting the most out of your GS, the Lexus Delivery Specialist will conduct a personalized delivery focused on every feature, setting and function you desire. To answer questions that arise after delivery, the Lexus Technology Specialist can offer expert guidance in person or without you ever leaving the driveway, via camera-enabled iPad ®12 apps like FaceTime.®30 Learn more about our Lexus Delivery and Technology Specialist services at /specialists.SERVICES AS INNOV ATIVE AS THE GS ITSELF .。
PX804C 非有害防火泥封封缸和封装剂说明书
PX804D/BK/050PX804CA non-toxic general purpose flame retardant potting and encapsulating compound ApplicationKey Properties• PCB potting and encapsulation • Capacitors • Transformers• Deep sea electronics• High electrical insulating characteristics • Non-toxic• Low shrinkage• Good thermal conductivity • High adhesion • UL94 V-0 @ 3mm•Good chemical and water resistanceDescription● Basic Two-component epoxy system ● Resin RX804C ●HardenerHX804CPhysical Data (approx. – values)Resin Hardener Mixed ColourBlack Amber Black Specific Gravity1.8 1.00 1.7 Viscosity (mPas) @ 25°C 600005009000Cure Schedule (150ml sample)TemperatureWorking Life(minutes)Gel Time(minutes) Light Handling(hours) Full Cure (hours) RT 90 360 24 48 60°C - - 2 4 80°C -- 1 2*RT is defined as 20-25°CThe above are typical values and will vary depending on the cured mass and application. Hotter temperatures may be used for faster cure but will result in higher post cure shrinkage and higher cure exotherm. Experimentation and testing is suggested to avoid side effects. For maximum properties a post cure may be required – Contact our technical service department for advice.Mix ratio by weight 8.6:1 Mix ratio by volume4.8:1TestResult Unit Peak exotherm (150g @ 25°C) 40 °C Shrinkage (volume) 0.3 %Thermal conductivity 0.85 W/m K Thermal expansion35-55Operating temperature range -55 to +130 °C (application & geometry dependent) Electric strength 18 kV/mm Volume Resistivity 1012 Hardness 80Shore D FlammabilityApproved (follow link below) UL94 V-0 Glow wire Flammability 850-960 °C Oxygen Index27.5 % Opacity of smoke (non-renewed atmosphere)189.2 358VOS 4 Dmax Tensile strength 50 MPa Compressive strength 60 MPa Deflection Temperature 50 °CCo-efficient of expansion 35-55 ppm/°C Loss Tangent 0.060 50Hz Permittivity 4.8 50 HzComparative tracking index >850 V (Method IEC 60112) Water absorption (30 days @ 20°C) 0.3 % Elongation at break 2-5 % Tg 60-80°CProcessing Typical PropertiesRoHS compliant YesUL94 V-0 /cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=QMFZ2.E76072&ccnshorttitle=Plastics+-+Component&objid=1073830268&cfgid=1073741824&version=versionless&parent_id=1073827222&sequence=1REACH (SVHC concentration) 0%F & I Rating Summary ReportIn accordance with NF F 16-101 railway rolling stock and STM-S-001. The final classifications are F1 & I4PX804C is available in Bulk, Twinpacks, kits and sets*******************************************************************.ukNot availablePX804C/BK/025 PX804C/RD/1000PX804C/BK/050PX804C/BK/100PX804C/BK/250PX804C/BK/500PX804C/BK/750PX804C/BK/1000Twinpacks are pre-weighed resin and hardener components contained in a tough flexible film, separated by a removable clip and rail.Once the clip and rail is removed the resin and hardener is thoroughly mixed within the bag and is immediately ready for use. Mixing will normally take ~ 2 minutes due to the viscosity; but pay special attention to the corners.Twinpacks are ideal for small to medium production runs, prototyping and on-site or field use.The twinpack weight/volume may also be tailored to a specific size on request.For further details please visit RX804C/BK/4.5KG HX804C/NC/525GRX804C/BK/5KG HX804C/NC/5KGRX804C/BK/25KG HX804C/NC/10KGHX804C/NC/25KGBoth resin and hardener are supplied in 5kg, 25kg and 200ltr drums and fully evacuated and ready for use.Care should be taken to ensure when mixing the resins air is not entrained in the mixture.If this is unavoidable the mixed resin and hardener should be re-evacuated before dispensing.The bulk resin and hardener materials can be dispensed from suitable dispensing machinery and Robnor Resins produce a range of these machines, details that can be provided on request.PX804C/BK/1KGKITPX804C/BK/25KGKITKits and Sets are provided in separate containers to the correct ratio.In Kit form, pour the hardener into the larger resin container and use it as a mixing vessel.Stir well using an appropriate mixer until homogeneous.Note: Incomplete mixing will be characterised by erratic or partially incomplete cure even after extended time periods.All equipment contaminated with mixed material should be cleaned before the material has hardened.TS130 is a suitable non-flammable cleaning agent, although other solvents may be found suitable.TS130 will also remove cured material provided it is allowed to soak for a number of hours.Material stored in the original unopened containers under cool dry condition between 15° and 25°C will have a shelf life of at least 12 months.Once used the containers must be kept sealed to prevent effects from water, air or contaminants.Epoxy resin systems may cause sensitisation by skin contact or inhalation may be corrosive, harmful or toxic.It is therefore strongly recommended that skin and eye contact is avoided by the using of appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, safety glasses or goggles and overalls.Wash any contamination from the skin immediately and thoroughly and do not eat, smoke or drink in the working vicinity. Under normal working conditions a good source of ventilation is adequate, however if the material is heated, or where vapour levels are likely to exceed the occupational exposure limits appropriate respiratory protection must be worn.Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) may be required especially for curing ovens or where large volumes of material are curing. The above is given as a guide only; please refer to RX/HX804C Health and Safety data or our Technical Service Department for individual/specific advice.The results and information above does not constitute a specification and is given in good faith and without warranty.The information is derived from test/or extrapolations believed to be reliable and is quoted for guidance only.The product is offered for evaluation on the understanding the customer satisfies himself that the product is suitable for his intended by proper evaluation and testing.Robnor Resins LimitedHunts RiseSouth Marston ParkSwindon SN3 4TEUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0) 1793 823741Fax: +44 (0) 1793 827033Email: *****************.ukWeb: Buy Online: (UK only)PX804D/BK/050。
npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA
fT12GHz npn 4V 5mA
X SOT143
N SOT323
npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA
npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA
npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA
pnp RF MRF521 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 17.5 dBm
2N3904 2N3904 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 18 dBm o/p npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA
N SOT323
Vishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420Bicolor SMD LED PLCC-4FEATURES•SMD LED with exceptional brightness •Multicolored•Luminous intensity categorized•EIA and ICE standard package •Compatible with automatic placement equipment•Compatible with IR reflow, vapor phase and wave soldering processes according to CECC 00802 and J-STD-020C•Available in 8 mm tape •Low profile package•Non-diffused lens: excellent for coupling to light pipes and backlighting •Low power consumption•Luminous intensity ratio in one packaging unit I Vmax /I Vmin ≤ 1.6•Lead (Pb)-free device•Preconditioning: according to JEDEC level 2a •Component in accordance to RoH S 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC •ESD-withstand voltage:up to 2 kV according to JESD22-A114-B19211DESCRIPTIONThese devices have been designed to meet the increasing demand for surface mounting technology.The package of the VLMRY3420 is the PLCC-4.It consists of a lead frame which is embedded in a white thermoplast. The reflector inside this package is filled up with clear epoxy.This SMD device consists of a amber and yellow chip.So it is possible to choose the color in one device.PRODUCT GROUP AND PACKAGE DATA •Product group: LED •Package: SMD PLCC-4 •Product series: bicolor•Angle of half intensity: ± 60°APPLICATIONS •Automotive: backlighting in dashboards and switches •Telecommunication: indicator and backlighting in telephone and fax•Indicator and backlight in office equipment •Flat backlight for LCDs, switches and symbols •General usePARTS TABLEPARTCOLOR, LUMINOUS INTENSITY TECHNOLOGY VLMRY3420-GS08Amber, I V = (355 to 900) mcd Y ellow, I V = (560 to 1120) mcd AlInGaP on GaAs VLMRY3420-GS18Amber, I V = (355 to 900) mcd Y ellow, I V = (560 to 1120) mcdAlInGaP on GaAsVishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420Note:1) T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified2) Driving the LED in reverse direction is suitable for short term applicationNote:1) T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1) VLMRY3420PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLVALUE