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2.水文勘测hydrologic reconnaissance
3.水文遥感技术remote-sensing technology in hydrology
4.水文空间技术space technology in hydrology
5.水文核技术nuclear technology in hydrology
6.全球定位系统global positioning system
8.驻测stationary gauging
9.巡测tour gauging 10.间测intermittent gauging 11.检测test gauging
12.校测corrective gauging 13.委托观测entrust gauging 14.水文仪器hydrologic instrument 15.直读仪器direct-reading instrument 16.自记仪器automatic-recording instrument
17.遥测装置remote telemetry unit 18.传感器sensor 19.固态存贮器solid storage
20.计数器counter 21.记录器recorder 22.显示器display unit
23.平均无故障工作时间mean time between failures 24.相应水位equivalent stage
1.水文测站hydrometric station
2.基本站basic station
3.辅助站auxiliary station
4.专用站special station
5.水文实验站hydrologic experimental station
6.基准水文站bench mark hydrologic station
7.水文气象站hydrometeorologic station
8.巡测站tour gauging station 9.水文站gauging station 10.大河控制站main-stream control station 11.区域代表站regional representative station 12.小河站small-stream station
13.河道站river station 14.水库站reservoir station 15.渠道站canal station
16.湖泊站lake station 17.堰闸站weir and sluice station 18.水位站stage gauging station
19.潮水位站(验潮站)tidal level station 20.水库水位站reservoir stage gauging station
21.湖泊水位站lake stage gauging station 22.配套雨量站complete set rain gauging station
23.雨量站(降水量站)rain gauging station (precipitation station) 24.雨量观测场rain observation yard
25.水面蒸发站water surface evaporation station
26.陆上水面蒸发场water surface evaporation yard on land
27.漂浮水面蒸发场floating water surface evaporation yard
28.水质站(水质监测站)water quality (monitoring) station 29.泥沙站sediment station
30.地下水观测井observation well of groundwater 31.水文站网hydrologic network
32.基本站网basic hydrologic network 33.流量站网streamflow gauging network
34.雨量站网rain gauging network 35.水面蒸发站网water surface evaporation network
36.水位站网stage gauging network 37.泥沙站网sediment gauging network
38.水质站网water quality network 39.地下水观测井网groundwater observation well network 40.站网规划hydrologic network planning 41.水文分区hydrologic regionalization
42.站网布设network layout 43.站网分析network analysis 44.站网检验network examination 45.站网优化network optimization 46.站网调整network adjustment 47.站网密度network density 48.现实密度real density 49.可用密度usable density 50.容许最稀站网minimum network
51.设站年限station required age 52.水文信息hydrologic information
53.水文效益hydrologic benefit
2.绝对基面(标准基面)absolute datum
3.假定基面arbitrary datum
4.测站基面station datum
5.冻结基面stationary datum
6.测站控制station control
7.河槽控制channel control 8.断面控制section control 9.人工控制artificial control
10.河底控制river bottom control 11.槛式控制sill control 12.测验河段measuring reach
13.水流平面图flow plane map 14.水道地形图channel topographic map
15.断面标志cross-section sign 16.断面桩cross-section stake 17.标志杆sign rod
18.辐射杆radiation rod 19.基线base line 20.基线桩base line stake 21.水准点benchmark 22.基本水准点basic benchmark 23.校核水准点check benchmark
24.临时水准点temporary benchmark 25.测验断面measuring cross-section
26.基本水尺断面basic gauge cross-section 27.流速仪测流断面current-meter measuring cross-section 28.浮标测流断面float measuring cross-section 29.比降水尺断面slope measuring cross-section 30.辅助水尺断面secondary gauging cross-section 31.水文缆道hydrometric cableway
32.临时测流断面temporary measuring cross-section 33.悬索缆道suspended cableway
34.悬杆缆道suspended rod cableway 35.机动缆道motorized cableway
36.手动缆道hand-operating cableway 37.主索main cable 38.循环索loop cable
39.起重索suspension cable 40.水文缆车hydrometric cable car 41.水文测船hydrometric boat 42.吊船过河索cableway for anchoring boat 43.缆道测验仪cableway measuring device
44.水文测桥hydrometric bridge 45.桥测车gauging vehicle on bridge
