人教版高中英语第二册Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION教学设计

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人教版高中英语第二册Unit 2 WILDLIFE

阅读文本A Day in the Clouds 通过介绍藏羚羊过去和现在的生存环境,倡导每个人通过改变自身的生活方式来进一步拯救野生动物、地球和人类。






教学安排:整体理解全文,并根据问题链重点研读文本前四段,了解藏羚羊面临的问题(the problem)—产生问题的原因(the causes)—措施和成效(the measures and effect)。

了解字面意义(literal meaning)和隐含意义(implied meaning)的概念。

1. 通过标题预测,自主提问并验证提问,梳理问题链,了解藏羚羊的生存现状、曾经面临的危机和原因、政府和当地人民采取的措施以及效果等。

2. 结合文本中的典型例句,准确理解字面意义(literal meaning)和隐含意义(implied meaning),深度解读文本。

3. 聚焦野生动物保护的话题语言,并将其进行分类整理。

Activity 1: Watching a video clip and talking about wildlife protection

Watch a video clip about the Tibetan Antelope and talk about it.
Q1: What is the animal in the video?
Q2: Where do they live?

Activity 2: Asking questions based on the title and answering them after reading

1. Encourage students to ask questions based on the title.
S1: Who spent the day in the clouds?
S2: Where does it take place?
S3: What does “in the clouds”mean here?
S4: Why did the writer go there?
2. Read the passage to answer the students’questions.
3. Read Paragraph 1 to answer the following questions.
Q1: What was the place like?
Q2: Which two sentences in Paragraph 1 can be used to describe the picture?

Activity 3: Reading again for more detailed information 本活动旨在落实课时目标1和2。

1. Read Paragraphs 2—4 and answer the following questions.
Q1: When observing the Tibetan antelopes,what came to the writer’s mind?
Q2: Why did the antelopes become an endangered species in the 1980s and 1990s?
2. Watch a video clip,learn and understand the key words and expressions.
Q3: What did the government do to save them from extinction?
[设计意图]利用问题链解读文本内容,提取并整合以下信息:问题(the problem )、产生问题的原因(the causes )、政府和当地人民采取的部分措施(the measures );完成主题词汇的教学,如:shoot 、attack 、threat 、remove 、make profits 、endangered 、extinct 、reserve 等,为第二课时的相关任务做铺垫。

Activity 4: Having a discussion about what else the government can do

Work in groups of
4 to have a discussion about the measures the government has taken or can take besides setting up the nature reserve.
[设计意图] 通过讨论为第二课时的相关任务做铺垫,承上启下。


Complete the table with words and expressions from this class.






Activity 1: Reading paragraphs 5 & 6 for more information

Read Paragraphs 5 & 6 and answer the following questions.
Q1: Last lesson,we’ve found that the government has set up Changtang Nature Reserve to protect the Tibetan antelopes. Then what else did the government and the volunteers do to save them from extinction?
Q2: What was the effect?
[设计意图]基于上节课的信息完成问题链并提取剩余信息:政府和当地人民采取的措施以及效果(the measures and the effect)。

Activity 2: Reading the last paragraph and reflecting on the purpose of the writing

Q1: Can we stop our protection of the antelope?
Q2: According to the writer,what should we do?
Q3: What is the purpose of this passage?
[设计意图]引导学生按照文本主线复习之前的信息,自然过渡到最后一段的阅读;引导学生将注意力从政府和志愿者的努力转移到自身上,并完善思维导图的最后一个环节:“change our way of life”;引导学生通过讨论并根据之前的信息梳理推测作者的写作意图。

Activity 3: Discussing how to change our way of life

Q: How could we change our way of life to protect wildlife?
T: DO NOT buy wildlife goods.
DO NOT destroy or affect wildlife habitats.
Spread the news about the illegal hunting of wildlife.
Report any illegal hunting or trading.
Join a volunteer protection group.
Change begins with you!


Activity 4: Getting to know the literal and implied meaning

Q: Is each idea the literal meaning of the text or just implied?How do you know?
_______ The Tibetan antelope lives high above sea level. (This is implied by “The air is thin”.)
_______ The writer remembered that Tibetan antelopes are under threat.
_______ We should not buy goods made from endangered animals.
_______ Human activities are threatening animals and plants.
_______ The Tibetan antelope is not an endangered species now.

Activity 5: Checking the assignment and applying the words and expressions by writing a letter

1. Share and check the related words and expressions.
2. Finish the writing of a letter.
T: Suppose you are an old Tibetan antelope. You’re writing a letter to your grandson about the story of Tibetan antelopes. It may include the following parts:
(1)Your life in the past (the problems and the causes);
(2)Your present life and your thanks to ... (the measures and the effects).
[设计意图]本环节首先检查学生的话题词块整理情况,为最后的写作做铺垫;此外,教师提供一个写作模板,鼓励学生根据文本主线“问题(the problem)——产生问题的原因(the causes)——措施和成效(the measures and effect)——建议和反思(the reflection)”,运用自己整理的话题词块,撰写一封信,在深入感知和运用语言的同时,把自己真正融入文本创设的情节之中。


Work in pairs to check and polish the letters.

The teacher’s version:
Dear Lucky,
It is a beautiful day here on the plain. I expect you and your friends are running around happily,free to go anywhere you want. But can you imagine what our life was like 35 years ago,my dear grandson?
At that time, cold-blooded hunters were hiding everywhere to shoot us,just for our fur!We woke up every day feeling a mixture of both relief and fear. We felt lucky to survive,but we were so tired of living in fear and facing the threat of death. Our habitats became smaller and smaller,with some of us starving to death because of the lack of grass and clean water. Those were really dark times for us.
Fortunately, the Chinese government and some volunteers began to take measures to help us. They set up new shelters for us,in which we were watched over and taken good care of. And new bridges and gates were added to keep us safe from vehicles. Our life became much easier.
So thanks to their efforts,we can now live in harmony. I do hope that your happy life today will last forever.