UNIT Reverse voltage per diode 2)I R = 10 µA V R 5V DC Forward current per diode T amb ≤ 65°CI F 50mA Surge forward current per diode I FSM 0.1A Power dissipation per diode P V 130mW Junction temperature T j 125°C Operating temperature range T amb - 40 to + 100°C Storage temperature range T stg- 40 to + 100°C Thermal resistance junction/ambientmounted on PC board (pad size > 16 mm 2)1 chip on2 chips onR thJA480650K/WOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1) VLMRY3420, AMBERPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONPART SYMBOLMIN TYP.MAX UNIT Luminous intensity I F = 50 mA VLMRY3420I V 355900mcd Dominant wavelength I F = 50 mA λd 617nm Peak wavelength I F = 50 mA λp 624nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ± 60deg Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F 2.12.6V Reverse current V R = 5 V,I R 10µA Junction capacitanceV R = 0, f = 1 MHzC j15pFOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1) VLMRY3420, YELLOWPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONPART SYMBOLMIN TYP.MAX UNIT Luminous intensity I F = 50 mA VLMRY3420I V 5601120mcd Dominant wavelength I F = 50 mA λd 581588594nm Peak wavelength I F = 50 mA λp 590nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ± 60deg Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F 2.12.6V Reverse current V R = 5 V I R 10µA Junction capacitanceV R = 0, f = 1 MHzC j15pFCROSSING TABLEVISHAY OSRAM VLMRY3420LAYT67BVishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420Note:1)Luminous intensity is tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms and an accuracy of ± 11 %.TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedLUMINOUS INTENSITY CLASSIFICATION AND GROUP COMBINATIONS, VLMRY34201)REDT2355 to 450 mcdU1450 to 560 mcd U2560 to 710 mcd V1710 to 900 mcd Y E L L O WU2560 to 710 mcd VLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420V1710 to 900 mcd VLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420V2900 to 1120 mcdVLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420VLMRY3420COLOR CLASSIFICATIONGROUPDOMINANT WAVELENGTH (NM)YELLOWMINMAX 158158425835863585588458759055895926591594Figure 1. Forward Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 2. Forward Current vs. Pulse DurationVishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420Figure 3. Rel. Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement Figure 4. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength Figure 5. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength 103190.60.90.80°30°10°20°40°50°60°70°80°0.71.0I V r e l - R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t yFigure 6. Relative Forward Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward CurrentFigure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward CurrentVishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420Figure 9. Rel. Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 10. Rel. Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 11. Change of Dominant Wavelength vs.Ambient Temperature- 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 - 50- 250255075100T am b - Am b ient Temperat u re (°C)17017- C h a n g e o f D o m . W a v e l e n g t h (n m )dFigure 12. Change of Dominant Wavelength vs.Ambient TemperatureFigure 13. Change of Forward Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 14. Change of Forward Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature- 50- 25 0 25 50 75 100T am b - Am b ient Temperat u re (°C)17015Δ V F - C h a n g e o f F o r w a r d V o l t a g e (m V )Vishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420PACKAGE DIMENSIONSMETHOD OF TAPING/POLARITY AND TAPE AND REELSMD LED (VLM.3 - SERIES)Vishay’s LEDs in SMD packages are available in an antistatic 8 mm blister tape (in accordance with DIN IEC 40 (CO) 564) for automatic component insertion. The blister tape is a plastic strip with impressed component cavities, covered by a top tape.TAPING OF VLM.3...Figure 15. Tape Dimensions in mm for PLCC-2Vishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420REEL PACKAGE DIMENSION IN MM FOR SMD LEDS, TAPE OPTION GS08 (= 1500 PCS.)REEL PACKAGE DIMENSION IN MM FOR SMD LEDS, TAPE OPTION GS18 (= 8000 PCS.) PREFERREDSOLDERING PROFILEFigure 16. Reel Dimensions - GS08Figure 17. Reel Dimensions - GS18Figure 18. Vishay Lead (Pb)-free Reflow Soldering Profile(acc. to J-STD-020C)Figure 19. Double Wave Soldering of Opto Devices (all Packages)Vishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420DRY PACKINGThe reel is packed in an anti-humidity bag to protect the devices from absorbing moisture during transportation and storage.FINAL PACKINGThe sealed reel is packed into a cardboard box. A secondary cardboard box is used for shipping purposes.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF STORAGEDry box storage is recommended as soon as the aluminium bag has been opened to prevent moisture absorption. The following conditions should be observed, if dry boxes are not available:• Storage temperature 10°C to 30°C• Storage humidity ≤ 60 % RH max.After more than 672 h under these conditions moisture content will be too high for reflow soldering.In case of moisture absorption, the devices will recover to the former condition by drying under the following condition:192 h at 40°C + 5°C/ - 0°C and < 5 % RH (dry air/ nitrogen) or96 h at 60°C + 5°C and < 5 % RH for all device containers or24 h at 100°C + 5°C not suitable for reel or tubes. An EIA JEDEC standard JESD22-A112 level 2a label is included on all dry bags.Example of JESD22-A112 level 2a labelESD PRECAUTIONProper storage and handling procedures should be followed to prevent ESD damage to the devices especially when they are removed from the antistatic shielding bag. Electro-static sensitive devices warning labels are on the packaging.VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS STANDARD BAR CODE LABELSThe Vishay Semiconductors standard bar code labels are printed at final packing areas. The labels are on each packing unit and contain Vishay Semiconductors specific data.Vishay SemiconductorsVLMRY3420OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or deathassociated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
基础代码表1. 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码本代码引自GB/T 3304-1991。
表1 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码2. 世界各国和地区名称代码本代码引自GB/T 2659-2000。
表2 世界各国和地区名称代码3. 学历代码本代码引自GB/T 4658-2006。
表3 学历代码4. 中华人民共和国学位代码本代码引自GB/T 6864-2003。
表4 中华人民共和国学位代码5. 特殊教育学校课程代码表5 特殊教育学校课程代码6. 学位授予和人才培养学科目录表6 学位授予和人才培养学科目录7. 普通高等学校高职高专教育指导性专业目录(试行)表7 普通高等学校高职高专教育指导性专业目录(试行)代码高职高专专业名称代码高职高专专业名称5204 水上运输类6102 纺织服装类5205 民航运输类6103 食品类5206 港口运输类6104 包装印刷类5207 管道运输类62 财经大类53 生化与药品大类6201 财政金融类5301 生物技术类6202 财务会计类5302 化工技术类6203 经济贸易类5303 制药技术类6204 市场营销类5304 食品药品管理类6205 工商管理类54 资源开发与测绘大类63 医药卫生大类5401 资源勘查类6301 临床医学类5402 地质工程与技术类6302 护理类5403 矿业工程类6303 药学类5404 石油与天然气类6304 医学技术类5405 矿物加工类6305 卫生管理类5406 测绘类64 旅游大类55 材料与能源大类6401 旅游管理类5501 材料类6402 餐饮管理与服务类5502 能源类65 公共事业大类5503 电力技术类6501 公共事业类56 土建大类6502 公共管理类5601 建筑设计类6503 公共服务类5602 城镇规划与管理类66 文化教育大类5603 土建施工类6601 语言文化类5604 建筑设备类6602 教育类5605 工程管理类6603 体育类5606 市政工程类67 艺术设计传媒大类5607 房地产类6701 艺术设计类57 水利大类6702 表演艺术类5701 水文与水资源类6703 广播影视类5702 水利工程与管理类68 公安大类5703 水利水电设备类6801 公安管理类5704 水土保持与水环境类6802 公安指挥类58 制造大类6803 公安技术类5801 机械设计制造类6804 部队基础工作类5802 自动化类69 法律大类5803 机电设备类6901 法律实务类5804 汽车类6902 法律执行类6903 司法技术类。
BB814Document Number 85555Rev. 1.6, 15-Apr-05Vishay Semiconductors1Dual Varicap DiodeFeatures•Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode •Common cathode•Lead (Pb)-free component •Component in accordance toRoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECApplicationsTuning of separate resonant circuits, push-pull circuits in FM range, especially for car radiosMechanical DataCase: SOT-23 Plastic case Weight: approx. 8.1 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedPartT ype differentiationOrdering codeRemarks BB814V RRM = 20 V , C D 43-46, 5 pF BB814-GS18 or BB814-GS08T ape and Reel BB814-1V RRM = 20 V , C D 43-45, 5 pF BB814-1-GS18 or BB814-1-GS08T ape and Reel BB814-2V RRM = 20 V , C D 44.5-46, 5 pFBB814-2-GS18 or BB814-2-GS08T ape and ReelParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 20V Reverse voltage V R 18V Forward currentI F50mAParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Junction temperature T j 125°C Storage temperature rangeT stg- 55 to + 150°C 2Document Number 85555Rev. 1.6, 15-Apr-05BB814Vishay Semiconductors Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) In the reverse voltage range of V R= (2 to 8 V) for 4 diodes taped in sequence the max. deviation is 3 %.Package Dimensions in mm (Inches)ParameterTest conditionPartSymbol MinTyp.Max Unit Reverse current V R = 16 VI R 20nA V R = 16 V , T j = 60°C I R 200nA Diode capacitance 1)V R = 2 VBB814-1C D 4345pF Diode capacitanceBB814-2C D 44.546.5pF V R = 8 VBB814-1C D 19.121.95pF BB814-2C D 19.7522.70pFCapacitance ratio V R = 2 V , 8 V , f = 1 MHz C D2/ C D82.05 2.25Series resistanceC D = 38 pF , f = 100 MHzr s0.5ΩBB814Document Number 85555Rev. 1.6, 15-Apr-05Vishay Semiconductors3Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
