collaboration n. 合作collapse n. 倒塌;崩溃,失败 breakdown, failurecolleague n. 同事,同僚 fellow worker, associate, co-worker collective adj. 集体的,共同的 commoncollide vi. 碰撞;冲突 bump, hit;conflictcollision n. 碰撞;冲突,抵触 crash, impactcolloquial adj. 口语的,通俗语的 conversational, informalcolloquialism n. 俗话,白话,口语colonize vt. 建立殖民地,拓殖 settlevt. 定居,居于 plantcolony n. 殖民地;群体 group, communitycolonial adj. 殖民的,殖民地的colonel n. 陆军上校colossal adj. 巨大的 huge, giganticcombination n. 化和,组合 blend, unioncombine v. 联合,结合 blend, fuse, mergecombustible adj. 易燃的 flammable, burnable, inflammable combustion n. 燃烧comet n. 彗星cometary adj. 彗星的,彗星似的comic adj. 滑稽的,好笑的;喜剧的 funny, ridiculouscomical adj. 滑稽的,好笑的commander n. 司令官,指挥员 chief, leadercommemorate vt. 纪念 remember, memorializecomment n. 注释,评论 remark, judgmentvi. 谈及;注释,评论clarify vt. 澄清,阐明 illuminate, elucidateclarification n. 澄清,净化classify vt. 把…分类,分等级classification n. 分类,分级clause n. 分句;条款 sentence, phraseclay n. 粘土;泥土clergy n. 牧师clergyman n. 牧师,教士cliff n. 悬崖峭壁 bluff, precipiceclimaten.气候;社会风气或趋势weather condition;atmosphere, environmentclimatic adj. 气候上的cling vi. 粘紧,附着 stickvi. 坚持(意见),墨守(习惯) adhere toclinic n. 门诊所 dispensary, infirmaryclinical adj. 临床的`clip vt. 修剪 trim, cut offclockwise adj./adv. 顺时针方向的(地)counterclockwise adj./adv. 逆时针方向的(地)clog vt. 障碍,阻塞 congest, jamclumsy adj. 笨拙的;愚笨的 awkward, ineptcluster n. 簇,串,群 group, bunchvi. 丛生;聚集 concentrate, gather, assembleclutch v. 抓住,攫取 grasp tightlyn. 一次产的或孵的蛋(或卵) coalesce vi. 联合,合并 associate, combinecoalescence n. 合并,联合coalition n. 联合,同盟 alliance, unioncoarse adj. 粗糙的 rough, harshcoax vt. 哄诱,巧言诱哄 persuade, cajolecode of laws 词组法典codify vt. 编成法典,编辑成书coexist vi. 同时存在,共存 coincidecognitive adj. 认知的;感知的coherent adj. 粘在一起的 adhesive, cohesiveadj. 连贯的;有条理的 logical, soundcoherenceincoherence n.n.一致不连贯,不一致cohesion n. 附着(力),凝聚力 unity, solidaritycohesive adj. 粘着的coil n. (一)卷;线圈 ring, rollvt. 盘绕,卷 twist, curlrecoil vi. 弹回,反冲coin n. 铸币 nickelvt. 创造(一个新的词语或短语) create, inventcoinage n. 造币,货币制度coincide vi. 同时发生;相符合,相巧合 occur at the same time as, correspondcoincident adj. 一致的,巧合的 concerning, simultaneouscoincidence n. 一致;同时发生或同时存在的事collaborate vi. 协作,合作 work together, cooperatecircumference n. 圆周;周长 perimeter, peripherycircumscribe vt. 划界限;限制make the boundaries of;confine,restrictcircumstance n. 环境,情况 situation, conditioncitadel n. 堡垒,要塞 fort, fortresscite vt. 引用,举例 refer to, quotecitizenship n. 公民(的身份)civil adj. 公民的;市民的 civicadj. 国内的civil rights 词组公民权civil war 词组内战civility n. 彬彬有礼,斯文civilization n. 文明,文化 culturecivilian adj. 平民的;民用的 nonmilitary, noncombatantn. 平民claim n. 要求,要求权v. 声称,主张clam n. 蛤,蛤肉clamor n. 叫嚣,喧哗 outcry, uproar, commotionreclamation n. 开垦;改造;(废料等的)回收clan n. 家族,宗族 faction, tribeclap n. 拍手声;霹雳声v. 鼓掌;轻拍applaud; slapcharter v. 包租;特许license, authorizechart n. 海图,图表 graph, diagramvt. 制图 plotchaste adj. 贞洁的;(思想、言论)朴素的chat vi. 闲谈 talkchateau n. 城堡,高级旅馆check vt. 检查,核对;阻止,控制 control, suppress, restrictn. 支票checkup n. 审查;身体检查checkout n. 检验,校验check out 词组检验,校验paycheck n. 付薪水的支票chef n. 厨师cherish v. 怀抱(希望等);珍爱 harbor;treasure, value chill vt. 使冷,变冷;冷却 cool, freezen. 寒意,寒战 coolness, coldnesschilly adj. 寒冷的 coldchilli n. 红辣椒chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩gorilla n. 大猩猩chisel n. 凿子 gougev. 砍凿,凿刻 cut, sculptchivalry n. 骑士气概,侠义;(男人)对女人彬彬有礼,献殷勤choke vt. 使窒息 asphyxiate, suffocate。
法兰西第一殖民帝国 北美洲: 1.加拿大 2.圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛 3.美国 加勒比: 4.安圭拉 5.安提瓜和巴布达 6.多米尼克 7.多米尼加共和国 8.格林纳达 9.瓜德罗普 10.海地 11.马提尼克
12.蒙特塞拉特 13.圣马丁岛 14.圣巴托洛缪岛 15.圣卢西亚 16.圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 17.圣尤斯特歇斯(短暂统治) 18.圣克里斯多福与尼维斯 19.特立尼达和多巴哥 20.美属维尔京群岛 21.特克斯与凯科斯群岛
在16世纪,随着航海家韦拉扎诺及卡蒂 亚开拓了航线后,法国渔民便开始在纽芬 兰一带航行,这样就揭开了法兰西殖民地 扩张的序幕。 但西班牙在北美一带的垄断,以及法国在 16世纪晚期法国宗教战争中失利所造成 的内乱,都使得法国有必要建立殖民地帝 国。
法国在早期曾经企图以巴西作为殖民地, 并在1555年及1612年入侵里约热内卢及 圣路易两地,但由于葡萄牙和西班牙的对 法国的戒备及阻止,使得法国在两地及北 美佛罗里达的侵略均告失败。 在1605年7月27日,当法国在新斯科舍建 立起皇家港开始,就揭开了法兰西第一殖 民帝国的序幕。
11.布基纳法索 12.科特迪瓦 13.几内亚 14.马里 15.毛里塔尼亚 16.尼日尔 17.塞内加尔 18.多哥 19.喀麦隆 20.中非共和国
21.查德 22.加蓬 23.刚果共和国 印度洋: 24.科摩罗 25.马达加斯加 26.马约特 27.留尼汪 28.印度洋斯卡达岛 28.坦桑尼亚 亚洲: 29.吉布提 30.也门 31.黎巴嫩 32.叙利亚 33.土耳其
英语期末复习重点英语期末复习重点一、单词填空Unitl1.The host of the dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended.2.Shouts of protest (抗议)sprang up from the angry crowd.3.Many people have the bad habit of spending money on impulse.4.All I can remember when I came to is my mother' s anxious face.5.By careful examination, the doctors hope to track down the source of the infection (感染).6.The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was a (n)unexpected event which brought America into World War II.7.The coat fits the boy perfectly now, but he will outgrown it in a year' s time.8.The man' s eyes widened with fear when he saw the robber' s gun.9.He resumed (恢复)his regular working hours shortly after he came out of hospital.10.New problems emerge when old ones are solved.11.Johnny' s mouth watered at the sight of the big pudding.12.At the first light of dawn the warships made for the opensea.13.The sudden rise in oil prices led to an economic crisis in that country.14.The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule.Unit21. A man of humble origin, Lincoln eventually became President of the United States through his own efforts.2.The floods are threatening most of the villages in the area.3.Many species (种)of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in existence.4.Once he realizes that it is his mistake, Jim never hesitates to admit and correct it.5.History shows that the United States as a nation owes to a great deal the African-Americans (非洲裔美国人).6.Acting to he advice of his doctor, Mr. Park had his eye operated on right after he retired last week7.There is no sense (道理)in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.8.Noticing that my daughter was very shy, our hostess went out of her way to make her feel at home.9.Mrs. Brown, who has recently been appointed general manager ofour company, is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with.10.I don't really want to make any judgments on the decisions they made.11.I don't want to influence you. You must act on your own judgment.12.Mohandas Gandhi was known as both a humble man and a powerful leader.Unit51.At present nuclear power makes up only a small fraction of the energy we consume.2.If you shop around, you can probably buy the same product elsewhere for a fraction ofhose prices.3.Travel changes perspective: it provides the traveler with a new way of viewing life.4.English doesn't change from year to year, but physics and chemistry are changing constantly becausenew things are being discovered.5.If you bring children into the wildlife garden, remember that many plants are poisonous and can do harm to their health.6.In brainstorming, you liberate your mind, allowing room for any and every idea that comes up to its surface.7.It is five o' clock in the morning, but already the sun has crept over the horizon and the temperature is rising.8.He drew out a transparent plastic bag and held it up to the light to show me the golden fishes inside.9.The company' s sales figures have dropped by 60 percent in the first quarter and, to make matters worse, no bank is now willing to lend it money.10.If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories (卡路里),but if you are gaining weight then some of the calories you consume are being stored as fat.11.There are not yet any visible signs to indicate that creative thinking can also be replaced by computers.12.The house is built of red brick but its interior walls are all painted white.13.Many a player who had been highly thought of has disappeared from the tennis scene.14.In this article, the author tells us in very simple language how global warming came about.Unit81.r 11 have my long skirts shortened because they are out of style now.2.In the case of a highly intelligent animal like the seal(海豹),elementary training is easy.3.We took a(n) overnight train to Paris, which arrived just as the sun rose.4.In discussing their plan for the coming weekend, his sonsuggested they watch a football game: his daughters, on the other hand , insisted they drive to their aunt's in the country.5.The police have had to drop charges against him because they couldn't find any evidence.6.She didn,t know who had sent the letter, and the envelope provided no clue.7.After the robbery, the police arrived at the scene of theincident to take statements from the victims and the witnesses.8.I have come to understand that all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.9.The fear was contagious and soon everybody was trying to escape.10.Mr. Watt's worst mistake lay in his belief that he would never make a mistake.11.Why don't we get rid of these books since we don't use them anyway.12.The new buildings here are all reinforced with steel, for the sake of safety in case of an earthquake.13.Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are concerned with the study of human behavior.UnitlO1.Peter was endlessly criticized by his father, who seemed to expect simply too much of him.2.The profits we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.3.The old couple now have nothing to live on but a small government pension (养老金).4. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in the field.5.I received your message yesterday and have passed it on to allthe students concerned.6.Professor Nolen said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.7.Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance.8.I appreciate this oil painting much more now that you have explained it to me.9.The job, though not difficult, includes many routine tasks which are quite boring.10.Their criticisms deserve our full attention. They are not to be shrugged off.11.After being turned down several times, the young man felt discouraged at the thought of looking any further for jobs.12.The mayor refused to make any comment on the charges against him.13.His skill in handling complicated situations has earned him much praise in diplomatic circles.14.Our government has been consistent in helping the peasants to improve their living conditions.二、翻译Unitl1•她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案