46.水文巡测车tour gauging vehicle for hydrometry 47.水准测量leveling
48.跨河水准测量river-crossing leveling 49.水尺零点测量survey of gauge zero
50.控制测量control survey 51.高程控制测量vertical control survey
52.平面控制测量horizontal control survey 53.导线测量traverse survey 54.三角测量triangulation 55.距离测量distance survey 56.河道观测river survey 57.地形测量topographic survey
58.碎部测量detail survey 59.水下地形测量underwater topographic survey
3.积雪深度snow depth
4.积雪密度snow density
5.雪水当量water equivalent of snow
6.降水历时precipitation duration
7.降雨强度rainfall intensity 8.降水日数number of precipitation days 9.承水器raingauge receiver 10.降水量观测precipitation observation 11.雨量器raingauge 12.量杯measuring glass
13.累积雨量器accumulative raingauge 14.雨量计rainfall recorder 15.雪量器snow gauge
16.虹吸式雨量计siphon rainfall recorder 17.翻斗式雨量计tipping-bucket rainfall recorder
18.长期雨量计long-term rainfall recorder 19.遥测雨量计telemetering rainfall recorder
20.测雨雷达precipitation-monitoring radar 21.雨雪量计rain and snow recorder
22.蒸发量evaporation 23.蒸发量观测evaporation observation 24.遮挡率screen ratio
25.蒸发量折算系数reduction coefficient of evaporation 26.蒸发器evaporation pan
27.小型蒸发器(蒸发皿)small evaporation pan 28.E-601型蒸发器evaporation pan of type E-601 29.漂浮蒸发器floating evaporation pan 30.蒸发计evaporimeter
31.遥测蒸发计telemetering evaporimeter 32.散发量(蒸腾量)transpiration
33.蒸散量evapotranspiration 34.蒸发能力evaporative capacity (potential evaporation)
1.水位观测stage observation
2.水尺零点gauge zero
3.最高水位maximum stage
4.最低水位minimum stage
5.平均水位mean stage
6.水位变幅fluctuation range of stage
7.比降观测slope observation 8.涨落率rate of rise and fall
9.水面起伏度undulating range of surface 10.水温观测water temperature observation
11.水温表water thermometer 12.波浪观测wave observation 13.波高wave height
14.波长wave length 15.波峰wave crest 16.波谷wave trough 17.波陡wave steep
18.测波仪wave meter 19.水尺gauge 20.直立水尺vertical gauge 21.倾斜水尺inclined gauge 22.悬锤水尺wire weight gauge 23.矮桩水尺stake gauge 24.测针水尺point gauge
25.钩形水尺hook gauge 26.最高水位水尺crest stage gauge 27.校核水尺check gauge
28.基本水尺basic gauge 29.辅助水尺auxiliary gauge 30.比降水尺slope gauge
31.临时水尺temporary gauge 32.水尺零点高度elevation of gauge zero
33.水尺读数gauge reading 34.水位计stage gauge 35.自记水位计stage recorder
36.浮子式水位计float-type stage recorder 37.压力式水位计pressure-type stage recorder
38.超声波水位计ultrasonic stage recorder 39.遥测水位计telemetering stage recorder
40.接触式水位计contact-type stage recorder 41.远传水位计telecontrol stage recorder
42.自记水位计台stage recorder installation 43.静水井stilling well
2.测得水深measured depth
3.有效水深effective depth
4.相对水深relative depth
5.断面平均水深mean depth at across-section
7.测深垂线sounding vertical 8.测深杆sounding rod 9.测深锤sounding weight
10.超声波测深仪(回声测深仪)ultrasonic sounder (echo sounder) 11.断面索tag line
12.压力测深仪pressure sounder 13.铅鱼elliptic-type weight 14水面宽water surface width 15.起点距distance from initial point 16.河底高程river bed elevation 17.横断面cross-section 18.大断面possible maximum cross-section 19.过水断面wetted cross-section
20.水道断面channel cross-section 21.断面面积cross-section area 22.部分面积segment area 23.纵断面longitudinal profile 24.深泓纵断面thalweg profile 25.拉偏索pull slanting cable
26平均河底高程纵剖面mean channel bed elevation profile 27.干绳改正air line correction
28.悬索偏角改正sounding line correction 29.湿绳改正wet line correction
1.流速测量velocity measurement
2.水面流速surface velocity
3.测点流速velocity at a point
4.最大测点流速maximum point velocity
5.测速垂线velocity-measuring vertical
6.垂线平均流速mean velocity at a vertical
7.部分平均流速mean velocity at a segment
8.断面平均流速mean velocity at a cross-section 9.浮标流速float velocity
10.中泓流速midstream velocity 11.流速分布velocity distribution
