5G TDD NSA SA数据业务用户感知提升(二)
5G NR TDD NSA+SA 数据业务用户感知提升一页纸目录1 概述 (1)2 版本基础性能提升 (1)2.1 PRB随机化 (1)2.2 CCE自适应 (2)2.3 PDCCH BC最优波束 (4)2.4 NI换底功能 (4)2.5 防功率过饱和 (5)2.6 上行功控优化 (6)2.7 上行IRC自适应 (6)2.8 上行基于SINR的频选 (7)2.9 CP/DFT波形自适应 (9)2.10 SRS宽窄带自适应 (10)2.11 LLR加权 (11)2.12 下行模糊态优化 (12)2.13 LDPC译码自适应 (13)2.14 上行PRB三段式随机化 (13)2.15 PUSCH 复用UCI不计NACK (14)2.16 上行MCS精准授权 (15)2.17 上行INNERRB (15)2.18 PDCP多队列 (16)3 数据业务感知提升策略 (16)3.1 NR PDCP(NSA) (16)3.2 NSA上行主路径切换SINR门限优化(NSA) (18)3.3 TCP重排序 (18)3.4 SR响应智能授权 (19)3.5 M2表优化 (20)3.6 外环MCS优化 (20)3.7 下行MCS精准授权 (20)3.8 PUCCH FOMATE1 AN错开 (21)3.9 200UE档的SR周期优化 (23)3.10 CCE时域2符号 (23)3.11 聪慧预调度 (24)3.12 下行保守MCS优化 (25)3.13 AMBR限速取消 (25)3.14 TCP代理 (26)3.15 三次握手代理 (27)4 工具支撑 (28)4.1 策略部署注意事项 (28)4.2 参数执行脚本和增量DV ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.3 效果评估 (29)1概述2021年各运营商开始关注5G用户感知,基于VMAX/SEQ/DO等大数据平台考核业务感知,目前外场收集到的考核指标如下所示:5G用户感知正在多地攻关,重点发现并解决版本基础性能问题,应用版本已有的感知提升策略。
第二十章 SRS系统目录第一节安全气囊系统概述 (2)1.1警告 (2)1.2注意 (2)1.3提示 (2)1.4SRS接插件 (2)1.5如何断开驾驶员相关安全气囊的接插件.. 5 1.6驾驶员安全气囊,前排乘客安全气囊接插件的连接 (5)1.7断开前排乘客安全气囊总成接插件 (5)1.8接上前排乘客安全气囊总成的接插件 (6)1.9断开安全气囊ECU的接插件 (6)1.10安全气囊ECU接插件的连接 (6)第二节系统部件配置、原理图及说明 (6)2.1零部件所处位置 (6)2.2安全气囊系统原理图 (7)2.3安全系统说明 (8)2.4气囊ECU引脚定义 (9)第三节安全气囊系统自诊断及故障排除 (10)3.1组合仪表SRS故障指示灯电路自诊断 (10)3.2故障排除方法 (11)第四节安全气囊系统部件检查 (12)4.1检查前的准备工作 (12)4.2蓄电池电压过低或过高的检查 (13)4.3线束和连接器的检查................................ 13 4.4安全气囊电子控制单元检查 (14)4.5驾驶员安全气囊模块的检查 (14)4.6驾驶员安全气囊电路的检查 (15)4.7前排乘员安全气囊模块的检查 (15)4.8前排乘员安全气囊电路的检查 (15)4.9时钟弹簧的检查 (15)4.10消除故障闪码 (15)4.11SRS警告灯电路故障的检查 (15)第五节驾驶员安全气囊总成 (17)5.1模块组成 (17)5.2DAB模块在车上的检查 (17)5.3移除DAB模块 (18)5.4安装DAB模块 (18)5.5DAB模块的处理 (19)第六节时钟弹簧 (23)6.1时钟弹簧组成 (23)6.2移除时钟弹簧 (24)6.3检修时钟弹簧 (25)第七节前排乘员安全气囊总成 (26)7.1前排乘员安全气囊组成 (26)7.2前排乘员安全气囊总成检查 (27)7.3前排乘员安全气囊总成拆除 (27)7.4前排乘员安全气囊总成安装 (30)7.5前排乘员安全气囊总成处理 (32)第一节安全气囊系统概述1.1 警告1.1.1 本车配有SRS系统(安全气囊系统),这个系统包括一个驾驶员安全气囊,一个前排成员安全气囊。
2004 Prius SRS 诊断辅助系统诊断指南说明书
–DIAGNOSTICS SUPPLEMENT AL RESTRAINT SYSTEM05IY7–01 DTC B1826/56OPEN IN SIDE SQUIB (P SEAT SIDE)CIRCUITCIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe side squib (P seat side) circuit consists of the airbag ECU assy and the front seat w/ adjuster frame assy RH (side squib (P seat side)).The circuit instructs the SRS to deploy when deployment conditions are met.DTC B1826 is recorded when an open circuit is detected in the side squib (P seat side) circuit.WIRING DIAGRAMSee page 05–1561.H42818H44043H44555Side Squib (P seat side)Airbag ECU AssySFR+SFR–AD C BS21F EOKH43102H44044H44560Side Squib (P seat side)SFR+SFR–Airbag ECU AssyService WireS21DCF E2CHECK AIR BAG ECU ASSY(a)Connect the connectors to the airbag ECU assy.(b)Using a service wire, connect S21–2 (SFR+) and S21–1(SFR–) of connector ”E”.NOTICE:Do not forcibly insert a service wire into the terminals of the connector when connecting.(c)Connect the negative (–) terminal cable to the battery,and wait for at least 2 seconds.(d)Turn the power switch on (IG), and wait for at least 60 se-conds.(e)Clear the DTCs stored in memory (see page 05–1402).(f)Turn the power switch off.(g)Turn the power switch on (IG), and wait for at least 60 se-conds.(h)Check the DTCs (see page 05–1402).OK:DTC B1826 is not output.HINT:Codes other than code B1826 may be output at this time, but they are not related to this check.NGREPLACE AIR BAG ECU ASSY (SEE PAGE 60–54)OKH44557Side Squib (P seat side)Airbag ECU AssyDCF E3CHECK FRONT SEAT W/ADJUSTER FRAME ASSY RH(SIDE SQUIB (P SEAT SIDE))(a)Turn the power switch off.(b)Disconnect the negative (–) terminal cable from the bat-tery, and wait for at least 90 seconds.(c)Disconnect the service wire from connector ”E”.(d)Connect the connector to the front seat w/ adjuster frame assy RH (side squib (P seat side)).(e)Connect the negative (–) terminal cable to the battery,and wait for at least 2 seconds.(f)Turn the power switch on (IG), and wait for at least 60 se-conds.(g)Clear the DTCs stored in memory (see page 05–1402).(h)Turn the power switch off.(i)Turn the power switch on (IG), and wait for at least 60 se-conds.(j)Check the DTCs (see page 05–1402).OK:DTC B1826 is not output.HINT:Codes other than code B1826 may be output at this time, but they are not related to this check.NGREPLACE FRONT SEAT W/ADJUSTER FRAME ASSY RH (SEE PAGE 72–2)OKUSE SIMULATION METHOD TO CHECK (SEE PAGE 05–1397)HINT:S Perform the simulation method by selecting the check mode with the hand–held tester (see page 05–1405).SAfter selecting the check mode, perform the simulation method by wiggling each connector of the air-bag system or driving the vehicle on a city or rough road (see page 05–1405).H42820H44043H44558B BG1CD AEF Airbag ECU AssySFR–SFR+Seat Airbag No.2 WireSide Squib (P seat side)Floor Wire No.2H44043H42821H44559BS21C D AEF Airbag ECU AssySFR+SFR–Seat Airbag No.2 WireSide Squib (P seat side)Floor Wire No.24CHECK FLOOR WIRE NO.2CHECK SEAT AIRBAG NO.2 WIREUSE SIMULATION METHOD TO CHECK (SEE PAGE HINT:S Perform the simulation method by selecting the check mode with the hand–held tester (see page 05–1405).SAfter selecting the check mode, perform the simulation method by wiggling each connector of the air-bag system or driving the vehicle on a city or rough road (see page 05–1405).。
