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1.电;电学 electricity
2.电的;电气的 electrical
3.电的;用电的 electric
4.用电 electrically
5.电气化 electrification;electrify
6.电源 power supply;power source
7.能 energy
8.能源 electrical energy
9.能量 energy;capabilities
10.能耗 energy consumption
11.原子能 atomic energy
12.能源工业 energy industry
13.电能 electric energy
14.电力 electric power;power
15.电业 electric utility
16.电力工业 power industry
17.电力系统 power system
18.电力网 power network
19.电力工程 electric power project
20.电机工程 electrical engineering
21.电力技术 power technology
22.电工技术electrotechnics 23.电讯技术telecommunication technology
24.电子技术 electronics technology
25.标称电力 nominal power
26.电力供应 supply of electricity
27.电力消耗 power consumption
28.供电 supply electricity or power
29.配电 (power)distribution
30.配电网 distribution network
31.供电干线 supply main
32.电力线 power line
33.电力馈线 power feeder
34.输电线路 transmission line
35.高压电力网 high-tension network
36.超高压电力网 extrahigh-tension network
37.发电站 power station or utility
38.发电厂 power plant
39.火力发电厂 thermal power plant
40.水力发电厂 hydraulic power plant
41.原子能发电厂 atomic power plant
42.地热发电厂 geothermal power plant
43.风力发电厂 wind power station
44.热电厂 power-and-heating plant
45.升压站 step-up station
46.降压站 step-down station
47.开关站 switch station
48.变电所;配电站 substation
49.升压变电所 step-up substation
50.降压变电所 step-down substation
51.户外变电所 outdoor substation
52.户内变电所 indoor substation
53.中心变电所 central substation
54.枢纽变电所 pivotal substation
55.高压变电所 high-voltage substation
56.低压变电所 low-voltage substation
57.用户变电所 user substation
58.配电装置 distributing equipment
59.控制室 control room
60.中央控制室 center control room
61.集中控制室 centralization control room
62.主控制室 main control room
63.开关室 switch room
64.交流电 alternating current(A.C.)
65.直流电 direct current(D.C.)
66.自动;自动化 automatic;auto
67.自动化 automatization
68.半自动 semi-automatic
69.手动 manual
70.热力系统 heating power system
71.供汽系统 supply steam system
72.供热系统 heating system
73.热机系统 heat engine system
74.燃烧系统 fire system 75.输煤系统 transmission coal system
76.输灰系统 transport ash system
77.自动控制 automatic control
78.自动测量 automatic measurement
79.自动信号 automatic signal
80.自动报警系统 automatic alarm system
81.自动监测系统 automatic monitor system
82.遥控 telecontrol
83.遥测 telemetering
84.遥信 telecom
85.远动化 telemechanisation
86.接地系统 earthing or grounding system
87.接地网 earth network;ground network
88.不接地电网 earthfree network
89.大电流接地电网 large current earth network
90.通讯系统 communication system
91.载波通讯 carrier communication
92.微波通讯 microwave communication
93.调度通讯 dispatch communication
94.调度系统dispatch’s system
95.系统调度 telecommand
96.保护装置 protection;protector
97.保安装置 protective device
98.保安措施 security measures
99.电力计量 power measurement
100.电价 electrovalence
101.功 work(A)
102.容量;功率;电容 capacity(cap.)
103.额定容量 rating capacity
104.总容量 aggregate capacity
105.最大容量 end capacity
106.最大需求容量 maximun needs capacity 107.可用容量 available capacity
108.备用容量 idle capacity
109.断续(负载)容量 duty cycle capacity 110.断路容量 broken circuit capacity
111.功率;电力 power(P.,p.)
112.电功率 electric power
113.总功率;总容量 aggregate capacity
114.标称功率 nominal power
115.额定功率 rating power
116.有功功率 active power
117.无功功率 reactive power;reactive capacity(Q) 118.视在功率 apparent power(S)
119.输入功率 input power
120.输出功率 output power
121.容许功率 power-carrying
122.功率三角形 power triangle
123.功率因素 power factor(P.F.)
