Oracle SOA套件_Oracle 业务活动监控
Oracle SOA套件-Oracle 业务活动监控Oracle 白皮书2006.07执行概要瞬息万变的市场、日趋激烈的竞争和持续增长的客户需求迫使企业必须提升其IT 的灵活性和速度。
为了应对这些挑战,领先的公司都通过采用面向服务的体系结构 (SOA) 来克服其应用程序和 IT 环境的复杂性,以满足这些需求。
SOA 的出现标志着设计、开发新应用程序并将其与原有业务应用程序集成的方式出现了根本性变化,它将企业应用程序的开发简化为能够轻松进行集成和重用的模块化业务服务。
Oracle BAM通过可见的仪表盘和警报给用户提供信息,以帮助改进操作效率,并帮助终端用户做出更准确的决策。
Oracle BAM同时为用户提供改变业务流程和对业务环境的改变做出反应。
Oracle BAM对构建实时的操作仪表盘,监控和警报web之上的应用,是一个完整的解决方案。
Oracle SOA 套件是一个基于标准的套件,在同类产品中独占鳌头。
其中包含(i)一个用于开发服务的集成服务环境 (ISE); (ii) 一个用于集成应用程序的多协议企业服务总线 (ESB);(iii) 一个用于发现和管理服务生命周期的服务注册; (iv) 一个用于连接服务与业务流程的基于 BPEL 的编排引擎; (v) 一个支持业务策略捕获和自动化的业务规则引擎; (vi) 一个用于将验证和授权策略应用到服务上以监控服务和流程的 SLA 合规性的 Web 服务管理和安全性解决方案; (vii) 一个用于实时监控业务实体及其交互并支持服务优化的业务活动监控 (BAM) 解决方案; (viii) 一个用于员工、客户以及合作伙伴访问内容、访问相关性能指标、通过与业务流程的交互进行协作和操作的企业门户。
Oracle ESB与BPEL PM的使用指南说明书
- JDeveloper ESB Diagrammer - BPEL JDev service browser - File Adapter - Transformation - Routing Service Routing Rules
- Start ESB and BPEL PM - Open ESB LoanRouter Project - Register LoanRouter Project - Open BPEL LoanFlow Project - Modify and Deploy LoanFlow Project - Test and View Results
ESB Lesson08
Page 13
BPEL Console: Initiate process
- Select “LoanFlow” on Dashboard - Enter HTML or XML data on form - Select “Post XML Message”
to initiate BPEL process
Wait for the pop-up window to indicate the SOA Suite startup has completed
ESB Lesson08
Page 5
JDeveloper: Deploy Dependant Processes
- Start BPEL Developer Prompt
- Create ESBSamples folder from zip file(s)
- unzip ESBSamples.zip to C:\ESBSamples or any other location - ESBSamples.zip is in the “SampleData” folder
Oracle SOA和事件驱动架构的培训手册说明书
Insight Driven Actions with EDN and BAM Mark Simpson –Consultancy Director, Griffiths Waite>18 years Oracle development and architectureexperience>1st UK Oracle ACE Director for SOA >1st BPEL project 2005, 1st BAM 2006 >Regular Speaker–UKOUG Conference – 9th Year–Butler Group (Ovum) Master classes –Gartner, IDC–Oracle Open World x 3yrs –SOA Symposium>Oracle SOA Community–Award Winner 2009, 2010 and 2011Your Speaker – Mark SimpsonConsultancy Director Griffiths WaiteGlobal Fusion Middleware Innovation Award 2012Agenda>Event Driven Architecture (EDA)–Purpose–Design Considerations–EDN>Monitoring Event Processing–Control and monitoring Process–Event Driven Challenges>Introduction to BAM–Business Event Monitoring–Metrics, Thresholds, Alerts and Actions >Case Example–EDN, BAM, ActionsDefinition of a Business Event >An identifiable occurrence of something happening that is of interest to one ormany consumers–May be due to a change of state–May be due to a key path taken in a process–May be due to a time transition–May be due to an absence of change>It should be designed in a canonical format meaning something to business users>True Business Events should be treated differently to Application Events which areoften triggered just on entity updates>Process Centric >Event Centric ChangeBusiness ServiceBusinessServiceHumanTasksBusinessServiceChangeEvent PublishBusinessServiceHumanTasksBusinessService>Process Centric–Transaction Control–Service Paths are linked/dependent–Exceptions can be propagated back to source–Flow clearly audited–Orchestration Paradigm–Dependencies betweenprocess/services determined atdesign time >Event Centric–Decoupled–Targets are no concerned of source–Exceptions handled offline–Flexibility in Adding new consumers–Event Subscriptions link the processes–Publish Subscribe Paradigm–Dependencies betweenprocess/services determined atexecution>Simple Declarative Eventing in SOA Suite, abstracts eventinginfrastructure from Developers>Mediator, BPEL Process, Java, ADF or DB can produce and consume events>Configured for EDN-JMS or EDN-DB >Event filtering on Namespace, Event Type or Payload Content>ECID common across publisher andsubscribers>Consistency can be Guaranteed orOnce and Only Once Delivery Event Delivery Network (EDN)SOA composite SOA compositeSOA compositenewSupplierevent DB Event- do you mind seeing the event twice ?Event Definition Language (EDL) >Event Equivalent of WSDLHeader InformationEvent Type, Source, ECID, Instance etc.Event PayloadBased on Centralised XSDLost Property>Decoupling !–How does the publisher know if someone has dealt with event–Firm Transaction Boundary–Exceptions must be handled by consumers or compensated by publisher>EDN limitations–One queue, one threadpool –At present, No Priority exposed –No durable subscriptionsChallenges with EventsDurable Subscriber Pattern for EDNConsumer AS u b s c r i p t i o n P u b l i s h e rEDNConsumerBS u b s c r i p t i o n>What about when the logic in the subscriber changes ?>Do you stop subscribing immediately, what about running instances of the services, is there chance of duplicate subscriptionsConsumer AS u b s c r i p t i o nP u b l i s h e rEDNConsumer B.2S u b s c r i p t i o nConsumer B.1S u b s c r i p t i o n>Apply a subscription façade and route to business service that contains logic.ConsumerAS u b s c r i p t i o n AP u b l i s h e rEDNConsumer B.2Consumer B.1S u b s c r i p t i o n B>For the full end to end picture ofEvents a Monitoring System is needed–Monitor events as they happen –Monitor impending events –Monitor actions–Create Events from monitoring metrics>Business Activity Monitoring–Reports on Events Occurring,Thresholds Breached, Events being Actioned, Trends taking shape–Real Benefit is to enable / automate action on eventsEvents and Monitoring System“What is going on in my flexible and self managing Event Driven