12.流速梯度velocity gradient 13.垂线流速分布vertical velocity distribution
14.断面流速分布cross-section velocity distribution 15.测点流速系数point velocity coefficient 16.水面流速系数surface velocity coefficient 17.顺流downstream flow 18.逆流upstream flow 19.流速脉动velocity pulsation 20.中泓midstream 21.流向测量flow-direction measurement 22.断面平均流向mean flow direction at across-section 23.流向偏角oblique angle of flow direction 24.流向改正correction for flow direction 25.流向仪flow-direction meter
26.流量测量discharge measurement 27.流量discharge 28.平均流量mean discharge
29.精测法intensive method 30.常测法conventional method 31.简测法simplified method
32.流速面积法velocity area method 33.流速仪法current-meter method
34.积宽法width-integrating method 35.积深法depth-integrating method
36.选点法point-integrating method 37.动船法moving boat method 38.单宽流量unit discharge 39.部分流量segment discharge 40.比降面积法slope area method 41.浮标法float method
42.浮标系数float coefficient 43.水面浮标系数surface float coefficient 44.流速仪current-meter 45.中泓浮标系数midstream float coefficient 46.虚流量virtual discharge 47.体积法cubature 48.超声波测流法ultrasonic gauging method 49.电磁测流法electromagnetic gauging method
50.转子式流速仪rotating-element current-meter 51.旋杯式流速仪cup-type current-meter
52.旋桨式流速仪propeller-type current-meter 53.电磁流速仪electromagnetic current-meter
54.电波流速仪electric wave current-meter 55.超声波剖面流速仪ultrasonic profile current-meter 56.多普勒流速仪Doppler current-meter 57.参证流速仪reference current-meter
58.流量计flow meter 59.文杜里水流计Venturi flow meter 60.毕托管Pitot tube
61.流速仪检定current-meter calibration 62.检定槽calibration tank 63.水面浮标surface float 64.检定车calibration carriage 65.浮标float 66.小浮标small float 67.双浮标double float 68.浮杆float-rod 69.中泓浮标midstream float 70.测杆wading rod 71.浮标投放器float thrower 72.涉水测流wading stream gauging 73.水面比降water surface slope 74.湿周wetted perimeter 75.最大(最小)流量maximum(minimum) discharge 76.水力半径hydraulic radius
77.糙率roughness 78.流速测点velocity measuring point 79.相应水位equivalent stage
80.流速历时velocity measuring duration 81.垂线流速系数vertical velocity coefficient
1.建筑物测流structure stream-gauging
3.薄壁堰thin-plate weir
4.三角形堰triangular notch weir
5.矩形堰rectangular notch weir
6.梯形堰trapezoidal notch weir
7.实用堰short-crested weir
8.宽顶堰broad-crested weir
9.三角形剖面堰triangular-profile weir 10.平坦V形堰flat-V weir 11.复合堰compound weir 12.全宽堰full-width weir
13.收缩堰contracted weir 14.测流槽(量水槽)flume 15.文杜里水槽V enturi flume
16.临界水深水槽critical-depth flume 17.巴歇尔槽Parshall flume 18.堰体weir body
19.堰高height of weir 20.堰顶高程elevation of weir crest 21.堰顶水头weir head
22.水工建筑物测流flow measurement by hydraulic structure 23.闸门开启高度gate opening
24.行进河槽approach channel 25.行进流速approach velocity 26.堰流weir flow
27.流态flow regime 28.自由流free flow 29.淹没流submerged flow 30.临界流critical flow 31.半淹没流half-submerged flow 32.孔流sluice flow 33.淹没比submergence ratio
34.淹没系数submergence coefficient 35.流速系数velocity coefficient 36.临界水深critical depth 37.流量系数discharge coefficient 38.收缩断面水深depth of vena contraction 39.水头head 40.垂线收缩系数coefficient of vertical contraction 41.水舌nappe 42.喉道throat
43.稀释法测流dilution method for discharge measurement 44.示踪剂tracer 45.稀释比dilution ratio 46.标准溶液standard solution 47.背景浓度background concentration 48.混匀长度mixing length 49.等速注入法constant-rate injection method 50.取样断面sampling cross-section
51.一次注入法(积分法)gulp injection method (integrating method)
52.多点注入法multiple injection method 53.注入断面injection cross-section
1.泥沙测验sediment measurement
2.断面平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at a cross-section
3.测点含沙量sediment concentration at a point
4.单样含沙量index sediment concentration