F G H I J K ML快速参考索引A 概述信息B 发动机C 变速箱/变速驱动桥D 传动系统/车桥E 悬架F 制动BR制动系统PB驻车制动系统BRC制动控制系统G 转向PS动力转向系统H 约束系统SB安全带SRS辅助约束系统 (SRS )I 车身BL车身、门锁和安全系统GW玻璃、车窗系统和后视镜RF车顶EI外饰和内饰IP仪表板SE座椅J 空调ATC自动空调K 电气系统SC起动和充电系统LT灯光系统DI驾驶信息系统WW雨刮器、洗涤器和喇叭BCS车身控制系统LANLAN 系统AV音响、视频、导航和电话系统PG 供电、接地和电路元件L 保养MA 保养M 索引IDX 索引本公司保留所有权利。
版本: 2004年12月出版号 SM4C -0J31P0前言本手册包含了东风乘用车公司TEANA(天籁)系列车型的保养和修理步骤。
在开始修理工作前一定要透彻理解GI 部分中注意事项的内容。
音响、视频、导航和电话系统K 电气系统目录C D E F G H I JL MAV A B注意事项 (5)辅助约束系统 (SRS)“安全气囊”和“安全带预张紧器”的注意事项 (5)电路图及故障诊断 (5)AUDIO (6)系统说明 (6)音响系统 (6)电源和接地电路 (6)元件和线束接头位置 (6)图解 (7)电路图— 音响 — (8)音响单元的端口和参考值 (11)故障诊断 (12)收音机、磁带和CD 的故障 (12)仅对于收音机 (12)仅对于磁带机 (12)仅对于 CD (12)噪音检查 (13)噪音类型和可能原因 (13)检查音响单元的电源电路 (14)前车门扬声器检查 (15)后车门扬声器检查 (17)锁止 CD 自动换碟机构 (19)阻尼器闭锁程序 (19)音响单元的拆卸与安装 (19)拆卸 (19)安装 (19)前车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (20)拆卸 (20)安装 (20)后车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (20)拆卸 (20)安装 (20)音响(有集成显示系统) (21)系统说明 (21)音响系统 (21)电源和接地电路 (22)元件和线束接头位置 (23)图解 (24)电路图 — 音响 — (25)音响单元的端口和参考值 (30)CD 自动换碟器的端口和参考值 (32)A/C和AV 开关的端口和参考值 (33)显示单元的端口和参考值 (33)A/C和AV 开关自诊断功能 (34)启动自诊断模式 (34)诊断功能 (34)退出自诊断模式 (34)故障诊断 (35)收音机和CD 的故障 (35)仅对于收音机 (35)仅对于 CD (36)仅对于 CD 自动换碟器 (36)噪音检查 (36)噪音类型和可能原因 (36)检查音响单元的电源电路 (37)检查CD 自动换碟器的电源电路 (38)检查 AC/AV 开关的电源和接地线路 (39)A/C和AV 开关检查 (40)CD 自动换碟器通讯线路检查 (41)前车门扬声器检查 (44)后车门扬声器检查 (46)音响单元的拆卸与安装 (48)拆卸 (48)安装 (49)CD 自动换碟器的拆卸和安装 (50)拆卸 (50)安装 (50)前车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (50)拆卸 (50)安装 (50)后车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (51)安装 (51)高音喇叭的拆卸和安装 (51)拆卸 (51)安装 (51)音响(带有导航系统) (52)系统说明 (52)音响系统 (52)电源和接地电路 (53)元件和线束接头位置 (54)图解 (55)电路图 — 音响 — (56)音响单元端口和参考值 (62)CD 自动换碟器端口和参考值 (65)A/C和AV开关的端口和参考值 (66)显示控制单元端口和参考值 (66)显示端口和参考值 (67)A/C和AV开关自诊断功能 (68)启动自诊断模式 (68)诊断功能 (68)退出自诊断模式 (68)故障诊断 (69)收音机和CD 的故障 (69)仅对于收音机 (69)仅对于 CD (70)仅对于 CD 自动换碟器 (70)噪音检查 (70)噪音类型和可能原因 (70)检查音响单元的电源电路 (71)检查CD 自动换碟器的电源电路 (72)检查A/C和AV开关的电源和接地电路 (73)A/C和AV 开关检查 (74)检查后音响控制开关 (74)CD 自动换碟器通讯线路检查 (76)前车门扬声器检查 (79)后车门扬声器检查 (81)音响单元的拆卸与安装 (83)拆卸 (83)安装 (84)后音响控制开关的拆卸与安装 (85)拆卸 (85)安装 (85)CD 自动换碟器的拆卸和安装 (85)拆卸 (85)安装 (85)前车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (86)拆卸 (86)安装 (86)后车门扬声器的拆卸和安装 (86)拆卸 (86)高音扬声器的拆卸和安装 (86)拆卸 (86)安装 (86)音响天线 (87)电路图—W/ANT— (87)天线位置 (88)车窗天线维修 (88)检查元件 (88)天线放大器的拆卸与安装 (89)拆卸 (89)安装 (89)集成显示系统 (90)系统说明 (90)A/C和AV开关系统 (90)电源和接地电路 (90)驾驶计算机 (91)音响/亮度开关 (92)时钟 (92)AV通讯线路 (92)CAN通讯系统说明 (92)CAN通讯单元 (92)零部件和线束接头位置 (93)图解 (94)电路图—INF/D— (95)图解 (100)电路图—COMM— (101)显示单元的端口和参考值 (104)A/C和AV开关的端口和参考值 (105)车载自诊断功能 (106)说明 (106)诊断项目 (106)自诊断模式 (106)操作步骤 (106)退出自诊断模式 (107)A/C和AV开关自诊断功能 (107)故障诊断症状表 (108)显示单元的电源和接地电路检查 (109)检查A/C和AV开关的电源和接地电路 (110)车速信号检查 (111)照明信号检查 (112)点火信号检查 (113)A/C和AV 开关检查 (113)音响通讯线路检查 (114)A/C和AV开关不工作 (117)显示单元的拆卸与安装 (118)拆卸 (118)安装 (118)拆卸和安装A/C和AV开关 (118)拆卸 (118)安装 (118)导航系统 (119)系统说明 (119)C D E F G H I J L MA B 后视镜 (121)主要零部件和功能 (122)NAVI 控制单元 (122)GPS 天线 (122)显示 (122)显示控制单元 (122)A /C 和AV 开关 (123)后视相机 (123)后视相机控制单元 (123)系统使用说明 (124)导航系统 (124)A /C 和AV 开关 (125)后视屏幕 (126)CAN 通信系统说明 (126)CAN 通讯单元 (126)零部件和线束接头位置 (127)天线系统 “零部件位置” (127)天线电路 (127)图解 — NAVI — (128)电路图 — NAVI — (129)图解 — COMM — (138)电路接线图 — COMM — (139)NAVI 控制单元端口和参考值 (144)显示控制单元端口和参考值 (146)显示端口和参考值 (150)A /C 和AV 开关的端口和参考值 (152)后视相机控制单元的端口与参考值 (153)显示控制单元故障诊断功能 (154)说明 (154)显示控制单元诊断项目 (154)显示控制单元诊断步骤 (154)显示控制单元的自诊断 (155)诊断步骤 (155)显示控制单元自诊断结果的诊断 (156)DCU 确认 (157)诊断步骤 (157)DCU 显示控制单元 (158)HVAC 加热通风空调器 (159)CAN 通讯诊断 (160)当显示控制单元和音响单元的连接出现故障时 (161)当音响单元和CD 自动换碟器之间的连接出现故障时 (163)当显示控制单元和显示器之间连接出现故障时 (163)NAVI 控制单元故障诊断功能 (165)说明 (165)导航控制单元诊断项目 (165)NAVI 控制单元的自诊断 (165)操作步骤 (165)诊断检查 (166)诊断菜单 (166)维修检查模式 (167)显示检查 ............................................................168导航控制单元自诊断的诊断步骤 ........................172当GPS 有故障时 ..................................................177当地图DVD -ROM 有故障时 ..................................177检查导航控制单元和显示器之间的通讯信号。
新蕾普NMI e500诊断式呼吸机说明书