Architecture”Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) >Integrated Process Insight into SOA–Sensored Process Flows–Exceptions/ Bottlenecks/ Process Opportunities–Build Adaptive/Dynamic Processes that react>Overcomes Insight to Action Gap–Visibility into SOA for the business user–Single business view across processes & into disparateintegration technologies–Opportunity to take corrective actions while there is stilltime to avert a crisis>Business Activity Monitoring Value Proposition –Monitor, Analyze & Act in real-time–Achieve process optimization & agilityBAM –all about the Events and Actions>In defining BAM solutions always define–Real-time metrics – How often do they change, is there impact when they change–Thresholds and Boundaries – When does a metric need dealing with, when should someone be concerned and when is action needed (on breaches). These could bepositive or negative–Action those breaches– Alert those who need to take action immediately with the facts and a current view–Monitor the results of any rectification actions–Automate the actions over time>BAM is always moving, BI gives more of a view of the static state of data at a point in time>BAM gives the tactical “alert, respond and monitor” view BI gives the more strategic ”request, analyse and re-align” viewFits a pattern for real time reporting hooking into SOA – but is the problem / requirements really understood>Due to decoupled nature of events it becomes hard interact with runninginstances (Adaptive CaseManagement gives more opportunities)>Normally event action will take the form of changingsomething external toprocess to improve futuresteps or next instancesTaking action on Event MonitoringEventRectify/Compensate Take ActionStages of BAM Implementation>Understand the Metrics>Capture the Events>Iterate through Dashboards>Automate the Manual Actions>Business Driven – What actions / behaviour will the metrics encourage> E.g. Lean Six Sigma D M AIC : MeasureDefectsP r ot e c tE vo l veGovernenceM e t r i c sI TP a rt n e r sEn dUs er sB us i ne ss Po l ic yS y s t e ms I n t e r a c t i o nPr o c e ssF l o w Ex ec ut i ve sCustomerKey Performance Indicators and ProcessMeasurementsRoles, Capabilities andComplianceUser Interface Requirements and Systems IntegrationSteps involved in theBusiness ProcessRules determining Business Operations360˚ view of process discoveryGet all Stakeholders view of the ProcessStage 2 : Capture the EventsSystems ServicesRequest EnteredDepartment Over UtilisedFinance Check RequiredQueue Threshold ReachedAction OverdueAlertsDashboardsCorrective ActionsCTQ’sImprovements Business ProcessPartner Not Set UpStage 3: Iterate through Dashboards>Ensure the are current and give actionable information, not just interesting facts >Align them to events occurring , not DW type analytical dataStep 4 – Automate the Actions>Define Thresholds, Breaches, Opportunities and Business Exceptions – then design Manual or Automated ActionsAutomated Action(BPEL)Business MetricBreachManual Rectification / Decision(Notification)Stage 4 : Actions Optimising Process and RulesStage 4 : Actions Optimising Process and RulesBAM Opportunity SensorNo YesExceptionProcessDemonstration Overview – Stock ManagementStock DatabaseStock MaintenanceProcess OrderCheck StockReorder StockInsufficient StockPlace OrderIssue StockReplenish StockThreshold BreachedDemo Scenarios – Stock Reordering>Scenario 1 - In process event raising–Large Order with not sufficient Stock–BAM Alerted of Issue–Event sent to reorder stock (edn)>Scenario 2 – BAM notices upcoming issues and raises event –Large Order leaves shortage of stock–BAM Threshold Breached–Auto Replenish Implemented–BAM Alert Fires to Call web service and raise event to reorder stock (edn)Demo - BAM Monitoring Process and EventsBest Practice to Takeaway>Events where appropriate to decouple process / services>Events will need a monitoring system if it is mandatory that the right actions is taken>Monitor on Business Metrics primarily, but IT have a responsibility for reconciliation of event processing if decoupling>Definition of Business Events is much more than data entity snapshot capture >EDN internally to Oracle Solutions (ADF / DB / SOA), JMS external>Build Action Driven Dashboards–Dashboards as a confidence factor – most actions can be automated on thresholds–Automate Actions Over Time>Define process for Exception and Opportunity Paths and associated Thresholds to Automate and Pre-Empt IssuesThank You – Any Questions Q A &Twitter:mark_gwEmail: mark.simpson@ 。
Linux下Oracle效劳器及ODI的安装手册安装前的系统环境设置1.安装Linux操作系统2.在root用户下拷贝安装介质至任意目录3.成立oracle用户,成立oinstall组和dba组i.执行:#groupadd oinstallii.执行:#groupadd dbaiii.执行:#useradd –g oinstall –G dba oracleiv.执行:#passwd oracle执行:passwd: oracle执行:passwd: oraclev.执行:#chmod 777 /opt (将/opt设置为最高利用权限以备用)4.在“系统”->“治理”->“用户和组群”中查看用户及组是不是正确,oracle的主目录为:/home/oracle5.更改主机的IP:在“系统”->“治理”->“网络”中修改:“设备”中双击“设备”->静态设置IP地址:地址:子网掩码:默许网关地址: 主机名:xgyDNS搜寻途径:xgy修改DNS和主机设置:主DNS: 点击“设备”选项卡中的“激活”,如以下图所示:6.修改环境变量利用oracle用户登录,vi .bash_profile编辑环境变量,添加以下内容:TMP=/tmpTMPDIR=$TMPexport TMP TMPDIRORACLE_SID=orclORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracleORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/ ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID ORACLE_TERMPATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/libCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jre:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlibexport PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH CLASSPATHODI_HOME=/opt/oraclediODI_JAVA_HOME=/ ODI_HOME ODI_JAVA_HOME PATH JRE_HOME JAVA_HOME执行:. ./.bash_profile运行环境变量ODI安装记录一.安装前的系统环境设置1.打补丁包:此ODI安装时,用到,下载一个软件包(文件名是:1.0.0)因此要在安装前要给linux操作系统打上和补丁包:利用root用户登录2.执行:#rpm –ivh 执行:#rpm –Uvh 上传介质:利用root用户登录,将介质上传至:/root/Desktop/setup/目录下3.解压介质:在root用户下将介质拷贝至/home/oracle/setup_ODI/目录下执行:cpio –i < 将介质解压到本目录下切换到oracle用户下检查被解压的介质是不是为可读。