124.马力 horsepower 125.额定马力 rated horsepower
126.系数;率;因素 co-efficient
127.效率 efficiency(eff.)
128.有效的 effictive(eff.)
129.电位 (electric)potential
130.电位差 potential difference
131.电势;电动势 electro-motive force(EMF)
132.电压 voltage;electric tension
133.端电压 terminal potential
134.线电压 line voltage
135.相电压line to neutral wire voltage 136.额定电压rated voltage
137.输入电压 input voltage
138.输出电压 output voltage
139.短路电压 short circuit voltage
140.阻抗电压(压降) impedance voltage
141.动作电压 action voltage
142.电压比 voltage ratio
143.变压比 transformer ratio
144.分接电压 voltage & tappings
145.分接位置 tappings position
146.电压调正(节) voltage regutation
147.升压 step-up;an increase in voltage 148.降压 step-down;a decrease in voltage
149.递增 increase progressively
150.递减 decrease progressively
151.低压 low- voltage
152.中压 medium- voltage
153.高压 high- voltage
154.超高压 extrahigh voltage;extrahigh tension 155.外施高压applied high voltage
156.耐压 voltage-resisting
157.感应电压 induced voltage
158.工频耐压 power-frequency resist voltage 159.工频放电电压 power-frequency spark over voltage 160.雷电冲击电压 thunder bolt shock voltage
161.干闪络电压 dry-flashover
162.湿闪络电压 wet-flashover voltage
163.偏压 bias voltage;bias
164.截止电压 cut-off bias
165.整定电压 setting voltage
166.整定范围 setting range
167.把手位置 handle position
168.返回系数 return co-efficient
169.电流 current;electric current
170.额定电流 rated current
171.输入电流 input current
172.输出电流 output current 173.空载电流 No-load current
174.负载电流 load current
175.短路电流 short circuit current
176.开断电流 open circuit current
177.额定断路电流rated broken circuit current 178.动作电流act current
179.电流密度 current density
180.电流强度 current intensity
181.动稳定电流 dynamic-stable current
182.热稳定电流 heat-stable current
183.动平衡电流dynamic-equilibrium current 184.励磁涌流field pour current
185.励磁电流 field current
186.感应电流 induced current
187.脉冲电流 pulsating current
188.载波电流 carrier current
189.无效电流 idle current
190.分路电流 branch current
191.反向电流 reverse current
192.起动电流 start current
193.充电电流 charge current
194.冲击电流 shock current
195.返回电流 return current
196.整定电流 setting current
197.泄漏 leak;leakage
198.泄漏电流 leakage current
199.电容电流 capacitive current
200.电感电流 inductive current
201.零序电流 zero sequence current
202.接地电流 earth connection current
203.合闸(线圈)电流 switch-on(coil) current
204.分闸(线圈)电流 switch-off(coil) current
205.电流比 current ratio
206.闭合电流 closed circuit current
207.准确度级 accurate class
208.趋肤效应 Kelvin effect
209.电阻 resistance
210.电感 inductance
211.电容 capacitance(cap.)
212.阻抗 impedance
213.电抗 reactance(X,x)
214.感抗 inductive reactance
215.容抗 capacitive reactance
216.阻抗三角形 impedance triangle
217.勾股弦定律 proposition the Pythagorean theorem 218.欧姆定律Ohm’s law
219.阻容 resistanse capacitance(R.C.)