S ,★L A R AO RN T ★M T EO GY I N★★Y★★Soma Technology Inc. • 166 Highland Park Drive • Bloomfield, CT 06002 • USARevised 10/30/2012Compensation, Violation Message Log.• N on-invasive Ventilation, Compatible with mask ventilation for continuous or short term use.• O2 Calibration • P re-Silence Alarm, suspends ventilation while delivering continuous flow after a planned disconnect.• Events History LogNote: The technical data given in this publication is for general information and is subject to change without notice. Actual configuration on the unit may vary. Contact our sales representatives for a complete list of details.Controls Patient Selection:Pediatric/Infant - AdultBreath Type:Volume Control (VC), Pressure Control (PC), or Volume Target Pressure Control (VTPC)Modes (in each Breath Type):Assist/Control Mandatory Ventilation (A/CMV)Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)Spontaneous (SPONT)Spontaneous Breath Choices:Pressure Support (Psupport) or none in VC or PC, Volume Target Pressure Support (VTPsupport using Plimit) in VTPC Back Up Ventilation: All modesSlope/Rise:1-19 (PC, VTPC, Psupport and VTPsupport)Pressure Support (Psupport):Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 50 cmH2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 60 cmH2O/mbar Expirtory Threshold5-50% (Psupport and VTPsupport)VT (Tidal Volume):(BTPS compensated)Pediatric/Infant: 20 to 1000mL Adult: 100 to 3000mLƒ(Frequency/Rate)Pediatric/Infant: 1 to 120 b/min Adult: 1 to 80 b/min⌄(Inspiratory Flow)Pediatric/Infant: 1 to 100 L/min Adult: 1 to 180 L/min ⌄(Flow) Pattern Square Descending Ramp Pause:Off, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 secSigh ø (off) or On:Delivers one sigh breath every 100 breaths, where sigh VT =1.5* VT SettingPlimit (Pressure Limit)(PC, VTPC & VTPsupport)Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 70 cmH2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 80 cmH2O/mbar tI (Inspiratory Time)Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 3.0 sec Adult: 0.1 to 5.0 sec I:E Ratiomax. inverse 4:1trig (sensitivity) type: P-Pressure Trigger:0 to -5 cmH2O/mbar⌄-Flow Trigger:Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 2.0 L/min Adult: 0.6 to 2.0 L/min FIO2 (oxygen Concentration)21 to 1.00PEEP/CPAP (Pbase)Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 30 cm H2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 45 cm H2O/mbar Leak Compensation:(on/off)Pediatric/Infant: 8 L/min max Adult: 15L/min max Bias Flow: 3 L/min Manual Inflation: 5 seconds maxExp. Hold:20 seconds max100% O2Delivers 100% oxygen for 3 minAlarmsAdjustable Alarms Low E (Exp. Minute Volume)High E (Exp. Minute Volume)Low Paw (Airway Pressure)High Paw (Airway Pressure) Automatic AlarmsPatient Alarms:O2 Variability ±0.07 of settingApneaProximal Line DisconnectLow Baseline PressureHigh Baseline PressureSustianed High Baseline Pressure Operator Alarms:Insp. Time Too LongInsp. Time Too ShortI:E Ratio inverse ViolationPlimit below PbaseLow Paw below PbaseVol Target Not Met(Alarm or Setting) Out of RangeBack Up VentGas Supply AlarmsPower Fail AlarmsPower Down AlarmDevice AlertDimensionsGas Delivery UnitWidth9.8″ (24.8cm)Depth:21.5″ (54.6cm) (includes all fittings) Height:9.5″ (24.1cm)Weight:41.3 lbs. (18.7kg)Control Panel ModuleWidth:13.9″ (35.3cm)Depth: 1.5″ (3.8cm)Height:12.1″ (30.7cm)Weight: 6.5lbs (2.9kg)e500 Custom CartWidth:20.5″ (52cm) at baseDepth:26″ (66cm)Height:48″ (121.9cm)Weight:81lbs (36.8kg) ship weightTotal Height:62.5″ (158.7cm) e500 and GDM mounted.Soma Technology Inc.166 Highland Park DriveBloomfield, CT 06002 • USA1.800.438.7662。
Royal SRS设置指南说明书
What’s the quickest method of installing and setting up the Royal SRS in a new model? These instructions describe the most effective sequence of operations. Details of the set-up procedure can be found in the main instructions. We also include a few tips which cover the most frequently asked questions.Whether your aircraft is a jet or a conventional power model, both can be set up completely in about thirty to sixty minutes, depending on the number of functions.1. Setting up the base functions at the transmitter 2. Selecting the radio control system 3. Setting the battery type 4. Gyro Basic Setup Assistant 5. Servo matching6. Door Sequencer Assistant7. Setting up the iGyro in flight1. SETTING UP THE BASE FUNCTIONS AT THE TRANSMITTERThe transmitter needs to be set up in such a way that all the functions and associated channels are defined. These include:- Throttle - Aileron - Elevator - Rudder- Landing flap - Retract switch- iGyro flight mode switch (three-position)- iGyro