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服装 apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳。


时装 fashion:在一定时间、地域内,为一大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。

成衣 ready-to-wear
定制服装 tailor made
中式服装 Chinese costume
西式服装 Western costume
民族服装 ethnic costume
上装 tops
下装 bottoms
套装 suits
连身装 cover all
内衣 underwear
外衣 outerwear
男装 Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。

女装 Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。

少男服装 boy's clothes
少女服装 girl's clothes
儿童服装 children's wear
婴幼儿服装 infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。

功能性服装 functional garments
职业服 work wear
防护服 protective work wear
运动服 sportswear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。

休闲服 casual wear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。


礼服 formal wear
舞台服 stage costume
家居服 dressing gown
孕妇装 maternity dress
针织服装 knitted garments
机织服装 woven garments:又称为梭织服装。

毛呢服装 woollen garments
棉类服装 cotton garments
麻类服装 bast garments 丝绸服装 silk garments
化纤类服装 synthetic-made garments
毛皮服装 fur garments
皮革服装 leather gamrnets
人造毛皮服装 fake fur garments
人造革服装 fake leather garments
牛仔服装 jeans wear
防寒服 cold protective clothing
棉服装 padded garments
羽绒服装 down wear
3 服装成品
西服 tailored suit
中山装 Zhongshan Zhuang
军便装 military jacket
青年装 young men's jacket
茄克衫 jacket
猎装 safari jacket
衬衫 shirt(男);blouses(女)
中西式上衣 Chinese and Western-style coat
中式上衣 Chinese style coat
背心 vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。

文胸 brassiere
连衣裙 dress
旗袍裙 Qipao style skirt
斜裙 A-line skirt
喇叭裙 flare skirt
超短裙 miniskirt
褶裙 pleated skirt
节裙 tiered skirt
筒裙 straight skirt
西服裙 tailored skirt
西裤 tailored trousers
西短裤 tailored shorts
中式裤 Chinese style slack
背带裤 overall
马裤 riding breeches
灯笼裤 knickerbockers
裙裤 culottes
牛仔裤 jeans
连衣裤 jumpsuit
喇叭裤 bell-bottom trousers
棉裤 padded pants
羽绒裤 down pants
超短裤 mini shorts
雨裤 rain-proof pants
内裤 underpants
三角裤 briefs
沙滩裤 beach shorts
比基尼 bikini:也称为“三点式游泳衣”。

泳装 swimming wear
紧身服 body fitting garments
风雨衣 all-weather coat
风衣 trench coat
雨衣 raincoat
披风 cape:无袖,披在肩上的防风外衣。

斗篷 mantle:有帽子的披风。

大衣 overcoat
旗袍 Qipao
睡衣套 pyjamas
睡袍 nightgown
新娘礼服 wedding gown
晚礼服 evening wear
燕尾服 morning coat
4 服装部位、部件
口袋 pocket
插袋 vertical pocket
贴袋 patch pocket
开袋 slit pocket
双嵌线袋 double jet pocket
单嵌线袋 single jet pocket
卡袋 card pocket:放名片、卡片的小袋。

手巾袋 breast pocket
袋爿袋 welt pocket:装有袋爿的开袋。

眼镜袋 glasses pocket
里袋 inside pocket
锯齿形里袋saw-tooth edge trimmed inside pocket:又称为三角形里袋。

有盖贴袋 flapped patch pocket
压爿贴袋 patch pocket with topstitched box pleat
吊袋 Zhongshan Zhuang pocket:又称为老虎袋。

风琴袋 bellow pocket
暗裥袋 patch pocket with inverted pleat 明裥袋 patch pocket with box pleat
小部件 small parts
领袢 collar tab
吊袢 hangtag loop
肩袢 epaulet
腰袢 waist tab
下摆袢 bottom tab
袖袢 sleeve tab
脚口袢 leg opening tab
线袢 French tack
挂面 facing:又称为贴边。

耳朵皮 flange:在前身里与挂面处拼接做里袋的一块面料。

滚边 bias strip
压条 band
腰带 waistband
塔克 tuck:衣服上有规则的装饰褶。

袋盖 pocket flap
小部件 small parts
领袢 collar tab
吊袢 hangtag loop
肩袢 epaulet
腰袢 waist tab
下摆袢 bottom tab
袖袢 sleeve tab
脚口袢 leg opening tab
线袢 French tack
挂面 facing:又称为贴边。