oracle soa实施方案
oracle soa实施方案Oracle SOA实施方案。
Oracle SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)是一种基于服务的架构,可以帮助企业实现业务流程的集成和优化。
在实施Oracle SOA时,需要考虑到各种因素,包括业务需求、技术架构、安全性等方面。
本文将介绍Oracle SOA实施方案的关键步骤和注意事项,以帮助企业顺利实施Oracle SOA,并取得成功。
首先,实施Oracle SOA的关键步骤包括需求分析、架构设计、开发实施、测试验证和运维支持。
在开发实施阶段,需要遵循Oracle SOA的最佳实践,编写高质量的代码,确保系统的稳定性和性能。
其次,实施Oracle SOA需要注意的事项包括技术选型、团队建设、风险管控等方面。
在技术选型方面,需要根据实际业务需求和现有技术栈,选择合适的Oracle SOA产品和相关技术,确保系统能够高效地集成和交互。
在团队建设方面,需要建立一支高效的团队,包括架构师、开发人员、测试人员和运维人员,他们需要具备丰富的Oracle SOA实施经验和技术能力,能够共同推动项目的顺利实施。
总之,实施Oracle SOA是一项复杂的工程,需要全面考虑各种因素,才能取得成功。
企业在实施Oracle SOA时,需要重视需求分析、架构设计、开发实施、测试验证和运维支持等关键步骤,同时注意技术选型、团队建设、风险管控等重要事项,以确保项目的顺利实施和成功交付。
调度工具odi使用流程英文回答:ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) is a powerful data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool developed by Oracle. It allows users to efficiently manage and execute data integration processes, such as extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a desired format, and loading it into a target system.The process of using ODI typically involves the following steps:1. Designing the Data Integration Process: This involves creating a data integration project in ODI Studio, which is a graphical development environment. In this step, you define the source and target systems, map the data elements between them, and create the necessary transformations and mappings.2. Setting up the Connectivity: ODI supports various types of data sources, such as databases, files, and web services. To connect to these sources, you need toconfigure the necessary connection information, such as the server name, username, password, and port number.3. Defining the Data Flows: Once the connectivity is established, you can define the data flows in ODI Studio. This involves creating mappings, which specify how the data should be transformed from the source to the target. Youcan use ODI's built-in transformation functions, or create custom transformations using SQL or PL/SQL.4. Testing and Debugging: After defining the data flows, it is important to test and debug them to ensure they work as expected. ODI provides various debugging tools, such as data preview, breakpoints, and error handling, to help identify and fix any issues.5. Executing the Data Integration Process: Once thedata flows are tested and debugged, you can execute thedata integration process in ODI. This can be done manuallyor scheduled to run at specific times. ODI provides a scheduling tool called the ODI Scheduler, which allows you to define the execution frequency, dependencies, and other parameters.6. Monitoring and Maintenance: After the data integration process is executed, it is important to monitor its progress and performance. ODI provides various monitoring and logging features, such as real-time status updates, error logs, and performance metrics, to help you track and optimize the data integration process.Overall, ODI is a comprehensive data integration tool that simplifies the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data. It provides a user-friendly interface, powerful transformation capabilities, and robust scheduling and monitoring features. Whether you are a data integration developer or a data analyst, ODI can greatly streamline your data integration workflows.中文回答:ODI(Oracle Data Integrator)是由Oracle开发的一款强大的数据集成和ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)工具。
随着数据安全和隐私保护意识的提高,Oracle ODI将进一步加强安全 和合规性方面的功能和措施,保障数据的安全和隐私。
Oracle ODI 11g Release 2(11.2) 发布,增加了对云计算和大数据技术 的支持。
Oracle ODI 12c Release 1(12.1) 发布,进一步增强了产品的性能和可 扩展性。
Oracle ODI 12c Release 2(12.2) 发布,增加了对人工智能和机器学习 的支持。
除了传统的结构化数据,还涉及到大量的 非结构化数据,如文本、图像等,需要 Oracle ODI支持更多类型的数据处理。
随着业务对数据处理速度的要求越来越高, Oracle ODI需要具备实时数据处理的能力。
Oracle ODI需要与云计算平台更好地集成, 实现数据在云端的高效流转和处理。
02 Oracle ODI 开发基础
Oracle ODI 开发环境搭建
Oracle ODI 开发环境要求
Oracle ODI 开发需要安装 Oracle Database、Oracle ODI 软件以及相应的开发工具, 如 Eclipse 或 SQL Developer。
按照官方文档的指引,正确安装和配置 Oracle ODI 开发所需的环境和工具。
按照设计文档,使用 Oracle ODI 支持的语言进 行编码实现。
Receive PO
Receive PO
Send PO Ack
PO Acknowledgement
Receive PO Response
PO Response
Receive PO Response
Two BPEL workflow templates reflecting a business agreement
(IBM, Microsoft)
Orchestration vs Choreography
Orchestration – An executable business process describing a flow from the perspective and under control of a single endpoint (commonly: Workflow)
Industry wide language for business processes
– Common skill set and language for developers
Choice of process engines
– Standards lead to competitive offerings
BPEL Activities
Primitive Activities <invoke> <receive> <assign> <reply> <throw> <terminate> <wait>
Oracle SOA 数据表1:Oracle 的 SOA 方法说明书
