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Kodak Ektachrome 100D彩色反转胶片5294 7294技术数据说明书
![Kodak Ektachrome 100D彩色反转胶片5294 7294技术数据说明书](
KODAK EKTACHROME 100DCOLOR REVERSAL FILM 5294 / 7294TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR REVERSAL FILM MARCH 2022H-1-5294 KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film 5294 /7294 is a 100-speed, color reversal motion picture camerafilm intended for photography under daylight illumination(5500K). It offers a moderately enhanced color saturationperformance while maintaining a neutral gray scale andaccurate flesh reproduction. 5294 / 7294 Film hasexceptional sharpness that is unsurpassed by any other100-speed reversal film, and its grain performance isexcellent. This film also offers very strong reciprocityuniformity and keeping stability.5294 / 7294 Film offers outstanding results in outdoor andstudio applications where moderate color saturation isdesired. It is excellent for advertising, naturecinematography, documentaries, music videos, and isespecially good for telecine transfers and television filming.BaseKODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film 5294 /7294 has a n acetate safety base.StorageStore unexposed film at 13 C (55 F) or lower. For extendedstorage, store at -18 C (0 F) or lower. Process exposed filmpromptly.Store processed film according to the recommendations inISO 18911:2010, Imaging Materials - Processed SafetyPhotographic Films - Storage Practices.Short Term (less than 6 months)Long Term (more than 6 months)Unexposed film in original, sealedpackage13 C (55 F)RH below 60%-18 C(0 F)RH below 50%Exposed film, unprocessed-18 C(0 F)RH below 20%Not recommended.Process filmpromptly.Process film21 C (70 F)RH 20 to 50%2 C (36 F)RH 20 to 30%This relates to optimized film handling rather than preservation; static, dust-attraction and curl-related problems are generally minimized at the higher relative humidity. After usage, the film should be returned to the appropriate medium- or long-term storage conditions as soon as possible. Warm-up TimesTo prevent film telescoping, moisture condensation, and spotting, allow your film to warm to room temperature (21C/70F) before use:Film PackageRecommended Warm-up Time (Hours)8 C (15 F) Rise 39 C (70 F) Rise8 mm 1 1 ½16 mm 1 1 ½35 mm 3 5For more information about film storage and handling, see ANSI/PIMA ISO-18911, SMPTE RP131-2002, andKODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers, available online at/go/referenceguide.Darkroom RecommendationsDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.ExposureExposure IndexesDaylight (5500K) – 100Tungsten (3200K) – 25 (with 80A filter)Use these indexes with incident or reflected light exposure meters and cameras marked for ISO or ASA speeds or exposure indexes. These indexes apply for meter readings of average subjects made from the camera position or for readings made from a gray card of 18 percent reflectance held close to and in front of the subject. For unusually light or dark colored subjects, decrease or increase the exposure i ndicated by the meter accordingly.Color BalanceThese films are balanced for exposure with daylight illumination (5500K). You can also expose them with tungsten lamps with the appropriate correction filters.1Daylight (5500 K)None 100 Metal HalideNone 100 H.M.I.None 100 KINO FLO KF55 None100 Tungsten (3000 K) WRATTEN2 Optical No.80A 25 Tungsten (3200 K) WRATTEN2 Optical No.80A 25 KINO FLO KF29 WRATTEN2 Optical No.80A 25 KINO FLO KF32 WRATTEN2 Optical No.80A 25 Fluorescent, WarmWhite WRATTEN2 CC40B& C C05C 40 Fluorescent, CoolWhiteWRATTEN2 CC20M801These are approximate corrections only.Note: Consult the manufacturer of high-intensity ultravioletlamps for safety information on ultraviolet radiation and ozone generation.Exposure Table-Daylight IlluminationAt 24 frames per second (fps), 170-degree shutter opening.Lens Aperture f/1.4 f/2 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 Footcandles Required25501002004008001600Based on 24 frames per second (fps), 170-degree shutter opening. At 18 frames per second (fps), use 3/4 of the footcandles (fc) shown.Reciprocity CharacteristicsYou do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjustments for exposure times from 1/10,000 to 1 second.ProcessingProcess this film in E-6 Chemicals, cine machine only.Note: KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film 5294 /7294 contains special sensitizing and filter dyes that improve color reproduction. Because these dyes are designed to rinse out of the film during processing, they will change the color of the firstdeveloper, the reversal bath, the final wash, and the final rinse. This solution discoloration is only cosmetic. It will not affectsensitometry or the quality of any Process E-6 film or control material. However, the solutions will cause splicing tape andprocessing equipment (rollers, racks, etc.) to have a pinkish color. The pink dye residue can easily be washed off processing equipment by following the normal maintenance procedures.DuplicationMaking DuplicatesTo make color positive duplicates, scan the film images and output them KODAK VISION Color Print Film / 2383.IdentificationAfter processing, the product code numbers 5294 (35mm) or 7294 (16mm), emulsion and roll number information, KEYKODE numbers, and internal product symbol (EA) are visible along the length of the film, but when processed in a reversal process, the KEYKODE barcode will not read in barcode reading equipment. If the film is cross-processed in an ECN process, the KEYKODE barcodes should read properly.Image StructureFor more information on image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers available online at /go/referenceguide .Modulation Transfer FunctionThe “perceived” sharpness of any film depends on various components of the motion picture production system. The camera and projector lenses and film printers, amongother factors, all play a role. But the specific sharpness of a film can be measured and charted in the Modulation Transfer Curve.This graph shows a measure of the visual sharpness of this