综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案Active reading(1)3).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue)2 a chance to do something (opportunity)3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment)4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus)5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest)6 to start a major activity (launch)7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects)8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment)4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself.5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes)2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance)3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal)4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor)5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy)6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized)The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out)8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating)For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience.9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion)6) . Answer the questions about the words.1 (b) not very clearly?2 (a) active?3 (b) who disagrees publicly with the government?4 (b) not interested in it?5 (b) exciting?6 (a) get smaller?7 (a) often in touch with them?8 (b) great pleasure?Active reading 23).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.rebel2.era3.destruction4.gender5.assert6.philosophy7.industrial4).Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.1.rebel2.assert3.era4.industrial5.philosophy6.gender7.destruction5).Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.a7.b8.bLanguage in useplete the sentences with the words in brackets and the suffix -ment or -ism.1. What is the going to do about this problem? (govern)Correct answer :government2. refers to a contemporary way of thinking, and is not easy to define. (postmodern)Correct answer : Postmodernism3. Post-war economic led to the creation of new universities in the 1960s. (develop)Correct answer : development4. We must combat money worship and extreme . (individual)Correct answer : individualism5. The two groups discussed for a long time, but couldn't reach an . (agree)Correct answer : agreement6. The best we can make for the future is to provide opportunities for the younger generation. (invest)Correct answer : investment7. is the belief that men and women should be treated differently. (sex)Correct answer : Sexism8. The of Wordsworth is evident in his poem on the French Revolution. (romantic)Correct answer : romanticism2.Rewrite the sentences using so / neither / nor + inversion. Follow the example.1. The world has changed a lot since the 1960s. Universities have changed a lot, too. Suggested answer:The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have universities.2. I really enjoyed my years at university. Jackie also enjoyed the time she spent at university. Suggested answer:I really enjoyed my years at university, and so did Jackie.3. Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students. Another major problem is organizing one's time on campus.Suggested answer:Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students, and so is organizing one's time on campus.4. I'm thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature. Li Ming is thinking of going, too. Suggested answer:I'm thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature, and so is Li Ming.5. I think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years. In my opinion the teaching has also got better.Suggested answer:I think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years, and so has the teaching.6. We can access the Internet in our student hostel, and it's the same for everyone else on campus. Suggested answer:We can access the Internet in our student hostel, and so can everyone else on campus.7. I'm not very interested in politics. My friends aren't either.Suggested answer:I'm not very interested in politics, nor are my friends.8. I won't be doing much tonight. My roommate won't be doing much either.Suggested answer:I won't be doing much tonight, nor will my roommate.3.Rewrite the sentences using mean. Follow the example.1. When you start out at college you meet lots of interesting people.Suggested answer:Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.2. If you go to bed too late you won't be able to concentrate the next day.Suggested answer:Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.3. When you do a course in Lit Theory you spend a lot of time on difficult subjects.Suggested answer:Doing a course in Lit Theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.4. To be interested in literature is to have an open mind about other ways of life.Suggested answer:Being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.5. To protest against the Vietnam War in the 1960s you went out onto the streets.Suggested answer:Protesting against the Vietnam War in the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.6. When you go to college today you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.Suggested answer:Going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.4.Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. (with their …and justice 部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生与当权者的冲突。
高中英文单词常见前缀,后缀1 前缀re-1.表示"回"或"向后"的意思。
例如:review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart(重新开始)reconstruction(重建)2 ex-有两个意义:1.表示"出"、"外"、"由……中弄出"。
例如:export出口,输出exclude 排出2.表示"前任的,以前的"。
例如:ex-president前任总统ex-soldier退伍军人ex-husband 前夫ex-mayor 前任市长ex-wife 前妻ex-Nazis 前纳粹分子3 前缀anti-anti-表示"反对"、"相反"或"防止"。
例如:antiwar(反战的)anti-colonial [kə'ləunjəl](反殖民主义的)antifat(防止肥胖的)antibody (抗体)antimissile(反导弹)4 前缀macro-与micro-macro-与micro-是一对意义相反的前缀,macro-表示"宏、大";micro-表示"微"。
例如:Macro-world(宏观世界)macroeconomics(宏观经济学)macroscale(大规模)microscope(显微镜)microworld(微观世界)microelement(微量元素)5 前缀trans-trans-有两个意义:1.表示"转变"、"变换"。
例如:transport(运输---从一地转到另一地)Transplant 移植translation 翻译trans-form 使变形,改造2.表示"超过"、"横跨"、"超"。
革命先烈的英雄事迹简短英语作文The Brave Heroes Who Gave Their Lives for FreedomThere are many people in history who were very brave and courageous. They stood up for what was right, even though it put them in great danger. These heroes fought for freedom and a better life for everyone. Today, I want to tell you about some of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed everything to make the world a better place.One of the most famous revolutionary heroes is Dr. Jose Rizal from the Philippines. He was born in 1861 and grew up under Spanish rule. As a young man, he saw how cruel and unfair the Spanish authorities were to the Filipino people. They treated Filipinos like second-class citizens in their own country!Dr. Rizal decided to fight against this injustice, but he did not use violence. Instead, he used his brilliant mind and wrote books and articles exposing the cruelties of the Spanish rule. His two famous novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, showed the world what was really happening in the Philippines. These powerful books inspired many Filipinos to take up the cause of independence.Because of his writings, Dr. Rizal was arrested, unfairly tried, and executed by firing squad in 1896 at the young age of 35. His final words were "Consummatum est" which means "It is finished" in Latin. Even in facing death, he remained brave and defiant. Dr. Rizal's martyrdom helped ignite the Philippine Revolution against Spain. He gave his life so that future generations could live in freedom.Another great revolutionary martyr was Bhagat Singh from India. As a teenager in the 1920s, Bhagat Singh joined the fight to free India from British colonial rule. He believed thatnon-violent protests were not enough against such a brutal regime. So at age 23, he helped carry out two daring acts of violence against British officials to draw attention to the cause of independence.For these actions, Bhagat Singh was arrested, tortured, and executed by the British in 1931 when he was only 23 years old. On the day of his execution, Bhagat Singh went bravely to the gallows and shouted "Down with British imperialism!" and "Inquilab Zindabad" which means "Long live the