220.互阻 transresistance
221.互导;互纳 transadmittance
222.互抗 transreactance 223.互感 mutual inductance
224.电导 conductance
225.电导率;导电性 electroconductivity
226.电阻率resistivity;specific resistance 227.电阻系数resistance coefficient
228.内电阻 internal resistance
229.分路电阻 shunt resistance
230.串联电阻 series resistance
231.并联电阻 parallel resistance
232.放电电阻 discharge resistance
233.阻尼 damping
234.串并联series-parallel connection 235.阻抗匹配impedance matching
236.等效电抗 equivalent reactance
237.等值电阻 equivalence circuit
238.电纳 susceptance
239.导纳 admittance
240.动态电阻 dynamic resistance
241.人体电容 body capacity
242.泄漏传导系数 leakance
243.静电感应 electrostatic induction
244.对地电容 earth capacitance
245.装配(布线)电容 wiring capacitance
246.频率 frequency(n;f)
247.频带 frequency band
248.频率范围 frequency range
249.工频 power frequency
250.固有(自然)频率 free frequency
251.低频 low frequency
252.中频medium or intermediate frequency 253.高频high frequency
254.超高频 ultrahigh frequency
255.变频 frequency conversion
256.自由振荡 free-running
257.谐振频率 resonance frequency
258.串联(电压)谐振 series resonance
259.并联(电流)谐振 inverse resonance
260.波 wave
261.电波 electric wave
262.周波 cycle
263.正弦波 sine wave
264.冲击波 shock or blast wave
265.电磁波 electromagnetic wave
266.超声波 ultrasonics
267.超短波 ultrashort wave
268.微波 microwave
269.短波 shortwave
270.中波 medium wave
271.长波 long wave
272.半波 half wave;singleway 273.全波 total wave;full wave 274.波形 waveform
275.波长 wavelength
276.波段 waveband
277.波幅;振幅 amplitude(A)
278.波峰 wave crest
279.波谷 trough
280.峰值;最大值 peak;crest
281.波速 wave velocity
282.波束 beam
283.正弦形的 sinusoidal
284.正弦曲线 sinusoid
285.脉冲波形 pulse shape
286.波形系数 shape factor
287.波形失真 wave shape distortion 288.失真;畸变 distortion 289.对称 symmetry
290.对称的 symmetrical
291.不对称 asymmetry
292.不对称的 asymmetrical
293.半波整流 single-way rectification 294.全波整流 total-wave rectification 295.单相整流 single-phase rectification 296.三相整流three-phase rectification 297.检波 detection
298.滤波器 filter
299.带通滤波器band-pass filter 300.高通滤波器high-pass
301.相;相位 phase(ph.)
302.相角 photo corner
303.功角 power corner
304.相序 phase sequence
305.相位差 phase differ
306.角速度 angular velocity 307.相数 No.of phases
308.单相 single-phase
309.两相 two-phase
310.三相 three-phase;triphase 311.定相 phasing
312.调相 phase modulation 313.移相 phase shift
314.同步 synchronism;sync 315.异步 asynchronism
316.整步 synchronization 317.正序 positive sequence 318.负序 negative sequence 319.零序 zero sequence
320.分相 split phase
321.控制相 control phase
322.同相 in-phase 323.异相 out-phase
324.反相 reversal phase
325.反相序 reverse phase sequence
326.正相序 correct phase sequence
327.逆相序 counter-phase sequence
328.向量;矢量 vector
329.向量图 vector drawing
330.方向 direction
331.箭头 arrowhead;arrow
332.分量;分力 component
333.分解 resolve
334.合力 resultant of forces
335.合成 synthesize
336.超前 lead
337.超前角 lead angle
338.落后 backward
339.滞后 delay
340.相反 opposite;contrary
341.相应 corresponding;relevant
342.相等 be equal
343.相同 indentical;alike
344.顺时针旋转 clockwise(CW,cw.)