film. The x-axis, “Spatial Frequency,” refers to the number of sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved. The y-axis, “Response,”corresponds to film sharpness. The longer and flatter the line, the more sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved with a high degree of sharpness — and the sharper the film.Note: These photographic modulation-transfer values were determined by using a method similar to the one described in ANSI Standard PH2.39-1977(R1992). The film was exposed with the specified illuminant to spatially varying sinusoidal test patterns having an aerial image modulation of a nominal 60 percent at the image plane, with processing as indicated. In most cases, the photographic modulation- transfer values are influenced by development-adjacency effects and are not equivalent to the true optical modulation-transfer curve of the emulsion layer in the photographic product.rms GranularityThe “perception” of the graininess of any film is highly dependent on scene content, complexity, color, and density. Other factors, such as film age, processing, exposure conditions, and telecine transfer may also have significant effects.Read with a microdensitometer, using a 48-micrometre aperture.To find the rms Granularity value for a given density, find the density on the left vertical scale and follow horizontally to the characteristic curve and then go vertically (up or down) to the granularity curve. At that point, follow horizontally to the Granularity Sigma D scale on the right. Read the number and multiply by 1000 for the rms value. Note: This curve represents granularity based on modified measuring techniques. Sensitometric and Diffuse RMS Granularity curves are produced on different equipment. A slight variation in curve shape may be noticed.The modulation-transfer curves, and the diffuse rms granularity data were generated from samples of 5294 / 7294 Film exposed with tungsten light filtered to 5500K and processed as recommended in Process E-6 chemicals. SensitometryThe curves describe this film's response to red, green, and blue light. Sensitometric curves determine the change in density on the film for a given change in log exposure.“0” on the x-axis represents normal exposure of an 18-percent gray card in the red, green, and blue layers of this film. A white card is 2 ⅓ stops higher than normal exposure.A 3-percent black card is 2 ⅔ stops below normal exposure.Spectral SensitivityThese curves depict the sensitivity of this film to the spectrum of light. They are useful for determining, modifying, and optimizing exposure for blue- and green-screen special-effects work.Spectral Dye-Density CurvesThese curves depict the spectral absorption of the dyes formed when the film is processed. They are useful for adjusting or optimizing any device that scans or prints the film.Note: Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Dye Curves are peak-normalized.Note: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.Available Roll Lengths and FormatsSee Kodak Motion Picture Products Catalog at /go/mpcatalog To order film in the United States and Canada, call 1- 800-356-3259, prompt 3.Worldwide customers can find the nearest sales office at /go/salesofficesKODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film 5294 / 7294KODAK Publication No. H-1-5294 Kodak, Ektachrome, and Wratten and the Kodak logo are trademarks.Revised 3-22。
Semilab RT 系列电阻率测试设备主要包括:•Rt-100 电阻率测试仪无接触、无损伤、快速体电阻率测试:- 采用涡流场原理,测试体电阻率- 可以测量单晶、多晶,无需表面处理- 可用来分类测试锅底料、锭、棒、片等- 测试范围:0.5 – 20 ΩCM (选配功能:0.01 – 0.5 ΩCM) - 可选配无接触P/N型号测试•Rt-110 电阻率厚度测试仪无接触硅片体电阻率测试:- 采用涡流场原理,测试硅片的体电阻率- 电阻率范围:0.5 – 20 ΩCM (选配功能:0.01 – 0.5 ΩCM) - 精度: 2 ΩCM以下:3% 2 ΩCM以上:5%- 测试速度: 1s / 点- 可选加无接触电容法测硅片厚度功能- 可选配无接触硅锭、回炉料电阻率测试- 可选配无接触P/N型号测试I.原理Eddy current measurement 涡流法当通有交流电的圆形线圈靠接样品时,线圈中的磁场会在样品诱导形成环形的电流叫做涡流电流,涡流电流与样品的电导率成正比,涡流法测试实际上测试的是电流在样品中的损失。
很高 高 高 高 很高 很高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 中 高 高 高 高 很高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 中 中偏高 中偏高 中偏高 高 高 高 高 高 中 中 中
高 中 很高 特高 高 高 很高 高 高 高 很高 很高 很高 高 很高 高 高 中 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 中偏高 特高 高 高 高 中 高 高 高 很高 高 高 高 很高 中 高 高
Portra 160 (专业) NPL160 (专业) NPS160 (专业) NPC160 (专业) Portra 160NC Portra 160VC PRO160 Vista 200 Optima II 200(专 Solaris 200 Superia 200 200 Kodak Royal Gold 200 Centuria 200 High Definition Vista 400 Optima II 400(专 Solaris 400 400NPH (专业) 快片400 (专业) X-TRA 400 400 Supra (专业) Kodak 400 Protra 400NC Protra 400VC Royal Gold 400 Centuria 400 Kodak 400 (专业) High Definition Vista 800 Solaris 800 NHG II 800(专 Press 800 (专业) Superia XTRA 800 Portrait NPZ 800 Supra 800 (专业) Portra 800 (专业) MAX Versatility Centuria 800 Gold Royal 1000 Supevia 1600 Press 1600 (专业)
评语 颗粒细,锐度好,拍摄明亮风光时灰色对比度平衡,也适合拍摄特写 颗粒细,色彩明亮,暖调肤色平衡好 钨丝灯光色温平衡,颗粒细微,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物 曝光宽容度较宽,色彩明亮,颗粒细微,是专业摄影师喜爱的胶片 钨丝灯光色温平衡,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物 颗粒细微,色彩真实,接近档案照片保存时间的要求。有业余型胶片的提供 锐度很好,色彩明亮,适用于拍摄人像、风光和档案文件 影调柔和,肤色自然,色彩明亮。适用于拍摄时装和产品 颗粒特细,色彩亮丽,适用于时装、风光和人像摄影 颗粒特细,适用于拍摄人像、自然风光、水下和特写,是Sensia II的重新命名 分辨率 很高 很高 高 高 高 高 高 很高 很高 很高 灰色对比度平衡,色彩真实,适用于要求严格的目录、翻拍录制 高 色彩真实,灰色对比度平衡。适用于拍摄人像、风光和静物 高 暖色调平衡好,适用于在多云的条件下拍摄人像、时装和建筑照片 很高 能提高色彩亮度,适用于时装、肖像摄影 很高 色彩逼真饱和,颗粒特细,可提高一级迫冲 很高 色调鲜艳,反差好,肤色表现优异,适合拍摄人像和风光 很高 同类片速中此型号的色彩饱和度特别好,适合拍自然风光 很高 拍摄阳光下的风光、建筑和产品的推荐胶片 高 钨丝灯光色温平衡胶片,适用于拍摄摄影室人像、产品和剧照 高 业余型钨丝灯光色温平衡胶片,适用于在3200K色温的灯光下拍摄 高 多功能胶片,色彩亮丽,反差适中,当ISO800片速拍摄时,效果仍然不错 高 中速胶片,是Elite400的翻版,色彩饱和度较高 高 高速,钨丝灯光源色温平衡,适用于现有光源拍摄舞台和人像 高 灰色对比度平衡,色彩明亮,是拍摄舞台、弱光下人像和体育的理想胶片 高 新款胶片,颗粒微细,色彩较Sensia II 400更好,适用于拍摄体育和舞台剧照,迫 高 冲效果也好 轻微暖调平衡,颗粒细 高 是Ektachrome 400X的业余型,微粒,灰色对比度平衡 高 为迫冲设计。适用于拍摄体育、舞台和弱光下风光照片 中 高速胶片,冲洗时需要迫冲才能达到ISO1600的曝光效果 中 锐度 很高 特高 高 高 高 特高 特高 很高 很高 很高 高 高 很高 很高 很高 很高 很高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 中 中
日本TOYO ADVANTEC滤纸规格目录.doc
![日本TOYO ADVANTEC滤纸规格目录.doc](
No. 232 保留中等到中等细小微粒,慢 90
No. 131 高保留效能,特别是对细小微 140
订货资料: 定量滤纸
• 可选直径(mm): 55, 70, 90, 110, 125, 150, 185, 240, 285, 300,330, 360, 400, 500 • 其它尺寸,请与我们联系 • 订购说明: 先填写“等级”,之后填写“直径”. 范例:(No.5A,125mm), (No.6,55mm) • 100张/盒
No. 235 最高保留效能,保留非常细小 95
- (非常细小) -
No. 101 保留大的微粒.