5.垂线平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at a vertical
6.推移质bed load
7.相应单样含沙量equivalent index sediment concentration 8.悬移质suspended load
9.悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge 10.全沙total load 11.河床质bed material
12.悬移质输沙率测验suspended sediment discharge measurement 13.单样index sample
14.推移质输沙率bed load discharge 15.单宽推移质输沙率bed load discharge per unit width 16.单样推移质输沙率index bed load discharge 17.含沙量sediment concentration
18.推移质输沙率测验bed load discharge measurement 19.积深法depth-integrated method
20.单断沙关系index-sectional sediment concentration relation 21.器测法sampling method
22.全断面混合法cross-section mixing method 23.定比混合法fixed proportional mixing method 24.坑测法pit method 25.沙波法dune tracking method 26.床沙测验bed tracking measurement 27.照相法photographic method 28.打印法stamp pad method 29.推移质带动bed load moving strip 30.床沙采样器bed material sampler 31.悬移质采样器suspended sediment sampler
32.瞬时式采样器instantaneous sampler 33.积时式采样器time-integrating sampler
34.瓶式采样器bottled sampler 35.皮囊式采样器collapsible sampler
36.泵式采样器pumping sampler 37.调压式采样器pressure adjustable sampler
38.推移质采样器bed load sampler 39.河床质采样器bed material sampler
40.网式采样器basket-type sampler 41.压差式采样器pressure-difference sampler
42.进口流速系数intake velocity coefficient 43.泥沙颗粒分析particle size analysis
44.同位素测沙仪radioisotope sediment concentration meter 45.采样效率sampling efficiency 46.光电测沙仪photoelectric sediment concentration meter 47.过滤法filtration method
48.振动式测沙仪vibrational sediment concentration meter 49.水样处理sample processing
50.烘干法oven-dry method 51.置换法displacement method 51.泥沙密度density of sediment 53.尺量法direct measurement method 54.称重法gravimetric method 55.筛分析法sieve analysis 56.粒径计法settling tube method 57.吸管法pipet method 58.消光法photosedimentation method 59.比重计法(密度计法)hydrometer method 60.离心沉降法centrifugal settling method
61.水分析法analysis in still water 62.颗分仪器grain-size analysis meter 63.分析筛sieve
64.沉降管sedimentation tube 65.粒径计settling tube meter 66.吸管pipet
67.光电颗分仪photoelectric particle size meter 68.比重计(密度计)hydrometer
69.泥沙沉降sediment settling 70.沉降速度fall velocity 71.平均沉速mean fall velocity
72.絮凝flocculation 73.反凝剂deflocculation agent 74.粒径particle diameter(grain size)
75.中数粒径median particle diameter 76.平均粒径mean particle diameter
77.粒径组fraction of particle size 78.颗粒级配grain-size distribution
79.颗粒级配曲线grain size distribution curve 80.单样颗粒级配index sample grain-size distribution
81.垂线平均颗粒级配mean grain-size distribution in avertical
82.断面平均颗粒级配mean grain-size distribution in across-section
83.累积沙重百分数accumulated sediment weight percent 84.分沙器silt divider
1.地下水groundwater(subsurface water, subterranean water)
2.隔水层impermeable strata
3.地下水动态观测groundwater regime observation
4.地下水位计groundwater stage gauge
5.地下水动态要素elements of groundwater regime
6.地下水天然动态natural groundwater regime
7.地下水开采动态groundwater regime under exploitation
8.透水层permeable strata
9.地下水动态曲线hydrograph of groundwater element 10.地下水位water table (groundwater level) 11.地下水位下降速率decline rate of groundwater level 12.潜水埋深depth of phreatic water
13.观测井(孔)固定点reference mark on observation well 14. 承压水confined water
15.含水层aquifer 16.观测井(孔)observation well of groundwater 17.潜水phreatic water level 18.潜水位phreatic water level 19.承压水顶板埋深depth of confined water
20.承压水头height of confined water 21.抽水试验pumping test 22.单井开采量individual well yield 23.地下水开采量groundwater yield 24.地下水均衡场balance plot of groundwater
1.水质water quality
2.水质监测water quality monitoring
3.流动监测movable monitoring
4.自动监测automatic monitoring
5.生物监测biological monitoring
6.混合样mixed sample