revolution!" His heroic sacrifice became a symbol of the Indian independence movement and inspired millions to keep fighting until India finally won its freedom in 1947.In China, there are countless martyrs who gave their lives resisting the oppressive regimes that ruled their country for so long. Figures like Tan Sitong, Xu Xilin, and Qiu Jin sacrificed everything in the late 1800s and early 1900s protesting the corrupt Qing Dynasty. Their courage and principles paved the way for the 1911 Xinhai Revolution which overthrew the Qing and established the Republic of China.During the long struggle against the Japanese invasion and civil war that followed, millions of Chinese soldiers and civilians were martyred for refusing to surrender their homeland. Heroes like Lt. Col. Dingum Yang defiantly faced execution instead of betraying their countrymen. The famous Martyrs' Shrine in Taipei honors these countless sacrifices which finally achieved victory and democracy in China.Here in our own country, there are also legendary martyrs who fought for liberty against formidable odds. People like Peter Salem, Crispus Attucks, and the four Eddingtons were among the first to give their lives resisting the British at places like Bunker Hill and Boston Massacre during the American Revolution. Heroes like Nathan Hale, sacrificing themselves with the defiant last words "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."Stories of brave martyrs giving the ultimate sacrifice can be found in every nation's struggle against oppression. From José Martí in Cuba, to Sophie Scholl and the White Rose resistance in Nazi Germany, to Steven Biko's struggle against apartheid in South Africa – their courage and willingness to die for freedom has inspired generations that followed them.As we remember and honor these revolutionary martyrs, we must ask ourselves - what were they fighting for? What beliefs and principles motivated them to risk everything?For many, it was the basic human desire for liberty and justice. To be free from tyranny, oppression, and cruelty. To have the same rights as anyone else, regardless of the circumstance of their birth. To live with dignity and have a voice in how they are governed. These are the universal ideals that inspired people like Dr. Rizal, Bhagat Singh, and so many others to make the ultimate sacrifice.For others, their revolutionary fire was fueled by patriotic love for their homeland and people. They could not accept seeing their country brutalized and exploited by foreign invaders and colonial masters. The desire to be truly independent and chart their own destiny as a nation fueled martyrs' zeal from thePhilippines, to India, to China. Their blood watered the seeds of national liberation.And for some, ideology was the driving force – the revolutionary vision of building a new society based on equality, justice, and freedom from want and oppression. Martyrs like Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Thomas Sankara, or the freedom fighters of the Spanish Civil War were willing to die for such lofty goals as Communism, African Socialism, or the anti-fascist cause.No matter the specific cause, all of these revolutionary martyrs were united in their courage to stand up against the injustice and inhumanity around them. They refused to simply accept an unjust fate, even though that defiance meant making the ultimate sacrifice. Their extraordinary bravery in the face of death is what inspires people years and decades later.The great revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh once said: "Every revolutionary is a germ of life, to be scattered upon the soil, germinating and blossoming into a new life." Like seeds, the martyrs fell giving their all. But their spirit took root and grew into the beautiful gardens of freedom we enjoy today.We must never forget their sacrifice or take our liberty for granted. The revolutionary martyrs lit the torch that guides us. Now the torch has been passed to our generation. We mustrededicate ourselves to advancing humanity and creating a more just, peaceful, and prosperous world for all people - the dream for which the martyrs died.。
2023年全国甲卷 高考英语阅读词汇整理
2023年全国甲卷Adesirable adj「派生词]「正式用语】值得拥有的,理想的: seemingly adv看似,貌似:bottomless adj派生词】无底的深不可测的;well n[熱词生义】井;dining n[课标新增词】进餐;option n[课标新增词】学术词】选择;rank v名词动化把……分等级,属于某等级;branch n熟词生义】分部,分支;flagship n[合成词】旗舰店;colonial adj[派生词】殖民的:scene n[熟词生义】非正式用语】活动领域,圈子;serve v熟词生义】提供/端上(饭菜等);twist n变化,改变;appreciate v[学术词】欣赏;progressive adj[派生词】进步的,先进的two-story adj[合成词|两层(楼)的;right adv|熟词生义】正好,恰好;top-class adj合成词】最优秀的,第一流的combine. with 把……和……结合;be true to 忠实于……;make waves|非正式用语|掀起波澜;a candle-lit dinner 烛光晚餐;a set menu 套餐;inaction在工作;at one's best 处于最佳状态;be based in设在……;put on a play 上演戏剧B重难点词late adj|熟词生义】已故的;builder n建筑工人;accompany v陪伴,陪同;pocketmoney n[独立词条(父母给孩子的)零花钱;heavily adv在很大程度上,大量地;flooring n[派生词地板(指铺地面的材料);back-breaking adi合成词】累断腰的,繁重的;deposit n「低频词】押金,订金;add v补充说:personalize v派生词】使(某物)符合某人的特定需求(personal+ -ize); repaint v「派生词]给……重上油漆charge n[一词多义〕费用,价钱;spend n[熟词生义](为某目的或某段时间内的)花销,花费,开销; pioneer n开拓者先驱;treat n[熟词生义】招待,款待;furnish v布置家具;split v[熟词生义】分担,分摊;costly adj昂贵的,价钱高的(近expensive);time-consuming adj合成词耗费时间的seasonal adj派生词|季节性的重难点词块when it comes to sth 在某方面,说到(做)某事;(be)skilled at sth 精于/擅长某事;put up[一词多义】建造(房屋等)搭建;piece together 拼合,拼凑(piece v名词动化);credit ..to把……归功于(credit 熟词生义);reward sb with sth 奖励奖赏某人某物;not much of a sth 算不上是某事;be a(great/big/tremendous/real)help(to sb)帮了(某人)大忙;to start with起初;heavily involved 积极参与的;put downf1ooring铺地板;save sb/sth from(doing)sth使免于………;come to an end 结束,完结;put up[一词多义]张贴(布告、相片等);cover up 完全盖住,掩饰;(be)likely to do sth 可能做某事;take on 决定做;over the coming weeks在接下来的几周中;make the most of 充分利用;get jobs done把活儿做完;lead the charge拼命做(某事)(词源义:带头冲锋);take upahobby 培养一项爱好;split sth with sb 与某人分摊某物;rental agreement租赁协议;gain popularity受到欢迎,开始流行C重难点词copy n[熟词生义】(书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份;kill v扼杀,毁灭;reawaken v派生词】勾起,唤起,再次引发(感情、回忆等); scene n场面,场景;frame v[熟词生义】(以某种方式)表达;work n作品;read n单数】非正式】阅读读书;appealing adj[派生词】有吸引力的,令人感兴趣的; interpretation n「派生词“学术词】理解,解释,说明; sharp adj[熟词生义】深刻的;apparent adj[学术词][常用于名词前)表面上的,显得……的; simplicity n「派生词】简单,容易;aging n[派生词】变老;offer n提议重难点词块end result[常用单数最终结果;enter into开始,参与;draw sb in 吸引某人;pick up 拿起D重难点词occupy v学术词】占据;conflicted adj(因心理冲突)矛盾的psyche n[正式用语】精神,心灵;re-occupy v[学术词】重新占据;range n[学术词】范围,区域;expand v[学术词】扩大increasingly adv越来越多地;sight v正式用语】名词动化(从很远处或经过一番寻找后)看到,发现rough adj粗略的,不确切的;alongside prep与…起:continuous ad持续的;settler n[派生词】殖民者,移居者;remain v留存:mere adj只用于名词前】仅仅的;list把……列入正式名单;act n[熟词生义】法案;recovery n恢复,复得;de-list v[派生词】从名单中删除(de-+list);loosen v派生词1放宽(法律规定)(loose+-en);legal adj[学术词】法律规定的;effort n艰难的尝试,试图;overturn v「派生词】推翻(over-+turn)lawsuit n[合成词|诉讼(law+suit)(=suit);obviously adv[学术词】[句子副词】显然;troublesome adj令人烦恼的;attractant n「派生词】术语】诱食剂(attract+-ant);campsite n[合成词】野营地;typically adv通常,一般;fencing n栅栏,围栏;quarter n【熟词生义】住处,住所(文中指动物的窝棚);attractant-free adj[合成词】无诱食剂的longtime adj[合成词】资深的;manage v控制,驾驭;expansion n派生词】扩大;opposition n反对;comeback n[合成词]再度出现:重返voice n「熟词生义】意见,呼声;advocate n「学术词】拥护者重难点词块flood into(大量地)涌入;frightening dream 噩梦;attempt to do sth 试图做某事;due to由于;conservation group 保护组织;in search of寻找;look at看待;mixed feelings矛盾的心情;be of high value 有重大意义;live in harmony with与……和谐相处七选五重难点词trick n诀窍,技巧;riddle n迷,谜团:thankfulness n派生词】感激;optimistic adj乐观的;foster v促进,培养:self-control n「合成词】自制力,自我控制;instant adj立即的,立刻的;option n[学术词】选择;psychology n[学术词】心理学;circumstance n[学术词】状况,环境merely adv 仅仅,只不过:intolerable adj无法忍受的不能容忍的重难点词块have sth in common有共同之处:have sth at ones fingertips 手头有某物(可供随时使用);a whole lot[非正式用语](表示程度)……得多;be better off 更好;in the long run 从长远来看;get into the habit of doing sth 养成做某事的习惯;put off doing sth 推迟做某事;go for sth选择某物,去取某物;apply...to将……应用到……中去;have the belief that...相信/认为……;comfort zone 舒适区;add up to导致,意味着;a state of…状态。