建筑消防工程设计施工验收与技术规范标准手册-第十一章 工业建筑与库房防火设计
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Preliminary GS880E18/32/36T-11/11.5/100/80/66
GS880E32 100-Pin TQFP Pinout
Byte Write and Global Write
Byte write operation is performed by using Byte Write enable (BW) input combined with one or more individual byte write signals (Bx). In addition, Global Write (GW) is available for writing all bytes at one time, regardless of the byte write control inputs.
Eaton 044948Eaton Moeller® series B3 Three-phase busbar link, Circuit-breaker:5, 261 mm, For PKZM0-... or PKE12, PKE32 without side mountedauxiliary contacts or voltage releasesGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series B3 AccessoryThree-phase busbar link0449484015080449485264 mm34 mm11 mm0.109 kgCECSA Class No.: 3211-06CSA File No.: 98494ULUL File No.: E36332CSACSA-C22.2 No. 14IEC/EN 60947-4-1UL 508UL Category Control No.: NLRV B3.1/5-PKZ0Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeBlackForkInsulatedCan be extended by rotating installation 3Three-pole 45 + 9 mmIII3Accessories 6000 V AC5 Circuit-breakers-25 °C 55 °C 690 V 690 V 63 A0 kA 0 kA 8.4 W0 W2.8 W63 A0 WMeets the product standard's requirements.ColorElectric connection type FeaturesFunctionsNumber of phases Number of poles Mounting widthOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeProduct categoryRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Suitable forAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Rated operational voltage (Ue) - max Rated operational voltage (Ue) at AC - max Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq) Rated short-time withstand current (Icw)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Save time and space thanks to the new link module PKZM0-XDM32ME Motor Starters in System xStart - brochureProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motorsSwitching and protecting motors - catalogDA-DC-00004245.pdfDA-DC-00004109.pdfDA-DC-00004544.pdfDA-DC-00004601.pdfDA-DC-00004951.pdfDA-DC-00004890.pdfDA-DC-00004944.pdfDA-DC-00004879.pdfDA-DC-00004888.pdfDA-DC-00004884.pdfDA-DC-00004917.pdfDA-DC-00004945.pdfDA-DC-00004891.pdfDA-DC-00004920.pdfDA-DC-00004911.pdfDA-DC-00004892.pdfDA-DC-00004962.pdfDA-DC-00004918.pdfDA-DC-00004887.pdfDA-DC-00004883.pdfDA-DC-00004914.pdfDA-DC-00004921.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-busbar-b3-accessory-dimensions-007.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-busbar-b3-accessory-3d-drawing-007.epsDA-CE-ETN.B3.1_5-PKZ010.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material BrochuresCataloguesCertification reports Declarations of conformityDrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.IL122027ZUWIN-WIN with push-in technologyDA-CS-b3_1_5_pkz0DA-CD-b3_1_5_pkz010.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Installation videos mCAD model。
Document Number Small Signal Zener DiodesFeatures•These diodes are also available in other case styles and other configurationsincluding: the SOD-123 case with type designation BZT52 series, the dual zenerdiode common anode configuration in the SOT-23case with type designation AZ23 series and the dual zener diode common cathode configuration in the SOT-23 case with type designation DZ23series.•The Zener voltages are graded according to the international E 24 standard. Standard Zener volt-age tolerance is ± 5 %. Replace "C" with "B" for ± 2 % tolerance.•Silicon Planar Power Zener Diodes •Lead (Pb)-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECWeight: approx. 8.8 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout.Thermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1)Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout.ParameterT est condition Symbol Value Unit Power dissipationP tot300 1)mWParameterTest condition Symbol Value Unit Thermal resistance junction to ambient air R thJA 420 1)°C/W Junction temperature T j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT S- 65 to + 150°CElectrical CharacteristicsPartnumber MarkingCodeZenerVoltageRangeDynamic Resistance T estCurrentTemp.Coefficientof ZenerVoltageTestCurrentReverse LeakageCurrentV Z @ I ZT1r zj @ I ZT1r zj @ I ZT2I ZT1αVZ @ I ZT1I ZT2I R@ V R VΩmA10-4/°C mAµA Vmin max min maxBZX84C2V4-V Z11 2.2 2.670 (≤100)2755-9.0-4.01501 BZX84C2V7-V Z12 2.5 2.975 (≤100)300 (≤600)5-9.0-4.01201 BZX84C3V0-V Z13 2.8 3.280 (≤95)325 (≤600)5-9.0-3.01101 BZX84C3V3-V Z14 3.1 3.585 (≤95)350 (≤600)5-8.0-3.0151 BZX84C3V6-V Z15 3.4 3.885 (≤90)375 (≤600)5-8.0-3.0151 BZX84C3V9-V Z16 3.7 4.185 (≤90)400 (≤600)5-7.0-3.0131 BZX84C4V3-V Z174 4.680 (≤90)410 (≤600)5-6.0-1.0131 BZX84C4V7-V Z1 4.4550 (≤80)425 (≤500)5-5.0+2.0132 BZX84C5V1-V Z2 4.8 5.440 (≤60)400 (≤480)5-3.0+4.0122 BZX84C5V6-V Z3 5.2615 (≤40)80 (≤400)5-2.0+6.0112 BZX84C6V2-V Z4 5.8 6.6 6.0 (≤10)40 (≤150)5-1.0+7.0134 BZX84C6V8-V Z5 6.47.2 6.0 (≤15)30 (≤80)5+2.0+7.0124 BZX84C7V5-V Z677.9 6.0 (≤15)30 (≤80)5+3.0+7.0115 BZX84C8V2-V Z77.78.7 6.0 (≤15)40 (≤80)5+4.0+7.010.75 BZX84C9V1-V Z88.59.6 6.0 (≤15)40 (≤100)5+5.0+8.010.56 BZX84C10-V Z99.410.68.0 (≤20)50 (≤150)5+5.0+8.010.27 BZX84C11-V Y110.411.610 (≤20)50 (≤150)5+5.0+9.010.18 BZX84C12-V Y211.412.710 (≤25)50 (≤150)5+6.0+9.010.18 BZX84C13-V Y312.414.110 (≤30)50 (≤170)5+7.0+9.010.18 BZX84C15-V Y413.815.610 (≤30)50 (≤200)5+7.0+ V Znom.BZX84C16-V Y515.317.110 (≤40)50 (≤200)5+8.0+9.510.050.7 V Znom.BZX84C18-V Y616.819.110 (≤45)50 (≤225)5+8.0+9.510.050.7 V Znom.BZX84C20-V Y718.821.215 (≤55)60 (≤225)5+8.0+1010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84C22-V Y820.823.320 (≤55)60 (≤250)5+8.0+1010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84C24-V Y922.825.625 (≤70)60 (≤250)5+8.0+1010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84C27-V Y1025.128.925 (≤80)65 (≤300)2+8.0+ V Znom.BZX84C30-V Y11283230 (≤80)70 (≤300)2+8.0+ V Znom.BZX84C33-V Y12313535 (≤80)75 (≤325)2+8.0+ V Znom.BZX84C36-V Y13343835 (≤90)80 (≤350)2+8.0+ V Znom.BZX84C39-V Y14374140 (≤130)80 (≤350)2+10+ V Znom.BZX84C43-V Y15404645 (≤150)85 (≤375)2+10+ V Znom.BZX84C47-V Y16445050 (≤170)85 (≤375)2+10+ V Znom.BZX84C51-V Y17485460 (≤180)85 (≤400)2+10+ V Znom.BZX84C56-V Y18526070 (≤200)100 (≤425)2+9.0+ V Znom.BZX84C62-V Y19586680 (≤215)100 (≤450)2+9.0+ V Znom.BZX84C68-V Y20647290 (≤240)150 (≤475)2+10+ V Znom.BZX84C75-V Y21707995 (≤255)170 (≤500)2+10+ V Znom. Document Number 85763Document Number Electrical CharacteristicsPartnumberMarking CodeZener Voltage Range Dynamic ResistanceTest CurrentT emp. Coefficient of Zener Voltage T est CurrentReverse LeakageCurrentV Z @ I ZT1r zj @ I ZT1r zj @ I ZT2I ZT1αVZ @ I ZT1I ZT2I R @ V R V ΩmA10-4/°C mAµAVminmax min max BZX84B2V4-V Z50 2.35 2.4570 (≤100)2755-9-41501BZX84B2V7-V Z51 2.65 2.7575 (≤100)300 (≤600)5-9-41201BZX84B3V0-V Z52 2.94 3.0680 (≤95)325 (≤600)5-9-31101BZX84B3V3-V Z53 3.23 3.3785 (≤95)350 (≤600)5-8-3151BZX84B3V6-V Z54 3.53 3.6785 (≤90)375 (≤600)5-8-3151BZX84B3V9-V Z55 3.82 3.9885 (≤90)400 (≤600)5-7-3131BZX84B4V3-V Z56 4.21 4.3980 (≤90)410 (≤600)5-6-1131BZX84B4V7-V Z57 4.61 4.7950 (≤80)425 (≤500)5-52132BZX84B5V1-V Z585 5.240 (≤60)400 (≤480)5-34122BZX84B5V6-V Z59 5.49 5.7115 (≤40)80 (≤400)5-26112BZX84B6V2-V Z60 6.08 6.32 6.0 (≤10)40 (≤150)5-17134BZX84B6V8-V Z61 6.66 6.94 6.0 (≤15)30 (≤80)527124BZX84B7V5-V Z627.357.65 6.0 (≤15)30 (≤80)537115BZX84B8V2-V Z638.048.36 6.0 (≤15)40 (≤80)54710.75BZX84B9V1-V Z648.929.28 6.0 (≤15)40 (≤100)55810.56BZX84B10-V Z659.810.28.0 (≤20)50 (≤150)55810.27BZX84B11-V Z6610.811.210 (≤20)50 (≤150)55910.18BZX84B12-V Z6711.812.210 (≤25)50 (≤150)56910.18BZX84B13-V Z6812.713.310 (≤30)50 (≤170)57910.18BZX84B15-V Z6914.715.310 (≤30)50 (≤200)57910.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B16-V Z7015.716.310 (≤40)50 (≤200)589.510.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B18-V Z7117.618.410 (≤45)50 (≤225)589.510.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B20-V Z7219.620.415 (≤55)60 (≤225)581010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B22-V Z7321.622.420 (≤55)60 (≤250)581010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B24-V Z7423.524.525 (≤70)60 (≤250)581010.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B27-V Z7526.527.525 (≤80)65 (≤300)28100.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B30-V Z7629.430.630 (≤80)70 (≤300)28100.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B33-V Z7732.333.735 (≤80)75 (≤325)28100.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B36-V Z7835.336.735 (≤90)80 (≤350)28100.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B39-V Z7938.239.840 (≤130)80 (≤350)210120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B43-V Z8042.143.945 (≤150)85 (≤375)210120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B47-V Z8146.147.950 (≤170)85 (≤375)210120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B51-V Z82505260 (≤180)85 (≤400)210120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B56-V Z8354.957.170 (≤200)100 (≤425)29110.