7.污染源调查pollution source survey 8.采样断面sampling cross-section 9.底质substratum 10.对照断面check cross-section 11.控制断面control cross-section 12.离子含量ion concentration 13.削减断面attenuation cross-section 14.水质本底water quality background 15痕迹量minor value 16.离子总量total ion concentration 17.离子流量ion discharge 18.检出率detection rate
19.超标率over-limit rate 20.未检出nonreadout 21.水质标准water quality standard
22.水质评价water quality evaluation 23.分析质量控制analysis quality control 24.回收率recovery 25.便携式水质监测仪portable water quality monitor 26.水样保存water-sample preservation
27.水质自动检测系统automatic water quality analyzing system
28.卫星水质遥测系统remote-measuring system of water quality by satellite
29.溶解气体采样器dissolved gases sampler
1.冰凇rime ice
2.微冰slight ice
3.岸冰border ice(shore ice)
4.冰花尺frazil slush ruler
5.冰花frazil slush (slush ice; sludge)
6.冰花密度density of frazil slush
7.流冰花slush ice run
8.冰花折算系数adjustment facter of frazil slush
9.流冰ice run 10.水内冰submerged ice
11.冰流量ice discharge 12.流冰疏密度ice run concentration 13.敞露水面宽open-water width 14.冰盖ice cover 15.封冻freeze-up 16.封冻日期freeze-up date 17.水侵冰厚depth of immersed ice 18.量冰尺ice ruler 19.冰上雪深depth of snow on ice 20.层冰层水ice-water alternating layers 21.锚冰anchor ice 22.青沟lead 23.连底冻freezing through 24.冰塞ice jam 25.冰坝ice dam 26.岸边融冰ice melting by shore 27.冰滑动ice creep 28.冰情观测ice-regime observation 29.固定点冰厚测量fixed-pointice thickness measurement 30.初冰日期first-ice date
31.冰情目测visual observation of ice regime 32.冰情符号ice code 33.解冻ice break-up
34.解冻日期break-up date 35.残冰堆积ice ledge 36.冰期ice period 37.终冰日期end ice date 38.封冰期freezing period (duration of ice cover) 39.封冻历时freeze-up duration
40.冰花厚thickness of frazil slush 41.冰网ice basket 42.冰花采样器sampler of frazil slush 43.冰钻ice drill 44.冰厚仪ice thickness meter
2.潮流tidal current
4.潮汐日tidal day
5.潮汐周期tidal cycle
6.潮汐河流(潮水河)tidal river
7.潮流界tidal current limit
8.潮区界tidal limit
9.大潮spring tide 10期interval from low (high) water 11涨(落)潮flood (ebb) tide 12小潮neap tide
13(低)潮位high (low) water level 14高(低)潮间隙high(low) water lunitidal interval
15.涨(落)潮历时duration of rise (fall)16.涨(落)潮潮差flood (ebb) tide range
17.涨(落)潮流flood (ebb) current 18.憩流slack tide 19.潮流期interval of tidal current
20.潮流量tidal discharge 21.涨(落)潮流历时duration of flood (ebb) current 22.潮汐曲线marigram 23.涨(落)潮量flood (ebb) tide volume 24.潮流总量sum of tidal volume 25.潮汐表tidal table 26.潮水位观测(验潮)tidal level observation 27.验潮仪tidal gauge 28.代表潮representative tide 29.潮水河测验hydrologic observation of tidal river 30.潮流量tidal discharge
31.全潮流量测验discharge measurement of tidal day 32.潮流曲线tidal current curve
33.潮流表tidal current table 34.等深点流速改正法revisedisobath-velocity method
35.负波高negative wave height36.流速过程线改正法revised velocity- hydrograph method
37有效潮差significant tidal range
1.水库水文测验hydrometry for reservoir
2.坝上水位stage at dam front
3.库区水位stage in reservoir region
4.水位淤积量reservoir sedimentation survey
5.水位淤积测量reservoir sedimentation survey
6.淤积物密度density of sedimentation
7.异重流density current 8.水库渗漏量reservoir leakage 9.水库蓄水量reservoir storage
10.水库蓄水变量variation of reservoir storage 11.蓄水量变率rate of storage change
12.库容曲线stage-capacity curve 13.入库水量reservoir inflow 14.出库水量reservoir outflow
15.水库供水reservoir water supply 16.水库弃水surplus water released from reservoir
17.水库蓄水变率rate of reservoir storage change 18.地形法method of topographic survey
19断面法method of cross-section survey 20.淤积形态morphology of reservoir deposition
21.淤积三角洲sedimentation delta 22.异重流测验density-current measurement
23.塌岸观测bank caving observation
1.水文调查hydrological investigation