1. New Year's Day (元旦)New Year's Day marks the start of the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar. It is a time for people to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the coming year. Celebrations vary across different countries, but commonly include fireworks, parties,and family gatherings.2. Valentine's Day (情人节)Valentine's Day is an occasion to celebrate love and affection. It is commonly associated with exchanging gifts, such as cards, flowers, and chocolates, between romantic partners. People also express their love to family members and friends on this day.3. Easter (复活节)Easter is a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated with church services, feasts, and the exchange of Easter eggs, which symbolize new life. Children often participate in Easter egg hunts, where they search for hidden eggs.4. April Fool's Day (愚人节)April Fool's Day is a day for practical jokes and hoaxes. People play tricks on each other and spread false information in a light-hearted manner. It is important to note thatthe pranks are meant to be harmless and should not cause harm or offense.5. Labour Day (劳动节)Labour Day is a holiday dedicated to honoring the achievements of workers. It is a time to recognize the contributions of individuals and labor organizations in improving working conditions and promoting workers' rights. Many countries hold parades and rallies on this day.6. Halloween (万圣节前夕)Halloween is a holiday observed on the eve of All Hallows' Day. It is associated with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations. Children dress up in costumes and go door-to-door, collecting candies. People also carve pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns.7. Christmas (圣诞节)Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is typically marked by church services, gift exchanges, and family gatherings. Decorations such as Christmas trees, lights, and nativity scenes are common during this festive season.8. New Year's Eve (除夕)New Year's Eve is the last day of the year and is celebrated with parties, fireworks, and countdowns to midnight. The moment the New Year begins is often greeted with cheer and excitement. It is a time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one.9. International Women's Day (国际妇女节)International Women's Day is a global celebration of women's achievements and a call for gender equality. It is a time to recognize women's contributions to society and raise awareness about women's rights. Various events and activities are organized to celebrate this day.10. Thanksgiving (感恩节)Thanksgiving is a holiday for expressing gratitude and appreciation. It is commonly celebrated with a festive meal, typically including roasted turkey, family gatherings, andexpressions of thanks for blessings received. It originated as a harvest festival in the United States.11. Independence Day (独立日)Independence Day commemorates the anniversary of a country's independence or freedom from colonial rule. It is usually marked with patriotic displays, such as parades, fireworks, and speeches. The specific date and customs vary from country to country.12. Children's Day (儿童节)Children's Day is a day to honor and promote the welfare of children. It is celebrated with various activities that focus on children's happiness, well-being, and rights. Different countries celebrate Children's Day on different dates, often with events and gifts for children.13. Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time for families to gather, appreciate the full moon, and eat mooncakes. Lanterns are also commonly displayed and lit during this festival.14. National Day (国庆节)National Day is a holiday that commemorates the founding of a nation or the establishment of a significant historical event. It is often celebrated with parades, ceremonies, and fireworks to display national pride and unity. The specific date varies depending on the country.15. Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a Chinese traditional holiday that pays tribute to Qu Yuan, a famous poet. It is marked by dragon boat races, eating sticky rice dumplings known as zongzi, and hanging up pouches of herbs believed to ward off evil spirits.16. Valentine's Day (白色情人节)White Day is observed in several East Asian countries, including Japan and South Korea, on March 14th. It is a day for men to reciprocate the love and affection they received on Valentine's Day. Men often give gifts, such as chocolates or cookies, to women.17. St. Patrick's Day (圣帕特里克节)St. Patrick's Day commemorates the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. It is celebrated with parades, wearing green clothing, and consuming traditional Irish food and drinks. St. Patrick's Day has become a popular cultural celebration worldwide, regardless of Irish heritage.18. Christmas Eve (平安夜)Christmas Eve is the evening before Christmas Day and is often celebrated with religious services, feasts, and social gatherings. It is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy the festive atmosphere leading up to Christmas.19. Valentine's Day (七夕节)Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is a traditional festival celebrating the annual meeting of the cowherd and weaver girl in Chinese folklore. People often pray for good fortune, make wishes, and participate in cultural activities.20. Boxing Day (节礼日)Boxing Day is observed on December 26th in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It originated as a day to give boxes filled with gifts to the less fortunate. Nowadays, it is often associated with shopping sales and sports events.21. Easter Sunday (复活节星期日)Easter Sunday is the main day of Easter celebrations. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the Bible. Many Christians attend church services and engage in festive activities, such as family meals and Easter egg hunts.22. Father's Day (父亲节)Father's Day is a day to honor fathers and father figures, showing appreciation for their role in the family. It is celebrated with gifts, cards, and spending quality time with fathers. The date of Father's Day varies across different countries.23. Women's Equality Day (妇女平等日)Women's Equality Day in the United States commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. It is a day to highlight the ongoing fight for gender equality and to recognize the achievements of women in various fields.24. Oktoberfest (慕尼黑啤酒节)Oktoberfest is a world-famous beer festival held annually in Munich, Germany. It typically lasts for about two weeks and attracts millions of visitors from around the world. People enjoy traditional Bavarian food, music, and, of course, beer in large tents set upfor the occasion.通过这些节日的名词解释,我们可以更加全面地了解英语中与节日相关的词汇。
中国人民大学考博英语真题核心词汇集锦1.colonial[kə'ləunjəl] a.殖民地的,关于殖民的n.殖民地居民2.colony['kɔləni]n.殖民地;侨民;聚居区;(动植物的)群体3.color['kʌlə]n.(=colour)颜色;颜料;肤色v.给…着色4.column['kɔləm]"n.圆柱,柱状物;列;(报刊中的)专栏"b[kəum]n.梳子v.梳(理)bat"['kɔmbæt,kəm'bæt]""v./n.战斗,搏斗,格斗"bination"[,kɔmbi'neiʃən]"n.结合,联合;化合;团体;组合数码。
fort['kʌmfət]n.舒适,安逸;安慰,慰问v.安慰,使舒适fortable['kʌmfətəbl]a.舒适的,舒服的;感到舒适的,安逸的ic['kɔmik] a.喜剧的,滑稽的n.连环漫画杂志;喜剧演员mand[kə'mɑ:nd]n./v.命令,指挥,控制n.掌握,运用能力memorate[kə'meməreit]vt.纪念,庆祝mence[kə'mens]vt.开始vi.获得学位mend[kə'mend]v.称赞,表扬:委托保管;推荐ment['kɔment]"n.注释,评论,意见v.(on)注释,评论"merce['kɔmə:s]n.商业,贸易;交际,交往mercial[kə'mə:ʃəl]a.商业的;商务的;可获利的n.广告节目mission[kə'miʃən]"n.委员会;委任,委托(书),代办;佣金,手续费"mit[kə'mit]"v.把…交托给,提交;犯(错误),干(坏事)"mittee[kə'miti]"n.委员会,全体委员"modity[kə'mɔditi]n.(pl.)日用品;商品;农/矿产品;有用之物mon['kɔmən] a.普通的;共同的;一般的;n.公有地monplace['kɔmənpleis] a.普通的,平庸的n.寻常的事物,平庸的东西monwealth['kɔmənwelθ]"n.共和国,联邦,共同体"municate[kə'mju:nikeit]"v.传达,传送;交流;通讯,通话"munication"[kə,mju:ni'keiʃən]""n.通讯,传达;(pl.)通讯系统;交通(工具)"munism['kɔmjunizəm]n.共产主义munity[kə'mju:niti]"n.同一地区的全体居民,社会,社区;共同体"mute[kə'mju:t]"v.乘公交车上下班,乘车(船等)往返于两地"pact[kəm'pækt]"a.紧密的,结实的;简明的v.使紧凑,压缩"panion[kəm'pænjən]"n.同伴,共事者;伴侣"pany['kɔmpəni]";陪伴;宾客;连(队),(一)群,队,伙"parable['kɔmpərəbl]"a.(with,to)可比较的,比得上的"parative[kəm'pærətiv]"a.比较的,相当的"pare[kəm'pεə]vt.(to,with)比较;(to)把…比作vi.相比parison[kəm'pærisən]"n.比较,对比,比喻,比拟"partment[kəm'pɑ:tmənt]"n.卧车包房,(客车车厢内的)隔间;分隔的空间"pass['kʌmpəs]"n.罗盘,指南针;(pl.)圆规"passion[kəm'pæʃən]n.同情;怜悯(for)patible[kəm'pætəbl]"a.能和睦相处的,合得来的;兼容的"pel[kəm'pel]"v.强迫,迫使"pensate['kɔmpenseit]"v.(for)补偿,赔偿"pensation"[,kɔmpen'seiʃən]"n.补偿(或赔偿)的款物;补偿,赔偿pete[kəm'pi:t]vi.比赛;竞争;对抗petent['kɔmpitənt] a.有能力的,能胜任的;足够的petition"[,kɔmpi'tiʃən]"n.竞争,比赛;角逐,较量;[总称]竞争者petitive[kəm'petitiv]a.竞争的;好竞争的;(价格等的)有竞争力的本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。
石材名称大全(中英互译)石中居景观石雕艺术厂[A]中文名英文名阿拉丁米黄 A.Z.Marble阿邦石 Abangshi爱琴米黄 Abgian Beige纯黑麻 Absoluto Black南非黑 Absoulute Black安东尼巧克力 Adoni Chocolee南非红 Africa Red茹巴拉那红 African Juparana紫丁香 African Lilac仲夏黄 African Lilac南非红 African Red金丝黄 Afyon玛瑙玉 Agate Jade海军白 Agia Maruba亚加斯灰 Akashi虎贝 Almand MauveG617 Almond CreamG611 Almond Marve阿皮尼娜条红 Alpenina意大利绿 Alpi Green芬兰玫瑰 Amacdeus巴西金彩麻 Amarello Gold皇室金麻 Amarello Real奥运金麻 Amarelo Olympic金丝雀米黄 Amarilllo Triana金花黄沙石 Amarillo Fosil柏丽黄 Amarillo Oro亚玛莉罗 Amarillo Sierra金黄天龙 Amarillo Triana安曼米黄 Amasya Beige啡梦幻 Amazon Brown雅马逊红 Amazon Brown雅马逊绿 Amazon Green法国红砂石(光面) Amber-A法国红砂石(烧面) Amber-B镀金粉红 Ambra Dorate阿曼多阿黄麻 Amendoa加里奥金麻 Amendoa巴西金珍珠 Amerello Pearl美国红麻 American Red美国灰麻 American Grey安安化石 Anan Fossil安德鲁白Andraw White如意米黄 Antica红豆白麻 Apex White苹果绿 Apple Green宝瓶宫石 Aquarius切尔瓦约莱大花白 Arabescato Cervaiole 网纹大花白 Arabescato Corchia山水纹大花白 Arabescato Faniello特级大花白 Arabescato Faniello大花灰 Arabescato Grey阿拉伯白 Arabescato Normal红白大花 Arabescato Orobico瓦利大花白 Arabescato Vagli大花白 Arabescato 或 Arabescato Corchia 雪白银狐 Ariston雅士图白 Ariston雅士白 Ariston阿桑白 Arizona White亚迪绿 Artic Green紫微大花 Asa Branca太阳白 Astra埃及红 Aswan Red雅典娜白 Athena太平洋蓝 Atlantic Blue澳洲砂岩 Australian Sandstone灵山黄 Autumn秋天棕 Autumn Brown秋棕麻 Autumn Brown黄玫瑰(金秋黄) Autumn Gold凤城杜鹃红 Azalea Red Of Feng City新德州红 Azaleb蓝柚木 Azu Imperial Peual蓝精灵 Azul Aran巴希亚蓝 Azul Bahia紫罗兰小花 Azul Baia梦幻蓝 Azul Cristal地中海兰 Azul Mediterraneo石英兰 Azul Macaubas[B]中文名英文名G664 Bainbrook BrownG687 Bainbrook Peach万年青 Baldwin Green小翠绿 Balmoral Green(Dark)陆佑红(小翠红) Balmoral Red绿佑红 Balmoral Red小翠红(芬兰红) Balmoral Red小翠红-GF Balmoral Red-GF小翠红-GG Balmoral RED-GG菊花岗(又名啡钻) Baltic Brown啡钻 Baltic Brown 或 Baltic Brown "M"绿毛宝 Baltic Green绿钻 Baltic Grown啡钻麻 Baltil Brown绿钻麻 Baltil Green维多利亚彩虹 Baltil Green 或 Parana Tropical 意大利云灰石-A Bardiglio Bluette意大利云灰石-B Bardiglio Lmperiale Chiaro意大利云灰石-C Bardiglio Lmperiale Scuro意大利云灰石-D Bardiglio Nuvolato意大利云灰石-E Bardiglio Nuvolato Apuano意大利云灰石-F Bardiglio Scuro进口芝麻灰 Barre Grey佰利黑 Barry Black芭拉黑 Barry Black将军红 Befast 或 Suya Pink皇室米黄 Beige富贵米黄 Beige土耳其玫瑰 Beige & Rose富贵米黄 Beige A1&A2北极绿 Beige Blocks卡丝帝拉米黄 Beige CastillaG681 Beige