*1. 过滤时间 - 使用10cm2面积滤纸过滤100ml(20°C)蒸馏水的用时.(通过10cm高,10cm2面积的圆柱型水柱提供的压力) *2. 吸水速度 - 在20°C把一条垂直滤纸放在蒸馏水中,10分钟之后蒸馏水能到达的距离. *3. 湿润破裂强度 - 滤纸浸泡水之后,使用 Mullen 爆裂强度计进行测试. *4. 和其它产商的比对不是绝对的,只用作参考.
ILFORD FILM PROCESSING CHART 20°C/68°F P AN F FP4HP5 DEL T A100DELT A 400DELT A 3200SFX PLUS PLUS PLUS PRO PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL 20025505012520025032040080016003200501002002002503204005008001600320040080016003200640012500200400800ILFOTEC DD-X 1+47881012910132091/212146891/2101/2131/21867891/2121/2171014ID-11stock 41/261/261/281/21071/2101/214781/2101/2791/2111/2141/2197891/2101/213171014181+1681/28111513161/21011131014171/2171+3121/215172020152018ILFOTEC HC 1+1545571/211451/271/213581357101/21+31468961/291/214568571/210131/2671/29141/291319ILFOTEC LC291+945571/211451/271/213581357101/21+19468961/291/214568571/210131/2671/29141/2913191+2951/2812951/271/21081/2111/21711ILFOSOL S 1+9441/261/271/2781/21441/2661/291461/28101/21391/2111/2191+14671/291/291/21461/21010131319MICROPHEN stock –41/28961/28111661/28561/271/281/2101/214678912161/281/2101/2141/21+1–610141215101481/2111/2131/2151/219151/2191+3–11141823142016PERCEPTOL stock 914912131215101211131518141/21+1101/2151315181317121/2151/2201+315171721251622181/2ACUFINE stock 4641/261/291/251/279111316RODINAL 1+256913687961/2951/27911201+501115************D-76stock 41/261/268971/291/2121/27911791/2111/2141/2197891/2101/2131710121/2161/21+1681/291115111391/212141014171/2141/21+3121/21514162022142218HC 110A 1+1541/2651/291/2451/271/21358135HC 110B 1+3146912571/21156871/210131/2671/29141/29MICRODOL-X stock 12151015121511131/210111/213181+3151817231622T -MAX 1+448961/2891/2111/2678561/2781/2101/2131/251/261/271/281/2111481/2101/2121/2XTOL stock 51/263/481/210811141961/271/291/2671/281/21013175661/271/210121/27111+112179111/213151/220EI DEVELOPMENT TIMES Follow the recommended times in the chart for the film/developer combination of your choice.CAUTION:These times are intended as a guide only .Times shorter than 5 minutes may lead to uneven development.AGIT A TION For manual processing in spiral tanks and deep tanks, the development times are based on intermittent agitation. With spiral tanks, invert the tank four times during the first 10 seconds, then invert the tank four times again during the first 10 seconds for each further minute. Where continuous agitation is used for manual processing (as in a dish/tray or with some types of developing tank), reduce these times by up to 15%. For use in rotary processors without a pre-rinse, reduce the spiral tank development times by up to 15%. A pre-rinse is not recommended as it can lead to uneven processing.FIXA TION After development, rinse the film in water or ILFORD ILFOSTOP or ILFOSTOP PRO stop bath (1+19) for 10 seconds at 20°C/68°F ,and fix in ILFORD HYPAM or ILFORD RAPID FIXER (1+4) for 2–5 minutes at 20°C/68°F .W ASHING Where a non-hardening fixer, such as HYPAM or ILFORD RAPID FIXER, has been used, wash the film in running water for 5–10 minutes at a temperature within 5°C/9°F of the processing temperature.Some products in this chart may not be available in your country.01074.GB.www August 2004。
7(0.18 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
3.9(0.10 毫米)
表I 具有 ESTAR 片基的黑白胶片
三种不同厚度的 ESTAR 片基 (2.5 密耳、3.9 密耳、7 密耳)导致卷在标准航空胶片卷筒上的胶片长度也各不相 同。下面的部件列表说明了每种类型的胶片提供的标准长度。
胶片 规格 编号
4922 4932 4942 5332 536
5272 514 5282 530 5352
50 英尺 100 英尺 200 英尺 500 英尺 500 英尺
40 英尺 75 英尺 150 英尺 350 英尺 350 英尺
— 100 英尺 200 英尺 200 英尺
70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米
1,000 英尺 1,000 英尺 2,000 英尺 2,000 英尺
931 991 883 8973
884 8983 886 8993
949 952 9814 955
957 961 960
胶片 宽度
胶片长度 ( 无 导 片 或 拖 片)
ESTAR 薄 片基
( 2.5 密 耳)
ESTAR 片基 ( 3.9 密 耳)
ESTAR 厚 片基
(7 密 耳)
70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米 70 毫米
1960 伊士曼颗粒细腻的正片7303(只推出了16mm),拥有较好的影像结构。
EKTACHROME 反转正片7386(冲洗工艺ME-2A),从7257和7258印制正片,于1972年停产。
1962 伊士曼彩色正片7/5385取代了7383和5382。
1963 伊士曼RP 底片7229(日光,曝光指数250;钨丝灯,曝光指数200)。
16mm黑白底片用于VISCOMA T加工技术。
EKTACHROME MS 底片7/5256 (日光,曝光指数64,冲洗ME-2A或ME-4)。
1965 超8毫米型号-无声-商业胶片于1965年5月问世。
柯达发明了超8格式,并发行了超8电影以及新的适用于插入式暗盒安装的KODACHROME II 胶片.1966 伊士曼颗粒幼细翻正片7/5366,它应用在通过黑白底片制作翻正片。
柯达EKTACHROME EF胶片7242 (灯光片,曝光指数125,冲洗工艺ME-4)它取代7258,于1986年停产。
柯达EKTACHROME EF胶片7241 (钨丝灯,曝光指数160,冲洗工艺ME-4)它取代了7257,于1984年停产。
(请见1956年) 伊士曼EKTACHROME R 正片7388,它是通过放映反差反转原底片来制作拷贝的,采用冲洗ME-4。
1967 柯达4-X 反转片7277(日光,曝光指数400;钨丝灯,曝光指数320) 伊士曼彩色正片7380是面向使用超8的客户,于1971年6月停产。
奔图Pantum M6200-6500系列维修手册
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柯达E-6 彩色反转片冲洗工艺和配方
![柯达E-6 彩色反转片冲洗工艺和配方](
柯达E-6 彩色反转片冲洗工艺和配方一、冲洗工艺工序温度[°c] 时间[分]1 黑白首显38±0.3 6 1/22 水洗33~39 13 停显33~39 24 水洗33~39 115 二次曝光6 彩色显影38±0.1 67 水洗33~39 18 停显33~39 29 水洗33~39 110 漂白33~39 511 水洗33~39 112 定影33~39 513 水洗33~39 614 稳定33~39 115 干燥>45二、代用冲洗配方(一)首显液蒸馏水750 克六偏磷酸钠 2 克无水亚硫酸钠25 克无水碳酸钾12 克碳酸氢钠12 克菲尼酮0.4 克对苯二酚 6 克溴化钾 2.5 克氢氧化钠 2.5 克碘化钾(0.1%溶液)50 毫升加水至1000 毫升PH=9.6±0.05(二)停显液水800 毫升水水乙酸钠 5.3 克冰乙酸30 毫升加水至1000 毫升PH=3.4~3.6(三)彩色显影液蒸馏水750 克软水剂 1 克十二水磷酸三钠40 克氢氧化钠 3 克无水亚硫酸钠 4.5 克溴化钾0.6 克碘化钾(0.1%溶液)30 毫升硫酸氢钠 1.25 克柠嗪酸 1.25 克CD-3 11.3 克(用CD-4时为7克)加水至1000 毫升PH=11.55±0.05(四)漂白液水750 毫升铁氰化钾112 克溴化钾24 克十二水磷酸氢二钠62 克磷酸二氢钾15.6 克硫氰酸钠10 克加水至1000 毫升PH=6.6~7(五)定影液水600 毫升硫代硫酸钠160 克磷酸二氢钠10 克加水至1000 毫升PH=6.9~7注:硫代硫酸钠也可以用120可用硫代硫酸铵代替。
(六)稳定液水800 毫升甲醛(37~40%) 3 毫升润湿剂(10%溶液)10 毫升加水至1000 毫升注:此配方和工艺对加工冲洗业余反转片可取得良好效果。
"这里的" 午"即小孔所在处。
Elotex ERA100 安全说明书
![Elotex ERA100 安全说明书](
1. 化学品名称及企业标识产品名称Elotex ERA100应用范围仅作为工业用品更多信息参阅技术数据单(ELOTEX公司)AG企业标识 ElotexIndustriestrasse 17aCH-6203 Sempach Station (瑞士)电话: +41 41 469 69 69传真: +41 41 469 69 002.成分/组成信息成分 Elotex ERA100 改性松香树脂。
组成信息组成 CAS代码 EC代码浓度(%) EC危险标志无危险成分更多的信息参阅条款16。
4. 急救措施眼睛接触 没有必要看医生,用眼药水或者洁净的水冲洗眼睛,直到痛疼消除。
皮肤接触 没有必要看医生,用肥皂和水彻底冲洗受污染的皮肤。
