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03 Translation mistakes
The above pictures were taken on Taizhou Citizen Plaza. If the translation of Potan was still acceptable, this one broke the bottom line. There are so many mistakes in the first paragraph that I have to retranslate the whole part instead of pointing out the wrong ones.
皤滩古街,既是江南社会变迁的历史见证,也是古代农业文化与商业文化、 海洋文化与内陆文化的交汇处,被誉为“浙江第一古街”。
+The total number of Chinese characters in the introduction is 414, of which 154 have been omitted, accounting for 37.2% of the total. Too many translation omissions will leave a bad impression on the foreign tourists, especially those who know both Chinese and English.
01 Grammar Mistakes
Chinese : 神仙居景区总面积22.32平方公里,是仙居国家级风景名胜 区的精华所在。
Translation Mistakes: Shenxianju Scenic Area with total area of 22.32 square kilometers is the essence of Xianju National Scenic Ar北侧连接白云山, 西南侧与乌龟山遥遥相对,空间宏伟开阔,是一个以自然景观生态 为主,市民游憩休闲的江南海滨城市广场,总规划用地面积22.84公 顷,由水景公园、文化广场、集会广场组成。
Translation Improvement: Located to the northwest of Taizhou municipal government building, Citizen Plaza, with Baiyun Mountain connecting on the northeast, and with Wugui Mountain standing far apart on the southwest, is a typical seaside city square in the Regions south of Yangtzi River, where citizens could enjoy the spacious room and natural beauty. The total area of the Citizen Plaza is about 22.84 hectares, consisting of Waterview Park, Culture Square and Assembly Plaza.
Translation Improvement: Shenxianju Scenic Area with a total area of 22.32 square kilometers is the essence of Xianju National Scenic Area.
02 Translation Omissions
Translation Mistakes in Scenic Spots
To err is human; Yet to err in this way is a fun thing: Please wait outside a noodle(一米线).
The correct way of translating should be:
Please wait outside the one-meter line.
+ Taizhou is a place full of wonderful scenic spots as well as historical establishments. Yet there are so many translation mistakes that we should spare no efforts to correct them. + The last video on typical cultural focuses on the translation mistakes found in parks, plaza, scenic spots, historical establishments and other public places.
Chinese :市民广场位于台州市市政府西北侧,东北侧连接白云山, 西南侧与乌龟山遥遥相对,空间宏伟开阔,是一个以自然景观生态 为主,市民游憩休闲的江南海滨城市广场,总规划用地面积22.84公 顷,由水景公园、文化广场、集会广场组成。
Translation Mistakes: Citizen plaza is located North-West of Taizhou municipality, North-East connecting Baiyun mountain to is south-west is tortoise mountain, with open grandness interspace, it has a nature and artificial view, which can lie fallow all citizens. It contains a water-view park, culture park, meeting park totally 22.80 hectare..
皤滩古街,是古代繁华商埠——皤滩古镇的贸易中心,据考证,历史上的 皤滩古镇得益于便利的水路交通条件,发育于唐宋,成熟于元代,鼎盛与明 清。其时八方商贾云集,明播海内外。
皤滩古街作为省级历史文化保护区的重要组成部分,拥有着十分丰厚的历 史文化遗产,在以“九曲龙形古街”为中心的五平方公里的范围内,至今保 存着许多历史文物古迹,反映明清时期古建筑风格的古建筑群雕梁画栋,飞 檐挑角,楹联匾额、官报等随处可见,在鹅卵石铺筑的“龙”形古街上,石 板柜台林立,店名牌匾密布,染坊、布店、酒肆、青楼、赌场、宗祠、寺庙 等鳞次栉比,针刺无骨花灯、故名乐。说大书、古家具等明见艺术依然闪烁 着动人的光芒,特别是针刺无骨花灯被誉为“中华第一灯”。仙居也因此被 文化部命名为“中国民间艺术之乡”。此外,打完米酒、八大碗、红烤薯条 等风味小吃更是脍炙人口。