gain adjuster (slider or rotary knob)- Smoke pump- Lighting control systemThe channels for the iGyro and the retract switch must be set to the range -100% to +100% (Futaba may require +/- 105%).For the aileron, elevator, rudder / nosewheel and landing flap functions you can save chan -nels by defining just one channel for each function. The other side is then assigned to the same channel at the backer, after which it can be reversed and adjusted as required with the help of the servo-matching function.If your model is a delta or has a V-tail, the transmitter mixer should be disabled, as the integral iGyro carries out the essential delta / V-tail mixing.2. SELECTING THE RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMThe appropriate radio control system has to be selected In the RX/TX Settings menu. No servos should be connected to the PowerBox at this point.The receiver or receivers can now be connected to the backer, and bound to the transmit-ter. You may need to make adjustments at the receiver to ensure that the serial output is operating; this varies from system to system.- P²BUS- HoTT (SUMD OF 16)- M-Link (digital output)- Futaba (S-BUS)- Jeti (UDI)- JR (X-BUS Type A)3. SETTING THE BATTERY TYPEIt is important to avoid deep-discharging the batteries while you are carrying out the set-up procedure. You can avoid this by selecting the battery type under the PowerManager point, and entering the capacity and type of your packs.4. GYRO BASIC SETUP ASSISTANTThe Assistant defines the essential system functions, such as channel assignment for the primary functions, and the output sequence.Start the Basic Setup Assistant , and enter the information in the order displayed by the Assistant. Please note that the servos should not be connected to the output sockets until you reach the Output Mapping menu point. This is accomplished by moving the cursor over the Output field, and selecting the corresponding socket:Examples:Setting up two aileron channels at the transmitter:For the right-hand aileron select GY AILERON A ; by default the two outputs G and H are pro-vided. For the left-hand aileron select GY AILERON B , and outputs V and W . If the model is fitted with multiple aileron servos per side, all of them should be assigned to GY AILERON A or GY AILERON B as appropriate. If a third output is required, simply set output I to GY AILERON A , and output X to GY AILERON B .Caution: at this point connect only the inboard servo to the aileron; don’t install the other servo linkages, as this runs the risk of tension between the servos. The servo linkages are completed later during the servo matching procedure.Note: the procedure for the elevator is exactly analogous: outputs K and L , S and T are assigned by default to GY ELEVATOR A and GY ELEVATOR B . If only one elevator channel is used at the transmitter, the second elevator will be reversed, but this can be corrected later during the servo matching procedure.Note: if, for example, one elevator channel is used for both sides, the direction of ef-fect must be rechecked if you subsequently reverse that output in the servo matching menu. The direction of effect can then be corrected manually using the iGyro menu.All the other functions can now be connected and set up using the DIRECT outputs, which pass on the transmitter signal 1 : 1.Quickstart guide12/2020Setting one aileron channel at the transmitter:For the right and left ailerons: GY AILERON A ; the two outputs G and H are provided by default. Both ailerons can simply be plugged in here.5. SERVO MATCHINGAt this juncture you can reverse the landing flaps and elevators, and adjust the servos’ centre and end-points if necessary.If your model is fitted with more than one servo per control surface, this is the time to fine-tune the servos to match each other, and connect the control surface linkages.6. DOOR SEQUENCER ASSISTANTStart the Assistant, carry out each step exactly as described on-screen, and then connect the servos and / or valves one by one. As of Version 07 the system incorporates a second front wheel door, which makes it possible to complete the set-up procedure for the whole retract sequence in about ten minutes.If you also need to adjust the process times, we suggest that you visit our Forum, where you will find a list of all tasks in the FAQ section. It is a very simple matter to adjust the pause and running times for the doors manually.7. SETTING UP THE IGYRO IN FLIGHTThe final step is to adjust the gyro’s settings in flight. This is accomplished by selecting the