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B62-V Z8460.863.280 (≤215)100 (≤450)29120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B68-V Z8566.669.490 (≤240)150 (≤475)210120.50.050.7 V Znom.BZX84B75-VZ8673.576.595 (≤255)170 (≤500)210120.50.050.7 V Znom. Document Number 85763Typical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Figure 1. Forward characteristics Figure 2. Admissible Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Figure3. Pulse Thermal Resistance vs. Pulse Duration1811418115Figure 4. Dynamic Resistance vs. Zener CurrentFigure 5. Capacitance vs. Zener VoltageFigure6. Dynamic Resistance vs. Zener Current1811718118Document Number Figure 7. Dynamic Resistance vs. Zener CurrentFigure 8. Thermal Differential Resistance vs. Zener Voltage Figure9. Dynamic Resistance vs. Zener Voltage18120Figure 10. Temperature Dependence of Zener Voltage vs. ZenerVoltageFigure 11. Change of Zener Voltage vs. Junction TemperatureFigure 12. Temperature Dependence of Zener Voltage vs. ZenerVoltage18124°C18136 Document Number 85763Figure 13. Change of Zener Voltage vs. Junction TemperatureFigure 14. Change of Zener voltage from turn-on up to the point ofthermal equilibrium vs. Zener voltageFigure 15. Change of Zener voltage from turn-on up to the point ofthermal equilibrium vs. Zener voltage181261813718138Document Number Figure 16. Breakdown CharacteristicsFigure17. Breakdown Characteristics1811118112 Document Number 85763Layout for R Theta;JA testThickness: Fiberglass 0.059 in. (1.5 mm)Copper leads 0.012 in. (0.3 mm)Figure18. Breakdown Characteristics18113Package Dimensions in mm (Inches)Document Number Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendmentsrespectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany Document Number 85763。
Document Number: 81300For technical questions, contact: emittertechsupport@High Power Infrared Emitting Diode, RoHS Compliant, 940 nm,GaAlAs/GaAsVSML3710Vishay SemiconductorsDESCRIPTIONVSML3710 is an infrared, 940 nm emitting diode in GaAlAs/GaAs technology with high radiant power, molded in a PLCC-2 package for surface mounting (SMD).FEATURES•Package type: surface mount •Package form: PLCC-2•Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.75•Peak wavelength: λp = 940 nm •High reliability •High radiant power•High radiant intensity•Angle of half intensity: ϕ = ± 60°•Low forward voltage•Suitable for high pulse current operation •Good spectral matching with Si photodetectors •Package matched with IR emitter series VEMT3700•Floor life: 4 weeks, MSL 2a, acc. J-STD-020•Lead (Pb)-free reflow soldering•Lead (Pb)-free component in accordance with RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECAPPLICATIONS•IR emitter in photointerrupters, sensors and reflective sensors•IR emitter in low space applications •Household appliance •Tactile keyboardsNoteTest conditions see table “Basic Characteristics”NoteMOQ: minimum order quantity94 8553PRODUCT SUMMARYCOMPONENT I e (mW/sr)ϕ (deg)λP (nm)t r (ns)VSML37108± 60940800ORDERING INFORMATIONORDERING CODE PACKAGING REMARKSPACKAGE FORMVSML3710-GS08Tape and reel MOQ: 7500 pcs, 1500 pcs/reel PLCC-2VSML3710-GS18Tape and reelMOQ: 8000 pcs, 8000 pcs/reelPLCC-2ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLVALUE UNIT Reverse voltage V R 5V Forward current I F 100mA Peak forward current t p /T = 0.5, t p = 100 µsI FM 200mA Surge forward current t p = 100 µs I FSM 1A Power dissipationP V160mW For technical questions, contact: emittertechsupport@Document Number: 81300VSML3710Vishay SemiconductorsHigh Power Infrared Emitting Diode, RoHS Compliant, 940 nm, GaAlAs/GaAsNoteT amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedFig. 1 - Power Dissipation Limit vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 2 - Forward Current Limit vs. Ambient TemperatureNoteT amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedJunction temperature T j 100°C Operating temperature range T amb - 40 to + 85°C Storage temperature range T stg - 40 to + 100°C Soldering temperatureacc. figure 11, J-STD-020T sd 260°C Thermal resistance junction/ambient J-STD-051, soldered on PCBR thJA250K/WABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLVALUE UNITBASIC CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltageI F = 100 mA, t p = 20 ms V F 1.35 1.6V I F = 1 A, t p = 100 µsV F 2.6 3.0V Temperature coefficient of V F I F = 1 mA TK VF - 1.8mV/K Reverse current V R = 5 VI R 100µA Junction capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C j 25pF Radiant intensity I F = 100 mA, t p = 20 ms I e 4820mW/sr I F = 1 A, t p = 100 µs I e 60mW/sr Radiant powerI F = 100 mA, t p = 20 msφe 35mW Temperature coefficient of φe I F = 100 mATK φe - 0.6%/K Angle of half intensity ϕ± 60deg Peak wavelength I F = 100 mA λp 940nm Spectral bandwidthI F = 100 mA Δλ50nm Temperature coefficient of λp I F = 100 mA TK λp 0.2nm/K Rise time I F = 20 mA t r 800ns I F = 1 A t r 500ns Fall timeI F = 20 mA t f 800ns I F = 1 A t f 500ns Virtual source diameterd0.44mmVSML3710High Power Infrared Emitting Diode,RoHS Compliant, 940 nm, GaAlAs/GaAsVishay SemiconductorsBASIC CHARACTERISTICST amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedFig. 3 - Pulse Forward Current vs. Pulse Duration Fig. 4 - Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Fig. 5 - Forward Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 6 - Radiant Intensity vs. Forward CurrentFig. 7 - Radiant Power vs. Forward CurrentFig. 8 - Relative Radiant Intensity/Power vs. Ambient TemperatureDocument Number: 81300For technical questions, contact: emittertechsupport@ For technical questions, contact: emittertechsupport@Document Number: 81300VSML3710Vishay SemiconductorsHigh Power Infrared Emitting Diode, RoHS Compliant, 940 nm, GaAlAs/GaAsFig. 9 - Relative Radiant Power vs. Wavelength Fig. 10 - Relative Radiant Intensity vs. Angular DisplacementPACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimetersSOLDER PROFILEDRYPACKDevices are packed in moisture barrier bags (MBB) to prevent the products from moisture absorption during transportation and storage. Each bag contains a desiccant.FLOOR LIFEFloor life (time between soldering and removing from MBB)must not exceed the time indicated on MBB label: Floor life: 4 weeksConditions: T amb < 30 °C, RH < 60 %Moisture sensitivity level 2a, acc. to J-STD-020.DRYINGIn case of moisture absorption devices should be baked before soldering. Conditions see J-STD-020 or label.Devices taped on reel dry using recommended conditions 192 h at 40 °C (+ 5 °C), RH < 5 %.Document Number: 81300For technical questions, contact: emittertechsupport@VSML3710High Power Infrared Emitting Diode, RoHS Compliant, 940 nm, GaAlAs/GaAsVishay SemiconductorsTAPE AND REELPLCC-2 components are packed in antistatic blister tape (DIN IEC (CO) 564) for automatic component insertion.Cavities of blister tape are covered with adhesive tape.Fig. 12 - Blister TapeFig. 13 - Tape Dimensions in mm for PLCC-2MISSING DEVICESA maximum of 0.5 % of the total number of components per reel may be missing, exclusively missing components at the beginning and at the end of the reel. A maximum of three consecutive components may be missing, provided this gap is followed by six consecutive components.Fig. 14 - Beginning and End of ReelThe tape leader is at least 160 mm and is followed by a carrier tape leader with at least 40 empty compartments. The tape leader may include the carrier tape as long as the cover tape is not connected to the carrier tape. The least component is followed by a carrier tape trailer with a least 75empty compartments and sealed with cover tape.Fig. 15 - Dimensions of Reel-GS08Fig. 16 - Dimensions of Reel-GS18COVER TAPE REMOVAL FORCEThe removal force lies between 0.1 N and 1.0 N at a removal speed of 5 mm/s. In order to prevent components from popping out of the blisters, the cover tape must be pulled offat an angle of 180° with regard to the feed direction.8670De-reeling directionTape leader min.75empty compartments40empty compartmentsCarrier leader Carrier trailer94 815894 8665La b V type gro u p prod u code quDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。
1.0 目的本操作手册的目的是为使用者在PDM系统上进行文档管理的操作提供详尽的指南,为更好地推动公司新系统的运用奠定基础。
2.0 适用范围本文档用户操作手册适合研发部门。
3.0 参考文件神州数码提供的操作手册。
4.0 工作流程首先需要登录PDM系统。
如下图4-1所示:图4-1 PDM系统登陆页面用户初次建立后,该用户的用户名和密码均为名字的汉字,可在登录后修改密码,具体操作见图4-2:在右边的“修改密码”对话框中输入密码,然后点击“确认”,出现如图4-3所示:图4-2 修改密码图4-3 确认页面点“确定”即完成密码的修改。
如下图4-4所示:图4-4 创建新对象页面在弹出的“文档注册”对话框中输入信息,对话框中蓝色显示字段为必填项。
文档注册页面如下图4-5所示:下图“文档注册”页面中“编号”的规则是:“GKT”+ AAAAAAA +BB+ “/”+ XXX。
)如下图4-6所示:图4-6:文档注册成功页面2)添加电子文件在查询结果页面双击需添加文件的对象,可出现如上图的页面,在上图中右上角点击“文件”出现图4-7 a)所示:在图4-7 a)页面中点击“文件注册”按钮(“”),选择需上传的文件—>上传至服务器。