Cream琥珀米黄 Beige D1博都米黄 Beige PortofinoG636 Beige Rose黄洞石 Beige Travertine南非深黑 Belfast银芝麻 Beola Grigia山鹑红砾石 Berccia Pernice加拿来大白麻 Bethel White美国白麻 Bethel White美国灰麻 Bethel White白玉翡翠 Biaco Pinta Verde金点白麻 Bianco Argento白沙米黄 Bianco Botticino 或 Cream Pinta红豆沙白麻 Bianco Cardinale中花白 Bianco Carrara Venato卡拉卡条纹白 Bianco Carrara Venato特级细花白 Bianco Carrara"c"细花白-C Bianco Carrara-C细花白-CD Bianco Carrara-CD美洲白麻 Bianco Celeste尼威白水晶 Bianco Neve翡翠白 Bianco P.Smeralda银线米黄 Bianco Perlino银线米黄(直纹) Bianco Perlino-A银线米黄(乱纹) Bianco Perlino-B瑞吉白麻 Bianco Regina月亮白 Bianco Sardina萨丁白 Bianco Sardo白麻 Bianco Tapaid珍珠白麻 Bianco Tapajo意大利米黄 Bianco Teseo梵蒂诺白 Bianco VenattinoO树纹米黄A Biancone A白沙米黄(黄) Biancone D白沙米黄(灰) Biancone E大白花 Big White Flower金叶石 Bilbao Red滨洲青 Binzhou Black印度黑 Black Absolute喀旗黑金刚 Black Diamond Of Gaqi金沙黑 Black Galaxy金点黑麻 black galaxy黑金砂 Black Galaxy黑金沙 Black Galaxy金沙黑(大点) Black Galaxy-A金沙黑(中点) Black Galaxy-B金沙黑(小点) Black Galaxy-C黑白根 Black Marquina敖包黑 Black Of Aobao白塔沟丰镇黑 Black Of Feng Town,White Tower Ditch福鼎黑 Black Of Fudding建平黑 Black Of Jianping康美黑 Black Of Kangmei南平黑 Black Of Nanping北岳黑 Black Of NOrth Mountain易县黑 Black Of Yi County岳西黑 Black Of Yuexi细黑珠 (黑珍珠) Black Pearl六国红 Black Tiger黑金石 Blocks连城花 Blossom Of Lian City漳浦马头花 Blossom Of Matou,Zhangpu 蒙山花 Blossom Of Mengshan三元花 Blossom Of Sanyuan巴伊亚蓝 Blue Bahia海军蓝 Blue Bahil蓝眼睛 Blue Eye金点蓝钻 Blue Galaxy蓝翡翠 Blue jade赞比亚蓝 Blue King兰花岗 Blue Pearl蓝麻 Blue Pearl蓝珍珠 Blue Pearl或Silver Pearl武夷白 Blush Granitors圣诞红 boreal米黄 BOTTICINO旧米黄 Botticino旧米黄 Botticino Classico新米黄 Botticino Fiorito豆腐花米黄 Botticino Fiorito中东米黄 Botticino White芭拉灰 Brarry Grey格朗.紫罗兰 Brasil Violot巴西红棕 Bratteby金光麻 Brazilian Light七彩米黄 Breccia Aurora Classica岂悦红-A Breccia Damascata岂悦红-B Breccia Doniciata枫叶红-A Breccia Dorada挪威拉砾石纹 Breccia Novella凯悦红 Breccia Oniciaia凯悦红 Breccia Oniciata艳阳红 Breccia Pernice枫叶红-B Breccia Pernice Rosso撤丁砾石纹 Breccia Sarda万寿红 Brecha Rosada房山砖渣 Brick Dregs Of Fangshan金寨星彩蓝 Bright Blue Of Jinzhai 褐玉钻 brown atlantic(ls)水晶钻 brown castor金彩凤凰 brown fantasy汉妮玉(白翡翠) Brown Onyx棕珍珠 Brown Pearl啡珍珠 Brown Pearl彼德棕 Brown Pearl俄国啡珍珠 Brown Pearl印度红(中花) Bundela Red印度红中花 Bundle Red金世纪米黄 Bursa Beige蝴蝶绿 Butterfly Green绿蝴蝶 Butterfly GreenG696 Butterscotch[C]中文名英文名金丝卡拉拉白 Cacacata Glod拉斯维加斯白麻 Caesar White凯撒白 Caesar White细啡珠 Cafe Bahia皇室啡 Cafe Imperial细啡珠Café Imperial皇室啡Café Imperial啡红根Café Rosita鱼肚白 Calacatta金丝卡拉卡塔白 Calacatta Gold卡拉拉塔白 Calacatta Royal瓦利卡拉卡塔白 Calacatta Vagli金鱼白 Calacatta Vagli Extra加多利亚(深) Caladonia加多利亚(浅) Caladonia (Light)加多利麻石 Caledonia加利多 Caledonia加多利亚 Caledonia卡里多尼亚 Caledonia Dark枫叶棕 Caledonia D-Brown卡利多利亚 Caledonia L-Brown加多利麻(枫叶棕) Caledonia(L-BROWN)加洲啡麻 California Brown西班牙白砂石 Caliza Capri西班牙石灰白 Caliza Capri美利坚红 Camelia Pink美利坚红麻 Camelia Pink美利坚白 Camelia White美利坚白麻 Camelia White加拿大红 Canada Red 或 Emerald Pearl加拿大白 Canadian White贵族米黄 Canarian Cream肯迪亚红 Candia紫点白钻 Cape White焦糖金麻 Caramelo Decorado卡多灰沙石 Cardoso加里奥金 Carioco Gold卡门红(又名红钻) Carmen Red红钻 Carmen Red红钻麻 Carmen Red红钻 Carmen Red卡拉拉白 Carraba家沙米黄 Casablanca凯撒米黄 Celik Dark Beige宙斯米黄 Celik Ligth Beige世纪米黄 Century Cream岑溪红 Cenxi Red瓦仑西亚米黄 Cerma Valencia香槟石 Champagne香宾石 Champagne中国黑 China Black中国兰 China blue中国红 China Red翠绿 Chinese verdure上虞菊花红 Chrysanthemum Red Shangyu菊花黄 Chrysanthemum Yellow新雅米黄 Citatah Beige古典棕 Classic Brown大白花 Cloud White亚歌红(卡伯拉) Cobra Red 或 Sea-Waue Flower 宜兴咖啡 Coffee Of Yixing咖啡 Coffee Stone科伦坡金麻印度 colombo juparana木头黄金 Colonial Brazil巴西红(中花) Colorado Gaucho巴西帝红(中花) Colorado Gaucho棕红麻 Copper Canyon枫叶红 Copperstone珊瑚红 Coralito 或 Rosso Alicante卡柳卡金麻 Crarioca Gold土耳其米黄 Cream Antotalia贝勒米黄 Cream Bello米黄洞石 Cream Cavity-stone玫瑰米黄 Cream Cotton拉卡米黄 Cream Laca西班牙米黄 Cream Marfil努瓦米黄 Cream Nuova瓦林恰红奶油 Cream Valencia香槟麻 Crema Champan皇室奶油 Crema Lmperiale新亚米黄 Crema Luna月亮黄 Crema Luna闪电米黄 Crema Marfil Sp象牙米黄 Crema Nacar沙特米黄 Crema Nouva B挪威米黄 Crema Nova诺娃米黄 Crema Nuova玛莎红 Crema Valencia柠檬黄 Crema Valencia蓝星钻 Creme Azul Bahia象牙白 Cremo Marfic-Ivory银点灰麻 Cresciano金水晶 Crystal Gold水晶粉红麻 Crystal Rose幻彩蓝麻 Crystal Stone水晶白麻 Crystal White珍珠白 Crystal White延庆晶白玉 Crystal White Jade Of Yanqing 水晶白 Crytal White[D]中文名英文名美国桃木石 Dakota Mahogany美国红紫晶 Dakota Mahogany美利坚桃木石 Dakota Mahogany红紫晶 Dakota Mahogany橙红钻(达拉斯粉红) Dallas Pink德州红 Dallas Pink 或 Texas Red达拉斯白麻 Dallas White深啡网纹 Dark Emperador啡钢 dark emperador深色大花绿 Dark Green印度大花绿 Dark Green恒山青 Dark Green And Green Of Heng Mountain 灵丘太白青 Dark Green And Whitest Of Lingqiu 大洋青 Dark Green Ocean济南青 Dark Green Of Ji'nan南平青 Dark Green Of Nanping乳山青 Dark Green Of Rushan邵武青 Dark Green Of Shaowu仕阳青 Dark Green Of Shiyang漳浦青 Dark Green Of Zhangpu霞云岭青板石 Dark Green Slate Of Xiayun Ridge 大花绿 Dark Green 或 Medium Green嵊州墨绿 Dark Jade Of Shengzhou棕红麻 Darwin Brown紫点灰麻 Dcean Blue鹿棕石 Deer Brown地利亚红 delia red啡红麻 Derby Brown沙特红 Derby Brown (Sunshine Red)黛丝香槟 Derert Litac沙漠啡 Desert Brown沙漠绿 Desert Green黛丝香槟 Desert Lilac沙漠玫瑰 Desert Rose巴西红玫瑰 Diamante Rosa帝诺化石 Diano Real美国多威灰麻 Diorite玫瑰皇后x Diorite希腊黑 Dnero Marquina多川粉白麻 Docheung达威芮那米黄 Doverena Beige(N)亚细亚米黄 Dragon Beige龙眼石 Dragon Eyes金龙米黄 Dragon Yellow银狐 Drana White西班牙咖啡 Duchessa Grigia山西黑 Dynasty Black[D]中文名英文名老鹰红 Eagle Red大西洋绿 Eco Green银环绿钻 Ecogreen老鹰桃木石 Edel Mahogany玛瑙红 Egeo Rose英国白麻 Egypt White金碧辉煌 Egyptian Yellow宝绿石 Emerald Green沙宝绿石 Emerald Green黑珍珠 Emerald Pear绿星石 Emerald Pearl绿星 Emerald Pearl深啡网 Emperador Dark浅啡网 Emperador Light啡网纹 Emperador 或 Emperador Dark雪里红 Emperess Rose英国棕 English Brown[F]中文名英文名金幻彩 Fantasy Viyola幻彩黄 Fantasy Viyola鹅纹石 Filetto红线米黄 Filetto Rosso 或 Tranifiorito芬兰红 Finland Red仙人掌花 Fior Di Gactus柏斯高灰 Fior Di Pesco Carnico金钻麻 fiorito森林绿 Forest Green紫绿晶 Forest Green淇县森林绿 Forest Green Of Qi County积架红(阿根廷红) Forest Green 或 Red Sierra Chica 枫丹绿 Fountaine Green黄金四季 four seasons绅士啡 Fox Brown磐安紫檀香 Fragrant Red Sandalwood Of Pan'an佛岗青 Fu Gang Blue芙尼尔红 Funil[G]中文名英文名伊朗珍珠米黄 Galala Pearl黑金沙 Galaxy Black银沙白 Galaxy White美国白麻 Gardenia White宝石啡 Gem Brown将军红 General Brown平邑将军红 General Red Of Pingyi罗丝转红 Ghiandone紫星满天 Ghibli三越金麻 Giallo Alba古典金麻 Giallo Antico芝麻金 Giallo Antico加州金麻(黑底) Giallo Calafuria加州金麻 Giallo California加州金麻(红底) Giallo California紫点金麻 Giallo Cecilia啡点金麻(紫点金麻) Giallo Cecilia金山麻 Giallo Cecilia紫点金麻(深) Giallo Cecilia"N"紫点金麻(浅) Giallo Cecilia"T"德玛拉金缎 Giallo Damara富达玛金 Giallo Fatima金钻麻 Giallo Fiorito金彩麻 Giallo Gold印度黄 Giallo India拿破仑金麻 Giallo Napoleon拿破仑金 Giallo Napoleone奥文度金 Giallo Ornamental奥文度金麻 Giallo Ornamental公主金麻 Giallo Princesa罗马金麻 Giallo Romano皇家金 Giallo Royal Tafu世贸金麻 Giallo S. F. Real世贸金麻 Giallo S. F. Real三藩市金(深) Giallo S.F. Real (Dark) 三藩市金(浅) Giallo S.F. Real (Light) 娱乐金麻 Giallo Santa Cecilta世贸金麻 Giallo SF real世贸金麻(深) Giallo SF Real"J"世贸金麻(浅) Giallo SF Real"JL"圣安娜黄 Giallo Siena都伯斯金麻 Giallo Topazio金丝雀 Giallo Triana金麻 Giallo Veneiiano金彩麻 Giallo Veneziano金蝴蝶 Giallo Vermont紫点金麻 Giallo Sfreal奥文镀金 Glallo Oranmental金麻石 GLALLO VENETANO卡迪娜 Glo Gream果阿红 Goa Red巴西金麻 Gold BrasilG682 Gold Coast黄金沙漠(新金彩麻) Gold desert金玉盟 Gold falce金摩卡 Gold Mocca金沙黄 Golden Beach金钱米黄 Golden Beige金丝米黄 Golden Cream钻石黄 Golden diamond代县金梦 Golden Dream Of Dai County金龙麻 Golden Drogen酱色石 Golden Galaxy宝利石 Golden Leaf宝金石 Golden leaf金玫彩 golden rose格朗米黄 Gran Beige珍珠灰 Gran Perla大珠白麻 Gran Perla格丽丝金麻 Grand Gris杭灰 Gray Of Hangzhou崂山灰 Gray Of Lao Mountain希腊大花绿 Greek Dark Green蒙地卡罗 Greek Dark Green 或 Multicocour Red 热带幻彩绿 green candeias宜兴青奶油 Green Ice-Cream Of Yixing巴西翡翠 Green Lavras岳西绿豹 Green Leopard Of Yuexi翡翠绿 Green marinace丹东绿 Green Of Dandong凉城绿 Green Of Liang City平山绿 Green Of Pingshan绿玉石 Green Onyx青玉石 Green Onyx-B玉龙石 Green Onyx-C绿点玫瑰 Green Rose幻彩绿 Green san francisco幻彩绿 Green Sao Francisco房山青白石 Green White Stone Of Fangshan承德燕山绿 Green Yan Mountain Of Cheng de胜利灰麻 Grey Conquistador杜傲依莎灰 Grey Duauesa路易士银 Grey Duquesa玫瑰红 Grey Duquesa 或 Pink Rose 或 Rosa Aurora 或 Rose Red 佛里斯塔灰 Grey Forresta圣地高娃 Grey Stri Pink灰网纹 Grigio Carnico马拉嘎灰 Grigio Malaga曼德里丝灰 Grigio Mondariz月亮麻 Grigio Sardo白珠白麻 Grigio Perla巴拉大花 Gris Peria芭拉大花 Gris Perla幻彩灰 Gris Pinto广西白 Guangxi White[H]中文名英文名哈桑那米黄 H.R.Marble哈比丝卡丝红 Habiscuss杭灰 Hang Grey杭灰 Hangzhou Grey房山高庄汉白玉 Han's White Jade Of Gao房山石窝汗白玉 Han's White Jade Of Shiwo,Fangshan印度翡翠绿 Hassan Green海珊瑚 Hassan Green天堂玉 Heaven Jade黑鑫花 Hegrx black喜马拉雅蓝 Himalayan Blue印度喜玛拉雅兰 himalayan blue金萱红 Homiat Red燕山黄 Horizon[I]中文名英文名武夷兰冰花 Icy Blue Blossom Wuyi梦幻红 Illusion Red贵溪仙人红 Immortal Red Of Guixi啡珠 imperial brown大啡珠 Imperial Brown加洲金麻 Imperial Califonia帝皇白(纯) Imperial Dumby帝皇白 Imperial Dumby(II)帝国丁香花 Imperial Lilao皇室珍珠 imperial pearl印度红 Imperial Red帝皇红 Imperial Red帕达迪索 Imperial Red皇家白麻 Imperial white皇白石 Imperial White俄罗斯米黄 imperrial beige印度兰 India Blue印度红 India Red印度兰 Indian Blue印度绿 Indian Green印度象牙红 Indian Jup. Ivory幻影红 Indian Juparana龙凤红 Indian Juparana印度红紫晶 Indian Mahogany印度红砂石 Indian Sandstone (Dark) 印度白沙石 Indian Sandstone (Light) 巴西点啡 Ipanema伊朗米黄 Iran Fiorito龙纹石(依塔绿) Ita Creen金丝段 Ivory Indian印度流霞 lndian Juparana[J]中文名英文名积架红 Jacaranda绿翡翠 Jade Green黄金米黄 Jekmar Cream金色满园 Jerursalem Gold江西红 Jhansi Red佳斯红 Jhansi Red印度中花 JhansiRed加洲金麻 Juparana California古典木纹啡 juparana classic哥伦布乱粉红 Juparana Colombo哥伦布金麻 Juparana Colombo卡罗姆波红 Juparana Colombo金水黄 Juparana Dourado木纹啡 Juparana fantastic茹巴拉那红 Juparana Rossa[K]中文名英文名印度巴拿马黑 K2-indian Impala Black 加利红 Karelia Red红钻(卡门红) Karelia Red克什米尔白 Karshimir White克什米尔金 Kashmir Gold开斯米玉石 Kashmir Onyx开斯米白 Kashmir White红豆绿 Kashmir White克什米尔白 Kashmir White蚕丝白 Kashmire White克什米尔白 Kashmire White菲律宾米黄 K-Beige Caramella女儿红 Kinawa红紫彩 Kinawa山水绿 