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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
正常表现(有利 )
抗病原微生物 的侵袭
清除损伤、衰老 、死亡细胞
清除突变或畸变 的恶性细胞
异常表现(有害) 超敏反应 易受感染或免疫缺陷 病
免疫系统 (immune system):机体执行免疫功能的 组织、器官、细胞和分子构成免疫系统。
The four kinds of pathogens that cause human disease
5. Advances in technology (e.g., Cell culture, Monoclonal Ab, Flow cytometry, Genetic engineering…etc) have facilitated our understanding of the immune system and its functions. “Descriptive Science” => “Experimental Science”
1. Invariant among a given class of microbes.
2. Have essential roles in microbial physiology.
3. Recognized by receptors of the innate immune system, called PRRs (Pattern-Recognition Receptors).
In 1989, Janeway => Immune recognition of microbes => Detection of conserved molecular patterns, referred to PAMPs (Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns) with features:
3. The medical view of immunity => Edward Jenner (1796) Observation => Milkmaids generally get No Smallpox Hypothesis => Pus from vaccinia (cowpox) => Protect milkmaids from smallpox Test => Inoculate materials from cowpox pus => Protect a young boy from smallpox (Protective immunity)
Diversity of pattern recognition receptors
固有免疫细胞表面、内体、溶酶体、细胞质中、可识别一种或 多种PAMPs或DAMPs的识别分子。
可 溶 性 : 体 液和血 液
甘 露 聚 糖 凝 集素( MBL) C反 应 蛋 白 ( CRP) 脂 多 糖 结 合 蛋白( LBP)
diseases caused by microorganisms => Louis Pasteur => Vaccines against cholera & rabies => These clinical successes => The search of underlying mechanism of “Protection of Infectious Diseases” => The development of “Immunology”
Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
MyD88-Dependent and independent Signaling
NLRs are cytoplasmic bacterial sensors that activate inflammasomes
Key concepts in innate immunity
1. The innate immune system mainly recognizes common structures shared by classes of microbes, => Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs), e.g., LPS, Peptidoglycan, Microbial DNA & RNA.
固有免疫应答的作用时相: 瞬时固有免疫应答阶段、早期固有免疫应答阶段、适应性免疫应答诱导阶段
屏障 细胞
皮肤黏膜屏障:物理、化学、微生 物
血-胎屏障、气-血屏障 巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞、树突状细胞、 γδT 细胞、NK细胞、NKT细胞、 B1细胞、肥大细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞 和嗜酸性粒细胞等。
Eradication of smallpox
Edward Jenner
30 Countries with more than one smallpox case 15
per month
0 1965
200 years WHO announce after Jenner smallpox eradicated
Pattern Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Lipoteichoic acid Bacterial lipopeptides Peptidoglycan Yeast and gram+ bacteria Bacterial DNA (CpG) Flagellin Terminal mannose/fucose Viral DNA (CpG) ssRNA dsRNA
Overview of immune responses
固有免疫 (innate immunity)
是机体抵御病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,并启动和参与 适应性免疫应答。
天然免疫(natural immunity)或非特异性免疫 (nonspecific immunity),是个体出生时就具有的免疫力 ,通过遗传获得,是生物在长期进化过程中逐渐形成的, 其针对外来异物的范围广,反应迅速,其应答模式和强度 不因与病原微生物的反复接触而改变。
4. PRRs may also recognize components from injured or dead host cells => Autoimmune diseases
PathogenAssociated Molecular Patterns
是病原微生物(尤其是原核 生物)表面存在一些人体所 没有的,但可为许多相关微 生物所共享、结构恒定、进 化保守的分子结构。
抗菌肽、溶菌酶、急 性期蛋白、补体、细 胞因子和黏附分子、
Epithelial barriers prevent the entry of microbes
Monocyte-macrophage Neutrophil
➢ Phagocyte
➢NK ➢ILLs(固有样淋巴细胞)
T细胞 NKT细胞 B1细胞
细 胞 吞 噬 型 :细胞 膜
甘 露 糖 受 体 (MR) 清 道 夫 受 体 (SR) 补 体 受 体 ( CR) Fc受 体 ( FcR) 甲 酰 甲 硫 氨 酰肽受 体(fMLPR)
细胞膜 内体、溶酶体 细胞质
TLR1、 2、 4、 5、 6、 10、 11 TLR3、 7、 8、 9 NLRs、 RLRs、 ALRs
The vaccination against smallpox
Exudate from a cowpox pustule on the hand of milkmaid Sarah Nelmes was inserted into scratches on the arms of James Phipps, May 14, 1796.