LS4148/LS4448Document Number 85561Rev. 1.8, 04-May-07Vishay Semiconductors19612009Small Signal Fast Switching DiodesFeatures•Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diodes•Electrical data identical with the devices1N4148 and 1N4448 respectively•Quadro Melf package•Lead (Pb)-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECApplications•Extremely fast switchesMechanical DataCase: QuadroMELF Glass case (SOD80)Weight: approx. 34 mgCathode Band Color: Black Packaging Codes/Options:GS18/10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08/2.5 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 12.5 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedPartType differentiationOrdering codeType MarkingRemarks LS4148V F = max. 1000 mV at I F = 50 mA LS4148-GS18 or LS4148-GS08-T ape and Reel LS4448V F = max. 1000 mV at I F = 100 mALS4448-GS18 or LS4448-GS08-T ape and ReelParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 100V Reverse voltageV R 75V Peak forward surge current t p = 1 µsI FSM 2A Repetitive peak forward current I FRM 500mA Forward continuous current I F 300mA Average forward current V R = 0I FAV 150mA Power dissipationP tot500mWParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Thermal resistance junction to ambient air on PC board 50 mm x 50 mm x 1.6mm R thJA 500K/W Junction temperature T j 175°C Storage temperature rangeT stg- 65 to + 175°C 2Document Number 85561Rev. 1.8, 04-May-07LS4148/LS4448Vishay Semiconductors Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedTypical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedParameterTest conditionPart Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit Forward voltageI F = 5 mA LS4448V F 620720mV I F = 50 mA LS4148V F 8601000mV I F = 100 mALS4448V F 9301000mV Reverse currentV R = 20 VI R 25nA VR = 20 V , T j = 150°C I R 50µA V R= 75 VI R 5µA Breakdown voltage I R = 100 µA, t p /T = 0.01, t p = 0.3 msV (BR)100V Diode capacitance V R = 0, f = 1 MHz, V HF = 50 mV C D 4pF Rectification efficiency V HF = 2 V , f = 100 MHz ηr 45%Reverse recovery timeI F = I R = 10 mA, i R = 1 mA t rr 8ns I F = 10 mA, V R = 6 V , i R = 0.1 x I R , R L = 100 Ωt rr4nsFigure 1. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage F - F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )V F - For w ard V oltage (V ) 2.0166400. F - F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )V F - For w ard V oltage (V ) 2.016642Figure 3. Reverse Current vs. Reverse VoltageFigure 4. Diode Capacitance vs. Reverse VoltageI R - R e v e r s e C u r r e n t (n A )V R - Re v erse V oltage (V )101 100 94 90980.111000. D - D i o d e C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )10094 90992.5V R - Re v erse V oltage (V )LS4148/LS4448Document Number 85561Rev. 1.8, 04-May-07Vishay Semiconductors3Package Dimensions in millimeters (inches):Quadro MELF SOD80 4Document Number 85561Rev. 1.8, 04-May-07LS4148/LS4448Vishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendmentsrespectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associatedwith such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
火红AH1641..00102,潍柴机266马力,后桥稳定杆,8JS100B带QY330取力器,12.00三角钢ZZ3257M4641图号名称数量WG9725930060前防钻保护架总成(自卸车用)1 1780 680030垫圈4 190003888457自锁螺母4 190003888459自锁螺母10 190003930010垫圈2 199100510008稳定杆托架2 199100680037套筒2 199100680066轴承4 199100680067橡胶轴承2 199100680071垫圈2AZ9719680006后稳定杆总成1Q151B1650六角头螺栓6Q151C12100六角头螺栓4 WG780 680032轴承夹2 WG80 680029螺栓4 WG9719680011平衡夹总成2 WG1642950001功率2661 WG9718710001气喇叭电磁阀1 WG9718710002盆形电喇叭1 WG9719710001排气制动开关1 190003888458自锁螺母7 190003888459自锁螺母4AZ9114930094牵引销总成1AZ9725930003辅助支撑板2AZ9725930004套筒2AZ9725930005套筒2AZ9725930007保险杠支架2AZ9725930008保险杠前支架2AZ9725930028前牵引钩座1AZ9725930034保险杠中置支架总成1AZ9725930045洗涤器水箱支架总成1AZ9725930049上车踏板支架总成4AZ9725930053中冷器保护板1AZ9725930054高位保险杠下支架总成2Q150B08130六角头螺栓5Q150B0825六角头螺栓16Q150B0860六角头螺栓4Q150B10125六角头螺栓4Q150B1025六角头螺栓4Q150B1230六角头螺栓8Q151B1445六角头螺栓4Q151B1465六角头螺栓3Q151B1660六角头螺栓2Q151B1690六角头螺栓2Q2540820十字槽沉头螺钉1 Q2540825十字槽沉头螺钉2 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母12 Q332102型全金属六角锁紧螺母10 Q40208大垫圈23 Q40210大垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈16 Q40312弹簧垫圈8 WG9725930029保险杠上表面支撑板1 AZ9731590020支承托架2 Q150B0816六角头螺栓4 Q150B1245六角头螺栓8 Q151B1440六角头螺栓6 Q151B1645六角头螺栓6 Q151C1235六角头螺栓(细牙)8 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母8 Q40308弹簧垫圈4 Q40312弹簧垫圈10 Q40314弹簧垫圈6 WG1680590095发动机前支承(橡胶-金属支承)2 WG9719590001管状横梁总成1 1480A 360058垫圈2 Q150B1222六角头螺栓2 Q150B1240六角头螺栓8 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母8 Q40312弹簧垫圈2 WG1680590095发动机前支承(橡胶-金属支承)2 190003800497六角头螺栓--螺栓GB5782-86-M8*160 ZN2 190003962019六角头螺塞3 AZ9725710001支架1 Q1460825六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件1 Q150B0616六角头螺栓2 Q150B08110六角头螺栓2 Q150B0816六角头螺栓1 Q2714216十字槽盘头自攻螺钉2 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母4 Q340B081型六角螺母1 Q40306弹簧垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈1 Q41206外锯齿锁紧垫圈2 Q41212外锯齿锁紧垫圈2 Q72312T5F密封垫圈3 WG9100710004气压信号灯开关2 WG9100710008电磁阀5 WG9130713001气压传感器2 WG9114521175上推力杆总成2 WG9232520005导向板4WG9638520008后钢板弹簧总成(主片四片)2 12130 050086铅封4 190000810930铅封线80 AZ9719580004右控制模块铭牌1 Q150B0516六角头螺栓2 Q2140515十字槽盘头螺钉4 Q2540512十字槽沉头螺钉3 Q340B051型六角螺母6 Q40105平垫圈7 Q40305弹簧垫圈5 WG910058014124V点烟器2 WG9100583049起动继电器(80A)1 WG9100583056车速传感器1 WG9130583017组合开关(转向柱上)1 WG9719582001灯光开关1 WG9719582002前雾灯开关1 WG9719582003后雾灯开关1 WG9719582004危急报警开关1 WG9719582005喇叭开关1 WG9719582009取力器空档开关1 WG9719582010取力器开关1 WG9719582011轮差开关1 WG9719582012轴差开关1 WG9725580001诊断接口外壳1 WG9900580021盖板8 1480A 360058垫圈2 190003802622六角头螺栓2 190003888459自锁螺母6 AZ9725590031楔形支承总成2 AZ9731590015左支架1 AZ9731590016右支架1 WG80 520002前簧压板2 WG9000520078衬套4 WG9100520034前簧吊耳总成2 WG9100520065弹簧销6 WG9114510510横梁1 WG9232520025前左钢板弹簧总成1 WG9232520026前右钢板弹簧总成1 WG9323520010限位块总成2 1880 340022垫圈8 190003803974六角头螺栓--螺栓GB5785M20*1.5*240ZN1 190003888467自锁螺母18 190003888749自锁薄螺母8 199014520224平衡板4 199014520225平衡板4 199100520112垫块4 199114520204平衡板4AZ9114520091限位块总成4 AZ9114520098限位块支架2 AZ9114520099限位块支架2 AZ9232520009平衡轴带轴壳总成1 AZ9638520005弹簧压板2 AZ9725520053后簧骑马螺栓4 Q150B1035六角头螺栓16 Q150B1460六角头螺栓16 Q151B20200六角头螺栓4 Q151B20240TF2六角头螺栓2 Q151B2090六角头螺栓12 Q151C1255六角头螺栓4 Q151C1260六角头螺栓12 Q340B10六角螺母16 Q340B141型六角螺母16 Q40020小垫圈1 Q40310弹簧垫圈16 Q40312弹簧垫圈16 Q40314弹簧垫圈16 WG9114521174下推力杆总成4 Q68225一端固定式单管夹片1 T071800组合密封圈4 WG9100470076环状接头1 WG9100470078软管接头1 WG9100470107高压软管1 WG9100470110旋转管接头总成1 WG9130583018回位环1 WG9719470020转向摇臂1 WG9719470029压油管总成1 WG9719470033转向油罐1 WG9719470037转向助力叶片泵1 WG9719470100转向盘1 WG9725470050回油软管1 WG9725470120成型软管1 AZ9725511300车架总成1 1680 520050 垫圈12 1680 520056垫圈8 190003888457自锁螺母22 190003888459自锁螺母16 190003888626自锁螺母8 190003963115米制锥螺纹滑脂嘴2 190003963127米制锥螺纹滑脂嘴4 199014520238前簧骑马螺栓4 199100520025板8 AZ9232520010前簧左后支架1 AZ9232520011前簧右后支架(与左件对称)1 AZ9719520005前簧前支架2AZ9731520034限位支架总成2 Q150B1230六角头螺栓4 Q150B1240六角头螺栓4 Q151B1650六角头螺栓12 Q151B1665六角头螺栓4 Q151C1260六角头螺栓16 Q151C1270六角头螺栓2 Q151C1275六角头螺栓4 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母8 199114360003板2 252-3407054密封圈1 252-3407055紧固螺母1 252-3407056弯管接头1 AZ9100470040转向油罐支架总成1 AZ9100470410衬套1 AZ9130583024接触环1 AZ9719470041转向柱罩(后部)1 AZ9719470042转向柱罩(前部)1 AZ9719470045转向轴护套1 AZ9719470046压板2 AZ9719470050转向轴带管柱总成1 AZ9719470228ZF8098动力转向器1 AZ9725470020转向油罐支架1 AZ9725470084弹簧护圈1 AZ9731470020转向器支架1 Q150B0620六角头螺栓4 Q150B0630六角头螺栓1 Q150B0830六角头螺栓4 Q150B0835六角头螺栓1 Q150B1020六角头螺栓2 Q151B1660TF2六角头螺栓6 Q151B2045TF2六角头螺栓5 Q2714250十字槽盘头自攻螺钉2 Q2720412十字槽盘头自攻螺钉4 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母1 Q332102型全金属六角锁紧螺母2 Q340B06I型六角螺母5 Q340B06I型六角螺母4 Q340B081型六角螺母4 Q40106平垫圈4 Q40108平垫圈4 Q40206大垫圈4 Q40306弹簧垫圈5 Q40306弹簧垫圈4 Q40308弹簧垫圈4 WG9100360135隔环25 WG9100360319密封圈32WG9100360354中文警告牌1 WG9100368471空气干燥器1 WG9123360300波纹护套(φ30 黑色)900 WG9719360009过板弯通接头体M122 WG9719360010过板弯通2 WG99100270117软管接头1 WG99100360111三通接头体1 WG99100360112三通接头体2 WG99100360113三通接头体4 WG99100360114三通接头体1 WG99100360173紧固带总成2 WG99100360184软管1 WG99100360252支承套30 WG99100360253套30 WG99112270012紧固带总成4 AZ9725360002HOWO组合踏板操纵总成(带离合器制动)1 Q150B1020六角头螺栓5 Q150B1025六角头螺栓2 Q340B10六角螺母7 Q40310弹簧垫圈7 131100040007 管夹2 138091360181管夹1 1397 350169角形支架1 161000060211橡胶软管 15/211 17017470015弹簧护套1 190003098031密封垫圈2 190003129055橡胶管口100 190003489292绝缘套管15 190003883242卡套管接头用螺母1 190003888627自锁螺母6 190003962632空心螺栓1 190003962651空心螺栓1 190003989301软管卡箍2 190003989336软管卡箍2 Q351C12T15六角薄螺母4 Q40016小垫圈4 Q40108平垫圈7 Q40110平垫圈9 Q40112平垫圈6 Q40118平垫圈5 Q40206大垫圈4 Q40208大垫圈4 Q40210大垫圈6 Q40306弹簧垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈23 Q40310弹簧垫圈7 Q40312弹簧垫圈6Q40506重型弹簧垫圈4 Q41212外锯齿锁紧垫圈7 Q41214外锯齿锁紧垫圈2 Q617B16六角头螺塞1 WG09 190017拉紧销4 WG17017360203三通接头体1 WG17017360450制动软管总成2 WG17017360470制动软管总成2 WG17017360480制动软管总成2 WG17017361000螺旋形护管4 WG700 550013张紧销4 WG9000360115放水阀5 WG9000360134继动阀2 WG9000360165手制动阀(新款)1 WG9000360292密封圈14 WG9000360314测试接头2 WG9000360366四回路保护阀1 WG9000365408单管夹子1 WG9003550087贮气筒(20升)2 WG9003550094贮气筒(30升)2 WG9100360044贮气筒(5升)1 WG9100360112过板三通接头体(3-M18X1.5)1 WG9100360134隔环25 199100360165角形支架2 199100360166左角支架2 199100360241角形支架1 AZ9003170001穿线护套157 AZ9100361001接头体M16/122 AZ9618360001角支架(继动阀)2 AZ9719360013四回路保护阀支架1 AZ9719360014空气干燥器支架1 AZ9719360102管子15 干燥器2口 /四回路保护阀1口1 AZ9719360103管子15 软管/干燥器11 AZ9725360101管子12四回路保护阀22口/后桥储气筒1 AZ9725360103管子12四回路保护阀21口/前桥储气筒1 AZ9725360106管子12四回路保护阀24口/手制动阀储气筒1 Q150B0616六角头螺栓10 Q150B0616六角头螺栓2 Q150B0625六角头螺栓5 Q150B0630Q六角头螺栓5 Q150B0818六角头螺栓2 Q150B0825六角头螺栓9 Q150B0830六角头螺栓8 Q150B1025六角头螺栓2 Q150B1030六角头螺栓7 Q150B1040六角头螺栓2 Q150B1220六角头螺栓3Q150B1230六角头螺栓1 Q151C1225六角螺栓3 Q218B0880内六角圆柱头螺钉4 Q332102型全金属六角锁紧螺母7 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母2 Q340B06I型六角螺母14 Q340B081型六角螺母18 Q340B10六角螺母7 Q340B12Ⅰ型六角头螺母6 Q351B14T15六角薄螺母2 Q351B16T15六角薄螺母11 Q351B18T15六角薄螺母5 190003171390塑料紧固带50 190003171392塑料紧固带20 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N0519950 190003179045穿线护套314 190003179781聚酰胺管24 190003179782聚酰胺管子2 190003179785聚酰胺管38 190003559474卡套式隔臂直通接头体2 190003559479卡套式隔壁直角接头体2 190003559509管接头用螺母16 190003559514管接头用螺母36 190003559516管接头用螺母8 190003559520管接头用对接螺母6 190003559538卡套式对接管接头的锥体环6 190003559539密封垫圈6 