Kinawa Light老鹰红 Kola Red芬兰灰 Kuru Grey鲸灰石 Kuru Grey[L]中文名英文名拉布拉多绿 Labrador安哥拉黑 Labrador Black新黑珍珠 Labrador Pearl Green墨绿珠球 Labrador Scuro蓝钻 LabrdorG.T银河白 LabVader White湖水蓝 Lake Placid Blue拉斯金钻麻 Laranjeiras巴西绿(火山绿) Lavas Green金茂兰 Lavender Blue金钱豹石 Leopard Skin豹皮花 Leopard Skin岳西豹眼 Leopard's Eyes Of Yuexi浅棕花 Light Brown水晶米黄/白金花 Light per lino Bianco 紫水晶 Lilla Gerais红紫晶 Lillas Gerais莉莱特红 Lillet白沙石 Limbra Stone金彩米黄 Lioz Montemor加拿大黑 Lmabrian Black巴拿马黑 Lmpala Black英帕拉黑 lmpala Black啡珍珠 Lmperial Brown印度大花绿 Lndia Green伦敦白麻 London White荷花绿 Lotus Green安吉芙蓉花 Lotus Of Anji伊朗粉红 Lran Pink黄花玉 Lran Resin Yellow绿红霞 Ltagreen米兰玫瑰 Ltalian Rose意大利玫瑰红 Ltalian Rose红吼石 Lumaquela Pink灰点白麻 Luna Pearl[M]中文名英文名虎皮金 Macarena Gold马威虎红麻 Macurai Tiger西丽红 Madame Red魔术棕 Magic Brown齐鲁红 Mahogany大陆绿 Mainland Green香槟钻 Majran Brown 或 Najran Red 马六甲红 Malacca Rose晚霞红 Man Xia Red曼哈顿绿 Manhaton Green猫玛红 Maoma Red英国红棕 Maple Red红棕 Maple Red枫叶红 Maple-Leaf Red银珍珠 Marin Pearl银星 Marina Pearl啡麻 Marron Bahia皇室棕 Marron Guaiba高蛟红 Marron Guaiba巴西啡麻 Marron Guaira黄窿石 Marron Travertine马提尼红 Martini金玉满堂 Marubace玛丽绿 Mary Green古典金山 matipo红粉佳人 Md Light黑珍珠 Meerald Pearl梵格祖绿 Mergozzo Green中花 Middle Flower午夜玫瑰 Midnight Roses午夜阳光 Midnight Sun银河灰 Milk Way Grey奶油青 Milk White银沙石 Moca Cream白沙米黄 Moca Crema木化石 Moca Crema摩卡黑 Mocca Black摩卡绿 Mocca Green玛格尔沙绿 Mogalsar Green梵舍威图灰 Moncervetto摩奇石 Monchique蒙太拿绿 Montana Green蒙大纳绿 Montana Green月光石 Moon Light银色月光 moon light新印度白金 Moon White金月亮 Moonlight中国绿 Moss Green房山黄山玉 Mount Huang's Jade Of Fangshan澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White(Dark)澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White(Medium)澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White(Pink)G603 Mountain White幻彩红 Multicolor Red蒙地卡罗白 Multicolor White彩虹玉 Multicolour Jade五彩水晶石 Multi-Crystal麦克绿 Myk GreenG634 Mystic Mauve[O]中文名英文名蝴蝶兰 Oasis Blue深海文龙 Ocean fantasy海洋绿 Ocean Green 或 OceanGreen(India) 或 Verde Marina 巴西棕 Olinda Coffee橄榄绿(花纹) Olive Green橄榄绿(条纹) Olive Green奥运蓝 Olympic Blue绿玉 Onice Verde安大略白 ontario whiteG657 Opal Beige桔黄洞石 Orange Cavity-stone橙玉石 Orange Onyx紫薇大花 Orchid Blue嵊州樱花 Oriental Cherry Of Shengzhou莱州樱花红 Oriental Cherry Red Of Laizhou 罗源樱花红 Oriental Cherry Red Of Luoyuan 涿鹿樱花红 Oriental Cherry Red Of Zhuolu 深紫点金麻 oriental yellow印度蓝 Orion Blue奥里萨蓝 Orissa Blue欧瑞莎蓝 Orissa Blue欧瑞莎绿 Orissa Green威凯尔金麻 Ouro Gaucho粉金石 Ouro Gaucho牡蛎珍珠 Oyster pearl牧蛎珍珠 Oyster Pearl蚝珠黑 Oyster Pearl爱斯他银 Oyster Silver[P]中文名英文名伯君子黄沙石 P.Jaunz太平洋珍珠绿 Pacific Pearl太平洋墨绿麻 Pacific Ubatuba绥中浅红 Pale Red Of Suizhong啡金沙 Palissandro蓝金沙 Palissandro Blue金沙石-D Palissandro Blue Nuvolato金沙石-C Palissandro Bluette金沙石-A Palissandro Classico金沙贝 Palissandro Classico金沙石-B Palissandro Obucuato金沙石 Pallisandro Classico玉花岗 Palm Green香谢萱 Paly Sandro Nuvolato红点白麻 Panna Fragola紫彩麻 Paradiso帕达迪索 Paradiso幻彩紫 Paradiso浅紫彩 Paradiso浅紫彩麻 Paradiso Bash天堂蓝 Paradiso Blue紫彩麻 Parasiso Dark密云桃花 Peach Blossom Of Miyun房山桃红 Peach Red Of FangshanG635 Peach Rose孔雀绿 Peacock Green平邑孔雀绿 Peacock Green Of Pingyi彩丽纹 Pearl雅典米黄 Pearl招远珍珠花 Pearl Blossom Of Zhaoyuan 光泽珍珠红 Pearl Red Of GuangzeG655 Pearl White柏丽金 Pearlly Yellow石岛红 Peninsula Red浦城牡丹紅 Peony Red Of Pu City翡翠灰白麻 Peppermint欧洲米黄 Perlato Europa红螺米黄 Perlato Malta王朝珍珠黄 Perlato Royal金线米黄 Perlato SF新米黄 Perlato Sicilia金花米黄 Perlato Svevo白木纹 Perlino Bianco粉蝶石 Perlino Rosato香槟红 Perlino Rosato 或 Prelino Rosa 卫星蓝 Peual Blue Surucu比花蓝 Peval Gream Blue Bahia黄沙石 Pietra木纹沙石 Pietra Dorata多拉塔黄沙石 Pietra Dorata镀金石(金砂石) Pietra Dorata塞茵那石 Pietra Serena松树绿 Pine Green金松绿 Pine Green玫瑰皇后 Pink Fantasy桃花红 Pink Green粉红绿麻 Pink Green宁德丁香紫 Pink Lilac Of Ningde粉红珍珠 Pink Pearl印度粉红麻 Pink Porrino西班牙粉红麻 pink porrino粉红麻 Pink Porrino 或 Red Sesame红线玉 Pink Porriny粉红沙石 Pink Quarzite蒙阴粉红花 Pink Red Blossom Of Mengyin 圣诞米黄 Pink Rose玫瑰彩虹 Pink Rose玫瑰彩红麻 Pink Rose莎利士红 Pink Salisbury西班牙粉红麻 Pink 或 Pink Porrino白金麻 Platinium Giallo新米黄螺 Plrlato Svevo韩小英 Pocheon Pink-A韩大英 Pocheon Pink-B宝卡拉红 Pokkala Red维纳斯白麻 Polar White宝来红 Polo Red宝利康 Polychrome加拿大棕 Polychrome Canada石榴红 Ponegranate Red房山次白玉 Poor White Jade Of Fangshan 黑罗兰 Port Laurent月世界 Porto Rosa特级黑金花 Portoro Extra黑金花 Portoro 或 Portoro Extra波涛奇瑙挑红石 Pottochino Peack吉利红 PR Red印度红小花 Pr Red晋江清透白 Pure White Of Jinjiang紫雨 Purple rain金字塔米黄 Pyramid Gream[Q]中文名英文名玫瑰花岗 Qambra Dorata哥斯亚灰 Qasia Auzl珊瑚麻 Quarcita rosso石英红 Quarzite Rosa金刚红 Quarzite Rosa Diamante皇玫 Queen Rose[R]中文名英文名房山螺丝转 Potating Screw Of Fangshan 莱茵布红(彩虹) Rainbow彩虹砂石 Rainbow Sandstone燕山蓝 Rainforest Blue燕山绿 Rainforest Green梦幻米黄 Ramsis Cream浪泽红 Ranza Green福鼎黑 Raven Black金丝麻 Raw Silk金丝缎 Raw silk至尊金麻 Raw Silk火山红 Red Alicane巴西红(大花) Red Brazil红晴蜓 Red Dragon红龙石 Red Dragon嵊州东方红 Red East Of Shengzhou灵丘贵妃红 Red First Lady Of Lingqiu 金沙红 Red Galaxy宜兴红奶油 Red Ice-crean Of Yixing嵊州红玉 Red Jade Of Shengzhou胜利红 Red LP安吉红 Red Of Anji安溪红 Red Of Anxi长乐红 Red Of Changle龙须红 Red Of Dragon Beard龙泉红 Red Of Dragon Spring光泽高源红 Red Of Gaoyuan Guangze光泽红 Red Of Guangze荣成海龙红 Red Of Hailong,Rongcheng 荣成佳润红 Red Of Jiarun,Rongcheng荣成靖海红 Red Of Jing hai.Rongcheng 荣成京润红 Red Of Jinrun,Rongcheng莒南红 Red Of Ju'nan崂山红 Red Of Lao Mountain连城红 Red Of Lian City龙舒红 Red Of Longshu罗源红 Red Of Luoyuan南平闽江红 Red Of MinRiver,Nanping诺尔红 Red Of Nuo'er齐鲁红 Red Of Qilu荣成人和红 Red Of Ranhe,Rongcheng光泽铁关红 Red Of Tieguan, Guangze皖西红 Red Of Wanxi温州红 Red Of Wenzhou白虎涧红 Red of white tiger gully武夷红 Red Of Wuyi阴山红 Red Of Yin Mountain永定红 Red Of Yongding泽山红 Red Of Zeshan漳浦红 Red Of Zhangpu古田桃花红 Red Peach Blossom Of Gutian 嵊州云花红 Red ROSY Cloud Of Shengzhou 太子红 Red Ruby阿根延红 Red Sierra Chica红洞石 Red Travertine红窿石 Red Travertine图宾红 Red Tupin枫丹彩虹 Regina Pink女皇白 Regina White维多利亚白麻 Regina White维珍白麻 Reglna White富地红 Richearth Red巴西新纽啡珠 Riosorgeinento河水绿 River Green蓝溪彩虹 River Rose罗克维尔白 Rockville White新火山红 Roj Kipar珊瑚红 Rojo Alicante罗曼蒂克咖啡红 Romantic Coffee亚特兰泰红 Rosa Atlantide特级玫瑰红 Rosa Aurora Extra幻影玫瑰E Rosa Bellissimo罗沙贝塔红 Rosa Beta罗莎贝塔红 Rosa Beta粉点白麻 Rosa Beta白玫瑰 Rosa Bl, , anca巴西玫瑰 Rosa Brasile香槟玫瑰 Rosa Champagne栗子红 Rosa Chestnut南美白麻 Rosa Corallo珊瑚红 Rosa Corallo浪花红 Rosa Egeo五月花 Rosa Egeo幻彩玫瑰红 Rosa Fantasy罗丝转红 Rosa Ghiandone意大利粉红麻 Rosa Ghiandone爱丽丝红 Rosa Iris艾丽丝红 Rosa Iris林帕拉红 Rosa Limbara伊利斯彩虹麻 Rosa Lris矣尔斯红 Rosa lris利迪亚红 Rosa Lydia挪威红 Rosa Norwegian 或 Rosso Norvegjan蓝星蜜桃红 Rosa Peach彼拉尔巴红 Rosa Peralba玫瑰红-B Rosa Portogallo玫瑰红-A Rosa Portogallo玫瑰红-C Rosa Portogallo Chiaro玫瑰红-D Rosa Portogallo Salmone三文鱼红 Rosa Portogllo Salmone巴西粉红麻 Rosa Stresa马沙红 Rosa Tea橙皮红 Rosa Tea粉红罗纱 Rosa Tea威兰士红 Rosa Valencia粉红金刚 Rosa Vel西施红 Rosa Zarzi 或 Rossao Ziarci土耳其玫瑰 Rosalia土耳其玫瑰红 Rosanice洛沙白麻 Rosavel新橙皮红 Rose Akagao粉红奥罗拉 Rose Aurora印度奥罗拉 Rose Aurora玫瑰蓝(直纹) Rose Blue-A玫瑰蓝(乱纹) Rose Blue-B粉红绿麻 Rose Green玫瑰绿麻 Rose Green粉红麻 Rose violetta白玫瑰 Rose White罗沙红 Rossa Framura密拉斯红 Rossa Milas万寿红 Rossa Verona 或 Rosso Verona-Asiago 非洲红 Rosso Africa法国红 Rosso Antico紫罗红-B Rosso Antico意大利雅典红 Rosso Antico D'italia紫罗红 Rosso Antico Dttalia 或 Rosso Lepanto 巴西幻彩红 Rosso Crepuslolo鹅纹石(红线米黄) Rosso Filetto红龙 Rosso itiuba紫罗红-A Rosso Levanto茹亚那红 Rosso Luana挪威红 Rosso Norvegian罗沙玉石 Rosso Salome罗莎玉石 Rosso Salome虎皮石 Rosso Salome 或 Tiger Skin圣地亚哥红 Rosso Santiago 或 Santiago Red 瑞典红 Rosso Vanga新世界红 Rosso Vanga比利时帝王红 Rouge DE Roy法国红 Rouge France鼓浪黄 Rough Blocks新沙安娜米黄 Royal Batticino莎安娜米黄 Royal Botticino皇室奶油 ROYAL CREMA古铜黄 Royal Gold青紫水晶 Royal Mahogany紫晶麻 Royal Mahogany紫晶麻 Royal Mmhogany中国黑 Royal Mmhogany红玉石 Royal Onyx挪威蓝 Royal Pearl粉红水晶 Royal Pink巴西帝红(细花) Royal Red巴西红 Royal Red印度白麻 Royal White古达红 Rruweidah Red紫罗兰 Ruby Saphire(rosso levanto)紫罗兰 Ruby Sapphire南非浅黑 Rustenburg慧普米黄(直纹) Rustic Beige-A慧普米黄(乱纹) Rustic Beige-B霞云岭锈板石 Rusty Slate Of Xiayun Ridge 石井锈红 Rusty Stone Of Shijing吉达红 Ruweidah Pink[S]中文名英文名沙芭蒂诺红 Sabatino灵山绿 Sage Green撒哈拉米黄 Sahara Beige撒哈拉细点金麻 Sahara Gold西贡黄 Saigon Huang圣红花 Saint Flourian啡金花 Saint laurent圣路斯银 Saint Louis猫灰石 Saint Luis龙凤红 Saint troppez罗马隆石 Sakhreh沙利士红 Salisbury Pink莎利士红 Sallisbury Pink沙利红 Sally Rosa灰红根 SALMONEG640 Salt &PepperG641 Salt&Pepper/Big Flower珊蔓珊蓝 Samantha Blue金茂蓝 Samantha Blue巴西白麻 Samba White桑巴白 Samba White香槟金麻 Samoa西摩金 Samoa金山麻 San Francisco旧金山绿 San Francisco Green树挂冰花 San Louis鲁班米黄 Sanam三宝红 Sanbao Red圣地亚哥红 Santiago Red圣地亚歌红 Santiago Red爱迪达 Saphire Brown宝石兰 Saphire Brown蓝宝石 Sapphire Blue(diamond blue)意大利白麻 Sardinia White莎利白 Sarry White爱迪达 Sathire Brown圣罗兰 Scuru 或 Tan Brown哥拉斯彩虹 Scuru 或 TropicalViolet蒙阴海浪花 Sea Wave Flower Of Mengyin 海洋白砂石 Sea White克利玛花 Seattle Cremo马瑙红 Sea-Waue Flower塞里佐石 Serizzo Antigorio-A塞里佐石英钟 Serizzo Antigorio-B蚝眼灰 Serizzo Monterosa法国木纹石 Serpeggiante木纹石 Serpegg-Iante木纹石-A Serpenggiante木纹石-B Serpenggiante木纹石 Serpenggiante木纹 serpggiate希腊绿 Serpintine长乐、屏南芝麻黑 Sesame Black Of Changle/Pingnan 芝麻白 Sesame White房山芝麻白 Sesame White Of Fangshan莱州芝麻白 Sesame White Of Laizhou仕阳芝麻白 Sesame White Of Shiyang绥中芝麻白 Sesame White Of Suizhong莎安娜米黄 Shabnam香格里拉 Shangri-la香格里拉红 Shangri-La山西黑 Shanxi Black沙漠金麻 Shara Gold金碧麻 Shivasaki西西里黑 Sicilia Black西娜啡 Sienite Balma塞拉.