如果刺激症状继续, 寻求医疗救护。
吸入 没有必要看医生,将受伤者转移到空气新鲜的地方。
如果刺激症状继续, 寻求医疗救护。
摄入 症状得到治疗和处理,寻求医疗救护。
不适宜的介质 CO2,水枪。
6. 泄漏应急处理处理溢出和泄漏产品防止在空气中弥散,去除火源。
1,预备水溶 1分
2,显影 9分
3,停显 30秒
4,定影 5-10分
5,水洗 30分
6,坚膜 1分
甲氨基酚(米吐儿) 2克
无水亚硫酸钠 100克
对苯二酚 5克
加水至 1000毫升
醋酸(28%) 48毫升
加水至 1000毫升
蒸馏水750毫升(52度)硫代硫酸钠(海波)240克无水亚硫酸钠 15克
醋酸(28%) 48毫升
加水至 1000毫升
甲醛(37%溶液) 10毫升碳酸钠(干粉)6克
PROCESSING Kodak black-and-white film
Small Tank Processing, Intermittent Agitation for Tanks That Can Be Inverted
Film Code
Rinse Wash aid
2:00 to 4:00* with KODAK Rapid Fixer
-OR5:00 to 10:00*
with other fixers
1:00 to 2:00
Agitate continuously for the first 30 seconds and at 30-second intervals after that with a hardening fixer.
Development Time (Minutes)
200C (680F)
KODAK HC-110 Developer
(Dilution B)
240C (750F)
T-MAX 400
400TMY 6
6 3/4
5 1/4
TRI-X 320
Also DK-50
柯达专业EKTAR 100胶卷技术数据说明书
![柯达专业EKTAR 100胶卷技术数据说明书](
February 2016 • E-4046TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILMKODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 FilmKODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 Film is the world's finest grain color negative film. With ISO 100 speed, high saturation and ultra-vivid color, this film offers the finest, smoothest grain of any color negative film available today. An ideal choice for commercial photographers andadvanced amateurs, KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 Film is recommended for applications such as nature, travel and outdoor photography, as well as for fashion and product photography.SIZES AVAILABLEAvailability may differ from country to country. See your dealer who supplies KODAK PROFESSIONAL Products.TECHNOLOGYBENEFIT•Incorporates EntertainmentImaging’s KODAK VISION Film technology•Micro-Structure Optimized KODAK T-GRAIN Emulsions•KODAK Proprietary Advanced Development Accelerators •World's finest-grained color negative film •Ideal for scanning •Extraordinary enlargement capability from a 35mmnegative •Optimized Emulsion Spectral Sensitivity and Image Modifier Chemistry•Ultra-vivid color•KODAK Advanced Cubic Emulsions •KODAK Proprietary DI R Couplers•Optimized sharpness •Distinct edges, fine detail •Unified Emulsion Technology•Printing compatible with other KODAK FilmsSize/FormatCode Base13551100.13 mm (0.005 inch)acetate 12061100.10 mm (0.004 inch)acetate Sheets0.19 mm (0.007 inch) KODAK ESTAR Thick BaseSTORAGE AND HANDLINGStore unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package. For extended periods, store film at 13°C (55°F) to preserve consistency.To avoid moisture condensation on film that has been refrigerated, allow the film to warm up to roomtemperature before opening the package. Typical warm-up times are given in the table below.Load and unload roll-film cameras in subdued light. Total darkness is required when you load and unload sheet film holders.Process film as soon as possible after exposure. Protect negatives from strong light, and store them in a cool, dry place. For long-term storage, keep negatives at atemperature between 2°C (35°F) and 13°C (55°F) and at a relative humidity between 30 and 35percent.DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.EXPOSUREFilm SpeedUse the speed numbers in the tables below with cameras or meters marked for ISO, ASA, or DIN speeds or exposure indexes (EIs). Do not change the film-speed setting when metering through a filter. Metering through filters may affect light meter accuracy; see your meter or camera manual for specific information. For critical work, make a series of test exposures.* For best results without special printing.SizeWarm-Up Times (Hours) to Reach Room T emperature of 21°C (70°F) From a StorageT emperature of:-18°C (0°F)2°C (35°F)13°C (55°F)135 magazine 11⁄211⁄4112013⁄41⁄210-sheet box11⁄211Light Source KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin FilterISO Speed Daylight or Electronic FlashNone 100Photolamp (3400 K)No. 80B 32Tungsten (3200 K)No. 80A25DaylightUse the exposures in the table below for average frontlit subjects from 2hours after sunrise to 2hours before sunset.* Use f/5.6 for backlit close-up subjects.† Use f/8 for backlit close-up subjects.‡ Subject shaded from the sun but lighted by a large area of sky.Adjustments for Long and Short ExposuresNo filter correction or exposure compensation is required for exposures from 1⁄10,000second to 1 second. Forcritical applications with longer exposure times, make tests under your conditions.Electronic FlashUse the appropriate guide number in the table below as starting-point recommendations for your equipment. Select the unit output closest to the number given by your flash manufacturer. Then find the guide number for feet or metres. T o determine the lens opening, divide the guide number by the flash-to-subject distance. If negatives are consistently too dense (overexposed), use a higher guide number; if they are too thin (underexposed), use a lower number.