345.逆时针旋转counter-clock-wise(CCW.,ccw.) 346.圆方向图clock diagram
347.电路circuit;electric circuit 348.回路return circuit;return;loop 349.回路;电路 contour
350.母线;汇流条 bus
351.汇流排 bus bar
352.汇流线 bus wire
353.主母线 main bus
354.分段母线section bus;segment bus 355.分支(路)母线branch bus
356.正母线 regular bus-bar
357.副母线vice-bus;auxiliary bus-bar 358.旁路母线bypass bus;in bridge bus 359.Ⅰ段母线bus bar Ⅰ
360.分支线 leg line
361.馈线 feed line
362.出线;输出线 outlet;out line
363.进线;输入线 inlet;in line
364.直流回路 D.C. return
365.交流回路 A.C. return
366.电压回路 voltage return
367.电流回路 current return
368.控制回路 control return
369.操作回路 operation return
370.分相操作回路split-phase operating return 371.测量回路measure return
372.信号回路 signal return 373.保护回路 protective return
374.回路电压 voltage of return
375.回路电流 current of return
376.接地回路 earth return
377.事故信号回路 fault signal return
378.预告信号回路 herald signal return
379.串联电路 series circuit
380.并联电路 parallel circuit
381.混联电路 series-parallel return
382.复合电路 compound circuit
383.空载电路 idle circuit
384.起动电路 start circuit
385.放电电路 de-excitation circuit
386.同期回路 sync return
387.谐振电路 accepter;acceptor
388.闪光同步回路 flash sync return
389.合闸回路 switch-on return
390.跳闸回路 switch-off return
391.整流电路 rectification circuit
392.单向电路 oneway circuit
393.联锁回路 interlock return
394.闭锁回路deadlock(or occlusion)return 395.闭合电路closed circuit
396.星形结构 star(or Y) connection
397.三角形结构delta(or △) connection 398.不完全星形结构
incomplete star connection;
two-phase-style connection 399.星形-三角形结构star-delta(Y-△) connection 400.结线方式 connection style
401.结线组别 connection group
402.Y/△-11 star/delta eleven o’clock 403.串激线卷serise excitation winding 404.并激线卷 shunt excitation winding 405.复激 compound excitation
406.励磁电路 exciting circuit
407.电枢回路 armature return
408.初级;一次 primary(PRI.)
409.初级线卷 primary coil
410.次级;二次 secondary(SEC.)
411.次级线卷 secondary coil
412.输入绕组 input winding
413.输出绕组 output winding
414.高压线卷 H.V.windings
415.中压线卷 M.V.windings
416.低压线卷 L.V.windings
417.中性点 neutral point
418.中性线 neutral wire
419.接地线 earth (or ground) wire 420.临时电线 haywire
421.屏蔽 screen
422.屏蔽线 screen wire
423.接地屏蔽earth screen 424.电气结线图electrical connection drawing 425.电气接线图 electrical wiring drawing 426.电路图 electric circuit drawing 427.原理图 principle drawing 428.展开图unfold (or open up) drawing 429.安装图install drawing
430.施工图 working drawing
431.结线图 line wiring drawing
432.一次图 Main wiring drawing
433.二次图 secondary wiring drawing
434.控制图 control drawing
435.导体 conductor
436.超导体 superconductor
437.导线 wire;lead
438.电线 electric wire
439.非导体 nonconductor
440.半导体 semicon;semiconductor
441.导电 conduct electricity
442.导电性 electric conductivity
443.超导电性 superconductivity
444.绝缘 insulation
445.绝缘体 insulator
446.绝缘性能 insulation ability
447.绝缘等级 insulation class
448.电气强度 electric strength
449.电气性能 electrical characteristics
450.介质 medium
451.电介质 dielectric
452.介电常数 capacitivity
453.隔离;绝缘 isolating
454.开路;断路open circuit;broken circuit 455.短路short-circuit
456.断路 abruption
457.切断abscission;cut off;abscind 458.打开;分开open;unfold;off
459.拉开 pull open;draw back
460.启动 start
461.合闸 switch on
462.分闸 switch off
463.合上 on
464.熔断 cut-off;fusing
465.跳闸;脱口;释放 trip
466.跳闸线卷 trip coil
467.切换 transfer
468.负载;荷载 load
469.空载;空负载 idle load;No-load
470.额定负载 rated load
471.容许负载 allowable load
472.极限负荷 limit load
473.超负荷excess load;overload 474.超载能力overload capacity
475.冲击负荷 shock load
476.高峰负荷 peak load
477.峰谷负荷 trough load
478.工作负荷 operating load
479.满负荷 full-load
480.负荷调正 load regulation
481.照明负荷 illumination load
482.动力负荷 motive power load
483.空转 idle motion
484.安全用电 electric safety
485.计划用电electric plan;planned electricity 486.节约用电economize on electricity
487.感性负荷 inductive load
488.容性负荷 capacitive load
489.能耗 energy consumption
490.耗电量 power consumption
491.损耗;损失 consume;waste;loss
492.无损耗 free of losses
493.空载损耗 idling loss;No-load loss
494.短路损耗 short-circuit loss
495.磁滞损失 stagnant-magnetic loss
496.铜损 copper wire loss
497.铁损 steel core loss
498.漏电损失 leak electric loss
499.涡流损失 eddying loss
500.用户 consumer;user
501.安全 safety;safe
502.安全第一! safety first!