190003559547六角螺母15 190003559558卡套16 190003559561卡套8 190003559562卡套6 190003559563卡套6 190003559653直角接头体--L12 FD743013 190003559945卡套式变径直通接头体2 190003559946直角接头体6 190003559947卡套式变径直通接头体3 190003559948卡套式变径直通接头体3 190003559955直角接头体10 190003559963卡套式直通变径接头体1 190003961510球面垫圈2 190003962038六角头螺塞5 190003962612空心螺栓1 190007991679LOCTIT572密封剂250CCM2 199012360441角形支架1 199014280016衬套8 199014280041衬套16 199100360101隔板2199100360105支座总成1 190003179782聚酰胺管子7 190003559482卡套式三通管接头1 190003559497卡套式锥端直角接头体1 190003559508管接头用螺母1 190003559516管接头用螺母5 190003559561卡套6 190003559766卡套式直通管接头2 199000360477密封圈2 199014280016衬套6 1288 730061O型密封圈1 190003179782聚酰胺管子5 190003559497卡套式锥端直角接头体1 190003559508管接头用螺母1 190003559516管接头用螺母1 190003559561卡套2 190003559766卡套式直通管接头1 199000360477密封圈1 199014280016衬套2 190003888457自锁螺母3 190003888458自锁螺母2 190003888459自锁螺母40 199100310065支承角板1 AZ9114310011传动轴1 AZ9114311388中间传动轴(L=1388)1 Q151B1440六角头螺栓2 Q151C1230六角头螺栓(细牙)3 Q40114平垫圈4 WG9000310049六角头螺栓24 WG9012310124六角头螺栓16 WG9014310125中桥-后桥传动轴1 138091360181管夹2 1381F 140090护套2 1397 350169角形支架2 1406 070015密封圈14 1680 250092密封圈32 17017360105支座总成1 190003989318软管卡箍1 AZ9123240211变速器换档手柄及档位标牌总成1 AZ9719240002防尘罩1 AZ9719240023选档摇臂1 AZ9719240025选档软轴支架1 AZ9719240032连接块1 AZ9725240006换档软轴支架1 Q150B0635六角头螺栓3 Q150B0835六角头螺栓2 Q150B0835六角头螺栓2Q150B0840六角头螺栓1 Q150B0850六角头螺栓2 Q150B1050六角头螺栓2 Q218B0825内六角圆柱头螺钉4 Q340B06I型六角螺母3 Q340B081型六角螺母3 Q40108平垫圈1 Q40210大垫圈2 Q40306弹簧垫圈3 Q40308弹簧垫圈1 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 WG9719240007选档软轴总成1 WG9719240031操纵器总成(选档臂加长)1 WG9725240008换档软轴总成1 1288 730061O型密封圈4 190003179782聚酰胺管子2 190003559482卡套式三通管接头1 190003559496卡套式锥端直角接头体2 190003559516管接头用螺母10 190003559561卡套10 190003559766卡套式直通管接头2 199000360477密封圈4 199014280016衬套10 Q351C12T15六角薄螺母2 WG9100361003直角接头体(M12/M12)2 1288 730061O型密封圈2 AZ9719820010驾驶室翻转油缸支承轴II1 AZ9719820012衬套2 AZ9719820021上撑条1 AZ9719820022下撑条2 Q150B1020六角头螺栓2 Q33424自锁螺母2 Q40112平垫圈1 Q40114平垫圈2 Q40124平垫圈1 Q40216大垫圈2 Q40310弹簧垫圈2 Q41710鞍形弹性垫圈1 Q41814波形弹性垫圈2 Q5003216开口销1 Q5004028开口销3 Q5101428销轴(h11)2 Q700B06直通式滑脂嘴2 WG1642440075单弯头软管1 WG9719820001液压手动油泵1 WG9719820002驾驶室举升油缸1 WG9719820005单弯头高压软管(2060)1WG9719820006单弯头高压软管(1060)1 WG9719820007双弯头高压软管(3150)1 WG9719820011大垫片1 WG9719820013垫圈2 WG9719820098说明牌1 BZ1560161090离合器压盘及盖总成(420)同815.60.16.00061 WG9619160001Φ420离合器从动盘1 12700 060125滑脂杯1 WG9100220017标牌1 WG9112220059标牌1 WG97252200028JS100B变速器(165平盘,双杆)1 1188 730187管夹6 1397 350169角形支架1 179200240075电缆套管1 1880 360083支承板1 Q68620单管夹片1 WG1642110018保护条11 WG9100770392分线盒体1 WG9100770394分线盒盖1 WG9130773002过线保护盒总成1 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N051994 AZ9100773240夹子1 AZ9719770012发动机电线束1 Q150B0835六角头螺栓1 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母1 Q40008小垫圈1 WG9100360134隔环1 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N051993 190003171697塑料紧箍带2 AZ9719770014 富勒变速箱、空滤器电线束1 WG9100360134隔环3 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N051998 AZ9719770031车架电线束9301 WG9100360134隔环5 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N051996 190003179045穿线护套260 AZ9719770016左组合后灯电线束1 AZ9719770017右组合后灯电线束1 AZ9719770024轮轴差.排气阀、干燥器、油箱电线束1 AZ9725810001尾灯垫块2 Q340B081型六角螺母6 Q40108平垫圈2 Q41808波形弹簧垫圈4 WG9719810001左组合后灯1 WG9719810002右组合后灯1 190003171356塑料紧固带15 190003559482卡套式三通管接头1190003888459自锁螺母1 190003903452销轴1 AZ9719820008驾驶室翻转油缸支承轴I1 AZ9719820009衬套1 179100770395电线护套4 189100770103配电盒(件Ⅰ)1 189100770104配电盒(件Ⅱ)1 190003120032园形密封条570 190003171356塑料紧固带15 190003171392塑料紧固带15 190003179044穿线护套125 190003179045穿线护套314 190003179046穿线护套157 190003179811聚氯乙烯软管10 AZ9718770085电子车速里程表电缆(470)1 AZ9719770001驾驶室电线束1 AZ9719770002翘板开关电线束1 AZ9719770013起动机电线束1 AZ9719770038线束固定支架1 AZ9719770040支架1 Q150B0518六角头螺栓1 Q150B0525六角头螺栓3 Q150B0616六角头螺栓1 Q150B0630Q六角头螺栓2 Q2140816十字槽盘头螺钉2 Q2140825十字槽盘头螺钉2 Q2713525十字槽盘头自攻螺钉4 Q2714219十字槽盘头自攻螺钉7 Q2762995开槽半沉头自攻螺钉3 Q332062型全金属六角锁紧螺母2 Q340B051型六角螺母3 Q340B051型六角螺母3 Q340B081型六角螺母2 Q40005小垫圈3 Q40206大垫圈2 Q40306弹簧垫圈1 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 Q40405轻型弹簧垫圈2 Q41205外锯齿锁紧垫圈3 Q41205外锯齿锁紧垫圈7 WG9719720001左前照灯总成1 WG9719720002右前照灯总成1 WG9719720005左前组合灯总成1 WG9719720006右前组合灯总成1 1293 130067橡胶缓冲块2 1682 110021橡胶缓冲块4 179200760024夹紧支架2190003171699堵塞2 190003179425堵塞8 190003846410带切削槽六角螺钉2 190003888459自锁螺母6 199100760011盖1 199100760099密封垫1 199100760187塞子询问图4 AZ9100760143紧固拉杆4 AZ9725760001加强支架总成2 Q150B0835六角头螺栓2 Q150B16200六角头螺栓2 Q151B1645六角头螺栓4 Q151B1650六角头螺栓2 Q33216自锁螺母2 Q334081型全金属六角锁紧螺母4 Q340B081型六角螺母2 Q40008小垫圈4 Q40016小垫圈4 Q40208大垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 Q41216外锯齿锁紧垫圈1 WG9100760002蓄电池箱盖1 WG9100760021拉钩总成2 WG9100760064蓄电池2 WG9100760066隔板1 WG9100760084下橡胶垫板1 WG9100760100电源总开关1 WG9719760004加强的蓄电池箱体总成1 179100770391配电盒1 Q40016小垫圈4 Q40316弹簧垫圈4 WG9100680001减振器2 1880 680024固定夹块2 190003888457自锁螺母4 190003888458自锁螺母2 190003888459自锁螺母2 199100680057螺栓2 199100680068橡胶轴承2 199100680069螺栓2 AZ9719680003前稳定杆总成1 AZ9719680013稳定杆支架总成2 Q150B1095TF2Q六角头螺栓4 Q151C1240六角头螺栓4 Q40014小垫片2 Q40016小垫圈2 Q40310弹簧垫圈4 Q5211424园柱销2WG880 680027垫板2 WG9100680055吊板总成2 AZ9718720002前照灯安装板2 AZ9718720003连接板2 Q150B0616六角头螺栓4 Q150B0816六角头螺栓4 Q150B0820六角头螺栓12 Q2140620十字槽盘头螺钉4 Q2140820十字槽盘头螺钉8 Q2764825十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉4 Q340B06I型六角螺母4 Q340B081型六角螺母8 Q40105平垫圈4 Q40106平垫圈8 Q40108平垫圈16 Q40306弹簧垫圈8 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 Q40308弹簧垫圈16 AZ9719570033隔套1 AZ9719570034橡胶垫1 AZ9719570040推力杆组件1 AZ9719570045推力杆组件1 AZ9719570051螺杆1 AZ9719570052螺杆1 AZ9719570060止推套1 AZ9719570061弹簧1 AZ9719570062支架扳1 Q150B0625六角头螺栓1 Q150B0820六角头螺栓6 Q150B0835六角头螺栓1 Q150B0870六角头螺栓1 Q32006六角法兰面螺母1 Q340B06I型六角螺母7 Q340B06I型六角螺母1 Q340B081型六角螺母3 Q340B081型六角螺母1 Q340B10六角螺母1 Q40108平垫圈1 Q40108平垫圈7 Q40206大垫圈1 Q40212大垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 Q43650开口档圈2 WG9100570002停油缸1 WG92 570025球面活节总成3 WG9719570003 控制轴总成1 WG9719570014弹性锁扣组件1WG9719570015过渡杆总成1 190003888459自锁螺母4 190003963112米制锥螺纹滑脂嘴2 199012680009螺栓2 199100680036螺栓2 AZ9100680065减震器下支架分装总成2 Q151B1660六角头螺栓4 199112550128板2 199114550021管和接头总成1 AZ9112550120聚酰胺管602 AZ9112550121聚酰胺管73 AZ9112550210燃油箱总成(橡胶件厂φ700*1020)1 AZ9112550220燃油箱支架总成2 AZ9112550225紧固带2 AZ9112550226垫带2 AZ9112550227拉紧销2 AZ9112550228拉紧销2 AZ9112550229拉紧销2 AZ9112550230内六角螺栓2 Q150B0840六角头螺栓2 Q151B1650TF2六角头螺栓4 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母2 Q72314T5F密封垫圈4 WG9014230017软管接头3 WG9725550002柴油过滤/油水分离器1 190003936513卡箍3 190003936514卡箍1 190003963313球头销(A10 DIN71803)3 190003963623带锁环的球形活节1 190003964412叉形活节1 199012570062螺杆1 AZ9719570001油门踏板护套1 AZ9719570002油门踏板1 AZ9719570006衬套1 AZ9719570007支架1 AZ9719570008衬套1 AZ9719570009橡胶衬圈1 AZ9719570010支撑架2 AZ9719570011调整螺栓1 AZ9719570012塑料夹片2 AZ9719570023衬套2 AZ9719570023衬套4 AZ9719570029摇臂组件1 WG9716530307暖风水管总成1 WG9719530107中冷器出气胶管1 WG9719530108中冷器出气胶管1 WG9719530111散热器进水管1WG9719530122中冷器出气管1 WG9719530227散热器出水管1 WG9719530228胶管1 WG9719530260膨胀水箱总成1 WG9725530010HOWO260/280马力散热器总成1 WG9725530020HOWO260/280马力中冷器总成1 WG9725530070中冷器进气管1 WG9731530003散热器出水管1 AZ9719540002消声器后支架1 AZ9719540003消声器前支架1 AZ9719540007限位板2 AZ9719540008拉紧杆2 AZ9719540018卡箍1 AZ9719540019密封垫1 Q150B0610六角头螺拴6 Q150B0620六角头螺栓4 Q150B0830六角头螺栓3 Q150B1235六角头螺栓4 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母7 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母4 Q40106平垫圈6 Q40306弹簧垫圈4 WG9719540009排气管总成1 WG9719540016变径卡箍总成1 WG9719540021绕线式挠性软管1 WG9719540025装饰板1 WG9719540026隔热板1 WG9725540002消声器总成1 190003171697塑料紧箍带6 190003179046穿线护套330 190003888627自锁螺母4 190003962621空心螺栓2 WG9114230019离合器制动液标牌1 WG9114230023离合器助力缸1 WG9123230026高压软管1 WG99100270119软管接头1 AZ9719430010转向直拉杆总成1 190003989300软管卡箍2 190003989310软管卡箍2 190003989315软管卡箍4 190003989340软管卡箍14 190003990037管夹2 AZ9003980010软管卡箍-60/79 N050744 AZ9716530510暖风回水三通管1 AZ9716530521出水管支架1 AZ9716539001立板1 AZ9716539002拉板1AZ9719530201散热器左支架总成1 AZ9719530202散热器右支架总成1 AZ9719530205散热器左拉板1 AZ9719530206散热器右拉板1 AZ9719530272HOWO水箱支承缓冲垫总成2 AZ9725530401风扇护风罩总成(4X2)1 Q150B0816六角头螺栓16 Q150B0820六角头螺栓4 Q150B0825六角头螺栓3 Q150B1025六角头螺栓2 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母3 Q332102型全金属六角锁紧螺母10 Q341B101型六角螺母-细牙2 Q40010小垫圈10 Q40308弹簧垫圈20 Q40310弹簧垫圈10 WG1600840029橡胶软管1 WG1620840060成型胶管1 WG9112530468胶管1 WG9114530138膨胀箱胶管8*10002 WG9716530305带纤维夹层的橡胶软管1 190003559562卡套2 190003989340软管卡箍2 AZ9719360101管子15 空压机/软管1 Q150B0630Q六角头螺栓3 Q340B06I型六角螺母3 Q40006小垫圈3 Q40506重型弹簧垫圈3 WG9000365408单管夹子3 WG9719360025橡胶软管(长670mm)1 WG99000360410直角接头体1 AZ9718770066变速箱至分线盒搭铁线(540)1 Q1460825六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件1 Q41208外锯齿锁紧垫圈1 12054230100回位弹簧1 190003171697塑料紧箍带5 190003179781聚酰胺管50 190003962621空心螺栓1 190003962627空心螺栓1 199112230033离合器拔叉轴焊接总成1 AZ9114230004分离摇杆焊接总成1 AZ9114230016助力缸支架1 AZ9114230039弹簧支架1 AZ9160230092端直通接头体1 AZ9160230272限位螺栓(M10,L=130)1 Q150B0825六角头螺栓4 Q151B1425六角头螺拴2Q340B081型六角螺母4 Q340B10六角螺母4 Q40108平垫圈4 Q40308弹簧垫圈4 Q40310弹簧垫圈2 Q40314弹簧垫圈2 Q41810波形弹性垫圈2 Q72314T5F密封垫圈2 Q72314T5F密封垫圈1 Q72316T5F密封垫圈2 Q80406卡套式端直通接头体1 WG99112280014锥螺纹直角接头体2 190003179782聚酰胺管子5 190003559516管接头用螺母1 190003559561卡套1 199014280016衬套1 AZ9718360006橡胶护套1 1288 730061O型密封圈9 1406 070015密封圈2 190003179781聚酰胺管4 190003179782聚酰胺管子15 190003559509管接头用螺母6 190003559516管接头用螺母4 190003559558卡套6 190003559561卡套4 190003559766卡套式直通管接头3 190003962019六角头螺塞3 199000360477密封圈9 199014280016衬套4 199014280041衬套6 AZ9100366156多孔接头1 Q150B0860六角头螺栓2 Q340B081型六角螺母2 Q351B16T15六角薄螺母2 Q351C12T15六角薄螺母1 