耳朵皮 flange:在前身里与挂面处拼接做里袋的一块面料。

滚边 bias strip
压条 band
腰带 waistband
塔克 tuck:衣服上有规则的装饰褶。

袋盖 pocket flap
小部件 small parts
领袢 collar tab
吊袢 hangtag loop
肩袢 epaulet
腰袢 waist tab
下摆袢 bottom tab
袖袢 sleeve tab
脚口袢 leg opening tab
线袢 French tack
挂面 facing:又称为贴边。

耳朵皮 flange:在前身里与挂面处拼接做里袋的一块面料。

滚边 bias strip
压条 band
腰带 waistband
塔克 tuck:衣服上有规则的装饰褶。

袋盖 pocket flap
小部件 small parts
领袢 collar tab
吊袢 hangtag loop
肩袢 epaulet
腰袢 waist tab
下摆袢 bottom tab
袖袢 sleeve tab
脚口袢 leg opening tab
线袢 French tack
挂面 facing:又称为贴边。

耳朵皮 flange:在前身里与挂面处拼接做里袋的一块面料。

滚边 bias strip
压条 band
腰带 waistband
塔克 tuck:衣服上有规则的装饰褶。

袋盖 pocket flap
7 服装工艺操作
检查原辅料 material inspection
验色差 colour shade inspection
查疵点 inspection for defect
查污渍 inspection for spot
分幅宽 fabrics width grouping
查衬布色泽 checking interlining
查纬斜 inspection for skewness
复米 roll length audit:复查每匹原、辅料的长度
理化试验 physical and chemical test
裁剪 cutting
烫原辅料 wrinkle removal
自然回缩 fabric relaxing
排料 layout
计算机裁剪 computer aided cutting
服装CAM clothing computer-aided manufacturing
服装CAD computer-aided garment design 铺料 spreading
划样 marking:用样板或漏划按不同规格在原料上划出衣片裁剪线条。

版样 pattern:记录服装结构图及相关技术规定(缝份、布纹方向、对位点、规格等)的纸板的统称。

纸样 paper pattern:软质纸的版样。

板样 pasteboard pattern:硬质纸的版样,亦称样板。

布样 cloth pattern:布质的版样、立裁中产生的版样。

复查划样 marker audit
裁剪 cutting
钻眼 drilling
打刀口 notching:又称为打剪口。

分片 identifying and bundling:裁片分开整理。

打粉印 chalking:用粉片在裁片上做出缝制标记。

编号 numbering:裁好的衣片按顺序编上号码。

查裁片刀口 checking notches
配零料 assigning sundries
钉标签 attaching label:将有顺序号的标签钉在衣片上。

验片 cut piece inspection
织补 darning
换片 changing defective pieces
冲上下领衬 punching collar interlining 冲袖头衬 punching cuff interlining
缝制 sewing (节选)
修片 trimming pieces
打线丁 making tailor's tack
环缝 overcasting stitches
缉省缝 sewing darts
烫省缝 pressing dart open
归拔前片 blocking front piece
烫衬 pressing interlining
粘衬 pressing interfacing
敷袖窿牵条 taping armhole
合摆缝 joining side seam
倒钩袖窿 back-stitching armhole
合肩缝 joining shoulder seam
分烫肩缝 pressing open shoulder seam
绱袖 setting in sleeve
纟乔领下口slip-stitching collar to garments
纟乔底边 blind stitching hem
定眼位 marking button position
开扣眼 cutting buttonhole
绱袋 attaching pocket to garment
粘衬 fusing interlining
绱过肩 setting back yoke
缉明线 top stitching
绱袖头 attaching cuff to sleeve
定扣位 marking button position
钉扣 sewing button
绗棉 quilting
钉扣袢 sewing button loop
钉领钩袢 attaching hook and eye
镶边 making bias binding as a decorative trim
绱拉链 attaching zipper
绱门袢 attaching fly facing
绱里襟 attaching fly shield
绱腰头 sewing on waistband
绱串带袢 tacking loops to waistband 绱雨水布 attaching trouser curtain
合下裆缝 joining inseam
合前后缝 joining crotch
封小裆 bartacking front crotch
花绷十字缝 cross-stitching crotch
扣烫贴脚布 folding and pressing heel stay
抽碎褶 gathering
叠顺褶forming and stitching flat pleats
拉线襻 making French tack
针距 stitch size spacing
缝型 seam types
包缝 overlock stitch
明包缝 flat felled seam
暗包缝 welt seam
来去缝 French seam
分缝 open seam
坐倒缝 plain seam
坐缉缝 lap seam
分缉缝 double top-stitched seam 压缉缝 top-stitched lapped seam
漏落缝self-bound seam with sink stitch,又称灌缝。

