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关于科技的英语演讲稿—Techn ology andFutur e
演讲稿学生演讲稿关于科技的英语演讲稿—T ehnol og an d Fut ure
关于科技的英语演讲稿—Tehno log a nd Fu ture
2017-03-06the p resen e ofstude nts,ladie s and teah ers,evero ne! i as p repar ed in terva ls of loud toda, inhonor here enti tled"tehn ologand f uture" spe eh, i am v er pr oud o f bot h, bu t som e une ase.in re ent e ars,e hav e see n our grea t mot herla nd, t he au se of therapid
deve lopme nt of tehn olog, hihallome to a hi nesei fee l ver prou d. re membe r tha t lon g ago, ell phon e use almo st th e onl one, hihis al led,but a fe e ars a go, e ll ph ones
has u nderg one g reathange s, no t onl look more beau tiful, but also usemore, ou a n use thephone s totakepitur es, m eetin gs, i ntern et, t ext m essag es, e t. aserie s ofthing s tha t i t heirlifemoreonven ient, so i am m ore X Xre o f the stre ngthof th e teh nolog, but i am just a
fl edgli ngs s tuden ts, "tehno log"as th e ord also XXre of t he li mited, i a m una ble t o use some verdiffi ult t heorto el abora te te hnolo g xua nji,no ri ght t o ork on t heirelder s i a n
pro miseof th e teh nolog blue print. but i am illi ng to usea stu dent’s per speti ve to theimagi ne te hnolo g and thefutur e. f rom g eneti engi neeri ng "i s a l ive p rines" dre am, n ano-t ehnol og "- notashin g our loth ing," prom ises; from arti fiial inte llige ne "i ll gi ve ou a ut e rob ot do g" ar m, tr ansge ni te hnolo g "le t peo ple g ro mo use e ars"onder s. th e netehno log i n the birt h ofa netehno log t hat i ll le t peo ple i ld it h jo, beau se th ese n e teh nolog ies i s
gra duall impr oving ourlives, let us l earnmoreabout ours elves. inthe n ear t erm,hina
plete d its firs t sar s vir us ge nomeseque ning, sars is n o the orld’s la rgest reog nized thedange rs of thedisea se, b ut hnot o therountr ies p leted firs t, an d e j ust p leted theountr ies?ver s imple, thi s ill ustra tes t hat o ur ou ntr b akard than othe rs, o rse t han o thers, e l ook a t the past, had just star ted a ount r’s r eform andopeni ng up to t he ur rentlevel of s iene
and t ehnol og ha s lea d a l argeountr, our moth erlan d exp erien ed anumbe r ofups a nd
do ns, h o man diff iulti es an d bum p hoe ver,e sti ll ba k all of t he mo therl and,
the m other landbeaus e e f irmlbelie ve th at -not o nl te hnolo gialhange dest in, a n han ge
th e fut ure. forour g enera tion, thegener al fe eling of t he mu nit i s a s trong sens e of
petit ion,learn ing a foot don. sien e kno ledge is t he fo us of ouratten tion, albe rt ei nstei n,
an d ste phenhakin g, bi ll ga tes i s the star e ha ve in mind, put er si ene,phsis andhemis tr of mode rn dn ami i s ons tantl affe t us. e ha ve to unde rstan d the impo rtane of t ehnol og, k no
th at th e teh nolog univ ersal. al thoug h teh nolog to r eatea nelife
prosp ets s oliit ing t hough ts, i nspir ing.hoeve r, th e fin al an alsis is t hat e relon ou r mon
effo rts t o rea lize. , as thefutur e ons truti on of thebakbo ne of ourgener ation
of o ung p eople shou lders theburde n isnot l ight, ne o pport uniti es ar e ala s apa niedrisks andhalle nges, bute ill notgiveup th at ea sil,e use ourouthto pr edees sorsvoed: neve r
liv e upto th eir p redee ssors of o ur ho pe. looki ng ba k atthe h istor of i viliz ation, and erson is t he hi storof ma nkind agai nst t he da rknes s ofignor ane,is th e sie ntifi lita fir e in
the r aging huma n sou l ofhope; tehn ologsuppo rt iv iliza tion, sien e and tehn ologto
re ate t he fu ture, butthe f uture is i n our hand s. le t usbee k noled ge ex plore rs, l et us
unkn on ro aming on t he ro ad, l et me useour r eativ it to theorlde liv e a b etter plae. 在场的学生们,女士们,老师,大家好!我准备间隔云今天,为了纪念在这里题为“科技与未来”的讲话,我感到非常自豪的两个,但有些不安。
非常困难的理论阐述技术xua nji ,没有权利对他们的长辈的工作我可以保证的技术蓝图。
在近期内,中国完成了其第一个sars病毒基因组测序, sa rs是目前世界上最大的承认危险的疾病,但我们为什么不把其他国家完成第一次,我们刚刚完成的国家?很简单,这说明我们的国家比其他国家落后,不如别人,我们回顾过去,刚刚开始了一个国家的改革开放和当前的科技水平已经导致一个大国,我们的祖国经历了一些的跌宕起伏,有多少困难和坎坷,但我们仍然回到所有的祖国,祖国,因为我们坚信,-不仅是技术变革的命运,可以改变未来。
关于科技的英语演讲稿—Te hnolo g and Futu re