吉红 Sierra Chica皇帝金麻 Sierra Dorata房山银晶 Silve Crystal Of Fangshan塞尔维亚米黄 Silver银灰蓝 Silver Blue印度灰 Silver Grey银啡麻 Silver Grey 或 Silver Grey绿宝石 Silver Pearl美国银星 Silver Star西芭啡 Simbad Brown西芭绿 Simbad Green新浪米黄 Sina Beige希拉灰 Sira Grey斯拉夫白 Sivec上虞银花 Sliver Blossom Of Shangyu祖母绿 smaragdi雪花白 Snow Flower WhiteG623 Snow Grey南安雪里梅 Snow Plum Of Nan'an三门雪花 Snowflake Of Sanmen莱州雪花白 Snowflake White Of Laizhou阳光曲 Solar Juparana阳光金 Solar White太阳白麻 Solar White松香黄 Song Xiang Yellow南非红 South African Red佰利黄(光面) Spanish Gold-A佰利黄(烧面) Spanish Gold-B浪花白 Spary White春天绿 Spring Ray春天红 Spring Rose春天之光 Spring Rose西丽红 Spring Rose斯里兰卡金麻 Sri-Lanka Gold树桂冰花 St. Louis幻彩绿 ST.Francisco树挂冰花 St.Louis加拿大白 Stanstead Grey史丹特灰 Stanstead Grey咖啡珍珠 Star Ruby雪花白 Statuario特级雪花白 Statuario Extra条纹雕像白 Statuario Venato铁灰石 Steel Grey仲夏红 Summer Red仲夏黄 Summer Yellow麦黄石 Summer Yellow新意大利米黄 Sunny金碧辉煌 Sunny Beige阳光红 Sunshine Red沙特白 Sunshine White日斑白 Sunshine White特级美国白 Super American White至尊灰麻 Super Grey超级白洞石 Super White Travertone丹枫彩虹(苏啡啡) Supphire Brown将军红 Suya Pink华纳白 Swan White瑞典紫晶 Swedidh mahogany[T]中文名英文名泰白青 Tai Bai Black台湾绿(深青) Taiwan Dark Green台湾绿(苹果绿) Taiwan Light Green台湾绿(雪花绿) Taiwan lmperial Green 台湾绿(中青) Taiwan Medium Green台湾和平白 Taiwan White英国棕 Tan Brown印度棕 Tan Brown玛沙红(深) Tangelo Pink "A"橙皮红 Tea Rose印度沙石 Teak Sand Stone柚木砂石 Teak Wood Sandstone麦穗米黄 Terista德州粉红 Texas Pink德州粉红(金杜鹃) Texas Red白水晶 Thassos白水晶 Thassos White浦城百丈青 The Longest Dark Green Of Pu City 攀西兰 Tibetan Blue琥珀红 tiger red虎皮红 Tiger Red虎皮绣 Tiger skin Rust虎皮白 Tiger Skin White六国红 Tigrato Red房山瑞雪 Timely Snow Of Fangshan彩花绿 Tinos Green挪威白 Togla White紫点金麻 Topazic Imperial香槟金麻 Topazio Imperiale玉晶黄 Topazio lmperiale丁香米黄 Toprak Beige平山龟板玉 Tortoise Plastron Jade Of Pingshan 特拉尼浅黄 Trani Chiaro特拉尼红花米黄 Trani Fiorito黄隆窿 travertino斑马石 Travertino Alhambra象牙洞石 Travertino Navona黑窿石 Travertino Noce罗马洞石 Travertino Romano瑞典红 Trawas Red银沙黑(深) Trigaches Dark银沙黑(浅) Trigaches Light黄金钻 Tropic Brown热带彩虹 Tropical哥拉斯彩虹 Tropical巴伊亚灰条红 Tropical Bahia黄金钻 Tropical Brown温泉绿 Tropical Green热带绿 Tropical Green梦粉红 Tropical Pink热带白 Tropical White玫瑰珍珠 Tumkur Red特级幻彩红 Twen Light Red[U]中文名英文名墨绿麻 Ubatuba绥中虎皮花 Variegated Tiger Skin Of Suizhong [V]中文名英文名万卡红 Vanga Red草莓彩 Vanilla五莲豹皮花 Variegated Leopard Skin Of Wulian 五彩石 Variegation云雾白 Venato深海蓝 venecian blue奥文度金 Venetian Gold银河白 Venus Galaxy枫叶绿 Verbe Fontam印度浅绿 Verde Affait (Light)意大利大花绿 Verde Alpi奥斯塔绿 Verde Aosta亚根庭绿 Verde Argento纯墨绿麻 Verde Assoluto希腊大花绿 Verde Aver墨绿麻-B Verde Bahia绿蝴蝶 Verde Bahia蝴蝶绿 Verde Butterfly欧佳丽绿 Verde Eucalipto翡翠红 Verde Eucalipto太平洋绿 Verde Eucalipto印度绿花朵 Verde Fiorito森林绿 Verde Forest绿珠麻 Verde Fountain枫丹绿 verde fountain伊泰绿 verde itlia浪漂白 Verde Marina直纹幻彩绿 Verde maritaca梵格宙绿 Verde Mergozzo帕特里夏绿 Verde Patricia纹绿 Verde Rameggiatto意大利大花绿 Verde San Denise幻彩绿 Verde San Francisco三藩市绿 Verde San Franciso龟背绿 Verde ST.Denis Classico热带绿 Verde Tropical SF墨绿麻 Verde Ubatuba玉玛瑙 Verde Veneziano边绿 Verde Verge旺丹绿 Verde Vountain青红奶油 Verdent&Red Cream蝴蝶墨绿麻 Verdre Butterfly桉树绿 Verdre Eucalipto置地红麻 Vermilion Pink加拿大朱红麻 Vermillion枫山红 Vermillion梵尔塞棕 Versailles Black沃塞利丝黑 Versailles Black银星辰 via lactea越南红 Vietnam Red罗源紫罗兰Violet Of Luoyuan维珍黑 Virgian MistIST蓝天紫彩(云彩蓝) Vizag Blue爵士白 Volakas爵士白 Volax)(Volaka皇家蓝 Volga Blue绿线金麻 Vyara[W]中文名英文名细花白 White Carrara白洞石 White cavity-stone白海棠 White Crabapple台湾白化石 White Fossil印度白金 White Galaxy雪中红 White Galaxy天山白麻 White Grain红豆白麻 white greek云海白 White Kyknos汉白玉 White Marble海洋白 White Marine安海白 White Of Anhai晋江陈山白 White Of Chen Mountain,Jinjiang 东石白 White Of Dongshi房山白 White Of Fangshan海沧白 White Of Haicang。
国庆去上海旅游的英语作文The National Day holiday is a time for many Chinese people to travel and explore different parts of the country. This year, I decided to visit the bustling city of Shanghai during the weeklong break. As one of the most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities in China, Shanghai has always been on my bucket list, and I was excited to finally have the chance to experience its unique blend of traditional and modern elements.My journey to Shanghai began with a high-speed train ride from my hometown. The smooth and efficient train system in China made the trip a breeze, and I arrived at the city's main train station in just a few hours. As soon as I stepped out of the station, I was immediately struck by the towering skyscrapers and the bustling energy of the city. The streets were filled with people rushing to and fro, and the air was alive with the sounds of honking horns and the chatter of passers-by.One of the first places I visited was the iconic Bund, a famous waterfront area that showcases the city's rich history andarchitectural diversity. The Bund is lined with grand colonial-era buildings, many of which have been converted into upscale hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers. As I strolled along the promenade, I couldn't help but be awed by the stunning views of the Huangpu River and the futuristic skyline of Pudong, the financial district across the water.After exploring the Bund, I decided to venture into the heart of the city and visit the bustling Nanjing Road, one of Shanghai's premier shopping destinations. The street was a feast for the senses, with its endless rows of stores, street vendors, and neon-lit billboards. I spent hours wandering through the crowds, popping into various shops and trying local street food, from steaming hot soup dumplings to delicious, crispy scallion pancakes.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Yuyuan Garden, a beautifully preserved classical Chinese garden that dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The garden is a serene oasis in the midst of the city, with its intricate rock formations, ornate pavilions, and tranquil ponds. I spent a leisurely afternoon exploring the garden's winding paths, admiring the intricate architecture, and taking in the peaceful atmosphere.Another must-see destination in Shanghai was the Shanghai Museum, one of the finest museums in China. The museum'scollection is truly impressive, with thousands of artifacts showcasing the country's rich cultural heritage, from ancient bronze vessels to stunning examples of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. I spent several hours wandering through the various galleries, marveling at the craftsmanship and the depth of China's artistic traditions.In addition to the city's iconic landmarks, I also had the opportunity to explore some of Shanghai's more contemporary and cutting-edge attractions. One such place was the Shanghai Tower, the second-tallest building in China and the third-tallest in the world. I took a high-speed elevator to the observation deck on the 118th floor, where I was treated to breathtaking 360-degree views of the city. The experience was both exhilarating and humbling, as I gazed out over the vast expanse of the city below.Another highlight of my trip was visiting the M50 creative park, a vibrant hub of art galleries, studios, and independent boutiques. The park is housed in a former industrial complex, and its walls are adorned with stunning murals and street art. I spent several hours wandering through the park, popping into art galleries, browsing unique local products, and even catching a live music performance in one of the outdoor spaces.Throughout my time in Shanghai, I was constantly amazed by thecity's ability to seamlessly blend the old and the new. From the historic Bund to the futuristic skyscrapers of Pudong, the city seemed to constantly defy expectations and challenge the senses. One moment I would be immersed in the tranquility of a classical Chinese garden, and the next I would be navigating the bustling crowds of a modern shopping district.Despite the city's rapid development and modernization, I was also struck by the deep sense of history and tradition that permeated every aspect of the city. Whether it was the ornate architecture of the Yuyuan Garden or the intricate craftsmanship on display at the Shanghai Museum, there was a tangible connection to China's rich cultural heritage that I found deeply inspiring.As my time in Shanghai drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and appreciation for this incredible city. It had truly exceeded all of my expectations, and I left with a newfound respect for the dynamism and resilience of the Chinese people. The National Day holiday may have been the initial catalyst for my trip, but my experience in Shanghai will undoubtedly be a lasting and cherished memory for years to come.。