A PRAGMATIC, HOLISITC APPROACH TO SOA BASED ON YEARS OF REAL WORLD EXPERIENCEFEATURESHolistic approach that engages business and IT Pragmatic guidance for all levels of SOA maturity Comprehensive reference architectureIterative approach that provides tangible benefits in each iterationStrategic planning coupled with tactical deliveryBENEFITSBetter business and IT alignment based on a shared understanding and vision Increased agility - the ability of IT to react more rapidly to support business changes Reduced IT costs – more reuse and easier application integrationReduced risk – iterative approach based on extensive experienceFigure 1. Oracle's Approach to SOAUsing Oracle’s approach to SOA, creating the strategic plan generally takes only a few weeks. This short time frame is possible because the strategic plan is built by following a focused process that uses the Oracle SOA Maturity Model to quickly and accurately identify current capabilities within the organization while also identifying the capabilities that are missing or lagging and which must be addressed by the strategic plan.Execute SOA program level activitiesInstituting a service-oriented process for delivering business solutions requires changes to organizational structure, roles and responsibilities, requirements management, software engineering, QA, IT infrastructure, production monitoring, etc. The program level activities for the SOA initiative are to define and institute these necessary changes across the entire organization.Oracle’s approach to SOA includes extensive guidance on what changes need to be made and provides pragmatic guidance for each of these changes. This guidance is documented in a series of SOA Practitioner Guides. Oracle also provides documents that detail a SOA Reference Architecture which an organization can use to help create its own custom SOA Reference Architecture.Deliver projects and Services following SOA best practicesFollowing Oracle’s approach to SOA, an organization can update their existing solution delivery process to incorporate SOA best practices, or the organization can adopt wholesale the Oracle Unified Method (OUM) that provides a complete end-to-end approach for service-oriented solution development.In either case, the solution delivery approach will be new to the organization. This new approach should initially be applied only to projects that will provide the most benefit for the least amount of risk i.e. an incremental roll-out. Oracle provides a Project Selection Framework to help an organization select which projects should be addressed using SOA. Oracle also provides a Service Candidate SelectionCopyright © 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally orOracle’s proven approach to SOA provides both the strategic direction andtactical processes required to succeed with SOA. RELATED PRODUCTS The following Oracleproducts might be used as part of an SOA initiative: Oracle SOA Suite Oracle SOA Governance Oracle ApplicationIntegration ArchitectureRELATED SERVICES The following services are available from Oracle Consulting Services: Oracle Unified Method SOA Assessment Service SOA Center of Excellence。
ODI(Oracle Data Integrator)是Oracle公司推出的一款ETL(Extract-Transform-Load)工具,它支持多种数据源,包括Oracle、MySQL、DB2、Informix等,同时也支持多种数据接口,如JDBC、Oracle SQL*Net、Sybase Open Client等。
Oracle ODI是使用E-LT的理念(Extract、Load & Transform,即抽取、装载、转换)设计出来的数据抽取/数据转换工具。
ODI组件ODI主要是以下组件组成的:资料库(Repository):Master Repository、Work Repository。
设计工具,主要用以下设计工具:Topology Manager :描述物理和逻辑构架,在主资料库中标示服务器、Schema、代理。
Security Manager :管理ODI用户及权限,可以给配置文件及用户访问对象的权限。
计划代理(Schedule Agent):属于Runtime组件,因为ODI采用E-LT 架构,所以Schedule Agent只用来调度执行ELT任务,其数据转换引擎很少用到。
另外还有三个需要单独安装的组件:Metadata Navigator、Lightweight Designer、Public Web Services。
KM(知识模块)ODI的知识模块主要分为几个大类(RKM,CKM,LKM,IKM,SKM),其中最重要的是LKM(load KM)和IKM(Integration KM)RKM:RKM:完成从源系统和目标系统的数据结构的反向工程来形成数据模型的功能。
Oracle 七步实施SOA应用
• JSF • WSRP, JSR-168
Enterprise Service Bus
.NET, SAP, Mainframe, Oracle, Retek, PeopleSoft, Siebel, etc
Business Agility: New Competitive Edge
54% 52% 50% 48% 46% 44% 42% New Products & Services New Business Models
• 54% of executives said
new business models will be greater source of competitive advantage than new product and services between now and 2010
Don't Know 24%
• 76% of respondents are expecting SOA to bring measurable benefits
Reduced Application Development time & effort 14%
Enabling new Capabilities 39%
Automated Tasks
Update HR Module Notify Employee Expense Processed
Oracle SOA Suite BPEL Process Manager与Agile PLM集成教
Service-enable Agile PLM with Oracle SOA Suite BPEL Process ManagerTable of Contents1OVERVIEW (3)2GETTING STARTED (4)2.1Starting Oracle SOA Suite and JDeveloper (4)3CREATE THE BPEL PROCESS (5)3.1Create the BPEL Workspace and Project (5)3.2Create the Agile Partner Link (12)3.3Create an Invoke activity (16)3.4Create an Assign activity (19)3.5Setup the Output (26)3.6Validating, Compiling and Deploying the BPEL Process (29)4TESTING (31)4.1Invoking the Agile Web Service from BPEL (31)1 OverviewThis tutorial demonstrates native web services integration to Agile PLM using Oracle BPEL Process Manager.Agile 9.3 exposes several key PLM functionalities as web services which allows easy integration to existing applications. The core web services enable access to a number of Agile services viz. Business Objects, Collaboration, Metadata, Attachments, Search, Tables, Product Collaboration (PC) and Engineering Collaboration (EC); hence the ability to easily integrate with existing ERP, CRM and SCM applications.More information is available at the Agile and Fusion Middleware Best Practice Center on Oracle Technology Network:/technology/tech/fmw4apps/agileIn this tutorial:•You will use the Agile BusinessObject web service•BPEL invokes the getObject operation in the Agile BusinessObject WSDL•The result is a synchronous