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4)Differences in reasoning, percepetion of time and space, etc. (英汉语在时空观等方面 的差异性)
在时空观上,英语是由小到大,汉语则是由大 到小。例如时间标记,英语里先说日期和月份, 再说年份;汉语里正好相反,先说年份,再说 月日。空间观念差异在写信地址上表现尤为明 显,英语里由小到大,如由街道而城市而省或 州而国家;汉语正好相反,由大到小。这是英 语民族重个体思维、汉民族重整体思维的语言 例证。在叙事时序上,英语里叙述事件常常是 按照时间顺序由现在向过去推进;汉语正相反, 由过去向现在推进。
英译汉时,英语的物称一般应转换为汉语的人称。人称主语从语境 内外寻找,多在句内,有时在句外。 例如: (1)The sight of the little poor boy reminded him of his childhood. 译文:看到这个可怜的孩子,他想到了自己的童年。 (2)The bad weather prevented him from attending the meeting. 译文:天气不好,他没去开会。 (3)His passion carried him away. 译文:他因感情冲动而误入歧途。 (4) Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger. 译文:人们对那次历史性的盛会记忆犹新。
3)English: a strong sense of objectivity (客体 意识强)
Chinese: a strong sense of subjectivity (主体 意识强)
❖ 英语:主客体二分 ❖ 汉英语句子一般不能没有主语,且多为无灵主语(没有生命的事物)。
申小龙: ❖ 英语是一种物理空间体(The English language is
a continuous body of PHYSICAL space) ❖ 汉语是一种心理时间流(Chinese is a flow of
MENTAL time)
❖ Major differences 1)English: parataxis; Chinese: hypotaxis (英语重
2)English: focal-point perspective(焦点视); Chinese: discrete-point perspective(散点视)
Example: ❖ Lulled by the gentle motion and soothed by
the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep. (the babies fell asleep—focus) ❖ VERSION;船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳, 孩子们不久就睡着了。
❖ 我买了六只钢笔,(这六只刚笔)一共三十元,(我) 拿回家一看,都是用过的了。
❖ I bought six pens which cost me thirty Yuan. When I took them back, I found they were second-hand.
Parataxis: the placing of propositions or
clauses one after another, without
indicating by connecting words the
relation (of coordination or subordination)
been suggested that the particular language people speak shapes the
way in which they think and perceive the world.
Sapir: Human beings… are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society… the ‘real world’ is to a large extent unconsciously built upon the language habits of the group. (1929)
means largely by the linguistic systems in
our minds.
这—假说的实质:是对语言反映现实还是创造(现念) 现实这一问题的—种解释。归结起来有两点: 一是语言因其自我成形,自我创造的能力而能决定人 们对世界的认识,是形成人们世界意象的积极因素, 这叫语言决定论; 二是不同的语言不能表示同一个社会的现实,世界意 象随着人们赖以思维的语言体系的不同而变比。这叫 语言相对论。
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Major differences between Chinese and English
形合,汉语重意合) Hypotaxis:the dependent or subordinate
relationship of clauses with connectives.
Or subordinate status of clause
e.g. "I will go when I am ready."
❖ 汉语句子多用人称主语,且常省略, 又多无主句和省略句。汉译英时,要考 虑汉语的人称是否需要转换成英语的物 称;同时,汉语省略句中省略的主语要 找出来,然后根据英文的习惯,确定是 否需要翻译出来;汉语无主句,必须先 找出它的主语或者确定符合逻辑的主语, 然后作为译句的主语。
例如: (1)热得我满身大汗。 译文:The heat makes me sweat.
We dissect nature along lines laid down by
our native languages. The categories and
types that we isolate from the world of
phenomena we do not find there because
❖ 他来了, 我走。 ❖ --如果他来了, 我就走。 ❖ --既然他来了, 我可以走了。 ❖ --当他来时, 我就走。 ❖ --因为他来, 所以我走。 ❖ If he comes, I will go. ❖ Since he comes, I will go. ❖ When he comes, I will go. ❖ As he has come, I must go now.
Mode of thinking Relation between thought and language Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
As we examine the way in which words and structures are used to
they stare every observer in the face; on the
contrary, the world is presented in a
kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has
to be organized by our minds - and this
❖ 英语似乎特别注意事件发生的“当下 性”,而不太注重事理逻辑,如一件事 总是在某一具体的时间点和空间点上发 生的,然后再把这一时空点与时空整体 相联系,叙述一般从“现在”开始。汉 语总按自然时序来表达,例如叙述事件, 过去的事件先发生,现在的事件后发生, 叙述一般由过去向现在推进。在事理逻 辑关系的叙述上,英语常把结果放在前 面,而把原因、条件等放在后面。汉语 一般是先因后果,似乎更合逻辑。
第一点等于在说:一个人的思维完全由母语决定,因 为一个人只能根据其母语中编码设定的范畴和区别定义 来认识世界;人们的思想在很大程度上是由语言决定的。 人们观察和感知客观世界的方式取决于语言的词汇相结 构、因为人们观察和感知世界的过程是通过语言来实现 的。每一种语言都以特定的方式为它的说活者建构他的 世界。 第二点通俗点说是:语言结构有无限的多样性,因此 一种语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和区分定义为该语言 系统所独有,与其他语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和区 分定义不同。
中国人重整体(integrity)、偏重综合性 (synthetic)思维,英美人重个体 (individuality)、偏重分析性(analytic) 思维
中国人重直觉(intuition),英美人重实证 (evidence)
problem solving by providing a way to represent complex thoughts, it
has sometimes been proposed that linguistic systems might have a
considerably more fundamental effect on cognition. Indeed, it has
between them, as in Tell me, how are you? English: formal cohesion and coherence,
individualized thinking, synthetic(形合) Chinese:analytic, abstract, suggestive (意合)
❖ 杨振宁:“中国的文化是向模糊、朦胧及总 体的方向走,而西方文化是向准确而具体的 方向走。”
❖ 傅雷:“东方人与西方人的思维方式有基本 分歧:我人重综合、重归纳、重暗示。西人 则重分析、细致、曲折,挖掘惟恐不尽,描 写惟恐不周。”
中国人注重伦理(ethics),英美人注重认 知(cognition)
express meaning, it is natural to wonder about the possibility that
language might play a role in shaping how we think. While it is
certainly plausible to believe that language facilitates reasoning and
(将原文的动词巧妙地转换为译句的 主语) (2)搞得我心乱如麻。 译文:It made me upset.(增加指代被 说话者省略的某事的代词it作主语)
(3)袭人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你, 拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起 就忘了。”
译文:I’ll remember if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I’m not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.”(根据上下文 语境确定省略的主语)
❖ 要注意的是,英语中先果后因的结构是 就复句而言的。英语单句的层次还是先 说次要,后说主要。刘宓庆(2003: 122)指出,英语复句的层次安排常常是: 先说结论,后说分析;先说结果,后说 原因,先说假设,再说前提,句子重心 取前置式,而汉语单句和复句均取重心 后置式。