星星之火可以燎原的英文作文Title: The Spark That Ignites a Prairie Fire.In the vast expanse of life's canvas, the smallest of sparks can often lead to the most momentous of transformations. This proverbial truth echoes through history, culture, and the annals of human progress, serving as a reminder that the smallest actions can have profound consequences. It is this idea that we explore today,drawing parallels between the literal conflagration of a prairie and the metaphorical ignition of ideas, movements, and revolutions.Imagine a still summer evening in the heart of a vast prairie. The air is heavy with the scent of newly cut grass, and the sun casts long shadows across the undulating landscape. In this serene setting, a single spark, nobigger than the blink of an eye, ignites a blade of grass. At first, it seems like a harmless flicker, easily overlooked amidst the vastness of the prairie.Yet, given the right conditions—a dry wind, a tinder-dry landscape—that spark quickly transforms into a flame, dancing playfully with the grass blades. Before long, the fire spreads, its hungry orange tongue licking across the prairie, consuming everything in its path. The fire becomes a force of nature, unstoppable and relentless, transforming the landscape in its wake.This transformation, however, is not entirely destructive. In fact, the fire clears the way for new growth, a rebirth of the prairie itself. The ashes of the old become fertile soil, nurturing new shoots of grass and flowers, marking the beginning of a new cycle of life.The parallel between this natural phenomenon and the spread of ideas is striking. Just as a spark ignites a prairie fire, a single thought, idea, or action can set off a chain reaction that transforms society. Consider the impact of a single book, a revolutionary speech, or a simple act of protest. These actions, often seemingly insignificant at first, can spark movements that reshapethe world.History is littered with examples of such spark-turned-fires. The Declaration of Independence, a document born from a spark of rebellion, lit the flame of revolution in America. Gandhi's nonviolent protests, starting with a single spin of a charkha, kindled a movement that freed India from colonial rule. The list goes on—from the scientific revolution sparked by Copernicus' heliocentric theory to the digital revolution ignited by a single line of code.These examples teach us that the power of ideas and actions is not measured by their initial size but by their potential to ignite change. A spark,虽小,但若有 the right fuel and oxygen, can grow into a blazing fire that transforms everything in its path.In conclusion, let us remember that every spark, whether it's a literal flame dancing across a prairie or a metaphorical thought sparking a revolution, has the potential to create a conflagration. We, as individuals,hold the power to be those sparks—to kindle ideas, movements, and transformations that shape the world. Let us cherish this power and use it responsibly, for the betterment of society and the world at large. After all, it is the smallest of sparks that often lead to the brightest of fires.。
17. Where was Open Tchaikovsky Competition held in 1986?
A. In Moscow. B. In Chelyabinsk. C. In Berlin.
18. What does Maxim say about the competition he attended at 10?
Offering Thai fine dining. Nahm provides the best of Bangkok culinary (烹饪的) experiences. It’s the only Thai restaurant that ranks among the top 10 of the word’s 50 best restaurants list. Head Chef David Thompson, who received a Michelin star for his Loodon-based Thai restaurant of the same name, opened this branch in the Metropolitan Hotel in 2010.
of his comic ways and because he had obtainedhis position throughinfluence
comet as he ran around the village trying to findwater.
they commemorate Bob every year on the anniversary of his arrival.
冷门目的地和非旅游城市英语Off-the-beaten-path destinations and non-touristy cities.Here are some examples of cold destinations and non-touristy cities:1. Tromso, Norway - Known as the "Gateway to the Arctic," Tromso offers stunning views of the Northern Lights and is a great place for winter activities such as dog sledding and snowshoeing.2. Luang Prabang, Laos - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a hidden gem in Southeast Asia, filled with beautiful temples, traditional architecture, and a peaceful atmosphere.3. Ljubljana, Slovenia - The capital city of Slovenia is often overlooked in favor of other European destinations, but it boasts a charming old town, a castle on a hill, and a bustling food and caféscene.4. Chefchaouen, Morocco - Tucked away in the Rif Mountains, Chefchaouen is known for its blue-painted streets and buildings, creating a unique and captivating atmosphere.5. Bagan, Myanmar - Home to thousands of ancient temples and pagodas, Bagan offers a serene and awe-inspiring experience away from the crowds commonly seen at other Southeast Asian destinations.6. Český Krumlov, Czech Republic - A fairy-tale-like town with a medieval castle, winding streets, and enchanting riverside setting,Český Krumlov is a lesser-known gem in Central Europe.7. Punta Arenas, Chile - Located in southern Patagonia, Punta Arenas offers dramatic landscapes, penguin colonies, and access to the stunning Torres del Paine National Park.8. Oaxaca City, Mexico - This colonial city is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and delicious cuisine, but is often overshadowed by more popular tourist destinations in Mexico.9. Hoi An, Vietnam - With its well-preserved Ancient Town, lantern-lit streets, and proximity to beautiful beaches, Hoi An offers a charming and authentic atmosphere away from the large cities.10. Graz, Austria - Often overshadowed by Vienna and Salzburg, Graz is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a beautiful old town, modern architecture, and a thriving arts and culinary scene.。
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English settlers had been in America almost a century before the novel. Two factors in American life worked against the acceptance of fiction: The hard, practical demand on the energy in the new country Puritanism, because the Puritans think that arts tell “lies”---- gives imitations of things, not reality; also, art stimulates unhealthy emotionalism, particularly sexual emotions which the Puritans especially abhorred.
Franklin’s Autobiography is a fascinating picture of the workings of the new American mind, and Franklin himself is the archetypal American success story. But the Autobiography is still not especially notable as “American Literature”, because it is not an imaginative response to America, it is simply Franklin telling his own story.
Hale Waihona Puke “Rip Van Winkle” is the first in a long line of texts by male American writers in which a male protagonist forsakes civilized life for the wilderness or the sea or the open road on a quest of sorts and perhaps joins forces with a male companion(s). Such books include Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” and Jack Kerouac’s “On The Road”.
Washington Irving
As the first important writer in American literature, Irving inspired the American Romantic imagination as is presented by two of his most famous stories, “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. Yet he is not wholly American in either approach or major subject matter.
Themes in "Rip Van Winkle": loss (and discovery?) of identity a challenge to American values, the work ethic George III vs. George Washington (is the story anti-republican?)
Seeking the true religion, they fled England and in America attempted to create a "nation of saints" or the “City Upon A Hill," an intensely religious, thoroughly righteous community designed to be an example for all of Europe. These are the people we generally think of as the first colonisers, and whose beliefs influence the American way of life in many ways even today.
James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper has rightly been called the first American novelist. He was the first American to make a life-long and successful career of writing novels, and because his settings were mostly those of the New World, encompassing its social, political, and pioneer characteristics. Far more than any other writer up to his time, he presented in fiction the new nation and its background to the whole world.
Washington Irving
1783 – 1859 born when the American Revolution ended First major book: A History of New-York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, by Diedrich Knickerbocker (1809), a satire on self-important local history and contemporary politics. Irving spent 17 years in Europe The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. was partly written in England, and published there and in the USA in 1819 and 1820
The Romantic Period covers the first half of the 19th century. In this period, what we now see as American writing and literature begins through the writings of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper. Both of them began working straight from English models toward an American sensibility.
Literature existed in America before America existed. During the long period of colonization, a great deal of literature was composed, some of it a very high order. But it was not in any sense American literature. It did not arise out of an imaginative response to America Itself, either as a scene as a society as a historical event as a cluster of possibilities because America had not yet come into being.
Towards the end of the 18th century, writers like Jonathan Edwards, William Cullen Bryant and Benjamin Franklin are usually considered representatives of the American Enlightenment. They shared many of the intellectual commitments of what would be known as the Age of Reason.
They sought to reform the Church of England by creating a new, pure church in the New World. The Puritans created a deeply religious, socially tight-knit and politically innovative culture that is still present in the modern United States. They hoped this new land would serve as a “redeemer nation”.
The most important phase of the pre-national literature consists in the writings of of the Puritans. In this period, writers like William Bradford, John Winthrop, and so on, address themselves to questions of history: a record of concrete historical facts, to a meditation on the unique nature of the present historical moment, to the ultimate meaning of the historical process.