response from Agile containing the Object ID for the input part number. Software Used:•Agile PLM 9.3•Oracle SOA Suite version (available for download from OTN)•Oracle JDeveloper version (available for download from OTN)2 Getting Started2.1 Starting Oracle SOA Suite and JDeveloperEnsure that the Oracle SOA Suite is running and start JDeveloper.Verify that the Agile web services are accessible at: http://<your-agile-server>/CoreService/servicesThe guide also assumes that the schema (InvokeAgile.xsd) file is located at C:\FMW4Apps\LabFiles\Agile. If these files are located elsewhere on your setup, make the appropriate modifications.3 Create the BPEL Process3.1 Create the BPEL Workspace and Project1. In the Applications Navigator window, right-click on Applications and select New Application…2. Enter BPELAgile as the application name and accept all defaults (your Directory Name may show updifferently than the figure below – ignore that and accept defaults). Click OK to continue.3. Click Cancel.4. Right-click on the new BPELAgile Application, and select New Project.5. Select BPEL in the Categories list and BPEL Process Project in the Items window.6. Click OK.7. This brings up the BPEL Project Creation Wizard. In the Project Settings screen, set the Name of theprocess to InvokeAgile.8. Select Synchronous BPEL Process as shown.Click Next.9. Click on the flashlight icon next to the Input Schema Element.10. Locate the schema file in your folder (C:\FMW4Apps → LabFiles → Agile) and click Open.11. In the Type Chooser, select InvokeAgileProcessRequest and click OK.12. Click on the flashlight icon next to the Output Schema Element.13. In the Type Chooser, select InvokeAgileProcessResponse and click OK.14. Click Finish to proceed.15. The BPEL process diagram should look as shown.16. Save your work by clicking on the Save All button.3.2 Create the Agile Partner Link1. In the Component Palette (upper right section of JDeveloper window), select Services from the dropdown menu.2. Drag and drop a PartnerLink activity onto the right side of the designer window anywhere beneaththe Services.3. In the Create Partner Link window, enter the Agile WSDL URL in the WSDL File field and pressENTER. Oracle BPEL Process Manager will now load WSDL from the Agile.The URL is: http://93demo/CoreService/services/BusinessObject?wsdlNote: Replace 93demo in the above URL with the location of your Agile instance.4. Click Yes.5. The Name and Partner Link Type fields are automatically populated.6. Select Partner Role as shown below.7. The next two steps (8 and 9) are required only if your Agile web service invocation requiresthe use of security credentials. Click OK to exit otherwise.8. Click on Property.9. Click Create to add these three property-value pairs:basicHeaders: credentialsbasicPassword: <your system specific password> basicUsername: <your system specific username> Click OK.3.3 Create an Invoke activity1. In the Component Palette section (upper right section of JDeveloper window), select ProcessActivities in the drop down list. The Process Activities display the BPEL activities that you can drag and drop into the process designer window.2. Drag and drop an Invoke from the Component Palette section onto the canvas immediately after thereceiveInput activity.3. Double-click the Invoke icon to open the Invoke window4. In the Invoke window, enter the following:a. Set Invoke Name to InvokeAgileb. Click the flashlight icon for the Partner Link field to open the Partner Link Chooser popupwindow.c. Select Partner Link to BusinessObjectService and click OK buttond. Set Operation to getObject.e. Click on the ‘Auto-create variable’ icon next to the Input Variable text field to create a globalvariable for this activity. Accept defaults. Click Apply and then OK.f. Click on the ‘Auto-create variable’ icon next to the Output Variable text field to create aglobal variable for this activity.g. Accept defaults. Click Apply, followed by OK.h. Ensure your invoke window looks as shown. Click OK.3.4 Create an Assign activity1. Drag and drop an Assign activity from the Component Palette section to between the receiveInputand InvokeAgile activities.2. Double click on the recently added Assign icon.3. Click on the General tab and enter CopyInput in the Name field.4. Click Apply5. Click the Copy Operation tab6. Click Create and select Copy Operation from the drop down list.7. Create two Copy Operations as shown. Click OK after every copy operation to continue.9. Select Expression from the Type drop down list in the From column and enter xp20:current-dateTime()10. Expand the InvokeAgile_getObject_InputVariable as shown and click OK.12. Select Expression from the Type drop down list in the From column and enter 37513. Expand the InvokeAgile_getObject_InputVariable as shown and click OK.15. Select Expression from the Type drop down list in the From column and enter “DISABLE”16. Expand the InvokeAgile_getObject_InputVariable as shown and click OK.18. Select Expression from the Type drop down list in the From column and enter 80119. Expand the InvokeAgile_getObject_InputVariable as shown and click OK.20. Click OK to close the Assign window.3.5 Setup the Output1. Drag and drop an Assign activity from the Component Palette section to between the InvokeAgileand replyOutput activities.2. Double click on the recently added Assign icon.3. Click on the General tab and enter CopyOutput in the Name field.4. Click Apply5. Click the Copy Operation