* BCPS = beam candlepower secondsLighting ConditionsShutter Speed (second)and Lens OpeningBright or Hazy Sun on Light Sand or Snow1/125f /16Bright or Hazy Sun (Distinct Shadows)1/125f /11*Weak, Hazy Sun (Soft Shadows)1/125f /8Cloudy Bright (No Shadows)1/125f /5.6Heavy Overcast or Open Shade ‡1/125f /4Unit Output (BCPS)*Guide NumberDistances in Feet/Metres35040/1250050/1570060/18100070/21140085/262000100/302800120/364000140/425600170/508000200/60Fluorescent and High-Intensity Discharge LampsUse the color-compensating filters and exposure adjustments in the tables below as starting points to expose KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100Film under fluorescent or high-intensity discharge lamps. For critical applications, make a series of test exposures under your actual conditions.To avoid the brightness and color variations that occur during a single alternating-current cycle, use exposure times of 1⁄60second or longer with fluorescent lamps; with high-intensity discharge lamps, use exposure times of 1⁄125second or longer.PROCESSINGProcess EKTAR 100 Film in KODAK FLEXICOLORChemicals for Process C-41 using the replenishment and wash rates in the tables below. Note that the developer replenishment rates are starting-point recommendations only and may vary due to the amount of exposure to the film, scene content, and the presence/absence of sprocket holes.Replenishment and Wash Rates* Rates are for first wash and a two-stage countercurrent final wash. Doublethese rates for a single stage final wash.Type of Fluorescent Lamp KODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure Adjustment Daylight 20R + 5M +1 stop White 40B + 5C +1 2/3 stop Warm White 40B + 40C +2 stops Warm White Deluxe 40B + 50C +2 stops Cool White 30B +1 stop Cool White Deluxe40C + 10M +1 stopHigh-Intensity DischargeLamp (CCT)KODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure Adjustment High-Pressure Sodium Vapor 50B + 70C +2 2/3 stops Metal Halide 5C + 10M +2/3 stop Mercury Vapor with Phosphor30B + 5C +1 stop Mercury Vapor without Phosphor80R+1 2/3 stopFilm SizeKODAK FLEXICOLOR Developer Replenisher KODAK FLEXICOLOR Developer Replenisher LORR KODAK FLEXICOLOR Bleach III, Fixer, and Stabilizer Wash Water *1351012 mL/m 294 mL/ft 2506 mL/m 247 mL/ft 2861 mL/m 280 mL/ft 231 L/m 22.9 L/ft 21201012 mL/m 294 mL/ft 2506 mL/m 247 mL/ft 21023 mL/m 2107 mL/ft 231 L/m 22.9 L/ft 24 x 51012 mL/m 294 mL/ft 2506 mL/m 247 mL/ft 21023 mL/m 2107 mL/ft 231 L/m 22.9 L/ft 28 x 101012 mL/m 294 mL/ft 2506 mL/m 247 mL/ft 21023 mL/m 2107 mL/ft 231 L/m 22.9 L/ft 2JUDGING NEGATIVE EXPOSURESYou can check the exposure level with a suitable electronic densitometer equipped with a filter such as a KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter No.92 or the red filter forStatus M densitometry. Depending on the subject and the light source used for exposure, a normally exposed and processed color negative measured through the red filter should have the approximate densities listed below.Because of the extreme range in skin color, use these red density values for a normally lit forehead only as a guide. For best results, use a KODAK Gray Card (gray side).RETOUCHINGYou can retouch the 120 and sheet sizes on both the base side and the emulsion side. Retouch only the emulsion side of 135size film.PRINTING NEGATIVESThis film is optimized for printing to —KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Premier Paper KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Premier Canvas PaperKODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Premier Metallic PaperKODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Display MaterialKODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Display MaterialSCANNING NEGATIVESYou can easily scan EKTAR 100 Film negatives with avariety of linear-array-CCD, area-array-CCD, and PMT film scanners. You can scan negatives on desktop scanners as well as high-end drum scanners.Area MeasuredDensity Reading KODAK Gray Card (gray side) receiving same illumination as subject0.77 to 0.87Lightest step (darkest in the negative) of a KODAK Paper Gray Scale receiving same illumination as subject1.13 to 1.23Highest diffuse density on normally lighted forehead—light complexion —dark complexion1.08 to 1.180.93 to 1.03IMAGE STRUCTUREPrint Grain IndexThe Print Grain Index number refers to a method of defining graininess in a print made with diffuse-printing illumination. It replaces rms granularity and has a different scale which cannot be compared to rms granularity.•The method uses a uniform perceptual scale, with a change of four units equaling a just noticeable difference in graininess to 90percent of observers.• A Print Grain Index rating of 25 on the scale represents the approximate visual threshold for graininess. A higher number indicates an increase in the amount of graininess observed.•The standardized inspection (print-to-viewer) distance for all print sizes is 14inches, the typical viewing distance for a 4x 6-inch print.•In practice, larger prints will likely be viewed from distances greater than 14inches, which reduces apparent graininess.•Print Grain Index numbers may not represent graininess observed from more specular printing illuminants, such as condenser enlargers.Negative Size: 24 x 36 mm (135)* 25 is the visual threshold for perception of grain.Negative Size: 6 x 6 cm (120)Negative Size: 4 x 5 Inches (Sheets)Negative Size: 8 x 10 Inches (Sheets)Print Size in inches 4x68x1016x20Magnification 4.4X 8.8X 17.8X Print Grain Indexless than 25*3866Print Size in inches 4x68x1016x20Magnification 2.6X 4.4X 8.8X Print Grain Indexless than 25less than 2538Print Size in inches 4x68x1016x20Magnification 1.2X 4X 8X Print Grain Indexless than 25less than 25less than 25Print Size in inches 4x68x1016x20Magnification 0.6X 1X 2X Print Grain Indexless than 25less than 25less than 25KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 FilmRevised 2/16KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTAR 100 FilmKODAK Publication No. E-4046KODAK ALARIS • ROCHESTER, NY 14615CURVESCharacteristic CurvesSpectral-Sensitivity CurvesSpectral-Dye-Density CurvesModulation Transfer Function© 2016 Kodak Alaris Inc.TM: Endura, Flexicolor and PortraThe Kodak, Kodak Professional, Ektar, Estar, T-Grain, Vision, and Wratten trademarksare used under license from Eastman Kodak Company.。
哈尔曼技术有限公司Delta 100专业黑白照相胶卷说明说明书
![哈尔曼技术有限公司Delta 100专业黑白照相胶卷说明说明书](