503.注意安全 attention safety
504.安全生产 safety production
505.安全操作 safe operation
506.保证安全 onsure safety
507.安全规程 safety regulations
508.安全措施 safety measures(or action) 509.安全设施 safety devices
510.测试;试验 test
511.测量 survey;measure;gauge
512.测算 measure and calculate 513.试验报告 testing report 514.试验数据(资料) test data
515.技术数据(资料) technical data
516.证明书;检验证 certificate
517.化验单 analysis report
518.试验标准 test standard
519.标准;规范 standard
520.标准值 standard value
521.保证值 guaranteed value
522.相对值 relative value
523.相对误差relative truth(or error) 524.绝对值absolute value
525.绝对误差 absolute truth(or error)
526.出厂序号 ex-factory serial No.
527.出厂日期 production(or manufacture) date 528.出厂检验delivery inspection
529.合格证 certificate of inspection
530.技术鉴定 technical appraisement
531.技术规范 technical specification
532.结果 sesult;effect
533.结论 conclusion
534.审查 approved
535.检查;检验 tested
536.铭牌 data plate;nameplate
537.电气试验 electric test
538.定期(例行)试验 routine testing
539.常规试验 conventional testing
540.常数试验 constant test
541.交接试验 delivery and reception test 542.参数 parameter 543.性能试验 performance test
544.特性试验 property(or specific) test 545.特性曲线 curve
546.伏-安特性 volt-ampere property
547.测漏 track down a leak
548.泄漏试验 leakage tset
549.外施高压试验 applied high voltage tset
550.感应高压试验induced high voltage test 551.破坏性试验destructiveness test
552.型式试验 type tests
553.油化验 oil laboratory test
554.油分析 oil analysis
555.油简化 oil simplify laboratory
556.取样试验 sample testing
557.抽样检查 sampling survey
558.定量分析 quantitative analysis
559.定性分析 qualitative analysis
560.光谱分析spectrum(or spectral) analysis 561.色谱分析chromatographic analysis
562.操作性能 serviceability
563.负荷试验 load testing
564.温升试验 temp.rise testing
565.温度 temperature(temp.,t.)
566.温升 temperature rise
567.额定温升 rated temp.rise
568.油面温升 temp.rise of top oil
569.线卷温升 temp.rise of wdg
570.膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion
571.吸收系数 absorption coefficient
572.室温 room temp.
573.密封试验 air-tight test
574.气密试验air seal test;leakage test 575.油箱强度tank strength 576.疲劳试验 fatigue test
577.疲劳强度 fatigue strength
578.弹性疲劳 elastic fatigue
579.金属疲劳 metal fatigue
580.动态平衡 dynamic equilibrium
581.动态特性 dynamic characteristic
582.饱和 saturation
583.饱和点 saturation point
584.饱和曲线 saturation curve
585.不饱和 unsaturated
586.不饱和曲线 unsaturated curve
587.不饱和铁芯 unsaturated iron core
588.过饱和oversaturation;supersaturation 589.正比例direct proportion
590.反比例inverse ratio(or proportion) 591.线性;直线性linearity
592.变量;变数 variable
593.湿度 humidity;wetness
594.相对湿度 relative humidity(R.H.,r.h.) 595.极性 polarity
596.定值 fixed value
597.粘度 viscosity
598.凝点 condensation point
599.凝固点 solidifying point
600.熔点 melting point
601.燃点 ignition point
602.闪点 flash point
603.浓度 consistency;concentration 604.比重 specific gravity 605.比热 specific heat
606.比容 specific volume
607.比率;比值 ratio;rate
608.酸值 acid value
609.水溶性酸碱water soluble acid & alkali 610.真空;真空度vacuum(vac.)