tab6. Click Create and select Copy Operation from the drop down list.7. Create three Copy Operations as shown. Click OK after every copy operation to continue.8. Click OK to close the Assign window. This completes the creation of the BPEL process.3.6 Validating, Compiling and Deploying the BPEL Process 1. The completed BPEL process should resemble the following figure.2. Click the Save All button to save the BPEL project.3. Go to the Applications Navigator section.4. Right-click the InvokeAgile BPEL Project.5. Select Deploy ServerConnection1 Deploy to default domainNote:Replace ServerConnection1 with your Integration Server connection name.6. This will compile and deploy the BPEL process to the local Application Server.4 Testing4.1 Invoking the Agile Web Service from BPEL1. Log into the Oracle BPEL Console.2. The default Username is oc4jadmin and the default password is welcome13. Click on the InvokeAgile process in the Deployed BPEL Processes list.4. This takes you to the Initiate tab of the InvokeAgile BPEL Process where you see an HTML form toinitiate a test instance. Enter the AgileGetObjectRequest input parameters as shown and click on Post XML Message.5. The following output is displayed, indicating a successful invocation of the Agile GetObjectRequestweb service.6. Click on any of the Visual Flow, Audit Instance or the Debug Instance links to get more informationon how this BPEL request was processed.7. Here is an example looking at the Audit Instance link. You can click on various operations in thepage to see each step in the BPEL Process that queried Agile. Click on the “More” links to see additional details on process execution, such as input and output parameters.。
Oracle中创建语法如下所示:create user snpm(主存储库用户) identified by pass$123 (主存储库用户口令)grant connect,resource to snpmcreate user snpw(工作存储库用户) identified by pass$123 (工作存储库用户口令)grant connect,resource to snpw1.2创建主存储库开始> Oracle > Oracle Data Integrator > Repository Management >Master Repository Creation。
等待主存储库的创建,直至创建成功:1.3链接主存储库开始> Oracle > Oracle Data Integrator > Topology Manager创建新的主存储库连接:SU填入相应信息登录名:oracle_master_rep用户:SUPERVISOR(必须是此用户名)密码:SUNOPSIS(必须是此口令)主存储库连接信息:用户:snpm(上一步创建的主存储库用户)密码:pass$123(上一步创建的主存储库用户口令)驱动程序:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverURL:jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl(URL依据实际情况而定)点击“确定”进入Topology Manager,连接主存储库成功。
ODI工具抽取数据操作手册一、准备工作(以ORACLE 11G为例)1、ODI是oracle的数据抽取工具,需要自行安装oralce数据库。
/link?url=HSHQvFYg5Vu—Z4aPJ_7Bm2bCRKxnANKLDpCF91yjrD8G0xFmGZ_iu2 M0Z8yhLTP_6ULJlUK7GLSsYQNlsuhAXJKY5FAhvV-jIC0hWeSToxe3、理解:资料档案库资料库分两种:(1)Master Repository(主资料库),保存企业所有IT资源的Topology,保存项目和数据模型的安全信息、版本信息,供ODI图形模块等使用。
通常创建一个即可.Master Repository要尽可能独立存储,单独的Instance,或单独的Schema.(2) Work Repository(工作资料库),保存项目和数据模型,供ODI图形模块等使用。
可创建多个.一个Work Repository只能连接一个Master Repository.一个Schema只能存储一个Work Repository,不过Master Repository倒可与其安装在同一Schema。
4、TopologyTopology Manager(拓扑管理器)主要用来管理下面5类任务,并将信息存储在主资料库中,供所有模块共享使用。
5、知识模块Oracle Data Integrator之所以能适应不同的、多种多样的数据源,灵活有效的完成数据抽取/转换/载入的过程,均是基于其知识模型体系。
Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing BPEL 部署配置SOA套件指
SOA Suite Setup for BPEL Process Flow Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor ServicingRelease[May] [2022]Table of Contents1.PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1B ACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2A UDIENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3O RGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................................... 1-11.4A CRONYMS AND A BBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................. 1-12.INSTALLING THE JDK, WEBLOGIC, RCU, SOA AND DOMAIN CREATION (2)2.1I NTRODUCTION (2)2.2L IST OF DOWNLOADED FILES (2)2.3I NSTALL JDK (3)2.4I NSTALLING W EB L OGIC S ERVER S OFTWARE (4)2.5I NSTALLING O RACLE F USION M IDDLEWARE 12C S OFTWARE (9)2.6C REATING P RODUCT S CHEMAS IN O RACLE D ATABASE (13)2.7W EB L OGIC S ERVER D OMAIN C ONFIGURATION (21)2.8R EMOTE S ETUP C ONFIGURATION (30)1. Preface 1.1 BackgroundThis document provides an overview of configuring SOA suite for Oracle FLEXCUBE InvestorServicing BPEL process deployment.Refer to the Oracle documentation for HA and other configuration patterns.1.2 AudienceThe audience for this document will be the development groups of BPEL/BPM process flowsOracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing.1.3 OrganizationThis manual is organized as follows:The document helps in download and installation of Oracle SOA 12c.1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations1-12. Installing the JDK, WebLogic, RCU, SOA andDomain Creation 2.1 IntroductionThe download of software can be done from the oracle edelivery portalhttps://Refer to the Oracle certification matrix for qualified databases.2.2 List of downloaded filesLatest Oracle JDK 8 Update for Linux x86-64Search: Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c Infrastructure (WebLogic Installation)V78156-01.zip– Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( InfrastructureSearch: Oracle Business Process Management (BPM/BPEL)V78169-01.zip– Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( SOA Suite and Business ProcessManagementList of platform which can be selected based on the installation platformNOTE (Doc ID 1904280.1):As part of the new Release of SOA 12c, you need to get WebLogic12c through the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installation, which contains all required components