HARMAN technology LimitedTECHNICAL INFORMATION DELTA 100PROFESSIONALISO 100/21º, FINE GRAIN, BLACK AND WHITEPROFESSIONAL FILM FOR SUPERB PRINT QUALITYILFORD Delta 100 Professional is a medium speed, fine grain, black and white film, ideal for pictorial and fine art photography.Delta 100 Professional 35mm film is coated on 0.125mm/5-mil acetate base and is available in 24 or 36 exposure cassettes, or in bulk lengths of 30.5 metres (100ft). Delta 100 Professional 35mm film is supplied in DX coded cassettes, suitable for all 35mm cameras.Delta 100 Professional rollfilm is coated on 0.110mm/4-mil clear acetate base with an anti-halation backing which clears during development. It is available in 120 lengths and is edge numbered 1 to 19.Delta 100 Professional sheet film is coated on 0.180mm/7-mil polyester base with an anti-halation backing which clears during development. It is available in a wide range of standard sizes. The emulsion faces the user when sheet film is held in the position shown opposite.EXPOSURE RATINGDelta 100 Professional has a speed rating of ISO 100/21º to daylight. Best results are obtained at EI 100/21, but good image quality will also be obtained at meter settings from EI 50/18 to EI 200/24.It should be noted that the exposure index (EI) range recommended for Delta 100 Professional is based on a practical evaluation of film speed and is not based on foot speed, as is the ISO standard.SPECTRAL SENSITIVITYWedge spectrogram to tungsten light (2850K)FILTER FACTORSDelta 100 Professional film may be used with all types of filters (eg colour, polarising and neutral density filters) in the usual way. Follow the instructions given by the filter manufacturer.The exposure increase in daylight may vary with the angle of the sun and the time of day. In the late afternoon or the winter months, when daylight contains more red light, green and blue filters may need slightly more exposure than usual.Cameras with through-the-lens metering will usually adjust the exposure automatically when using filters. With some automatic exposure cameras, the correction given for deep red and orange filters can produce negatives under exposed by as much as 1½ stops.MAKING LONG EXPOSURESFor exposures between 1 and 1/10 000 second, no adjustments are needed for reciprocity law failure.When exposures longer than 1 second are given, Delta 100 Professional, along with other films, needs to be given more exposure than indicated by a meter. Use the graph tocalculate the increased exposure time which should be given once the measured time is known.The graph is based on the formulae Ta = Tm 1.26Ta = Adjusted Time Tm = Measured TimeCHOOSING THE BEST ILFORD DEVELOPER FOR THE JOB Manual processing Spiral tank, dish/tray, deep tank Including rotary processorsLiquid Powder Best overall image quality ILFOTEC DD-X ID-11 (stock)Finest grain (EI 100/21) Finest grain (EI 50/18) ILFOTEC DD-X ILFOTEC DD-X PERCEPTOL (1+1) PERCEPTOL (stock) Maximum sharpness ILFOTEC HC (1+31) ID-11 (1+3)Maximum film speed (EI 200/24) ILFOTEC DD-X MICROPHEN (stock) Economy ILFOTEC LC29 (1+29) ID-11 (1+3)MICROPHEN (1+3) One-shot convenience ILFOSOL 3 (1+14) ILFOTEC DD-X ID-11 (1+1)MICROPHEN (1+1) Replenishable ILFOTEC DD-XID-11Machine Processing Dip and dunk ILFOTEC DDBest overall image quality (liquid) and long tank life Short leader ILFOTEC RT RAPID Rapid processing, best overall image quality and long tank life Roller transportILFOTEC RT RAPID Rapid processingDEVELOPMENT TIMESThe table below gives development times for both manual and machine processing Delta 100 Professional. These times will produce negatives of average contrast suitable for printing in all enlargers The development times are intended as a guide and may be altered if a different result is needed.For manual processing in spiral tanks and deep tanks, the development times are based on intermittent agitation. Where continuous agitation is used for manual processing (as in a dish/tray or with some types of developing tank), reduce these times by up to 15%. For use in rotary processors without a pre-rinse, reduce the spiral tank development times by up to15%. A pre-rinse is not recommended as it can lead to uneven processing.35mm and Roll FilmILFORD developer Dilution Meter settingEI 50/18 EI 100/21 EI 200/24Spiral tank, deep tank, dip and dunk machines (min/20o C/68o F)ILFOTEC DD-X1+4810½ 12½ILFOSOL 31+9–5–1+14–7½–ILFOTEC HC1+31568ILFOTEC LC291+195681+295½7½10ID-11stock78½10½1+1 1011131+3 1520–MICROPHEN stock–6½81+1–10141+3–1420PERCEPTOL stock 1215–1+1 1317–1+3 1622–Non-ILFORD DevelopersAcufine stock––5½Rodinal1+2579–1+50 1014–Kodak D-76stock7 9 111+1 9½ 12 141+3 14 22 –Kodak HC-110B5 6 8 Kodak T-Max1+4 6 7 8 Tetenal Ultrafin1+10–681+20– 9½ 11½ Tetenal Ultrafin Plus1+4–5 7 Kodak Xtol stock6½ 7½ 9½Dip and dunk machines (min/24o C/75o F)ILFOTEC DD1+48 9½ 12½Kodak T-Max RS stock 5 6 8 Kodak Xtol stock–6½ 9½ ILFOLAB FP40, roller transport and short leader machines (sec)ILFOTEC RT RAPID1+1+2/26ºC/79o F–40501+1+5/26ºC/79o F40 56 75PROCESSINGDevelopment TimesIf Delta 100 Professional has beeninadvertently exposed at settings below EI 50/18 or above EI 200/24, thefollowing guide will ensure usable negatives are obtained. Obviously, thequality of negatives processed in this waywill not be so high as conventionallyprocessed ones.Note Development times may need adjusting to suit individual processing systems and working practices. If an established system is producing good results, adjust the development times until the desired contrast level is obtained. Development times in other manufacturers’ developers are included for your convenience and are only a general guide. Other