611.超高真空 ultrahigh vacuum
612.恒温 constant temperature
613.油面 top oil
614.油位 oil position
615.拉力试验 pull(or tension) test
616.拉力 pulling force
617.抗拉强度 tensile strength
618.抗弯强度 bending strength
619.抗剪强度 shearing strength
620.抗压强度 compressive strength
621.灵敏度 sensitivitu
622.公差 tolerance
623.制造公差 manufacturing tolerance 624.安装公差 location tolerance
625.公称 nominal
626.公称尺寸 nominal dimension
627.精度 precision 628.光洁度 smooth finish
629.电光 light produced;lightning
630.弧光 arc light;arc
631.电弧 electric arc
632.电泳 electrophoresis
633.放电 de-excitation;discharge
634.辉光放电 glow discharge
635.火花 spark
636.电火花 electric spark
637.火花放电 spark discharge
638.尖端放电 point discharge
639.闪络 flashover;arc-over
640.电离 ionization
641.电离层 ionosphere
642.灭弧 Arc-extinguishing
643.灭弧性能 Arc-extinguishing ability
644.击穿 puncture;breakdown
645.电击 electric shock
646.漏电 leak electricity
647.雷电 thunder and lightning
648.雷击 be struck by lightning
649.雷害damage to crops caused by thunder 650.污染contamination
651.污染监测 contamination monitor
652.污染等级 contamination class
653.污染地区 contaminative area
654.电磁 electro magnetism
655.电场 electric field
656.电场强度electric field intensity 657.电力线electric line force 658.磁 magnetism
659.磁场 magnetic field
660.磁化 magnetization
661.磁体 magnetic body;magnet 662.磁铁 magnet
663.磁石 magnetite;magnet
664.磁针 magnetic needle
665.磁子 magneton
666.永久磁铁 permanent magnet
667.电磁铁 electromagnet
668.磁性 magnetism;magnetic
669.磁极 magnetic pole
670.南极 south pole
671.北极 north pole
672.极化 polarization
673.磁力 magnetic force
674.磁力线;磁通 flux
675.磁通量 magnetic flux
676.磁通密度magnetic flux density 677.磁力强度magnetic field intensity 678.磁动势 magnetomotive force
679.转矩;力矩 torque(T.,t.)
680.右手定则 right-hand rule
681.左手定则 left-hand rule
682.漏磁通 flux leaking
683.磁阻 magnetoresistance
684.磁滞 stagnant-magnetic
685.磁感应 magnetic induction
686.电磁感应electromagnetism induction 687.电磁波electromagnetism wave
688.感应 induction
689.自感应 self-induction
690.互感应 mutual inductance
691.感应力 inductivity
692.铁磁性 ferromagnetism
693.共振 sympathetic vibration
694.磁铁共振 ferromagnetic resonance
695.核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance 696.防磁protect against magnetization; by antimagnetic
697.核能;核子能 nuclear energy
698.核电;核动力 nuclear power
699.核反应 nuclear reaction
700.反应堆 reactor
701.高温反应堆 high-temp.reactor
702.浓缩铀反应堆 enriched uranium reactor 703.热中子反应堆thermal reactor
704.石墨减速反应堆 graphitemoderated reactor 705.轻水慢化反应堆 light-water-moderated reactor 706.反应塔 reaction tower 707.核反应堆 nuclear reactor
708.核聚变 nuclear fusion
709.核裂变 unclear fission
710.核扩散 unclear proliferation
711.核辐射 unclear radiation
712.热核 thormonuclear
713.热核反应 thormonuclear reaction
714.原子 atom
715.原子核 atomic nucleus
716.分子 molecule
717.离子 ion
718.阴离子 anion
719.阳离子 cation
720.质子 proton
721.中子 neutron
722.快中子fast(or high-speed) neutron 723.慢中子slow(or low-speed) neutron 724.核子 nucleon
725.电子electron;electronic charge 726.自由电子free electron
727.束缚电子 bound electron 728.核燃料 nuclear fuel
729.铀 uranium(U)
730.轻水 light water
731.重水 heavy water
732.硬水 hard water
733.软水 soft water
734.高温 high temperature
735.高压 high pressure
736.超高温 superhigh temperature
737.超高压 superhigh pressure
738.临界温度 critical temperature
739.临界状态 critical state
740.大气压 atmospheric pressure;atmosphere 741.标准大气压
standard atmosphere
742.海拔;标高 elevation
743.摄氏 centigrade(C.)