for SOA. The standard WebLogic Installer i.e. fmw_12.,does not have the required JRF templates.2.3 Install JDKLogin to WebLogic server host upload and install JDK package. Refer to the release certificate for the version of java JDK.2.4 Installing WebLogic Server SoftwareStep 1:Step 2:Option need to be selected based on the requirement:If you don’t want the auto updates, select the first option.If you are applying patches, select the second option.Please select the option based on the requirement:Step 3: Define the oracle home pathStep 4: Select fusion middleware infrastructureStep 5:Step 6: Optional based on installation requirementStep 7:Step 8:Step 9:2.5 Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c SoftwareStep 1:Step 2:Option need to be selected based on the requirement:a) If you don’t want the auto updates, select the first option.b) If you are applying patches, select the second option .Please select the below option based on the requirement:Step 3:Step 4:Please select BPM if the environment requires BPM process flow deploymentStep 5:Step 6:Step 7:Step 8:2.6 Creating Product Schemas in Oracle DatabaseThe Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is the tool used to create schemas in a database. This tool is available once we’ve installed th e Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software (Point 2).Refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility formore information about the Repository Creation Utility.∙[oracle@wls12c-node1 fmwTemp1221]$ cd/scratch/app/fmwTemp1221/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/bin/∙[oracle@wls12c-node1 bin]$ ./rcuStep 1:Step 2: Define the host name port username and password for creating the RCU schemas in the database. The sys user required to create the rcu schemas.Step 3: Define the prefix to be used for the schemasStep 4: Define the password for the schemas.Note: It is important to remember the password or passwords that you enter during the process.Step 5:Please select the database profile based on requirement (SMALL/MED/LARGE)Step 6:Step 7:Note: Verifying Schema Version Numbers in the database where RCU is executed2.7 WebLogic Server Domain ConfigurationStep 1:Step 2: Domain creation templatea. For BPEL only domainb. Based on the requirement select the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) checkbox.c. For BPM enabled domain (_If BPM process flows deployment is required then we have to12.2.1 )select the Oracle BPM Suite –Step 3:Step 4: Defining the domain user name and passwordStep 5:Domain mode needs to be production for all installations.Step 6: Define the RCU schema details and the TNS connection detailsStep 7:Step 8Step 9: Select the admin server, node manager and managed servers.Step 10: Specify the server name as AdminServer and listener address as hostname. Based on the installation requirement, SSL need to be enabled.Step 11: specify the server name as soa_server1 and bam_server1 for the managed servers. Based on the installation requirement SSL need to be enabled for managed serversStep 12:Step 13:Step 14:Step 15:2.8 Remote Setup ConfigurationRemote setup means SOA is installed in different machine and EAR is running in different machine.Configuring FLEXCUBE Application to point to remote BPEL instances1. Following Jars has to be copied to <Weblogic_home>\<domain>\lib2.Additionally if BPMN enabled3. The jars copied have to be from same soa-suite version where BPEL processflows deployed. Ie,We cannot have jars from soa12. and BPEL deployed in soa12. should be consistent.4. The properties file fcubs.properties should read as belowWORKFLOW_CLIENT_TYPE =REMOTEjava.naming.provider.url =t3:// (Remote soa server provider url)java.naming.security.principal =weblogic (Remote bpel server userid)java.naming.security.credentials=RF2MRTP/MG8TB1T5QG6lnQ== (Remote soa serverpassword)dedicated.connection =true =default (Remote soa server partition)domain.pwd =RF2MRTP/MG8TB1T5QG6lnQ== (Remote soa serverpassword)5. Configure domain password same as for both fcj ear domain and remote BPEL domain andSOA Suite Setup for BPEL Process Flow[May] [2022]Version Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © [2007], [2022], Oracle and/or its affiliates.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software, any programs embedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs) and Oracle computer documentation or other Oracle data delivered to or accessed by U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" or "commercial computer software documentation" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, reproduction, duplication, release, display, disclosure, modification, preparation of derivative works, and/or adaptation of i) Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software, any programs embedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs), ii) Oracle computer documentation and/or iii) other Oracle data, is subject to the rights and limitations specified in the license contained in the applicable contract. The terms governing the U.S. Government's use of Oracle cloud services are defined by the applicable contract for such services. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。
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Integration Effort
ETL/ELT or Manual Coding EII Tool EAI/ESB or Manual Coding
Database moves
jdbc:oracle:thin: mars:1521:orcl
Host: Port:2320
Host: Port:2320
Business process needs revision!