The development of modern Immunology in 20th century mainly centers on understanding the Adaptive Immune System.
The “Renaissance” of innate immunity
Charles A. Janeway, M.D. Yale Univ.
传统概念指免除疫病、免除感染,指机体抗感染 的防御能力。
现代概念指机体对“自己”或“非己”的识别并 排除“非己”的功能。
免疫防御 immune defence
免疫稳定 immune homeostasis 免疫监视 immune surveillance
Elie Mechnikoff:The Pioneer of Innate Im1m. uTnhietDyiscovery of Phagocytes & Phagocytosis
2. The Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1908
Adopted from Nature Immunology, July 2008
(damage-associated molecular patterns,DAMPs)
机体自身细胞所释 放的内源性分子, 即内源性危险信号 ,来源于受损或坏 死组织和某些激活 的免疫细胞。主要 有HMGB1、热体 克蛋白等。
conserved microbial motifs VS non-microbial signals
2. Host receptors that recognize PAMPs are called PatternRecognition Receptors (PRRs), which are encoded in “Germline” DNA=> limited Diversity.
3. Innate immunity not only provide the first line of defenses but link to the program of adaptive immunity.
4. Innate immunity regulates adaptive immunity
The “Renaissance” of innate immunity
In 1996, Hoffmann’s group Toll functions as a PRR
in Drosophila
Julie A. Hoffmann, Ph.D. Strasbourg, France
Sterile inflammation
Toll-like Receptors
Locations of Different PRRs
Body fluids -Soluble PRRs
Cellular PRRs - Cell surface
- Endosomes
- Cytosol
Surface receptors of macrophages
抗菌肽 antimicrobial peptides 溶菌酶 lysozyme 急性期蛋白(acute phase proteins, APP)
脂多糖结合蛋白(LBP) 血清淀粉样蛋白(SAP) 甘露糖结合蛋白(MBP) C反应蛋白等(CRP)
Complement activation pathways
1975 1980
4. The concept of “Immunity” developed gradually over time through many scientific findings: => Robert Koch (1905 Nobel Laureate) => Infectious
➢DC ➢MC ➢Basophil ➢Eosinophil
Phagocytosis by innate immunity
Leukocyte recruitment to sites of inflammation
or DC
指体表分泌液以及血浆和其它体液中能够识别或攻击病原体 的可溶性分子。
正常表现(有利 )
抗病原微生物 的侵袭
清除损伤、衰老 、死亡细胞
清除突变或畸变 的恶性细胞
异常表现(有害) 超敏反应 易受感染或免疫缺陷 病
免疫系统 (immune system):机体执行免疫功能的 组织、器官、细胞和分子构成免疫系统。
The four kinds of pathogens that cause human disease
5. Advances in technology (e.g., Cell culture, Monoclonal Ab, Flow cytometry, Genetic engineering…etc) have facilitated our understanding of the immune system and its functions. “Descriptive Science” => “Experimental Science”
1. Invariant among a given class of microbes.
2. Have essential roles in microbial physiology.
3. Recognized by receptors of the innate immune system, called PRRs (Pattern-Recognition Receptors).
In 1989, Janeway => Immune recognition of microbes => Detection of conserved molecular patterns, referred to PAMPs (Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns) with features:
3. The medical view of immunity => Edward Jenner (1796) Observation => Milkmaids generally get No Smallpox Hypothesis => Pus from vaccinia (cowpox) => Protect milkmaids from smallpox Test => Inoculate materials from cowpox pus => Protect a young boy from smallpox (Protective immunity)
Diversity of pattern recognition receptors
固有免疫细胞表面、内体、溶酶体、细胞质中、可识别一种或 多种PAMPs或DAMPs的识别分子。
可 溶 性 : 体 液和血 液
甘 露 聚 糖 凝 集素( MBL) C反 应 蛋 白 ( CRP) 脂 多 糖 结 合 蛋白( LBP)
diseases caused by microorganisms => Louis Pasteur => Vaccines against cholera & rabies => These clinical successes => The search of underlying mechanism of “Protection of Infectious Diseases” => The development of “Immunology”
Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
MyD88-Dependent and independent Signaling
NLRs are cytoplasmic bacterial sensors that activate inflammasomes
Key concepts in innate immunity
1. The innate immune system mainly recognizes common structures shared by classes of microbes, => Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs), e.g., LPS, Peptidoglycan, Microbial DNA & RNA.
