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买卖合同范本(Sample of Sales Contract in Chinese and English)
中文版(Chinese Version):
1. 货物描述:
- 名称:
- 型号:
- 数量:
- 规格:
- 产地:
2. 价格及支付方式:
- 单价:
- 总价:
- 支付方式:
A. 预付款:
B. 尾款:
3. 交付日期及地点:
- 交付日期:
- 交付地点:
4. 质量保证:
- 甲方保证所售货物符合相关国家标准和约定规格;
- 如因质量问题导致货物损坏或有缺陷,乙方需在收到货物后72小时内提供书面通知,甲方将负责修复或更换货物。
5. 违约责任:
- 若任何一方违约,需承担相应的法律责任;
- 未能按时支付款项属于乙方违约,甲方有权解除合同并要求支付违约金;
- 未能按时交付货物属于甲方违约,乙方有权解除合同并要求赔偿损失。
6. 合同解除:
- 如有以下情况发生,任何一方有权解除合同:
A. 一方违约;
B. 双方协商一致。
7. 争议解决:
- 如双方在履行合同过程中发生争议,应友好协商解决;
- 如协商无果,可提交至所在地法院仲裁解决。
8. 附则:
- 本合同一式两份,各方各执一份,具有同等法律效力;
- 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效;
- 未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商。
英文版(English Version):
Party A: (Seller)
Contact Number:
Business License Number:
Party B: (Buyer)
Contact Number:
Whereas Party A owns and is willing to sell the following goods (hereinafter referred to as the "Goods"), and Party B is willing to purchase the Goods, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Description of Goods:
- Name:
- Model:
- Quantity:
- Specifications:
- Country of origin:
2. Price and Payment Method:
- Unit price:
- Total price:
- Payment method:
A. Down payment:
B. Remaining payment:
3. Delivery Date and Location:
- Delivery date:
- Delivery location:
4. Quality Assurance:
- Party A guarantees that the sold Goods comply with relevant national standards and agreed specifications;
- In case of any damages or defects due to quality issues, Party B must provide written notice within 72 hours after receiving the Goods. Party A will be responsible for repairing or replacing the Goods.
5. Breach of Contract:
- In the event of any breach of contract by either party, the party in breach shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities;
- Failure by Party B to make timely payment constitutes a breach, and Party A has the right to terminate the contract and claim liquidated damages;
- Failure by Party A to deliver the Goods on time constitutes a breach, and Party B has the right to terminate the contract and claim compensation for losses.
6. Termination of Contract:
- Either party has the right to terminate the contract under the following circumstances:
A. Breach by one party;
B. Mutual agreement between both parties.
7. Dispute Resolution:
- In the event of a dispute during the performance of the contract, both parties should resolve the issue through friendly negotiation;
- If negotiation fails, the matter may be submitted to the local court for arbitration.
8. Supplementary Provisions:
- This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which have equal legal effect;
- This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties;
- Any matters not covered in this contract can be negotiated separately between the parties.
(Note: This is a general sample of a sales contract in Chinese and English. It is advisable to consult legal professionals and adapt the contract to suit specific circumstances and legal requirements.)。