Business Activity Monitoring
Data Warehouse ODS DW
Datamart Datamart
Analytic Applications Master Data Management
Cube Cube
EII Virtual DB
ApplБайду номын сангаасcation Servers
Composite Service 复合服务
服务 人事管理
服务 行政办公
IT 的变更如何影响业务处理
Loan approval process
jdbc:oracle:thin: saturn:1521:orcl
Loan approval process
IT基础设施孤岛: 昂贵,低利用率,及难保安全
面向服务 集成 流程 集成 应用 集成 消息 总线 点点 集成
集成采用SOA 全面标准化 集成了BPM技术 部分实现了标准化,但主要还是采 用专有技术 • 供应商提供与应用的接口,产品提供语义 转换 • 供应商的专有技术
• 面向消息的中间件 • 供应商的专有技术
Approval (Rich Workflow)
5-15 min
Product Suppliers
Fulfill Order FedEx USPS
Notify Cust
Notification Service
Oracle BPEL Process Designer
Oracle Service Bus
Load Balancing Server
Managed Server 1 Managed Server 2 getCustCredit Route getCustCredit Connection Failover getCustCredit
getCustCredit Route Connection Failover
Oracle Service Bus
Service Service
企业级Service Bus
Service Orchestration
• 位置透明
Oracle Service Bus
• 服务虚拟化 • 配置
Service Repository
• 部署集群以达到高可用性、 可靠性、可扩展性和高性 • 自动调优
• 与其他的ESB实例通讯 • 企业内自治的ESB实例 • 在域内或跨网络的完全分布 式部署 • 在ESB网络内提供可靠的路 由消息
Oracle BPEL
Oracle BPEL Process Manager:
Oracle ODI Suite
Data-Centric Integration
商业智能 绩效管理 商业流程管理 业务流程监控
<Insert Picture Here>
Oracle Fusion MiddleWare for SOA
Nov 4, 2008 谷长勇 Sales Consultant
• 所有一切都被网络联系起来,业务 日益依赖IT系统支持 • “数据大集中”已经成为趋势 • 现有应用和流程需要进行整合,并 且保持整个系统的可用性 • IT成为企业关键组成部分
• 对业务的影响
• 延迟对业务需求的响应 时间
Oracle Service Bus 企业服务总线
解决点对点 SOA 的问题
• 一次连接 • 松耦合 • 整个企业范畴的重 用 • 中央管理 • 改善 TCO
Service Service Service Service Service Service
Rules repository
Rule Author
Web Services Interface: XML, SOAP, WSDL, WSIF
EJB 3.0 Customer service
Decision Service
Manual Review ?
服务 服务
服务 服务
服务 服务
服务 服务
服务 服务
服务 服务
• 紧耦合
• 改变的冲击 • 服务必须配合客户端的 新修改 • 服务本身必须应付处理 数据格式和传输协议 • 不透明
Service Service Service Service
Σ% <> +− =|
你能得到真正有用 的信息吗?
障碍 #1- 分散的系统及破碎的信息
障碍 #2 – 不连贯的流程
障碍 #3 – 僵化的数据中心
Duplicate Number!
e n d
BPEL with ESB, Rules, Workflow, BAM
Operational dashboard
Order Booking BPEL PROCESS
receive Order DB Insert Order
• 灵活的服务消息传递
Dashboard Monitoring SLAs Reporting Open Interfaces
• 连接各种服务、各种协议、 各种端点
• 灵活的转换
• 承载的各种XML、二进制数 据、文本
Oracle Service Bus
Message Flow Modeling Discovery/ Validation Transformation Service Call-out Test Browser
应用 1 应用 2 应用 3 应用 n
渠道 表现层渲染 业务流程 业务规则&逻辑 数据整合 & 转化 数据库模式 缺乏灵活性, 反应迟钝, 难以维护 缺乏灵活性, 反应迟钝, 难以维护
• 难以适应不断变化的业务需求 • 由于功能的重叠而造成资源的浪费 • 即使很小的改动也需要投资巨大的时间 Σ% <> ∗/ <> ∗/ <> | ∗/ =| +− =| + − =和劳力 • 80%的 IT 预算都是用于进行整合
观察并管理每一个节点实例队列当中的 观察并管理每一个节点实例队列当中的 状态(正常、超载) 状态(正常、超载) 配置仿真参数 (流程实 配置仿真参数 (流程实 例的数量etc.) 例的数量etc.)
生成详细的仿真报告,可供第三方 生成详细的仿真报告,可供第三方 分析 分析 优秀的基于时间的、基于成本的、基 优秀的基于时间的、基于成本的、基 于角色的仿真统计报表 于角色的仿真统计报表
Presentation Services
• 各种协议和负载互通 • 策略控制
Integration Services Business Logic Business Logic
• 高可用性和可扩展性
Oracle Service Bus 功能特性
Service Service Service Service
• 直接硬编码 • 不依赖于EAI产品与技术 时间