2.流域调查basin investigation
3.水系调查hydrographic net investigation
4.水工程调查water-project investigation
5.水环境调查water environmental investigation
6.水量调查water-quantity investigation
7.测站常规调查normal investingation of hydrometric station 8.暴雨调查storm investigation
9.洪水调查flood investigation 10.洪痕flood marks 11.枯水调查low water investigation
12.水面曲线法water surface profile method 13.历史洪水调查historical flood investigation
14.溃坝洪水调查dam=break flood investigation 15.积雪调查snow-cover investigation
16.固定点洪水调查fixed point flood investigation 17.枯水调查low-flow investigation
18.泉水调查spring investigation 19.岩溶地区水文调查hydrologic investigation in karst areas 20.实际地表集水面积actual surface collecting area 21.交换水量exchange water
22.沙量调整silt-quantity investigation 23.水质调查water quality investigation
24.调查区investigation zone 25.洪峰流量peak discharge 26.洪水总量flood volume
1.代表流域representative basin 2实验流域experimental basin 3.径流场runoff plot
4.蒸发池evaporation tank
5.土壤蒸发器soil evaporimeter
7.蒸渗仪lysimeter 8.土壤水soil water 9.土壤含水量soil moisture content
10.土壤含水率percentage of soil moisture content 11.中子测水仪neutron moisture gauge
12.水文实验研究experimental research in hydrology 13.地下水均衡场groundwater balance plot 14农田蒸发器evaporator for agricultural land 15.抽水试验pumping test
16.注水试验injection test 17.入渗试验infiltration test 18.土壤水观测soil-water observation 19.潜水蒸发试验phreatic water evaporation test 20.土壤水分测定仪soil-moisture content analyzer 21.土壤张力计soil tensiometer 22.微波土壤湿度计microwave soil hygrometer
23.土壤温度计soil temperature meter 24.河床演变观测fluvial processes observation
1.水文资料hydrological data
2.原始资料raw data
3.实测资料observed data
4.调查资料investigation data
5.测站沿革hydrometric station evolution
6.站年station year
7.测站特性station properties 8.测站分布图station distribution map 9.平均值mean value
10.水文资料整编hydrological data processing 11.水位流量关系stage-discharge relation
12.定线determination of the relation curve 13.水文资料插补hydrologic data interpolation
14.水文资料改正hydrologic data correction 15.电算整编processing by computer
16.测站考证station examination 17.极值extreme value 18.加权平均法weighted mean method 19.河干river of zero flow 20流(流量推算)estimation of discharge 21过程线hydrograph 22.水文过程线hydrograph 23.水文综合过程线synthetic hydrograph 24.等值线isopleth
25.分布曲线distribution curve 26.水文特征值hydrologic characteristic value 27.径流量runoff 28.水文资料插补hydrological data Interpolation 29.关系曲线延长extension of the relation curve 30.径流总量total runoff 31.径流深度runoff depth 32.径流模数runoff modulus
33.径流系数runoff coefficient 34.洪峰flood peak 35.洪峰流量peak discharge
36.洪水总量flood volume 37.水位流量关系stage-discharge relation 38.落差法fall method 39.稳定水位流量关系stable stage-discharge erelation 40.单一曲线法single-curve method
41.不稳定水位流量关系unstable stage-discharge erelation 42.临时曲线法temporary-curve method 43.过渡曲线法transition curve 44.校正因数法adjusting factor method 45.绳套曲线loop curve 46.等落差法equal fall method 47 .涨落比例法fluctuating rate method 48.流率表rating table 49.正常落差法normal fall method 50.特征河长法characteristic river length method
51.定落差法constant fall method 52.落差指数法fall exponent method
53.改正水位法correcting stage method 54.改正系数法correcting coefficient method
55.冰底高程流量关系法elevation of ice bottom and discharge relation method
56.连时序法chronological method 57.流量过程线法discharge hydrograph method
58.潮汐要素法tidal factor relation method 59.定潮汐要素法constant tidal factor relation method 60.合轴相关法coaxial correlation method 61.关系曲线延长extension of relation curve
62.一潮推流法method of discharge computation for asingle tide 63.抽样检验sampling inspection 64.水位流量关系单值化处理single-valued processing of stage-discharge relation 65.误差error 66.单断沙关系index and cross-section average sediment concentration relation 67.方差variance