744.华氏 fahrenheit(F.)
745.转速 rotational speed
746.每分钟转数revolutions per minute(r.p.m.) 747.冷却方式type of cooling
748.空气冷却 air-cooling
749.油浸自冷 oil-immersed self-cooled
750.双水内冷 stator & rotor inner water-cooled 751.强迫油循环冷却 compel oil-circutation cooling 752.辐照 irradiation 753.辐照度 irradiance
754.继电保护 relaying
755.微(处理)机 microprocessor
756.微机保护 microprocessor protection
757.电子计算机 electronic computer
758.设计程序 programming
759.程序设计语言 programming language;
program language
760.程序控制 pre-prgrammed automatic control 761.数据处理data process
762.文字处理 word process
763.输入数据 data-in
764.输出数据 data-out
765.触发电路 trigger circuit
766.脉冲电路 pulse circuit
767.逻辑电路 logical circuit
768.颜色 colour
769.黄(色) yellow
770.绿(色) green
771.红(色) red
772.白(色) white
773.灰(色) gray
774.银灰(色) silver gray
775.黑(色) black
776.蓝、青(色) blue
777.褐、棕色 brown
778.紫(色) purple 779.氢 hydrogen(H)
780.氟 fluorine(F)
781.氮 nitrogen(N)
782.氧 oxygen(O)
783.硫 sulphur(S)
784.酸 acid
785.六氟化硫气体 SF6
786.充氮 filled nitrogen
787.充氮压力 filled nitrogen pressure
788.氢冷 hydrogen-cooling
789.瓦斯 gas
790.乙炔 acetylene
791.质量 quality
792.保证质量 guarantee both quality and quantity 793.优质产品 high-quality products
794.缺陷 defect;defective
795.废品 discard;reject;scrap
796.产值 output value
797.产量 output;yield
798.指标;标的 target
799.定额;限额 quota
800.按期交货 deliver goods on schedule
801.实测 actual
802.复测 remeasured
803.摘要 resume
804.备注 remarke
805.备用 spare;reserve;alternate 806.备用;备件 spare parts 807.记录;注释 note(n.)
808.说明;解释 explanation
809.型号 model;type
810.规格 specification(spec.) 811.数量 quantity(qty.)
1.安培 ampere(A,a)
2.伏特 volt(V.,v)
4.瓦 watt(W)
5.乏尔,乏(无功伏安) var(volt ampere reactive)
6.千瓦小时;度 kilowatt hour(KWH)
7.周 cycle(C)
8.赫兹 hertz(Hz)
9.周/秒;赫 cycle per second(CPS,cps)
10.伏安 volt ampere(VA,va)
11.法拉 farad(f)
12.亨(利) henry(H.,h.)
13.高斯 gauss(G)
14.焦耳 joule(J)
15.牛顿 newton(N)
16.马力 horse-power(Hp.,h.p.)
17.库仑 coulomb(C.) 18.麦克斯韦 maxwell(Mx)
19.巴 bar
20.卡路里 calorie(cal.)
21.大卡,千(克)卡 kilogram-calory(Cal.)
25.时;小时 hour(H.,h.)
26.分(钟) min.;minute(')
27.秒 second;sec.(")
28.千(103) kilo-(K,k)
29.兆;百万(106) mega-(M);meg
30.百万;兆(106) mill.;million
31.毫(10-3) milli-(m.)