TEST FL Y ASSISTANT , and adjusting all three axes while the model is in the air. We recom-mend that you carry out several ‘dry runs’ on the ground in order to familiarise yourself with the sequence of operations.The Royal SRS is now fully set up and we wish you great fun and success with the system!Example - throttle:The throttle function is channel 1 at the transmitter. If you assign DIRECT 1 to any output, the throttle can be plugged in at that socket. The end-points can be adjusted at the trans-mitter itself.Example - landing flaps:Both landing flaps are to be controlled using one channel; this is channel 5 at the transmit -ter. Assign DIRECT 5 to any two outputs, e.g. Q and R . Now plug in one landing flap, and set it up accurately at the transmitter. The other landing flap is connected and adjusted later, i.e. during the servo matching procedure.The final point in the Basic Setup Assistant is to define the direction of gyro effect, and the integral iGyro activates itself to allow this. By physically moving the model you can check whether the gyro’s effect is in the correct direction; reverse it if necessary.PowErBox royAl SrS。
FFBE TISX05 手动医用X射线系统说明书
T E C H N I C A L I N F O S H E E TMAN-X X-RAY SYSTEMI. SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONMAN-X products are all liquid chemicals in concentrated form for manual tank and tray processing of medical X-Ray films.MAN-X Developer & Replenisher is used to prepare a Developer and a Replenisher to maintain the activity of the tank solution as films are being processed.M-FIX Fixer & Replenisher is the companion product. Once diluted, M-FIX Fixer can be used as a machine tank solution or a replenisher.II. PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONTo makeProduct Catalogue Size Tank ReplenisherMAN-X Developer 949 966 5 L conc. 25 L 20 LM-FIX Fixer 949 974 5 L conc. 25 L 20 LIII. GENERAL PROCESS SPECIFICATIONSA. Developer ReplenisherMAN-X Developer Replenisher is prepared by diluting 1 part developer concentrate + 3 parts water. If a more active replenisher is required, dilute 1 part developer concentrate with 2.5 parts water. As films are developed, the activity of the developer decreases, a quantity of developer solution will be carried out and the solution level will fall. Developer replenisher prepared as above should be added to the developer solution to keep the developer activity constant.For processing 1 m² of medical X-Ray film, 300 to 400 ml of replenisher is needed.The developer should be discarded after adding a replenisher volume equal to 2 - 3 times the developer tank volume.Frequent small additions of replenisher are better than occasional large volumes for maintaining solution level to keep the developer activity constant.B. Intermediate WashIn order to reduce the carry-over of developer into the fixer and to prolong fixer life, it is desirable to wash the film after development for a minimum of 10 seconds in running water before putting into the fixer. If running water is not available then a 2% acetic acid solution can be used. This should be discarded in an appropriate waste container and replaced by a new bath every week. If this is not done frequently the film may exhibit dichroic fog (coloured layer).C. FixerAfter processing 1 m² of film, add 300 to 500 ml of prepared fixer replenisher solution. If the films have mainly a low average image density, this volume may need to be increased to 800 ml per m² in order to ensure good fixing.D. Final WashWash the films in flowing water for 10 minutes. Lower washing times can produce brown marks on the film after a storage period of several weeks or months.If flowing water is not available then the film must be washed for 10 minutes in each of five changes of water, giving a total wash time of 50 minutes.The efficiency and speed can be improved using HYPO KILLER wash aid. A dedicated Technical Info Sheet is available on simple request.E. PROCESSING SPECIFICATIONSProduct Time * TemperatureDeveloper 4 minutes3 ½ minutes3 minutes2 ½ minutes2 minutes1½ minutes 18°C 20°C 22°C 24°C 26°C 28°CFixer 2 minutes 18 - 25°C* Recommended starting conditions. This time might vary depending on the type of film. If good mechanical stirring is used in the developer tank these times may be reduced up to 20%.Too short processing times of less than 3 minutes may produce poor uniformity and can not berecommended.IV. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEProblem Possible Cause Action to be takenLight Image. 