manufacturers can and do change their product specifications from time to time, and the development times may change as a result.Processing at Different TemperaturesDelta 100 Professional film can be processed over a range of temperatures. Development times at temperatures other than 20°C/68°F may be calculated from the chart below. For example, if 4 minutes at 20°C/68°F is recommended, the time at 23°C/73°F will be 3 minutes and the time at 16°C/61°F will be 6 minutes.CHARACTERISTIC CURVE100 DELTA Professional roll film developed in ILFORD ID-11 stock for 8½ minutes at 20ºC/68ºF with intermittentagitation. This curve is also representative of the 35mm and sheet film formats. Manual Processing (min @ 20°C/68°F) – accidental exposure only Ilford Developer Dilution Meter SettingEI 25/15 and below EI 400/27and above Microphen Stock - 10Perceptol Stock9 -PROCESSINGDELTA 100 Professional can be processed in all types of processing equipment including spiral tanks, rotary processors, dishes/trays, deep tanks and automatic processors. Standard capacity figures and replenishment rates can be maintained. When fixing DELTA 100 Professional however, slightly longer times than used with conventional film are recommended for best results.Safelight recommendationsHandle Delta 100 Professional film in total darkness.AgitationIntermittent agitation is recommended for use in spiral tanks and deep tanks. With spiral tanks, invert the tank four times during the first 10 seconds, then invert the tank four times again during the first 10 seconds of each further minute. Otherwise, follow the recommendations given by the processing equipment manufacturer. Continuous agitation is recommended in dishes/trays by rocking the dish/tray.Stop, fix, wash and rinseFor best results it is recommended that all process solutions are kept at the same temperature or at least within 5ºC (9ºF) of the developer temperature.Stop BathAfter development the film can be rinsed in water but we recommend that an acid stop bath is used such as ILFORD ILFOSTOP (with indicator dye). ILFOSTOP is also recommended for all machine processing applications. When tanks or dishes (trays) of process solutions are in use a stop bathimmediately stops development and reduces carry over of excess developer into the fixerbath. This helps to maintain the activity and prolong the life of the fixer solution.The process time given is the minimum required, if necessary, a longer time may be used and should not cause any process problems provided it is not excessive. FixThe recommended fixers are ILFORD RAPID FIXER or ILFORD HYPAM FIXER.WashWash the films in running water for 5–10 minutes at a temperature within 5ºC (9ºF) of the process temperature. Or see note below for greater economy when using spiral tanks.Note: For spiral tank use, the following method of washing is recommended. This method of washing is faster, uses less water yet still gives negatives suitable for long term storage.After fixing, fill the spiral tank with water at the same temperature, +/– 5ºC (9ºF), as the processing solutions and invert it five times. Drain the water away and refill. Invert the tank ten times. Once more drain the water away and refill. Finally, invert the tank twenty times and drain the water away.ILFORD ILFOSTOP Dilution 1+19 Temperature Range 18–24ºC (64–75ºF) Time (sec) at 20ºC (68ºF) 10 Capacity (films per litre, unreplenished) 15x (135-36) ILFORD RAPID OR HYPAM FIXERS Dilution 1+4 Temperature Range 18–24ºC (64–75ºF) Time (mins) at 20ºC (68ºF) 2-5 Capacity (films per litre, unreplenished) 24x (135-36)RinseFor a final rinse use ILFORD ILFOTOL wetting agent added to water, it helps the film to dry rapidly and evenly. Start by using 5ml per litre of rinse water (1+200), however the amount of ILFOTOL used may need some adjustment depending on the local water quality and drying method. Too little or too much wetting agent can lead to uneven drying. Remove excess rinse solution from the film before drying.DryingTo avoid drying marks, use a clean squeegee or chamois cloth to wipe Delta 100 Professional film before hanging it to dry. Dry Delta 100 Professional at 30–40°C/86-104°F in a drying cabinet or at room temperature in a clean dust-free area.STORAGEStore Delta 100 Professional in a cool (10–20°C/50-68°F), dry place in its original packaging.FP4 Plus may be stored in a fridge/freezer but allow plenty of time for the film to acclimatise prior to use.Exposed filmOnce exposed, process Delta 100 Professional as soon as practical.Exposed films should always be stored in cool, dry conditions - as recommended above.NegativesStore processed negatives in a cool (10–20°C/50-68°F), dry place, in the dark. Suitable storage sleeves include those made of cellulose triacetate, Mylar, paper (pH6.5–7.5) or inert polyester.A wide range of fact sheets is available which describe and give guidance on using ILFORD PHOTO products. Some products in this fact sheet might not be available in your country.HARMAN technology Limited, ILFORD Way, Mobberley,Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7JL, England。
二、荧光缩影X光胶片规格尺寸:700mm×23m 100mm×23m 110mm×23mm,另可按客户要求提供特殊规格。
三、荧光缩影X光胶片照相性能及物理性能:感光度(S)≥60 反差系数(Υ)2.0±0.4灰雾度(D。
)≤0.12 最大密度(Dmax)≥2.4熔点(℃)≥70 感色范围360~570nm四、荧光缩影X光胶片冲洗加工程序:1.机显X光胶片适用于现代高温快速机器自动冲洗加工2.手显本文来源:天津远大天感影像科技有限公司,如需转载,请标注原文地址:/show.asp?id=41电镜胶片(电镜底片)新型电镜胶片DJ-II型,可以适用于电子显微镜图像的拍摄,具有速度快,清晰度好,颗粒细,显影宽容度高,灰雾小。
A M E R O Y A L C100清洗剂
AMEROYAL C100高碱性返渗透膜清洗剂,能够有效清除各种类型返渗透膜中的有机物、微生物及其它沉积物。
AMEROYAL C100 是种高效率碱性返渗透膜清洗剂,可维持返渗透膜较长的运转时间,若与微生物杀菌、分散剂一起搭配使用,其清洗效果将更加明显。
比重(25℃): 1.05
冰点: -1℃
闪点: N/A
依据返渗透膜制造商所建议要求,做pH值、温度、及清洗液接触时间适当控制,AMEROYAL C100 最佳的清洗浓度为20%~30%的稀释浓度,投药添加设备应选用不锈钢、耐温塑料等材质。