分坐缉缝 top-stitched open seam
各类针法 kinds of stitch
撩针 running stitch
(扌寨)针 baste stitch
暗(纟乔)针 blind stitch
明(纟乔)针 slant stitch
倒钩针 back stitch
倒回针 back stitch
绗针 quilting
锁针 buttonhole stitch
打套结 bar tack
袋部位缺陷 defects in pocket
袋盖反翘 flap sticking up
袋盖止口反吐 unfavoring flap
袋盖不顺直 uneven flap edge
袋口角不平 bound pocket defect
袋口裂 unmeet bound pocket mouth
袋口不方正 pocket mouth defect
袋、袋盖丝绺不正 pocket or flap out grain
袋形走样 deformed pocket
裤腰部位缺陷 defects in waist of pants 腰头探出 waistband extansion
腰缝起皱 uneven waist seam
腰缝下口涌 unmatched waist line
裤裆部位缺陷 defects in crotch
夹裆 tight crotch
兜裆 short crotch
后裆下垂 baggy seat
裆缝断线 thread breakage at crotch seam 小裆起绺 wrinkle front crotch
里襟起皱 wrinkle fly shield
小裆豁口thread breakage at front crotch
门襟起绺 uneven fly facing
下裆十字缝错位 unmatched crotch cross 门襟止口反吐 unfavoring fly facing
裤脚裙身部位缺陷 defects in body of pants and skirt
烫迹线外撇 creasing of leg curve to sideseam
烫迹线内撇 creasing of leg curve to inseam
裤脚前后 unbalanced legs
吊脚 uneven leg
裤下口不齐 uneven leg hem
裤脚不对称 unsymmetrical leg
裙裥豁开 unmeet pleat
裙身吊 hem pull up and stand away
裙浪不匀 uneven skirt flare
裙底边不圆顺uneven skirt hem整烫pressing
水花 water spot
亮光 pressing mark
污迹 spot
烫黄 overpress
烫熔 melt
设计打样工具 instruments for designing 样板纸 pattern paper
锥子 bradawl
裁剪工具 instruments for cutting
划粉 chalk
裁剪剪刀dressmaker's shears or tailor's shears
压料鉄 weights
电剪刀 electrically powered knife
拉布机 spreading machine
手工工具 instruments
手缝针 sharps needle
插针包 pin-cushion
顶针 thimble
纱剪 thread clippers
机缝工具 instruments for sewing
缝纫机针 sewing machine needle
缝纫机 sewing machine
专用缝纫机 special machine:钉扣、锁眼、打套结、包缝等用的专用机器。

整烫工具 instruments for pressing
水布 pressing cloth
烫凳 tailor's press board
铁凳 egg pad
布馒头 tailor's ham
喷水壶 sprayer
电熨斗 electric iron 蒸汽熨斗 steam iron
检验工具 instruments for inspection
人体模型 mannequin,又称人台。

胸架 model:按照人的上半身外形塑造的模型。

钢卷尺 steel tape
色卡 standard colour card
外观疵点样照 standard sample photo for checking spots
起皱样照 standard sample photo
贴纸 marking paper
underskirt 内衣
underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤(美
briefs 短内裤,三角裤
panties 女短内裤
knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩
corselet 紧身胸衣
stays, corset 束腰,胸衣
waistcoat 背心
slip, petticoat 衬裙
girdle 腰带
stockings 长袜
suspenders 袜带(美作:garters) suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美
作:garter belt)
socks 短袜
tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕
bathing trunks 游泳裤
bathing costume,msuit, bathing suit 游泳衣
bikini 比基尼泳衣
apron 围裙
pinafore (带护胸)围裙
Center front rise to F crotch seam
CF length-Neckline to hem(incl.trims) 前中长-杯边至下摆(含修边)
CB length-Neckline to
Chest Width at bottom edge of cups 罩杯底边胸宽
Waist Width 8" down from armhole 袖笼下8英寸腰宽
Hip Width 14" down from armhole
Front panel width at under bust
Lace Side panel height frm top edge 顶边蕾丝侧幅高
Cup neckline(incl.wire)
Front armhole-side seam to cup
CF gore width
Cup height-wire to neckline over apex
Strap width
CF gore height
Strap length including overlap
Dist btw back straps
Front panel at 7" down from CF
Front panel at 14" down from CF
Wing height at side of cup inc trim 罩杯侧脾高,含修边
CB closure height
CB keyhole width
CB keyhold height
Center back rise to crotch seam
Crotch width at front edge 前边浪顶宽
Crotch width at narrowest
Crotch width at back seam
Inseam to Center back seam
Inseam to gusset seam
Leg opening relaxed
Side length
Overlap of split of crotch gusset 浪顶浪底止口搭位。