1. Developer temperature too low.2. Exhausted developer.3. Developer contaminated by fixer.4. Overdiluted developer.5. Mixing error.6. Weak or insufficient exposure.7. Processing time too short. 1. Check the temperature with a thermometer andadjust setting.2. Make new fresh solution.3. Check mixing procedures - if needed make newfresh solution.4. Check mixing procedures - if needed make newfresh solution.5. Check mixing procedures - if needed make newfresh solution.6. Check equipment used for exposure.7. Check speed of processor and adjust it ifrequired.Light Image (sudden effect). Developer contaminated by fixer. Check mixing procedures - make new developersolution.Image toodense.1. Developer temperature too high.2. Over replenishment of developer.3. Processing time too long.4. Overexposed film.5. Insufficient amount of starter. 1. Check the temperature with a thermometer andadjust settings.2. Check replenishment rates, pumps & settingsand adjust accordingly.3. Check speed of processor and adjustaccordingly.4. Check equipment used for exposure.5. Check mixing procedures - make new solution.Fogged film. 1. Unsuitable darkroom light.2. Light leak into darkroom. 1. Follow film manufacturer’s recommendations.Safety light must be at distance of 1.2 m min.Check if light bulb is of the correct type.2. Examine darkroom for light leaks.Film does notdry.1. Insufficient washing2. Ineffective fixer.3. Relative humidity too high. 1. Check flow rate & temperature and adjust tostandard.2. Check replenishment rate and adjustaccordingly.3. Dry the air in working area.White spots on light areas of film. 1. Fixer temperature too low.2. Under replenished fixer.3. Mixing error for fixer.4. Insufficient wash.1. Check with reliable thermometer and adjustaccordingly.2. Check rate of replenishment and adjust asnecessary.3. Check mixing procedure and mixing tankcalibration.4. Check wash flow-rate and increase as required.Small particleson film.Dirt in solution. Check solution circulation, filter and pump.White transparent spots on films. 1. Spilling or splashing of fixer beforeprocessing.2. Soiled screen.3. Particles of emulsion lifting from film.1. Handle films with care and clean hands.2. Clean screen.3. Check that fixer replenishment rate is sufficient.*Replace fixer.White or dark halfmoon shaped marks on film. Film has been folded or bent beforeprocessing.Handle film with care, do not bend.Dark black marks. 1. Electrostatic discharge.2. Pressure applied during handling.1. Check relative humidity.2. Handle films smoothly and with care.Dark or light spots on film (comet shaped). Splashing of chemicals (fixer or detergents)before processing.Clean up working & loading areas.Soiled film after drying. Drying temperature too high. Check temperature and adjust it to recommendedvalue.White layer onfilm.1. Wash flow rate too low.2. Soiled/exhausted fixer bath. 1. Check flow rate & temperature of wash water -adjust if needed.2. Check mixing procedure - prepare new fixsolution. Check fix replenishment rate.Yellow stain onfilm afterstorage.Insufficient fixation. Ensure fixer* replenishment rate is correct.* The condition of a fixer can be judged by its silver content. Normally the silver concentration should not exceed 4 g/litre. If it is too high this indicates too low a rate of replenishment. Silver concentration can be measured by silver test strips available from various laboratory chemical suppliers or from Merck.V. STORAGELiquid developer and fixer concentrates should be stored above 5°C to prevent crystallisation. Storage temperature above 25°C will cause premature ageing.VI. HANDLING PROCESSING SOLUTIONSAll photographic processing solutions can exert harmful effects when brought into contact with human tissue to a greater or lesser extent depending on the nature of the solution and its concentration. All users of such solutions should exercise the greatest care to avoid the chemicals contacting the skin, eyes or other parts of the body. Always wear resistant gloves and effective eye protection.In case of accidental contact with processing solutions wash the affected part with plenty of clean cold running water. Wash with an acidic soap and rinse thoroughly with water. Consult a medical doctor. Some photographic solutions produce irritating vapours therefore thorough ventilation is essential. Do not inhale air above processing solutions.Always read the hazard information on the packs of solution concentrate before attempting to handle the solutions.。