68.单断沙关系曲线法index and cross-section average sediment concentration relation curve method
69.水位单断沙比关系曲线法stage versus ratio of index and cross-section average sediment concentration relation curve method 70.洪水水文要素摘录selected elements of flood data
71.单断沙比过程线法hydrograph method of index and cross-section average sediment concentration ratio 72.单样过程线法hydrograph method of index sediment concentration 73.精密度precision
74.流量输沙率关系曲线法discharge and sediment discharge relation curve method
75.单断推关系曲线法index and cross-sectoin average bed load diacharge relation curve method
76.水力因素关系曲线法bed load discharge and hydraulic factors relation curve method
77.单断颗关系index and cross-section average sediment grading relation 78.输沙量sediment runoff 79.断流水位stage of zero flow 80.年(月)平均输沙量yearly (monthly) mean sediment discharge 81.年(月)平均含沙量yearly (monthly) mean sediment concentration 82.系统误差systematic error 83.输沙模数sediment runoff modulus 84.离子径流量ion runoff 85.标准差standard deviation 86.合理性检查rational examination of data 87.表面统一检查general consistency check
88.随机误差(偶然误差)random error 89.准确度accuracy 90.不确定度uncertainty
91.随机不确定度(偶然不确定度)random uncertainty 92.系统不确定度systematic uncertainty 93.统计检验statistical test 94.统计量statistic 95.原假设(零假设)null hypothesis
96.备择假设(对立假设)alternative hypothesis 97.拒绝域critical region 98.符号检验mark test 99.可接受域acceptable region 100.适线检验curve fitting test 101.偏离数值检验deviation-data test 102.学生氏检验(t检验)student’s test 103.自由度degree of freedom 104.置信水平confidence level 105.显著性水平significance level 106.水文资料库(水文数据库)hydrological data bank
107.随机变量的概率分布probability distribution of a random variable
108.水文年鉴water year-book 109.电算整编processing by computer
1.真值true value
2.测量值(实测值)measured value
3.最或然值most probable value
5.绝对误差absolute error 9.相对误差relative error 10.系统误差systematic error
11.随机误差(偶然误差)random error 12.允许误差permissible error 13.平均误差mean error 14.最大误差(极限误差)maximum error 15.伪误差(粗差)spurious 16.方差variance
17.标准差standard deviation 18.相对标准差relative standard deviation 19.平差adjustment 20.离差(偏差)deviation 21.闭合差closure error 22.精确度(总精度)accuracy 23.精密度precision 24.准确度correctness 25.不确定度uncertainty 26.随机不确定度random uncertainty
27.系统不确定度systematic uncertainty 28.总不确定度synthetic uncertainty
29.显著性水平significance level 30.置信水平(置信概率)confidence level
31.误差分布error distribution 32.随机误差概率分布probability distribution
33.正态分布(高斯分布)normal distribution 34.学生氏分布(t分布)student’s distributiong 35.误差传播error propagation 36.误差综合error synthesis 37.误差估算error estimate
38.方和根法square root of the sum of aquare method 39.误差控制(质量控制)error control 40.仪器设备误差instrument and equipment error 41.环境误差environmental error
42.人为误差human error 43.方法误差methodological error 44.计算误差calculating error
45.流速脉动误差(I型误差)velocity pulsation error
46.测点抽样误差(II型误差)measuring point sampling error
47.垂线抽样误差(III型误差)measuring vertical sampling error
1.数据库data base
2.分布式数据库distributed type data base
2.集中式数据库concentrated type data base 4.网络式数据库network type data base
5.层次数据库laminarization data base
6.关系数据库relation data base
7.数据模型data modal 8.关系数据模型relation data model
9.层次数据模型laminarization data model 10.网状数据模型network data model
11.数据量data bulk 12.结点node 13.数据处理data processing 14.数据存贮data storage 15.数据检索data retrieval 16.数据输入data input 17.数据输出data output
18.数据库文件data base file 19.水文数据库hydrologic data base
20.水文基本数据库hydrologic basic data base 21.水文专用数据库special data base in hydrology 22.测站代码hydrometric station code 23.地理信息系统geographic information system