A Rose for Emily主题分析
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“we had long since given up trying to get any information from the Negro He talked to no one, probably not even to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse.”
《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰》代表了福 克纳短篇小说创作的最高成就。福克 纳运用现代主义写作手法, 通过艾 米丽的悲剧人生揭示特定历史时期南 方人矛盾的精神世界,探索人类心灵 冲突这一永恒的主题。深刻地反映了 社会变迁时期南方贵族的没落和衰败, 新兴资本主义与旧势力之间的摩擦与 冲突,以及新旧价值观的矛盾。
After the independence of United States, North and south developed along different paths. Since the 1820s, the industrial revolution developed in north and Central states, While in the south, was the black slavery. Since the 19th century, the contradictions between North and south had became increasingly fierce. Then, The American civil war broke out. As is known to all, victory belongs to the north,After the Civil war, slavery was eliminated, but the black still under various exploitation and discrimination. So that‟s the background of this story.
种族冲突 阶级冲突
“Daily, monthly, yearly we watched the Negro grow grayer and more stooped, going in and out with the market basket.”
“每天、每月、每年我们看着这个黑人的头发越来 越花白,后背越来越弯曲,挎着篮子进进出出。”
反映美国南北战争后南方社会的 变迁,社会的冲突和对抗,以及 黑人和白人之间的关系等。
People in town
Homer Barron
Negro man
Her father
The contradiction between traditional values and modern civilization Paternalism (父权主义)
Birthplace: Mississippi in the United States
Faulkner was born in a declining aristocracy family in the southern United States, this life had profound influence on his literary creation.
The conflict between old and new values
Homer Barron
Contradictions between nobility and labor class
新旧价值观的矛盾、贵族阶级与劳工阶级矛盾 “Homer himself had remarked--he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks‟ Club--that he was not a marrying man.”
Her father
Reflect the changes of southern society, social conflicts and confrontations, and the relationship between the black and white after the civil war.
南方传统的价值观念与文明现代化之 间的矛盾
南方社会道德和父权制的束缚和压迫 男权至上(父亲 兄长 丈夫) 清教思想
Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door.
Novel titles:A Rose for Emily Chinese name:《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》
Published time:In April 1930 Author:William Faulkner
威廉· 福克纳 福克纳出生在美国南方一个没落贵 族家庭,这样的身世对福克纳的文学 创作影响深远。 威廉·福克纳的15部长篇与绝大多 数短篇的故事都发生在约克纳帕塔法 县,称为“约克纳帕塔法世系”。其 主要脉络是这个县杰弗生镇及其郊区 的属于不同社会阶层的若干个家族的 几代人的故事。
“She carried her head high enough--even when we believed that she was fallen.” 她把头
抬得高高——甚至当我们相信她已经堕落了的时候也是 如此。
As a representative of the traditional incarnation, on one hand , Emily hoped to maintain social rules, on the other hand, she also wanted to have her beautiful love.
南北战争前后的美国南方,以骑士 精神和淑女风范傲然于世,对妇女贞操 的崇拜是美国南方清教妇道思想所极力 推崇的,淑女风范”旨在把女性培养成 男性的附属,她们没有自我,无力掌控 自身命运,几乎谈不上什么自由,只会 保持淑女的骄傲和矜持,却无力面对生 活。
People in town
“Of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer.”
荷默自己说他喜欢和男人来往,大家知道他和年轻人在一家俱乐 部一道喝酒,他本人说过,他是无意于成家的人。
Negro man
After the American civil war, the south still followed the idea that white and manor were the noblest. long time class differentiation made the town‟s residents largely ignored that the black and white were equal .Even blacks themselves were subconsciously think that they were only tools of master, they should not have their own ideas.
“格里尔生家的人绝对不会真的看中一个北方佬,一 个拿日工资的人。”
“even grief could not cause a real lady to forget noblesse oblige.”
Conflict between responsibility and freedom, abide by the tradition and the pursuit of love
“我们已经放弃从他那里了解任何(有关艾米丽) 的消息很长时间了。他不跟任何人说话,甚至可能 不跟(艾米丽)说话,因为他的声音变得既刺耳又 仿佛生了锈,好像从来没用过一样。”
美国南北战争之后,当时的南方还一直 遵从着白人与庄园主至上的思想。阶级长期 的明显分化使得镇上的居民很大程度上忽略 了黑人与白人是平等的,黑人也是人;甚至 是黑人自己也潜意识里认为自己只是主人的 工具,自己不应该有任何关于自己的想法。 特别是在受到严厉旧时家教的艾米丽小姐家 中,这种思想更为深刻。
A Rose for Emily represents Faulkner„s greatest achievements in the writing of short stories. Modernist writing techniques are skillfully used by Faulkner to tell the tragic life of Emily to show the incompatible inner spiritual world of American South in a specific period which is aimed at exploring the eternal theme of conflicts in human heart. Profoundly reflects southern aristocratic(贵 族的 [ə,rɪstə'krætɪk]) decline and decay, and the friction and conflict between the emerging capitalism(资本主义)and the old forces , and the contradiction between old and new values in the period of social change .
“身段苗条,穿着白衣的艾米丽小姐立在 背后,她父亲叉开双脚的侧影在前面,背 对艾米丽,手执一根马鞭,一扇向后开的 前门恰好嵌住了他们俩的身影。”
“Crayon portrait”
The heroine's father was representative of the southern traditional moral constraints, and social norms, "father" never appeared as an alive person, but his influence was throughout, deep and everywhere in the novel.
பைடு நூலகம்
美国独立后,南 方和北方沿着两 条不同的道路发 展。从19世纪20年 代起,北部和中 部各州开始了工 业革命,而在南 方,则实行的是 黑人奴隶制度, 南北矛盾和斗争 自19世纪起日趋激 烈。后来,美国 内战爆发了。北 方在战争中的胜 利,内战消灭了 奴隶制,但是黑 人在内战后的重 建时期仍受到多 方面的歧视和种 植场主的剥削。
她是端庄的南方淑女,她要维护自己的淑 女形象和家族荣誉。面对爱情时, “艾米丽 又蔑视社会等级和道德观念,在恋爱和婚姻中 表 现出强烈的自我和自主意识。”她抛弃了 自己一直信奉的义务和责任甚至家族荣誉,不 顾一切地和 拿日工资的北方佬相爱了,精心 准备婚礼,成为恋爱中的小女人。
Ethnic conflict and class conflict