PhilipsMicro music systemBluetoothCD, MP3-CD, USB, FMBTM2585Bring power to your tunesListen to all the digital music on your Smartphone via Bluetooth, or MP3-CD and CD-R/W on one Philips Micro system. Bass Reflex speakers deliver dramatic bass and a 80W maximum output brings powerful sound.Enjoy your music from multiple sources•Stream music wirelessly via Bluetooth™ from your smartphone •USB Direct for easy MP3 music playback •Play MP3-CD, CD and CD-R/RW •Audio-in for portable music playbackEnrich your sound experience•Bass Reflex Speaker System delivers a powerful, deeper bass •Digital Sound Control•80W RMS maximum output powerEasy to use•Bluetooth standby mode always on for easy reconnection •Fast and efficient USB charging for your smart device •Motorized CD loader for convenience access•Digital tuning with preset stations for extra convenienceIssue date 2017-09-22Version: 1.0.512 NC: 8670 001 48853EAN: 48 95185 63157 8© 2017 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective HighlightsMicro music systemBluetooth CD, MP3-CD, USB, FMSpecificationsStream music via Bluetooth™Bluetooth is a short range wireless communication technology that is both robust and energy-efficient. The technology allows easy wireless connection to iPod/iPhone/iPad or other Bluetooth devices, such as smartphones, tablets or even loptops. So you can enjoy your favorite music, sound from video or game wireless on this speaker easily.Bluetooth standbyAfter your smart device has been connected once, your Philips music system can be woken from standby mode by your smart device's Bluetooth function. This will also activate the Bluetooth source, making it quick and easy to stream music, any time.USB fast chargingThe USB port isn't just for music playback. The intelligent USB power management system enables a 2A fast charging current to rapidly charge your smart device when the music system is in standby mode.USB Direct for easy MP3 musicThanks to the complete file transferability, you can easily enjoy the convenience and fun of accessing more digital music via the built-in USB Direct.Bass Reflex Speaker SystemBass Reflex Speaker System delivers a deep bass experience from a compact loudspeaker box system. It differs from a conventional loudspeaker box system in the addition of a bass pipe that isacoustically aligned to the woofer to optimize the low frequency roll-off of the system. The result is deeper controlled bass and lower distortion. The system works by resonating the air mass in the bass pipe to vibrate like a conventional woofer.Combined with the response of the woofer, the system extends the overall low frequency sounds to create a whole new dimension of deep bass.Digital Sound ControlDigital Sound Control offers you a choice of pre-set balanced, clear, powerful, warm and bright controls you can use to optimise the frequency ranges for different musical styles. Each mode uses graphic equalizing technology to automatically adjust the sound balance and enhance the most important sound frequencies in your chosen music style.Ultimately, Digital Sound Control makes it easy for you get the most out of your music by precisely adjusting the sound balance to match the type ofmusic you are playing.Audio playback•Disc playback modes: fast forward/backward, next/previous track search, repeat/shuffle/program •Playback media: CD, CD-R/RW, MP3-CD, USB flash drive•USB Direct playback modes: fast backward/fast forward, play/pause, stop, previous/next, repeat, shuffle, program playTuner/Reception/Transmission•Tuner bands: FM stereo •Station presets: 20•Tuner enhancement: auto digital tuningSound•Maximum output power (RMS): 80W •Sound enhancement: digital sound controlLoudspeakers•Speaker drivers: 4" woofer, dome tweeter •Speaker types: bass reflex speaker systemConnectivity•Bluetooth•Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP •Audio in (3.5mm)•USB: USB host, Max. 2A ChargingConvenience•Alarms: CD Alarm, Radio Alarm, USB alarm •Clock: On main display, sleep timer •Display type: LED display •Loader type: trayAccessories•Included accessories: FM antenna •Remote control: 21-key remote •Quick start guidePower•Power supply: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions•Main unit width: 220 mm •Main unit height: 104 mm •Main unit depth: 231 mm•Main speaker dimensions (W x D): 140 x 185 mm •Main speaker height: 260 mm •Packaging width: 383 mm •Packaging height: 348 mm •Packaging depth: 358 mm •Gross weight: 7.5 kg •Net weight: 5.3 kg。
After inflating, the front airbags immediately deflate, so they won’t interfere with the driver’s visibility, or the ability to steer or operate other controls.