Q40108平垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 Q80408卡套式端直通接头体2 WG9000360292密封圈2 WG9100361003直角接头体(M12/M12)1 WG9114360010卡套式直角接头体2 WG99112280010直通接头体1 190003098031密封垫圈1 190003559520管接头用对接螺母2 190003559538卡套式对接管接头的锥体环2 190003559539密封垫圈2 Q40508弹簧垫圈12WG1641240001保险杠总成1 WG1641240011右下踏板1 WG1641240012左下踏板(与右件对称)1 WG1642240032左下踏板防滑板(与右件对称)1 WG1642240033右下踏板防滑板1 WG1642240050右内堵盖1 WG1642240051左内堵盖1 WG1642240052右外堵盖1 WG1642240053左外堵盖1 AZ9716940001左尾灯支架梁总成1 AZ9716940004橡胶堵4 AZ9716940007右尾灯支架梁总成1 Q150B1030六角头螺栓8 Q332102型全金属六角锁紧螺母8 1288 730061O型密封圈2 190003171390塑料紧固带5 190003171393塑料紧固带--BA8*200 N051991 190003179782聚酰胺管子5 190003559482卡套式三通管接头1 190003559496卡套式锥端直角接头体2 190003559516管接头用螺母8 190003559561卡套8 190003559766卡套式直通管接头1 199000360477密封圈2 199014280016衬套8 Q351C12T15六角薄螺母1 WG9100360134隔环6 WG9100361003直角接头体(M12/M12)1 WG9719180010发动机排气制动器总成1 190003179782聚酰胺管子8 190003559496卡套式锥端直角接头体1 190003559516管接头用螺母3 190003559561卡套4 199014280016衬套4 Q80106卡套式管接头用螺母1 Q340B06I型六角螺母4 Q40306弹簧垫圈4 WG9716270003双音气喇叭总成1 1-99-964-007橡胶球状保护帽4 AZ9112610014轮胎气门嘴垫片11 WG9100610001进气嘴延伸软管4 190003171697塑料紧箍带4 AZ9716770020取力器电线束1 Q4400310开口型扁园头抽芯铆4 WG1600950028HOWO中文整车标牌(用于载货、自卸车)1 AZ9719930390举升油泵支架总成1 Q150B0855六角头螺栓2Q150B16100六角头螺栓4 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母2 Q33216自锁螺母4 Q40208大垫圈2 WG9719930321垫板2 AZ1608240074橡胶垫4 AZ1642240011格栅总成1 AZ1642240081左保险杠装饰板1 AZ1642240082右保险杠装饰板(与左件对称)1 AZ1642240087左装饰板压条1 AZ1642240088右装饰板压条(与左件对称)1 Q150B0516六角头螺栓8 Q150B0825六角头螺栓4 Q150B0835六角头螺栓8 Q340B081型六角螺母18 Q40008小垫圈6 Q40205大垫圈8 Q40208大垫圈8 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 Q40408弹簧垫圈4 Q150B0810六角头螺栓2 Q150B0825六角头螺栓1 Q150B1030六角头螺栓3 Q150B1235六角头螺栓4 Q1840825六角法兰面螺拴8 Q33008全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母1 Q33008全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母4 Q332062型全金属六角锁紧螺母1 Q332082型全金属六角锁紧螺母8 Q332122型全金属六角锁紧螺母4 Q40108平垫圈3 Q40108平垫圈4 Q40310弹簧垫圈3 WG1200190040干式空滤器堵塞指示器开关1 WG9100190026紧固带总成1 WG9719190001空滤器总成1 WG9719190002空滤器支架总成1 WG9719190008出气软管1 WG9719190009进气软管1 WG9719190013进气道总成I1 WG9719190014进气道总成II1 WG9719190015橡胶波纹管1 WG9719190016紧固带总成1 WG9719190030进气道小支架4 WG9719190033橡胶减震块4 WG9719190040进气道支架1 1288 730061O型密封圈1190003179782聚酰胺管子5 190003559482卡套式三通管接头1 190003559516管接头用螺母6 190003559561卡套6 190003559766卡套式直通管接头1 199000360477密封圈1 199014280016衬套6 AZ9716270005双音气喇叭支架1 Q150B0620六角头螺栓4 WG1642840092成型软管Ⅱ2 190003171697塑料紧箍带5 Q150B0625六角头螺栓4 Q340B06I型六角螺母4 Q40206大垫圈4 Q40306弹簧垫圈4 WG1600860008电线束夹箍3 WG1642860000风窗洗涤器装置1 190007992576密封胶(TEROSTAT33)10 AZ1608870008异型垫片/819621005098 AZ1642870043橡胶垫8 AZ1642870072右中支架总成1 AZ1642870076右外支架总成1 AZ1642870080左中支架总成1 AZ1642870082左外支架总成1 AZ1672870121橡胶垫8 Q150B0820六角头螺栓8 Q2140625十字槽盘头螺钉8 Q340B06I型六角螺母8 Q40206大垫圈8 Q40208大垫圈8 WG1642870071遮阳罩1 190007992185点焊密封胶3 AZ1608230019堵塞/819600203634 WG1642930001通风罩2 WG1642930002通风罩密封条2 AZ9112610083车轮螺栓防护帽20 AZ9112610090前轮罩焊接总成2 WG9003884160车轮螺母20 WG1760290005QH50取力器(陕齿)1 1113 010043隔套3 1280 550027内螺纹销1 1280 550028内螺纹销1 1280 550029拉紧螺栓1 199100190065加强板1 AZ9003980025软管卡箍,145/185 N050744 WG9130780001馈线(200cm)1 WG9130780026收放机(自动翻带、液晶显示频率)1WG9719780006扬声器(8欧,8瓦)2 190003171715塑料紧固带1 190003179028穿线护套200 AZ9719770003驾驶室顶蓬电线束(普通收放机)1 AZ9719770005标准驾驶室底部电线束1 Q2764216十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉-C型2 Q2764825十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉8 Q39742201簧片螺母2 Q39748202簧片螺母4 Q41205外锯齿锁紧垫圈4 WG9719790001门灯开关2 WG9719790002驾驶室内照明灯2 WG9719790003带聚光灯的驾驶室内照明灯1 WG9719790007前示廓灯总成2 WG9900580021盖板4 190003171356塑料紧固带10 190003989340软管卡箍6 AZ1630820312空调线束总成1 AZ1630840062扁橡胶密封套2 AZ1630840302带电动风门的暖风机总成1 AZ1642840013钢管总成1 AZ1642840084进风口护网总成1 Q150B0615六角头螺栓2 Q150B0620六角头螺栓2 Q150B0830六角头螺栓2 Q1840816六角法兰面螺栓3 Q2714825十字槽盘头自攻螺钉2 Q40206大垫圈4 Q40208大垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 WG1630820313温度传感器总成1 WG1630840115橡胶衬套1 WG1630840322操纵面板总成1 WG1642840091成型软管Ⅰ2 Q40004小垫圈12 WG1642770010遮阳板总成2 WG1642770012杂品箱上护面1 WG1642770013杂品箱盖2 WG1642770014杂品箱壳体总成2 WG1642770015喇叭罩(左)1 WG1642770016喇叭罩(右)1 WG1642770017喇叭罩(中)1 WG1642770018铰链4 Q2140620十字槽盘头螺钉10 Q40206大垫圈10 WG1642770005铆钉4 WG1642770006顶窗盖板焊接总成1WG1642770007开关机构总成1 WG1642770008顶窗盖内护面1 WG1642770009顶创密封条1 WG1642770011铰链2 WG1642930021垫圈2 AZ1642770054下视镜支架1 AZ1642770098底 板1 Q150B0825六角头螺栓2 Q218B0616内六角园柱头螺钉2 Q218B0635内六角圆柱头螺钉12 Q2540620十字槽沉头螺钉2 Q340B06I型六角螺母2 Q340B081型六角螺母2 Q40208大垫圈4 Q40306弹簧垫圈2 Q40308弹簧垫圈2 WG1600770007路面镜总成1 WG1642770001HOWO车外左后视镜1 WG1642770003HOWO车外右后视镜1 WG1642770004下视镜1 190003699563簧片螺母8 Q2714216十字槽盘头自攻螺钉8 Q40004小垫圈8 WG1642610018顶窗盖护框1 WG1642610019拉带1 WG1642610029右侧围门框压条2 WG1642610032前窗帘导轨总成1 WG1642610034导轨限位挡块总成4 AZ1642620001左地板垫/30783561 AZ1642620002右地板垫/30780551 AZ1642620009发动机罩衬垫/81835321 Q2714219十字槽盘头自攻螺钉6 WG1642620006左门槛总成1 WG1642620007右门槛总成1 WG1642620008左隔热地板垫1 WG1642620010右隔热地板垫1 Q2714819十字槽盘头自攻螺钉1 Q68610单管夹子1 WG1642690002隔热吸音垫1 WG1642690003前支撑杆1 WG1642690005中后支撑杆1 WG1642690006橡胶垫1 WG1642710001HOWO驾驶室前风窗玻璃1 WG1642710002前风窗玻璃密封条1 WG1642710005后窗玻璃1 WG1642710006后窗玻璃密封条1 Q150B0616六角头螺栓3Q150B0812六角头螺栓8 Q40108平垫圈8 Q40126平垫圈2 Q40306弹簧垫圈3 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 WG1642740001驾驶室刮水器装置1 115200160094杂品箱锁2 115200160098钥匙2 AZ1642770017支承套(扩张筒式螺钉座)14 Q2140520十字槽盘头螺钉8 Q2713516自攻螺钉14 Q2714216十字槽盘头自攻螺钉12 WG1642440101液压锁总成4 190003862130内六角园柱头螺钉4 AZ1642510002HOWO左座椅总成1 AZ1642510003HOWO座椅座盒总成(左)1 AZ1642930020垫圈4 Q341B101型六角螺母-细牙4 Q40010小垫圈4 190003862130内六角园柱头螺钉4 AZ1642510001HOWO右座椅总成1 AZ1642510005HOWO座椅座盒总成(右)1 AZ1642930020垫圈4 Q341B101型六角螺母-细牙4 Q40010小垫圈4 WG1641560010HOWO短驾驶室用安全带2 116000770023挂衣钩(灰色)2 190003172951塑料开尾铆钉8 AZ1641610007支架2 AZ1642610014顶窗螺母座4 Q2713519十字槽盘头自攻螺钉17 Q2714216十字槽盘头自攻螺钉4 Q2714219十字槽盘头自攻螺钉8 WG1641610001HOWO短驾驶室顶盖内衬总成1 WG1641610003短驾驶室右窗帘导轨1 WG1641610004短驾驶室左窗帘导轨(与右件对称)1 WG1641610005右侧围内衬1 WG1641610006左侧围内衬(与右件对称)1 WG1641610008安全带护框2 WG1641610009塑料紧固螺钉6 WG1641610010塑料紧固螺钉座6 WG1642610006后围内衬1 WG1642610010右侧后围压条2 WG1642610011左A立柱内护面1 WG1642610012右A立柱内护面1 WG1642610013车门密封条2 WG1642610016扶手孔盖支座4WG1642610017扶手孔盖4 Q33016全金属六角法兰面自锁螺母4 Q40212大垫圈4 Q40216大垫圈4 Q40310弹簧垫圈16 Q40312弹簧垫圈16 WG1642430081限位块总成4 WG1642430118前螺旋弹簧Ⅰ4 190003171356塑料紧固带10 190003559516管接头用螺母4 190003559561卡套4 190003888459自锁螺母20 199014280016衬套2 AZ1642430082限位块垫圈4 AZ1642440013左下支架2 AZ1642440014右下支架(与左件对称)2 AZ1642440021横向稳定减振器总成4 AZ1642440031衬套I4 AZ1642440032衬套II4 AZ1642440069堵塞2 Q150B0630六角头螺栓8 Q151B1640六角头螺栓20 Q1841230六角法兰面螺栓16 Q18414140六角法兰面螺栓4 Q1841470六角法兰面螺栓4 Q1841480六角法兰面螺栓4 Q1841490六角法兰面螺栓4 Q33014全金属六角法兰面自锁螺母16 Q340B10六角螺母4 Q40310弹簧垫圈4 WG1642430081限位块总成4 WG1642440028后悬减振器总成(螺旋弹簧Ⅰ)4 WG1642440040左上支架总成2 WG1642440041右上支架总成(与左件对称)2 WG1642440052驾驶室锁止信号开关4 WG1642440070三通接头体2 WG1642440071双弯头软管2 Q5002526开口销2 Q5100835销轴2 Q67405100塑料紧箍带2 WG1642341001门锁总成1 AZ1642330110丙烯酸快干胶1 WG1642350001左角窗玻璃密封条1 WG1642350002右角窗玻璃密封条(与左件对称)1 WG1642350003左角窗玻璃1 WG1642350004右角窗玻璃(与左件对称)1 190003888457自锁螺母28190003888458自锁螺母6 190003888459自锁螺母24 190003888459自锁螺母4 AZ1642430041驾驶室左前支承支架(与右件对称)2 AZ1642430042驾驶室右前支承支架2 AZ1642430043盖板8 AZ1642430051左摆臂总成2 AZ1642430052右摆臂总成(与左件对称)2 AZ1642430071螺栓4 AZ1642430072异形垫圈4 AZ1642430082限位块垫圈4 AZ1642430091前减振器总成4 AZ1642430097橡胶限位块4 AZ1642430110前悬左下支架总成2 AZ1642430116垫片4 AZ1642430120前悬右下支架总成2 AZ1642430125弹簧上支座总成4 Q150B1025六角头螺栓16 Q150B1235六角头螺栓16 Q150B1460六角头螺栓4 Q151B1450六角头螺栓6 Q151B1645六角头螺栓24 Q151C1235六角头螺栓(细牙)28 Q1841470六角法兰面螺栓4 Q33012全金属六角法兰面自锁螺母4 Q33014全金属六角法兰面自锁螺母8 WG1642230004右后翼子板1 WG1642230005后翼子板加强板4 WG1642230007后翼子板缓冲衬层2 WG1642230008垫圈18 WG1642230018左防滑板1 WG1642230019右防滑板(与左件对称)1 AZ1642330019车门保护层10843702 AZ1642330051薄膜16107062 AZ1642330060左车门玻璃总成(1692565)1 AZ1642330061右车门玻璃总成(与左件对称)1 AZ1642930005塑料开尾铆钉1(6101081)14 AZ1642930006塑料开尾铆钉2(6101081)14 AZ1642930007螺钉罩盖(6101082)8 AZ1642930050橡胶堵塞/941269见10529362 Q2140610十字槽盘头螺钉10 Q2140612十字槽盘头螺钉10 Q2140620十字槽盘头螺钉8 Q43107轴用弹性挡圈2 WG1642330001把手2 WG1642330003左玻璃升降器总成1 WG1642330004右玻璃升降器总成(与左件对称)1WG1642330009左玻璃滑槽1 WG1642330010右玻璃滑槽(与左件对称)1 WG1642330011内密封条2 WG1642330013外密封条2 WG1642330015滑槽密封条2 WG1642330020门内护板总成-左门1 WG1642330040门内护板总成-右门1 190003559820特殊螺纹密封剂1 Q150B0612六角头螺拴2 Q150B0616六角头螺栓8 Q2140612十字槽盘头螺钉4 Q2300612十字槽盘头螺钉和平垫圈组合件2 Q2540820十字槽沉头螺钉12 Q41806波形垫片4 WG1642160230转向柱右侧下护面总成1 WG1642160236搁脚台总成1 WG1642160238仪表台左前部螺钉盖板1 WG1642160239仪表台右前部螺钉盖板1 WG1642160242发动机罩储物盒1 WG1642930009卡簧螺母2 AZ1641230027挡泥板用压条2 Q150B0620六角头螺栓8 Q150B0620六角头螺栓18 Q150B0830六角头螺栓8 Q150B0860六角头螺栓8 Q2713516自攻螺钉18 Q2714816十字槽盘头自攻螺钉3 Q2714819十字槽盘头自攻螺钉3 Q340B06I型六角螺母8 Q340B06I型六角螺母16 Q340B081型六角螺母8 Q40106平垫圈16 Q40106平垫圈24 Q40204大垫圈3 Q40206大垫圈10 Q40208大垫圈8 Q40208大垫圈8 Q40210大垫圈2 Q40306弹簧垫圈8 Q40306弹簧垫圈16 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 Q40308弹簧垫圈8 WG1641230020短驾驶室左前翼子板1 WG1641230021短驾驶室右前翼子板(与左件对称)1 WG1641230025左前挡泥板1 WG1641230026右前挡泥板1 WG1641230028后挡板总成1WG1641230030右连接支架1 WG1642230003左后翼子板1 AZ1642160232转向柱左侧装饰条总成(5310625)1 AZ1642160234转向柱右侧装饰条总成(5310630)1 AZ1642160243便携式烟灰缸总成(5310720)1 AZ1642160251转向柱右侧地板支架总成1 AZ1642930010孔盖(5310676)7 AZ1642930011M6带橡胶垫的组合螺栓(5310290)3 AZ1642930620十字槽盘头螺钉弹垫大垫圈组合件(参考Q2140620)22 Q1460620六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件20 Q1460825六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件8 Q2140516十字槽盘头螺钉3 Q2140620十字槽盘头螺钉4 Q2140820十字槽盘头螺钉1 Q2714216十字槽盘头自攻螺钉2 Q2714816十字槽盘头自攻螺钉35 Q340B06I型六角螺母1 Q39748202簧片螺母3 Q40105平垫圈3 Q40106平垫圈4 Q40205大垫圈3 Q40206大垫圈1 Q40305弹簧垫圈3 Q40306弹簧垫圈5 WG1642160010前密封条1 