32.微(10-6) micro-(μ)
33.毫微(10-9) millimicro-(mμ;n)
34.微微(10-12) micromicro-(μμ)
1.同步发电机 synchronous generator
2.汽轮发电机 steam turbo-generator
3.水轮发电机 water turbo-generator
4.柴油发电机组 diesel generating set
5.交流发电机 A.C.generator
6.直流发电机 D.C.generator
7.变频同步发电机 variable frequency synchro generator
8.高频发电机 high frequency generator
9.并激发电机 shunt generator
10.串激发电机 series generator
11.复激发电机 compound generator
12.他激发电机 separately excited generator
13.自激发电机 self-excited generator
14.磁石发电机 magneto
15.单极发电机 unipolar generator
16.换向极发电机 commutating pole generator
17.异极发电机 heterpolar generator
18.异步发电机 asynchronous generator
19.同极发电机(非循环发电机) homopolar generator;
acyclic generator
20.感应发电机 induction generator
21.定流发电机 constant-current generator
22.定压发电机 constant-voltage generator
23.电机扩大机 amplidyne
24.补偿发电机 compensated generator
25.多相发电机 polyphase generator
26.二相发电机 2-phase generator
27.三相发电机 3-phase generator
28.三线发电机 three-wire generator
29.电动发电机组 motor generator set 30.风力发电机 windmill generator
31.手摇发电机 hand generator
32.内燃发电机 internal combustion generator
33.燃气轮发电机 combustion gas turbine generator
34.双水内冷汽轮发电机turbogenerator with inner water- cooled stator and rotor
35.三相同步交流发电机 3-phase sync.alternator
36.单相发电机 single-phase generator
37.永磁发电机 magneto generator
38.立式发电机 vertical type generator
39.卧式发电机 horizontal type generator
40.移动式发电机 portable generator
41.真空管发电机 vacuum tube generator
42.汽油发电机组 gasoline generating set
43.汽轮机 steam turbine
44.燃气轮机 combustion gas turbine
45.励磁机 exciter
1.电力(源)变压器 power transformer
2.主变压器 mains transformer
3.升压变压器 step-up transformer
4.降压变压器 step-down transformer
5.高压变压器 high-tension transformer
6.低压变压器 low-tension transformer
7.电源变压器 mains transformer
8.配电变压器 distribution transformer
9.平衡变压器 balance transformer
10.试验变压器 testing transformer
11.调压变压器 requlating transformer
12.可调变压器 adjustable(or variable) transformer
13.控制变压器 control transformer
14.仪表变压器 instrument transformer
15.照明变压器 lighting(or filament) transformer
16.行灯变压器 portable lamp transformer
17.大电流变压器 strong current transformer
18.高频变压器 high-frequency transformer
19.恒流变压器 constant-current transformer
20.局部照明变压器 local illumination transformer
21.自耦变压器 auto- transformer
22.环形自耦调压器 ring auto requlating transformer
23.单相变压器 single-phase transformer
24.二相变压器 2-phase transformer
25.三相变压器 three(or 3)-phase transformer
26.输入变压器 input transformer
27.输出变压器 output transformer
28.双卷变压器 double winding transformer
29.三卷变压器 three winding transformer
30.多相变压器 polyphase transformer
31.铁芯式变压器 core-type transformer
32.泄漏试验变压器 leakage testing transformer
33.油试验变压器oil tasting transformer 34.自冷变压器self-cooled transformer
35.油浸变压器 oil-immersed transformer
36.油冷变压器 oil-cooled transformer
37.壳式变压器 shell transformer
38.干式变压器 dry-type transformer
39.风冷变压器 air-cooled transformer
40.强油冷却变压器 compel-oil circulation
cooling transformer
41.户内式变压器 indoor type transformer
42.户外式变压器 outdoor type transformer
43.变电所变压器 substation transformer
44.电流互感器 current transformer(C.T.)
45.电压互感器 potential transformer(P.T.)
46.零序电流互感器 zero sequence C.T.
47.抗流变压器 draining transformer
48.转角变压器 transfer corner transformer
49.中间变流器 intermediate C.T.(or convertor)
50.接地变压器 connected earth transformer
51.扼流变压器 choke current transformer
52.辅助电压互感器 auxiliary P.T.(AuPT)
1.直流电动机 D.C.motor
2.交流电动机 A.C.motor
3.同步电动机 synchronous motor
4.异步电动机 asynchronous motor。