固有免疫应答的作用时相: 瞬时固有免疫应答阶段、早期固有免疫应答阶段、适应性免疫应答诱导阶段
屏障 细胞
皮肤黏膜屏障:物理、化学、微生 物
血-胎屏障、气-血屏障 巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞、树突状细胞、 γδT 细胞、NK细胞、NKT细胞、 B1细胞、肥大细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞 和嗜酸性粒细胞等。
Eradication of smallpox
Edward Jenner
30 Countries with more than one smallpox case 15
per month
0 1965
200 years WHO announce after Jenner smallpox eradicated
Pattern Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Lipoteichoic acid Bacterial lipopeptides Peptidoglycan Yeast and gram+ bacteria Bacterial DNA (CpG) Flagellin Terminal mannose/fucose Viral DNA (CpG) ssRNA dsRNA
Overview of immune responses
固有免疫 (innate immunity)
是机体抵御病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,并启动和参与 适应性免疫应答。
天然免疫(natural immunity)或非特异性免疫 (nonspecific immunity),是个体出生时就具有的免疫力 ,通过遗传获得,是生物在长期进化过程中逐渐形成的, 其针对外来异物的范围广,反应迅速,其应答模式和强度 不因与病原微生物的反复接触而改变。
4. PRRs may also recognize components from injured or dead host cells => Autoimmune diseases
PathogenAssociated Molecular Patterns
是病原微生物(尤其是原核 生物)表面存在一些人体所 没有的,但可为许多相关微 生物所共享、结构恒定、进 化保守的分子结构。
抗菌肽、溶菌酶、急 性期蛋白、补体、细 胞因子和黏附分子、
Epithelial barriers prevent the entry of microbes
Monocyte-macrophage Neutrophil
➢ Phagocyte
➢NK ➢ILLs(固有样淋巴细胞)
T细胞 NKT细胞 B1细胞
细 胞 吞 噬 型 :细胞 膜
甘 露 糖 受 体 (MR) 清 道 夫 受 体 (SR) 补 体 受 体 ( CR) Fc受 体 ( FcR) 甲 酰 甲 硫 氨 酰肽受 体(fMLPR)
细胞膜 内体、溶酶体 细胞质
TLR1、 2、 4、 5、 6、 10、 11 TLR3、 7、 8、 9 NLRs、 RLRs、 ALRs
The vaccination against smallpox
Exudate from a cowpox pustule on the hand of milkmaid Sarah Nelmes was inserted into scratches on the arms of James Phipps, May 14, 1796.
The development of modern Immunology in 20th century mainly centers on understanding the Adaptive Immune System.
The “Renaissance” of innate immunity
Charles A. Janeway, M.D. Yale Univ.
传统概念指免除疫病、免除感染,指机体抗感染 的防御能力。
现代概念指机体对“自己”或“非己”的识别并 排除“非己”的功能。
免疫防御 immune defence
免疫稳定 immune homeostasis 免疫监视 immune surveillance
Elie Mechnikoff:The Pioneer of Innate Im1m. uTnhietDyiscovery of Phagocytes & Phagocytosis
2. The Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1908
Adopted from Nature Immunology, July 2008
(damage-associated molecular patterns,DAMPs)
机体自身细胞所释 放的内源性分子, 即内源性危险信号 ,来源于受损或坏 死组织和某些激活 的免疫细胞。主要 有HMGB1、热体 克蛋白等。
conserved microbial motifs VS non-microbial signals
2. Host receptors that recognize PAMPs are called PatternRecognition Receptors (PRRs), which are encoded in “Germline” DNA=> limited Diversity.
3. Innate immunity not only provide the first line of defenses but link to the program of adaptive immunity.
4. Innate immunity regulates adaptive immunity
The “Renaissance” of innate immunity
In 1996, Hoffmann’s group Toll functions as a PRR
in Drosophila
Julie A. Hoffmann, Ph.D. Strasbourg, France
Sterile inflammation
Toll-like Receptors
Locations of Different PRRs
Body fluids -Soluble PRRs
Cellular PRRs - Cell surface
- Endosomes
- Cytosol
Surface receptors of macrophages
抗菌肽 antimicrobial peptides 溶菌酶 lysozyme 急性期蛋白(acute phase proteins, APP)
脂多糖结合蛋白(LBP) 血清淀粉样蛋白(SAP) 甘露糖结合蛋白(MBP) C反应蛋白等(CRP)
Complement activation pathways
1975 1980
4. The concept of “Immunity” developed gradually over time through many scientific findings: => Robert Koch (1905 Nobel Laureate) => Infectious
➢DC ➢MC ➢Basophil ➢Eosinophil
Phagocytosis by innate immunity
Leukocyte recruitment to sites of inflammation
or DC
指体表分泌液以及血浆和其它体液中能够识别或攻击病原体 的可溶性分子。