50 Driver and Passenger Safety
ignition is ON (II).
An indicator light on the instrument panel that alerts you to a possible problem with the system (see page 53 ).
This light will also alert you to a potential problem with your side airbags or passenger’s side airbag automatic cutoff system (see page 54 ).
When you turn the ignition ON (II), this indicator will light briefly then go out. This tells you that the system is working properly.
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-2550.2013.02.012车辆自适应巡航控制系统(Adaptive Cruise Control system,下简称ACC)是一种被广泛研究且具有广阔前景的车辆主动安全装置。
ACC 有助于缓解驾驶员的驾驶疲劳感,现已经越来越多被应用于国内外中高档轿车上。
二、局放仪调整设定1.合上低压开关柜空气开关,接通总电源,此时调压器绿色指示灯亮,电压表指示电源电压380V左右;2.合调压器空气开关,红色指示灯亮,表示接通主电路电源及控制电源,控制台上控制电源指示灯亮;3.合JF2000仪器电源,调节亮度及聚焦,使示波屏上椭圆清晰可见;4.接通定标脉冲电压U g输出,设定放电量(C q=100pF)在20pC,40pC或50pC,一般不大于100pC;5.调节放大器增益档及微调档。
升励磁电压100~200V,调节电抗器铁心间隙,注意间隙速度先快后慢,即调压器先设置于75~100V,注意高压电压表,一旦有高压输出指示,立即将调压器电压降至25V左右以降低调谐速度,调整系统谐振点;4.逐步升高励磁电压,并不断调节间隙大小,以调整谐振点,直至达到2.5 U0试验电压值。
SRS-X55 使用说明书
付属の専用 USB 給電ケーブルを接続します。
す。また、LED でペアリング状態を表示します。
8 電池カバー
4 ボリュームスイッチ (+)
9 パッシブラジエーター ( 低音域増幅振動板 )
10 Micro USBプラグ
5 ボリュームスイッチ (ー)
iPad、iPhone、iPod touch、スマートフォン、PC、タブレット端末等の Bluetooth A2DP プロファイル搭載の機器
電波周波数 :
2.4GHz (Bluetooth)
Bluetooth バージョン :Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
プロファイル :
A2DP( ワイヤレスステレオ Bluetooth)、AVRCP
3W+3W (L+R)
Auxiliary Input:
AUX IN (ø3.5mm mini jack)
Working Range*1:
Max. Approx. 10m
Battery Type:
AA alkaline batteries x4*2
Thank you for purchasing radius product. The User’s Manual mainly describes warnings, cautions, and how to use the product. Read the User’s Manual before starting to use the product and keep it handy for your reference.
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SRS-M05自动化生产教学系统A utomatic Production Training System说明书苏州瑞思机电科技有限公司2008年8月目录一.引言----------------------------------------------3 二.系统操作与安全规范--------------------------------4 三.系统所用器件介绍----------------------------------61.传感器介绍-------------------------------------62.节流阀-----------------------------------------83.工件-------------------------------------------84.气动三联件-------------------------------------95.电磁阀----------------------------------------10 四.系统开机流程注意事项------------------------------12 五.系统可培训科目介绍--------------------------------14一.引言自动化生产教学系统是我公司为提高学生动手能力和实践技能而设计、生产的一套实用性实验设备。
!开机前检查项目注意!!电源:上电开关使用电压为 220vAC ,请注意 符号,该处有220vAC ;各站工作台面上使用电压为24vDC (最大电流5A ),请注意安全。
(请在确认“指示灯”熄灭后,再进行检查工作)!请不要频繁地ON/OFF 电源。
在需要反复地连续ON/OFF 电源时,请控制在每分钟1 次以下。
(在电源模块的电源部分,有大电容,所以在ON 电源时,会流过较大的充电电流0.2秒。
因此,如果频繁地ON/OFF 电源,则会造成电源模块内部的主电路元件性能下降。
)!在PLC 编程时,请不频繁地插/拔电缆线,更不能带电插拔。
4.气压工作在0.4-0.6 Mpa之间。
当所使用PLC输入为高电平(24v)时,棕色线接24V 蓝色线接PLC输入端。
当所使用PLC 输入为低电平(0v)时,蓝色线接0V 棕色线接PLC输入端。
在本站中活用了光电传感器的3种形式: 1.判别有无工件调节其距离使对黑色蓝色均有感应。
(工件见下图)工件 1 工件 2--直径:Ф32mm --直径:Ф22mm--高度:22mm --高度:22mm---内孔直径:Ф24mm ---内孔直径:Ф24mm--内孔深度: 10mm --材料:塑料--材料:塑料--颜色:黑、蓝--颜色:黑、蓝4.气源处理组件气源处理组件及其回路原理图分别如图9-3和9-4所示。
图6-4 气源处理组件图6-5 气源处理组件的气动原理图气源处理组件输入气源来自空气压缩机,所提供的压力为0.6~1.0MPa, 输出压力为0~0.8MPa可调。
●PLC 技术培训自动化生产教学系统所提供的六套工作站各自都有一套PLC控制器,这使得自动化生产教学系统可以分成六个完全独立的工作单元,使二十几个学生可以同时进行学习,而且每个学员都有动手的机会。
●网络技术培训该系统各单元设计可完全独立工作,学生依据控制要求编写本单元PLC 程序,并调试正常后,通过网络技术、把多个单元联成一套完整的现代生产物流系统。