包装:ANEROYAL C100的包装为25公升装。
Drew Industrial Chemical为维謢客户及用户使用此产品时之安全,备有”产品安全须知”(MSDS)。
我们建议您随时依需要就近向Drew Industrial Chemical各地之分公司或代理索取此数据,并于使用此产品前详细及熟知此产品使用上的各项安全须知。
ECN-2 冲洗
![ECN-2 冲洗](
ECN-2 冲洗柯达ECN-2前浴和补充尺寸: 290x290x290 (长x寬x高) 重量: 24.6 公斤最小订货量为1箱,內裝20升药液1瓶。
CAT No. :525 5112柯达ECN-2彩色显影起始液尺寸: 307x155x320重量: 12.5 公斤最小订货量为1箱。
请按以下比例调配: 75 升显影补充液加5升裝一瓶调配成100升溶液。
CAT No. :525 5120柯达ECN-2彩色显影补充液, A 尺寸: 290x290x290重量: 23.3 公斤ECN-2彩色显影补充液A的最小订货量为1箱,订购2箱A的同时需订购1箱ECN-2彩色显影补充液B。
每1箱A和1瓶5升的B 混合成100升显影补充液。
CAT No. :526 3314柯达ECN-2彩色显影补充液, B 尺寸: 307x155x320重量: 8.6 公斤ECN-2彩色显影补充液B的最小订货量为1箱,需同2箱20升裝的A同時购买。
CAT No. :526 3322柯达ECN-2/ECP-2D停显和补充尺寸: 307x155x320重量: 12.9 公斤最小订货量为1箱。
每瓶可配成100升的补充液CAT No. :525 5153柯达ECN-2漂白和补充尺寸: 290x290x290重量: 21.2 公斤最小订货量为1箱,內裝20升药液1瓶。
CAT No. :525 5161柯达ECN-2定影和补充尺寸: 290x290x290重量: 27.7 公斤最小订货量为1箱,內裝20升药液1瓶。
CAT No. :525 5179柯达ECN-2/ECP-2D最后漂洗和补充尺寸: 305x155x244重量: 6.6 公斤最小订货量为1箱。
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Stop bath. After development, although it is possible to simply rinse the film in water, we advise using a stop h such as ILFORD ILFOSTOP (This contains an indicator dye in it). ILFORD ILFOSTOP is suitable for both machine and manual processing applications. When stop bath is used, it immediately stops development and reduces carry-over of excess developer into the fixer bath. This will help to maintain the activity and prolong the life of the fixer solution. When using ILFORD ILFOSTOP bath, we advise it be used as follows:- Ilfostop at 1+19 dilution / temperature range of 18-24°C (64-75°F) - for 10 seconds. Note, this 10 second time is the minimum time required. If a longer time is used, it is not anticipated that it will lead to any processing problems provided the time increase is not excessive. We advise processing a maximum of 15 x 35mm 36 exposure films in 1L unreplenished stopbath.
The films 100 ISO speed rating was established from processing in ID-11 developer at 20°C / 68°F with intermittent agitation in a spiral tank.
Once a film is exposed, we advise to have it processed as soon as practical. However, images on exposed but unprocessed films will not degrade for several months provided they are stored as we advise in cool, dry conditions.
STORAGE OF UNEXPOSED, AND EXPOSED/UNPROCESSED FILMS We advise films be stored in a cool dry place, and when possible (prior to exposure) in its original packaging. Advisable temperatures – between 10-20°C / 50-68°F.
Fixers. We recommend using either ILFORD HYPAM or RAPID liquid fixers. ILFORD RAPID fixer must not be used with fix hardeners as it is not compatible with them, but ILFORD HYPAM fixer is compatible with fix hardeners. Generally for most applications, modern camera films are sufficiently hardened at manufacture, so additional hardening from a fixer hardener is not usually needed or recommended for processing in spiral tanks, dishes/trays, deep tanks, rotary processors, dip and dunk (hanger) machines and short leader card processors, unless the processing temperature is above 30ºC (86ºF), or poor drying performance is being experienced. But, to minimise the risk of physical damage, a fixer hardener may be needed when using roller transport processors. Use of a fix hardener requires recommended fix and wash times to be extended - so depending on film / processing conditions, hardened fix times need to be between 4-10 minutes followed by a wash time of 10-20 minutes in running water. When using ILFORD fixers as non hardening fixers, we advise they be used as follows:- ILFORD HYPAM or RAPID at 1+4 dilution / temperature range of 18-24°C (64-75°F) - for 2-5mins. We advise processing a maximum of 24 x 35mm 36 exposure films in 1L unreplenished fixer.
AVAILABILITY The film is available in 35mm format in 24 and 36 exposure lengths, and in bulk lengths of 30.5m.
KEY PROPERTIES - Mid speed film – rated at ISO 100 / 21°. - Capable of coping with a wide range of general indoor and outdoor photography applications. - Enables good sharpness. - Fine grain. - Broad tonal range with good contrast. - Broad exposure latitude. - Compatible with many developers.
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January 2009
PROCESSING / AGITATION Kentmere 100 is suitable for processing in most types of processing equipment – including spiral tanks, rotary processors, dishes/trays, deep tanks and automatic processors. Developers. A wide range of developers are suitable to use. Developer choices and their guide process times / temperatures and dilutions are all shown in the table on page 3.
EXPOSURE Kentmere 100 has a speed rating of ISO 100 / 21° (100ASA, 21DIN, EI 100/21°) to daylight. Although it is possible to rate the film at 50/18° and 200/24°, the film performs at its optimum when rated at 100ASA. When rated at any alternate suggested ASA ratings, quality does diminish in terms of grain and sharpness. If any alternate speed settings to 100ASA are to be used, it is therefore advisable that tests be carried out first to ensure these alternate speeds are suitable.
FILTER FACTORS Kentmere 100 can be used with all standard types of filters (colour, polarising and neutral density filters). It is advised that the filter manufacturers instructions are followed in terms of any exposure compensation factors needed. For eg, it is likely that red or orange filters will require compensation, or they are likely to result in under-exposed negatives (by up to 11/2 stops) if the cameras automatic exposuring is used alone. Filter manufacturers do usually indicate what correction factor will be needed, but failing that, it would be advisable that a user bracket exposes/tests - when using filters.