WG1642160047左前上车扶手1 WG1642160050右前上车扶手总成(与左件对称)1 WG1642160052后扶手2 WG1642160120司机侧仪表台总成1 WG1642160170副司机侧仪表台总成1 WG1642160172副司机侧仪表台下护面侧盖总成1 WG1642160177副司机侧仪表台下护面总成1 WG1642160183仪表板盖板总成1 WG1642160186手制动阀盖板总成1 WG1642160190开关面板总成1 WG1642160213仪表台中上部盖板1 WG1642160215电器箱盖总成1 WG1642160218转向柱左侧下护面总成1 WG1642110001右导风罩外板总成1 WG1642110002左导风罩外板总成(与右件对称)1 WG1642110003右导风罩内板1 WG1642110004左导风罩内板(与右件对称)1 WG1642110013散热器面罩1 WG1642110016铰链座2 WG1642110018保护条4 WG1642110019左A立柱装饰板1 WG1642110020右A立柱装饰板1WG1642110021A立柱固定夹2 WG1642110022A立柱固定用塑料铆钉6 WG1642110024右气体弹簧支撑栓2 WG1642110027面罩右锁总成1 WG1642110028面罩左锁总成(与右件对称)1 WG1642110034挡水板1 WG1642110212重汽公司标志1 WG1642930003堵盖4 WG9100360134隔环5 AZ1642160011左除霜风道总成(5310025)1 AZ1642160014右侧除霜风道总成(5310030)与5310025对称)1 AZ1642160017左下风道总成(5310035)1 AZ1642160021左下风道固定支架总成(5310045)1 AZ1642160023右下风道总成(5310040)1 AZ1642160025前除霜风道总成(5310050)1 AZ1642160031左侧风道总成(5310055)1 AZ1642160037右侧风道总成(5310070)1 AZ1642160042中后风道总成(5310065)1 AZ1642160124水杯架前端盖(5310801)1 AZ1642160138装饰条总成-中部(5310295)1 AZ1642160146塑料销座(5310294)2 AZ1642160150出风口总成(5310300)4 AZ1642160175副司机侧装饰条总成(5310375)1 AZ1642160181地板支架总成(5310400)4 AZ1642160188手制动阀固定支架(5310456)1 AZ1642160214仪表台中上部软垫(5310564)1 AZ1642160217转向柱下护罩(5310596)1 AH71131400514STEYR双桥(5.73,φ165,轮距1850,平衡悬架主片四片)1 AH71141.00705HOWO前轴总成(不带ABS及自动间隙调节臂)1 AZ610100100162发动机 DH615Q0822 不带后取力1 190003888459自锁螺母4 Q151B1665六角头螺栓4 WG9000930047"SK7"型牵引钩1 189100770086轮间和轴间差速锁电线束1 190003171697塑料紧箍带10 AZ1641900001驾驶室总装配1 AZ1641100001短驾驶室本体带车门1 AZ1642110006上连接板总成2 AZ1642110007右下连接板1 AZ1642110008左下连接板(与右件对称)1 AZ1642110014铰链座支架总成10865582 AZ1642110017铰链销16238772 AZ1642110032左铰链焊接总成1 AZ1642110033右铰链焊接总成(与左件对称)1 AZ1642930070文字商标(HOWO)1 Q150B0616六角头螺栓18 Q150B0620六角头螺栓10。
Belimo B308 铝合金球型阀门技术数据表说明书
B308•Stainless Steel Ball and StemTechnical dataFunctional data Valve Size0.5" [15]Fluid chilled or hot water, up to 60% glycolFluid Temp Range (water)0...250°F [-18...120°C]Body Pressure Rating600 psiBody pressure rating note600 psiClose-off pressure ∆ps200 psiFlow characteristic A-port equal percentage, B-port modified forconstant common port flowServicing maintenance-freeFlow Pattern3-way Mixing/DivertingLeakage rate0% for A – AB, <2.0% for B – ABControllable flow range75°Cv0.46Cv Flow Rating A-port: as stated in chart B-port: 70% of A – ABCvMaterials Valve body Nickel-plated brass bodyStem stainless steelStem seal EPDM (lubricated)Seat PTFECharacterizing disk TEFZEL®Pipe connection NPT female endsO-ring EPDM (lubricated)Ball stainless steelSuitable actuators Non-Spring TRLRB(X)NRB(X) N4Spring TFRB(X)LFSafety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California tocause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to B308ApplicationProduct featuresThis valve is typically used in air handling units on heating or cooling coils, and fan coil unit heating or cooling coils. Some other common applications include Unit Ventilators, VAV box re-heat coils and bypass loops. This valve is suitable for use in a hydronic system with variable or constant flow.Flow/Mounting detailsDimensionsDimensional drawingsLRB, LRXType DN Weight [kg][kg]B308150.30AB C D E F H1H28.5" [216]2.4" [60] 5.2" [132] 4.6" [117] 1.3" [33]1.3" [33] 1.2" [30]1.1" [28]LRQB, LRQXAB C D E F H1H28.9" [226]2.4" [60]5.7" [146]5.2" [131]1.6" [40]1.6" [40]1.2" [30]1.3" [33]TRAB C D E F 3.7" [95]2.4" [60]4.8" [122]4.2" [107]1.3" [33]1.2" [31]B308LFA B C D E F7.9" [200] 2.4" [60] 5.7" [146] 5.1" [129] 1.8" [46] 1.9" [48]ARB N4, ARX N4A B C D E F11.4" [289] 2.4" [60]7.2" [184] 6.7" [169] 3.1" [80] 3.1" [80]LRB24-MFT Modulating, Non-Spring Return, 24 V, Multi-Function Technology®Technical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzPower consumption in operation 2.5 WPower consumption in rest position 1.2 WPower consumption for wire sizing 5 VATransformer sizing 5 VA (class 2 power source)Electrical Connection18 GA plenum cable, 3 ft [1 m], with 1/2"conduit connectorOverload Protection electronic thoughout 0...90° rotationFunctional data Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input Impedance100 kΩ for DC 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4 (20)mA, 1500 Ω for PWM and On/OffOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 VEnd point 2.5...32 VOptions positioning signal variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override external push buttonAngle of rotation90°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stopRunning Time (Motor)default 150 s, variable 35...150 sRunning time motor variable35...150 sNoise level, motor35 dB(A)Position indication Mechanically, pluggableSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EUListed to UL 2043 - suitable for use in airplenums per Section 300.22(C) of the NEC andSection 602 of the IMCQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient temperature-22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingServicing maintenance-freeLRB24-MFTWeightWeight1.5 lb [0.70 kg]AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Battery backup system, for non-spring return models NSV24 US Battery, 12 V, 1.2 Ah (two required)NSV-BAT Auxiliary switch 1 x SPDT add-on S1A Auxiliary switch 2 x SPDT add-onS2AFeedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on, grey P140A GR Feedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on, grey P1000A GR Feedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-on, grey P10000A GR Feedback potentiometer 2.8 kΩ add-on, grey P2800A GR Feedback potentiometer 500 Ω add-on, grey P500A GR Feedback potentiometer 5 kΩ add-on, greyP5000A GR Service toolsDescriptionTypeConnection cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESProvide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the Common connection from the actuator must be connected to the Hotconnection of the controller. Position feedback cannot be used with a triac sink controller; theactuator internal common reference is not compatible.IN4004 or IN4007 diode. (IN4007 supplied, Belimo part number 40155).Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.LRB24-MFTServicingWiring diagrams On/OffFloating PointVDC/mA ControlPWM ControlOverride ControlInstallation notesDimensions。
DS7400XI 附件介绍 DS7447液晶操作键盘
用于系统编程、操作、维护 直观显示系统运行状况 双行液晶显示 显示亮度可调 键盘蜂鸣声可调 每台DS7400XI主机可接15个键盘 有复位键用于火警等防区 通过插针跳线组合实现地址码
Bosch Security Systems
STCN/SAL3.2 (Dieter GAO Chuanjian / Shanghai) | 20/06/2008 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
DS7400XI 附件介绍 DS7436双总线驱动器
直接插在DS7400XI主板上工作 提供相对独立的两个总线接口 每组总线提供12Vdc@200mA电源输出 每路总线采用RVV1.5x4(2芯通讯/2芯电源),通讯距离可达1.5Km左右 每路总线可扩展120个防区,总共可扩展240个防区
DS7400 报警主机
探 测 器
探 测 器
转换 模块
32路 输出模块
CMS7000 报警软件
Bosch Security Systems
STCN/SAL3.2 (Dieter GAO Chuanjian / Shanghai) | 20/06/2008 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
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BB804Document Number 85554Rev. 1.6, 09-Dec-05Vishay Semiconductors1Dual Varicap DiodeFeatures•Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode •Common cathode•Lead (Pb)-free component •Component in accordance toRoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECApplicationsTuning of separate resonant circuits, push-pull circuits in FM range, especially for car radiosMechanical DataCase: SOT-23 Plastic case Weight: approx. 8.1 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts Table1) Any selection part and any marking out of the below listed FM0 to FM4 is possible.Absolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedPartType differentiationOrdering codeMarkingRemarks BB804-0V RRM = 20 V , C D 42-43, 5 pF BB804-0-GS18 or BB804-0-GS08FM0Tape and Reel BB804-1V RRM = 20 V , C D 43-44, 5 pF BB804-1-GS18 or BB804-1-GS08FM1Tape and Reel BB804-2V RRM = 20 V , C D 44-45, 5 pF BB804-2-GS18 or BB804-2-GS08FM2Tape and Reel BB804-3V RRM = 20 V , C D 45-46, 5 pF BB804-3-GS18 or BB804-3-GS08FM3Tape and Reel BB804-4V RRM = 20 V , C D 46-47, 5 pFBB804-4-GS18 or BB804-4-GS08FM4Tape and ReelParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 20V Reverse voltage V R 18V Forward currentI F50mAParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Junction temperature T j 125°C Storage temperature rangeT stg- 65 to + 125°C 2Document Number 85554Rev. 1.6, 09-Dec-05BB804Vishay Semiconductors Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) A packing unit (reel) contains diodes from one capacitance group only. Delivery of single capacitance groups available only on request.Package Dimensions in mm (Inches)ParameterTest conditionPartSymbol MinTyp.Max Unit Reverse current V R = 16 VI R 20nA V R = 16 V , T j = 60°C I R 0.2μA Diode capacitance 1)V R = 2 V , f = 1 MHz C D 4247.5pF Diode capacitanceV R = 2 V , f = 1 MHzGroup 0C D 4243.5pF Group 1C D 4344.5pF Group 2C D 4445.5pF Group 3C D 4546.5pF Group 4C D 4647.5pFCapacitance ratio V R = 2 V , 8 V , f = 100 MHz C D2/ C D81.651.75Series resistance C D = 38 pF , f = 100 MHz r s 0.30.4ΩFigure of meritC D = 38 pF , f = 100 MHzQ100140BB804Document Number 85554Rev. 1.6, 09-Dec-05Vishay Semiconductors3Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishay Document Number: Revision: 08-Apr-051NoticeSpecifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies.Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。